How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body? Ways to improve your health. How to speed up the removal of alcohol from the body

Almost every person uses, to one degree or another, alcohol, so elimination time it from the body is a question that interests many. Alcohol that enters the body primarily affects the liver and brain; these organs are destroyed most quickly.

You can also do a small discharge, the human body warms up and begins to function much faster, and therefore noticeably alcohol elimination time is reduced.

Having allowed themselves to drink too much alcohol the night before, many are tormented in the morning by only one thought - how speed up alcohol elimination time? Which is quite understandable, because the body needs to get rid of drugs, to which alcohol also belongs (GOST 5964-82 states that alcohol is a drug) and this process is accompanied by very painful sensations. This is not surprising; the body has suffered a serious blow from the ingested portion of the poison, and it is now trying to signal to its owner about the harm caused, trying to warn against repetition. Question complete removal alcohol from the body, therefore it is of interest to any alcoholic, even a “cultured” one who drinks “in moderation” or “on holidays”.

But first of all, you should not worry about how to quickly get rid of pain, which is still only a consequence of the truly terrible destruction that has occurred in the body - that’s what you should worry about.

Even if alcohol is completely removed from the body, its harm will probably no longer be neutralized, and the harm caused by alcohol is truly terrible. Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities, reduces human life for a period from 5 to 20 years. If a person, for example, is able to live 70 years, then drinking two glasses of vodka, two bottles of beer or two glasses of wine every day, on average he will lose about 13-17 years of life and, therefore, he will die at the age of 53-57 years. But before death, of course, torment awaits him in the form various diseases (alcoholic hepatitis), a teetotaler about which, at the same age, he does not know.

Alcohol consumption over a long period of time causes a terrible blow to the human liver and brain. It is no coincidence that it is these organs that are susceptible to damage in the first place; the liver tries to neutralize the poison that has entered the blood, taking the brunt of the blow. As a result, even a person considered a “moderate drinker” can end up in a cemetery at the age of 45-50, and sometimes much earlier. IN human body The brain is the most delicate and complex structure, so it is quite understandable that as a result of the blood circulation of alcohol in the blood, it has the hardest time. To find out the effect of alcohol on human brain and study this material in more detail, it is enough in any search engine type the expression "bunch of grapes effect".

Therefore, for a “moderate drinker” person, after drinking alcoholic beverages, alcohol withdrawal time shouldn't be at all main problem If the effect of drinking alcohol is relatively easy to eliminate, it is almost impossible to get rid of the consequences.

Before drinking alcohol in immeasurable quantities, you just need to think about whether the fleeting pleasure from alcohol is worth the excruciating pain later, as well as thoughts on how to get rid of this pain? Or is it still worth choosing a different life, a happy, healthy, long one, the birth of smart and healthy children? After all, every glass of alcohol you drink today leads to a noticeable decrease in your chances of getting all this in the future. Therefore, before you take a glass of alcohol in your hands, you should seriously think - is this very dubious pleasure worth sacrificing your whole life to? The world around us contains so many exciting, exciting and interesting things! So it might still be better to get rid of the leading to terrible and serious illnesses alcohol poison for a healthy, long and exciting life?

Much attention is paid to the issue of blood alcohol control. close attention. The topic is relevant not only when deciding controversial issues with representatives of the traffic police, but also in everyday life: hospitalization of patients with any injuries in medical institutions, decoration sick leave temporary disability, involvement in crimes committed. All these situations require examination for the concentration of ethanol in the body. Therefore, it will not be superfluous for everyone to know how long alcohol stays in the blood in order to maximally prevent possible troubles associated with drinking alcohol when dealing with life and legal situations.

How does the presence of alcohol in the blood manifest?

While alcohol remains in the blood, there are not only laboratory, but also visual signs of exceeding its norm. Ethanol and its metabolites, formed as a result of the breakdown of the main substance, are toxic to tissues and organs. Among the famous quick effects The effects of alcohol on the body can be distinguished:

  • agitation or drowsiness;
  • Lethargy or aggressiveness;
  • Slowing down reflexes and reaction speed;
  • Impaired balance and precise movements;
  • Decreased visual acuity and attention;
  • Memory and speech impairment.

