Menstrual irregularities due to lack of estrogen. Excessive exercise. The role of progesterone and the effect of its deficiency on the course of pregnancy

The main determining factor for a woman, which determines her entire life, is hormonal levels. Our appearance, physical and psychological, depends on it emotional state: skin type, bone structure, height, weight, hair color and thickness, appetite, reaction speed, emotions.

It is known that female hormones have the most intense effect on the functioning of the entire body. A woman’s sexual sphere is completely subordinated to the level and cyclicity of hormone production in her body. Hormonal balance influences a woman’s behavior, her mood, thought processes and, as a result, her character.


In a series of studies, scientists have established the fact that female hormones, responsible for the functioning of the reproductive function, are in increased concentration in women with lighter hair color. For this reason, men subconsciously choose blondes as the most suitable for reproduction.

Female sex hormones

Hormones, at their core, are substances that are produced in almost every organ of a woman: liver, adipose tissue, heart, brain. Every human body produces female and male hormones, so the name female hormones is quite arbitrary.

The largest amount of substances is produced by the endocrine glands, the latter, in turn, are united into a common endocrine system.

Our endocrine system consists of:

  • thyroid gland,
  • parathyroid gland,
  • pancreas,
  • adrenal glands
  • ovaries,
  • pituitary gland
  • hypothalamus,
  • thymus gland.

The glands produce hormones that enter the blood and, with its help, are delivered to various bodies. Today, about 60 hormones are known; they form our hormonal background.

A lack of female hormones can lead to adverse consequences not only for reproductive function, but also for the health of the entire body as a whole.

Hormonal balance is very important, but at the same time it is extremely fragile and is constantly influenced by various factors, the main of which are:

Modern pharmaceuticals produce preparations of female sex hormones. This makes life much easier modern woman, allows you to compensate for the lack of female hormones.

By using female sex hormones in tablets, the modern lady protects herself from a number of adverse consequences, including prolonging the period of its reproductive function and protecting itself from early aging.

Basic hormones

All hormones are usually divided into two groups:

  • female (estrogenic),
  • male (androgenic).

The first type of hormones is responsible for important signs, are inherent only to a woman: seductive forms and the ability to bear children. Along with female hormones there are also male hormones in the female body, in one concentration or another and on their balance, not only our primary, but also, to a greater extent, secondary sexual characteristics depend.

There are a number of hormones responsible for our sensitivity and perception environment, the ability to love and empathize, care and remember events from our lives. These hormones give a woman not only natural instincts, but also help her create her own world of sensual illusions.

While in correct ratio these hormones give our body health, the lack of female hormones symptoms of which manifest themselves in a number of serious illnesses, takes away our health and, in some cases, reduces years of life.


One of the most important and well-known is the female hormone estrogen. Under this term it is customary to combine a group of female hormones. These substances are produced mainly in the ovaries. They are responsible for our female figure, forms the roundness of the hips and chest, influences the character.

They help speed up the process of cell renewal in the body, keep the skin young and elastic longer, maintain shine and thickness of hair, and act as a protective barrier for the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol deposits. The main female hormone is estrogen and its role in a woman’s life is very great.

Lack of estrogen creates a female figure like a “boy” and provokes increased hair growth on the face, arms, and legs. Promotes earlier skin aging. Its excess often results in excessive accumulation of fat deposits on the thighs and lower abdomen. Elevated levels of this hormone also provoke the development of uterine fibroids.


The second most important is the female hormone progesterone. It should be noted that progesterone is considered a male hormone, since it predominates in men. Unlike estrogens, it is produced only after the egg has left its follicle and the female body has produced the corpus luteum. If this does not happen, progesterone is not produced.

The substance is produced with a certain cycle in a woman’s body, the highest level occurs on the day of ovulation. The ability to bear children or infertility depends entirely on its level. This female sex hormone is responsible for the ability to bear children; a decrease in its level leads to miscarriages in early pregnancy.


The most active sex hormone in women. Produced in the ovaries, in the placenta. Also, in small doses, estradiol is formed during the conversion of testosterone. This substance ensures the development of the reproductive system female type, regulates the menstrual cycle, is responsible for the development of the egg, the growth of the uterus during pregnancy. This substance imparts psychophysiological characteristics of human sexual behavior. This type of female hormone in men is produced in the testes, as well as in the adrenal cortex.

Estradiol has anabolic properties. It speeds up regeneration bone tissue and thereby accelerates bone growth. It lowers cholesterol levels and increases blood clotting. Excess estradiol increases levels nervous tension, irritability.


Testosterone is produced in small quantities in the adrenal glands. This hormone is responsible for our sexual desires, makes us persistent and purposeful. He turns snow queen into a loving and passionate lover of men, capable of not only accepting the attention of the opposite sex, but also showing interest in her partner. The higher a woman's testosterone level, the more active she is in sports. Testosterone helps build muscle. Such women look younger than their years.

With an excess of testosterone, a woman’s character becomes aggressive, she is prone to short temper and sudden changes moods. It often forms on the skin acne. With a deficiency of this substance, the level of sexual desire decreases, and the woman refuses sex.


This hormone is also produced by the adrenal glands and makes a woman tender and caring. This hormone develops in us a feeling of long-term affection and makes us sentimental. If a woman’s excess of female hormones exceeds all norms, she becomes hysterical, throws up scandals for no apparent reason, and becomes overly intrusive with concern for her environment.

After childbirth, the level of oxytocin in the blood is at its highest concentration, thereby causing new feelings of love for us for the little creature that has just been born. The hormone is sensitive to stress. During stress, the female body releases oxytocin into the blood.

For this reason, we seek relief from sad and anxious thoughts by caring for our loved ones and trying to feed our family members with goodies. This hormone makes us fascinated by kittens and puppies, and it also provokes us to pick up stray animals.


