Second trimester: what doctors advise. How to sleep during pregnancy? Correct sleeping positions

Sleep is an integral part of life, the quality of which determines the well-being and health of a person as a whole. During pregnancy, some difficulties may arise with the organization of sleep - on early stages the cause is hormonal changes in the body, and in late period pregnancy - physical discomfort when choosing a position due to an enlarged tummy.

Sleeping positions during pregnancy

Healthy sleep during pregnancy is especially important - at this time, a woman’s body undergoes big changes which may lead to poor performance immune system, which entails diseases of various kinds. A full night and day rest helps restore strength for the successful development of pregnancy.

When choosing a body position for sleep, a pregnant woman should take into account not only the possibility of a comfortable position for herself, but also the level of safety for her unborn baby. To do this, the expectant mother needs to know about safe and prohibited poses.

I trimester

On initial stage During pregnancy, a woman may not think about the correct sleeping position - the fetus is still too small for there to be a possibility of damage or oppression from incorrect position mother's body.

If a woman had a habit before pregnancy, then she should start getting rid of it as early as possible. Indeed, at a later stage, the expectant mother may unknowingly roll over onto her stomach, thereby harming the baby’s health.

But in some cases, already in the first trimester, a pregnant woman experiences discomfort and unpleasant sensations from sleeping on her stomach - this is explained hypersensitivity mammary glands during this period.
If there is no discomfort, a pregnant woman is not prohibited from sleeping on her stomach during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

II trimester

After 12 weeks of pregnancy, the belly begins to grow and from this time on, a woman is prohibited from sleeping on her stomach. Otherwise, the blood supply and nutrition of the child are disrupted.

Up to 24 weeks future mommy He can also sleep lying on his back. But the correct body position starting from the second trimester is the left side. With this position, blood circulation and heart function are not disturbed, and the liver is not compressed. All these factors ensure the supply of necessary nutrients to the fetus and do not interfere normal development pregnancy.

And there are also no prohibitions for short sleep on the right side, especially with a transverse presentation of the fetus, when the baby’s head is on the right side.

If the fetus is breech, then the pregnant woman is recommended to turn over from one side of her body to the other up to 5 times a night.
Until the middle of the second trimester, a pregnant woman can sleep on her back without causing harm to her health and the condition of the baby.

III trimester

This period of pregnancy is for expectant mother the most difficult - big belly and limited choice of postures for day and night rest are often the reasons bad sleep, and, as a consequence, arise fatigue and irritability.

In the third trimester, a pregnant woman cannot (even physically this is no longer possible), and also on her back - this threatens to compress the inferior vena cava, which carries venous blood throughout the body to the heart. If circulatory function is impaired, the child may develop hypoxia in the womb, which is explained by poor blood supply to the placenta. And also compression of the vena cava as a result of sleeping on the back often provokes the appearance of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, lower back pain and decreased blood pressure in a pregnant woman.

In the later stages of expecting a baby, it is undesirable long sleep on the right side - this can lead to congestion in right kidney(and subsequently to pyelonephritis), arising due to pressure of the grown fetus on the internal organs.

Since sleeping only on the left side of the body during half of the second and entire third trimester is uncomfortable, you can turn over to the opposite side for a short period.
In late pregnancy, the choice of correct sleeping positions is limited to the left side of the body.

Devices for comfortable sleep

For a comfortable sleep, pregnant women most often use pillows - regular, sofa, or special.

When sleeping on your left side, a pillow located under the bent area will help relieve some of the load from the pelvic area and prevent swelling of the legs. right foot. In this case, the left leg should be straightened.

To avoid back pain from sleeping on your side, you can lean back slightly on your back, placing a small pillow or a blanket rolled into a cushion under it.

A convenient device may be a sofa cushion located between your legs bent at the knees when lying on one side of the body. And it is also not forbidden to place a pillow under your stomach.

In the later stages of pregnancy, women often suffer from heartburn or difficulty breathing - the grown baby displaces internal organs, which causes discomfort. In this case, you should take a reclining position - you can put several pillows under your back and head.

Using a bolster or small pillow under your feet can help relieve tension, cramps, and swelling. lower limbs, which has a beneficial effect on sleep.

