Nicotine withdrawal syndrome: how does it manifest and how long does it last? How to treat nicotine withdrawal? Symptoms of smoking cessation syndrome, how to get rid of side effects

Quitting smoking is an exceptionally beneficial event for individual physiology, psychology, and prevention. However, many are afraid of the possibility of developing negative consequences from smoking - pain, nervousness, weight gain.

This is the insidiousness of nicotine. Literally integrating into the work of all organs and systems of the body, it models them in such a way that within a short time an addiction is formed - a painful, obsessive need for smoking and nicotine.

Positive consequences

The positive effects of quitting smoking are divided into early and delayed. The former manifest themselves in improved taste and smell, normalization respiratory function and, as a result, increasing the oxygen saturation of the body.

Delayed manifestations appear after six months of living without cigarettes. It’s interesting that former smokers are least likely to notice - they quickly get used to good things. Among these consequences: recovery vascular tone; improvement of heart function; decrease in probability vascular pathologies, including disasters - stroke, heart attack; improving memory, nervous and physical endurance.

It is possible that the positive aspects of quitting smoking at first will be overwhelmed by more pronounced complications of quitting. But you should remember: everything bad that happens in the first days of quitting smoking with health is not a deterioration. It's a return to the old normal physiological state when nicotine had no place in the body, when all processes took place without a painful craving for it.

It is also important to know that the ability of tissues various organs recovery varies greatly: the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasopharynx is one of the first to begin to recover, and therefore an improvement in taste and smell is noticeable in the first days. At the same time, the bronchi are restored - especially ciliated epithelium. But its recovery is accompanied by an improvement in motor skills, which leads to increased coughing and an increase in the amount of sputum. Many take this as a sign of deterioration and return to smoking again.

Possible negative consequences

Is there any harm from quitting smoking? Undoubtedly, otherwise this process would not have caused so many negative responses and myths. Is it true, negative consequences refusals are temporary, but their severity, difficulties in overcoming, and human weakness and craving for comfort turn the first days and weeks without nicotine into a very difficult period, often leading to a breakdown.

The first - both in frequency of manifestation, and in severity, and in diversity - is the negative consequence of smoking - withdrawal syndrome. It flows from various symptoms- for some they may not be very noticeable, while others develop symptoms that are in many ways similar to the “withdrawal” of drug addicts: physical pain, aggravated by severe psychoneurological manifestations.

Complaints during this period may include:

  • different intensity of pain in different parts bodies and/or associated with a particular organ;
  • disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, increased or loss of appetite, stool disorders, abdominal pain, aphthous or catarrhal stomatitis);
  • decreased immunity ( frequent colds, temperature rise);
  • a sharp deterioration in performance, deterioration of memory, ability to concentrate;
  • drowsiness or insomnia;
  • irritability, unmotivated anger;
  • melancholy, causeless sadness, mood swings.

The duration of withdrawal syndrome is variable - from a couple of weeks to a year. The advice to hold back and find solutions to problems and complaints that arise seems impossible, but there are many techniques that psychological techniques, medications that will help you get through this period without returning to smoking.

The second consequence is disturbances in well-being that are not associated with withdrawal syndrome. Dizziness and headaches, blood pressure instability are typical. These disorders are associated with both physiological and psychological reasons: lack of nicotine (which has become habitual and pseudo-necessary), improved ventilation of the lungs and the flow of oxygenated blood to the brain (hyperventilation of the brain is often manifested by dizziness, orthostatic reaction), normalization of vascular tone.

The third known consequence is increased body weight. There are also several reasons for the development of such consequences:

  • slowing down metabolism, which was artificially stimulated by nicotine;
  • the craving for “eating” stress is a typical human behavior under stress and frustration;
  • increased appetite;
  • the appearance of “extra” time due to freed up smoking breaks, which is easiest to occupy with what is most accessible - food.

Consequences of abruptly quitting smoking

There are two opinions on the best way to quit smoking. Supporters of one thing are sure that the most correct way is to abruptly quit smoking. Others prefer a moderate approach of gradually reducing the number of cigarettes smoked and eventually quitting completely over time.

