The land turtle does not eat what to do in winter. Why doesn't the red-eared slider eat? Why doesn't the turtle eat anything?

The red-eared turtle, despite the generally accepted idea of ​​it as a lazy and slow animal, in natural conditions habitat behaves quite actively and lively, showing curiosity in every suitable case. It seems even more strange passive behavior reptiles when red-eared turtle does not eat, sleeps and is lethargic. If the owner of a red-eared slider does not have extensive experience in handling reptiles, it is better to consult a veterinarian just in case.

Poor nutrition

The red-eared turtle stops eating due to a number of circumstances. The owner of a reptile simply overfeeds his beloved pet by giving it food too often. In nature, red-eared turtles need to eat no more than once or twice a day, and it is not worth increasing the frequency of feeding the reptile. If the problem arose due to a violation of the diet, then the owner of the red-eared turtle should reduce the number of daily portions and give the turtle as much food as it can eat at a time. In this case, leftover food must be removed, since spoiled food is quite capable of causing various diseases.


The hibernation that red-eared turtles go into in winter is another reason why the pet suddenly stops eating and does not show itself from behind its shell. Don't underestimate the risks this state red-eared turtle, since at home it is very difficult to create an authentic environment in which the reptiles wait out the winter. Therefore, if you suspect that your tortoise is about to hibernate, take steps to prevent it from falling asleep, otherwise there is a chance that your pet will not wake up from its sleep state in the spring. To do this, increase the temperature in the terrarium to 28˚C, increase the level of illumination there, extending the period of daylight by two to three hours.

If you still missed the moment when the red-eared turtle hibernated, provide it with conditions for comfortable waiting out the cold season. Place it in a wooden box and place it in a place with increased level humidity and low temperature. The red-eared slider should begin to emerge from hibernation around mid-March. If the red-eared turtle still does not wake up, the owner of the animal should begin to take measures to awaken it, otherwise the pet will die from exhaustion and dehydration. To do this, you need to gradually increase the level of illumination and temperature of the box with the turtle every day.

Mating games

Finally, one more natural cause The change in behavior of the red-eared turtle, when it stops eating, is the onset of the mating season, however, if the reptile is kept alone or has not reached the age of sexual maturity, this option is unlikely. If a male and female red-eared turtle are kept together in the same aquarium and have reached the ages of 5 and 4 years, respectively, then you are unlikely to be able to prevent them from conducting mating games, and you just need to wait until they start eating again as before. . During this period, red-eared turtles become aggressive and refuse to eat.


The most unpleasant explanation for a turtle's low activity is possible illness. pet. Often it is malaise that leads to the fact that the turtle eats little and sleeps a lot. The most common disease in house-kept red-eared turtles is pneumonia. When pneumonia occurs, the reptile becomes lethargic, inactive, stops eating food, and begins to float to the surface of the aquarium with its mouth open. The cause of pneumonia in a turtle may be hypothermia, which occurs due to a prolonged lack of heating in the terrarium, as well as a long stay in a draft. If a red-eared turtle gets pneumonia, it will collapse on the affected lung when swimming. At the same time, the reptile will breathe through its mouth and dive into the water less often, as it will experience difficulty breathing.


A monotonous or inappropriate diet may also be among the reasons why a red-eared slider is lethargic and does not eat. Veterinarians recommend including in your diet food that reptiles eat in natural conditions: lean fish, beetles, worms. Bone meal supplements will help strengthen the shell. It is recommended to include vegetables and herbs in the diet.

Reluctance to eat is sometimes accompanied by other symptoms of painful conditions. The turtle may experience inflammation of the eyelids, nasal discharge, bleeding, sneezing, and coughing. If you notice such symptoms, contact a competent veterinarian who can determine the cause of the ailment.

Nowadays, keeping various exotic animals in your apartment - crocodiles, lizards, snakes, spiders is considered the highest chic... These and other exotic animals attract people with their unusualness. Red-eared turtles are becoming popular all over the world; they are bred on special farms and then sold in pet stores. These animals are kept in aquariums or terrariums. Turtles are one of the most ancient animals. For two hundred million years appearance almost unchanged.

In nature, the red-eared turtle feeds on animals and plant foods.
To avoid mistakes in keeping these animals, you need to know exactly what the red-eared turtle does not eat, and what is especially useful for it. The turtle's diet should be as balanced in content as possible. nutrients and in terms of calories.

If the diet is formulated incorrectly, the turtles will not grow well. A balanced and high-calorie diet for red-eared turtles is one of important conditions correct content. Young turtles are fed animal food. They also eat dried daphnia, bloodworms, tubifex and gammarus, both dried and live.

