The period after estrus in dogs. Dog estrus: a note for caring owners of female dogs

The presence of estrus indicates that the dog is ready to breed and carry a pregnancy. At the physiological level, the first heat indicates that the eggs in the bitch’s body have begun to mature, and the genitals are ready to fulfill their duties. reproductive functions. Every owner of a female dog should know what the peculiarities of this period are, so that the process is not taken by surprise.

Age of dog at first heat

  • Puberty in a dog occurs between 7 months and 1.5 years and is manifested by increased molting. Age of first heat in females small breeds- 6-8 months (sometimes up to 11-12), in large breeds– 12-15 months (or even up to 18). Usually this period occurs after changing teeth.
  • With all the conventions of timing, estrus earlier than 5 or later than 18 months is no longer the norm.
  • The estrus period lasts from 3 to 4 weeks. In case of more or less, you should consult a veterinarian for advice to exclude hormonal disorders and/or pathology reproductive system. But only if several heats last with a deviation in duration. The very first heat can be short and almost imperceptible - as a variant of the individual norm.
  • A bitch should be bred on her 3rd heat – the period of physiological maturity, if the goal is to get healthy offspring without health complications, both for the dog and the puppies.
  • Frequency – 1-2 times annually. With more frequent or more in rare cases Hormonal disorders should be excluded.
  • Inexperienced owners may not notice the first heat, because... sometimes it does not occur clearly and lasts only 2 weeks, instead of the usual three.
  • After the first heat, it is advisable to always record all subsequent cycles and their duration in order to track the dynamics of sexual activity and identify deviations in the course.
  • Older dogs go into heat less and less frequently.

Metamorphoses in the body of a bitch during estrus

How is the first heat going? In dogs, it consists of 4 sequential stages:

Stage 1 – proestrus. Lasts from a week to 10 days. Marked initial signs estrus: there is additional blood flow to the genitals, they enlarge, the vulva swells, scanty spotting. The dog can “drip” around the apartment, so you can put special underpants on it or keep it in a separate room. The first day of estrus may pass completely unnoticed or be noticeable only to a very attentive owner.

Here the dog is not ready to mate, although it flirts with males. Explanation - there is no ovulation yet. Outwardly, some excitability of the animal is manifested; playfulness can be replaced by disobedience and vice versa. While walking he can make marks in different places urine.

Stage 2 – estrus. This is already the period of immediate heat, when ovulation occurs (conditionally from the second day from the beginning of the period). Approximately occurs 1.5 weeks after the first spotting was detected. It is now that the bitch begins to be interested in males with reciprocity. Mating can occur once, and the bitch can also continue to reach out to males and further. This must be taken into account when you need to get a clean litter from high-breed dogs.

The landmark of this period is the clearing of the bitch’s discharge - red turns into light pink, and their quantity decreases. The vulva swells even more. When a male approaches, the female freezes, raises her pelvis, reflexively moves her tail to the side and tightens the loop.

Stage 3 – metaestrus. Lasts about a decade and is characterized by the end of estrus. The discharge disappears, the bitch does not allow more males to approach her, and the vulva decreases in size.

If fertilization does not occur, the body gradually enters a state of rest. Sometimes a false pregnancy may occur due to an excess of the “pregnancy hormone” (as progesterone is called). Ideally, everything goes away on its own, otherwise you should seek help from a veterinarian.

Stage 4 – anestrus or period of sexual rest. The duration of this period reaches up to 150 days (about 5 months). This is the period of the dog's normal lifestyle.

Signs of sexual activity in a bitch

Usually the first heat is accompanied by signs similar to all subsequent ones. In terms of severity, it can be semi-hidden or, conversely, pronounced.

The main signs of the first heat:

  • increased activity of the bitch, playfulness, outwardly it seems that the dog is constantly fussing, cannot find a place for itself;
  • frequent urge to urinate, the dog may constantly want to go outside;
  • There may be slight swelling of the mammary glands;
  • there is an increase in the size of the external genitalia, discharge appears, with which the dog can stain various surfaces in the house (furniture, floor, carpets, etc.)

Important: the discharge must be of a homogeneous mucous consistency, without foreign inclusions and impurities, without strong odors, colors from bloody to pale pink and straw, depending on the stage of the cycle. If any changes are detected, be sure to show your pet to a veterinarian!

  • shows attention to male dogs and actively allows them to approach him (the moment the discharge lightens);
  • appetite may increase or disappear completely;
  • when a male approaches the bitch, she freezes in place, lifts her tail and moves it to the side;
  • shedding – the bitch sheds quite a bit when she comes into heat;
  • By the end of the cycle, the animal may look tired, sleeps a lot, and categorically no longer lets dogs near it.

