Tablets for traveling abroad. Gastrointestinal remedies. Antipyretics and painkillers


As many workers joke: the most best time years is a vacation.

Having recently returned from my “best time”, I decided to write an article in continuation of the “pharmacy theme” (article) so that the vacation goes without a hitch, and for this you need to decide in advance what medications to take with you on vacation.

Of course, think about possible problems No one wants to worry about their health on the eve of a holiday. But believe me, it’s better to measure seven times; besides, the required minimum of medications can easily fit in your luggage.

If one of your family members suffers from chronic diseases, then you should start packing your travel first aid kit with these medications. They are the first to go into my first aid kit.

Check the remaining volume and expiration dates; if they are already “on the way” and there is little of the drug left, then it is better to purchase a new pack in advance. By the way, it is desirable that the first aid kit itself be sealed and strong enough to protect the bottles from damage and not let in the sun's rays.

First aid kit for the road: list of medications

There is no need to buy all the medications listed below: one drug for each group is enough.

The first thing a person may encounter while on the road is motion sickness, with all that it entails... The most known remedies from him DRAMINE or AVIA-SEA.

One of the drugs, such as LORATADINE, TAVEGIL, CITRINE or SUPRASTIN, must be in the travel first aid kit. Please note: taking any of them is incompatible with alcohol, and the pills negatively affect the driver’s reaction.

Of course, painkillers. Toothache, headache, muscle aches - here BARALGIN, SPAZGAN, NUROFEN and the like will come to the rescue.

A vacationer is not immune from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, I would even say that in this regard he is at risk - the desire to try overseas delicacies can result in at least intestinal upset. Therefore, the selection of drugs in this area should be treated with special care:

  • diarrhea - LOPERAMIDE (analogue - IMODIUM), LEVOMETHICIN. Each drug can be taken no more than three days in a row. If there is no improvement, then immediately consult a doctor;
  • heaviness in the stomach, nausea and heartburn - CERUKAL, MOTILAK, RENNIE, MEZIM FORTE . The last one, or more cheap analogue PANCREATIN, recommended to be taken when there is an abundance of fatty foods: the drugs will significantly reduce the load on the stomach and relieve the uncomfortable consequences of the meal;
  • food poisoning, abdominal pain - NO-SPA, SMEKTA, BIFIFORM, REGIDRON, and similar agents. For abdominal pain, DROTAVERINE is also recommended;
  • constipation - FORLAX, LAXIGAL, GUTTALAX .

Pay attention to abdominal pain, do not forget that painful symptoms may be .

A vacation spent on a hot beach requires a lot of sun, so in addition to the mandatory sunscreens in case of sunburn, purchase products such as SOVENTOL or PANTHENOL. Both have proven themselves to be excellent anti-burn drugs.

And the most offensive thing is a cold! There was a slight blow from the wrong side, and now you have a runny nose, you feel the temperature “approaching”, by the way, in this case, you should definitely have an electronic thermometer in your first aid kit. Therefore, when filling out a first aid kit on vacation at sea, the list of medications should also include cold remedies:

  • cough with sputum - LAZOLVAN and AMBROGEXAL (syrups), AMBROXOL (tablets);
  • muscle aches - NIZE, NUROFEN;
  • sore throat - lozenges such as GRAMIDIN, SEPTOLETE PLUS relieve the pain. From aerosols, you can grab HEXORAL or INGALIPT.

When you have a cold, such a nuisance as herpes can occur; in this case, you should have ACYCLOVIR or ZOVIRAX in your medicine cabinet. Will also come in handy eye drops- VIZINE or ALBUCIDE.

If your vacation spot is located in a different time zone, they may come in handy. VALERIAN tablets (“Evening”), NOVOPASSIT or PERSEN will help combat sleep disorders .

I often put in travel first aid kit VALIDOL, although we don’t need it as a medicine, it travels with me to calm me down, in case one of my fellow vacationers becomes ill, and it also helps with a sore throat.

