What are the benefits of watermelon seeds and will they harm the body? Watermelon seeds and their benefits for our heart and the whole body. Don't throw them away

Watermelon seeds are rich in minerals: potassium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, and other elements. They also contain hemicellulose - semi-fiber with high content polysaccharides. Also, watermelon seeds are rich in beta-carotene, vitamins C, B and E and other valuable elements. In addition, watermelon seeds contain from 17% to 35% oil, which in its healing properties is in no way inferior to olive and almond oils.
Dried watermelon seeds contain 35% protein, which means they are rich in amino acids necessary for formation and growth muscle tissue, energy synthesis, etc.

These seeds are valued for helping eliminate uric acid. They are also used as a wound-healing agent, as well as a means of improving vision and the condition of hair and skin.

Treatment with watermelon seeds

For dropsy, jaundice and inflammatory processes problems occurring in the body, it is recommended to mix oven-dried and powdered watermelon seeds with milk (ratio 1:10). During the day you need to drink 2 glasses of this medicine ( daily dose divided into 5-6 doses). A “preparation” prepared from 5 tbsp has a similar effect. fresh and 1 liter of water. The seeds are crushed and poured cold water, bring the mixture to a boil, then cook over low heat for 43-45 minutes. Next, the broth is cooled and filtered. Drink this medicine a glass three times a day.

You can normalize using the following folk remedy: dried watermelon seeds and rind are ground into powder and take ½ tsp. twice a day. The blood pressure will return to normal. In addition, this powder also has choleretic effect(for this, take 2-3 tsp of powder twice a day).

Effective at uterine bleeding there may be a mixture consisting of crushed watermelon and milk (ratio 1:10). It is recommended to take 3-4 tbsp of the medicine prepared according to this recipe. 2-3 times a day.

Cosmetics made from watermelon seeds

To restore softness, smoothness and velvety to your facial skin, it is recommended to prepare a mask from the following ingredients: 1 tbsp. ground into flour watermelon seeds and 1-2 tbsp. water. The prepared paste is applied to the face, kept for 17-20 minutes, then washed off warm water.
Watermelon oil is widely used in cosmetology.

An emulsion will help get rid of freckles, for the preparation of which you take 1 tbsp. watermelon seeds, grind in a mortar and pour 10 tbsp. water. This mixture is infused for 1-1.5 hours. Ready product Apply to an area of ​​skin covered with freckles, leave for 17-20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Useful properties watermelon seeds for the body: are there any contraindications, chemical composition, what and how they can be cured, how tasty they can be cooked.

Don’t rush to throw away watermelon seeds; they can be cooked very tasty and also used for other purposes. Watermelon seeds, properly prepared, will become a complete substitute for sunflower seeds or peanuts. Plus, this dessert is absolutely free. With roasted watermelon seeds you can have a good time in front of the TV or with a can of beer.

Some people like watermelon, some don’t, but they eat it a lot (especially in summer and autumn) and it is not an exotic fruit.

In its red juicy sugar flesh there are always a lot of dark brown hard large seeds. Simply chewing them with watermelon pulp is unpleasant and not tasty. Should I throw them away? Can they be eaten? Do they have healing properties? Let's figure it out.

Properties of watermelon seeds

All the substances that make watermelon healthy are present both in the pulp and in the seeds, and even in the rind of the watermelon.

For example, biological substances, which increase the alkalinity of urine and affect the cleansing of the genitourinary tract: salt toxins dissolve in the kidneys and are excreted in the urine. Also, in addition to the diuretic effect, watermelon seeds have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect. They taste no worse than sunflower seeds; they can also be fried, dried and salted. So, we can safely talk about both medicinal and culinary properties watermelon seeds.

By the way, for the first time I ate dried watermelon seeds in Thailand, they are sold there like pumpkin seeds in any store! But here in Russia, for some reason, they are thrown away.

Composition and calorie content of watermelon seeds

25 g - 150 kcal, but with 100 g it turns out - all 600 kcal

It is more pleasant to eat dried watermelon seeds. At the same time, they do not lose their properties: vitamins and microelements are preserved. They even contain healthy fats- polyunsaturated (including omega-6), monounsaturated, and saturated.