The young one does not eat meat and fish, that is, what must be given to adult turtles. For meat, it is recommended that adults be given boiled or raw beef or chicken. Some people prefer to feed their pets instead of meat. goes fat fish, then you must first keep it in boiling water. Before feeding big fish you need to grind it, removing the bones. The small ones are crushed together with the bones.
Turtles also need vitamins, which are found in raw liver, shrimp, squid meat and the larvae of various beetles, such as mealy beetles.

Some hobbyists mistakenly believe that the red-eared turtle does not eat live food, or are afraid that it will not be able to catch it on its own. But that's not true. Turtles are excellent at catching live food. Experts even recommend feeding them with live food more often, as this creates conditions that are close to natural.

Adult turtles feed on algae, so in a separate aquarium you need to specially grow plants for feeding, otherwise the reptiles will nibble on the algae and the terrarium will look sloppy. The red-eared turtle does not eat poisonous algae, such as limnophila and elodea. If there is a pond near your house, you can catch duckweed there. You can also collect some other plants. Instead of algae, you can give the animals lettuce or dandelion leaves. Red-eared turtles enjoy eating cucumber or cabbage.

The pet store sells special balanced food for turtles. It is very convenient to feed them, but you need to look at the composition and make sure that they are fresh. It is best to purchase imported food, as they are more balanced, but dry food for cats and dogs should not be given to turtles - they contain substances that do not meet their needs.

It is useful to occasionally give crushed tortoises eggshells and vitamin D. Food should be thrown into water. You need to give so much food that it does not remain in the water, otherwise uneaten pieces of fish or meat will rot very quickly and the water will have to be changed.

To feed red-eared turtles, you can transplant them into another aquarium, but not all animals like this. Young turtles need to be fed once a day, and starting from two years old - every couple of days.

U healthy turtles Always good appetite. The reasons why a red-eared turtle does not eat can be different - the diet has changed, or it is simply not hungry, or maybe it is just sick. In this case, she should be shown to a veterinarian immediately. A turtle may also refuse to eat because it is in a new environment. In this case, you just need to leave it alone for a while.

The red-eared turtle is one of the most common pets. We fell in love with the turtle for its unusual bright color and its ease of care. However, many people do not know the rules for keeping a turtle or simply ignore the recommendations of veterinarians and pet store sellers. This is where problems arise with her health and physical condition. It often happens that having bought red-eared turtle, the owners bring her home and notice that she is inactive, sleeps most of the time, is lethargic, and refuses food. In fact, there are a huge number of reasons for the occurrence of such syndromes, so let's look at the conditions in which the turtle is kept in order to eliminate our own fault.

The red-eared beauty comes from America, it’s not for nothing that her second name is American turtle. This pet will be a great friend because... at home and at proper care turtles are active and very hardy. These pets often have a distinct personality and character, and are very intelligent and quick-witted. If you have two individuals, you can observe the aggressive antics of the red-eared slider - taking food, fighting, rivalry. At home, turtles live quite a long time, up to 40 years. Another pleasant bonus of purchasing such an animal is the absence of allergies to it. The red-eared beauty is known for its striking olive-colored coat, with a red stripe running across its entire body. The size varies, from 3 cm to 30 cm, and it is worth considering that at home, red-eared turtles develop much faster than in nature.

The turtle can also make characteristic sounds - hissing, squeaking or snorting.

How to care for red-eared turtles

To keep a turtle you will need an aquarium, choose the size yourself, but keep in mind that they grow quickly, in the future they will need a lot of space. It is also worth building an island for access to land. The island must be installed so that part of it is covered with water; it must be secured well so that the turtle does not get hurt; Also, the most important thing is that the island must be heated and warm so that the reptile can bask on it. It is also worth purchasing a heating lamp to maintain required temperature, a UV lamp is also necessary, which will help to properly absorb calcium in the body so that the turtle does not suffer from rickets or a bent shell.

To keep the turtle healthy, need to monitor her diet. The types of food are very diverse; they can be vegetables, special foods, insects or plants. The main condition is large number calcium in foods, which is necessary for the formation of the shell.

The diet should be age appropriate. Young reptiles are less demanding, while adults need plant food, which should be in abundance.

Water is the main condition for keeping the red-eared turtle. There should be a lot of water and it needs to be changed often, because... pets live in this water, eat, and go to the toilet. Otherwise, reptiles may get sick from microbes that develop in dirty water.

It is necessary to constantly maintain the water temperature at 23 °C and above. At low temperatures, the reptile may go into hibernation, from which it may not emerge, and then die from dehydration.

Everyone noticed that the turtle’s claws and beak grow very quickly, and they also require special care. As the claws grow, they need to be trimmed, otherwise the pet will not be able to move on land. You can do this yourself or by visiting a veterinary clinic.