Those leaving for warm countries should take note - validol makes it easier to endure the summer heat

I also read, but so far there was no reason (and it’s good)) to check it for myself - a validol tablet can help with a bee sting, if validol is applied to the sting site, the pain will subside.

If your vacation involves walking excursions or you plan to walk a lot, it is advisable to have remedies for swelling and fatigue of the legs, such as GINKOR gel and GELENVEN. No matter how carefully you try to step from the risk of falling, this may not protect you, so a drug for the treatment of bruises and sprains should also be in the first aid kit - FASTUM GEL, VOLTAREN EMULGEL or INDOVAZIN GEL.

If you happen to get injured in a fall, the wound should be treated as soon as possible with CHLORHEXEDINE or HYDROGEN PEROXIDE , and then, if necessary, apply a sterile bandage or bactericidal patch to it.

And so that your evening rest is not marred by insect bites, you should take care of purchasing repellents. Ideally, they should already be tested in your family and not cause allergies when used. If you are nevertheless bitten, then in the right first aid kit you can find FENISTIL and PSILO BALM.

If you collect all of the above medications, your first aid kit will turn out to be quite impressive, so I advise you to select tablets based on the diseases to which you are most susceptible.

From my own example, I can say that I don’t take medications for herpes or those used for sleep disorders because I and my family almost never have such problems. But anti-allergy drugs, antipyretics, chlorhexedine required attribute trips.

Do not take medications on a trip that you have never taken before; it is unknown what the body’s reaction to a new drug may be.

First aid kit for a child at sea: list of medications

We compile a first aid kit for a child based on the drugs chosen for adults, perhaps we can exclude only drugs for swelling of the legs)) Review the selected drugs and their age restrictions: if your child younger than age, from which they are allowed to be accepted, then purchase children's analogues.

Most often, when vacationing at sea, the baby may catch a cold, and in this case, parents should worry in advance about the presence of antipyretics: children's PARACETOMOL, PANADOL or EFFERALGAN (all in the form of syrup).

(Useful about vitamins and homeopathic remedies for children).

Sunscreens with a UV factor of at least 30 units are required, because children's skin is most vulnerable to ultraviolet rays. I take products with sun protection factor 50 for the first days, and with sun protection factor 30 and 20 for the time when the skin tans and gets used to the sun.

If you have any chronic disease, a consultation with a pediatrician is required before the trip.

Border and first aid kit

Not all drugs can be safely transported across the border. If you have a drug related to narcotic or psychotropic substances, you will have to prove its necessity - you need a prescription.

You will also need to fill out some documents at customs - write down the name and quantity this drug, and attach the available documents to the declaration. If the instructions for the medicine indicate that it is available only with a doctor's prescription, then be prepared to provide this prescription. You will have to go through the “red corridor”.

Double-check the contents of the first aid kit on the customs service website, there you will find full list substances that must be declared. Didn't find your drugs there? Great, then you’re in the “green corridor”.

In addition, familiarize yourself in advance with the drugs prohibited for import into the country of destination.

What medications can you take on a plane?

No aerosols. Only those that are needed as prescribed by the doctor, such as anti-asthma drugs. For transportation, you will need a prescription confirming their need. The same rule works for strong drugs or a large volume of some drug.

If you are flying abroad, then the documents must be translated into English and certified by a notary.

Regarding liquid medicines of these products, their total volume cannot exceed 1 liter (each bottle no more than 100 ml). Products must be placed in transparent plastic.

And remember, no medicine can replace qualified medical care. If any symptom bothers you for more than three days, do not delay, consult a doctor.

Have a nice holiday :)

To ensure that your vacation is not marred by any health-related troubles, you must pack a first aid kit along with your things for the trip to the sea. This measure is necessary so that you can provide first aid to yourself and your loved ones at your vacation spot. After all, not everyone vacations in resort places, some people like to go to the sea as “savages”, away from people, while others go to the countryside.

