One leg is swollen: causes and how to treat. Traditional recipes for the treatment of unilateral edema of the lower extremities. The main causes of edema of the right limb

Nature has decreed that a person is able to walk upright on his lower limbs - legs. This gift from positive factors has and reverse side. Our legs and other body systems pay for the ability to move on the ground. Swelling is an example of the price a person sometimes pays.

Swelling of the legs affects 8 out of 10 people. This problem is more common among the female population. Men are less susceptible to edema. Distribution directly depends on the specifics of the work hormonal system. Swelling of the legs is a common companion for women during pregnancy. The problem is more acute gets up in old age, causing pain and difficulty moving.

A simple truth will allow you to competently approach the issue of swelling. Edema is a symptom recognized as a consequence of diseases. Treatment of edema in isolation from the diseases that give rise to it is the work of Sisyphus. An experienced doctor will begin to look for the causes of swelling.

The main answers to why edema occurs remain common phenomena. This does not include proper nutrition, non-compliance with daily routine, low physical activity, increased pollution environment, prolonged standing. Constant need to walk for a long time.

Edema is easy to recognize. Press the swollen area with your finger and you will see a permanent imprint. Often similar marks are left on the legs by tight clothing - tight stockings or socks. Dents of this kind signal the appearance of swelling.

The nature of the phenomenon is that a pathologically large (sometimes up to 30 kg) amount of fluid accumulates in the tissues of the body, especially in the lower extremities. Venous vessels do not cope with the task of sending blood through the circulation returning to the heart (from the legs up). The valves of the veins malfunction, and venous congestion forms (typical of varicose veins).

Blood settles in the capillaries under the influence of gravity. system blood vessels duplicates in the body lymphatic system, if the work is disrupted, edema also forms. Each doctor adheres to his own classification of the origins of the symptom, based on which he makes the final diagnosis. Let's bring full list diseases:

Causes of swelling of the left leg only

Edema can be asymmetrical. Unlike violations of cardio-vascular system, provoking bilateral swelling, occurs reverse effect. For example, patients are often interested in the causes of swelling exclusively in the left leg. Known separate group pathologies causing a unilateral phenomenon:

  • Varicose veins. Weakening of the elasticity of vascular valves. Dilatation of veins. Gradually, the swelling can progress and turn into an ulcer. It is hereditary.
  • Lymphedema. Provokes lymphatic edema. The lymphatic system, duplicating the circulatory system, provides immune defense body. Constriction of the lymphatic pathways causes stagnation of lymph.
  • Baker's cyst rupture. A bulge forms joint capsule knee Difficulty with the knees increases the size of the cyst. When the formation bursts, the size of the leg increases significantly. Osteoporosis aggravates the disease. At the bottom knee joint an accumulation of fluid forms.

If it swells left leg, you must remember that soon a similar thing will happen to the right one. Fluid retention is associated with the functioning of blood vessels. This general pathology organism, capable of manifesting itself in certain parts of the body. Blood vessels and The lymph nodes connected into a single network. The body, as it were, signals a global disease of this network. So it will start soon. It is the matter of time.

Wrong lifestyle

Edema is not a disease. But it can become a signal of its presence. The reasons for the appearance are simple circuit. The outflow of blood from a vein due to hydrostatic pressure. Prolonged stagnation of blood causes an increase in pressure in the capillaries. Liquid from the vessels is squeezed into the intercellular space, forming edema.

Additional reasons include constantly being on your feet. Especially in the case of using the wrong shoes (high heels). The situation is aggravated by the presence excess weight and flat feet. Happening huge pressure on the legs and veins.

Poor nutrition. Consumption large quantity salty foods and water retain fluids in the body. In combination with bad exchange substances, a disastrous result develops. In conjunction with hormonal disorders The picture seems sad: the pain in the legs is getting worse.

Don't get carried away with the reception medicines. Side effects tablets lead to the formation of liquid deposits. Known names: amlodipine, enalapril, minirin, the use of which can cause the risk of swelling of the legs and cosmetic defect. Remember, before taking any medications, you should consult your doctor!

