The cervical spine on the right hurts. Right neck pain: causes, types of pain, treatment methods

Pain in the neck area, localized behind the ear or radiating into it, can occur for several reasons:

  1. damage to the greater auricular nerve;
  2. damage to the cervical plexus;
  3. inflammation of the lymph nodes.

In most cases, the pain is caused by pinched nerves in the neck. In addition, several other etiological factors can be identified:

  1. spondylosis deformans;
  2. vertebral artery aneurysm;
  3. cervical pachymeningitis;
  4. neck spondylopathy;
  5. neoplasms;
  6. osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

In terms of the frequency of cases of development of pathology leading to acute pain in the neck and in the postauricular area, the leading positions are occupied by lesions cervical nerves of various etiologies And inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes.

Damage to the nerves of the neck

Pain in the neck, radiating to the ear when tilting the head, indicates damage to the nerve plexuses. Damage may occur due to degenerative changes in the cervical spine - radicular syndrome with osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia. In addition to direct infringement of the roots of nerve endings, compression may develop vertebral arteries. Due to the decrease in height intervertebral discs and the formation of osteophytes (bone growths on the vertebral body), excessive friction of the vertebrae against each other occurs, causing severe pain that can radiate to the ears. The condition can cause severe neck pain and hearing loss.

A characteristic manifestation of pathology of the nerves of the neck is acute pain when tilting the head. When the great auricular nerve is damaged, the pain radiates (gives) to the earlobe, auricle or external auditory canal. When the occipital nerve is damaged, the pain radiates to the back of the head and can cover the lower edge of the lobe and the post-auricular area. At acute form damage to the nerves of the neck, the person is in a forced position: the head is tilted towards the pain-causing nerve. On palpation there is a sharp increase in pain.

Important! Neck pain that radiates to the ear may occur when pathological changes at the level of the C1-C3 vertebrae, since the nerve endings responsible for the innervation of the ears and the behind-the-ear region are located there.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

When the lymph nodes of the neck, located in the ear area, become inflamed, a thickening occurs, the size of which depends on the degree of inflammatory processes.

There are many lymph nodes in the neck, each of which can become inflamed. The reason for this is most often hypothermia - walking without a hat in the cold season, washing hair cold water, drafts, etc. Normally, the lymph nodes are barely palpable, but with inflammation they can increase in size quail egg, which can significantly complicate chewing, swallowing and breathing. The pain does not increase with head movements, but palpation is very painful. The condition is accompanied by elevated body temperature, chills, and general malaise. Body temperature can rise to 39-40°C, and ignoring the symptoms can lead to serious complications:

  1. formation of phlegmon;
  2. abscess lymph node;
  3. blood poisoning.

Important! If you suspect inflammation of the lymph nodes, you should consult your doctor. This will avoid complications and identify the cause of inflammation.

Quite rarely, the cause of acute pain under the ear is teeth. This can happen in several cases:

  1. inflammation of the pulp (pulpitis);
  2. advanced form of caries on the outer teeth (molars);
  3. growth of the wisdom tooth (third molar).

In the case of pulpitis, inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of one, or less often several, teeth occurs. Inflammation gradually spreads along the nerve fibers, and since the organs of the head have quite close connection, the pain radiates to the ear area (lobe or external auditory canal). In addition to the irradiation, there is a sharp, unbearable pain in the area of ​​the tooth itself, accompanied by a headache.

With the development of a complex form of caries, the symptoms are similar to pulpitis: severe pain in the tooth area, especially when pressed, pain radiating to the ear, neck, temporal region. Painful sensations can be weak if the nerve is not damaged, intense and even unbearable if pulpitis has been added to caries.

The growth of a wisdom tooth is a natural process, but it is far from painless. The danger lies in two main points:

  1. incorrect placement of wisdom teeth;
  2. formation of a hood (pericoronitis).

When a wisdom tooth is vertically immersed, the process of its appearance in the oral cavity occurs normally, but can be painful due to injury to soft tissues and processes of expansion of the recesses in the jaw. As a rule, the pain is not severe, slightly radiating behind the ear, neck or temple.

During horizontal immersion, the crown of the cutting tooth rests against the body of the molar in front, which creates excess pressure. This arrangement of the wisdom tooth can cause intense, long-term pain and even shift the entire dentition. In addition, the crown of the cutting tooth puts pressure on the root of the second molar, which can cause inflammation of the nerve. In this case, the symptoms will be identical to pulpitis.

During distal immersion, the wisdom tooth rests on the jaw joint, which greatly complicates movements lower jaw. When it partially erupts, a non-healing injury to the cheek occurs, which can lead to serious inflammatory processes. This rotation is characterized by intense pulsating (shooting) pain in the ear from the eruption of the wisdom tooth.

The eruption of a wisdom tooth is dangerous due to such a complication as pericoronitis - acute inflammation of the soft tissues of the gums surrounding the tooth during the eruption process.

Partial eruption can trigger the formation of a hood (the area of ​​gum covering the wisdom tooth), which will become a potential site for the accumulation and development of microbes. Both conditions can cause severe pain that radiates to the ear, behind the ear, throat, or temple.

Pain on the right side of the neck may appear due to the development of osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, hernias, stenosis, muscle spasms, and spinal tumors. In any case, treatment should not be delayed for long.

The neck is a rather vulnerable part of the human body. She is entrusted with large number functions. Pain in the right neck can be caused by various pathologies. This symptom can indicate mechanical problems in the cervical spine. Less often, this symptom can indicate systemic pathologies.

The pain can be disturbing with varying intensity, but often disappears without any action after a couple of weeks. Pain is less common for 3 months.


Pain in the right neck can be caused by:

  • spinal injury;
  • neoplasms of various types;
  • metastasis of tumors to the spine;
  • anomalies spinal cord and its roots;
  • muscle strain;
  • hypothermia;
  • uncomfortable posture during sleep;
  • overloads of the physical plane.

The neck can hurt not only on the right, left, or front; pain from it can radiate in different directions, even to the shoulder. If pain persists for 2 days, it is recommended to visit a doctor.

Osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis

The most frequent pathologies These diseases are considered to be causing on the right or in another area. Every year the number of patients with osteoarthritis of the spine increases. The appearance of pain provokes damage to the intervertebral joints. Changes in them lead to the appearance of myofascial pain and neck curvature.


The appearance of herniated intervertebral discs in the cervical spine can radiate to the arm. This is caused by compression of the nerve. In this case, the proper functioning of the nerve may fail, which helps to reduce reflex activity. Sensitivity also decreases and muscle strength is lost.


