Children's Nurofen in the form of a suspension (syrup) - instructions for use. Children's syrup Nurofen for pain and temperature: instructions for use for children, indications and precautions

Among modern antipyretic drugs, Nurofen is the most famous - active marketing policy the manufacturer bears fruit, so everyone is familiar with it, even if only indirectly.

In addition, this is one of the rare drugs that has a pediatric dosage and can be used even by the youngest. As with most products of this type, young parents want to know how quickly the effect of using Nurofen for children will be. How long will it take for the medicine to start working?

The waiting time for the result (both positive and negative) depends on the form of release this drug- if you purchased suppositories, they will work as quickly as possible, but when taking the suspension you will have to wait. Moreover, the effect of the latter may, in addition, be less pronounced, although it will ultimately last a little longer.

  • Children's suppositories Nurofen begin to act in 10-15 minutes, but this is only a slight relief of well-being. A drop in temperature can be observed over a period of 2 hours, and it is impossible to say at what point it will become more obvious.
  • Baby syrup Nurofen begins to act in half an hour to an hour. According to information from the manufacturer, the maximum concentration of ibuprofen in the blood after oral administration will be observed no earlier than 60 minutes later.

Such a difference in speed between these dosage forms explained by the principle of transporting the main active substance to the “destination”. When a rectal suppository is inserted, everything from the rectum immediately enters the bloodstream; this process does not take much time. However, if taken orally, the medicine first travels through the esophagus before reaching its end point. In addition to the fact that this path is long, during its passage the medicine gradually loses its concentration: i.e. Less active substance enters the blood than stated. This is one of the reasons why doctors recommend using suppositories for a quick response. However, not everything is always smooth with them.

Why does the speed and effect of children's Nurofen change?

Medicines do not always act as the manufacturer wrote, or even as the doctor who prescribed them promised. In the case of antipyretic drugs, especially if there is an urgent need to bring down the temperature of a baby who is not even a year old, this is almost critical, so young parents are trying to figure out whether there are great risks that children’s Nurofen will not work quickly, and what these terms actually depend on.

If everything is relatively transparent for suppositories, they high probability do not misfire (it is only important to ensure the cleanliness of the rectum with an enema), then all medications that are used preorally require compliance with a lot of nuances. In particular, the following points need to be taken into account:

  • If Nurofen is given to a child not on an empty stomach, but after a meal, the waiting time for the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood may increase to 2 hours.
  • The higher the dose, the more pronounced the effect will be and the faster it will manifest itself. The figures indicated by the manufacturer are for general recommended dosages. If they change, the time must be adjusted accordingly.
  • For angina, Nurofen may not give the expected effect on temperature.

It should be noted here that even with the goal of as much as possible rapid decline temperatures should not exceed the doses of Nurofen recommended by the doctor (or manufacturer), since children's body is especially sensitive to all interventions of this type, and instead of the expected benefit, you can get a lot of adverse reactions.

If it happens that, after the specified period of time, children's Nurofen does not begin to act, or the effect is too insignificant, the procedure can be repeated - put a new suppository or give the child another portion of the suspension. However, this is done only after 6 hours, and for babies under 9 months it is advisable to increase this interval to 8 hours. Maximum time The effect of using Nurofen for children does not last longer than 8 hours.

To summarize, it must be said once again that how long Nurofen for children (suspension or suppositories) takes effect is influenced by the severity of the disease, its nature, the dose of the drug, and even the degree of sensitivity of the body. The figures indicated by the manufacturer, as can be understood from discussions of young parents on forums, are more indicative than immutable truths in which you should blindly believe.

Nurofen is the first over-the-counter medicine based on it to appear on the market. It has been produced by the British giant Reckitt Benckiser for 30 years. In action, it is an analgesic and antipyretic agent related to non-steroidal group anti-inflammatory drugs. It is the most popular painkiller in Europe and Australia. You can find it in pharmacies in 40 countries around the world.