The extreme effects of alcohol on the body can be severe alcohol intoxication with profound disorders of consciousness (stupor, coma), toxic damage to the liver and internal organs.

Important to remember! The main toxic effects of ethanol on the body are associated with damage to the central nervous system and liver. This rule underlies all manifestations alcohol intoxication, acute and chronic alcohol intoxication!

What determines the duration of the presence of alcohol in the blood?

Even the same amount of alcohol taken by people with identical weight can have completely different effects on the body. How long alcohol stays in the blood depends on the following factors:

  • The percentage of ethanol in the alcohol consumed - the stronger the alcohol, the higher its concentration in the blood will be;
  • Types and composition of alcoholic beverages - different drinks with the same percentage of ethanol increase its concentration in the blood in different ways;
  • Amounts of alcohol - the more alcohol you drink, the longer it stays in the body;
  • The time during which the alcoholic drink was drunk - the faster a certain dose is taken, the higher its concentration in the plasma;
  • The general condition of the body – its weakening due to strong physical exertion, stressful situations or chronic diseases increases sensitivity to alcohol;
  • Gender – in women, alcohol elimination occurs more slowly than in men, which contributes to an increase in the concentration and duration of ethanol retention;
  • Functional abilities of the liver - liver pathology increases the circulation of alcohol in the blood;
  • Individual characteristics of enzymatic activity and sensitivity - in physically healthy individuals Those who regularly drink alcoholic beverages remove alcohol from the body faster.

The products of ethanol metabolism are eliminated from the body by everyone possible ways. The kidneys participate in this process, excreting it in the urine, respiratory system, removing the exhaled gas mixture from the skin through evaporation and sweating. These data are important because they form the basis of the main tests for determining ethanol in the blood.

Methods for determining the presence of alcohol in the body

In practice, the most common ways to determine how much ethanol is in the body are:

  1. Breath test. It is based on determining the concentration of alcohol in the composition of the gas mixture exhaled by the lungs. The most common and easy, but not reliable enough method;
  2. Determination of alcohol level in urine. The method is reliable, but requires compliance certain rules collection of material for research, its storage and rapid transportation. Therefore, the result may be distorted if errors are made medical personnel regarding compliance basic principles research;
  3. Level determination blood alcohol. The most reliable and reliable method. It has only one drawback - the need to puncture a vein to draw blood.

Regardless of the testing method chosen, the generally accepted alcohol limit is less than 0.5 ‰ (ppm). No matter how many times the limit is exceeded, it is regarded as alcohol intoxication. It is at a level of up to 0.5 ‰ that no signs of intoxication arise and normal activity of the nervous system is maintained.

Important to remember! The most reliable and in a reliable way Determining blood alcohol is considered a blood test. The use of this method is mandatory if there are signs of alcohol intoxication according to data breath test, especially if there was no alcohol consumption on the eve of the study!

A blood test is a more reliable method than a breath test

How long does an elevated alcohol reading last?

Most cases of alcohol testing are related to violations of the rules traffic. Therefore, when planning trips as a driver, it is important to consider how much alcohol potentially stays in the blood, which will allow you to avoid unpleasant situations in which even an innocent person can become guilty only because of a slight excess of alcohol in the blood.

Average indicators of how quickly alcohol leaves the body, taking into account the main factors, are given in table form.

Concentration and name of the alcoholic drink Human weight How quickly does it erode?
100 gr 300 gr 500 gr
4% (low alcohol drinks: beer, beer mix) Less than 60 kg About 40 minutes About 2 hours 3.5-4 hours
60-80 kg More than 30 minutes From 1.5 to 2 hours 2 to 3 hours
80-100 kg or more About 20 minutes About an hour About 2 hours
9%-11% (wine, gin and tonic, champagne) Less than 60 kg More than 1.5 hours 4-5 hours 7-8 hours
60-80 kg About an hour 3-4 hours 5-7 hours
80-100 kg or more 45-55 minutes From 2-2.5 to 3-3.5 hours From 4-5 to 5-6 hours
24-30% (liqueur, tincture) Less than 60 kg More than 3.5-4.5 hours 10-13 hours 17-20 hours
60-80 kg 2.5-3.5 hours 9-12 hours 16-18 hours
80-100 kg or more 2-3 hours 7-8 hours 10-13 hours
40-42% (vodka, cognac) Less than 60 kg More than 5-6 hours Around 18-9 hours 29-30 hours
60-80 kg 4-6 hours 13-16 hours About a day
80-100 kg or more 3-4 hours 10-12 hours 18-22 hours

