Indigestion or diarrhea in a dog: treatment at home quickly and correctly. Diarrhea (diarrhea) in dogs - diagnosis, causes, symptoms, treatment Diarrhea in an old dog how to treat

Diarrhea in dogs small breeds - unpleasant phenomenon. Chronic diarrhea and acute condition can threaten the life of the pet if the owner does not take action in time. It is important to know what consequences diarrhea can have in a dog.

Treatment at home, causes and types of disorders, signs indicating serious illness, dietary features, prescription of medications - useful information for owners small dogs. Veterinarians give advice on normalizing stool in four-legged pets and preventing diarrhea.


Stool disorder occurs due to many factors. Not all reasons are related to health problems: sometimes it is enough to optimize the diet and the problem disappears.

Diarrhea in small dogs is caused by many factors:

  • overeating;
  • viral infection;
  • food poisoning;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • development of enteritis;
  • inflammatory processes of the intestinal mucosa;
  • hemorrhagic enteritis of unknown etiology;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • disruption of the pancreas;
  • pet transition from natural food to dry food and vice versa.

There are other causes of diarrhea in dogs:

  • polyps in the rectal area;
  • the dog suffers from irritable bowel syndrome;
  • acute stress;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • worms in the intestines;
  • eating out of order;
  • negative reaction to a new product or food allergy.

Besides consistency feces in a dog, it is important to pay attention to the smell. In any case, feces have a specific odor, but with helminthic infestations, malignant tumors, enteritis, severe defeat pancreas there is a distinct cadaverous, putrefactive or sour smell. Only when contacting veterinary clinic it is possible to establish the exact cause of changes in stool in four-legged pets.

Chronic diarrhea in dogs

Disturbances in the functioning of the body, not proper nutrition throughout long period negatively affects the digestive organs, metabolic processes. Sharp decline concentrations of substances responsible for detoxifying the body lead to depletion of the immune system and internal poisoning of organs and tissues.

Danger chronic diarrhea in small dogs - in reducing the body's ability to self-heal. Defeat internal organs disrupts the immune system, the intestines lose most of their beneficial bacteria, does not perform a detoxifying function. Chronic diarrhea further undermines the health of a four-legged pet; the dog weakens and may die over time.

Signs of chronic diarrhea:

  • there is mucus or blood in the stool, watery inclusions;
  • the consistency of the stool is soft;
  • the animal’s condition changes: periods of activity are replaced by complete apathy and lethargy;
  • the animal suffers from constant stool disorder;
  • long-term or short-term remission;
  • the pet loses weight, becomes weaker, moves less, and does not show its usual activity;
  • The quality of the coat deteriorates, the shine and elasticity of the hairs disappear.

Associated symptoms

Stool disorder is often accompanied by signs indicating the nature of the disorder and the cause of diarrhea in dogs. Owners of four-legged pets will find information about symptoms indicating eating disorders, various pathologies, including those that threaten the lives of domestic animals.

Diarrhea and vomiting

A dangerous combination of signs indicating acute poisoning, intestinal infection, active reproduction of protozoa and worms. Vomiting increases the risk of dehydration, requires urgent help veterinarian

Bloody diarrhea in a dog

Fresh biomaterial in the stool is a sign of open bleeding from the anal glands, anus or colon.

Reasons for the negative phenomenon:

  • damage to the integrity of the mucous membranes when consuming bones and large inedible objects;
  • development of severe tumor process And ulcerative lesions intestines.

The appearance of blood impurities in the stool is a reason for immediate appeal to the veterinarian.

Diarrhea with mucus

Soft chair

The absence of mucous inclusions and blood indicates wrong diet, feeding the dog table scraps, overfeeding the animal. Often the reason lies in excess fat content of food.

If the stool does not recover within several days, you need to visit a veterinarian and get tested to exclude the development of dangerous protozoa in the body - Giardia.