If the cause of neck pain is stenosis spinal canal, the spinal cord is subject to compression. This, in turn, causes many sensitivity problems, muscle strength, reflexes.

Muscle spasm

Often the neck may be affected by pain due to muscle spasm, which can cause sharp turns to the sides. Often this manifestation of pain appears in car accidents. In this case, pain can appear a day or two after the injury. In addition, prolonged stay of the body in one position can cause spasms.

If your neck hurts due to muscle spasm, then it is not difficult to get rid of this pain. To do this, you need to eliminate the main cause of pain, which requires:

  • forget about bad habits;
  • do neck exercises regularly;
  • pay attention to the organization of the workplace.


Tumors of the spine are not accompanied by pain that worries the patient every day. Malignant formations cause metastasis to the spine in approximately 10% of cases, of which 15% occur in the cervical region.

Tumor on X-ray examination

Can metastasize to the spinal column the following types cancer:

  • mammary and prostate glands;
  • lungs;
  • kidney;
  • thyroid glands

If changes have already occurred in the cervical spine, then pain will occur on the right side of the neck and the back of the head. It will be constantly present in a person and increase with certain body positions or with prolonged physical activity. In addition, metastases to the spine are characterized by:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • numbness of the fingers of the upper extremities;
  • hand soreness.

In some unsuccessful poses, the patient notes pain in the heart area. The pain may spread to the upper abdomen. There are malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to the fact that the neck hurts, there is a decrease in its mobility and the appearance of a crunch when bending and turning to the sides.

Other reasons

With the development of meningitis, subarachnoid hemorrhages, brain tumors, and retropharyngeal abscess, pain can also strike right area neck. Head movements are limited.

If pain appears in the front of the neck, it is worth excluding coronary heart disease, since myocardial infarction can cause similar symptoms.

What's the result?

So, the factors that caused pain in the neck on the right include the presence of:

  • injuries to spinal components;
  • immune disorders;
  • infections;
  • degenerative changes in the spine;
  • neoplasms;
  • referred pain in pathologies of other organs.


To the question: “What to do when pain appears in the right neck?” – only the doctor should answer. But in order to relieve pain, you can resort to taking painkillers, both oral and local. However, it is worth remembering that taking these drugs will only slightly relieve the symptoms, and will not get rid of the very cause of their appearance. Therefore, you should not put off going to the doctor.

In addition, you can do a massage. But for many diseases it is contraindicated, so a trip to the doctor cannot be avoided. However, light stroking and rubbing will definitely not cause any harm.

If your neck hurts, you need to seriously think about the cause of the pain. About them and methods of treating cervicalgia - in the article.

Every person has encountered cervicalgia, which is what neck pain is called, at least once. It often occurs after sleeping in an uncomfortable position, sitting for a long time at the computer, or in a draft.

The discomfort is serious, but everything soon goes away on its own. But, there are times when neck pain is intense, it signals a serious health problem that needs immediate treatment. It is necessary to consider such cases in more detail.

Why does my neck hurt? Pain in the right neck, causes. Pain in the left neck, causes

The neck (in Latin: Cervix) is a part of the human body that connects the head and torso and performs a number of important functions for the body. Pass through it:

  • spine
  • the larynx, through which the air inhaled by a person enters the lower respiratory organs
  • esophagus, through which food enters lower sections Gastrointestinal tract
  • blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the brain
  • lymph nodes
  • spinal canal (within the seven cervical vertebrae)
  • nerve

IMPORTANT: Numerous muscles of the neck are very mobile, they provide free movement of the head

Because of his complex structure and the variety of functions performed, the neck is very vulnerable. Simply put, there is something to be sick about, and there will always be a reason.

The localization of tsverkalgia very often makes it clear what its cause is. Only the neck can hurt (right, left, lower at the base, in front, behind). Also, the pain may radiate to the arms, back or head.

Neck pain on the right or left occurs in children and adults, regardless of gender. She can:

  • localized directly in the spinal region
  • give into hand

There can be many reasons for neck pain on the right or left:

  1. Muscle spasm. It happens with prolonged physical activity on the neck or, conversely, due to lack of load. Often the neck muscles spasm due to sudden turns of the head, pain in this case occurs immediately or a day after the injury. You can wake up with tsverkalgia on the right or left if you slept in an uncomfortable position
  2. Hypothermia. Under the influence low temperatures and drafts can inflame the neck muscles (myositis) or nerves (neuralgia)
  3. Osteoarthritis. This disease is characterized by damage to the intervertebral joints. In this case, pain on the right or left is often complemented by another a clear symptom– torticollis
  4. Osteochondrosis. It affects the cervical region most often, since its vertebrae are smaller than the rest, but they are constantly loaded. In addition to pain, osteochondrosis is manifested by numbness and burning of the neck, shoulders and arms down to the fingertips, dizziness when turning the head
  5. Intervertebral hernia. Most often, it occurs between the 5th and 6th, 6th and 7th vertebrae. In this case, the pain often radiates to the left or right shoulder.
  6. Narrowing (stenosis) of the spinal canal. If the spinal cord is damaged, cervicalgia may be accompanied by numbness of the limbs, general weakness, dysfunction various organs and their systems
  7. Meningitis. Inflammation of the lining of the brain provokes neck pain and tension. One way to determine meningitis: the patient lies on his back and pulls his bent legs towards him, while he experiences acute cervicalgia
  8. Oncology. The neck may hurt due to tumors in the brain, in the cervical spine, as well as with metastatic tumors of other organs (breast, lungs, prostate, etc.)
  9. Lymphadenitis. Inflamed lymph nodes, for example, after a sore throat and other infectious diseases of the respiratory system, create pain in the neck on the right or left side
  10. Other. The causes of unilateral cervicalgia can be arthritis, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, polio, tetanus, heart disease, and other pathological conditions of the body.

IMPORTANT: Pain on the right or left side of the neck from physical stress, uncomfortable sleep, hypothermia goes away within 1 day to a week. If it lasts longer, intensifies, disappears and appears again, you need to look for more serious reason and try to deal with it

VIDEO: Neck pain: causes and treatment

Pain at the base of the neck

Pain at the base of the neck, at the level of the back of the head, like right-sided or left-sided pain, can have many causes, including:

  • osteochondrosis
  • muscle spasm
  • neuralgia
  • intervertebral hernia
  • vertebral displacement
  • incorrect posture
  • meningitis

IMPORTANT: But most often it is in this area that neck pain occurs due to the so-called vertebral artery syndrome.