The calorie content of watermelon seeds per 100 g is 560-600 kcal, so there:

Proteins - 28.3 g
Fat - 47.4 g
Carbohydrates - 15.29 g
Saturated fatty acids - 9.78 g
Water - up to 5 g
Ash - up to 4 g
There is no fiber at all, but a lot of vitamins and beneficial micro and macroelements.


Vitamin B1 thiamine - 0.2 mg
B2 riboflavin - 0.15 mg
B3 nicotinic acid- 0.35 mg
B6 pyridoxine - 0.09 mg
B9 folic - 58 mcg
RR - 3.5 mg


Phosphorus - 750 mg
Calcium - 55 mg
Potassium - 650 mg
Magnesium - 514 mg
Sodium - up to 100 mg


Iron - 7.3 mg
Manganese - 1.62 mg
Copper - 690 mcg
Zinc - 7.3 mg

IN raw sunflower seeds watermelon contains hemicellulose, the more common name is semi-fiber, and it contains polysaccharides that do not dissolve in water and enhance the cleansing properties of the seeds. Although we know that watermelon is not an oilseed crop, its seeds still contain 20-40 percent oil. Its properties are reminiscent of almond.

The benefits and harms of watermelon seeds

Traditional medicine appreciates this watermelon product for the fact that it perfectly removes uric acid from the body. This medicinal property prevents the appearance urolithiasis. The seeds are especially useful for men because they support the function prostate gland, and thanks to the content of selenium and zinc, they prevent the development of adenoma and normalize sexual function.

The protein content (approximately 35%) indicates sufficient amino acid content to support muscle mass and replenish the energy expended by the body. Total beneficial amino acids watermelon seeds contain four: tryptophan, glutamic acid, lysine and arginine. The latter supports the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart attack.

Less effective, but still helps useful substances Watermelon seeds improve vision, maintain healthy eyes, nails, skin, and hair. They improve metabolism and work nervous system and are very well known as an anthelmintic.

Watermelon, including all its components (pulp, seeds, rind), contains a controversial amino acid - citrulline. The fact is that when it enters the food tract, it is converted into L-arginine, which our body is able to synthesize on its own. The benefits of citrulline include the ability to lower blood pressure, dilate blood vessels, treat impotence, and affect blood glucose levels. But there is also a controversial side - harm to people with impaired citrulline synthesis.

Studies have shown that citrulline is broken down in the body, releasing a “bad” product – ammonia. It is excreted in the urine, but this very fact proves the harmfulness of watermelon pulp and seeds for patients with citrullinemia, which is associated with the urea cycle.

How to cook watermelon seeds

Most popular recipe- this is to fry them. Before cooking, the seeds are washed and dried on a towel, for example. Then, pour them into a heated dry frying pan and fry for about 6 minutes until they begin to darken. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in ¼ cup of water and pour this mixture into the frying pan. Continue frying until the liquid disappears. Turn off the heat, cool the watermelon seeds and serve.

Anthelmintic recipe: Before preparing the product, watermelon seeds are dried in the oven, then crushed and mixed in a ratio of 1:10 with low-fat milk. The resulting “cocktail” is drunk at least 2 glasses throughout the day. Drink on an empty stomach.

Traditional recipe for hypertension: Dry the seeds and rind of the watermelon, then grind them into powder. Take it half a teaspoon 2 times. per day. If you take the powder continuously for one month, your blood pressure will normalize. The recipe also works like this: choleretic agent, but you need to consume the powder 2 or 3 teaspoons in the morning and before bed.

In general, watermelon seeds are used more actively in the cooking of other countries. The Chinese, for example, fry them with various seasonings; in Africa, they crush them and add them to soups and sauces.

Making watermelon seeds at home is very easy.

For this you will need the following ingredients:

watermelon seeds - 1 cup
salt - 1 teaspoon
0.5 glasses of water

How to make delicious salted watermelon seeds

Rinse the watermelon seeds well so that no watermelon pulp remains on them. Use only ripe black seeds; white ones are not suitable for eating; they will burn during roasting. It is also advisable to take large watermelon seeds.

Place the washed watermelon seeds on a dry towel (you can use a paper towel) and dry well, preferably in the sun.

Then the seeds need to be fried.

