Allergic otitis media in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment. Internal otitis is a severe pathology of the ears in dogs.

The pathology seriously affects the pet’s quality of life, causing discomfort and physical suffering. If the animal regularly shakes its head, after cleaning the ears are again filled with wax and the dog constantly scratches them, an unpleasant odor has appeared, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. Most likely, the dog is sick with otitis media, and it’s time to take urgent measures.

Classification of otitis

The localization of the inflammatory process can be one of three:

  1. Otitis externa– develops in the outer part of the ear canal (between the entrance to the auricle and the eardrum).
  2. Otitis media– the infection affects the space behind the eardrum, and in case of complications or neglect of the disease, inflammation affects the middle and outer ear and is accompanied by suppuration. For this reason the form received the name purulent otitis media.
  3. Internal otitis - the most serious form of pathology that affects inner ear and often provokes complications of varying degrees.

Classification by type depends on the causes of the disease:

  • Primary– the disease is independent, not burdened by concomitant pathologies.
  • Secondary– otitis media developed against the background of dermatological, autoimmune, and endocrine ailments.

Based on the causative agent, otitis media is divided into several types:

  • Chronic. The infection is caused by pathogenic bacilli - pseudomonas, intestinal, staphylococcal, streptococcal.
  • Bacterial. Pathogenic microorganisms enter and multiply in the organ of hearing, often affecting both ears.
  • Fungal (otomycosis). Fungal bacteria actively multiply in the sulfur mass and cause inflammatory damage.
  • Allergic. A consequence of allergic reactions or hormonal disorders.

Ear infections are caused, among other things, by breed predisposition. In fact, the structure of a dog's ears plays a big role. Fold-eared and large-eared breeds automatically fall into the risk group, since air access to their hearing organs is difficult, and this is ideal conditions for “bad” microflora. Spaniels and poodles are No. 1 on the list of contenders.

But breeds with too open ear canals are also absolutely unprotected from the entry of bacteria and pathogens and the development of infection. For example, East European Shepherds.

Reasons for the development of ear pathology

The infectious nature of the disease is caused by the proliferation of bacteria, the most famous of which are staphylococci and streptococci. Normally, they are present in the body of any animal, but they pose a danger only to weakened pets.

Symptoms of otitis media in dogs

The external ear glands constantly secrete a secretion; normally, its amount should be such as to protect the ear canals from the accumulation of dust, foreign substances or water. But, if the discharge is abundant, and later pus, blood impurities and an unpleasant odor join it, this is a clear sign otitis

Other components of the clinical picture:

  • Pet anxiety, lethargy, loss of appetite.
  • The dog constantly shakes his head.
  • The opening of the ear canal is red, inflamed, swollen.
  • The lymph nodes are enlarged (on the side of the diseased ear).
  • The ear is hot to the touch.

In severe cases, the animal may suffer from the following complications:

  • Purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • Significant reduction or total loss hearing
  • Development of strabismus.
  • Problems with eating due to severe pain, incl. while chewing.

Diagnostics in a medical facility

To make a diagnosis, it is carried out the whole complex events:

  • Visual inspection using an otoscope to examine the outer ear canal and middle ear.
  • Collection of biomaterial for laboratory study(blood on general analysis, secretory fluid, purulent discharge, parts of the epidermis).
  • X-ray. To complete the picture, a picture is taken to identify/exclude polyps and tumor-like formations.
  • CT and MRI. In especially severe cases, in addition to the sore ear, it is also prescribed for examination. neighboring organs and the degree of their damage.

A correct and timely diagnosis is already half the key to a successful recovery. And here, neither independent determination of the causes of the disease, nor, especially, self-medication is acceptable.

Drug treatment

Due to the variety of types, types and forms of pathology, we are not talking about one treatment regimen for all otitis media. The set of therapeutic measures is different for each type of disease.

Purulent form:

  • Antibiotics (Otibiovin).
  • Treatment with chlorhexidine.
  • Treatment with hydrogen peroxide.

Chronic form:

  • Antibiotics (Otoferanol).
  • Compresses with dexamethasone.
  • Antifungal drops (Candibiotic).

Fungal form:

  • 2% Gazelan solution.
  • Treatment with phosphoric acid.
  • Candibiotic drops.

Bacterial form:

  • Antifungal.
  • Antibiotics (Normax).
  • Complex products (for example, Surolan).

Allergic form:

  • Antipruritic.
  • Antihistamine.
  • Diet.

Otipax and Framycetan are used to relieve pain and inflammation. For treating ear surfaces - camphor oil, averxetine ointment, Dekta, for ear mites - Amit (ointment, gel). Must be maintained and strengthened immune system pet - Ascorutin, Gamavit, Vitam, etc.

Prevention of otitis in dogs

  • Do not overcool your pet.
  • Use a cotton swab to absorb water from your ears after bathing.
  • Regularly clean and inspect the ears and passages (1-2 times a week).
  • Provide good nutrition and vitamins.
  • Limit your dog's contact with untested animals.
  • Do not create traumatic or stressful situations.
  • If you suspect a disease, do not hesitate to visit a veterinarian.

It should be remembered that otitis media can cause deafness and other serious complications. Attention, care and constant supervision of a loving owner will ensure a happy and full life four-legged friend.

Some dog breeds are susceptible to otitis media. It involves an inflammatory process that occurs as a result of dust, dirt or a foreign object entering the ear. Otitis media in dogs causes pain and nervousness for the dog. From this article you will learn what causes otitis media and how to treat it at home.

Otitis media may occur in dogs as a result of infection along with dirt and dust. The most susceptible to otitis media are those dog breeds that have a genetic predisposition to the disease. As a rule, these are those breeds whose ears are open or, conversely, hang down to the floor.

Otitis is manifested by the dog's restless state and itching in the area of ​​the auricle. In severe cases of the disease, an unpleasant odor may occur from the ear during cleaning. In this case, you should consult your doctor. If you find otitis media in a dog, it is useful for you to know how to diagnose it and how to treat it.

IN veterinary reference book There are several types of disease.

  1. Outdoor localization. It manifests itself as inflammation between the opening of the ear canal and the eardrum.
  2. Average localization. It manifests itself as inflammation at the back of the eardrum. In this case, if otitis is diagnosed in an advanced form, then the middle and outer ear may be affected.

In addition to the location of the disease, otitis media is classified according to symptoms and cause.

  • Primary. It occurs as a result of dirt, dust and even water getting into the ear.
  • Secondary. It may serve as a manifestation of another disease. Quite often, an allergic reaction can be a precursor to otitis media. Allergic otitis in an animal can occur as a result of improper maintenance of the dog. Quite often, poor nutrition of an animal can develop into allergic otitis media.

The risk group includes dog breeds that have big ears or drooping ears. Breeds such as spaniels are quite often susceptible to otitis media. Poodles also suffer due to genetic disposition. Also, shepherd dogs that have an ear canal that is too open can get sick, which allows bacteria to easily enter the ear.

Causes of otitis media dogs have a lot. The main ones include following reasons.

The causative agents of the infection that leads to the development of this disease in dogs include staphylococci and streptococci. If the dog is at risk, they begin to have a negative effect on the dog’s body.

Otitis in a dog: symptoms

Determining whether your pet has otitis media is quite simple. sharp The symptoms are worth mentioning.

  1. Pain in the ear area. The ear will constantly bother the dog. The animal may whine and touch the affected area of ​​the body with its paw.
  2. Discharge with an unpleasant and pungent odor from the ear. In severe cases, bleeding may be the main symptom.
  3. Regular shaking of ears.
  4. One of the symptoms is head tilting.
  5. Redness in the area of ​​the ear canal and constant itching.
  6. Increase in temperature.
  7. The appearance of swelling in the ear area.
  8. Inflammation of the lymph nodes due to the inflammatory process.
  9. Decreased appetite and constant lethargy.

If a dog suffers from this disease in severe forms, the following characteristic signs may appear.

  • Deafness in both ears.
  • Strabismus.
  • Difficulty in chewing.
  • Discharge from the eyes.
  • Twisting the dog towards the inflamed ear.

Diagnosis of the disease and allergic otitis media in dogs: treatment

Determine the presence of the disease and prescribe competent treatment Only the attending physician can. Unfortunately, the reasons and various factors There are many occurrences of otitis media. Therefore, the doctor makes a diagnosis and then prescribes the correct treatment. Without examination It is impossible to prescribe treatment. There are a number diagnostic measures carried out by a veterinarian. Let's look at the main ones.

First, the doctor visually examines the animal. In order to examine the auricle, he performs an examination using an otoscope. After examining the skin of the auricle, assessing the condition of the eardrum and the degree of swelling, he makes a conclusion. An exception may be the presence of a foreign body in the ear, which is first removed and then treatment is prescribed. The dog is also examined by palpation. With internal otitis, there is discharge from the ear, redness and pain upon any contact with the inflamed area. In some cases, upon examination by a doctor, it may be discovered concomitant diseases, such as gingivitis, pharyngitis or the presence of tartar.

Third, the dog needs to have an x-ray. Prescribed only if other studies have not provided all the necessary information. Using an x-ray, it is possible to diagnose a tumor or polyps in the area of ​​the auricle.

Fourthly, computed tomography . It is prescribed quite rarely. This study is the most accurate and allows you to determine the presence of inflammation of the brain tissue.

Effective treatment can only be prescribed by a veterinarian based on all of the above studies. Otitis media may not go away on its own, so it needs to be treated as soon as possible. If you do not consult a doctor in time, otitis media can lead to serious consequences.

In case of secondary otitis, the doctor determines the source of the disease and prescribes treatment aimed at the starting point. Many procedures to detect the disease are carried out under local anesthesia. It may be offered at a veterinary clinic if the dog is behaving aggressively.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs at home

Regular use and treatment with drugs will allow you to quickly restore the body and avoid relapse of the disease. . The use of specialized drugs This will clean the ear and prevent the development of the inflammatory process. As a rule, medications for pets are made based on herbal ingredients.


Before using any drug for a dog, it is recommended to read the instructions for its use. A pet is a must show to the vet. At the clinic, after a thorough examination, they will make a diagnosis and discharge you. necessary medicine. It is worth noting that when treating otitis, doctors prescribe ear drops. In order to increase the effectiveness of drop treatment, it is best to remember basic rules for their use.

The basic rule of treating a dog for otitis media is to praise it every time it takes the medicine. And then give her a treat!

Domestic dog breeders often encounter this problem when the pet often shakes its head. It’s okay if this is a consequence of dirt or dust getting into the ears, but it’s much worse if the cause is otitis media. Otitis in a dog - how to treat it at home, what are the symptoms and causes, you can see the photo below.

What is otitis media?

Otitis media is a fairly common disease among pets. This disease is an inflammation of the external auditory canal; veterinarians encounter this problem in animals every day. It is possible to detect fungal otitis in dogs at home, but self-medication is not recommended. The specialist must carry out a complete examination of the animal before prescribing a specific treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

As stated above, detecting otitis media at home is not so difficult; all you need to do is just look in the dog’s ear. If otitis is allergic, allergic redness will be clearly visible on the ear canal. And in the ears can be observed transparent discharge. Actually, that’s why the animal’s ear will constantly hurt.