Forms of the drug

When you ask for Nurofen at a pharmacy, they will definitely ask you: “Which one?” Not only pharmacists, but also marketers work on the breadth of the product range. In 2016, Reckitt Benckiser took 1st place in terms of the amount of investment in TV advertising in Russia (brands Nurofen, Durex, Air Wick, Calgon, Vanish and others), and is known not only for the quality of its products, but also for powerful advertising companies. The manufacturer of Nurofen is a reputable pharmaceutical company, but without the desire for profit it would not have become one of the richest companies in the world.

In 2016, Reckitt Benckiser was fined by the Federal Court of Australia. The British owners paid a hefty sum for what Australian consumer advocates said were misleading advertising by releasing individual species a drug against periodic, dental, rheumatic and other types of pain with an identical composition to Nurofen.

The judges saw this specialization as a marketing ploy designed to force consumers to purchase the same tablets in different packaging. European countries are now also studying this issue.

The form of the drug determines how long it takes for Nurofen to start working. The liquid form (capsules) is absorbed most quickly into the intestines. In them active substance is in a biologically more accessible form. How long does Nurofen last? Depending on individual characteristics body, up to 8 hours.

  • Nurofen 200 mg, contrary to information on many websites, can be given to children from 6 years old, not 12 years old. This is what it says in the manufacturer's instructions. One condition is that your body weight must be more than 20 kg. This is the most common universal tablet that will help with all types of pain. About 100 rubles per pack of 10 pcs.
  • Nurofen Plus – discontinued.
  • Nurofen sweet suspension for children with strawberry or orange flavor. The package contains a measuring syringe and 100, 150 or 200 ml of suspension. Suitable for children from 3 months. Does not contain sugar.
  • Nurofen suppositories for children - rectal suppositories 60 mg for children from 3 months to 2 years.
  • Nurofen tablets for children from 6 years old. The same 200 mg of ibuprofen.
  • Nurofen Forte contains 400 mg of active substance. There are 12 tablets in a package.
  • Nurofen Ultracap – discontinued.
  • Nurofen Express - nice capsules with 200 mg of active ingredient, available in packs of 4, 6, 8 or 12 pieces.
  • Nurofen Express Neo are capsules that, according to the manufacturer, act within 15 minutes after administration, reaching the maximum effect after 35 minutes, “which is 2 times faster than regular tablet" However, the instructions for the Nurofen 200 mg tablet say that the maximum concentration in the blood occurs 45 minutes after administration. The difference is only 10 minutes. The capsules are based on ibuprofen salt equivalent to 200 mg.
  • Nurofen Express Forte is 400 mg of ibuprofen in liquid capsules.
  • Nurofen Multisymptom for headaches and migraines – 400 mg of ibuprofen and 325 mg of paracetamol in 1 tablet, 10 pieces per pack. About 250 rub.
  • Nurofen Long contains 200 mg of ibuprofen and 500 mg of paracetamol. A pack of 12 pieces will cost about 350 rubles, and breaks all cost records. There is also a pack of 6 pieces. The word Long gives hope for long action drug. The package says: “Action 8 hours.” That is, the same amount as regular Nurofen.
  • Nurofen Express Lady are tablets with 400 mg of active substance. What makes it specifically feminine? What provides “quick, targeted action when menstrual pain"? Likely, pink packaging. If 12 Nurofen Forte tablets with the same content of ibuprofen cost about 130 rubles, then a package of 12 pieces for ladies costs about 220 rubles.
  • Nurofen-Gel 5% – water-based, colorless and strong odor. 50 mg in tube.

From the above figures it is clear that the price of Nurofen depends not only on the form of the drug, but also on the sauce under which this medicine is presented to the consumer. So what should you choose? Liquid form does work a little faster, so if 10-15 minutes makes a difference, choose capsules.

In Russia, “new products” from Nurofen are being released one after another: special tablets for migraines, for example.

