Fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot. Fractures of the metatarsal bones of the foot and their treatment

Fracture metatarsal- complete or incomplete rupture in one of the five long tubular bones between the tarsus and phalanges of the fingers. The thickest of them is the first, the longest and thinnest is the fifth. Injuries are associated with poor biomechanics or a twisted ankle.

includes five metatarsal bones, each of which consists of a head, body and base.

On the proximal side they form joints: the first metatarsus with the medial sphenoid bone, the second and third - with intermediate and lateral wedge-shaped, and the fourth and fifth with cuboid.

On the distal side they connect to the base of the proximal phalanges. The tarsometatarsal joint is also called the Lisfranc line. Relatively flat articular surfaces and strong short ligaments allow small movements and oblique movements. The base of the metatarsals is surrounded by three ligaments, the strongest of which is the dorsal Lisfranc ligament.

Approximately 5-6% of all associated specifically with damage to the metatarsal bones. They occur ten times more often than Lisfranc joint dislocation. The incidence of fractures is the same in both sexes and does not depend on age.

Most often, the fifth metatarsus is affected - in almost 56% of cases, then the third, fourth and second - 14, 13 and 12%, respectively, and the first - in only 5% of cases. Multiple fractures occur in 15-20% of injuries.

Metatarsal fractures are common in childhood, and they account for up to 60% of all bone damage. Before the age of five, the first (metatarsal) bone is most often affected, and after 5 years – the fifth and third. Marathon runners and children involved in athletics often experience stress-related fractures of the 4th metatarsal bone.

Metatarsal injuries are often stressful in nature and can be acute or chronic. The third metatarsal fracture involves the middle and distal part of the body. Runners are susceptible to injury, with metatarsal injuries accounting for up to 20% of cases.

Direct injuries are common in the workplace and are associated with a heavy object falling on the leg. Indirect - caused by twisting of the back of the foot while its forefoot is fixed.

Prevalence traumatic injuries looks like this: supination injury in 48% of cases, falls from a height - 26%, injuries - 12%. A traumatologist studies the symptoms and treats a fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot.

Symptoms of a metatarsal fracture of the foot

When crepitus and pain appear, complaints cannot be ignored, since stress fractures take longer to heal and are prone to recurrence.

The main signs of metatarsal bone fractures:

  • painful swelling;
  • palpable disruption of integrity;
  • pain with axial load.

Patients with metatarsal fractures are unable to bear full weight on the affected foot, which becomes swollen and painful. Severe deformations are observed only in complex injuries when bones are displaced.

Depending on the location of the fracture, there are certain signs:

  1. The center of growth of the first metatarsus is located in the proximal direction in children, so fractures are difficult to detect.
  2. Fractures of the proximal part of the fifth metatarsal provoke pain in the middle of the foot and at the base of the metatarsus, tenderness scaphoid. The patient cannot step on his foot immediately or after 4-5 steps.
  3. Fractures of the metatarsal head cause swelling, hematoma, and make walking difficult. Initially, pain occurs only during activity. Swelling sometimes makes it difficult to bend the foot. There is pain at the fracture site. . This does not happen with soft tissue injury.
  4. A fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone causes pain along the side of the foot and makes walking difficult. Acute injuries are accompanied by swelling and bruising, while stress injuries are usually associated with a progressive increase in pain, which is complicated by activity.
  5. Stress fractures cause pain while walking that goes away with rest. Over time, the symptoms intensify, swelling or pain when touched appears.

Fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot is more common in athletes, ballet dancers, and physical active people. The first and fourth metatarsal bones are susceptible to injury, but less frequently.

A fifth is more likely to affect young women who wear uncomfortable shoes and high heels, so they twist your ankle.

The photo on the right shows a closed fracture of the fifth metatarsal.– compaction in the form of a lump, hematoma.

Fracture treatment

Fractures without displacement or slight reposition of the fragments are treated with a plaster cast to the knee - applying a boot for a period of 3-5 weeks. After the fixation is removed, massages and gymnastics are prescribed.

If one bone is damaged, rehabilitation begins from the third week, and two - from the fourth. For the first week, it is recommended to use tight bandages and orthopedic shoes.

Displaced fractures are rarely reduced manually. More often you have to do skeletal traction– using a Cherkes-Zade splint, while the patient walks on crutches.

In severe cases, surgery is performed to compare the debris. The operation allows functional restoration to begin earlier using finger movement.

Duration of healing and rehabilitation period

The duration depends on the severity. The first weeks after withdrawal plaster cast the bones continue to calcify, so axial loads are not applied to the leg.

Therapists massage the ankle joint and sole, passively develop the metatarsal joints and distal phalanges. In addition to mobilization, electrotherapy and hydrotherapy are used.

Exercises should not be performed for 6 weeks after surgery, but active movements should begin immediately in the first week after surgery:

Return to a certain type sports occurs after passing functional tests that simulate loads.

Stress fractures of the second or third metatarsal rarely require surgical intervention and heal without deformation.

But a displaced stress fracture of the 5th metatarsal tends to cause complications. The treatment option depends on the patient's previous activity:

  • people leading a sedentary lifestyle should not put any weight on their leg for 6-8 weeks;
  • active patients undergo surgery with early fixation with intramedullary screws for faster recovery.

From the above, we can conclude how long it takes for a fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot to heal. Depending on the complexity, this will take from 2 to 6 weeks. The duration of rehabilitation also directly depends on the severity of the fracture and the displacement of the fragments.

Athletes who undergo bone graft surgery begin recovery on the 14th day after the intervention and return to training within almost a month, increasing intensity by 10% weekly.

During the recovery phase (after removing the cast), you can increase the load - perform exercises for the leg muscles, using shoes with rigid soles. Recreational therapy includes aqua aerobics, swimming and cycling to maintain physical fitness.

For accelerated healing applies shock wave therapy, electromagnetic therapy and ultrasonography.

Hypovitaminosis D is common among patients with metatarsal fractures, especially if they smoke or are overweight. Therefore, patients are additionally prescribed vitamin and calcium supplements.

Exercises for rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot necessarily includes active mobilization. Exercises should be performed 3-5 times a day:

  • plantar and dorsiflexion of the foot and ankle;
  • inversion and eversion of the foot and ankle;
  • straightening the knee joint;
  • pelvic lifts in a lying position.

