How to determine who you are: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic. Is temperament a genetic problem or an acquired gift? I am lenient when it comes to jokes directed at me.

Sanguine, melancholic and choleric. Each of them has certain qualities and distinctive features. In real life, classical “pure” temperaments are practically never found. Each person most often has qualities of all four temperaments. It's just that some traits are dominant. For example, in a sanguine-choleric person the qualities of two predominate

Sanguine people get along with other people very quickly, are cheerful, can easily switch from one type of activity to another, however, they do not like monotonous and monotonous work. They can easily control their emotions, quickly adapt to a new environment and actively communicate with other people. The speech of representatives of this temperament is emotional, fast, with expressive facial expressions, clear and loud. A sanguine person and a choleric person are a little similar in this regard. Representatives of the sanguine temperament cannot stand monotony. If stimuli and events quickly replace each other, new impressions are constantly present, they manifest themselves from the active side. If the influences are monotonous and long-lasting, then the sanguine person quickly loses interest in them and begins to get bored. A sanguine-choleric person may show slight irritability

Cholerics are very active, fast, excitable and unbalanced. Their mental activity is intense and violent. In this case, excitation prevails over inhibition, which is characteristic of this type nervous activity. This is colorfully manifested in a person’s impetuosity, lack of restraint, hot temper and irritability. In a mixed sanguine-choleric temperament, these qualities are softened, which makes his representative calmer and more balanced.

People with a choleric character have sharp gestures, unrestrained hasty speech, impetuous movements and expressive facial expressions. The strength of feelings in such individuals is very great, and their manifestation is distinguished by liveliness and brightness. A person with this character is subject to sudden mood swings. The imbalance greatly affects his daily activities.

The choleric person is passionate about something, gets down to business with enthusiasm, overcomes difficulties, works on the rise, demonstrating at the same time his impetuosity and speed of movements. However, when his nervous energy is depleted, an avalanche-like decline in activity occurs. The mood changes dramatically, and a representative of this temperament begins to behave irritably and aggressively, while showing extreme emotional incontinence. On this basis, conflict situations very often arise. In a mixed sanguine-choleric temperament, the severity of some negative qualities of the latter usually decreases.

Many negative properties of a choleric character can be compensated by qualities that other people have in their arsenal. “Pure” choleric and sanguine people, like representatives of other character traits, are practically never found. All types of temperament are reflected in the features of the average person.

Have you ever analyzed your character? Have you ever thought about the nature of your temper or goodwill, aloofness or sociability? After all, you probably noticed some prevailing character traits in yourself. If yes, then this interesting and informative article was written especially for you. Today we will raise the question of the types of human temperament and their characteristics.

The term “temperament” originates from the Mediterranean civilization. Even then, such famous doctors and philosophers of antiquity as Hippocrates and Galen noticed a certain pattern in people’s behavior and began to study it. A little later, they came to the conclusion that the type of character is influenced by the prevailing “life juice” that is inside the body. Philosophers have identified four main fluids and called these character types temperament.

The hypothesis about the “vital juices” and their influence on character remained just an assumption, because no one, fortunately, checked a person for the presence of this or that liquid. At least we can hope so, because... history is silent about this. But, nevertheless, their discovery so shocked the world of philosophy at that time that psychology still finds this method relevant and actively uses it in practice. The truth explains it in its own way, from a scientific point of view.

How do psychologists determine the type of temperament?

The fact is that 4 types of temperament exist. Leading psychologists still agree with this, but they explain this not by the prevailing “life juice”, but by the dynamics of the nervous system. For example, sanguine and choleric people have lightning-fast reactions, they are sociable, and are able to quickly solve problems rather than accumulate them. While the phlegmatic and melancholic would rather wait for everything to resolve itself rather than take the situation into their own hands, they are less sociable and feel comfortable alone. The second type is inferior to the first in the dynamics of the nervous system, that is, it is a little “inhibited”. This creative people who are immersed in the inner world.

Herluf Bidstrup is a famous Danish cartoonist. His funny pictures of types of temperament still serve a clear example in many textbooks and manuals in different countries peace. The first one on top is a choleric person, then a phlegmatic person, a melancholic person and a sanguine person. It is very funny to observe how different types of temperament behave in the same situation.

It is interesting to know that there is no pure type of temperament. Each of the four types is present in any person, but each has dominant character traits, from which it can be concluded which type of temperament predominates most.

Mental personality disorders with a pure type of temperament

As mentioned above, all people are characterized by several types of temperament and, as a rule, one of them is dominant. The pure appearance of temperament in psychology may indicate that a person suffers from a psychiatric disorder, because this is considered pathological.

  • Choleric – impulsive personality disorder
  • Phlegmatic – schizophrenic personality disorder
  • Melancholic – anxiety disorder personalities
  • Sanguine - hypomania

Eric Berne wrote a great book called Games People Play. It explains the difference in our behavior in a given situation. Tells how common it is for people to use masks from “diligent schoolgirl” to “tyrant”. Try to independently analyze your behavior in different life situations, and you will understand that the type of temperament is a conditional indicator of the prevailing character traits.

Choleric is a type of temperament

If we briefly talk about the type of this temperament, then this is definitely a born leader. The main traits of his character are short temper, irritability and impulsiveness. Cholerics have the fastest dynamics of the nervous system, so they are able to set goals and achieve their goals.

  • These people have analytical thinking, which is why choleric people can often be found in leadership positions.
  • The type of activity of the owner of this temperament is often associated with exact technical sciences.
  • They are very demanding and executive bosses. They make decisions easily, direct and categorical in their choices.

Cholerics have an ideal union with phlegmatic people. They, like scales, balance ardor and complement each other.

Features of the behavior of a choleric child

This type of temperament in a child causes the greatest problems in education. These are very energetic children who are interested in everything. They try to cover literally everything. A choleric child will happily attend classes in ballroom dancing and karate, drawing and football at the same time.

  • Choleric children have serious problems with the organization, which should absolutely not be allowed.
  • Most likely, he will leave all sections after a couple of classes. Their excessive energy does not allow them to sit for a long time in one activity.
  • This is very bad, because a choleric child has innate potential. These are successful and determined people in the future.
  • If parents direct their energy in the right direction, they will certainly get a very smart and purposeful child.
  • Another huge disadvantage of choleric children is that they are very emotional. If they are raised incorrectly, then very soon they will begin to pour out their excess energy on the children around them, which cannot be pleasant. Almost all hooligans have this type of temperament.
  • If your child shows aggression towards other children, do not rush to spank him on the bottom; they require a special approach to education.

How to raise a choleric child?

The concept of this type of temperament already implies his temper and instability. Don’t even try to shout at him or, God forbid, hit him. Don't expect him to remain silent in response; it is quite possible that he will respond in kind. With this example you only show that such behavior is normal.

They are like sponges, absorbing everything from you as an example. All attempts to suppress a choleric child will cause serious resistance on his part. Such children are very vindictive and, if they come across a wall of misunderstanding and aggression from their parents, they will repay in kind.

  • You need to learn to negotiate with a child. Be demanding of him, but not so much as to limit his expression of energy.
  • Set clear rules of behavior in the house and on the street.
  • Any disobedience must be punished. If you threaten your child that you will take away his device, then do not waste your words.
  • Choleric children are very cunning and will take advantage of your mercy.
  • This is the child who needs discipline the most.

Phlegmatic - a type of temperament

These are very friendly and nice people. This type of temperament has a slow dynamics of the nervous system, so they often seem sluggish and lacking initiative.

Characteristics of phlegmatic people:

  • This rare group people whose representatives feel comfortable in routine.
  • They often work in the same type of work, which most people find boring.
  • Phlegmatic people hate change.
  • They hate regularity and strive to live in an organized way.
  • Also, phlegmatic people hate conflicts; they do not know how to confront anyone and defend their interests. In order not to run into a quarrel, they are able to give everything you ask them.
  • These are very loyal friends who will always listen and help.

Features of the behavior of a phlegmatic child

These are very diligent and friendly children. They are born perfectionists. Phlegmatic people work very hard, and when they find something they like, they will most likely make it their life’s work. These are the most obedient and “comfortable” children who almost never create difficulties for their parents.