Why do you need to pack a first aid kit for a trip to the sea?

For a long time known fact what's on local resorts have to wait a long time ambulance, boarding houses are located on the coastline far from medical centers and hospitals, etc. And it often happens that due to changes in climate, water, etc., the immune system may weaken, a virus or infection may develop, diarrhea or indigestion may begin.

Therefore, if you caught a cold at sea, injured your leg, ate too much barbecue or ate stale food, you can always quickly help yourself and restore your health. But when cases of illness are more serious or life-threatening, then no matter what first aid kit you have, you need to urgently go to the clinic. A fracture will not heal without a properly applied plaster. severe intoxication Coal alone will not save you. But when common cold, diarrhea, conjunctivitis or calluses, you can handle it on your own. The main thing is to know what necessary medications you need to take it with you.

List of medications for a first aid kit on the road to sea

1. Dressings:

  • bandages are sterile and elastic;
  • adhesive plaster.

2. Antiseptics:

  • hydrogen peroxide, preferably in a plastic bottle;
  • iodine or brilliant green.

3. Painkillers and antipyretics:

  • (Nosh-pa or Spazmalgon, etc.);
  • Citramon;
  • Ibuprofen, Solpadeine, etc.;
  • Paracetamol.

4. Remedies for gastrointestinal disorders:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Smecta, Enterosgel;
  • enzyme preparation(Mezim, Festal or Pancreatin);
  • antidiarrheals (Loperamide, etc.).

5. Antiviral medications:

  • Viferon candles;
  • tablets Groprinosin, Isoprinosine.

6. Antihistamines:

  • Claritin, Tavegil, Suprastin, Eden, etc.;
  • Fenistil gel.

7. ENT products:

  • nasal drops (Nazol, Evkazolin, Galazolin or Naphthyzin);
  • for sore throat (Hepilor, Orasept, Tantum Verde, etc.);
  • drops for eyes and ears (Tsipropharm based on antibiotics).
  • ointments or gels with diclofenac for bruises, pain due to injuries (Diklak-gel, Voltaren, Olfen, etc.);
  • ointment Rescuer from wounds and bruises;
  • ointment with panthenol for burns, including sunburn (Panthenol, Bepanten, etc.).

This is the main list of necessary medications for a first aid kit on vacation at sea. Of course, the list can and should be supplemented and adjusted depending on whether you have chronic diseases, personal intolerance to certain medications and other indications. And if you are going on vacation with children, then you need to take into account their needs when collecting a first aid kit.

When you go abroad to sea, the list in your first aid kit may change. This is due to the fact that not all drugs can be transported. For example, Analgin is prohibited in many countries, so you should not take this drug with you without a prescription. There are also restrictions on medications in liquid form. Bottles should be no more than 100 ml, and a maximum of 10 pieces, i.e. the total volume of all liquid medications should not exceed one liter. In addition, they must be packaged in a separate sealed bag. But if you need more such medicine as prescribed by a doctor, then you need a prescription translated into English language. If you are carrying several packages of one medicine because you need to take them daily, then also take care of a prescription from your doctor.

There is no need to take the entire first aid kit for a trip to the sea with a list of medications in your hand luggage; take with you only the medicine that, for example, you must drink during the flight or trip. Put the rest in your luggage, so you will have fewer questions.

The long-awaited vacation has finally arrived, and you are going on vacation to another city or country that you have long dreamed of visiting. When packing for a trip, you ask yourself a reasonable question: do you need to take medications with you if you are a practically healthy person who rarely gets sick? The unequivocal answer is yes, it is necessary.

And although I don’t want to think about possible problems, especially in a foreign climate zone with food, water, weather and other features of the holiday that are unusual for the body, anything can happen and it’s better to be prepared for it. You shouldn’t collect everything you have in your closet at home. At first glance, the list of necessary drugs will seem impressive, but, on the other hand, there is nothing superfluous in it; you can need anything and in any combination.

