Kittens' incisors. When kittens' teeth change: features of tooth change in different breeds

Teeth in cats, like in humans, can fall out for two reasons: age (change of milk teeth to molars) and if the animal is sick. Little kittens are born completely toothless. The first milk teeth appear at the age of 14-20 days. During this period, the kitten actively bites and tastes everything.

The first change of teeth normally occurs at 4-6 months. There is no clear period here, as with human children. Some cats will lose their hair earlier, others later. Breed also has little effect on shift time.

Milk teeth are not rich in dentin, they are fragile, and the enamel is thin. They initially have a root, when the time comes, it becomes thinner and dissolves. A tooth that is attached to the gum mucosa easily falls off - this is a normal replacement process.

There are usually no problems with the first 4 teeth, but changing canines is very problematic. It happens that new ones are already starting to come out, but the old ones have not yet fallen out. This problem causes inconvenience to the animal, you should contact a veterinarian. It will help remove the old fang.

The period of tooth change is quite noticeable in both humans and animals. During this important life stage you will notice:

  1. Change in the kitten's behavior. The animal may become nervous due to pain in the mouth area. The periods of greatest activity mainly occur at night. Even remembering yourself, you can say with confidence that for some reason your teeth hurt worse in the evening hours. Don't scold the cat, try to pet him and calm him down. Some owners note, on the contrary, that their pet is overly sleepy and does not want to play.
  2. Increased desire to bite. The pet begins to chew literally everything, he especially loves the hands and feet of his owners. You can just buy a soft rubber toy for your pet. There are many different biting toys and squeakers in the assortment of pet stores. Exists erroneous opinion that the kitten needs to be fed dry food during this period, as it stimulates the gums. This is wrong.
  3. Increased salivation in a cat, appearance bloody discharge from the gums. The animal’s mouth actually becomes constantly wet even in sleep, no need to worry. The period of teeth change lasts about 2 months, so it’s worth being patient.
  4. The teeth began to loosen. Even when playing with you, you can see the teeth falling out. With active play, they may even remain in your skin. There is no need to deliberately loosen the cat’s teeth; let nature complete this process.
  5. Appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth of an animal. This sign may also be present in a number of inflammatory diseases in an animal (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease). In this case, it is better to show the animal to a veterinarian.

What should owners do?

Do cats lose their baby teeth? Of course yes! If you notice that your pet's teeth have begun to change, there is no need to worry. At this stage of life it is worth paying attention oral cavity cat Every day you need to treat your mouth with a weak solution of Chlorhexidine. A video on how to do this will help you.

Focus on your cat's nutrition. Special foods for growing kittens contain increased amount calcium and phosphorus, which are the builders of future teeth.

It would be a good idea to give your pet vitamins for growth. In general, in the first year of life, a cat should constantly be given vitamin supplements, especially if he is fed dry food. Castration should be postponed temporarily so as not to cause increased stress to the body.

Please note that a cat or dog also needs to brush its teeth. This is done with a special paste with an attractive smell. Brushing allows you to remove particles of stuck food from the enamel and prevents the formation of tartar.

If the age is not the same

If your pet is over a year old and you notice any sign or see teeth falling out, this does not indicate a physiological, but a pathological change. The reason may lie in an infectious-inflammatory disease, a violation of normal nutrition (vitaminosis), or trauma to the animal. In this case, your beloved pet should be taken to the veterinarian.

Despite the fact that the cat is fluffy, playful and affectionate, it is a predator with a well-developed jaw. A cat's teeth are a tool for hunting and capturing prey. The well-being of the animal depends on their health. Changing teeth in childhood, caries, tartar or malocclusion can bring a lot of problems. They can be avoided if you pay attention to the relevant signs in time.

Features of dental development in cats and cats

By the age of eight months, the animal’s jaw is fully formed. An adult, no matter what gender, has 30 teeth.

At its core, a cat's teeth are a tool for cutting food. This is due to the fact that a cat is a predatory animal, and its main food is rodents and small animals. It is this fact that determines that cat teeth are very sharp; they can easily “cut” meat.