Here are other important reasons that affect health. Constant pressure legs are dangerous complete absence loads. Low level physical activity – low speed movement of blood through the vessels. Stagnant blood increases the level of tissue hydrophilicity. Heat and vasodilation lead to “seasonal” edema.

Injuries often become a catalyst for the onset of symptoms. The injured limb is swollen and painful. Movement is disrupted. The swelling usually goes away after recovery.

Sometimes we ourselves, without noticing, worsen the condition of our legs. If you wear stockings or socks with a tight elastic band, pinching of the blood vessels on the leg will occur. Oily creams and antiperspirants are also recognized as accomplices in the formation of foot swelling. Doctors do not advise excessive use of such drugs. By clogging pores, they disrupt hydrodynamic processes in the body.

Seeing a doctor

At the first symptoms of illness, you should definitely consult a doctor. If treatment is not started, the tumor will progress. The swelling will spread to other limbs. Possible:

  • Complete or partial loss of the ability to walk.
  • There will be swelling under the eyes.
  • Cases of increased hypertension will begin.
  • Let you know about yourself Blunt pain below the back.
  • Sudden weight lifting.
  • Increased swelling in the evening.
  • Increased pain.

The symptoms of swollen extremities are varied. There is a known case when a harmless one developed into elephantiasis. This rare form diseases. The flow of lymphatic fluid is disrupted. Patients lose the ability to move independently. A red liquid is released from the tumor. Patients experience constant pain.

A small percentage of the symptoms that you may encounter are indicated. You need to see a doctor immediately. A phlebologist specializes in such issues. The first procedure is an ultrasound examination of the legs. After conducting an examination and ultrasound of the deep and superficial veins, assessing the patency, the doctor will determine what causes led to the swelling. There is a high probability that other specialists will be involved in the diagnosis. The disease is complex and often stems from disorders of the cardiovascular system. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the intervention of doctors from other areas is welcomed.

Sometimes patients encounter unprofessionalism. It is especially unpleasant to meet him in medical circles. An example of a superficial view is given: treating the symptoms, not the cause. The doctor prescribed blood thinning medications. In case of oncology or congenital blood clotting factors, the patient must take medications for life. Diuretics are often prescribed. But these are superficial methods of combating swelling of the legs. Doctors are obliged to thoroughly study the causes of the disease.

In addition to treatment, the doctor can advise correct behavior in the fight against edema. Wear compression underwear, comfortable shoes. Limit walking in heels to 2 hours a day. Be sure to stick to your diet: limit your intake of salt and water. Avoid areas with high humidity. Less hard physical labor. Maybe sanatorium treatment mineral waters, water procedures, heating pads.

Alternative Remedies for Relieving Left Leg Swelling

Let's indicate additional funds that will help relieve swelling and that you trust ethnoscience. Before using the methods, it would be useful to consult a doctor.

  1. Treatment with pumpkin juice. It is rich in microelements and vitamins. Removes sodium salts. Eases the load on the heart. Helps with kidney problems. You can add lingonberries or parsley to the juice. Not recommended for gastrointestinal disorders.
  2. Treatment with bearberry leaves. Brew with lingonberries and drink throughout the day. One pinch per 250 ml. Helps relieve swelling.
  3. Impact on acupuncture points. There are two dimples between the index and middle fingers and between the middle and ring fingers. Put pressure on them. Such acupuncture treatment has a beneficial effect on kidney function.
  4. Take multivitamins and magnesium supplements. 200 mg magnesium twice daily.
  5. Exercise physical exercise. If you're driving sedentary image life, try to get up and walk sometimes. This will improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of edema. A little activity will prevent the occurrence of blood clots. Try to do gymnastics more often.
  6. Wipe swollen areas on your feet with tonic. Use it in combination with a hot bath. Warm water will relieve pain. Add grapefruit oil to the water, as well as almond oil, olive oil, or a pinch of Epsom salt.

Treatment of leg swelling with massage is very effective. This will improve microcirculation. The massage will straighten the veins. Include swimming and bathing here - water pressure prevents blood vessels from dilating.

Legs become swollen: causes, connection with diseases and the norm, how to treat when it’s dangerous

Swollen feet are a problem of both a medical and aesthetic nature. If your leg is swollen healthy person, it's ugly and unpleasant. Feet may swell during menstruation in women, after a long flight, long stay under the open sun or alcohol abuse, as a result of sleep disturbances. To relieve swelling, healthy legs only need to rest for a couple of hours.