Let's move on to the main symptoms characteristic of this disease:

  • the main symptom is the pet’s anxiety - the dog will behave unnaturally, constantly looking for a new place;
  • if you try to examine the animal’s ear, this can be problematic, since the dog will begin to whine pitifully, it will be very painful for him;
  • one of the main symptoms is that the animal will constantly shake its head;
  • Also, with otitis, dogs often walk with their heads tilted to the left or right, this symptom indicates the manifestation of otitis in a particular ear;
  • Another symptom is the appearance of an unconventional odor in the ear area;
  • otitis media causes the need to scratch the ears on household objects; a tumor may form on the shell inside the ear, especially if there is a lot of wax in the ear;
  • A symptom of purulent otitis is purulent discharge that falls out when the pet shakes its ears.

Any otitis, be it purulent or malassezia, will be accompanied by the presence of dirt in the ears. One way or another, the breeder must understand that priority is the removal of dirt that does not allow penetration and action medicinal substance. Therefore, treatment with drops is carried out strictly after high-quality cleaning of the ear from wax and accumulated exudate.

Causes of the disease

To know how to cure a dog, you need to understand the reasons why this disease manifests itself in animals.

There are several reasons, all of them are discussed below:

How to treat disease in domestic dogs?

What to do and how to treat a disease in a pet? The main methods of treating this disease are given below. It is necessary to choose drops or antibiotics for treatment depending on what type of disease is observed in the dog. In any case, before treating your dog, you should consult with a specialist (video author: Advice from a veterinarian, Lina Vet).

So, the treatment methods are presented below:


As for prevention, every dog ​​breeder should carry it out. If your pet's fur is too long, then it needs to be constantly trimmed around the ears. Under no circumstances should the passage itself be damaged, so this must be done as carefully as possible.

Remove wax from time to time and make sure there is no unpleasant odor coming from your dog’s ears. It is also better to avoid moisture. Passages should be treated with solutions specially designed for this purpose. After treatment, the ears should be wiped dry.

In any case, if you notice any symptoms appearing, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. Otherwise, the consequences could be dire.

Video “All about the diagnosis and treatment of otitis media”

Find out how to correctly diagnose and treat the disease from the video (video author - Veterinary Encyclopedia).

Read in this article

Reasons for the development of otitis media

Every day, faced with inflammation in the ear canal, veterinarians The following reasons for the development of otitis media in dogs are identified:

Ticks violate the integrity of the skin, damage blood vessels, and release toxic waste products into the surrounding tissues. This leads to itching and the development of otitis in the animal. Most often, dogs are diagnosed with otodectosis.

  • Allergic reactions. When allergies develop, the body produces chemicals, leading to fragility of blood vessels and irritating nerve endings. Scratching an itchy area with your paws leads to the proliferation of opportunistic microflora and the development inflammatory reaction. Often it is the animal’s ears, well equipped blood vessels, suffer from a reaction to any allergen.
  • Keeping an animal in unfavorable conditions. A cold, damp, drafty room, in bad weather, strong winds, and rainy weather are common causes of the development of the disease in dogs.
  • Violation of hygiene and pet care rules. Irregular cleaning of the ears from wax, water ingress during water procedures are common causes of the development of otitis media in dogs. Foreign objects. Seeds and thorns from plants, insects, and small objects that fall during a walk lead to impaired ventilation of the auricle and increased production of protective wax.
  • Neoplasms, papillomas, polyps. Skin formations have a similar mechanism to foreign objects. By closing the ear canal, polyps or tumors prevent normal air circulation and can also spontaneously become inflamed and bleed, which leads to the development of inflammation in the ear canal. Neoplasms can be primary, or form as a consequence of otitis media and in this case be secondary in nature.

Neoplasm in the auricle of a dog
  • Hormonal abnormalities. Diseases of the endocrine system - adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas, pituitary gland - are often accompanied by hormonal imbalance. Failure leads to dry skin, itching, flaking, which provokes an inflammatory reaction.
  • The cause of otitis may be autoimmune diseases when the body begins to attack its own cells.
  • Injuries. Damage to the auricle is typical during fights between relatives. Mechanical damage (wounds, cracks, abrasions) leads to the introduction of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammation.
  • The presence of sugar in the dog's diet. Long-term studies indicate that feeding your pet sweet foods causes excessive formation of earwax, which is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.

Factors contributing to the development of otitis in dogs, veterinarians include:

  • Thick fur in the ear. Excess hair reduces the natural ventilation of the ear canal, increases humidity, and intensively produces earwax. These factors lead to the activity of opportunistic microflora and provoke otitis media. The risk group includes dog breeds characterized by increased thickness of hair in the ear area: lapdogs, giant schnauzers, setters.
  • Peculiarities anatomical structure. Erect, lop-eared, ears with a lot of folds cause a lot of health problems for their four-legged owner. The peculiar structure of the auricle - drooping ears, many skin folds in the area of ​​the outer ear - are an ideal environment for the development of inflammation. With this structure, there is poor ventilation and self-cleaning mechanisms.

The risk group includes breeds such as sharpeis, basset hounds, spaniels, and poodles. Owners of large erect ears - german shepherds, suffer from otitis media due to the free entry of dirt and germs due to large sizes ears.

The breed's predisposition to the disease is determined by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the ears, the degree of their openness, the presence of many folds, and thick hair. According to veterinary statistics, spaniels, sharpeis, German shepherds, poodles, bulldogs, as well as many hunting breeds most often suffer from otitis media.

For information on the anatomy of a dog's ear and the causes of otitis externa, watch this video:

Symptoms of the disease in dogs

The following clinical manifestations indicate an inflammatory process in the auricle of a tailed pet:

  • The dog often shakes its head, tilts it towards the sore ear, and constantly scratches its head in the ear area with its paws due to itching.
  • The purulent form of otitis is often accompanied by gurgling sounds when moving the head due to the accumulation of exudate.
  • When touched, the animal becomes anxious, whines and squeals.
  • At the entrance to the ear canal, the presence of crusts, scabs, and lost hair is noted.
  • By turning away the outer ear, you can observe redness and swelling of the tissues. The amount of sulfur produced exceeds its normal content. Purulent discharge is often found unpleasant odor. Blood may be present in the exudate. The fur in the ear is matted.
  • The area at the base of the ear is hot to the touch.
  • With a low level of immunity, the dog may experience general hyperthermia.
  • The animal loses its appetite. The thirst persists.
  • The state becomes apathetic, lethargic.
  • With severe pain, the dog becomes aggressive and restless.

In severe cases, a sick dog may experience deafness (stops responding to sound stimuli) and strabismus due to the deep development of the inflammatory process that involves adjacent organs.

Types and their features

Veterinarians distinguish between primary and secondary types of disease. The independent form of otitis is primary. The most common is secondary otitis media, which develops as a result of a pet becoming infected with mites, allergies, hormonal imbalance, etc.

Outer, middle, inner

According to the anatomical distribution of the inflammatory process, diseases of the outer, middle and inner ear are distinguished. The external form does not affect the eardrum, the inflammation is localized outside. Pathology in the middle part of the ear canal can lead to hearing loss for your pet.

  • Otoscopy. Examination of the ear canal instrumental method allows you to identify the nature and localization of the inflammatory process, assess the condition of the eardrum. The method allows you to detect a foreign body, neoplasms, polyps, etc.
  • Laboratory diagnostics. A blood test, microscopic and cytological examination of skin scrapings can identify the pathogen: determine the type of tick, bacteria, identify a pathogenic fungus, and also determine sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Radiography. The method allows you to identify neoplasms and polyps.
  • Magnetic resonance and . Modern methods studies are indispensable when assessing damage inflammatory process internal structures of the ear and membranes of the brain.

In some studies, the animal is sedated or lightly anesthetized. The diagnosis is established on the basis of a comprehensive examination identifying the cause of the disease.

Pet treatment

Considering the variety of forms and types of inflammation, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate for ear problems in your four-legged friends. Only a qualified specialist should treat a sick pet based on laboratory tests.

Therapy for otitis in dogs is complex and has a local and general focus. Antibacterial drops and ointments that have an anti-inflammatory effect are used locally. The drugs relieve swelling and reduce itching. In veterinary practice, the following drops are prescribed for inflammation of the ear canal: Otipax, Sofradex, Tsiprovet, Aurizon, Otoferonol, Otinum and others. Remedies are selected based on the root cause of the disease.

Drops should only be prescribed by a veterinarian, since some products contain antibiotics that have an ototoxic effect and are contraindicated if the eardrum is damaged.

The general effect on the body during otitis is the use of antibiotics, sulfonamides in the form of tablets, intramuscular injections. Antimicrobial agents are used according to a sensitivity test. Drugs such as Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone (injections with lidocaine), Baytril and others are effective for otitis media.

In order to increase immunity, a sick pet is given a course of immunomodulators. Drugs such as Anandin, Roncoleukin, Gamavit are prescribed. The use of Cycloferon and Immunofan gives good results.

If the cause of otitis is neoplasms, growths, or polyps, they are removed surgically.

Getting rid of inflammation at home

Therapeutic measures can be carried out by the owner at home, subject to strict adherence to the prescriptions of a veterinary specialist. The success of treatment largely depends on proper preparation inflamed area to the use of drugs.

Before administering prescribed medications to your pet, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the auricle and passage of dirt, purulent masses, and accumulation of earwax. For this purpose they use antiseptics: chlorhexidine, miramistin, boric acid. Hydrogen peroxide is used only to cleanse the outer ear.

Special wipes are suitable for the cleaning procedure. Ear sticks are not used in animal hygiene.


Based on many years of medical practice, veterinarians have developed a complex preventive measures, allowing owners to avoid ear problems in their four-legged pets:

  • regularly, pollution;
  • trim the thick fur in the ear;
  • prevent your pet from getting hypothermic;
  • during hygiene procedures, protect your ears from water;
  • use only high quality feed;
  • exclude sweet foods from the dog’s diet;
  • Have your ears professionally examined at a veterinary clinic twice a year.

Otitis in dogs is a polyetiological disease. The illness causes the pet painful sensations. In advanced cases, there is a high risk of developing brain inflammation and sepsis. Comprehensive diagnostics allows you to clarify the root cause that caused the inflammation. Treatment of the disease should only take place under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

Useful video

To learn how to properly clean a dog's ears, watch this video:

Otitis in dogs

An inflammatory process in the ear, or otitis media in other words, can cause discomfort not only to humans. Pets very often suffer from this disease, and for their acute hearing and delicate surfaces of the auricle, this is a rather difficult test. If your dog's ears become dirty very quickly, they give off an unpleasant odor, the animal shakes its head very often and tries to comb its ears, then you should take your pet to the veterinarian. More likely, we're talking about specifically about otitis in a dog.

Types of ear inflammation

Otitis in a dog photo

There are several classifications of the disease. By location infectious process Otitis is divided into:

  • External - inflammation affects the external auditory canal, located between the inlet and the surface of the eardrum.
  • Medium - the inflammatory process penetrates deep into the eardrum. Often accompanied by suppuration - this form The disease is called purulent otitis media. In advanced or complicated forms of otitis, inflammation of the outer and middle ear often occurs.
  • Internal - a severe form of the disease, the lesion is localized in the inner ear and very often causes various kinds of complications.

Depending on the cause of the disease, the following types are distinguished:

  • Primary otitis media occurs as an independent disease and occurs without associated diseases.
  • Secondary otitis - inflammation is a complication of a dermatological disease. Most often, this type of otitis appears against the background atopic dermatitis, dermatosis, autoimmune diseases, damage to the adrenal glands or thyroid gland.