A cat's tooth consists of several parts:

A cat's age can be easily determined by the condition of its teeth. Upon reaching 5–6 years of age, the animal has severely worn incisors, turns yellow or even acquires brown enamel. Upon reaching 10–12 years of age, the animal is most often left without fangs.

At what age do baby teeth appear?

A newborn baby has no teeth. This fact is influenced by eating behavior. The kitten only eats mother's milk. If babies were born with teeth, this could injure the cat's nipples.

It is considered normal for a kitten to have all of its baby teeth before six weeks of age. They erupt in a certain sequence, if there are no pathological abnormalities.

Table: order of eruption of baby teeth in a kitten

The total number of primary teeth is 26.

After the change, the cat's dentition is replenished with four molars

Difference from permanent teeth not only in quantity, but also in color. The enamel is so white that it appears shiny. The first fangs are very thin and curved. on their inside a second tooth is visible, which disappears after replacing these teeth.

Milk fangs are incredibly sharp

It should be noted that kittens have teeth of amazing sharpness.

Loss of baby teeth and appearance of molars

The replacement of baby teeth with molars occurs gradually:

  • The age of 3–4 months is the period when teeth begin to change. First, the incisors must be replaced. They will become the first permanent teeth.
  • 4–5 months is the period of changing fangs. Immediately after them, the premolars are replaced.
  • 4–6 months is the period of appearance of molars. It is noteworthy that they do not have dairy predecessors.

Knowing the timing of replacing baby teeth with molars, you can determine the age of the kitten.

The entire milk line changes by 6 months. It is rare, but there is a delay in shifts until the age of 9 months. This is not considered a deviation.

It is impossible to miss the moment of changing baby teeth to molars. It corresponds to certain symptoms:

  • saliva is released profusely;
  • gums become swollen;
  • the pet tries to chew everything it comes across;
  • rubs its muzzle with its paws;
  • An unpleasant and pungent odor comes from the mouth.

Loss baby tooth It may happen without the owner noticing anything. The kitten can even eat it with food.

I had several cats. All of them were taken from the street as kittens. I haven't noticed any of them severe symptoms, talking about the change of milk teeth. True, from several pets, their baby fangs, found during cleaning, remained as a souvenir. I don’t know where the rest of the milk teeth went.

Peculiarities of teeth change in cats and male cats of different breeds

The development of kittens belonging to different breeds varies. This also applies to teeth.

British and Scots

Kittens of the British and Scottish breeds (both fold and straight) develop according to accepted standards. According to the breeders' rules, babies go for sale when they reach 3 months of age. The cat's teeth will begin to change after about 30 days of being in the new owner's house.

The peculiarity of these breeds is that the milk teeth have not fallen out, but the molars have already grown under them. The canines are at risk, followed by the incisors. As soon as a kitten notices signs of inflammation of the periodontal part on soft tissues or remains of primary teeth with grown permanent ones, you should immediately visit a veterinarian. If primary teeth begin to rot, the kitten’s oral cavity will be exposed to pathogenic microbes. Even as an adult, a cat may subsequently suffer from diseases of the teeth and gums.

A missing baby tooth can cause chronic diseases gums in an adult cat

Kittens of Siamese and Thai breeds

Among the Siamese and Thais special attention are given to canines, since in these breeds their structure differs in length and thickness. Consequently, fangs grow more slowly. Here it is important to make sure that during the process of growing the permanent ones, the milk ones fall out. Kittens Siamese cats do not suffer from delayed teething. Upper and lower canines should be changed before 6 weeks of age. There is no need to worry if the baby fang has fallen out and the permanent one is not yet growing. It will cut through without problems in standard time.

Bengal cats

Heredity directly affects the formation of a Bengal kitten. Typically, a baby's teeth begin to change at the age of 5 months. It might happen accelerated loss, but this happens rarely and is based on genetics. That is, baby teeth will fall out a little earlier than permanent teeth erupt. But before the age of 6 months, the molars must emerge. Then you don't have to worry. If this does not happen, then there may be a lack of microelements in the kitten’s body. In this case, problems with the coat will simultaneously arise. The pet owner should consult a veterinarian.


Sphynx cats change their teeth between 3 and 6 months of age. The characteristics of the breed dictate their conditions, affecting the delay in the loss and growth of fangs. The molars will not erupt until the baby teeth fall out. Veterinarians note that due to the characteristics of the breed, the baby canine can grow only after one year.