If your feet become swollen and swollen too often, you should be concerned and consult a doctor.- a symptom of a number of pathologies and serious problem requiring medical assistance.

The causes of swelling of the legs are different: allergies, injuries, vascular somatic and endocrine diseases. Infection often leads to swelling lower limbs: abscesses, phlegmons and some skin diseases. Only a doctor, after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, will be able to determine etiological factor pathology in each specific case.

Ankle swelling can be unilateral or bilateral. Swelling of two limbs is a sign of a developed pathology that needs to be treated. If only the right or left leg swells, there is most likely an injury or local lesion.

Heart disease is the cause of swollen feet

Swelling of the legs due to heart failure

manifestations of severe heart failure

Treatment of venous diseases of the legs is complex and serious.

Renal pathology

Kidney diseases are also a cause of swollen feet. Inflamed kidneys cannot cope with excess fluid, and swelling occurs.

  1. They are localized on the face around the eyes and gradually spread down to different parts of the body. A pathognomonic symptom of kidney pathology is that arising as a result of edema. The cause of fluid retention in the body is a lack of albumin protein, which is excreted along with urine. Renal edema is mobile; when squeezed, it can move. Externally, the swollen area is slightly paler than the surrounding areas of the skin. Nephrotic edema
  2. caused by an abnormal protein ratio in the blood. They are accompanied by swelling of the face, lower back and are dense. Nephritic edema

associated with impaired blood circulation in the kidneys. They are localized on the face, feet, are soft and develop with glomerulonephritis. Edema is always accompanied by other symptoms of the disease: oliguria, pain in, lumbar region in urine. When kidney function improves after treatment, swelling quickly disappears.

To treat renal edema, patients are prescribed diuretics “Lasix”, “Veroshpiron”, “Mannitol”, etiotropic drugs - antibiotics and NSAIDs, diet therapy, and administration of saline solutions.


Severe dysfunction thyroid gland often manifests itself as swelling of the legs. With hypothyroidism, little thyroid hormones are produced. In patients, the leg swells at the ankle. When you press on the swollen area, there is no hole left. This characteristic feature edema due to damage to the thyroid gland.

Myxedema occurs when there is significant damage to the thyroid gland. In this case, almost all tissues of the body swell. The skin in the area of ​​swelling becomes rough, flaky and yellowish. Patients gain weight. Swelling is well expressed on the face, which becomes mask-like: puffy and lifeless. General state In patients, the condition worsens: hair, eyebrows and eyelashes fall out, nails break and peel. With myxedema, the skin, muscles, ligaments, nerves and even internal organs. Treatment of the disease consists of additional administration of thyroid hormones.


Trauma is one of the common reasons swelling of the legs. If your leg is swollen after a fall, you should find out the nature and result of the injury.

Swelling, increasing pain, hematoma, dysfunction and unnatural position of the limb are signs of a fracture. When a bruise occurs, swelling of the injured area appears and the pain gradually subsides. A hematoma forms a couple of days after the injury. Swelling prevents full movement of the injured leg.

Traumatic swelling of the foot can be determined visually: it swells and increases significantly in size. The toes become swollen, the skin becomes bluish. Patients experience a feeling of heaviness in the legs, discomfort, and pain.


Allergic reactions develop to certain medications, insect bites, and foods. One of the manifestations of allergies is local swelling of the legs. To get rid of it, you need to eliminate contact with the allergen: stop taking medications or eliminate other sources of irritation.

Allergic swelling of the legs - pathological condition, also called allergic arthritis. This clinical sign Quincke's edema or other allergic reaction, as well as any articular pathology.

Symptoms allergic edema: swelling of the limb, redness of the skin, slight rash and severe itching. Pain syndrome- another clinical sign of pathology. The pain intensifies after being in an uncomfortable position for a long time, physical activity, lifting weights. In severe cases, swelling can spread to surrounding tissues and internal organs. Such changes are quite serious and can lead to fainting and even death.

Swelling of the extremities is caused by hormones, antidepressants, steroids, beta blockers and other antihypertensive drugs.