This hormone is produced by the thyroid gland, shapes our figure and is responsible for mental abilities. Regulates the speed of metabolism, oxygen, energy and thinking, and therefore our weight and ability to think.

Thyroxine is involved in the processes of protein synthesis and breakdown. The hormone is responsible for a slim body, makes the skin elastic and smooth, lung movements and graceful. The substance is responsible for the speed of response to situations, especially to male attention! Produced in thyroid gland. Excess thyroxine makes the body thin, thoughts come to us in a chaotic order, without completing the thought process. It is impossible for us to concentrate, there is constant feeling anxiety, can’t sleep at night, heart rate increases.

Lack of thyroxine leads to excess weight, sagging skin, loss of strength, and we constantly want to sleep. Thyroxine is responsible for our memory; when it is deficient, it deteriorates, and the ability to remember is reduced to zero. The hormone is most susceptible to age-related changes.


The hormone of fearless heroes. It is produced in the adrenal glands. The release of this substance into the blood increased concentration occurs during times of stress and causes feelings of courage and rage. It is the antipode of the fear hormone, which corresponds to cowardice. Norepinephrine motivates us to act heroically. Such female hormones, the norm in our body is individual for each person, form our personal qualities and distinguish us from each other.

Norepinephrine expands blood vessels, blood in large quantities enters the head, our brain works more intensely. During the release of this hormone, brilliant ideas come to mind, a blush appears on the face, the eyes light up, the skin becomes younger before the eyes, wrinkles are smoothed out. At this moment, a woman becomes like a formidable and beautiful goddess, a graceful panther.

She boldly faces troubles, sweeping away everything in her path, successfully overcomes all difficulties, and looks great at the same time. Thanks to this hormone, we conquer the heights of professional and intellectual Olympus.


The hormone is produced in the endocrine gland (pituitary gland), which is located in the brain. It is called the hormone of strength and slimness. Visiting gym While doing fitness and other sports to shape your figure, you have heard about somatotropin - the idol of instructors and trainers in sports and bodybuilding. This hormone is the sculptor of our body. It controls muscle and fat mass. The elasticity and strength of ligaments depends entirely on the level of this substance in our body. In women, this hormone allows them to keep their breasts in excellent shape.

Excess growth hormone in childhood and adolescence leads to very high growth. Over the years, what still has the ability to grow increases: knuckles, nose, ears, chin. The lack of this substance in early age growth slows down, even to a complete stop. Fatigue, overeating, and lack of sleep have a great influence on somatropin levels. With the constant presence of these negative signs of an unhealthy life, the level of somatotropin decreases, the muscles become flabby, weak, the bust loses its shape and sags. In this case, enhanced physical activity the situation cannot be corrected.


It enters the bloodstream from the pancreas and monitors our blood glucose levels. Insulin is called the “sweet life” hormone. It breaks down all the carbohydrates we consume and sends the energy obtained from them to the tissues.

As a result, we become saturated, we have the strength to live and think. The production of insulin in each body is individual, some from birth produce it in smaller quantities than everyone else. If the food consumed consists mainly of starchy and sweet foods, insulin cannot process everything, excess glucose accumulates in the body and has a negative effect on cells and blood vessels. As a result, diabetes mellitus develops.

Herbal hormone replacements

Any disease of the endocrine glands entails a hormonal imbalance: a violation menstrual cycle, changes in the skin, degree of body hair. This delicate balance can be disrupted by consuming foods that contain female hormones, thereby supplying our body with an extra dose of hormones. When purchasing goods in supermarkets, rarely does anyone think about and pay attention to which products contain female hormones and other active additives. One of these products is beer.

Let's figure out where female hormones in beer come from and how they get there. Hops are used to produce this drink. Hop flowers contain a substance belonging to the class of phytoestrogens (phyto - plant, estrogen - female sex hormone). The level of phytoestrogens in hops is in high concentration, while in finished beer the content of these substances reaches up to 36 mg/l. This is quite enough to have a distinct hormonal effect on a woman’s body, changing her endocrine system.

Not only hops contain substitutes for female hormones; we often eat many herbs containing female hormones and do not think about the presence of biologically active substances that our body does not need to receive in additional volumes. Often, female hormones are found in herbs in preparations that we use as an alternative to traditional chemical medications.

Currently, we should be careful and pay attention to whether there are female hormones in the foods we eat, since our health depends on this.

IN modern conditions a person simply needs to be periodically tested for female hormones, especially for women of reproductive age.

Endocrine system diseases

As mentioned earlier, the most active supplier of hormones to our body is the endocrine system. The thyroid gland in this process plays one of the main roles in a woman’s health and, like all “theatrical primas,” it is fragile and capricious. The thyroid gland, despite its strong significance, often turns out to be a weak link. According to some reports, women are mainly affected by thyroid diseases.

Often a woman wonders how to increase the level of female hormones when the functions of the endocrine system are disrupted and, of course, female hormones in tablets and capsules help in this.

There are several disorders in the functioning of this gland. Often, a deficiency of female hormones, the symptoms of which are easily distinguished from other diseases, can be corrected with timely treatment. It is not difficult for a qualified doctor to identify signs of a lack of female hormones; you just need to contact him in time.

Now we list the main diseases and their symptoms that you need to pay attention to.


Severe iodine deficiency, congenital disorders, surgery leads to insufficient thyroid function (hypothyroidism). Hypothyroidism is characterized by low levels of thyroid hormones in our blood.

Symptoms include lethargy, memory impairment, depression, constipation, and anemia may occur. Skin becomes dry and swollen, hair falls out and becomes brittle. Whatever the reasons, hypothyroidism can be cured by taking medications containing female hormones. During treatment, in parallel, as a rule, medications are prescribed that promote normal operation liver, which cleanses the blood of excess fat, as well as a number of vitamins, including vitamins A and E.