  • They have a not very practical trait; they are very introverted children.
  • Phlegmatic people value loneliness and comfort above all else. They cannot be called social in any way.
  • Parents must help their child adapt to society. Otherwise, they risk remaining as hermits, not contacting anyone unless absolutely necessary.
  • Another unpleasant feature of phlegmatic people is their slowness. They are unhurried and always debug everything for later, this can create many problems in the future.
  • From childhood they need to be taught to be organized and punctual.

How to raise a phlegmatic child?

Phlegmatic children, as mentioned above, are the most “convenient” children to raise. They are very obedient and will never contradict their parents.

But they also require a special approach:

  • A phlegmatic child has a hard time accepting what is said. There is a good chance that he will not remember your words or simply will not consider them important.
  • They are often immersed in their inner world, which prevents them from being attentive.
  • They often act distant during parenting. Therefore, it is best to educate them by good example.
  • Don't demand more from your child than you can do yourself.
  • At first, study lessons with him together, sitting next to him.
  • The problem of a phlegmatic child with adaptation in society is also very easy to solve. To do this, the main thing is to organize family “outings” to an amusement park or, when eating in a restaurant, take it to the game room.
  • They slowly adapt to the new way of life. Almost all changes are taken to heart. You should not do this too abruptly so that the child does not experience stress.

Sanguine - a type of temperament

Sanguine can be seen from afar. They are always very loud, fast and funny people, with an unrivaled sense of humor. Such people are often called the “life of the party.” They have a lot of friends, which is not surprising given their behavior pattern.

  • Sanguine people hate loneliness. They try to surround themselves with communication and people as much as possible. This is the only way they feel comfortable.
  • Sanguine people are capable of achieving high goals, but their main problem is that they are very changeable.
  • It often seems to them that they have found their life’s work, but quickly “burning out”, they begin to want something new.
  • Sanguine people want everything at once, but boredom is their main enemy.
  • Such people often find themselves in the humanities.
  • If we put aside their inconstancy, these are very purposeful people who are able to move mountains on the path to their dreams.

Peculiarities of behavior of a sanguine child

Such children are often called hyperactive. But, to tell the truth, many of the sanguine children suffer from this behavior disorder. This is a physiological feature of this type of temperament.

  • A sanguine child has a lightning-fast reaction to everything that happens
  • These kids can't sit still for a minute.
  • An angina child is very friendly and will never offend anyone. But his energy is sometimes destructive
  • Parents should make a lot of effort to come to an agreement with their child or keep him busy with something useful.

How to raise a sanguine child?

A sanguine child is not to blame for his excessive activity and parents should understand and respect this. The best solution will pass the child to several sections at once. They must be active. You can't imagine what could happen to a piano teacher if your child decides to take his class. Give preference to wrestling, modern dancing or children's tourism.

  • Sanguine people often associate themselves with active activities, so your choice can play a decisive role in the fate of your child.
  • Their activity often makes it difficult for them to concentrate.
  • Your task is to convey to the child that he has certain obligations (for example: walk the dog, do his homework) and until he does this, he will not be able to do what he would like.
  • Introduce clear boundaries of discipline, but do not limit the child completely. If he is not allowed to scream in the house, then allow him to do it outside.

Melancholic - a type of temperament

Melancholic people are very creative people. They love to analyze their behavior and feelings. They never let go of grievances and accumulate them for a long time.

  • Melancholic people love loneliness, but at the same time they quickly establish relationships with a new team.
  • They are punctual and organized, which is what they demand from others.
  • They can fully reveal themselves in creativity.
  • This is very deep people, with a big heart and a huge inner world, which undoubtedly helps them in their creativity. But by choosing another profession, they can easily achieve success.
  • Melancholic people are very consistent and conscientious in everything they do.

Features of the behavior of a melancholic child

Melancholic people are very reasonable and correct children. But, unfortunately, their excessive sensitivity often spoils their mood. A melancholic child often cries, but not only because you yelled at him or offended him in some way. Tears are a real tool in his hands. He is a born manipulator and often resorts to forbidden techniques.

  • Don't forget that these are creative children.
  • They get along quite well in society, but often require solitude. Parents need to respect this decision and give the child the opportunity to be alone.
  • It is unlikely that he will surf the Internet or watch cartoons; this time will be devoted to global thoughts and plans.

How to raise a melancholic child?

Under no circumstances should you shout at a child. He is very sensitive and receptive. Your words can hurt him so much that it can develop into mental trauma. You need to negotiate with such a child; these are very smart children who understand words perfectly.

  • If a child cries, be sure to take pity on him, but stand your ground, explaining your categorical attitude. This way you will avoid manipulation by your child.
  • Be sure to take your child to creative classes so that he can reveal his innate potential.
  • Encourage all his achievements and unsuccessful attempts. It is very important to encourage a melancholic child.
  • Avoid the carrot and stick method. You have enough smart child to negotiate with him like an adult.

Let this article serve as a useful guide for you on the types of temperament and their properties. After all, it is very important to find an approach to a person in order to make your relationship strong and comfortable for both. Raise your child according to his temperament type, he will become obedient and collected. Your patience and consistency will lead him to success.

Video: “Test for the type of temperament using the DISK method”

Temperament- this is an individual property of a person, which to the greatest extent depends on his innate, natural psychophysiological qualities. Temperament is an individual characteristic of a person in terms of the characteristics of his mental activity, such as intensity, speed, tempo mental processes.

Typically, three areas of manifestation of temperament are distinguished: the level of general activity, characteristics of the motor sphere and the level of emotionality.

General activity determined by the degree of intensity of human interaction with the environment - natural and social. There are two extremes here. One type of people is distinguished by its clearly expressed lethargy and passivity, and the other by its high activity and speed in action. Representatives of other temperaments are located between these two poles.

Motor or motor activity expressed in the speed and sharpness of movements, in the tempo of speech, as well as in external mobility or, conversely, slowness, talkativeness or silence.

Emotionality - expressed in the speed of change emotional states, sensitivity to emotional influences, sensitivity.

Since antiquity, temperament has always been associated with the physiological characteristics of the human body. Hippocrates(V century BC) described four types of temperament, determined by the fluid that supposedly predominates in the body: sanguine(from lat. sanguis blood), choleric(from Greek chole- bile), phlegmatic(from Greek phlegma mucus) and melancholic(from Greek melainachole black bile). Hippocrates understood temperaments in a purely physiological sense.

In the 18th century Four psychological types were compared with the Hippocratic types of temperament, which marked the beginning of a psychological line in the study of temperaments. Common everyday ideas about temperaments at present are not much different from the ideas of the 18th century: choleric temperament is associated with irritability, sanguine with cheerfulness, phlegmatic with calmness, and melancholic with sadness and vulnerability.

In modern psychology, temperament is defined as constant and stable natural personality traits that determine the dynamics of mental activity, regardless of its content.

The properties of temperament include extraversion and introversion, the pace of reactions, plasticity and rigidity.

Extraversion-introversion- temperament characteristics introduced K. Jung - determine the dependence of a person’s reaction and activity on external impressions arising in at the moment(extrovert), or from the internal mental processes and states of a person (introvert). Extroverts include sanguine and choleric, and introverts include phlegmatic and melancholic.

Reaction rate characterizes the speed of mental processes and reactions (speed of mind, rate of speech, dynamics of gestures). The rate of reactions is increased in choleric people, sanguine people and well-rested melancholic people and decreased in phlegmatic people and tired melancholic people. People with a fast pace of reactions and low sensitivity (sanguine and choleric) do not notice. that others (phlegmatic and melancholic) do not have time to follow the course of their thoughts, and on the basis of this they make completely unfounded conclusions about their mental abilities, which can cause direct damage to relationships between people, in particular business relationships.

Inactivity - the degree of involuntary reactions to external and internal influences and irritations (critical remark, offensive word, harsh tone. external influence). These are automated defense and orientation reactions. High reactivity in choleric and sanguine people, low in phlegmatic people.

Activity- characterizes the expression of the individual’s energy potential, with which a person overcomes obstacles and achieves goals. Activity is expressed in perseverance, focus, concentration and is the main quality of temperament that contributes to achieving the goal. A phlegmatic person is most active, although due to low reactivity he gets involved in work more slowly. The phlegmatic person is highly active and is not in danger of overwork. In a choleric person, high activity is combined with reactivity. Sanguine people are quite active, but if the activity is monotonous, they may lose interest in it. Melancholic people are characterized by low activity.