The duration of therapeutic exercises depends on the severity of the fracture. Be sure to stretch: pull your fingers towards you.

At the third stage (after 6 weeks), you can add exercises for proprioception and coordination of movements:

Stress fractures of the 4th metatarsal are the second most common after injuries to the fifth metatarsal bone. It is associated with impaired biomechanics of walking and running.

It has been proven that Achilles tendon tension and spasm calf muscles leads to the heel leaving the surface early and the load on the metatarsus increases sharply.

To reduce the risk of stress fractures you should:

  • massage the attachment points and strengthen the gluteal muscles;
  • roll plantar aponeurosis a thick tennis ball;
  • practice running and walking techniques using cross movements of arms and legs.

Rehabilitation should help the patient use the foot to its full potential, walking in comfortable shoes without support.


Fractures of the metatarsal bones of the foot are quite common, and in most cases such injuries heal without any problems within a month. In order to avoid complications and quickly return to your normal rhythm of life, strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

Modern foot surgery often faces various fractures of the 5th metatarsal, which is located along the outer edge of the foot. The clinical picture of the injury is characterized by swelling of the foot and pain in the area where the injury is located.

The nature of the fracture is determined by the type of injury that occurred. The fifth metatarsal bone is more often than other metatarsal bones subject to an indirect mechanism of injury as a result of twisting of the foot.

Fractures of the fifth metatarsal bone can occur in the area of ​​its base, middle part and head.

Types of fractures of the 5th metatarsal bone

An avulsion fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone is an injury in which a bone fragment is torn off under the action of the traction of the tendons attached to it. This type of fracture occurs when the foot turns inward. Avulsion fractures are often missed when they accompany an ankle sprain.

A Jones fracture occurs at the base of the fifth metatarsal, an area with poor blood supply. Therefore, often with such fractures there is delayed healing and non-union of the fracture. Typically, a Jones fracture occurs in the context of previous cyclic stress loads.

In the area of ​​the fifth metatarsal, fractures in the middle part of the bone, as well as fractures of its neck or head, can also occur.

Fractures of the fifth metatarsal bone can be without displacement (the anatomical relationship of the bone fragments is not disturbed) and with displacement (separation of bone fragments and their incorrect position are noted), as well as closed (the skin on the foot is not damaged) and open (the presence of a wound communicating with the fracture area ). With displaced fractures, there is a risk of improper fusion of fragments, as well as non-union. At open fractures the risk of developing infectious complications: suppuration, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, tetanus.

Signs of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone:

  • swelling and pain when touched along the outer edge of the foot;
  • pain when walking;
  • the appearance of bruising;

Where to contact

Anyone with symptoms of a fifth metatarsal fracture should see a professional orthopedic traumatologist as soon as possible for correct diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone

If it is not yet possible to see an orthopedic traumatologist, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • provide rest to the injured foot, as walking can worsen the situation;
  • apply cold to the foot;

  • to reduce swelling and pain in the foot, wrap an ice pack in a thin towel and apply to the injured area for 20 minutes every hour;
    Do not apply cold directly to the skin.
  • wrap your foot with an elastic bandage or wear compression stocking to prevent the development of edema;
  • Elevate your foot to reduce swelling;
    keep your foot at hip level or slightly higher.

Treatment methods for fifth metatarsal fractures

  • Immobilization of the foot with a plaster cast. To eliminate the load on the foot, crutches are used.
  • Surgery for a fracture of the 5th metatarsal may be required if there is displacement, multiple fractures of other bones of the foot, or if there is no union. The operation consists of precise comparison of bone fragments and their reliable fixation using mini-implants.

Features of treatment of Jones fracture

As with other fifth metatarsal fractures, plaster immobilization may be performed, but the duration is usually longer because this type of fracture is more difficult to heal.

Bone stimulation is used to speed up the healing of some fractures.

If a Jones fracture does not heal with immobilization and bone stimulation, or if the fragments are displaced, surgery may be required.

​After full recovery, patients need to avoid re-injury, they should limit physical activity (at least for a while) and remember to take precautions.​


​the victim needs to seek qualified help as soon as possible

​Fracture of the metatarsal bones of the foot is classified into two main types:​

Signs of a foot fracture

​Then the traumatologist will examine the injured leg, after which the patient will undergo examination in the X-ray room. Based on the image of the metatarsal bone and the data received from the patient, the doctor makes a conclusion about the nature of the fracture and prescribes further treatment.​

​the bone breaks with a crunch;​

In the area of ​​the fifth metatarsal, fractures in the middle part of the bone, as well as fractures of its neck or head, can also occur.

First aid


​Elevated position.​


For non-displaced fractures, a posterior plaster splint is applied to the affected finger. If there is displacement, there is a need for closed reduction. Bone fragments are fixed with knitting needles.​

​The danger is that most people with such an injury are in no hurry to see a doctor; often the person does not even suspect that he has a foot fracture. The signs in this case are not as pronounced as with other fractures; the patient walks and steps on his leg. Therefore, to avoid complications, you must contact a doctor immediately.​

Fracture of the talus

​The cast is applied for a month and a half. Starting from the third week, you need to release the injured limb from the splint and make active movements of the ankle joint.​

​Foot fracture is a fairly common injury and accounts for up to 20% of all bone fractures. This should not be taken lightly; the consequences can be very negative, including the inability to move without assistance.​

​. Lack of proper treatment can cause the fifth metatarsal bone to not heal properly. In the future, such an injury can only be cured with the help of surgery and a long rehabilitation period.​

​traumatic nature (open or closed), associated with receiving one or another injury, for example, a direct blow or dislocation of the foot;​

​If the metatarsal bone is damaged without displacement, plaster immobilization is performed, the purpose of which is to provide maximum rest to the injured leg, thereby protecting the damaged bone from displacement.​

​appearance of pain symptoms after injury;​

​Fractures of the fifth metatarsal bone can be without displacement (the anatomical relationship of the bone fragments is not disturbed) and with displacement (separation of bone fragments and their incorrect position are noted), as well as closed (the skin on the foot is not damaged) and open (the presence of a wound communicating with the area fracture). With displaced fractures, there is a risk of improper fusion of fragments, as well as non-union. With open fractures, the risk of developing infectious complications increases: suppuration, phlegmon, osteomyelitis, tetanus.​

