The cat has enlarged kidneys: possible causes, symptoms, treatment options, veterinary advice. How to Tell if Your Cat Has Kidney Problems

Veterinarians often diagnose kidney disease in cats, an adult with absolutely healthy organs The urinary system is very complex. And this is a fact, albeit unpleasant for the owners of the furry beauties. At the same time, street stray cats suffer from such problems much less often than their well-groomed domestic cats. Let's talk about the symptoms and treatment of kidney disease in cats.

Cats' weak point

It has been noticed that cats do not drink enough water. Moreover, dry food is now very popular, which is so convenient to feed your pets. They absorb water entering the body, which is why the animal’s kidneys and the entire urinary system certainly suffer. Of course, this is not a call to give up dry food, which contains an ideally selected composition of calories and vitamins.

It is important to always leave water available and in the right quantity for your cat.

In addition, the diseases of this organ are also to blame anatomical feature body structure of the cat family. Their urinary system has several bottlenecks where blockages are possible. Because urine cannot leave the body in time, the kidneys are the first to suffer.

Common feline kidney diseases

The most common and widespread kidney diseases in cats are caused by various inflammations and bacteria - all types of nephritis, cystitis. Since the organ filters blood, any infection that gets into it will certainly get there. If the disease is not treated acute stage, then it quickly becomes chronic and causes problems for the cat for the rest of its life. Let's list kidney diseases fluffy ones, which are quite common:

Jades. There are three types - hydronephritis, glomeronephritis and pyelonephritis. This is a series inflammatory diseases kidney caused harmful bacteria, entering the blood and then to the kidneys. They can affect either one of them or both at once.

Polycystic. The disease is hereditary and cannot be cured. Such kidney diseases are typical for certain cats, exotic breeds, for example, Himalayan and Persian. It is accompanied by the appearance in the kidney tissue of small cavities filled with functional fluid. It is impossible to detect cysts in a kitten, although it may already be born with such a problem. Only an adult can be diagnosed with polycystic disease.

Amyloidosis. It is a consequence of a malfunction in metabolism, protein-carbohydrate balance and is accompanied by the accumulation and deposition of amyloid in the tissues of the organ. Although amyloidosis affects cats of all breeds, it is more often found in Somali and Abyssinian cats.

Congenital kidney abnormalities. These include dysplasia, when the development and growth of an organ is abnormal, and aplasia, the absence of one or both kidneys. In the second case, the kitten has no chance to survive.

The kidneys in cats, like those in humans, consist of nephrons that are not capable of regeneration. Therefore, any of their diseases must be treated and preferably at the earliest early stages so that it does not turn into chronic failure. Up to 20% of cats die from this diagnosis.

It is the advanced forms of kidney disease that lead to the fact that this organ is not able to perform the functions assigned to it by nature. The result of this is a metabolic disorder in the cat’s body, which leads to inevitable death.

Symptoms of kidney problems

The owner's observation of the pet's behavior will help recognize kidney disease in the early stages. However, veterinary doctors note that many try to help the cat on their own, thereby wasting precious time. Therefore, they come to see a doctor already with chronic forms of diseases. Found in an animal following symptoms kidney disease in cats, contact the clinic immediately:

  1. Loss of appetite, weight loss, and occasional vomiting and bad smell from the mouth. Because the organ cannot perform its functions fully, the cat’s body is exposed to intoxication by protein breakdown products.
  2. The amount of urine increases with kidney disease, but it has no smell or color, and the cat drinks a lot. Diseased kidneys are unable to filter the water entering the body, and it directly leaves the body, causing dehydration. Although the animal begins to drink a lot in an attempt to compensate for the loss, this cannot solve the problem.
  3. The nose and gums become pale. If kidney function is impaired, there is a decrease in red blood cells, the level of hemoglobin drops, which causes anemia and pallor of the mucous membranes.
  4. IN oral cavity Ulcerative wounds appear, damage to tooth enamel is observed. Protein breakdown products cannot leave the body normally and enter the blood and then saliva. Under the influence of oral flora, they turn into ammonia, which not only creates a specific odor from the animal’s mouth, but also creates factors that irritate the oral mucosa.
  5. Hemorrhages in the eyes. One of the functions of the kidneys is the production of a special enzyme - chymosin, which regulates blood pressure. The disease prevents them from producing it in sufficient quantities, as a result of which the pressure increases, causing hemorrhages in the eyes. This pressure again negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys, forcing them to work harder, which leads to the death of nephrons. The disease begins to progress at high speed.