There is a classification based on the causative agent of the disease:

  • Chronic otitis is a complex inflammation that requires consultation with a specialist. It is provoked by staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Escherichia coli.
  • Fungal otitis media (otomycosis) – fungal bacteria mix with earwax and begin to multiply intensively, causing inflammation.
  • Bacterial otitis - pathogenic bacteria often cause the development of otitis, and either one or both ears can be affected.
  • Allergic otitis media develops as a result of allergies or hormonal imbalances.

Risk group

Predisposing factors include hereditary predisposition and thallium intoxication. There is a connection between breeds and the development of otitis media, since the disease and its course are associated with the structure of the auricle.

Most often, inflammation develops in owners of long, hanging ears, which are hidden from natural ventilation and are an ideal “breeding ground” for development and reproduction. pathogenic microorganisms. Among the breeds with a similar problem are spaniels and poodles.

But not only those with such ears can suffer from otitis media. Pets with very open ear canals, such as East European Shepherds, are also victims of frequent inflammation. Their hearing organ is not protected from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria.

Why does otitis media develop in dogs?

The primary form of the disease can appear after hypothermia, injury to the animal, due to malnutrition or infection with helminths. There can be many reasons, and if the pet’s immunity is reduced and cannot resist, then the disease affects the dog’s ears.

If we are talking about an infectious pathogen, then most often it is streptococcus or staphylococcus, which develops in a weakened animal’s body.

Signs of otitis media in dogs

The clinical picture of the disease is as follows:

  • the pet is restless, as he feels pain in the ear and itching;
  • purulent exudate flows from the ear, which has a nauseating odor; the discharge may contain an admixture of blood;
  • the pet often tilts its head and shakes its ears;
  • the ear canal turns red;
  • the ear becomes hot to the touch, this increases the temperature in the affected area;
  • tissue swelling occurs in the ear;
  • you can feel the enlarged lymph nodes from the side of the inflamed organ;
  • the pet's appetite decreases;
  • the dog is lethargic, does not find a place for itself, and may spin in the direction of the inflamed ear.

During severe forms of otitis in dogs, it is possible following symptoms and complications:

  • hearing loss;
  • development of strabismus;
  • the dog has difficulty eating - it is difficult to chew due to pain;
  • discharge of exudate from the eyes.

Diagnosing the disease in dogs

Making a correct, timely diagnosis is half the road to recovery. Veterinarians warn owners not to ignore the pet’s condition and not to treat the disease themselves.

Therapy for otitis media in dogs

Considering the variety of forms and types of the disease, it is difficult not to guess that there is no single treatment for otitis media in dogs. Each variety requires an individual approach:

  • Purulent otitis – carried out in mandatory antibiotic therapy, the affected ears are treated with chlorhexidine and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Chronic otitis media involves the use of antibiotics, dexamethasone compresses are recommended. Candibiotic drops are also prescribed - a remedy that fights fungi and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Fungal otitis - the drug Gaselan 2% is used, the ear is regularly treated with the solution phosphoric acid.
  • Bacterial otitis - used for treatment complex preparations, having antifungal and antibacterial effects, for example, the drug in the form of spray drops Surolan.
  • Allergic form of otitis - includes a three-month strict diet, antipruritic drops are prescribed to eliminate itching. If the allergy is of a constant seasonal nature, you can use antihistamines prescribed by a veterinarian.

The most common antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs include the following:

For local treatment, camphor oil, aversectin ointment, Dekta are used, and for tick-borne infestations, Amit ointment is used.

To enhance and maintain the immune system, a course of Ascorutin, Vitam, Gamavit and other vitamin preparations is prescribed.

Otipax and Framycetin ear drops have excellent anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

You can also purchase special lotions for cleaning the animal’s ears for these purposes. If the disease has developed to a late stage and crusts have formed in the pet’s ears, hydrogen peroxide will help remove them.

Pet owners need to know that ear inflammation is quite difficult to treat, especially in protracted, severe forms. Therefore, it is recommended to contact a veterinarian at the first signs of illness.

Example of otitis media on video:

Preventive measures

The owner must take care of the health of his pet, and therefore prevent the development of various types of diseases. Prevention of otitis involves the following:

  • the dog should not be allowed to become hypothermic;
  • after bathing, you need to remove excess water using a cotton swab;
  • It is worth carrying out regular hygiene procedures - daily inspection of the ears and cleaning a couple of times a week;
  • it is required to provide a complete diet for the dog, supplementing it with vitamin supplements if necessary;
  • the dog’s contact with other unfamiliar animals should be limited;
  • If possible, avoid injury to your pet and stressful situations.

Otitis media can cause the animal to become deaf, and, in addition, cause a number of irreversible consequences. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully monitor your beloved dog and not try to prescribe and carry out therapy yourself.

Otitis in a dog: treatment, symptoms, causes

Otitis is one of the most common problems with the ears of a dog that pet owners encounter. Otitis is a sign of an inflammatory process in the ears, but this does not mean that there is an infection in the ear. Ear infections can provoke otitis media, or they can be their consequence, i.e. you need to clearly understand the difference between these two conditions.

General information about otitis media and the causes of their occurrence

Inflammation of the ear canal causes a lot of discomfort for your pet, including pain, itching, fever and general malaise. Initially, the structure of the ears of all dogs is such that there is always a risk of otitis media. There are also breeds with a clear predisposition to this pathology. These are the animals:

  • with long ears;
  • with hairs in the ear canal;
  • with skin folds along the body;
  • prone to allergic reactions.

The potential risk group includes the following breeds:

  • German Shepherds;
  • setters;
  • hunting dogs;
  • bulldogs;
  • spaniels;
  • Shar-Pei;
  • basset hounds;
  • Labradors.

In dogs, otitis occurs in the form of:

  • inflammation of the ear canal and outer ear ( otitis externa);
  • inflammatory process involving the middle ear (otitis media);
  • inflammation that spreads to the inner ear (most rare species otitis).

If you do not find out the cause of otitis media, treat it incorrectly or not treat it at all, then all this will provoke perforation of the eardrum (rupture or dissolution of it by pus). In this case, purulent discharge will accumulate not only at the base of the ear canal, but will also go into the inner ear, penetrating into the meninges. With this course of the disease, at best, the dog will lose hearing, at worst, he will die from purulent meningitis.

Main symptoms of ear problems

There are a number of main signs of otitis media, which will cause the dog owner to involuntarily pay attention to his ears.

Symptoms of inflammation in the ears:

  • the presence of scratches, hematomas (bruises), wounds or any other damage on the ears;
  • constant urge to scratch your ears or shake your head;
  • a lot of sulfur released (more than usual);
  • any kind of discharge (including purulent) with an unpleasant odor;
  • obvious signs of the inflammatory process - redness, swelling, pain and increased local temperature;
  • hair loss on the ears (from scratching) or inside;
  • the presence of crusts and scabs around the ears or at the entrance to the ear canal;
  • pain not only inside, but also throughout the hearing organ (the animal does not allow you to examine it);
  • increase submandibular lymph nodes with a long-term inflammatory process;
  • changes in the general condition of the animal - depression, lack of appetite, increased body temperature, etc.

Besides common symptoms for all ear problems, there are individual clinical signs otitis, depending on the causes:

  • with otitis due to increased hair growth, in addition to the classic signs of inflammation, you can find hair growing deep in the ear, which must be removed both to prevent otitis and before starting treatment for an existing problem;
  • at ear mites black-brown, grainy discharge is observed, under which bleeding wounds may be observed when they are separated. Both sides are usually affected;
  • bacterial or fungal otitis is usually accompanied by purulent discharge and increased local temperature. When inoculating secretions on nutrient media, it is possible to isolate a specific causative agent of inflammation;
  • with otitis due to tumors or foreign objects, in addition to all the signs, specific causes are identified - in fact, tumors and foreign objects that can only be detected by an otoscope due to their deep location in the ear canal;
  • with otitis caused by the ingress and stagnation of water, the discharge is always liquid, although of a different nature (purulent, serous, cloudy or transparent);
  • if otitis is allergic, then usually signs of individual sensitivity appear in other parts of the body: hives, swelling, itching, etc.

What owners should not do

  1. You cannot self-medicate, because... Incorrectly selected antimicrobial drugs will not help, will cause bacterial resistance to other agents, and may also cause additional irritation and increased inflammation. If you notice any sign that something is wrong with your hearing, you should immediately contact your veterinarian! How to treat otitis depends on the cause of its occurrence, which only a specialist can determine.
  1. You should not try to clean the dog’s ears with ear sticks - it is impossible to clean out the discharge as they should, and there is also a risk of cotton wool remaining inside the ear cavity. In veterinary hospitals, ears are cleaned with tweezers or a hemostatic clamp, which firmly holds a cotton swab and with good metal support allows you to clean out all dirt and secretions.
  1. You cannot put hydrogen peroxide in your dog's ears - when it reacts with bleeding wounds and pus, it begins to foam strongly, which is perceived by the dog as a loud extraneous noise. An animal may behave inappropriately out of fear. Only the outside of the ears can be treated with peroxide.
  1. You can’t clean your dog’s ears if you’ve never done it before. There is a high risk of causing pain, after which the animal will in every possible way interfere with examinations, even those carried out by veterinary specialists (it will run away, hide, bite, etc.).

How to help a dog with signs of otitis media before contacting a veterinarian

If it is not possible to immediately seek help from a veterinarian, the pet owner can somewhat alleviate his condition with simple procedures:

  • carefully examine the hearing organ, without causing pain to the dog and without using foreign objects, so as not to cause additional damage;
  • treat the outer surface of the ears with hydrogen peroxide and brilliant green if there are wounds and scratches on the ears;
  • Apply 3-4 drops of Otinum or Otipax to your ears and gently massage the bases of your ears (if there are no signs of pain). This is absolutely safe drops for dogs that relieve itching, eliminate pain, dissolve wax and soak crusts and plaque in the ear canal (if any). The products do not provide an antimicrobial load, eliminating the risk of developing resistance of bacteria that caused inflammation before starting antibiotic therapy;
  • After soaking the ear contents and numbing the ear, clean the ears with a cotton swab wrapped around tweezers. The procedure can only be carried out if you have experience in cleaning your dog’s ears! If you have never had cleaning done in your life up to this point, it makes sense to wait for a visit to the veterinarian, removing dirt within the visible convolutions of the outer ear. If you feel squishing inside the pus or other contents and it is not possible to clean everything out, a mixture of streptocide powders with boric acid (ratio 1:5) is poured into the ear. If the dog wants to shake his head, you need to let him do it! Soaked dirt, discharge and wax will move closer to the outer ear, from where they can be removed independently;
  • if the dog has an increase in body temperature, you can give Analgin once as an antipyretic - 0.5 tablets/10 kg orally or 0.1 ml/kg intramuscularly.

All subsequent treatment at home should be carried out with medications prescribed by the veterinarian and in the order determined by him.

In special cases, for example, when the ear canal is overgrown, restorative surgery is performed, during which the ear canal is re-formed.

Important: it is impossible to cure secondary otitis media without eliminating the cause that caused it! With one symptomatic treatment the disease can become chronic.