But special pillows for pregnant women occupy a special place in the organization of comfortable sleep. They are distinguished by their shapes, represented in the form of letters: G, U, V, L, I, C. The sizes of these pillows are different - every woman can choose this one necessary item for sleeping according to your taste and dimensions sleeping place. But they have one function - to provide comfortable accommodation for the pregnant woman during her vacation. Such pillows support the stomach (sometimes also the head), some of them make it impossible to uncontrollably roll over onto your back, and it is convenient to throw your leg on them. At the same time, special pillows for expectant mothers can also be used in postpartum period- when feeding a baby and as support for the child’s back while he sits down.

Photo gallery: types of pillows for pregnant women

The pillow in the shape of the letter G has large size and is multifunctional
The U-shaped pillow supports the pregnant woman's stomach and head, and also prevents her from rolling over onto her back.
A boomerang or V-shaped pillow is compact and allows you to take a comfortable sleeping position. An L-shaped pillow is placed with the short side under the head and the long side under the back, protecting against unconscious rollovers on it, and also makes it possible to throw your leg back. The I-shaped pillow is compact. and is designed to be twisted into the required form The pillow in the shape of the letter C is universal and suitable for use during pregnancy, as well as when feeding a baby.

And also special pillows can be filled with various materials:

  1. Sintepon. Not suitable for use by allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as it contains a harmful impurity in the form of glue. Pillows filled with padding polyester do not last long - they quickly lose their shape, bunching up into clumps. Items containing this filler may be harmful to the health of a pregnant woman.
  2. Holofiber. Soft, hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly material that does not absorb odors and sweat. Pillows with such filling quickly restore their shape after washing (both manual and machine) and being crushed.
  3. Expanded polystyrene. Filling in the form of granules, similar to foam balls. Hard, durable, environmentally friendly material. A pillow with polystyrene foam cannot be machine washed.
  4. Artificial down. Synthetic, hypoallergenic, lightweight material. Dries quickly after washing and easily restores its original shape.

On modern market There is a wide selection of pillows for pregnant women, thanks to which every expectant mother is able to find her ideal option.

In my opinion, most pregnant women experience discomfort when choosing a comfortable position while resting at night. I was no exception - with the rapid growth of my belly from the middle of the second trimester, sleep disturbances appeared associated with the problem of finding a comfortable position. I didn’t buy a special pillow, but I used a lot of regular pillows and bolsters various forms and sizes. It seems to me that over time, any girl “in position” gets used to her new figure and finds optimal positions and devices for organizing sleep - this is just a temporary and inconvenient thing.

Organization of night rest during pregnancy

Often, expectant mothers suffer from sleep disorders or insomnia. Their appearance may be caused hormonal changes, heartburn, frequent urges to urination, itching of the skin due to its stretching, movements of the baby, inability to take the desired position during sleep, as well as nervous overstrain, anxiety, stress and others. These problems should be dealt with in order to normalize night rest - a pregnant woman’s sleep should last at least 8 hours.

Helps to get rid of insomnia next steps:

  • maintaining moderate physical activity throughout the day;
  • exclusion of stressful and conflict situations;
  • temporary refusal of daytime rest;
  • limiting fluid intake before bedtime;
  • preference for a light dinner over a heavy one;
  • taking a relaxing bath or massage of the back and legs before a night's rest;
  • use of sedatives: glycine, valerian or motherwort (after consultation with a doctor).

Thus, there are many ways to combat insomnia.

But for the strong and healthy sleep, and also as a preventive measure for insomnia, experts recommend:

  1. Regularly ventilate the room and take a walk before going to bed.
  2. Choose clothes that are comfortable for sleeping.
  3. Sit on comfortable pillows and a mattress.
  4. Make a light snack if necessary - it is difficult to fall asleep with a feeling of hunger.

By following these basic rules for organizing a night's rest, the risks of insomnia and other sleep disorders are reduced.

After a healthy sleep, the expectant mother should feel rested and in a good mood.

Video: sleep during pregnancy

Sleep disorders occur in 80% of pregnant women. This is caused by emotional instability and physiological changes, occurring with the body and organism of a woman. To protect the baby from unpleasant consequences intrauterine hypoxia, it is necessary to gradually get used to new positions during night rest.

