What are the types of menstrual flow? Strange discharge during menstruation

Discharge during menstruation depends on specific manifestations the functioning of each woman’s body individually. Their number and regularity are related to the state of health and rhythm of life. Every month, if fertilization has not taken place, the uterus gets rid of old tissues of the inner lining, so blood is rejected. By analyzing the nature of the discharged substance, you can understand the state of the genital area and determine favorable days for planning pregnancy.

By what kind of discharge accompanies a representative of the fairer sex on menstrual days, one can judge the characteristics women's health. Some menstrual discharge corresponds to a healthy body, and with the appearance of others it is recommended to make an appointment with a gynecologist:

  1. Bloody smear (sometimes has a brown tint). If it begins several days before full menstruation, then this may indicate cervical erosion, polyps, tumors, pregnancy, or the use of birth control pills.
  2. Viscous. Indicates hormonal imbalance, inflammation of the genital organs, damage to the mucous membrane.
  3. Blood with lumps, clots during menstruation. Does not indicate pathology unless accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Painful periods with such manifestations signal low hemoglobin, endometriosis, or the woman has recently become a mother.
  4. Secretion in large quantities. If your periods are intense and last longer than a week, this may indicate anemia, endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy, oncology, polyps or fibroids.
  5. Menstrual secretion in a small volume. Often turns out to be a sign hormonal disorders, emotional stress, excess hemoglobin in the blood, rapid weight loss.
  6. Pale pink blood is a signal of the presence of oncology or inflammation of the genital organs.

Only a practicing gynecologist can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Therefore, in antenatal clinic You need to hurry if, compared to the previous time, the color of the discharge has changed, an unusual smell has appeared, or the pain has intensified.

Normal menstrual flow

Normal discharge during menstruation has a uniform structure of red or dark red color, the presence of individual blood clots is acceptable. They consist not only of blood, but also of rejected endometrium, mucus secreted by the cervix, and vaginal discharge.

At the beginning and towards the end critical days Menstrual flow is brown. This is normal, since blood acquires this color due to interaction with oxygen or vaginal microflora.

The amount of blood released per day reaches 60 ml. This volume is approximately 2 tablespoons. In fact, women think that blood loss is more significant. But more often than not this is not the case.

About 250 ml of blood leaves the body per cycle. This is a little more than a glass. This indicator is considered the norm, and healthy body makes up for the loss without any problems.

Signs and causes of diseases

The same secretion can be normal or indicate pathology, a lot is explained associated symptoms.

May indicate the existence of a disease in the body. They resemble menstruation, but appear several days before them. Outwardly they look like blood clots, foam, mucus. It is possible that such secretions also exist in healthy woman, but if they are accompanied by a sharp repulsive odor and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, then the cause may be serious problems with the genitourinary system or intestines.

More frequent occurrence large clots during menstruation does not indicate pathology. But sometimes such discharge can be a consequence of infection genitourinary system, ovarian cysts or polyps. In these cases, a repulsive odor and pain in the lower abdomen are added to the secretion.

If a woman notices during her period that liver-like clots are coming out, then their causes may be:

  1. Lack of enzymes that prevent blood from clotting in the vaginal walls.
  2. Endometrial hyperplasia. This serious illness may occur due to hormonal imbalance, diabetes mellitus, overweight, high blood pressure.
  3. Surgical removal of uterine fibroids.
  4. Recent birth. There is no cause for concern if the passing clots are not accompanied by high temperature, which means that an infection has entered the uterus or not all parts of the placenta have come out. Then immediate hospitalization is necessary.
  5. Disruption of any of the internal secretion organs. In this case, you need to contact an endocrinologist.
  6. The growth of polyps in the uterus is the cause of blood clots during menstruation. Added to these are cutting pain in the lower abdomen and bleeding outside of menstruation.
  7. Using the IUD as a method of contraception.
  8. Ectopic pregnancy. If these symptoms are accompanied by a sudden increase in temperature and acute cutting pains right or left lower abdomen, then you need to urgently call an ambulance.
  9. Taking birth control pills.
  10. Bad habits and frequent stress.

