What should be the pulse of a healthy person - the norm for an adult. Human heart rate. Normal human heart rate: maintaining a healthy rhythm

The rhythm of life is the basis of our health, and it is determined daily by the pulse. The rate of beats per minute is the main indicator of the state of the body at the current moment. For self-control, it is enough to learn how to correctly measure heartbeats and determine the average normal value individually. Let's look in order at what the normal pulse rate is for a person at a certain age, how to measure the pulse correctly and when you should refrain from doing so.

Normal human heart rate: beats per minute

Pulse is the impulse from the rhythmic contraction of the heart. Its frequency depends on many factors, including:

Another important factor directly related to heart rate indicators - this is. Pulse intensity indicators are associated with it: depending on the force required to completely compress the arteries. Therefore, when blood pressure changes in the body, the frequency and rhythm of the heartbeat also changes.

On average, a person's heart rate per minute upon reaching puberty is about 60-80, the exact value depends on the factors listed above. Such indicators are typical for ordinary wakefulness. During active exercise, even in a trained person, the heart rate increases significantly. Accordingly, during sleep its indicators decrease.

Important: the pulse cannot just increase or decrease; it is closely related to activity and movement. Even when changing body position from horizontal to vertical, its performance increases by an average of 8-12 points.

U healthy person The pulse is quite pronounced, the intervals between pulses are the same, and the impact force is equal. If it sounds different, it's in progress. of cardio-vascular system there is a deviation from the norm.

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A person’s pulse is directly related to his vital activity, rhythm, type of activity or lack thereof, the state of the body, weather and pressure, and its average indicators range from 60-80 beats per minute for an adult.

Age table of heart rate norms

The general trend for men and women is that the average heart rate decreases with age. After 50 years, in half of the cases, the heartbeat becomes more frequent. The exception is some cardiovascular diseases, which may appear or develop with age.

Simplified age table heart rate norms for children:

  • Newborns (0-3 months): most high performance, the average value is 140, the norm is from 110 to 170 beats per minute.
  • One-year-old children: (3-12 months): 132, normal range from 102 to 162.
  • Children of the nursery group (2-3 years): 124, norm from 94 to 156.
  • Children up to school age: 106, norm from 86 to 126.
  • Children of primary school age (6-8 years old): 98, norm from 78 to 118.
  • Prepubescent children (8-10 years): 88, normal range from 68 to 108.
  • Children of puberty (10-12 bands): 80, normal range from 60 to 100.
  • Post-pubertal children (12-15 years): 75, normal range from 55 to 95.

Age table of heart rate norms for women and men:

  • From 15 to 50 years: the average is 70, the norm is from 60 to 80 beats per minute.
  • From 50 to 60 years: 74, norm from 64 to 84.
  • From 60 to 80 years: 79, norm from 69 to 89.

Such indicators are typical for a healthy person with average physical activity per day. In the presence of chronic diseases, and also during the period of their exacerbation they change.

Important: men and women have approximately equal indicators, which coincide in the average value, but there are differences.

Normal pulse rate in women

Indicators may change during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. A classic example: after 40 years, women’s pulse increases due to changes in hormonal levels. It is worth adding 5-15 beats per minute to the average. Thus, upon the onset of menopause, women are characterized by the appearance of functional tachycardia - a periodic irregular increase in heart rate. After menopause, which lasts on average 5 years, decreased cardiac activity - bradycardia - is possible.

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Normal heart rate for men

Normal pulse rate in men who a long period life engaged in heavy physical labor, increases with age, often flowing into chronic tachycardia. Between the ages of 15 and 50, it is traditionally lower than in women, averaging 55 to 75 beats per minute.

With age, the average heart rate changes, the heart rate in children is the highest, it gradually decreases in men and women by the age of 50, and after that it tends to increase in most cases.

Human heart rate and types of activities

Heart rate is directly related to the type of activity, amount of physical activity and general health body.

A person's heart rate during exercise differs significantly, with healthy body And feeling good it may increase by one third or more from your standard indicators.