If hypothyroidism is not treated promptly, a life-threatening condition called hypothyroid coma may develop. Any negative impacts on our body can provoke this state of the body. With hypothyroidism, the level of thyroid hormones responsible for metabolism in the blood decreases, and our body is poorly protected.

Symptoms of this disease may not appear immediately. First, a person develops weakness, dry skin, swollen limbs, speech slows down, and blood pressure drops. Then develops oxygen starvation, cardiac and renal activity is impaired. This condition can only be recovered from resuscitation procedures using large doses synthetic hormones and iodine preparations.


The opposite of hypothyroidism is thyrotoxicosis, which is an overfunction of the thyroid gland. One of the most common causes of this disease is goiter.

Emotional imbalance, a tendency to hysterics, excessive nervousness, increased excitability - these are all symptoms of thyrotoxicosis. A woman begins to be bothered by increased sweating, a feeling internal tension, inability to concentrate. Tachycardia is main symptom of this disease. A woman is constantly hungry; she can eat a lot of food and still not gain weight.


Along with insufficient or excessive function, inflammatory processes can occur in the thyroid gland; in medicine they are called thyroiditis. These processes are accompanied by the destruction of thyroid cells or damage by antibodies and lymphocytes. This disease may not manifest itself for years, but if there is not enough female hormones produced by other glands, then the development of the disease progresses. In this case, a timely blood test for female hormones helps to identify the disease and save health and life.


As already mentioned, male and female hormones are present in the female body in certain proportions. When the content of male sex hormones in a woman’s blood increases, hyperandrogenism develops. Very often, women, not understanding the root cause, try to cope with the manifestations of the disease on their own using improvised means or completely ignore these symptoms:

  • abundant growth of mustache and beard, as well as hair on the arms, legs, chest, back,
  • late arrival of menstruation,
  • irregular periods
  • the appearance of acne;

If hyperandrogenism is not treated, its consequences primarily lead to infertility, as well as complete loss hair, cyst formation and the risk of diabetes. This disease can be inherited, or may result from a tumor of the adrenal glands or ovaries.

Female hormones and menopause

Menopause is a natural process that causes hormonal changes in a woman’s body with age. During menopause, female hormones are produced in smaller quantities and some cease to be synthesized by the body at all. Here medicine is faced with the task of how to restore female hormones and maintain the health of the body in good condition.

Different women react in their own way to this restructuring of the body, but all of them are, to one degree or another, susceptible to such unpleasant symptoms like sweating, increased fever. Often this process is accompanied by depression.

Modern medicine has long and successfully used female hormones in tablets as therapy for menopause and the manifestations of menopause, its development for a woman, when using drugs, occurs in a milder form.

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The full functioning of the female reproductive system and the functioning of the body as a whole are determined by estrogens. This group combines three hormones:

  • estradiol– responsible for egg maturation, ovulation, prepares the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg;
  • estrone– promotes the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics, is of decisive importance in the correct formation of the uterus;
  • estriol– produced, supports the functionality of the placenta and the vital activity of the fetus.

Causes of deficiency

Estrogens in women produced by the ovaries. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, hormones are synthesized by follicles, and in the second half this function is performed by the corpus luteum. Small amounts of female hormones are produced by the adrenal cortex. During pregnancy, estrogens are synthesized by the placenta. After childbirth, the only source of female hormones is the adrenal cortex.

The ovaries are paired glands of the body that produce female sex hormones

The synthesis of these hormones in the body begins in adolescence and continues for about 30 years. During this period, their number remains at the same level, provided that the woman is healthy. Estrogen deficiency of childbearing age may be associated with ovarian dysfunction or other pathological disorders that can lower estrogen levels in women:

  • diseases of the pituitary gland;
  • sudden loss of body weight;
  • excessive physical activity (especially during puberty);
  • eating low-fat foods;
  • consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs;
  • smoking;
  • with neoplasms that fail hormonal levels;
  • heredity;
  • long-term use antidepressants;
  • improper use of certain medications aimed at alleviating the premenstrual condition.

Menopause – age reason lack of estrogen. Its onset is genetically determined and is associated with the cessation of ovarian activity. Menopause occurs in women aged 45 to 55 years.


The consequences of decreased levels of major female hormones are characteristic external manifestations. Lack of estrogen is expressed differently in women of different ages.

Hormonal imbalance in girls, which reached adolescence , causes delayed puberty. This is manifested in the absence of menstruation, the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics is delayed or absent. Other symptoms occur: the appearance of a large amount of hair on the body (according to male type), infertility.

In girls who have reached puberty, symptoms of low levels of female hormones are: amenorrhea, small breasts and uterus, stretch marks on the skin, inability to get pregnant.

During childbearing age in women symptoms of low estrogen levels are: problems with the skin and its derivatives (dry skin, dull hair, brittle nails), mammary glands lose their shape, dry vaginal mucosa, impaired thermoregulation, insomnia, dysbiosis, mood swings, infections bladder, pregnancy does not occur.

With a lack of estrogen in women during menopause there are differences blood pressure, wrinkles appear, weight gain occurs, observed fatigue, hot flashes, burning and discomfort occur in the tissues of the mammary glands.

Lack of estrogen is very dangerous for pregnant women. This pathology can be observed in the first three months of pregnancy and can lead to self-abortion.

Symptoms of estrogen deficiency diverse and has an expression on different levels vital functions of the female body:

  • external manifestations;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • problems with intimacy;
  • psychological disorders;
  • slowing down metabolic processes;
  • intestinal dysfunction;
  • neuroendocrine and vegetative-vascular disorders.