Discharge of blood clots during the menstrual period and on other days, especially in combination with other unpleasant symptoms, may be a sign of a serious illness. In this case, contacting a doctor as soon as possible will help identify the problem and get rid of it, which will allow you to have healthy offspring in the future.

Pathological discharge

It happens that the discharge of brown mucus with blood clots and pain indicates endometriosis. The disease begins as a result of hormonal imbalance mainly in women over 45 years of age. Treatment of the disease should be carried out under the supervision of a gynecologist. And in some cases, such secretion is only evidence of the presence of an intrauterine device or a fertilized egg.

Thick leucorrhoea can also be both normal and the cause of pathology. You should consult a doctor if they are accompanied by any of the following symptoms:

  • acrid aroma;
  • itching and burning;
  • pain during sex and urination;
  • swelling of the external genitalia.

After the examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary therapy.

The formation of leucorrhoea with blood can be caused by:

  • starting to take birth control pills;
  • recent installation of a spiral;
  • erosion;
  • endocervicitis;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland.

If such secretion occurs instead of menstruation, then it may even be a symptom of cancer.

It must be understood that each woman must secrete an amount of blood corresponding to her age, state of health, composition and blood clotting. At the same time, the consistency and color of the separated secretion will also be individual.

Mucus during menstrual flow

Normally, every woman has a transparent secretion, because it is secreted by the cervix. But if the mucus is accompanied by itching, irritation, and redness of the external genitalia, then this serves as a signal of infection. If it becomes yellow or uncharacteristic of healthy discharge, green, then reports inflammation of the appendages.

Menstruation with mucus in a healthy body:

  • go regularly;
  • pass without acute pain;
  • have a characteristic blood color, which may be slightly brownish;
  • may contain blood clots, which are smaller than the fluid.

They say about pathology:

  • bad smell;
  • acute pain in the lower abdomen;
  • a significant excess of the number of clots over the volume of liquid.

Only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis based on tests.

Scanty periods

With this disease, menstruation lasts no more than 2 days and the volume of fluid released does not exceed 50 ml.

Sometimes for normalization scanty discharge during menstruation, you need to take your mind off the hustle and bustle and stress, go to the sea, get positive emotions. And in some cases, the reason for their appearance is much deeper and requires thorough examination and long-term therapy.

Meager regulations are considered the norm:

  • in teenage girls during the period of cycle establishment;
  • in adult women during menopause.

In other cases, you need to look for the reason. Among the main ones are:

  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • obesity or wasting;
  • lack of vitamins, lack of red blood cells;
  • nervous exhaustion.

Menstruation may become scanty as a result of complications after cauterization of erosion. If, after identifying the presence of erosion and its removal, it also appears sharp pain in the lower abdomen, this means that the effect on the affected area was too long.

Heavy discharge during menstruation

When a woman loses a large volume of blood, she develops anemia. She feels a loss of strength, experiences frequent nausea and the skin turns pale. There could be many reasons for this:

Another very dangerous look pathological discharge, not inferior to menstruation in abundance - profuse bleeding. It may appear due to stress, psychological or nervous disease. Its feature is copious discharge blood without pain at any time menstrual cycle. This is dangerous for women and most often indicates a tumor.

It happens that only blood clots are present in the secretion during menstruation. It could be:

  • rejection of excess uterine endometrium;
  • stagnation of blood in the uterus due to adhesions or scars. As a result, it has time to curl up, so it comes out in the form of lumps;
  • increased blood viscosity, which occurs against the background of liver, kidney, and vascular diseases;
  • consequences of taking certain medications;
  • spontaneous miscarriage of a recently started pregnancy;
  • a consequence of hormonal imbalance;
  • disease of the genitourinary system.

Dark discharge

If they go brown discharge Instead of menstruation, it is important to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. They may start:

  • due to hormonal imbalance;
  • taking antibiotics, antidepressants, antiulcers or hemostatic agents;
  • improper lifestyle;
  • sudden climate change;
  • poor nutrition;
  • stress.

