East European Shepherd. East European Shepherd: description, character and reviews from owners East European Shepherd coloring book

East European Shepherds (VEO) are powerful, strong, hardy dogs. Unpretentious in care. Good protectors and friends for all family members. Main characteristics East European Shepherd breed - boundless devotion to the owner.

Before purchasing a VEO puppy, you need to evaluate the amount of free time for exercising with the dog. Lack of regular exercise causes your puppy to develop bad habits.

Characteristics of the East European Shepherd breed

Tall, powerful dogs are familiar to many from films. Their stately appearance and excellent performance characteristics made them real heroes. Below is a detailed description of the East European Shepherd breed.

  • Weight . A female weighs 30−50 kg, a male weighs 35−60 kg.
  • Height . The dimensions of an adult East European Shepherd reach 62−72 cm (females), 66−76 cm (males).
  • Color. The most common are pure black and black and tan. Less common is the zonal color - red or gray.
  • Lifespan. The East European Shepherd lives from ten to 13 years.
  • Character . The breed is distinguished by devotion, endurance, and a balanced psyche. Character is formed by constant training - without it, the dog becomes wayward and uncontrollable.
  • Intelligence. VEOs are intellectuals - they respond well to training, they distinguish a training ground from real situation. In the event of a threat, they themselves make the right decision without a command.
  • Security and guard potential. The East European Shepherd dog breed is a good guard dog. They are balanced and treat strangers with distrust.


Compliance with standards is important for representatives of the breed intended for breeding and exhibitions. pet“for the soul” may have slight deviations from the main characteristics. The standard parameters are given in the table.

Table - Breed standard East European Shepherd

CriterionCompliance with standardDeviations
Head− Wedge-shaped;
− proportional to the body
Facial area− The nose is black;
− lips are black, close fitting;
− 42 teeth;
− cheekbones stand out moderately;
− eyes oval, medium, dark brown
− Light, protruding, round eyes;
− the first 2 premolars are missing;
− nose partly depigmented
Ears− Highly placed;
− standing, dense;
− triangular
Poorly positioned, sluggish
Neck− Wider to the shoulders;
− muscular
Frame− Stretched format;
− the height of the sacrum and withers varies slightly;
− back straight, slight inclination to the croup
− The format is square or too stretched;
− weak, loose muscles
Tail− Continues the line of the croup;
− saber shape
Crescent or corkscrew-shaped
Limbs− The front legs are straight;
− hind legs set wider apart, moderately laid back
− Weakness of ligaments;
− paw curvature
Gait− Sweeping movements;
− trot is not low
− Ambling;
− imbalance of movements
Wool- Straight, close-lying guard coat;
− abundant, soft undercoat

The following signs of VEO are considered disqualifying:

  • disturbed dental formula;
  • distorted jaw;
  • malocclusion;
  • eversion and inversion of the eyelids;
  • completely depigmented nose;
  • drooping ears;
  • short stubby tail;
  • low trot;
  • staggering gait;
  • lack of undercoat;
  • long hair;
  • curliness.

Differences from the German Shepherd

The breeds are closely related and similar in appearance. The East European Shepherd differs from the German Shepherd in a number of ways. You can see them in the table.

Table - Main differences between VEO and German Shepherd

IndicatorVEOGerman shepherd
Height at withersBitches63−72 cm55−60 cm
Males66−76 cm60−65 cm
WeightBitches30−50 kg22−32 kg
Males40−60 kg30−40 kg
Back lineThe level of the withers and sacrum varies slightlySloping, the croup is lower
GaitSwinging trotCreeping lynx, squat
Purpose of the breed− Companion;
− security guard
− Watchman;
− shepherd;
− companion;
− athlete

There is a difference in color, but it is only obvious to dog handlers. When determining the breed, you need to focus on the size, the difference in the level of the withers and rump.

Pros and cons

Institution large dog needing training is a responsible decision. Before buying a puppy, you need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages, evaluate real opportunity content. All the pros and cons are given in the table.

Table - Pros and cons of the breed

Origin history and interesting facts

The history of the East European Shepherd breed began with the importation of the first German Shepherds to the USSR. The dogs easily remembered commands and were obedient and balanced. The breed was used for detection and official tasks.

A decade later, dog handlers began to carry out work to improve the characteristics. They sought to adapt the “Germans” to the existing climate, preserving the original qualities. It was only in 1964 that the VEO was approved as an independent breed in the USSR. The International Canine Federation never recognized her.

VEO is perfect for home maintenance. This is not a chain dog, but a friend and companion. Distinctive features of the breed are high intelligence and lack of inclination to sort things out with pets. VEOs are not jealous, they are not mischievous - they try to please the owner in everything.

Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

Care and maintenance

The main condition of keeping is long daily walks and active games. The dog's energy must be released. These conditions are also followed when kept in an enclosure - the breed needs to run and communicate with the owner. Care comes down to the following actions.

Raising a dog for exhibition and breeding comes with inevitable costs. The puppy will need premium food and grooming products. For training you will have to use paid services professional dog handlers.

Feeding rules

The East European Shepherd should be fed according to its age and activity level. Food is given strictly after a walk, the bowl is immediately removed after feeding. The serving size is determined experimentally - the puppy is full if he eats everything and immediately moves away from the bowl.

When using ready-made food, preference is given to super-premium and premium brands. They have a balanced composition and contain enough protein. Cheap food harms your dog's digestive system.

At natural feeding pay attention to a balanced diet. The content of animal products is at least 50%, the rest includes cereals, vegetables, fermented milk products. Naturally fed puppies should receive calcined cottage cheese daily. Adult dogs are given vitamins in addition to their diet.