What can the owner do

Interfere with natural processes hormonal regulation unless absolutely necessary, it is not only not necessary, but also not advisable. What should the owner do during the first heat? It is important to alleviate the pet’s condition and make the hunting period safe.

  1. Be sure to record the start time of estrus and the age of the dog at that moment. Pay attention to the duration and nature of the manifestation of the stages in the cycle. Note your behavior and clinical manifestations estrus throughout the entire cycle.
  2. The dog should be monitored with increased attention, but you should not scold it for behavior that is unusual for it during this period.
  3. To prevent the bitch from staining anything around her with secretions, it is recommended to put special panties on her or keep her in a separate room, regularly changing the bedding in the place where the animal sleeps.
  4. Walking the dog should only be done on a leash to avoid escapes and unnecessary contact with male dogs.
  5. Strictly do not allow other people's dogs to lick the dog's loop to prevent infection.
  6. When the dog is in heat, bitches are usually not taken to shows, festivals or dog competitions.
  7. Swimming in open natural reservoirs is not recommended to avoid infection with various infections.
  8. Interrupt heat by medication should only be done under strict instructions from a veterinarian.
  9. You should monitor the diet and frequency of feeding - overfeeding is not recommended.
  10. It is not advisable to impregnate a female dog during her very first heat, because... the body is not yet prepared to bear puppies.
  11. You should definitely give the bitch a bath after her first heat, washing off the peculiar “hunting” smell that attracts males, which will allow her to quickly enter the resting stage if fertilization does not occur.
  12. If the dog owner does not plan to breed puppies, then after the end of the first heat better than a dog sterilize

Why is there no heat?

With good general condition health and reproductive and hormonal system The dog's first heat occurs at the established usual times and then repeats with a certain cyclical regularity. If the dog is older than 18 months, and the first heat has not come, you should consult a veterinarian to find out the reason for this delay.

The main reasons for the delay/absence of the first heat:

  • poor living conditions, improper or insufficient feeding;
  • disruption of hormonal regulation of the reproductive system;
  • congenital disorders in the development and structure of the genital organs;
  • ovarian dysfunction (hypofunction, lack of appropriate hormones during the appropriate period);
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland and/or thyroid gland;
  • tumors and/or other neoplasms, cysts of the pelvic organs or directly on the ovaries;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the uterus;
  • hermaphroditism (for example, when underdeveloped testes are found instead of ovaries).

Question and answer

Sterilization of a dog - before the first heat, during or after?

At what age should a dog be spayed if she doesn’t need puppies and doesn’t want to go through “empty” heats over and over again? All experts agree on one opinion - the dog must be healthy and properly trained, and age does not really matter. Early sterilization before the first heat is only available to an excellent surgeon with extensive experience, because... The younger the dog, the more difficult it is to find its ovaries.

During heat, dogs are not sterilized to avoid sudden hormonal changes and disruptions. There are also risks (minimal, but there are) that during the period of estrus there will be difficulties in the effect of anesthesia and its tolerance.

After the first heat, sterilization is also carried out - on a general basis.

How many times a year does a dog go into heat?

Usually sexual hunting Occurs once or twice every year in dogs. It all depends on the size of the animal, breed and health status.

The peculiarity of hormonal regulation in cats and dogs is such that with sudden hormonal changes and disturbances, various kinds of pathologies of the genital organs are provoked, including purulent inflammation, tumors, etc. Taking drugs to interrupt her estrus active phase possible, but for this it must be serious reason or indications for health reasons. And although it’s up to the owner to decide whether to interrupt or not, the veterinarian must explain everything possible risks from such hormonal experiments.

When dogs first go into heat, every pet owner must know. Sometimes for some owners the moment a girl grows up comes as a surprise. Today we will tell you at what age the first heat begins, how to prepare for it, what you need to know to avoid inflammatory processes.

Pustovka begins in different ways for dogs; no specialist can tell you the specific day. Everyone reaches puberty at certain time, but does not exceed the allotted interval for the breed.

The natural process is different for small and large pets. How to understand the onset of puberty, and how long estrus lasts, our article is about this.

Main Features

The moment the female is ready to mate ranges from 7 months to 1.5 years. It often occurs during the period of changing baby teeth. One of the signs of the beginning of maturation is increased molting.

Small breeds mature faster than large ones, reaching sexual maturity at 7-8 months. In large pets, maturation is delayed and begins after a year, in some even at 1.6. Early emptying is considered abnormal - 5-6 months, and late emptying - 17-18.

