Foot shape of female legs description. What leg shape says about women


Human feet can vary in size, shape, width and other parameters. But, despite all their diversity, each pair of feet can be conditionally classified into one of five main types, each of which is characteristic of people with certain character traits. The characteristics of each type are based primarily on the length of the fingers.

If you count from the largest toe (first) to the smallest (fifth), you can describe the feet as follows.

Greek type

The Greek foot type is characterized by a short first toe and a longer second, followed by the remaining three toes in descending order of length. This type of foot is also characterized by a significant, compared to others, distance between the first and second toes. The width of Greek feet can vary from narrow to medium. Up to 20% of people have this type of foot.

People with Greek feet have a strong need to lead others. They are able to inspire others with their ideas and motivate them to action with their actions. Such people are more theorists than practitioners, although one does not exclude the other.

Rice. 1. Greek type foot

Egyptian type

The Egyptian foot type is characterized by long first finger and descending along the length of the remaining four fingers. The width of the feet varies in the same range as the Greek type feet. People with Egyptian-type feet are often dreamers and dreamers; they are driven by great ideas. It is believed that they are prone to a passive life position. If, in addition, the big toes of their feet protrude somewhat, they have great difficulty enduring criticism from others. If the heels of the Egyptian feet are smaller in size than the large balls of the feet, such a person is likely to have to struggle to implement his ideas, while facing great financial difficulties.

Rice. 2. Egyptian type foot

Scots-Irish type

Scotch-Irish type feet have relatively long toes of almost equal length. People with this type of foot are sensitive and caring, easy-going and, although sometimes very conservative, can still struggle to expand the boundaries of their life.

Rice. 3. Scotch-Irish foot

English type

The feet of the modern English type are somewhat wider than those of the Scots-Irish type, and their toes are sharply sloping. People with this type of foot are quite mundane, do not particularly strive to develop their spiritual or creative potential, and have a stable character. In their actions, such people would rather withdraw than do anything wrong.

Rice. 4. Modern English type foot

Peasant type

Peasant-type feet usually have three inner toes of the same length, with all the toes being quite short and sort of square. The width of this type of feet can vary from medium to wide. People with peasant foot types are reliable and hardworking, stand on their own feet and are well prepared for life. They are much closer to today's problems than to the distant and unknown future.

Rice. 5. Peasant foot

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Along with palmistry, there is a little-known type of fortune telling - pedomancy. This is the determination of a person’s character and destiny by their feet and toes. If their shape and length are known, the person's character will no longer be for who knows the secret.

In the article:

Thumb length value

If the big toe is the longest, its owner loves to shine in society and attract attention, one of distinctive features character - creativity. Such people do not like and do not know how to worry for a long time. Only a serious reason can make them nervous: owners of long thumbs rarely worry about trifles.

Negative character trait: inability to concentrate on one thing due to monotony. To show good results, they need to change their occupation and work environment.

If the thumb is short, a person pays great attention to self-development. The owners of such feet are distinguished by their ambitions. People with a short thumb know what they are going to achieve, and rarely doubt their ability to achieve what they want; they like to persuade other people to do things that they themselves do not have the courage to do.

The better developed the big toe, the greater the tendency to chatter. People with mobility thumbs- gossipers who are better not to trust secrets. Fingertips square or triangular forms speak of taciturnity and isolation.

If there is a lump near the finger, the person is well adapted to life, problems will not unbalance him. However, the owner of feet with a bump on the side is dependent on the opinions of others and is afraid of gossip.

If there is an elevation on the nail, the person is irritable and emotionally unstable. Such people are advised to learn to control their feelings. According to the superstition, if your toenail has grown ingrown, it’s time to get rid of the old to open the way for the new, that is, say goodbye to old habits and unnecessary things.

If the finger expands from the base to the tip, the person is being dishonest with himself. The more the big one is turned towards the others, the more pronounced the dependence on other people’s opinions.

People who think through every action have calluses between their thumb and index finger. Their owners should learn to listen to the heart and pay attention to emotions.

Index toes

The shape of your toes will even tell you who will be the head of the family.
Before the wedding you need to compare the length index fingers on the feet of future spouses. If the wife’s are longer, the woman will strive to play the role of head of the family, while the husband’s will be the head of the house.