Vertebral artery syndrome causes pain at the base of the neck.

Vertebral artery syndrome is a complex pathology in which the arteries running through the neck and supplying the brain with blood become narrowed or pinched. In addition to cervicalgia, symptoms of this condition are:

  • headache
  • darkening of the eyes
  • hearing and vision impairment
  • hypertension

Pain in the back of the neck, causes

The reasons why pain in the back of the neck occurs can be divided into several large groups:

  1. Immunological: arthritis, spondylitis, rheumatism, etc.
  2. Degenerative: osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis, others
  3. Infectious: meningitis, malaria, osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, tetanus, others
  4. Oncological: benign and malignant formations
  5. Everyday: physical overexertion, hypothermia, static uncomfortable posture, sudden movements, etc.

IMPORTANT: Surprisingly, one of the causes of pain in the back of the neck is depression!

Pain in the neck when turning the head, causes

Pain in the neck when turning the head may appear due to the same pathological conditions that provoke cervicalgia of a different localization. It can also occur due to:

  1. Axis fracture (second cervical vertebra) first degree. In this case, the pain radiates to the head, and neck movements are limited
  2. Spondylolisthesis – displacement of the cervical vertebrae
  3. Brain abscess. At the same time dangerous condition pain in the neck throbs, radiates to the head, and when turning the head intensifies to unbearable

Burning pain in the neck, causes. Dull pain in the neck, causes

Pain localized in various areas neck, may be burning and dull:

  • burning pain usually indicates inflammation of muscle tissue
  • stupid - about neuralgia

VIDEO: Muscle spasm is the cause of neck pain. How to do without pills and injections

How to relieve neck pain? How to treat neck pain?

Treatment of neck pain is carried out by specialist doctors:

  • orthopedist
  • surgeon
  • neurologist
  • rheumatologist
  • vertebrologist
  • chiropractor

The primary task of the specialist is to determine the cause of the pain. Diagnostics is carried out using:

  • x-ray
  • laboratory research

Subsequent treatment can be conservative or surgical.

Conservative treatment includes taking medications:

  • eliminating the cause of pain
  • painkillers
  • antispasmodic
  • muscle relaxants

It is possible to use various orthopedic devices:

  • collar
  • sleeping pillows

The doctor also prescribes therapeutic exercises and physical therapy, which includes:

  • warming up
  • baths
  • compresses
  • massage

IMPORTANT: Surgical treatment of neck pain is used only in cases of extreme necessity, when there is confirmation that the spinal cord is damaged

Neck pain is often treated using alternative medicine techniques, in particular acupuncture. But such treatment should not be the main one.

Pain in the neck and ear is a common condition. You can get rid of such a disorder only after eliminating the root cause. Most common cause The appearance of unpleasant pain in the neck is considered to be a loss of elasticity of the intervertebral discs - osteochondrosis. Next comes osteoarthritis - damage to the cartilage located in the lateral, stabilizing spinal columns, which appears when maintaining a long-term static position or during movement. This condition can also occur as a result of injury to the vertebrae or in the presence of autoimmune processes.

State Description

Neck pain radiating to the ear is also called cervicalgia (pain spreading in the neck area). This syndrome most often occurs as a result of diseases that spread to tissues located in close proximity to the structure itself. Pain behind the ears and neck is also characteristic of some diseases of the heart, blood vessels and internal organs of a person.

Features of the structure of the ear

The human ear is paired organ, which is responsible for the perception of sounds from the outside world. This organ is distinguished by its complex structure. The ear is in temporal bone and is only a peripheral part of the auditory analyzer, which helps to amplify sound and transfer it to nerve impulses.

These impulses then travel through the auditory pathways and reach the temporal lobe of the brain (anterior and posterior parts of the temporal lobe). It is in this area of ​​the brain that all incoming sound signals are processed and their perception occurs. It should be noted that almost all parts of the ear, excluding the auricle, are located in the temporal bones. In addition, in the concha of the ear there is a vestibular analyzer, which helps maintain the normal position of the body in space and monitor its condition.

IN auditory analyzer The following departments are located:

  • middle ear;
  • internal;
  • external

Possible inflammatory processes in the hearing organ

Prolonged pain in the neck, radiating to the ear, most often indicates inflammation. The patient's outer and middle ear cavities may become inflamed, but in some cases the pathological process begins to spread to the inner area of ​​the ear.

Inflammatory processes and pain can begin in the following structures and tissues:

  1. Inflammation in the external auditory canal. Limited otitis externa may appear with furunculosis (an inflammatory process in the hair follicle and tissues), while diffuse otitis externa occurs due to inflammatory diseases bacterial, viral and fungal nature, as well as during dermatitis (skin lesions), which occur against the background of severe allergic reaction.
  2. More often than other parts of the ear, it is exposed to infectious lesions. Pathogenic microbes most often enter the ear cavity from the pharynx and nasopharynx. Sometimes dangerous microorganisms, bacteria and pathogens become tympanic cavity through blood or when the integrity of the eardrum is damaged.
  3. can also lead to pain in the head, neck and ear. In most cases, the lesion appears when infection penetrates into the middle ear cavity.
  4. The auditory tube usually becomes inflamed when there are respiratory diseases in the body. Tubootitis (inflammation auditory tube) can also appear when sharp increase pressure.
  5. Neck pain radiating to the ear often occurs in the labyrinth. This process occurs when infection spreads in the cavity. inner ear. In rare cases, infection occurs hematogenously or through the subarachnoid space of the brain, which is located near the inner ear.
  6. The bony labyrinth may become inflamed and dystrophic changes. In this case, otosclerosis is characterized by neck pain and tinnitus.
  7. The vestibulocochlear nerve, when inflamed or injured, provokes sensorineural hearing loss. In this case, the auditory pathways (from the receptor to the cerebral cortex) may cease to normally translate, process and perceive nerve impulses.

Pain in the neck area

Experts identify the following boundaries in the neck:

  • From above - a line directed from the lower edge to the lower jaw and encircling the mastoid processes from below, reaching the occipital protuberance.
  • The line below - runs along the notch on the manubrium of the sternum (the notch located between the muscles in the lower part of the neck), along the upper edge of the collarbone. She doesn't get right to shoulder joint, makes a turn back and meets in the same place on the opposite side.

The neck is not an organ, but only a part of the body, inside which very important organs are located. They are localized near the spine. The spinal column includes main body neck - spinal cord. It is he who helps deliver signals from the torso, limbs and other internal organs and systems; it is he who is coordinated by the brain.