Sequence of treatment procedures:

  1. Cleaning the ears. The outer ear is cleaned with a swab well moistened with hydrogen peroxide or a 2% solution of salicyl-tannin alcohol. All crusts are soaked and removed.
  2. Cleansing the ear canal. The ear canal is cleaned with a swab moistened with a chlorhexidine solution or after instilling prophylactic lotions or ear cleaning drops into the ear. Lotions and drops well soak up internal dirt, waste products of mites, dried blood, crusts, etc. In the process of cleaning the ears, material is selected for microscopy and bacterial culture to identify the causative agent of otitis for the rational prescription of a drug.
  3. Treatment of bleeding wounds with a solution of brilliant green.
  4. For deep scratches and bleeding wounds on the surface of the auricle, the use of wound healing and antiseptic ointments is recommended.
  5. After cleaning the ears, ear drops are used as prescribed, depending on the pathogen identified - antifungal, antimicrobial or anti-mite agents. If it is not possible to identify the pathogen, use combined broad-spectrum drops aimed at removing mites, fungi and microorganisms.
  6. For purulent otitis of any etiology, general antibiotic therapy is prescribed for a course of 5-7 days.
  7. If signs of general intoxication are observed, droppers with detoxifiers are used.
  8. Regardless of the degree of development of the disease and the causes of otitis, immunostimulating agents are always prescribed.

Consolidated list of medications for otitis media

They are most often used in the treatment of otitis of various etiologies.

Otitis in dogs

Otitis is an inflammatory process in the ear, which, as a rule, causes serious discomfort for both dogs and people. However, animals suffer from this disease much more often.

Normally, in any dog, the glands located in the external auditory canals secrete a moderate amount of secretion, which protects the ear canal from dust, dirt, water and foreign substances entering it. The nature and type of this secretion is individual for each breed. But its quantity should be optimal. If you notice that after cleaning the ears, literally the next day, your dog’s ears are dirty again, and this secretion smells unpleasant, and the dog shakes its head or scratches its ears, then you should immediately consult a veterinarian.

Classification of otitis

By place of origin

There is a certain classification of varieties of this disease. Experts distinguish between external and otitis media, based on the location of the source of the disease.

Otitis externa is an inflammation of the external auditory canal, which is located between the opening of this passage and the eardrum.

Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear located behind the eardrum. The middle ear consists of three bones that conduct sounds into the inner ear.

However, when the disease is at a severe stage, both the middle and outer ears may be affected.

Primary and secondary otitis media

Like many other diseases, otitis media is also classified according to its cause. If the disease occurs independently and is self-sufficient, we are dealing with primary otitis.

If otitis has already arisen as a complication of some other dermatological disease, therapy should be applied to secondary otitis.

Secondary otitis media can be caused by:

Unlike many other diseases, there is a breed predisposition to otitis media. In fact, it all depends on the structure of the ears of different dogs.

At risk are animals with large, drooping ears that block the path of air, thereby creating excellent conditions for the development of pathogenic microflora. Spaniels and poodles suffer from similar body characteristics.

However, there is an inverse relationship between otitis media and the degree of openness of the ear canal. East European Shepherds, for example, have the exact opposite problem - an ear that is too open allows bacteria to enter the ear canal.

Chronic external otitis media. Swelling, excess discharge, and inflammation of the eardrum are visible.

Verrucous otitis (Characteristic redness of the skin, formation of “warts”, discharge of sulfur and pus of atypical consistency)

Causes of otitis media in dogs

The occurrence of otitis media is influenced by many factors. The disease can be caused, for example, by hypothermia and head injury, helminthiasis, disruption of the dog’s normal nutrition, allergies, or a sharp drop in the level of the body’s resistance - decreased immunity.

As for the causative agents of this disease, they are staphylococci and streptococci - one of the most well-known bacteria. They are present in the body on a permanent basis, but can only cause harm if the immune system is reduced. Any failure in protective system organism leads to the growth of pathogenic microflora.

Symptoms of otitis media in dogs

Clinical signs indicating the presence of otitis media are:

  • painful sensations in the ear;
  • purulent discharge with a strong unpleasant odor, which may contain blood;
  • frequent shaking of the ears;
  • the dog often tilts its head;
  • redness of the ear canal;
  • an increase in temperature in the affected area;
  • the appearance of swelling in the ear;
  • enlargement of lymph nodes due to inflammation;
  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • lethargy, depression.

If the dog suffers from otitis media or internal otitis, the following signs may appear:

  • deafness;
  • strabismus;
  • difficulty chewing due to pain;
  • discharge from the eye sockets;
  • The dog may roll towards the inflamed side of the head.

Diagnosis of the disease

Reasons and etiological factors There can be many things that support inflammation of the ear canal in dogs. Eliminating them and treating your pet depends on the nature and nature of the disease. This is why it is so important to conduct thorough examination and establish a diagnosis, otherwise treatment may not be effective and may even worsen the situation.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out differentiatedly in the following areas:

Only on the basis of a comprehensive examination can a doctor make a diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. It is worth remembering that all types of otitis media do not go away on their own; self-medication or neglect of the disease leads to serious consequences.

Some of the above procedures may be performed under anesthesia. Typically, this only becomes necessary if the dog is behaving aggressively.

If a secondary form of otitis is suspected, the most difficult thing is to identify the root cause of the disease. By discovering the original source, the doctor determines the starting point of treatment.

Treatment of otitis media

Treatment of ear diseases should be comprehensive and aimed at eliminating the primary causes of the disease and leveling (until complete elimination) the harmful effects of supporting factors. This is only possible with a competent combination of a course of general therapy (antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs (“Otibiovin”, “Otoferanol”, “Otipax”, “Normax”) and local treatments such as: camphor oil, aversectin ointment and “Amit” (for tick infestations), "Amidel-gel", "Dekta", "Acaromectin", etc. Drugs such as "Gamavit", "Ascorutin", etc. will help support immunity and speed up recovery. To relieve pain in the ear canal area, a specialist can recommend special ear drops, such as Otipax or Framycetin. These drugs relieve pain and relieve inflammation in the affected areas. In addition, some of them will also help relieve itching.

Most modern veterinary drugs used in the treatment of dog ear diseases act in several directions and provide anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic and antimicrobial effect. But they should be used only after a full examination and as prescribed by a doctor.

What you can do at home before visiting the veterinarian is to clean out excess secretion using a special lotion, hydrogen peroxide, Vaseline oil or saline solution. There is no point in using anything at your own discretion. You can only harm your dog.

If the disease is at a late stage, and prolonged scratching of the affected area has led to the formation of crusts, they can be removed from the surface of the ear using ordinary hydrogen peroxide. The resulting small wounds can be treated with brilliant green - this will avoid infections.

If the amount of pus begins to rapidly increase, and the ear is already beginning to squelch, the ear canal can be cleaned extremely carefully using boric alcohol.

Remember, otitis media is quite treatable, but it will be effective and quick only under the supervision of a specialist.

Disease prevention

To effectively prevent the disease, first of all, you need to avoid factors that can cause it. In addition, it is necessary to carefully observe the dog’s personal hygiene rules and examine and treat the dog’s ear at least once a week.

As mentioned earlier, ear problems can be a direct consequence of a dog’s decreased immunity. The body's inability to adequately respond to a threat can occur due to a number of reasons. To be sure that your pet will cope with the attack of the virus, you need to carefully monitor its diet, which should include everything necessary. vitamin complex, proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates. Constant stress should also be avoided - it also reduces the body's resistance.

Otitis in dogs: types and symptoms

Ear inflammation or otitis media in dogs is one of the most frequent occasions visits to the clinic. Chronic and acute otitis undermine the immunity and general health of pets. The dog becomes irritable, sometimes even disobedient and nervous due to constant pain. In severe cases, the pet may die. What is otitis media like and how to notice this disease in time?

General information

Otitis externa is an inflammation of the part of the ear that ends at the eardrum. This is the easiest type of otitis, because... the hearing aid is not affected. The disease can be easily treated if the cause of the disease is correctly identified and therapy is started on time. If you delay a visit to the veterinarian, perforation (rupture) of the membrane is possible and inflammation can spread to the middle section.

Otitis media- the most common type of this disease. In the middle section are located auditory ossicles(hammer, incus and stapes), therefore serious damage may cause hearing impairment or loss. The infection enters the middle ear from the outer ear, from the nasopharynx (rhinitis, bad teeth, virus) or through the bloodstream. Otitis media in a dog that is left untreated can spread to the inner ear. Therefore, you cannot delay visiting a doctor, you cannot rely on self-healing, advice from friends, etc.

Internal otitis It is rare, but very dangerous. If treatment is delayed, the pet may become completely deaf and even die due to meningitis if the inflammation has spread from the ear to the meninges. In addition to the general symptoms, with internal otitis, dizziness, vomiting, drooling, strange movements of the paws or head are possible - the dog loses orientation in space (the vestibular apparatus is located in the internal section).

Ear otitis in dogs can be purulent, exudative (sulfur discharge) and catarrhal, acute and chronic. More often than others, pets with a very wide or narrowed ear canal suffer from otitis media. Droopy ears, especially those pressed tightly to the head, block the access of air flow to the ears, which is why the inside of the ear canal is constantly warm and humid - a paradise for bacteria.

Otitis often develops due to insufficient or excessive care of the pet's ears (dirty ears or cleaned to a shine, devoid of a protective layer of sebum and wax). The reasons may not be directly related to the ears - low immunity, exhaustion, constant hypothermia and sleeping in a draft/cold floor, hormonal fluctuations, bad teeth.

Infectious otitis media

Viruses, fungi and bacteria are the most important enemies of the ears and the most common provocateurs of otitis media. Pathogenic microflora can develop externally and internally (bad teeth, rhinitis, general infection). In the case of any infection, the signs of otitis media are clear and characteristic:

  • reddened, thickened, lumpy, crusty or glossy, as if stretched, skin;
  • discharge (something yellowish, greenish or grayish constantly flows from the ear or both ears);
  • pain (the pet does not allow its ears to be touched, growls or runs away, whines when touched, squeals and jumps up in its sleep);
  • squelching when lightly pressing on the ear.

The pet shakes its head in a peculiar way, as if it wants to throw off something that is in the way. Some pets rub their ears on the floor or furniture, yawn forcefully, or often open their mouths wide (a reflexive attempt to relieve congestion). If you delay treatment, there may be a rise in temperature, refusal to feed, general lethargy, reluctance to play and go for walks - it is clear from everything that the pet is sick and weakened.

Bacterial otitis develops in a similar way. Some bacteria (such as cocci) can also spread throughout the body, but this happens less frequently than with fungus. But viruses, unlike fungi and bacteria, rarely affect the ears directly. More often, viral otitis is understood as a complication after suffering viral disease- enteritis, plague, etc.

Allergic otitis media

It is impossible to determine allergic otitis media by eye - red, combed ears in dogs, thick discharge, head tilted to one side, intolerance to touch. The pet is in pain, he shakes his head, tears his ears with his claws. These same symptoms may indicate any other type of otitis media. But for allergies, standard therapy is ineffective, so the veterinarian must monitor the treatment process.

Traumatic otitis media

No matter the reason chronic otitis media in dogs it is more difficult to treat acutely and often recurs for the slightest reason. We swam, walked in the rain, stayed outside in the cold, the pet got scared to the point of stress, scratched its ears because of a tickling hair - a complication. Constant pain makes the dog disobedient and irritable. Living with such a pet is very difficult, but it is even harder for the dog itself, tired of frequent visits to the clinic, painful examinations and attempts at treatment. Caring owners must understand that a doctor is not able to make a diagnosis based on a photo of sore ears or a description of symptoms (by phone, online consultation). Please contact your veterinarian on time!