The duration of the special period is 3-4 weeks. Prolonged discharge that is uncharacteristic in structure and smell is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

These may be hormonal, endocrine disruptions, development inflammatory process due to improper care, which is fraught with serious consequences. The first estrus often does not notice the owner, but the female is still ready for fertilization.

Therefore, from the age of 7 months, when walking on the street, you need to be vigilant and if there is increased attention from the opposite sex, you need to be wary.

The recommended age for breeding a girl is after 2-3 heats; for males, 12-15 months is better. Early mating is undesirable for males and females. Strong body pets are a guarantee of easy pregnancy, childbirth and healthy offspring.

There are up to 2 heats per year, anything less or more is not considered normal. It is imperative to show the female to a doctor to rule out pathological processes.

Since the owner may not notice or record the first discharge, from the second, monitoring of each subsequent ovulation is necessary.

You need this in order to prepare and have everything at hand. And also not to miss the delay and notice deviations in time.

In older dogs, the frequency of discharge decreases every year and by a certain age comes to naught. But they are also capable of producing a litter every time they ovulate.

When do dogs go into their first heat, based on breed?


How is the first heat in dogs? Ovulation occurs in several stages:

Proestrus(ovarian cycle). Lasts for 7-10 days. During this time, the loop increases in size and swells. This happens due to circulation and increased blood flow in the genitals.

The discharge is slight and may be pink. The girl is not ready for mating; she will not let a male dog near her yet. There is no ovulation these days.

Symptoms: excessive affection, agreeableness, playfulness. On the street, sensing a specific smell, males begin to show special attention, sniffing out the noose.

Estrus(emotional phase). From 11, ovulation occurs throughout the week (day 15-16). Before this, the pet had not yet allowed the male dog to approach, but her condition and behavior were excessively pliable.

Already from the 15th day, when the discharge has acquired a reddish color, upon contact with the male, the tail begins to raise and back. Does not drive away, ready for mating. This period lasts from 5-10, maybe a little longer.

Metestrus(luteal cycle). Final stage, which lasts 2-3. There are practically no characteristic discharges, the genitals and the loop return to their normal state.

The behavior becomes the same and stops allowing male dogs to approach him. This important period, the owner needs to understand her condition in time and see deviations in behavior.

Often, in the absence of fertilization, the girl begins to feel like a mother. False pregnancy refers to dangerous pathological processes.

Associated with hormonal changes and the release of progesterone. If the female has returned to her previous state and no changes in behavior are noticed, then the stage was successful.

Anestrus(calm). Continues until the next heat for 100-150 days. During this time, the body recovers, preparing for the next ovulation.


In some pets that live in northern regions and among domestic animals, estrus can be only once a year. These girls begin to go into estrus in the spring; if fertilization is successful, they give birth in the winter.

For those females who live in comfortable home conditions, empty space can occur 1-3 times a year. Delay, absence, or, conversely, frequent occurrence of discharge (more than 3 times) is a reason to go to the veterinary clinic urgently.

The reasons for this condition may be various disorders pelvis, genital area, hormonal levels or tumor neoplasms.

Each dog’s body is individual; to understand the exact cycle, the pet must be 2 years old.

During this time natural process is getting better, and good health heats will start at the same time. There may be slight differences plus or minus a week.

Therefore, every owner should know the date of the previous heat, recording it on the calendar. The duration of the process itself varies from animal to animal.

Depends on a number of factors. For example, physical activity may shorten the duration of natural discharge. And the presence of a male dog in the house, on the contrary, should be increased.

Symptoms and signs

It will not be difficult for an attentive owner to understand the beginning of a special period. Changes in behavior, condition, presence of discharge - all this indicates the arrival of the first heat.


  • Swelling of the loop, genital organs.
  • Abundant or scanty discharge with admixtures of blood.
  • Excessive sensitivity and affection.
  • Frequent urination.

At the first stage of the emptying, the girl drives away the male dog. After the color of the discharge changes to a pale pink color, ovulation occurs, the pet is ready for fertilization, and behaves calmly in the presence of a male.

If she does not drive him away, but raises her tail and stands motionless, then the estrus phase has arrived.

Symptoms of the active period:

  • Lets the opposite sex in.
  • Raises and moves tail to the side.
  • Freezes when the male sniffs her.
  • Compliance.

If the owner wants offspring, the peak of readiness has arrived and you can start mating. To prevent traces of discharge in the house, dogs are given special panties with replaceable pads.

Rules for the owner

Before the first heat, the female may have a discharge with a small amount of pus - juvenile vaginitis. It will pass as soon as the emptying begins. If it does not disappear, then you should consult a doctor.

