Archives reference book - the world of homeopathy. Electronic homeopathic reference book

About the pseudoscience of homeopathy, it turned out that many people take homeopathic medicines and don’t even know about it.

The reason is simple: manufacturers carefully try to hide the essence of their crafts under scientific definitions and words. However, this is nothing new, because there have always been many opponents of empty drugs, and you can outwit them and sell them your drug only if you bashfully hide your face and call your drug not homeopathic, but simply supposedly with “low concentration.”

According to one of the experts who signed the anti-homeopathic memorandum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the head of the project, neurologist Nikita Zhukov, people uselessly spend money on a number of widely used drugs in Russia.

First, let's talk about the so-called “hidden homeopathy,” which tries in every possible way to hide its belonging to homeopathy thanks to crooked formulations. However, it does not contain active substance: in 100,000,000 tablets there is approximately one molecule of it or even less, since antibodies are very large protein molecules (homeopaths do not know this; they “cannot” study chemistry, physics and biology).

ANAFERON: prevention and treatment of ARVI; affinity purified antibodies to human interferon gamma – 0.003 g with a content of no more than 10–15 ng/g (nanogram of substance per gram of tablet). Included in the recommendations for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza from 2007.

ARTROFUN: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other joint diseases; antibodies to human TNF-α at a dosage of 10–15 ng/g.

IMPAZA: treatment of impotence. Some pro-erection antibodies to endothelial NO synthase, affinity purified, in what dosage? Yes, yes, 10 −15 ng/g.

TENOTEN: sedative; antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100/Tenoten): oral antibodies in a dosage of 10–15 ng.

PROPROTENE-100: drug for the treatment of alcoholism; antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100 at a dosage of 10 −1991 (!) ng/g.

KOLOFORT: treatment of IBS and other intestinal problems; antibodies to human factor tumor necrosis alpha (TNFα) - 0.006 g, antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100 - 0.006 g, antibodies to histamine - 0.006 g are applied to lactose in the form of a mixture of three active aqueous-alcoholic dilutions of the substance, diluted respectively in 100 12, 100 30, 100, 200 times.

The next group of drugs, theoretically, judging by calculations, may contain some amount of the active substance, but we will never know for sure. Manufacturers use homeopathic terminology and dilution methods (“D” with a digital index indicates the degree of dilution: D1 = 10, D2 = 100, D3 = 1000, etc.), which are not generally accepted and are not tested in any way. Main problem is that homeopathic medicines with the possible presence of some substances may have an undesirable effect, but no one has any idea what, since homeopathy is not a science and does not require scientific (or any other) testing of its medicines.

AFLUBIN: for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Contains herbs (gentian, aconite, bryonia) in various dilutions, iron phosphate and lactic acid (also diluted) and ethyl alcohol in a normal concentration of 43%. Included in the 2007 influenza treatment guidelines.

VIBURCOL: antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment respiratory diseases in children. It contains chamomile, belladonna, nightshade, lumbago, plantain and carbonated lime named after Hannemann (Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni, “In homeopathy, carbonated lime obtained from oyster shells is used. The carbonated lime obtained in this way is not chemically pure, but, nevertheless, not can be replaced by any other drugs, since it was with this kind of lime preparation that Hannemann carried out his experiments."

You can buy this amazing substance separately. What’s most interesting is that the stronger the dilution, the less substance there is and... the more expensive it is! Ideal business.

GENTOS: from cystitis and prostatitis. Trees are also used: poplar, sabal (such a palm tree), as well as hemlock, iron picrate and potassium iodide, of course, in dilutions and with the most important active component- 43% ethanol.

INFLUCID: from ARVI and influenza. Aconite, gelsemium, emetic root, steppe, sable and phosphorus. Herbs are herbs, but you can read about homeopathic phosphorus in a collection of jokes.

MASTODINON: for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy, which usually does not require treatment. Contains herbs (twig, cohosh, violet, papaya, iris, lily) in different dilutions.

PUMPAN: homeopathic cardiology ( ischemic disease heart failure, arrhythmias). Contains hawthorn, ram, lily of the valley, foxglove and potassium carbonate.

REMENS: PMS, menopause, amenorrhea and other gynecological things. Contains black cohosh, pilocarpus, sanguinaria plants, plus something “lachesis” from the venom of a South American snake, cuttlefish ink. The further, the more scientific, you can’t say anything.

TRAUMEL S: for fractures, dislocations and other minor issues such as arthritis and bursitis. A whole bouquet of herbs: calendula, arnica, witch hazel, yarrow, St. John's wort, belladonna, wrestler, chamomile, comfrey, daisy, echinacea, plus mercury oxide named after Hannemann himself (Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni) and something completely magical: calcareous sulfur liver (Hepar sulphuris calcareum), “a mixture of equal parts of oyster shell ground into fine powder and pure sulfur powder is kept in white heat for 10 minutes.” If so, then you might go crazy laughing.

CINNABSIN: treatment of sinusitis. Two herbs (goldenseal, echinacea) and two magic ingredients: mercury sulfide, potassium dichloride.

ENGISTOL: such an immunomodulator for the treatment of any inflammatory and infectious diseases. Contains three different dilutions of the herb with the cool name “swallow swallow” and two dilutions of sulfur.

And now classical homeopathy - super pacifiers, the manufacturers of which do not hide the fact that there is nothing inside.

AGRI: homeopathic antigrippin; contains the herbs aconite, belladonna, steppe, lumbago, plus the above-mentioned sulfur liver, iron phosphate and (the most interesting) arsenic iodide, more details - be careful, nonsense. Included in the 2007 influenza treatment guidelines.

OSCILLOCOCCINUM: a true standard. Are there still people who have not heard about the discovery of parallel universes by homeopaths? So: the drug contains the liver of a certain Barbary duck unknown to biologists (perhaps this is a real Muscovy duck) in such a dilution that, most likely, it exists somewhere in a parallel world. The drug was included in the recommendations for the treatment of influenza from 2007.