Sphynx cats often suffer from jaw problems even as adults. There are frequent cases of complaints from owners about small size fangs.

The owner of the Sphynx should closely monitor the process of changing teeth in his pet

Change of teeth in a Maine Coon kitten

Maine Coon - cat large size. Dental problems are quite common in this breed. The period of their change can extend up to the age of 8 months. Generally accepted norms say that a Maine Coon is considered a kitten up to 15 months. Consequently, molars can take up to a year to grow. The main thing is to pay attention to the fact that the teeth have parallel rows. Correct bite for the Maine Coon it has a scissor-shaped shape. It is highly recommended to buy your kitten plenty of toys to help him scratch his gums. Maine Coons have the temperament of dogs and often, when playing around, chew wires, shoes and can damage furniture.

Siberian cats

Although the kittens of Siberian cats are large in size, their teeth change as standard. If there is a delay, it means that feeding requires more balance. Sometimes males or the largest kittens can delay the change of teeth by 4 weeks from normal.

Table: what teeth does the permanent row consist of?

U adult cat normally 30 teeth

Video: cat's baby teeth

How to care for your pet while changing teeth

It is important to understand that changing teeth in a kitten is not a disease. He doesn't need any special privileges. Usually this process is painless, with the exception of pathologies. In this case, you must contact your veterinarian and follow his recommendations.

Nutritional Features

Feeding your baby should be appropriate for his age, regardless of the process of changing teeth. It's worth remembering that normal height teeth provide phosphorus and calcium. In order for these microelements to be absorbed, vitamins A and D are needed. If the food is not rich in these substances, then specialized supplements are required. Other vitamins will also not be superfluous, since during the period of teeth change the kitten’s immunity weakens. The baby must be given:

  • fermented milk products;
  • a variety of lean meats;
  • rarely lean boiled fish;
  • oatmeal, rice;
  • carrots, zucchini and pumpkin.

If feeding is selected ready meals, then you should pay attention to products specifically designed for kittens. High-quality food contains all the vitamins and microelements necessary for the development of a kitten, and is also balanced taking into account the needs of the growing body.

Royal Canin Kitten food is suitable for kittens up to 12 months of age

How to behave with a pet

Despite the fact that the animal experiences a little stress due to itching in the gums, you should not allow the baby to chew on anything. You especially shouldn’t allow him to play with his hands, otherwise the kitten may get used to it and this will turn into a problem at an older age. It is advisable to purchase several diverse toys that suggest how cooperative games with a baby and independently.

At any age, a cat needs affection. You cannot ignore the baby or brush him off.

Features of care

The time when teeth begin to change is accompanied by gum inflammation. To alleviate the condition, you can use a gel that has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Gel Strong Teeth is indicated for inflammatory processes and teething

When changing teeth, you cannot vaccinate your baby, as vaccination can cause health problems due to weakened immunity. If the time is right routine vaccination, then it is better to postpone it for 25–30 days.

Possible complications when changing teeth

Changing teeth in a kitten is natural natural process. It can go smoothly, or it can get complicated.

Mild inflammation or redness of the gums is normal. However, it is worth observing all changes and, at the slightest suspicion of deviations, contact a veterinarian.

Symptoms that indicate possible problems:

  • suppuration forms on the wound from a lost tooth;
  • at the kitten's Bad mood, state of lethargy, anxiety;
  • refusal to eat for more than a day;
  • gums are very inflamed;
  • formation of wounds near grown molars;
  • permanent teeth have grown, but the milk has not yet fallen out.

The appearance of any of these signs should be a reason to contact a veterinarian.

Other problems

It happens that the entire row of permanent teeth has formed, but the baby teeth have not fallen out. This situation causes jaw injuries, crooked bites, and the development of periodontal disease. A qualified doctor will help you deal with this problem.

Very common problem when changing teeth - improper growth of fangs. There are several variants of this pathology, so the problem is corrected individually in each case. But this cannot be ignored, since improper tooth growth worsens the animal’s quality of life and creates digestive problems.