How to speed up the elimination of ethanol from the body

Alcohol leaves the body much faster if you organize:

  1. Staying in open air conditions;
  2. Drinking fluids. It may be alkaline mineral waters or sweet tea with lemon;
  3. Physical activity, but it should not be too strong;
  4. Water procedures (cold and warm shower, bath);
  5. Taking sorbents: smecta, enterosgel, atoxil, activated carbon;
  6. Diuretics: furosemide, Lasix, Trifas;
  7. High doses of ascorbic acid;
  8. Carrying out intravenous infusions glucose-salt solutions. Performed only under the supervision of a specialist.

Knowing all the described data will help you correctly evaluate everything possible risks from drinking alcoholic beverages. But it is better not to use it on the eve of upcoming situations, the solution of which may depend on the results of a blood test for alcohol.

How long alcohol will remain in the blood depends on the strength and amount of alcohol, age, gender, weight, genetics and health. The rate of sobering up is determined by the activity of enzymes that utilize ethanol, alcohol experience and the performance of the excretory system. The consequences of a feast can be detected in the body 30 hours after the last portion of alcohol. This should be taken into account by persons engaged in activities that absolutely exclude intoxication.

Factors affecting the rate of excretion

The rate of alcohol elimination depends on many factors; for one person it is different periods life may be different. Sobering up is affected by:

  • Body weight - fat people get drunk slowly. Their absorption “potential” is higher due to the deposition of ethanol by fat cells. Alcohol stays in the blood longer.
  • Gender - ladies get drunk faster, sobering up occurs later due to the characteristics of the nervous and hormonal systems in women. The level of enzymes that utilize alcohol is higher in men.
  • Age - the metabolism of young people is more active, ethanol decomposes faster. Exception: persons with alcohol dehydrogenase deficiency.
  • Type of alcohol - strong drinks (vodka, whiskey, cognac) take longer to eliminate.
  • Volume drunk - more alcohol will stay in the blood longer.
  • Conditions of use - an empty stomach and the absence of snacks - contribute to an increase in the period of alcohol release.
  • Health conditions - illness, stress and fatigue contribute to the retention of alcohol in the body and prolong the decomposition time.

The duration of ethyl alcohol in the body is determined special system calculation using the Widmark formula. Blood alcohol concentration is proportional to the weight of pure ethanol drunk (in grams), body weight (in kg) and the distribution coefficient: 0.6 for women, 0.7 for men.

Table of the rate of breakdown of drinks of different strengths. The time during which the drunk volume of alcohol completely leaves the body is indicated.

250 grams of 40% alcohol is detected in exhaled vapor for 9 hours.

How to check for alcohol in the body

There are different techniques determination of alcohol in the body. The presence of ethyl alcohol is detected in urine, blood and exhaled air. The need to determine the degree of intoxication arises in traffic accidents, the culprit of which could be a drunk driver, and similar situations.

It is not difficult to visually identify a drunk person. Even mild degree Intoxication will slow down reactions, disrupt movement coordination, and make speech slurred and less logical. A sign of drinking alcohol-containing drinks will be a characteristic fume that always occurs after drinking alcohol, even in relatively small quantities. The concentration of ethanol in the body is determined by different methods.

Breathalyzer - measurement of alcohol vapor in exhaled air; The disposable mouthpiece must show “0” before testing. The norm is not >0.16 ppm. The measurement is carried out in field conditions.

Analysis venous blood- carried out in a drug treatment clinic or biochemical laboratory. Ethanol is determined a few minutes after consumption and can be present in the blood for up to 30 hours, depending on the strength and volume. The decomposition period of alcohol differs from person to person. The result shows the alcohol concentration for the measurement period. The normal limit is up to 0.35 ppm.

