What time do baby teeth fall out? What to do when a child’s baby tooth falls out? Scheme for changing baby teeth

The loss of baby teeth is a mandatory stage that occurs in all young children. Theoretically, this process is tied to certain deadlines.

But sometimes they do not coincide with the actual time of the event. In addition, when a child falls out, additional problems arise that make parents worry.

Why is this happening?

Before considering the timing and possible problems, let us dwell on the cause of loss of temporary teeth. The formation of primordia occurs during intrauterine development.

After birth, temporary teeth begin their active growth and erupt. Over time, the development of the rudiments occurs permanent teeth. This leads to resorption of the tissues of the root of the mammary crown, which gradually reaches the cervix.

As a result of the formation of a shortened root or its complete absence, the crown becomes loose and falls out. The degree of root resorption can be determined by the intensity of crown loosening.

In what order does this happen: table

As a rule, baby teeth fall out in the same order as they came in. Typically, first the child loses a group of incisors in pairs, then all the canines, and then the molars.

If this scheme is broken, but in general the process proceeds without deviations, then you don’t have to worry about anything.

Table 1. Drop order

The indicated times are approximate only. For the most part, they depend on individual characteristics child development.

Possible related problems

Some children begin to lose teeth before the age of 4, others only at school age. A serious deviation in timing should concern parents, since this phenomenon can often have pathological causes and lead to dental problems.

Non-compliance with shedding period standards can be caused by a number of factors:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • bad chemical composition water;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • untimely development of rudiments or their complete absence.

Drop out ahead of schedule

Premature temporary tooth loss is one of the common problems that can lead to curvature of the entire row. Baby teeth are an indicator for permanent crowns, so if they fall out ahead of the standard time frame, permanent crowns may erupt, taking an incorrect position.

Typically, crowns grow in a rotated position relative to the main row. It is also possible for the crown to grow sideways through the gum. In the latter case, this may be accompanied by pain.

To prevent the appearance of a defect in the early loss of a baby tooth, you need to consult a dentist. He will install on crowns adjacent on both sides to the resulting gap, special spacer - holder.

It will ensure that space for eruption is preserved and correct height new tooth. The spacer is made of thin metal wire that does not cause discomfort to the child. When a new tooth appears in the gum tissue, the holder is removed.

The most common causes of premature loss are:

  • abnormal bite;
  • excessive pressure from adjacent crowns;
  • developing tumor;
  • removal of forced nature.

Drop out later than expected

All dentists are of the same opinion that Late loss of baby teeth is much better than early loss. This phenomenon can occur for the following reasons:

  • heredity;
  • transfer of disease infectious nature in severe form;
  • chronic dyspepsia;
  • rickets suffered in infancy;
  • phenylketonuria.

In this case, the milk supply still begins to thin out by the age of 8. If this process has not begun by this age, then one can suspect too deep location of permanent rudiments or their complete absence.

Shark teeth

The main stage of splitting the root tissue of primary crowns and pushing them out of the gum pocket sometimes fails. It leads to permanent teeth erupt faster than temporary ones fall out.

This phenomenon can manifest itself not only on single crowns, but also spread to the entire dentition. As a result, the two rows have a parallel arrangement of teeth relative to each other. Similar phenomenon does not cause serious complications.

After some period, the temporary crowns still fall out, and the permanent ones, gradually moving, take their place.

If the process has been delayed for more than 3 months, and permanent teeth have difficulty moving into the correct position, then it is necessary to seek the help of a dentist. Most often, corrective measures are used to solve the problem. orthodontic structures: mouth guards, braces.

Pain and fever

Losing baby teeth is often accompanied by discomfort. The gum, which fits tightly to the neck of the crown, comes off as the tooth loosens, causing pain..

Most pronounced pain syndrome observed with the loss of molars and premolars. This process may be accompanied swelling of the damaged gums and even an increase in temperature up to 38°C. It should be taken into account that what younger age, the more intense such manifestations are.

The severe course of this process leads to a high load nervous system, fatigue, overexcitation in the evening. In children over 7 years of age, the listed symptoms are isolated and smoothed out.

Problems that arise at the stage of changing teeth rarely have pathological causes and, with proper correction by the dentist, are quickly eliminated.

To remove unpleasant symptoms During the process of hair loss in very young children, doctors recommend using a complex remedy Dentokind. It eliminates painful manifestations, relieves inflammation and stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system.

After losing a tooth, a wound forms. In some cases slight bleeding may occur. To eliminate it, it is necessary to sterile bandage form a tampon and place it over the wound.

The tampon should be bitten slightly and left for 3-5 minutes. As a rule, this time is enough. If the bleeding does not stop after 15 minutes, you should contact your dentist.

As an aseptic treatment, you can rinse the wound saline solution with the addition of a few drops of iodine.

In the first two hours, the child should not eat. In case of inflammation and pain of the wound, topical dental preparations can be used.

Oral care

If a baby tooth falls out and a wound forms, you should never give up oral hygiene. This will provide additional antibacterial protection to damaged tissues.