Brown menstruation is often observed in adolescents during the period of establishing a cycle and in older women during menopause.

When dark or black secretion without menstruation is coming up to 4 days, this may be the reason serious illnesses, such as:

  • endometritis;
  • polyps;
  • erosion;
  • endometriosis.

In any case, you need to consult a gynecologist who will make the correct diagnosis based on tests.

Every girl (woman) knows that, starting from a certain age, girls begin menstruation. Alas, often many mothers, in best case scenario, told their daughters things like, “You will have some bleeding. This happens to everyone, it’s normal,” at the very moment when puberty began.

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Unfortunately, due to lack of special literacy regarding this issue, few of them even understand what it is, why this happens and what all this should look like in the body of a healthy woman? When your period suddenly appears brown, then it is completely unclear why this happens, can menstruation be of this color and is it necessary to urgently consult a doctor?

Menstruation is a part of the menstrual process accompanied by bloody discharge. By nature, a woman is destined to give birth to offspring. In this regard, monthly (every 21-35 days) the body prepares for conception. Against this backdrop, strong hormonal changes, and to last stage During the menstrual cycle, the uterine cavity is lined with hormonally sensitive tissue - the endometrium. This is how the embryo is prepared for implantation inside the uterine cavity, but if this does not happen, the tissue is destroyed and then removed from the uterus in the form of menstrual bleeding.

And again these days

Normally, heavy (about 150 ml in 3-4 days) bleeding of a rich red color. However, due to various reasons, deviations from this color (including odor) are possible. So, women are often bothered by dark brown periods. Why does this happen and should you worry if your periods are dark brown?

Reasons for deviation from the norm

Brown discharge before period is too much general concept. In order to understand the reason that caused them, it is necessary to consider this issue in more detail. The character, color, and amount of discharge can be completely related to for various reasons. So, what are the possible allocation options:

  • scanty brown at the beginning of menstruation (on the first day);
  • spotting dirty in the middle of the cycle (for the second time in a month, or in a week);
  • brown at the end of menstruation;
  • dark brown and come instead of menstruation;
  • with clots;
  • light brown.

Two points out of five are a variant of the norm. We are talking about brown spotting before and after menstruation. Sometimes this happens simply at the beginning of the cycle or due to hormonal changes. There is no doubt that a woman is an overly emotional creature. Due to various types of stress, depression and other unpleasant emotional states, the body can undergo various changes. Initially, all this affects the hormonal background, and therefore the menstrual cycle (then the reasons for dark brown periods are quite understandable). In this case, psychological therapy is enough, or just “wait it out”, no special treatment not necessary here.

It should be noted here that hormonal changes are not always a malfunction within the body; sometimes it is more than a normal natural phenomenon. Key changes occur during puberty hormonal system, which can cause your first period to be brown. Similar situation can also be observed in women with the onset of menopause.

On the red day of the calendar

The cause of brown spotting after menstruation is almost always simply the end of menstruation.

Important! Many people wonder why blood is brown during menstruation? It is known that due to the iron content, blood oxidizes in air and turns brown. It is important here not to confuse a pathological process with a common occurrence.

When discharge appears in the middle of the cycle against the background of normal menstruation, as a rule, we're talking about about some pathological process. The main reasons may be:

At severe pain in the lower abdomen, you should take painkillers

To understand why brown periods may occur, it is important to understand whether there is additional symptoms such as:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • temperature;
  • chills, etc.

In such cases, you should immediately see a doctor to identify the cause.

The endometrium is a mucous tissue, so when it is rejected, it may contain small clots. Your period may come with brown clots. At the same time large number clots may indicate the presence of diseases such as:

  • high body temperature;
  • endometriosis (a disease in which blood clots through fallopian tubes enter the abdominal cavity);
  • endometritis (inflammation due to infection of the uterus);
  • pathological growth of the endometrium;
  • anemia (lack of hemoglobin);
  • ectopic pregnancy.