How to fry watermelon seeds

Heat a dry, oil-free frying pan over medium heat and fry the seeds, stirring with a spatula, until they crackle and open easily.

Add water and salt, mix well again and stir-fry until the water has completely boiled away so that the seeds become dry again.

Watermelon seeds are ready to eat. They go well with beer and just as a substitute for sunflower seeds.

Raw watermelon seeds, application

And raw watermelon seeds can be used as food for parrots and other tropical birds, they can also be given to rodents to diversify the animal's menu.

To prepare seeds for birds and animals, you do not need to fry them, all you have to do is wash and dry them as described above. Dry seeds can be stored for a whole year in a dry place and will delight your pets.

You can also make beautiful crafts from watermelon seeds.

There are very few people who don't like watermelon. But those who are too lazy to spit out the seeds of this fruit are the majority.

These dark brown seeds have to be selected, because chewing them is an unpleasant pleasure. Many will be surprised, but the question of whether it is possible to swallow watermelon seeds has a positive answer.

Moreover, there are various treatments with watermelon seeds, because they contain enormous benefits.

Watermelon seeds: calorie content and composition

Surprisingly, the seeds of the juicy fruit thrown away by people are now sold in pharmacies and supermarkets. You can also buy watermelon seeds in stores. healthy eating– they are considered a very useful product.

The calorie content of the seeds is as much as 600 kcal, but given the consumption of small portions, it is unlikely that you will gain weight.

Watermelon seeds contain fatty acids, including Omega-6 acids, ash, proteins and amino acids. Its properties are similar to that of noe, and among the amino acids the vital arginine prevails.

The benefits of watermelon seeds for the human body, thanks to this amino acid, are manifested in relation to the heart and blood vessels (arginine reduces the rate of development coronary disease, atherosclerosis). Other valuable amino acids in the product:

  1. Lysine
  2. Tryptophan
  3. Glutamic acid

There is no fiber in the product, but there is semi-fiber (hemicellulose), which contains polysaccharides valuable for health. There are also enough vitamins in the seeds, these are:

  • Niacin
  • Folates
  • Pyridoxine
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamine
  • Pantothenic acid

Watermelon seeds can be “proud” of a high content of magnesium (a cup of seeds contains more than what an adult needs per day), as well as potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and iron.

Is it possible to eat watermelon seeds?

Whether watermelon seeds are healthy is easy to understand by their composition. You can eat them if there are no contraindications (listed below).

In cooking eastern countries the product is served fried with various spices; in African countries, soups and sauces are prepared based on crushed watermelon seeds. This product is not afraid of heat treatment; all the beneficial properties of watermelon seeds are preserved.

Dried watermelon seeds

This - the simplest way, what can be made from watermelon seeds. This “dish” is delicious and can replace peanuts or sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. To prepare, wash the seeds and dry them on a paper towel. Then cook in the oven at 80 degrees for about half an hour.

Roasted watermelon seeds

This recipe, according to reviews, gives an even more delicious result. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Select black (ripe) seeds, remove the watermelon pulp from them, and rinse.
  2. Dry the product on a kitchen towel, or in the sun.
  3. Prepare a brine from 50 ml of water and a teaspoon of salt.
  4. Heat a dry frying pan and throw the seeds onto it.
  5. Fry, stirring constantly, for about 6 minutes.
  6. Next, pour in the brine and “cook” the seeds until the liquid disappears completely.
  7. When ready, the product should be completely dry.
  8. Cool the seeds and serve.

Birds and rodents love raw seeds, so these pets can be fed with them. To feed the seeds you just need to wash and dry on a towel.

Watermelon seeds - benefits and harm

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds for the body? Researchers say they improve overall health cardiovascular system, prevent strokes and heart attacks from occurring, and reduce blood pressure.

The product has a positive effect on glucose and is useful for diabetics. Regular consumption of seeds improves immunity, eliminates deficiency of minerals and B vitamins, and eliminates anemia.

What other medical benefits are there from watermelon seeds? Watermelon seeds have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal effect, heal wounds and ulcers.

The product improves visual acuity, gently calms the nervous system, and neutralizes infections of the respiratory system.

What are the benefits of watermelon seeds for women?