So, let's pack a first aid kit for the road.

First, decide what medications you have in stock. home medicine cabinet, and which ones will have to be purchased. On the packages available at home, carefully look at the expiration date and quantity of the drug; it should be enough for the period that you will be resting, but it is better to take it with a small supply. Medicines that have expired or are approaching their expiration date should not be taken. You also need to take care of what you carry the medicines in. The packaging must protect against mechanical damage, exposure to the sun, heating, getting wet.

There is no need to collect absolutely all the names of drugs listed in the list, one is enough medicinal product from each group (aimed at treating one pathology).

1. Antiallergic drugs. Suprastin, tavegil, loratadine

At food allergies, exacerbations allergic rhinitis, cutaneous allergic itching, urticaria. Take the pills with you, even if you have never suffered from this.
Caution: taking these drugs is prohibited while drinking alcohol or while driving.

2. Painkillers. Nurofen (ibuprofen, mig 400, Burana), baralgin, spazgan will be removed headache, pain in the back, muscles.

3. Gastrointestinal.

A) Antidiarrheal and enterosorbents. Smecta, activated carbon, enterosgel, imodium (loperamide). It is permissible to use it for 3 days; if there is no improvement, consult a doctor.
B) Medicines against heartburn, nausea, heaviness in the stomach. Gastal, Rennie, Mezim Forte (Pancreatin), Motilak, Cerucal. Mezim forte (pancreatin) can be taken during a heavy meal or fatty foods to facilitate digestion.

B) Against abdominal pain. No-shpa (drotaverine).

D) For food poisoning. Smecta, rehydron, enterol, bifiform, ersefuril

D) For constipation. Guttalax, laxigal, forlax

4. Remedies for motion sickness in transport. Dramina, airsea

5. Products for the treatment of sunburn. Panthenol, Soventol

6. Cold remedies.
A) Antipyretic and eliminate joint and muscle pain. Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Tylenol, Panadol), Nurofen, Nise.

B) Remedies for the common cold. Xymelin, rhinostop, otrivin

B) For a sore throat. Lozenges: septolete plus, strepfen, grammidin
Aerosols: ingalipt, hexoral

D) When coughing with sputum. Ambroxol tablets, lazolvan (syrup), ambrohexal (syrup)

7. Sedatives. Persen, novopassit, valerian tablets.
Can be used in the first days of staying in a new place - during the day, and at night in case of sleep disturbances.

8. Antiherpetic drugs(for blistering rashes on the face). Zovirax gel, acyclovir

9. Local antiseptics. Chlorhexidine solution(miramistin), hydrogen peroxide, iodine, brilliant green (can be in the form of pencils)

10. Dressing material. Sterile bandages 2 pcs., bactericidal patch, cotton balls

11. Eye drops. Sulfacyl sodium (albucid), Visine

12. Local remedies for the treatment of bruises, ligament and muscle damage. Voltaren emulgel, fastum gel, indovazin gel

13. From tired legs, swelling. Gelenven, ginkor gel

14. From insect bites. Psilo balm, fenistil

15. Electronic thermometer

16. Repellents– insect repellents if you are planning a trip to tropical countries. It’s better to take something you’ve already used, or test the product on yourself first to rule out allergic reactions.

17. Means that protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation with a high protective factor (SPF).

For people with chronic diseases, do not forget to take medications that you regularly take, as well as medications recommended by your doctor for emergency assistance, for example, in the event of a sudden increase blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension.

What medications to take with you on vacation for your child?

What to put in a first aid kit for children? Of the antipyretic drugs for children, paracetamol in syrup (Panadol for children, Efferalgan syrup for children, Tylenol for children) or in suppositories (Panadol, Cefekon) is preferable. Required products that protect the skin from the sun with a UV factor of at least 30, local antiseptics, smecta, bandage, panthenol for sunburn, nasal drops (nazol, Aqua Maris), eye drops, anti-allergic, anti-motion sickness (Dramine) or mint lollipops. For constipation - glycelax suppositories or Duphalac syrup.