There is no final opinion on which method is better. And it cannot be, since everyone’s willpower and mental and physical resources are different. Some, quitting gradually, get stuck in this tobacco swamp, not daring to finally give up cigarettes completely. Others abruptly quit and... return to smoking, afraid of the manifestations of withdrawal syndrome.

The opinions of the majority of those who are in one way or another connected with treatment nicotine addiction(or went this way), coincide only in that a sudden cessation of smoking can cause an earlier and more dramatic manifestation of the withdrawal syndrome. However, recovery and healing occurs faster and is more active. Whereas the gentleness of gradual withdrawal may not give the desired effect at all, and smoking will continue.

The problem of the consequences of quitting smoking is varied and beyond doubt. However, there are many ways that help cope with this period, and after consultation and individual selection with a doctor and/or specialists (addiction psychologist, narcologist, psychiatrist, consultants of voluntary societies), these methods become an excellent support for all those quitting smoking.

Dialogue from the site archives

Could the consequences of quitting be worse than smoking itself?

Question. Rina

I was told that the consequences of quitting smoking can be worse than smoking itself. Is this likely?

Answer. Galina Salmaakh

Theoretically, yes. In practice, no one has ever encountered this before. The consequences of quitting smoking should be viewed only in a positive light, at least because of the sharply increased ability of the body to function normally.

Most likely, people who tried to quit smoking, but were not ready for it, talk about the consequences of quitting smoking. The period of withdrawal from cigarettes, which are both physical and psychological addictors, that is, causing an attachment akin to a drug, is often difficult.

This is a feeling of lack of something familiar, irritability, increased cough, the desire to snack on something at an inopportune time, and much more. But the emergence of such situations indicates that recovery has begun. And no recovery has ever taken place without pain and difficulties.

All the consequences of quitting smoking practically disappear within the first three months (for some earlier, for others a little later).

Men with nicotine addiction experience severe discomfort when quitting smoking, this is due to the cancellation of nicotine stimulation of the body. Withdrawal syndrome is the body’s reaction to interruption of the usual doses of nicotine, which manifests itself in a deterioration in the psychophysiological state of the body.

Withdrawal symptoms

When you stop smoking with a pronounced nicotine addiction and complete or partial cessation of nicotine intake in the body, withdrawal syndrome may occur, which is manifested by a number of characteristic symptoms:

Feeling anxious.
Poor concentration.
Sleep disturbance.
Pressure changes.
Cough and difficulty breathing.
Enhanced feeling hunger.

The period of adaptation of the body to life without nicotine lasts from seven to thirty days.

Predetermining factors are smoking history and the number of cigarettes smoked. The higher these indicators, the longer the withdrawal syndrome lasts. Equally important psychological factor, if a man has a strong attitude and strong motivation, then the manifestations and duration are short. Therefore, it is important for men to decide to quit smoking of their own free will and to be confident in their abilities.

Main problems and solutions

During the period the body received nicotine, significant changes occurred in the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, digestive and respiratory systems.

Having analyzed the possible psychophysiological changes that occur in the body when quitting smoking, when the body learns to work without stimulation by nicotine, you can choose ways to alleviate the condition.

Cardiovascular system

Nicotine increased the heart rate and constricted blood vessels, so in the first days of the body’s restructuring, a man experienced poor circulation. This leads to headaches, dizziness and changes in blood pressure.

What to do:
Full sleep at least eight hours.
Taking vitamin C and Omega 3 helps cleanse blood vessels and restore elasticity. Take 1 tablespoon of flaxseed or olive oil per day.
Calm walks.
Positive emotions.
Doing what you love.
If a man has problems with blood pressure, regular blood pressure monitoring is necessary.

In case of increasing and persistent headaches for more than three days, you should consult a doctor.

Try not to take energy drinks during this period, as sharp drop vascular tone aggravates headaches and provokes a stroke.