Every case incorrect formation The cat's fangs are considered individually

Kittens often end up with a new owner at a very early age. Therefore, it is necessary to have good knowledge of how these animals develop, the care and characteristics of their body, so that a beautiful and healthy cat. In particular, you need to know at what age kittens change teeth and what symptoms accompany this. This will be discussed below.

Changing teeth is important point in the life of any animal, including the cat family. This process develops in every baby with individual characteristics: some owners may not notice the period of change of teeth in their pet, while others, on the contrary, have to provide their kittens with special care and pay attention to them.

Features of tooth growth

Fluffy pets are born without teeth. The first teeth are cut only at the age of two weeks. At this time, tailed babies are almost like small children - they are also restless and every now and then they scratch their gums on everything that comes their way. Of course, they are not yet so big that they can crawl freely around the house and thereby cause trouble for their owner and things in the apartment. But their own paws and tails of brothers and sisters, or the edges of the bed, as they say, are always at hand and are also suitable for this task.

By the age of two months, kittens have a full set of baby teeth. There are twenty-six of them in total - small and very sharp. With the appearance of all the teeth, the kitten is ready to feed not only with mother’s milk, but also with food that is harder. This period also requires close attention on the part of the owner for his ward.

When do kittens get their baby teeth?

This usually occurs at four months of age and continues for two or three months. In this regard, even after the change of teeth has ended, symptoms of gum irritation may persist as the process of cutting molars begins. What stages it is divided into are discussed below:

  • First, the incisors are cut; in most cases, this process does not cause any inconvenience to your pet, and the owner may not even notice that the kitten’s teeth have begun to change.
  • After this, the replacement of fangs begins, first the lower ones are replaced, then the upper ones.
  • Molars and premolars are replaced in the same sequence. At this time, by the way, there will be various toys that are specially sold for these purposes. You need to take care of buying them, and thus the kitten will not have the desire to attack your hands, other things and objects in your home.

An adult healthy animal has thirty permanent teeth; as already mentioned, kittens have fewer - twenty-six. It is clear that these are four canines, molars, and incisors. IN in good condition they appear white or cream-colored, and the gums appear pinkish. As a rule, all teeth are strong and show no signs of decay or inflammation. To avoid any disturbances in the development of teeth, they must initially receive all essential microelements. All this is ensured by high-quality nutrition of the animal. Timely replacement of teeth plays an important role proper care for the kitten from the owner's side.

When should teeth be replaced?

If the process goes well, then all the kitten's teeth will have changed by the age of seven months - by this time he should have thirty teeth. Total upper jaw It is represented in cats by six incisors, two canines and eight molars, the lower one is in the same proportion, only there are two fewer molars.

During this crucial period protective function The kittens' body weakens, and they become more dependent on various diseases, including those that are not related to teeth. In this regard, it is necessary:

  • Ensuring that the baby eats only good quality food will help improve immunity.
  • It is necessary to protect your pet from all kinds of viral infections.
  • It should be borne in mind that during this period it is not advisable to give any vaccinations; they can play a negative role for a weakened body, creating an extra burden.

This serves as further confirmation that vaccination should always be carried out in a timely manner. It is necessary to inform the veterinarian at the appointment about the change of teeth in the animal if the question of vaccination is raised.

Symptoms of tooth change

As a rule, this important process, like the change of teeth in kittens, goes almost unnoticed by the owner, but there are signs that cannot be ignored. And when they appear, it is best not to hope for “maybe”, but to visit a specialist.

Those who do not have experience in keeping cats, having brought a tiny kitten into the house, often ask veterinarians and online forums about when kittens change teeth? Although attentive owners can, even without a specialist and various forums, understand for themselves when their pet began to change teeth. In order to determine this, you don’t even have to open the animal’s mouth.

Firstly, when a kitten changes teeth, its behavior begins to change greatly. A little furry friend may show anxiety, accompanying all this with a plaintive meow, as if telling his owner that he is not very comfortable. In addition, the kitten becomes a real rodent: be it slippers or the owner’s feet, wires - nothing can escape the itchy cat’s mouth. In a word, at this time he needs an eye and an eye, otherwise, before you even have time to blink, a rag, a book, or a computer mouse will end up in his mouth.

Therefore, when changing teeth, owners will need to be careful. They must monitor the pet's behavior carefully. In addition, the kitten needs good and competent care. And this means quality nutrition, and proper hygiene cat's mouth. Then the permanent teeth will grow beautiful and strong, and there will be no inflammation of the gums and mucous membranes.

Now we should dwell in more detail on the signs that are most typical when kittens change teeth, and what the owner should pay attention to in order to better navigate this situation:

  • Refusal of food. It is considered quite natural if individual moments The kitten refuses to eat due to sore gums. This does not appear to be a threat to the animal. However, if such a “hunger strike” continues for more than one day, then it is advisable for the owner to consult a specialist for advice.
  • Smell from the mouth. You should check your kitten's mouth regularly. An unpleasant odor is not always present when changing teeth, but it may happen that the wound where the lost tooth was located begins to fester, and then a bad odor is possible. In such a situation, you need to contact a veterinarian. Also, you should not ignore it if you notice severe redness or ulcers on the mucous membrane - you should also take care of an examination by a specialist, otherwise inflammatory process may become active and lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Disorders of tooth change. Sometimes the pet owner doesn't even notice when the kitten's teeth fall out - most kittens can swallow them while eating. But there may also be disturbances in the process of changing teeth. This can happen when, for example, baby teeth have not yet fallen out, but molars are cutting. This happens quite often due to the fact that the molar grows from a different socket, unlike the baby tooth. That is, one tooth does not push out another. And if this doesn’t last long, then there’s nothing terrible about it.

When baby teeth have not yet fallen out, but permanent teeth are growing, then this problem must be solved. This is done quickly: so that permanent teeth do not have any obstacles to growth, milk teeth are removed. But even in similar situations there is not always a need for such radical way: if the previous teeth do not interfere with the growth of permanent teeth and do not cause injury soft tissues oral cavity, there is no inflammation of the gums, then there is no need to remove them.

Problems when changing teeth

Animals whose teeth change require careful care, since they do not always this process goes as we would like. Therefore, the owner of a small pet must be prepared for any unusual situations. For example, a kitten may become capricious and refuse food, which it has always eaten with great eagerness. No, he hasn’t lost his appetite, he just finds it difficult to chew food due to discomfort in his mouth. This is a completely acceptable phenomenon when changing teeth.

However, if a kitten refuses food for more than a day, this is already a cause for concern. It is urgent to show him to the veterinarian to prevent problems more dangerous than changing teeth. This is explained by the fact that our furry friends, although domesticated for several centuries, still continue to be predators with a specially designed digestive system. And prolonged fasting, which lasts, for example, more than two days, can affect the work of their gastrointestinal tract, extremely negative.

Every owner should understand that for a healthy kitten that does not suffer from anything other than changing teeth, refusal delicious food more than once, this is not a good sign. If the animal is not burdened with any disease, it will eat even if the food gives it some painful sensations in the mouth. This means there are probably more serious reasons for long-term refusal to eat.

Oral diseases

Some owners of their pets never even admit the thought that both kittens and adult animals have dental problems. Of course, cats, unlike humans, do not smoke cigarettes or eat sweets or coffee, therefore, there seems to be no reason for the development of an inflammatory and destructive process in their mouths. But this is absolutely not true:

  • Tartar. It is one of the most common problems in the cat's oral cavity. And its favorite place of localization may just be those places where the gums do not fit very tightly to the tooth surface, where there are small wounds and healed ulcers.
  • Malocclusion. In addition, the presence of a missing baby tooth can not only cause injury to soft gums, contribute to the appearance of wounds and ulcers on the mucous membrane, but also provoke other, more serious problems. There may be a malocclusion and even bone tissue cat jaws. Yes, and from periodontal disease in such a situation to a pet there will be no guarantee.

In this regard, it is necessary to remove milk teeth, which in kittens fall out untimely due to some kind of disorder. This operation does not take much time - it is quite simple and is done in the office veterinarian. After it, both the animals feel good and the owners feel better about their pet’s health.