In order to determine the fitness of the heart and its endurance during physical activity, it is enough to conduct a simple test:

  1. Take your pulse in your normal waking state
  2. Place your hands on your sides
  3. Perform 60 jumping jacks in place, jumping no higher than 15 cm
  4. Execution time: 30 seconds
  5. Immediately after jumping, re-measure your heartbeat.
  6. Calculate the percentage increase in heart rate

Based on your training results, you can determine your heart endurance:

  • Heart rate increased by about 25%: excellent training
  • The increase in heart rate was about 50%: the average indicator of general health
  • The increase is equal to or more than 75%: dangerous condition health, you need to be examined by a doctor

If you have achieved an increase of about 50% or less, you can independently increase the body’s endurance by joining physical therapy. It is worth paying attention to the state of the heart rhythm after physical activity. It should not change if the heart beats at different intervals and strength - this is an arrhythmia, which also requires prompt examination by a cardiologist.

The normal heart rate of a person in a state of rest and sleep also differs from that of normal wakefulness. IN healthy condition body, the heartbeat slows down, maintaining the strength and rhythm of the beats. On average, the indicators are reduced by ten strokes. If the pulse slows down significantly, it is necessary to undergo an examination for bradycardia.

Why does the heart contract?

What makes our heart work tirelessly? After all, just think, receiving impulses from the conduction system, this organ pumps blood 24 hours a day. And this process has no respite from the moment it starts in the prenatal period! It is amazing. There are several answers, but they are not exhaustive.

Recent studies by Swedish scientists allowed them to conclude that hydraulics play a vital role in the repeated contraction of the chambers, and they called the diastole phase the most important factor in the work of the heart.

We will focus on what is scientifically substantiated and has long been known about the heartbeat. The most important role The conduction system of the heart plays a role in the contractions of the atria and ventricles. Starting from the right atrium and passing from the atria to the ventricles, the conduction system ensures the flow of impulses to the chambers of the heart in the same order.

This circumstance ensures the conditions for the correct and coordinated work of that body. The conduction system has the sinus node, internodal tracts, atrioventricular node, His bundle with its branches and Purkinje fibers. Among this entire system, there are 4 main sources of impulses - the so-called “pacemakers”. The main one, the sinus node, produces impulses with a frequency of 60 to 80 impulses at rest per minute.

In case of malfunction sinus node, the pacemaker becomes the atrioventricular node, capable of producing impulses with a frequency of 40 to 60 impulses per minute. The next pacemaker in descending order is the bundle of His with its branches. It is characterized by generating pulses with a frequency of 15-40 pulses per minute. If for some reason the His bundle does not work, the Purkinje fibers begin to set their own rhythm - no more than 20 beats per minute.

2 Main indicators of the cardiovascular system

In the work of the heart, the main indicators are identified that influence its functional state, as well as the state of the body as a whole. They are all interconnected. Let's continue what we started talking about. Heart rate (HR) or heartbeat is one such indicator of its functioning. Heartbeat is given great importance, because rapid heartbeat can lead to depletion of blood supply to the heart muscle, and this is fraught with the development of ischemia and all the ensuing consequences.

A slow heartbeat can lead to decreased blood flow to the vessels of the brain. This situation is dangerous due to the development of oxygen “starvation” of the brain. When studying heart function, heart rate at rest is taken into account. How many beats per minute should the heart beat in an adult and a child? These indicators may differ so much that for an adult patient the normal heart rate level in a child is tachycardia, etc. So, there is a norm of indicators.

3 Heart rate depending on age

  1. In the prenatal period, a normal heart rate is considered to be from 120-160 heart beats per minute.
  2. During the newborn period (up to one month, 29 days), the normal heart rate is considered to be from 110 to 170 heartbeats per minute.
  3. From one month to a year, heart rate indicators range from 102 to 162 contractions per minute.
  4. From one to two years, the heart rate level decreases to 154 beats at the upper limit and 94 beats at the lower limit.
  5. Next age period- from two to four years. The normal heart rate for a child at this age is 90 - 140 heartbeats per minute.
  6. At four to six years old, normal heart rate showed - from 86 to 26 heartbeats per minute.
  7. At six, seven and eight years old, 78-118 beats per minute is normal for a child.
  8. From 8 years to 10 years, the normal heart rate ranges from 68 to 108 beats per minute.
  9. At 10-12 years of age, the normal limit for children is between 60 and 100 beats per minute.
  10. At 12-16 years old, this indicator decreases to 55 beats per minute at the bottom and 95 beats per minute at the top.
  11. From 16 to 50 years, the boundaries of normal heart rate are within 60-80 beats per minute.
  12. From 50 to 60 years of age, normal heart rate is considered to be from 64 to 84 beats. per minute in an adult patient.
  13. From sixty to eighty years of age, normal heart rate is between 69 and 89 beats per minute.