Liver diseases

swelling due to portal hypertension

Cirrhosis or liver cancer leads to the death of liver cells and organ dysfunction. The body's metabolism is disrupted and fluid is retained in the body. Affected hepatocytes cease to fully produce the protein albumin, the blood stagnates in big circle blood circulation, ascites develops. In cirrhosis, connective tissue fibers obstruct the outflow venous blood, it stagnates in the veins of the legs, which is manifested by swelling. Patients' skin turns yellow, their breasts become enlarged, their palms turn red and breathing becomes difficult.

The compression also causes the legs to swell. manifested by swelling of the ankles and anterior abdominal wall, as well as hepatosplenomegaly.


Gout is a common cause of swelling of the legs. Metabolism is disrupted in the body, and salts uric acid accumulate and settle in the joint capsule. Urates enter the body with food: meat, mushrooms, herring. Their deposition leads to redness and swelling of the joint. Patients suddenly experience paroxysmal pain in the joints, they become red and swollen. Patients complain that their legs are “burning with fire.” Typically, gout affects large joints on foot. Therapeutic measures for gout, they are aimed at relieving inflammation and eliminating swelling and pain.

  • Limit alcohol intake and follow a diet,
  • Cover the affected joint with ice and wrap it in a dry cloth.
  • Drink a lot,
  • Provide complete rest to the inflamed limb,
  • Keep your leg elevated
  • Take medications from the NSAID group - Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Diclofenac,
  • Apply Fulflex ointment topically.


The cause of lymphatic edema of the legs is impaired lymphatic drainage, leading to the accumulation of lymph in the tissues. Primary develops from birth and is due to congenital predisposition. Secondary pathology occurs as a result of excessive stress on the legs, excessive fluid intake into the body, and metabolic disorders.

manifestations of lymphostasis by stages

At the first stage of the disease, swelling in the legs occurs periodically, usually in the late afternoon and disappears after waking up. In the second stage, pain appears, fast fatiguability legs, cramps are possible. The third stage of the disease is irreversible. The limb ceases to function. Elephantiasis develops. Symptoms accompanying swelling with lymphostasis: weakness and fatigue, headaches, white coating on the tongue, inability to concentrate, arthralgia.

Treatment of lymphostasis is complex, including mechanical removal of excess lymph from the lymphatic system and drug therapy. Patients are advised to keep the sore leg in an elevated position and are prescribed manual lymphatic drainage massage or hardware pneumocompression, as well as the use of special bandaging - bandaging. Drug treatment consists in the use of drugs:

“Detralex”, “Troxerutin”, “Troxevasin”, “Lymphomiazot”, “Wobenzym”.

Starvation Causes of leg swelling: fasting, frequent fasting days

, protein-free mono-diets, cachexia, vegetarianism. Due to protein deficiency in the body, fluid is retained in the tissues and the legs become swollen. To cope with leg swelling, you need to normalize your diet. To do this, you should visit a nutritionist who will help you correctly adjust your diet and individually calculate calories, as well as the optimal ratio of essential nutrients. If your legs are swollen, you should not look for the causes and eliminate them on your own. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will identify and treat the underlying disease. Only a specialist can deliver accurate diagnosis after examining the patient and receiving test results. Self-medication often leads to severe consequences

and even death.

  1. Do your feet swell normally?
  2. Drinking excess fluid causes swollen feet in healthy people. These swellings are safe. They pass without a trace after some time. You can speed up this process by taking a diuretic, preferably a harmless rosehip decoction. Running, walking and more excessive load
  3. often ends with swelling of the legs, which quickly disappears after a short rest. Excess weight also leads to the appearance similar problem
  4. , which can be helped by proper nutrition and exercise. Swelling of the legs is not uncommon in pregnant women. Change hormonal levels
  5. Women's legs swell before or during menstruation. During this period, fluid is retained in the body. Swelling disappears on its own immediately after menstruation.
  6. Uncomfortable, narrow high-heeled shoes, as well as prolonged, uncomfortable body position, lead to increased pressure in the veins, their dysfunction and swelling of the legs.

Traditional treatment at home

Sprained your ankle, it's swollen and you don't know what to do? You can try to relieve swelling at home using traditional medicine recipes.