Urine analysis - alcohol is detected in urine 1–2 hours after drinking alcohol and persists for about 1–2 days. The permissible alcohol content in urine is 0.1 ppm. At forensic medical examination presence of alcohol in biological fluids in a corpse are determined by the photometric method.

The traffic police uses highly sensitive devices that measure alcohol in exhaled air. Modern breathalyzers (Alcolaser Buton) can detect its presence in the driver at a distance of up to 20 meters. The accuracy of the results depends on the correctness of the measurement (the mouthpiece should not be wiped with alcohol) and the intake of certain products and medicines, which can distort the results. These include:

  • non-alcoholic beer;
  • oranges, bananas, black bread;
  • sweet desserts with alcohol;.
  • alcohol-containing syrups and tinctures;
  • smoking (a cigarette raises readings by 0.2 ppm).

An incorrect result can be given by an error in the breathalyzer, which occurs due to incorrect operation, fluctuations in humidity, air temperature and sensor wear.

Even high-precision instruments have an error of about 0.04 ppm. Indicators are also affected by congenital elevated levels of endogenous alcohol.

Ways to speed up the breakdown of substances

If you want to speed up the release of alcohol and its metabolites, you need to take into account the nuances. The rate of breakdown and elimination of alcohol molecules depends on the amount of alcohol consumed and the characteristics of metabolism, which cannot be influenced. Before the complete disappearance of ethanol in the blood, it is necessary certain time. Especially after a binge in which the body is saturated with ethyl alcohol to the limit. In case of severe intoxication, alcohol is removed in a clinical setting. In case of severe intoxication, forced diuresis and detoxification therapy are prescribed.

Increased diuresis, sweating, moderate physical activity and taking antidotes. Recommended:

  • Drink more liquid(sweet tea, coffee, still water with lemon).
  • sweat profusely (sauna, hot shower) – in the absence of contraindications.
  • Cleanse the stomach and intestines - artificially induce vomiting, give an enema.
  • Take entorosorbent - it will bind unabsorbed alcohol present in the stomach.
  • Replenish electrolytes - drink brine, saline solution.
  • Take an antidote (Zorex), support the liver (Glutargin, Medichronal).

Ethanol and synthetic components of alcoholic beverages are eliminated naturally over a long period. The speed at which the body rids itself of alcohol is affected by functional state liver and excretory system. To speed up sobering up, it is important to use hepatoprotectors (Essentiale, Karsil, Gepabene) and, with medical permission, diuretics (Furosemide, Trifas).

Test: Check the compatibility of your medicine with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

As a rule, after any celebration with alcoholic drinks, a person’s blood contains ethanol, which negatively affects health, and in order to know when it will disappear, you need to have a table on hand for removing alcohol from the body. This information is especially relevant for drivers, because knowing how much ethanol stays in the blood, you can calculate the optimal volume for consumption.

How alcohol is eliminated from the body

When drinking strong drinks, the concentration of alcohol in the blood quickly increases. The rate of ethanol absorption is affected by the fullness of the stomach and the strength of the drink. As a rule, alcohol is excreted through the kidneys, liver, skin, and lungs. The main action for processing and assimilation of ethanol is assigned to the liver. The breakdown product of alcohol is acetaldehyde - poisonous substance, which leads to various diseases liver. The rest of the volatile liquid is excreted through sweat, urine, and a person can actively exhale it into the air. Alcohol output depends on the following factors:

  • liver health;
  • weight;
  • individual characteristics of the body;
  • the strength of the drink itself;
  • amount of alcohol consumed.

Alcohol withdrawal time

Many people are interested in the question of how long alcohol stays in the blood? The resorption period for ethanol varies depending on the type and strength of the drink consumed. In addition, a large role is given individual characteristics person (presence of chronic diseases, frequency of use, etc.). Define exact time It is difficult to remove alcohol from the body - the value of the figure, based on the volume of alcohol consumed, can vary from 30 minutes to a day. The half-life of alcohol can be approximately an hour at plasma concentrations of up to 100 ml.