At any age, signs of estrogen deficiency are obvious; a woman can determine them on her own. If symptoms of hormonal deficiency appear, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment to reduce negative consequences.

Treatment methods

Prescription of treatment if diagnosed after laboratory tests low level estrogen is determined by the causes of deficiency and the woman’s age. The main therapeutic measure is to take medications containing the main female hormones (hormone replacement therapy). Recommendations should be made by a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Medicines for hormone therapy contain artificial analogues of hormones. This treatment is effective, but opinions differ regarding its safety. When choosing a drug, it is necessary to take into account that the lack of estrogen and progesterone often accompanies each other (this must be clarified using laboratory analysis). In this case, estrogen intake must be balanced with progesterone in the appropriate amount, so it is prescribed combination drugs.

For a certain period, a woman must take medicines, which will help normalize hormonal levels. The choice of pharmacological forms to compensate for the lack of estrogens is wide. Regular supply of female hormones can be ensured with the help of:

  • gels (do not cause discomfort, there are no allergic reactions);
  • plasters (convenient for women who work a lot and often travel on business trips);
  • oral medications (easy to use, quickly increase the amount of female hormones);
  • vaginal suppositories(virtually no side effects);
  • subcutaneous implants (valid for about six months, dosed release of hormones directly into the blood);
  • intravenous and intramuscular injections(rapid increase in estrogen levels).

The pros and cons of using any of the options are determined individual characteristics woman, her preferences. Consultation with a doctor is required. Treatment regimens are different for women of different ages.

At making the right choice and reception hormonal drugs symptoms of estrogen deficiency gradually disappear. In addition to the main action, hormonal replacement therapy has advantages:

  • it is effective in the treatment of strokes, heart attacks, depression, atherosclerosis;
  • is a good prevention of osteoporosis and other diseases associated with the destruction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • helps normalize the functions of the endocrine system;
  • improves brain activity;
  • activates collagen synthesis;
  • improves the functioning of the circulatory system.

Negative consequences of taking medications containing estrogen include nausea, vomiting, and dizziness. If prescribed incorrectly hormonal treatment, if the dosage regimen is violated, the risk of liver dysfunction, blood clots, and development of malignant neoplasms in the mammary gland.

When deciding how to compensate for estrogen deficiency, a woman can use natural sources of female hormones. These include special herbal teas and some food products. For serious hormonal imbalances, these methods effective only in combination with hormonal therapy.

Estrogen deficiency can occur in women at any age and according to various reasons. Main effective method Treatment for serious disorders is hormone replacement therapy.

Today we will talk about a very important topic, we will look at the main symptoms of a lack of female hormones.

Changes in the body

If you have suddenly lost weight or gained weight, do not rush to go on a diet. You may have a hormonal imbalance and need to see a specialist. Such changes should be monitored constantly, so it is better to have a scale at home and monitor changes in your own body.

Four important female hormones

There are four in the female body important hormone, which directly affect health and well-being.

These include:

  • prolactin,
  • estrogen,
  • testosterone and
  • progesterone.

The state of the endocrine and reproductive systems of the body depends on their correct or incorrect ratio. If the problem is ignored for a long time, it is possible that quite serious and difficult-to-treat pathologies may arise, such as infertility, uterine fibroids, polycystic disease, etc.

Lack of female hormones in women symptoms

Signs of deficiency can be different, in general it depends on the amount of which hormone is impaired. Often there is a deficiency of one or more female hormones.

Lack of estrogen in women symptoms

At insufficient quantity estrogen may cause severe obesity, apathy, the occurrence of tumors, as well as the development of osteoporosis. This hormone balances the amount of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in a woman's body. His main function and responsibility - preparing the uterine cavity for bearing a baby.

Lack of testosterone

If there is not enough testosterone, then, first of all, it goes astray monthly cycle, increased sweat production and impaired renal function. Its excess is indicated by the appearance of excess hair on the body, a decrease in the timbre of the voice, and the development of a certain masculinity in a woman.

Signals of progesterone deficiency

The appearance of boils on the skin, rashes reminiscent of teenage acne and pimples is a signal of a lack of progesterone. A woman may experience disruption of ovulation and inflammation of the organs in the pelvic area. This may prevent you from conceiving a child.

How does prolactin deficiency manifest itself in women?

Symptoms of a lack of female hormones prolactin appear mainly on mammary glands. The mother may not have breast milk, because prolactin is responsible for its production. The balance of salt and water in the body, the normal menstrual cycle are also areas of its influence.

In addition to the above, symptoms may also include:

  • increased pressure,
  • depression,
  • mood swings,
  • nervousness and breakdowns,
  • tremor of fingers,
  • tides,
  • heart rhythm problems,
  • hip stretches,
  • stomach and arms.

Do not delay visiting a doctor if such symptoms are characteristic of you.

Each of them plays a specific role in the body. The concentration of estrogen in women depends on the day of the menstrual cycle, the state of pregnancy, and also on age.

The effect of estradiol on a woman’s body:

  • Affects reproductive function, in particular the growth of the follicle in the ovary.
  • Helps increase the volume of the uterine mucosa and prepare it for egg implantation and pregnancy.
  • Regulates the menstrual cycle.
  • Improves skin condition, making it smooth and thin.
  • Helps improve voice timbre.
  • Affects the formation thin waist and an increase in the amount of adipose tissue in the thighs and buttocks.
  • Promotes calcium deposition in bones.
  • Promotes oxygen exchange in cells.
  • Stimulates metabolism.
  • Increases blood clotting.
  • Protects blood vessels and heart from atherosclerosis.

The effect of estriol on a woman’s body:

  • Estriol is the main estrogen of pregnancy.
  • Improves blood flow through the vessels of the uterus.
  • Reduces uterine vascular resistance.
  • Promotes the development of mammary ducts during pregnancy

The influence of estrone on a woman’s body is manifested in the partial fulfillment of the functions of estradiol upon the onset of menopause.