Colored diarrhea

Causes of black stool:

  • chronic bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malignant tumor;
  • transferring the animal to wet or natural food (important nuance- the stool is dark, but not black).

The cause of yellow, loose stool is excess fat in the pet's diet. Often, owners pamper their dog with fatty cottage cheese and fermented baked milk, butter. If liquid yellow stool persists for several days, which means there is a risk of developing pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas.

Note! A sharp change in stool color while maintaining usual diet- a reason to urgently contact a veterinarian.

Diarrhea with water

The condition is life-threatening, especially if the problem develops in sick, elderly dogs and puppies. The reason for the danger of watery stools is high risk dehydration.

Repeated diarrhea with water is one of the symptoms helminthic infestation or the development of parvovirus infection. Urgent consultation with a veterinarian and medical assistance is required.

Causes of the problem:

  • untimely deworming;
  • irregular flea treatment;
  • the dog often picks up various objects on the street, eats garbage, feces and waste;
  • owners give their pet low-quality raw meat and fish.

Treatment of indigestion

General rules:

  • If there are no signs of disease and the color of the stool is preserved, it is enough to spend a “fasting day.” The pet should not receive food for about 12 hours, but water should be freely available;
  • if the diarrhea has passed, then you can give a little rice water or chopped boiled turkey. Important: chicken and beef do not contain as much useful substances, like turkey meat, are more difficult to digest. They don't give you porridge either;
  • during the recovery period, portions are small, the entire volume is divided into two or three doses;
  • probiotics for dogs - useful supplement to restore microflora;
  • The diet is followed for three days. If there are no results, be sure to visit a veterinarian.


When treating diarrhea in small dogs, the veterinarian selects a set of drugs depending on the type and nature of the identified disease. It is important to stop the loss of fluid and weight, and eliminate the cause in case of infection.

When treating diarrhea in dogs, use:

  • sorbents for absorbing toxins and removing them from the body. Enterosgel, activated carbon;
  • anthelmintic drugs (medicines for worms) in the form of syrup, suspension, tablets, sugar cubes;
  • antiviral names;
  • antibiotics;
  • droppers with glucose solution for severe exhaustion;
  • antitumor names;
  • probiotics.

Before visiting a doctor, you should not give your pet any medications, so as not to “blur” the picture of the negative condition. An exception is activated carbon, which can be given if you are absolutely sure you have food poisoning. For 1 kg of weight, take ½ tablet, crush, give the dog black powder with water.

Nutrition correction

  • fasting day until diarrhea goes away;
  • reducing the volume of portions;
  • food that is easy on the stomach;
  • transition to dietary nutrition on the recommendation of a veterinarian;
  • reducing the amount of fat;
  • refusal of cheap, low-quality feed: it is advisable to replace the premium class with the “holistic” category or super premium class;
  • vitamin supplements;
  • normalization of fiber and protein volume.

Important! A small breed dog is not considered healthy if normal operation intestines, the pet receives only dietary food. Ideally, diarrhea should not bother the animal even after consumption. raw foods, including meat, bones, offal. If the owner has adapted to the dog’s characteristics, he is forced to constantly provide “light” food, probiotics, which means digestive tract there are problems, the help of a veterinarian is needed. The longer the start of examination and treatment is delayed, the more the digestion process and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted. If the pancreas fails, the death of your four-legged friend may occur.

Folk remedies

If your dog's diarrhea is associated with poor nutrition, excess fat, fiber, or switching from one type of food to another, then it is enough to change the diet to restore the consistency of stool. Herbal infusions may lead to intestinal irritation.

The owner’s task is to observe the dog’s behavior and condition for 12 hours and spend a “fasting day.” For acute and chronic diarrhea The treatment regimen must be agreed with your doctor. Folk remedies are not used for dogs.

On the page read about how it manifests itself allergic otitis media in dogs and how to treat inflammation.

In what cases is the help of a veterinarian necessary?