Regular gymnastics and light massage legs It is useful to raise your legs to a vertical position for 10 minutes from time to time. Daily use similar measures It is really effective for non-advanced edema, and at the same time, it will alleviate the condition at any stage.

If the cause of swelling of the legs is gout, use an iodine-based solution, which is rubbed on the affected joints, or take foot baths with this remedy. Iodine disinfects open wounds and penetrates deep into the tissue, reducing the symptoms of internal inflammation.

You can use diuretic herbal remedies for swelling of the legs after consulting a doctor: infusion of birch leaves, parsley, kidney tea.

You should consult a doctor immediately if:

  1. Along with swelling of the legs appeared sharp pain in the chest and does not go away,
  2. My legs hurt and continue to swell,
  3. There is a history of heart, liver or kidney disease,
  4. The leg suddenly became swollen and red,
  5. Body temperature has risen
  6. You are pregnant,
  7. The swelling does not go away after taking any measures, but becomes larger.

The main task of specialists is to identify the cause of swelling of the legs and correct treatment.

Video: swollen legs - “Live Healthy” program

There can be many reasons for swelling in one leg. Some of them are natural and do not pose a danger to humans, while others are a consequence serious illnesses. Treatment of pathology should be carried out taking into account the factors that led to this condition. In many cases, doctors recommend using traditional medicine recipes.

Even a completely healthy person may experience swelling in one leg. This happens due to the following reasons:

Pathological causes of swelling of one leg

If one leg swells greatly and becomes larger than the other, some pathologies can be suspected. Most often, after a qualified examination, the following diseases are discovered:

If swelling is detected in the lower limb, you must consult a doctor to determine the causes of the pathology. Based on the diagnosis, the treatment method is determined. In most cases, patients should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to reduce salt intake. This is especially true in the summer or if there are related health problems.
  • It is advisable to limit fluid intake (especially in the evening).
  • Drinking alcohol in any form or quantity is strictly prohibited.
  • After have a hard day It is recommended to lie down and place your feet on a hill. This will improve blood flow and prevent the development of edema.
  • It is necessary to choose the right shoes with a comfortable last. Women should preferably wear flat or low-heeled shoes.
  • To prevent edema, it is recommended to do special exercises- walk on toes, rotate your feet. Massage and regular physical activity are no less useful.

If swelling occurs frequently and is not associated with serious pathologies, you can use special ointments - Venitan, Essavan gel. They improve blood circulation and eliminate painful sensations along with swelling.

Treatment with folk remedies for external action

To get rid of swelling, you can use special compresses or baths that as soon as possible relieve swelling. If there is a problem, traditional medicine recommends paying attention to the following recipes:

Treatment with oral medications

Very often, external treatment in the presence of edema is not enough. To fix the problem traditional healers It is recommended to take specially prepared products.

Edema occurs as a result of fluid accumulation in the intercellular space. This can happen by various reasons, for example, eating a lot of salty foods or drinking alcohol. But in this case, the swelling spreads to both legs at once and goes away very quickly. What can swelling of one leg indicate?


In a healthy person, swelling of the legs can be bilateral. Swelling of one lower limb is already a sign of the development of a disease. And many diseases can be accompanied by such a symptom, for example:

  • amyloidosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • elephantiasis;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Swelling of one leg can be associated not only with serious pathological processes in the body, but also with injury. If you have previously been kicked or fallen, it is likely that internal hemorrhage and soft tissue damage occurred during this event. But in this case, the swelling is usually accompanied by the presence of a hematoma.

Sprained ligaments also cause swelling. In this case, the swelling does not spread to the entire limb, but is localized only in the area of ​​the injury. Main symptoms: swelling, painful sensations, limited mobility.

Leg swelling is also observed in pregnant women. The reason for this is the pressure of the uterus on the vessels, which leads to poor circulation, blood stagnation and the appearance of edema. Depending on which side (left or right) the greatest pressure occurs, swelling will be observed on that side.

But if this symptom is observed constantly and becomes more pronounced over time, then this indicates pathologies that require urgent treatment.

Lymph stagnation

Often, unilateral edema is a symptom of elephantism, that is, elephantiasis or lymphederma. Such conditions arise against the background of stagnation of lymph in the body, which is a colorless liquid circulating through the vessels. It washes the walls of blood vessels from various substances and promotes their rapid elimination from the body.

For these diseases this process is disrupted and lymph stagnation occurs. And this, in turn, leads to hyperplasia skin and fatty tissue. This condition may be congenital or acquired. It is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • unilateral leg swelling;
  • pain in the limb, feeling of heaviness;
  • stiffness of movement;
  • increased volume of lymph nodes;
  • changes in the skin - it thickens, dark blue spots, ulcers and cracks appear on it.

If elephantism is congenital, then swelling first occurs in the foot area. After this, it gradually begins to spread to the entire leg. If this disease has been acquired, then swelling occurs first in the thigh area, gradually spreading down the entire limb.

Other factors

If only one leg is swollen, this may indicate a ruptured Baker's cyst. This condition is characterized by protrusion of the joint capsule with the knee. If a person has joint diseases, the size of this cyst increases and it ruptures. As a result, the fluid accumulated in it spreads throughout the leg, causing it to become significantly enlarged.

It should be noted that swelling of one leg may be associated with the already mentioned joint diseases, for example, arthritis or arthrosis. These diseases also include bursitis, gout, osteoporosis, etc.

They occur for various reasons: injuries, hypothermia, autoimmune disorders, alcohol abuse, and so on. If these diseases are left untreated, there is a risk of them spreading to the second leg or upper limbs.

These joint diseases are often characterized by limited mobility of the limb in which the joint is inflamed, crunching and pain during severe physical exertion.

Swelling of the leg may be a symptom of an allergic reaction, for example, to insect vinegar. In this case, swelling may be localized in various parts limbs - calves, feet, ankles and so on.

If the integrity of the skin on the leg was damaged and after that they were not treated with anything, there is a risk of infection entering the wound, which can also cause swelling. In this case, the skin takes on a red tint and becomes hot to the touch. If no action is taken, an abscess may develop.

Swelling in one limb may be associated with a tumor in the buttock or thigh. Its growth leads to compression of nearby tissues and vessels, which leads to impaired blood circulation and lymph outflow, resulting in swelling.

In any case, the appearance of swelling in only one leg should alert a person. After all, this symptom indicates the development of serious pathologies that require immediate treatment. Therefore, when it occurs, it is necessary to visit a doctor as quickly as possible and determine the cause of its occurrence.

Nature has decreed that a person is able to walk upright on his lower limbs - legs. This gift with positive factors also has a downside. Our legs and other body systems pay for the ability to move on the ground. Swelling is an example of the price a person sometimes pays.

Swelling of the legs affects 8 out of 10 people. This problem is more common among the female population. Men are less susceptible to edema. Distribution directly depends on the characteristics of the hormonal system. Swelling of the legs is a common companion for women during pregnancy. The problem becomes more acute in old age, causing pain and difficulty moving.

A simple truth will allow you to competently approach the issue of swelling. Edema is a symptom recognized as a consequence of diseases. Treatment of edema in isolation from the diseases that give rise to it is the work of Sisyphus. An experienced doctor will begin to look for the causes of swelling.

The main answers to why edema occurs remain common phenomena. This includes poor nutrition, non-compliance with the daily routine, low physical activity, increased environmental pollution, prolonged standing. Constant need to walk for a long time.

Only the left leg is swollen

Edema is easy to recognize. Press the swollen area with your finger and you will see a permanent imprint. Often similar marks are left on the legs by tight clothing - tight stockings or socks. Dents of this kind signal the appearance of swelling.

The nature of the phenomenon is that a pathologically large (sometimes up to 30 kg) amount of fluid accumulates in the tissues of the body, especially in the lower extremities. Venous vessels do not cope with the task of sending blood through the circulation returning to the heart (from the legs up). The valves of the veins malfunction, and venous congestion forms (typical of varicose veins).

Blood settles in the capillaries under the influence of gravity. The system of blood vessels in the body is duplicated by the lymphatic system; if the work is disrupted, edema also forms. Each doctor adheres to his own classification of the origins of the symptom, based on which he makes the final diagnosis. Here is a complete list of diseases: