Plantar aponeurosis symptoms. Plantar aponeurosis: symptoms and treatment of inflammation. Causes and risk factors

After a long walk or run, many people complain about pain in their feet, but not everyone turns to a specialist for help and lets the pain take its course. Pain in the foot can signal many diseases, one of them is aponeurosis. If not scheduled on time necessary treatment, then the inflammatory process begins, which causes sharp pain in the heel and prevents a person from moving freely.

Features and concept of plantar aponeurosis

This includes severe inflammation of the plantar part of the foot or aponeurosis. This is where the name plantar aponeurosis or fasciitis comes from. Fasciitis is the heel part and head of the metatarsal joints, disruption of the functioning of the longitudinal arch of the foot and the development of dystrophic changes.

A person almost immediately recognizes that he is developing this disease by the pain syndrome, which is especially pronounced while walking. First, a heel spur or painful bump and growth on the heel may develop, then an inflammatory process occurs and plantar fasciitis develops.

The pain is especially felt in morning time, and if the leg is at rest during the day, then burning pain decreases.

However, with frequent walking and running, the process will only worsen, and the consequences can be serious: lameness in both legs, instability and staggering when walking, weakness in the legs, impaired activity. If you do not see a doctor in time, you will need urgent surgery.

Risk group

The aponeurosis most often begins to develop after a sprain of the supporting ligaments. At risk of getting the disease of this nature The following patients are included:

  1. Elderly and middle-aged people; the disease is most often diagnosed in women aged 50 to 60 years. Men with this diagnosis are very rare.
  2. Athletes who engage in running, aerobics, gymnastics, figure skating and competitive dancing. for the athlete above all else, therefore it is necessary not to exceed the recommended loads.
  3. In addition, plantar aponeurosis develops in people who very often spend the whole day on their feet, this applies to the following professions: teacher, salesman, factory workers.
  4. Women who wore high heels or shoes with thin soles.

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Causes of the inflammatory process

The main reasons for the development of foot pathology are:

  • internal circulation and pronation of the foot
  • high arch or flat feet
  • uncomfortable shoes
  • long distance race
  • long walking over long distances
  • excess
  • underdeveloped Achilles tendon
  • wearing the same pair of shoes for five years
  • hypertonicity of the calves

If a person behaves like this active image life, it is important to take care of your health in advance. Buy suitable comfortable shoes so that your feet are not stiff and compressed, and if possible, give your feet rest for as long as possible.

Symptoms of pathology

Plantar aponeurosis cannot be confused with another disease. Its directly indicative of the problem.

The most pronounced sign of inflammation of the sole is a terrible, burning pain. Most often the patient complains of painful sensations in the area, however, if the pathology has not been cured for a long time, the pain spreads to the entire foot. If the leg or affected area is given time to rest, the pain immediately disappears, but this does not indicate a solution to the problem.

With aponeurosis, the affected area will turn red and may appear slight swelling and heel spur. Severe pain is felt in the morning or during pressure on the foot. The pain is very severe, the patient feels as if a nail is being hammered into his sole.

With such symptoms, you should seek help from a specialized doctor to confirm the diagnosis. An examination is ordered, and based on the result, the necessary drug treatment is prescribed; it may be necessary to carry out surgery.


Diagnosis of such a physical condition is determined quite quickly and easily. The doctor prescribes the following examinations: computer diagnostics, MRI and X-ray examination. These procedures allow us to understand the exact cause of the inflammatory process; perhaps the disease appeared due to pinching or damage to the heel.

In addition, during therapy, reactions and reflexes of tone and muscle strength soles, adequacy of sensitivity, sense of balance and coordination of movement. This diagnosis allows the doctor to see the full picture of the pathology.


Since the pain in this case is not constant, but periodic, the patient does not seek help in time and tries to solve the problem on his own. But that's the whole danger. A careless attitude can lead to serious problems, which will no longer be possible to cope with on your own.

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The first complication is severe pain from a chronic condition. The pain syndrome does not give rest either day or night; if measures are not taken, the inflammation will rise upward, and the legs, knees, and hips may suffer. Rheumatism and gonorrhea develop, abscesses and spurs appear, and the use of medications to eliminate pain becomes pointless.

