Salamol eco easy breathing instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, reviews. Beclazon eco easy breathing: instructions for use

To spray medicinal substance from an aerosol inhaler, a propellant is required - a carrier gas, which until recently was used as freon. However, this gas turned out to be extremely unfavorable for the environment. He long time persists in the atmosphere and damages the ozone layer, which protects the Earth from “hard” ultraviolet irradiation And " greenhouse effect". Something had to be done...

The International Agreement on Substances that Deplete the Earth's Ozone Layer (adopted in 1987 in Montreal) banned the use of freons. At the same time, a deferment was provided for inhalers so that manufacturers, without compromising their production, could switch to the use of modern technologies.

So that people are not left without pocket inhalers, work was carried out in two directions: on the development and improvement of powder inhalers and on the search for a new non-toxic and safe propellant for aerosol inhalers. Hydrofluoroalkane (abbreviated as HFA) became such a substance.

The benefits of switching to CFC-free inhalers with HFA propellant, as it turns out, are not limited to environmental effects. The characteristics of the drug aerosol have changed significantly, and these changes have affected the inhaled hormone beclomethasone to the greatest extent.

Hormones for asthma

The word “hormones” still often frightens patients. Note that in this case we're talking about about one of the types of hormones - glucocorticosteroids (after all, there are many different hormones, and many of them are used as medicines).

Fear of using these drugs is understandable. Even 20-30 years ago, a person who started taking hormones often could no longer stop taking them, and over time faced side effects that arise from long-term use systemic hormonal drugs: tablets, injections and droppers. But the development of hormonal inhalers changed everything.

Inhaled hormones have radically changed the course and prognosis of bronchial asthma. A disease that in the past was considered a death sentence, proper treatment no longer interferes with living and working, playing sports and generally leading a normal life healthy person lifestyle. These medications are delivered directly to the bronchi, which allows for maximum therapeutic effect in small doses, minimizing the risk of unwanted effects.

Beclomethasone, the first of the developed inhaled hormones, has not lost its importance even now. Effective and safe, it can be used in adults and children, as well as pregnant women. And the era of freon-free aerosols has opened up new opportunities well known drug, which is now produced under the name Beklazon Eco Easy Breathing.

Composition of Beclazone Eco

With the transition to another propellant, the properties of beclomethasone preparations changed. In “old” inhalers it was in the form of a suspension (suspension), and in inhalers with HFA it was in the form of a solution. Medium size The particles of the resulting aerosol have become 3 times smaller, due to which such an aerosol penetrates deeper into depth better bronchial tree and settles less in the upper respiratory tract. This means that to provide the same therapeutic effect a smaller dose of beclazone Eco is required.

The new carrier gas contributes to more easy implementation inhalation. The freon left the inhaler at a significant speed exceeding the inhalation speed, so the aerosol stream “collided” with the back wall of the pharynx, and a significant part of the dose remained here. In addition, the temperature of the freon aerosol was low (-30°C), which often led to a reflexive inhalation delay. As a result, when using “old” inhalers, a cough (and even bronchospasm) often occurred, and due to the deposition of the drug in the throat, thrush occurred.

HFA “flies” out of the inhaler much more slowly and forms an aerosol cloud of a more comfortable temperature. This facilitates inhalation and reduces the deposition of beclomethasone on the back of the throat, reducing the risk unwanted effects.

Breath-activated inhaler

But no matter how good the inhaler, there is always one more factor that determines the effectiveness and safety of treatment - correct execution inhalation. Meanwhile, up to 80% of patients experience problems with the use of aerosol inhalers. And the most main problem consists in the need to synchronize the inhalation and release of the aerosol from the inhaler.

Incorrect inhalation technique can negate the benefits of the drug. If it is violated, most of the dose does not reach its destination - in the bronchi, but on the palate and back wall throats. Consequently, the effectiveness of treatment decreases and the risk of unwanted effects increases.

A spacer can partially solve the problem, but most spacers are inconvenient to carry due to their size. Therefore, it became necessary to develop an inhaler that does not require coordination of inhalation and pressing on the canister. The solution was the creation of inhalers activated by the patient's inhalation - in them, the release of the drug is achieved not by pressing the bottom of the can, but automatically when inhaling. Thus, the medicine enters the respiratory tract at the most opportune moment.

Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing is a breath-activated inhaler that improves drug delivery to the bronchi compared to conventional aerosol inhalers. Studies have shown that when switching from freon beclomethasone to beclazone Eco Easy Breathing, the dose can be halved. This not only minimizes the risk of side effects, but also reduces treatment costs.

The presence of three dosages facilitates the selection of the optimal dose and allows the drug to be used for the treatment of bronchial asthma of any severity (and the inhalation force required to activate the inhaler is small, and even children and patients with severe asthma can use it).

Using the Easy Breathing inhaler is simple and convenient. There is no need to try to have time to inhale at the moment you press the canister - the inhaler will do everything itself, you just need to not stop inhaling at the moment of injecting the medicine. It becomes impossible and typical mistake Many patients: the habit of pressing the canister twice during one inhalation. What you should not do is close the holes in the body above the bottom of the inhaler with your finger, and also disassemble it in order to press the bottom of the canister yourself (this will lose the advantages of the device).

Let us also note that a small volume spacer has been developed for beclazone Eco Easy Breathing, which is supplied complete with the inhaler. When used, the percentage of the dose entering the bronchi increases even more, and the risk of undesirable effects is further reduced.

© Anastasia Klimova

The aerosol is produced in aluminum cans equipped with a special dispenser valve and an inhalation device with a protective cap. The cylinders are designed for 200 doses and are packaged in cardboard boxes.

IN Beclazon Eco Easy breathing the cans are located in a special aerosol inhaler, which is activated by active inhalation. The cardboard pack contains an optimizer and an inhaler with a balloon.

Pharmacological action

Inhalation form glucocorticosteroid has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. Active ingredient prevents the release of mediators responsible for the inflammatory process; inhibits the synthesis process, reduces the amount of produced arachidonic acid , enhances the production of lipomodulin.

Slowing down granulation and infiltration is achieved through inhibition, reducing the production of lymphokines and inflammatory exudate. During treatment, it is possible to restore the patient's sensitivity to bronchodilators , which allows you to use them much less often.

The medication does not have a mineralocorticoid effect. The active ingredient relaxes the smooth muscle tissue of the bronchi, improving performance external respiration and reducing the hyperreactivity of the bronchial tree. Beclomethasone reduces swelling epithelial cells, reduces the production of mucus by the bronchial glands, reduces the number mast cells in the mucous membranes of the bronchi. Therapeutic doses of Beclazone Eco do not cause systemic reactions, characteristic of most glucocorticosteroids.

Intranasal inhalation allows you to get rid of swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity. Therapeutic effect registered on the 5th day of course treatment.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Part of a single dose that settles in respiratory system after inhalation, it is absorbed by the lung tissue, where active substance It hydrolyzes quite quickly to the monoprorionate form. The latter is hydrolyzed to beclomethasone.

A small part of the dose is ingested and swallowed, but is inactivated in the hepatic system after the first passage. In the liver, the drug is metabolized to polar compounds. The active component is capable of binding to plasma proteins by 87%.

Indications for use


Intranasal and inhalation use contraindicated for:

  • respiratory system;
  • severe attacks of bronchial asthma;
  • (I trimester);
  • to the components.

Side effects

Respiratory tract:

  • paradoxical bronchospasm ;
  • cough;
  • hoarseness;
  • eosinophilic ;
  • irritation in the throat.

Candidiasis may develop with intranasal use oral cavity or perforation of the nasal septum . Possible:

  • swelling of the lips, larynx, face;
  • erythema;

Less frequently registered system responses:

  • growth retardation (in pediatrics);
  • dysfunction ;

If other negative reactions are registered, consultation with a doctor and discontinuation of the drug Beclazone is required.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The average dose for inhalation is 400 mcg/day. The number of inhalations per day is 2-4. The daily dose of beclomethasone can be increased to 1 g. Children are prescribed 50-100 mcg.

Instructions for use Beclazon Eco nasal: 1-4 times a day, 100 mcg.


In case of acute overdose, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex is noted. In a few days normal operation The adrenal glands are restored on their own, as evidenced by the level.

Chronic overdose inhibits the functioning of the adrenal system, which requires monitoring of the reserve functions of the adrenal glands.


Other glucocorticosteroids in combination with Beclazone additionally inhibit the adrenal system. Previous therapy with beta-agonists in the form of inhalations may increase the effectiveness of the drug.

Terms of sale

Prescription medication.

Storage conditions

Do not freeze. Store cylinders away from sun rays. The preferred temperature is up to 30 degrees.