​the ends of the wires remain above the skin so that the wire can be removed after the fracture has healed; the risk of wound infection and penetration of infection into the fracture area; long wearing plaster cast 1 month; inconveniences in everyday life.​

​ Elevate the injured leg, for example, by placing your leg on a pillow while lying on a sofa or bed. If you are sitting, you can rest your leg on a chair to reduce swelling and pain.​

Scaphoid fracture

​Fractures of the nail phalanges do not require special treatment; fixation with an adhesive bandage is usually sufficient. The immobilization period ranges from 4 to 6 weeks.​

​Fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot is an injury that occurs more often than all others.​

​A little later, physical therapy, massage, and physiotherapy are prescribed. It takes two to three months to restore working capacity.​

​If you sharply twist your foot in any direction, jump from a height with emphasis on your feet, or when hit by a heavy object, this injury can occur.​

​Patients with a fracture of the metatarsal bone, including the fifth, will be examined by a traumatologist or orthopedist. As a rule, in addition to examining the symptoms and clinical manifestations of the foot and ankle, as well as examining the patient’s complaints, the specialist will prescribe additional research.​

​fatigue (bone cracks) associated with prolonged and systematic loads on the metatarsal bones of the foot, for example, among active recreationists or athletes, as well as among people who constantly use uncomfortable, tight shoes.​

Fractures of the cuboid and sphenoid bones

​If the displacement is minor, the doctor repositions the damaged metatarsal bone, after which he applies a plaster cast or splint.​

Fracture of the metatarsal bones of the foot

​Visually noticeable shortening of the finger or change in its position;​

Traumatic fracture

​swelling and pain when touched along the outer edge of the foot;​

​Open reduction for a fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot, extramedullary osteosynthesis plate and screws. The operation involves a surgical incision, access to the broken metatarsal bone by carefully retracting the tendons, vessels and nerves, mobilization of bone fragments, elimination of displacement and fixation in the correct position.​


Stress (fatigue) fracture

​If you treat a foot fracture correctly and strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, it is possible not only to shorten the recovery period, but also to prevent possible complications.​

​When the foot is turned inward, an avulsion fracture may occur. In this case, the metatarsal bone is separated and displaced. Fusion is very long, so you need to contact a traumatologist as soon as possible. If not treated in a timely manner, the bone may not heal properly, in which case surgical intervention will be required.​

​Arises as a consequence of direct exposure. Often a fracture of this foot bone is accompanied by injuries to other bones.​

Fractures of the metatarsal bones occur as a result of an unexpected strong impact on the leg, excessive load and overvoltage.​

​In this case, the most informative methods may be:​

​Depending on the location, the presence of displacement, as well as the type of injury received, fractures can occur in the body or base of the metatarsal bone and are divided into: comminuted, helical, transverse or oblique.​

If a transverse or oblique fracture with significant displacement is detected, the doctor will prescribe an operation during which all bone fragments will be put in place and fixed with a plate and screws. In this case, a plaster cast is not applied, since the damaged bones are securely fixed. In addition, the patient

​swelling and hematoma, often appearing only the next day.​

Diagnosis of metatarsal bone fracture

​pain when walking;​


​Gypsum immobilization is not carried out, since the metal structure fixes the fragments.​

​heating the damaged area during the first week, rubbing with alcohol and massage, which can aggravate the swelling. For example, exclude hot baths and saunas. Heat has the opposite effect compared to ice. That is, it stimulates blood flow.​

​Patients with these symptoms typically experience a sudden onset of sharp, intense pain following an injury. Sometimes the patient may hear a crunching or clicking sound at the time of injury. The pain causes the patient to limp. Patients with a metatarsal fracture are also accompanied by swelling, which increases during the day and decreases at night. In severe fractures of the metatarsal bones with displacement, the obvious deformity may not be noticeable.​

​The base of the 5th metatarsal is an area with poor blood supply. This is where the Jones fracture occurs. It occurs against the background of stress and grows together very slowly.​


​Swelling of the injured area and pain are the very first symptoms indicating that you may have a foot fracture. The photo below shows what a sore leg looks like.​

​X-ray scanning in two projections;​

​Often, a fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot is combined with some other specific diseases, for example, osteoporosis or foot deformity. The most common fracture is the fifth bone, which can subsequently become displaced.​

Fractures of the phalanges of the toes

It is allowed to step on the heel a little

​For fatigue the most characteristic

​appearance of bruising;​

​Walking with support on the heel area is allowed for a month.​

​It is important to limit the load when walking (do not rely entirely on the foot) until the injury is diagnosed by a doctor.​

​For a more detailed understanding of the problem, the doctor finds out from the patient the mechanism of injury, including the force, location and direction of the blow. ​

The doctor carefully examines the victim, examining not only the foot, but also the ankle joint, determining the presence of swelling, hemorrhage and characteristic deformation. Then a radiograph is taken in frontal, lateral and semi-lateral projections. After determining the fracture and its type, the necessary treatment is prescribed.​

Fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot, symptoms, treatment, rehabilitation | Fifth metatarsal fracture

A person cannot lean on a limb due to severe pain. Swelling and hemorrhages appear. When palpating and trying to turn the foot in and out, a person feels a sharp pain. To confirm a fracture of the navicular bone of the foot, an X-ray examination is recommended.​

Diagnosis of metatarsal fractures

​Painful sensations can be so strong that a person cannot move. Bruising may also occur in the area of ​​injury. A displaced fracture is characterized by a change in the shape of the foot.​

​computed tomography;​

Less common, but still occurring, are metatarsal bone fractures. Treatment in this case may also require long-term treatment, especially if the injury is old.​ ​.​

​Where to contact​​As soon as the fracture of the metatarsal bone heals and the pain decreases, the doctor will allow you to step on the foot in doses and gradually increase the load.​

​Treatment tactics will depend on the location of the fracture and its severity.​