Nurofen 200 mg usually copes with pain of moderate intensity, including common migraines and periodic pain. Try not to overuse medications, start with small doses. After all, if you put three pills in front of you at once and ask you to take them in one fell swoop, it will scare you. And by taking Nurofen Multisymptom, you are essentially doing just that.

Start with a dosage of 200 mg and don't expect immediate results. To evaluate the result, at least 50 minutes must pass.

How to use

Instructions for using Nurofen are similar for different variations of the same form. Ibuprofen cannot be used as an antipyretic for more than 3 days. When taken on an empty stomach, the drug will act faster, but if you have a sensitive stomach, it is better to take it with food.

You should drink it with a whole glass of water. It is dangerous to take ibuprofen and aspirin, anticoagulants, at the same time, since this combination increases the risk of side effects. This medicine reduces the effectiveness of diuretics and antihypertensive drugs.

You should also consult your doctor before taking Nurofen if you are prescribed cardiac glycosides.

For adults

Nurofen for adults is used to relieve pain of any origin of weak and moderate intensity, that is, for any “everyday” pain. It doesn’t matter if your husband has a headache, and you only have pills “for ladies” at home - they will help.

You can also pour the suspension, checking the dosage. It is less popular in Russia to use ibuprofen as an antipyretic for adults, however, such use of the drug is acceptable. Maximum daily dose– 1200 mg.

During pregnancy, the drug can only be used during the first 2 trimesters. IN breast milk ibuprofen is taken in small doses that do not harm the baby.

Nurofen and alcohol should not be combined. Both substances have a strong effect on the liver, and the higher the dose of the active substance and the larger the portion of alcohol, the stronger the combination will hit the liver and kidneys. Even if you take a relief pill hangover symptom The risk of side effects increases because there is still alcohol in the body. The drug is contraindicated for people with chronic alcoholism.

For children

All Nurofen preparations for children are indicated as an antipyretic, including after vaccinations, and also as an analgesic, regardless of the cause of the pain. You cannot combine medications different forms(for example, simultaneously giving a suspension and administering a suppository), it is necessary to wait at least 6 hours between doses.

What is better, Nurofen or paracetamol for children? Both medications are antipyretics and painkillers, which are recommended by pediatricians as the safest and most effective. However, their mechanism of action is different.

Nurofen reduces high fever faster, its effect lasts longer (6-8 hours), but has a little more potential side effects. Doctors call paracetamol the first-line treatment for children with fever, and give ibuprofen only second place (drug of second choice).


Nurofen suspension for children from 3 months to 9 years has 5 mg of active ingredient in 1 ml of product, and therefore the dose is calculated based on the age and weight of the child. Many mothers prefer to give their children Nurofen suspension. Kids like it.

In addition, less product is required compared to popular drugs based on paracetamol. And this can be very important when a child has a fever and refuses to take any medications. Frequent reaction any sweet suspension at this moment results in vomiting.

So that the baby can swallow the medicine without unpleasant consequences, give 1-2 ml of suspension every 3-5 minutes, pouring it into the cheek. Give it a small amount of water each time.

When choosing a dosage, you should focus more on the child’s weight than on the indicated age.

Candles for children

Active ingredient rectal suppositories takes longer to be absorbed by the body. At very high temperature the suspension will act faster. But you can put a candle before bed if you are afraid that the temperature will rise above 38.3 at night. A suppository is suitable if the child refuses to take the medicine, or if the sweet syrup causes him gag reflex. For some babies, the suppositories “do not linger”, working as a laxative. Determining which form of the drug is most suitable for your child can only be done experimentally.

The suppository should be carefully inserted into anus baby. With a body weight of 6-8 kg, you can use no more than 3 suppositories per day, with a child weighing 8-12 kg - no more than 4, with an interval of 6-8 hours.

Tablets for children

For children from 6 to 12 years old, the manufacturer offers tablets with a “convenient streamlined shape, in a smooth glaze.” Otherwise - the same 200 mg active component. Take no more than 4 tablets per day with an interval of at least 6 hours.


Nurofen has quite a lot of contraindications. In addition to the standard “individual intolerance”, these are also ulcers and erosions of the gastrointestinal tract, severe forms liver, kidney and heart failure, blood diseases (clotting disorders), and some others.

In the presence of chronic and acute diseases If you are taking other medications, check with your doctor to see if you can use ibuprofen.

Side effects

Side effects are especially common in elderly patients. Side effects of Nurofen can include various manifestations of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, heart failure, nosebleeds, skin rashes And allergic runny nose, and a fairly long list, which can be found in the annotation. They occur infrequently, their strength is related to the dosage. The lower the dose of ibuprofen and the less often you use this painkiller, the less likely their occurrence.

An overdose of Nurofen in children occurs at a dose of over 400 mg of the active substance per kg of weight. The consequences can be up to fatal outcome. In adults, the risk is lower. In case of overdose, induce vomiting and contact an ambulance.

Nurofen and analogues

The active ingredient of Nurofen is ibuprofen. Preparations with the same composition are produced today by many pharmaceutical companies. Claiming that all medicines are the same because the composition is the same is the same as saying that the food in an expensive restaurant and the school cafeteria are no different (the ingredients are the same).

Both have their own nuances of processing, additives and other secrets that neither manufacturers nor chefs will reveal. Below is a list complete analogues Nurofen, including the same active substance.

Complete analogues:

  1. Ibuprofen (various manufacturers);
  2. Arviprox;
  3. Ivalgin;
  4. Nurosan
  5. Caffetin;
  6. Neofen;
  7. Nurosan;

Nurofen is a well-proven medicine that has earned the trust of generations. The cost of packaging in the usual tablet form is quite affordable, no higher than many analogues, and the quality is undeniable. Whether to choose “fashionable” forms of Nurofen and pay extra for a beautiful box is up to the end consumer to decide.

Fever in children is a very common symptom that can be caused by various factors. A slight increase in temperature can be observed even in infants, for example, due to teething. To eliminate this problem, parents can use not so many medications; they mainly use syrups or suppositories with paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce the temperature in children. And the topic of our conversation today will be Nurofen children's syrup, and its instructions for use, how long it takes for such a medicine to work and how much it should be given for fever, will be presented to you right now.

Children's syrup or suspension Nurofen is one of the most popular medications. It can be found in the medicine cabinets of mothers throughout our country and even abroad. This medication can even be used to treat children early age, it extremely rarely causes allergic reactions and any side effects.

What is the basis of such a drug??

This medicine is a source of ibuprofen, which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is this component that determines the effectiveness of children's Nurofen. Ibuprofen has a good anti-inflammatory effect, but is mainly used to reduce fever and relieve pain. of different origins.

It is worth noting that the use of this medicine, as an analgesic, will be most effective for pain caused by inflammatory processes.

It is important to understand that every five milliliters of Nurofen suspension contains one hundred milligrams of the active substance - ibuprofen.

But besides it, the medicine contains a number additional components, represented by polysorbate, maltitol syrup, glycerol, sodium saccharinate, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, citric acid and xanthan gum. Among other things, it contains domiphen bromide and a certain flavor (strawberry or orange), as well as a certain amount of purified water.

How long does Nurofen for children work in syrup??

The drug is known to exert its effects within a maximum of eight hours.

How many minutes does it take for the syrup to work??

Nurofen is absorbed fairly quickly into digestive tract, as a result of which ibuprofen quickly enters the bloodstream and begins to act. Therapeutic effect occurs literally within a quarter of an hour (if the medicine was used on an empty stomach), and the peak of maximum effectiveness is recorded an hour after administration.

When may you need to take Nurofen??

This medicine is intended for children from three months to twelve years of age. It is mainly used as antipyretic drug(as symptomatic remedy) in the correction of a wide variety of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, childhood infections, other infectious and inflammatory diseases and post-vaccination reactions, which are characterized by an increase in temperature indicators.

In addition, Nurofen syrup can be used as a good pain reliever in the correction of pain syndrome varying degrees severity (mostly mild or moderate pain). This medicine copes with toothache, headache, migraine, and neuralgia. It can be used to treat pain in the ears or throat. Nurofen in syrup also effectively copes with discomfort (pain) resulting from sprained ligaments. It makes sense to use it for muscle and rheumatic pain, painful sensations in joints and other types of pain.

Thus, Nurofen in syrup is a means of exclusively symptomatic therapy. It effectively eliminates or reduces pain and inflammation, and also helps reduce fever. But the use of Nurofen does not affect the course of the disease in any way (the speed of recovery or progression).

Features of using syrup

This medicine is intended exclusively for oral consumption (internal). It can be used for a short period of time to long-term therapy This drug is not suitable. Before giving the product to a child, readers of Popular About Health should carefully study the instructions.

Before use, the bottle of suspension should be shaken thoroughly. To measure correctly required quantity of the drug, you must use a measuring syringe, which is present in the package. Five milliliters of syrup, as we have already found out, contains one hundred milligrams of the active substance, respectively, one milliliter contains twenty grams of ibuprofen.

How much to give Nurofen for temperature?

Children's dosage is selected individually and depends on the baby's age and weight. Maximum possible daily dosage, according to Nurofen’s instructions, thirty milligrams of ibuprofen per kilogram of weight. The possible interval between doses is six to eight hours.

Thus, children from three months to six months of age (weighing from 5 to 7.6 kg) are given 2.5 ml of medication no more than three times a day. At the age of 6 to 12 months, the instructions for the syrup allow its use at a dose of 2.5 ml three to four times a day. At the age of 1 to 3 years, use 5 ml three times a day. And at the age of 4 to 6 years, use 7.5 ml three times a day. Children from 7 to 9 years old are given 10 ml of syrup three times a day, and from 10 to 12 years old - 15 ml three times a day.

You can give syrup for fever for no longer than three days in a row. Parents must not exceed optimal dosage. If the medicine does not give the expected effect, the symptoms persist or progress, you must stop taking it and seek medical help.


Well, that’s what a review is for, to share your experience, and it’s up to you to evaluate the importance and usefulness of the information contained in the review.

Volume 150ml

Price about 230 rub.


Cardboard packaging containing a bottle of suspension, a measuring syringe and instructions.

With a special child-resistant lid, very thoughtful on the part of the manufacturer!

The suspension itself has a viscous consistency and a cloudy hue.

By using measuring syringe It is very convenient to measure the dosage of the suspension.

The dosage is indicated on the box and is duplicated on the bottle in case the first one is lost.

First you need to shake the bottle, then turn it over and take the required dose.

Taste sweet, even cloying. We had no problems with refusal.


5 ml of Nurofen® suspension for children contains 100 mg of ibuprofen (active ingredient) and excipients: maltitol syrup, water, glycerol, citric acid, sodium citrate, sodium chloride, sodium saccharinate, orange flavor 2M16014 or strawberry flavor 500244E, xanthan gum, polysorbate 80, domiphene bromide.

Indications for use:

as an antipyretic for acute respiratory diseases, flu, childhood infections, post-vaccination reactions and other infectious and inflammatory diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature. The drug is used as an anesthetic for pain syndrome mild or moderate intensity, including: headaches and toothaches, migraines, neuralgia, pain in the ears and throat, pain with sprains and other types of pain.

You should also familiarize yourself with the contraindications, the list is indicated in the instructions.


Once again I want to praise convenient measuring syringe, my lifesaver, I don’t throw them away, but use them to take other medications that the child refuses to take, for example SMEKTY.

Or in those cases when the child just has a low temperature, for example before bedtime. I try not to give antipyretics until I’m 38, so that the body can cope with the disease on its own. During the night I control the temperature and pour it into the mouth using a syringe. warm water, the child practically does not wake up.

Painkiller. Teething.