As for meat, preference is given to lean varieties - beef, veal, chicken, and offal. It is not recommended to feed your dog pork, lamb, sausages, or smoked meats. Porridges are made from buckwheat, rice, and oatmeal. Millet, legumes, pearl barley poorly absorbed by the body. Finely chopped raw or boiled vegetables and herbs are added to the porridge. Salty, hot, spicy, sweet foods are prohibited.

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the dog. Dog handlers recommend the following diet:

  • up to two months - six times;
  • up to four months- five times;
  • up to six months - four times;
  • up to nine months- three times;
  • after ten months- twice.

You should not walk your dog immediately after feeding - this can cause intestinal volvulus. Distributing food over two feedings, in the morning they give light foods - porridge, vegetables, cottage cheese, in the evening - meat.

Training issues

VEO puppies are trained from an early age. They start with socialization - visiting crowded, unfamiliar places with the dog. The goal is for the puppy to learn to respond calmly to strangers, dogs, cats, obey the owner in any environment and situation. During training, six rules are followed.

  1. Moderate reps. Repeated repetition of one command tires the puppy and leads to reluctance to obey.
  2. Subsequence. Teams are studied according to the principle “from simple to complex.”
  3. Punishment . Inadmissible use mechanical methods impact. Dissatisfaction is expressed through the intonation of the voice.
  4. Encouragement. For each correctly performed action, the puppy is immediately rewarded with a treat, stroking, and an exclamation of approval.
  5. Persistence. They achieve compliance with the command - develop obedience, suppress stubbornness.
  6. Gestures. Any command must be accompanied by gestures. For example, with a wave of the hand, or a clap on the thigh.

Diseases and treatment

VEO live long, are distinguished by good health and endurance. According to information from canine reference books of the USSR, the breed is susceptible to only two serious diseases.

  1. Gastric volvulus. The pathology is typical for all dogs with a wide chest. The first sign is swelling of the peritoneum. The pathology develops quickly, and it is not always possible to save the dog.
  2. Arthritis. A combined diagnosis indicating joint diseases. Develops due to age-related changes or slow processes of bone tissue regeneration.

IN recent years The list of VEO diseases has expanded. The health of the breed has deteriorated due to chaotic matings and dishonest attitudes of private breeders. Errors in breeding have led to the susceptibility of East European Shepherds to three more diseases.

  1. Rickets. Manifests itself in the curvature of the limbs. Most often it is detected before two months, sometimes develops by six months of age. Reason - congenital pathology, improper feeding of the puppy.
  2. Dysplasia. Disease of joint tissues. A common disease of large breed dogs.
  3. Enteritis. Viral disease. VEOs are susceptible to infection by viruses. Before vaccination, the puppy can be walked in public areas and contact with animals is prohibited.

VEO's first estrus begins at the age of six months to one year. Mating is planned for the second heat, when the dog’s physical maturation is completely completed. Before mating, the bitch is taken to the veterinarian and given anthelmintic drugs. Pregnancy and childbirth usually proceed without complications.

TOP nicknames

For service breeds, the nickname is carefully selected. It should be easy for the dog to remember, be sonorous and correspond to the purpose of the pet. The table shows the most common nicknames of VEO.

Table - TOP nicknames

Alphabetical indexNicknames for the East European Shepherd “boy”Nicknames for the East European Shepherd “girl”
A- Excitement;
- Scarlet
- Atlanta;
- Arta
B- Baikal;
- Buyan
- Bagheera;
- Storm
IN- Loyal;
- Vortex
- Vega;
- Wave
G- Hamlet;
- Proud
- Hertha;
- Storm
D- Jack;
- Wild
- Dorra;
- Delta
E- Egon;
- Huntsman
- Eva;
- Europe
AND- Jacques;
- Fever
- Heat;
- Julie
Z- Vigilant;
- St. John's wort
- Star;
- Xena
AND- Ideal;
- Emerald
- Spark;
- Irma
TO- Killer;
- Condor
- Cobra;
- Cassie
L- Leon;
- Fierce
- Linda;
- Lyme
M- Morgan;
- Milord
- Dream;
- Blizzard
N- Neptune;
- Norton
- Note;
- Nora
ABOUT- Olympus;
- Orion
- Orchid;
- Orsa
P- Prokhor;
- Pirate
- Blizzard;
- Pandora
R- Rocky;
- Rambo
- Rainbow;
- Rhyme
WITH- Saturn;
- Sultan
- Sparta;
- Sarbona
T- Tyson;
- Tornado
- Tessa;
- Taiga
U- Urfin;
- Hurricane
- Ursula;
- Umka
F- Ford;
- Pharaoh
- Fortune;
- Florida
X- Harley;
- Homs
- Hilda;
- Hana
C- Cerberus;
- Caesar
- Cera;
- Queen
H- Champion;
- Sorcerer
- Chara;
- Charlie
Sh- Sherlock;
- Shaman
- Sherry;
- Charlotte
E- Eling;
- Ernest
- Ashley;
- Elsa

Photo review

If you look closely at the photos of puppies and dogs of the East European Shepherd breed, you will notice differences from their predecessor - the German Shepherd. VEO are larger, harmonious, foldable. Even in photographs, their intelligent and devoted gaze stands out.

Cost and where to buy

Compared to new “fashionable” dog breeds, an East European Shepherd puppy is relatively inexpensive. The price of a purebred representative of the breed in a nursery is about 25-30 thousand rubles (data as of the beginning of 2018). Private owners have lower prices, but there is a possibility of admixture of other breeds, so it is worth contacting a nursery with a good reputation.

Choosing a puppy

To choose the right East European Shepherd puppy, you need to decide on your goals. A show dog that fully complies with all standard criteria can only be found in large nurseries with a good reputation. When choosing a puppy for a home, they focus on appearance, behavior, health - small deviations from the standard are allowed. In both cases, pay attention to the following criteria.