Best before date

Special instructions

The medication is not intended for the relief (relief of symptoms) of acute attacks. The attending physician should conduct explanatory conversations that reveal to patients important aspects prophylactic use inhalers. The optimal therapeutic effect is achieved only with regular and correct use medicine.

In patients who used bronchodilators and did not achieve desired results, improvement is registered after just 1 week of using Beclazone.

When switching from oral forms glucocorticosteroids for inhalation, you should be careful, because long-term therapy disrupts the functioning of the adrenal system, and recovery occurs quite slowly. Some patients experience general malaise upon withdrawal, although respiratory function indicators increase significantly. It is important to explain to patients that this is temporary discomfort and to monitor the regularity of inhalations.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

  • Beclospira;
  • Beklat;
  • Klenil.

Before prescribing inhaled drugs, it is necessary to instruct the patient about the rules for using the drug to ensure the most complete delivery of the drug to the desired areas of the lungs.

Beclomethasone is not intended for the relief of acute asthmatic attacks. Patients should be aware of the preventive nature of the drug and that to achieve optimal effect, the inhaler should be used regularly, even in the absence of asthma symptoms.

With regular inhalation of beclomethasone, improvement in breathing usually occurs after 1 week of treatment. Lack of effect is possible in patients with increased content sputum and mucus in the respiratory tract and severe bronchospasm, preventing the drug from reaching the zone of action. In such cases, inhalation of adrenergic stimulants is prescribed 15-30 minutes before inhalation of beclomethasone or treatment is started with systemic use GKS.

Transfer of patients regularly receiving oral corticosteroids, on inhalation of beclomethasone, as well as subsequent treatment should be carried out with extreme caution, under daily monitoring of peak flowmetry (pneumotachometry), since suppression of the adrenal cortex caused by long-term use of GCS is restored slowly.

Before prescribing inhaled forms of beclomethasone, patients should be in a relatively stable condition, and their prescription itself should complement the usual maintenance dose of systemic corticosteroids. In about 1 week daily dose steroids begin to be gradually reduced - 1 mg/week (in terms of prednisolone). Deterioration of the condition against the background of a maintenance dose of 400 mcg/day means the need to transfer patients to oral prednisolone. Regular use allows, in most cases, to cancel oral corticosteroids (patients who need to take no more than 15 mg of prednisolone can be completely switched to inhalation therapy), while in the first months after the transition the patient’s condition should be carefully monitored until his pituitary-adrenal system has recovered sufficiently to ensure a response to stressful situations (for example, injury, surgery or infection).

Patients transferred to inhalation treatment and having impaired function of the adrenal cortex should have a supply of GCS and with them a warning card, which should indicate that in stressful situations they need additional systemic administration of GCS (after eliminating stressful situation The dose of steroids can be reduced again). Sometimes a transfer from taking systemic corticosteroids to inhalation administration can lead to the manifestation of previously suppressed forms of allergies, such as allergic rhinitis or eczema.

It is necessary to protect the eyes from contact with the drug.

It is advisable to rinse the mouth and throat after inhalation (prevention of candidiasis), and if initial signs fungal infection oral mucosa - the use of nystatin, fluconazole, amphotericin. By washing after inhalation you can prevent damage to the skin of the eyelids and nose.

The maximum daily dose of the drug in adults should not exceed 1 mg. At a dose of up to 1.5 mg/day in most patients, it does not significantly suppress adrenal function. If this dose is exceeded, some patients may experience some suppression of adrenal function. Treatment in doses of more than 1 mg/day is carried out under the supervision of a physician.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, beclomethasone should be used with caution and only when the benefits of its use outweigh the potential risks. Data on the safety of beclomethasone dipropionate in pregnant women and its isolation from breast milk There aren't enough women.

Beclomethasone preparations containing 50-100 mcg in 1 dose act important role in treatment severe forms bronchial asthma in children, since they provide good control over the course of the disease and do not cause growth retardation in the child. Beclomethasone 250 mcg is not intended for use in pediatrics. It is recommended to regularly monitor the growth dynamics of children receiving inhaled corticosteroids during long period time.

Infectious inflammatory diseases respiratory organs are not a specific contraindication for treatment with beclomethasone.

The drug should not be frozen or exposed to direct sunlight. The can cannot be punctured, disassembled or thrown into fire, even if it is empty. When cooling the canister, it is recommended to remove it from the plastic case and warm it with your hands (when low temperatures the effectiveness of the drug is reduced).

Beclazon Eco

200 doses each in an aluminum can with a metering valve, equipped with an inhalation device with a protective cap; 1 cylinder in a cardboard box.

Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing

200 doses in an aluminum canister located in an aerosol inhaler activated by inhalation (Light Breathing); in a cardboard box there is 1 aerosol inhaler with a can and an optimizer.

Description of the dosage form

Beclazon Eco

Aerosol for inhalation in an aluminum can under pressure. There must be no external damage, corrosion or leaks. The contents of the can leave a white stain when sprayed onto the glass.

Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing

Aerosol for inhalation in a pressurized aluminum can with a release valve and a spray nozzle. There must be no external damage, corrosion or leaks. The contents of the can is a solution that, when sprayed onto glass, leaves a colorless stain. The canister is placed in an inhaler consisting of two parts and a safety cap.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action- local anti-inflammatory, glucocorticoid.


Beclomethasone dipropionate is a prodrug and has weak affinity for GCS receptors. Under the influence of esterases, it is converted into an active metabolite - B-17-MP, which has a pronounced local anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces inflammation by reducing the formation of chemotaxis substance (impact on late allergy reactions), inhibits the development of an immediate allergic reaction (due to inhibition of the production of arachidonic acid metabolites and reduced release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells) and improves mucociliary transport. Under the influence of beclomethasone, the number of mast cells in the bronchial mucosa decreases, epithelial edema, mucus secretion by bronchial glands, bronchial hyperreactivity, marginal accumulation of neutrophils, inflammatory exudate and production of lymphokines are reduced; the migration of macrophages is inhibited; the intensity of infiltration and granulation processes decreases. Increases the number of active beta-adrenergic receptors, restores the patient's response to bronchodilators, and allows to reduce the frequency of their use. It has virtually no resorptive effect after inhalation administration.

It does not relieve bronchospasm; the therapeutic effect develops gradually, usually after 5-7 days of course use of beclomethasone dipropionate.



More than 25% of the dose of the inhaled drug Beclazon Eco settles in the respiratory tract and up to 56% of the dose of the inhaled drug Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing settles in the lower respiratory tract; the remaining amount settles in the mouth, pharynx and is swallowed. In the lungs, before absorption of beclomethasone, dipropionate is intensively metabolized to the active metabolite - beclomethasone-17-monopropionate (B-17-MP). Systemic absorption of B-17-MP occurs in the lungs (36% of the pulmonary fraction) and in the gastrointestinal tract (26% of the dose received here when swallowed). The absolute bioavailability of unchanged beclomethasone dipropionate and B-17-MP is approximately 2 and 62% of the inhalation dose, respectively. Beclomethasone dipropionate is rapidly absorbed, Tmax in blood plasma is 0.3 hours. B-17-MP is absorbed more slowly. Tmax is 1 hour. It is noted approximately linear dependence between increasing the inhaled dose and systemic exposure of the drug.


Distribution in tissues is 20 l for beclomethasone dipropionate and 424 l for B-17-MP. The connection with blood plasma proteins is relatively high - 87%.


Beclomethasone dipropionate and B-17-MP have high plasma clearance (150 and 120 l/h, respectively). T 1/2 is 0.5 and 2.7 hours, respectively.

Indications of the drug Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing

Basic therapy various forms bronchial asthma in adults and children over 4 years of age.


hypersensitivity to any component of the drug;

children under 4 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

With extreme caution and only if potential benefit for mother exceeds possible risk for the fetus and child.

Side effects

Some patients may develop candidiasis of the mouth and throat (the likelihood of developing candidiasis increases when using beclomethasone dipropionate in doses exceeding 400 mcg/day).

Some patients may experience dysphonia (hoarseness) or irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. Using a spacer reduces the likelihood of developing these side effects.

Inhaled drugs can cause paradoxical bronchospasm, which must be immediately relieved with an inhaled β2-agonist. short acting.

There are reports of reactions developing hypersensitivity, including rash, hives, itching, redness and swelling of the eyes, face, lips and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

Possible systemic effects include headache, nausea, bruising or thinning of the skin, unpleasant taste sensations, decreased function of the adrenal cortex, osteoporosis, growth retardation in children and adolescents, cataracts, glaucoma.


There is no confirmed data on the interaction of beclomethasone dipropionate with other medicines.

Directions for use and doses

Beklazon Eco and Beklazon Eco Easy breathing are intended only for inhalation administration.

The drugs are used regularly (even in the absence of symptoms of the disease), the dose of beclomethasone dipropionate is selected taking into account the clinical effect in each specific case.

In mild cases of bronchial asthma, forced expiratory volume (FEV 1) or peak expiratory flow (PEF) is more than 80% of the expected values, with a spread of PEF values ​​of less than 20%.

In moderate cases, FEV 1 or PEF is 60-80% of the required values, the daily spread of PEF indicators is 20-30%.

In severe cases, FEV 1 or PEF is 60% of the expected values, the daily variation in PEF indicators is more than 30%.

When switching to a high dose of inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate, many patients receiving systemic corticosteroids will be able to reduce their dose or stop them altogether.

The initial dose of drugs is determined by the severity of bronchial asthma. The daily dose is divided into several doses.

Depending on the patient's individual response, the dose of drugs can be increased until clinical effect appears or reduced to the minimum effective dose.

Adults and children aged 12 years and older

Bronchial lung asthma flow - 200-600 mcg/day;

Bronchial asthma moderate severe course— 600-1000 mcg/day;

Severe bronchial asthma - 1000-2000 mcg/day.

Treatment of bronchial asthma is based on a stepwise approach - therapy begins according to the step corresponding to the severity of the disease. Inhaled corticosteroids are prescribed at the second stage of therapy.

Stage 2. Basic therapy

Beclomethasone dipropionate 100-400 mcg 2 times a day.

Stage 3. Basic therapy

Inhaled corticosteroids are used in a high dose or in a standard dose, but in combination with inhaled long-acting β 2 -adrenergic agonists.

Stage 4. Severe bronchial asthma

Beclomethasone dipropionate in a high dose of 800-1600 mcg/day, in some cases megadoses up to 2000 mcg/day.

Stage 5. Severe bronchial asthma

Beclomethasone dipropionate in high dose (see step 3, 4)

Children aged 4 to 12 years

Up to 400 mcg/day in several doses.

Special patient groups

There is no need to adjust the dose of drugs in the elderly or in patients with renal or liver failure.

Skipping one dose of medication

If you accidentally miss an inhalation, the next dose must be taken at the scheduled time in accordance with the treatment regimen.

Preparations containing 250 mcg per dose are not intended for use in pediatrics.

Administration can be carried out using a special optimizer, which improves the distribution of the drug in the lungs and reduces the risk of side effects.

Patient instructions

Beclazon Eco

Check the operation of the inhaler before using it for the first time, and also if you have not used it for some time.

1. Remove the cap from the inhaler. Make sure there is no dust or dirt in the outlet tube.

2. Keep the can upright with thumb on the bottom, and the index finger on the top of the can. Shake the can vigorously up and down.

3. Exhale as deeply as possible (without straining). Pinch the outlet tube of the can tightly with your lips.

4. Take slow, deep breaths. As you inhale, press index finger on the valve of the canister, releasing a dose of medicine. Continue to inhale slowly.

5. Remove the inhaler tube from your mouth and hold your breath for 10 seconds or as long as you can without straining. Exhale slowly.

6. If more than one dose of medication is needed, wait about a minute and then repeat from step 2. Replace the cap on the inhaler.

Take your time when performing steps 3 and 4. When releasing a dose of medication, it is important to inhale as slowly as possible. First, practice in front of a mirror. If you notice "steam" coming out of the top of the canister or from the corners of your mouth, start again at step 2.

Cleaning the inhaler

The inhaler should be cleaned at least once a week. Remove the metal can from the plastic case and rinse the case and cap warm water. Don't use hot water. Dry thoroughly, but do not use heating devices. Place the can back into the case and put on the cap. Do not dip the metal can into water.

Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing

Instructions for using an inhaler without an optimizer

Hold the inhaler upright and open the cap. Take a deep breath. Cover the mouthpiece tightly with your lips. Make sure your hand is not blocking the vents on the top of the inhaler and that you are holding the inhaler upright. Take a slow, maximum breath through the mouthpiece. Hold your breath for 10 seconds or as long as you feel comfortable. Then remove the inhaler from your mouth and exhale slowly. After use, continue to hold the inhaler upright. Close the lid. If you need to take more than one inhalation, close the lid, wait at least one minute, and then repeat the inhalation process.

Instructions for using an inhaler with an optimizer

Holding the inhaler upright, open the cap and fit the optimizer tightly onto the mouthpiece of the inhaler. Take a deep breath. Place your lips tightly around the mouthpiece of the optimizer. Make sure your hand is not blocking the vents on the top of the inhaler and that you are holding the inhaler upright. Take a slow, maximum breath through the optimizer mouthpiece. Hold your breath for 10 seconds or as long as you feel comfortable. Then remove the inhaler from your mouth and exhale slowly. After use, continue to hold the inhaler upright. Remove the optimizer. Close the lid.

If you need to take more than one inhalation, after 1-2 minutes, open the lid again and fit the optimizer tightly onto the mouthpiece of the inhaler, and then repeat the inhalation process.

Cleaning the inhaler

Unscrew top part inhaler. Pull out the metal can. Rinse bottom part inhaler in warm water and dry. Insert the can into place. Close the lid and screw the top of the inhaler to its body. Do not wash the top of the inhaler. If the inhaler is not working properly, unscrew the top of the inhaler and press down on the canister by hand.


An acute overdose of the drug can lead to a temporary decrease in the function of the adrenal cortex, which does not require emergency therapy, because adrenal function is restored within a few days, as evidenced by plasma cortisol levels. At chronic overdose Persistent suppression of adrenal function may occur. In such cases, it is recommended to monitor the reserve function of the adrenal cortex. In case of overdose, treatment with beclomethasone dipropionate can be continued in doses sufficient to maintain the therapeutic effect.

Special instructions

Before prescribing inhaled drugs, it is necessary to instruct the patient on the rules for their use, ensuring the most complete delivery of the drug to the desired areas of the lungs. The development of oral candidiasis is most likely in patients with high level precipitating antibodies in the blood against the fungus Candida, which indicates a previously transferred fungal infection. After inhalation, you should rinse your mouth and throat with water. Can be used to treat candidiasis antifungal drugs local action while continuing therapy with beclomethasone dipropionate.

If patients take GCS orally, then inhalations are prescribed while taking the previous dose of GCS, and the patients should be in a relatively stable condition. After about 1-2 weeks, the daily dose of oral corticosteroids begins to be gradually reduced. The dose reduction scheme depends on the duration of previous therapy and the size of the initial dose of GCS. Regular use of inhaled GCS allows in most cases to cancel oral GCS (patients who need to take no more than 15 mg of prednisolone can be completely transferred to inhaled therapy), while in the first months after the transition the patient’s condition should be carefully monitored until his pituitary-adrenal the system will not recover sufficiently to provide an adequate response to stressful situations (such as injury, surgery, or infection).

When transferring patients from taking systemic corticosteroids to inhaled therapy, symptoms may occur. allergic reactions(For example allergic rhinitis, eczema), which were previously suppressed by systemic drugs.

Patients with reduced function of the adrenal cortex who are transferred to inhalation treatment should have a supply of GCS and always carry a warning card with them, which should indicate that in stressful situations they need additional systemic administration of GCS (after eliminating the stressful situation, the dose of GCS can be repeated reduce). Sudden and progressive worsening of asthma symptoms is potentially dangerous condition, often life-threatening for patients, and requires increasing the dose of GCS. An indirect indicator of the ineffectiveness of therapy is the more frequent use of short-acting β 2 -agonist agonists than before.

Beclomethasone dipropionate for inhalation is not intended for the relief of attacks, but for regular daily use. Short-acting β2-adrenergic agonists (for example, salbutamol) are used to relieve attacks. In case of severe exacerbation of bronchial asthma or insufficient effectiveness of the therapy, the dose of beclomethasone dipropionate should be increased and, if necessary, a systemic corticosteroid and/or an antibiotic should be prescribed if infection develops.

If paradoxical bronchospasm develops, you should immediately stop using beclomethasone dipropionate, assess the patient's condition, conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe therapy with other drugs. With long-term use of any inhaled corticosteroids, especially in high doses ah, systemic effects may occur (see section " Side effects"), however, the likelihood of their development is significantly lower than when taking GCS orally. Therefore, it is especially important that when a therapeutic effect is achieved, the dose of inhaled corticosteroids is reduced to the minimum effective dose that controls the course of the disease. At a dose of 1500 mcg/day, the drugs do not cause significant suppression of adrenal function in most patients. Due to possible adrenal insufficiency, you should follow special caution and regularly monitor indicators of adrenal cortex function when transferring patients taking GCS orally to treatment with Beclazon Eco and Beclazon Eco easy breathing.

Particular care should be taken when treating patients with active or inactive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis with inhaled corticosteroids.

It is necessary to protect the eyes from contact with drugs. By washing after inhalation you can prevent damage to the skin of the eyelids and nose.

Medication containers must not be punctured, disassembled or thrown into fire, even if they are empty. Like most other inhalation products in aerosol packages, Beclazon Eco and Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing may be less effective at low temperatures. When cooling the cylinder, it is recommended to remove it from the plastic case and warm it with your hands for several minutes.

Effect on the ability to drive a car/use machines

No data available.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

According to the recipe.

Storage conditions for the drug Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing

Protected from direct sunlight place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Do not freeze.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
J45 AsthmaExercise asthma
Asthmatic conditions
Bronchial asthma
Mild bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma with difficulty in sputum discharge
Severe bronchial asthma
Bronchial asthma of physical exertion
Hypersecretory asthma
Hormone-dependent form of bronchial asthma
Cough with bronchial asthma
Relief of asthma attacks in bronchial asthma
Non-allergic bronchial asthma
Nocturnal asthma
Nocturnal asthma attacks
Exacerbation of bronchial asthma
Attack of bronchial asthma
Endogenous forms of asthma

Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing
Buy Beclazon Eco Easy Breathing in pharmacies
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aerosol for inhalation dosed 250mcg/dose 200dz


Norton Waterford
speaking under the so-called Ivax Pharmaceuticals Ireland
packaged by Ivex Pharmaceuticals s.r.o. (Ireland)

Drugs with glucocorticosteroid activity

Active ingredient: Beclomethasone.


Aldecin, Beklazon Eco, Beklat, Beklojet 250, Beklokort, Beklomet, Beclomethasone Orion Pharma, Beklospir, Bekloforte, Bekotid, Klenil, Klenil UDV, Nasobek, Rinoklenil

Anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, decongestant, anti-asthmatic. It has pronounced glucocorticoid and weak mineralocorticoid activity. When administered endobronchially, it inhibits the migration and activation of cells involved in allergic inflammatory process, compacts the basement membrane of the epithelium, reduces the secretion of mucus by goblet cells, reduces the number of mast cells in the bronchial mucosa, relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, restores its sensitivity to adrenergic agonists. Systemic absorption is possible with any form of administration (endobronchial, intranasal, oral inhalation). The therapeutic effect develops within 4-5 days from the start of treatment and reaches its maximum within several weeks. Excreted in feces and urine.


Bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, vasomotor rhinitis, recurrent nasal polyposis, allergic rhinitis (seasonal and permanent), juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, dysphonia in systemic lupus erythematosus, persistent inflammation of the middle ear in children, bronchopulmonary dysplasia of newborns.

Hypersensitivity, first trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding. Restrictions on use. Systemic infections, tuberculosis, herpetic lesion eye, II and III trimester of pregnancy.

Hoarseness of voice, sore throat, bronchospastic reactions, sneezing attacks, rhinorrhea, feeling of dryness and irritation in the nose, nosebleed, atrophic rhinitis, ulceration of the nasal mucosa, perforation of the nasal septum, headaches, dizziness, cataracts, increased intraocular pressure, leukocytosis (including neutrophilic), lymphopenia, eosinopenia, manifestations of hypercortisolism, incl. Cushing's syndrome (when using high doses), oropharyngeal candidiasis and aspergillosis, nasal candidiasis, eosinophilic pneumonia, urticaria, angioedema.


Increases the effect of beta-agonists, which enhance the anti-inflammatory properties of beclomethasone (increase its penetration into the distal bronchi).

Symptoms: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal insufficiency. A temporary transfer to systemic glucocorticoids and ACTH are indicated.

Cannot be used to relieve an acute asthmatic attack. In case of development acute attack asthma in response to beclomethasone, it should be discontinued immediately. If there are signs of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal insufficiency, inhalations should be continued, but be sure to monitor the level of basal cortisol in the blood plasma. The same monitoring is needed when using high doses of beclomethasone. Transfer of patients bronchial asthma with glucocorticoids systemic action inhalation forms of beclomethasone dipropionate must be implemented gradually: immediate withdrawal or too much rapid decline doses.

List B. At a temperature not exceeding 30 °C (do not freeze).