Oral hygiene

One of the important components of caring for a small pet when teeth change is oral hygiene. This kitten needs to start being trained from the very beginning. early age, which will allow you not to experience problems with an adult cat in the future. You can do this in the form of a game - this way the baby will begin to get used to his toothbrush, which is specially designed for cats, and will not feel afraid of it. Most likely, he himself will not mind grabbing the bristly surface of the brush; this is especially true during the period when permanent teeth are cutting in and the milk teeth are being shed and the gums are very itchy.

The main thing is to carry out such games constantly, then the kitten will be able to get used to this hygienic “gymnastics” and will not interfere with its implementation. This will allow him to soon, when he grows up, avoid serious consequences such as tartar and accompanying inflammation of the gums and periodontitis.

When kittens change teeth: special diet

Sometimes babies refuse to eat during the period of teeth change and eat much less than before. Of course, there is no need to force kittens to eat food, but it is extremely important to take care so that their food is full of all the necessary ingredients. nutrients, in a word, the diet should be complete. In such a difficult time for animals, they simply need good nutrition:

  • Only if there is a sufficient amount of microelements in the kittens’ food, such as calcium and phosphorus, will the change of teeth proceed normally. They are primarily needed to create strong bone tissue.
  • Also, a young body needs required set vitamins Veterinarians often suggest using additional food for these needs. special complex vitamin and mineral supplements. The introduction of such a complex into the diet of kittens will allow newly erupted teeth to grow healthy and strong. In this regard, it is very important to ensure for a small pet good nutrition.
  • When kittens reach three months of age, a set of fermented milk products and cottage cheese. They need to be fed in small portions, but regularly.
  • Children's diets must include a variety of lean meats, such as beef, rabbit, chicken or turkey. It is recommended to feed only defrosted and scalded meat. It should not be given to kittens in raw form. Good food is boiled meat, it needs to be cooled to room temperature, cut into small pieces and mixed with cereals and vegetables.
  • A set of vegetables for kittens should consist of boiled carrots, zucchini, and pumpkin. Kittens should eat them willingly in the mixture. As for cereals, the most suitable food for a kitten would be rice, buckwheat and rolled oats and some other types.
  • You can give your baby fish. This product is served only boiled, and no more than twice in seven days. Care must be taken to remove the bones so that the small animal does not choke. It is best to give your kitten seafood - cod or hake, they are low-fat types. However, despite the fact that fish is rich in calcium, you should not give it a lot, and if possible, you can give fish even less often, or even eliminate it altogether.

Some owners mistakenly believe that it is not recommended to give the kitten dry food during this period. On the contrary, during the period of changing teeth, babies’ gums begin to itch, and food in the form of “crackers” will come in handy. In addition, this particular food contains large number minerals, which will be very useful for the kitten at this time.

In addition, as mentioned above, the kitten should be given vitamin complex in the form of tablets or drops, this will significantly increase the body's resistance to infections and avoid any complications.

Education: changing teeth

Caring for small animals during such a crucial period as changing teeth requires the utmost attention from the owner. After all, your pet’s behavior will often have to be adjusted, since kittens whose teeth are changing will certainly taste everything. And such behavior, when a furry friend begins to chew expensive or dangerous things, is unlikely to please its owner. In addition, when changing teeth, some kittens begin to be capricious and make pitiful sounds. But, of course, you shouldn’t punish animals for such behavior; on the contrary, you need to treat them kindly and kindly, which will help the kittens survive this difficult time for them.

At the same time, it is necessary to strictly correct your pet’s behavior:

  • It is necessary to strictly ensure that the kitten does not chew on anything that can cause him harm: wires, rags, rubber and plastic toys. All this can greatly harm the cat’s stomach and lead to such serious consequences as intestinal obstruction. Not only can it cost the kitten his life, but he will have to fork out for an expensive and complicated operation.
  • The kitten should not find a replacement for toys in the hands and feet of the owner. It must not be allowed to acquire the skill of biting human limbs. Of course, this will not cause a tragedy, but the animal may develop a bad habit, and bad habits, as you know, it is not so easy to wean. Soon, when the kitten becomes an adult animal, with strong, formed teeth, it will also begin to plunge its claws and fangs into your arms and legs with pleasure. This, of course, will no longer be news to you, but guests are unlikely to react to it favorably.