In all of the above situations, the reasons for dark brown periods were considered. What if your period is brown (light), what does that mean? As a rule, this indicates:

  • violation of personal hygiene rules;
  • mid-menstrual cycle;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • about taking abortifacient drugs;
  • postpartum period.

Days of menstruation

Changes after taking hormonal drugs

As already noted, the presence of strange “periods” may be associated with taking hormonal drugs. Some reviews indicate the appearance side effect in the form of very scanty brown menstruation. Duphaston is a chemically synthesized progesterone, a real panacea for many diseases, such as:

  • endometriosis;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • infertility;
  • possibility of miscarriage due to progesterone deficiency, etc.

When such side effect, as a rule, they simply increase the dose of progesterone, and spotting bleeding stops. Of course, this must be agreed with your doctor.

Diagnostic measures and treatment

  • examination by a gynecologist on the chair (including a smear);
  • blood test for hCG;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • MRI and CT (to exclude cancerous tumors);
  • thyroid examination.

To eliminate discharge

Of course, the need for certain tests and the list given is determined by the attending physician, based on the examination and the collected medical history. After this, the reason is found out. Well, treatment will already be aimed at eliminating it, since discharge is not a disease, but a symptom.

About the need additional tests or examinations will be reported by a gynecologist if this symptom is not related to the reproductive system. Most likely, you will need to write out a referral to an immunologist, gastroenterologist or other specialized specialists, or undergo additional examinations(get tested).

It is important to monitor your body and listen to different sensations in time. As preventive measures it should be noted that women are leading healthy image life, which includes not only the absence bad habits And healthy eating but also healthy emotional state. Should consume more fresh fruit, vegetables, fish, visit as often as possible fresh air, making hiking. We should not forget that the vast majority of health problems are the result of psychological disorders. For women this is even more serious and significant than for men. That’s why it’s so important to be in a good mood and not get upset over trifles. Then such unpleasant phenomena as unhealthy periods will either not bother you at all, or as rarely as possible.


The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only full diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

A woman's menstrual cycle is related to her individual characteristics and is characterized by many changes in the body. Depending on biological rhythm discharge decreases and increases. Their character can indicate violations reproductive function, as well as about optimal days to conceive a child.

Menstrual flow can tell a lot about a woman's health

Correct cycle

The cycle plays a big role in a woman’s reproductive function. It is needed for fertilization, gestation and the birth of a child. This period is usually set one or two years after the first menstruation.

There are two cyclic phases:

  • Folliculin. At this time, the follicle in the ovaries grows and matures. An egg is later released from it for fertilization. All this occurs under the influence of hormones from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
  • Luteal. During this period it matures corpus luteum follicle. This happens thanks to brain hormones.

According to the rules, the cycle is counted from the day the menstruation appears until the first day of the next menstruation. This period normally varies from three to five weeks. If the period is longer or shorter, this may indicate the development of pathology. In this case, you should consult a gynecologist for advice.

The duration of menstruation should be from 2 to 7 days, and the amount of blood released should be from 40 to 60 ml. If a woman has abnormal blood volume, irregular cycle and pain during menstruation, you need to consult a specialist.

About 60 ml of blood should be released in one cycle

Menstrual irregularities

There are several reasons why the cycle is disrupted. The main ones include:

  • stress;
  • regular overwork;
  • climate change;
  • poor nutrition;
  • ovarian pathologies;
  • abortions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • effect of medications.

Treatment is carried out after full examination patients. It includes the following procedures:

  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • taking smears;
  • obtaining anamnesis;
  • blood test.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes hysteroscopy, MRI, and hormonal examination. Remember that self-medication poses a threat to a woman’s health. If you turn to a specialist too late, this can lead to inflammation, anemia, infertility and even death.

