Vetom 1.1 for people reviews from doctors. Contraindications and adverse reactions of the body. Indications for use

Among the components normal flora human intestines - about 500 species of microorganisms. Each of them plays a special role. Some are of outstanding importance because they have unique functions. These are the bacteria Bacillus subtilis - microbes that are responsible for the production of factors that strengthen the immune system.

The drug Vetom 1.1, made on their basis, is a well-known and widely used means for restoring the number of these bacteria in the intestines; it is intended to strengthen the microflora and improve immune function.

Vetom 1.1: composition and release form

The product is produced in capsules. There are 50 of them in the package, distributed into 5 blisters of 10 capsules each.

Composition of the drug:

  • Corn extract - 133 mg.
  • Sucrose - 67 mg.
  • Potato starch - 100 mg.
  • Bacteria Bacillus subtilis (producing interferon α-2-leukocyte human) recombinant strain VKPM B-10641 (DSM 24613), 1x10 9 CFU/g - 30 mg.

Vetom 1.1: properties

The product has the following properties:

Restores and improves microflora.

Prevents the development of “wrong” microorganisms that should not be part of the flora.

Prevents the appearance of digestive disorders, blocks the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines, prevents increased gas formation, and helps eliminate constipation and diarrhea if present.

Improves liver function.

It has a targeted antiviral effect, which helps protect the gastrointestinal tract from damage by certain microorganisms.

The bacteria that make up the drug produce protective interferons, which provides general strengthening immunity and increases resistance to diseases.

Reduces the likelihood of developing allergies.

Improves metabolism, including fat metabolism, which helps normalize body weight.

Increases the ability of tissues to self-heal.

Vetom 1.1: indications and contraindications

The remedy can be prescribed and successfully used for the following health problems:

Tendency to diseases of the digestive system.

Weakened immunity.

Dysbacteriosis or risk factors for its occurrence (antibiotic treatment, diarrhea, unhealthy diet).

Metabolic disorders.

Excess weight.

Tendency to allergies.

Disorders of the endocrine glands (thyroid, pancreas, etc.).

Liver diseases.

Contraindications to taking the drug include allergies to the components of Vetom, as well as diabetes mellitus.

IN in rare cases When using the product, patients are concerned about symptoms such as increased gas formation and diarrhea, but most often go away with time. Their occurrence rarely causes the need to stop taking the drug.

Vetom 1.1: instructions for use

The use of Vetom for preventive and therapeutic purposes requires different regimens.

As a means of prevention, the drug is taken in courses of 10 days, once every three months. Take 2-3 doses per day during or after meals, with a small amount of water, juice or tea.

If the drug is used for treatment purposes, it should be used more actively. It is recommended to take the drug, constantly focusing on the body’s tolerance to the drug. Initially, the product is taken for 10 days, 2-3 capsules. Then you need to stop using the drug for 1.5 months.

After this period, the drug continues to be taken. Vetom should be taken as follows:

2 days - capsule 4 to 6 times,
2 days - 4 capsules,
6 days - 2 capsules.

After another 6 weeks, if there is no effect, the course can be repeated.

Best before date 2 years from the date of manufacture.
Do not use after expiration date.
Not a medicine.

Vetom is a powerful probiotic that preserves and restores the structure of the intestinal mucosa and the microflora of the stomach.

It is the microflora of the stomach that is the main link in our immune system. Thanks to it, food is broken down and the process of “converting” it into energy occurs.
Obesity, slagging of the body, violation metabolic processes, various endocrine diseases, immune system failures and even cancer are the result of dysfunction of our gastrointestinal tract, and in particular the stomach.

To produce the drug Vetom, special bacteria were taken from the soil of clean regions of Siberia - saprophytes, which are “natural orderlies” and have the ability to suppress the development of pathogenic bacteria, incl. and in the gastrointestinal tract of people, which stimulates human immunity. For this reason, Vetom is effective in the prevention of infectious diseases and in human immunodeficiency states; pathogenic bacteria do not survive and do not function under these conditions.

Features of different types of Vetoms

The drugs in this line differ from each other in the types of microorganisms (strains) that are included in their composition. There are hundreds of different strains in our gastrointestinal tract beneficial bacteria and each type of them performs important, and unique, work. Human microflora is a symbiosis of many microorganisms and each of them is important for us, because the absence or insufficient quantity of one strain leads to the death of others, and this negatively affects digestive processes, therefore, on the state of the whole organism. Let us briefly consider the characteristics of Bacillus subtilis strains that are present in various drugs Vetom line, which determines the differences between these drugs.

Vetom 1.1
It contains the strain VKPM B 7092, which independently produces human interferon. It is this feature of microorganisms of this strain that determined the use of this type of drug. It is effective for dysbacteriosis, for restoring microflora after antibiotic therapy, for complex therapy herpes, cytomegalovirus infections, ARVI, influenza, encephalitis.
The interferon produced by Vetoma 1.1 microorganisms determined the oncoprotective properties of the drug. That is why it is used in complex therapy malignant neoplasms and for their prevention, as well as during chemotherapy and radiation therapy to neutralize negative consequences.
Among other things, Vetom 1.1 has shown its effectiveness in the complex treatment of hepatitis A, B and C, myeloid leukemia, cancer of the rectum, breast, lungs, ulcers of the duodenum and stomach, allergies of various etiologies, multiple sclerosis, respiratory tract pathologies...

Vetom 2
It contains two strains - VKPM B 7048 and VKPM B 7038. These types of microorganisms have the ability to activate the functionality of the large intestine and eliminate possible putrefactive processes in it. Bacterial strains determine the following properties of this drug: bactericidal, immunostimulating, fungicidal and antichlamydia.
Vetom 2 is effective for restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract after treatment with antibiotics, for restoring intestinal microcenosis during dysbacteriosis. It is used in the complex treatment of liver cirrhosis, dysentery and constipation, gastrointestinal ulcers, chronic hepatitis, to prevent kidney stones and chlamydia.