Otitis in dogs - main signs and effective treatment methods

Any infection can cause otitis media in dogs, which is why it is found everywhere. Disease of the external and internal parts of the hearing system affects large pets and small puppies, animals with ears of different shapes. It is advisable for responsible dog breeders to carefully familiarize themselves with the causes of this unpleasant disease.

Otitis in dogs - symptoms

Veterinarians are constantly faced with a variety of inflammatory processes in the hearing aid, causing suffering to our pets. Signs of otitis in dogs are easy for experienced owners to detect. Hearing loss, itching and headaches immediately manifest themselves in unpleasant ways, forcing animals to change behavior. Careful observation and examination of the head quickly helps detect infection early.

How does otitis media manifest in dogs?

  • Animals shake their heads strangely and frequently.
  • The skin in the sore spot becomes lumpy with thickening.
  • Pets react painfully to a simple touch on the head.
  • As a result of a visual inspection, the dog owner may detect strange discharge.
  • With otitis media in dogs, our four-legged friends often itch and tilt their heads unusually.
  • When you press on the ear, you hear squelching sounds.
  • Severe scratching appears on the head.
  • The ears of a puppy with otitis media are hot.
  • The disease leads to exhaustion, loss of appetite, and makes the dog irritable.
  • With otitis in dogs, it is visually easy to notice the redness of the ears.
  • Enlargement of the lymph nodes under the jaw is often observed.
  • Signs of pain appear when opening the mouth.

The causes of this disease are varied and common; it is difficult to insure yourself and prevent otitis media in dogs completely. Some breeds are more predisposed to this infection than others. These include animals with long or heavily furred ears, pets with large folds on the head. A short list of the main factors that lead to inflammation of the ear canals will help you understand this unpleasant problem.

Common factors that cause otitis in dogs:

  • Infection of pets with ticks.
  • Presence of a tumor.
  • The structure of the ear canals and head facilitates the spread of infection.
  • Infection of the ear with fungi or pathogens.
  • Incorrect or infrequent cleaning of fur and ears.
  • A foreign body has blocked the auricle.
  • Frequent bathing leads to moisture entering the ear canal.
  • An allergic reaction in animals that provokes scratching of the skin.
  • Weakened immunity.

Types of otitis media in dogs

Having discovered signs of this disease, you need to carefully examine the animal in a gentle way to find out the main cause of this problem. It is advisable to carefully study both ears. Sometimes external symptoms they talk about damage to one passage, but often hidden inflammation begins in the second shell. Depending on the type of otitis media in dogs, its symptoms and treatment may vary. Inflammation of the middle and inner ear is distinguished; there are several external forms of this disease. All types of otitis require immediate timely treatment.

Purulent otitis media in dogs

Otitis in dogs of a purulent form can be easily detected by a foul-smelling oily secretion. This process is caused by microorganisms or fungi that can ulcerate the mucous membrane and eardrum. Chlorhexidine, povidone-iodine antiseptic, acetic acid, peroxide, and other medicinal solutions are suitable for therapy. By effective means the affected areas are treated; when the disease passes into the middle ear, potent medications are used - antibiotics, fungicides, ointments and creams of the glucocorticoid group.

Allergic otitis media in dogs

It is advisable to carefully study the pet’s living conditions and eliminate the possibility of its contact with the irritant. The sore ear should be washed with antiseptics, removing pus from the passage. In case of complications, in addition to drops, lotions and ointments, the veterinarian may prescribe specific therapy if dangerous microorganisms have settled in the areas of scratching at the time of examination.

Malassezial otitis media in dogs

This otitis refers to skin diseases that can be detected on the mucous membrane when the fungus malassezia pachydermatis appears and increases its spread in the body. Under normal conditions, microorganisms manifest themselves weakly; for inflammation of the inner ear in dogs or the outer shell of the shell to reach critical levels, special favorable conditions or weakened immunity are required.

In the worst cases, malasseziasis is complicated by the appearance of pathogenic microflora and the development of a bacterial infection, so it must be treated immediately. If a fungus is detected under a microscope, it is expelled with chlorhexidine, sulfur, and miconazole. The skin is treated with special shampoos with therapeutic effect. The skin is treated with ointments twice a day; treatment lasts for a long time, often up to several weeks.

Fungal otitis in dogs

A special name has been coined for this type of disease – otomycosis. It can be an independent problem or appear as a complication of bacterial infections, tick bites, or allergic reactions of the body. Otomycosis is provoked by scratching, which leads to wounds and abrasions that violate the integrity of the skin. They often affect animals that have previously suffered from severe infections, four-legged friends with weakened immune systems.

Bacterial otitis in dogs

This disease is not caused by a fungus, but by infections in the form of streptococci and staphylococci involved in pathogenesis. Neomycin and chloramphenicol work well on them; in particularly acute cases and relapses, gentamicin is used. Organisms of the Pseudomonas group are eliminated with polymyxin B and glucorticoids. If chronic otitis in dogs cannot be treated, then strong drugs are used - sulfadiazine, chlorhexidine, ceftiofur, Tris-EDTA paired with gentamicin.

Verrucous otitis media in dogs

The second name for this disease is warty otitis media. This cutaneous form a disease that causes special formations in the animal’s ears. Warts significantly narrow the ear canal, eventually blocking the canal completely. In this case, it is not possible to effectively clean the passages of sulfur and remove pus, which complicates the disease. IN initial stage Ear inflammation in dogs is treated with drops and powders, and removal of deposits. In difficult cases, the growths are removed by excision of part of the auditory canal, preventing unwanted changes in the cartilage tissue.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs

Serious forms of inflammation of the ear canal can be eliminated under the supervision of veterinarians, but when a specialist cannot be found quickly, you have to use remedies available at home. If you find otitis in a dog, then you can try to find what to treat it in your first aid kit. Simple manipulations and some common human medicines help in cases where the disease is at early stages.

  • First aid for a dog with otitis media:
  • Gauze swabs with chlorhexidine or miramistim are suitable for treating the auricle.
  • Hygienic lotions sold in pet stores are used to remove wax.
  • If the ear is tightly clogged, then careful douching is done with saline solution.
  • The crust and pus are removed with swabs soaked in boiled water.
  • Then ear medications are dripped into the passage - Anandin Plus, Sofradex, Otinum.
  • Finishing procedures light massage auricle, repeat treatment 2 times a day.

Ampicillin for purulent otitis media in dogs

A variety of human antibiotics for otitis in dogs are often used, but it is advisable to prescribe them on the recommendation of a specialist. Ampicillin is given to animals an hour before eating or a couple of hours after eating. The dosage must be strictly observed so as not to harm the animals. Dogs are prescribed this antibiotic at a dose of 20-40 mg orally or 10-20 mg/kg intramuscularly per 1 kg of weight with a frequency of 8 hours a day, treatment course is 5 days.

Dimexide for otitis media in dogs

This product is suitable for topical use; it dissolves easily in alcohol and is used to destroy many microorganisms. It is prescribed in cases where the disease has spread to the middle and inner ear, and the recommended drops in the dog’s ears do not help with inflammation. Soak a tampon in a 10% solution and place it in the ear canal for half an hour. For external otitis, applications are made from dimexide. Wipes soaked in a light solution are applied to the auricle.

Amoxicillin for otitis media in dogs

An antibiotic is prescribed for the treatment of advanced otitis media. It is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, observing a dosage of 1 ml per 10 kg of pet weight. It is imperative to observe a four-legged patient when adverse reactions stop taking amoxicillin and change the drug. This medicine for otitis in dogs is prescribed for diseases of the middle ear to destroy the causative bacteria.

Levomekol for otitis media in dogs

Levomekol is supplied in the form of ointments, active substance it contains chloramphenicol, which kills up to 20 types of pathogens. Such drugs for the treatment of otitis media in dogs are excellent in the early stages. The ointment enters the ear canal using a tampon, which is left for 10 minutes in the sore ear, where it is absorbed into the skin. It is not advisable to leave the animal unattended during the procedure. Treatment with levomikol is repeated 2 times a day.

Otitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment at home

Otitis is an inflammation of the dog's outer, middle and inner ears. In practice, inflammation of the middle and outer ear is most common, and inflammation of the inner ear is slightly less common. Otitis media affects both ears of a pet at once, and the causes of the disease are very different.

Causes of otitis media in dogs

In dogs, otitis media occurs as a result of damage to the outer ear. As a result of a tick bite, after the formation of sulfur plugs, and even with allergic reactions to medications, shampoo, or food. Otitis media is most common in dogs with long ears.

Symptoms of otitis media in dogs

If your dog reacts painfully to the touch of hands in the head and ears, and also constantly shakes its head, these may be the first signs of otitis media. For a better understanding of the disease, let’s look at the symptoms of otitis media in dogs in more detail.

Otitis in a dog photo.

  • purulent and spotting from the ears;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • redness of the skin in the inner part of the ear;
  • in severe cases, inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • pain when yawning widely;
  • periodic deafness;
  • heaviness when eating solid foods;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • in case of complications, meningitis and inflammation of the vestibular apparatus are observed.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs

If you notice symptoms of otitis in your dog, immediately contact your veterinarian to begin treatment. Depending on the infection, otitis media can be of different types.

  • Purulent otitis in a dog. A purulent, unpleasant-smelling liquid is flowing from the dog's ear. In the advanced phase of purulent otitis, the dog may develop ulcerative processes and perforation of the eardrum. During the treatment, antibiotics, a solution of hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine are used.
  • Chronic otitis media caused by bacteria staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. Chronic otitis media requires serious treatment under the guidance of a veterinarian. To treat chronic otitis, veterinarians prescribe compresses with dexamethasone and antibiotics, as well as Candibiotic drops.
  • Otitis externa in dogs- a disease of the outer ear, which manifests itself as inflammation of the hair follicle, or bacterial and fungal infection of the ear canal, accompanied by eczema, itching, and swelling. To treat and prevent the disease, use Wetzim drops.
  • Fungal otitis in dogs also called otomycosis, it can be either an independent or secondary disease. Inflamed skin loses its protective properties, and the fungus provokes additional infection, resulting in otitis media. It all starts with severe itching, after which a large amount of sulfur appears, which mixes with fungal bacteria. The dog's ear turns red and becomes inflamed; swelling, purulent discharge, and a sour, unpleasant odor are also possible. This form of otitis is treated by treating the ear with a solution of phosphoric acid, as well as with the drug Gaselan 2%.
  • Bacterial otitis in dogs- a fairly common disease of the auricle, which is accompanied by itching. Otitis media can affect one or both ears at once; ear inflammation causes purulent discharge, redness and an unpleasant odor in the ears. In case of fungal or bacterial otitis Surolan spray drops are used for treatment.
  • Allergic otitis media in dogs- often occurs as a result of an allergic reaction, or hormonal imbalance. Accompanied by abundant secretion of earwax and intensive proliferation of fungi in the microflora. The dog develops itching, which it tries to stop by scratching its ears, resulting in irritation and ulcers, as well as discharge brown and purulent consistency.