Hygiene during this period should be paramount. The girl sits in a loop on the dirty floor; she can catch an infection while walking or in transport.

Now your pet needs panties or diapers for one-time use. This will prevent soiling of carpets in the house, blankets, and bedding.

The female shouldn’t wear them all the time either; she should take them off periodically and give her the opportunity to lick herself. It is recommended to clean carpets, runners and rugs.


  1. Wear panties.
  2. Keep on a leash.
  3. In cold weather, reduce walking.

If this happens and you did not prevent your pet from accidentally mating, you should not resort to emergency contraceptives or abortion drugs. This is fraught with consequences, complications, and infertility.

Hygiene and care

Use products such as: panties, diapers during especially heavy discharge. But there is no need to wear them all the time, let the girl look after herself and study.

Choose hygiene products properly sewn, high quality, made of natural material. Seamless with tail hole – ideal option. The size is indicated on the packaging.

Large breeds look ridiculous in this thing. Some owners don’t wear it for walks, others don’t have any complexes; the health of their pet is more important than beauty.

In cold weather, you can wear panties, overalls, or use special suspenders. You can sew it yourself at home; a video from the Internet will help.

Possible problems

A delay or complete absence of estrus on time should alert the owner. Pustovka without blood (bloodless) can occur regardless of the animal’s build.

It also manifests itself: behavior changes, the genitals are swollen, but there is no discharge. During the first heats, there may be no symptoms at all, although the ovulation process is normal.

This can only be determined in a laboratory way, examining blood and a smear. This asymptomatic condition is considered uncharacteristic and is attributed more to pathology.

To prevent serious consequences, it is better to undergo a full examination. Unstoppable heat is a dangerous symptom.

You need to urgently go to the doctor. There are plenty of factors for the development of such a situation, especially if the girl is in adulthood.

This may indicate development oncological process, about inflammatory and venereal diseases, endocrine, autoimmune.

Before mating

If the owner has no experience in this matter, but offspring are planned, then it is better to start mating from the 3rd heat. By this point, the cycle will have improved, the female’s body will be stronger, pregnancy and childbirth will be successful.

By the third heat, the owner will have already determined the days of probable conception; they fall on the 11-16th day from the start acute stage– estrus.

It is advisable to carry out mating in the first half of the day, without feeding the animal. Anti-flea and anthelmintic prophylaxis must first be carried out. This also applies to the male.

The process often takes place on the dog’s territory in a calm environment. Medium and large breeds do not require outside help, with the exception of the dog’s first boarding, where he can injure the bitch.

There are some nuances with small pets, depending on the size, constitution and the breed itself. What difficulties may arise during knitting:

  • The dimensions of mating dogs vary significantly.
  • Male aggression towards the pet owner.
  • Inaccurate determination of the peak of estrus in a girl.
  • Abnormal development of the female reproductive organs and tract.
  • Inappropriate body build (thinness, obesity).
  • Pathological processes of the urinary system.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Poor composition and structure of male seminal fluid.
  • Presence of fleas and worms.
  • Monitor the onset of the first estrus (no earlier than 6 months and no later than 1.5 years).
  • Consult a doctor if there is no or prolonged empty space.
  • Celebrate the beginning of a special period each time so as not to miss the next one.
  • Prepare, don’t forget about hygiene.
  • Walk without letting go of the leash, wear underpants.
  • You should not travel, attend exhibitions, championships.

Uncharacteristic discharge

  1. Dark burgundy, brown. Frozen pregnancy. Take him to a specialist immediately.
  2. Black, purulent with blood. Infection of the genitals during mating or due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.
  3. Smearing dark consistency. Fetal rejection, pregnancy failure.
  4. Disgusting smell, cloudy. Speaks of hidden things pathological process, may be a development of pyometra.
  5. If there is pus or a change in behavior, immediately consult a doctor.

What if a pregnant pet has discharge?

After the female has managed to become pregnant, after some time mucus with impurities should come out of the loop - this is considered the norm. This is a plug of unfertilized eggs.

If there is scarlet blood, immediately show it to the veterinarian. Now the animal needs an ultrasound abdominal cavity and uterus.

A rotten smell may indicate a frozen fetus, which is a reason for an urgent visit to the veterinary clinic.

Consequences of an unsuccessful pregnancy:

  • Abdominal surgery to remove the uterus.
  • The glands may swell (mastopathy).
  • Plastic surgery of abnormal structure of the genital tract and urinary system.
  • Antibacterial treatment.
  • Treatment of oncology detected during pregnancy.

Sterilization and castration

It often happens that the owner of a girl does not want further offspring and decides to sterilize the pet.