The use of watermelon seeds in cosmetology has been known for a long time. They contain B vitamins and fats, essential for the skin; they also contain the anti-inflammatory element zinc, calcium and phosphorus that increase the strength of hair and nails.

In addition to consuming the product internally, you can also use it externally as a mask:

  • Finely chop the seeds (preferably in a blender)
  • Dilute to a paste with water or
  • Apply to face
  • Leave for 20 minutes
  • Rinse off with warm water

Harm of watermelon seeds

Any part of watermelon contains citrulline, a special, contradictory amino acid. Thanks to its presence, prostate adenoma is treated with watermelon seeds, male impotence, it acts as a vasodilator and antioxidant.

When consumed in large quantities citrulline decomposes to release ammonia. This element is harmful to the body, but mainly in the presence of pathologies of the kidneys and bladder.

Watermelon seeds are also contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, children under 3 years of age, severe forms obesity.

Use of watermelon seeds

In medicine, raw watermelon seeds are usually used, preparing various potions from them.

From worms

100 g of seeds should be crushed using a masher, rolling pin, or crushed with a blender (but not into powder, but coarser).

Pour the product in a liter hot water, cook the product for 45 minutes in a bathhouse. Let cool, strain. Drink watermelon seeds for worms in the form of such a decoction, 200 ml three times a day for 14 days.

From high blood pressure

Grind the dry seeds, combine with similarly ground dried watermelon rinds(1:1). Eat this powder, half a teaspoon twice a day for a month.

From uterine bleeding

Grind the seeds, pour 20 g of powder with a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour, then drink 100 ml twice a day between meals until the condition improves.

In addition to the above - video:

Watermelon is loved by most people. They are very juicy and tasty. But few people know how healthy and nutritious their seeds are. We simply throw them away without thinking about the fact that we are throwing away a valuable source of minerals and vitamins. Is it possible to eat watermelon seeds?

Main medicinal properties

Watermelon seeds are low in calories, but contain a lot nutrients. Moreover, these seeds do not contain poisons or toxins.

On the contrary, they have many useful properties. They are good for heart health, support immunity and sugar levels. They contain zinc, copper and selenium. These substances are found quite rarely in foods, so a person often lacks them in the body. And eating watermelon seeds will help compensate for their deficiency. And this is a very simple and cheap way. You don't have to buy medications and food additives with these minerals. Just don't throw away the seeds when watermelon season comes around.

They can be consumed whole or in powder form. Another feature is that they contain proteins and B vitamins. This product can be a good snack.

Not only the seeds, but also the oil from them have many benefits. It is produced by cold pressing dried seeds. In West African countries, this watermelon seed oil is widely used for hair and skin. It is also useful for children's skin, as it moisturizes well and has a fine texture. The oil is rich in vitamins and microelements. One of important componentslinoleic acid. It benefits the skin and also prevents stroke.

Many people prefer to buy watermelon without seeds so that they do not cause trouble. This product is more convenient to eat. But from a health point of view, watermelon seeds are a real treasure.

Can you eat watermelon seeds?

« Don't eat watermelon seeds, otherwise you'll get appendicitis- scared us as children. In fact, we even need to eat them. They can be chewed when we eat watermelon. This will be the easiest way. You can also eat sprouted seeds. They are even more useful. You will get a considerable dose of protein and other substances if you are not lazy and germinate watermelon seeds. To do this, you need to remove the hard shell. They will germinate for several days, but will bring a lot of benefits. To do this, you need to soak the seeds overnight. There is an opinion that when soaking it can form a fungus, but it’s still worth a try. You need to wait a few days for them to germinate and then dry them in the oven or in the sun. After this, you can consume the product as a snack.

Watermelon seeds can also be fried. Place it on a baking sheet and put it in the oven. They should cook for 15 minutes. After this they will become crispy. True, after the oven the seeds lose some of their nutritional properties, But taste qualities They will only get better. Water them olive oil and lightly salt.

Another way to get the benefits of watermelon seeds is to consume their oil. It can be added to food and is also widely used in cosmetology.

Let's talk about the beneficial properties of watermelon seeds in more detail.

Why should you eat watermelon seeds?

    Firstly, eating seeds in their original form is beneficial. But eating sprouted ones is even better. Just one-eighth of a glass contains 10 g of protein. Sprouted seeds are absorbed by the body much better. By consuming them, you will receive proteins, magnesium, and B vitamins. An important beneficial property is cholesterol reduction. This good prevention stroke.

    Among the amino acids contained in the product are: arginine. Our body produces it in small quantities. But additional consumption of arginine will bring a lot of benefits. It helps normalize blood pressure and helps with coronary heart disease. Other amino acids in this product include: tryptophan and lysine. Niacin, which is a B vitamin, will support healthy nerves, skin and digestion. These seeds also contain folate, thiamine and riboflabin.

    Among the minerals here are iron, copper, sodium and others. In addition, the product is rich in fatty acids.

Compared to other snack foods, watermelon seeds are superior in many ways. With a relatively low calorie content they contain a lot of nutrients. Let's take a closer look at their BZHU, calorie content and composition.

The beneficial properties of watermelon seeds include maintaining immune system, heart health and improved brain function. Let us describe in more detail all the benefits of this product.

  1. Watermelon seeds strengthen the heart

    Since watermelon seeds contain magnesium, they help maintain heart health. They also control blood pressure.

    Scientists in Kentucky have found that this is due to the fact that the product is an antioxidant and also has vasodilating and anti-inflammatory properties. Also, these seeds are a rich source citrulline , which can reduce aortic pressure. This property protects the heart. Use of this product lowers cholesterol.

    Another Study Sheds Light on the Importance of Magnesium for Heart Health vascular system. This is one of those minerals that restores electrolyte balance in the body, which contributes to stable work heart and blood vessels. Magnesium is especially useful for those who suffer from heart failure. Products with this mineral are often prescribed before heart surgery. A persistent deficiency of this substance in people with heart disease can lead to fatal outcome. Magnesium also helps in treating cardiac arrhythmia.

    For those who suffer from hypertension, it will be very useful to consume dried watermelon seed tea.

    The University of Maryland conducted research showing that dietary food, which contains a lot of magnesium, reduces the risk of death from cardiac arrest. If calcium and magnesium enter the body, this will significantly improve heart function. But you need to make sure that there is not too much magnesium in the body. This can cause blood vessels to dilate and cause diuretic effect, resulting in a lot minerals leaves the body with urine.

    Also very important for heart health zinc. There is also a lot of it in watermelon seeds. It promotes the entry of calcium into the heart. Calcium deficiency can lead to cardiac arrest. It has been found that patients with heart failure are commonly deficient in zinc.

  2. Watermelon seeds to boost immunity

    Watermelon seeds, especially when fried, are rich in iron, a mineral that is extremely important for immunity. Also in this regard, the content of B vitamins in the product is important.

    Magnesium, according to scientists, plays a significant role in maintaining immunity. Studies have been conducted on rodents in which they found that magnesium deficiency weakens the immune system. This mineral is also important for allergies.

  3. The benefits of watermelon seeds for the male body

    Watermelon seeds improve potency and male fertility. Zinc contained in watermelon seeds is important for the male reproductive system. Chinese scientists have found that consuming zinc foods and supplements improves sperm quality in men suffering from infertility. In seminal plasma infertile men contained reduced quantity zinc There is still limited research in this area, but the results are encouraging. Watermelon seeds also contain a lot of manganese. According to research at the University of Maryland, manganese deficiency can also lead to infertility.

  4. Diabetes help

    According to an Iranian study, watermelon seeds contribute to the accumulation of glycogen reserves, which is important for diabetics. Since the seed extract can reduce sugar levels, it is considered anti-diabetic.

    Omega-6, which is contained in watermelon seeds, can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes. According to other studies, a lack of magnesium can lead to diabetes. This may also lead to metabolic syndrome. This problem is very often the cause of diabetes. This was proven by conducting experiments on rodents. With increased magnesium intake, the development of diabetes slowed down. Magnesium has been shown to prevent imbalances in insulin regulation. These disorders are the cause of the development of this disease. But before taking magnesium supplements, you should consult your doctor. Some experts are concerned in this regard.

    Scientists have found that diabetic patients almost always suffer from magnesium deficiency. It is also required for activation tyrosine kinases. This is an enzyme that is necessary for proper operation insulin receptors.

    Digestive problems and alcohol consumption can cause mania to be much less absorbed by the body.

    The zinc found in watermelon seeds has been found to be beneficial for glycemic control. It is also important for carbohydrate metabolism. In many countries, the number of people who suffer from zinc deficiency is increasing. At the same time, the number of people with diabetes is growing. Increased intake of zinc has been found to significantly reduce the risk of developing diabetes. But before taking supplements with this mineral, you should consult a doctor. Each body reacts to zinc differently.

  5. Impact on brain health

    The magnesium in watermelon seeds helps improve memory. It prevents memory loss that occurs with age. Scientists in the USA conducted experiments that showed that magnesium improves memory and helps speed up the learning process.

    A link has been found between low magnesium levels and the development of Alzheimer's disease. Treatment for patients suffering from dementia improves memory when supplemented with a diet rich in magnesium. This mineral is involved in many biochemical processes that are important for the functioning of the nervous system. He protects nerve cells, improves the condition of patients with Alzheimer's disease.

    Zinc deficiency is known to lead to dementia as well as other brain diseases. Sometimes it causes epileptic seizures.

  6. Improves digestive health

    Zinc deficiency also affects performance problems digestive system. This can lead to problems with acidity levels and diarrhea.

  7. Watermelon seeds for hair

    Magnesium not only strengthens hair, but also prevents breakage and promotes growth. Low level Magnesium, according to research, can lead to hair loss. Hair renews itself every 7 years, and for this process to occur correctly, it is very important to maintain normal magnesium levels.

    Korean scientists have found that zinc prevents destruction hair follicle and promotes rapid recovery follicles.

  8. Cleanses and revitalizes the skin

    The same magnesium plays a big role here. It influences appearance skin, reduces acne and prevents other skin problems. This is achieved by reducing the level cortisol and stabilization of cellular processes.

    Magnesium eliminates redness, deeply cleanses and prevents the development of many skin problems. The mineral affects the functioning of enzymes, which leads to a slowdown in the formation of wrinkles. Skin cells that receive enough magnesium are better able to fight free radicals.

    Many allergic reactions on the skin and also skin diseases are symptoms of magnesium deficiency. This leads to the development of itching. Due to the lack of this mineral, the level of fatty acids in the skin. This causes inflammation and dryness, reducing elasticity.

    Manium and zinc help fight acne and blackheads. Zinc helps treat herpes and speeds up healing.

  9. Watermelon seeds slow down aging

    According to research, magnesium slows down skin aging. And zinc is important for protein synthesis, cell division and repair. All this leads to slowing down aging.

We talked about the benefits of eating watermelon seeds. Now let's look at some interesting facts.

  • More than 1,200 varieties of watermelon are grown in the world.
  • In China and Japan, guests bring it as a gift to their hosts.
  • All parts of the watermelon can be eaten.
  • It is grown in more than 96 countries.
  • The largest watermelon was grown in Tennessee in 2013, weighing more than 158 kg.

Simple recipes for the proper use of watermelon seeds

How to properly fry watermelon seeds?

It's pretty simple. The seeds should be washed, then drained and dried. You can fry watermelon seeds in a frying pan with olive oil and salt. You need to fry until the seeds become crispy and golden. You can add other seasonings. You can also fry them in the oven. To do this, it will be enough to hold them for 20 minutes. Once the seeds are golden brown, you can remove them from the oven. After this, they will be immediately ready to eat.

How to eat watermelon seeds

One way is to chew watermelon seeds raw and swallow them along with the peel. Another way is to first separate the seed. It's not difficult. Hold the seed upright with the tip facing your mouth. Bite the seed and apply light pressure until you feel it crack. Slowly break the seed until you reach the inside.

You can make watermelon tea. To do this, you need to take 4 tablespoons of watermelon seeds. They must be fresh. This amount will require 8 glasses of water. Grind the watermelon seeds in a blender or coffee grinder. Place water on the stove and bring to a boil. Pour in the crushed seeds. It should sit for 10-15 minutes. Then you need to strain the tea.

How do watermelon seeds germinate?

The main method is soaking. But watermelons in this case are an exception. When soaking, the risk of fungus formation increases significantly.

In addition, these seeds are very sensitive to frost. The cold kills them very quickly. Seeds should be planted in pots with peat about a month before last date frost in your area. Once the risk of frost has passed, they can be planted in the ground.

To get a better harvest, it is advisable to fertilize the soil.

Raising the temperature will also help. The warmer the soil, the faster the seeds will germinate. If they are germinating indoors, use a heater to do so. In this way, you can reduce the germination time from 10 days to 3. If you have already planted the seeds outside, use a black film that will absorb sunlight during the day, and warm the soil.

Watermelon seeds should not be buried deeply. The depth should be from one and a half to 2.5 cm.

It is also very useful to eat sprouted watermelon seeds. It's much healthier than the fried version. Since raw, and even more so sprouted, seeds contain much more valuable vitamins and nutrients.

From childhood, parents instill in their children that they should not swallow watermelon seeds. They don’t talk about their benefits, but the harm is described very colorfully: from “a watermelon will grow inside” to “appendicitis will begin”, “there will be poisoning.” Traditional healers claim that watermelon seeds have healing properties.

Is it possible to eat watermelon with seeds?

Good news for anyone who is annoyed by the seeds in watermelons - you can eat them! And not only fried and dried, but also raw. It will not bring such gastronomic pleasure as sweet berry, but will help your health no less than pulp.

In 100 g of such raw materials, 28 g are proteins, 15.29 g are carbohydrates and 47 g are fats. They also contain water (5 g) and ash (4 g). Watermelon seeds are not rich in fiber, but they contain folic acid and other B-group vitamins, as well as PP.

They also contain mineral reserves - calcium, sodium and phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, as well as macroelements - manganese, iron, zinc, copper and four amino acids. Surprisingly, oil was also found in watermelon seeds (about 20-40%).

They usually go to waste in the company of watermelon rinds. We underestimate the benefits and harms of seeds. When fried, it is a nutritious “snack” that can compete with chips and other popular snacks.

Contraindications and harm

No matter how great the benefits of watermelon seeds are for the body, their use can also cause trouble. They can be dangerous for people suffering renal pathologies, and for those who suffer from citrullinemia. And all because of the presence of citrulline.

During the processing of this amino acid, ammonia is released. This substance is not at all safe for humans. If everything is in order with your health, then it will not affect your well-being in any way, because it will come out along with the urine. But when there are kidney problems or bladder, ammonia will have a negative effect on your general condition.

Special Recommendations

Before you start actively consuming such a product, you must take into account that the benefits of watermelon seeds are possible, but with big reservations. In order for them to have a therapeutic and preventive effect, and not send you to the doctor, you must adhere to some rules.

  • So that watermelon seeds have positive impact, they must be chewed thoroughly and not swallowed whole;
  • The optimal norm for an adult is 1-2 tbsp. l. per day;
  • To get the maximum therapeutic effect it is necessary to clear the grain from the hard peel - it does not contain healing components, but it may well “clog” the stomach and intestines;
  • This is a high-calorie “dish” - 100 g contains up to 600 Kcal, so you shouldn’t overeat on watermelon seeds, because they pose a threat to your figure!

Cooking recipes

You can click this “delicacy” without pre-treatment, if there are no contraindications. But chewing watermelon seeds is not so easy, and hardly anyone would want to remove the hard shell.

The easiest way to prepare them is to dry them in the oven. The seeds must be washed thoroughly and placed on a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Then they should be placed on a baking sheet and kept in the oven for 30 minutes. at a temperature of 80 degrees.

Watermelon seeds will be even more appetizing if you roast them. Here's how the seeds are prepared: take ripe grains and wash them. While they are drying, make a brine from 50 ml of water and 1 tsp. salt. Heat the frying pan well, pour seeds onto it (without adding vegetable fat). Fry, stirring all the time, for about 6 minutes, until the seeds begin to darken. Then add salt water and boil until all the liquid has evaporated.

Use this unusual “medicine” with caution, remembering its side effects. If watermelon seeds are consumed in excessive quantities, they can cause diarrhea and even colic. To make sure that your body is not against such a “delicacy”, it is better to start with a few things a day.