Treatment for plantar fasciitis

In order to relieve pain as soon as possible, it is important to provide the foot with complete rest; you may need to give up all activities for a few days and triple your bed rest. If it is not possible to lie down, then you need to avoid stepping on the affected area of ​​the sole while moving. During the treatment period, you must categorically refuse sports activities, running and heavy physical activity.

To relieve the inflammatory process and relieve pain, the doctor may prescribe certain medical supplies: Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Diclofenac, Prednisolone.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal medications should be taken either in the form or in tablets. Hydrocortisone ointment is prescribed for acute aponeurosis. It is important to consult a doctor before taking any medications, because some may be useless for fasciitis and will not bring relief.

The following is no less effective treatment- This is physical therapy. Procedures are carried out to warm the foot, as well as laser therapy and ultrasound. Thanks to warming, blood circulation in the vessels of the sole improves and inflammation goes away. To quickly remove the pain at home, you should apply cold pieces of ice to the swollen area, just hold for a few minutes, but no more, so as not to get hypothermia.

If drug treatment and physical therapy do not help, then proceed to next step– shock wave therapy. This procedure allows you to quickly break up accumulated salts and eliminate spurs and bone growths.

If all these treatment methods do not improve the patient’s situation, then the doctor prescribes surgery - a simple operation is performed.

Traditional medicine

To eliminate many pathologies, some resort to help. Traditional medicine helps to quickly eliminate pain and inflammation of the aponeurosis; there are a number of ways to do this.

Plantar aponeurosis is a fancy name for inflammation of the tendon that connects the heel bone and all five toes. Essentially this is medical name a disease that is popularly called " heel spur", accompanied by severe morning pain in the heel, subsiding in the evening.

Most often, this diagnosis is made to runners or lovers of long periods of time. hiking, whereas even sedentary lifestyle life is not able to prevent the risk of an inflammatory process.

Provoking circumstances

Inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis is the result of a deliberately ignored or undetected sprain of the ligaments that support the arch of the foot.

Often like this pathological condition becomes the result of the following actions:

  • High (naturally) arch of the foot, or the habit of turning it inward while walking;
  • Predilection for very long walking promenades;
  • Running at a professional level;
  • Excess weight and wearing uncomfortable (inappropriate) shoes.

There are also risk factors such as short (or shortened) surgically) Achilles tendon, too high tone calf muscles and old age.

It is worth noting that the described diagnosis is more often given to women, since they tend to engage in aerobics more often than men, sports types dance, practice step dances, learn ballet, etc.

Tendinosis, or inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis, is also considered occupational disease teachers, trade workers, production workers and other people whose work involves constant or prolonged standing.

How does the disease progress?

The symptoms of the pathology are extremely difficult to ignore, and it is diagnosed easily and quickly. Most main feature– severe pain in the heel, often spreading to the entire foot. Typically, the tendons become inflamed in only one limb, but if the problem is found in both legs, the person will face long-term therapy, unless there is non-surgical intervention.

The onset of the disease is marked by painful sensations that occur in the morning in the heel area, intensifying during running, long walking, prolonged stay in one position or standing on your feet.

IN in good condition the tendon is required to hold the arch of the foot in the anatomically correct position, and during movement or running, act as a kind of shock absorber. If the aponeurosis experiences heavy load than it can withstand, microscopic tears form on it, which a person is not aware of, and cannot diagnose them even with the help of ultrasound. Numerous microtraumas cause the onset of the inflammatory process.

Possible complications

Since initial symptoms do not greatly disturb the patient, then treatment of plantar aponeurosis, as a rule, begins only when the pathology progresses to the acute stage.

If this happens, then even the most modern and expensive medications will not be able to relieve chronic and obsessive foot pain.

Well, if therapy for the plantar nerve is completely absent, then you can prepare for various kinds of problems with the back, hips and knee joints.

How is the diagnosis done?

It is necessary to diagnose tendinosis in order to establish the cause of its occurrence, and this is done with the help of X-rays, CT or MRI. The fact is that signs of Achilles tendon disease are often confused with symptoms pinched nerve, cracked calcaneus and plantar aponeurosis.