A blood test will clarify the reasons for the failure of the monthly cycle

Types of discharge during menstruation

The nature of the discharge during menstruation and a few days before its onset may indicate some pathologies occurring in a woman’s body. Every representative of the fairer sex should know which types of discharge are considered normal and which are a sign of disease. The allocations are as follows:

  • Spotting. Usually observed a few days before the onset of menstruation. Sometimes they have a brownish tint. The cause may be adenomyosis, cervical erosion, polyps, tumors, ovarian wasting syndrome, pregnancy or hormonal contraception.
  • Brown. 5–7 days before your period, thick, brown blood may be released. This occurs in cases of inflammation, hormonal imbalance, or trauma to the vaginal mucosa.
  • Clots. Blood that has clotted does not pose a danger to the body. If your periods are painful, the cause of the clots may be endometriosis, anemia, or recent childbirth.
  • Abundant. If the discharge bothers a woman for more than 7 days, and she often has to change the pad, this brings not only constant discomfort. The reason for heavy periods can be anemia, ectopic pregnancy, cancer, fibroids and polyps, endometriosis.
  • Scarce. Very small discharge usually occurs due to hormonal imbalances. The cause may also be stress, infection, anemia, or sudden weight loss.
  • Pink. Pink blood resembles menstruation diluted with water. Such discharge indicates problems with the genital organs. This could be inflammation of the appendages, fibroids, endometritis.

Yellow, greenish, foamy discharge is not considered normal. Sign inflammatory diseases and thrushes are white or curdled discharge which are accompanied by redness and itching.

Each type of period has many causes. Only a doctor can determine a specific pathology. He will tell you whether this case is normal or not.

Pink periods may indicate inflammatory processes

Mucus during menstrual flow

Menstrual discharge contains blood, mucus, and the endometrial layer. Mucus comes out of the cervix throughout the entire cycle. It is the cervical glands and different times has different densities. This mucus protects the uterus from infections and prevents the passage of sperm. The presence of mucus in menstrual flow does not always indicate pathology.

Usually, mucous discharge bothers a woman before her period. They are transparent in color and odorless. If they don't deliver discomfort, then are considered the norm. If the mucus is white, yellow or green, this indicates the development of inflammation in the appendages. The presence of itching, irritation and redness may be a sign of infection.

Sometimes menstruation with mucus is a consequence of serious diseases:

  • polyps;
  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • ovarian cyst.

Brown mucus indicates a disorder hormonal balance or that the egg is fertilized. Menstruation with mucus may occur in women who use an intrauterine device as a contraceptive. If the discharge is accompanied by mucus with blood clots and pain, you should consult a doctor.

One of the diseases that is characterized by inflammation in the genital organs is endometriosis. During this, a hormonal imbalance occurs. It usually affects women over 45 years of age. With endometriosis, menstrual flow contains mucus and is painful. Bleeding may continue for more than 7 days, and then resemble a scanty period. A gynecologist will help cure the disease. Prescribed for treatment special drugs, operations are performed in rare cases.

Uterine polyps provoke mucus secretion

Menstruation after childbirth

In the first two months after childbirth, blood discharge from the vagina is not menstruation. This postpartum discharge, which decrease as the uterus contracts. If they end earlier than a month later, this may indicate inflammatory process. After stopping breastfeeding, hormonal levels begin to restore and menstruation begins.

The first periods after the baby is born may be heavy and contain mucus. This may be the remains of the placenta. You need to visit a gynecologist and have the uterus cleaned if necessary. Otherwise, purulent inflammation may begin in its cavity.

Resuming the menstrual cycle after childbirth is a long and individual process. Most often, periods become less painful and their duration is shortened.

Normally, the second and third menstruation may come two or three weeks later than the previous one. As the hormonal balance changes, the menstrual cycle will also be restored.

If the lactation period has long ended, but your periods have not started, you should consult a doctor. This behavior of the uterus can be the cause of inflammation in the ovaries, pregnancy, hormonal imbalance or postpartum endometriosis. An unpleasant odor from the discharge and painful sensations in the lower abdomen are the result of incomplete separation of the placenta. In this case, you need to cleanse the uterine cavity.

Every representative of the fair sex should monitor her health and solve any problems that arise in a timely manner. Sometimes the most innocent changes in a woman’s body can cause dangerous disease genitals.