Diagnosis of kidney problems in cats

Noticing characteristic features kidney disease in cats, you need to urgently show the animal to a veterinarian. It is he who will appoint diagnostic measures to make an accurate diagnosis.

Clinical tests will show a picture of the processes occurring in the pet’s body, and ultrasound examination– kidney size and changes.

Acute diseases appear suddenly and it is not always possible to accurately say from urine and blood tests whether there are problems with this organ until more than half of the nephrons have died. The method of creatinine ratio in both blood and urine is considered to be of higher quality. It is this method that can most accurately diagnose organ disease. Pyelonephritis in cats is determined by urine culture.

Treatment of kidney diseases

To help your pet or completely get rid of problems in the early stages, it is necessary to correctly diagnose the disease. When a diagnosis is made, treatment should immediately begin, which has three main directions:

  • Firstly, it is necessary to extinguish the action of bacteria that provoked inflammatory process. The main treatment for kidney disease in cats is antibiotics. If glomerulonephritis is detected in cats, cytostatics can be used for treatment.
  • In parallel with the fight against inflammation, a course of drips is carried out to eliminate the effects of intoxication of the body and its dehydration.
  • And, of course, a strict diet with a decrease in proteins and microelements such as sodium and phosphorus in the diet. This will significantly reduce the load on the kidneys. The main goal of the diet is to save healthy nephrons.

Prevention of kidney disease in cats

Knowing how difficult and life-threatening kidney diseases are in cats, it is better to focus your efforts on their prevention and follow a number of recommendations from veterinarians:

  • food for domestic cats should be adapted to their digestive system, that is, in no case should you “pamper” them with salty, sweet, fatty foods and smoked meats, as well as pasta and legumes. Sausage is also not for an animal's bowl,
  • The water quality must also be controlled by the owner. As a rule, chlorinated water comes from the tap; it is harmful to all genitourinary system cat Replace the water with filtered water or at least leave it in containers for some time so that most of the chlorine evaporates from it,
  • the kidneys can get cold, which will also provoke an inflammatory process. Therefore, try to avoid drafts and strong ventilation during the cold season.
  • Just like hypothermia, overheating will have a negative impact on your pet. Furry friend in a hot room absorbs more water, loading your kidneys,
  • and, of course, mobility and mobility again. Young cats rarely get kidney disease because they are more active. But as they age and gain weight, they can become lazy. This is where problems creep in. Stagnation of urine will begin and, as a result, kidney disease. Make your pet move and play more, this will save him from many problems with normal functioning total organisms.

The cat owner must remember that kidney diseases are very insidious. Kidney disease can be chronic and not show itself for a long time. The pain will not bother your pet, and symptoms appear only after some time. Veterinarians strongly recommend paying attention to appearance and the behavior of a friend, especially one who has passed the age of 7.

In order not to miss the moment, upon the arrival of this period it is necessary to undergo annual scheduled medical examinations pet cat with change necessary tests and undergoing an ultrasound.


Consequences of what was suffered infectious disease If not treated in a timely manner, they can result in chronic renal failure. And this is the inevitable death of the animal. That's why owners need to take preventive measures for pets, especially those older than seven years, and monitor their condition. It should be remembered that correct treatment and therapy aimed at maintaining normal functions kidneys, will provide good quality and life and its duration.


In cats they are the most vulnerable organ. Almost every animal experiences problems with this organ. Even if a cat has never had diseases in this area, as it ages, the kidneys change structurally, and then disturbances in their work will make themselves felt, expressed in various ailments. According to statistics, more than 15% of pets have kidney disease.

What role do the kidneys play in the body?

The kidneys are paired organ, whose task is to filter metabolic products and cleanse the body of toxins. In addition, they maintain water balance, acid levels and electrolyte composition of the blood, perform hormonal function, regulate blood pressure.

Each kidney has the shape of a bean, covered on the outside with a dense capsule, and having a content consisting of kidney tissue. The kidney can be divided into two parts, each of which performs a specific task: kidney tissue filters blood to form urine; The pyelocaliceal system is responsible for the storage and excretion of urine.

When damaged, kidney tissue does not recover. If the kidneys stop coping with their tasks, the cat develops severe intoxication, disturbances in water, protein, and electrolyte balance, which can lead to the death of the four-legged pet.

As practice shows, kidney disease occurs three times more often in cats than in dogs. It is believed that this is due to their ability, borrowed from their wild ancestors, to make do with a small amount of water. If at the same time domestic cat eats dry food, the water balance is disturbed, and this, in turn, causes serious problems with health.

The anatomical structure of the genitourinary system also has great value: a narrow and long urethra provokes blockage urethra and, which creates additional stress on the organ, up to its failure.

Kidney disease is most often diagnosed in older cats. The most susceptible to pathologies are domestic cats that are prone to overweight, and pets with reduced physical activity.

The kidneys are incapable of regeneration, and it is quite difficult to cure the developed disease. At the first suspicion that your cat has kidney disease, you should immediately take it to see a veterinarian. With the help of properly selected medications, you can significantly alleviate the animal’s condition. Self-medication is prohibited.


The causes of kidney disease in cats are varied. The development of pathology can be caused by:

  • allergic reaction;
  • infectious disease;
  • injury;
  • poisoning with poor quality food or chemicals;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • insufficient water consumption;
  • disease of the stomach, intestines, teeth;
  • medication overdose;
  • incorrectly composed diet (excess salt in dishes).

It is difficult to determine the exact cause of a particular kidney disease in a cat. Diseases are diagnosed only on late stage development.

Disease symptoms and treatment

Cats are susceptible to large quantity kidney diseases. The success of their treatment depends on the form of the disease and the accuracy of the diagnosis. Timely therapy will help alleviate the animal’s condition during acute or subacute form diseases. At chronic pathologies Medications can only make it easier general condition, relieving symptoms.

The clinical picture of the course of many kidney ailments similar. Diagnosing a particular disease in a pet at home is quite difficult. To make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment for your cat, you need to undergo full examination V veterinary clinic.


Nephritis is a serious kidney disease that occurs in chronic and acute forms. The disease can be diffuse and focal.

The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • refusal of food;
  • bad breath;
  • edema ears, eyelids and limbs;
  • frequent urination mixed with blood;
  • vomiting and diarrhea (in the advanced stage of the disease);
  • decreased activity.

When providing first aid at home, the use of medications is prohibited. Illiterate use of medications can cause severe complications. Before visiting the veterinarian, the owner must exclude dry food, fried and salty foods from the animal's diet.

After examination and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a special diet for a cat with nephritis. The owner must ensure that the cat consumes large amounts of unsalted foods rich in carbohydrates, potassium and calcium.

Drug therapy includes the use of antibiotics, diuretics, and drugs containing iron.

Treating a pet without consulting a veterinarian leads to nephritis becoming chronic.


Pyelonephritis is an inflammation connective tissue kidneys and their pelvis. Most often, the pathology develops against the background urolithiasis and with stagnation of urine.

Pyelonephritis can occur in chronic and acute forms. The latter is extremely dangerous for the pet, as it can result in its death.

In the acute form of the disease, the following characteristic signs are observed:

  • sudden increase in body temperature;
  • pain when urinating;
  • cloudy urine, colored reddish;
  • extreme thirst;
  • pain on palpation of the abdomen.

In cats that are sick chronic pyelonephritis, a thick mass mixed with pus is released from the vagina. There is rapid exhaustion of the body.

If one of the symptoms is detected, you should urgently take the cat to the veterinarian. In the acute form, without assistance, the death of the animal occurs within 12 hours. The veterinarian makes the diagnosis after conducting a thorough examination and obtaining the results of blood and urine tests on the cat.

Treatment of pyelonephritis is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. It includes several stages:

  • the animal is provided with complete rest;
  • fed on a special diet (the diet should include easily digestible carbohydrates and fermented milk products, vegetables);
  • Perinephric blockade is performed (anesthetic is injected into the perinephric space);
  • give painkillers and antispasmodics (to relieve lumbar pain);
  • apply antimicrobials penicillin, amoxicillin (to suppress the development pathogenic microorganisms V renal pelvis);
  • prescribe sulfonamides (sulfadimethoxine);
  • use diuretics medications and means plant origin(rose hip, birch buds, juniper berries).

At purulent form diseases, the cat is prescribed a course of corticosteroids, and is also administered intravenously saline solution.


Glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the glomerular apparatus. The disease occurs in a subacute and acute form and can lead to an irreversible deterioration in the health of the animal.

The main signs of glomerulonephritis are:

  • the presence of bloody streaks in the urine;
  • lack of coordination;
  • lethargy;
  • whistling sound when exhaling and inhaling;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing.

Treatment for glomerulonephritis is a course. It includes:

  • keeping the animal on a starvation diet (the first few days);
  • use of antibacterial, analgesic, sulfonamide, diuretic drugs;
  • use of adrenergic blockers and painkillers (to eliminate unpleasant symptoms).

After treatment is prescribed veterinarian gives general recommendations for caring for sick animals. They consist of explaining the importance of keeping a cat in a room where there are no drafts or high humidity. It is recommended to introduce vitamin supplements into the animal's diet.


Polycystic - hereditary disease, the main symptom of which is exhaustion of the pet’s body. As the disease develops, many cysts form in the affected kidney.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that it lasts for a long time in hidden form. Polycystic disease begins to appear only after the cat reaches 3 years of age.

The size of one cyst varies from 1 mm to 1.5 cm. Gradually the number and size pathological formations increases. They replace normal kidney tissue.

Symptoms of the development of polycystic disease in cats are:

  • refusal of food;
  • sharp decline weight;
  • pain when emptying the bladder;
  • vomiting, which becomes more severe as the disease progresses.

During an ultrasound, it is clear that the animal’s kidneys are enlarged.

Completely heal pet from polycystic disease is impossible. The disease is genetic; there is no therapy leading to recovery of the cat. Carrying out therapeutic measures aimed at leveling the consequences pathological processes, occurring in the kidneys, and improving the quality of life of the animal.

If cysts press on neighboring organs, then liquid is periodically pumped out of them. Whenever bacterial infection a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

The progression of the disease can be slowed down by special diet. Necessary:

  • use medicinal feed;
  • exclude from the diet high-calorie foods, fish (applies to animals that eat natural food);
  • provide unlimited access to water.

At proper diet manages to replenish the lack of fluid, electrolytes and proteins in the animal’s body.


Amyloidosis - genetic disease cats, occurring in chronic and acute forms. The disease appears due to a protein metabolism disorder (abnormal proteins accumulate in the blood plasma and are deposited in the kidney tissues).

It is extremely difficult to diagnose amyloidosis in the early stages, since it is practically asymptomatic.

In the acute form of the disease, a cat experiences:

  • frequent emptying of the bladder;
  • refusal of food;
  • vomit;
  • worried state.

Acute amyloidosis is extremely serious illness. It leads to the death of the pet due to development renal failure or heavy bleeding which occurred due to a rupture of an internal organ.