In the process of diagnosing pathology, the degree of adequacy of foot reflexes and their presence in general, indicators of strength and tone of muscle tissue are simultaneously established, coordination and sense of balance, sensitivity of the foot and other parameters that determine full movement are checked. All this is necessary in order to prescribe the most effective treatment to a person.

Therapeutic measures

If a person is prescribed appropriate medications and rules of behavior during treatment, then inflammation of the Achilles tendon is cured in just a few months. The main drugs that help get rid of pathology are anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids. Wearing orthopedic shoes and appropriate physiotherapy make a contribution.

During the period of therapy, it is recommended to give up sports, running, long walks and try in every possible way to reduce the load on the feet. If all of these measures do not give the desired effect, surgical intervention is prescribed, during which the inflamed area tendons.

Unconventional techniques

Treatment of inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis cannot be carried out exclusively folk remedies, since positive changes will not come soon, while the likelihood of starting the disease increases significantly.

The most effective (again, judging by the reviews) recipes home therapy folk herbal remedies look like this:

  • You need to pass as much garlic through the press as needed to cover the entire heel. A solid piece of lard is placed on top, everything is insulated with film, woolen socks are put on the feet, and all this is removed only after 12 hours;
  • Take a handful of fresh potato peels and the same amount of flax seeds, pour everything with a glass of water and simmer over low heat until it becomes a jelly. The composition is applied to the entire foot, the latter is insulated as in the first point, and the improvised jelly can be washed off after half an hour.

Remember: aponeurosis is not a disease that can be neglected long time. Despite its apparent harmlessness and the ability to endure pain, it is quite capable of causing partial or complete immobility. lower limbs.

Plantar aponeurosis is a thickening of the connective tissue plantar fascia, consisting of many elastic and collagen fibers. In fact, it is the longest plantar ligament that stretches from the anterior surface of the heel bone to the base of the proximal phalanges of the toes. The thickness of the formation is about 2 mm.

The main function of the plantar fascia is that it forms a kind of sheath for the muscles, nerves and blood vessels of the foot. It also supports the arch of the foot and plays an important role when walking or running. Due to exposure to some harmful factors the plantar aponeurosis can become inflamed and cause a lot of suffering to a person. In medicine, this inflammation is called plantar fasciitis.

Schematic representation of the plantar fascia

As a rule, inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis is a consequence of prolonged trauma. Fasciitis often occurs in people who have a heel spur, a bump-like bone growth on the plantar surface of the heel bone. This formation puts pressure on the ligament and causes inflammation.

Most common reasons fasciitis:

  • flat feet or high arches;
  • excess weight and hypertonicity of the calf muscles;
  • long runs, sports, long distance walking;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes, high heels;
  • incorrect foot position while walking;
  • long walks on uneven terrain;
  • wearing the same pair of shoes for 4–5 years or more.

Inflammation of the plantar fascia most often occurs in middle-aged people. Women are especially susceptible to this pathology. They spend a lot of time walking in heels and often have professions that require long periods of standing (teacher, salesperson, hairdresser). Among men, athletes, builders, loaders and other people whose activities involve excessive physical activity most often get sick.


Most an unpleasant sign inflammation of the plantar fascia is pain. It can be of varying intensity, but it always intensifies after walking or physical activity. The pain is usually localized closer to the heel, but when severe inflammation The entire sole may hurt. After good rest the person's condition improves, and painful sensations completely disappear.

Fasciitis may cause redness of the skin and slight swelling in the heel area. As a rule, this can be seen with the naked eye. If a heel spur forms, morning and early pain in the foot occurs. Standing on your heel, a person experiences terrible sensations. Many people compare these pains to being hit by a nail.

Localization of pain with fasciitis

You can suspect fasciitis based on a number of the listed symptoms, and this diagnosis can be confirmed with the help of a doctor. If the presence of a heel spur is suspected, the patient is prescribed an X-ray examination. The image shows very clearly the bone growth. After making a diagnosis, the specialist prescribes appropriate treatment.


In order to quickly relieve inflammation, it is necessary to provide complete rest to the sore leg. If it is not possible to spend several days in bed, you need to walk as little as possible, and while walking, try not to step on the affected heel. Run, play sports, or perform strenuous activities physical work is strictly prohibited.

For cupping pain syndrome and relieve inflammation, the following drugs are used:

  • Naproxen;
  • Diclofenac;

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used in the form of tablets or ointments. However, systemic use of corticosteroids for fasciitis is not entirely justified. Prednisolone and hydrocortisone ointments are used for severe inflammation of the aponeurosis. You can start taking any medications only after consulting a specialist.

Orthopedic insoles for the prevention of aponeurosis while walking.

Physiotherapy helps relieve inflammation. Some warming procedures, ultrasound, and laser therapy are especially useful. Massage performed by a specialist helps relieve tension and muscle spasm, thereby facilitating the patient’s condition. All these procedures improve blood circulation in the tissues, which helps relieve inflammation. At home, you can use an ice compress to relieve pain - just apply it to the sore heel for a few minutes.

As a rule, wearing orthopedic devices, medication and physical therapy is not enough to treat heel spurs. For liquidation bone growth use shock wave therapy– crushing the salts that make up the spur. If this technique is ineffective, surgical intervention is indicated.

What is plantar aponeurosis? Connective tissue made of dense collagen fibers needed to protect the sole and support the arch of the foot. Aponeuroses act as attachment points for muscles and become inflamed during muscle spasms.

The aponeurosis is the name given to the flat tendon, but the term “fascia” is often used in the medical literature. The formation of dense fibrous connective tissue contains fibroblasts (collagen-secreting spindle cells) and ordered bundles of collagen fibers. The aponeuroses are structurally similar to the retinaculum or retinaculum.

Ligamentous connective tissues form strips or sheets under which they pass. Everything called fascia, tendon and aponeurosis is actually elastic tissue made of collagen.

Aponeuroses are flattened or ribbon-like tendons, pearly white in color, which are slightly supplied by blood vessels. They are connected, on the one hand, to muscles, and on the other, to movable structures such as bones, cartilage and ligaments. Most muscles have an abdomen and two attachments - tendons, attached parallel to the course of the muscle fibers.

Fascias are aponeurotic bands that are found in all parts of the body, enveloping the organs in a softer network. In progress embryonic development mesoderm cells differentiate into bones, muscles and blood vessels. Those that did not develop into other tissues and organs became the skin and fascia of the body.

When connective tissue is dissected, an aponeurosis defect occurs, and most dangerous manifestation– inguinal and umbilical hernias.

In what parts of the body do aponeuroses exist?

Fascias are found in all parts of the body, so they can be divided according to their belonging to the upper or lower extremities, the head, and also in more detail - the pelvis, hips. The fascia of specific muscles is also distinguished.

In the lower extremities, the role of connective tissue is to unite functional muscle groups. There is a distinction between the gluteal fascia, which includes the aponeuroses of the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles - they are also connected by the long iliotibial ligament. The pelvic fascia includes the aponeurosis of the quadratus lumborum muscle, which makes up the osteofibrous sheath that connects the trunk and lower extremities, passing through important neurovascular bundles.

Separately, the fascia of the leg and foot is distinguished, which includes the plantar aponeurosis - the connective tissue, together with the muscles, supports the arch and protects the vessels and nerves of the sole from compression.

Plantar aponeurosis

On the plantar surface of the foot there is a layer fibrous fabric, which connects the heel bone to the toes. The fabric supports the arch of the foot and protects the sole from injury.

What is plantar aponeurosis? A thick white band of collagen fibers starts from the calcaneal tuberosity and is divided into five bands that extend to the proximal phalanges. Surface layer the aponeurosis enters the fold between the sole and the toes, and the deeper one covers the flexor tendons of the fingers on each phalanx.

The plantar aponeurosis has three parts:

  • medial;
  • central;
  • lateral.

It is the central part that is the most pronounced, going to each finger. Along the way, each of the five leaves is divided into three more, forming plexuses with the skin and transverse fibers. Fascia on the sides covers the elevations thumb and little finger.

The muscles located on the foot and covered by the plantar aponeurosis begin from it. When they contract, they pull on the fascia.

The plantar aponeurosis is attached to the Achilles tendon and is a tendinous extension of the calf muscles. Both structures (aponeurosis and tendon) have different places attachments on the heel bone. But when the fingers are extended, the Achilles tendon is also indirectly stretched, which is used in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.

Symptoms of its damage

Tension of the strong sheet of connective tissue on the sole is the main cause of foot pain in women and men. The most common cause of inflammation is biomechanical dysfunction. Runners and people with overweight, pregnant women, as well as women choosing high heels.

The aponeurosis of the foot is important for stabilization and shock absorption in the stride. Its tension, caused by muscle spasm, can contribute to the development of bone spurs.

Symptoms of aponeurosis damage associated with walking:

Most often, patients attribute inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis to initial stage for fatigue in the legs, then begin to eliminate calluses caused by tissue compaction. On last stage pain appears, which is called a spur.

In fact, it is the result of a spasm of the muscles working hard to keep the body on its feet. The plantar aponeurosis contracts when a person grasps the surface of the ground with his fingers while walking. When the biomechanics of walking are disturbed, a person feels unstable, because the muscles are tense and stretch the aponeurosis. The places where it is attached become inflamed, fasciitis and tendonitis develop.

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Physical examination involves studying the biomechanics of the lower extremities during walking. An orthopedist examines the feet, examining joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons. Of interest is the longitudinal and transverse flatfoot, the shape of the phalanx of the thumb. At integrated approach needs to be examined lumbar region where it comes from sciatic nerve, whose branches innervate the muscles of the lower leg and foot.

Carrying out ultrasound examination, radiographs and MRI are needed to rule out other problems with the heel bone, foot, and joints. The purpose of the examination is to find the cause of fasciitis.

Features of the treatment of plantar aponeurosis

When treating inflammation of the aponeurosis, you need to give the foot a rest, avoid activities that increase pain, remove uncomfortable shoes. As drug treatment painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If necessary, the doctor gives a list of exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles.

At acute inflammation Ice compresses are used for the first 24 hours. Ice, wrapped in a towel, is applied to the sole for 10 minutes, used 3-4 times a day. An effective remedy An elastic bandage and taping may be used to relieve acute pain.

Temporary relief is provided by compresses with ointments containing indomethacin or dimexide solution, which is diluted with novocaine and sterile water in a ratio of 1 to 4. Compresses relieve the inflammatory process.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies are associated with the effect on the spur. It is assumed that the substances will penetrate the tissues and relieve inflammation. However, external influence is not enough - it is necessary to unload the aponeurosis, relieving muscle tension. Traditional medicine suggests applying cabbage leaf, place fresh potato pulp in a sock, take salt baths.

Possible complications

The plantar fascia is part of the posterior superficial line connecting the hamstrings, spinal and cervical extensors, and the cranial tendon. Spasm of the aponeurosis on the sole indicates problems in the lumbar or cervical spine, violation of step biomechanics.

If fascial problems are ignored, inflammation will lead to a “heel spur,” a buildup of salts where several muscles attach to the heel bone: flexor digitorum brevis, abductor pollicis, quadratus plantaris, and plantar fascia.

Dysfunction can cause pain in the knees, sacrum and cervical spine if measures are not taken to restore the walking pattern.

Prevention of inflammation of the aponeurosis

To prevent exacerbations, you need to grab your toes with your hand and pull them towards you, dorsiflexing the foot. Use the finger of your other hand to find painful points in the area of ​​the plantar fascia and press on them, waiting for the tissue to soften.

Similarly, move up the tendon of the calf muscles, but without massaging, but pressing on the painful points and waiting for the nodule to soften.

Spasm of the Achilles tendon and plantar aponeurosis occurs with weakness of the gluteal muscles, which can be strengthened by lifting the legs while lying on the stomach, while placing a pillow underneath to stretch the lower back. Massage the medial edge tibia, where the tibialis posterior muscle is attached.


Aponeuroses are part of the fascia - the connective tissue membrane of muscles and organs. Tension and inflammation of a piece of tissue in one place cannot occur in isolation, which means that somewhere there is relaxation or spasm. Therefore, the problem of inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis should be considered comprehensively.

Plantar fasciitis develops when the dense connective tissue in the area of ​​attachment to the phalanges of the toes and heel bone is affected. The plantar aponeurosis forms, supports longitudinal arch feet.

With frequent microtraumas of the connective tissue and high loads on the foot, aseptic inflammation occurs, the condition of the plantar aponeurosis worsens, and plantar fasciitis develops. Symptoms and treatment of pathology, preventive measures are described in the article.

Reasons for the development of pathology

The plantar fascia experiences high stress. The greatest pressure was recorded at the point of attachment to the heel tubercle.

Negative symptoms in the sole area more often occur in middle-aged and older people. After forty years, many have a “bouquet” chronic diseases, problems with joints and spine. Departments weakened musculoskeletal system more vulnerable to negative factors.

Plantar fasciitis develops against the background of certain pathologies, signs and conditions:

  • and lower extremities;
  • obesity;
  • high arch of the foot;
  • prolonged stress on the feet (a person spends most of the day standing);
  • vascular pathologies (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis);
  • flat feet;
  • pronation (bend) of the foot is higher than normal.

Uncomfortable, tight shoes, worn out from the inside edge - another negative factor, causing problems with the plantar fascia. People often do not suspect the negative impact of old shoes or worn-out shoes. Permanent microtrauma in the area of ​​the plantar fascia during action negative factors provoke degenerative and inflammatory processes. Marginal osteophytes or heel spurs often occur.

Characteristic signs and symptoms

Plantar fasciitis has characteristic symptoms:

  • it hurts to step on the heel and foot after long stay in a sitting position;
  • pain intensifies in the evening, after a high load on the lower limbs;
  • often pain in the sole and heel area appears in the morning;
  • the pain is annoying after going up and down stairs, when walking on a hard surface, or when you need to stand in one place for a long time.

If left untreated, additional symptoms occur:

  • pain spreads to the ankles, big toe, arch of the foot;
  • a dense cord of connective tissue in the area of ​​the plantar fascia provokes contracture of the fingers;
  • the foot swells. On palpation, pain appears, dense formations are felt;
  • on x-ray noticeable growths bone tissue in the heel area there are spurs that cause noticeable discomfort.

Important! Osteophytes often occur against the background of inflammation of the plantar fascia. It is easy to guess the appearance of hard formations by the appearance of sharp, excruciating pain inside the heel. bony prominence does not allow you to stand on your full foot, causing such acute pain that walking without support is out of the question. In advanced stages of heel spurs, patients can only move with crutches.

Methods and main directions of therapy

How to treat plantar fasciitis? The patient should seek help at the first signs of the disease. The diagnosis is made based on examination of the affected area, clarification clinical manifestations pathologies, x-rays feet. Postponing a visit to an orthopedic traumatologist provokes the progression of degenerative and destructive processes in the foot area.

Get rid of negative symptoms will help complex therapy. It requires not only taking pills and applying ointments, but also eliminating excess stress on the lower limbs. It is important to review your diet, reset extra pounds: high body weight worsens the prognosis for many pathologies of the joints and spine.

Main goals of therapy:

  • reducing the load on the plantar aponeurosis;
  • stopping the inflammatory process.

Competent therapy improves prognosis: about the complex impact, early and moderate degree of pathology is possible complete cure. IN advanced cases fasciitis is complicated by the proliferation of osteophytes and excruciating pain in the heel area. Heel spur fracture - dangerous complication, increasing the risk of patient disability.

Therapeutic gymnastics

Special exercises stretch the connective tissue of the lower part of the foot and increase the elasticity of the plantar aponeurosis. Regular gymnastics lengthens the plantar fascia, reduces the risk of mini-injuries, strengthens connective tissue, and prevents the development of fasciitis. Another positive point– dosed load on the plantar aponeurosis reduces the pain of the problem area.

The optimal time for classes is morning. First, a warm-up is needed for the joints, after which the patient performs a set of exercises prescribed by the doctor.

It is important to follow the rules exactly and not add new exercises without the permission of an orthopedic traumatologist. There should be no severe pain: If pronounced discomfort appears, you need to reduce the load in time and reduce the number of repetitions.

Information for patients! At the end of the gymnastics, the foot is taped: a tape is applied - a patch or elastic bandage, supporting the plantar aponeurosis, fixing the longitudinal arch. It is important to tighten well elastic material when it bends around the leg from the bottom.

Orthopedic devices

To fix the foot at a right angle, doctors prescribe the wearing of special devices - braces or orthoses. The patient wears them all night; during the day, orthopedic shoes or special insoles with a recess in the heel area are recommended.

Orthoses do not allow the plantar aponeurosis to shorten and maintain the elasticity of the connective tissue. The technique improves the prognosis in the treatment of plantar fasciitis.

General treatment regimen

In addition to special gymnastics, wearing orthoses (braces) and orthopedic shoes, the patient receives other types of therapeutic effects. The selection of treatment methods is carried out by an orthopedist-traumatologist. Plantar fasciitis is treated by a physiotherapist and massage therapist.

If you have problems with weight, you need the help of a nutritionist to develop a menu with the optimal amount of calories and a complete set of vitamins and minerals. The patient should regularly consume foods that are beneficial for the health of bone tissue, muscles, cartilage and ligaments.

To eliminate negative symptoms in the plantar aponeurosis, complex treatment is carried out:

  • foot massage;
  • mud applications;
  • baths with chamomile decoction, pine elixir, sea salt;
  • applying cold;
  • applying ointments and gels with a warming, anti-inflammatory effect to activate blood circulation in the affected area: Viprosal, Chondroxide;
  • pain relief using analgesics of varying strengths - from Aspirin to Naproxen;
  • treatment of the foot with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds for local application: Fastum-gel, Voltaren-emulgel, Deep-Relief, Diclofenac, Cinepar-active.

In advanced cases of plantar fasciitis, active inflammatory process apply additional methods impacts:

  • for the gradual destruction of bone outgrowths in the heel area;
  • ultrasound and laser therapy;
  • injections of potent drugs into the foot area (analgesics + glucocorticosteroids).

The lack of competent, timely therapy provokes the growth of osteophytes and increased pain. Unpleasant moment– decreased mobility due to the inability to move freely without the use of crutches. If the case is severe, low efficiency conservative therapy An operation is performed during which the surgeon removes bone growths and affected areas of the fascia.

Protect the plantar aponeurosis from negative influence simple enough. Simple measures prevent frequent microtraumas of connective tissue.

The risk of developing plantar fasciitis will decrease several times if you adhere to the following rules:

  • wear comfortable shoes. Choose sandals, shoes, boots with a good insole, the right last, made of high-quality material, with a reasonable heel height;
  • follow the recommendations of an orthopedist-traumatologist, wear orthopedic shoes, and do not refuse special corrective insoles;
  • dose the load on the foot, do not stand in one place for a long time. It is harmful to sit without getting up to warm up: motor activityprerequisite For normal functioning body, good condition musculoskeletal system;
  • monitor your diet and maintain normal weight. Doctors are unanimous in their opinion: extra pounds are the surest road to problems with the musculoskeletal system. Excessive load on the arch of the foot increases the risk of microtrauma and accelerates damage to the plantar aponeurosis;
  • treat diseases of the joints and spine in a timely manner, and regularly undergo examinations by doctors who deal with problems of the joint-ligamentous system, cartilage and bone tissue. If negative changes are detected, do not delay the start of therapy, complete the full course of treatment. It is important to prevent the transition of diseases of the musculoskeletal system to chronic form, to be cured by early stage.

Pain, swelling, discomfort in the heel area are reasons for a visit to an orthopedic traumatologist. A timely visit to a specialist will help to recognize plantar fasciitis at an early stage, before damage to the plantar aponeurosis and bone tissue growth have reached critical levels. With an integrated approach to treatment and patient discipline, the prognosis is favorable. In severe cases, surgery will help.

Watch the video in which Elena Malysheva will give more useful tips for the treatment of plantar fasciitis:

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