Heart rate can be determined by palpation of the radial or carotid artery. Pulse detection on radial artery in a healthy person corresponds to the heart rate. Palpation of the radial artery is performed by pressing the pads of the four fingers on the outer (lateral) surface of the hand. Thumb must be on back side brushes This method of determining the pulse should not cause difficulties.

If the radial artery lies deep or subcutaneous fat is pronounced, you can try to determine the pulse on the carotid artery. However, when determining the pulse in this way, you should be careful, since strong pressure can cause a decrease blood pressure. The place for determining the pulse on the carotid artery is side surface neck. It is necessary to turn your head as far as possible to the side. Due to this, an oblique contour of the neck muscle appears on the lateral surface of the neck.

Drawing a line from top edge thyroid cartilage (Adam's apple) to the anterior edge of this muscle horizontally, you can feel the pulsation of the carotid artery, after which you can determine the pulse. It is worth remembering that the pulse may not always coincide with the heart rate. This phenomenon is called pulse deficit. The volume of blood ejected by the ventricles does not reach the peripheral arteries. In such cases, the number of heart contractions exceeds the pulse rate in the peripheral arterial vessels. Pulse deficiency can be observed with atrial fibrillation and extrasystole.

4 Systolic volume

The next main indicator of the functioning of the human heart is systolic or stroke volume of blood (SB, SV). It represents the volume (portion) of blood that the ventricles eject into the vessels during the systole phase. SD is an indicator that may vary depending on gender, age, functional state body. It is logical that during the physical period this indicator increases, since working muscle mass additional blood volume must be supplied.

Let's start with normal indicators of systolic blood volume in children:

  1. During the neonatal period, a stroke volume of 2.5 ml is considered normal;
  2. By the year this figure increases to 10.2 ml;
  3. At 7 years of age, a normal volume of CO is considered to be 28.0 ml;
  4. In children aged 12 years, the figure continues to rise and is 41.0 ml;
  5. From 13 to 16 years of age, blood volume is 59.0 ml.

The normal values ​​for stroke or systolic blood volume vary between children and adults. For men, this figure is 65-70 ml per systole, for women - 50-60 ml per systole. However, not all of the blood in the ventricles is released into the vessels. The resting systolic blood volume may be one-half or one-third of the total blood volume in the ventricle. This is necessary so that at the time of physical activity the ventricles have a reserve supply needed by the body.

Therefore, at the moment of physical or emotional overload, the human heart is capable of increasing the stroke volume by 2 times. Both the right and left ventricles should have approximately the same systolic volume. In other words, the portion of blood ejected by the ventricles must be the same. Blood CO can be calculated based on minute blood volume and heart rate (HRF). IOC divided by heart rate will be the systolic or stroke volume of blood.

5 Minute blood volume

The minute volume of blood is the portion of blood that the ventricles eject into the vessels per unit time. In other words, it is the product of systolic or stroke volume and heart rate. IOC, like CO or SV, depends on age, gender, resting state or load:

  1. For newborns, normal IOC is within 340 ml;
  2. For children aged one year it is 1250 ml;
  3. At 7 years, the IOC is 1800 ml;
  4. In children aged 12 years, the IOC is 2370 ml;
  5. By the age of 16, the IOC indicators for girls are 3.8 l, for boys - 4.5 l;
  6. In adults, the normal IOC value is 4-6 liters.

With increasing load on the cardiovascular system, the IOC can increase to 30 liters per minute. In people involved in sports, IOC indicators can reach 40 liters per minute under conditions of physical activity.

The human pulse is a special impulse that occurs as a result of the contraction of the heart muscle and the pushing of blood from the heart into the arteries. Pulse rate is the most important indicator vital activity, since it is precisely this that is the measure normal functioning cardiovascular system of our body.

Pulse is measured by counting the number of beats within one minute. According to medical standards For a healthy adult, this number should be between 60 and 80, but the heart rate may vary depending on the time of day, level of physical activity and other factors. Let's figure out how to measure the pulse correctly, what irregularities in the rhythm indicate and what its frequency depends on!

Heart rate depends on many factors

Factors affecting heart rate

The heart rate indicator is directly dependent on many factors, which doctors include the patient’s age category, gender, height, level of fitness of the body and physical activity, the presence of stressful situations and neuroses, illness, time of day, food ration, alcohol consumption, smoking, body position and even the time of year. For example:

  • in the summer months the heart beats slightly faster than in the winter;
  • Tall people always have a slightly faster pulse than those who do not have an enviable height;
  • in the morning and in the evening the pulse will be lower than during the day, when a person moves more, eats or engages in mental work;
  • V active phase sleep heart rate can reach values ​​up to 120 beats per minute;
  • the pulse value increases with experiences, stressful situations, after meals and when drinking alcohol.

Tall people have more high value heart rate

Heart rate norms depending on age

The patient's age is an important factor that influences heart rate. Medical science says that normal indicators heart rate for people of different ages are the following:

  • for men and women over 60 years of age – 60-65 beats per minute;
  • for newborns – 140 beats per minute;
  • for infants aged 1 year – 130 beats per minute;
  • for children of two years of age - 100 beats per minute;
  • for children aged 3-7 years – 95 beats per minute;
  • for children and adolescents 8-14 years old – 80 beats per minute;
  • for adult boys and men - in the range from 60 to 70 beats per minute;
  • for girls and women - from 70 to 80 beats per minute.

For your age category The normal limit for heart rate can be calculated using a simple formula: 180 minus the age number. The final value will be the maximum allowable heart rate for a person.

Each age category will have its own normal heart rate

How does physical activity affect your heart rate?

According to medical observations, people who regularly engage in sports or exercise experience several low heart rate at rest. This is explained by the fact that the frequency of the heartbeat is directly dependent on how quickly the vessels fill with blood and what blood pressure they have to.

Physical activity leads to an increase in these indicators, but regular exercise various types sports or training in a fitness club lead to the fact that calm state The heart rate slows down slightly. The heartbeat becomes smoother, it works without interruption, pumping blood evenly through the arteries. At the same time, the pulse of a healthy person should not significantly exceed age standards.

Permissible maximum heart rate rates during intense physical activity also have a certain meaning. Calculate individual indicator pretty easy. From the value of 220 it is necessary to subtract the figure corresponding to the person’s age. So, for example, for a 40-year-old athlete this value will be measured at 180 beats per minute.

Regular exercise reduces resting heart rate

Experts in the field of sports also say that to burn fat deposits, you should load the body so that the heart rate increases by 60-65% of its value at rest. Of course, provided that such loads are indicated for the person. It is worth noting that to normal level The heartbeat of a healthy person should return literally 4-5 minutes after stopping exercise.

Don't get carried away excessive loads if the body is not prepared for such stress. Check yours physical fitness quite simple - you need to climb the stairs at a normal pace to the 4th-5th floor of the house and measure your pulse. An indicator no higher than 100 beats indicates good shape, and if the pulse goes beyond 120, it indicates normal physical fitness and healthy body there is no question.

The value of pulse in diseases

When measuring your pulse, you should pay attention not only to the number of beats per minute, but also to how evenly the heart beats - the intervals between two beats should be uniform, and the pulse should be clearly audible. If the intervals between two beats differ in length, this condition is caused by one of the types of arrhythmia.

If an additional heart beat appears in the interval, a diagnosis of “extrasystole” is made, and the irregularity of the pulse indicates the development of a disease such as atrial fibrillation. A pulse exceeding 100 beats per minute is unfavorable. This number of heart beats indicates the development of tachycardia. The opposite situation is also dangerous, when the pulse drops to 50 beats or less. This condition is called bradycardia in medicine.

Beware of heart rate dropping below 50 beats per minute

It is also known that the pulse value is influenced by a person’s body temperature - for every degree above normal, heart beats accelerate by 10 units within 1 minute, so during colds or flu the heart beats faster. In any case, changes in the pulse should be a signal: it’s time to visit a medical facility to find out the cause.

An increased heart rate may indicate that a person is suffering from thyrotoxicosis, anemia, heart failure, heart disease, or fever. Weak pulse may indicate problems with functioning thyroid gland, obstructive jaundice, the development of inflammation in the lining of the brain, or abnormally high intracranial pressure.

Anyone can measure their heartbeat. This does not require any special equipment or devices. The most common place to measure your heart rate is your wrist. However, for hand injuries, the pulse rate can be measured in the temporal arteries or in the neck by palpating the carotid artery. The main thing is to measure the pulse in a calm state, sitting comfortably and waiting a little time until the heart calms down after walking or other movements.

The left hand is held with the wrist slightly bent, and the right hand is grasped from below. After you have found the artery, place your index, middle and ring fingers so that they are on the same segment. Next, you should press lightly on the artery to feel the beat. The beats should be counted for one minute, while trying not to move and breathe evenly. You can measure the number of beats in half or a quarter of a minute, and then multiply the number of beats counted by 2 or 4.

The most common place to measure your heart rate is your wrist.

In addition to the number of beats per minute, you need to note their number during each respiratory cycle, which consists of exhalation, pause and inhalation. One such cycle should ideally contain 4-6 beats. Medical observations suggest that it is best to take your pulse between 11:00 and 13:00. To obtain accurate results, doctors advise measuring your pulse for 5-7 days, and doing this strictly at the same hour and in the same body position.

It should be borne in mind that the pulse rate will not differ if before the measurements the person was engaged in complex calculations or hard work, ate, took medications, took a bath, had a massage, sat by an open fire, didn’t get enough sleep, was cold, overheated, hungry, or had recently had sex. For women, the day of the menstrual cycle is also important - during menstrual periods, the pulse will also be unreliable.

A slowdown or increase in heart rate indicates the development of arrhythmia due to the influence of certain factors. If nothing is done, heartbeat irregularities may remain permanent and even worsen over time. To avoid similar problems it is necessary to find out the specifics of measuring vascular pulsation and age standards. If serious abnormalities are detected, you should consult a doctor.

Pulse s Latin language translated as blow or push. It is a vascular oscillation that occurs due to the cycles of the heart muscle. There are 3 types of pulse:

  • arterial;
  • venous;
  • capillary.

In a healthy person, the vessels should “oscillate” after an equal period of time. The rhythm is set by the heart rate (HR), which directly depends on the sinus node. The impulses it sends cause the atria and ventricles to alternately contract. If the detected pulsation is too weak or irregular, then we can talk about the development of pathological processes in the body. The easiest way to identify arterial pulse. Fluctuations in capillaries and veins are determined in a hospital setting according to individual indications.


Pulse measurement is usually performed at the wrist. It is enough for a person to count the number of pulse waves in 1 minute. To obtain more accurate data, it is recommended to take measurements on both limbs. As comprehensive survey in a hospital setting, the doctor will first find out the heart rate, then he will start counting the number breathing movements(RR) in 1 minute and determining the type of breathing. The resulting indicator is especially important for assessing the child’s development.

When measuring your pulse, you need to pay attention to its rhythm. The shocks must be of equal strength and at equal intervals of time. If there are no deviations, it is enough to spend 30 seconds on the procedure, and then multiply the result by 2. If a clear disturbance in the heartbeat is detected, it is better to spend at least 1 minute on the measurement and consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe instrumental methods examinations. The main one among them is electrocardiography (ECG). It will allow you to evaluate electrical activity heart and identify the causative factor of arrhythmia. As a supplement, the following tests are prescribed:

  • will allow you to see changes in the work of the heart throughout the day under the influence of various factors.
  • The treadmill test is prescribed to evaluate heart rate under the influence of physical activity.

Due to problems with blood vessels or injuries, it is sometimes necessary to count pulse waves in other arteries. Instead of the wrist, you can palpate the neck. The vibrations will come from the carotid artery.

Dependence of heart rate on various factors

A person's normal heart rate should remain between 60-90. Its frequency may increase or decrease due to certain factors.
If they are not related to pathological processes, developing in the body, then the caused deviation will be considered harmless. Stress, overwork, overeating and influence low temperature, for example, after a long walk in cold weather, will only briefly disrupt the usual heart rhythm.

The frequency of contractions may vary depending on the time of day (morning, night). After waking up, a person’s pulse is lowest, and in the evening it is closer to the upper limit. It is equally important to consider physical training. In athletes, the number of pulse waves at rest is slightly lower than normal. Connected similar phenomenon with intense workouts that force the heart to pump more blood.

The pulse rate for men and women is not particularly different. The difference is 5-7 beats per minute. Significant deviations are revealed only due to the features hormonal system. During menopause, which occurs at fifty to sixty years of age, and during pregnancy, female representatives may experience tachycardia and small surges in pressure.