Many women who are serious about their health are concerned about the phenomenon of dark brown discharge. Sometimes they appear suddenly, between periods, and sometimes during or immediately after them. What do these discharges mean? Could they be a sign of a pathological process in female body? Let's look at this in more detail.

Is dark discharge always a sign of illness?

It is probably clear that the color is brown vaginal discharge gives blood. Sometimes this occurs in completely healthy women. For example:

  • natural dark brown discharge before menstruation, a few hours or days before the start (this is the first sign of their approach);
  • Discharge is normal after menstruation for several days;
  • upon admission contraception on a hormonal basis, they can “decorate” the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • after rough sex dark discharge are usually caused by injury to the vaginal mucosa;
  • the same can happen if there is insufficient lubrication during sexual intercourse;
  • at the very beginning of sexual life, spotting appears not only at the moment of deflowering, but also during several subsequent acts;
  • In teenage girls, before the onset of their first menstruation, dark discharge may also be observed for some time, which signals the girl’s transition to a new rank - “girl”.

In what cases should diseases be suspected?

But dark brown discharge can also be signs of a disease. If they are not associated with taking hormonal drugs and appear in the middle of the cycle or occur every time after sexual intercourse, this is a reason to be wary. If the discharge is accompanied by an increase in temperature, aching pain in the abdomen (its lower part), itching in the vagina, dryness and painful sensations during bowel movement bladder or sexual contact, and if a woman over 45 years old has not had periods for a year before, the woman should suspect something is wrong and contact a gynecologist. Next we will look at pathological processes, signs of which may be the indicated discharge.

Cervical erosion

This disease is one of the most common diagnoses in gynecology. It is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix, which is caused by various reasons: frequent and rough sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted infections, injuries during childbirth or abortion, etc. In most cases, this pathology is asymptomatic and is discovered only during an examination by a gynecologist. But sometimes the disease is accompanied by dark brown discharge after sexual intercourse, and sometimes without obvious reasons. Often such discharges have bad smell, which, by the way, indicates the presence of inflammation. There are congenital, true erosion and ectopia (pseudo-erosion). Depending on the size of the pathology and concomitant infections, therapeutic tactics will be different, but in any case, this disease requires regular monitoring by a specialist.

Ectopic pregnancy

When dark brown discharge instead of menstruation is accompanied by heavy painful sensations and a repulsive smell, similar phenomenon may signal an ectopic pregnancy. By the way, if pain of any strength appears and it is localized in the genitals, accompanied by atypical discharge, then you should immediately consult a gynecologist! The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy can be made only after examination by a specialist and ultrasound, and in order to ensure its timely termination, you need to contact medical assistance as early as possible.

Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) and cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix)

Regardless of whether a woman is sexually active or not, her genital tract can be affected by inflammatory processes. For example, candidiasis (thrush) causes an inflammatory process in women of any age, and in women menopause dark brown discharge also appears. In women, in this case, they are associated with thinning (atrophy) of the vaginal mucosa, due to which even minor damage can provoke discharge of varying intensity. An active sex life unprotected sex can lead to sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis). They are accompanied by itching, burning and dryness in the perineum, as well as brown, yellow or green discharge. These diseases can cause inflammation not only of the vagina, but also of the cervix. They definitely need to be treated!


A pathological growth of the mucous layer lining the uterus or its cervix, which has the form of a protrusion, is defined in medicine as a polyp. The exact reasons for the appearance of this pathology are still unknown. These include infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, and hormonal disorders. Typically, polyps are benign formations, but some of them show precancerous changes. If the appearance of a polyp is accompanied by dark brown discharge, it has large sizes, and biopsy and cytology tests indicate the risk of developing cancer cells, then the polyp is removed.


The endometrium is the mucous tissue lining the inside of the uterus. Violation of its integrity, coupled with a decrease in local immunity, leads to an inflammatory process. It is often accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, to this are added purulent or brown discharge instead of menstruation, and all this is already serious sign pathology, which requires immediate appeal to a specialist. Not diagnosed on time acute endometritis acquires chronic form, which can affect a woman’s reproductive function.