The ratio of reactivity and activity determines what a person’s activity depends on to a greater extent: random external or internal circumstances - mood, random events, or on goals, intentions, beliefs.

Plasticity and rigidity indicate how easily and flexibly a person adapts to external influences (plasticity) or how inert his behavior is (rigidity). The highest plasticity is in sanguine people, rigidity characterizes phlegmatic people, choleric people and melancholic people.

Emotional excitability reflects the threshold of the minimum impact necessary for the occurrence of an emotional reaction and the speed of its development. Emotional excitability is increased in sanguine, choleric and melancholic people, and decreased in phlegmatic people.

A peculiar combination of activity, determined by the intensity and volume of human interaction with the environment - physical and social, and the degree of severity of emotional reactions, determines individual characteristics of temperament, i.e. "dynamic aspects" of behavior. Researchers remain confident that the dynamic properties of behavior have a certain physiological basis, i.e. are determined by certain features of the functioning of physiological structures, but what these structures and features are is currently unknown. One thing is clear that temperament, being innate, is the basis of most personality properties, including its character. Temperament is the sensual basis of character. Transforming in the process of character formation, the properties of temperament turn into character traits, the content of which is associated with the orientation of the individual’s psyche.

Temperaments and their characteristics

Phlegmatic person unhurried, unperturbed, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. He shows perseverance and perseverance in his work, remaining calm and balanced. He is productive at work, compensating for his slowness with diligence.

Choleric - fast, passionate, impetuous, but completely unbalanced, with sharply changing moods with emotional outbursts, quickly exhausted. He does not have a balance of nervous processes, this sharply distinguishes him from a sanguine person. A choleric person, getting carried away, carelessly wastes his strength and quickly becomes exhausted.

Sanguine - a lively, hot, active person, with frequent changes of mood and impressions, with a quick reaction to all the events happening around him, quite easily coming to terms with his failures and troubles. Sanguine people usually have expressive facial expressions. He is very productive at work when he is interested, becoming very excited about it; if the work is not interesting, he is indifferent to it, he becomes bored.

Melancholic - a person is easily vulnerable, prone to constantly experiencing various events, he reacts little to external factors. He cannot restrain his asthenic experiences by force of will; he is overly impressionable and easily emotionally vulnerable.

Every temperament can be found both positive and negative properties. Good upbringing, control and self-control makes it possible to manifest: a melancholic person, as an impressionable person with deep experiences and emotions; a phlegmatic person, as a self-possessed person without hasty decisions; a sanguine person, as a highly responsive person for any work; a choleric person, as a passionate, frantic and active person in work.

Negative properties of temperament can manifest themselves as follows: in a melancholic person - isolation and shyness; a phlegmatic person has indifference to people, dryness; in a sanguine person - superficiality, scatteredness. impermanence; A choleric person has hasty decisions.

As already noted, there are four main types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic (Fig. 1, Table 1).

Sanguine temperament

I. P. Pavlov gives the following description of the characteristics of the sanguine temperament: “A sanguine person is an ardent, very productive figure, but only when he has a lot of interesting things to do, that is, constant excitement. When there is no such thing, he becomes bored and lethargic.”

A sanguine person is distinguished by easy adaptability to changing living conditions, increased contact with people around him, and sociability. The feelings of a sanguine person arise easily and quickly change, his stereotypes are quite flexible, conditioned reflexes are quickly consolidated. In a new environment, he does not feel constrained, is capable of quickly switching attention and changing types of activities, and is emotionally stable. People with a sanguine temperament are best suited for activities that require quick reactions, significant effort, distribution of attention.

Choleric temperament

“The choleric type,” notes I. P. Pavlov, “is clearly a fighting type, perky, easily and quickly irritated.” “Being carried away by some task, he puts too much effort on his resources and strength and in the end he breaks down, becomes exhausted more than he should, he works himself to the point that everything is unbearable for him.”

Choleric people are characterized by increased emotional reactivity, fast pace and abruptness in movements. The increased excitability of a choleric person under unfavorable conditions can become the basis for hot temper and even aggressiveness.

Rice. 1. Reactions of people with different temperaments in the same situation (drawing by X. Bidstrup)

Table 1. Types of temperament and their corresponding mental properties person

Mental properties

The pitchforks of temperament and the corresponding properties of higher nervous activity






Very high


Very large





















Very stable

Very unstable

With appropriate motivation, a choleric person is able to overcome significant difficulties, devoting himself to work with great passion. It is characterized by sudden changes in mood. A person with a choleric temperament achieves the greatest effectiveness in activities that require increased reactivity and significant simultaneous effort.

Phlegmatic temperament

“A phlegmatic person is a calm, always even, persistent and persistent worker of life.”

The reactions of a phlegmatic person are somewhat slow, the mood is stable. Emotional sphere outwardly little expressed. In difficult life situations, a phlegmatic person remains quite calm and self-possessed; he does not allow impulsive, impetuous movements, since his processes of inhibition always balance the processes of excitation. Correctly calculating his strength, a phlegmatic person shows great persistence in seeing things through to the end. His switching of attention and activity is somewhat slow. His stereotypes are inactive, and his behavior in some cases is not flexible enough. The phlegmatic reaches greatest success in those activities that require uniform effort, perseverance, stability of attention and great patience.

Melancholic temperament

“The melancholic temperament is clearly an inhibitory type of nervous system. For a melancholic person, obviously, every phenomenon of life becomes an agent inhibiting him, since he does not believe in anything, does not hope for anything, sees and expects only the bad and dangerous in everything.”

A melancholic person is characterized by increased vulnerability and a tendency to experience deep emotions (sometimes even for minor reasons). His feelings arise easily, are poorly contained, and are outwardly clearly expressed. Strong external influences complicate its activities. He is introverted - busy with his own experiences, withdrawn, refrains from contact with strangers, and avoids new surroundings. Under certain living conditions, he easily develops shyness, timidity, indecisiveness and even cowardice. In a favorable stable environment, a melancholic person can achieve significant success in activities that require hypersensitivity, reactivity, quick learning, observation.

From birth, all people differ from each other in the type of temperament, which remains unchanged throughout life; only character traits change under the influence of circumstances. So what is the temperament of a phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine or choleric person, what characteristic in the description will allow you to accurately distinguish one from the other?

Based on the fact that temperament is a biologically determined feature, many researchers have tried to link it with appearance person. It was not possible to obtain rigorous evidence for this theory, but in practice it often confirms its validity. A description of the appearance of a typical sanguine person, choleric person, melancholic person and phlegmatic person can be found in the table below.

But for precise definition Who is in front of you: phlegmatic, melancholic, sanguine or choleric, appearance alone is not enough, you need to look at the behavior characteristic of the person.

Sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic, melancholic - characteristics

It is very difficult to find a pure temperament; most often a person exhibits traits of two or even three types. But, as a rule, the characteristics of one species prevail over others. So, what are the distinctive features of each temperament?

  1. Choleric. People of this type tend to be in constant search of something new; they cannot sit in one place; peace and stability are too boring for them. Practical sociability, determination and exactingness help choleric people achieve a lot, but uncompromisingness and perseverance do not allow them to remain with all their friends. Therefore, they have many enemies and envious people. When communicating with a choleric person, you need to remember his extreme temper. If he raised his voice or stomped his foot, this is simply an outburst of emotion, and not genuine anger at you.
  2. Sanguine. True diplomats who can flexibly adapt to any situation. Such people do not like to quarrel, preferring to get their way in roundabout ways. Therefore, they have almost no enemies, everyone has a positive attitude towards them. But sanguine people are characterized by a certain superficiality; they will achieve difficult goals, preferring to choose something that does not require titanic efforts. Communication with a sanguine person does not present any special problems, just remember about his subconscious desire to please everyone, so he will avoid situations that could compromise him.
  3. Phlegmatic person. People of this temperament are as persistent as choleric people, but are much more restrained and patient. Phlegmatic people avoid conflicts with all their might, but they will not allow anyone to sit on their necks. These people will not argue, they will simply continue to follow the chosen course, without paying any attention to others. It is extremely difficult to anger such a person, and there is no need to do this, their rage is destructive. When communicating with a phlegmatic person, you should not expect quick reactions, this is not available to him. And never try to crush it under you, this will only cause irritation.
  4. Melancholic. They are very vulnerable people; anything can offend them. They are usually in poor health, but not always feeling unwell caused by real diseases. They often feel deeply unhappy, and it is extremely difficult to shake this belief. But melancholic people know how to empathize like no one else; you won’t find a better comforter. When communicating with such a person, it is necessary to take into account his vulnerability, so he needs praise and encouragement more than others. But you can’t scold him for constant complaints, otherwise you will damage his condition even more.