For chronic forms Amyloidosis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • refusal to eat;
  • drinking large amounts of water;
  • frequent urination;
  • dark colored urine;
  • swelling of the joints;
  • drowsiness.

The chronic form of the disease is extremely rare. Cause of death pet It is revealed only at autopsy.

The diagnosis is made after ultrasound examination, biopsy and x-ray.

Amyloidosis cannot be cured. Symptomatic therapy and a low-protein diet help improve the animal’s quality of life.

You can extend the life of a sick animal with the help of special solutions that relieve intoxication. They are used at an early stage of the disease.

In some cases, the veterinarian will perform surgery to remove the kidney.


Hydronephrosis (renal dropsy) occurs in a cat due to injury or tumor. An animal with a pathology often goes to the litter box in small portions or does not empty its bladder at all.

For hydronephrosis, the veterinarian prescribes surgery or drug treatment.

Therapy is possible only when the urethra is blocked by small stones or sand. After urine outflow normalizes, maintenance treatment is prescribed. Its scheme depends on the condition of the sick animal.

More often drug therapy doesn't make sense. The specialist conducts surgery. After the operation, the veterinarian prescribes medications to maintain the cat’s health.

If both kidneys are affected or the diseased organ cannot be removed, the animal may die.

During therapy the following may be prescribed:
  • antibiotics wide range actions;
  • medications that lower blood pressure;
  • hormonal agents (for example, erythropoietin).

If during an examination the veterinarian discovers that most of the kidney consists of connective tissue, the pet will not be able to be cured.

The kidney is an important organ in mammals. They filter the blood, removing foreign, toxic compounds and products of nitrogen metabolism from the body; they are necessary for carbohydrate-protein metabolism. This organ is not able to regenerate, its damage is irreversible. Kidney disease in cats is a common phenomenon and poses a particular danger to the animal.

Factors influencing the development of kidney diseases

Large reserve capacities allow the kidneys to cope with the load when more than ½ of the kidney is affected. Clinical signs diseases appear late. The causes of diseases can be congenital or acquired with age. Treatment of renal disorders is difficult; if treatment is not timely, the prognosis for animals is generally unfavorable.

It makes it difficult to remove metabolic products from the body, the accumulation of which leads to its intoxication. Anything can cause kidney problems past infections, tumors, injuries, poisoning, as well as genetic predisposition and congenital defects.

Factors affecting kidney health in cats include:

  • breed of animal and its family ties. Siamese, Persian, Russian Blue, Maine Coon and some other breeds of animals are considered less susceptible;
  • feeding food with high content protein and phosphorus makes cats prone to developing kidney disease;
  • With age, the risk of the disease increases and doubles by 9-10 years;
  • in animals living in places with free access to chemicals, irreversible changes in the organ are often observed;
  • insufficient water consumption when feeding dry food;
  • low physical activity animal, overweight or underweight;
  • content in damp room, or in places with drafts.

The prognosis for the course of the disease depends on how quickly the pet is given first aid and subsequent treatment.

Symptoms and signs of kidney problems

With kidney pathology, the animal suffers from chronic intoxication.

The reasons that the kidneys are the most vulnerable spot There are several cat families, especially domestic species:

  1. Cats have concentrated urine. This is necessary to save the body’s water balance in natural living conditions. An incorrectly selected diet becomes the basis for the appearance of genitourinary diseases.
  2. Fish and dairy products contain many mineral salts, deposited on the walls of the kidneys of cats in the form of crystals. IN natural environment In cats' habitats, these products are rarely consumed and they do not cause problems. Regularly feeding your pet these products becomes an impetus for the development of urolithiasis.
  3. The early stages of kidney disease in domesticated felines can only be noticed through close observation. The main features are:
  • constant strong thirst, lack of desire to eat, sudden weight loss;
  • frequent urination, blood clots in the urine, diarrhea, vomiting, possible dehydration;
  • dental diseases, unpleasant odor of ammonia from the mouth, pale gums;
  • increased sleep duration, decreased activity, desire to sleep on cool surfaces.

Symptoms of the disease in an animal appear periodically, so it is difficult to notice its progression. A final diagnosis can be made only after special laboratory tests.

Kidney diseases in cats and kittens

At kidney diseases The cat is diagnosed with edema.

Kidney diseases in cats and cats are quite similar in symptoms, but their treatment is different. Therefore, it is especially important to make a correct diagnosis initially.


Severe, rapidly progressing disease of acute and chronic form, which develops after an animal has suffered a bacterial or viral type, hypothermia, poisoning or injury.

  1. Depending on the location it happens:
  • absent-minded;
  • focal.
  1. The main symptoms of the disease are:
  • depressed state;
  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • the shells of the ears, eyelids and paws swell;
  • frequent urination, urine contains blood elements;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • in the advanced stage, vomiting and persistent diarrhea are possible.
  1. Clinical examination of urine will show blood, epithelial debris and protein in it.
  2. When examined by a specialist, an increase in blood pressure, possible increased body temperature, disruption of the pelvic limbs.
  3. The diagnosis is made after examining the animal and laboratory study composition of urine.

Self-medication of the disease can lead to its transition to a chronic form. To alleviate the cat's condition, she is kept warm for 2 days and on a starvation diet. Subsequently, they are transferred to frequent feeding of food without salt, with a high content of carbohydrates, calcium and potassium. As therapy, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, decoctions of diuretic herbs, calcium supplements and B vitamins.


With pyelonephritis, body temperature rises and weakness occurs.

Inflammation of the connective tissue of the kidneys and renal pelvis in most cases is of bacterial origin. Often appears after infection of the genital organs, or stagnation of urine in the renal pelvis and. Affects both kidneys.

  1. It occurs in acute and chronic forms. The acute form is life-threatening for the animal. Death can occur within 12 hours.
  2. For acute course characteristic:
  • , increased heart rate;
  • painful urination, stools are viscous and cloudy;
  • in urine increased content squirrel, it is colored red;
  • the animal has severe thirst;
  • Palpation in the kidney area causes pain.
  1. In the chronic form in cats, a thick purulent mass may be released from the vagina.
  2. The animal quickly depletes.
  3. The diagnosis is made based on examination of the patient and the results of urine and blood tests.

Attention! The basis of treatment is to normalize the outflow of urine. Antibiotics, antispasmodics and diet therapy are used.


Glomerulonephritis leads to irreversible damage to the cat's health.

The disease occurs in subacute and acute forms. It is characterized by inflammation of the glomerular apparatus.

  1. The reasons may be infectious-allergic, or disturbances in nutrition and maintenance, injury to the animal, or hypothermia.
  2. The main symptoms of the disease are:
  • the appearance of blood streaks in the urine, painful urination;
  • difficulty breathing, slight swelling muzzles and eyelids;
  • weakness, drowsiness, reluctance to play, lack of coordination;
  • decreased hearing and vision, whistling during inhalations and exhalations.
  1. When examining and testing blood and urine, the following is revealed:
  • increased ESR, protein and leukocytes;
  • there are blood spots in the fundus area;
  • there may be water in the lung area.

Applicable course treatment, which includes diet therapy, taking antibiotics, sulfa drugs, painkillers and aminoglycosides, and adding vitamins and microelements to the diet. It is necessary to review the conditions of keeping the animal, to exclude its presence in places with drafts or high humidity.

Polycystic kidney disease

Apathy and exhaustion are symptoms of progressive polycystic kidney disease.

A disease transmitted at the genetic level and inherited according to a dominant trait. It is characterized by the formation of multiple cysts in each kidney.

  1. The disease may be in a latent form long time. Appears mainly after 3 years.
  2. The size of the cyst ranges from 1 mm to 1.5 cm.
  3. Characterized by a gradual increase in the size and number of cysts and their replacement of normal organ tissue.
  4. The symptoms of the disease are:
  • loss of appetite, weight loss and exhaustion of the cat;
  • difficult, painful urination;
  • vomiting, which becomes more frequent as the disease progresses.