The child had a fever for the first time when he was 8 months old and his breathing became faster. Frightened, she called an ambulance. The doctor, having found no other symptoms, suggested that the child was most likely teething. Prescribed Nurofen.

After taking the suspension, after some time, the temperature subsided and did not rise again. By evening, a tiny white island of future teeth appeared in the gum. We breathed a sigh of relief.


In all cases of taking Nurofen, it brought down the temperature, there was no such thing that it did not work. Only the duration of action differed.

How many minutes does it take to work?

If we compare the Nurofen suspension with Tsefekon D suppositories, then Nurofen begins to act faster, after about 20-30 minutes (suppositories take 30-40 minutes), but the suppositories have a longer duration of action.

Therefore, when the body temperature first reaches 38.0 C, I usually give Nurofen, and suppositories at night. If the temperature rises again at night, giving Nurofen through a syringe is much easier than inserting suppositories.


This happened on an ordinary weekday, I was preparing dinner in the kitchen, my daughter, at that time she was 2.5 years old, was playing in the room, periodically running to me. When I'm in the kitchen, I usually monitor it by sounds. Probably everyone knows this feeling: if a child is quiet, it means he has done something. I run into the room - the child is standing with a bottle of Nurofen in his hands((. (At night my daughter had a fever, apparently I didn’t screw the cap on completely in the dark. In the morning there was no more fever, and I, stupid, forgot to put the medicine in the first aid kit, and I left it on the dresser).

I'm panicking! I was ready to beat myself up for my memory and irresponsibility! Tried to induce vomiting, unsuccessfully. There was a little less than half of the product in the bottle. It is unknown how much of the product the child drank; some was spilled on the floor. But I didn’t take any risks and called an ambulance. Before the ambulance arrived, there were no symptoms except my shaking hands.

They did gastric lavage. A terrible sight, poor child((, in these 5 minutes I almost turned gray, and it was all my fault. How I blamed myself then((.

The doctor prescribed Suprastin and drinking plenty of fluids, monitor the condition.

Fortunately, an hour later my daughter had already forgotten about what happened and was running around with good mood, there were no symptoms. And I cried and asked for forgiveness...

This was a big lesson for me, although I am ashamed, but I am telling you this sad story in order not to make such mistakes.

The drug, like all other medicines, should be stored out of the reach of children!!!

Side effects

I was a little worried about side effects such as allergies due to the orange and strawberry flavors.

I heard that taking Nurofen causes vomiting for some people.

Nurofen did not cause any vomiting or allergies, btw.

How to reduce a child's temperature without medication

First of all, you need to create comfortable conditions: the air in the room should be cool, pastel mode, cotton clothing that absorbs sweat.

  1. Remove the diaper so as not to overheat the body. When our temperature first rose, before the ambulance doctor had time to enter the apartment, she immediately said: “Take off the diaper!”
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. The water should be at room temperature, slightly warm.

It is advisable to use compotes and fruit drinks. Fruit drinks made from currants and prunes are especially useful. Brewing linden color won't hurt either. Infants are placed to the breast more often.

In our experience, there was even such a case: in the evening, my daughter’s temperature rose to 37.6 C. For 40 minutes, I gave the child water using the same measuring syringe, my daughter definitely drank a glass of water, the temperature dropped to 36.9. Then at night it rose again to 37.2, but by the morning it had already passed.

3. Rubbing with water at room temperature.

Nurofen is the product that I definitely take with me on a trip to another city; such a working antipyretic drug is simply necessary in a medicine cabinet where there are children.

But Before taking any medicinal or non-medicinal products, it is advisable to consult a doctor!

Thank you for your attention to the review! Good health to everyone!

Nurofen is an antipyretic analgesic anti-inflammatory drug containing ibuprofen. Refers to pharmacological group hard-coated analgesics. If you were wondering how to bring down a child's temperature? Then you should pay attention to this medicine. The instructions for using Nurofen are quite simple and will answer all your questions. After taking the drug, the drug is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract and reaches the plasma. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys within 2 hours after consumption.

Nurofen for children for adults, composition

Composition of the drug - 1 dose contains the active ingredient in the form of extra ibuprofen and a number of additional auxiliary components. The drug is suitable for adults.

How is Nurofen Express Forte different?

Nurofen Express Forte has an immediate reaction from the body and begins to act within 15 minutes after administration. The medicine is distinguished by its release form in the form of a special capsule and contains the active substance in liquid form. Able to lower or increase blood pressure. The dosage depends on the gender and age of the patient.

Russian analogues are cheaper

Among the substitutes for Nurofen, there are more budget-friendly analogues, such as: multisymptom, paracetamol acid, Panadol, Cefekon, Ibufen, Noshpa. A derivative analogue of Nurofen has analgesic properties. How to reduce a child’s temperature if Nurofen does not help, first of all you need to consult a doctor.

How long does it take to work?

Nurofen has anti-inflammatory properties and relieves symptoms within half an hour after use. Nurofen instructions for use tablets for adults.

Release form: syrup, tablets, suppositories, gel, ointment. For children, children's syrup is applicable from the first days of a child's life. It wasn't banned. For adults, the dose is indicated depending on the severity of the disease and is 1 tablet 3-4 times a day. It is very important to observe the interval between doses. It should be approximately 6 hours.


  • 1. For migraines
  • 2. Teething
  • 3. For toothache
  • 4. For headaches
  • 5. During menstruation
  • 6. For influenza and ARVI
  • 7. For a cold
  • 8. For inflammation
  • 9. At temperature.

Ibuprofen substitute is a derivative of Nurofen.

Instructions for children Nurofen syrup

For newborns and infants, we use Nurofen in the form of syrup. The dose is determined by the doctor, depending on the child’s body weight. Be sure to observe the interval between doses. Children under 6 years of age should take the drug under parental supervision.

How to give candles?

Candles are only suitable when a short-term effect is needed. The suppository should be given to the child approximately 3 times a day rectally. This will help relieve symptoms of elevated temperature at the baby's. In case severe inflammation It’s fashionable to switch to capsules.

Children's Nurofen during pregnancy

In the first and second trimester, the drug is prescribed if potential benefit for the mother is higher than the danger for the fetus. The drug is strictly contraindicated in the third trimester, as it can cause contractions and childbirth.

Dosage when breastfeeding

The drug should not be used by nursing mothers during lactation, as this may have a negative effect on the baby.

For teething and toothache

Nurofen is also used in the form of a gel and ointment. If you are experiencing severe toothache, you can use a gel to numb the aching area.

How often can a child be given, dosage

In order to alleviate the condition and remove symptoms, the child should be given the medicine up to 3 times a day, always with an interval of use. You should definitely consult your doctor if you are taking non-steroidal tablets.

Reviews, contraindications

The drug has a mild effect on the body. The reviews are positive, especially from mothers who gave it to their babies during the teething period.


  • 1. Bronchial asthma
  • 2. Bleeding
  • 3. Pregnancy in the 3rd trimester
  • 4. Individual intolerance drug
  • 5. Kidney failure.

Side effects:

  • 1. Diarrhea, vomiting, constipation
  • 2. Acute pain in the stomach
  • 3. Irritability, headache
  • 4. Capable of covering the tongue with a white (color) coating
  • 5. Allergies


The manufacturer of Nurofen guarantees the result. Advertising and numerous photographs confirm this. How long does it take for Nurofen to work? Half an hour after use. The doctor will tell you how often you can give it to your child, but no more than 3 times a day. Should not be taken simultaneously with alcohol. It may be worth alternating with paracetamol.

Compatibility has not been studied. What is better, what is the difference, the name, how to apply it, after what time the effect is discussed individually with the doctor. The country of origin produces cheaper analogues. The cost is not too high to avoid scandal. Dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription. Detailed information on Wikipedia or on the packaging.