The ability to determine the type of temperament is needed not only by psychologists, it can also be useful in everyday life. Knowing the innate weaknesses and strengths person, you can choose the most favorable tactics for conversation.

The combination of naturally interconnected temperament traits is called a temperament type. In psychology, the typology of Hippocrates and Galen is traditionally used, distinguishing sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic.

When giving psychological characteristics to the types of temperament, it should be remembered that this division is conditional. Typical for each type are its extreme poles and the relationship between various features. At the same time


temperaments almost never happen in life. Most people combine traits of different temperaments, especially brightly after the child masters orally, that is, after 2-2.5 years. Also, one should not talk about “good” or “bad” temperaments: each type has both strengths and weaknesses.


sanguine people- these are people who have a strong, balanced and mobile nervous system. They are active, sociable, and easily adapt to new conditions. They are sociable, quickly understand people, and easily establish good relationships with them. Among friends they are cheerful, cheerful, optimistic. By orientation - extroverts.

Kant called sanguine people people of a cheerful disposition, carefree and full of hope, who always hope for success. In his opinion, they are bad debtors; they promise so, but do not keep their word.

So, for a sanguine person, the strength is that they are cheerful, quickly learn new material, “grabbing” it on the fly. They are suitable for dealing with strong and unexpected stimuli. During important competitions, they show higher results than during study and training. The weakness is that they overestimate themselves and their capabilities, are often distracted from the main task, are not sufficiently focused, their interests and feelings are unstable, and they can be frivolous and superficial. Sanguine people cannot perform work for a long time that requires perseverance, sustained attention and patience. Due to the speed of action, mistakes can be made. Therefore, they should be instilled with perseverance and concentration, and maintain a steady interest in the matter.
When communicating with sanguine people, we can recommend the following. The requirements for them should be maximum, but fair. You should show trust in them and give an outlet to their internal energy, directing it to useful things. It is inappropriate to assign monotonous work, because sanguine people get tired of it, but the work started must be taught to be completed to the end. For this you can use additional motivation. It is advisable to cultivate patience and determination, to teach to value friendship.

CholericsCholerics are strong, mobile and unbalanced people with a predominance of excitation over inhibition. characteristic of them high level activity, energy and perseverance. By orientation - extroverts. They love to be the center of attention. Conflict and unyielding in communication. They can be impatient, unrestrained, and quick-tempered. In relationships with others they can be harsh and overly straightforward; they lack endurance. However, there is no hatred in their anger, and they love others the more the faster they give in to them.

Kant writes that choleric people willingly become bosses who do not like to work themselves, but only to manage.

So, the strength of choleric people is that they easily concentrate their attention, especially in a stressful situation, they are active, fast, and energetic. They can work with strong stimuli, in particular in unpredictable situations.
In conditions of competition and competition, they improve their results. They have organizational skills. They have the ability to easily form skills and habits. The weak side is their tendency to violate discipline and conflict, as well as lack of restraint, harshness, affectivity, and weakness of self-control in emotional situations. Due to the speed of actions, mistakes can be made.
When working with choleric people, it is recommended to engage them in interesting activities and give them instructions; teach to be restrained; accustom to more calm and uniform work; guide their activities in the right direction. When communicating with choleric people, you should use their energy rationally, not inhibit their activity in the form of direct prohibitions, and communicate calmly and confidently. If this is a child, do not punish under any circumstances by prohibiting her activity (for example, wait, sit). Due to the tendency of choleric people to aggression, cultivate empathy.

Phlegmatic people

Phlegmatic people are strong, balanced and inert. Low activity level of behavior, slow, assiduous, calm, reserved, persistent, soft. They remain calm even in difficult life situations. They respond adequately to the influence of the external environment, but cannot quickly respond to changes in the environment; they are characterized by the same attitude towards others, sociability, but low sociability. By orientation - introverts.

Kant noted that in everyday life a phlegmatic person is often called a philosopher.

So, the strengths of phlegmatic people are their discipline, stability, regularity and systematicity in work, endurance, and punctuality. The weak point is slowness of action, inertia, lethargy, external indifference, poor attention switching. They are often late in submitting work, and their stereotypes are difficult to change. Phlegmatic people are also not suitable for working with strong and unexpected stimuli.
Phlegmatic people are recommended to be given more time to complete certain tasks, and they should switch from one habitual action to another gradually. You can give additional instructions about the work they perform, avoiding assignments associated with a high pace of activity. Under no circumstances should you complain about slowness and incompetence. Welcome every manifestation of initiative and independence. It is advisable to stimulate the manifestation of sincere feelings.

Melancholic people

Melancholic people are characterized by a weak, unstable and inert nervous system. Low level of activity, reserved, experiencing fear of a new situation. When they find themselves in new conditions, they become lost. Therefore, it is difficult to tolerate a change of environment. They are closed, shy, indecisive, timid, and avoid communicating with unfamiliar people. They do not like new acquaintances and noisy companies. They are introverts by orientation.

Kant called melancholic people people with a very gloomy character, who first of all pay attention to life's difficulties.

So, the strength of melancholic people is their empathy and understanding of the problems of other people. They are “deep” and stable in their feelings, capable of capturing details that are inaccessible to other people. They do monotonous work well. The weakness of melancholic people is their excessive impressionability, immersion in their own experiences, shyness, isolation, aloofness, slowness, and fatigue. They have a hard time withstanding strong and unexpected stimuli. During competitions they show the worst results. Melancholic people, as well as phlegmatic people, should be given more time to complete certain tasks. they need a calm, favorable environment, tact, responsiveness and goodwill in relationships, a gradual transition from one activity to another.
When working with melancholic people, it is recommended to follow the principle of gradualism. Show empathy and understanding of the person's condition. Moral support when the environment changes. Approve the slightest manifestation of activity. Cultivate a sense of self-worth. Learn to plan your activities, wisely distributing time between work and rest.

Does a person's temperament affect his success in life?

In psychology it has always been topical issue about whether a person’s temperament affects his success in life: firstly, on his personal life; secondly, for work activity. When communicating with people, you should remember that temperament is a stable individual psychological feature of a person and therefore it is almost impossible to change it. Under the influence of the environment, individual features are generally only strengthened or weakened

From a practical point of view, the relevant question is whether temperament imposes restrictions on types of activity. In general, it can be argued that there is no such limitation, and a person with any temperament can achieve significant success in life, or may not realize his potential. However, if professions impose strict requirements on the speed, pace and rhythm of work, such restrictions arise. For example, a dispatcher at an airport or a nuclear power plant, or a test pilot will require a strong and agile type of nervous system, characteristic of sanguine and choleric people. On the contrary, actors and musicians need emotional sensitivity, more typical for melancholic people. However, for most professions, temperamental traits play decisive role, and their shortcomings can be compensated by the individual style of human activity. It should be remembered that in conditions joint activities character traits have a more significant impact on the final result than when a person works alone.

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Sanguine, melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic - what is your temperament?

Are you sanguine, melancholic, choleric, or phlegmatic? The article will tell you in detail about all types of temperaments.

Each person has a unique identity from the moment of birth. Any nurse working in a maternity hospital can confirm this: all newborns behave differently: one toddler sleeps twenty-two hours a day, the other, violating all the rules of behavior for “normal” babies, stays awake for a long time, interestedly and carefully examining those bending over him adults, the third does not allow them to forget about themselves for a second, emitting piercing screams...

These differences, thanks to which already in the first days of life one cannot confuse Masha with Dasha, and Petya with Seryozha, are nothing more than a manifestation of temperament. The attitude of parents, upbringing, life experience will further influence how these quietly sniffling (or loudly screaming) bundles grow up, but temperament will remain more or less unchanged “factory setting”.

Temperament is a manifestation of the type of nervous system in human activity, individually psychological characteristics personality, which expresses the mobility of his nervous processes, their strength, balance.