First aid for metatarsal fractures

  • ​Stress fractures are usually associated with increased intensity or duration of repetitive motion such as running, ballroom dancing etc. ​ ​If a minor fracture of the foot is detected, treatment consists of simply applying a splint. In this case, the injured limb must remain motionless for several weeks in order for the damaged bone tissue to heal completely.​
  • ​Treatment​​Sometimes a person does not realize that he has a broken foot. Signs may not be pronounced; pain occurs only when putting weight on the affected leg. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, you need to contact a traumatologist.​
  • ​Magnetic resonance imaging.​​The most common causes of these fractures include systematic intense sports activities, weakening of bones as a result of osteoporosis, an accident, a fall from a significant height, or heavy objects falling on the foot.​
  • Also in such cases, the doctor may prescribe percutaneous fixation using pins. During this procedure, the doctor first sets the fragments in place, and then uses knitting needles to fix the damaged metatarsal bone in place. various directions. Currently, this method is considered the most popular. Which is not surprising - it does not require surgery and leaves virtually no marks on the skin. After the procedure, a plaster cast is applied. This procedure also has its drawbacks - the ends of the needles are above the surface of the skin, which causes a number of inconveniences.​ ​pain during physical activity, especially running. Often this pain goes away during rest, but appears again with increased activity;

​Any person with symptoms of a fifth metatarsal fracture should contact a professional orthopedic traumatologist as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and treatment.​ ​Do not self-medicate!​

​The goal of any treatment for metatarsal fractures​

Treatment of fractures of the metatarsal bones of the foot

Conservative treatment of moldy bone


​When the bone is severely damaged, internal fixation is necessary. This is done using special screws.​ ​If no displacement is detected, the doctor applies a circular plaster cast to the damaged area. For displaced fractures of the scaphoid, bone fragments are compared; in some cases, open reduction may be necessary. The foot is fixed in plaster for a period of four to five weeks.​

If a fracture of the foot bones is suspected, the injured limb must be immobilized. You can use an improvised splint made from planks, ski poles or rods, which is attached to the leg with bandages. If you don’t have anything at hand, you can bandage the damaged limb to the healthy one using a scarf, shirt or towel.​

Treatment after diagnosis will be selected depending on the presence of displacement, the location of the fracture, and also taking into account the open or closed type of injury. For mild and minor injuries, patients may only be required to briefly fix the limb using a splint. Sometimes a few weeks are enough for healing to occur and the fracture to be cured.​

​In practice, the most common fractures are the fifth, second and first metatarsals, which are the most common among other types of this injury.​

​When a stress fracture is diagnosed, a plaster cast is not applied. In this case, it is recommended to minimize the load on the affected leg, including when walking. The doctor will also recommend orthopedic insoles, which will help remove excess stress from the injury site.​

​pain localized at the site of injury;​

Surgery for a metatarsal fracture

​If it is not yet possible to see an orthopedic traumatologist, you should follow the following recommendations:​

Percutaneous pin fixation

- help the patient return to full life. Following your doctor's recommendations will help you quickly restore foot function and prevent further problems in the future.​

​ A thorough examination and examination of the entire foot and ankle is critical in identifying associated injuries. Deformation, swelling and hemorrhage are visualized without difficulty. The severity and nature of the damage determines further treatment. Any non-displaced metatarsal fracture requires immobilization. The applied plaster will reliably protect the bone from possible displacement. Due to the fact that the foot is completely motionless, fusion bone tissue will happen faster.​

​It is quite difficult to treat such a foot fracture in combination with a dislocation. If the dislocated fragment is not set back into place, traumatic flatfoot may develop. Displaced fragments are realigned using a special traction apparatus. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to open reduction and securing the reduced fragment with a silk suture. After such a procedure, immobilization of the injured limb should continue for up to 10-12 weeks. In the future, it is necessary to wear orthopedic shoes. If there is an open fracture, you should not try to set the bone yourself; first of all, you need to stop the bleeding. To do this, you need to treat the skin around the wound with iodine or hydrogen peroxide. Then you need to carefully apply a sterile bandage. After first aid has been provided, the victim must be taken to a medical facility.​

Open fracture reduction

​During treatment, the patient is shown complete rest, the affected leg should not be loaded, movement is possible only with the support of crutches.​

​They are accompanied by the following symptoms:​

​In all cases of applying a plaster cast​

Rehabilitation after a metatarsal fracture

​swelling in the area of ​​injury without hematoma.​

​provide rest to the injured foot, as walking can worsen the situation;​ Only a doctor can determine the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. If you have any questions, you can call

​We are convinced that for non-displaced fractures, adult patients do not need to apply plaster, as this causes a lot of inconvenience, and they are able to understand that it is necessary to limit the load in order for the fracture to heal as quickly as possible. Displacement of bone fragments does not occur without load. But it is difficult to explain to our young patients that they should not step on their feet or walk only with support on their heels. That's why we cast children. ​ ​ If the fragments are displaced during an injury, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. During the operation, the doctor opens the area of ​​the fracture and compares the resulting fragments, after which he fixes them with special knitting needles or screws. A cast is then applied for up to six weeks. The patient is prohibited from stepping on the injured leg. After six weeks you can start walking. The knitting needles are removed after three months, the screws after four. The patient is recommended to wear orthopedic shoes or insoles.​

Fracture of the 5th metatarsal

​Most often, the injury occurs when a weight falls on the back of the foot and is accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues in the area of ​​injury, pain on palpation and turning the foot in any direction. An X-ray is required to confirm the fracture. After this, the leg is fixed in a plaster cast for a month and a half. It is recommended to wear an instep support for a year after such a fracture. First of all, the traumatologist should carefully examine the affected leg. Having discovered symptoms of a foot fracture in a victim, the doctor takes an x-ray to determine the type and location of the injury. Very rarely there is a need for computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. As for open fractures and displaced fractures, treatment in this case will be more intensive and lengthy. Immobilization is also mandatory, since it helps to fix the displaced bone and prevent its further displacement. Sometimes the question of the advisability of surgical intervention is resolved. During this process, internal fixation of the damaged bone is often carried out - special screws are used for this.​

​formation of edema on the plantar part of the foot, sometimes spreading to the area of ​​neighboring tissues and onto back side feet;​

The duration of wearing is determined by the attending physician

Types of fractures of the 5th metatarsal bone

​If symptoms of a stress fracture have been diagnosed,​

​apply cold to the foot;​

​As a rule, in case of traumatic fractures, it is recommended to walk only with support on the heel or without any support at all, moving with crutches.​

Signs of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone:

  • ​X-rays in 2 projections are usually sufficient​
  • For a Jones fracture, a plaster cast is applied from the toes to the middle third of the leg for up to two months. Do not step on the injured leg.​
  • ​This injury is the most common among all foot fractures. There are two types of metatarsal fractures: traumatic and stress.​