The cervical spine is distinguished by its mobility: it helps to freely turn the head, throw it back and tilt it forward. At the same time, the spinal cord located in its canal is the most vulnerable area: it contains centers, if damaged, four limbs are immediately affected and the muscles that are responsible for the respiratory process cease to function. In addition to pain in the ear and neck, other symptoms of damage can be noted: weakness in one or two limbs, breathing problems, frequent shortness of breath, a feeling of dizziness when receiving a cervical injury. Diagnostic measures to determine the disease should be carried out in the office of a neurologist.

Other affected areas

In addition to the spine and the spinal cord and other structures located inside it, the following lesion sites are distinguished:

  1. Muscles located on each side of the spine. They are divided into deep and superficial. Deep ones help keep the head and neck in a certain position and take part in movement. Superficial help to move the cartilage of the larynx, bottom part head, help deep muscles change its position, protect neurovascular bundles, which are important for the proper functioning of the brain, neck and chest cavity.
  2. Fascia - sheets connective tissue, including separate groups muscles. They divide the neck into separate parts and are important in order to prevent the spread of inflammation and possible purulent process. Between the fascia there are cellular spaces that have shock-absorbing functions.
  3. Nerve bundles. In the neck area there are a large number of nerves that can go either separately or form separate bundles. Sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves are located here, which help regulate the overall tone of blood vessels, affect the number of heart contractions, respiratory activity, and the overall size of the bronchi. Paired nerves diverge along the lateral cervical surfaces, which carry sensory and motor innervation of the organs.

To accurately determine the reason for the pain in the neck and under the ear, it is important to consider the following diseases:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • neck muscle problems;
  • damage to the internal organs of the neck;
  • diseases nervous system;
  • systemic diseases.

Spinal diseases

Pain in the neck, back of the head and ears can occur due to inflammation, injury, or the formation of tumors in the following structures:

  • vertebrae;
  • discs between vertebral bodies;
  • small joints located between the processes of the vertebrae on the back of the arches;
  • ligaments that help fix the spine in one position;
  • muscles that move the spine.

The main diseases that lead to this condition include:

  • disorders in the cervical spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • herniation of one or more intervertebral discs;
  • destructive spondyloarthrosis;
  • stenosis spinal canal, in which the spinal cord is located;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • vertebral fractures;
  • vertebral osteomyelitis;
  • dislocations, as well as subluxations;
  • tumor formations in the vertebrae;
  • injury to the main substance intervertebral disc, which provokes the formation of an acute hernia;
  • spondylolisthesis.

In diseases of the spine, the patient most often experiences following symptoms: severe pain in the head, pain moving from the arm to the back, a feeling of dizziness, problems with attention and memory impairment. If the problem lies in the structure of the spinal cord, then pain occurs in all 4 limbs, and it is very difficult for the person to inhale and exhale normally.

Damage to internal organs and neck muscles

Diseases of the neck muscles include myositis, fibromyalgia and polymyalgia.

TO pathological processes in the internal organs of the neck include:

  • inflammatory processes thyroid gland;
  • inflammatory processes cervical lymph nodes.
  • mumps - inflammation of the behind-the-ear gland: this process is common with epidemic form mumps;
  • inflammation of the esophagus or foreign bodies entering it;
  • angina pectoris;
  • tumor formations of benign and malignant nature in the esophagus;
  • retropharyngeal abscess;
  • diaphragm abscess;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Damage to the nervous system

Pain in the neck and under the ear can appear with diseases of the nervous system:

  • myelopathy - damage to the spinal cord;
  • meningitis is an inflammatory process in the spinal cord and also in the brain;
  • benign and malignant formations in the brain;
  • hemorrhage, stroke.

Systemic diseases

Cervicalgia can be caused by:

  • systemic vasculitis;
  • dermatomyositis;
  • scleroderma;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • rheumatoid arthritis.

Seeing a doctor

If your neck hurts and radiates to your ear, then to carry out diagnostic measures you need to contact a neurologist. If neck pain occurs as a result of injury, you should visit a traumatologist. In addition, in some cases, diagnosis is required from a therapist, orthopedist and rheumatologist. Massages and physiotherapeutic procedures can help in treating the disease.

When diagnosing neck pain radiating to the ear, you need to rely not only on an examination by doctors, but also on the results of special studies:

  • computed tomography of the cervical spine;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the brain;
  • ultrasound examination abdominal cavity;
  • electromyography.

Preventive measures

To avoid the appearance dangerous diseases and complications in the form of pain in the neck on the left behind the ear, you should regularly monitor your health, do not bring yourself to extreme fatigue and overexertion, lead an active lifestyle, and rest properly. Good rest and a healthy lifestyle are the key good health and normal condition.

For sleep, experts recommend using special bedding - soft pillows and orthopedic massages. To improve the condition of blood vessels, it is recommended to use a contrast shower, monitor the state of your nervous system, and perform neck and head massages, they help improve blood circulation and achieve good results.

The feeling of pain in the neck, radiating to the ear, requires timely contact with a treating specialist. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is important to determine the main cause of pain.

Modern diagnostic techniques help to accurately determine the cause of the lesion, and medications, physiotherapy and massage completely eliminate the disease.

Therapeutic measures

If a patient constantly has pain in the right neck and radiates to the ear, then he must definitely visit a treating specialist.

The cause of discomfort may be serious illnesses. The sooner the root cause of the lesion is identified, the sooner effective and correct treatment will be prescribed.

It is most often provided when pain and discomfort arise as a result of exposure to certain traumatic factors. It is important to remember that proper and effective care is very important.

If on the auricle and on skin If there are scratches and abrasions, it is important to treat the affected areas and then apply a clean bandage to them. If the wound is very dirty, then after treatment with hydrogen peroxide the patient should drink antibacterial agent which will help prevent the onset infectious process. After this, it is important to see a doctor immediately.

If the pain behind the ear on the left radiates to the neck due to a slight burn, then it is important to rinse the damaged area several times under cold water, and then apply a clean bandage.

Subject to availability heavy bleeding you need to tilt your head from the ear so that the blood can not linger and flow freely. Only after the bleeding has stopped can the auricle be treated with hydrogen peroxide, and the sore area, if it is on the outside of the ear, treated with a special antiseptic (it is best to use iodine). Afterwards, a sterile bandage is applied to the ear. It is important to remember that bleeding from the ear is a fairly serious condition that requires the help of a doctor.