Unreasonable diets, increased physical activity, and serious disorders of the functioning of the central nervous system provoke a lack of hormones, as a result of which a woman’s health suffers.

Warning signs of estrogen deficiency:

  • The skin is easily injured, peels, becomes dry and thin. Wrinkles quickly appear on it.
  • In a short period of time, the body becomes covered with papillomas and moles.
  • Hormonal imbalance causes changes in blood pressure and hot flashes.
  • A lack of female hormones causes a loss of strength and a state of apathy.
  • Attention becomes scattered and memory begins to fail.
  • Signs appear cardiovascular diseases, I'm worried about arrhythmia.
  • A lack of female hormones is one of the main reasons for the removal of calcium from the body, which causes brittle and dry hair and nails, and also poses a risk of complex fractures.

The role of progesterone and the effect of its deficiency on the course of pregnancy

Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum during ovulation. Progesterone is called the pregnancy hormone and not without reason, since it is responsible for the processes of regulating the menstrual cycle, conceiving and bearing a child. Relaxing muscle tissue uterus during pregnancy, this hormone warns her premature contraction. Lack of progesterone negatively affects the condition of the female body, especially during pregnancy.

Symptoms of progesterone deficiency during pregnancy:

  • Miscarriages in the first trimester.
  • Pathologies in the form of oligohydramnios or polyhydramnios.
  • Bloody discharge.

Progesterone deficiency. Reasons:

  • Intrauterine growth retardation.
  • Exceeding the period of gestation.
  • Exposure to stress.
  • Lack of vitamins.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Self-medication and uncontrolled use of medications during pregnancy.

The role of male sex hormones in the female body

Androgens, male reproductive organs, are produced in women in the cortical layer of the adrenal glands and in the ovaries. The role of androgens in a woman’s body is not fully understood, but their main functions can be identified.

Role of androgens:

  • Stimulates body hair growth.
  • Regulating the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Stimulate:
  • The process of protein synthesis in the blood of the liver;
  • The degree of stem cell activity in the bone marrow;
  • Synthesis of a hormone that promotes the formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.
  • Affects linear growth tubular bones and the process of closing their articular ends.
  • They influence the process of formation of sexual desire.
  • They influence the formation of proactive and aggressive behavior.

The level of testosterone in women is tens of times less than the concentration of this hormone in women. A sufficient level of testosterone in a woman’s body promotes a rejuvenating effect, giving the skin of the face and body density and elasticity. By promoting stress resistance, this hormone helps a woman maintain a charge of vivacity and energy. The normal amount of testosterone for a woman is 15-18 conventional units.

A lack of hormones in the body can occur at any age. In women, symptoms may not appear immediately, but you should pay attention to these first signals from the body indicating a decrease in testosterone levels:

  • The appearance of subcutaneous fat in the lower abdomen, neck and arms.
  • Skin that is dry and thin to the touch.
  • Fragility and brittleness of hair, its thinning.

  • Deficiency of sex hormones provokes chronic fatigue, which does not disappear after a long rest.
  • Persistent depression and apathy towards things that previously aroused deep interest and desire to act.
  • Brittleness and fragility of nails, suggesting a decrease in bone density.

In any case, diagnostics indicating the absence normal concentration hormones should be carried out by specialists and only in a medical institution.

Androgens in the female body are synthesized in the ovaries and in the adrenal cortex. Therefore, a lack of hormones in a woman’s body, in addition to the onset of menopause, occurs as a result of the following reasons:

  • Kidney failure, as a result of which the adrenal glands are unable to produce enough hormones.
  • Down syndrome.
  • Reception medicines: glucocorticoids, opioids, ketoconazole.

Treatment of low testosterone levels is not particularly difficult, since testosterone tends to be transformed from estrogens under certain conditions. This ability to convert estrogen is facilitated by zinc, which a woman can get from certain foods: nuts, seeds, seafood, poultry, animal liver.

Reducing the concentration of male hormones in a woman’s body

If a woman experiences and at the same time begins to experience increased growth of body hair, increased fat deposits in the waist area, and acne, all this may indicate an excess of male hormones in her body. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment.

You can reduce testosterone levels by resorting to the following means:

  • Oral contraceptives. Your doctor will tell you which ones to take during treatment.
  • Dietary supplements should also be recommended by a doctor.
  • Limit intake of foods containing magnesium and zinc. These minerals help increase testosterone levels.
  • Enrich your diet with foods containing estrogens. Eat rice dishes more often, wheat cereals, soy products, among fruits give preference to apples and cherries.
  • News active image life, giving the palm to yoga and Pilates.
  • IN difficult cases the doctor will prescribe a course of hormone therapy.

The importance of other hormones for women's health

It is difficult to overestimate the role of thyroid hormones produced. Their deficiency leads to problems with conception.

Treatment with drugs containing iodine will help solve this problem, but in any case, consultation with a specialist is necessary. An excess of thyroid hormones also causes problems associated with childbearing. Sudden weight loss threatens anorexia and, as a consequence, menstrual irregularities up to the cessation of menstruation. Any deviations from the norm associated with increased or reduced content thyroid hormones, lead to miscarriages and infertility.

The concentration of thyroxine that meets established standards in a woman’s body ranges from 9 to 22 picomoles per liter. Normal quantity thyroid hormones help a woman maintain her figure and not gain weight, remain graceful and respond instantly if a man pays attention to her.

Decreased thyroid function and a decrease in the concentration of thyroid hormones increase the risk of developing mastopathy. The optimal concentration of these hormones contributes to the normal functioning of the mammary glands.

