Psychological portrait (type) of people who are helped by Silicea. Silicea in homeopathy: indications for use Silicea indications for use


Silica, silicic acid - SiO2.

The first three dilutions are prepared in the form of rubbing.
Introduced into homeopathy by Hahnemann.

Effect on the body.

The toxic effect of silica on the body manifests itself when inhaling a very finely ground substance, which is observed in industries that use silica (glass, brick, porcelain and earthenware).
Basic pathological changes occur in the lungs, where active formation and proliferation occurs connective tissue and the development of pneumosclerosis. This disease is called silicosis. With silicosis, ventilation of the lungs with oxygen is reduced, which leads to hypoxia of the entire body. Sclerotic processes in the lungs have a detrimental effect on blood circulation in the pulmonary circulation, which subsequently leads to the development of failure in the right side of the heart. For more late stages suffers and big circle blood circulation, while congestive changes in the liver and swelling appear.
Defeat nerve tissue manifests itself in the patient acquiring increased sensitivity to minimal stimuli. They become extremely sensitive not only skin, but also visual and auditory analyzers. Extreme mental asthenia develops, any intellectual load is tolerated very poorly.
Changes in vascular wall, produced by silicon, lead to disruption of the thermoregulatory and protective function of the skin, which is expressed in the patient’s exceptional chilliness even on a warm summer day, as well as a tendency to suppurative skin processes at the slightest violation of the integrity of the skin.

Indications for use

1. Purulent processes, regardless of location, if there is a tendency to a protracted course and overeducation scar tissue: osteomyelitis with the formation of fistula tracts, panaritium with the proliferation of granulations.

3. Boils and carbuncles.

4. Purulent mastitis with the formation of a rough large scar.

5. Adhesive disease, including adhesions after surgery.

6. Chronic pharyngitis with tickling cough and sensation of a hair on the tongue or throat.

7. Chronic bronchitis accompanied by a wet cough with profuse thick yellow sputum, which floats on the surface of the water (Charette). The cough is aggravated in a horizontal position and from cold drinks, easier - while sitting and from hot drinks.

8. Bronchial asthma, developed from inhalation of stone dust. There is a tendency to develop pulmonary emphysema.

9. Pneumosclerosis.

10. Purulent pleurisy.

11. Rhinitis, accompanied by copious nasal discharge and nasal congestion, loss of smell, and a tendency to ulceration of the mucous membrane.

12. Headache pulsating in nature, with a rush of blood to the head, accompanied by dizziness. Aggravated by mental overstrain, ameliorated by warmth and covering the head.

13. Epilepsy with seizures during the new moon.

14. Neuritis trigeminal nerve with marked sensitivity to cold and touch.

15. Ulcerative keratitis.

16. Purulent eye diseases - hypopyon, dacryocystitis, lacrimal gland fistulas, barley.

17. Rickets in children.

18. Peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum with a long-term non-healing ulcer. Tendency to constipation.

19. Chronic adnexitis with a tendency to long-term course and the formation of adhesions in the pelvic cavity.

20. Infertility associated with obstruction fallopian tubes due to adhesions.

21. Uterine fibroid.

22. Pyoderma.

24. Skin ulcers with painful and hard edges, prone to a long course.

25. Eczema with rashes, itching and prone to exudation, discharge has bad smell.

26. Fungal infection nails with deformations, striations and white spots.

27. Solid painful calluses on the soles of the feet.

Constitutional type

The constitutional type of silicia corresponds to a restless, fearful, submissive patient who at times becomes irritable and stubborn. Physical activity It is extremely poorly tolerated, the patient sweats, the sweat appears mainly on the head and legs, and has a disgusting smell. Intellectual stress is just as hard to bear as physical stress. “It’s difficult for the patient to even think” (Charette). Characterized by fear of sharp objects, sleepwalking, convulsive reactions to fear.
Appearance Such a patient, even a child, gives the impression of an old person with pale sallow skin, sunken eyes, poorly developed muscles and unexpressed subcutaneous tissue. The joints have a characteristic knobby appearance due to inflammation of the fibrous tissues. Children's fontanelles heal late and they learn to walk late. Hypertrophy of the lymph nodes is characteristic. Any skin scratch festers and does not heal for a long time.
Menstruation is late or begins prematurely, profuse, and can be long or short-term. Accompanied by icy cold throughout the body.


Worse from cold, in the morning, on fresh air, in winter, during the new moon and full moon, from exposure to noise and light, during menstruation.
Improvement from general and local warmth, in summer, from wrapping the head.

The predominant side is left.


Used in a wide range of dilutions from 3x for malignant neoplasms to reduce pain syndrome up to 30 for epilepsy.


Violation of assimilation processes with subsequent nutritional disorders. As it progresses, a state of neurasthenia develops, sensitivity to mental stimuli increases and reflexes become stronger. Bone diseases: caries and necrosis. Silicea may stimulate the body to reabsorb fibrotic changes scar tissue. In pulmonary tuberculosis, it should be used with caution, since the resorption of scar tissue may release a painful focus in which the infection is, as it were, “immured,” which will lead to activation of the pathological process (J. Weir). With organic changes it acts deeply and slowly.

Periodically recurring conditions: abscesses, sore throats, headaches, spasms, epileptic attacks with a feeling of coldness before the onset of the attack. Keloid growths. Scrofulous, rickety children with a large head, unclosed fontanel and sutures, a swollen abdomen, who begin to walk late. Consequences of vaccination. Suppurative processes. All kinds of fistulous purulent foci with the formation of fistulas. Helps accelerate the maturation of abscesses, accelerating their suppuration. The Silicea type patient is cold, chilly, stays close to the fire, likes to wrap himself in warm clothes, hates drafts; cold hands and feet, worse in winter. Lack of “vital warmth”. Prostration - mental and physical. Great sensitivity to colds. Intolerance alcoholic drinks. Diseases with the formation of pus. Epilepsy. Lack of stamina, mental and physical.

Psyche. Compliant, weak-hearted, in a state of pathological fear. Nervous and irritable. Sensitive to all impressions. Neurasthenia. Stubborn, headstrong children. Absent-mindedness. Obsessive ideas, for example, constantly thinks about pins and needles - waiting for them everywhere, is afraid of pricking himself, and counts them.

Head. Long lasting, dull pain on an empty stomach. Vertigo when looking up; relief from wrapping yourself in warm clothes; when lying on the left side (Magms. mar.; Stronlia). Profuse sweat on the head, offensive, spreading to the back of the head and neck. The pain begins in the back of the head, spreads across the entire head and stops above the eyes. Swelling of the glabella.

Eyes. The corners of the eyes are affected. Swelling tear ducts. Aversion to light, especially daylight: causes blinding, stabbing pain in the eyes. Sensitivity eyeballs to touch; worse closing eyes. Vision is unclear: when reading, letters merge with each other. Barley. Iritis and iridochorioiditis with accumulation of pus in the anterior chamber. Perforating or phagedenic ulcers of the cornea. Corneal abscess after traumatic injury. Cataracts in employees in institutions and offices. Consequences of keratitis and corneal ulcers*.

* Promotes clearing of cloudiness - the thirtieth dilution should be taken for whole months.

Ears. Fetid discharge. Caries mastoid process. They shoot right above the ear. Growling in the ears. Sensitivity to noise.

Nose. Itching of the tip of the nose. Dry, hard crusts in the nose that bleed when removed. Sensitivity of the nasal bones. Sneezing in the morning. The nose is stuffy, there is no sense of smell. Perforation of the nasal septum.

Face. Cracks in the skin along the edges of the lips. Rash on the chin. Facial neuralgia, throbbing, tearing pain, redness of the face; Worse: sewing from damp cold.

Mouth. Sensation of hair on tongue. Gums are sensitive to cold air. Boils on the gums. Abscesses at the roots of teeth. Pyorrhea (Merc. corr.). Sensitivity to cold water.

Throat. Periodic peritaminal abscesses. Tingling in the tonsils, like a pin. When you have a cold, your throat gets affected. Swelling of the parotid glands (Bell.; Rhus; Calc.). Stinging pain when swallowing. Hard cold swollen neck lymph nodes.

Stomach. Aversion to meat and warm food. Food easily enters the choanae when swallowing. Lack of appetite; extreme thirst. Sour burps after eating (Sepia; Calc.). Pain in the epigastric region with pressure. Vomiting after drinking (Ars.; Verat.).

Stomach. Pain or painful sensation coldness in the abdomen, relieved by external heat. The abdomen is hard and swollen. Colic; cutting pain with constipation; yellow hands and cyanotic nails. Strong rumbling in the intestines. The inguinal lymph nodes are swollen and painful. Liver abscesses.

Rectum. Feeling of paralysis. Fistula anus(Berb.; Lack.). Fissures and hemorrhoids are painful, with sphincter spasms. The stool is passed with great difficulty, and even after partial removal, the remainder “goes” back into the ampoule. Pressing hard: stinging pain in the anus (which contracts after stool). Feces remain in the rectum for a long time. Constipation always recurs before and during menstruation with irritation of the anal sphincter. Diarrhea with a cadaverous smell of feces.

Urinary system. The urine is bloody, passes involuntarily, with a red or yellow sediment. Prostatic juice is released when you strain during bowel movements. Nocturnal enuresis in children infected with worms.

Male genital organs. Burning and soreness of the genitals with rashes on inner surface hips Chronic gonorrhea with thick, offensive discharge. Elephantiasis of the scrotum. Sexual excitability is increased; night emissions. Hydrocele.

Female genital organs. Milk-like (Calc.; Puts.; Sep.), tissue-corroding leucorrhoea during urination. Itching of the vulva and vagina, which are very sensitive. Discharge of blood during the intermenstrual period. Increased menstruation with attacks of icy cold throughout the body. Nipples are very sore; ulcerate easily; drawn in. Fistulous ulcers of the mammary glands (Phos.). Abscesses on the labia. Discharge of blood from the vagina every time the baby breastfeeds. Vaginal cysts (Lye.; Puls.; Rhod.). Hard formations in the thickness of the mammary gland (Conium).

Respiratory organs. Colds don't go away; the sputum remains mucopurulent and profuse all the time. Slow recovery from pneumonia. Cough and sore throat with expectoration of small, shot-like grains, which, when crushed, emit a very unpleasant odor. Cough with bloody or purulent expectoration during the day. Stitching pains in the chest, piercing right through to the back. Greasy cough when lying down, with thick, lumpy yellow expectoration, suppurative stage of expectoration (Bals. Peru.).

Back. Weakness of the spine: very sensitive to drafts, especially when blowing into the back. Pain in the coccyx. Irritation of the spinal cord after spinal injuries; diseases of the spine bones. Pott's disease (tuberculous spondylitis).

Dream. Night sleepiness: getting out of bed without waking up. Drowsiness with strong gas formation in the blood and heat in the head. Frequent jumping up in sleep. Frightening dreams. Yawns often.

Limbs. Sciatica, pain permeates the hip joints, legs and feet. Cramps in the calf muscles and soles. Loss of strength in legs. Hands tremble when doing anything with them. Paralytic weakness of forearms. Diseases of the fingernails, especially when there are white spots on them. Ingrown toenails. Moaning is cold as ice and sweating profusely. The limbs, when pressed, easily become numb. Fetid sweat on feet, hands and armpits. The tips of the fingers feel as if they are suppurating. Panaritiums. Pain in the knees with a feeling as if they were tightly bandaged. Calf muscles tense and cramped. Pain in the toes. Soreness of the soles (Ruta). Soreness of the feet from the instep to the sole. Suppuration.

Leather. Purulent inflammation of the fingertips (a type of felon), abscesses, boils, old fistulous ulcers. Tender, sensitive, pale, waxy. Cracks at the ends of the fingers. Painless swelling of the lymph nodes. Small red spots. The scars suddenly become painful. Foul-smelling pus. Accelerates the expulsion of foreign bodies from tissues. Even the smallest damage festeres. Prolonged suppuration and fistulous tracts. Dry fingertips. The rashes only itch during the day and evening. Disfigured nails. Condensed tumors. Joint abscesses. Conditions that develop after insufficiently aseptically administered vaccination. Bursitis. Leprosy: knots and copper-colored spots. Keloid growths.

Fever. Chilliness: very sensitive to cold air. Feeling of creeping chills throughout the body. Extremities are cold even in a warm room. Night sweats; worse in the morning. The affected parts of the body are cold.

MODALITIES. Worse during new moon; in the morning; from washing; during menstruation; from opening; when laid in a horizontal position; from dampness; when lying on the left side; for a cold. Better from warmth; when wrapping the head; in summer; in damp and humid weather.

RELATIONSHIPS. Additionally: Thuja; Sonic.; Puls.; Fluor, ac.

Mercurius and Silicea follow each other poorly.

Similar: Hep.; Kaliphos.; Pic. ac.; Calc.; Phos.; Tabasheer; Natrum silictan (tumors, hemophilia, arthritis).

Compare: Ferrum cyanatwn. Epilepsy; neuroses with irritable weakness and increased sensitivity, especially recurring ones.

Silica marina (sea sand). Symptoms of Silicea and Natrum mm. at the same time. Inflammation of the lymph nodes and initial stages suppuration. Constipation.

Vilnan (glass). Tuberculous spondylitis - Pott's disease. Used after Silicea. Necrosis, thin discharge, watery, foul-smelling - very significant soreness, fine grinding of teeth.

Arundo donax. Acts on the excretory organs and genitals. Suppurations, especially chronic ones, such that the ulceration turns out to be a fistulous tract; first of all - purulent processes in long bones. Itchy rash on the chest, upper limbs and behind the ears.

BREEDING. From six to thirty. The two-hundredth dilution and even higher ones have undoubted activity. For malignant diseases, it sometimes makes sense to use lower dilutions.

Silica, silicic acid. This is oxygen chemical compound silicon For homeopathic medicines, pure silica is used, extracted from mountain crystals. The first three dilutions are rubbing. The pathogenesis of silicea is found in Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases. Type The silicea child is skinny, but not from lack of nutrition, but from insufficient absorption of food. He has open fontanelles, but is not excessively obese, like a calcarea child. If he has a large belly, it is due to inflammation of the mesenteric glands; he has sunken eyes, elongated and old-looking face. By the way, just like the muscles, they are poorly developed, so the child slowly learns to walk. The fibrous parts of the joints are inflamed, swollen, or ulcerated. This gives the joints, especially the knees, a knobby appearance. Children are obstinate and stubborn: they scream when they are told calmly; they are restless, active, and flinch at the slightest noise. An adult is a weak subject, with thin skin, pale face, flaccid muscles. Nervous and irritable, he gets discouraged easily. He has a submissive character. He is cold even when he walks a lot. He gets cold very easily, especially when his head is open. His feet sweat a lot, and therefore, due to their slight cooling, all sorts of diseases appear. He suffers from nervous exhaustion; mental work is very difficult for him: reading and talking tire him, it’s even difficult for him to think. The subject of silicea often experiences swelling upper lip, almond infiltration, white spots on nails that are deformed, brittle, brittle, and on teeth; painful hardening of the glands; the slightest wounds tend to fester. Characteristics 1. Weight loss due to lack of absorption of nutrients. 2. Physical weakness. 3. Hyperesthesia of all senses: sensitivity to touch (which Lachesis has and Calcarea does not). 4. Extreme sensitivity to cold. 5. Tendency to chronic suppuration. 6. Painful swelling and hardening of the glands in the neck, armpits and groins. 7. Stinky foot sweat. 8. Sweating of the head, the entire head (with calcarea, only the hairy part head, and with rus toxicodendron it’s the other way around: the head is dry and the body is wet). Pain. - Very sharp, unbearable: they worsen with movement, with changes in weather. Chair. - Constipation. Worse before and during menses. Diarrhea in children during hot weather, during teething and after smallpox vaccination. Menses. Enlarged, with a feeling of icy coldness throughout the body. Late, premature, too long or too short. Menstruation during breastfeeding. Bleeding every time the baby takes the breast. Resume Scrofulous and rickety, anemic subjects in whom insufficient absorption retards development. Diseases of the lymph glands, suppuration, bad effects of smallpox vaccination. Statements. Tuberculosis.

indications for use

Main indications SUPPUSION. - In these cases, silicea is the main remedy. Wherever there is suppuration, silicea will be of benefit as soon as it becomes apparent; for prolonged and protracted suppuration, fistulas, non-healing scars, fungous wounds, chronic ulcers and otorrhea - it is most indicated. EXCEPTIONS. - Silicea the best remedy with a simple ulcer. She can give good results for all mild and malignant forms. For bone and scrofulous manifestations (Pot's disease, caxalgia, purulent arthritis) pus is thin and smelly, often mixed with blood, sometimes with small particles that have the appearance of cheese. These ulcers are ameliorated by hot compresses and worsened by cold ones. SCROFULA. - Silicea may take first place in the treatment of scrofula, since in this state of the body the symptoms of cachexia characteristic of it are fully present: even general view, swelling of the nose and upper lip, which are present in its pathogenesis. Its main indications are crusts, ulcerations, especially on the head and limbs, chronic indurative adenitis, suppuration of the lymph glands, chronic runny nose, otorrhea, ulcerative keratitis, cold abscesses, purulent processes in the bones. RICKETS. - Silicea is an important remedy for this disease, but calcarea is more often indicated. HEADACHE, starting from the back of the head and extending to the whole head and eyes, often caused by excessive mental work. Supraorbital pain, usually worse on the right side. Headache, aggravated by any noise, movement or shock. EPILEPSY, worse with new moon (200). PERSISTENT NEURALGIAS. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS with copious expectoration of sputum. CHRONIC ASTHMA in quarrymen, paving makers, masons, grinders, and finally in all those who, due to their profession, are forced to inhale stone dust. PURULENT PLEURITIS. LATE STAGES OF CONSUMPTION with the following main symptoms: debilitating fever, diarrhea, insomnia (silicea is called “tubercular morphia”), sweating of the head only, chilliness and coldness of the extremities, wet cough, copious coughing up of purulent sputum. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM: pain in the shoulders and joints, worse at night and when the patient opens up (ledum - worse when wrapped up). CHRONIC COUGH with copious, yellow, thick, purulent sputum that floats on the surface of the water; deterioration in supine position; improvement - in sitting; Cold drinks cause cough, hot drinks relieve it.

effect on the body

Physiological action When tested for healthy person Silicea produces very profound nutritional disorders with amazing rapidity. Silicea acts mainly on the nervous system, bones and cellular tissue. On the nerves - increased sensitivity. All senses are painfully aggravated. Head and spinal cord cannot bear even a push or normal concussion. The surface of the body is extremely sensitive to touch. Local paralysis is observed. The final effect on bones and cellular tissue is persistent suppuration, ulceration or hardening. Peculiarities Worse: from cold, during menstruation, in the morning, with new and full moon, from noise and light. Better: warmth. Predominant side: left.