Much also depends on the degrees in the drink - if you drink a liter of cognac, the alcohol concentration will last longer than from dry wine in the same volume. However, the combination of drinks does not have of great importance, for example, a mixture of juice and vodka has the same effect as undiluted plain vodka. There is a special table for removing alcohol from the body, taking into account the strength and volume of alcohol consumed.

Alcohol elimination rate

It is difficult to answer unequivocally the question of how quickly alcohol disappears, since the duration of its release varies from person to person. Drinks with different degrees are excreted differently, because the level of concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood depends on the strength. In addition, ethanol leaves the blood at an individual rate for each person. Although there are main factors influencing the excretion of alcohol:

  • Floor. In women it takes longer, and toxic damage organs and intoxication appears faster than in men.
  • Weight. Fat people slowly get drunk.
  • Age. Conclusion toxic substances occurs longer in older people than in younger people.
  • Quantity. Large dose alcohol will stay inside the body longer.
  • If a person drinks rarely, the breakdown of alcohol-containing drinks occurs faster.
  • State of health. The presence of illnesses, stress, depression, fatigue cause alcohol to remain in the body longer.
  • Full stomach. The presence of snacks slows down the solubility of alcohol.

How much alcohol is removed from the body

The period of decomposition and neutralization of ethanol is a long process. How long it will take depends on the health of the liver, so it will not greatly affect the speed of cleansing. Alcohol is eliminated from the body of an adult male at an average rate of 0.15 ppm/hour, and in women it is 20 percent slower. In case of poisoning, when high concentration alcohol is life threatening, purification can take place in 0.25 ppm/hour. The time it takes to eliminate alcohol often depends on what specific drink a person drank.


Such a popular alcoholic drink as vodka has an unusual effect on a person. For example, determining the remainder of vodka with a breathalyzer after the first 100 grams shows 0.8 ppm, then after another 100 g - only 0.2 ppm, and if you then drink another 150 g, the amount of ethanol is 2.75 ppm. This amount of vodka finally disappears after 12 hours. As a rule, the removal of vodka depends on:

  • plenty of snacks: if you drink in small doses, alternating hearty meals with vodka, the concentration will be low;
  • psycho-emotional state of a person: often excited nervous system promotes rapid intoxication;
  • previously drunk drinks: if a person drank beer before vodka, the process of eliminating alcohol may increase by 2 hours;
  • gender, weight and health status, for example, for a man of 85 kg, half a bottle of vodka takes an average of 10 hours to dissipate.


Most popular weakly alcoholic drink Beer counts. It is often drunk regardless of the day of the week or time of day. This drink has a specific smell that can give away a person. Therefore, many people want to know how long it takes for beer to disappear from the body. As a rule, the table for calculating alcohol elimination takes into account many factors (health status, body weight, strength, etc.). But on average, beer leaves the body like this:

  • 0.085-0.1 ppm per hour for a woman;
  • 0.1-0.15 ppm per hour for a man.


The alcoholic drink whiskey, obtained from wheat, barley, and corn, is very strong, so it is difficult for the body to cope with it. How long does it take for whiskey to disappear from the blood? The withdrawal table for an average person contains information that the period of sobering up takes approximately 20-24 hours. It has been scientifically established that obese people cope more easily with ethanol. Due to the strength of 100 g of whiskey, it takes longer to dissipate than the same amount of wine or beer, and counterfeit alcohol can cause prolonged intoxication and harm your health.


Most people who drink wine do not always know the time it takes for it to leave the blood. Unlike most other drinks, dry red wine will dissipate quickly. 100 ml can come out within 1.5 hours. If the volume is 200 ml, then the elimination period is doubled. The rate of ethanol weathering increases with decreasing body weight. In addition, many young mothers are sure that a glass of wine cannot harm the child. This is not true, because any alcohol easily gets into breast milk and into the baby's body.


One of the most difficult alcoholic drinks to process is cognac. Its vapors, due to their high strength, take a long time to disappear from the body. Protecting a person from instant intoxication, the stomach turns on a special protective mechanism. It closes the valve briefly on its way to small intestine, where the blood absorbs more ethanol. There is a special table for removing alcohol from the body, which indicates how long it will take for a certain amount of cognac to disappear.