The first weeks after conception, a woman constantly. This is due to the fact that the body begins to rebuild and expend more energy. Discomfort appears due to an enlarged uterus, changes hormonal background. Therefore, in the second trimester, the girl suffers from insomnia, she has nightmares, and sleepwalking worsens. Reasons this state the following:

Also, restless sleep is provoked by uncomfortable pastels, tight clothes, extraneous noise. During pregnancy, a woman feels the heat more sensitively and cannot tolerate it. Therefore, if the bedroom is stuffy, it will be very difficult to fall asleep.

Advice! If you are prone to allergies and have chronic diseases upper respiratory tract It is not recommended to grow indoor flowers in the bedroom or sleep with pets. To minimize development allergic rhinitis, regularly carry out wet cleaning.

Choosing a suitable position for expectant mothers to rest at night

From the first days a woman becomes pregnant, she needs to completely reconsider her lifestyle. The girl refuses bad habits, physical activity, changes in diet. The changes also concern the favorite positions in which she sleeps. Due to the expanding belly, the usual position becomes physically uncomfortable and dangerous for the baby. To get enough sleep even late in the day, you need to go to bed correctly.

Until the 12th week, you are allowed to sleep as you like; with the onset of the 7th month of pregnancy, the woman is limited to only resting on her side. To prevent your whole body from hurting the next morning, you need to periodically change your position.

Dangerous positions

There are dangerous sleeping positions for pregnant women that are completely excluded. Women who continue to follow their habits increase the risk of developing intrauterine pathologies. You should not lie on your back, especially when the fetus begins to quickly gain weight. The expectant mother will sleep restlessly, and the baby will suffer from oxygen starvation.

If you regularly rest lying on your back or stomach, this will lead to the following consequences:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • breech or transverse presentation;
  • increased activity of the baby, entanglement of the umbilical cord;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness, apnea;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling of the legs, arms, face;
  • circulatory disorders in the pelvis;
  • lower back pain.

It is recommended to monitor your condition and position while resting. But this does not mean that a woman should not sleep, so as not to accidentally harm the baby and herself. As long as the fetus is within the symphysis pubis, it is safe from external pressure. Lying on her stomach from the 22nd week becomes impossible, the pregnant woman is uncomfortable, so she independently refuses this position.

Mid-pregnancy restrictions

In early pregnancy, you are allowed to use familiar positions. The middle of gestation is the most favorable and safe period. IN given time the woman does not experience toxicosis and is less emotional. From 18 to 28 weeks, the fewest complaints about restless sleep are received. While your tummy is small, you can rest for a while on your back.

Important to know! If you have twins or the placenta is attached to the anterior wall, then already in the middle of pregnancy it is recommended to sleep exclusively on your side. Also be sure to create yourself comfortable conditions with pillows, blankets, and a comfortable mattress.

Late bans

In the third trimester, a large belly appears, which makes it difficult for a woman to breathe, walk, sit and sleep. In order not to aggravate the condition or cause harm developing fetus, observe the following rules:

  1. Don't sleep on your stomach, it's dangerous.
  2. Regular sleeping on the back disrupts the normal course of pregnancy; frequent compression of the lower hollow vessel occurs.
  3. Minimize sleeping on your right side, as the enlarged uterus in this position puts pressure on the kidneys. If a woman was diagnosed with cystitis or pyelonephritis before pregnancy, pressure can trigger a relapse of the disease.

Choosing comfortable and safe sleeping positions during pregnancy in the last months is very difficult. A woman will have to sacrifice her comfort for a short time for the sake of the baby.

Advice! Pay attention to the movements; if they increase in any position, the child may be uncomfortable or there is not enough oxygen.

Sleeping on your left side

The best positions recommended for sleeping and daytime rest during pregnancy are lying on your side, as well as resting with a pillow sandwiched between your legs. From the 36th week you need to lie on the left side more often, since the vena cava runs along the right side of the uterus. Regular compression of the vessel leads to poor circulation.

Sleeping on your left side as follows affects pregnancy:

  • sufficient oxygen supply to the fetus;
  • reduction of swelling, normal functioning kidney;
  • reducing the load on the heart;
  • sound and healthy sleep;
  • no pain in the lower back and pelvis.

If the ultrasound showed a transverse presentation of the fetus, the gynecologist should warn you about the peculiarities of sleep. It is impossible, on which the baby’s butt rests. Therefore, if it is on the left side, the pregnant woman needs to lie on her right side.