At times there are direct medical indications, and is necessary measure for the health of the animal.

  • In order to prevent the development of tumor formations.
  • Suppuration of the uterus - pyometra.
  • There is no control over the pet (yard).
  • This also applies to male dogs; if he is not needed for breeding, it is advisable to undergo a castration procedure.

An unsatisfied male experiences stress, he can run after every bitch on walks, and at home imitate mating with your leg. All this brings him considerable torment.

Yard and stray animals carry for the health of the male real threat, very often they are carriers of sexually transmitted diseases.

Those dogs that need to undergo surgery must be completely healthy. An in-person examination by a doctor on the day of the procedure is required.

Take all the tests first and weigh yourself so that the veterinarian understands how much anesthesia is needed. Castration takes place quickly, under general anesthesia.

For a male dog, through two incisions in the scrotum, the testes are removed one by one and then stitched together. Spaying female dogs takes a little longer.

The dog should be sterilized several weeks before the intended release. This is the ideal period if the girl is not for breeding.

The risk of complications, future development of tumor formations and hormonal imbalances is reduced. Each dog is individual.

To find out exactly the age of the first heat, you can ask the breeder when the girl’s mother was in heat. Sterilization of dogs after a heat cycle must take place before the next one.

The best time to conduct surgical intervention considered to be between 8 months and 1.5 years after the start of estrus. Subscribe to our website. There is a lot of interesting information ahead.

Today we will talk about such a delicate phenomenon as estrus in dogs. It's quite natural physiological process, however, it raises many questions among the owners. What is it, how to identify signs of estrus, what should owners do, and do they need to use special underpants? Let's look at all aspects in detail.


Surely, as an owner, you are concerned about the question: how long does estrus last in dogs? Everything is individual here; the duration of the ovulation period depends on the breed, age of the pet and physiological characteristics. But there are average cycle lengths.

To better understand this process, let's look at the periods of this process. This physiological phenomenon, like estrus in dogs, has a scientific formulation and occurs in several stages. There are three of them: proestrus, estrus and metaestrus.

Let's talk more about each of them.

  1. Proestrus. This is the first stage of the cycle and lasts from 7 to 10 days. At this time, hormonal changes begin, the bitches begin to have discharge, and changes in behavior can also be noticed: the dog perceives other bitches more aggressively. But she does not allow male dogs to approach her during the first days, since the body is only preparing for fertilization.
  2. Estrus. This is the period when ovulation occurs and the animal is ready for mating. The estrus stage usually lasts 3-4 days. However, there is an opinion that bitches ovulate during the first two days of estrus: during this period the animal can become pregnant.
  3. Metestrus. The period of recovery of the body and its duration is difficult to clearly determine. For some, recovery occurs in 60 days, while for others, metestrus can last for 100-120 days. At this stage, estrus ends, but a false pregnancy may occur.

There is also a fourth period - anestrus. This is the time between heats. It is different for all dogs, so for some, readiness for procreation happens 2 times a year, for others - 3 times. There are also large breeds for which estrus once a year is the norm. So the frequency with which bitches ovulate depends on the duration of all stages of the cycle. On average, the period between estrus ranges from 4 to 8 months.

The first two stages are the visible part of estrus. On average, its duration is 3-4 weeks.

Don't be surprised if the same bitch has cycles of different lengths. With age, factors appear that affect the duration and regularity of the cycle. As you can see, the duration of the stages depends not only on the breed, but often also on individual characteristics dog's body.

How to determine if your pet is in heat?

The onset of the first period can be determined by the appearance of bloody discharge in the female. By the way, during this period special panties for hygiene may come in handy; we’ll talk about this a little later. In addition, an animal that is ready for mating more often asks to go outside; some females begin to shed. For more information about the signs, see below (the author of the video is Anya and Chihuahua Sophie).

A dog's behavior during heat is another way to determine readiness for mating. The owner may notice changes in the pet’s mood: it becomes restless, irritable, or, conversely, affectionate and playful. Many owners note that during this period their pet loses its appetite and becomes disobedient. This reflects changes in the hormonal levels of an animal during the period of estrus. The period of ovulation is determined by behavioral changes and laboratory tests.

During the period of estrus, you should pay attention to the quantity and quality of discharge - it should change its color depending on the period and not have an obvious unpleasant odor.

Puberty of the pet

Estrus in dogs begins during puberty. If you first notice signs in your pet, it means she is ready for procreation. When does it start puberty our four-legged friends? This often depends on the breed of your pet. Yes, in pets small sizes The first heat can occur at the age of 10 months, and for some even earlier; you can notice the first signs at 6-7 months.

In medium-sized breeds, the timing of puberty is even more blurred. The first heat can occur at 6 months or a year. However, puberty can occur at one and a half years. In any case, after the first year of life, dogs are considered sexually mature.

If your favorite already more than a year, and signs of estrus have not yet appeared, perhaps you simply missed them. It happens that the first heats are not too noticeable for the owners, so be especially attentive to your pet. But if the dog is not in heat at two years old, it is alarm bell. You need to check your pet's health with a veterinarian.

Features of the course

It is difficult not to notice the onset of estrus in female dogs. However, everyone experiences this period differently. The first heat in dogs is often less pronounced and lasts less. If you are going to breed a pet, the first mating can be allowed when the pet is two years old. Representatives of small breeds can become pregnant at one and a half years old; this is allowed for their health.

Many breeds begin molting before estrus. This is a natural process, although for owners of long-haired breeds such a bonus to estrus will cause additional inconvenience. Also, a few days before the onset of proestrus, the dog’s behavior changes: it looks restless and often asks to go to the toilet.

What should a dog owner do to protect himself and his pet from troubles in “ mating season"? Some simple rules, which will need to be followed a couple of times a year.

  1. If you plan to breed puppies, find a healthy male to breed with and avoid accidental pregnancy.
  2. If you are used to walking in a park or square, now you will have to change your route. Try to avoid places where other dogs are common.
  3. It happens that females run away from their owner during estrus. Keep your dog on a leash, even if you have a docile pet. During heat, it is much more difficult to calm a bitch down.
  4. To make it easier for someone who smells a male dog, teach her discipline. Conscientious training and education at least simple commands will help to better control the current bitch.
  5. During ovulation, dogs differ hypersensitivity. At this time, habitual stroking can cause irritation or aggression, so you should refrain from unnecessary touching your pet.
  6. Whether or not to have an animal spayed depends on whether you want to produce offspring from your dog.

Problematic heat

It happens that disturbances occur in the dog’s body, and then dogs go into heat too often, or, conversely, rarely. And sometimes it happens that in adult bitches the usual frequency or duration of estrus suddenly changes, estrus lasts more days than expected, or this period ends too quickly. This can happen even if everything went smoothly before.

What to do when you suspect problems with your dog’s sexual health? And what could cause such unpleasant changes? Only a specialist can give answers to these questions when examining the animal. But don't worry: Dogs often experience changes as they age, and that's normal.

Pet care

When a dog is in estrus, his genitals are more dilated than usual. This increases the risk of infection, so caring for your dog and careful hygiene are more important than ever.

Do not allow your dog to swim in ponds: the likelihood of contracting an infection is very high. During this period, the bitch’s body generally becomes more susceptible, so try to keep the pet out of drafts and freezing.

Some owners believe that the problem of heat can be solved simply by giving the dog a miracle pill. The constant use of hormonal drugs that prevent pregnancy soon affects the health of the animal. Remember: neither early birth, nor hormonal drugs will not benefit the animal.

Using special panties

If earlier, when you saw panties on a dog, you were surprised, now you will know that this is a hygiene product during estrus. Many owners are upset by the fact that during the period of estrus, bitches have to be cleaned up much more often. So, special underpants for dogs are designed to solve this problem.

Now such panties can be freely obtained at any veterinary store or pharmacy for animals. Essentially, these are just fabric panties tailored to the size of the pet, into which a special pad is inserted. Some inventive owners prefer to make such underwear themselves: they sew panties from natural fabric with a hole for the tail, and put a regular feminine pad inside.

Some veterinarians recommend abstaining from such hygiene underwear, arguing that they will not benefit the dog. Of course, you shouldn’t wear this item of clothing often. But at the very abundant days secretions or in transport, such panties will save the situation: you won’t have to constantly wipe away your pet’s stains.

“Everyone wants to love: both a soldier and a sailor,” is sung in a famous song. Our four-legged friends– is no exception. Only they are driven not by spiritual impulses, but by the instinct of procreation. The period when a dog is ready to conceive puppies (mating) is called estrus and raises many questions among owners. If you are lucky enough to become the owner of a tailed bride, it is better to arm yourself in advance with knowledge on such a delicate issue. Our article will help you find out how many days I'm in heat in dogs, how it manifests itself, behavioral characteristics, and much more.

A few words about terminology

You can distinguish an experienced dog breeder from a beginner by simply asking: “Who is your dog?” When you hear the answer with pride: “Bitch!”, you know that in front of you is an experienced owner. Dog ladies are definitely females, and gentlemen are males, which does not prevent them from remaining beloved by girls, boys, daughters and sons.