Based on the above, you should prepare in advance for such an important time in your kitten’s life. Buy him toys that are not dangerous, you can find them at the pet store. Let the kitten lick, gnaw and bite them, thereby giving himself relief during the period of changing teeth. For example, dried sinews and ears are very good for such a situation as a delicacy.

In conclusion

To summarize, it must be said that animal care needs to be organized competently. Cats' teeth are a formidable weapon of the wild feline and helpers for adequate nutrition for your pet. In order for them to always serve properly, owners who take care of their fluffy pet should keep them under supervision from the very first day the kitten appears in the house. And this means teaching the kitten to hygiene, providing everything necessary for this.

When the kittens' teeth change, the owner should first of all not forget about the babies' nutrition. Feed pet must contain calcium and phosphorus. Since, if the baby’s body lacks these substances, this can provoke a softening of the tissue of the teeth, which are already growing permanently, and their subsequent damage by various dental diseases. In addition, the kitten’s teeth may grow uneven, and this in the future will affect the ability to chew food well and lead to problems in the digestive process.

If the baby’s daily food is meager and lacks the microelements and vitamins he needs, owners should take care of purchasing special supplements containing the entire necessary complex of vitamins and minerals. They can always be found in specialized pet stores.

Cats, like people, can have toothaches and sometimes even fall out. Why is this happening?

Cats lose teeth for two reasons. The first is the change of baby teeth, which is a physiological norm for most living beings. And the second reason is already connected, which can develop as a result various factors. Let's look at the issue of tooth loss in cats.

At what age do cats change their teeth?

Like many mammals, newborn kittens do not have teeth; they begin to erupt only in the second week of the baby’s life, and by the month the kitten begins to actively use them. That is why at this age babies bite their brothers and owners all the time.

At approximately 4-6 months, kittens begin to change teeth; this process continues until nine months of age, but sometimes it can take up to a year.

How can you notice the loss of baby teeth in a kitten?

Many owners notice when their pets' baby teeth fall out. The owner can understand that the process of teeth renewal has begun by a number of specific symptoms:

  • Short-term bleeding from the gums;
  • Increased salivation;
  • A slight decrease in the kitten's appetite;
  • Loose teeth;
  • The urge to bite everything and gnaw on any objects.

How can you tell if a kitten's teeth have changed?

By appearance Cats' molars are different from baby teeth. Temporary teeth are most often very sharp, the shape of the fangs is curved, and they are thinned near the gums. A permanent canines straight, have a rounded shape, they are not thinned below.

Sometimes, in the process of changing teeth, kittens develop not 4 fangs, but all 8. There is no need to be afraid that the kitten will develop more teeth than necessary. This happens because the molars are formed in a separate alveolus, next to the milk tooth, that is, it turns out that one tooth has not yet fallen out, but a new one has already appeared. But sometimes it happens that new tooth presses down the milky root. This causes discomfort in the kitten, it stops eating, and periodically meows pitifully.

This problem is not considered difficult, it is easily solved - you just need to remove the old tooth. But it is not recommended to do this on your own; the kitten should be assisted by a qualified veterinarian, since pain relief may be required. In addition, the doctor will determine the cause of the pathology; perhaps the kitten has developmental problems or has an incorrect bite.

How to care for a kitten when changing baby teeth

How healthy the new teeth will be depends on how much calcium and phosphorus enters the kitten’s body. Therefore, during such a period, the kitten owner must supplement the pet’s diet. mineral salts. The kitten should be fed foods rich in calcium: kefir, cottage cheese, etc. In addition, you will need to use medicines which contain substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the enamel. As a rule, vitamin and mineral complexes are used.

Your cat should brush its teeth regularly. This is done using special pastes, having a pleasant taste of meat or fish for kittens. The paste is rubbed into the enamel using a special brush..

The kitten also needs periodic oral examinations. The owner must take care of the kitten's teeth. Every day, the oral cavity is sanitized with a chlorhexidine solution, which perfectly kills germs. Thanks to this, you will eliminate the risk of infection of tooth enamel, as a result of which the cat’s teeth will not fall out in adulthood.

It is recommended to use special dental tablets for cats containing a disinfectant. These drugs adhere to the mucous membrane and remain on it long time, preventing the development of dental diseases.