Vetom 3
It contains Bacillus subtilis microorganisms only of strain VKPM B 7048. It is used to restore microcenosis in the thick part of the gastrointestinal tract, suppresses putrefactive processes in it, which eliminates bad breath and sweating. The drug is used for liver cirrhosis, colitis, hepatitis, constipation, gastroenterocolitis, ulcerative pathologies Gastrointestinal tract and duodenum, allergies...

Vetom 4
It contains microorganisms of Bacillus subtilis only of the VKPM B 7038 strain. It is used to restore microcenosis in thin section gastrointestinal tract. The drug is used for liver cirrhosis, colitis, hepatitis, constipation, gastroenterocolitis, ulcerative pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenum, allergies...

It is impossible to say which of these drugs is better or worse. Although they are used for almost the same pathologies, the effect they have on the body is different. It all depends on individual characteristics and the state of this body, so it is best to drink the full course of all Vetoms.

Mechanism of action of Vetom

Spores of microorganisms of the species Bacillus subtilis ( Bacillus subtilis) are very resistant to external suppressive factors. These bacteria can remain in spore form for hundreds of years and can easily tolerate various aggressive environments (including acidic ones), prolonged boiling, etc. And when they get to favorable environment, then they are activated. This is how they act in the drug Vetom.

Bacteria pass through unhindered acidic environment stomach, after which they end up in upper section large intestine, where they “wake up”, moving into active phase(vegetative form). Here Bacillus subtilis secrete enzymes that beneficial microflora cannot secrete, and thanks to these enzymes that decompose organic matter, the body receives those useful substances, which the normal flora cannot provide. During my short life bacteria contained in Vetom produce natural antibiotics (licheniformins, bacitracins) and secrete antiviral bodies (human interferon), which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora, and this occurs without inhibition beneficial microorganisms. The life of these microorganisms is short because they are aerobic and the intestines are an oxygen-free environment. And for this reason, use of Vetom should be frequent - up to 5 times a day.
Interferon, which is produced by Bacillus subtilis, enters the blood through the intestinal wall and is transported throughout the body. The body does not waste energy on producing antibodies to foreign agents, but redirects it to other purposes. This is how Vetom enhances protective functions body. Based on its mechanism of action, one might think that the drug treats various infectious diseases, but in fact it “helps” the body itself to heal by strengthening the immune system and forming an adequate immune response.

Among other things, the drug prevents the appearance and development of fungal infections, neutralizes toxins produced by fungi. But, we repeat once again: Vetom should be taken in small doses and more often in order to avoid the restoration of pathogenic microflora.

Properties of bacteria Bacillus subtilis

The drug contains microorganisms bred by modifying Bacillus subtilis with the plasmid rBMV 105 - this is how the strain VKPM B 7092 was obtained, which produces human interferon. And this is the main property of the bacteria that are in the Vetom preparation. This property determines the following types of microbial activity:
- antiviral;
- antitumorigenic;
- antimutogenic;
- radioprotective;
- antitoxic;
- activate phagocytosis;
- stimulate macrophages;
- regulate the production of antibodies;
- increase the activity of NK killers;
- activate the production of prostaglandins;
- suppress intracellular infectious bodies non-viral nature;
- inhibit some cellular enzymes...

Microorganisms Bacillus subtilis are not part of the normal flora of humans, but they contribute to the breakdown of food into substances that cannot be obtained with the help of normal flora bacteria, they accelerate the course of metabolic processes and, which is very important, suppress growth pathogenic microorganisms due to the production of licheniformins and bacitracins - natural antibiotics. The ability of Bacillus subtilis to suppress many strains of infectious agents has been revealed the following types: Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus), Escherichia coli (Escherichia coli), Salmonella enteritidis (Salmonella), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa), Candida albicans (Diploid fungus), Klebsiella pneumonia (Friedlander's bacillus), Citrobacter freundii (Citrobacter), Morganella morganii , Yersinia pseudotuberculosis (Pseudotuberculosis), Shigella sonnei (Shigella), Enterobacter agglomerans (Enterobacter).

The properties of microorganisms Bacillus subtilis (strains that are part of the drug Vetom) to produce human interferon 2-alpha-leukocyte determine the scope of use of the drugs - these are diseases for which interferon therapy is necessary:
- infectious pathologies (herpesvirus, viral hepatitis, ARVI, AIDS, human papillomavirus, encephalitis, meningitis, rabies, cytomegalovirus, psoriasis, sclerosis, chlamydia, etc. bacterial infections);
- oncological diseases (leukemia, lymphomas, myelomas, carcinomas, malignant melanomas, HIV infection, head tumors, ovarian, cervical, breast cancer, bladder, kidneys, lungs...).

Professor Zhdanov V.G. about Vetom

Vetom: application

The drug is used in the following cases:
- immunodeficiency states;
- gastrointestinal diseases;
- diarrhea;
- various bacterial infections;
- acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and other viral infections;
- gynecological diseases(mastopathy, fibroma, endometritis, cyst...);
- prostatitis;
- obesity;
- metabolic disorders;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- chronic fatigue syndrome;
- herpes virus infections;
- hepatitis of all types;
- various allergies;
- asthma;
- irritable bowel syndrome;
- dysbacteriosis;
- staphylococcal infection;
- salmonellosis;
- colibacillosis...

Vetom drug, the use of which we have considered, has certificates and permits, there is absolutely no addiction to it, an overdose is impossible, and Vetom is harmless for newborns.

Side effects:
- with some types of dysbacteriosis, diarrhea and increased gas production are sometimes observed;
- possible manifestation of somatics in parts of the body with pathology.

Instructions for use Vetom

1. B for preventive purposes It is recommended to take the drug from 5 to 7 doses per day for 10 days. It is necessary to take this course 4 times a year (once every 3 months).
2. If you have any diseases (especially severe ones), the frequency of taking the drug should be at least 10 times a day. The duration of the course is 10 days.
3. For diabetes mellitus, it is recommended to take Vetom capsules. This should be done with caution: take the capsule and if after 1.5-2 hours there are no unpleasant sensations, then you can take the next dose of the drug.

With this regimen, after a ten-day course of using Vetom, the concentration of NK killers ( immune cells) in the body increases several times, which gives a powerful healing effect. When taking drugs from this line with Transfer Factor in combination, the effectiveness of therapy increases multiple times!

Important Notes:
- When undergoing a course of therapy with drugs from the Vetom line, you may experience painful sensations in one or another area of ​​the body. As a rule, this indicates the location of some chronic pathology, which the patient did not know about or forgot. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.
- Sometimes when taking the drug, bowel movements are disrupted, constipation or diarrhea occurs. These are manifestations of the process of normalization of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. As a rule, this goes away after a few days and the stool returns to normal.
- There may be a change in the smell and color of feces and urine. This indicates that the process of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and removing toxins from the body is underway.
- It happens that during the use of Vetom, a rash and redness appear on the skin. This suggests that the immune system has begun to actively “drive” toxins out of the body, the liver cannot cope with their quantity and they “climbed” through the skin. In this case, drink more water(it effectively removes toxins from the body) and after a few days everything returns to normal.

For Vetom there are no special conditions storage and does not even lose your healing properties after opening the package. The shelf life of the drug is 2 years.

Examples of treatment for various pathologies

Below are examples of taking drugs from this line for various diseases. These examples are taken from real stories diseases that are stored by the manufacturer (NPF Research center), officially documented and posted on their website. There are many more of these stories, we simply summarized them, taking the Vetom dosage regimens that are most common and, in our opinion, the most effective. Meet me.


28 men, 38 women.

Treatment regimen:
Take Vetom 1.1 powder 6 times a day, 1 teaspoon. Take 10-15 minutes before. before meals. Duration of treatment - 20 days. This was carried out before chemotherapy in order to increase the body's antitumor defense.
After chemotherapy, the course of taking Vetom continued according to the same regimen. In total, from 1 to 8 courses were completed. Patients were observed from 1 month to 2 years.

After 2-3 months of therapy, there was an increase in red blood cells by an average of 5%, white blood cells by 34%, lymphocytes by 13%, and monocytes by 45%. Total protein blood serum increased from 62.5% to 66.8% and was subsequently observed to recover to normal values. Restoration of the antitoxic and protein-forming functions of the liver was observed.


HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C

Male, 54 years old

Treatment regimen:

5. Vetom 1.1, 5 doses per day for 11 days (55 doses in total). Take at regular intervals between meals (days of intake - 50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59, 60th day)

After completing this course of treatment, biochemistry completely returned to normal, PCR analysis to detect hepatitis C showed negative result, positive for hepatitis B.

Hepatitis C

Treatment regimen:
The following treatment regimen was used:
1. Ridostin - 5 injections (injection days - 1,3,5,7 and 9th day)
2. ACE - 10 injections (injection days - 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18 and 20th day)
3. Sodium salt deoxyribonucleic acid - 5 injections (injection days - 21,23,25,27 and 29th day)
4. Cycloferon - 17 injections (injection days - 1,2,4,6,8,11,14,17,20,23,35,37,39,41, 43,45 and 47th day)
5. Vetom 1.1, 7 doses per day for 11 days (77 doses in total). Take at regular intervals between meals (days of intake - 50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59, 60th day)
6. Vetom 3, 3 doses per day for 25 days (75 doses in total). Take at regular intervals between meals (days of intake - 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21, 23,25,27,29,31,33,35,37,39, 41,43,45,47,49th day)
7. Vetom 4, 3 doses per day for 24 days (72 doses in total). Take at regular intervals between meals (days of intake - 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22, 24,26,28,30,32,34,36,38,40, 42,44,46,48th day)
8. Fish oil - throughout the entire course.

After the course of treatment, hepatitis C is not registered, bilirubin is normal.

3. Gastrointestinal diseases

Postoperative dysbacteriosis

Treatment regimen:
Vetom 1.1 to 1.5 g - 2 times a day for 5 days.

Symptoms of dysbiosis disappeared.

Food poisoning

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1, 3 doses per day for 3 days. Dose based on 50 mg. powder per 1 kg. weight.

Complete recovery by the end of the 2nd day.


Treatment regimen:

Normalization of stool by the end of 2 days, disappearance of flatulence on the 3rd day. At the end of the course, complete recovery.


Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 in doses of 1 tsp. according to the following scheme: 4 times a day - 2 days, 3 times a day - 2 days, 2 times a day - 4 days. The drug was taken between meals.

Improvements on the 4th day and complete recovery on the 7th day.

Cholecystitis, colon dystonia

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 in doses of 1 tsp. according to the following scheme: 4 times a day - 2 days, 3 times a day - 2 days, 2 times a day - 4 days. The drug was taken between meals.

Significant improvement in general condition, normalization of stool.

Duodenal ulcer

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 for 14 days, 1 tsp. 2 times a day.

By the end of the second week of the course, the ulcer is dia. 5-6 mm. completely healed.


Herpetic encephalitis

Treatment regimen:
1. I took Vetom 1.1 7 doses per day for the first 10 days. Before going to bed, an enema was done with Vet 1.23 for 10 days. Also, during the first 10 days, Vetom 1.23 was instilled into the eyes and nose, 1-2 drops with a frequency of 5-7 times a day.

After the analysis, the herpes virus was not detected.

Acute gastroenteritis

Treatment regimen:

On the 4th day there is an improvement and disappearance of flatulence, on the 7th day - the disappearance of all symptoms of the disease.

Acute enterocolitis

Treatment regimen:
Take Vetom 1.1 between meals, 1 tsp. according to the scheme: 2 days - 4 times/day, 2 days - 3 times/day, 4 days - 2 times/day - in the morning and before bedtime.

On the 7th day - recovery.

Chronic bronchitis, emphysema

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 for 10 days, 5 doses per day between meals. The drugs Imunofan and Ridostin were used in the complex.

The smell from the mouth has disappeared, and the phlegm produced when coughing has almost disappeared.

Human papillomavirus with chlamydia infection

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 7 doses per day for 10 days. The complex included Deoxyl, Imunofan and Ridostin. After a break of 4 weeks, the course was repeated.

After the course, the number of papillomas decreased significantly, the symptoms of the pathology disappeared, and no chlamydia was detected.

Cytomegalovirus with allergies to dust and animal hair

Treatment regimen:
1. Took Vetom 1.1 5 doses per day for the first 10 days. Before going to bed, an enema was done with Vet 1.23 for 10 days. Also, during the first 10 days, Vetom 1.23 was instilled into the eyes and nose, 1-2 drops with a frequency of 5-7 times a day.
2. After the first 10 days, take Vetom 3 every other day, 3 doses per day for 20 days (remember, every other day) according to the scheme: 11 day, 13, 15, 17, 19...45, 47 , 49.
3. On other days (when Vetom 3 is not taken), Vetom 4 is taken, 3 doses per day for 20 days (remember, every other day) according to the scheme: 12 days, 14, 16...46, 48, 50 .
4. Starting from day 51, Vetom 1.1 was again taken, 7 doses per day for 10 days. And Vetom 1.23 was instilled into the eyes and nose, 1-2 drops with a frequency of 5-7 times a day.
In conjunction with this course the following were taken: fish oil, Cycloferon, Deoxyl, Allipint, ACE, Ridostin.

After completing the course, cytomegalovirus was not detected, and no manifestations of allergies were observed.

Rhinitis, rhino-pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections

Treatment regimen:
Nozdrin was taken 2 drops into the nose every hour - 8 times a day. On the second day, the frequency of administration decreased to 3 times.

After 4 doses, mucous discharge decreased significantly, nasal swelling disappeared.

ARVI due to diabetes mellitus, otitis media, furunculosis

Treatment regimen:
Vetom 1.1 was taken in powder form according to the following regimen: 2 days - 4 doses/day, 2 days - 3 doses/day, 6 days - 2 doses/day - in the morning and before bedtime. The complex used a bronchopulmonary herbal mixture.

On the 3rd day of the course, the main symptoms of ARVI disappeared, the general condition body, otitis is not observed.

Whooping cough

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 for 10 days, 2 times a day, 1 dose. After this, 3 doses per week, 1 single dose.

By the end of the second day of the course, coughing attacks decreased significantly. Complete disappearance of all symptoms of the disease occurred by the end of the 4th week after the onset of the disease.

Sinusitis, purulent alveolitis

Treatment regimen:
Accepted Vetom 1.1. in powder and Nozdrin. Vetom 2 times a day, 1 dose (in the morning and before bed) for 10 days, Nozdrin 2 drops in the nose (in each nostril) 5-6 times a day until all symptoms disappear completely.

By the end of the 7th day purulent manifestations disappeared. On the 10th day, complete recovery is observed.


Allergic rhinitis, swelling and irritation in the nose, redness, pain in the mucous membrane

Treatment regimen:
Treatment of the nose and mucous membranes with Bioseptin ointment 3-4 times a day.

The pain disappeared after the second application of the ointment on the first day, on the 2nd day the swelling of the nose and redness disappeared, and on the 3rd day all symptoms of the disease disappeared.

Swelling of the nose due to an allergic reaction

Treatment regimen:
Use Vetom 1.1 capsules orally for 10 days, 5 capsules per day. At the same time, Vetom 1.23, 2-3 drops in the nose - 3 times a day. Additionally, fish oil, imunofan and ridostin were used.

Allergic swelling went away by the end of the 2nd day and no allergic reactions were observed in the next 2 years. After the course of treatment, a year later I took a prophylactic course with Vetom 1.1

Allergic dermatitis in the background food allergies , constipation, skin rashes, before the course, intestinal dysbiosis with poor patency was detected

Treatment regimen:

The stool returned to normal, intestinal permeability was restored, almost all skin rashes went away.

Intestinal dysbiosis in the 3rd stage, exudative diathesis, skin rashes, low counts of Lyctobacteria, presence of clostridia

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 in powder according to the following regimen: the first 2 days, 4 doses, the next 2 days, 3 doses, the next 3 days, 2 doses. The drug was taken between meals.

The stool returned to normal and intestinal permeability was restored, the number of rashes decreased significantly, clostridia disappeared, and the number of lactobacilli was restored to normal.

Strong allergic reactions (mainly for birch pollen)

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 2 times a day - morning and evening. Course duration is 14 days.

Allergic reactions have passed. There is no longer a need to use antihistamines - tavegil and suprastin, as well as noshpa, prednisone and euphyllin.

Strong allergic rash all over the body, sleep disturbance, itching

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 1 dose per day in between meals, the body was lubricated with Bioseptin.

On the first day of using Bioseptin, I felt a tingling sensation, which went away on the second day. On the 4th day, the itching decreased significantly, sleep returned to normal. On the 7th day, the itching disappeared, the rash was significantly reduced.

Chronic sinusitis, allergic rhinitis

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 3 for 7 days, 5 times a day. Then Vetom 1.1 was taken 1 dose 2 times a day for 10 days, then 2 doses a week for a month.

The purulent and mucous discharge from the nose has stopped. Leukocytosis decreased significantly, eosinophils returned to normal. Slight nasal congestion remains.

Allergic reactions of unknown cause(body itching and skin rashes)

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 in powder form between meals, half a dose 5-7 times a day for 10 days.

On the 4th day of the course, the itching stopped, sleep returned to normal, and on the 7th day the rash disappeared. Before the Vetoma course, she took Tavegil, Claritin, Suprastin - to no avail.

Biliary dyskinesia, facial dermatitis

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 in powder according to the following regimen: the first 2 days, 4 doses, the next 2 days, 3 doses, the next 3 days, 2 doses. The drug was taken between meals. Then I repeated the course 2 more times.

After 3 weeks, dyskinesia disappeared, and facial dermatitis was not observed. Before this, 3 months of treatment with a dermatologist did not produce any results.


Hand eczema

Treatment regimen:
Took: Vetom 1.1 - 2 times a day, 1 tsp. for 3 days and Vetom 3 also 2 times a day, 1 tsp. for 5 days. At the same time, Bioseptin ointment was used.

The rash has significantly decreased, the itching has almost stopped, and sleep has returned to normal.

Fungus on feet, cracked heels

Treatment regimen:
Treatment with Bioseptin ointment 6 times a day.

By the end of the 6th day, the cracks are completely healed and the fungus disappears.

Burn on the leg from boiling water (10x20 cm)

Treatment regimen:
On the 3rd day after receiving the burn, treatment with Bioseptin ointment 5-6 times a day began.

By the end of the 2nd day the wound had dried up, by the end of the 4th day the wound had healed.


Treatment regimen:
Treatment with Bioseptin ointment 1 time every 2 days for a month.

The bedsore decreased by 2 times and cleared of necrotic masses.

3rd degree burns

Treatment regimen:
Treatment with Bioseptin ointment at least 3 times a day until full recovery. Dressings only in severe cases.

Full recovery.

Purulent and clean wounds, gunshot wounds and post-operative

Treatment regimen:
Apply Bioseptin ointment directly to the wound and bandage it at least 2 times a day.

There is suppression of purulent structures and cleansing of wounds from them. Accelerated healing wound

Peritonitis after pancreatectomy

Treatment regimen:
I took Vetom 1.1 for 10 days, 2 times a day.

Perilstatics were restored on the 4th day.

Postoperative long-term non-healing wounds

Treatment regimen:
For 5 days, a bandage with Bioseptin ointment was applied to the wounds.

Wound healing.

Trophic ulcer

Treatment regimen:
Bandage with Bioseptin ointment 1 time every 2 days.

Full recovery within a week.

Abscess boil on the nose

Treatment regimen:
Applying Bioseptin ointment directly to the boil.

By the end of the 2nd day, the boil is cleared of pus.

Vetom: price and how to buy

The line of these drugs is produced by NPF "Research Center" (Novosibirsk) and is in great demand in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Italy, China, Vietnam...

You can also buy Vetom from us:
- add the drug to your cart and follow the instructions to place your order;
- order the drug through the feedback form;
- call our manager and place an order.
We will provide you with free advice on the use of Vetom, its features, and you will receive help from our highly professional managers.

The price is indicated on the website. Payment - in any form convenient for you, order execution and delivery to any region of Russia without delay.

Vetom: reviews

Nadezhda V., 32 years old, Novorossiysk
“I have been married for 10 years and during this time my husband has been systematically suffering from stomach problems: poisoning, bacteriosis... The hospital said that there were problems with the microflora of the stomach. Bought Vetom and he started taking it. After 3 months, my stomach function returned to normal, I was surprised by the effectiveness of this drug..."

Yulia I., 34 years old, Irkutsk
“I thank the people who came up with this Vetom. I treated my eldest son, and then my youngest, with this drug: it strengthens the immune system, normalizes the functioning of the stomach - amazing...”

Alexander B., 52 years old, Novosibirsk
“There was a time when I drank, by the age of 50 it made itself felt: constant pain in the stomach, unstable stool, various diseases(I got sick 5-6 times a year). The hospital said that I had weakened my immune system and needed treatment for my stomach. A friend recommended Vetom, I bought and took 4 courses. Result: over the past year I have never been sick, my stool has returned to normal, my stomach does not hurt. Powerful drug...

Anastasia Vasilievna T., 32 years old, Bratsk
"This is in the full sense of the word a most unique drug. Two years ago I started drinking it myself, and today I sing it to the whole family: sons, husband, parents. If earlier the winter-autumn season was a nightmare for me - the children got sick 4-5 times within 3-4 months, my husband and I’s snot almost didn’t go away, but after we started drinking Vetom, everything went away. Usually in November each of us drinks a pack (50 capsules) of the drug and in February the same way..."

Alexey Sergeevich M., 46 years old, Tyumen
“I’ve heard about this drug for a long time, watched Zhdanova on YouTube and finally decided to buy and drink it. I immediately bought a full set of Vetomov from 1 to 4. I used it for almost 2 months. The results amazed me: my stomach function improved , I lost 3 kg in weight and the feeling of lightness was amazing, I felt a surge of strength in my body even after the full course. for a long time I felt it. This is the first drug whose effect I felt so strongly..."

For obvious reasons, we are not able to publish all reviews about Vetom, and there is no need for this - the effectiveness of this drug speaks for itself. If you want to maintain your health and improve it, buy this probiotic - you won’t regret it.

How to take Vetom 1.1 correctly?

Quite often people of different ages turn to doctors with a request to help in the treatment of infectious diseases or viral in nature. Many drugs have been developed for these purposes, but experts often prescribe Vetom 1.1. The dietary supplement is used to combat oncology, asthma, as well as to generally improve the functioning of the body’s systems, while cleansing it. The certificate contains information about the indications and contraindications of the drug, instructions for use for humans, and the cost of the drug and its analogues.

What does the medicine consist of, in what form is it produced?

The Russian biologically active drug with a wide spectrum of action contains the following components:

  1. Sucrose;
  2. Corn extract;
  3. Potato starch.

Main active substance is the dried substance of bacteria strain VKPM 7092 (Bacillus subtilis), which is responsible for the production of alpha-2 human leukocyte interferon. The product has the form of a mass consisting of small crystals, highly soluble in water, with a characteristic sweetish taste.

You can purchase dietary supplements in the form of capsules (25 pieces per box, each at a dosage of 33 mg), or packaged powder, volumes of 5, 50 and 500 grams. None official pharmacy does not stock this drug because it is not registered as a drug intended for the treatment of humans. When looking for a supplement, the buyer can contact the nearest veterinary clinic, where Vetom can be with a high degree of probability.

Pharmacological features and properties of dietary supplements

Domestic dietary supplement is characterized wide range effects on the patient's body. At correct use The following therapeutic effects should be expected:

  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Stopping the process of tumor growth;
  • Elimination of viruses and bacteria;
  • Stopping the increase in the number of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms;
  • Destruction cell wall bacteria, leading to their death;
  • Inhibition of the development and activity of fungi and chlamydia.

When considering what a dietary supplement helps with, experts pay attention to its ability to resist a large number pathogenic microorganisms, increase humoral and cellular immunity, improve resistance to allergens, stabilize metabolism and the regeneration process.

You should buy dietary supplements and start therapy only after consulting a doctor, which will avoid aggravating the patient’s condition and correctly influence the process of disease progression.

Mechanism of action on the body

The dietary supplement is intended for oral administration(both capsules and powder). After taking the dietary supplement, the dominant compound element, represented by bacteria of the species Bacillus subtilis, penetrates the patient’s gastrointestinal tract. In this environment, microorganisms multiply for 2-5 days.

Next, the process of removing substances begins through deep renal glomerular filtration. The composition of the dietary supplement is unique, due to which, during the entire period of bacteria’s stay inside the body, they actively produce a lytic enzyme, the action of which is aimed at suppressing and completely destroying pathogenic representatives of the microflora, including tumor and defective cells.

With such support, the level of activity of monocytes and macrophages increases significantly, and the body’s immune (protective) ability to the effects of viruses and infections that provoke the development of the disease is enhanced. The patient is less prone to the appearance of allergy symptoms, and the tissue repair process improves. cellular level, metabolism is stabilized.

It is better to find out what dietary supplements treat from your doctor. According to the manufacturer, after taking the product, it begins to act after 15 minutes. The level of drug interactions is high, so Vetom combines well with both conventional medications and various vaccines, vaccinations, improving their effectiveness.

After 10 days of treatment, the activity of killer cells in the body, which kill viruses and bacteria, is modulated. The enzyme produced by the active substance of the dietary supplement promotes better digestion of food plant origin, which allows the body to receive adequate nutrition while fighting the disease.

Prescribe the drug to adults, children and patients old age Only a doctor can. The action of enzymes is aimed at improving the condition and restoring injured (damaged) walls of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this feature, active and nutrients penetrate into systemic blood flow, which improves therapeutic effect.

Vetom 1.1 – indication for use of a dietary supplement for humans

Only the attending physician can administer the drug. Indications for such actions may be the following:

  1. Preventive treatment to prevent the development of gastrointestinal pathologies;
  2. Treatment of bacterial and viral pathologies (influenza, dysentery, coccidiosis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis);
  3. Typical seasonal respiratory diseases;
  4. Impaired metabolism;
  5. The need to boost the immune system;
  6. Treatment of obesity in patients of different ages;
  7. Diseases of the endocrine system;
  8. Some types of hepatitis;
  9. Allergy.

The list of conditions for which the drug can be taken is quite wide. However, doctors do not recommend self-medication, since the wrong dosage can, in best case scenario, simply do not bring a therapeutic effect, or worsen the patient’s condition.

Instructions for use Vetom 1.1 for humans

Dosages and rules for taking the supplement

As evidenced by reviews from doctors who have used Vetom 1.1 in their practice, the recovery process directly depends on the patient’s age, diagnosis, and degree of difficulty. pathological process, as well as the correctness of the selected dose.

According to the recommendations presented in the official instructions, the dietary supplement in a standard dosage should be taken at the rate of one gram of the product for every kilogram of one’s own body weight (for pediatric patients age group recommended 0.5 g/kg). When using the capsule form - 1 piece per 5 kg of weight.

The duration of therapy is from 5 to 10 days, while 5 to 7 dosages can be taken during the day. If the case is severe, then, after examination by a doctor, the course of treatment may be increased.

In order not to provoke complete suppression of one’s own immunity, the dietary supplement is allowed to be taken only in periods, between which a break of 20 days should be taken. Depending on the regularity of taking the powder or capsules, the therapeutic effect will be more or less pronounced.

A special feature of the drug is that when used in therapy, an overdose does not occur. Also, the product does not have carcinogenic, mutagenic, allergenic, embryogenic and teratogenic effects. Best results treatment can be achieved if you take the remedy 60 minutes before meals.

Depending on the patient’s age and his condition, dietary supplements are taken as standard, with clean water, or diluting it in liquid (juice, milk, tea, etc.). During therapy, it is strictly forbidden to consume spicy foods and alcoholic drinks of various strengths.

The active supplement is suitable for preventive treatment, since its action is aimed at replenishing missing beneficial bacteria and microorganisms.

If an analogue has not been prescribed, the supplement is used in the treatment of patients with oncological diseases. The first results can be observed 10 days after starting to take the supplement. This effect is due to an increase in the number of killer cells in the blood.

Pay attention! When using the drug in healthy patients, such an effect will lead to the development of autoimmune pathologies, and in cancer patients, on the contrary, it will contribute to recovery.

Particular caution should be exercised in patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. In particular, you should be careful about the selection of doses and frequency daily intake. You should start with the minimum effective dose, taken once a day. If side effects were not detected, then you can increase the single amount of medicine or select a suitable substitute.

Contraindications and adverse reactions of the body

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by the patient’s body, regardless of his age and the chosen dosage. Standard contraindications for starting treatment require patients diagnosed with diabetes to refrain from taking the medication, or to carry out therapy under the supervision of a physician.

Otherwise, only the use is considered prohibited individual intolerance main or additional constituent components. If allergy symptoms have been identified since the start of treatment, the patient should stop taking the drug and contact a specialist who will select a cheaper or more expensive analogue.

Many people are interested in what side effects may occur during course therapy. Experts say that among the negative reactions most often there were complaints about the occurrence of painful sensations in the expected affected area. The possibility cannot be ruled out that the patient will encounter severe dysbiosis, which is accompanied by diarrhea and increased gas formation.

How much does Vetom 1.1 cost and where to buy the product?

Since the biological additive in question is not included in the list of official medicines, people are wondering where to buy the drug. You can purchase it from distributors, of whom there are many on the Internet, but before using it you should make sure that the dietary supplement is not a counterfeit and meets quality standards; it has special certificates.

How much the drug costs directly depends on the region of purchase. Doctors recommend looking for a remedy in animal pharmacies, or retail outlets, where drugs for veterinary use. Average price powder with a volume of 500 grams is 490 rubles, and packaging of 5 grams costs 18 rubles, 50 capsules will cost 680 rubles.

Analogs Vetom 1.1

The cost of the dietary supplement is in the average range, but patients may also be interested in analogues, which are given in the comparative table, indicating the approximate prices in rubles:

Drug name Moscow price in rub. St. Petersburg price in rub.
Vetom 2 (500 servings)628 643
Vetom 3 (500 servings)629 644
Vetom 4 (500 servings)628 644

There are no other substitutes inexpensively or in the same price range, since the dietary supplement is individual in composition and mechanism of action on the human body. You can choose generics, but they will not have such a high therapeutic effect.

I first became acquainted with the drug Vetom 1.1 two years ago. We have a parrot and, despite the fact that we feed him well, he was a little thin and sickly. So we decided to take him to the vet for a consultation.

To which the female veterinarian prescribed Vetom 1.1 to our Keshka, saying that it must be stored in the refrigerator and added little by little to the parrot’s drinking bowl. That's what we did. After the course of prescribed treatment, our parrot became happier, became more active and gained a little weight. And recently I found out that it turns out that the drug Vetom 1.1 can be used even by people.

Vetom is a regular white, odorless powder. Vetom 1.1 dissolves well in water, although it leaves a slight sediment. The beauty of Vetom 1.1 is that it contains dried live bacteria Bacillus subtilis, which are capable of synthesizing interferon, thus supporting our immunity and the immunity of animals. The preparation also uses sugar and starch as a base. So if you have diabetes, be careful with this drug.

For one gram Vetoma 1.1 accounts for 1x10 to the sixth power of CFU of living bacteria Bacillus subtilis. By the way, the manufacturer says that harmful impurities in this drug do not exceed the norm, which of course is good news.

Vetom 1.1 is sold in bags of different weights, there are 0.01 kilograms, and 0.3 kilograms, etc. The medicine is also sold in cans, they come in 1 kilogram, and even 5 kilograms!!! This strategic reserve will probably last for several years! Since we bought ours Vetom 1.1 for a parrot, the veterinarian gave us the smallest bag.

Vetom 1.1 helps to secrete interferon called alpha-2 in the intestines of both animals and humans. Also, with the help of it, they begin to be secreted in the intestines and beneficial enzymes and others active substances, thanks to which the bacterial state of the intestines and the pH of the body are normalized. By using of this medicine Digestion is stimulated, and the absorption of vitamins and microelements is improved. After all, everyone understands that you can eat as many vitamins as you like, but if the body does not absorb them, then taking these vitamins is in vain.

Vetom 1.1 stimulates immunity, both humoral and cellular, increases the resistance of people, animals and birds to infection by pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

So, Vetom 1.1. is required in the following cases:

1) to restore your internal microflora, which deteriorates due to taking antibiotics,

2) for stomach diseases,

3) with poor metabolism,

4) for the prevention and treatment of all kinds of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections,

5) when the quality of food deteriorates or when animal feed is changed to a lower quality one,

6) with a lack of digestive enzymes in the body,

7) to maintain animals in healthy condition in order to eliminate diseases and mortality of livestock.

I have also heard a lot of comments that this drug used even for very young children and infants. And this is understandable, because the drug is completely natural and contains live bacteria, which we all need. After all good digestion and the state of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to excellent health and active life! I would even buy Vetom 1.1 for myself, but at the moment My gastroenterologist has already prescribed a course of treatment for me, so of course I won’t violate it now. But I will definitely take a closer look at the drug Vetom, and in the future I will probably use it periodically not only for the parrot, but also for myself.