Digestive system and metabolism

During smoking, the gastrointestinal tract has become accustomed to additional nicotine stimulation. Without intake, it reduces its effectiveness and metabolic processes slow down. Most often, this provokes the development of constipation and weight gain.

What to do:
Stimulate the intestines with fiber-rich foods.
Restore intestinal microflora. You can use fermented milk products.
Control your diet. It is necessary to limit carbohydrates and fats. The problem will be replacing cigarettes with nuts, seeds or candies. For these purposes it is better to use chewing gum or vegetable chips without spices.
Increase physical activity(In the first month, it is not recommended to use strength sports and intense exercise).

Respiratory system

In case of existing chronic diseases respiratory organs, quitting smoking may initially contribute to the exacerbation of diseases. Due to increased sputum production in smokers, when smoking stops, stimulation of the bronchi stops, and an increased cough appears with difficulty coughing up sputum. In the first days there is a dry cough, which is replaced by a wet cough with the discharge of viscous sputum. In this way, the body is cleansed.

What to do:
Stimulate the functioning of the bronchi. For this you can use breathing exercises and lead active image life.
Take medications to clear sputum (Fluimucil, Bronchogen, Gedelix syrup)
Use expectorants folk remedies(ground with lemon in equal parts, honey with warm milk and linden tea).

Nervous system

The body lacks nicotine; it has ceased to be produced in the body and is not supplied through smoking. This system has a high compensatory property; restoration processes occur in the body immediately after quitting cigarettes. Already on the fourth day, the production of natural nicotine, necessary for the functioning of the body, is resumed. But formed psychological dependence from cigarettes, provokes aggressive behavior irritability and anxiety. It takes time to rebuild the body and a lot depends on the psychological mood.

What to do:
Take B vitamins.
Be busy with work that requires concentration.
Change familiar surroundings(business trip, vacation, excursions). This helps break down established connections and replace them with new ones.
Repeat the motivation that prompted you to quit smoking.
Apply medicines to alleviate the condition.

Drugs to relieve withdrawal symptoms

In cases of high degree of nicotine dependence, it is recommended to use medicines helping to cope with nicotine addiction and greatly alleviate the man’s condition. All drugs can be divided into groups:

1. Nicotine replacement drugs. Tablets based on nicotine or cytisine (Tabex, Nicorette). They act on the body's receptors like nicotine, only without the harmful effects of smoke, so these drugs must be used by constantly reducing the dosage, preparing the body for a complete cessation of nicotine.

2. Receptor blocking drugs. Pills disgusting to cigarettes (Champix, Corrida Plus). With their help, the mechanism for obtaining pleasure from smoking is blocked and a reflexive refusal is formed.

3. Antidepressants. Medicines that help reduce stress and smoking cravings (Zyban).

4. Homeopathic remedies (Tabacum, Antitab, Ceres). They have a calming effect and reduce the craving for cigarettes.

According to medical observations, in case of nicotine addiction, you should not neglect the use of drugs that make you feel better.

Most men, when giving up cigarettes, experience withdrawal symptoms and return to smoking, so it is important for each man to choose individual methods that will help cope with a difficult period.

Nicotine withdrawal syndrome is manifested by a desire to return to smoking. Cigarettes cause significant physical and psychological dependence. When the next dose of nicotine penetrates the organs, smoking man feels euphoria (nicotine actively excites the nervous system). From the article you will learn how smoking withdrawal syndrome manifests itself, what negative consequences it brings, and what to do if you are a long-term smoker.

How does the syndrome manifest?

Symptoms of smoking cessation occur after an hour and a half of abstinence. Lack of nicotine causes the following side effects: anxiety, headaches, and sometimes fever. Have a place bad dream, weakness, high blood pressure, disruption cardiovascular system, allergies. Monthly stress may occur.

Smoking cessation syndrome is also accompanied by increased emotional state, drying out oral cavity, cough with sputum, shortness of breath. Added to these are a large appetite, a feeling of lack of air, and increased sweating.