How to properly clean a dog's ears (part of the prevention of otitis media):

Please note if you long time If you carry out treatment to no avail, then most likely the selected medications are not accepted by your dog’s body and the treatment is not effective. Medicine for otitis media can be found in every veterinary pharmacy. But it is worth remembering that even with the best selection of drugs, this is a difficult and lengthy treatment process.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs at home

Treatment of otitis requires attention, caution and should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the identified signs of otitis in dogs. If it is not possible to visit a veterinarian, you should try to help your pet in this way:

  • We treat the dog’s ear with a saline solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin. Apply a small amount of the solution to a gauze swab.
  • gently presses the ear to distribute the healing fluid evenly. We remove wax from the ear using an exudate solution, which is sold in pet stores.
  • moisten a clean swab with boiled water and remove discharge and crusts. A clogged ear canal can be cleaned using saline using the douching method.
  • After cleaning, you need to drip the following ear drops for dogs against otitis into your ear to choose from: Anandin plus, Otinum, Sofradex, Otipax. For small breed dogs, 2 drops in each ear, and for large breed dogs, 5 drops.
  • Afterwards, gently massage your ear. The procedure must be repeated twice a day, no more than two weeks; if there are no changes, use other drops.

Depending on the appearance of the skin of the ears, for prevention, you can treat part of the ears with a moisturizing or drying ointment once a day. Remember that chronic otitis requires quite a long treatment, so try to avoid complications.

Otitis media in dogs: identifying symptoms and treating them at home

Due to the specific structure of the ear, dogs are often susceptible to otitis media. Inflammation of the middle ear in dogs is often diagnosed; internal and external are less common.

The disease causes discomfort and severe pain to the pet. A visit to the veterinarian will help free the dog from uncomfortable sensations and prevent it from developing into chronic form. An advanced disease can develop into complete deafness and provoke the death of a pet.

Root causes of otitis media

Otitis in a dog occurs for several reasons:

  • Ear mites are a common cause of ear inflammation in dogs. Infection is possible from infected animals.
  • A tumor becomes a provocateur of otitis media if it clogs the ear canal and interferes with the “ventilation” of the ear.
  • Allergies to food, treats, medications and shampoo can lead to ear disease in your dog.
  • A foreign object lodged in the ear. Often plant seeds, midges or blades of grass get into the ear, thereby causing otitis media in the dog.

The disease often develops due to insufficient care of the pet’s ears, but it also happens the other way around: excessive cleaning of the ears leads to the destruction of the protective layer, sebum and wax secretions.

The cause may also be weak immunity, bad teeth and hormonal imbalance.

Predisposition of certain breeds to otitis media

Some breeds are more prone to this disease. Most often - dogs with large drooping ears: cocker spaniel, basset hound, dachshund and others. Drooping ears obscure the auditory opening and interfere with “ventilation,” which creates a “paradise” for the reproduction and life of pathogenic microbes.

East European Shepherds also often suffer from this disease. The structure of the ear does not prevent the penetration of dust and microorganisms into it.

Dogs with expressive folds on the muzzle, active swimmers, and those who live in high humidity climates are also at risk.

The owner can easily recognize the first symptoms of otitis media in a dog:

  • often shakes his head, claws at the sore ear and reacts to touching it;
  • upon examination, discharge with an uncharacteristic odor and swelling are noticeable;
  • the ear is hot to the touch;
  • The dog lies down more and turns away from the food.

If you notice such symptoms, you should consult a doctor.


During the examination, the doctor visually assesses the signs of otitis in the dog: the condition of the ears, nasopharynx, mouth and eyes. At the same time, asking questions about feeding, vaccinations and existing pathologies.

In some cases, radiography is used. This happens if the research is not informative enough. It shows the presence or absence of tumors and polyps in the nasopharynx. It is also possible to conduct a CT or MRI to exclude the possibility of brain inflammation. Some manipulations can be performed under general anesthesia.

Therapy is prescribed only based on test results. A specialist should tell you how to cure otitis media in a dog. Otherwise, the treatment will not bring results and will worsen the situation.

Types of otitis media and their features

Depending on the causes of infection, otitis media transforms into different forms with different symptoms.

Purulent otitis in dogs is expressed by discharge from the ears of a yellow-green substance with a sickly-sweet odor. If treatment is not treated in time, weeping ulcers form and the likelihood of damage to the integrity of the eardrum increases, which inevitably leads to deafness.


This form of the disease is caused by staphylococcus and streptococcus bacteria. An animal with such a diagnosis needs careful and long-term treatment.

So, they call fungal otitis media in dogs. Its development occurs for many reasons - reduced immunity, allergic reactions, various infections. Most often, this is a secondary disease that manifests itself as a result of improper treatment of other forms. The ear becomes red and hot, there is increased production of wax and an unpleasant sour smell. In the absence of therapy, the fungus spreads to the entire epithelium.


The development of otitis in dogs occurs in a similar way to fungal. But spread over the entire surface of the skin occurs less frequently. Such otitis may be a complication after a viral infection - plague or enteritis. Accompanied constant itching and discharge of pus.


It is impossible to diagnose allergic otitis in dogs by eye; it can have symptoms of all available forms. The culprits are often food, shampoos, even household chemicals and pollen.


The cause may be a blow to the head, injuries after a fight, scratches and debris in the ear canal. When the wound becomes inflamed, pathological bacteria begin to multiply, which causes ear inflammation in the dog, treatment should begin as early as possible.

In slushy weather, an increased content of sulfur is observed in the dog’s ears, which leads to the transformation of sulfur seals and the development of a bacterial infection against this background.

Treatment at home

If otitis media is detected in dogs, how to treat it at home? At first, you can alleviate your pet’s condition at home.

As home measures you can use:

  1. If there is severe scratching, the inner surface of the ear is wiped with hydrogen peroxide and carefully dried. gauze bandage. Scratches are lubricated with brilliant green.
  2. If pus has accumulated and the ear “squishes,” you should carefully clean it with boric alcohol, blot it dry and cover it with streptocide powder.
  3. Dark plaque can be caused by mites. In this case, the auricle is freed from wax accumulations and lubricated with phenothiazine.

Manipulations should be carried out extremely carefully so as not to cause irritation in the affected areas.

Remember that self-treatment otitis in a dog can lead to serious complications. Therefore, contacting a veterinarian is an important step.

Drops for otitis media

For complex treatment For fungal otitis, medications are prescribed that include miconazole, clotrimazole or nystatin.

Treatment of suppurative otitis in dogs is best done with ear drops for dogs with antibiotic.

  1. Otibiovet- 4-5 drops. At the beginning of the development of the disease 3-4 times a day, after 3 days 2-3 times.
  2. Otipax- 4 drops, apply 2-3 times a day for ten days.
  3. Anandin, here the dose depends on the size of the pet. For dwarfs, 3 drops are enough, for average ones - 4, and large breeds you will need 5 drops. The medicine is used for 3-4 days twice a day. It is required to repeat the course in a week, unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor.
  1. Leopard- 3 drops for dwarfs, 4 for medium and 5 - large dogs. Treatment is carried out twice with an interval of a week.
  2. Amitrazine applied once a day with an interval of 3 days. The procedure must be carried out until the signs disappear.

Otitis resulting from injury is treated with drugs that promote wound healing:

  1. Otopedin. Since these ear drops for dogs are quite toxic, the ears are treated once a week with 2-3 drops. After manipulation, the ears are fixed in open state for twenty minutes.
  2. Aurikan it is necessary to drip 5 drops for small dogs, 10-15 for medium-sized dogs, and 20 to 30 drops for large dogs. The drug is used daily for a week, then twice a week for another 25-30 days.

To make ear drops for dogs more effective, you need to follow some rules:

  • Before the procedure, clean your pet’s ears;
  • Warm the drops in the palm of your hand before use;
  • when instilling, you need to pull the ear towards the spine, then press and massage a little.

Treatment with medications

Let's look at several effective schemes for treating otitis media in a dog. The life examples provided will help you navigate and build the right treatment for your pet.

Patient: large dog, weight 40 kg, age 4 years. Owner's complaints: does not allow petting on the head, the dog's ear hurts. Diagnosis: exudative otitis externa.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide. Using a damp swab, wipe the inside of the ear and the passage. Cleansing from crusts, pus and excess sulfur.
  2. Chlorhexidine. Wipe the ear treated with peroxide twice a day for half a month.
  3. Bepanten. Apply the ointment to the inside of the ear 2 times every 24 hours, for a course of two weeks. In severe situations, it is allowed to use Fluorocort or Lorinden.
  4. Sofradex - inject 3-5 drops into both ears twice a day for 14 days.
  1. Sinulox or Clamoxil. Inject into the thigh once in the morning, 5-7 days, 4 ml.
  2. Suprastin. In the withers - inject 1 ml in the morning and evening - a weekly course.
  3. Serrata. It is necessary to inject 1 pill twice with an interval of 12 hours - 10 days.

Patient: male, age - 7 years, weight - 12 kg. Owner's complaints: the dog is restless, his ear is leaking. Diagnosis: purulent otitis media in the chronic stage.

  1. Peroxide - twice a day, two weeks.
  2. Chlorhexidine - twice-daily treatment for up to two weeks.
  3. Bepanten - twice a day for two weeks.
  4. Sofradex - 3-5 drops every 12 hours. The course of treatment is two weeks.

In a difficult situation, the following mixture of drops is acceptable:

Ceftriaxone 1 bottle + Dioxidin 10 ml + 5 ml Novocaine 0.5% + Suprastin 2 ml + Dexomethasone 3 ml + vitamin B12 2 ml + Dimexide 0.5-1 ml. This suspension should be administered 3-5 drops into both ears with a 12-hour interval. The course of treatment lasts 14 days.

At night, you need to apply a gauze swab soaked in the mixture: 2 ml of Lincomycin, 1 ml of Dexamethasone, Suprastin 1 ml and Novocaine 2% 3 ml. Treatment should continue for 10 nights.

  1. Sinulox - intramuscularly 3 ml once, course of treatment - a week. Let’s say 1 bottle of Cefogram is mixed with Lidocaine 8 mg. Inject 2.5 ml of the formulated drug 1-2 times a day.
  2. Suprastin - inject 0.5 ml into the outer thigh, morning and evening for 7 days.
  3. Serrata - twice a capsule - no longer than 10 days.
  4. Liarsin - 1 pill 2 times a day - 10 days.
  5. Mezim - take 1 capsule twice a day for 12-14 days.

A blockade with novocaine at the root of the ear may also be useful. For this, novocaine 05% is used, 7 ml twice a day. Treatment period is 1 week.

Antibiotics for otitis in dogs should be taken with caution, for example, if the eardrum is damaged, drops containing an ototoxic antibiotic are contraindicated.

Preventive measures

In order not to wonder how to treat otitis in a dog, you should carefully monitor your pet.

For prevention purposes, the following measures should be taken:

  • regular examination of the dog's ears;
  • cleaning when dirty;
  • plucking fur from the ear;
  • Never rinse the ears of a healthy animal, this increases humidity in the ear;
  • in slush and frost, pets with chronic otitis media should wear a hat;
  • visit the veterinary office at least 2 times a year for a preventive examination.

We wish your pet a speedy recovery.

In our video, a veterinarian tells and shows how to properly clean a dog's ears.

