How to dry tripe as a treat for training The first way to dry tripe as a treat is in the microwave. How to give tripe to a dog? Beef tripe: recipes

Taking care of your pet includes organizing the right, good nutrition. Beef tripe contains many trace elements and nutrients, so including it in your dog’s diet will have a beneficial effect on its condition and health.

Scar in everyday life called tripe, it is part of the stomach of a cow or bull. The cost of tripe is quite affordable, so it is popular with animal owners. Read on to learn how to properly give the product to our little brothers.

You can buy beef tripe at the market, where they sell beef, pork, and lamb.

Like any meat product intended for consumption, it is recommended to wash the tripe thoroughly under warm running water before cooking, removing any possible dirt or fatty residues. This will protect the dog from helminths or other harmful substances entering its body.

Purified or not?

Beef gizzard can be purchased on the market in both peeled and unpeeled forms. Your dog will like both options and will eat them with pleasure.

Brown fibers are removed from the scar in industrial conditions. To do this, it is treated with steam and boiling water, and then the top layer is removed with a special rotating disk. Cleaning has its advantages - it disappears bad smell and the meat looks more attractive.

However, along with the villi, some of the beneficial digestive enzymes and vitamins that owners buy for dogs in pet stores are also removed, and they are not cheap. Therefore, smart dog breeders know that it is better to feed the dog unpeeled tripe; the benefits will be much greater.


As you know, when cooked, foods lose many useful microelements and vitamins, this also applies to boiled beef tripe. Raw product contains all the essential substances, so it will be healthier for the dog than boiled food.

However, do not forget that by eating raw tripe, there is a risk of infecting your pet with helminths. For prevention purposes, it is necessary to freeze the product for at least three days in a row.

Important! If you feed your pet frozen fresh products, be sure to carry out routine deworming.

In what form?


Dogs have their own digestive characteristics and sensitive livers. That is why it is strictly forbidden to give them fried stomachs. Even humans get heartburn and stomach pain from fried food, but dogs can feel completely deteriorated.

It is best to add a boiled or raw version to food, and read below for examples of preparation.

How to cook?

Tripe is cooked for dogs with digestive or dental problems, or for older dogs. Puppies under 1 year of age are also recommended to boil the meat product.

There are many recipes for how to diversify a dog’s diet using beef stomach. Here are a few such examples:

  1. Tripe without additives is scalded and cut into small pieces. A spoon is added vegetable oil and mixes.
  2. If your dog loves carrots, you can add it to the chopped tripe in grated form, you can grate a boiled egg there, and add fish oil.
  3. Finely shredded cabbage, cucumber, and zucchini go well with tripe. All this is mixed with small and chopped stomach.
  4. The tripe is thawed, scalded with boiling water and cut. Next, you can add fresh herbs, raw scalded beef, and vegetable oil to the substance.
  5. Finely grated pumpkin goes well with cow stomach. This mixture should be flavored with a teaspoon sunflower oil.
  6. You can combine chopped tripe with vegetable mixtures purchased at the supermarket. The mixture must first be thawed, washed warm water and then mix with tripe.

Every dog ​​owner can experiment with preparing dishes, adding to the tripe the ingredients that his dog prefers. It can be either vegetables or meat products, treated with boiling water. Fresh herbs can be added in any quantity; they are very healthy. A little sunflower oil will also come in handy in any recipe.

How to dry?

Tripe in dry form has many advantages - it is perfectly stored at home and dogs undoubtedly like it. This delicacy is easy to prepare with your own hands using the oven.

To do this, you need to chop the stomach into pieces measuring 5 by 10 cm and place in the oven on a baking sheet. A baking tray should be placed at the bottom of the grill, onto which the released juice and fat will drip.

The finished product is quite hard and dogs really like it. Store it in cardboard box, or in a fabric bag to ensure oxygen access.

How much to give?

Starting from the age of six months, puppies are introduced to their diet with boiled tripe. This saturates their body with potassium, magnesium, vitamins B and PP, phosphorus, and calcium.

To navigate the principles of feeding, follow these recommendations:

  1. Gizzard should not be a permanent food product for animals; it should be given periodically. Frequent feeding with tripe leads to nausea and upset.
  2. It is advised to give animals cow product once a day, in the morning or evening. During the week there may be 2-4 such receptions.
  3. The serving size is calculated per 10 kg of weight per 100 grams of tripe.
  4. The puppy must be over 6 months old.