​After a fracture has been diagnosed, treatment is prescribed, which depends on its type and which bone is broken.​

​Lack of treatment can lead to various unpleasant consequences, for example:​

Treatment of a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone

​presence of strong and quite intense pain;

  • ​. It is not recommended to remove it ahead of time - this can lead to a number of complications of varying severity, including non-union of the fracture.​
  • ​You need to visit a doctor as soon as possible​
  • ​to reduce swelling and pain in the foot, wrap an ice pack in a thin towel and apply to the injured area for 20 minutes every hour; Do not apply cold directly to the skin.​
  • ​ask a question by email.​
  • ​In case of stress fractures, it is recommended to walk with partial weight bearing on the foot, but always in individual orthopedic insoles, which “unload” the damaged area.​

Treatment methods for fifth metatarsal fractures

  • ​to diagnose a fracture. But with non-displaced stress fractures, sometimes it is impossible to identify them even for a very experienced doctor.​
  • ​To reduce the load on the injured limb while walking, you need to use crutches. The patient must be observed by a doctor, who will select the correct rehabilitation course to restore impaired functionality in the injured foot.​

Features of treatment of Jones fracture

​It is the result of external mechanical influence. This could be a weight falling on the leg, squeezing the foot, or a strong blow.​

​This bone has some special features. There is no muscle attached to the talus. In addition, it transfers body weight to the entire foot.​

Signs and manifestations

​wound infection in open fractures and the development of various infectious diseases as a result of the ingress of pathological flora from the outside;

  • ​hematoma formation as a result of subcutaneous hemorrhage;​
  • ​Like any other fracture, a foot fracture can cause a number of complications. First of all, this is a deformation of the foot of varying severity, leading to limitation of its mobility and, accordingly, inconvenience when wearing shoes. One of the most common complications is chronic pain at the site of injury. Arthrosis can also occur in the area where broken bones connect. And in the case of a displaced fracture, angular deformation may occur if the necessary correction of the fragments has not been made. If the fracture does not heal over a long period of time, this complication can be treated surgically.​
  • ​. If there are symptoms of a traumatic fracture, the victim needs first aid and urgent consultation with a specialist.​
  • ​bandage your foot with an elastic bandage or wear a compression stocking to prevent swelling;​

​Modern foot surgery often encounters various​​If the metatarsal fracture is slightly displaced, an attempt is made to reduce it and fix it with a plaster splint.​

  • In such cases, control radiographs are prescribed after 10-14 days, when bone tissue resorption occurs at the fracture site. Also, stress fractures are difficult to see on x-rays until they begin to heal and begin to form. callus. This is exactly what is clearly visible on x-rays. A CT scan or MRI may be necessary to rule out stress fractures and other foot pathologies.​
  • ​The recovery period for a metatarsal bone fracture is quite long and includes physical therapy, massage, use of arch supports, and physiotherapy.​
  • ​Signs​

A fracture of the talus is possible as a result of indirect trauma, is uncommon and is considered a severe injury to the bones of the foot. Accompanied by other injuries, such as a fracture, dislocation of the ankle or other bones of the foot.​ ​non-union of the injured metatarsal bone;​​pain and discomfort when stepping on the injured lower limb;​

First aid

​After the x-ray shows that the fracture has completely healed, the doctor will allow you to step on the injured leg. Most often this happens no earlier than after a month and a half.​

​If there is the slightest suspicion of a fracture of the bones of the foot, the victim must be given first aid and taken to the hospital, since he most likely simply will not be able to get there on his own with such an injury.​

​elevate your foot to reduce swelling; keep your foot at hip level or slightly higher.​ ​fractures of the 5th metatarsal bone​If the fracture is accompanied by a significant displacement of bone fragments (more than half the width of the metatarsal bone), the issue of surgery is decided.

What treatment is prescribed

​Limitation of loads and movements.​

​If such an injury is not treated or treated incorrectly, complications such as arthrosis, deformity, constant pain and non-union of the fracture may occur.​

A traumatic fracture of the foot manifests itself with a characteristic crunch and pain at the time of injury; you may notice a shortening of the toe or its deviation to the side. The pain is very strong at first, but weakens over time, although it does not go away completely. Swelling or bruising occurs at the site of injury.


​deformation of the injured foot;​ ​presence of a characteristic click or crunch immediately at the time of injury;​​It is very important to dose the loads​

How can I help the victim? First of all, he needs to be given painkillers. The person needs to be ensured complete rest; not only should one not stand on the injured leg, but also not lean on it. The damaged foot must be securely fixed, for which a splint is applied. If there are no special devices at hand, a regular board will do, which needs to be secured to the foot at the site of injury. If possible, it is also necessary to immobilize the leg at the ankle.

​Immobilization of the foot with a plaster cast. To eliminate the load on the foot, crutches are used.​

​, which is located along the outer edge of the foot. The clinical picture of the injury is characterized by swelling of the foot and pain in the area where the injury is located. The indication for surgery for a fracture is the displacement of metatarsal bone fragments by more than half the width of the bone. It is important to limit movements and loads on the foot to prevent further damage.

Complications after treatment

​This type of fracture of the bones of the foot is possible as a result of direct impact on the toes (for example, from a strong blow or a fall from a heavy object). If the main phalanges do not fuse properly, the function of the foot may be impaired. In addition, pain may occur when walking and limited mobility of the injured limb. As a result of a fracture of the middle and nail phalanges such consequences do not arise.​

Recovering from injury

​Such injuries, which include a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot, are usually found in athletes and those who lead active image life. They appear as a result of excessive and prolonged stress on the foot. In essence, such a fracture is a crack in the bone, and it is very difficult to notice. When you receive an injury, you feel sharp pain, swelling of the foot and ankle occurs, and hemorrhages are noticeable on the skin. If the fragments are displaced, you may notice that the foot is deformed.​ ​chronic painful sensations.​

​presence of bleeding and tissue damage in open fractures;​

- at first it is better to walk, stepping only on the heel, gradually increasing the load on the entire foot. The doctor will also suggest a set of exercises that will help restore motor function legs. If pain occurs, any exercise should be stopped.​

Fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot: symptoms, treatment

Types and causes of injury

​Surgery for a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone may be required if there is displacement, multiple fractures of other bones of the foot, or if there is no union. The operation consists of precise comparison of bone fragments and their reliable fixation using mini-implants.​

  • The nature of the fracture is determined by the type of injury that occurred. The fifth metatarsal bone is more often than other metatarsal bones subject to an indirect mechanism of injury as a result of twisting of the foot.​
  • ​Has been popular for many years and continues to be one of the most popular methods internationally. ​

​Cold locally.​


​If a person suffers from various concomitant diseases problems such as osteoporosis or foot deformities, his condition may worsen significantly. A stress fracture of the metatarsal bone also occurs in those who constantly walk in uncomfortable and tight shoes.​

​To confirm the fracture, determine its location, type and degree of bone displacement, an X-ray examination is performed in two projections.​

Symptoms and characteristic manifestations of injury

​After bone fusion, treatment is not completed,​

​lameness during gait, provoked by pain;

  • ​It is best to supplement the rehabilitation course with swimming - this will help to most effectively restore all functions of the leg with minimal stress. The patient may also be prescribed exercise therapy, massage and various physiotherapy procedures.​
  • ​manipulations must be carried out extremely carefully
  • ​As with other fifth metatarsal fractures, plaster immobilization may be performed, but the duration is usually longer because this type of fracture is more difficult to heal.​
  • ​Fractures of the fifth metatarsal bone can occur in the area of ​​its base, middle part and head.​
  • ​First, the doctor closes the displacement of the fragments, then wires are drilled through the fragments in certain (taking into account the nature of the fracture) directions.​
  • ​ Using ice will help slow or reduce swelling and provide a numbing sensation that will relieve pain. It makes sense to apply ice to the injury site for the first 48 hours after the injury. Never hold ice for more than 20 minutes at a time to prevent frostbite. A break of 1.5 hours before re-exposure to ice, this allows the tissues to return to normal temperature and trophism, repeat as necessary. You can wrap any frozen product in a towel and apply it to the damaged area. Ice should be applied as soon as possible after the injury. (Do not place ice directly on your skin. Also, do not leave ice on while you sleep, or leave it on for more than 30 minutes. This may cause frostbite.)​
  • The broken finger is noted to be blue, swollen, and severely painful during movement. With such injuries, a subungual hematoma sometimes forms. To confirm the diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct an X-ray examination in two projections.​
  • ​Symptoms​

​How to treat​ ​in the future the patient will have a rehabilitation period​​formation of a characteristic foot deformity.​

Diagnosis and treatment

​Full recovery usually occurs one month after removal of the plaster cast. During this time, the bone becomes as strong as before, and atrophied muscles restore their functions. To strengthen bones from the inside, it is recommended to take special vitamin complexes not only during treatment and rehabilitation, but also in the future.​

due to the risk of increased damage. You can apply ice to the site of injury for 10 minutes every hour and a half to relieve swelling and reduce pain.​

  1. ​Bone stimulation is used to speed up the healing of some fractures.​
  2. An avulsion fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone is an injury in which a bone fragment is torn off under the action of the traction of the tendons attached to it. This type of fracture occurs when the foot turns inward. Avulsion fractures are often missed when they accompany an ankle sprain.​
  3. ​Pros:​

​Elastic bandaging.​


​The first symptom that should alert you is pain that occurs in the foot after prolonged intense exercise and disappears in a calm state. Over time, it intensifies to such an extent that any action becomes impossible. The pain persists even at rest. Swelling appears at the site of injury.​

If a displaced foot fracture is diagnosed, bone fragments are immediately compared. The fact is that the later you see a doctor, the more difficult it will be to restore their correct position, sometimes even impossible.​

  • ​. Through activities such as exercise therapy, physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, the use of arch supports is possible full recovery, restoration of mobility and functionality of the foot. In most cases, the prognosis is favorable and the patient manages to regain quality of life and the ability to move normally.​
  • If these symptoms appear and a fracture is suspected,
  • ​In the life of every person there are unpleasant moments associated with various diseases and injuries, including lower limbs. An injury such as a fracture of the metatarsal bone of the feet is also considered typical. It is quite common among athletes, although almost everyone can get it, regardless of their physical activity. This fracture cannot be determined independently, nor can it be treated at home. Only an experienced specialist (traumatologist or orthopedist) will be able to accurately determine the location of the fracture, its nature, and also prescribe adequate treatment.​
  • ​To make the most accurate diagnosis, the traumatologist will first find out from the victim under what conditions the injury was received - where the blow fell, with what force and what was the mechanism of the injury itself. Injuries such as foot bruises and foot sprains have similar symptoms to fractures.​

​The symptoms of traumatic and fatigue, or, as it is also called, marching, fractures are different. So, with a traumatic injury, the following signs are characteristic: A Jones fracture occurs in the area of ​​the base of the fifth metatarsal bone, in an area with poor blood supply. Therefore, often with such fractures there is delayed healing and non-union of the fracture. As a rule, a Jones fracture occurs against the background of previous cyclic stress loads.​ ​low trauma, speed, ease, low cost, absence of an incision and, as a consequence, a postoperative scar.​

​You need to bandage your leg with an elastic bandage. But bandage it correctly, not too tightly. If your fingers become cold or numb, it means the bandage is too tight. An elastic bandage will limit swelling and limit movement in the joint. You can sleep without a bandage. But be sure to move around with your leg wrapped in an elastic bandage.​

A common disorder of the lower extremities is a broken foot. The foot is formed by the so-called metatarsal bones. They are quite fragile compared to other bones of the human skeleton, so they are easy to damage or even break. According to statistics, every sixth case of fractures occurs in the metatarsal bones.

A fracture of the metatarsal bone of the foot is dangerous because, as a result of inadequate treatment or ignoring the injury, a person may lose the ability to move independently. The anatomical structure of the foot is such that the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones are most often injured, but a fracture of the third is quite rare.

Reason for prevalence dangerous injury is that anatomically the foot is made up of 26 bones. Together they form a perfectly tuned mechanism that allows a person to make movements and take on increased loads. Injury to at least one of these bones leads to disruption of the entire foot, so there is a possibility of losing the ability to walk.

The severity of the injury directly depends on which bone is damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to know in detail the anatomical structure of the foot in order to determine the location of the injury, likely consequences that it can cause.