Owners of small breed dogs should know what symptoms indicate an urgent need to take their animal to the clinic. In case of severe dehydration, frequent and acute diarrhea a condition that threatens the pet’s life develops.

A visit to the veterinarian is required:

  • when diarrhea recurs more than three times;
  • with a sharp change in the color of stool;
  • if the dog has loose stools two or three times or more often within 12 hours;
  • with the development of diarrhea while maintaining the usual diet and amount of food;
  • when blood, worms, mucus, or water appear in the stool;
  • when diarrhea is combined with vomiting.


Diarrhea occurs even in healthy dogs, but each case of diarrhea in a pet needs to be studied, to figure out what the cause of the deviation is. Often, the owners themselves create the conditions for the animal to have bowel movements.

Owners of small dogs need to know and follow the rules:

  • Do not give your pet table scraps or spoiled food.
  • Do not overfeed the animal, especially fatty foods.
  • Prohibit the dog from picking up scraps from the asphalt, the floor, near garbage cans, or eating dirty branches or grass;
  • Carry out deworming with anthelmintic drugs and vaccination in a timely manner according to the dates specified by the veterinarian.
  • Do not give your pet small objects or small bones to play with.
  • Avoid eating feces left by other dogs.
  • Minimize the level and frequency of stressful situations.
  • Follow the optimal diet for your pet, taking into account the breed, weight, and lifestyle. Active, energetic Yorkies and Jack Russells and the luxurious, slow-moving Maltese require different amounts of food.

An upset stomach is a sign of problems in the dog's body. The owner must find out the cause of the deviations and eliminate the factors that provoke the development of diarrhea in his four-legged friend. It is important to study information on how to prevent diarrhea in dogs, the causes and treatment of a negative condition. If there are signs indicating serious health problems in combination with stool disorder, be sure to visit a veterinarian and undergo comprehensive diagnostics, carry out therapy at home as prescribed by a doctor.

Why does a dog have diarrhea and how can you help? four-legged friend? Useful tips veterinarian in the following video:

As a rule, the cause of diarrhea in dogs is standard food poisoning or the onset of a serious illness. It is in this regard that in no case should one ignore this disease, since this could result in serious problems for your pet. As soon as you witness your dog having diarrhea, you need to immediately look into this issue. If your pet is not given timely and appropriate care, this could result in negative consequences for the life of the animal.

Symptoms of diarrhea in dogs

All symptoms of diarrhea in a dog directly depend on the severity of the disease. Canine diarrhea is usually accompanied by the following: symptoms:

All of the above symptoms are, one way or another, associated with diarrhea in a dog. If you witness at least one of them, or, even worse, several at once, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

A dog has diarrhea with blood: what to do?

When your pet has diarrhea, if there is blood in your pet's feces, the problem is most likely caused by an unusual food poisoning. In most cases, this is accompanied by some kind of serious illness.

There are several most popular diseases that are accompanied by such problem:

Acute form of diarrhea

If we look at veterinary statistics, we can conclude that most often dogs suffer from acute form diarrhea. In this case, the disease appears suddenly and, fortunately, it doesn’t last that long.

As a rule, acute diarrhea in dogs it lasts a maximum of 2-3 weeks, however, this disease is one of the most serious, which means it requires immediate treatment.

Chronic form of diarrhea

This form of diarrhea is characterized by a long duration, namely more than a month. Feces contain large number blood and mucus.

Unfortunately, with chronic diarrhea, the dog suffers the most: during the presence of the disease, the pet loses a large amount of weight, loses appetite, the quality of its coat deteriorates, and the joy of life disappears.

Causes of diarrhea

Regarding the reasons that can cause diarrhea in dogs:

Under no circumstances should you try to treat diarrhea in a dog on your own. What to do? It is necessary to thoroughly study the disease, namely, contact a veterinarian. It is there that you can fully learn the nature of the disease, as well as receive recommendations for treating diarrhea in a dog.