If your child suffers from any chronic illness, consult your pediatrician before leaving.

Rules for transporting medicines across the border

Restrictions on transportation across the border apply to psychotropic and narcotic substances. If you suffer from a disease that requires you to take a drug from this group, you must confirm that you need this drug for your personal use. medical indications. Proof of this is a prescription from a doctor (a duplicate is possible) or an extract from the medical history with a doctor’s signature. In addition, you must fill out the passenger customs declaration, indicating the name and quantity of the drug transported, attaching to it the available medical documents, and go along the “red corridor”. An important clarification - many combined medicines may contain a prohibited component. These are some painkillers, antitussives, sedatives, such as the familiar Corvalol or Valocordin, which contain phenobarbital. Weight loss drugs can also belong to the group of psychotropic drugs. They will also have to be declared. List potent substances, subject to declaration, can be viewed on the website of the Federal Customs Service.

For any medicine that states that it is available by prescription, you must be prepared to present a prescription from your doctor. If the medicine is NOT on the list of potent and psychotropic drugs, you do not need to declare it, your corridor is “green”.

This Russian rules. However, each country has its own list of prohibited drugs, which you will need to find out about in advance from a travel agency or by using the Internet to avoid unforeseen problems.

Transportation of medicines by air

IN hand luggage you can carry liquid dosage forms, as well as creams and gels with a container volume of no more than 100 ml each. They must be placed in transparent plastic packaging and their total volume must not exceed 1 liter. It is prohibited to carry aerosols in hand luggage, with the exception of those needed during the flight for medical reasons, for example, anti-asthma. In this case, be prepared to provide a doctor's certificate indicating the diagnosis or a prescription. The same rule applies if you are taking strong drugs or regular medicine with you to large quantities.

And, in conclusion, it is important to remember that even the most modern medicines taken on a trip do not replace the need for qualified medical consultation if, while taking them, your health does not improve within 2-3 days. Do not experiment with self-medication for longer than this period; trust your health to doctors.

Have a nice holiday!

Doctor therapist S.E.V

When going on vacation abroad, you should remember that even in another country, anyone can get sick. Everyone should have a first aid kit for traveling abroad, which will contain the most necessary medicines and remedies. various diseases. Of course, buy necessary medications It is possible in another country, but there they can cost several times more. In addition, sometimes it can be very difficult to explain to the pharmacy what exactly is required. This is especially true for those tourists who do not know the language of the country they are going to. When compiling your first aid kit, you should take into account the fact that some drugs cannot be transported across the border. All approved drugs can be divided into groups depending on possible diseases.

Remedies for injuries and burns

Anyone on vacation can get hurt or get thermal burns. So as not to search urgently medical staff, with minor injuries, you can help yourself. To do this, you need to take hydrogen peroxide, iodine or brilliant green with you. These are the most simple remedies, which you can carry with you without any problems. They can be used to disinfect a wound or cut.

You definitely need to take it with you dressings. Their roles can be bandages, cotton wool and adhesives. It is not necessary to take them in large quantities, but it is better if the patch is various sizes and forms. It may be needed not only for cuts, but also for calluses. You will need it especially if tourists go on an excursion tour.

When packing a first aid kit for a trip abroad, do not forget about burn remedies. You can choose to take Dexpanthenol, Bepanten or Solcoseryl with you. These drugs will not only soothe the burned skin, but will also have a healing effect on it. If you don’t have any of this on vacation, you can use kefir or sour cream.

Medicines for colds and ARVI

Colds, acute respiratory viral infections, flu and other related diseases in the form of headaches or toothaches can occur even in the summer. You can take Citramon, Spazmalgon, No-shpa, Analgin, etc. with you as painkillers. It all depends on the tolerability of these drugs by a particular person. For a sore throat, you can take some lozenges or lozenges with you. The most common of them are Faringosept, Strepsils and Septolete. They may not be needed, but they will not be superfluous.