Anatomically, the foot has 26 bones, of which:

As already mentioned, the bones of the foot together form an ideal, but complex mechanism, they are able to take on the entire weight of the human body and the corresponding load during movements. In addition, these bones allow you to compensate for the impacts received when walking. A fracture of the metatarsal bones of the foot reduces the functionality of the foot.

Types of fractures

Since a fracture of the metatarsal bones is a damage to the integrity due to traumatic effects, the following classification exists:

  • by location or localization: at the base, violation of the body, subcapitate;
  • along the direction of damage: oblique, transverse, splintered, helical.

In addition, the fracture can be displaced or non-displaced, open or closed. All types of foot bone disorders are equally dangerous, since the damaged leg can be damaged for a long time.

The cause of injury can be not only a traumatic effect on the foot, but also the so-called fatigue type of injury. It is characterized by invisible cracks at the base of the foot.

A separate classification is given to the so-called “Jones fracture”. This type of injury occurs at the base of the fifth metatarsal bone. It is characterized by a rather slow fusion of bone fragments. It often happens that a given bone simply does not heal, which can lead to problems in the future.

Important! It is possible to understand the mechanism of pathology only by carefully studying the anatomical structure of the entire foot.

Risk factors

This type of injury is quite common in a certain population. These are mainly young people in age group from 20 to 40 years old, actively involved in sports. In addition, professional football players and people involved in ballet receive similar injuries.

There are many reasons why this injury can occur:

  • long-term physical activity;
  • traumatic blow when a heavy object falls;
  • traffic accident;
  • jump from a great height;
  • chronic diseases of bones and joints, such as osteoporosis;
  • incorrectly selected shoes (too narrow);
  • congenital foot deformity.

It is very important to treat fractures of this kind in a timely manner, otherwise, with time and age, they can cause serious complications.

Clinical symptoms

A metatarsal fracture can be stress (fatigue) and traumatic. The signs of injury that appear also differ in the nature of the development of the damage.

A stress fracture is also called a marching or stress fracture; it can occur as a result of prolonged stress on the foot. These injuries are characterized by a series of small cracks at the base of the foot.

Damage resulting from foot fatigue exhibits the following symptoms:

  • nagging pain that appears due to increased loads(for example, walking, a long climb up the stairs, a long run, etc.). The pain does not manifest itself strongly, the sensations are more similar to pain from tension in muscles and ligaments;
  • the pain goes away at rest, but actively develops if you start moving again;
  • the leg swells barely noticeably, but does not show other manifestations (hematomas and bruises) - familiar shoes can become narrow for no apparent reason;
  • pain occurs when palpating the injury site.

Diagnosis of a stress fracture is complicated by the fact that, due to its mild symptoms, it is quite easy to mistake it for a sprain of connective tissue. This error can lead to adverse consequences in the future.

The victim often believes that he simply hurt his leg; this theory is confirmed by the passing pain. However, untreated fatigue-type injuries can quickly develop into a full-blown fracture. And consequences of this kind will be much more difficult to correct.

Traumatic fracture exhibits slightly different symptoms:

  • a characteristic crunch at the moment when damage occurs - this characterizes a bone fracture;
  • strong and pronounced swelling is actively developing;
  • after a couple of hours, extensive bruising appears;
  • unnatural appearance - the broken finger becomes shorter or changes in shape;
  • severe pain that subsides during rest, but arises and intensifies again when trying to exercise.

The victim may note preserved anatomy of the fingers; this characterizes a simple fracture without displacement. An open type injury is characterized by bone fragments and lacerations. Such wounds are dangerous to develop dangerous infections(gangrene, sepsis and others).

Likely consequences

The consequences of a leg injury can be enormous, since a fracture always manifests itself individually. Untimely and incorrect treatment can lead to complications such as:

  1. Deformation. As a result of the fracture, the bone structure, this can also be caused by improper fusion of the metatarsal bones. The changed structure can lead to restriction of movement, inconvenience when choosing and wearing shoes.
  2. If the fracture affects the joint tissue, arthrosis may develop. In other words, the joint will begin to collapse. The destruction process will be accompanied by severe pain.
  3. Pain may persist long time, growing or disappearing over time. Severe injuries can result in complete immobilization.
  4. The functionality of the leg will be impaired.

Chronic pain and new diseases, the inability to simply stand still - all this is just part of the more common complications after an injury of this kind.

Conducted diagnostics

Going to the hospital is mandatory. A traumatologist first of all determines the causes of injury: the force of impact, localization, direction of impact. This allows you to identify the broken bone. In stress fractures, the injury is associated with increased stress, such as from dancing or running.

The initial examination consists of palpation of the injured foot. The ankle joint is also examined to rule out a fracture and possible sprains. In addition, external deformation, bruising and swelling can be seen with the naked eye.

Subsequently, an x-ray examination is prescribed. To establish a fracture, photographs in two projections are sufficient. However, stress injuries without obvious displacement are difficult to diagnose, even with x-rays. Therefore, additional studies are ordered computed tomography and MRI. Besides, X-ray studies carried out two weeks later - this is exactly the time it takes for bone callus to begin to form.

Urgent Care

Many people know the basics of first aid; the principles of its provision differ slightly when different types violations.

The first thing that must be done is to limit the movement of the victim and, if possible, reduce the load. This will prevent the injury from spreading, preventing possible complications.

If it is still necessary to move, for example, to travel to hospitals, then the leg must be bandaged. An elastic bandage will help maintain immobility, reduce tissue swelling and prevent the joint from becoming loose.

Important! It is worth loosening the bandage if you feel numbness in the rest of your leg.

The most common method of assistance is to apply ice to the damaged area. Cold compresses must be applied within the first two days after injury. Cold is effective in reducing pain and swelling. In addition, the effect of ice will stop the development of bruising when blood vessels rupture.

A number of rules must be followed when applying ice to an injury:

  • wrap the bag in soft cloth, which will reduce the risk of frostbite;
  • apply no longer than 20 minutes;
  • the break should be one and a half hours;
  • Ice should be applied as quickly as possible after injury.

This method is very convenient. If you don’t have ice on hand, you can apply frozen food or a bottle of ice to the injury site. cold water and similar items.

The injured limb must be raised higher, for example, by placing a pillow or a folded jacket under it. This will reduce pain and reduce swelling. In addition, you should take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Under no circumstances should you rub the damaged area or heat it. Warm compress, unlike cold, will only intensify the symptoms of a fracture - bruising and swelling will increase, the pain will become severe.