Treatment at home

As mentioned above, if any symptoms of diarrhea appear, the sick pet should be shown to a doctor. You can do this in two ways: take her to the vet yourself or call him to your home. After the examination, the specialist will be able to prescribe the correct drug treatment.


Although the treatment prescribes lying, in this article we will look at the most popular medicines, which most often are appointed:

It is important to know and remember that all drugs from this list must be prescribed by a doctor after thorough examination. It is highly not recommended to treat a dog with these remedies without the intervention of a doctor (on your own)!

What to give your dog for diarrhea without the help of a veterinarian at home

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get help from a veterinarian without delay. And while waiting, the dog gets worse and worse. In such cases, you can turn to harmless and effective medications.

  1. Rice water. Boil in plenty of water rice cereal, after which you remove all the thick stuff. As you might have guessed, this decoction must be given to the dog.
  2. Herbal infusions. You need to make an infusion from alder, blueberries, sage and St. John's wort, and then feed the dog with it.


So, diarrhea in a dog is a rather painful and unpleasant illness. However, if it is detected in time, and treatment is started in a timely manner, then it is possible to as soon as possible Help your pet regain joy in life.

Loose stool in a dog is called diarrhea. In this case, it is very important how frequent it is, the quantity and the type of feces. Diarrhea can be a sign of a lot of the most various diseases from the simplest to the very dangerous.

Most often this is a sign of problems with the digestive system.

Causes and symptoms of diarrhea in dogs

  • Most common cause loose stool is a change in diet. These could be:
  • spoiled products,
  • new product in the diet (sugar, raw eggs, onions, raisins, currants, nuts, legumes, carrots),
  • too many products that weaken (kefir, yogurt, liver, offal, milk).
  • Loose stools can be caused or the dog may have eaten something on the street.
  • In puppies, loose stools occur simply from overeating.

The main symptom of diarrhea is loose stools, but there may be other signs that help determine the cause of the disease. For example, elevated temperature, frequent urination, increased thirst, abdominal pain (the animal walks hunched over, prefers to lie down). Since a common cause of loose stools is problems with gastrointestinal tract, then it is not uncommon to observe such things. It is important to observe the stool - its color, quantity, mucus or blood content.

What to do if your dog has loose stools: treatment of diarrhea

  1. If your puppy has loose stools, you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible - this may be a symptom of a very dangerous viral disease.
  2. First of all, you need to stop feeding your dog anything for at least 12 hours, and preferably 24 hours.
  3. You can give her activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg. At the same time, there should always be available boiled water. The animal must be in a calm environment.
  4. For the first time after diarrhea, you can cook a little rice porridge with fish for your dog.
  5. If diarrhea does not start within 2 hours after eating, you can give some more food. The dog needs to be kept on this diet for a couple of days.

If diarrhea continues or if other danger signs illnesses, for example, blood in the stool, vomiting with foam, it is necessary to contact the veterinarian, submit stool samples for analysis.

Perhaps everyone knows that diarrhea, but speaking in simple language Not only people, but also representatives of the animal world are susceptible to diarrhea. And most severely, this disease is experienced by dogs living in apartments and houses. After all, diarrhea can appear suddenly and not at all at the usual walking time. The dog begins to behave restlessly - fidgeting, whining, running up to the door and barking near it, asking to go outside. This is the case if the owners of the house. And if they are not there, she can defecate right in the apartment. But she does this very rarely if she can’t stand it any longer.

How do novice dog breeders usually behave in this situation? They either hope that everything will go away on its own, or they panic, thinking that the dog has caught some kind of dangerous disease. But both the first and second behavior are incorrect. You can’t ignore diarrhea, as sometimes it can be a symptom serious illness. But there is also no reason to panic ahead of time.