The best position for a woman expecting a baby

If a woman is uncomfortable sleeping on her side, you can try resting in a semi-sitting position. Pillows should be placed under your back and head. Thus, the vena cava is not compressed, the uterus does not come into contact with the diaphragm, shortness of breath and snoring disappear.

To relieve swelling and fatigue from your legs, you can place a soft cushion under them while you dream. This position helps reduce the load and therefore prevents the development of varicose veins. The main thing is that you feel comfortable. If you suffer from heartburn, it is recommended to lie on your left side more often. If excessive fetal activity occurs, change position.

Other positions allowed during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the choice of sleeping position is limited by physiological characteristics. At large sizes belly because anterior attachment placenta or multiple pregnancy, the most correct position is reclining. Until the third trimester, you can tuck your legs towards your chest. To avoid triggering cramps, do not stretch.

If a woman does not get enough sleep in the listed positions and feels tired, it is necessary to pay attention to other causes of development restless sleep. Relax on a comfortable bed, it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic mattress and. When preparing for bed, turn off the lights and TV everywhere, and put your phone on silent mode.

You should not constantly monitor your position while resting, and if the position is incorrect, you should unnecessarily worry about the condition of the baby. Following these rules will allow you to completely relax, which contributes to sound, good sleep.

The most comfortable positions for daytime rest

Daytime sleep is necessary for a pregnant woman to full recovery strength, especially if she continues to work or does not get enough sleep at night. Most comfortable position- reclining. If you don't want to sleep, you can sit on a soft chair. For greater comfort, place a pillow under your back and place your feet on a pouf.

If a girl suffers from insomnia or sleeps restlessly, it is necessary to refuse nap. One of the causes of the disorder may be insufficient physical activity during daylight hours. It’s better to do something you love after lunch, read a book, go for a walk fresh air.

Use of pregnancy pillows

You can provide this at home using ordinary sofa cushions. They need to be placed under the neck, lower back, and legs. This design is inconvenient because when changing positions you have to shift the rollers for a long time.

There are many special devices that will help a pregnant woman take comfortable position and get a good night's sleep. Pillows are made with different fillings and shapes. When purchasing them, consider the size of the bed.

Using pillows makes it easier to achieve the correct sleeping positions during pregnancy:

  1. On the left side. Place a pillow between your legs, your legs should be in a position comfortable for you. Any form of roller is suitable for this pose.
  2. On the right side. Under the belly and left leg a pillow is placed. The most convenient is the U-shape, which allows you to change position during the night without twisting the roller.
  3. Reclining. The pillow should be located under the neck, back, lower back, and it is also recommended to slightly raise your legs. For this pose, you need to choose bulky rollers in the shape of the letters G, C, O.

If you are experiencing severe pain in the lower back, before choosing, you should consult a gynecologist. If you are not prone to allergies to synthetics, it is better to buy a pillow made of polystyrene foam or holofiber. These fillers will keep their shape and will not decrease in size over time.

During pregnancy, be sure to exclude dangerous ones that compress the abdomen or inferior vena cava. You shouldn’t wake up every hour and control yourself, listen to your feelings. If the baby begins to move actively, it is necessary to change position. In the last month, especially when increased tone, lower back pain and gestosis, best

No living person can do without sleep. During such a rest, strength is restored and all body systems return to normal. Particularly important good sleep for the expectant mother. How to sleep during pregnancy? To find answers to this question, you should contact specialists, and also study reviews of women who have experience in this regard.

The importance of healthy sleep for a pregnant woman

Healthy sleep is necessary every day. Moreover, it is recommended for an adult to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. During this time, strength is restored, everything clogged with mass is cleansed harmful substances, which accumulated during the day. This regeneration is carried out at the cellular level.

How to sleep properly during pregnancy? After all, the expectant mother needs to restore strength and cleanse herself, not only herself, but also help her baby. It is important to provide optimal conditions so that both people benefit from sleep.

Features of sleeping in an “interesting” position

According to experts, the future character of the child and his abilities depend on how a woman sleeps during pregnancy. Every time, getting ready for bed, the mother should remember the needs of the baby. He needs comfort, and the woman is obliged to satisfy such a request.

What factors influence a child's health. To ensure wellness mother needs to sleep:

  • sufficient time;
  • in a comfortable position;
  • before going to bed, think about good things, be calm;
  • don't get overtired.