What is endometrial hyperplasia?

Hyperplasia in medicine is called tissue proliferation. That is, endometrial hyperplasia is an increase in the volume of the inner layer of the uterus, which is benign in nature. This condition is caused by the increased proliferation of stromal and glandular elements of this layer. Most often, such changes occur during hormonal changes in the body (during the premenstrual period in girls and premenopausal in women). One of the main signs of hyperplasia is bloody dark brown discharge, which can appear both during the intermenstrual period and after a short delay in menstruation. As a rule, this discharge is moderate and spotting. True, with hyperplasia occurring in adolescence, breakthrough heavy bleeding with blood clots. If they become prolonged, they can lead to anemia.

Cervical cancer

This diagnosis is in third place in the world among oncological diseases in women. What causes this pathology, unknown. Although it was recently discovered that almost 100% of patients with this diagnosis have the human papillomavirus (HPV), not all those infected with this virus develop cancer. It occurs at any age, but the highest risk group is women over forty years of age. One of the main symptoms of this pathology is spotting. By the way, why brown discharge in such cancer patients appears after sex or in the middle of the cycle is also not yet clear. If they are also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, then this sign is classified as symptoms of cancer that has spread to neighboring organs.

Why does brown discharge appear during menstruation?

During menstruation, brown discharge may be a symptom of one of the above gynecological diseases, and as a consequence of stress, acclimatization, or as a result of taking hormonal contraceptives. But it often happens that such a phenomenon is a sign of a future addition to the family, since some women continue to have periods during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, although becoming very scanty and short. Be sure to take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist!

Is discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

During the menstrual cycle in every woman, the level of progesterone drops to almost zero, and the endometrium begins to detach, which leads to the appearance menstrual flow. U expectant mother the body sometimes does not abandon old “habits” and, despite successful fertilization, the level of progesterone, which preserves the fetus, decreases on the days when menstruation should occur. This is how brown discharge appears, which signals that the endometrium is still partially exfoliated. There's no need to panic, but this sign may also be a symptom of an existing threat of interruption of fetal development or, as mentioned above, its ectopic location. Consult a doctor!

What to do if brown discharge appears?

As you have probably already seen from the above, the appearance of discharge of an unusual color, especially accompanied by pain, weakness or fever, requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist. Don't wait when unpleasant phenomenon It will go away on its own - it may periodically disappear, but later develop into a serious pathology! You should not try to diagnose yourself - you are not an expert! Don’t take risks, don’t be lazy and consult a doctor urgently: it is possible that your worries will turn out to be in vain, and the discharge will be only temporary, but if you detect the disease in time and begin its treatment, then there is a risk of remaining childless or getting serious chronic disease will be minimal. Be healthy!

Smirnova Olga (gynecologist, State Medical University, 2010)

Unusual course of the menstrual cycle indicates changes that have occurred in the body, and not always in better side. This article will clarify what brown discharge during menstruation may be associated with and what you should be wary of.

Characteristics of the symptom

Brown discharge at the beginning or end of the regulation is considered as a variant of the norm.

In the first days of menstruation and at the final stage, a brownish tint to the discharge means that there is little blood in the secretion. When it is released from the uterus, it combines with the local environment, oxidizes, coagulates, and at the exit has this color. Such discharge can be light, dark brown, burgundy, in the form dark clots or daubs.

Instead of menstruation, spotting occurs due to physiological changes in the body or the development of pathological processes. This symptom most often indicated when:

  • fluctuations hormonal levels;
  • age-related changes(juvenile bleeding or menopause);
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • pregnancy (normal and pathological);
  • recovery in postpartum period;
  • the presence of anomalies in the structure of the genital organs;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • endocrinological diseases;
  • metabolic disorders and weakening protective function(immunity);
  • the presence of emotional stress, stress;
  • following a strict diet;
  • improper lifestyle;
  • rehabilitation after abortion or surgery.

Hormonal changes

The action of hormones determines the functioning of all human organ systems, so any change in their balance affects the health of the body, and in a woman, the reproductive mechanism and menstrual cycle are the first to be affected.

After ovulation, the hormone progesterone takes effect. It was his active work is due to the preparation of the endometrium to receive a fertilized egg. This mucous layer becomes thick and loose. When fertilization does not occur, at the beginning of a new cycle, the lining of the uterus is shed in the form of menstruation. To highlight it, they get involved in the work female hormones- estrogens. That is, their level changes throughout the cycle, which is normal and a natural process.

Sometimes this well-functioning mechanism malfunctions, and before menstruation progesterone is in excess or insufficient quantities, which affects the maturity of the endometrium and in both cases prevents the start of full menstruation, which appears in the form of brown discharge. Sometimes a lack of estrogen prevents the uterus from secreting endometrium, and instead a brownish spotting is observed.

Reception OK

Quite often, the prerequisite for the appearance of brown or nearly so is the use of oral contraceptives. Their action is aimed at causing an artificial hormonal imbalance in order to prevent pregnancy.

Especially in the first three months of using these drugs, disruptions occur in female cycle. Menstrual bleeding brown tint can be both scanty and abundant in the form of dark clots. Read more about the reasons in the article at the link.

Intrauterine device and medications

A popular means of preventing unwanted pregnancy is the intrauterine device. This gynecological device is inserted into the uterine cavity to prevent the implantation of a fertilized egg. In the first months, the IUD can cause meager symptoms, since the body, which is not yet adapted, has difficulty removing a large amount of endometrium through the created barrier.

Medicines general action, especially antibiotics, often cause disruptions in menstruation, which occur in unusual color.

Relationship with age

The beginning and the end reproductive period- most sensitive to hormonal fluctuations stages in a woman's life. Many changes and unusual symptoms observed in the reproductive system can be associated with them.

Often, girls who have recently crossed the threshold of puberty and experienced menarche wonder why there is brown discharge during menstruation, and not the expected bright scarlet bleeding. One to two years after the first critical days similar sign temporary, and can be associated with the improvement of hormonal levels.

The same reason explains the irregularity and brown tint of menstruation with the onset of menopause. This natural reaction the body due to estrogen deficiency. But this is acceptable until the point of menopause. After it, any brownish discharge, even a slight spotting, should be a reason to consult a doctor.

Secretion after medical procedures

Surgery always becomes stressful for the body. Therefore, the first cycles after operations are often different from usual. During such periods, there may be no regulation or dark brown discharge may occur during menstruation.

Appearance brown clots indicates the removal of remnants of amniotic tissue after an abortion or clotted blood after surgery.

If the discharge has an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by discomfort, then everything indicates an inflammatory process and infection, which is quite common after gynecological manipulations. To avoid this, it is important to follow all the rules rehabilitation period.

Anomalies in the structure of the genital organs

Female organs may have a congenital pathological structure. These are vaginal atresia and aplasia, unicornus, bicornus, saddleback, septum and uterine hypoplasia. With these deviations, the excreted endometrium is simply retained in the pathological parts of the organ and cannot be excreted normally due to the existing obstacle. The disorder causes menstruation to appear as brown spots or dark clots.

Problems of this nature can only be treated surgically.

Discharge during pregnancy

The moment of conception for some representatives of the fairer sex is indicated brown daub, which indicates the introduction of the fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus. In other periods interesting situation such a symptom is unacceptable.

It happens that in the first month of pregnancy the described symptom is indicated. When the time of regulation approaches according to plan, but conception has occurred, the woman may observe brown discharge. During this period, the threat of miscarriage is highest, so you should pay maximum attention to your health and avoid physical activity.

Women leading sex life You should know that many infectious diseases occur with the release of pus, which, when mixed with menstrual blood, gives it a brown color. In some cases, these diseases cause menstrual irregularities.

Tumors of various origins provoke the appearance of a similar shade during menstruation. Cancer makes itself known in the same way. If oncology is suspected, the material released from the uterus is taken for analysis.