These symptoms are pronounced in the first week of quitting smoking. Then the condition improves. For some, smoker's syndrome makes itself felt only 10 days after stopping nicotine. In general, the duration of withdrawal symptoms depends on individual characteristics lasts for a week to a month, that is, thirty calendar days.

Nicotine withdrawal is the term used by narcologists to describe withdrawal syndrome when quitting smoking. A certain amount of nicotine is actively involved in metabolism, interacting with the central nervous system. When you quit cigarettes, you may crave them for years, and there will be no signs of withdrawal. Often, within two years of quitting tobacco, the body is completely freed from the harmful effects of nicotine.

Development of the condition by day

Smoking withdrawal syndrome or nicotine withdrawal It forces you to work hard on yourself and show strong-willed qualities. This is a smooth process, which, however, is not as painful as it seems. The symptoms go away gradually, as does the desire to quit smoking. We invite you to consider the table of nicotine withdrawal syndrome in a month.

Time without cigarettes (days) Violations
1-3 Trouble sleeping, mild anxiety, low appetite, mild emotional irritation.
3-6 Disturbance in sleep patterns (frequent getting up at night), depression, heartburn, “squeezing” of the heart, dizziness when bending over, tinnitus.
6-9 Skin peels, appearance small pimples, swelling of the face and limbs. An unbalanced psycho-emotional state, the presence of a mucous lump in the throat, abdominal pain, gastrointestinal problems.
9-12 Lethargy, dizziness, dry skin or excessive secretion fatty substances. Total loss sleep at night, desire to sleep during the day.
12-15 Increased urge to smoke wet cough, nervous breakdown, constipation.
15-18 Raging appetite, muscle pain, aching bones, colds.
18-21 Excessive sweating, sharp contraction of the muscles of the arms and legs, pain in the right side, bitterness in the mouth, tormenting thirst, increased urination.
21-24 A noticeable wet cough, heartburn and strong stools occur after eating fatty foods. The skin dries and peels.
24-27 Blood pressure steadily decreases, allergic symptoms appear skin reactions, high excitability, even more strong desire smoke a cigarette.
27-30 Intestinal peristalsis is restored, skin color and condition improves, lethargy, drowsiness.

Duration of this state

As you can see, dependence on nicotine after smoking cessation is very pronounced. unpleasant symptoms. Their duration and contrast depend on the following indicators: age, gender, health status, smoking experience, genetic factors, how much a person smokes per day. Separately, we note the importance of the degree of motivation of a person to overcome smoking cessation syndrome.

A month after quitting tobacco, cravings for the missing dose of nicotine appear. psychological level. A person is not fully aware of how much he wants to smoke. Realizing how disgusting the withdrawal sensations are for him, he thinks that it is difficult to cope, to overcome himself. They are inspired to think that smoking is not so bad, but withdrawal symptoms will interfere with a full life.

Meanwhile, 30 days after quitting cigarettes, the symptoms of physical dependence begin to leave the person. But the habit of the psyche still remains strong. I want to smoke for another six months, feeling the aromatic smoke of tobacco. The most difficult period of quitting smoking in terms of psychology is the period from the 2nd to the 3rd months.

People who have given up a bad habit state that cigarette withdrawal syndrome reaches its apogee on the fourth to seventh day after quitting. At this moment, the body realizes that it has been left without nicotine for a long time. Then he begins to rebuild all functions and processes in a healthy way. This is the very starting point that gives rise to a new lifestyle without nicotine.

How to get rid of withdrawal symptoms

There are rules that help with withdrawal symptoms to ease the body's dependence on nicotine. Let us highlight the main methods of combating nicotine withdrawal:

  1. Nicotine gum, tablets, patches or sprays.
  2. Exercise, walks in the fresh air.
  3. Diet: eat more fruits and dairy products.
  4. Visit the pool, sauna or bathhouse.
  5. Drink more water.

REFERENCE INFORMATION! In the first days after quitting cigarettes, symptoms will subside when you add vegetables containing nicotine to your meals. These include potatoes, cauliflower, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplant.