Interference with proper rest may be:

Such factors are difficult to eliminate, as they are traditional for pregnant women. But many problems can be solved in advance:

  • rest for a sufficient amount of time, as needed right now;
  • complete exclusion stressful situations;
  • avoiding overexertion and inappropriate postures.

Features of some resting positions

Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy or not? This pose is considered the most natural and comfortable. The spine, tired during the day, wants to straighten out so much, won’t such a position harm the child?

Experts say that at night a woman, all systems and organs of which are in difficult conditions bearing a new life, must fully rest. Resources spent during the day require restoration.

A woman should leave all disturbing thoughts outside the bedroom and give her body time to rest. For this it is recommended:

  • drive away negativity;
  • calm down to normalize the heart rhythm;
  • breathe calmly;
  • remember pleasant moments.

The listed exercises will help overcome insomnia, which leads to such conditions harmful to women:

  • constant fatigue, which has become chronic;
  • lack of cheerfulness;
  • depressive state.

For those who like to sleep on their stomach and back, pregnancy will be a difficult time. Both of these positions are not recommended by experts because they are unsafe for the unborn baby.

Contraindications for sleeping on your back

During pregnancy, you should not sleep on your back. To explain this prohibition, consider the features of the second trimester. At this time, the body of the expectant mother is characterized by important transformations in the form of:

  • release of progesterones to bone tissue the pelvis became softer and moved apart;
  • due to their loose structure, there is a risk of fractures;
  • the size of the enlarged uterus has changed significantly;
  • the growing fetus puts pressure on neighboring organs.

If a woman stands or sits, she does not feel as much discomfort. But lying on her back, the pregnant woman’s spine experiences pressure. As the belly grows larger, this pressure will also increase.

If you sleep on your back, the vena cava may be compressed, abruptly stopping the normal flow of blood. Such disturbances can even lead to fainting. A sleeping woman is at great risk, especially if she has varicose veins veins or is prone to the formation of blood clots and swelling.

A number of unpleasant situations may also arise:

  • squeezed bladder, causing urinary incontinence;
  • the appearance of heartburn and nausea is typical;
  • troubles in the form lumbar pain, pulling sensations in the lower back, which is especially dangerous with kyphotic or lordotic curvature of the spine.

Poses for early pregnancy

How to sleep during pregnancy in the first trimester? This period allows sleeping on your back and stomach, if not discomfort. This is a short time of free choice of position during sleep. The growing fetus will begin to dictate its terms, and during the second trimester the expectant mother will have to fulfill its requirements.

During the period of the first - third month of carrying the fetus, there is no danger for it from the mother's turns and turns during sleep. He is now under reliable protection amniotic sac. There is no need to control your posture while sleeping.

Features of sleep in the second trimester

In a situation where the belly grows along with the baby, it is time for a woman to move to the optimal sleeping position - lying on her side. For convenience, the use of special pillows is practiced. Instead, you can use small pillows or roll up blankets.

Convenient lateral position provides rest for internal organs and spine. Not a threat to squeezing the vena cava. According to the recommendations of gynecologists, it is better to prepare to sleep on your side from the earliest stages of pregnancy. To do this, before going to bed, you need to lie on your left side, ensuring that your right knee is in a sliding position. The following actions are further recommended:

  • for the right knee, use a small pad;
  • in the area lumbar region position the roller;
  • To prevent your stomach from turning without your will, secure it with a small pillow.

Using an orthopedic mattress will help the body take a comfortable position.

Sleeping positions starting in the second trimester of pregnancy

Those who claim that you can sleep on your stomach during pregnancy mean the early stages, when the fetus is still too small. In the future, such a position is unacceptable. After all, there is pressure on the baby.

It is best to sleep on your side during pregnancy. This is convenient for both mother and baby. The organs of a pregnant woman are resting, and the baby is also comfortable.

Which side to sleep on during pregnancy? By choosing the left side, mom will ensure normal blood circulation. In a dream, you can change sides, turning over onto right side.

Features of body position when resting in the third trimester

How to sleep during pregnancy, when the fetus has already grown significantly? It already occupies the entire space of the uterus and moves actively, preventing the mother from resting.