What should you do in such a situation? First of all, find out what kind of stool your pet has - color, smell, number of bowel movements and amount of feces, whether there are impurities in it or not, whether diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting or fever, etc. It is also worth trying to find out the reason for these symptoms. After this, you should decide for yourself whether you can cope with this problem yourself or whether you should seek help from a veterinarian. Just remember that this is the case when it is better to underestimate yourself than to overestimate your capabilities.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

There are quite a few reasons for diarrhea in our four-legged friends. Some of them are the same ones that lead to stomach upset in humans, but there are also purely canine causes. Here are some of them:

There are various causes of diarrhea in dogs. different breeds And different ages. For example, diarrhea in dogs of small breeds such as Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers is usually associated with poor nutrition. For example, a Chihuahua can be fed only with special food, fermented milk products, lean meat, cereal porridge, boiled and stewed vegetables. Fruits are even limited; these dogs can only eat bananas and apples. And any violation of this dietary nutrition may lead to diarrhea.

As for the toy terrier, due to the fragility of its bones, its food must contain special vitamin complexes. And their diet must include raw meat, sour cream, cottage cheese, boiled eggs and cheese. But they should not be given together with dry food and canned food. Since this may lead to excess protein. And this, in turn, can cause diarrhea.

The cause of diarrhea in a shepherd dog can be bad job intestines and pancreas. Unfortunately, many german shepherds suffer from this. And older dogs may suffer from diarrhea associated with cancer digestive organs . This is the case when diarrhea is the cause of a more serious illness.

Symptoms associated with diarrhea

In addition to loose stools, diarrhea may be accompanied by other symptoms, which are always taken into account when deciding on treatment. These are the signs:

  • the stool changes color, becomes black, green or brown,
  • the dog moans and whines when defecating,
  • in addition to constant walking time, the dog often asks to go outside, but does not have much feces,
  • mucus and blood are seen in liquid feces,
  • pet is losing weight,
  • vomiting is also observed along with diarrhea,

Of course, all these symptoms are a reason for the dog to be given special attention. But we will talk in more detail about two conditions - diarrhea with vomiting and diarrhea with blood.

Diarrhea with vomiting

If vomiting occurs once, then there is no particular cause for concern. But if this symptom bothers you more than once, this may indicate the presence of a serious illness. It could be:

  • parvovirus enteritis in a dog,
  • rotavirus and coronavirus,
  • adenovirus.

Parvovirus enteritis known to many as canine distemper, although many consider it independent disease. It affects puppies under six months of age. With this disease, diarrhea and vomiting with mucus are also accompanied by nasal discharge and lacrimation. Body temperature also drops and problems with heart rhythm occur. Recovery may occur within a few days. But there are many cases when a weakened pet dies.

Rotavirus and coronavirus Symptoms are similar to parvovirus. The difference between them is that a dog can become infected with these viruses at any age, although most cases also occur in young dogs. In addition, for the most part, dogs usually recover from these viruses within seven days.

Adenovirus can affect dogs at any age. Often, in addition to the symptoms under consideration, there is another one: fever. In addition, this disease leads to enlargement of the liver. It usually lasts two weeks.

Of course, there are other causes of diarrhea with vomiting, for example, overeating, poisoning from poor quality food, swallowing an inedible object, prolonged inhalation toxic substances and others. But only a veterinarian can determine this for sure, so if diarrhea with vomiting occurs, it is best to contact a veterinary clinic, where, having found out the cause, they will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Diarrhea with blood

If diarrhea is accompanied by bleeding, then this is precisely the case when you need to seek help from a veterinarian immediately. After all, it most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • severe poisoning,
  • consequences of taking NSAIDs and glucocorticoids,
  • traumatic enterocolitis,
  • parvovirus enteritis,
  • intestinal ulcerations.

Severe poisoning can occur in those dogs that are used to picking up trash while walking. The consequences of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often the fault of the animal owners themselves, who are accustomed to giving treating your pets with human medicines which sometimes cause increased sensitivity. Gnawing sticks and bones may lead to traumatic enterocolitis. When sharp pieces these items enter the intestines, they cause indigestion and mechanical damage. This is the reason why blood appears in loose stools.