Homeopathic medicine Silicum acidum (Silicea, Silicea, Silicea terra) is used to treat inflammatory diseases, control alcohol addiction, therapy of mental disorders and for the prevention of many pathologies of internal organs.

Treatment with the drug continues for a long time, positive dynamics have been observed since the second week. Taking medication normalizes metabolic processes in the body, relieves nervous tension and allows you to prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic process.

Description Silicum acidum (Silicea)

Silicum acidum (Silicea) prepared from silicic acid. Homeopathy uses pure silica obtained from rock crystals.

Silica is found in all plants and is a support for cells.: the more substance a plant contains, the higher the strength of its stems.

Pay attention! In the human body, Silica is also present in every organ. A large percentage of its content falls on the lymph nodes, stomach muscles, and blood. Silica is necessary in the human body to maintain elasticity, strength of the epithelium and connective tissue. The substance affects the walls of blood vessels, the condition of tendons and skin. It promotes the processes of scarring and granulation.

Psychological portrait and physiology of the patient

The Silicea type patient has the following qualities:

  1. penchant for chronic pathologies on mental and physical level;
  2. tendency to form tumors and lumps;
  3. brittle nails and brittle hair;
  4. jams and cracks in the corners of the mouth.
Photo 1: A person is highly impressionable, experiences a strong sense of guilt, and has a tendency to constantly repent. He is often subject to obsessions and remorse. Source: flickr (Riris).

The patient is afraid of repeating the past negative experience, however, his behavior often shows manifestations of cyclicality, repetition of past mistakes with the expectation of a different result.

This type does not like change; it is difficult for him to adapt to new conditions.. The Silicum Acidum patient tends to be constant in small things. Men are very conservative; women try to avoid moving or making any other changes in life.

Children of this type begin to sit and walk much later than their peers. The child has a tendency to intolerance to certain foods.

Action and adverse reactions

The use of the drug in homeopathy is due to the following actions:

  1. regulation of tissue nutrition and stimulation of metabolic processes;
  2. increasing the elasticity of ligaments and tendons;
  3. reduction of manifestations of physical fatigue;
  4. increasing the body's resistance to infections;
  5. restoration of silicon exchange;
  6. normalization of connective tissue production.

The drug Silicea is used both for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with the eyes, nervous system, musculoskeletal system, and skin.

Adverse reactions to treatment with silicium acidum (Silicea) appear on initial stage its application. The patient may feel general deterioration conditions with headaches, weakness, changes blood pressure, attacks of nausea.

Photo 2: In the early stages of treatment with a homeopathic remedy, insomnia may occur; the patient wakes up in the middle of the night and cannot sleep for a long time. It may also be observed interrupted sleep, waking up every few hours. Source: flickr (O_nil).

For what diseases is it prescribed?

Indications for the use of silicicum acidum (Silicea) are: purulent processes, pathologies of the nervous system, skin, eye diseases, dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, childhood diseases.

The drug is prescribed for: boils and carbuncles, prolonged wound healing, for quick recovery after surgery. The medicine is indicated for chronic headaches, fatigue,... Indications will be tremor, epilepsy, somnambulism,

In gynecology, the drug helps with inflammatory diseases fallopian tubes, .

For dermatological diseases, indications will be acne, ulcer, fungal disease, tendency to calluses on the soles.

Medicine is prescribed for: ulcerative keratitis, dacryocystitis, hypopyon, cataract. Among the gastrointestinal pathologies, the indications will be peptic ulcer, constipation, pyorrhea and ulcerative stomatitis.

Treatment of herpes

The drug is available in the form of a gel. Prescribed for the treatment of lesions of the mucous membrane with accompanying burning and itching. The drug is indicated for children and adults to dry out blisters and prevent the spread of infection. The gel must be applied up to 5 times a day until the blisters are completely healed.

Instructions and dosage for children and adults


Silicum acidum (Silicea) is used in high dilutions.

  1. To provide therapeutic effect for chronic adhesions, ulcerative formations the drug is given in 3, 6, 12 dilutions.
  2. For pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and tuberculosis in 3 and 6 dilutions.
  3. At oncological diseases and to relieve pain, the medicine is used in 3 dilutions.
  4. For the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, including epilepsy, 30 dilutions are used.


For the treatment of children, high dilutions are used - 3, 6, 12, the dosage may be reduced, depending on the reaction of the child's body.

Pregnancy and Silicea

Photo 3: Homeopathic medicine not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation; its effects on the fetus may be unpredictable.

from the book George Vithoulkas, The Essence of Materia Medica

The key idea in describing Silica patients is their COMPLIANCE. This is a type of shyness or timidity, but not cowardice (as in Lycopodium or Gelsemium). It is a willingness to comply, arising from a lack of energy necessary to insist on one's point of view, although the patient may strictly adhere to it. These are pleasant, gentle people who are easy to be with.

Silica patients are intellectual, but not aggressive or critical like Lachesis. They have very refined sensitivity and are very intelligent. If you try to impose an opinion on a Silica type, he will not object to you. He is sensitive to impressions and therefore takes your point of view into account. He is very aware of when you are right and when you are wrong, but he keeps his opinions to himself. Unlike Pulsatilla, he has his own opinion, but does not want to worry about imposing it on the world.

Thus Silica appears soft and reserved, but not at all like Staphysagria, Ignatia or Natrum mur. This is not isolation. When circumstances permit, they are able to talk freely about themselves and make friends easily. They never rely on the doctor and do not claim his time. For example, suppose you have been treating such a patient for some time without success. A Silica patient will never doubt you or become impatient. It will not count on you like Arsenicum or Phosphorus. Silica has the softness of Phosphorus, but not the extroversion and dependence.

Silica patients experience fatigue. They lack resistance, especially in relation to mental work. Therefore, they learn to conserve their energy. They deal with the most important things and do not argue over trifles or simply for the sake of self-affirmation.

Silica patients are very delicate, refined and aesthetic, even aristocratic. Let's take a brief look at what the term “refined” means. “Refined” means that from of this object rough elements have been removed. This is exactly the case with Silica patients. They are thin, pale, fragile and very refined. They are intelligent and receptive, but not assertive or aggressive.

Classic Silica children come from highly educated, elite families. They are fragile and their spine bends easily. However, their intelligence is so great that this fact has pathological consequences. They seem to be overstimulated and later in life they develop a deficit in mental resilience. Most children remember for a few days how their mother corrected them about something, and then start making the same mistake again. However, Silica children never forget. They quickly understand the reason for the remark and impose on themselves correct behavior. For a child, this is excessive mental suppression. Children of the Silica type are too serious, too correct.

The basis for the books' description of professionals who develop aversion to their work is an overstimulation of the mind followed by a deficiency of resistance. They feel no longer able to perform their functions. This can be compared to Calc. carb., which may also have a deficiency of mental resistance, but it arises more from anxiety and restlessness. In general, Calcarea patients are rougher and more survival-oriented. They worry about expenses, unexpected situations, etc., and they develop defense mechanisms against these troubles. Silica is more refined, fragile and vulnerable.

Just as a Silica patient can be easily forced or suppressed mentally, this can happen on the physical level. They are prone to profuse sweating, especially in the armpits, back of the neck and on the feet, and always feel well as long as the sweating is tolerated. Do not rush to treat sweating with Silica. If you can suppress it in any way, you and the patient will face a lot of trouble. If you suppress sweat with deodorants, foot powders, boric acid etc., the patient may develop tuberculosis, cancer, kidney disease and other serious illnesses.

Of course, suppressing sweat with drugs poses extremely serious problems, but even evaporation can have similar action, although not as deep. If a sweating patient is placed in a draft where his sweat evaporates, he may develop headaches or arthritic pain. Sweating itself is extremely characteristic of Silica. Sweat is acrid and has a very disgusting smell. The patient may wash his feet three times a day without any result. The odor arises from the secretion of toxins, as in Psorinum, but not to the same extent as in the latter; it is impossible even to stay in the same room with a Psorinum patient. Sulfur is, of course, known for its foul-smelling sweat, but this is due to the fact that it is not washed sufficiently. Lost in their consciousness, Sulfur patients wash only in places and not very thoroughly; this symptom, of course, is difficult to find out other than through direct (and diplomatic) questions.

Silica foot sweat is also caustic. It's not just annoying sweating, the sweat literally eats away at your socks. If a normal person uses a pair of socks for two years, a Silica patient will last three months.

Given the reserved mental state of Silica patients combined with a submissive tendency, it is not surprising that they develop all kinds of tumors - fibroids, cysts in the mammary glands, enlarged glands, warts, etc. These tumors are usually hard (as in Calc. fluor. and Baryta mur.). They even develop keloids, like Graphites. Another common skin complaint is cracks. The nails are brittle and - most characteristically - there are many white spots on the nails.

Of course, Silica is famous for opening deep abscesses and curing patients prone to suppuration. This is true when it suits the patient as a whole. Because Silica is deep active drug, it is risky to routinely prescribe it whenever an abscess needs to be opened. In patients with a tendency to suppuration, Silica may help at some point, even if it is not suitable for the patient as a whole. What effect will it have on suppurations that will appear later and may well turn out to be deeper and more resistant to treatment?

The submissive tendency of Silica is characteristically shown in relation to its well-known constipation. The stool is hard and the rectal muscles are inactive. There is a lot of tension, but the chair is pulled back in and the patient gives in. In the books, this is aptly called the “shaming chair.”

In terms of food trends. Silica has an aversion to salt, meat and milk and cannot tolerate fat or milk. I have also observed that Silica may have a desire for eggs (like Calc. carb. and Pulsatilla).

When encountering a patient with very little mental or emotional symptomatology, it may be difficult to distinguish Silica from Acidum nitricum. Both are usually thin and chilly. Both have acrid sweat. Both have tumors, warts and fissures. Both have white spots on their nails. From purely physical symptomatology, the key differentiating features are salt and fat. Acidum nitricum craves fat and salt, and Silica has an aversion to salt and cannot tolerate fat. Of course, differentiation usually becomes unmistakable when supported by emotional symptoms. Acidum nitricum is very anxious, dependent and demanding. Silica, on the contrary, is more attentive, patient and compliant.

Silica feels cold strongly, but it should be remembered that during acute illnesses Silica may also not tolerate warm, unventilated rooms, like Pulsatilla. Conversely, Silica may be aggravated by drafts, although it may not particularly notice them. This contrasts with Kali carb., which feels a draft but is not greatly aggravated by it. Sometimes Silica feels better when the weather changes to dry and cold.

It is very interesting that Silica, like Calcarea, is aggravated during the full moon. Patients who are deficient in elements that are prevalent in the Earth and perhaps also the Moon appear to be affected by the phases of the Moon.

Silica patients have a special relationship with pins. They do not reveal this fact voluntarily, but by questioning it can be discovered that they are afraid of pins and sharp objects. Sometimes this can be a useful confirmatory symptom. Another characteristic symptom Silica - sensation of hair on the tongue, like Kali bich.

In my experience, Silica patients usually do not develop severe pathology on the emotional or mental planes. They complain, for the most part, of a lack of mental resistance. Sometimes they develop obsessions, which is not surprising given the formation of solid tumors. They have absolute prejudices that they simply cannot change, i.e. “Sex is a sin under any circumstances.” It seems that a small part of the brain is affected by sclerosis and causes a loss of flexibility in thinking regarding individual ideas.