Liver non-smoking person produces a minimum of nicotine for normal functioning. When you stop smoking cigarettes, it stops supplying the body with the substance due to the fact that it is accustomed to receiving a dose of nicotine in a different way. The listed vegetables activate normal liver function.

After stopping cigarettes, if you have a strong desire to smoke, do the following: count down four minutes - during this time the craving will weaken. Take deep breaths 5-10 times, drink water. Lose yourself in other thoughts, chat, or invite someone to go for a walk together.

Official medicine

There are a number medications, which are recommended by doctors for smoking withdrawal syndrome. We have prepared a list of the most popular remedies used for smoking cessation syndrome:

  1. Lobelin. Sold in drops and tablets. Take tablets – one per day. Drops should be taken in 4-5 repetitions at a rate of 10-15 per day. We do this for a week. The course may be repeated.
  2. Bullfight. Herbal preparation with a period of 5-7 weeks. Dosage only under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Tabex. For the first 3 days, one tablet is enough daily norm. After 2-3 months for an individual prescription.
  4. Zyban. Already a week before the ban on nicotine, they begin taking the drug. The course period and dosage are determined from each individual’s personal indicators.
  5. Champix. Daily course: 1-3 days – 1/2 tablet; 4-7 days – the same norm, now twice; 8-14 days – one full tablet two doses per day.

Traditional methods

In order to overcome nicotine withdrawal syndrome, grandmother's advice will be very useful. Proven tobacco control tools are:

  • Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus oil is used to prepare inhalations that cleanse the smoker’s body of resins, nuclides, tar, and salts. We take eucalyptus and lavender oils by inhalation every other day.
  • Ginger. Relieves annoying cough caused by smoking and phlegm. Its roots (500 g) are infused in 1 liter. alcohol for two weeks, stir after a while. Then we strain the tincture, make it again, and let it sit for a day. Drain the liquid, removing the sediment. We drink ginger mixture twice a day after meals.
  • Mint. Calms nerves, removes stress and bad emotions. Prepare a mint decoction, drink 50 g eight times a day, 3 tbsp. pour dried herbs in a proportion of 300 g. Leave for a couple of hours.
  • Oats. Oat bran helps fight withdrawal symptoms. We boil them and drink them eight times a day at the same rate as above. Required before eating.
  • Lobelia. Unique way get rid of smoking withdrawal syndrome. Then the nicotine deficiency is replaced by lobelia extract. There is little nicotine in it, you are guaranteed to quit smoking faster and less painfully.

EXPERT ADVICE! Self-treatment strictly contraindicated. You should only take medications that are prescribed by your doctor. Before use, be sure to take the recommendation of a specialist to avoid side effects.

Freedom and health

Smoking is a process of cell destruction. We start it by various reasons. It doesn’t matter how you did it, what matters is how badly you want to quit!

Knowing the symptoms, their manifestations, having information about the negatives of smoking tobacco, you are free to choose! Based on medical research, people's councils Having made a firm, independent decision to give up nicotine, rest assured that the habit will disappear. I wish you health and many years to come!

Smoking withdrawal syndrome is an irresistible craving for nicotine that disrupts the body’s usual conditions of existence. Manifestations of smoking withdrawal syndrome are called nicotine withdrawal by narcologists.

Smoking tobacco causes psychological and physiological.

When smoking, nicotine affects the nervous system, a person feels a short-term surge of strength. A conditional condition is formed in the nervous system: smoking a cigarette is pleasure. This is how psychological dependence is formed, only the smoker can fight it, no one can do it for him. The conditioned reflex can only be overcome by willpower. You can replace one conditioned reflex with another that is beneficial for health.

Nicotine interferes with many reactions in the body; almost every cell undergoes this interference. Nicotine also affects the peripheral nervous system. With regular smoking, it becomes as if the norm and the person continues to smoke in order to feel normal. Without cigarettes, the body is no longer comfortable. This is how physiological dependence develops.

When quitting nicotine, the entire body, incl. the nervous system needs to learn to function normally without this stimulant. And this will definitely happen, because all processes occurring under the influence of nicotine are unnatural for the body.