So, the internal genital organs of the bitch:

  • ovaries
  • uterus
  • fallopian tubes
  • vagina

The vagina ends with the vulva (loop) - the external genital organ. The loop is located slightly below the anus. During estrus, it increases in size, swells, and becomes soft.

How many days does a dog go into heat and how not to miss the start

Observant owners can predict the upcoming heat a week or two before it begins. It's not difficult if you know what to pay attention to.

Increased appetite

Hormonal processes are just about to begin, and the body is already warning the dog that it will need a lot of food. Pet without visible reasons turned into an eternally hungry creature? Get your first warning.

Frequent tags

During a walk, the bitch sits down to urinate more often than usual, the amount of urine is small, and she tends to leave marks every 500-600 meters along the way. This means that in the coming days, strengthen control over the situation under the dog’s tail.

Reaction of young males

Typical dog communication

Brave guys began to convert before they were one year old increased attention, while external signs there is no emptiness (estrus) yet. You can't fool a young dog. He senses a potential partner in advance, and due to lack of experience, it doesn’t matter to him whether How long does a dog go into heat? days go by blood. Whereas adult suitors will begin to pay attention to the bitch only when she is ready for fertilization.

Behavior change

Behavior problems, acutely manifested in the first or second heat, become dull with age and the correct reaction of the owner. A bitch can become affectionate to the point of intrusiveness, or vice versa, show aggression, anxiety, ignore commands, and refuse to work. Give her a break, but don't let her get on your neck.

Off-season shedding

The phenomenon is frequent, but due to the fact that according to the schedule it happens twice a year, it is not so significant.

Physical signs of heat

The countdown begins only with the appearance of the first physical symptoms. Timely monitoring of preliminary signs will allow you to determine the beginning of the void with an accuracy of up to a day. Noticed any strange things?

  • Check the condition of the loop daily by dabbing it with a clean cloth.
  • The fact that estrus has already begun is indicated by an enlarged vulva and the appearance of bloody discharge.
  • A clean bitch can often lick under her tail, the intensity of the blood secretion varies from slight to heavy, so you should not let your guard down.

To know exactly how many days your dog's heat lasts, keep a calendar. Date of first appearance pink traces on the napkin will serve as the starting date. Systematic monitoring of your pet’s cycle will help you choose in the future. favorable time for mating, sound the alarm in time in case of deviations.

How many days does a dog go into heat: dispelling myths

Frequency, duration, terms - indicators are strictly individual, only your experience and records will give you an accurate idea of ​​them in each specific case. Even bitches from the same litter (sisters) can have different flow patterns.

So, how long does a dog go into heat?

Depending on the individual characteristics of the bitch, the estrus period lasts from 20 to 28 days. The first time it may end faster, occurring with mild symptoms. You need to focus on the second and subsequent emptyings: by the age of 2, the sexual cycle will completely stabilize and become quite predictable.

Strong deviations in one direction or another (prolonged or too short estrus) are a reason for panic and an immediate visit to the veterinarian.

How long does estrus last for small, medium and large breed dogs?

Let us dispel the common myth that the duration of heat depends on size and breed. The real influence comes from heredity, health, age and physiological characteristics. The only difference is that puberty occurs faster in babies, and the first season of love can begin as early as six months of age.

When does the first heat occur?

  • In small dogs - aged 6 to 10 months
  • In medium-sized dogs – between 8 and 14 months of age
  • In large breed dogs: from 10 months to 1.5 years of age

You cannot breed during your first heat! Even if you really want to babysit your four-legged grandchildren, the dog’s health is more important. Optimal age for the first mating - from 1.5 to 2 years!

You need to understand that all the data presented are average statistics. As with the weather forecast, whether it coincides or not is a matter of chance. Therefore, the only correct answer to the questions is: “ How long does heat last in medium breed dogs?? When is my dog ​​going to leak?” - watch your girl and, if the indicators differ significantly from the recommended limit values, do not forget to see a doctor.

How often does estrus occur?

Domestic dogs typically shed twice a year (polycyclicity). The exception is representatives of aboriginal breeds or, as they are also called, primitive breeds (huskies, huskies, Caucasian shepherd dogs, basenjis). For them, emptiness once every 365 days is not a pathology (monocyclicity).

How does estrus proceed and how many days does it last: temporary features

To understand how many days a dog is in heat, consider the phases of the sexual cycle.

Onset or proestrus

Time big changes in the animal's body: in birth canal and horns the uterus is coming a large rush of blood, the vaginal wall thickens. The bloody secretion from the loop becomes richer every day, acquiring a bright red color. The duration of the first phase is approximately 7-10 days. Let's remember the statistics!