If the left neck hurts and radiates to the ear, and a foreign body is found in the ear canal, then the patient should not try to get it out on his own, as this can only worsen the condition. Most often, due to swelling of the ear canal, the foreign body is very difficult to remove. In this case, you need to see an ENT doctor.

If the patient has pain in the left neck and radiates to the ear, and there is also additional symptom in the form of high body temperature, then to eliminate unpleasant condition You should take antipyretics, for example Ibuprofen, Aspirin or Paracetamol. Subject to availability strange discharge from the auricle (pus, wax with blood), it is important to urgently see an otolaryngologist.

In addition, if the pain in the neck on the right radiates to the ear for non-traumatic reasons, then the patient can also provide himself with at least minimal help before going to the doctor. If your ears are blocked sharp changes pressure (being in the mountains, flying on an airplane), then the patient should start taking vascular supplements medicines, antihistamines(help eliminate allergies). The former are dripped into the nose, and the latter are taken orally in the form of tablets.

Traditional methods of treatment

Before starting treatment with folk remedies, it is very important to consult with your doctor, since improper therapy can cause serious complications and deterioration of the condition.

To eliminate pain in the ears, you should use the following folk remedies:

  1. Propolis tincture. To do this, you need to take 30 grams of propolis, chop it finely and pour 100 mg of alcohol into it. This remedy should be left in a dark place for a week, then strain. Every day in the morning and evening, cotton wool soaked in the tincture should be placed in the inflamed ear. The course of treatment lasts 10-15 days.
  2. Use of camphor oil. A small cotton wool should be moistened in warm camphor oil and place it in the ear canal overnight. The course of treatment lasts a week.
  3. Onion juice. To do this, take a medium-sized onion, chop it, and then squeeze it until juice is obtained. Cotton swabs soaked in juice are placed in the ear several times a day. Treatment lasts a week.
  4. Alcohol compress with honey. To do this, a gauze bandage is moistened in 70% alcohol, and then lubricated with a teaspoon of honey. The compress is applied to the ear every night.

In addition to treatment medicines, in some cases it is allowed to use effective and safe folk remedies. Such methods will not only help eliminate unpleasant pain and tinnitus, but will also improve hearing. It is important to remember that traditional medicine can only help with uncomplicated diseases.

I was examined by a paid ENT specialist and was diagnosed with tubootitis and xr. pharyngitis. For some time the pain in the ear and neck went away and returned again. Then I forgot about this pain, but it began to hurt along the outside of the esophagus, also on the left. I felt some painful vessels along the entire length of the neck to the dimple in the front, as if in cartilage. At times the pain went away and returned again. I attributed everything to pregnancy and was not examined. But after childbirth the pain did not go away. Periodically occur in the neck under the ear on the left, near the cartilage on the left, under the ear. Now I realized that initially the pain was not in the ear, but under it. When palpating under the ear, I discovered a small, painful lump. The last tooth on the upper left began to ache, reacting to cold and hot. I took an x-ray and the tooth was healthy. I applied a compress of Swedish bitters tincture to the cartilage for 5 days - the pain in this area went away. Now more often it aches under the lower jaw, under the ear - this is a seal (it’s deep, you have to press to feel it, between the earlobe and the edge of the lower jaw). The lymph nodes are not enlarged, although sometimes there is pain in their area (under the jaw). The entire front left half the neck seems to be felt (painful, heavy). As a result, for 9-10 months the left front part of the neck hurts - it aches, especially the point under the jaw to the left of the Adam's apple about 1 cm, under the ear, from time to time it calms down on its own, or with pills (instantly). I understand that I need to go get examined, but I have two babies in my arms and a huge fear of facing a malignant tumor. I am very afraid that this is a malignant process. Please tell me whether, theoretically, a malignant process can manifest itself in such a way over such a period of time, while the lymph nodes do not manifest themselves in any way. Now the child is 2 months old, so for six months she took the tests required for pregnant women, everything was normal. Which doctor should I see, what could this be? thank you

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Why the ear and back of the head hurt - find out about the main reasons

When the ear and the back of the head hurt at the same time, this can be associated not only with colds and viral diseases. If the headache is localized in the back of the head, it will definitely radiate to the ear area.

The causes of pain in the back of the head and ears are so varied and unpredictable that a consultation with a qualified doctor and a medical examination will help you figure out what applies specifically to you. Therefore, do not self-medicate. Read the information about what causes pain in the ear and back of the head for informational purposes, and if you have these symptoms, consult a doctor.

Pain in the ear and back of the head due to occipital neuralgia

A common cause of pain in the back of the head, when it spreads to the ears, side and front of the head, is neuralgia of the occipital nerves, which emerge from spinal column in the area of ​​the second and third cervical vertebrae. Neuralgia is caused by injuries, hypothermia, osteochondrosis, infections, joint diseases, inflammation blood vessels, diabetes mellitus, tumors and other factors.

3 main reasons why there is pain and shooting in the ear

Most often, pain with neuralgia of the occipital nerve is one-sided, less often on both sides. Therefore, the back of the head and ear on one side hurt. Throbbing pain occurs when moving the neck, and even combing hair can sometimes lead to it. During an attack, the pain can be very severe. The rest of the time it’s pressing and aching. Various painkillers and rest can only temporarily ease the pain.

High blood pressure and stress can cause ear and neck pain

One of the most common causes of pain in the back of the head, which radiates to the ears, is increased blood pressure. With hypertension, the pain in the back of the head is pressing, and it feels as if the ears are blocked. If you have such symptoms, you need to measure your blood pressure. A blood pressure of 120/80 is considered normal. In older people, 140/90 is not yet a cause for concern.

Stress is also a common cause of pain in the back of the head and ears. When experiencing mental stress Some pressure is felt in the ears and back of the head, blood flows more strongly to the temples. If such tension is repeated often, it develops into a constant headache, especially in the back of the head and in the ear area. You need to learn to avoid stress or reduce the effect of its impact. You need proper rest and relaxation.

Why does my ear hurt when I open my mouth?

Pain in the ear and back of the head when muscles tense

With excessive physical or mental stress, due to prolonged stay in the same uncomfortable position, the ear and back of the head may begin to hurt. The reason is that the muscles are tense. Such pain is very common in people who have to sit a lot at work. Stiffening of the neck muscles can occur due to a draft, poor posture or diseases of the cervical spine. Prolonged muscle contraction associated with physical or emotional stress often occurs when intensely concentrating on something. specific action. When muscles are tense, the ear and back of the head hurt so much that it seems to a person that an invisible hoop or some kind of narrow headdress is being put on him, squeezing the skull. Dizziness and tinnitus may occur. The pain decreases or disappears completely if you give a relaxing massage to the head and neck and do not move your head for a while. Then you can do therapeutic exercises.