Most dangerous conditions, this is parvovirus enteritis, which has already been written about here above and which is very difficult to treat, as well as intestinal ulcerations, in which the dog loses a lot of blood. There may be even more of it in the stool than feces.

Treatment of diarrhea in dogs

As we can see, diarrhea can be a very serious illnesses, sometimes even life-threatening. Therefore, if a dog has diarrhea, treatment at home can be justified only in cases where it is simply impossible to seek help from a veterinarian, or you are absolutely sure of the cause of diarrhea and the pet is not in danger. Most often, when treating diarrhea in a dog, the same drugs are used that are used to treat people.

  • Regidron,
  • Enterofuril,
  • Loperamide,
  • Furazolidone.
  • Phthalazol,
  • Smecta,
  • Activated carbon,
  • Levomycetin,
  • Enterosgel.

Before using medications to treat your dog, be sure to consult with your veterinarian, at least by phone. After all, any medicine has its contraindications. And in the instructions they are described only for people. But let's say, for example, that it is not advisable to give Loperomide to small dogs, such as the Chihuahua and Toy Terrier, which we have already talked about here. This medicine may cause bleeding in their intestines.

There are also folk remedies for the treatment of diarrhea. They can be used even when the use of medications is in doubt. This:

  • rice water,
  • decoctions medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, alder fruits, blueberries and sage,
  • enemas with chamomile infusion.

Diarrhea, as you understand, is the case when you need to follow a mandatory diet. On the first day, the animal is usually not given any food at all, however, if the dog has an appetite, then you can give boiled rice. On the second day they give fermented milk products. And on the third day, if the pet’s condition has improved, then the diet includes: a piece of boiled chicken or turkey, an omelette or boiled egg, crackers made from gray bread, you can give rabbit meat or sea fish.

Prevention of diarrhea

Diarrhea in a dog is a rather unpleasant thing, in addition to the fact that it poses a danger to the health of the animal and sometimes even very serious, it also causes additional trouble for the owners in the form of necessity more walk your pet once, sometimes even at night. Therefore, to reduce the risk of its occurrence, you need to take necessary measures prevention. And the main condition here is to pay more attention to your four-legged friend. And also:

Of course, all these measures will not give a 100% result that diarrhea can be avoided, but they will significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence.

When your beloved pet gets sick, the whole family worries. The causes of diarrhea in an animal can be completely different, from harmless poisoning to more serious problems With digestive system and even cancer. The manifestations of this disease cannot be ignored, but the treatment of diarrhea must be correct, otherwise it can only cause harm. What can cause this disease and how to cure diarrhea in pet?

Main symptoms of the disease

Diarrhea manifests itself in dogs in different ways; the symptoms are affected by the advanced stage of the disease. You should pay attention to your pet's health if:

With diarrhea, symptoms can appear either one at a time or several at once. If from this list you only notice that your animal is unwell, it is better to contact a veterinarian.

Causes of the disease

You should choose a treatment method only after finding out the cause of the disease. This makes it possible to choose the maximum effective way treatment, and guarantees fast recovery pet.

What medications help treat diarrhea in dogs?

As soon as you notice the first signs of diarrhea in your dog, it is recommended to immediately take the sick pet to the doctor. Once the cause of diarrhea has been determined, the veterinarian will prescribe medication, which may include:

What can you give your dog for diarrhea?

But what can you give a dog if it is not possible to urgently take it to a doctor? Some tablets can help get rid of diarrhea, but it is still better not to refuse consultation with a veterinarian.


This drug works well with light forms diarrhea and is successfully used by many dog ​​breeders. This product is excellent as urgent measure. The medicine is available in two forms: suspension and capsules. The course of treatment lasts three days, and you need to withstand correct dosage. Give the dog three capsules a day, 2 capsules (100 mg). Liquid product draw 1 cube into a syringe and give the pet a drink.