Late dates pregnancy is the time when you need to purchase a special pillow made of bolsters. Later it will be needed to feed the baby. In the meantime, mom will comfortably sit between the bolsters, fixing her stomach and back, placing her legs comfortably.

Non-standard situations

It is important to note that recommendations regarding position depend on the nature of the fetal presentation. An ultrasound is performed to determine the placement of the fetus. If a transverse or pelvic rather than longitudinal presentation is diagnosed, doctors will recommend the following sleeping positions:

  • With a pelvic position of the fetus, sleeping on the back is out of the question;
  • If a right presentation is observed, the pregnant woman should choose the right side to sleep;
  • Accordingly, left presentation requires the choice of the left side.

Rollers and pillows will become reliable companions in the world of comfort. When choosing a resting position, a woman should be guided by the location of the baby’s head in her womb.

The importance of choosing the right sleeping position

For the formation of the fetus, it is very important for the expectant mother to monitor the position of her body so that oxygen and nutrients reached the fetus in full. After all, these are the main sources for the development of a full-fledged child.

If a woman's vena cava is compressed during sleep, the following may occur:

  • oxygen starvation leading to placental abruption;
  • movement of the uterus, in which the child signals a lack of nutrition;
  • strong decline immunity due to malnutrition;
  • deterioration of the pregnant woman's condition.

The problems listed above are too serious to be taken lightly when choosing a sleeping position.

The best option

Medical experts consider the lateral position to be the most optimal sleeping position. It is equally comfortable for both the expectant mother and the fetus. To determine a comfortable position, do the following:

  • you need to lie on your left side;
  • bend your left elbow so that you can lie comfortably;
  • For right hand choose a position along the body;
  • bend your legs slightly.

If you are comfortable in the proposed position, this best option for a safe holiday.

The hardness of the bed is important. Late pregnancy requires an elastic mattress to support the body horizontally. The use of feather beds and nets, and mattresses with lumps is not recommended. Give preference to a latex or spring block. Consider not only the convenience of rest, but also the ability to easily get out of such a bed.

Let's sum it up

A pregnant woman's sleep should be complete. It is important not only for the expectant mother, but also for her baby. In sleep, the body's systems are cleansed, the body rests, and thoughts come into order.

Before going to bed, the expectant mother should tune in to pleasant emotions and think about good things. Then psychological interference is not dangerous for relaxation. It is very important to choose the correct body position in bed.

During pregnancy, sleeping on your stomach and back is not recommended. This can be done only in the first trimester, gradually restructuring the body to the need for a lateral position.

The choice of body position depends full development the fetus, the supply of oxygen and nutrients to it.

Frequent urge to go to the toilet becomes a faithful companion in the first trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, the question “how to sleep in early pregnancy” worries many women. In order to get proper sleep back, you will have to give up some old habits in favor of new ones.

Read in this article

Getting adequate sleep during pregnancy

Hormonal changes in the body begin to affect sleep from the first weeks of pregnancy. High level provokes swelling of the nasal mucosa, which leads to difficulty breathing and lack of oxygen. As a result, in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman experiences apathy, fatigue and irritability, regardless of whether she feels like sleeping during the day.

The importance of healthy sleep

During pregnancy, a woman may experience a variety of sleep problems:

  • initial insomnia (problems falling asleep);
  • frequent awakenings;
  • anxious, restless sleep;
  • insomnia in the final phase of sleep (waking up too early in the morning).

Such a dream does not provide adequate rest and recuperation, so in the morning the woman feels tired and overwhelmed. The problem is aggravated by the fact that sleeping pills are prohibited in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The results of a study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh confirmed the importance of a good night's sleep. Observation of the condition of a group of women showed that insufficient sleep during early pregnancy can lead to the birth of a child with low body weight.

Therefore, after a woman becomes aware of her “interesting” situation, she needs to reconsider her rest regime. The duration of night sleep should be at least 8 hours, and you should fall asleep no later than 22:30.

How to choose a sleeping position

The quality of night's rest is determined not only by its duration, but also by the position of the woman's body. There are a lot of options for how you can sleep in the early stages of pregnancy. In fact, any position that is comfortable for a woman is acceptable - you can sleep on your stomach, back or side.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, when the expectant mother can still sleep in the way that is comfortable for her, you need to try to get used to falling asleep in the recommended positions. In the future, when a large belly limits the choice of acceptable options, falling asleep will occur easier and faster. Optimal position body in a dream during pregnancy - on the left side.

This pose has several advantages:

  • liver and kidney functions are normalized;
  • heart function stabilizes;
  • the fetus receives more oxygen due to better blood supply pelvic organs.

If a woman is used to sleeping on her stomach and finds it difficult to adjust, you can start using it already in the early stages of pregnancy. special pillow for pregnant women. Most often it is performed in the form of the letters “U” and “C”. This shape allows you to comfortably sleep on your side, positioning upper leg on the pillow at a right angle.

Many women who are accustomed to sleeping on their stomachs are concerned about whether they can continue to do so during early pregnancy. The doctors' recommendations here are clear - it is possible, but until the belly begins to enlarge. The uterus during this period is still quite small and reliably protected. pubic bones, so there is no danger for the child.

Sometimes already in the first weeks expectant mother soreness in the mammary glands begins to bother me. In this case, lying on your stomach is not recommended so as not to put pressure on your sensitive breasts. Allowed night rest on the back. This position should not be abused, because from the second trimester it will be prohibited.

As the uterus and fetus grow, resting on the stomach will have to be abandoned. Despite reliable protection baby in the form of uterine muscles, membranes and amniotic fluid, it experiences pressure if the mother continues to sleep in this position. Danger to the fetus - main reason why you shouldn't sleep on your stomach during pregnancy.

How to improve your sleep

To solve sleep problems, it is enough to follow simple recommendations on how to sleep properly in the early stages of pregnancy:

  1. Limit fluid intake shortly before bedtime. This will help you avoid the urge to go to the toilet at night.
  2. The last meal should be 2-3 hours before bedtime. For dinner, light, low-fat dishes are preferred that will not give a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. If a woman begins to feel nauseous from hunger, you can eat a couple of crackers or drink a glass of kefir before bed.
  3. The bedroom should be thoroughly ventilated; it should not be too hot, dry or cold.
  4. When choosing pajamas or a nightgown, it is better to give preference to loose-fitting models made from natural fabrics.

Particular attention should be paid correct regimen day. You can follow all the tips on how to sleep better in early pregnancy and not achieve results. This could all be due to improper organization of the day. If you have problems falling asleep, it is better to give up naps during the day in favor of a walk in the fresh air. Provided you are feeling well, moderate physical activity(gymnastics, ). All these measures together will allow the expectant mother to fully rest, get enough sleep and enjoy her position.

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Pregnancy is an important and difficult stage in a woman’s life. During this period it is especially necessary good rest, so it is important for the expectant mother to get enough sleep. However, difficulties often arise with sleep: a growing belly makes it difficult to get comfortable, and attempts to turn over lead to awakening. The woman is also worried about not harming the child by taking an unfortunate position. Worries and difficulties lead to inevitable sleep problems. Let's find out what poses in the best possible way Suitable for sleeping during pregnancy.

Restful sleep in the 1st trimester

Until the 12th week, the expectant mother does not need to give up her usual positions: the baby is still very small, the uterus is slightly enlarged. Therefore, the question of what positions you can sleep in during pregnancy is not yet relevant. Sleeping on your stomach, back, or side is allowed.

In the 1st trimester, problems with night rest usually do not arise due to increased sleepiness and a not yet enlarged belly, which does not interfere with taking any comfortable position. Nausea caused by toxicosis, unstable emotional state, individual characteristics. Severe sleep deterioration requires consultation with a doctor.

2nd trimester: changing habits

The period from the 14th to the 26th week is called the calmest, favorable time pregnancy: the woman is full of energy until she feels clumsy, drowsiness and nausea subside. Beginning of the 2nd trimester - optimal period to develop the habit of taking the correct postures for night rest.

Already from 12–14 weeks you will have to give up sleeping on your stomach, which is uncomfortable for the expectant mother and unsafe for the baby.

Starting from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, noticeable changes occur in the body: the stomach gradually grows, swelling of the limbs may bother you, the number of urges to urinate increases, therefore sound sleep at this time it is rather an exception to the rule. In what positions are you still allowed to sleep during pregnancy?

The ban on lying on your stomach does not raise any questions, but the reasons for refusing to sleep on your back are not so obvious. Why is it important for a pregnant woman to pay close attention to this issue?