Treatment of otitis media in dogs at home: symptoms and signs, antibiotics

Does your dog often scratch its ears, bend its head and whine pitifully? All these symptoms may indicate that the animal has otitis media - inflammation of the inner, outer or middle part of the ear. This disease is very dangerous for the health of a four-legged pet, because it not only causes pain and discomfort, but can also cause hearing loss, inflammation of the brain, and subsequently even lead to the death of the dog. Therefore, every owner should know how to recognize the signs of otitis media and what methods of treating this disease can be used at home.

Inflammatory otitis in animals: causes

A variety of factors can provoke ear inflammation - from the presence of worms in the animal’s body to injury to the auricle.

Otitis is an inflammation of the ear.

And before starting treatment for a pet, the owner should find out what caused the otitis media.

What can cause otitis media

There are many medications available to effectively treat otitis media, but the owner should consult a veterinarian before using any medication. After all, only a qualified specialist can establish a diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to Recognize Symptoms and Signs of Otitis in a Dog

Symptoms of inflammation of the auricle are often pronounced, so it will not be difficult for an attentive owner to determine that his four-legged pet is affected by this dangerous disease.

Constant itching in the ear area is one of the symptoms of otitis media.

  • Otitis is accompanied by itching, as a result of which the animal constantly scratches his ears, often scratching them until they bleed.
  • If the dog often shakes his ears and tilts his head, then this may indicate the first symptoms of otitis media.
  • An animal with ear inflammation experiences severe pain, so the pet becomes restless, walks in circles and can’t find a place for himself.
  • Sometimes a doggie refuses food, games do not arouse any interest in him and he is reluctant to go for a walk.
  • Dog looks tired and sick.
  • When the owner tries to touch the sore ear, the dog runs away, and in some cases bares its teeth and may even bite its owner.
  • The skin of the auricle becomes red and inflamed, hot to the touch.
  • After cleaning the ears, they already have on the second or third day a large amount of sulfur accumulates.
  • Otitis media can be recognized by signs such as: purulent discharge from the ears with an unpleasant odor. Sometimes there may be streaks of blood in the discharge.
  • In some cases, the dog's lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged.
  • The fact that the pet is while eating or when trying to yawn suddenly begins to scratch his ears and whine pitifully.


If treatment for otitis media is not started in time, the disease can become chronic and cause the following complications:

  • Partial or complete hearing loss;
  • Sometimes dogs develop strabismus or have purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • The animal's temperature rises;
  • The area inside the ear becomes swollen and swollen.

If there is a complication, pus may appear from a dog’s eyes.

If the owner notices at least one of the above symptoms in his pet, then he needs to urgently take the dog to a veterinary clinic, because it is much easier to cure the disease in the early stages than when it becomes advanced.

Types and forms of otitis media

Before treatment, the disease is diagnosed.

There are several types of otitis media and treatment is prescribed depending on the form of the disease. That is why it is so important to correctly diagnose the disease and determine what type of inflammation the pet has suffered.

Allergic form of otitis

Allergic otitis media can be identified by symptoms such as redness of the inner and outer parts of the ear and a large amount of wax plugs in the ear. In this case, swelling in the ear area and the presence of discharge with an unpleasant odor may also be observed. The reason for this type of otitis lies in the animal’s allergy to some components included in the food or to an incorrectly selected shampoo for bathing.

In the allergic form of otitis, discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed.

And allergic otitis media can also be caused by a malfunction in the dog’s hormonal system.

To prevent the occurrence of allergic otitis media, you should take a responsible approach to choosing food for your pet and purchase shampoos and gels without harmful chemical additives for water treatments. But it is also necessary to remember that Air fresheners have a very bad effect on respiratory system dogs, so it is not advisable to use them in the presence of a pet.

Otitis caused by allergies can become chronic over time, so do not delay its treatment.

Bacterial form of otitis

Bacterial otitis media is caused by an infection.

Bacterial inflammation of the ears is caused by an infection caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus viruses. This type of otitis manifests itself in swelling and redness of the inside of the ears, which are accompanied by foul-smelling discharge and itching.

Bacterial otitis most often affects only one ear, although in the absence of appropriate treatment, the disease spreads to the other ear and can become purulent.

Otomycosis (fungal otitis media)

Most often, this form of otitis occurs as a result of flea or tick bites that the dog scratches, thereby causing infection. With fungal otitis media, both the outer and inner parts of the ears become covered with inflamed ulcers and wounds. In some cases, the cartilage of the auricle swells, and excessive amounts of wax with a sour odor accumulate in the ears.

Fungal otitis media occurs due to a flea bite.

Dogs with weakened immune systems and older animals are especially susceptible to the fungal form of otitis.

Purulent form of otitis

This form of otitis is easily recognized by a large amount of purulent discharge from the pet's ears, which have an oily texture and an unpleasant odor. The skin in the ear area becomes inflamed, red and begins to peel. It is often observed deformation of the eardrum and the presence of bleeding ulcers and abrasions on the animal's ears.

This form of otitis is characterized by copious discharge of pus.

The purulent form of otitis is the most dangerous for a dog’s life, because pus can penetrate into the dog’s brain, which leads to death. Therefore, at the first symptoms of inflammation, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately, preferably under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Verrucous or warty form of otitis

This type of otitis got its name due to warts that form inside the ears. The danger of verrucous otitis is that it is quite difficult to detect at the initial stage, since the owner of a four-legged pet does not always notice small warts in the dog’s ears. Over time the growths increase in size, completely blocking access to the inside of the auricle Because of this, it becomes impossible to clean the dog’s ears of wax and secretions.

Verrucous form of otitis in a dog.

If the disease is advanced, then it may even be necessary to remove warts. surgical intervention. Therefore, you should regularly inspect your pet’s ears while cleaning them in order to notice suspicious growths and formations in time.

Examination of the dog is necessary to determine the form of otitis media.

But otitis is also divided into three types: external, middle and internal.

For otitis externa inflammation is localized in the external auditory canal without affecting inner part ear and eardrum.

At internal type Otitis media affects the entire inside of the dog's ear, causing foul-smelling dark pus to ooze from the ear and causing inflammation and swelling of the eardrum and ear cartilage.

To determine the type and form of otitis it is necessary comprehensive examination of the animal, including x-ray or MRI of the head and delivery of all necessary tests, so don’t delay going to the veterinary clinic.

Treatment methods for otitis media in dogs

All forms of otitis are treated different drugs and only a veterinarian can determine the type of ear inflammation in an animal and prescribe appropriate treatment. To the owner You shouldn’t buy the first otitis remedy you come across at the pharmacy, this is especially true for antibiotics. Incorrect treatment will not only not help the dog, but will also harm its health.

But if it is not possible to immediately take the dog to a veterinary clinic, then you can at least try relieve symptoms of inflammation and itching, which cause the pet considerable discomfort.

  • The ears are treated with gauze or cotton swabs moistened miramistim or chlorhexidine .
  • Wax plugs can be carefully removed with a cotton swab soaked in special solution, which is sold in pet stores and veterinary pharmacies.
  • Dried wax crusts and purulent discharge are cleaned with a damp cotton swab, then the affected area of ​​the ear is treated boric alcohol or peroxide.
  • It wouldn’t hurt to put a few drops in your pet’s ears. Otinuma, Otipax or Sofradex. These drugs relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Levomekol ointment or camphor oil promote the healing of wounds and ulcers during otitis. They are carefully rubbed into the damaged part of the ear and the animal is kept under supervision for several minutes until the ointment is completely absorbed into the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide is needed to treat the affected ear.

Regarding antibiotics, they can be prescribed for advanced or severe forms of otitis.

Prescribed for purulent otitis and Amoxicillin. This antibiotic destroys germs and viruses and effectively fights inflammation in otitis media and internal types. But often this drug causes allergies in animals, so treatment is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.


If long-term treatment does not produce results, you should consult a specialist.

It is impossible to cure otitis media in a few days and it may take several weeks or even months.

But, if after long-term treatment the owner of a four-legged pet does not notice any improvement, then you should consult a specialist about this. It may be necessary to change the drug or treatment methods.

Dangerous otitis in dogs: what you can and cannot do

Reasons for the development of otitis media

Every day, faced with inflammatory phenomena in the ear canal, veterinarians identify the following causes for the development of otitis media in dogs:

Ticks violate the integrity of the skin, damage blood vessels, and release toxic waste products into the surrounding tissues. This leads to itching and the development of otitis in the animal. Most often, dogs are diagnosed with otodectosis.

  • Allergic reactions. When allergies develop, the body produces chemicals that lead to fragility of blood vessels and irritate nerve endings. Scratching an itchy area with your paws leads to the proliferation of opportunistic microflora and the development of an inflammatory reaction. Often it is the animal’s ears, which are well supplied with blood vessels, that suffer from a reaction to any allergen.
  • Keeping an animal in unfavorable conditions. A cold, damp, drafty room, walking in bad weather, strong winds, and rainy weather are common causes of the development of the disease in dogs.
  • Violation of hygiene and pet care rules. Irregular cleaning of the ears from wax, water ingress during water procedures are common causes of the development of otitis media in dogs. Foreign objects. Seeds and thorns from plants, insects, and small objects that fall during a walk lead to impaired ventilation of the auricle and increased production of protective wax.
  • Neoplasms, papillomas, polyps. Skin formations have a similar mechanism to foreign objects. By closing the ear canal, polyps or tumors prevent normal air circulation and can also spontaneously become inflamed and bleed, which leads to the development of inflammation in the ear canal. Neoplasms can be primary, or form as a consequence of otitis media and in this case be secondary in nature.

Neoplasm in the auricle of a dog

  • Hormonal abnormalities. Diseases of the endocrine system - adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas, pituitary gland - are often accompanied by hormonal imbalance. Failure leads to dry skin, itching, flaking, which provokes an inflammatory reaction.
  • The cause of otitis may be autoimmune diseases when the body begins to attack its own cells.
  • Injuries. Damage to the auricle is typical during fights between relatives. Mechanical damage (wounds, cracks, abrasions) leads to the introduction of pathogenic microflora and the development of inflammation.
  • The presence of sugar in the dog's diet. Long-term studies indicate that feeding your pet sweet foods causes excessive formation of earwax, which is a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms.

And here is more information about the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia in dogs.

Factors contributing to the development of otitis in dogs, veterinarians include:

  • Thick fur in the ear. Excess hair reduces the natural ventilation of the ear canal, increases humidity, and intensively produces earwax. These factors lead to the activity of opportunistic microflora and provoke otitis media. The risk group includes dog breeds characterized by increased thickness of hair in the ear area: lapdogs, giant schnauzers, setters.

  • Features of the anatomical structure. Erect, lop-eared, ears with a lot of folds cause a lot of health problems for their four-legged owner. The peculiar structure of the auricle - drooping ears, many skin folds in the area of ​​the outer ear - are an ideal environment for the development of inflammation. With this structure, there is poor ventilation and self-cleaning mechanisms.

The risk group includes breeds such as sharpeis, basset hounds, spaniels, and poodles. Owners of large erect ears - German Shepherds - suffer from otitis media due to the free entry of dirt and germs due to the large size of the ears.

The breed's predisposition to the disease is determined by the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the ears, the degree of their openness, the presence of many folds, and thick hair. According to veterinary statistics, spaniels, sharpeis, German shepherds, poodles, bulldogs, as well as many hunting breeds most often suffer from otitis media.