It is best to formulate portion sizes immediately, before freezing, so that they are convenient to take out and immediately feed to your pet.

How often?

You need to pamper your four-legged friend with a delicious delicacy no more than 4 times a week. More frequent use in food may have a negative impact on performance digestive tract, since the product is quite fatty, it may be difficult to digest. Therefore, do not overdo it in caring for your dog and strictly follow the nutritional advice.

Should I add it to porridge?

Beef tripe is without a doubt delicious and healthy treat for an animal. It contains essential enzymes that dogs need for healthy digestion.

Many dog ​​owners prefer to add chopped beef stomach to their dogs' porridge. If the additive is produced in raw form, then it must first be frozen in the freezer.

The rules for storing and processing beef stomach are as follows:

  1. After purchase, the tripe should be thoroughly washed in warm water to remove food debris from the stomach, grass or pebbles. It should be borne in mind that it has an unpleasant odor, so processing should be carried out in a ventilated area.
  2. If present large number fat, it is necessary to remove it from the surface of the stomach so as not to cause indigestion in the dog.
  3. Next, you need to cut the tripe into portions so that one part is for one meal. This will make it convenient to take it out and give it to your pet right away. Each portion is placed in a separate bag.
  4. Proper freezing should be within 3 days, at a temperature of -6 to -18 °C. After this, the tripe is taken out of the freezer, scalded with boiling water, and allowed to cool.
  5. The cooled product is cut into small pieces, added raw to food, or prepared from them into dishes for the animal.

Important! The shelf life of a frozen product should not exceed 6 months, at a temperature not exceeding -6 °C.


You can please your pet with tasty and inexpensive food if you buy beef tripe for him. The cow's stomach contains many enzymes and vitamins that are beneficial four-legged friend. In order for the tripe to bring maximum benefit and not cause harm, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of processing, storage and consumption.

It's no secret that dogs are very fond of offal, such as beef tripe. Four-legged animals are ready to eat it both boiled and raw.

But when heat treatment this delicacy loses most beneficial properties Therefore, it is often given raw. But how correct and safe is this? Let's figure it out.

Beef tripe (tribal) is a part of the cow's stomach in which the greens eaten by the animal are digested.

This offal has a specific appearance - dark green, slimy to the touch. Interior The stomach is covered with bristles, which vaguely resembles wet fur. The color of the inner coating ranges from marsh to black-green.

Behind the unattractive appearance lies a storehouse of useful microelements, minerals and vitamins. The rumen contains approximately 95-97% proteins, up to 4% fat, but there are no carbohydrates, i.e. This is a high protein product – excellent “ building material” for dog muscle tissue.

In addition to the large amount of protein, this delicacy is famous high content vitamins (group B, PP, H) and minerals (phosphorus, potassium, manganese, iodine, iron, etc.)

This combination of microelements makes it possible to replace expensive dietary supplements and vitamins used in a pet’s diet with rumen.

Reference. In its raw form, this product contains a large amount of enzymes that improve digestion and heal the dog’s intestinal microflora, but only in small quantities. In excessive amounts, the effect can be the opposite - stomach upset.

Offal can be purchased at the market and in the supermarket. It is sold in both unrefined and processed forms.

To cleanse the stomach, shake it vigorously (so the internal “lint” becomes more pliable) and rinse thoroughly with warm water to remove any remaining food. After this, the tripe is placed in a drum to be treated with steam and boiling water. Then the thin top films are scraped off.

The treated stomach is almost white or light gray, with a slight specific odor. It does not require additional manipulations from the dog's owners. Owners of four-legged animals can only cut into small pieces required quantity tripe and place in your pet's bowl.

Harmful properties

Although this product contains a large amount useful substances and has long been used to feed tailed friends, there are still skeptical dog owners. They believe that rumen feeding can lead to negative consequences.

They argue that in the stomach of a cow there are pathogenic bacteria leading to pet diseases (helminthiasis, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis, etc.).

No one can guarantee that Burenka ate organic grass and that toxins and other harmful substances that can provoke inflammation of the pancreas have not accumulated in her stomach.

There is also a risk of disruption of the protein level in the dog’s body, if, for example, the animal is on a protein mono-diet, i.e. on monotonous feeding.