Problems with the cervical vertebrae often lead to muscle tension, pain in the neck, back of the head and ear area. One of these problems is caused by cervical spondylosis, in which deformation and growth of osteophytes—the lateral processes of the vertebrae—occur. Ligament tissues degenerate into bone tissue. With spondylosis, neck mobility worsens, and it becomes difficult and painful to turn your head. This often happens due to sedentary lifestyle life. Correct treatment spondylosis can only be prescribed by a doctor. To prevent this disease you need to move a lot and play sports.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases as a cause of pain in the ears and back of the head

For flu and colds and viral diseases the back of the head, the superciliary part, the ears, muscles and joints hurt. Appears high temperature. runny nose. cough. hoarseness of voice. The back of the head and ears hurt mainly when turning or tilting the head.

Why ear cartilage hurts: 5 important reasons

One of the causes of pain in the ear and back of the head may be inflammation of the parotid salivary gland for epidemic and allergic mumps. Swelling in the area of ​​the affected salivary gland, muscle pain, and fever occur.

Other inflammatory disease causing pain in the ear and back of the head, is acute mastoiditis. With this disease, the mastoid process of the temporal bone becomes inflamed as a result of the spread of infection from the middle ear. The area behind the ear is very swollen. This is the reason why the ear and the back of the head hurt at the same time. This disease requires inpatient treatment, as it can cause sepsis and complications from the brain.

When the lymph nodes behind the ear become enlarged, the ear and back of the head hurt greatly. This is called lymphadenopathy. It is observed with inflammation of the lymph nodes, with various infectious and oncological diseases. If a high temperature is observed with enlarged lymph nodes, urgent hospital treatment is necessary.

For inflammatory diseases of the ears - different forms otitis, pain in the ear can be sharp or constantly pressing, radiating to the back of the head. In this case, consultation with an ENT doctor is necessary.

Cases in which the ear and back of the head hurt are so diverse that they cover all types of diseases - neurological, muscular, inflammatory, colds and even vascular. But don’t be scared and make hasty conclusions. Also, do not treat such symptoms carelessly. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner, lead an active and healthy lifestyle, not forgetting about proper rest, and you will forget about these unpleasant sensations - pain in the ear and back of the head.

Pain behind the ear

Pain behind the ear is a symptom that may indicate the development of an infectious or inflammatory process. Often the manifestation of this symptom is accompanied by an enlarged lymph node behind the ear and formation painful lump. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, after conducting the necessary laboratory and instrumental examination. Self-medication is unacceptable, as this can lead to the development serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


Pain behind the ears can be caused by the following etiological factors:

In infectious and inflammatory diseases, pain is accompanied by inflamed lymph nodes behind the ears.


In this case, there is no general clinical picture, since the nature of the symptoms will depend on the underlying factor.

An extremely rare cause of pain behind the ears is mumps, characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • formation of swelling behind the earlobe;
  • when pressed, the lump behind the ear hurts;
  • pain may intensify when swallowing, talking and other movements that involve the jaw;
  • unpleasant sensations radiate to the neck.

The inflammatory process is observed both on one side and on the other, but begins only from one ear.

The cause of pain behind the ear may be an inflammatory or infectious disease of the hearing organ itself. In this case, the symptoms may be as follows:

The cause of pain behind the ear on the right or left is sometimes lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes), which is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • increased body temperature;
  • the formation of a lump behind the ear, which can hurt when pressed;
  • the pain can radiate to the jaw and ear canal and is sharp and pulsating;
  • headache.

When such clinical picture should immediately contact medical care, since inflammation of the lymph nodes can be a sign of a serious pathological process.

The manifestation of such a symptom in dental inflammatory diseases is no exception. In such cases, there is a throbbing pain in the ear, which will radiate to the occipital region.

If discomfort behind the ear is accompanied by pain in the head, then the symptoms may be signs of osteochondrosis. The patient may be bothered by the following symptoms:

  • crunch in the neck;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • headache;
  • Pain behind the ear appears periodically and is stabbing and sharp in nature.

In addition, the manifestation of such a symptom can also be observed in acute respiratory infections, which will be characterized by the following symptoms:

Regardless of what exact symptoms occur, if you have pain behind the ears, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate.


If a child or adult has such a symptom, you should consult an otolaryngologist. You may also need to consult an infectious disease specialist and a surgeon.

The diagnostic program will include the following laboratory and instrumental examination methods:

  • blood sampling for general and biochemical studies;
  • general urinalysis;
  • radiography;
  • immunogram;
  • biopsy;

The exact diagnostic program is determined individually, depending on the current clinical picture and the collected medical history during the initial examination of the patient.


The treatment program will depend on the identified underlying disease. Drug treatment may include taking the following medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • interferon and its synthetic analogues;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • painkillers;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

Taking any medications on your own or heating the affected area is strictly prohibited.

In most cases, treatment is conservative; radical methods of eliminating symptoms are used extremely rarely. The basis of treatment is eliminating the underlying cause.

As for prevention, there are no targeted recommendations. If such a symptom occurs, you should seek medical help and not self-medicate.

“Pain behind the ear” is observed in diseases:

Mastoiditis is an inflammatory lesion that covers the area of ​​the temporal bone and is of infectious origin. Most often, this disease occurs as a complication of otitis media. The most common symptoms are pain in the area mastoid process ear, the presence of edema and decreased hearing function.

Neuralgia is a pathological condition that progresses due to damage to certain parts peripheral nerves. This disease is characterized by the occurrence of acute and intense pain along the entire length of the nerve fiber, as well as in the zone of its innervation. Neuralgia can begin to develop in people from different age categories, but representatives of the fair sex are more susceptible to it after 40 years.

Bell's palsy is a localization of inflammation in the facial nerve, which leads to innervation of the muscles on one side of the face and is externally expressed as asymmetry. Pathology can be both primary and secondary. In addition to the occurrence of a wide range of ailments, hypothermia of the body, abuse of bad habits and a wide range of head injuries.

Facial nerve paresis is a disease of the nervous system characterized by impaired functioning facial muscles. As a rule, a unilateral lesion is observed, but total paresis is not excluded. The pathogenesis of the disease is based on a violation of the transmission of nerve impulses due to trauma trigeminal nerve. The main symptom indicating the progression of facial nerve paresis is facial asymmetry or complete absence motor activity muscle structures from the side of the lesion localization.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with your attending physician!