For information on the anatomy of a dog's ear and the causes of otitis externa, watch this video:

Symptoms of the disease in dogs

The following clinical manifestations indicate an inflammatory process in the auricle of a tailed pet:

  • The dog often shakes its head, tilts it towards the sore ear, and constantly scratches its head in the ear area with its paws due to itching.

  • The purulent form of otitis is often accompanied by gurgling sounds when moving the head due to the accumulation of exudate.
  • When touched, the animal becomes anxious, whines and squeals.
  • At the entrance to the ear canal, the presence of crusts, scabs, and lost hair is noted.
  • By turning away the outer ear, you can observe redness and swelling of the tissues. The amount of sulfur produced exceeds its normal content. Purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor is often detected. Blood may be present in the exudate. The fur in the ear is matted.
  • The area at the base of the ear is hot to the touch.
  • With a low level of immunity, the dog may experience general hyperthermia.
  • The animal loses its appetite. The thirst persists.
  • The state becomes apathetic, lethargic.
  • With severe pain, the dog becomes aggressive and restless.

Types and their features

Veterinarians distinguish between primary and secondary types of disease. The independent form of otitis is primary. The most common is secondary otitis media, which develops as a result of a pet becoming infected with mites, allergies, hormonal imbalance, etc.

Outer, middle, inner

According to the anatomical distribution of the inflammatory process, diseases of the outer, middle and inner ear are distinguished. The external form does not affect the eardrum, the inflammation is localized outside. Pathology in the middle part of the ear canal can lead to hearing loss for your pet.

Structure of a dog's ear

The greatest danger to the health, and sometimes the life of the animal, is internal otitis. Risk of infection meninges, the development of sepsis in the internal form of the disease increases significantly.

According to the nature of the contents, purulent, catarrhal and exudative otitis media. In veterinary practice they often deal with purulent form illness. In this case, the discharge is oily in nature and has an unpleasant odor. Purulent exudate can penetrate deep tissues, leading to the development of meningitis, sepsis and threatening the life of the pet. Catarrhal otitis media rarely occurs. At exudative form disease, there is an increased production of earwax.

Purulent otitis media

Infection of the hearing organs with pathogenic fungi - otomycosis, is characterized by intense tissue damage. The causative agents of the fungal form of the disease quickly penetrate from the outer ear into the middle and inner. The clinical picture is clear. The animal is very worried and experiences acute pain.

Fungal otitis media


Activation of opportunistic microflora, penetration of bacteria into the ear canal leads to the development bacterial form otitis The disease is often accompanied by hyperthermia. A visual examination reveals crusts, scabs, and blood clots.


A common form of otitis in dogs is allergic. The disease does not respond to antibiotic therapy. In addition, in addition to the ears, scratching of other parts of the body is observed.

Allergic otitis media


A special form of the disease is warty. Inflammation develops as a result of the growth of numerous growths in the auricle, which eventually close the ear canal.

Verrucous otitis media

Chronic and acute

Based on the intensity of clinical signs, veterinarians distinguish between acute and chronic otitis media. The acute form is characterized rapid development inflammation and is usually manifested by severe pain and the development of fever. Chronic course occurs with vague symptoms and is typical for dogs with high level immunity, as well as in the case of allergic otitis media.

Diagnosis of the condition

Having discovered clinical signs characteristic of ear pathology, the owner should not hesitate to visit a veterinarian. In addition to visual detection of the problem, the therapist’s arsenal includes: following methods diagnostics:

  • Otoscopy. Examination of the ear canal using the instrumental method allows us to identify the nature and localization of the inflammatory process and assess the condition of the eardrum. The method allows you to detect a foreign body, neoplasms, polyps, etc.
  • Laboratory diagnostics. A blood test, microscopic and cytological examination of skin scrapings can identify the pathogen: determine the type of tick, bacteria, identify a pathogenic fungus, and also determine sensitivity to antibiotics.
  • Radiography. The method allows you to identify neoplasms and polyps.
  • Magnetic resonance and computed tomography. Modern research methods are indispensable in assessing damage by the inflammatory process to the internal structures of the ear and the membranes of the brain.

Pet treatment

Considering the variety of forms and types of inflammation, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate for ear problems in your four-legged friends. Only a qualified specialist should treat a sick pet based on laboratory tests.

Therapy for otitis in dogs is complex and has a local and general focus. Antibacterial drops and ointments that have an anti-inflammatory effect are used locally. The drugs relieve swelling and reduce itching. In veterinary practice, the following drops are prescribed for inflammation of the ear canal: Otipax, Sofradex, Tsiprovet, Aurizon, Otoferonol, Otinum and others. Remedies are selected based on the root cause of the disease.

Drops should only be prescribed by a veterinarian, since some products contain antibiotics that have an ototoxic effect and are contraindicated if the eardrum is damaged.

The general effect on the body during otitis is the use of antibiotics, sulfonamides in the form of tablets, intramuscular injections. Antimicrobial agents are used according to a sensitivity test. Drugs such as Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone (injections with lidocaine), Baytril and others are effective for otitis media.

In order to increase immunity, a sick pet is given a course of immunomodulators. Drugs such as Anandin, Roncoleukin, Gamavit are prescribed. The use of Cycloferon and Immunofan gives good results.

If the cause of otitis is neoplasms, growths, or polyps, they are removed surgically.

Getting rid of inflammation at home

Therapeutic measures can be carried out by the owner at home, subject to strict adherence to the prescriptions of a veterinary specialist. The success of treatment largely depends on proper preparation of the inflamed area for the use of drugs.

Before administering prescribed medications to your pet, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the auricle and passage of dirt, purulent masses, and accumulation of earwax. For this purpose, antiseptic agents are used: chlorhexidine, miramistin, boric acid. Hydrogen peroxide is used only to cleanse the outer ear.

Special wipes are suitable for the cleaning procedure. Ear sticks are not used in animal hygiene.


Based on many years of medical practice, veterinarians have developed a set of preventive measures that allow owners to avoid ear problems in their four-legged pets:

  • regularly clean the ear canal of earwax and dirt;
  • trim the thick fur in the ear;
  • prevent your pet from getting hypothermic;
  • during hygiene procedures, protect your ears from water;
  • use only high quality feed;
  • exclude sweet foods from the dog’s diet;
  • Have your ears professionally examined at a veterinary clinic twice a year.

And here is more information about cholecystitis in dogs.

Otitis in dogs is a polyetiological disease. The disease causes pain to the pet. In advanced cases, there is a high risk of developing brain inflammation and sepsis. Comprehensive diagnostics makes it possible to clarify the root cause that caused the inflammation. Treatment of the disease should only take place under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

Useful video

To learn how to properly clean a dog's ears, watch this video:

How and with what to treat otitis media in dogs

Otitis in dogs is a fairly common diagnosis, due to the peculiar structure of the auricle. Dog owners often face this problem. Ear inflammation brings to the animal discomfort: itching, pain. In some cases, the animal’s temperature rises, the dog becomes lethargic and refuses to eat.

Otitis media cannot be ignored; you must immediately contact a veterinarian who will prescribe adequate treatment. Timely consultation with a doctor will reduce the risk of the disease becoming chronic, as well as prevent the formation of complications.

Causes of otitis media in dogs

To the most common reasons include:

  • ear mite;
  • tumor;
  • overgrowth of the ear canal;
  • allergic otitis;
  • foreign body.

As a rule, the mite affects both ears. The dog begins to scratch its ears intensely. Brown, dry, granular discharge appears. In advanced cases, pus may be observed.

Tumor can form on the auricle or in the ear canal itself. The resulting tumor can cause otitis media if it blocks the ear canal, thereby preventing the ear from “ventilating.” In some cases, the tumors themselves begin to bleed and become inflamed. In this case, surgical intervention followed by conservative treatment is necessary.

Overgrowth of the ear canal in most cases it is noticed in dogs with an excessive number of folds - bulldog, chow-chow, etc. The ear canal, as in the previous case, closes completely, which interferes with ear ventilation. As a result, inflammation occurs. treatment is impossible without surgical intervention- excision of ear folds.

Allergic otitis media often occurs in case of allergies, hormonal imbalance. This can occur in the case of abundant earwax secretion, intensive proliferation of microflora and fungi. The dog begins to intensively scratch the ear, it turns red. Sores may appear from scratching. Brownish, pasty discharge mixed with pus appears.

Foreign body is also one of the most common causes of otitis media. In most cases, insects, blades of grass, plant seeds, etc. get into the animal’s ear. An ingested foreign body causes inflammation of the ear. As a rule, a foreign body causes unilateral otitis media. In this case, the dog does not allow you to touch his ear, clean it, and tilts his head to one side. A clear discharge mixed with pus or blood may form. The foreign body must be removed.

Recognizing inflammation is not such a difficult task. The following symptoms of otitis media in dogs can be identified:

  • the dog scratches its ear much more often than usual;
  • shakes his head frequently;
  • purulent discharge from the ear with an unpleasant odor;
  • the dog does not allow you to touch his ear;
  • the dog looks tired and loses its appetite;
  • tilts his head to the side.

Direct examination may reveal redness of the external auditory canal. If the inflammation is in an advanced stage, the animal experiences an increase in the submandibular lymph nodes.

If you notice at least one of the above symptoms in your pet, immediately contact a veterinarian who will conduct an examination and prescribe adequate treatment.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. The health of your pet depends entirely on your responsibility.

Dog owners should make it a rule that self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences. Entrust your dog's health to professionals.

First of all, the veterinarian will take a sample to study the microflora. Then, using a special funnel, determine the amount of ear secretion and what type it is. Based on the data obtained, a diagnosis is established, which is classified into:

  1. primary - in the absence of any diseases;
  2. secondary - inflammation is one of the parts of the underlying skin disease;
  3. idiopathic.

Regardless of the classification of the disease, the ear canal is washed. If there are any crusts in the ear cavity, they are carefully removed using a 2% solution of salicyl-tannin alcohol. Then the ear is washed with a syringe. If there are foreign bodies, they are removed with special forceps. Generally speaking, the doctor uses all means to ensure visibility of the ear canal cavity.

Having found out what caused the inflammation, a specific treatment for otitis media in dogs is prescribed.

  • Allergic otitis media, as a rule, develops against the background of allergies to various types of foods, plants, etc. The animal develops skin itching and bacterial growth. Purulent discharge also appears. One of important elements treatment in this case is a hypoallergenic diet, which must be followed for 3 months. To relieve inflammation and eliminate skin itching local medications are prescribed.
  • Purulent otitis in a dog is manifested by an oily, unpleasant-smelling secretion discharged from the ear. If you start the process of treating purulent otitis in a dog, ulcerative processes may begin, and subsequently perforation of the eardrum. During the treatment, solutions of hydrogen peroxide and chlorhexidine are used. Antibiotics are also prescribed for otitis media in dogs. Drugs of the type Otosporin are prescribed.
  • The fungal form of otitis is more common than the others. Oddly enough, fungi are constantly present in the animal’s body, but under certain circumstances they can cause inflammation. In this case, the ear canal is treated with phosphoric acid esters. At the initial stage of the disease, treatment with Gaselan 2% is prescribed.
  • How to treat otitis in a dog if the inflammation is caused by seasonality? At certain periods in the ear occurs sharp increase production of earwax, which leads to the formation of crusts and plugs. Against this background, a bacterial infection may develop. in this case, anti-otitis drops for dogs with antibiotics are prescribed local action, as well as drugs like Otifree.

Be careful and very responsible in treating your pet.