Cognac, unlike purified alcohol, comes out worse. Tannins and tannins, obtained during aging in a barrel, are broken down by the liver longer. Therefore, the process of removing a bottle of cognac takes almost an hour longer than the removal of the same amount of vodka. In general, in order to calculate how long it will take for the body to get rid of cognac and sobriety to set in, you need to add 10% to the period during which vodka comes out.

Alcohol removal table

Every person who drinks alcohol should be aware of the residual effects of alcohol and how long it takes for the toxins to completely leave the body. This will further help determine whether it is possible to begin performing work duties or get behind the wheel of a vehicle. There is a table that was specially created by specialists; it indicates the dosage, type of alcohol, and ethanol removal time. This table can be used instead of a breathalyzer for personal purposes.

For drivers

Acceptable rate alcohol consumption while driving in Russia is 0.32 ppm. According to the law, a person who is hungover or in a state of intoxication cannot drive. vehicle, get started with technical equipment. This can cause unpleasant situations. In addition, a person’s ability to work while intoxicated is reduced several times. Therefore, in order to know how long it takes to remove ethanol, you should use a special chart for calculation. Approximate alcohol table for motorists:

Amount drunk (ml)

Beer from 4 to 6%

35-54 minutes

32-47 minutes

25-40 minutes

20-35 minutes

20-30 minutes

Wine from 13 to 18%

Cognac 40-42%

For men

The elimination of alcohol from the human body is individual for everyone, while ethanol disappears several times faster in men than in women. In addition, the speed of cleansing from alcohol depends on the food consumed. Intoxication will occur more slowly if strong drinks taken with fatty foods. An approximate table for the removal of alcohol from a man’s body:

Weathering time (hours: minutes)

Amount drunk (ml)

Cognac 42%

For women

Ethanol excretion rates for women differ from those for men. Considering that girls, by virtue of their physiological characteristics are more easily susceptible to intoxication, their alcohol concentration reaches its peak faster. In addition, the rate of elimination is much less than the rate of absorption. An approximate table of alcohol exit from a woman’s body:

Weathering time (hours: minutes)

Amount drunk in ml

Champagne 11%

Cognac 42%

Video: How long does it take for alcohol to leave the body?

Alcohol in the body can be beneficial in different situations.

How is the body cleansed?

Alcohol elimination occurs in several ways. A small portion evaporates through the skin and lungs. Part of the work of cleansing the body is carried out, the main burden falls on the liver. When alcohol decomposes, acetaldehyde is formed, a substance that causes cirrhosis of the liver. Accordingly, worsening its work. The cleansing process takes a sufficient amount of time. The speed of the liver directly depends on its condition. For example, an average person weighing 80 kilograms excretes approximately 0.1 ethanol in 60 minutes.

To increase the rate of alcohol processing, you need to drink more fluids and stay fresh air. Sweet tea is recommended as a drink, since the caffeine it contains also fights. In addition, tea has good diuretic properties.

When bringing yourself back to normal with the help of tea, you should not overdo it, since the combination of alcohol and caffeine can lead to an increase in blood pressure.

How long does it take until alcohol is completely eliminated?

It should be noted that there is no specific set period during which the body is cleansed. The fact is that the process of eliminating alcohol depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on the amount of strength you drink: the higher these indicators, the slower the cleansing of the body will take place. The weight of the person who drank alcohol and the state of his body also influence.

Those who like to abuse should not rely on the means popularly called “”.

The use of “anti-hangover”, “anti-police” and other similar products only helps to relieve a hangover, but does not affect the rate of removal of alcohol from the blood, and does not improve the functioning of the alcohol-processing organs.

Any examination will reveal the presence of ppm in the blood after this kind of remedy. If serious problems are coming up, it is better to abstain from alcohol altogether.

On average, the body is able to eliminate most of the alcohol in 24-48 hours. In cases of use large quantity alcohol, it will take approximately 72 hours. Completely getting rid of alcohol and renewing the body occurs no earlier than in a month.
In any case, it is important to try to take care of your health and not burden yourself with additional work processing alcohol.