We have already written a little about temperament in the article “Temperament is the biological basis of personality,” but here we will try to cover this topic in more detail.

The study of different types of temperament has a long history. The founder of this teaching is the great ancient Greek physician and scientist Hippocrates. As this learned man believed, four types of fluid (juices) circulate in the human body: blood, yellow bile, black bile and mucus (phlegm).

Each of them has its own special properties, and in each person these four “juices” are combined in the body in a certain proportion. This combination determines the characteristics of the body’s activity, as well as its susceptibility to certain diseases. And besides, the characteristics of human behavior also depend on how exactly the four liquids are combined and which one predominates.

The names of the four types identified by Hippocrates appeared, however, several centuries later, as did their detailed psychological descriptions. What Hippocrates called Greek word"krasis" ("mixture"), in Ancient Rome began to be called the Latin word temperamentum (“proper ratio of parts, proportionality”).

The Roman physician Galen first created detailed classification temperaments, which was based on the idea of ​​mixing four liquids. However, in Galen’s classification there were as many as thirteen types (including four Hippocratic ones). As Galen believed, the predominance of yellow bile (lat. chole) in the body determines the choleric temperament, blood (sanguis) - sanguine, mucus (phlegma) - phlegmatic, and black bile (melanoschole) - meloncholic. Galen's actual psychological description of these four types was not detailed, but over time it expanded and became more and more detailed.

You are probably very familiar with these terms themselves - choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic - and at least their approximate meaning.

Don’t miss the fundamental article dedicated to a different approach to the study of personality typology - “Who are extroverts and introverts?” Highly recommended reading.

The information presented below will probably seem interesting to you even if you can easily distinguish a sanguine person from a choleric person. It is important not only to know exactly what these types “look” like.

IN practical life It’s a good idea to understand what your strengths and weaknesses are different types temperament, what is psychologically comfortable for them, and what, on the contrary, can cause stress. This information is useful for self-analysis and for greater confidence in relationships with people around you. Let's add one more thing: in the past in psychology, many attempts were made to connect the psychological characteristics of temperaments with certain types physical structure(human constitution). Strictly speaking, it was not possible to construct reliable evidence of such a connection. And yet we will give corresponding descriptions of the “typical” appearance of choleric people, sanguine people, phlegmatic people and melancholic people.

For the sake of curiosity, you can try these descriptions on yourself and your friends - perhaps some truth will still be found in them?

Choleric temperament

If we say about a person that he has an “explosive temperament,” then we undoubtedly mean choleric. This is a tornado man, a walking grenade with the pin pulled. He can’t even sleep at peace - and anyone who happens to be next to him will also have to forget about peace and stability.

The energy reserves that a choleric person possesses are amazing. It seems that he manages to be in several places at once and do the most different things simultaneously. A choleric person at work is a whirlwind and fireworks. It seems that in his hectic social activities he should have spent at least part of the charge, but no: returning from work in the evening, he does not enter, but bursts into the house and during dinner, which he devours, without sitting down for a second, manages to report family about everything that happened to him during the day, pour out on them a whole mountain of plans for the coming weekend, vacation and next Christmas, ask a hundred questions and answer them - and, we emphasize, all this happens not in order, but simultaneously! How he succeeds is known only to the happy owner of an “explosive temperament.”

With all this, the choleric person is extremely purposeful. He instantly (how could it be otherwise?) makes decisions and rushes to their implementation at full speed. Because of the mind-blowing speed with which he thinks, speaks and acts, because of his desire to be in time everywhere and everywhere, one may get the impression that he is a disorganized, frivolous and inattentive person. But this is not true at all. The choleric person forms his goals not only very quickly, but also extremely clearly. He may, of course, not have enough time to devote others to his plans, but he himself knows very well what exactly he is striving for.

Communication with choleric people is often difficult because they do not accept any compromises and are generally prone to a contrasting perception of the world - only black and only white, no shades or halftones! For the sake of a loved one, a choleric person, without hesitation, will go into fire and water, but he also demands the same from the object of his feelings. He is led through life not by reason, but by passion, and passion, as we know, is blind. Calm, reasonable arguments and unhurried development of relationships are unacceptable to him.

Portrait of a choleric person

Excitable, impulsive; energetic, decisive, purposeful, persistent; straightforward, demanding, prone to maximalism, uncompromising; pragmatic, selectively sociable.

How to communicate with a choleric person:

1. if he yells at you, remember: he’s not really yelling at all, he’s just talking like that;

2. if during the conversation the choleric interlocutor slammed his fist on the table several times, threw a lighter on the floor, stamped his foot - this does not mean at all that further dialogue with him is impossible; A person needs to relieve tension somehow!

3. if you need something from him, tell him about it immediately, openly and clearly: lengthy “preparing the ground”, hints and verbose introductions that precede a conversation on the merits, deprive him of the last remnants of patience and make him furious before you do you will finally have time to speak out;

4. deceiving a choleric person (even over trifles) is life-threatening! He himself is practically incapable of lying and does not forgive his loved ones for deception and insincerity;

5. remember, believe and humble yourself: he cannot sit in one place for a long time, talk about one thing for a long time, “show patience” and “control himself.” He will always react with irritation to delays, slowness, monotony and will never stop waving his arms and running around the room during an important conversation...

6. But if you do not betray his trust, you show sincere attention and interest in him, and even better - approval and even admiration, he will apply all his fantastic energy and extraordinary creative abilities to achieve your common goals.

Strengths and weaknesses

Cholerics usually achieve the greatest success in all areas related to communication: “ human factor"is of particular importance for a choleric person due to his increased emotionality. A choleric person does not get tired of countless conversations; on the contrary, the emotions and attitudes of those around him charge him with energy. Of course, the violent temper of a choleric person often causes conflicts, but a choleric person who is passionate about some business or idea is always ready to neglect his personal interests in favor of the common good - it is only unacceptable for him to remain in the shadows and inactivity.

The unpredictability and impulsiveness of a choleric person can be, depending on the situation, both strong and weak side: he may not do at all what was expected of him, but it is choleric people who speak out! generators of ideas, because they are not afraid of novelty and are able to see a problem from a completely new perspective before others.

A choleric person easily and quickly adapts to new conditions and switches from one task to another. But with the formation of stable skills and the ability to perform routine work, to act according to approved instructions, things are much worse for him. Having given out brilliant new ideas, the choleric person quickly loses interest in them and is not inclined to carefully work through them, bringing them to perfection.

"Typical" appearance

Thin, often even fragile, long arms and legs, narrow chest, protruding joints; skull slightly cone-shaped, tapering upward, pointed chin, slightly developed or sloping lower jaw, the nose is “outstanding” - quite long, pointed.

Personalities A. S. Pushkin, A. V. Suvorov

Sanguine temperament

Sanguines- everyone's favorites: sociable, cheerful and immensely charming. They often say about such people: “Amazing easy man! But the lightness of sanguine people is not only their advantage, but also a certain disadvantage. You feel quite happy, basking in the rays of his smile... until you discover that exactly the same, warm and sincere smile can be addressed to your cat, and to all your friends and acquaintances, and to the cashier at the department store , and to the electrician who came to repair the wiring - in a word, to any living creature that comes into the field of view of this glorious lover of life.

It is almost impossible to ruin a relationship with a sanguine person. In response to all your reproaches, he will smile and laugh it off, advise you “not to take such nonsense into your head” and will nullify any attempts to talk seriously. And the point, of course, is not that he is stupid or indifferent. He just always strives for balance and puts emotional comfort above all else. If necessary, he is capable of demonstrating remarkable diplomatic abilities, but his goal is always the same: for everything to be fine.

In theory, this position is very attractive and quite worthy, there is only one problem: if a sanguine person is convinced that very serious efforts are required to maintain harmony, he will most likely go to look for this “good” somewhere else. Unlike a choleric person, a sanguine person switches quite easily from one goal to another and is not inclined to make sacrifices.

Portrait of a sanguine person

Sincere, open, sociable, talkative; optimistic, cheerful, emotional; ready to compromise, easily switches from one problem to another; flexible, able to adapt, enterprising.