This drug targets the source of infection, helps the intestines relax, and relieves pain. The drug is used to treat big dogs, it is better not to give it to pets weighing less than 10 kg. For every kg of weight, 0.2 mg of loperamide should be given.

Many veterinarians do not like this drug because of its side effects. It can cause poisoning or bleeding in many dogs. Therefore, if you have a pregnant or lactating dog, it is better to avoid using it.


Both veterinarians and dog breeders love this medicine. It copes well with diarrhea and has antimicrobial properties. This drug is produced in tablets yellow, dosage 50 mg. To treat the disease, you will need to take the medicine 3-4 times, 10 mg per kilogram of weight.


This drug is taken once in essence up to full recovery pet. Daily dosage- 1 g. Phthalazole is recommended for the treatment of colitis, salmonellosis, and is used after operations on the intestines of an animal.


They give the dog smecta to improve it general condition, output toxic substances from the body, and to get rid of gas formation. All that remains is to understand how to give smecta to your pet. The product is diluted in 10 g of water and injected into a syringe. The needle is removed from it, and the product is poured down the dog’s throat. Smecta copes with dog poisoning and diarrhea. In addition, if a nursing dog has diarrhea, what can be given for treatment is smecta.

Activated carbon

This is considered one of the most reliable and time-tested means. This sorbent helps remove all toxins from the body and harmful substances. This is one of the few medications that helps both dogs and humans in treating stomach disorders. Before use, the tablets can be ground into powder and diluted with water, so it will be easier for the dog to drink it. To treat diarrhea you need to take 1-2 g activated carbon 3 times a day. If the dog is poisoned, you need to give the dog an increased dose of medicine. This is necessary for gastric lavage.


Dog breeders have long doubted whether it is possible to give their beloved dog chloramphenicol for diarrhea? Of course you can! The drug copes well with loose stools, and cleanses the pet’s body of harmful organisms. Dogs do not like this drug very much because of the specific taste, but it effective remedy treatment of diarrhea. The drug should be given at a dose of 10 mg 2 times a day. The dosage also depends on the form of the drug. Levomycetin comes in tablets, capsules and powder. Before use, it is advisable to clarify the dosage in the instructions.


The medicine helps destroy the source of infection, calm the intestinal walls, and relieve the dog from painful sensations. Loperamide is used in a dosage of 0.2 mg per 1 kg of dog weight. The product is not recommended for use on small breed dogs. All medications of this type, loperamide and imodium, are not recommended to be given to a dog weighing less than 10 kg. May appear side effects, bleeding or intoxication.

Preventive measures

During an illness, like a person, a dog may refuse to eat due to feeling unwell. Of course, you can’t force an animal to eat, but it is important to give your dog proper nutrition when it has diarrhea.

How to feed your dog:

  1. First day. At this time, it is advisable not to give the dog food at all. If your pet still asks to eat, limit yourself to a small portion of rice.
  2. Second day. Fermented milk products can be added to the patient’s diet to improve digestion.
  3. Third day. If the dog’s health has improved, it can be fed boiled meat, fish, and chicken eggs.

The most important thing for a dog during illness is drinking. You can give the animal water with a decoction of rice or medicinal herbs, plain water, or sweetened tea.

Traditional methods

Treatment may be limited to folk remedies. Simple, safe for the dog’s health, and effective remedies can help treat diarrhea in a dog:

  1. Rice water. The cereal is boiled in a small amount of liquid, after which the porridge is removed and the dog is given the liquid.
  2. Herbal decoction. For this you can use: alder fruits, sage, St. John's wort, blueberries. A decoction is prepared from the herbs and given to the dog once the symptoms disappear.

In conclusion

It is important to monitor the health of your beloved pet. Diarrhea cannot be started; at the first symptoms you need to start treating it. We told you what medications can be given to a dog for diarrhea, but it is best to take the dog to the veterinarian to rule out serious diseases.