Norepinephrine is the hormone of fearlessness. Produced in the adrenal glands. Thanks to the action of norepinephrine, a woman under stress can quickly find her bearings and make the right decision. It is thanks to this hormone that a woman instantly grabs her child in her arms at the moment of danger.

Somatotropin gives a woman slimness and strength. This hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. Normal somatotropic hormone in women is up to 10 PC/ml. Under the influence of somatotropin, fat is burned and increases muscle mass body and the ligaments are strengthened, acquiring elasticity and firmness.

The “fast birth” hormone is produced in the part of the brain that controls the functioning of the endocrine system and gonads. By causing contraction of the uterine walls, oxytocin promotes labor activity. This hormone also takes an active part in the formation of maternal instinct. The timely onset of lactation and long-term pregnancy depend on the level of oxytocin. breast-feeding. This hormone is also called the attachment hormone. Over time, the baby also produces oxytocin when communicating with its mother. A child's crying causes an increase in the level of this hormone, forcing the mother to run as fast as she can to the baby's aid in order to console her child.


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Hormones are the most important biologically active substances involved in the regulation of all body functions. They are synthesized in various parts of the endocrine system, distributed throughout the body - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads, etc.

Hormones are an important thing. It is on their level and ratio in one particular organism that the reproductive function, that is, reproduction, growth, development, sexual desire, appetite, our mood and even good sex. All life passes under the rule of hormones. Normally, a woman’s body contains the hormones androgens (they are also called male) and estrogens (i.e., female), naturally, women have much more estrogens, which are actually responsible for reproduction.

Hormones, skin condition and well-being

The beauty of our skin largely depends on the hormonal background. If you observe your skin according to the days of the menstrual calendar, you will notice that the skin changes depending on the phase of a woman’s menstrual cycle.

What are hormones and where do they come from?

Hormones are the most important biologically active substances involved in the regulation of all body functions. They are synthesized in various parts of the endocrine system, distributed throughout the body - the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gonads, etc.

Sometimes the target cells are located near the organ that produces active substance, but more often they are significantly removed. Blood vessels deliver the secretion products of the humoral system to the site. With their help, compounds quickly penetrate into the desired tissue and change the intensity of cell activity.

Androgens, skin condition and well-being

Originally, androgens are considered male hormones. But this does not mean that they are not present in the female body. The main representative of this group is testosterone, it is by its level that the doctor judges the entire group of androgens.

How are they synthesized? They are derivatives of the adrenal glands and gonads - the female ovaries and male testicles. For the synthesis of such compounds, cholesterol is needed, which is supplied to the body with food or formed in the liver from amino acids, glucose and other substances. In the adrenal glands, this process is regulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and in the gonads by luteinizing hormone (LH).

Effect of androgens on the skin: Male sex hormones androgens play a significant role in the functioning of the skin.

Androgens act on skin cells through special receptors that are located in the epidermis, dermis and hair follicles. They regulate the intensity of cell division, the processes of differentiation, secretion and keratinization. In old age, there is a decline in hormonal synthesis, as a result of which the regeneration of skin layers slows down and decreases protective functions, elasticity and attractiveness are lost. The opposite picture is observed during puberty and immediately before menstruation (especially with PMS).

A larger amount of androgens in the body are in an inactive state due to association with special proteins. In the presence of hormonal pathologies, the synthesis of such proteins is reduced, which leads to an increase in free active androgens. This has a very strong and very negative effect on the skin.

It is quite difficult to diagnose such a condition, since there is no increase in the concentration of hormones in the blood, which is the main indicator pathological processes during laboratory tests.

Puberty and androgens: Active changes in the body during intensive growth require increased production of androgens, as a result of which the sebaceous and sweat glands are stimulated, the rate of keratinization increases, and the composition of sebum changes. Before menstruation, there is an increase in the level of steroid hormones - androgen precursors. The tendency to hyperactive hormonal synthesis is hereditary in nature and can be clearly seen in close relatives. Its intensity can also be influenced by various pathologies in the endocrine system - diseases of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, male and female genital organs.

Menstrual cycle and androgens: An increase in the level of steroid hormones is observed in the last phase of the menstrual cycle; about 70% of women note the appearance of acne 2-7 days before menstruation. In this case, 5 alpha reductase (an enzyme contained in the sebaceous gland) converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which directly affects the rate of cell division of the sebaceous duct. As a result, the skin becomes oilier in the first phase, zonular keratosis and isolated rashes in areas of wide pores may appear.

Function of androgens in the body: influence the development of secondary sexual characteristics, skeleton and muscles, work sebaceous glands, are responsible for the process of follicle development, stimulate sexual desire.

Increased androgen levels: may indicate hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex or the presence of a tumor in the body, which in most cases also produces testosterone.

Decreased androgen levels: can talk about renal failure, prostatitis. Characteristic for people with Down syndrome. It is also possible when taking certain medications.

How to suspect you have an excess of androgens: irregularity of the menstrual cycle, excessive dry skin, irritability, the appearance of purely masculine characteristics in women (hair on the face and chest, deepening of the voice), activity, including sexual activity.

How to suspect you have a lack of androgens: lack of sexual desire, irregular menstrual cycle, excessive sweating, oily skin.

If, as a result of an excess of androgens, you have oily skin With periodic rashes, then it is not very correct to carry out aggressive procedures, such as skin cleansing and various peelings, at the beginning of the cycle, since the rate of sebocyte division is high and there is a greater chance of getting inflammation of the sebaceous gland.

Estrogens, skin condition and well-being

Estrogen is a sex hormone that gives women a feminine figure and feminine character. This group usually includes three main hormones - estradiol, estrone, estriol. Estradiol is the main and most active female sex hormone for humans; estrogen.