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Probiotics are drugs made from living microorganisms and containing various kinds biological supplements. The use of medications in this group helps prevent the development of dysbiosis and relieve the symptoms of dyspepsia. These products also stimulate the production of vitamins B and K in the human body. The most useful action Such drugs are believed to be able to quickly restore quality and quantity beneficial microflora in the intestines. One of the best medicines in this group isnrobotic"Vetom 2". This product can be used both for people and farm animals.

Types of medication

Vetom drugs modern industry Only four main varieties are produced - 1.1, 2, 3 and 4. They have almost the same effect on the human body. These drugs differ mainly only in type cbeneficial microorganisms contained in them and their strains.The drug "Vetom 2"» is made on the basis of two types of bacteria at once -Bacillus licheniformisand Bacillus subtilis. The rest of the group contains only one each.

Release form and composition

This medicine containsincludes: strains VKPM B 7038 of the bacteria Bacillus licheniformis and VKPM B 7048 Bacillus subtilis. The following substances are used as additional substances in this medication:



    corn extract.

The bacterial biomass itself in the manufacture of this drug is dried, immobilized, and spore-formed. Vetom 2 powder contained in capsules has white and sweet taste. Many patients compare it to powdered sugar. This medicine has no odor.

Sometimes this drug is packaged in small plastic bags or jars. Butit's in this packagingusually usedI'm only for animals. Small, easy-to-use capsules - this form of release is used in the manufacture of the product "Vetom 2" for humans. Instructions for useIt is precisely such a medicine that we will consider below.

Pharmacological action

Both types of bacteria used in the manufacture of Vetom 2 are resistant to gastrointestinal enzymes and digestive juice. Spores in the human intestineBacillus licheniformisAndBacillus subtilistransform into vegetative forms and begin to secrete various biologically active substances. The latter are considered very beneficial for the body. Under the influence of these substances, acidity and intestinal biocenosis are normalized, and its ability to absorb calcium, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, etc. is improved.Vetom 2 also stimulates cellular and hormonal immunity factors in the body.

Indications for use

Assignprobiotic"Vetom 2"For patients, doctors can:


    bad breath;

    increased sweating.

This medicine can also be used to prevent the development of kidney stones.It is useful in this case because it can restore the water-salt balance in the human body.One of the features of this medicine is that it can suppress the development of chlamydia.

As an additional means"Vetom 2"for humans, instructions for usewhich is relatively simple,can be used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • constipation and dysentery;

    ulcers and gastritis.

In some cases, this drug is also used for liver cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis. Vetom 2 can also be used for allergies. The fact is that it is capable, among other things, of having a stimulating effect on the human immune system. Quite often, this drug is prescribed after a long course of antibiotic treatment to restore intestinal microflora.

When not to use

Like most other probiotics, the drug has fairly broad indications. Vetom 2 for peoplerelatively safe. However, you should still take it only after consulting a doctor. This medicine has practically no contraindications. But it should not be taken by patients with sensitivity to any of its components. For example, since the drug contains sugar, it is not recommended for people with diabetes. Also, this medicine should not be prescribed to patients who are allergic to Bacillus subtilis.

"Vetom 2" for humans: instructions for use

This medicine is usedorally. The required dose is selected by the doctor depending on the condition of the patient’s body. This remedy, as already mentioned, can be used for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. In the second case, the patient is usually prescribed 2-3 capsules per day. It is recommended to take them during or immediately after meals. Courses of treatment usually last 10 days. It is recommended to carry them out four times a year.

IN medicinal purposes The drug is first used in the same dosage as for prophylaxis. If after the course a person notices an exacerbation of any of his illnesses, this means that Vetom 2 has begun to work and activated the immune system. Immediately after this, the doctor usually stops the patient from taking the drug for about six weeks.

After the breaknreparation"Vetom 2" ptaken according to this scheme:

    the first 2 days, 4-6 times a day, capsule;

    the next 2 days - 4 times;

The duration of treatment, as well as disease prevention using Vetom 2, is usually 10 days.

If no improvement is observed after a course of taking the drug, it is repeated after 6 weeks. In this case, the dose of the medicine is usually increased.

Consequences of overdose and side effects

When using the product"Vetom 2" for humans instructions for usemust be complied with.One of the features of this medicine is that when correct use it cannot have any effect on the patient's body negative action. Even with an overdose, symptoms of toxicosis are not observed in humans. This medicine is not deposited in tissues even when long-term use. None side effects This drug also does not have any effect during the course of treatment.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug is relatively mild. Vetom 2, however, cannot be used in combination with all types of medications. Thus, it is not allowed to carry out treatment simultaneously with the use of Vetom 2 and any antibiotics. It is contraindicated to use this remedy in combination with sulfonamides. Of course, it is not allowed to be prescribed at the same time as other probiotics.

"Vetom 2" for humans: patient reviews of the drug

The majority of patients have an excellent opinion about this medicine. Both young and elderly patients praise him. This drug actually has a very beneficial effect on the human body. Many elderly patients, for example, note the fact that after a course of treatment using the Vetom 2 medication, they began to feel several years younger.

XAlthough there are mostly only good reviews about this medicine on the Internet, many patients still do not trust the drug. After all, it belongs to the group of dietary supplements.Some Internet users, for example, believe that this remedy has no effect on their body. Patients also consider the disadvantages of the drug to be quite high cost(about 600 rub.). Many patients are advised to purchase Vetom 2, released for use in the treatment of animals. The fact is that a “human” drug can easily turn out to be a fake.