It is imperative to add antipyretics to the list of medications. This could be Paracetamol, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Efferalgan. It is very difficult for adults to tolerate high temperature, so it’s best to keep one of these remedies on hand.

To prevent your vacation from being ruined by a common runny nose, you can also take nasal drops with you. Suitable products include: Otrivin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin or Galazolin. If you are planning a trip to the sea, then it would not be amiss to ear drops. It could be Otinum or Otipax.

Remedies for allergic diseases

Remedies for allergic diseases will be useful on vacation for those who have never experienced allergies before. New foods, unfamiliar plants and insects can cause allergic manifestations. There are a lot of medications that will help in this case. You can take Tavegil, Fenistil, Suprastin or Zyrtec with you. If there are chronic allergic diseases, then you need to take the medicine that you took before.

Drugs for gastrointestinal diseases

Gastrointestinal diseases can occur due to consumption of local foods. You can take Smeta, Enterosgel or Polyphepan with you. These sorbent preparations will be needed first. You can also put in your first aid kit medications that relieve heaviness in the stomach, nausea, etc. Mezim or Pancreatin are suitable for this, as well as Festal and Creon.

When traveling abroad, anti-motion sickness remedies will also come in handy. Dramamine is good for this. This drug can not only eliminate the feeling of nausea, but also calm it down. In addition, it has a slight hypnotic effect, which has a beneficial effect on the road. Avia-More remedy will also help against motion sickness. In addition, we should not forget about chronic diseases. If you have them, be sure to take with you abroad all the necessary medications that can help in case of exacerbation, which is quite possible with climate change.

Travel first aid kit for children

For a child, you need to put separate medications in the first aid kit. They are often different from drugs for adults. First of all, you need to bring antipyretic medications with you. This could be Panadol, Nurofen or Tylenol. You should not take temperature candles with you, as they should be stored in the refrigerator. Aspirin should not be given to children, so it is better to purchase suitable products in advance.

For diarrhea in children, you can put Nifuroxazide in your medicine cabinet. For small children it is available in suspension. You will also need remedies for poisoning. It is better to choose antiallergic drugs in syrup form. Tavegil or Claritin is suitable for children, but it can only be given from 2 years of age. You can also take with you a remedy for mosquito and insect bites. This can be Fenistil in the form of a gel or emulsion. They relieve itching well and are suitable for children.

If you are planning a trip to the sea, you should definitely take sunscreen. It must be suitable for the child and contain a high UV protection factor. They need to remember to anoint the child and themselves. If the child does get burned, the burn area can be smeared with Panthenol or Bepanten, which are also suitable for adults.

So as not to take separately great multitude medications, you can choose products that are suitable for both adults and children. Many people think that no illness will affect them on vacation, but no one is immune from this. It’s better to immediately stock up on everything you need so that you can quickly take action and save your vacation. More serious medications, such as antibiotics, do not need to be taken with you, as they are required in case of emergency. If a situation arises when you need them, you need to consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

What first aid kit should you pack for a trip with a child? One of the mothers shares her experience.

The article is for informational purposes only. We recommend that you consult your general practitioner or pediatrician.

Hello friends!

When going on vacation to the sea or other vacation destinations, do not forget to take the most necessary medications with you, just in case. Let you bring them back untouched, but it’s better to play it safe and not run to pharmacies later, especially in another country.

What medications to take to the sea: I made a list for myself so as not to forget anything. I listened useful tips Dr. Evdokimenko and supplemented her usual list with his recommendations. You can adjust it to suit yourself. The recommendations apply to adults.

So, let’s put together a first aid kit at sea for an adult, look at what we have at home, check the expiration dates and buy what’s missing. There is no need to save money, of course, there are cheap analogues, but it is better to choose those that help quickly. After all, on vacation you won’t want to lie in bed for a long time instead of swimming in the sea.

What medications to take at sea: a sample list

  1. First of all, that's all medications that are needed for your chronic disease , which you regularly take for hypertension, diabetes and others, or tablets that help with exacerbation of gastritis and others.
    I take with me, which I drink for tachycardia in case of disorders.
  2. Heart medications on the go can also be useful, even if you are not a heart patient. Heat, unexpected stress, your relative or even a stranger may need help. In this case, take nitroglycerine.
  3. Citramon or other headache pills that usually help you.
  4. Ketorol, nise - strong painkillers. What if a tooth ache or something? severe bruise will happen, the pain from which is difficult to endure.
  5. Drotaverine(no-spa) may be needed for abdominal pain from overeating, but it also helps me with headaches due to joint reception with citramon.
  6. Pancreatin(mezim) - again when overeating or taking incompatible food, poor digestion, exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  7. Activated carbon, polysorb - in case food poisoning. I usually use activated carbon, but polysorb and others similar drugs act much faster.
  8. Phthalazoleintestinal antibiotic, which may be required when severe poisoning for recovery.
  9. Suprastin, tavegil - antiallergic drugs: it is these tablets of the old generation that you should take with you when going on vacation, either to the sea or to the countryside, which, although they cause drowsiness, act almost instantly and are more effective than the new generation drugs that we take. Suprastin may be needed in the case of vinegars from jellyfish, wasps, bees and other insects that secrete poison.
  10. Hydrogen peroxide– an antiseptic that can be used to treat wounds, cuts, abrasions, peroxide lotions perfectly relieve pain, you can rinse with it sore throat and put it in the nose in case of infectious diseases such as ARVI and influenza. In general, I always put this drug first.
  11. Don't forget to take also bandage, cotton wool, adhesive plaster, including bactericidal or special callus.
  12. Castor oil: I always have it in a visible place and always take it with me on the road. It can be used to lubricate chapped lips, various sores, and what is important when vacationing at sea - sunburn. Although it is better not to let it come to this and follow all the rules when and how you can sunbathe.
  13. Albucid– eye drops in case of inflammation of the eyes, which can also easily happen if you rub your eyes with dirty hands, a grain of sand gets in and in other situations.
  14. Boric alcohol– be sure to take it with you in your first aid kit at sea. After all, it may happen that water gets into the ear and it is not possible to shake it out well. This is where it comes to the rescue boric alcohol: Apply it to a cotton swab and insert it deeper into the ear for half a minute in total. Water, combining with alcohol, begins to evaporate very quickly. The procedure can be repeated a couple more times a day.
  15. Paracetamol(aspirin, ibuclin) – antipyretic in case of high temperature.
  16. Roll aluminum foil. You probably rarely see such a recommendation anywhere, if anyone even remembers it at all. But, as you know, I like to be treated with foil, I use it both for headaches and for high blood pressure, and for toothache, and if there is pain in the joints, back, contusions, bruises, sprains - the best remedy can't imagine. You can, of course, take diclofenac tablets and drink them for muscle pain and radiculitis, but I’m not keen on them.

In this list I included mainly medications that need to be taken at sea. But the same ones will also come in handy on vacation to other places, even to the dacha. Only boric alcohol can be excluded. It’s just that something can happen on the road in transport, there’s really nowhere to run, so such a first aid kit should be at hand.

Another question that may arise is: “What antibiotic can you take with you on vacation?” In general, I am cautious about antibiotics and believe that they should not be used without a doctor’s advice. But just in case, experts advise taking those that contain amoxicillin and clavulanic acid; this is a universal medicine that can be taken for bronchitis or ear inflammation.

Well, we have figured out what medicines to take to sea: let this list replenish your first aid kit, but it will not be useful. Have a nice holiday, good impressions and stay healthy!