STODAL: cough suppressant. Contains a whole ecosystem: lumbago, sorrel, steppe, emetic root, sundew, burnt sea sponge (Spongia marina tosta), cochineal mealybug (an insect), lobaria pulmonata lichen and some (apparently, original content) “myocarde”.

The most important thing: if you were ever “helped” by any of these drugs, then it was a 100% placebo effect. You can continue to use them at your own risk, but they have nothing to do with medicine. All uses of the word “contains” are metaphors.

Thuja occidentals (tree of life) - An excellent homeopathic remedy for warts. It has a strong effect on the skin, blood and gastrointestinal tract, as well as on the urinary tract and brain, it helps remarkably with ailments resulting from vaccination. Bleeding warts are characteristic brown that get wet...

Nepar sulfuris calcareum ( liver sulfur) — An effective remedy for any suppuration on the skin and mucous membranes. It helps with skin abscesses surrounded by small pustules that tend to spread. It is used for recurrent urticaria, as well as inflammation of the tonsils and middle ear. For…

Lycopodlum (moss moss) - The main homeopathic remedy for the treatment of diseases of the liver and gall bladder. It helps with itchy eczema, scaly lichen and skin abscesses prone to suppuration, as well as acne. This homeopathic remedy is also effective for hair loss, especially if…

Graphites (graphite) - Strongly affects the skin, mucous membranes, stomach and metabolism. Therefore, this remedy helps especially well if skin diseases are caused by metabolic disorders. In homeopathy, Graphites is used for lichen planus or dry, cracked skin prone to suppuration.…

Sulfur (sulfur) - Has a profound effect not only on the skin, but also on the human body as a whole. This remedy is used for numerous skin diseases, for example, with eczema, when the skin is very itchy, wet and flaky. Moreover, Sulfur is an important remedy...

Basic homeopathic remedies used for eye diseases As with headaches, most eye diseases are treated according to the principles of classical homeopathy with so-called constitutional remedies, i.e. a medicine focused not on the disease, but more on the individual characteristics and personality of the patient.…

Homeopathy has numerous medicines that help with colds and cough. Some of them are used especially often, so they are discussed below. When treated with one homeopathic remedy, all symptoms of the disease must exactly correspond to the symptoms that can cause this remedy. At the same time...

Belladonna (belladonna), like Aconitum nappelus, is one of the most important medicines for sudden acute diseases with high temperature and inflammatory processes. The disease is accompanied by a state of excitement, deception of the senses, blood flow into the organs and throbbing pain. Belladonna helps primarily with…

The directory consists of several sections. At the beginning of application homeopathic medicines in some pathological SITUATIONS:

  • allergic reactions,
  • angina
  • insomnia,
  • headache,
  • dizziness,
  • cough,
  • biliary colic,
  • intestinal colic,
  • renal colic,
  • cystitis,
  • bleeding,
  • suppuration,
  • neuralgia,
  • radiculitis,
  • acute increase in temperature,
  • diarrhea,
  • injury,
  • motion sickness in transport,
  • insect bites.

Then use homeopathy for some DISEASES OF ORGANS and SYSTEMS of the body:

  • anemia, vein diseases,
  • heart and vascular diseases,
  • joint diseases,
  • menopause,
  • drugs to prevent complications during vaccinations.

The last section describes some MENTAL SYMPTOMS:

  • anger,
  • depression,
  • irritability,
  • fear,
  • stress and its consequences.

Many pathological condition and diseases are not included in the reference book, since they require a detailed analysis of the case and study of the pathogenesis of drugs. The funds that require attention first are highlighted in bold. It should not be forgotten that the repertory is only a reference for individual symptoms. Homeopathy always implies seeing the general behind the particular, the symptoms as an integral part of the disease, the disease as a manifestation general pathology body. Therefore, before using a particular medicine, you should, if possible, study its description (pathogenesis). The repertory uses only those tools that are described in the book.


ALLIUM CEPA – profuse watery lacrimation and runny nose. Worse from warmth (at home), better from coolness (in the air).

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM – allergy to cold moisture (rain, dampness, fog).

APIS – pale swelling, burning, burning pain. Worse from warmth, better from cold. Allergy to honey, severe reaction to bee stings.

DULCAMARA – runny nose, worse from fresh air, hay harvesting period.

GRAPHITES - runny nose, worse from the smell of flowers.

IODIUM – skin rashes. Reaction to iodine preparations.

KALIUM IODATUM – tendency to allergies. Lesions of the skin, mucous membranes, joints.

LEDUM – itching, burning, thickening of the skin. Reaction to mosquito bites.

NATRIUM MURIATICUM – chronic runny nose, attacks of sneezing, coughing, choking.

SPIGELIA - runny or dry runny nose with sneezing.

URTICA – urticaria with itching and burning, runny nose, suffocation.


ACONITUM – sudden onset, high temperature, bright red throat.

APIS – pronounced swelling of the tonsils, the process is greater on the right, the tonsils are pink.

BARIUM CARBONICUM – slowly increasing pain, swelling, without pus.

BELADONNA – with a strong general reaction, is developing rapidly.

DULCAMARA - when the weather changes from warm to cold.

HEPAR SULFURIS – after cold drinks, food, general cooling.

KALIUM MURIATICUM – white coating on the tonsils.

LACHESIS MUTA – from the left (or goes from left to right).

LYCOPODIUM – on the right (or goes from right to left).

MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS – tonsils are dark red in color.

PHYTOLACCA – pain from the throat radiates to the ears.

CHAMOMILLA - due to pain, irritation, anger (often in children).

CIMICIFUGA – extremely changeable sleep and mood.