Attention! This disease is genetic and therefore full recovery it is impossible to reach the animal.

Slowing down the development of the disease is achieved by following special balanced diet allowing partial replenishment of washed-out proteins, electrolytes and fluid.

Liver amyloidosis

Metabolic disorder leads to chronic course diseases.

An independent disease, genetically determined, of acute and chronic forms, resulting from a disorder of protein metabolism.

  1. Abnormal proteins accumulated in the blood plasma are deposited in the tissues of the organ, which leads to the replacement of specialized elements and causes the death of the kidneys.
  2. In the early stages, diagnosis of the disease is difficult due to the absence of clinically evident signs.
  3. For acute form characteristic:
  • frequent urination;
  • loss of appetite and vomiting;
  • severely depressed state of the animal.

Important! Timely correct diagnosis can extend a cat's life by 18-24 months. Death occurs due to kidney failure or organ rupture and massive blood loss.

  1. Chronic form:
  • loss of appetite, frequent vomiting;
  • the animal drinks a lot, urinates frequently, typical dark color urine;
  • the joints are swollen, their aseptic inflammation appears;
  • drowsiness, reluctance to move and play.

The disease in this form is rarely detected. The cause of death of the animal is determined after an autopsy and laboratory examination of the organs. Carrying out clinical analysis reveals anemia, increased bilirubin levels. Accurate diagnosis can be diagnosed after a biopsy, ultrasound and x-ray.

It is impossible to cure a sick animal. To alleviate the cat's condition and prolong its life, measures are taken to stop the development of the disease. IN initial stage are used special solutions. With further development, surgical intervention is possible to remove the damaged kidney.

Hydronephrosis in cats

Maintenance therapy - the only way normalize the cat's condition.

Second, the reason is narrowing urinary tract, leading to stretching of the organ and subsequent death of its functional tissues.

  1. The cause of the development of the disease can be either injury or tumor, or any inflammatory process with complicated urine output.
  2. A symptom indicating the development of the disease is difficulty urinating in small portions or its complete absence;
  3. The process can be one-way or two-way.

When performing an ultrasound, an enlargement of the pelvis is clearly visible. Treatment involves measures aimed at therapeutic or surgical elimination of the causes of disorders. In case of bilateral kidney damage, or the impossibility of removing the diseased organ, it is possible death. After normalization of the patient's condition, maintenance therapy is carried out.

Nephrosclerosis in cats

During the disease, healthy organ tissue is completely or partially replaced by connective tissue.

  1. Symptoms in the initial stage indicate other diseases.
  2. Positive treatment is possible only at the beginning of the disease. Cure with neglected form impossible.
  3. The main features are:
  • high blood pressure;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature, possible fever;
  • painful urination;
  • urine is reddish in color, streaks of blood are possible;
  • loss of appetite, while the animal drinks a lot and often.
  1. Trying to stabilize the functioning of the kidneys, the body compensates for the lack of nephrocytes by enhancing the work of healthy cells, which leads to their overload and death. Connective tissue forms in place of dead cells.

Attention! Positive result Treatment is possible only if the disease is detected in its initial stage. If it is diagnosed that a larger percentage of the kidneys consists of connective tissue, then the animal cannot be saved.

Causes of diseases and their prevention

Responsible breeding and good care- prevention of kidney disease in cats.

Kidney disease is the scourge of domestic cats. Their cure is only possible with timely diagnosis, which is not always possible. In fact, it is easier to prevent diseases than to fight them later, since regeneration of the renal parenchyma is limited.

Only balanced diet, timely care, regular observation by specialists and provision of proper sanitary and hygienic conditions guarantee the health of the animal.

In the video, the veterinarian explains how to promptly recognize kidney stones for the cat: