Why does the eyeball hurt? We study the reasons. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve of the eye


The eye is one of the main human sense organs. It is thanks to the eyes that the maximum perception of the surrounding world is ensured. Deprivation or restriction of the ability to see leads to the loss of the ability to contemplate the world to work, to take care of oneself. Given such a primary role of the organ of vision, it becomes clear that any problems with the eyes are very disturbing for a person.

injury, inflammatory diseases, sudden loss of vision is most often accompanied by a symptom such as eye pain and require immediate medical examination to prevent the progression of the disease, the possible loss of visual acuity or its complete absence.

Eye diseases are diverse and complex, but a competent ophthalmologist will always be able to understand the causes of pain in the eyes and do everything possible to not only eliminate the pain syndrome, but also prevent the consequences. Self-medication for pain in the eyes is highly discouraged, since the consequences are always serious.

Pain in the eye- this is a complex of pain sensations of varying intensity, accompanied or not by other disorders of the organ of vision or other organs and systems. Pain in the eye can be constant or worsen under certain conditions.
Given the huge range of pathologies in which the patient complains of pain in the eye, it is important to determine which particular disease it is a manifestation of.

Pain in the eye as a clinical symptom

Eye pain accompanies many eye diseases and can be one of the symptoms of other diseases. Consider the features that characterize eye pain in the most common pathologies.


This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, which may be the result of allergic reactions. The pain in this pathology is of a cutting nature. In addition, there are symptoms such as lacrimation, mucopurulent or mucous discharge from the eyes, photophobia. The pain may get worse when you blink (Conjunctivitis).


With this pathology, the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes becomes inflamed. As a rule, keratitis is the result of trauma to the cornea, influenza, tuberculosis. The nature of the pain is not sharp, aching, prolonged. In addition to pain, patients with keratitis have ulceration and clouding of the cornea, redness of the eyes, blepharospasm, photophobia, and lacrimation.


With this pathology, clouding of the lens develops, which is associated with age-related malnutrition of tissues, the presence of diabetes mellitus and other pathologies. Pain in the eyes with cataracts is practically not observed. Patients complain of reduced visual acuity, blurry and dim vision.


This eye disease is infectious. The nature of the disease is viral. A person can become infected through direct contact with a sick person, using household items of a sick person. Pain in the eyes (with this disease, both eyes are always affected), moderate, constant, on late stages if left untreated, ulceration may form, follicles form, and eye pain may become more pronounced. In addition, the patient has complaints of redness of the eyes, the presence of a detachable mucous character.


In glaucoma, there is an increase intraocular pressure accompanied by pain in the eyes. The pain is paroxysmal in nature, the intensity of the pain symptom is determined by the degree of pressure increase, and in the period acute attack Glaucoma pain can be so unbearable that the patient needs urgent hospitalization for emergency care. Also, in patients with glaucoma, there is a decrease in visual acuity, temporary blurred vision, headache.


This disease is characterized by disorders that affect optical system eyes and lead to the formation of a fuzzy image on the retina. Pain in the eyes is sharp with astigmatism, and in addition, in the absence of adequate correction, prolonged headaches appear.


Blepharitis is called inflammation of the eyelids, it can be caused by both eye infections and inflammatory processes, as well as endocrine and metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins in the body, low level of sanitary and hygienic conditions in which a person lives, smoke and dustiness. Pain in the eye with blepharitis is accompanied by a feeling of clogging of the eyes, itching, fatigue eyes, increased sensitivity to bright light, abnormal growth of eyelashes and their loss, swelling and redness of the edges of the eyelids.


This is the most frequently encountered ophthalmic disease which is almost always one-sided. Barley is purulent acute inflammation hair bulb eyelashes, as well as the sebaceous gland, located at the root of the eyelash. Pain in the eye with acute barley at the onset of the disease, accompanied by swelling of the eyelid, redness, formation of an abscess, possibly fever.

Viral diseases and any other diseases that occur with a high temperature

All diseases that occur with a high temperature (often colds and viruses) are accompanied by pain in the eyes. Patients most often complain of pressure on the eyes, headache and the complex of symptoms that accompanies the underlying disease (cough, runny nose, sore throat and joints). The pain in the eyes goes away on its own as the body temperature normalizes in 24-36 hours on average.

dry eye syndrome

This syndrome develops with visual fatigue, prolonged work on a computer, being in a room where a constant source of light is fluorescent lighting, air conditioners work continuously. Such patients complain of burning and pain in the eyes, sensations foreign objects in the eyes, lacrimation at the onset of the syndrome and dry eyes later (Dry Eye Syndrome).

Getting into the eye of villi, specks, dust particles, etc.

If it happens that it gets into the eye foreign body, then the pain in the eye occurs suddenly and can be very sharp. It is felt until the foreign body is removed, after which discomfort in the eye caused by irritation may be felt for some time.

Bruised eye

An eye contusion is one of the types of injuries and occurs as a result of a blow with a blunt object or strong compression of the eyes. The pain is sharp, sharp, the intensity depends on the degree of injury. In addition, there may be pain and swelling in nearby tissues, bruising under the eyes.

Eye burn

Eye burn can be caused various factors: exposure to the sun, fire, chemicals. The pain is unbearable, sharp, accompanied by sudden loss vision or sharp decline visual acuity. As a rule, such conditions affect not only the eye, but also nearby tissues, upon examination of which characteristics burns - redness, tissue necrosis, etc. (depending on the degree of burn and the nature of the damaging substance).


In another way, this disease is called herpes zoster. The pain in the eye is very strong in this disease and at the beginning of the disease may not be accompanied by any additional features. Later, redness, sores, typical of this disease, appear.

Chronic infectious diseases of the paranasal sinuses

In the presence of foci chronic infection in the sinuses of the nose, pain in the eyes does not always appear, more often it occurs during an exacerbation. The pain is prolonged, mild, disappears as the infection process is treated.

Headache, migraine, temporal arteritis

In these cases, eye pain is associated with vascular spasm, which is present in these pathologies.

It develops suddenly with an exacerbation of the underlying disease. After taking measures about your disease, the pain in the eyes subsides and disappears completely. If migraine is characterized by an ophthalmic form, then most often the pain is observed in only one eye, accompanied by double vision, the appearance of “lightning” before the eyes, and a decrease in visual acuity of a transient nature.

Inflammation of the facial or trigeminal nerve

In these cases, on the side of the lesion, a jerking pain occurs, which radiates to the eye area. The pain in the eye is intense, sometimes unbearable.

Systemic connective tissue diseases

If the patient suffers from diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa, then the vessels are also affected, including those that feed eyeball. In this case, pain in the eyes of an almost permanent nature can be observed. When examining a patient, a symptom complex is found that is characteristic of a systemic lesion. connective tissue.

Diseases of the spine

With cervical osteochondrosis, there is a violation of blood circulation in the arteries that feed the spine. Pain in the eyes occurs as a result of impaired blood circulation.

Epidemiology. Statistical data

Diseases that are accompanied by pain in the eyes are very diverse and occur with varying frequency in the population. In more than 70% of cases, among other symptoms, pain in the eyes is necessarily present.

Causes leading to the development of a pain symptom

Pain is always a sign that something is happening in the human body. pathological process.

If we talk about the eyes, then the reasons, directly causing development pain symptoms may include:

  • Cornea. With pathologies such as injuries, infections, impaired metabolic processes, development dystrophic changes lead to the development of severe pain in the eye.

  • Conjunctiva. Conjunctival diseases rarely cause eye pain on their own. Most often they are accompanied by additional manifestations, such as a feeling of discomfort, burning, itching.

  • Sclera. With inflammation of the sclera, in addition to pain in the eye, there is a local injection of blood vessels.

  • Tears production disorders. In this case, the pain in the eye is manifested due to the fact that there are inflammatory eye diseases. In children, such conditions are much more common than in adults and are associated mainly with congenital syndromes.

  • Obstruction (complete or partial) of the nasolacrimal canal. Pain in the eye appears simultaneously with lacrimation. As a rule, this pathology occurs in children under 6 months of age and is called dacryocystitis.

  • Glaucoma. Pain in the eye occurs due to the fact that a secondary pathology of the corneal epithelium develops, and this applies to both primary and secondary glaucoma.

  • Glad skin shell. In diseases of the iris (iritis), pain in the eye is usually accompanied by photophobia. In cases where the sclera, retina or vitreous body are involved in the process, there may be no pain in the eye.

  • optic nerve. If retinal disease or optic nerve isolated, then eye pain is most often absent. When the sheath of the optic nerve is involved in the inflammatory process, the patient develops a symptom such as pain in the eye.

  • Eyelids. Pain in the eyes with diseases of the eyelids appears with infectious or aseptic cellulitis.

  • Nervous system. Pathologies of the orbit of the eye and central nervous system characterized by pain that is felt directly in the eyeball. As a rule, this is associated with the formation of a pathological focus in the brain stem or cranial nerves.

  • Psychological problems. Often, complaints of pain in the eyes are present in people with impaired psycho-emotional status or in the presence of mental illness. Most often, there are no reasons that could actually lead to the development of a pain symptom, and pain in the eye is considered fictitious in this group of patients.


Doctors have tried repeatedly to classify such a syndrome as pain in the eye. Our goal is not to provide you with a classification that is of interest only to ophthalmologists, but we suggest considering a simplified version that has practical significance.

Eye pain may be:

  • Associated with eye diseases;

  • Not associated with eye disease.
According to the causes leading to pain in the eyes, the following classification is proposed:
  • Mechanical (when wearing contact lenses, ingress of dust or other foreign particles);

  • traumatic;

  • Inflammatory and non-inflammatory eye diseases;

  • Eye damage by chemical reagents (burns), radioactive radiation etc.;

  • Associated with facial muscle tension, headache;

  • Connected with infectious diseases eyes (including those with herpes);

  • Associated with the pathology of the vascular and nervous system;

  • Dry eye syndrome.


Pain in the eye of any severity, nature and duration is not independent disease, and the symptom accompanying various pathologies. Due to this, possible complications are considered individually, depending on the underlying disease that led to the development of pain in the eyes. The degree of risk of developing complications will depend on how correctly and timely the diagnosis is established.

The main and most threatening of them is a decrease in visual acuity or the development of irreversible changes - secondary blindness. With improper treatment of keratitis and trachoma, a walleye may develop. Trachoma can also be complicated by volvulus of the eyelids. If the patient suffers from astigmatism, then one of the complications may be strabismus (most often in the absence of treatment). Eye injuries can subsequently cause the development of secondary (acquired) astigmatism.

Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

If the patient has pain in the eye, a series of additional surveys, since the symptom itself will be eliminated only if the complete treatment disease that caused it. With a thorough questioning of the patient, it is possible to identify the nature of pain, their duration, connection with certain events (in case of burns, injuries, chemical damage to the eyes, etc.), as well as to find out the presence of common diseases that may cause pain in the eyes. Differential diagnosis allows you to identify among the many diseases exactly the one that caused the pain in the eye.

From diagnostic measures In order to establish an accurate diagnosis, the following:

  • Determination of visual acuity;

  • Measurement of intraocular pressure;

  • Measurement of corneal thickness - pachymetry;

  • Ultrasound of the eye (B-scan);

  • Examination of the cornea (including using solutions for its staining - Bengal rose, fluorescein);

  • Biomicroscopy (examination of the eye under a microscope);

  • Computer keratotopography;

  • Examination of the retina of the eye (performed after preliminary pupil dilation with the help of special medicines);

  • Neuroradiography (prescribed in cases where there is a suspicion of diseases of the periorbital tissues);

  • Determination of tear production;

  • Laboratory diagnostics - bacteriological analysis, which allows to determine the pathogen if the infectious nature of the disease is suspected;

  • Determination of fields of view;

  • Definition of peripheral vision;

  • Specific studies of the nervous, vascular systems in case of suspected secondary nature of the eye disease;
In almost all cases, diagnostic procedures performed on the eyes are painless and are performed without aggravating the already existing pain in the eyes. The exceptions are examinations of children who are suspected of having glaucoma (to measure intraocular pressure) and examinations of children and adults with blepharospasm and photophobia. In these cases, anesthesia or sedatives are prescribed.


When pain occurs in the eyes self-treatment resorting is highly discouraged, since the consequences can be disastrous, and precious time will be lost. When complaining of pain in the eye, the first thing you should do is consult a doctor who will determine the cause and prescribe you a treatment that matches the identified disease.

In some cases, you can apply the treatment yourself, but only if you are absolutely sure that a serious disease has not become the cause of the pain in the eye.

It is possible to take independent measures if you have eye fatigue from long work at the computer, inflammation after dust particles or barley (in these cases, consultation with an ophthalmologist is also recommended, but as practice shows, in most cases, patients use alternative methods of treatment).

Folk methods of treatment

Folk methods Treatments never cease to be relevant and the eyes are no exception. In fact, nature has given us hundreds unique herbs and plants that effectively help with various diseases eye. What is important to know for patients who, with an eye disease, choose alternative treatment for themselves and resort to the long-known recipes of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers?

The most important thing (this applies not only to the eyes, but also to other diseases) is that before starting treatment, even if harmless natural remedies, you need to know what exactly you are going to treat. That is, you should not avoid consulting an ophthalmologist. Otherwise, the method chosen by you may not bring the expected effect or even harm.

From best recipes traditional medicine we offer you those that are time-tested and safe.

  1. Cleansing the eyes with tea or a decoction of chamomile infusion, bought at a pharmacy. Brew, let steep and pass through a cheesecloth or strainer, dip a cotton pad and rub the eyes for inflammation, which often occurs as a reaction to seasonal changes. During these seasons, the eyes are especially sensitive to such changes and require more careful attention.

  2. An excellent remedy for the eyes is brown algae called ficus. The widest spectrum vitamins increases resistance to inflammatory processes, quickly restores the eyes after excessive stress, keeps the eyes in general in good shape.
    Prepare for your eyes ice cubes from the infusion of these algae. To do this, you need 3 tbsp. pour boiling water over these algae, let stand overnight in a thermos. Pour the decoction into the molds and freeze, then wipe them around the eyes at night. When it hits the eyeball, it's not scary, it's even good. Spend a course of 1 to 2 weeks. For severe pain in the eyes, carry out the procedure in the morning.

  3. Pure morning dew is an excellent eye cleanser. Wash it off slowly and thoroughly. With daily use, the result is obvious.

  4. Plantain leaves, cornflower petals and cumin (1:1:2) tsp. grind, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, insist 3 hours. Then strain and drip 3 drops up to 5 times / day for inflammation and overwork of the eyes.

  5. In inflammatory processes, lotions are suitable. They are made from a decoction of raspberry flowers and fresh cucumber juice in a 1:1 ratio. Apply cotton swabs and within 10 minutes. keep in front of.

  6. For trachoma, instill eyes with dandelion root juice 2-3 rubles / day, 1 drop.

  7. For conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids, grind an aloe leaf, pour boiling water 1:10, let stand for a while, strain, apply swabs soaked in infusion. You can also cut the agave, steam it with boiling water and inhale its vapors or rinse your mouth with this decoction, eye pain will noticeably decrease.

  8. A mixture of spinach and carrot juices 3:5 is taken on an empty stomach daily for astigmatism and conjunctivitis. The daily dose is 2 tbsp.

  9. For keratitis, corneal ulcers and conjunctivitis, diluted in boiled water natural honey in a ratio of 1:2. Use it as lotions and eye drops. With glaucoma, mature honey is instilled 2 rubles / day, 1 drop for a long time.

  10. With barley, compresses from curdled milk are applied.

  11. With walleye, shroud and visual impairment - instill celery tincture 2 rubles / day.


In the presence of pain in the eyes, the prognosis is not determined on the basis of this symptom, but is based on the underlying disease and its severity. Most eye diseases can be treated and pass almost without a trace (here we are talking about inflammatory and infectious diseases). In pathologies such as injuries, burns, the prognosis is determined by the degree of damage and in especially severe cases can be unfavorable.