COFFEA – insomnia from emotional excitement.

GELSEMIUM – from excitement, worry about the future.

IGNATIA – does not fall asleep in the evening, influx of thoughts, palpitations.

IODIUM – nervous excitability, palpitations, emaciation (often thyrotoxicosis).

KALIUM CARBONICUM – wakes up at 2-4 am from painful phenomena.

NUX VOMICA – wakes up early, irritability, overtiredness.

VALERIANA – emotional fatigue, anxiety, nervousness.


AESCULUS – feeling that the head will burst (pressure on the brain).

AGARICUS - with a feeling of icy needles, trembling.

ALUMINA – chronic, with nausea and vomiting.

AURUM METALLICUM – pulsation, facial redness, increased blood pressure, feeling of a rush of blood.

BELLADONNA – sudden, severe with redness of the face, dilated pupils.

CALCIUM PHOSPHORICUM – in schoolchildren and students. Worse from tight hats.

CAMPHORA – feeling of head being pulled by a rope, body coldness.

CAPSICUM - worse from shaking (holds head with hands).

CIMICIFUGA - on the left. Before menstruation. From hunger.

COFFEA – one-sided, at one point, with excitation.

CUPRUM - with spasm, twitching of the eyes.

EUPHRASIA - as from a bruise with runny nose and inflammation of the eyes.

GELSEMIUM – sudden, strong. Sensation of a band around the head.

GLONOINUM – ​​with trembling, rush of blood to the head, cold body, decreased blood pressure.

IGNATIA – varied, from experiences. From coffee, alcohol, stimulants.

KALIUM BICHROMICUM – at one point with visual impairment.

MELILOTUS - with redness of the face, better from nosebleeds.

NATRIUM MURIATICUM – chronic, in the form of attacks. Pale, thin, sad. Need for salt.

OPIUM - dark red face, inability to move.

PETROLEUM – after driving in transport, from the smell of gasoline, exhaust gases, paint.

PLATINA - in the form of severe attacks, with nausea and vomiting, better in the air. Gradually it begins and goes away.

SPIGELIA – “wandering” character.

THUJA – persistent, at one point. Worse from dampness, drinking.

VALERIANA – at rest (better from movement). With aggravation of sensations and feelings.

ZINCUM - in persons incapable of exact sciences. Accompanied by the symptom of “restless” legs.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM – loss of coordination, fear of heights, open spaces.

CACTUS - with a feeling of strong compression of the head.

CHINA – for weakness, anemia, after bleeding, long-term illnesses.

CONIUM - when turning the head or turning in bed.

GELSEMIUM – sudden, strong.

GLONOINUM – ​​with trembling, loss of coordination, cold body, decreased blood pressure.

HELLEBORUS – when bending over, with nausea and vomiting.

TABACUM – in the form of attacks with nausea, vomiting, salivation, fainting, pallor, fear.

ALLIUM CEPA - convulsive, with pain (whooping cough), from irritation in the larynx.

ALUMINA – chronic (lasts for years), worse in the morning.

ARNICA - painful, spasmodic, with a feeling of injury to the chest.

ARSENICUM ALBUM - nocturnal, especially at 1-3 am, with restlessness.

BARIUM MURIATICUM – with irritation of the larynx, hoarseness of the voice.

BRYONIA ALBA – painful with pain, (often pleurisy), constipation, thirst.

CAPSICUM - irritating, with burning mucous membranes, bitter sputum.

CAUSTICUM - with a feeling of an “open wound”, difficult to remove sputum.

CHAMOMILLA - worse from anger, fear.

CHELIDONEUM - in the form of attacks with almost no phlegm.

CINA – with pallor of the face, abdominal pain, enlargement lymph nodes(whooping cough).

CUPRUM METALLICUM – spastic until blue in the face, convulsions and vomiting (whooping cough).

DROSERA – in the form of attacks, from irritation in the larynx (whooping cough, false croup).

IODUM - with suffocation, difficult expectoration.

KALIUM CARBONICUM – with sharp stabbing pain, suffocation. Worse at 3-4 am, sputum tastes like cheese.

MELILOTUS – with a feeling of suffocation, tight clothes.

NAJA – for heart diseases.

NATRIUM MURIATICUM - with sadness, despondency. Need for salt.

TUBERCULINUM – ​​constant, with sweating, exhaustion, periodic fever.

ALLIUM CEPA - with copious sputum and wheezing, lacrimation.

AMMONIUM CARBONICUM - with much phlegm and wheezing, worse at 3 am.

ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM – with an abundance of sputum, inability to cough, threat of suffocation.

BORAX – accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, admixture of blood in the sputum.

EUPHRASIA - with wheezing, copious phlegm, runny nose and inflammation of the eyes.

IPECACUANHA – easily turns into vomiting, often mixed with blood.

NATRIUM SULFURICUM - painful, with loud, profuse wheezing.

BERBERIS – sudden attack, bending forward more easily, jaundice, bitterness in the mouth.

CHELIDONEUM - sharp pains going from the right hypochondrium to the back.

MELILOTUS – with headache, redness of the face.

ALLIUM CEPA - in young children with rectal irritation.

ALOE – intense pain around the navel, rumbling in the stomach, worse after eating.

CINA – pain in the navel area. Worm infestation.

COLOCYNTHIS - in the form of attacks, better from squeezing the abdomen (bent over in half), after resentment, anger, food poisoning. In infants.

DROSERA – in combination (or alternately) with cough, suffocation.

MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM - ameliorated by heat and pressure on the abdomen. In infants.

NATRIUM CARBONICUM – from milk, plant food, in the heat.

NUX VOMICA – with constipation, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, after overeating.

PLATINA – with stool that sticks like putty. Worm infestation.

PLUMBUM – with a feeling of the abdomen being pulled inward.

RHUS - with bloating, strong thirst, dry tongue with a red tip.

STANNUM - ameliorated by pressure on the abdomen, aggravated by the smell of food.


BERBERIS - on the left, worse from the slightest shock to the body.

CANTHARIS - with constant painful urge to urinate and pain.

LYCOPODIUM - on the right, with red sediment in the urine.

TABACUM – with fainting, cold sweat, nausea, pallor.

TARENTULA – with motor restlessness, urinary retention.

URTICA – with the presence of blood and salts in the urine, irritation of the bladder.

ACONITUM – sudden, bright blood.

AMMONIUM CARBONICUM – with dark blood that does not clot for a long time.

ARNICA – after injury, with easy education hemorrhages, bruises.

CACTUS – with rapid formation and abundance of clots. With a sensation of compression or constriction of the organ with a rope.

CARBO VEGETABILIS – with dark, slowly released blood. With coldness of body and burning sensation.

CHAMOMILLA – most often from the uterus, the blood is dark. Accompanied by hysteria and anger.

CHINA – chronic, dark blood. Anemia, exhaustion.

DROSERA – nasal for runny nose, cough.

FERRUM - with bright red blood, released in a copious stream. Anemia with iron deficiency.

HAMAMELIS – with dark blood. Weakness does not correspond to the degree of blood loss.

IPECACUANHA - with bright red blood, released in portions. Most often from the stomach, intestines, uterus.

KREOSOTUM – bleeding of mucous membranes, contact bleeding.

LACHESIS – for blood diseases, with subcutaneous hemorrhages.

MELILOTUS – copious, sudden, bright red blood.

PHOSPHORUS – with bright blood, clotting disorders. Bleeding of the skin and mucous membranes.

SABINA – uterine, hemorrhoidal, from urinary tract. The blood is bright and liquid.

SECALE CORNUTUM - with dark blood that comes out slowly. Most often from the uterus.

APIS - threat of suppuration (before the formation of pus) with pale swelling, burning, stabbing pain.

CARBO VEGETABILIS – coldness of the skin, body, sluggish course of the process with a gradual spread throughout the body.

ECHINACEA – chronic processes without a tendency to recovery.

HEPAR SULFURIS – even scratches fester. Provokes cooling. Stitching pain at the site of suppuration.

MERCURIUS – rapid formation of pus.

PETROLEUM – any wounds (fear of getting hurt).

PHYTOLACCA – purulent mastitis, suppuration of the lymph nodes.

SACCHARUM – sluggish course of the process, lack of healing.

SILICEA – chronic persistent course, small amount of pus, development of compactions. Fear of cold.

SULFUR – suppuration of the slightest lesions, multiplicity of foci (furunculosis), burning, itching. Reluctance to wash, sloppiness.


ACONITUM – with unbearable, sharp pain, numbness, anxiety.

CAUSTICUM – with severe, lightning-fast pain, including the facial nerves.

CHINA – against the background of exhaustion, anemia.

CIMICIFUGA – ciliary, intercostal, lumbago. Mostly on the left.

COFFEA – dental, trigeminal nerve.

COLOCYNTHIS - with pain along the nerves, severe, tearing. Radiculitis. Often after resentment or anger. Better from strong pressure.

HYPERICUM – with pain along the nerve after injury. Radiculitis, pain after tooth extraction, phantom pain.

LACHESIS - left, trigeminal, facial nerve, worse from sleep, alcohol, touch, heat.

MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM – with piercing, cutting pain. Worse from hypothermia, better from heat.

PLATINA – accompanied by spasms, bone pain, numbness.

PLUMBUM – with pain along the nerve plexuses and muscle atrophy. Numbness, paralysis.

RUTA - persistent, recurrent neuralgia, worse from cold, lying down. Radiculitis, aggravated by going to bed.

RHUS – radiculitis, “starting” pain (at the beginning of movement). Mostly on the left.

SPIGELIA – any localization, with strabismus, drooping eyelids.

STANNUM - with shooting pains, spasms, convulsions, twitching.

VALERIANA - with sharp, jerking pains, as if from electricity. Pain in the face and teeth.

ZINCUM METALLICUM - with trembling, paralysis, weakness.


ACONITUM – suddenness of appearance. Fear, tossing, red face, fast, hard pulse, thirst. Often after a cold wind.

BELLADONNA – a sharp increase in temperature. Severe headache, panic, desire to run. Convulsions, twitching (in children).

BRYONIA – burning heat, redness of the face, dry tongue, thirst. A special delirium - it seems that it is broken into parts. Desire for peace.

GELSEMIUM – severe chills, feeling of intoxication, weakness, paralysis, trembling.

AGARICUS – with strong burning sensation and pain in the rectum.

ALOE - waking up in the morning (with a continuous uncontrollable urge - cannot leave the toilet) or immediately after eating and drinking.

AMMONIUM CARBONICUM – during menstruation.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM - alternates with constipation. Thick white coating on the tongue. Food poisoning.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM – for anxiety, anxiety, fear.

CALCIUM - chronic, worse from milk.

CAMPHORA – continuous, exhaustion, body cold, cramps ( food poisoning, dysentery), stool in the form of “boiled rice”.

CANTHARIS – with blood and mucus, difficulty urinating (dysentery).

CHAMOMILLA - during teething in children, offensive.

CHINA – chronic with exhaustion and anemia, bloating.

DULCAMARA – after hypothermia (often in autumn).

MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS – with strong incessant urge, scanty stool with mucus and blood, foul odor (dysentery). Swelling of the tongue (teeth marks).

NATRIUM SULFURICUM – acute and chronic, an abundance of gas, rumbling in the stomach.

PODOPHYLLUM - with frequent, copious, watery, offensive stools.

SECALE – chronic with thirst and exhaustion, dark blood in stool.

SULFUR – begins early in the morning after getting up.

THUJA - worse from drinking, dampness.

VERATRUM ALBUM – with weakness, fear, cold sweat, cold body, palpitations.


ARNICA - soft tissue injury with a blunt object.

APIS is a burn with large blisters and severe swelling.

CONIUM – injury to the brain, spinal cord, coccyx, mammary gland.

CANTHARIS - a burn with small, very painful blisters.

ECHINACEA – long-term non-healing of wounds.

HYPERICUM – nerve damage, injury to the spine, coccyx.

LEDUM – penetrating deep puncture wound.

RHUS – damage to ligaments, tendons.

RUTA – overstrain of muscles, tendons, eyes.

SILICEA – consequences of traumatic brain injury.

STAPHYSAGRIA – pain of an incised wound.

URTICA - a burn with severe burning and itching.

LEDUM - mosquitoes with the formation of seals on the skin and itching.

APIS - bees with a strong general and local reaction.


BORAX – fear of moving down, flinching.

PETROLEUM – intolerance to the smell of exhaust gases.

TABACUM – nausea and vomiting, cold sweat, pallor, fainting.


BERBERIS – with asthenia, severe pallor. Often when urolithiasis, gout.

CALCIUM PHOSPHORICUM – characterized by thinness, tall stature, and frequent colds.

CHINA – after repeated bleeding. Exhaustion, chills.

FERRUM METALLICUM – when pallor alternates with redness (“false blush”).

KALIUM CARBONICUM – with general weakness, pallor, swelling of the legs and upper eyelids.

NATRIUM MURIATICUM – characterized by sadness, emaciation, need for salt.

PHOSPHORUS – for artistic natures. Tendency to bleed.

SABINA – after uterine bleeding, abortion, childbirth.

SECALE CORNUTUM – with exhaustion, weakness, cramps.

TUBERCULINUM – ​​with weakness, periodic fever. Frequent colds.

ZINCUM METALLICUM – with trembling, restlessness in the legs, weakness, cramps.


AESCULUS – legs, throat. Haemorrhoids. Changes in the veins in the fundus (examination by an ophthalmologist). Trophic ulcers of the legs.

ALOE - legs. Haemorrhoids. Venous congestion, bleeding with dark blood.

CACTUS - legs. Haemorrhoids. Insufficiency of venous valves.

CALCIUM FLUORICUM – with the formation of nodes. Vascular tumors – hemangiomas.

CAPSICUM – with cold but red skin, expansion of the capillary network. Burning.

CARBO ANIMALIS – in different places. Induration and inflammation (phlebitis).

FERRUM METALLICUM – accompanied by pulsation. Spider veins on the body (telangiectasia). Anemia.

HAMAMAELIS – throughout the body: legs, pharynx, esophagus, external genitalia. Varicocele, hemorrhoids. Soreness of the veins. Trophic disorders.

LACHESIS - most often on the left. Blue-purple skin color, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers.

LYCOPODIUM - most often on the right. In combination with symptoms from the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

PULSATILLA – in combination with disorders menstrual cycle, liver symptoms.

SABINA – thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids with bleeding.

SULFUR – with burning, heaviness, swelling, trophic disorders.

AMBRA GRISEA – with airy belching, numbness, dry skin.

APIS – with heat throughout the body, desire for coolness. Swelling, jealousy.

AURUM METALLICUM – with depression, increased blood pressure.

CAMPHORA - with heat in the face and chest, but coldness in the abdomen and limbs.

FERRUM METALLICUM – characterized by bleeding in the life history.

FOLLICULINUM – ​​osteoporosis, mastopathy. Suppression of personality as a result of psychological pressure.

GLONOINUM – ​​with a feeling of pulsation, lowering blood pressure.

LACHESIS – with neck sensitivity, sun intolerance, worse after sleep.

LILIUM TIGRINUM – ​​accompanied by cardiovascular problems.

MELILOTUS - with feeling of tight clothing, better bleeding.

SABINA – characteristic uterine bleeding before menopause.

SULFUR – with skin rash, furunculosis. Characterized by sloppiness and a penchant for philosophy.


ACONITUM – hypertensive crisis, angina pectoris with fear, redness of the face, hard, rapid pulse, motor agitation.

AMMONIUM CARBONICUM – palpitations with weakness and shortness of breath.

ANACARDIUM – “double” pain (two injections with a break) in the heart.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM – palpitations associated with anxiety.

ARNICA – enlargement of the heart from training, overwork.

ARSENICUM ALBUM – heart attack at 1-3 am.

AURUM METALLICUM – hypertension and angina pectoris. Redness of the face, pulsation of blood vessels. Depression.

CACTUS - angina pectoris. The pain is sharp, a feeling of compression of the heart. Numbness of the left arm, shortness of breath. Worse from least effort.

CALCIUM CARBONICUM - palpitations and shortness of breath occur easily.

CARBO VEGETABILIS – serious condition, cold body (but desire for cold), shortness of breath, thready pulse, sharpened facial features.

CIMICIFUGA – rheumatism of the heart, joints, sore throat.

DIGITALIS – deceleration heart rate or arrhythmia. Shortness of breath, blueness of the face, lips, nails. Fear of cardiac arrest (you need to freeze motionless).

FOLLICULINUM – ​​diseases of the heart and blood vessels during menopause.

GELSEMIUM – arrhythmia with fear of cardiac arrest (need to move).

GLONOINUM – ​​palpitations from the slightest effort, irregular pulse, rush of blood to the head, headache. Drop in blood pressure, fainting.

IGNATIA – palpitations, pain in the heart after stress.

IODUM – palpitations, rhythm disturbance. Often thyrotoxicosis, emaciation.

KALIUM CARBONICUM – heart rhythm disturbances, edema, anemia. Angina pectoris, stabbing pain. The feeling that “the heart is hanging by a thread.”

LILIUM TIGRINUM – ​​angina pectoris, sensations of heart compression, palpitations. Often in the background gynecological pathology, menopause.

NAJA – heart defects, palpitations, arrhythmia, angina pectoris. Hypotension.

RHUS – angina pectoris, numbness of the left arm. Overtraining, enlarged heart.

SPIGELIA - intense palpitation, worse lying on the left side. Feeling of “shaking” in the heart. Stitching pain from the slightest movement.

TABACUM – angina pectoris, feeling of pain and spasm in the throat. Fainting, weakness, nausea, pallor, cold sweat.

TARENTULA – angina pectoris, palpitations, shortness of breath. Restlessness in the limbs.

ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM – joints are pale, cold, swelling is pronounced. Worse from damp cold.

BRYONIA ALBA – with effusion into the joint cavity (bursitis). Worse from movement, better from complete rest (immobilization with a bandage).

CACTUS - with a feeling that the joint is “tightened with a rope.”

DROSERA - pain in the joints, as if from a bruise.

DULCAMARA - with pain, redness, swelling of the joints when the weather changes from warm to cold.

KALIUM IODATUM – polyarthritis, severe pain, fever. Accumulation of fluid in large joints.

KALIUM MURIATICUM – with stabbing pains, sudden, strong. Stiff mobility, swelling. Crunching in the joints. The pain forces me to get up.

LEDUM – with pain and swelling without redness and heat. Better from cold, worse from warmth and movement.

MEDORRHINUM – ​​with a feeling of dislocation, weakness, burning, pain, stiffness. Development of symptoms after gonorrhea.

NATRIUM SULFURICUM – pathology of the left hip joint.

PETROLEUM - with crackling, joint pain, stiffness. The ankle and jaw joints are most often affected. Tucking your legs.

PHYTOLACCA – rheumatism, gout, worse at night, in wet weather.

PULSATILLA - with flying pains moving from joint to joint.

RHUS – consequences of overexertion, damp cold. “Starting” pain (at the beginning of movement). Better after exercise, worse at rest.

URTICA - with pain and skin manifestations(urticaria) over the joints.

APIS - based on jealousy.

CHAMOMILLA - from pain, suffering, any injustice. In children during teething.

COLOCYNTHIS – illnesses after anger, often intestinal colic, neuralgia.

HEPAR SULFURIS - selfishness, isolation, gloominess. Alcoholism. Increased sensitivity to pain.

OPIUM – illnesses after anger, often cramps, diarrhea, urinary and menstrual retention, uterine bleeding.

AURUM – aversion to life. Complexes of guilt and debt. Hides symptoms. Moody, hot-tempered. Thoughts about suicide.

BROMUM – apathy, aversion to any work combined with anxiety. Light color hair, eyes, skin.

IODIUM – silence, drowsiness, lack of reaction to events. Emaciation. Dark color of hair, eyes, skin.

NAJA – feeling insignificant, unwanted, persecuted. Thoughts about suicide. Heart disease.

NATRUIM SULFURICUM – melancholy, sadness, sensitivity to music.


AESCULUS – with memory loss, aversion to work. Venous problems.

CIMICIFUGA – at sharp fluctuations moods. Premenstrual syndrome. Hunger intolerance.

COLOCYNTHIS - constant dissatisfaction with things around you, with yourself. Acute pain (especially in the abdomen) after irritation, anger, resentment.

HEPAR SULFURIS – in the form of attacks, pickiness, grumpiness. Colds, purulent processes.

IODIUM - with restlessness, excitability, lack of patience. Impulsive actions. Euphoria or sadness.

KALIUM MURIATICUM - with sadness, anxiety, an abundance of dreams.

KREOSOTUM - with dissatisfaction with everything, whims. Trembling, palpitations, tears.

LYCOPODIUM – from trifles, desire to command, emotionality.

MAGNESIUM PHOSPHORICUM – from mental work. Spasms, "nervous urination."

MEDORRHINUM - with haste, restlessness, night terrors. Familiar people and things seem strange. Time goes by too slow.

NUX VIMICA - worse in the morning and better in the evening. From being overloaded with things to do.

SEPIA – characterized by desire for a career, loss of interest in sex. Loss of the sense of beauty.

STAPHYSAGRIA – from injustice, resentment, sexual problems.

TARENTULA – from intolerance to expectation. Restless limbs symptom.

ACONITUM – acute (most often) and chronic, death, illness, crowds, wind, future. Against the background of pain, increased blood pressure, high temperature. Physical restlessness. Diseases from fear.

ANACARDIUM – with persecution mania. Gloominess, desire to swear. Alternation of opposing feelings, splitting of will and mind.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM – heights, tall buildings, open spaces.

ARNICA - get injured.

ARSENICUM ALBUM – death, illness, disruption of plans, order, worse at 1-3 am.

BORAX – any downward movement, even smooth. Possibility of falling.

CACTUS – death due to heart pain, shortness of breath.

CALCIUM CARBONICUM – failures, isolation, apathy.

CAMPHORA - combined with rage, whims, spasms, convulsions.

CARBO ANIMALIS – against the background of a progressive serious illness.

DIGITALIS – cardiac arrest, any movement (even moving) due to cardiac arrhythmia. Future, death (in case of illness).

GELSEMIUM – cardiac arrest, rest in case of cardiac arrhythmia. Upcoming events (surgery, childbirth, illness, exam).

MEDORRHINUM - darkness, the apparent presence of strangers.

NAJA - rain.

PHOSPHORUS – storms, thunderstorms, electricity, dogs, death, illness.

PLATINA – death without any reason (illness, events).

SACCHARUM – losing a loved one.

VERATRUM – death, illness, with the desire to escape.


COFFEA – consequences of unexpected stress, even positive ones. Feelings without a serious reason.

GELSEMIUM – spasms, pain after stress. Excitement before the event occurs.

IGNATIA is the beginning of all suffering after stress. More often heart and vascular diseases.

NAJA – feeling superfluous, insignificant after stress. Organic diseases hearts.

NATRIUM MURIATICUM – delayed menstruation after stress.

NUX VOMICA – cruelty, desire for leadership in response to stress.

PHYTOLACCA – the beginning of inflammation, suppuration after stress.

STANNUM – ​​mental and physical exhaustion (asthenia) after stress.

STAPHYSAGRIA – consequences of stress in sexual relationships.

TUBERCULINUM – ​​migraine after stress.

URTICA – urticaria (allergy) after stress.

Nowadays, there are many alternative treatments to traditional medicine. People turn to unconventional methods treatment with homeopathic medicines, when disease prevention does not produce results and it is not possible to heal the body through prescriptions using traditional medicines. One of the treatment methods that differs from traditional ones is homeopathy.

What is homeopathy

The foundations of homeopathy were laid more than two hundred years ago, but homeopathy was officially recognized as healing method only recently - at the end of the 20th century. Homeopathic treatment is a method in which drugs containing very small doses of active substances are used. These active ingredients in large doses cause symptoms similar to those of the disease that needs to be cured. The homeopathic method literally stands for “disease resemblance.” This name was determined by the German homeopathic physician and pharmacist Hahnemann.

How drugs are made

The method of preparing a homeopathic remedy is based on repeated dilution of the active substance in a neutral solution to a concentration that will have a therapeutic effect. High dilution leads to the fact that the solution with the substance becomes absolutely safe, since the concentration of the substance is selected in the minimum amount necessary for treatment. The raw materials from which homeopathic medicines are made can be:

  • plants;
  • mushrooms;
  • minerals;
  • animals;
  • poisons and concentrated substances secreted by living organisms.

Dilution technology often involves the use of decimal and hundredth dilutions, which are designated as follows:

  • decimal: 1X or D1, 2X or D2, 3X or D3, 6X or D6, and according to the same principle - 12X-12, 24X-D24;
  • hundredths: 1 or C1, 3 or C3, 6 or C6, 12 or C12, 30 or C30, 200 or C200.

The dilution process itself, which reflects the basic principles of homeopathy, is called potentization or dynamization. A simple decimal solution is made as follows: one part of the original substance is mixed with nine parts of the solvent and stirred ten times. This is how breeding occurs until the required potency is achieved. With centesimal potentiation, one part of the substance is mixed with 99 parts of the solvent. For example, the designation C3 means that during the dynamization process the main substance was diluted 100 times three times.

How homeopathy works

Many people may mistakenly believe that all methods that do not fit into the classification modern medicine, are homeopathic. Herbal medicine may be mistakenly considered, i.e. treatment with herbal medicines, homeopathy. In herbal medicine, treatment occurs through the use of plant substances in high concentrations. Such drugs are more similar in principle to the principle of action of constitutional drugs. evidence-based medicine. Classical homeopathy is distinguished following signs:

  • use for treatment of substances that in large doses cause similar symptoms to the disease;
  • treatment with solutions that have critical a small part active substance, i.e. potentized solutions;
  • drug testing is carried out on healthy people;
  • available individual characteristics treatment of the disease (use of different concentrations in a particular case);
  • the safety of the resulting medications - tablets, solutions, ointments, granules, since they are of plant, natural origin and low concentrations of components;
  • rarity of occurrence side effects in patients;
  • individual treatment plans.

Homeopathy treatment

Homeopathic medicines are used to treat a variety of diseases and are aimed at curing the person, rather than treating the disease. Traditional medicine often explains the effect of homeopathic medicines as a placebo effect, but the list of diseases that can be cured by homeopathy shows the opposite. The effectiveness of homeopathy is observed in the treatment of:

  • acute diseases of the ENT organs;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • diseases of the reproductive system, mammary glands in women, prostatitis in men.

Homeopathic medicines show their effectiveness when severe pain head, allergic reactions. If you use this technique to treat influenza or acute respiratory infections, the disease goes away faster, and the body requires less time to fully recover. Even diseases that have acquired chronic form, can be treated with the right method, dilution and dosage regimen. It is important to know that self-medication with homeopathic tablets is often not effective if treatment is carried out without a doctor’s prescription, as with the use of allopathic drugs.

Homeopathic medicines

General list homeopathic medicines are divided into:

  • drops and solutions;
  • creams and ointments;
  • pills;
  • granules.

Also, homeopathic medicines are divided into groups depending on the scope of application, composition (dilutions), chemical substances included in the composition. The Directory of Homeopathic Medicines will help with the choice of medicine to provide the correct medical care a patient who does not respond to traditional medications and has to resort to homeopathy.

Drops and solutions

Homeopathic drops and solutions of plant and mineral origin are used to treat chronic diseases of the nose, throat, vegetative-vascular dystonia and immune diseases. Drops and solutions are prepared using low dilutions and are often single-component preparations. Popular drops and solutions include: the following drugs:

  1. Euphorbium Compositum - drops with a dilution of D4 components, which are used for a runny nose to moisturize the mucous membrane. Uses instead vasoconstrictor drops for children. Pros – moisturizes mucous membranes, fights allergic processes. The disadvantages include ineffectiveness for serious exacerbations of sinusitis.
  2. Aqua Maris - nasal drops for a runny nose. Disadvantages - the composition is similar to saline solution, so many patients have doubts about the effectiveness. Pros – help relieve symptoms of rhinitis, relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  3. Efrasia eye drops – vasoconstrictor drops based on natural ingredients. The drops contain eyebright extract, which effectively affects the blood vessels of the eye without causing side effects. An undoubted advantage of the medicine is that it contains natural ingredients that are hypoallergenic. Based on reviews, no cons were identified.

Ointments and creams

Nowadays, homeopathic ointments and creams are produced in the same conditions as creams traditional medicine. All stages of production, raw materials and technology undergo appropriate testing, so you can confidently trust such modern ointments.

  1. Calendula ointment - used to treat skin lesions. Effectively heals wounds, treats diaper rash and cracks. A significant advantage of the drug is completely natural composition, high efficiency. Cons - not used to treat infected, purulent wounds.
  2. Arnica ointment - used for rapid resorption of hematomas and elimination of swelling. Allowed for use by children. Disadvantage - may not be effective when severe bruises with deep wounds.

Homeopathic tablets

Externally, homeopathic tablets cannot be distinguished from tablets made according to traditional medicine recipes. The composition of such medicines is carefully selected to facilitate the course of administration and make it habitual, as in treatment using traditional medicine - 3-4 times a day. The main advantage of such tablets is the minimum risk to the patient’s health.

  1. Bronchostat - homeopathic cough tablets. The drug is used to treat bronchitis, exacerbation of the disease and cough due to colds. The main advantage of the medicine is that it helps well in complex homeopathic therapy of bronchitis, has small price and tastes good. Disadvantages - can only be used by children over 5 years old; an allergic reaction is possible.
  2. Avia-More - tablets for motion sickness based on natural ingredients, pleasant in taste and taste affordable price. The downside is its dubious effectiveness - it does not help every person against motion sickness; the positive effect lasts for about 40 minutes. It is allowed for use in children over 6 years old.
  3. Angin-Hel SD - tablets for the treatment of tonsillitis. Well suited for preventing exacerbations of tonsillitis, increasing local mucosal immunity. Disadvantages - not suitable for treatment of exacerbation of tonsillitis.


The medicinal form of granules and powders is the very first form of homeopathic medicines. This is what they looked like 100 years ago. Nowadays, homeopathic granules have remained practically unchanged appearance, but its composition is much safer and more effective than those previously used.

  1. Badyaga computer – homeopathic granules, the main component of which is badyaga (a substance of animal origin that is made from freshwater sponges). Drug Badyaga comp. used to treat neurocirculatory dystonia. Pros - can be used even for children, cons - allergic reactions are possible.
  2. Aloe-plus – granules based on natural aloe juice. The drug is intended for the treatment of constipation, including chronic constipation. Among the advantages - it has soft action, does not cause side effects. Disadvantage: it may not be effective in advanced cases; it cannot be found in all pharmacies.

Price of homeopathic medicines

Compared to allopathic medicines homeopathic medicines have affordable prices. The cost of such a medicine may be inflated due to the rare component in the composition, or due to the popularity of its manufacturer. On average, the price of homeopathic medicines does not exceed 500 rubles per unit.


Homeopathy is healing that focuses on the person, and not on the disease from which he suffers.

The list of homeopathic medicines used by doctors includes several thousand items, but several hundred are most often used.

Principles of homeopathy

The first principle is that like cures like.

The second is the effect of small doses. During the dilution stages, the potency of the medicine increases.

The third principle is that the strength of the drug increases during dilution by rubbing or shaking the substance at each stage of dilution.

The fourth is the mandatory determination of the constitutional type of a person.

Two similarities of homeopathy, on the basis of which treatment tactics are formed

The first is the similarity between the disease and the medicine. At the same time good result Treatment is achieved by prescribing appropriate medications in the presence of certain symptoms of the disease.

The second is between the patient and the medicine. In this case, a specific medicine is prescribed to a patient with the corresponding constitutional type.

Treatment is especially effective when two similarities coincide.

Homeopathic constitution

The concept of a homeopathic constitution differs from general ideas about the constitution of people. Classic constitutional types include:

  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic;
  • asthenic.

In homeopathy they are supplemented with important details:

  • color differences skin, hair, eyes;
  • wet or dry skin;
  • warmth or coolness of the extremities;
  • two- or one-sided blush of the cheeks.

Such customization and detail physical features characterizes the homeopathic constitution.

Behavior and psychological feature patient:

  1. The patient belongs to one of the psychotypes: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic.
  2. Type of person: artistic or thinking.
  3. It is necessary to clarify the details: favorite position in sleep, etc. The patient’s attitude to the moon, sun and various natural phenomena.

How to release

Without a prescription - complex and single-component homeopathic medicines according to the order approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

By prescription - single-component drugs from list A, as well as drugs that are prepared according to prescriptions.


It is recommended to store in a dark, dry, cool place. Medicines must be protected from foreign odors and impacts.Strong-smelling and volatile products (camphor, creosote) are stored separately.The shelf life of the drugs is 2-3 years.It is advisable to touch the medications as little as possible. The required dose must be poured into the palm of your hand and immediately sent into the mouth.Medicines that fall on the floor should be thrown away.

List of homeopathic medicines for your home medicine cabinet

It is useful to have a small set of medicines at home for the most common diseases and syndromes:Aconite, Arnica, Arsalb, ​​Beladonna, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Hepar sulph., Mercurius, Nat. mur., Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Rhus tox, Nux Vomica, Sulfur.There is a list of homeopathic remedies for people who already have treatment experience. It is represented by 25 substances.

Medicines needed while on holiday

Homeopathic remedies can be very effective in treating disorders that can disrupt rest days.

Below is a list of homeopathic remedies useful for various complications:

Homeopathic medicines (list) and a description of their main indications are partially presented below. They are used to provide emergency care and in acute conditions:

The homeopathic medicines presented above (list of medicines) are far from a complete list of remedies with unusual effects. There are many more of them.

Also in reference books you can find a list of homeopathic medicines in alphabetical order, on average consisting of 50-100 substances with descriptions brief description active substance and main indications.

Application homeopathic remedies allows in many cases to reduce or eliminate pharmacotherapy and prevent the onset of its side effects and drug disease.