  • Nursery. A good nursery has documents permitting breeding activities. The conditions of keeping the dogs are assessed - cleanliness, nutrition, grooming.
  • Parents. In two one month old It is impossible to assess the guarding abilities of a puppy. The chances of raising a good defender increase if the parents have undergone appropriate training and have service experience.
  • Appearance . The puppy should look healthy and active in appearance. Its external characteristics, color, and compliance with the standard are assessed.
  • Documents. At the time of handing over the puppy to the new owners, the first preventive vaccinations, all necessary documents have been completed.

Small puppies have soft ears. The East European Shepherd's ears stand up after a complete change of teeth - no earlier than four to five months. If parents do not have deviations in the position of their ears, there is no reason to worry.


Kennels of the East European Shepherd breed:

  • "Veolar" in the Moscow region- http://veolar.ru/;
  • "True Friend" in St. Petersburg- http://vdveo.ru/;
  • "Legend of Rus'" in Cherepovets- http://legendarus2007.narod.ru/;
  • "Army of Aragorn" in Krymsk- http://voysko-aragorn.wixsite.com/aragorn;
  • "Northern Outpost" in St. Petersburg- http://sever-zastava.ru/.

VEO is a faithful friend, reliable defender, obedient pet. He will never leave his owner in trouble, nor will he harm his children. If you still have doubts about the right choice, read the owners' reviews about the East European Shepherd.

Reviews: “Full member of the family”

I found a grown-up puppy VEO this summer. He has DTS. (I live in a 2-room apartment with my husband and 7-year-old child. I have a 2-year-old labrador and 3 cats.) The dog was exhausted and was looking for an owner. Our search for the owner was unsuccessful and we kept the dog for ourselves. I don't regret it at all. The appearance of VEO in our family benefited the Labrador - he built it. All animals are friends. There is no mischief in the apartment, the only negative is a lot of wool. The dog's qualities are amazing, the smartest creature, I'm just delighted!

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The owner of a four-legged pet is always interested in how correctly his pupil is developing. Therefore, the question of how old a dog of this breed grows is not idle. Every owner also needs to know how many grams a puppy should gain monthly and how many centimeters it should grow. The pet's parameters must match the average.

How old do East European Shepherds grow?

The East European Shepherd grows most actively during the first year of life. Changes appearance dog, its proportions are formed, it matures and gains body weight. The animal also grows in height. Moreover, from the very first days, male dogs differ from girls of the same age - they are larger, more powerful.

Until seven or eight months, the most noticeable thing is how their height and weight increase. A table of animal growth during different periods of life will help you analyze whether this process is happening correctly in your pet. It shows the weight of the VEO puppy by month.

At 1 year old, the dog already looks quite grown up. She acquires the weight of an adult VEO, which should not change for the rest of her life.

Deviations of parameters indicate physiological changes in the body. In bitches this happens during pregnancy, feeding puppies, and childbirth. Sometimes a slight decrease in weight is observed due to ignored estrus.

Height and weight are the main indicators of puppy development

Important! After spaying and neutering, pets may begin to gain excessive weight. There are known cases of obesity after surgery.

If the weight of the East European Shepherd changes without objective reason, this indicates:

  • disease;
  • incorrect content.

However, even after a year, East European Shepherds are still growing, as the body is being formed. They become adults at 2 years old. Some individuals grow up to 3 years, increasing their chest.

VEO height and weight chart

Age (in months) Height at the withers of a male dog (cm) Height at the withers of the bitch (cm) Weight (kg)
1 23-27 23-25 3-5
2 35-38 33-36 8-10
3 43-47 41-46 12-15
4 50-55 48-53 15-20
5 55-60 55-57 20-25
6 60-65 57-65 25-30
7 65-68 65-66 30-35
8 68-70 66-67 35-40
9 68-73 66-68 35-40
10-12 68-75 66-69 35-40

Changes also occur in other parameters of the shepherd dog.

Table of growth dynamics of the lengths of the body, front legs and head

Age (in months) Oblique body length (cm) Chest (cm) Front paw length (cm) Pastern girth (cm) Head length(cm) Muzzle length (cm)
1 25-30 36-45 11-16 8-10 12-15 3-4
2 37-44 47-55 18-25 10-12 16-19 8-10
3 47-54 55-62 24-30 11-12,5 19,5-22 12-14
4 55-62 60-69 28-34 11,5-13 22-25 15-18
5 61-66 65-74 31-36 12-13,5 24-27 20-23
6 64-71 69-78 33-38 12-14 25-28 25-28
7 66-73 71-81 34-39 12-14 26-29 30-33
8 68-75 74-83 34,5-39,5 12-14 26,5-29,5 35-43
9 71-76 75-85 35-40 12-14 27-30 35-43
10 72-77 75-86 35-40 12-14 27-30 35-43
11 72-77 78-88 35-40 12-14 27-30 35-43
12 72-78 80-89 35-40 12-14 27-30 35-43

The table shows that the end of the formation different parts the body of a dog of this breed falls on different periods life.

VEO puppy development by months

To be sure that your pet’s health is in perfect order, you need to keep a diary from birth in which you note the weight and growth of the East European Shepherd by month. The parameters will be normal if they do not differ greatly from the average weight accepted by the standards. The growth of the East European Shepherd is also monitored.

Weight and height of the East European Shepherd at birth

The birth weight of puppies depends on many reasons:

  • number of heads in the litter;
  • parental genetics;
  • age of the whelping bitch;
  • her health status (weight norm);
  • maintenance (feeding, exercise) of a mated dog.

In a multiple litter, there are puppies that are small, less than 400 g, or very large, weighing more than half a kilogram. And this despite the fact that a newborn shepherd cub should weigh 400-500 g according to standards.

Boys are smaller than girls at birth - this is not something to be afraid of. But they quickly catch up with their sisters, and then completely overtake them.

Knowing how much the puppy’s mother weighs and how much the father meets the standards, we can assume whether their offspring will be large or small.

Small differences from the average figures are acceptable.

One month

During the first weeks, the kitten grows very actively. 30 days after birth, the height of the withers becomes 23-27 centimeters. Veo weighs from three to five kilograms at this age.

At the age of one month, puppies still need their mother's milk

At one month of age, small puppies gain weight faster than large ones, although they do not always catch up with them. But often even those who were smaller than standard at birth reach average parameters. During the first 4 weeks, the kitten increases its body weight by 6-8 times or more.

The monthly weight gain should be about 3-5 kg, and the height should increase by 2 cm. Puppy dogs that weigh more than 5 kg per month subsequently grow into damp, loose dogs.

At the age of a month and a half, an East European Shepherd puppy looks like a small bear cub with rather short legs and an egg-shaped body. The hanging ears make him look like a cute soft toy.

Shepherd dogs are born toothless. By 4 weeks they already have both upper and lower canines.

Two months

At this time, the skeleton is actively being formed. The two-month-old puppy is trying to raise his ears, but the cartilage is still soft. The incisors should appear - the pet is testing everything around.

2 months - the period when baby incisors appear

Its weight reaches 8-10 kg - this is 20 more than at birth and 2 times more than at the beginning of the previous month. But due to their disproportionately short legs, the cubs still look like toys.

Three months

Starting from 2 months, the puppy's milk teeth are replaced with permanent ones. The holds fall out first, then the middle ones.

Over the past two months, the pet has increased its weight by 3-4 times, and since birth - by 30 times. A three-month-old puppy weighs from 12 to 15 kg. The length of the front legs has also tripled. Now he doesn’t seem like a clumsy bear cub - he’s already a small dog, although due to the fact that his ears are poorly held in a standing position, he looks like a defenseless and cute little kitten.

At three months, the ears may rise and then fall again - this is due to the growth of teeth

Four months

At this time, puppies are still changing their baby teeth. At four months, many Shepherd dogs develop their first molar from below.
The four-month-old puppy continues to actively gain weight. She already reaches 15-20 kg. The height at the withers has also doubled compared to a month-old kitten.

The dog's ears, paws, and tail grow rapidly. Therefore, the pet often carries its tail, lowering it low to the ground. Most ears stand up well. The final period for “ears to stand up” is six months.

The joints on the paws are large, very prominent, and seem disproportionate compared to the body.

At 3.5-4 months, “Eastern Europeans” begin their first molt. The soft puppy fur is replaced by a tougher, “adult” one.

At the age of 4 months, intensive growth of the limbs is observed

Five months

After the fourth month of life, the shepherd's growth is a little slower than before. All parts of the body are formed and become more proportional. A five-month-old East European Shepherd reaches a weight of 20-25 kg.

Her milk teeth continue to be replaced by permanent ones, and molars appear - from 1 to 3 pieces.

Five months is the time when the first molars appear

Six to eight months

During this period, the pet grows very slowly and changes little. His ears should be saddle-backed and not roll over to one side, and his paws should be proportional to his slightly inclined body. Outwardly, a six-month-old teenager completely resembles an adult.

All the baby teeth have already been replaced by permanent ones, and all the molars have grown in.

Some individuals show signs of puberty at six months: males mark their territory, and females may begin their first heat.

Important! You shouldn’t follow nature’s lead at this time: early matings have a negative impact on the health of the animals and will stop their further development.

At the age of 6-8 months the body becomes more proportional

Nine to twelve months

The teenager's paws and head are already fully formed. The muzzle is no longer growing. In appearance, this is already a full-fledged dog.

However, it is impossible to say that the animal has grown. Slowly and almost imperceptibly, the shepherd continues to grow and take shape. Some individuals notice a slight increase in height at the withers.

By the age of one year, the shepherd's growth in height stops

One or two years

The shepherd has acquired its permanent color since the shedding is complete. There are no changes to the main parameters.

But it still continues to develop. Without significantly gaining weight, the dog grows “in breadth”: the chest increases, the muscles become stronger.

After a year, the shepherd's weight increases due to muscle gain

Two years and older

Finally, the owner can calm down: his pet has become quite an adult. The countdown has begun. From the age of one and a half years, shepherd dogs notice abrasion of their teeth: first the toes, then the incisors, then the canines.

Video: the process of growing up an East European Shepherd puppy

The East European Shepherd was developed in the Soviet Union. The breed is not recognized by the FCI, so it is little known and unpopular outside its homeland. In appearance and in character, VEOs resemble their closest relatives – German shepherds.

The East European Shepherd was developed from the breed in the 20s and 30s. When breeding it, special attention was paid to strength and endurance, which are decisive when choosing dogs for service in the army and police. Despite the name "shepherd", the dog was never used for herding.

In 1904, German shepherds began to be imported to Russia, which were used in the Russo-Japanese War as ambulance dogs. Later, around 1907, they began to be used in the police service. After the First World War, the attitude towards everything German was negative, Soviet Union needed dogs with the traits of German Shepherds, but the knowledge to breed his own breed was not enough, and the existing stock was degenerating as a result of illiterate breeding work. Only in 1924 did more or less purposeful breeding of “Easterns” begin after the creation public organizations service dog breeding, departmental schools and service nurseries. Unfortunately, there was nothing special to work with; the livestock was very small and was not renewed due to the impossibility of buying dogs in other countries for foreign currency. Many VEOs were lost during wartime.

The East European Shepherd is a Soviet line of German shepherds, which were infused with the blood of huskies, mastiffs and some other breeds.

The influx of new blood and the restoration of the population began after 45 thanks to the import of trophy dogs from Germany. Under the influence climatic conditions and as a result of targeted selection, its own type was formed. Army General G.P. Medvedev, who headed the council of dog handlers, called VEO a “patriotic dog” and offered clubs major cities legalize the name East European Shepherd. In 1964, the type was approved by the Federation of Working Dogs, and in 1976, the East European Shepherd was officially recognized as a separate breed with its own standard. Active work improvement of the breed continued until 1990.


The East European Shepherd is successfully used for security, police investigations, and also as a search dog and border guard dog. Representatives of the breed have proven themselves to be excellent in military service and at work in police stations. Sometimes VEOs are used as guide dogs. In addition, they are excellent friends and companions. High intelligence, good flexible character, strength and extreme endurance ensure the versatility of their use.

Video review of the East European Shepherd dog breed

What should an East European Shepherd look like according to the standard?

The East European Shepherd is a moderately elongated dog, above average and large in stature, strong build with strong bones and developed muscles. Sexual dimorphism is well expressed. The preferred height for males is 66-76 cm, for females - 62-72 cm.

The head is proportional, massive, and has the shape of a slightly pointed wedge. The length of the head is 40% of the height. The skull is flat with a slightly noticeable longitudinal groove. The forehead is rounded. The stop is noticeable, but not sharp. The muzzle is wedge-shaped. The bridge of the nose is straight or with a slight hump. The lips are dry and fit tightly. The nose is black and large. The bite is correct, the teeth are completely complete. The eyes are medium-sized, oval, set obliquely, dark in color. The eyelids are dry and tight fitting. Ears shaped like an isosceles triangle, erect, average size, pointed.

The neck is moderately long, located at an angle of 45° to the horizon. The withers are well defined. The length of the body is 10-17% greater than the height. The back is strong and wide. The loin is slightly convex and short. The croup is rounded with a slight slope. Unlike the German Shepherd, the Oriental does not have such a pronounced slope of the topline. The chest is wide, long, oval. The depth of the chest is 47-50% of the height. The abdomen is moderately tucked. The tail is saber-shaped and reaches to the hocks or slightly below. IN calm state kept lowered, when excited the last third is curved upward. The forelimbs are straight and parallel. The length of the front leg to the elbow is 50-53% of the height. The hind limbs are set moderately extended. Parallel when viewed from behind. The hips are long, wide, and set at an angle. Paws are oval, pads are dark. Dewclaws should be removed.

The coat is dense, dense, medium length, consists of straight, coarse hair and well-developed shorter undercoat. On the back of the thighs and shoulder the spine forms moderate fringes. Shorter hair covers the head, ears and the front of the legs.

Several colors are allowed:

  • Black with a mask on a lightened background (from silver-gray to rich fawn);
  • Black solid;
  • Pronounced zone-gray and zone-red colors are allowed, but undesirable.


East European Shepherds are very brave and courageous dogs; they are practically devoid of feelings of fear and cowardice. An incredibly strong-willed and courageous character provides them with self-confidence. VEO - true friends and life partners, they show devotion and respect for the owner from an early age and retain it until the end of their lives. At proper education They get along well with other animals in the house and are friendly with children. Can be a tireless partner in games and travel or a reliable partner in work, energetic and curious, but at the same time quiet and inconspicuous when needed.

VEO has a very good character and a loyal heart. These dogs are balanced, self-confident and distrustful of strangers with a pronounced active-defensive reaction.

VEO has an innate protective instinct and a developed sense of territoriality. In addition, these dogs are able to think and make decisions independently in the absence of the owner. It will be difficult to get into the area they protect. In reviews of the breed, owners repeatedly emphasize the high intelligence and devotion of East European Shepherds, as well as their unpretentiousness and ease of training in any direction.

Content Features

Endurance and the ability to adapt to any living conditions make the East European Shepherd suitable for living in any conditions, be it private yard, nursery or apartment, but she should always have close contact with a person. When keeping Eastern European dogs in an apartment, it is necessary to provide them with a sufficient amount of physical activity and walks. outdoors. It is also worth remembering that puppies are very active and constantly chew on something, especially during the teething period, so they should have a sufficient number of toys. It is important for VEO to provide a complete, balanced diet. This can be either natural food or ready-made feed above premium.

The structure of the coat changes depending on the season. In winter, a thick undercoat grows, and in summer it is shed. Spring shedding is the most abundant; during this period, a fuminator will be a useful thing. In dogs that live in apartments, seasonal shedding is less pronounced.

Physical activity is the key to proper development and good health dogs. East European Shepherd training can be divided into two parts: general physical training and special. General includes strengthening and healing the body. First of all, this is trotting, swimming, and long walks. Some dogs have weak extensor muscles hind limbs and as a result, a weak push and shortening of the step, to correct this deficiency they use special training: Towing or running uphill. Intensive training should be increased gradually. Exercises and number of cycles are selected individually

Education and training

East European Shepherds are highly trainable. Their extraordinary intelligence allows them to make independent decisions in difficult and unexpected situations. The East European Shepherd is smart and disciplined, she learns with great pleasure and loves to work, but when she gets tired of training, she will be lazy and not follow well-known commands.

With upbringing and VEO training Even an inexperienced dog breeder can handle it.

When training an East European Shepherd, the main thing is to instill in it restraint and tolerance, which will allow it to remain calm towards its relatives and felines. It is also important to control distrust of others and territorial instinct.


The East European Shepherd has a very bushy coat that requires proper weekly grooming. Only careful combing with a comb will provide it with glossy shine and beauty. In the off-season, the dog is brushed every day. Ears Clean as they become dirty, once a week for some dogs, less often for others. Claws with sufficient physical activity and walking on the asphalt, they grind down on their own.

Health and life expectancy

German shepherds gave the Eastern European a whole bunch of health problems, and the problem was aggravated by illiterate selection of inexperienced Soviet dog handlers. Modern breeders do their best to prevent dogs with problems from being bred, but some problems and hereditary diseases cannot be completely eradicated:

  • Dysplasia of the elbow and hip joint;
  • Tendency to volvulus;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Intervertebral disc diseases;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Aortic stenosis;
  • Hormonal dwarfism;
  • Eye diseases;
  • VEO are sensitive to intestinal equatorial infections.

Choosing a puppy

The East European Shepherd is a very common and popular breed. On the one hand, this is very convenient, since potential owners are provided with a huge selection of puppies of different colors and origins. But on the other hand, the breeding of the breed, or rather the reproduction, is often carried out by people who are far from cynology, and even more so from selection. The character and working qualities of a VEO are difficult to spoil by improper pairing, and it is easy to develop health problems. From the above, a simple conclusion follows: it is better to buy a puppy in nurseries or from a competent breeder through breed clubs.

A guarantee that the dog has a balanced psyche and good working qualities will be a diploma of working tests, without which VEOs are not allowed for breeding.

VEO puppy price

The price of an East European Shepherd is greatly influenced by the geography of the kennel and the merits of the producers. So dogs with a pedigree can cost from 7,000 to 30,000 rubles. Puppies without documents usually cost up to 5,000 rubles.


Photos of puppies and adult dogs of the East European Shepherd breed. The photographs clearly show what VEOs look like of different ages, gender and color.

East European Shepherd like separate breed created by Soviet dog handlers in the first half of the 20th century. It is believed that a clear standard and name for the species were determined by the 60s, but there is evidence of an earlier appearance of the breed in Russo-Japanese War.

During breeding, the gene pool of German relatives was widely used. Moreover, German and East European Shepherd Until recently, many were perceived as representatives of the same family, with only slight differences in behavior and size.

Due to the youth of the breed, it has not yet received full recognition from world canine organizations. So, East European Shepherd dog is considered a variety of German by the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale), but is recognized by all domestic cynological unions, the Russian Canine Federation (RKF).

Breed characteristics and character

Initially, this variety of German shepherds was created for service needs - use in the armed forces, law enforcement forces, and in the national economy.

Therefore, specific requirements were placed on the breed - a calm attitude towards strangers was not welcomed. The restless nature of Eastern Europeans remains the standard today, making them excellent watchdogs.

However, for the breed East European Shepherd characterized by intelligence and good learning ability. They extremely quickly become attached to their owner, are obedient and affectionate, and have proven themselves to be excellent guide dogs. Despite the restless disposition and suspicion of strangers, unreasonable aggression is considered an important defect of the breed.

In terms of physique, representatives of the species belong to large breeds. The structure is muscular, the silhouette is somewhat elongated in length. Sexual demorphism (difference in size between males and females) is pronounced.

The average height at the withers is 62-72 cm and 66-76 cm for females and males, respectively. Normal weight an adult animal varies between 35 and 50 kg, which is slightly more than that of German shepherds.

Breed standard

The first official standard for Eastern Europeans was approved in 1964 by the canine service of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture. Since then it has been refined many times, to at the moment The standards of the Russian Cynological Federation apply, classifying the breed as Group 1.

- Frame. The predominance of length to height should be clearly visible. Neck with a steep slope - 45°. The back is not horizontal, but slopes from the withers to the lower back. Deep, powerful chest with smooth coverage of the ribs. Rear end with a toned croup and stomach. In general, the body is moderately strong, the silhouette gives the impression of swiftness.

- Tail. Long, saber-shaped. When lowered, the tip descends below the hock joint. During activity, an upward bend is acquired.

- Head. Forms correct proportions with the body, the length together with the muzzle is up to 40% of the height at the withers. The cheekbones are rounded, but the parietal part is flat. The longitudinal groove of the skull bone is weakly expressed. When viewed from the front, the head has a rounded shape.

- Muzzle. Occupies approximately half of the entire length of the head. It has a narrow, wedge-shaped shape with a gradual narrowing towards the tip of the nose. The lips do not droop, fit tightly, and are always dark in color. The nose is black and larger than other large breeds.

- Jaw. Particularly well developed upper jaw. The bite has a scissor-shaped bite. U adult dog There are 42 teeth, a straight line is formed from the incisors.

- Eyes. Dark in color, dry, the third eyelid is poorly developed. The eyes are set obliquely, the size is medium.

- Ears. Like the German Shepherd, they are always erect and have a pointed shape. Set high. Drop ears can only have East European Shepherd puppies up to 7-8 months of age.

- Front paws. Ideally straight, when viewed from the front, they are parallel to each other. The length should slightly exceed the height at the withers. Elbow joint facing backwards.

- Hind legs. The thigh, shin and hock are of moderate length. Knee joints hardly noticeable, turned inward. The soft pads on the paws are always dark in color.

- Wool. On the body it is quite rigid, straight and tight-fitting, the length is average. Somewhat softer and shorter on the front legs and head. The undercoat is present, but not visible due to its short length.

- Movements. Running at a sweeping trot, balanced, smooth. While driving highest points the withers and croup are located approximately at the same level.

Compared to the German Shepherd, its Russian variety allows much greater variety in color. So, if a German gray shades are not allowed in principle, in the Eastern European breed they are allowed - East European Shepherd in the photo may have a gray color either as a background color or placed in zones on the body. There are three main color options:

- saddle cloth on a lightened background;

- deep saddle cloth, almost black;

- Black-backed with relatively large gray and tan areas.

Disqualifying defects include abnormal jaw structure (not a scissor bite), incorrect skull structure, and a short tail. Also in males there is undescended testicle in the scrotum.

In general, the listed breed standards mostly apply to German shepherds. It can be difficult to distinguish representatives of two related breeds, especially in early age. In addition to color, the main differences between the species include:

- weight - East European Shepherd weight, as a rule, 5 kg more;

- height - 5-7 cm more;

- character - less aggressive in the German variety;

- limbs - the angularity of the humeroscapular joints is stronger in the German variety.

Germans are also less suited to living in an apartment and are less able to tolerate harsh climates.

Care and maintenance

East European Shepherds were originally bred as a hardy breed that can easily tolerate cold and hot climates. Animals can be safely kept in enclosures and kennels even in winter. It is recommended to make the walls of the booths double and the floor wooden. When frost sets in, it must be covered with straw.

Dogs are also unpretentious about living conditions - country life is preferable for them, but they also feel good in apartments. Shepherds need their own area to rest and sleep. Soft bedding is not needed, since the wool does not form bald spots due to lying on a hard floor.

Main disadvantage habitat in the house - abundant molting. It begins in puppies at the age of 6 months, and is more pronounced in bitches within a month after birth. The intensity of shedding does not depend on the type of color - East European Shepherd black, gray or zoned, sheds fur all year round, the process is activated in spring and autumn.

You can deal with the abundance of hair in the house by regular brushing. During seasonal molting, the procedure should be done twice a week, the rest of the time at least 1-2 times a month. It is better to comb it outside so as not to pollute the room.

Frequent bathing is contraindicated for animals. When living in a house and taking regular walks, wool becomes slightly dirty and tends to quickly clean itself. It is enough to wash it no more than 4 times a year; for this, use special shampoos. Like other large varieties, Eastern Europeans do not tolerate getting their heads wet in the warm season - heat stroke is possible.

The claws of animals are well developed, protruding from the paw pads. They can cause scratches on the floor, so they need to be trimmed regularly. For this purpose, a special nail clipper for large nails is used, the procedure is repeated every 3-4 weeks. Treating claws is always stressful, and an animal needs to be accustomed to it from a tender age.


This breed is quite demanding proper nutrition. It is not recommended to base it only on canned and dry food. Instead, it is advisable to diversify the diet with fresh foods, the proportion of which can be up to 50% of the dog’s total diet. Most of it should be animal products:

  • meat - beef, lamb;
  • poultry – turkey, duck, chicken;
  • fish – moderately fatty;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs – no more than 1 per day.

It is also possible to add plant food, including in raw form. For example, shepherd dogs accept carrots, cucumbers and cabbage well. These vegetables are also useful for preventing dental diseases. Rice and buckwheat porridge are preferable among cereals.

As for the frequency of feedings, you need to focus on the age of the animal. The number of feedings varies from 1 to 6 per day:

  • up to 4 months – 5-6 times;
  • up to 6 months – 4 times;
  • up to 10 months – 3 times;
  • up to 14 months – 2 times.

From the age of just over a year, the dog is considered an adult; you can practice one or two meals daily.

Possible diseases

The list of pathological diseases characteristic of East European Shepherds has expanded over the past two decades. This is due to uncontrolled matings carried out by private breeders. The most common diseases include:

  • gastric volvulus - common to all large breeds;
  • joint tissue disorders – dysplasia, arthritis;
  • enteritis – affects puppies.

Before buy East European Shepherd, the future owner should familiarize himself with basic rules content. For example, the likelihood of gastric volvulus almost disappears if the dog is not fed before a walk.


East European Shepherd prices noticeably lower than that of its German relatives. This is explained by the prevalence of the breed in the country. If you purchase from private breeders, purebred puppies will cost 5-10 thousand rubles without providing a pedigree. With this, the price increases to 10-20 thousand.

Noticeably higher prices for Eastern Europeans in nurseries. Purebred puppy will cost 20-30 thousand rubles or more, which is not much less than the average for a purebred German - 30-35 thousand.

Representing a domestic variety of the German Shepherd, this breed has become widespread in the CIS countries. Loyal, strong, easy to train, these dogs are perfect for keeping both in a private home and in the city.

The German Shepherd has left its mark in the creation of many modern breeds. But no one imagined that her heirs would fit so well into our harsh conditions.

The Krasnaya Zvezda nursery, created in 1924, gave a start to life to more than one breed. The East European Shepherd became not just one of them, it turned into one of the symbols of service dog breeding, maintaining its position to this day. The service orientation of the nursery largely predetermined the priority of working qualities and psychological balance over other qualities. This breed is still in demand in law enforcement agencies. Orientals differ in appearance from their ancestors, but their strength lies not only in the size and strength of their jaws. The main advantage is character, inner spirit, if you like. There is no other way to say about this serious dog.

Photo of East European Shepherd

Intelligence and character of the East European Shepherd

She was always trusted with the most valuable thing a person could have: the protection of important objects, law and order, and the state border. Thanks to its progenitor - the German Shepherd, one of the ten most smart dogs planets, the easterners initially had a high chance of success. And any doubts regarding the issue of working qualities, the range of their application were dispelled professional work dog handlers of "Red Star". Even at the dawn of the formation of the new breed, both cowardice and uncontrollable aggressiveness were recognized as disqualifying characteristics.

Due to its youth, the breed has not received recognition from the International Canine Federation. This does not make it possible to comply with all the formalities and take the Orientals their rightful place among the recognized breeds. But, their long service in various structures I did this instead of the IFF. In 2002, the Russian Canine Service officially recognized East European Shepherds, and breed standards were established.

An untrained eye may confuse an Oriental with a German Shepherd

By their nature, Eastern Shepherds are balanced; among them there are fewer choleric people than among German Shepherds. They have a later date compared to them psychological formation, closer to three years of age. Easterners require more consistent and persistent education than their closest relatives. If all conditions are met, taking into account the mandatory completion of OKD and ZKS courses, then the owner receives a strong, stress-resistant, well-managed dog. She gets along well with other family members and pets living under the same roof with her.