It would be a good idea to watch the following video

Dangerous! Never trim the growing beak; it provides turtles with the opportunity to eat meat.

Causes of poor turtle health

You have learned the rules for keeping a red-eared turtle and its characteristics. Now let's figure out why they are sometimes lethargic and sometimes don't eat anything at all? The most common reasons:

  • Poor nutrition (abundance of food, wrong diet, poor quality products)
  • Breeding period
  • Disease
  • Climate change
  • Reduced or elevated temperature water
  • Aggression in a group of turtles

How to deal with the causes of poor health

You notice that the reptile does not eat, is inactive, sleeps often, and does not make sounds - this is a reason to worry.

Let's try to find solutions for the reasons feeling unwell.

Nutrition should be balanced:

  • An abundance of food can lead to overeating. What to do? Turtles need to be fed on time; young reptiles need to be fed daily, while adults can be fed every other day.
  • An incorrect diet can be easily balanced - feed the young a large number squirrel, teenagers with any food, older ones - with a large amount plant products. The main condition is that the food must contain vitamins and be rich in calcium, otherwise calcium must be supplied separately from the food.
  • Poor quality products are a consequence of the owner’s savings. You should not choose the cheapest food; you need to pay attention to the manufacturer and composition.

The breeding season for turtles is accompanied by their passivity. For them, this is a new sensation, a period of calm. What to do during reproduction? Nothing. You just need to wait out this moment, then prepare for replenishment.

Disease- a frequent visitor for red-eared turtles. You should immediately go to the veterinarian; you should not try to cure the turtle yourself, the consequences can be sad.

Watch a video on the topic

Climate change also affects the condition of the turtle. If you just bought a pet and brought it home, then passivity definitely awaits you. The reptile will adapt to the new climate and new environment for several days. What to do in this situation? Observe your pet and also create for him comfortable conditions for existence.

Hibernation time for reptiles
common occurrence. In nature, in autumn and winter, they constantly lie down at the bottom of the reservoir to sleep and do not wake up until warm days in the spring. What to do and how to avoid this? To prevent the turtle from feeling the onset of cold weather, it needs to maintain the water temperature at least 23°C and provide a constant supply of light. If the reptile hibernates, it must be placed in a box and left in a cool and damp place until it warms up.

Water temperature greatly affects the turtle's well-being, so you need to monitor its heat level. To do this, purchase a thermometer and install it on the aquarium so that you can always see the temperature, do not rely on your own feelings.

Aggression is characteristic of reptiles in a group. They love to compete and fight. Has your pet become lethargic and sleeps frequently? Perhaps he does not have enough food, perhaps others are offending him. To do this, monitor the actions of your cohabitants during feeding; if food is taken away from the turtle, feed it separately. If she is offended, she may have to get another aquarium or give the pet to another owner.

There can be a large number of reasons for the poor health of the red-eared beauty.

Video shows a red-eared turtle unable to eat

Only a very responsible owner can find the causes and solve the problem; searching for the causes is a difficult and painstaking process. If you cannot find the reasons, you need to urgently contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and prescribe necessary treatment. Also, do not forget that it is better to prevent a disease than to correct the consequences of an irresponsible attitude towards animals.

Red-eared turtles have long been kept as pets. With proper care, reptiles live in captivity for a long time and feel great. But there are situations when a turtle behaves strangely, for example, refuses to eat.

In fact, there may be several reasons for strange behavior. Some are caused physiological processes in the animal's body and do not pose a threat. In other cases, food refusal may be due to health problems.

  • Adaptation. When a red-eared turtle is moved to a new habitat, it may become stressed and stop eating. As a rule, this goes away after some time, and the pet begins to eat normally.
  • The red-eared turtle will not eat if it has intestinal problems eg constipation. You should try to exclude rough foods from your diet. If digestion is restored after this, then there is no need to worry.
  • Hypothermia of the body may be the answer to why the red-eared slider won't eat. At the same time, the animal becomes lethargic and apathetic. It must be remembered that red-eared turtles live in the tropical zone, so they feel comfortable in this range: 37-42°C.
  • Mating period. When turtles begin mating, they may not eat for several days. This usually changes their behavior. Males become very active. Refusal to eat during this period does not pose any harm to the animal.

The most dangerous reason refusal to eat is a disease. Diseases in red-eared turtles vary. Hypothermia can cause pneumonia, which is common cause fatal outcome. These animals may be deficient in certain minerals and vitamins, which leads to loss of immunity and other problems in the body. Turtles are also often affected by fungal infections.

You should only be seriously concerned if the turtle is sick.

Lack of appetite should be eliminated only after the cause of this phenomenon has been established. If the turtle is hypothermic, you just need to raise the temperature a couple of degrees, and the animal will immediately revive and become active. Your appetite will return quickly.

If the turtle is not feeling well due to digestive problems, then you need to feed it light food. After some time, digestion will recover on its own.

There is no need to do anything during the mating period. When the hormones calm down, the turtle will begin to eat on its own.

If the turtle gets sick, refuses to eat and becomes lethargic, it needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

Is it dangerous

The situation becomes dangerous if the turtle gets sick. In other cases, appetite returns on its own.

Turtle owners are often concerned about what to do if the reason for the lack of appetite is not clear. In this case, the animal must be taken to a veterinary clinic and shown to a qualified specialist.

Usually, experienced turtle breeders themselves can correctly determine the cause of a pet’s lack of appetite. Beginners need to pay attention to the slightest deviations in the animal’s behavior and, at the first suspicion that the turtle is unwell, make an appointment with a veterinarian.

The owner of a red-eared slider begins to feel anxious at the slightest change in the behavior of his pet, especially when the reptile refuses to eat. Some cases are completely safe and the animal’s health is not in danger.

In order to understand the situation, the cause should be determined which led to this condition and, if possible, begin to eliminate it. Not always independent intervention can be beneficial.

In order not to harm or worsen the situation, it is best to consult with specialists or experienced owners.


There are several reasons why a red-eared turtle may lose its appetite and not eat anything at all for several days:

  • Feeding too often. This is typical for inexperienced owners. In most cases, not everyone can know the nutritional norm for a given type of reptile. Adults take food once every two days and are able to control their own needs when replenishing energy;
  • The onset of hibernation. As a rule, this happens sharp decline activity of all reptiles. If the red-eared turtle stops eating at this particular time, then it is quite possible that he is about to fall asleep;
  • Mature turtles may enter breeding season. This determines abrupt change animal behavior. True, this option is possible if two individuals of different sexes are kept together;
  • The turtle got sick. As a rule, animals experiencing illness refuse to eat, become lethargic, they are constantly falling asleep.

Define the right reason Only an attentive and experienced owner can refuse food from a pet, therefore, it is recommended to use the help of specialists from veterinary clinics.


The reason why the red-eared turtle has lost its appetite can be eliminated either independently or with the help of a veterinarian. It all depends on how serious the situation is.

If you feed frequently, you should reduce the amount and start giving as much food as the turtle can eat at one time. Leftover food is immediately removed, otherwise they may spoil, which will lead to illness if the turtle decides to finish them. Most often you can give vegetables and herbs. Adult turtles are primarily herbivores, so protein food they are fed periodically.

When preparing a turtle for hibernation, you need to bring it out of this state. Reptiles of this species hibernate under certain conditions that are almost impossible to create at home. A turtle may fall asleep and never wake up, especially if for some reason it is weakened and exhausted.

In the aquaterrarium you need to increase the water temperature to 28 degrees, make the lighting brighter and long lasting. Daylight hours should be increased by two or three hours.

It should be noted that for female turtles of this species puberty occurs at the age of four years. Males are ready to reproduce at the age of five. Therefore, if the reptiles are younger, the reason for refusing to eat lies elsewhere.

Video: getting to know your pet

� sick turtle it is advisable to identify the symptoms. When visible reasons are absent, and the development of the disease has not been detected, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian. During the examination it will be revealed possible reasons diseases, prescribed correct treatment and the necessary manipulations were carried out. In addition, in veterinary clinic they will give necessary recommendations for further care of the turtle. Very often, experts recommend taking special vitamin complexes for freshwater reptiles.

Video: Why doesn't he eat?

Pops up with open mouth

Most often, a red-eared slider can get pneumonia. If she is lethargic, refuses to eat, and floats up with her mouth open, then most likely she has pneumonia.

This may happen in the following cases:

  • ate long time the reptile was without heating;
  • she had too much in her aquaterrarium cold water, and the animal spent a long time in it;
  • the turtle ran away from its place of detention and, before the owner noticed it, managed to be in a draft.

Determining which lung is inflamed is very simple. You just need to notice Which side does it fall on when swimming? turtle. The affected side will always be more submerged in the water. At the same time, the reptile opens its mouth, since it is difficult for it to breathe and cannot be under water.

If such symptoms appear, you should seek help from veterinarian. If the diagnosis is confirmed, then only the owner’s compliance with all appointments and recommendations.

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat an animal later. In order for the red-eared turtle to be active, healthy and not cause any problems to the owner, it is necessary to comply with the conditions of detention, properly feed and care for the animal.