The bitch actively flirts with males, but will not let them get close. Using a human analogy, this is a candy-bouquet time, when a beauty makes eyes, flirts, but there is nothing to seriously count on yet.

Sexual heat or estrus

The eggs mature and are ready for fertilization. The discharge becomes mucous in nature, the loop enlarges until it wraps around itself and becomes loose. The bitch comes into heat and is ready to mate. She clearly demonstrates her desire to others: when she sees a male dog, she takes positions convenient for sexual intercourse and curls her tail to one side. This immoral behavior lasts from 4 to 13 days. If you are not planning to breed, you need to triple your caution during this phase.

A dog is man's friend, faithful and devoted. Females are especially attached to their owner. However, keeping a pet is associated with inconveniences, and the owner of the animal must be aware of them. One of the inconveniences is the process of estrus, natural and inevitable, indicating the female’s puberty. Most inexperienced owners have little idea what to do and how to properly care for the dog during this period.

It is important to monitor the health of the pet during this time and several days after the end of the period, regardless of whether there was mating or not. At this time, your pet needs especially careful care, hygiene, your attention, care and affection. Feeding should be complete and nutritious.

Signs and symptoms

You can understand that your pet may soon begin to feel empty-headed by its behavior: it becomes uncontrollable and aggressive. He begins to mark in the apartment, does not listen to commands during a walk, and can break off the leash and run away. Appetite may either increase or decrease.

Determination of symptoms: the animal begins to urinate more often, bloody discharge occurs from the loop, nipples become enlarged, behavior changes dramatically, interest in the opposite sex increases. Before emptying, molting begins.

Until the fertilization phase has arrived, the female does not allow the male to approach her, but after a week (when the discharge becomes the color of straw and acquires a mucous consistency) she will become excitable and will provoke males to mate, i.e., at the sight of a male, she will stand in a pose and move her tail to the side. This behavior will continue for a week.

If the owner wishes to mate a female, he must indicate on the calendar the days of readiness for mating. Take a closer look at your pet during heat to make this difficult time easier for her. The best option mating a bitch with a dog is the third waste.

In scientific terms, estrus, but in common people, estrus or rutting is a natural process, which suggests that when dogs begin their first heat, they are ready to mate and bear offspring. It often goes away when the female has already replaced her milk teeth with permanent ones. But it is impossible to determine the period of its onset.

The first estrus, unlike the next ones, is inactive, it is the shortest and, as a rule, not real, since there is no ovulation. Males pay almost no attention to the female because bleeding hers are quite minor. In small breeds, such as dachshund or spitz, it begins at 6-10 months. In large ones (alabais, huskies, german shepherds) - at the age of 10−18 months, but there is no specific period.

The owner should be alarmed if the pet's estrus does not make itself felt after this age; usually the female begins to discharge no more than twice a year. If there is estrus three times a year or more, it is necessary to take the dog to the veterinarian for consultation and treatment.

The monthly cycle in large breeds is determined at two years, in small breeds - at approximately 18 months. How long a dog goes into heat depends on the breed and age, health, and conditions of detention.

Estrus before 5 or after 18 months is already unnatural.

Veterinarians do not recommend breeding a dog during the first estrus, since the body is not yet ready for pregnancy and childbirth, this will affect the dog’s health, and early pregnancy is fraught with the birth of non-viable puppies. The first birth can also be difficult and threaten the life of your pet.

Duration and stages

How many days does a dog go into heat? In both large and small breeds, it can last 20-30 days (about 3-4 weeks). In any case, her middle period may vary between breeds.

If estrus occurs more than twice a year, you should definitely show the dog to the veterinarian, because frequent processes indicate hormonal changes in the body. In young people, the periodicity is unchanged. In older people, signs of estrus are mild, their number per year is reduced, although old dog She may very well become pregnant.

The owner, before breeding offspring, must know at what age the dog begins to estrus, how long this process will take, how long it will take, how many days the dog's estrus lasts and when is the best time to breed. To do this, he must understand each of its stages:

  1. Proestrus lasts 7-10 days, the dog’s behavior changes greatly. She is very active, loves to go for walks, is uncontrollable and pays obvious attention to male dogs.
  2. Estrus is complete readiness for mating.
  3. Metaestrus - duration is several days. The blood stops flowing, the loop decreases, and the dog loses interest in males.
  4. Anestrus - a state of sexual rest occurs.

At the end of estrus, the female looks tired, the loop remains swollen for several days, and leaks flow from it for some time. transparent discharge. This is fine. She sleeps a lot and no longer allows male dogs to approach her, although for some time every second male still shows active interest in her.

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