Smoking withdrawal syndrome: how to survive?

In the first days of adaptation, a person experiences stress, irritability appears, abrupt change mood, insomnia is possible, maybe. As a rule, these symptoms disappear 1-3 months after quitting cigarettes.

The symptoms described above do not appear to everyone when quitting tobacco and not always!

If during the process of quitting smoking any severe symptoms or you decide that it is not possible to cope with this without medication, consult a doctor!

Always remember the positive consequences of quitting smoking, which will begin to appear almost as soon as you part with the last cigarette you smoked. Here are just a few of them: after a day the tone returns to normal blood vessels, breathing will become light and deep, on the 2-3rd day the taste and olfactory sensations are restored, it becomes “light”, performance increases, memory improves, speeds up mental functions brain The financial benefits are generally undeniable - you can go on a trip with the money you save!

About the harm cigarette smoke And every person knows that smoking is harmful. About bad habit smoking, many books have been written that do not ignore this burning topic and remedies mass media. However, part with a cigarette heavy smoker most often it cannot. The main reason is the so-called smoking withdrawal syndrome. In medical terminology, it is called nicotine withdrawal. At the same time, a constantly smoking person begins to experience severe discomfort after giving up the bad habit. This painful condition is understandable, because for decades it has been a stimulator of most biochemical processes in the smoker’s body. If nicotine stops entering the blood, all processes should return to their previous natural course, but this requires certain time. During this period, smoking cessation syndrome occurs.

Symptoms of smoking cessation syndrome

Of course, it is very difficult to overcome a depressed state and a complete loss of strength. Bad habit holds the smoking person tightly in his “iron embrace.” Each smoker's body is individual, so it tolerates nicotine withdrawal in its own way. However, there are general symptoms, characteristic of of this disease. On the first day spent without a cigarette, a person develops irritability, nervousness, decreased concentration and a strong desire to smoke. On the second day they are added headache, excessive appetite, . The end of the first week is marked by rapid weight gain, memory loss, depression and a new irresistible desire to smoke.

All of these symptoms are accompanied by a cough with sputum discharge. The body begins to remove tar and other products from the lungs tobacco smoke. In addition, during smoking cessation a person becomes susceptible to colds and viral diseases and defeats respiratory system. This is explained by the fact that the bronchioles, which previously narrowed under the influence of nicotine, expand. As a result, the risk of germs and viruses entering the body increases significantly.

Features of smoking cessation syndrome

Nicotine has a specific effect on the smoker's body. After smoking a cigarette, a person experiences a surge of vigor and strength, it is released into the blood and begins to be released. When you quit smoking, the body stops receiving this kind of doping, experiencing stress. Someone will say that the body already secretes this hormone at a level conditioned reflexes, but no one considers, for example, playing sports an addiction. The fact is that smoking provokes the artificial production of endorphins, replacing them natural production. It turns out that a person who smokes deceives his body.

During the period of nicotine withdrawal, the central and peripheral nervous system. When smoking, nicotine has a stimulating effect on almost everything. nerve cells. As a result of this constant “stimulation,” the receptors cease to respond adequately to external stimuli. They need regular “feeding”. This is how physical dependence on nicotine develops. Without smoking, a person's life becomes uncomfortable. Therefore, when refusing a cigarette, the nervous system responds with nervousness, depression, and dissatisfaction.

In addition, psychological dependence is formed, which is much more difficult to overcome. The process of smoking itself becomes an element of a person’s image, an integral part of his everyday life. Smoking cessation syndrome causes a person to feel empty and internally alone. Many try to suppress such a difficult feeling with excessive gluttony or consumption alcoholic drinks. This is very dangerous path which should be avoided by everyone accessible ways, one dependency may be replaced by another.

Only patience and willpower will help you cope with nicotine withdrawal. The main thing is that there must be unshakable motivation, then it will be achieved positive result. Any smoker seeking to radically change his life needs to properly prepare for the upcoming smoking withdrawal syndrome. Yes, it will be difficult, but then you can be proud of your endurance. Stop smoking, take care of yourself!