Preventive measures

It is impossible to prevent pain in the eye, but it is possible to prevent the development of diseases in which this symptom manifests itself. TO preventive measures that help prevent eye disease include the following:
  • Personal hygiene . Avoid touching the eyes with dirty hands, use only individual towels. In the case of using contact lenses, follow all the recommendations of the optometrist;

  • In case of accidental contact with foreign particles, dust, detergents etc. rinse immediately with water and contact an optometrist if you experience pain or irritation afterwards;

  • Avoid contact with chemical and other reactive agents, use personal protective equipment if your work involves them;

  • Regularly pay attention to the protection of vision (do not read in poor light, monitor posture while caring for desk, do not overstrain the organ of vision and take breaks in work if it is connected with a computer, documentation, etc., requiring constant eye strain).

  • If you are an office worker, then there is a risk of developing "dry eye syndrome" (due to continuous work on a computer while in an air-conditioned room). To prevent this from happening, alternate work on the computer and short breaks, use drops that moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes, the so-called "artificial tears".

  • Try to lead a healthy lifestyle, visit nature more often, give up smoking, normalize the regime of work and rest, follow a balanced diet;

  • To avoid sunburn of the eyes in the summer, wear sunglasses, hats;

  • Be careful in situations where eye injury is possible.
We strongly recommend that you contact an ophthalmologist at the slightest deviation that you notice from the side of the eyes. Diseases that are diagnosed and treated in a timely manner will give you less hassle. In addition, you will significantly reduce the risk of possible complications. Be careful in everyday life and work, take care of that precious treasure that was given to you from birth - the ability to see the world around you.
Stay healthy!
Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

Pain in the eyes may be due to the most different reasons, and its character is closely related to the place of localization. So, pain can be felt in the muscles of the eyes, mucous membranes, eyelids, and even in the eyeball. Typically, pain is a sign of inflammation. Actually, inflammation of the eyeball will be discussed below. Why is it accompanied by pain, what is it connected with and what necessary actions should be taken to fix it?

Causes of eye pain

muscle pain

Such pain is usually felt while moving the eyeball, but can also be a reaction to some irritant, for example, a flashlight. Muscle pain is pulling and is very similar to fatigue, which, in most cases, it is a manifestation of.

Muscle weakness, along with painful sensations, as a rule, appear after prolonged high loads on the eyes. As an example, one can take long work at a computer with texts or programs that require great accuracy and long voltage vision or prolonged driving (muscle pain, in particular, is constantly observed in truckers when a person stays in unrelenting concentration behind the wheel for a long time).

Eliminating muscle pain is quite easy. To do this, there are simple exercises based on intentional strong tension. eye muscles followed by complete relaxation. Eye exercises are the best way to rest overworked eye muscles from prolonged eye strain. There are also special drops that relieve pain and inflammation. They are freely sold in the pharmacy chain, but before using them, you need to consult an ophthalmologist.

Eye infections and inflammation

The second most common cause of eye pain is considered to be infectious inflammation. Infection of the eyeball is caused by a variety of pathogens that can penetrate from the outside or through the internal system of the body. Inflammations caused by them are usually subdivided according to the localization of the process - conjunctivitis (conjunctiva), keratitis (cornea), uveitis (vascular membrane), iritis (iris). Very often, infectious inflammation of the eyeball causes the herpes virus, as well as chronic forms of tonsillitis and sinusitis.

In addition, the eyeball can become inflamed due to another systemic disease, becoming its consequence or complication. For example, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve may be accompanied by inflammation of the eyeball and severe pain in it.

Intraocular pressure

Not to be confused with arterial, although the rise blood pressure It can also cause pain in the eye area. High eye pressure is commonly called glaucoma and it is often manifested by bouts of severe pain in the eye block and the area around the eyes. In addition to pain, symptoms of glaucoma include:

  • Deterioration of vision, the appearance of its fogging.
  • Headaches concentrated in the back and temporal areas paroxysmal character.
  • General weakness, feeling of nausea, vomiting.
  • Pupil dilation, with no reaction to light (only a doctor can determine these symptoms, so it is very important to contact a specialist in time).
  • The eyeball is sealed and with light pressure on it, sharp sharp pains occur.

dry eye syndrome

This syndrome determines the condition of the mucous membranes of the eye and the eyeball as a whole. There are several causes of dry eye syndrome, but the symptom complex is always the same. There is necessarily a mild pain in the eyes, when moving the eyes there is discomfort, there is a constant feeling of dryness.

Typically, dry eye syndrome occurs in people who long time spend at computer monitors or work at close range under artificial lighting. Workers in the photo industry often suffer from it when they have to strain their eyes in various adverse conditions. environment. A similar ailment is also familiar to office workers, who have long-term visual work at a computer associated with being in a room with artificial lighting and air-conditioned dry air.

In this case, to relieve the symptoms of inflammation, it is better to use special eye drops, which lubricate and envelop the eye with a solution close in composition to a natural human tear. The solution helps to maintain the intraocular microflora, moisturizes the mucous membrane. Such drops are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription and, on the recommendation of an ophthalmologist, they will have to be selected independently.


Eyeball pierced through the smallest vessels, which act as transport highways for the continuous supply of oxygen to the eye and the substances necessary for life. If there are problems with the eye vessels, there are unpleasant pain. Often, such pains are aching in nature and last for a long time. This condition is well known to people with diabetes and those who have chronic diseases vessels. To get rid of the disease, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures that the doctor should prescribe after complete medical examination and holding diagnostic procedures on the study of the vascular system of the eye.

Mechanical influences

Inflammation of the eyeball very often causes its mechanical damage - trauma. In general, the eyes are one of the least protected and sensitive organs. Any damage to them, as a result of ingress of foreign objects or mechanical impact, is very dangerous. They can cause serious impairment of eye function, up to deterioration and complete loss of vision. Therefore, in case of injury to the eye or penetration of foreign objects, it is necessary to urgently seek qualified help.

Quite often, eye injury is caused chemical burns. When due to misuse household chemicals, the eyeball may be damaged. In case of contact with the eye of chemicals, as a first aid, it is necessary to wash the eye with a large amount of cold running water. After that, you need to immediately go to the ophthalmologist. In turn, to prevent household chemical burns, it is better when working with chemicals use special goggles.

Eye pain treatment

For competent treatment of inflammation of the eyeball, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain. This can be done in only one way - to visit an ophthalmologist and undergo a diagnostic examination.

As a rule, for infectious diseases of the eyes, specialists prescribe antibiotic solutions (Levomycetin, Albucid, Penicillin).

In glaucoma, miotics, sympathomimetics, prostaglandins (Pilocarpine, Epinephrine, Xalatan, etc.) are necessarily used. An attack of angle-closure glaucoma requires emergency hospitalization of the patient in a specialized hospital.

Mechanical injuries of the eye require the use of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs in drops and ointments.

To relieve the symptoms of inflammation of the eyeball, folk remedies are often used - herbal tinctures and decoctions. The most effective in this regard is washing the eyes with a decoction of aloe leaves. To do this, the leaves of the plant are crushed and poured with one glass of boiling water. After that, the broth should cool and infuse for half an hour.

Quite effective folk remedies can also include lotions with a decoction of celandine and honey. For this, a tablespoon of celandine herbs is poured into a glass hot water, put on the stove and boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. Then the broth is left to cool and infuse for 20-30 minutes. After, a teaspoon of honey is added to it and the solution for lotions is ready.

The most important thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner if pain occurs in the eyeball area. The specialist will accurately determine the cause of pain, make a diagnosis and conduct a rational and effective course of treatment.

The eyeballs are very sensitive and at the same time vulnerable, since they contain a large number of nerve endings. The eyes instantly and sharply react to adverse environmental conditions, and pain in them can be both external and internal cause as a symptom of an incipient disease.

Photo 1: Overexertion of the eye muscles can cause their spasms and, as a result, discomfort when moving. Source: flickr (Conselho Nacional).

Causes of eye pain

External causes can be mechanical - wind, a grain of sand, improper fitting of contact lenses or overexertion, as well as injury or infection, such as a cold.

The eyeball consists of the following parts:

  1. sclera- most of the outer shell of the eye;;
  2. cornea- a transparent part of the outer shell that allows light to pass through;
  3. choroid of the eye;
  4. Iris- determines the color of the eyes, regulates the size of the pupil;
  5. ciliary (ciliary) body- located in the space between the iris and choroid, regulates the thickness of the lens;
  6. retina- inner lining of the eye
  7. lacrimal gland and lacrimal sac;
  8. somewhat more small glands and nerves that regulate eye movements and transmit an image.
Important! Damage to any part of the eye disrupts its function.

Ophthalmic diseases that provoke pain

  1. Uveitis. The disease is infectious. Moreover, pathogenic bacteria can enter the eyes both from the outside and from inside the patient's own body in diseases such as sinusitis, advanced caries, frequent tonsillitis, and some types of herpes.
  2. Vascular diseases, hemodynamic disorders in the tissues of the visual organs- Another factor of pain in the eyes.
  3. Iridocyclitis. Inflammation of the iris, in which the eyes not only hurt, but also react negatively to sunlight; pupil constricts.
  4. Phlegmon of the orbit- the pain is accompanied by double vision, there is also swelling and redness of the eyelid, fever, nausea, the eyeballs protrude slightly and look as if bulging.
  5. Glaucoma. Here, at the same time as acute pain in the eyes themselves, visual acuity decreases, a “fog” appears before the eyes, a headache is observed, since eye pressure in this disease increases significantly.
  6. Dry eye syndrome. Troubles are often prone to those who, due to professional or other activities, are forced to look at the monitor screen for a long time. Fluorescent lamps in the office and constantly running air conditioners also contribute to the onset of the disease.

Photo 2: The causes of pain in the eyeballs can lie not only in the pathologies of the eye, but also in other organs nearby. Source: flickr (texnegg).

There are also several specific types of pain that are quite common when the sensation of soreness is localized not only in the eyes, but also around them, behind the eyes and also when the patient experiences pressing pain on the eyeballs.

Pain in the eyes and head in the eye area

Such a state is very painful, while a person cannot find a place for himself, looking for a position that would bring relief. It happens that it is accompanied by dizziness, increased discomfort during movement, nausea, and even gait disturbances.

Pain in the eyes and head is a symptom of migraine, hypertension (high blood pressure), glaucoma (high intraocular pressure).

In hypertension, there is a characteristic flickering in the eyes ("flies").

Glaucoma causes discomfort when moving both eyes and the inability to focus on one point, nausea.

At intracranial pressure sensations are localized in the area of ​​​​the forehead and eyes, the pain makes you look for a position where it will be easier to endure it, violated night sleep, nausea and vomiting occur.

For migraine the pain is aggravated by light, sound, irritating odors.

Intracranial hematoma caused by trauma may be the cause pain in half of the head radiating to the eye, all this is accompanied by dizziness.

Vascular aneurysm appears sharp, throbbing pain in the eyes and frontal part of the head, which sharply increases with movement.

With ischemic stroke pain in the eyes and head is sharp, squeezing, accompanied by blurred vision.

An aortic aneurysm is characterized throbbing pains in the eyeballs and head.

Pain behind the eyes

There is a sharp, sudden pain with a pulsation in the region of the temple behind the eye, and a focus of pain localized behind the eyes, this condition can develop from overexertion. With some diseases, it may seem that the eye hurts from the inside, behind the eyeball. Close attention should be paid to such pains, because they can signal dangerous conditions:

  1. hypertensive crisis;
  2. influenza or the development of a severe cold;
  3. vascular dystonia;
  4. brain tumors;
  5. disorders of the nervous system.
Important! In these circumstances, pain behind the eyeball can sometimes be the only early sign serious pathology.

Pressing pain in the eyes

At the same time, it seems as if the pressure comes from the inside of the eyeballs, bursting them. This condition can appear due to prolonged work at the computer, as well as alcohol and tobacco abuse.

These species discomfort can be like the result of banal tension, and signs various diseases sometimes very serious.

This type of eye pain is very frequent companion of dangerous diseases:

  1. increased intracranial pressure;
  2. brain concussion;
  3. hypertension;
  4. encephalitis;
  5. meningitis;
  6. pre-stroke state;
  7. brain tumor.

Photo 3: An unpleasant feeling of pressure in the eyes and head is caused by sinusitis, pharyngitis and rhinitis, to this is added discomfort in the paranasal sinuses. With influenza and acute respiratory infections, sensations are accompanied by temperature. Frontitis causes an increase in sensations if you bend over. Source: flickr (Nch Rdz).

A brain tumor leads to swelling of nearby tissues, which cause severe pressing pain, accompanied by darkening of the eyes, nausea and vomiting.

If the neck muscles are overstretched, for example, as a result of a long time spent in an uncomfortable position at the computer, overwork or lack of sleep, then the pain has a squeezing character, like a hoop around the head.

Measures to be taken

Pain in the eyes should alert, especially if there are any of the following symptoms:

  1. darkening in the eyes, nausea and vomiting;
  2. change appearance eyelids, eyeballs;
  3. severe visual impairment, difficulty focusing;
  4. severe dizziness and headache;
  5. duration of symptoms and their increase over time.

If the reason is known(for example, infectious diseases, mechanical damage or overwork), it is necessary first of all to eliminate it. Then take painkillers, for example, Ibuprofen, Nise, Analgin. AND contact an ophthalmologist immediately for him to put accurate diagnosis and prescribed treatment.

homeopathic treatment

In eye diseases, homeopathic remedies are effectively used.


With acute and throbbing severe pain, becoming sharper from light, sound. Inflammation, lacrimation, ulcers, pain in the eyes, throbbing in the head, migraine.

With pain sensations accompanied by a feeling of pressure, it intensifies when trying to move the eyes to the sides.

The eyeball is an important part visual system responsible for the perception of the elements of the surrounding world. It consists of individual elements connected to the brain by nerve endings. All elements serve different purposes, but that doesn't make them any less important. Since the organs of vision are very sensitive to the effects of external stimuli, people often turn to doctors with complaints that their eyeball hurts inside. This phenomenon can be promoted different factors, starting with inflammation or infectious diseases, and ending with mechanical damage organs of vision as a result of injuries.

Varieties of pain

Since there are various nerve endings in the eyeballs, organs of vision are able to react sharply even to minor adverse effects that are external or internal in nature. The main task of pain receptors is to protect the eyes from negative influences. Typically, external factors negative impact on the human organs of vision throughout the whole time in the form of plant pollen, pathogenic microorganisms or dust.

If extraneous agents act on the eyes too intensely, then nerve cells in response to this, they respond with increased tearing and pain. In this case, the eye gets rid of or makes attempts to eliminate the foreign object that is in it. But they can actually provoke the development of pain internal factors. There are many ophthalmic diseases and disorders that can provoke pain in the eyeballs, while worsening the condition of the patient's organs of vision.

There are several types of pain in the eyeball:

  • internal or external;
  • during the work of the muscles of the eye;
  • on palpation (during mechanical action on the patient's eyeballs);
  • with hypobiosis.

On a note! As a rule, pain in the eyes is associated with banal overwork caused by prolonged reading or working at a computer. But often such sensations arise with the development of serious pathologies, ignoring the symptoms of which can provoke the development serious complications, including complete loss vision.

Why does

The appearance of pain in the eyeballs can be associated with many factors. Consider the most common of them:

  • severe eye strain. As a rule, overstrain of the eye muscles most often occurs in programmers or just people working at a computer;
  • prolonged migraine. Scientists have found that a severe headache provokes tension and expansion of the eye vessels, which is why unpleasant sensations appear;
  • the development of an infectious disease that affects the organs of vision. Such pathologies are often accompanied by inflammation and pain in the eyes.

It is worth noting that pathogenic microorganisms or various infections enter the patient's eyes as external environment, and as a result of the appearance of inflammatory foci in the patient's body itself. For example, a patient who has had diseases such as sinusitis or sinusitis is more likely to experience an eye infection.

Diseases that cause pain

It was previously noted that various ophthalmic pathologies can provoke pain in the eyeball. As a rule, such diseases develop as a result of infection with pathogenic bacteria. Below are the most frequent pathologies causing this symptom.

Table. Eye diseases that cause pain.

Disease nameDescription

A common ophthalmic disease, accompanied by inflammation of the choroid of the organs of vision. The main symptom of the disease is the appearance of a veil or fog before the eyes of the patient. Also, the patient may experience pain in the eyeball or a feeling of heaviness. Wrong treatment or its complete absence often leads to complete or partial blindness.

Enough unpleasant disease organs of vision, in which the patient has increased intraocular pressure. Its development may be indicated by symptoms such as reduced visual acuity, heaviness in the eyes, bouts of nausea and pain in the eyeballs. When trying to examine objects in bright light, circles appear before the patient's eyes. It is worth noting that with the development of glaucoma, an unusual feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the eye may occur.

A “professional” disease of programmers, since this syndrome is most often experienced by people who spend a lot of time at a computer or are in a room where the air conditioner is constantly on. The occurrence of pain in the eyes is associated with a violation of blood circulation in eye vessels, as a result of which the tissues of the eyes do not receive enough nutrients. Pathology can be diagnosed only when examining the patient's vascular system.

An eye disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the ciliary and rainbow body. Among all the symptoms, photophobia and pain in the eyeball are considered the most pronounced. The peculiarity of iridocyclitis is that during its course the patient is within the normal range.

A disease that develops against the background of a deterioration in blood circulation in the ophthalmic arteries that feed the retina. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by a decrease in visual acuity, the appearance of fog before the eyes, migraine and pain in the eyeballs. After physical activity or overwork, some signs of pathology may increase.

On a note! Other causes can also provoke the appearance of pain in the eyeball, for example, a traumatic lesion of the organs of vision. The consequences of this phenomenon are very serious and without the provision of timely medical care, even a minor injury at first glance can lead to blindness.

Associated symptoms

Along with pain in the eyeballs, the patient may experience other symptoms. Most of them vary depending on the disease being pierced, but there are certain signs that accompany almost all eye diseases.

These include:

  • swelling of the eyes;
  • involuntary oscillatory eye movements or nystagmus;
  • decreased visual acuity, double vision, the appearance of a film before the eyes and other visual impairments;
  • redness of the eyeballs;
  • feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • high tearing;

Regardless of the nature or type of pain, you should see a doctor if it lasts more than two days. Often, prolonged pain indicates the development serious illnesses which are described above.

Features of diagnostics

After the appearance unpleasant symptoms you need to seek help from a doctor for a diagnostic examination. In this case, the examination is carried out by an ophthalmologist. During the examination, the doctor should take into account the localization and nature of the pain, its duration and possible pathological changes in the organs of vision. Also, the ophthalmologist must take into account the age and state of health of the patient - this may affect the prescribed drugs.

In addition to a visual examination, the patient may be prescribed the following procedures:

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • ophthalmoscopy;
  • biomicroscopy.

Based on the results of the tests, the doctor can make a diagnosis. Only after that a course of therapy is prescribed. Often treatment eye diseases should be comprehensive - this is the only way to achieve maximum effect and a quick recovery.

How to treat

When treating, it is necessary to understand that, unfortunately, it is impossible to completely cure the symptom itself. An exception may be pain associated with overexertion or fatigue of the eye muscles. In this case, it is enough for the patient to rest well, and the pain will pass. In all other cases, it is necessary to first establish the cause of the appearance of discomfort.

Important! With the development of iridocyclitis, the patient is prescribed. The most effective of them are "Atropine" and "Scopolamine" (they need to be instilled 4-5 times a day, 1 drop in each eye).

If the patient was diagnosed with conjunctivitis, then the course of therapy must necessarily include the use of special ophthalmic solutions in the form of instillation:

  • "Sulfapyridazine";
  • "Norsulfazol";
  • "Sulfacyl sodium";

But not all eye diseases can be treated. medical method. For example, in glaucoma, the patient is prescribed surgical operation. But as an anesthetic to relieve the symptoms of pathology, he is prescribed "Pilocarpine". Also, with pain syndrome, doctors prescribe "Phosfacol" in the form of instillations. The drug is used 2-3 times a day. The exact dosage and duration of the therapeutic course is prescribed only by the attending physician. Self-medication is highly discouraged, as you can incorrectly identify the disease and treat the wrong thing at all.

Prevention measures

All diseases can be prevented, including the appearance of pain in the eyeballs. This is much easier than curing the disease that has arisen. Since the pain syndrome often occurs due to eye fatigue, it is important to take regular breaks when working at a computer monitor or reading. Make a new habit of resting for 10 minutes every hour of working at the computer. This will prevent many eye diseases.

Use special moisturizing drops if you work in a dry room. This will prevent dry eye syndrome. To saturate your body beneficial substances, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, which include vitamins of groups A and B. This is especially true in winter time when the body is deficient in vitamins and minerals.

Many infectious diseases arise due to non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, so try not to touch your face and eyes with dirty hands. If a foreign object gets into your eyes, rinse them clean water. In this case, it is strictly not recommended to use a napkin, as you can further harm your body by infecting your eyes.

Video - Causes and treatment of eye pain

Video: Diseases of vision. Eye disease Glaucoma. Causes and symptoms. YouTube video.

The eyeball is one of the most sensitive organs in our body. A large number of nerve endings and pain sensors react to the slightest external stimulus, whether it be an eyelash, a grain of sand or a strong wind, protecting our organs of vision from inflammation. But, in turn, such sensitivity leads to the fact that it is able to respond with pain to various diseases that are not related to the organs of vision.

Eye pain - causes

One of the most common causes of pain is severe fatigue of the muscles of the eye, which can be caused by keeping the eyes in one position for a long time, or strong tension while reading or working on a computer. Unsuitable glasses for vision correction can also cause pain. Wearing contact lenses for a long time, or outdated lenses, can also provoke pain.

Eyeball infection - uveitis

One of the causes of pain is infectious diseases of the eyes, which occur as a result of contact with various pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Pathogens can enter the eyeball both from the external environment and from the body itself, in the presence of chronic infectious diseases. In most cases, this is observed in the presence of untreated caries, chronic form, and the herpes virus in the body. Pain in the eyeball caused by infection is the most difficult to diagnose, since inflammatory processes are supported by the body itself in the presence of autoimmune disease, for example, at or rheumatoid arthritis. With herpes, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve occurs, which causes pain in the eyeball. Eye pain in infectious diseases is one of the most difficult and longest in treatment, since with constant relapses it requires frequent courses of therapy.

In many cases, the cause of frequent pain is glaucoma - increased intraocular pressure. With glaucoma, in addition to pain, there is a deterioration in vision, the appearance of "fog" in the eyes, or iridescent stains. An attack of glaucoma causes a sharp pain in the whole eye, a headache in occipital region. In some cases, glaucoma may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, general weakness organism.

When examining the eye, there is an expansion of the pupil, which does not respond to light, the sensitivity of the cornea is reduced or completely absent, on palpation of the eyeball, its pain and hardness are noted, strong sharp deterioration vision.

Vascular disease and dry eye syndrome

One of the causes of pain in the eyeball is. In most cases, this syndrome affects people who, by the nature of their activities, spend a lot of time at a computer monitor, are in a room with a constantly on air conditioner or in the presence of fluorescent lamps in the room.

Poor circulation in the vessels that feed the eyeball and eye tissues can cause pain. This disease can be determined only by examining the vascular system, and treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a cardiologist.

Mechanical injuries and foreign bodies

One of the common reasons for the appearance pain syndrome eyeball are mechanical injury eye. Various cuts and injections in the eyeball can cause a number of serious diseases with serious consequences, up to complete loss of vision. When the mucous membrane of the eye is damaged, blood accumulates under it. If a foreign object gets into the eye, scratches and wounds are visible on the surface of the eyeball. The ingress of foreign objects and their untimely removal can lead to the process of retinal detachment, the appearance of infectious diseases of the eye and loss of vision.

Iridocyclitis and iritis

Iridocyclitis - inflammatory processes of the rainbow and ciliary body. The disease is accompanied by pain in the eyeball, photophobia, narrowing and violation of the correct shape of the pupil. With iridocyclitis persists normal pressure inside the eye, the cornea remains shiny and smooth, with full sensitivity. With iritis, inflammatory processes cover the iris.

Treatment of pain in the eyeball

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to accurately identify the cause of the pain. If the pain is caused by iridocyclitis or iritis, the patient needs urgent health care with the use of antibiotics, butadione. Scopolamine is used for treatment - 0.25 percentage solution, from 4 to 6 times a day, a few drops, as well as atropine - a 7 percent solution, used 4 to 5 times a day, 2-3 drops.

Video: Secrets of the prevention and treatment of gum disease and teeth

If the pain is caused by infectious diseases of the eye, such as conjunctivitis, for treatment, regular eye drops are carried out with a mixture of antibiotic solutions - sodium sulfacyl (30%), sulfapyridazine (10%), norsulfazol (10%), chloramphenicol (0.25%), penicillin and chloride (10 ml). Instillation is carried out 4 to 6 times a day, 2 to 3 drops.

In the treatment of glaucoma to relieve pain, it is necessary to use pilocarpine (2%), which is dripped 2 drops with an interval of 15 minutes. For the treatment of the disease, phosphacol (0.013 percent) is instilled a few drops up to 3 times a day, and armin (0.05%), up to 4 times a day, no more than two drops.

Video: How to calm down during a panic attack: muscle relaxation, pressure on the eyeball, ear massage

Prevention of pain in the eyeball and associated diseases

Treatment of pain in the eyeball using traditional medicine

If you experience pain in the eye, you can use various decoctions and infusions. For rinsing the eyes, a decoction of the leaves is used, which, in crushed form, is poured with one glass of boiled water and infused for 30 minutes. You can use lotions based on celandine with the addition of honey. A spoonful of celandine is diluted with a glass of hot water, brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for no more than five minutes. It is necessary to insist for 20-30 minutes, then add a spoonful of honey to the broth.

Video: Causes of eye pain


To prevent the occurrence of pain, especially in case of overwork of the eyes and optic nerves, with the “dry apple” syndrome and constant wearing of glasses or contact lenses, it is necessary to carry out therapeutic gymnastic movements for the eyes or use moisturizing eye drops. To improve vision and the functioning of the optic nerves and muscles, you can regularly take courses of vitamin complexes and with the addition of mineral elements. To prevent infectious diseases, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene.

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