When both of the couple have a longer index finger than the thumb, the spouses will have to learn to negotiate and compromise. If the index finger is the shortest, the person prefers to give the role of head of the family to the spouse. The index finger and thumb of the same length speak of equality - this is one of the.

If the finger is longer than the others, this indicates lust for power. Its owner is resourceful and knows how to make decisions. A short index finger is a sign of absence of communication problems. A person does not strive for the role of a leader, but does not allow himself to be used, effortlessly finds a common language with people, and highly values ​​calm and harmony.

Meaning of middle fingers

Shape of toes

It's not often that you come across a foot where the longest toe is the middle one. Its owner is appreciated by his superiors: such people become real professionals and achieve considerable success as they move up the career ladder. The longer the middle finger, the more ambition a person has.

If the middle finger is the shortest, this indicates a desire for pleasure. People with such legs strive to enjoy life, but rarely think about anything other than entertainment - these are real lazy people. They do not tend to be interested in the world around them. Active species Recreation is not to the taste of such people: among their preferences is quiet leisure.

The thickness of the middle fingers also matters for character:

  • Subtle ones speak of creative talents and creativity.
  • People who are fat are down-to-earth people who are practical and adaptable to life.

If the middle finger is tilted towards the little finger, the person likes to make trouble and is not patient.

A large distance between the index and middle fingers is a sign of dissatisfaction with work. The owner of such a foot has to go to a hated job every morning and spend a lot of effort to restrain negative emotions about this. One must try to find positive aspects or change jobs and give free rein to your emotions. As with, the distance between the fingers will be reduced if done correctly.

Ring toe

Has an influence on a person's character ring finger. Here's what the length on your leg tells you about your character:

  • Regular length is neutral.
  • Dinny - a person adores people, is attached to the family and honors relatives. This is a great friend who knows how to listen and loves to help loved ones, but these qualities make the owner of a non-standard foot vulnerable. They are easy to offend or use for selfish purposes. Such people need to learn to help only loved ones who can be trusted.
  • Too short - the owner is selfish and puts his own pleasure above the needs of his friends. Such people are not interested in friends and have no desire to communicate with relatives.

If the ring finger is turned towards the index finger, a person knows how to find a middle ground between helping others and his own interests, and has many friends.

Wrinkles indicate the need for care. The flattened shape of the finger indicates the need to argue and enter into conflicts. In order not to spoil relationships with loved ones, you need to find a way to give vent to negative emotions.

We recognize character by the little toe

Pay attention to the length of the little finger if it is significantly shorter than the rest. Coincidence? Then a person loves to dream. For its owner, reality does not seem as interesting as dreams, films and books by a favorite author. Able to save " inner child"until old age. Old age not too scary, because they are young at heart. He loves communication and makes acquaintances easily.

Marriage to people who can move their little fingers but not their ring fingers will be difficult. This usually means that the person likes to flirt and cheat. They are impulsive, they are not boring, but they are also easy to get bored with.

If a person cannot move his little finger, he is predictable, loyal, knows how to find a common language with people and does not hide his feelings. Such people are excellent family men.

U modern man There is a very bad attitude towards feet, both among men and especially among women. In nature, human feet were happy and free from any discomfort.

Ancient (atavistic) foot(Fig. 91, view of the bones), which scientists also call "pes anticus", resembles the feet of prehistoric people with a large grasping toe, capable of wide contact with the plane of support thanks to its metatarsals and widely spaced toes. When civilization encased feet in more or less comfortable shoes, they were forced to adapt. Interfering fashion, especially women's shoes on sharp and narrow heels, is simply catastrophic (Fig. 92, foot bones in high-heeled shoes). Here comes a fact known by the barbaric name “hallux valgus” (valgus big toe):

  • the first metatarsal bone, far removed from the second metatarsal bone (metatarsus varus or adductus), is pushed inward (towards the heel) so that the big toe is directed obliquely anteriorly and inwardly A ;
  • this is followed by an abnormal protrusion of the head of the first metatarsal bone, at the level of which the shoes, rubbing, lead to the formation of exostosis b, and then a corn, popularly called a “bulb,” which can become infected;
  • the second metatarsal bone is clearly longer than the others, so it bears the main load in the final phase of the step, which leads to overload and pain in the area of ​​its base; stress fractures sometimes occur;
  • the fifth metatarsal bone is strongly set outward, leading to hallux valgus deformity fifth metatarsal bone. She herself is strongly pushed inward With(towards the heel) together with the little finger;
  • this imbalance soon becomes permanent as a result of shortening of the capsular ligament of the joints, lateral dislocation of the sesamoid bones d and flexor tendons e, which increases the imbalance;
  • the thumb displaces the intermediate fingers (Fig. 93) and is even positioned above the second finger;
  • the fifth finger undergoes a reverse deformation - “quintus varus”, which further reduces the space for the middle fingers and increases their hammer-like deformity (Fig. 94) with the formation of corns on the plantar side of the interphalangeal proximal joints;
  • claw-shaped middle toes press down the heads metatarsal bones and lower them, as a result of which the front arch becomes convex - the front convexity of the foot.
As a result, such a common foot deformity with hallux valgus, hammertoes and anterior convexity of the foot puts serious problems when choosing shoes and can only be corrected surgically.

Morphological foot type plays important role in the development of the described deformations. From an artistic point of view, three types of feet can be distinguished:

  • Greek foot (Fig. 95) is characteristic of classical Greek statues. The second toe is the longest, followed by the first and third toes, which are almost the same length, and then the fourth and fifth toes. With this type of foot load in the best possible way distributed throughout its anterior section.
  • Egyptian foot(Fig. 96), as we see it on the statues of the pharaohs, is distinguished by the presence of the longest thumb; the length of all other fingers consistently decreases. This is the foot type most prone to problems. In shoes, the relatively long big toe moves laterally (hallux valgus) and, due to the load in the anterior phase, leads to osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint, creating hallux rigidus.
  • Polynesian foot(Fig. 97), or the square foot depicted in Gauguin’s paintings: the toes (at least the first three) are of the same length. This type of foot does not cause any problems.
From all that has been said, we can conclude - especially for women - that too narrow shoes and high heels should be avoided. Because in such shoes the toes overlap one another and fold (Fig. 93). This is how all the factors come together for the development of hallux valgus.

If we want to draw a moral from all of the above, we can rephrase famous expression: “Shoes are made for man, not man for shoes.”

"Lower limb. Functional anatomy"
A.I. Kapandji

Some studies say that if you look at your feet, then you can almost accurately guess who your ancestors were and where your roots are. Do you doubt it? Well, many doubt it, and some even consider it some kind of joke. Let's look together at some facts that may convince you.

In fact, your legs can tell a lot not only about your origin. The results of an analysis of the structure of your leg, its stability, skin texture and the nature of your nails can tell not only about your origin, but also about your lifestyle. Also, remember how you walk around in different emotional states - dejected, angry, happy? Yours state of mind affect your gait and even the well-being of your legs! Here are some for you to start with interesting facts, with whom no one has even tried to argue for a long time.

Fact 1. The human genome determines a certain set of individual physical signs-such as the color and texture of skin and hair, eye color, body shape and limbs, and many others - such as a tendency to baldness or certain diseases.

Fact 2. Human morphology depends on ancestors.

Fact 3. There are many scientific research, which revealed family (hereditary) endemic characteristics, such as the absence of fingerprints or fused fingers and many others.

Fact 4. The blood that flows in our veins can be of any origin, because over the past 500 years all races have mixed intensely and thoroughly. There are practically no pure representatives of one or another “genus” left.


Type A. Egyptian foot
The toes decrease from the big toe to the little toe under acute angle, forming an almost straight line.
The Egyptian pharaohs had exactly this foot structure.
If you have such a foot, then perhaps the blood of pharaohs flows in you and you have leadership qualities. Well, origin is origin, but don’t be arrogant and maintain respect for others in order to be happier than the pharaohs.

Type B. Roman foot
Thumb, index and middle fingers the feet are almost the same length, and the ring and little fingers are much shorter. This is the so-called “Roman foot”, one of the most common foot shapes. Apparently, because the Romans spread greatly throughout the Earth in the past.
If you have this foot shape, then most likely you have a good ability to hide your emotions and mislead people, but you also run the risk of being misunderstood. It is argued that, for example, spies often have this foot shape. Well, what we don’t know, we can’t vouch for.

Type C. Greek foot
The little finger is very small, and the index finger is the longest. Therefore, if we draw lines from index finger to the thumb and little finger, then these lines form the “roof of the house”.
If you are the owner of such a foot, then this speaks of a certain immaturity and enthusiastic perception of the world; you retain childish spontaneity and a penchant for entertainment. Well, okay, what's wrong with that, right?

Type D. German foot
The big toe is the longest and protrudes significantly higher than the rest. All other fingers are approximately the same length.
If you have a German foot, then you are most likely inclined to be sentimental, and nostalgia is your second self, you carefully preserve your memories. Perhaps it is not without reason that the German romanticism of past centuries was so noticeable in music and literature?

Type E. Slavic foot
Complex foot configuration. Almost all fingers different lengths. The index is the longest; the big and middle fingers are almost equal in length, and the ring and little fingers are also equal in length.
If you have a Slavic foot, then most likely you are characterized by fearlessness and recklessness, you are inclined to travel and love freedom, it is difficult to keep you at home. Do you need constant changes. Overall, take care of yourself and enjoy life.

Whatever type of foot you have, take good care of your feet, don’t forget about foot massage, beautiful pedicure and gymnastics. After all, the soles of our feet are the support of our entire body; may your feet be healthy and easily carry you through life.

On the topic " human feet“Many scientific works have been written. The field of medicine that studies the structure and treatment of the human foot is called podiatry. Chinese medicine I compared it a long time ago external features foot structure and internal diseases, as well as character traits that coincide with these characteristics. There is even separate species fortune telling based on the lines of the feet and the shape of the toes - pedomancy...

There are 5 toes on the foot. The first toe is the big toe, the fifth toe is the little toe, and the remaining toes are usually called by numbers. Counting is done from thumb to little finger. First of all, take a look at your fingers. Which finger is the longest?

Try to determine your foot type. Perhaps you will learn a little more not only about your feet, but also about your character.

Based on the length of the toes, there are 3 types of feet: Greek, Egyptian, Roman. It should be noted that a certain ratio of the length of the first two toes affects certain possible deformities of the foot. Thus, the Greek foot is most prone to transverse flatfoot, and the Egyptian foot is prone to the development of longitudinal flatfoot:

1. Greek foot type - Greek foot. The second toe is longer than the big and third toe. These are followed in descending order by the fourth and little fingers. Owners of the Greek foot type are credited with self-will and ambition, independence and determination. There is a legend that the head of the family (wife or husband) is the one whose “second finger is longer than the first.”

2.Egyptian foot type - Egyptian foot. In descending order are the first, second, third, fourth toes and little toe. The owners of the Egyptian foot are credited with such traits as softness and emotionality, romance and gullibility.

3. Roman type, or rectangular type - Roman foot. All fingers are approximately the same length. The thumb is almost equal to the second, then in descending order, but without strong differences: the third, fourth, little finger. People with the Roman foot type are credited with straightforwardness and simplicity of character. People with Roman feet are characterized by “stubbornness” and perseverance; these are the traits that help them achieve success.

In another source morphological type feet are also divided into 3 types:

The Egyptian foot (Fig. 96), as we see it on the statues of the pharaohs, is distinguished by the presence of the longest big toe; the length of all other fingers consistently decreases. This is the foot type most prone to problems. In shoes, the relatively long big toe moves laterally (hallux valgus) and, due to the load in the anterior phase, leads to osteoarthritis of the metatarsophalangeal joint, creating hallux rigidus.

* The Greek foot (Fig. 95) is characteristic of classical Greek statues. The second toe is the longest, followed by the first and third toes, which are almost the same length, and then the fourth and fifth toes. With this type of foot, the loads are best distributed along the forefoot.

* Polynesian foot (Fig. 97), or square foot, depicted in Gauguin's paintings: the toes (at least the first three) are of the same length. This type of foot does not cause any problems.

Now look closely at the arch of your foot. The type of arch of the foot can also tell a lot about its owner.

* Low instep is characteristic of people who are accommodating and sociable, people who are ready to accept help and listen to advice.

* A high rise indicates a good memory of its owner and good “leadership” qualities. At the same time, people with high rises are credited with lack of restraint and unprincipled character.

But, it doesn’t matter what type of foot you have, wide or narrow feet, high or low arches, flat or protruding heels. The main thing is that the foot is healthy!

And there are also such stop options:

1) Egyptian; 2) Roman; 3) Greek; 4) German; 5) Celtic