Menstrual cycle and estrogens: in the preovulation phase of the menstrual cycle, the concentration of the hormone estrogen (good for the skin) increases, so the woman blossoms, a powerful erotic magnet turns on inside her, attracting men. According to nature’s plan, at this moment she must act as a conqueror of men’s hearts in order to conceive a child from the most worthy of all applicants.

Effect of estrogen on the skin: Estrogen has a very good effect on the condition of not only the skin, but also the entire body - it is able to accelerate the renewal of cells throughout the body, maintain youth, shine and health of hair and skin. Estrogens sharpen the mind, invigorate and tone, strengthen the immune system, lift the mood, awaken sexual fantasies, encourage flirtation and coquetry, burn excess fat, prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the walls of blood vessels, make the eyes shine, smooth out wrinkles, make the skin elastic and firm, and we with you – irresistible and desirable.

Function of estrogen in the body: affects the work and development of the genital organs, mammary glands, bone growth, and determines libido. Together with progesterone, they are the main “controllers” of pregnancy and childbirth.

Increased estrogen levels: this is one of the main reasons excess weight. The doctor monitors the amount of estrogen in pregnant women especially carefully. His increased level may indicate a threat of miscarriage, fetal pathology, or intrauterine infection. Also, a jump in estrogen levels can cause pre-tumor and tumor conditions.

Decreased estrogen levels: threatens with excessive hair growth, deepening of the voice, and lack of menstruation.

If a woman experiences a loss of strength, decreased performance in the second half of the cycle, Bad mood, insomnia, a possible cause of this condition is estrogen deficiency. The ability to grasp the essence of any problem on the fly, good memory, clarity of thought, optimism, the ability to show flexibility and adapt to rapid changes without worrying about the future - all this is a generous gift of estrogen female body. When their level decreases, the colors of the world fade, hands give up, weakness, absent-mindedness, nervousness appear, increased anxiety, apathy, indifference to appearance. There is no way to put up with this!

Vitamin E (tocopherol) will help increase the production of estrogen, which should be taken an hour after breakfast, 0.4 g, as well as a creamy carrot cocktail (150 g of freshly squeezed carrot juice and 50 g cream).

How to suspect you have an excess of estrogen: Shortness of breath, heart problems, bright red and blue venous mesh on my feet, sharp increase weight.

How to suspect you have a lack of estrogen: hair color has become darker for no reason, there is a constant feeling of hunger, the appearance of male characteristics in women (hair growth, deepening of the voice), decreased sexual activity.

Recommended skin care and cosmetic procedures: In the preovulation phase of the menstrual cycle, when the concentration of the hormone estrogen (good for the skin) increases, the skin responds very well to any cosmetic procedures: masks, peelings, facial cleansing. Any manipulation of the skin will only benefit it. Cleaning and any more no less aggressive procedure is carried out precisely in the first half of the cycle.

Weight loss and estrogens: If you are losing weight, you can deal with obesity by increasing motor activity, limiting the calorie content of food and cutting down portions a little. Your task is to lose 2-3 kg in a month. Then you will be able to compensate for the hormonal decline.

The fact is that the body stores estrogens produced by the ovaries during life for future use in the subcutaneous tissue. When you lose weight, they enter the bloodstream, bringing a feeling of lightness in the body, shine in the eyes and a tightening effect (estrogens tighten the skin in thin areas, preventing it from sagging in unsightly folds).

Luteinizing hormones (LH), skin condition and well-being

Doctors call this group of hormones LH for short. They are quite specific and their level for each person must be determined individually, since its fluctuations can be influenced by many factors, from playing sports to the next cigarette.

Function: help the formation of follicles in women. At the peak of the increase in LH, ovulation occurs. LH helps the formation of estrogen (good for the skin).

Level Up: problems with the pituitary gland, up to malignant tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, kidney disease.

Downgrade: disorders of the pituitary gland, genetic diseases, anorexia.

: headache, shortness of breath, general malaise, problems with the menstrual cycle. The same symptoms may occur as with an excess of estrogen, since LH helps the formation of estrogen, and as a result, the latter will be produced in greater quantities.

problems with digestive tract, excessive thinness or vice versa - fullness, irregular menstrual cycle; The same symptoms are possible as with an excess of estrogen.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), skin condition and well-being

Abbreviated as FSH, it is fundamental in the formation of libido, helps the formation of estrogen(good for skin).

Function: It is the level of this hormone that determines our sexual appetites - in both men and women. Regulates the functioning of the sex glands, is responsible for the formation of eggs, follicle formation and estrogen formation. At the peak of the increase in FSH, ovulation occurs.

Level Up: can occur due to uterine bleeding, alcoholism, kidney disease, pituitary tumor.

Downgrade: may indicate polycystic disease, diseases of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, and the reproductive system.

Absence of menstruation for several months or bleeding regardless of the cycle, various infectious and chronic diseases genital tract, headache.

How to suspect that you have a deficiency: irregular periods or their complete absence, infectious and chronic diseases of the genital organs.

Progesterone, skin condition and well-being

Doctors call progesterone the hormone of pregnant women. However, this does not mean that progesterone is not present in non-pregnant women.

Function: It is during pregnancy, up to 4 months, that the corpus luteum (the gland that is formed in the ovary after ovulation) actively produces progesterone until the placenta is formed and takes on the life-support function.

If a woman is not pregnant, progesterone actively prepares the body for this, since the main task of the hormone is to promote the development of the egg and its placement in the uterus. In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the level of progesterone (bad for the skin) increases, to which, a few days before menstruation, most women react with premenstrual syndrome (PMS): the mood deteriorates, the joy of life is replaced by philosophy in the spirit of Schopenhauer, 1-2 kg imperceptibly accumulate under the eyes swelling occurs and the face becomes swollen. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum dies and menstruation begins.

Progesterone also affects nervous system, sebaceous and mammary glands, uterine growth.