The most important thing is to limit any load until a full examination by a doctor.

You definitely need to apply for medical assistance, and as soon as possible - this is not the type of damage that can be done self-treatment. Typically, the diagnosis is carried out by a traumatologist, but with an open type of fracture, the help of a surgeon is extremely important - he will be able to make bone from fragments and sew up the open wound.

Treatment consists of several important stages:

  1. Immobilization, or, in other words, making the foot completely immobile. This is achieved by applying a plaster cast to the entire foot and ankle joint. A cast or splint will provide the injured limb with absolute rest, which will help rapid recovery and bone fusion. However, immobilization of the foot is used only for non-displaced fractures.
  2. Surgery is necessary for any displaced fractures. Conducted under local anesthesia(pain relief only at the site of injury), but is more often used general anesthesia. The bone fragments are put back together according to the anatomical structure, after which they are secured with special knitting needles. The operation is applied as in open injuries, and when closed.
  3. The victim is recommended to use a cane or crutch for some time to reduce the load on his legs.
  4. Drug therapy consists of prescribing anti-inflammatory analgesics aimed at relieving pain.
  5. Tests are scheduled every few days so that the doctor can monitor how the treatment is progressing.
  6. Physiotherapy and a course of therapeutic physical education are prescribed as rehabilitation.

Correct and timely treatment will avoid possible consequences, and full compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician will significantly shorten the rehabilitation period.

A fracture of the fifth metatarsal can occur as a result of heavy objects falling on the foot, strong blows, after an incorrect jump from a height, running, sports, or at work. At the time of injury, a crunching sound is heard and the patient cannot step on his leg. A fracture of the fifth metatarsal takes 6-8 weeks to heal, and sometimes longer.

Healing time for different types of fracture

Duration recovery period depends on the type of fracture. The more severe the injury, the longer the rehabilitation takes.

A fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone occurs:

  • with offset;
  • no offset;
  • transverse, oblique, T-shaped, wedge-shaped;
  • at the base, body, head;
  • open, closed.

Fracture of the base of the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot is very common. The bone breaks closer to the ankle, near the articular head. This type of fracture can be closed or open. In the first case, the recovery time lasts more than 12 weeks, requiring surgical care to compare debris and restore the integrity of soft tissues.

A closed, non-displaced fracture requires minimal recovery time. After an injury, a patient requires mandatory immobilization (immobilization of the foot) until the bone heals completely (approximately 4 weeks). Recovery time also depends on the age of the patient and the strength of his bones. In patients with osteoporosis (calcium deficiency), the bone takes longer to heal.

A displaced fracture requires additional measures to compare the edges of bone fragments and operational assistance when damaged soft fabrics(ligaments, tendons, muscles). The duration of immobilization during displacement is 2 months.

Sometimes the fifth metatarsal bone can break into several pieces. During surgery, it is put together piece by piece, fastening them together with special metal plates. Immobilization for such an injury will last more than 2 months.

After any fracture, a plaster cast in the form of a boot is indicated. It secures the leg well and prevents debris from moving. For cracks in the bone, an orthosis is used - a special foot support.

The healing time of the fracture also depends on the strict adherence to the recommendations of the orthopedist or surgeon. You should not step on your leg with all your weight, even in a plaster cast, as the fragments may be re-displaced. It is allowed to step on the heel, but very rarely. It is advisable not to move your fingers when applying a tight bandage. The patient should move only on crutches.

The cast is removed when the bone has completely fused, which can be seen on an x-ray. X-rays are taken in 2-3 projections (oblique, lateral, direct) to fully ensure the patient’s recovery.

Recovery from injury

Rehabilitation after removing the plaster takes another 1.5-2 months, depending on the patient’s condition. A buried fracture without displacement (one crack) heals faster than other types of injuries. After removing the plaster cast, the patient should begin therapeutic exercises, try to walk, carefully stepping on your foot. You need to move with crutches to reduce the load on the metatarsal bone. At first, it is better to step on the heel, gradually transferring the weight to the full foot. It is advisable to conduct walking exercises at fresh air, increasing the distance traveled daily.

The patient is recommended for a professional massage. If the patient cannot attend the procedure in the clinic, then he is taught the technique of self-massage (longitudinal stroking of the foot, circular movements on the dorsum and plantar surface).

Physical therapy includes a list of exercises to restore muscles and ligaments that have not worked for a long time. They must be started from the day the immobilization ends.

List of exercises:

  • flexion and extension movements of the toes;
  • transitions from heel to toe in a sitting position;
  • pulling the foot towards you;
  • stretching the foot away from you;
  • turns the foot left and right (alternately in each direction);
  • rolling a ball, roller or stick along the sole;
  • crossing your legs while lying down;
  • circular movements of the foot.

Nutrition, medications and medical and social examination

To speed up recovery after a fracture, the patient needs to eat properly. The diet should contain a complex of vitamins and calcium. Recommended dairy products:

  • cottage cheese;
  • milk;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese casserole.

Fried, smoked, and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, fish is also healthy pure form and dishes prepared with it (casserole, fish soup, steamed fish cutlets).

For rapid fusion For fractures, doctors prescribe vitamin complexes (Complivit, Alphabet), calcium supplements (Calcium-D3-Nycomed, Kalcemin, Complivit-Calcium). Bone regeneration is promoted by chondroprotectors (Teraflex), especially if the fracture is located near the joint.

Painkillers and ointments help reduce the intensity of pain. External agents are used if the integrity of the skin is not compromised.

To reduce the risk of complications and flat feet, the patient should wear orthopedic insoles and shoes for a year after the injury. Crutches are required during rehabilitation.

Work ability and disability

If the 5th metatarsal bone of the foot is fractured, a working patient is issued a certificate of incapacity for work for the entire period of treatment and rehabilitation. It lasts from 1.5 to 3 months, sometimes longer, depending on the type of injury. In case of a complicated course of the disease with impaired support function, which significantly reduces the ability to work, the patient may be assigned disability group 3. Its duration is determined by a clinical expert commission depending on the type of disease (1-2 years or more). If the patient has a disability, then he is entitled to a cash benefit (the amount is established by the state), discounts on medical supplies, crutches, orthopedic shoes and insoles. Patients receive a 50% discount on spa treatment.