Distrust and wariness towards strangers are in the blood of representatives of this breed. Unlike their German relatives, Easterners were originally created to work in various harsh conditions. The typical working environment for Germans is urban.

Breed standard and main characteristics

Males of this breed reach up to 66 - 76 cm at the withers; for females, a height of 62 - 72 cm is considered normal. This is on average 6 - 8 cm less than that of German shepherds.

The dog handlers of the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel initially created a dog that would have excellent protective and guard qualities. The dog's weight reaches 45 to 60 kg, which gives an advantage over its German counterpart from 5 to 15 kg. This difference gives the Easterners a tangible advantage in the fight against the offender and his successful detention. When training with dogs of this breed, it is advisable not to use light types of training sleeves.

Resistance to hip dysplasia is due to a less pronounced body fit. This gives an advantage over the Germans in working at long distances and makes them more durable, although it somewhat reduces agility and mobility.

The head of the Orientals is proportional to the body and has a noticeable transition from the muzzle to the forehead. The nose has a large black lobe. The eyes are medium sized, slanted. The ears are of medium size, stand up by 6 months from birth, and have the shape of an isosceles triangle. The neck is of moderate length, muscular, set at an angle of 45 degrees. The teeth have a scissor bite, where the incisors are located in one line. The number of teeth is 42, all large in size. Any deviation from a scissor bite is a breed disqualifier.

East European Shepherd black color

The coat of shepherd dogs is thick and has a thick undercoat, which allows them to feel great from Central Asia to Far East and Kamchatka. She is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature during the day. In the spring, during shedding, you need to brush your pet at least twice a week. The predominant color is saddleback; black shepherds are less common.

Training and education

The German Shepherd is often held up as the standard for handling a service dog. But, it turned out to be not so in demand in the Soviet Union, where it was enough for only one owner to be perceived flawlessly. Yes, character development takes longer, but the payoff is also higher. The conditions in which the breed was formed were more complex in terms of climate and the seriousness of the tasks facing it. Initially, she had to successfully work to detain the offender, including doing it independently, without the support of an instructor.

The size of the dog predetermined sufficient physical strength, not only to hold the leash. Young dogs begin to show character leadership qualities It’s already closer to the year when their active growth is almost completed. A dog weighing more than 50 kg, with high intelligence and a developing psyche is a serious animal. In order for the owner to be accepted unquestioningly, the makings of a leader and stable knowledge about raising dogs are needed. It is better not to get this breed for beginners, or, without fail, take OKD (or IPO-1) courses. An experienced instructor will tell you how to behave in various situations, what to pay attention to, and will help put the dog owner in the role of the unconditional leader.

An experienced trainer is required for the East European Shepherd

Care and maintenance of the East European Shepherd

The recommended type of housing is an aviary. A private property with an internal perimeter is well suited for these dogs. They were specially created for service in the harsh conditions of the vast Soviet state from the Kazakh steppes to the Magadan taiga. Washing is carried out 1-2 times a month, and also as needed. During the shedding period, you need to comb out the loose undercoat 2 times a week.

Feeding is carried out both with dry food and prepared in the kitchen. The diet is based on cereals, vegetables, meat, offal, and dairy products for puppies. Priority should be given to home feeding or a service kitchen.

German Shepherds are more prone to living in apartments. Their smaller size, the focus of training courses on use in urban conditions, and the official recognition of the breed have made these dogs hostage to urban apartment living. They feel good in an enclosure, but they cannot compare in this ability with eastern birds, especially in most climate zones of our country.

This once again confirms that the Soviet Union succeeded in as soon as possible managed to create a new breed, as planned physical qualities, and by its nature.

Choosing an East European Shepherd puppy

The criteria are the same as when choosing Germans. The lack of constant activity should not be considered a disadvantage. Easterners differ in character from birth. But, if, upon attracting attention, the puppy stood up and headed towards you, then don’t think twice - he has already made his choice. All that remains is for the owner to make a decision. For protection purposes, use the first born puppies. They are larger than their brothers and sisters, which, with proper care and feeding, will persist into adulthood.

Due to the lack of official recognition, Easterners do not have the opportunity to express themselves at international competitions. If on the territory of the former Soviet republics they have established themselves as a strong, balanced breed, with high abilities to training, it is little known outside of them.

East European Shepherd puppy

The unbridled fashion for German shepherds that began in the 90s led to the fact that they began to disappear from exhibitions and from among competition participants. Save her best representatives succeeded only in departmental and some private nurseries. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the parents of your future ward, be sure to ask “where he is from”, ask to see documents Russian model. This will save you from disappointment in the future.

How to dispel doubts when choosing between a German or East European Shepherd

It's easy to choose a German. It has many advantages:

  • Compactness for apartment living;
  • Recognition of the breed by the FCI, which opens the doors to many exhibitions and competitions;
  • The German Shepherd is a wonderful and active companion;
  • Excellently trainable.
  • Easily tolerates heat and cold;
  • Less susceptible to a number of diseases inherent to Germans (for example, colds, hip dysplasia);
  • Due to her greater balance, she is resistant to various stressful situations, which makes her more suitable for service;
  • Able to successfully resist a serious intruder due to her physical capabilities and character.

Fashion for a certain breed and the possibility of recognition in the show ring play a big role. But we should not forget that the same German shepherd bred as a dog with high working qualities. And it is in relation to its representatives that large number questions. Still, Max von Stefanitz wanted a slightly different fate for his pets. He always focused on maintaining performance rather than on appearance. Perhaps, during the 90s, the East European Shepherd was able to preserve them better, even taking into account the decrease in the number and the lack of official recognition. And in terms of its adaptability to the conditions of service in our country, it has no equal among service dogs.