But there are those who consider this product an indispensable and very important component of a dog’s diet. They say that the main thing is to observe moderation and caution, then you don’t have to think about the negative consequences.

So, if a raw tripe is frozen or doused with boiling water 2-3 times, then infection, for example, with helminths, will be reduced to a minimum. And if you follow the quantitative norm, then you don’t have to worry about protein levels or pancreatitis.

Reviews from veterinarians

The veterinary community also has no consensus. Veterinarians say that a lot depends on individual characteristics dogs, its immunity and how “domesticated” and pampered the animal is.

For example, Shih Tzu, Tibetan spaniel, Russian toy are small and “capricious” dogs. It is better not to give such delicacies to such breeds in order to avoid indigestion. As a last resort, they can be given finely ground tripe, no more than 10% of the total feed portion and no more than once a week.

There are also large breeds dogs that are prone to diseases gastrointestinal tract, For example Great Dane. In such pets it is impossible to predict the reaction to tripe, so it must be given as carefully as possible.

Attention! You need to introduce tripe into complementary foods, like any other product, in small portions and gradually.

If, after getting acquainted with this treat, the dog behaves as usual, there is no disturbance in bowel movements, vomiting or bloating, then you can slightly increase the portion and after a couple of days please him with the treat again.
The norm is several small pieces per week. This amount will be enough to normalize the functioning of the dog’s stomach.

If after a meal the dog becomes ill, for example, he feels sick or has diarrhea, then it is necessary to take prompt measures and provide qualified assistance.

  • Provide your pet with enough liquid (water, milk).
  • You can give to a pet a weak solution of potassium permanganate or activated carbon.
  • After poisoning, have a fasting day.

These actions will help normalize digestion and eliminate negative consequences. Remember that feeling unwell the pet may be not only due to a weak stomach, but also due to poor quality of the product. When purchasing tripe, make sure the seller is honest, check the documentation and visually assess the freshness of the offal.

Special cases

Do not forget about puppies, pregnant and lactating individuals, their bodies also need potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and others nutrients. So is it possible for these categories of pets to eat beef tripe?

For pregnant and lactating women

In addition, in further treatment Antibiotics may be used, and this is dangerous for the fetus or newly born puppies, which will receive a dose of the medicine through their mother’s milk.

For puppies

Babies can be given tripe from 4 months; for a weak caudate stomach, the processed version is better suited.

Important! You need to finely chop or grind this complementary food in a blender and give it in a small portion (about 10% of the total food), no more than 2 times a week.

With age, the frequency of rumen feeding can be increased, up to 3 times a week. It is worth alternating between boiled and raw stomach.

For the elderly

It is recommended to give tripe in this form to older pets who have difficulty chewing. They require a dose of approximately 100-200 g. (depending on the size of the dog), approximately 2-3 times a week. This amount will be enough to improve the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.


Tripe is a product that should undoubtedly be present in the diet of your four-legged friend. However, it is worth remembering that this offal is very specific and the wrong choice can lead to dire consequences, for example, making the dog lethargic and suffering from helminthiasis.

To keep your pet healthy and happy, make sure the product is high quality and fresh. Don't skimp on your pet's health.

Domestic dogs need to be fed varied and high-quality food, only in this case the pet will receive all the substances necessary for health. Beef offal is perfect for their menu. Owners give animals liver, kidneys, and spleen, but they avoid buying tripe because of the unpleasant smell. In fact, you just need to properly treat this part of the stomach.

What is a scar

By appearance the scar looks like a big bag. This hollow organ is upper section cow's stomach. Everything that the ungulate eats first goes into this rather large volume chamber. The inside of the organ is lined with peculiar bristles. Beef stomach can be gray, black, or greenish in color - this parameter depends on the age of the cow and its food supply.

The unattractive appearance and repulsive smell of this liver confuses only people; for dogs, the tripe is a delicacy. If we observe which parts of the carcass predators eat first after a hunt, we will see that they begin their feast with the stomach and its contents. In this way they manage to get additional digestive enzymes and a portion of vitamins.

Useful ingredients

What is the value of tripe? It includes:

As for enzymes, the dog’s body is not able to produce all of them on its own. This is precisely what explains the craving of pets to eat excrement found on the street, any veterinarian will confirm this to you. To compensate for enzymatic deficiency, animals are offered tripe for food.

In what form is tripe sold?