The pulse is most dependent on age characteristics:

  • In children, the heart rate, even in a calm state, is significantly higher than the norm for an adult. The deviation is caused by the intensive growth of the body.
  • Children adolescence may suffer from tachycardia due to puberty and manifestations vegetative-vascular dystonia(VSD). It occurs against a background of stress and anxiety, especially in high school (before exams).
  • In older people, the cardiovascular system is not in better condition due to gradual wear and tear, so they are highly likely to develop various pathologies. On the background age-related changes the heart rate can be eighty to one hundred beats per minute even at rest, and the response to physical activity is usually more pronounced.

Normal heart rate for an adult: table by age

The normal heart rate of an adult by year (age) is given in the table:

In an adult, the heart rate norms by age and the permissible heart rate limits in a child under 15 years of age differ significantly, which can be seen in the following table:

AgeMaximum and minimum limitAverage value
Up to 3-4 weeks115-165 135
From 1 to 12 months105-160 130
1-3 years90-150 122
3-5 years85-135 110
5-7 years80-120 100
7-9 years72-112 92
9-11 years65-105 85
11-15 years58-97 77

Knowing what the normal heart rate is for women and men by age, you can avoid many diseases. Measurements should be taken at rest. Under the influence of other factors (sports, pregnancy), slight deviations are possible.

Heart rate while walking

While walking, there is a slight increase in heart rate. How many heartbeats there will be per minute depends on the person’s fitness. In people leading sedentary image life, heart rate can jump to 120, but for walkers it will remain within 90-100. To calculate the maximum permissible limit, subtract the person's age from 180.

When walking, the permissible heart rate is as follows:

  • 15 years - 165;
  • 35 years old - 145;
  • 55 years old - 125;
  • 75 years old - 105.

Heart rate at rest

The pulse at rest is determined in morning time. A person needs to sit on a chair and count his pulse. Changing body positions or taking measurements in the evening is not recommended, as the final result will be distorted.

Generally accepted norms at rest:

  • adults – 60-80;
  • elderly – 70-90;
  • teenagers - 70-80;
  • children under 2 years old - 90-100;
  • newborns - 130-140.

Heart rate while running

While jogging, it takes a toll on your heart huge pressure. People trying to lose weight should keep their heart rate close to the upper limit. If the goal is to strengthen the cardiovascular system, then you need to stop at a figure not exceeding 60-70%. To calculate the norm, you need to subtract your age from 200:

If, against the background of an increase in pulse rate (within acceptable limits), they remain normal, then the development of pathologies will not follow. Elderly people need to be especially careful. Their body is unable to withstand heavy loads.

Permissible heart rate during pregnancy

A woman who is expecting a baby experiences increased heart rate around the 5th month. This phenomenon is associated with an increase in circulating blood volume during fetal development. Usually the increase is insignificant and gradually the indicators return to the acceptable limit:

  • at 14-26 weeks there is an increase of 10-15 contractions from the norm;
  • the maximum increase occurs between 27 and 32 weeks;
  • gradual normalization occurs closer to the birth of the child.

Causes of tachycardia

Tachycardia is manifested by increased heart rate and is divided into physiological and pathological. The first form occurs under the influence of the following factors:

  • pain;
  • physical and mental overload;
  • taking medications;

  • stress;
  • hot weather;
  • bad habits;
  • drinking coffee and energy drinks.

Physiological tachycardia goes away on its own and rarely causes complications. The pathological form is a consequence various diseases and malfunctions in the body:

  • coronary heart disease (CHD);
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • oncological diseases;
  • malformations of the heart muscle;
  • diseases caused by infections;
  • endocrine disruptions;
  • anemia (anemia).

In women, the cause of tachycardia may be menorrhagia. It constitutes a violation in menstrual cycle, which is characterized by large blood loss during menstruation.

IN adolescence The main cause of palpitations is autonomic failure. It develops under the influence of irritating factors (stress, overwork) and hormonal surges. The problem goes away on its own after puberty.

Features of bradycardia

A slowing of the heart rate to 50 beats or below is called bradycardia. It is a sign of physiological and pathological factors. In the first case, the list of reasons for a decrease in heart rate is as follows:

  • During sleep, a person's metabolism slows down, body temperature drops slightly and heart rate decreases by about 10% of normal. The reason for the change in indicators is the complete relaxation of the body.
  • When stimulated reflex zones (eyeballs, carotid artery) can inadvertently cause a slight slowing of the pulse.
  • In older people, bradycardia can be a consequence of age-related cardiosclerosis. Areas scattered throughout the myocardium connective tissue worsen cardiac contractility, which contributes to a decrease in heart rate
  • When exposed to cold for a long time, the heart rate slows down. defensive reaction. The body begins to save resources in order to resist adverse effects longer.
  • Constant physical activity forces the heart to work harder than it should. Tissue hypertrophy begins, against the background of which bradycardia develops. For professional athletes, a heart rate in the region of 40-45 beats per minute is considered normal.

The pathological form of bradycardia is a consequence of the following factors:

  • inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • taking antihypertensive medications;
  • impulse conduction disturbance;
  • hypothyroidism (thyroid hormone deficiency);
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • high intracranial pressure.

If it is not possible to identify the causative factor, a diagnosis of “idiopathic bradycardia” is made. If it is not accompanied by other disorders and the symptoms are not particularly pronounced, then it is also equated to physiological forms.

Symptoms of heart failure

Pathological forms of arrhythmia are especially dangerous. They manifest themselves quite clearly and often lead to the development severe complications. In addition to signs of a slow or accelerated heartbeat, symptoms of an underlying pathological process may occur.

Tachycardia is characterized by the following clinical picture:

  • feeling of heartbeat;
  • dizziness;
  • pain and tightness in the chest;
  • dyspnea;

  • increased blood pressure;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • pulsation of blood vessels in the neck;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • lack of air.

Bradycardia manifests itself when the heart rate decreases to 40 beats per minute or lower with the following symptoms:

  • dizziness attack;
  • fainting state;
  • pale skin;
  • growing weakness
  • chest pain;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • seizures;
  • respiratory dysfunction.

What to do if your heart rhythm is abnormal

Physiological arrhythmias do not require a course of therapy. Enough to avoid causative factor. Pathological forms are treated by eliminating or stopping the underlying cause. Regardless of the type of failure, it is recommended to consult a cardiologist for an examination, based on the results of which a diagnosis will be made.

If you have bradycardia, you will need to take medications that stimulate your heart. It is advisable to combine them with folk remedies based medicinal herbs. You can increase your heart rate during an attack through light physical activity, caffeine, Zelenin drops and tablets based on belladonna extract.

Rest in a well-ventilated area will help reduce the frequency and intensity of your heartbeat. It is advisable to wash your face before doing this. cold water and remove any clothing that is constricting the neck area. Additional activities you can do breathing exercises and take valerian tincture.

In both cases, nutritional correction, exercise and walks are recommended. fresh air. If it was not possible to stop the attack and the symptoms increase, then you need to call ambulance. Visiting specialists must be told about the measures taken to alleviate the condition.

All people who want to avoid diseases of the cardiovascular system should know the normal heart rate by age. Deviations from permissible limits may have physiological and pathological character. In the first case, treatment is not prescribed. It is enough for the patient to learn about methods of stopping attacks. The course of treatment for a pathological abnormality in the heartbeat is aimed at eliminating the causative factor.

This article will tell you in detail about how to measure your pulse correctly and what the normal heart rate standards are, depending on gender and age.

Every person has a pulse. It is quite simple to understand what it is, the pulse is the vibration of the walls of blood vessels. Oscillations appear when the heart muscle contracts. By the pulse, or rather by its frequency and strength, you can roughly determine the rhythm of the heartbeat, the nature of its work, health and current state large vessels.

You can determine whether a person is healthy from the first seconds, because in a healthy person the pulse rate (the intervals between heartbeats) should be the same and uniform. An abnormal frequency is already a symptom of problems in the body, for example, heart pathologies.

You should measure your pulse correctly; you need to find areas on the body in which vascular vibrations are felt very well. It is also necessary to know the values ​​of the measured pulsation, which differs depending on the age, gender of the person and his type of activity (sports person or person with chronic diseases).

The pulse should be measured on the radial artery, which can be easily felt on the wrist. Measurement time – 30 seconds. If rhythm cannot be established in the first 30 seconds, then the pulse should be measured for a minute. If you cannot measure your pulse on your wrist, you can also feel it in your temples.

Pulse in women:

Pulse - norm by age in healthy men: table

There are several reasons that affect your heart rate:

  • Person's age
  • Human body position
  • Body temperature
  • Stress
  • Human hormonal background
  • Environment

INTERESTING: It is important to know that men have a slightly lower heart rate than women. To be precise, this is approximately 5 to 8 strokes.

A man's pulse, or rather its frequency, is greatly influenced by the man's age. It is also necessary to take into account physical state the health of a man (child, boy, guy) and his physical fitness, meal times (how long ago he ate) and what he did before measuring his pulse (slept, walked, ran).

Pulse - heartbeat

Pulse - norm by age in healthy children: table

Before measuring a child's pulse, each person should be aware that the rate of beats varies depending on age. Children's body, unlike adult men and women, grows and matures very quickly. The indicators can also be affected by an increase in the child’s body weight.

INTERESTING: Heart rate indicators and norms change after the child turns 1 month old. A child's pulse should be taken much more often than an adult's to determine his or her health status. After 1 month of life, the child’s pulse decreases and only when he turns 12-13 years old do the norms become similar to those of an adult.

Child's age

Blood pressure (normal)
D about 1 month 110 130 165 60-80/85
Up to 12 months 100 130 160 80-110
ABOUT t 12 months to 2 years 90 130 150 90-110
From 2 to 3 years 90 100 130 90-110
From 3 to 4 years 90 100 130 90-110
From 4 to 5 years 85 105 125 110-120

Normal pulse rate in pregnant women: table

Pregnancy is a special situation for a woman that affects her health and well-being. First of all, a woman may feel heaviness, her heart “jumping out” of her chest and a rapid pulse. There is no need to worry about this, because such a pulse is the medical norm for pregnant women. The fact is that to maintain the health of a woman, as well as her fetus, the heart has to do almost double the amount of work and pump about one and a half liters of blood more than usual.

During pregnancy, a woman's pulse rate is approximately 10-15 beats higher than that of an ordinary woman. So, if in the normal state expectant mother If the pulse was 110, then the figure of 120-140 beats during pregnancy is quite adequate. When measuring, it is important to pay attention to the woman’s build, her activity (does she play sports: yoga, swimming, Pilates, etc.).

INTERESTING: The baby's heart rate does not increase, despite the number of pulsating beats of the mother. The fetal pulse may increase only in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, and may also slow down several weeks before birth.

The pulse rate of a pregnant woman does not change when measured if she changes her body position (sitting, lying on her back or side). The pulse rate during pregnancy may also increase, depending on body weight, which increases as labor approaches. Affects weight gain and heart rate hormonal background, increased metabolism, pressure surges, severe toxicosis, uterine displacement.

If a pregnant woman’s pulse is above 90, then doctors can safely diagnose tachycardia. Such a pulse most often does not cause feeling unwell and complications, but a pulse exceeding 120 makes you experience dizziness, nausea and weakness (in the worst case, loss of consciousness). Only a professional doctor can prescribe treatment that will correct the pressure and pulse of a pregnant woman.

What should be the beats per minute heart rate of a healthy adult at rest, when running, walking, during training: normal

Pulse rate Type of load
Calm state 60-90 No load
Walking tour 100-110
Quick step 110-130
Jogging 130-150
Run 150-170
Running with load (maximum) 170-190

What pulse is considered normal for a man and woman at 30, 40, 50, 60 years old?

Pulse rates for a woman:

What heart rate is considered normal for a child at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old?

Child's age

Minimum (normal) number of strokes Average (normal) number of beats Maximum (normal) number of strokes
6 years 90 92 95
7 years 83 85 90
8 years 80 83 85
9 years 80 83 85
10 years 78 80 85
11 years 78 82 85
12 years 75 80 82

What heart rate is considered normal for a teenager at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 years old?

Where can you feel your pulse?

The pulse can be felt in several places on the human body and therefore can be measured:

  • On the wrist - radial artery pulsates
  • Ulnar artery- look ulnar artery, which is located in the bend of the elbow.
  • In the armpit
  • On the temples
  • Temporal artery above the eyebrows
  • Neck - location of the carotid artery
  • Angle of mouth (edge ​​of jaw) – there you can feel the facial pulse.
  • Groin – here you can feel the femoral pulse
  • Below the knee(where the leg bends is the popliteal artery).
  • Foot or arch

How to measure the pulse on the hand on the wrist yourself and determine the pulse on the carotid artery?

Measuring your pulse is very simple:

  • You will need to have a watch that will measure the time and number of heartbeats over a certain period of time.
  • Calm down and sit down, find a quiet and peaceful room.
  • Index and middle finger right hand Place on the site where the artery is pulsating (wrist, neck, or other area of ​​the body).
  • Record the time (from 30 to 60 seconds) and count the number of beats during this period of time.
  • Check the data with the table

Video: “How to measure your pulse yourself?”