How to communicate with a sanguine person

1. do not expect to gain exclusive ownership of his charming smile and attentive, interested attitude;

2. a sanguine person feels especially good if everyone without exception likes him; be prepared for his almost unconscious desire to charm everyone;

3. in general, maintaining good relations with a sanguine person is quite simple, since he always votes for world peace and is ready to make concessions in order to maintain harmony, but you should not abuse this: he will not withstand boredom, routine and indifference;

4. do not demand depth or strong emotional involvement from a sanguine person - he prefers comfort. He not only loves, but also knows how to create it, and with proper appreciation by others, this talent will manifest itself to the fullest.

Strengths and weaknesses

Sanguine people are distinguished by good switchability from one task to another and high efficiency. A sanguine person who is passionate about business does not pay attention to external interference and irritants, quickly develops and retains the necessary new skills and abilities for a long time - but where energetic volitional efforts or careful monotonous work are required, sanguine people often lose to choleric and phlegmatic people.

As for choleric people, the most significant for sanguine people is the “human factor”. Consequently, the optimal areas of activity for them are everything related to communication. A sanguine person can win over, convince, and charm. But the role of a strong leader, as a rule, is worse for him.

"Typical" appearance

Short stature, rounded shape, tendency to be overweight, short limbs, wide and convex chest; round head, “potato”, “duck” or snub nose, short thick neck.

Personalities M. Yu. Lermontov, Napoleon Bonaparte

Phlegmatic temperament

At first glance, phlegmatic person- the ego is the complete opposite of a choleric person. Upon careful examination, many similar traits are revealed in the owners of these temperaments. This is, first of all, their persistence and desire to always achieve their goals. The only difference is the speed at which they do it. If a choleric person always overcomes obstacles on his way “at once,” quickly and recklessly, then a phlegmatic person acts very slowly and carefully, having carefully weighed all the pros and cons before doing so. Plans never “emerge” in his head, he painstakingly builds them, then nurtures them for a long time, and only then, after praying and rolling up his sleeves, he begins to implement them.

A phlegmatic person is not a warrior, but a creator. He is very peaceful, or at least too passive to enter into conflict. But this does not mean that he will obey all the demands of those around him: in terms of stubbornness, phlegmatic people are perhaps superior to representatives of any other temperament. If you express your dissatisfaction with his actions and try to change his plans, he will not argue or bicker with you - he will simply silently and persistently continue to follow his chosen path.

It is very difficult to make a phlegmatic person angry, and we do not advise you to even try to do this: if your attempt is crowned with success, then this “success” will be not only the first, but also the last - an angry phlegmatic person will not leave a wet spot on you. A slow and complacent, awkward and slightly funny phlegmatic person in a state of rage is transformed beyond recognition; he will simply crush the one who dares to disturb his peace. Fortunately, it is almost impossible to bring a phlegmatic person to such a state.

Portrait of a phlegmatic man

Closed, reserved, silent; peaceful, reliable, constant; slow, conformist; purposeful, patient, persistent, stubborn, pragmatic.

How to communicate with a phlegmatic person

1. don’t demand anything from him quick solutions and actions - the speed of reactions is completely inaccessible to him. This is a biological property, and not laziness, absent-mindedness or anything else of the like. All meetings and events in which a phlegmatic person takes part should be planned taking into account this feature;

2. Likewise, be sure to notify him of all your plans in advance: he needs time not only to get ready for a visit, but also to generally get used to the idea of ​​the upcoming visit. Phlegmatic people do not tolerate any surprise;

3. never try to “re-educate” him. This should not be done with anyone at all and never, but with phlegmatic people such behavior is especially unacceptable. If a sanguine person has a very developed ability adapt to the demands of others, and a choleric person can, at least, be interested and captivated by something extraordinary, then a phlegmatic person recognizes only his choice and his path. At best, you will waste your time and energy trying to convince him, and at worst (if your complaints about him reach some critical mass) you will provoke an explosion of indescribable force

Strengths and weaknesses

The phlegmatic is the most efficient of all temperament types, and his labor productivity turns out to be the highest. This wonderful performance can be damaged frequent change working conditions, contradictory requirements. The need to quickly make decisions puts a phlegmatic person in a very uncomfortable position, but this does not mean that he can only be good as a performer. Where it is necessary to maintain stable processes (and not search for new opportunities), a reliable and confident phlegmatic person can cope well with leadership work.

"Typical" appearance

Dense, well-built figure, massive build, well-developed muscles, arms and legs short or medium length, often - a tendency to be overweight, a short and wide chest; wide angular skull, large nose, short neck.

Personalities M. I. Kutuzov, I. A. Krylov

Melancholic temperament

Melancholic people- creatures are extremely vulnerable. It is perhaps more difficult to get along with melancholic people than with anyone else. Although, at first glance, their character lacks many of the “problematic” traits of other temperaments: they, unlike choleric people, are not at all “explosive”; they do not have the boundless stubbornness and slowness of phlegmatic people, nor the desire to lavish their smiles and constantly change hobbies , so characteristic of sanguine people. Soft, submissive, touching melancholics are truly “white and fluffy”...

And yet, it is precisely establishing a relationship with a melancholic person that can become a serious test for you. The fact is that a melancholic person almost always feels deeply unhappy. He has very low self-esteem, he is extremely unsure of himself, full of all kinds of fears and anxieties. He probably has poor health, and even if there are no real illnesses, he will definitely find a whole bouquet imaginary diseases. A melancholic person is ready to be offended or upset because of any trifle (perhaps even one that exists only in his imagination). It always seems to him that he is not loved, not appreciated, not given enough attention. And is it any wonder if all the people around are so good, interesting, attractive, and only he, poor, unfortunate, has not distinguished himself in anything, does not shine in anything, is not capable of anything - and so on ad infinitum.

It must be said that such a disdainful attitude of a melancholic person towards himself is completely unjustified. Yes, he really doesn't have much energy; According to the parameter “strength of nervous processes”, three types of temperament are classified as “strong”, and only melancholic is characterized as “weak”. But melancholic people also have a lot of advantages. Due to the fact that they constantly listen to their own feelings and sensations, they willy-nilly learn to feel other people as well.

A melancholic person knows how to understand, sympathize and console like no one else. IN complex world He navigates human feelings, experiences and emotions with his eyes closed. He is afraid to act, but thinks a lot. Sensitivity and well-developed intuition are very characteristic of melancholic people. And finally, they often have almost impeccable taste and are sincere connoisseurs of beauty.

Portrait of a melancholic man

Timid, shy, unsure of himself; does not know how to adapt, gets tired quickly; romantic, sensitive; anxious, vulnerable.

How to communicate with a melancholic person

1. always take into account his emotional weakness and instability: these are not whims or a manifestation of bad character, but the peculiarities of the functioning of the nervous system, and nothing can be done about it;

2. Praise, encourage and support him as often as possible - a melancholic person needs this more than anyone else. At the same time, under no circumstances invent merits or achievements that in fact do not exist: a sensitive melancholic person will instantly recognize insincerity. Just pay close attention to what he says and does, and you will definitely notice something that really deserves praise;

3. Be prepared for the fact that you will never be able to completely change the self-esteem of a melancholic person, making it consistently high, no matter how much effort you make. But if you constantly show him your attention and sincere interest, his self-confidence will gradually increase;

4. do not reproach him for constant complaints, but also do not react to them too sharply; a melancholic person will always find something to complain about and something to worry about, but you cannot plunge into the abyss of his despair with him. This will not help him and will significantly harm your own emotional health.

Strengths and weaknesses

Melancholic people are often distinguished by high mental abilities, but they manifest themselves very unstable. This is due to significant emotional mobility: a melancholic person quickly grasps new things, but weakness and instability lead to the fact that what has been learned can be lost just as quickly.

Emotional overload is contraindicated for melancholic people, sphere interpersonal relationships- not their element, despite their well-developed intuition: too much stress. But intellectual work that does not require constant communication is what is needed: a melancholic person can perfectly analyze, design, plan, and easily cope with large amounts of information.

"Typical" appearance

Fragility of appearance, thinness, long thin arms and legs, narrow flat or concave chest, thin waist and relatively wide shoulders and hips; the skull tapers downwards, the forehead is high, the chin is sharp, the lower jaw is weak, the jaw is long and often pointed.

Personalities P. I. Tchaikovsky, N. V. Gogol

After reviewing the portraits of the four types of temperament, you may have doubts: some traits seem to be very reminiscent of yourself or your friends, but none of the people you know exactly fit the descriptions presented.