Level Up: may cause uterine bleeding, cysts corpus luteum, renal failure.

Downgrade: indicates the absence of ovulation, uterine bleeding, inflammatory processes and problems with bearing a fetus.

How to suspect that you have an excess: pain in the ovaries, menstrual irregularities, excessive nervousness, predisposition to depression.

How to suspect that you have a deficiency:“protracted” periods or their absence, increased activity including sexual, brittle nails.

Effect of progesterone on the skin: While the endocrine system has hope for the birth of a new life, thrifty progesterone makes reserves for the future - it increases the deposition of fat in the subcutaneous tissue and promotes fluid retention in the body.

Progesterone not only retains fluid in the body, but also makes the walls of peripheral veins overly stretchable and increases their permeability. The blood stagnates in the vessels, and its liquid part passes into the tissues, as a result of which the arms and legs swell. In addition, progesterone worsens the condition of the skin, making it too stretchy.

Progesterone reduces resistance to infections(therefore, closer to the beginning of menstruation, many people begin to have a sore throat or thrush - curdled discharge from the vagina). A decrease in immunity also benefits the opportunistic microflora of our skin and can lead to the formation of acne.

Since the production of progesterone increases in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, the beginning critical days 1–1.5 kg of excess weight accumulates, the face becomes puffy, bags appear under the eyes. Because of progesterone, women become distracted, inhibited, touchy, irritated and cry over trifles, and become depressed.

The hormone progesterone influences excessive sebum secretion, and its concentration is maximum in the second phase of the cycle. My skin is terrible these days, producing excessive amounts of oil to keep it hydrated and protected. And therefore, the chances of inflammation are much higher in the second phase of the cycle than in the first.

Progesterone stimulates increased sensitivity melanocytes. Therefore, cosmetologists in the second phase of the menstrual cycle advise not to visit solariums and beaches, as there is a risk of sunburn and skin pigmentation. Skin peeling or other aggressive procedures lead to post-traumatic hyperpigmentation.

In the second phase of the menstrual cycle, you need to make sure that the pores do not become clogged and inflammation does not start - acne. Remember that excessive cleanliness bad for the skin. It is better to prevent clogging of skin pores by exfoliation.

If you notice a relationship between the appearance of pimples (acne) and nutrition, these days nutritionists advise giving up sweets and starchy foods, as this only provokes the secretion of fat. It is recommended to eat foods containing protein: fish, liver, buckwheat, as well as vegetables and fruits. These days, in order to avoid unwanted pigmentation, you need to avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation and do not forget to apply Sanskrin.

Prolactin, skin condition and well-being

Doctors call this hormone capricious, since it is greatly influenced by the emotional state - the more negative emotions, stress and depression, the higher its level. And vice versa - a person’s tendency to tears, touchiness, and gloominess often depends on prolactin.

Function: plays an important role during lactation, it is a lactogenic hormone responsible for the formation breast milk in women. In addition, it stimulates the development of the gonads. Prolactin is involved in the water-salt balance of the body, “signaling” to the kidneys what needs to be processed and what to retain. The level of prolactin in the body increases at the very peak of sexual intercourse. That is why during sexual intercourse a woman’s breasts become more elastic.

Level Up: may indicate diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, pituitary tumor, cirrhosis, arthritis, hypovitaminosis, lupus erythematosus. Regularly increased prolactin may develop into hyperprolactinemia - this disease is now the main cause of infertility.

Downgrade: may indicate diseases of the pituitary gland.

How to suspect that you have an excess: the breasts are “capricious” regardless of the menstrual cycle - they swell, ache, hurt, it is also possible to discharge a small amount of white fluid from the breasts (unless the woman is pregnant and breastfeeding), frequent urge to go to the toilet, headaches, joint pain, Irregularity of menstruation. The same symptoms are possible as with an excess of testosterone.

How to suspect that you have a deficiency: excessive sweating, thirst, the same symptoms as with a lack of testosterone.

The effect of prolactin on skin condition: Prolactin negatively affects the condition of our skin; it releases male hormones that spoil the quality of facial skin and hair. The hormone prolactin regulates water-salt metabolism in the body, delaying the excretion of water and salt by the kidneys.

Oxytocin, skin condition and well-being

Function: Oxytocin is a hormone that forces us to be tender and affectionate. Oxytocin is produced in large quantities after childbirth. This explains our boundless love for the tiny creature that was born.

This hormone is produced in large quantities during stress, oxytocin stimulates activity immune system. Oxytocin stimulates glycogenolysis in the liver, and in adipose tissue, on the contrary, stimulates glucose uptake and lipogenesis from glucose. Overall Impact oxytocin on lipid metabolism consists of reducing the concentration of free fatty acids in the blood.

During sex, oxytocin has a direct effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus: the tone of the uterus increases, it begins to contract frequently and intensely. After orgasm, oxytocin and prolactin awaken maternal feelings in a woman. This explains such a caring behavior of a woman towards a man. She wants to hug him, caress him and continue communicating.

The effect of oxytocin on skin condition: positive. Oxytocin stimulates the activity of the immune system and prevents opportunistic microflora from developing on our skin. Since oxytocin stimulates the absorption of glucose, it also inhibits the pathogenic microflora of our skin, because sugar stimulates the development of bacteria leading to inflammation.

Serotonin, skin condition and well-being

The influence of serotonin on the condition of human skin. Serotonin (bad for the skin) is called the “happy hormone.” It is produced in some human organs and helps increase vitality, causes euphoria and relaxation. Serotonin is produced in large quantities at the time of orgasm in men.

The effect of serotonin on skin condition: negative. There are a number of studies that directly indicate that the aging process of the body and serotonin neurotransmission are directly related. It is a known fact that patients with psoriasis often look much younger than their years. Published.

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