Diseases that cause tooth loss in cats

In adults, tooth loss mainly occurs due to diseases:

  • Inflammatory process of the gums;
  • Caries;
  • Periodontitis;
  • Tartar;
  • Pulpitis.

Dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity, in which the balance between beneficial and pathogenic microflora changes. Many experts believe that it is dysbiosis that causes most oral diseases.

All these problems can be avoided by using preventive measures, which includes self-examination, care and brushing of teeth, and visits to the veterinarian every six months.

Is missing teeth harmful for a cat?

Of course, not all owners take proper care of their cats. Sometimes animals' teeth are in such terrible condition that they are removed because treatment is useless. This can frighten any cat owner, because it will be difficult for the pet to eat, and it faces starvation.

But it is worth noting that the situation may not be hopeless. Cats don't need teeth to chew. In nature, they are used to strangle victims to death. Cats use their teeth to tear their prey into pieces and swallow them whole. Cats are designed digestive system in such a way that there is no need to chew food thoroughly, since it is already well digested.

Perform oral hygiene once a year

When domestic cat becomes a mother, breeders immediately have a lot of questions about caring for newborn kittens. Newborns are born blind and toothless; inexperienced breeders may begin to worry about when kittens develop teeth.

Baby teeth

The absence of teeth in newborns is explained eating behavior baby - since they only eat mother’s milk, and while sucking they can damage the cat’s nipples.

Normally, kittens should have their baby teeth before they are six weeks old. The appearance of teeth occurs in the following sequence:

  • at two to three weeks of age, the incisors erupt - 6 each on the lower and upper jaws,
  • at the age of 3-4 weeks, the kitten develops two fangs on the upper and lower jaws,
  • between 3 and 6 weeks, premolars appear - 6 on the upper and 4 on the lower jaw.

Thus, the pet has 26 teeth. Baby teeth differ from permanent teeth in color - they have completely snow-white enamel. Baby canines are thinner, and all baby teeth in fur babies are very sharp.

Changing teeth

Kittens develop permanent teeth at the age of 3-4 months. It is at this time that the pet begins to change teeth - the incisors are the first to fall out and the first permanent teeth appear in their place. Fangs begin to cut a little later - about 4-5 months, during the same period the replacement of milk premalers with permanent ones begins.

Also, at the age of 4-6 months, kittens develop new teeth - molars; they have no milk predecessors. Usually permanent teeth finish growing by 6 months, but in in rare cases teeth can grow up to 9 months, this is also considered normal. Full dental formula for an adult cat it is 30 teeth.

Peculiarities of teething in cats

As a rule, teething in kittens is painless; kittens may experience increased salivation, the gums become a little swollen, the kitten tries to chew various items, rubs his muzzle with his paws. The moment when a tooth falls out can pass unnoticed - the kitten will eat the tooth along with food. When the baby teeth are replaced with molars, your pet's mouth may smell unpleasant - this is normal, the smell will disappear after a while.

During the period when a kitten’s teeth begin to grow, its body is weakened and susceptible to infections, so it is better not to vaccinate the animal at this time.

Diet when changing teeth

Throughout the entire period of changing teeth, the kitten must eat properly. Food should be rich in calcium and phosphorus, which will ensure the growth of healthy and strong teeth. It will be very useful to enrich your pet’s diet with vitamins and minerals during the period when molars appear. It is best if the kitten’s diet contains such products:

  • fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese,
  • lean meat: beef, rabbit, chicken, rabbit,
  • vegetables – carrots, zucchini, pumpkin,
  • cereals – buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.

Dental problems in kittens

In rare cases, cats have problems with changing teeth - the molars begin to grow before the baby teeth fall out. This can injure the kitten’s gums and jaws, its bite is disrupted, and sometimes it can lead to the development of periodontal disease. In this case, you should contact a veterinarian and remove the “problematic” milk teeth.

Another problem may be suppuration of the socket of a fallen tooth.. If such a situation occurs, you should consult a doctor for drug therapy, otherwise the inflammation will spread to the entire jaw.

If kittens do not have solid food in their diet, they may develop tartar, so consuming only soft food can harm the kitten.