Questions and suggestions:

Why does my ear, head and neck hurt?

Why does the throat and ear hurt, and how to treat the symptom?

Causes and treatment of itching in the ears

Why do my ears and back of my head hurt?

Why does my ear hurt on one side?

Why there is shooting in the ear and how to treat ear pain

In the article we discuss why the ear, head and neck hurt. We talk about the causes of pain in the ear, head and neck, diseases that contribute to the occurrence of this condition. You will learn what you can do to relieve pain and what you should not do to avoid making your condition worse.

Causes of pain in the ear, head and neck

Head pain that radiates to one or both ears and neck occurs due to colds, inflammatory processes, diseases of the nervous system and blood vessels, and diseases of the spine.

The exact cause of the development of symptoms can only be determined by the attending physician after analyzing the diagnostic results.

The most common causes of symptoms:

  • inflammation of the meninges – meningitis, encephalitis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • diseases of the cervical spine - spondylitis, cervical osteochondrosis;
  • neuralgia of the facial nerve;
  • myogelosis.

Meningitis and encephalitis

Inflammatory processes of the meninges are characterized by severe and sharp headaches that radiate to the neck. As the inflammatory process progresses, pain in the ears occurs.

The pain intensifies when the head is tilted forward. Diseases also cause other symptoms - increased body temperature, pain in muscles and joints, and the appearance of a rash on the body. Meningitis and encephalitis require immediate treatment.

Arterial hypertension

When blood pressure rises, headaches occur and can radiate to the neck. They have a pulsating and pressing character. Ear pain is accompanied by extraneous noise, and in some cases the patient may become deaf for a short time.

  • increased blood pressure;
  • facial redness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • general weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • visual impairment.

Spondylitis and osteochondrosis

Pain in the head and neck occurs with osteochondrosis and spondylitis, as well as with vertebral subluxations. They become more intense with sharp turns of the head and bends.

Severe inflammatory changes provoke an increase in swelling. Enlarged tissue puts pressure on nerve endings. The result is dizziness, noise and pain in the ears, impaired coordination of movements, and reduced sensitivity of the hands.

Neuralgia of the facial nerve

When the facial nerve becomes inflamed, intense shooting pain occurs in the face, which can spread to the head, ears, and neck. Neuralgia is often confused with toothache. The attack lasts from several minutes to several hours.

What other symptoms occur with trigeminal neuralgia:

  • distortion of facial expressions on the half of the face where the nerve is affected;
  • pain when chewing and talking;
  • nervous tension;
  • sleep disorders.

Trigeminal neuralgia requires immediate treatment. Without treatment, facial distortion may remain permanent.


Myogelosis is a violation of blood circulation in the muscles. The pathology provokes stiffening and tightening of the muscles. A disorder occurs when you are in an uncomfortable position for a long time, poor posture, prolonged stress, or hypothermia.

When muscles tighten, nerve endings are compressed, which provokes the development of pain. Headaches occur along with pain in the neck and ears. Accompanying symptoms are dizziness, pain in the back of the head, and tight shoulders.

Headaches that radiate to the neck and ears often occur when colds, otitis and acute respiratory infections. To determine the exact cause of your symptoms, consult your doctor and a specialist will prescribe targeted treatment.

What can you do

To relieve a painful attack, use painkillers - analgesics, antispasmodics or NSAIDs, which are prescribed for cephalgia. Use painkillers only for one-time relief of painful sensations.

If your blood pressure increases, take the medication prescribed by your doctor. If this is not available, use motherwort tincture, mint or lemon balm decoction. Lie down in a dark, cool room. With a strong increase in blood pressure and hypertensive crisis Call an ambulance immediately.

You will learn more about how to eliminate neck pain in the following video:

If pain in the ear, head and neck occurs more than once, consult a doctor immediately. After the diagnosis, the specialist will determine the cause of the pain syndrome and prescribe adequate treatment.

What not to do

Do not use painkillers to relieve headaches for 2-3 days in a row. Never take strong medications without a doctor's prescription.

Do not try to determine the cause of symptoms on your own at home. Don't delay seeking medical help. In the case of the development of inflammatory processes in the meninges, this can be dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

What to remember

  1. Headaches and pain in the ears and neck occur against the background of colds, inflammatory diseases, diseases of the nervous and vascular systems, and the spine.
  2. To relieve a painful attack, take a pain reliever.
  3. If symptoms persist for a long time, consult a doctor.

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All information is provided for informational purposes. And it is not an instruction for self-treatment. If you feel unwell, consult a doctor.

What could be the causes of pain under the ear on the neck?

Main reasons

Pain in the neck area, localized behind the ear or radiating into it, can occur for several reasons:

  1. damage to the greater auricular nerve;
  2. damage to the cervical plexus;
  3. inflammation of the lymph nodes.

In most cases, the pain is caused by pinched nerves in the neck. In addition, several other etiological factors can be identified:

  1. spondylosis deformans;
  2. vertebral artery aneurysm;
  3. cervical pachymeningitis;
  4. neck spondylopathy;
  5. neoplasms;
  6. osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

In terms of the frequency of cases of development of pathology leading to acute pain in the neck and in the postauricular area, the leading positions are occupied by lesions of the cervical nerves of various etiologies and inflammatory processes in the lymph nodes.

Damage to the nerves of the neck

Pain in the neck, radiating to the ear when tilting the head, indicates damage to the nerve plexuses. Damage may occur due to degenerative changes in the cervical spine - radicular syndrome with osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia. In addition to direct infringement of the nerve roots, compression of the vertebral arteries may develop. Due to the decrease in the height of the intervertebral discs and the formation of osteophytes (bone growths on the vertebral body), excessive friction of the vertebrae against each other occurs, causing severe pain that can radiate to the ears. The condition can cause severe neck pain and hearing loss.

A characteristic manifestation of pathology of the nerves of the neck is acute pain when tilting the head. When the greater auricular nerve is damaged, the pain radiates (gives) to the earlobe, auricle or external auditory canal. When the occipital nerve is damaged, the pain radiates to the back of the head and can cover the lower edge of the lobe and the post-auricular area. In the acute form of damage to the nerves of the neck, the person is in a forced position: the head is tilted towards the pain-causing nerve. On palpation there is a sharp increase in pain.