Which stomach is best to buy for dogs? In this part you have a choice. Tripe is sold in its original form, or after cleaning. Of course, you will like the look and smell of the second option better, but it is from the villi and mucus of the unclean stomach that the dog gets the maximum benefit.

Industrially, the tripe is cleaned in special drums:

  • First, all contents are removed from the stomach and washed thoroughly.
  • It is then immersed in a drum filled with hot steam. There, the product is treated for 30 minutes with hot air and special discs that remove the foul film.
  • After half an hour, snow-white pieces of the product, completely odorless, are taken out and packaged for further storage.

If the rumen is not cleaned, this does not mean that it retains food debris or small pebbles swallowed by the cow, it simply retains the inner layer. The product can be immediately cut into portions and offered to your pet.

Boiled or raw?

Should you boil a cow's stomach or not?, everyone determines for himself. Of course, everything is in the raw product valuable substances are preserved as completely as possible. But there is a risk of helminth infection.

You need to cook beef stomach in a separate bowl; the smell of manure is so persistent that it is quite difficult to get rid of it from the pan. Some people scald the tripe with boiling water on all sides and immediately take it out, other breeders drain the first water and boil the liver a second time for 5-10 minutes to be sure to kill helminth eggs if they were in the stomach.

Serving Size

Tripe is not considered a staple food, it is given to the dog as an addition to the diet several times a week in small portions.

  • You can give cow's stomach to puppies from 4 months of age, alternating between raw and cooked product. It is best to pass it through a meat grinder, so the liver will be easier to digest. This supplement is given initially twice a week, gradually increasing the frequency to 4-5 times. A single volume should be equal to 10% of the total feed portion.
  • Large adult dogs are given 200 g of tripe 2-3 times a day. Old animals due to dental problems are offered a product minced in a meat grinder.
  • For dogs of medium breeds, the portion is reduced to 100-200 g per day, cut into small pieces.

Do not forget that tripe cannot be used as the main feed, replacing meat and other products with it. An overdose can cause your pet to vomit and has a negative effect on the liver.

Where to buy

You can buy cow stomach on the agricultural market and order in the online store. Now many farms They have their own websites on the Internet where you can view the price list and order the product for delivery. For regular customers, promotions are constantly organized and discounts are offered. You can buy industrially processed tripe on these sites.

Tripe purchased on the market must be carefully inspected. There have been cases where a layer of mucus concealed pieces of rusty wire or nails. Cows often ingest them during their lifetime.

Beef tripe is very healthy for dogs. It replaces a bunch of medications from the veterinary pharmacy. Let's try to figure out how to prepare this delicacy for your four-legged friend, and in what quantity to give.

What is beef tripe for dogs, price, where to buy, reviews, benefits and harms, beneficial properties

Tripe is called beef stomach. It is covered inside with villi brown, which produce enzymes to digest grass.

Tripe is sold in two types: untreated and processed, cleared of lint. The first one is unpleasant in appearance with a sharp disgusting smell, but this is exactly what is useful for the animal. The processed scar is clean and white, without a pungent odor.

The cost of 1 kilogram of unpeeled tripe on the market ranges from seventy to 90 rubles. It is usually not put on the counter, so you need to ask the sellers who sell meat about availability.

Owners who feed their dog tripe from the age of five or six months say that this product replaces huge number medical supplies and multivitamins. In addition to complete protein, the rumen contains digestive enzymes, beneficial bacteria, a complex of vitamins and microelements that a dog needs. An animal that eats raw tripe has a beautiful shiny wool, excellent health and strong immunity.

How to process fresh beef tripe for dogs

Pre-raw tripe for dogs must be processed:
- rinse well;
- divide into portions;
- put it in the freezer.

Before your dog eats the treat, it should sit in the freezer for three days. The frozen stomach is taken out of the freezer, doused with boiling water, and cut into small pieces. When it cools down, give it to the dog with porridge and vegetables.

Tripe for dogs recipe, how to prepare and give, from what age, stomach, how long to cook

Puppies are fed tripe for six months, monitoring their well-being. If a new dish causes gastrointestinal upset in a dog, stop giving it temporarily until it grows up.

It is advisable not to cook the tripe, but to give it raw, having frozen it in the freezer for three days. If you use cooking, then lower the tripe into boiling water; when it boils, turn it off immediately.

Boiled tripe is given with porridges, raw tripe is given with fresh vegetables. Fresh tripe is cut into pieces about two centimeters in size and mixed in a bowl with different vegetables: shredded white cabbage, grated pumpkin or carrots, fresh finely chopped cucumber. Season the mixture with vegetable oil, add pieces fresh meat(beef), scalded with boiling water.

Tripe for dogs as a treat for training

If training takes place daily, then using the scar as a reward during training will not work. You cannot feed your dog tripe often.

Tripe for dogs contraindications, dosage per day

The rate of beef tripe per day is 100 grams per 10 kilograms of body weight. It is given no more than two or four times a week, replacing one feeding with this dish.

Continuous feeding with tripe is contraindicated, as this can lead to gastrointestinal upset.

Tripe for dogs, dried or through a meat grinder

Dried tripe from a pet store contains flavorings instead of nutrients. It is useless for dogs and is just a teething toy.

At four months, puppies are given processed tripe, finely chopped and passed through an electric or manual meat grinder. Tripe can be given in the same form old dog who no longer has teeth.

A dog's health depends on nutrition. One of the useful and must-have products The animal's diet contains by-products rich in microelements, enzymes, vitamins, fats and protein.

Often dogs are fed beef by-products, of which tripe is suitable for food - upper part stomach. Despite the benefits, some dog owners avoid purchasing it because it has an unpleasant odor. It needs to be processed and prepared correctly.

Is it possible to give tripe to dogs?

The offal has an unpleasant odor and appearance, but dogs, on the contrary, love it, because it is a treat for them. You can buy the offal already cleaned and the price is affordable for everyone.

The rumen looks like a big bag and is covered with inside bristles. The offal is greenish, black and gray, this is affected by the age and nutrition of the cow.

Benefits of tripe for dogs

Beef tripe is good for dogs. It contains vitamins PP and B, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and golden compounds. Tripe helps to compensate for the lack of enzymes that improve the microflora and digestion of the animal.

Damage to rumen for dogs

The opinions of specialists and dog breeders about the benefits of tripe are divided. Some people believe that offal should not be given to a dog, especially in its raw form, because the dog can become infected with helminths and pick up dangerous diseases, including giardiasis and isosporosis. The manifestation of diseases does not begin immediately, but some time after ingestion.

How to Cook Beef Tripe for Dogs

If you purchased unpeeled tripe, prepare it for consumption:

  1. Rinse the product by shaking out any remaining contents. Soak in water for a while.
  2. Pour boiling water over it and remove the top layer of dirt and lint under running water using a knife. Gradually during processing the unpleasant odor is eliminated.
  3. Cut the cleaned tripe into palm-sized pieces. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling, change the water and cook again until the smell disappears. The water must be changed 5 times. Cooking will take up to 4 hours. As a result, you will receive a safe product for your dog. Check with a fork for doneness; the liver should be easily pierced.

Boiled tripe is stored for 5-7 days in the refrigerator, placed in bags and frozen. The raw product is cleaned, steamed and also frozen.

You can also give beef tripe to dogs with vegetables that should be present in the dog’s diet:

  1. Cut the purified product into small pieces and pour boiling water over it for a minute. Drain the water and place in a bowl.
  2. Cut the peeled vegetables into small cubes: carrots, a piece of pumpkin, cucumber, herbs, cauliflower.
  3. Combine vegetables with tripe, add half a teaspoon of seaweed and a tablespoon linseed oil. Stir.

This dish is healthy for a dog, because it contains fresh vegetables and linseed oil.

Dogs love boiled tripe with onions and spices.

  1. Boil the tripe according to all the rules with the addition of spices: bay leaf, salt and ground black pepper.
  2. Cut the finished offal into pieces.
  3. Cut the onion into medium pieces and fry in oil.
  4. Combine the offal with the onion and mix.

How to give correctly - sizes and frequency

Tripe is not suitable for a dog's constant nutrition and should make up ¼ of the animal's diet. The serving should be 100 g. by 10 kg. weight of the dog, and the frequency of feeding is 2-4 times every 7 days. It is not recommended to give beef tripe to an animal before 4 months of age.

It is necessary to alternate raw and cooked products in your pet’s diet. Large adult dogs should not eat more than 200 grams. tripe per day. For dogs small breeds give 100 grams per day. chopped tripe.