There is nothing surprising here. There are no “pure” choleric people, sanguine people, phlegmatic people and melancholic people in the world; we can only talk about the predominance of one of the types. Traits characteristic of a type can be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. It was not for nothing that we began the story with ancient history: remember, the very word “temperament” means “mixing of parts.”

So, in each of us, traits of all types are mixed, but the proportion in which this cocktail is composed determines the characteristics of reactions and behavior.

At the moment, psychological science has gone much further in studying personal characteristics every person. After all, it is impossible to simply take and divide all the people on the planet into four groups, so modern researchers have gone much further - in our time, there are many so-called psychological types of a person or psychotypes of personality, when determining which a huge number of factors are taken into account, and not just temperament or character.

Read more in the article “Human Psychotypes. General characteristics".

Even more modern direction is individual approach in determining personality type. Read more in the article “What is your personality type?”

We also cannot help but draw your attention to the unique psychological testing presented in the analytical module “Personality” on our portal, which combines a multifaceted analysis of your individual characteristics, character, temperament, abilities. Read more here.

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Since ancient times, four types of temperament have been distinguished: choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine and melancholic. What is temperament? This is an individual characteristic of a person, expressed in the characteristics of the activity of the higher nervous system. It is believed that temperament is an innate property, and the character formed on its basis is acquired.

Spheres of manifestation:

  • General activity (inert, active, passive, impetuous, calm)
  • Motor sphere (rhythm, speed, tempo, number of movements)
  • Emotionality (impulsivity, sensitivity, impressionability)

Since ancient times, a peculiar relationship has been identified between temperament and the characteristics of the body. Even Hippocrates in the 5th century BC. justified distinctive properties of mental activity person physiological properties, namely the predominance of one or another fluid in the body.

The origin of the word "choleric" is Greek. Chole translated means “bile”. Sanguine type (from Latin sanguis - blood), melancholic (Latin melanacholle) - “black bile”, phlegmatic (Latin phlegma) - “mucus”. Thus, Hippocrates identified types of temperament based solely on the physiological nature of the organism.

Individuals differ in the degree of general activity, that is, interaction with the outside world. Some of them are characterized by pronounced passivity and lethargy, while others, on the contrary, are extremely active and quick in action. Various types temperament corresponds to such external manifestations character traits such as slowness, unsociability, or vice versa, talkativeness, developed communication skills, speed and sharpness of movements, external mobility.

Sensitivity to emotional influences, mood swings and sensitivity collectively represent a person’s level of emotionality. The choleric type is associated primarily with irritability, impulsiveness, and extreme emotionality. Phlegmatic temperament is characterized by slowness and calmness, sanguine – by cheerfulness and sociability. Characteristic temperamental traits for a melancholic person are sadness and vulnerability.

Types of temperament are defined as innate personality traits that determine psychological activity and interaction with the outside world and people. The properties of temperament are considered to be extraversion or introversion, plasticity and rigidity, activity (inactivity), sensitivity, emotional excitability. It should be noted that none of the above types of temperament occurs in its pure form.

In the character of every person features of all four main types are present(in some cases three), the difference lies only in the percentage of the presented character traits that are inherent in one or another type of temperament.

Phlegmatic person

The predominant character traits are goodwill and calmness, passivity and patience. Thus, it can be said that in psychological activity In an individual with such a temperament, the process of inhibition prevails over excitation. He is careful and prudent. Inspires confidence and is reliable. He loves to engage in work activities, is diligent and completely devotes himself to work.

In communicating with people he shows loyalty and patience, tries not to notice the shortcomings and weaknesses of others. Treats everyone evenly and kindly. He simply doesn’t make promises, keeps his word, and doesn’t like to talk about empty things. If he is experiencing serious emotional unrest or failures befall him, outwardly he will seem calm and calm, without showing his bad mood. It is difficult to make such a person express any emotions, be they negative or positive. He does not like to express his feelings openly, trying to keep them inside himself.

The type is sedentary, inert, and adheres to a certain order in the workplace. He is careful, thinks first, weighs everything and only then takes action. He cannot be called an unsociable person. He gets along well with people, but communicates in moderation. It's hard to switch from one thing to another.

Interests and hobbies rarely change. In this regard, he is traditional and conservative. It's difficult for him to get involved new job and get used to the unusual environment. Despite his phlegmatic nature, he is able to achieve success in his work thanks to his patience, perseverance and perseverance.


Impetuous and passionate, characterized by a high degree of mobility and speed of reaction. His mood changes often and sharply, sometimes without reason. He is susceptible emotional impact from outside. Reacts to what is happening extremely emotionally, expresses feelings violently, and for this reason quickly becomes exhausted.

Completely unbalanced and unable to control his emotions. Choleric people often waste their energy. He lacks the balance of nervous processes. This is a fighter, cocky, quite aggressive and strong in character. At the same time, he is sensitive and optimistic about everyone.

He likes to make grand plans and is ambitious. Often changes interests and does not complete the task, even if he was initially passionate about it and switches to a new activity. Productivity at work is unstable, interests often change. Loves to learn new things. In communication with people not known for restraint. Straightforward and quick to burst out. Choleric is characterized by instability, imbalance and a restless character. Strives for leadership.


Differs in sensitivity and vulnerability. He is deeply worried about failures and various events. He tends to analyze his mistakes and go deeper into his thoughts. Reacts poorly to any external factors, is self-absorbed. He cannot hide his mood: he lacks the willpower to overcome his asthenic experiences. Emotionally vulnerable and very impressionable.

Often gets upset if he fails. Immerses himself in his experiences, analyzes and reasons. He takes criticism very sensitively. Takes offense at statements that come to him. I am pessimistic. Often sees the world in gray colors. Anxiety prevails. He can be called a quiet and uncommunicative person who is used to restraining the expression of emotions. For a melancholic person, it is important to do the job well, even if it takes a lot of time.

They often choose their partners frivolous and cheerful people, opposite to themselves. Among melancholic people there are many philosophers, artists, musicians and poets. They enjoy finding solutions to complex problems. Any trouble plunges him into a state of fear, melancholy and hopelessness. They have a hard time adapting to a new environment and get lost.

They are suspicious. They are insecure, indecisive and extremely sensitive. Melancholic people are inactive. It is difficult for them to establish contact with people, they are withdrawn and prone to loneliness. The voice is quiet, movements are slow and constrained. As a rule, interests and inclinations change extremely rarely.


This type of temperament is somewhat similar to choleric. At the same time, a sanguine person can control his emotions. He is hot, emotional and highly mobile. Active and hardworking, not afraid to do difficult work, but only if he is passionate about it. In this case, he demonstrates high productivity and is absorbed in the work process. If the activity is not interesting to him, then the sanguine person becomes bored and demonstrates indifference.

Sanguine people are distinguished by expressive facial expressions, they openly show emotions and easily make contact with people. React quickly to events and the environment. As a rule, they easily forget about troubles and cope with their experiences more easily than melancholic people. Sanguine people are cheerful, talkative, and relaxed in behavior. They are sociable. Movement and speech are fast. Easily adapt to new conditions. They are trying to take a leading position.

They they just don't like to worry, easily manage their mood. They know how to maintain composure in difficult, unusual situations. They feel at ease and comfortable in the new team. They like to take initiative and attract attention, but it can be difficult for him to stick to a certain position.

Every person is unique. Our psyche is multifaceted; we perceive the world around us in different ways. The perception of what is happening around depends on many factors, for example, upbringing, type of temperament, social experience. Let's look at what temperament is and its 4 main types.

Temperament: 4 types of human temperament

A person’s temperament can be called a kind of biological foundation on the basis of which the personality itself is formed. These are social properties of the psyche that determine the dynamics of mental activity, behavior and social adaptation people.

Hippocrates is considered to be the founder of the doctrine of types of temperament. He argued that people are divided depending on the ratio of the four main substances of the body: black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood. Claudius Galen supported the idea of ​​Hippocrates and wrote an entire scientific treatise called “ The right measure" Claudius Galen identified four main types of human temperament. These are sanguine (blood), choleric (bile), phlegmatic (phlegm), melancholic (black bile).

Properties of temperament in psychology

Human temperament is based on a number of specific properties, such as:

Sensitivity. This is the degree of force of external influence necessary for a reaction to occur on the part of the psyche. Some people react calmly to external stimuli, others react violently;

Reactivity. The property of reactivity is determined by the level of involuntary reaction to internal or external influence (sharp sound, tone of voice);

Activity, relationship between activity and reactivity. These properties indicate how a person reacts to life's difficulties. Is he ready to overcome various obstacles in life, to be focused, persistent, attentive;

Rigidity and plasticity. These properties of temperament can indicate how skillfully a person can adapt to external influences of the social environment;

Reactive Activity Rate. They characterize the speed of mental processes and reactions to external stimuli;

Introversion and extroversion. These properties depend on the speed of human reactions and the speed of solutions applied;

Emotional excitability. Characterizes the degree of external influence on a person in the form of manifestations of signs of emotional arousal;

Choleric - characteristics of temperament: pros and cons

Cholerics have a strong-willed character.

Type of nervous system: unbalanced, unrestrained, overly mobile.

A choleric person takes on any difficult task, no matter how difficult it is. Such people are excellent speakers, they are eloquent and convincing in almost any dispute.

Choleric people are not vindictive, they quickly forget grievances and cannot hold within themselves for a long time a feeling of anger towards the offender.

Cholerics are excellent leaders; they can organize people and make difficult decisions for them. IN critical situation a choleric person is able to group, repel the enemy, and protect a weak person.

The choleric person is not restrained in his statements in relation to current events, and can sometimes become rude.

Cholerics have a certain tendency to dominate other people. Often people with such temperaments are prone to rapid mood changes and excessive gesticulation.

In the love sphere, the choleric person is quite jealous, and for him the loved one becomes a kind of property. People with this type of temperament quickly fall in love and become attached to another person. Sometimes choleric people in relationships are prone to anger and scandals.

Choleric children are quite capricious and are often the center of attention in the family. A child can use his emotions to achieve the desired result. Such children are often capricious, show hyperactivity in adolescence, and may become interested in sports or music, but they quickly become bored with their hobbies.

Disadvantages of a choleric person

The main disadvantages of a choleric person include:

  • Excessive haste in your actions and actions;
  • Cholerics are not patient;
  • Excessive impulsiveness and imbalance;
  • Excessive straightforwardness and harshness when communicating with other people;
  • Aggression that occurs periodically;

Psychologists recommend that choleric people learn to work on themselves. This work should consist of the ability to control oneself in any conflict situations. Often choleric people make rash decisions and literally throw themselves into the pool headlong. The ten-second tactic suits them, which consists of mentally counting to ten before making an important decision or expressing an opinion.

Sanguine person - characteristics: pros and cons of sanguine person

Sanguine people are cheerful and incorrigible optimists. These people cannot sit still; they need constant movement.

Sanguine people are very active, and this activity manifests itself in literally all areas of a sanguine person’s life. They love to be the center of attention, but unlike choleric people, they do not have the habits of dictators.

The peculiarity of the psychological behavior of sanguine people is characterized by a high degree of excitability.

Sanguine people know how to get along with people and find a compromise in any difficult life situations. They are resourceful and enterprising. A sanguine person can literally lead a crowd, because these people are excellent speakers who know how to convince others that they are right.

Hyperactivity does not give a sanguine person the right to sit still. He tries to make his life brighter and more interesting. Such people love to travel, discovering more and more new facets of the world around them. Many artists, musicians, and actors are sanguine.

Psychological feature of a sanguine person

If we talk about the psychological component of sanguine people, then in these people the degree of excitement in the central nervous system is quite high. On the contrary, the inhibition threshold is low, and therefore sanguine people perceive the world in a somewhat illusory way. But at the same time, memory functions are remarkably developed. Often sanguine people focus their memory only on what arouses their interest. They can remember funny incidents, but at the same time forget the birthdays of their friends. Sanguine people pay attention to noticeable details, such as bright clothes or the unusual hairstyle of their interlocutor.

The emotional background of sanguine people is quite diverse. These people are emotional and are not afraid to show their experiences to others. They often gesticulate when talking, and may hug or kiss when meeting. These emotions are completely sincere; a sanguine person wants to please people and receive the same reaction from them in return. Sanguine people are distinguished by unconventional thinking; they are constantly trying to learn something new, change their image or type of activity. Monotonous work and loneliness lead them to severe depression.

People with this type of temperament have a lot of friends. A sanguine person knows how to make friends, and always comes to a person’s aid in a difficult situation. In personal relationships, sanguine people are sometimes flighty. An excessive thirst for communication prevents them from building a strong family.

The main disadvantages of sanguine people:

  • Inconsistency in actions and deeds. A sanguine person often gets down to business, but rarely completes it; such people cannot work in monotonous work;
  • Sanguine people often overestimate themselves and their capabilities;
  • People with a similar temperament have mood swings, it is difficult for them to develop strong-willed qualities;

Phlegmatic - characteristics: pros and cons

A phlegmatic person is a balanced person who carefully thinks through his every step. Usually such people have an analytical mind and look at life around them soberly.

Phlegmatic people are quite lazy, often prefer not to be active and go with the flow. They are always calm and unperturbed. Even if they have experienced stress or an unpleasant life situation, they do not always show their temper.

It is difficult to anger a phlegmatic person; his nervous system is like scales holding balance. If it is difficult to bring him to simple emotions, then making him show activity or joy is even more difficult.

In other words, the phlegmatic type of human temperament is recognized as the most balanced and emotionally stable.

Phlegmatic people do not immediately make contact with people; they need time to assess the situation. A sudden change in the environment is like a tragedy for them and it is very difficult to bear. These people do not like active entertainment, they like a cozy home environment, and often prefer to spend time alone with themselves.

In their work, phlegmatic people are painstaking and assiduous, they have good memory and they can remember large amounts of information.

Phlegmatic people are rather closed and hidden; they are reluctant to show sympathy for another person. But if a phlegmatic person likes a representative of the opposite sex, then he will do everything to achieve his favor.

It is quite difficult to find friends with a phlegmatic person; he does not make contact well. But if a person with this type of temperament finds a friend, then this friendship can last a lifetime. For phlegmatic people, family is a kind of fortress in which they feel comfortable. Such people get married late and may spend a long time searching for a partner.

The main disadvantages of phlegmatic people:

  • They are often not receptive, do not take initiatives, and react poorly to external stimuli;
  • They may be stingy with emotions, slow to get involved in work, and have poor contact with people around them;
  • Difficulty adapting when changing living conditions;

Melancholic - characteristics: pros and cons of melancholic

Melancholic people are prone to attacks of despair and depression. The temperament of such people is sluggish and pessimistic. Any event, even a minor one, makes a melancholic person worry. He does not know how to enjoy life, and sees it exclusively in a negative tone. Sadness and melancholy can overwhelm such a person for no reason; melancholic people often experience a feeling of self-pity.

People with this type of temperament have to resort to secrecy and suppression of emotions. They experience everything within themselves, which is why depressive mental states appear. Psychologists note that a huge number of people who commit suicide are melancholic.

A melancholic person reacts slowly to external stimuli, does not remember information well, and often suffers from a lot of complexes and an excessively low level of personal self-esteem. Motor activity is sluggish and inexpressive.

Melancholic people cannot work intensively and monotonously, as they necessarily need rest or short breaks to stabilize psychological state. In a social environment, such people are lethargic, uncommunicative, and it is difficult for them to find a soul mate or a close friend. It is difficult for them to be active and cheerful. They choose sanguine or choleric people as people, since this choice is explained by the melancholic’s subconscious desire to be taken care of.

It can be difficult for melancholic people to arrange their personal life. Often a big role in the fiasco of a love relationship is played by their indecision and cowardice. They choose a strong person as their life partner. There are also advantages to this type of temperament.

Melancholic people are kind, vulnerable, and will always share the last thing they have. They subconsciously want to help a person in need.

Disadvantages of melancholic people:

  • Emotional instability, indecisiveness, lack of self-confidence and strength;
  • Difficulty with the perception of the surrounding world, vulnerability, pessimism;
  • Tendency to depressive mental states;

Psychologists strongly recommend that melancholic people not close themselves off. Try to explore the world, travel, communicate with new people. You can try mentoring to improve your personal self-esteem. Engage in active sports, dancing, any creativity. A melancholic person needs to be close to loved ones and friends, and not withdraw into himself and his feelings.