Important! Neck pain that radiates to the ear can occur with pathological changes at the level of the C1-C3 vertebrae, since the nerve endings responsible for the innervation of the ears and the postauricular region are located there.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

When the lymph nodes of the neck, located in the ear area, become inflamed, a thickening occurs, the size of which depends on the degree of inflammatory processes.

There are many lymph nodes in the neck, each of which can become inflamed. The reason for this is most often hypothermia - walking without a hat in the cold season, washing hair with cold water, drafts, etc. Normally, the lymph nodes are barely palpable, but when inflamed they can enlarge to the size of a quail egg, which can significantly complicate chewing, swallowing and breathing. The pain does not increase with head movements, but palpation is very painful. The condition is accompanied by elevated body temperature, chills, and general malaise. Body temperature can rise to 39-40°C, and ignoring the symptoms can lead to serious complications:

  1. formation of phlegmon;
  2. lymph node abscess;
  3. blood poisoning.

Important! If you suspect inflammation of the lymph nodes, you should consult your doctor. This will avoid complications and identify the cause of inflammation.

Quite rarely, the cause of acute pain under the ear is teeth. This can happen in several cases:

  1. inflammation of the pulp (pulpitis);
  2. advanced form of caries on the outer teeth (molars);
  3. growth of the wisdom tooth (third molar).

In the case of pulpitis, inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of one, or less often several, teeth occurs. Inflammation gradually spreads along the nerve fibers, and since the organs of the head have a fairly close connection, the pain radiates to the ear area (lobe or external auditory canal). In addition to the irradiation, there is a sharp, unbearable pain in the area of ​​the tooth itself, accompanied by a headache.

With the development of a complex form of caries, the symptoms are similar to pulpitis: severe pain in the tooth area, especially when pressed, pain radiating to the ear, neck, and temporal region. Painful sensations can be weak if the nerve is not damaged, intense and even unbearable if pulpitis is associated with caries.

The growth of a wisdom tooth is a natural process, but it is far from painless. The danger lies in two main points:

  1. incorrect placement of wisdom teeth;
  2. formation of a hood (pericoronitis).

When a wisdom tooth is vertically immersed, the process of its appearance in the oral cavity occurs normally, but can be painful due to injury to soft tissues and processes of expansion of the recesses in the jaw. As a rule, the pain is not severe, slightly radiating behind the ear, neck or temple.

During horizontal immersion, the crown of the cutting tooth rests against the body of the molar in front, which creates excess pressure. This arrangement of the wisdom tooth can cause intense, long-term pain and even shift the entire dentition. In addition, the crown of the cutting tooth puts pressure on the root of the second molar, which can cause inflammation of the nerve. In this case, the symptoms will be identical to pulpitis.

During distal immersion, the wisdom tooth rests on the jaw joint, which greatly complicates the movements of the lower jaw. When it partially erupts, a non-healing injury to the cheek occurs, which can lead to serious inflammatory processes. This rotation is characterized by intense pulsating (shooting) pain in the ear from the eruption of the wisdom tooth.

The eruption of a wisdom tooth is dangerous due to such a complication as pericoronitis - acute inflammation of the soft tissues of the gums surrounding the tooth during the eruption process.

Partial eruption can trigger the formation of a hood (the area of ​​gum covering the wisdom tooth), which will become a potential site for the accumulation and development of microbes. Both conditions can cause severe pain that radiates to the ear, behind the ear, throat, or temple.

Causes of pain in the neck and behind the ear and what to do about it

Almost every person in his life has encountered pain in the neck behind the ear. And in in a rare case this fact can only be called an annoying hindrance.

As a rule, unpleasant sensations greatly interfere with living normally, concentrating on your business and resting.

When there is pain in the neck under the ear, we mostly look for the causes directly in the problems of the hearing organ, but in fact the causes may lie in completely different diseases.

Pain below the ear is caused by a number of problems:

These are the main ailments that most often cause a person to have pain behind the ear and neck. But, despite the reason, you should never self-medicate.

You may not guess the source of pain and cause serious damage to your health with your own hands.


Popularly called "pig". Inflammation appears in the parotid salivary glands, are accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of swelling under the jaw.

With parotitis, it hurts under the hearing organ in the neck when pressing, as well as when opening the mouth and chewing. Inflammation can be one or two-sided.

Mumps should be treated as soon as possible, as the disease causes complications in reproductive function and the pancreas.

Otitis is an inflammation of the middle, internal or external organ of hearing. It causes severe pain in the hearing organs and neck on the right or left side, depending on the source of inflammation.

Accompanied by noise, lumbago, severe pain, sometimes radiating to the shoulder, head and even teeth. At purulent otitis the temperature rises and discharge from the ear is observed.

Treatment must be urgent and prescribed by an otolaryngologist. Otherwise, hearing may deteriorate greatly, and otitis media often ends in deafness.


The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. Lymph is somewhat similar to a river carrying garbage and dirt, and lymph nodes are barriers in which all this is filtered and neutralized with the help of macrophages.

If inflammation of the lymph node and its swelling occurs, this indicates hidden inflammatory processes in the body.

If the lymph node in the neck and ear hurts, you should urgently consult a doctor for necessary tests and adequate treatment. Neglected lymph nodes can lead to lymphoma.

Dental problems

The reason that the neck hurts on the left side may well be the development of caries.

At deep defeat dental nerve pain penetrates deep into the jaw and irritates the peripheral nerve endings. Thus painful sensations spread, they can even be transmitted to the hand. You need to seek help from a dentist.


If the pain radiates to the ear, it may indicate the development of osteochondrosis - changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral cartilage in the cervical spine.

It all can start with an inexpressive, stupid and aching pain, but over time, the pinched nerve begins to become inflamed, and the pain syndrome intensifies. The problem is accompanied by crunching and stiffness of the muscles.

Ear plug

The problem is not global, but if you start it, there may be consequences. If earwax If removed irregularly or not very carefully, it begins to accumulate and thicken. A traffic jam occurs, which not only impairs hearing, but also creates internal pressure.

This causes pain in the ears and neck on the left or right side. An ENT specialist can easily remove the plug; it is not recommended to do it yourself.

Trinitarian neuralgia

Most often it provokes pain in the lower part of the face, but the neck behind the ear on the right often hurts. As a rule, the pain is permanently localized and does not spread. If you do not see a doctor in time, the disease may become chronic.


Does your neck hurt on the right side below your ear? This may indicate inflammation in the sinuses. This happens with hypothermia or burns.

Whatever the reason, you should never leave everything to chance or self-medicate. Contact your doctor for help and stay healthy!

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