But it is worth considering that oral care during this period has its own characteristics:

  • Cleaning the crowns should be carried out with gentle movements, without pressure, for this procedure it is worth purchasing soft brush, the bristles of which have rounded tips;
  • It is best to use a children's paste with an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • It is recommended that after each meal you rinse your mouth with water or a special mouthwash intended for children;
  • when inflammation occurs and for a long time non-healing wound it is necessary to consult a dentist;
  • there is also no need to neglect regular dental examinations;
  • if the crowns are affected by caries, treatment must be carried out. As a preventive measure, have your dentist do a fissure sealant.

Features of child nutrition

During the period of temporary teeth falling out, not only care, but also the child’s diet requires special attention. The nutritional features in this case are as follows:

  1. Directly on the day of crown loss should not eat irritating foods. Avoid hot, salty, spicy foods and dishes. They can cause additional irritation of the wound, causing discomfort to the child.
  2. Since the loss of teeth is often accompanied by the appearance of new ones, for them full development and healthy growth, it is necessary to provide the body with a complex of microelements and vitamins. The most significant role for this time is played by calcium. Introduce more dairy products into your child’s diet: cottage cheese, milk, cheese.
  3. In order for calcium absorption to be complete, it is worth including in your diet foods containing vitaminD: seafood, eggs, sour cream, liver.
  4. If you refuse such products, it is recommended to take multivitamins or mineral complexes.
  5. Increase your consumption vegetables and fruits.
  6. To stimulate active root resorption, give your child more solid foods. But in the first few days after tooth loss, you should avoid consuming such products so as not to further injure the wound.
  7. Also worth exclude various sweets from the diet. They create favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, causing inflammation and caries.

The process of baby teeth falling out is purely individual. For some, it occurs promptly and painlessly. Others may run into problems. The dentist will help solve them by identifying and eliminating the cause.

In conclusion, a video about changing baby teeth:

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All parents go through a period when their baby's teeth change. It can hardly be called the most pleasant for moms and dads. This is mainly due to worries about your child.

However, most children tolerate their shift without any problems. Many even wait for this event, discuss it with friends, always know which one fell out and who got it, how much milk is left. This is often influenced by stories about a tooth mouse or a fairy who must bring something in exchange for a lost tooth.

Despite this, adults should know many nuances, in particular, the timing and order of hair loss, as well as the basic rules of hygiene and oral care; this, of course, important time. In addition, sometimes deadlines are violated, so you need to know about the reasons for this phenomenon.

Why is this happening?

Naturally, The reason for the loss of baby teeth is simple - it is necessary to make room for permanent teeth., with whom the person will live for the rest of the time. However, the question naturally arises as to why this change is needed at all and why those that are called permanent do not immediately grow.

To answer this you need to know a little anatomy and physiology. The fact is that by the time the baby does not have enough milk alone and he begins to eat more solid food (and this happens quite early - from about six months to 9 months), the jaw is still very small. Gradually it begins to grow, the interdental spaces increase.

Under the milky ones, the rudiments of permanent ones begin to gradually form. When they become active and begin to grow, the roots of baby teeth dissolve and they gradually fall out.

Useful information

Before we talk about the timing and order of loss, we need to talk a little about the baby teeth themselves. Since they have quite a lot of features, including when they fall out.

  • The baby has a complete set of 20 pieces - 5 on each side on both jaws.
  • Their names are as follows, if you start from the center - central and lateral incisor, canine, first and second molars. The order is the same on both the upper and lower jaws.
  • Despite the fact that permanents are often called indigenous, this is not entirely true. After all, dairy products have roots in the same way. Only they are shorter.
  • There are differences not only in the roots, but also in the structure in general. Temporary ones are smaller in height, bluish-white in color, not yellowish like permanent ones, and have enamel that is almost twice as thin.
  • Under them, the rudiments of permanent teeth begin to develop from birth. When the time comes, they begin to grow slowly, which leads to the gradual resorption of the roots.
  • The smaller the root becomes, the more the crown begins to loosen, as there is simply nothing to hold it in place.
  • One of essential functions temporary teeth, except, of course, straight ones, are signal ones. That is, they indicate to the constants where they should grow.
  • If, due to caries or injury, one of them had to be removed much ahead of time, then the permanent one may not erupt correctly. This is also associated with root resorption. It is in this empty gap that a new one will begin to emerge.


If parents remember in what order the first teeth were cut, then it will not be a problem for them to determine the order in which they fell out. They are about the same. But in order to clearly understand this, you need to talk in more detail about each of them in connection with the others.

The process of loss, as well as growth, occurs symmetrically. That is, at approximately the same time, identical teeth on both sides of the jaw begin to loosen. It should also be noted that sometimes the child may not experience loosening.

Then the loss will still be in the correct order, but it will be sudden for both the child and the parents.

Approximate diagram

To begin with, let’s answer not the question “when”, but “in what order”:

  • The process in the vast majority of cases starts from the bottom. After this, it is repeated on the upper jaw.
  1. Lower jaw – central incisors.
  2. Upper – central incisors.
  3. Then the lower lateral incisors.
  4. The upper incisors are lateral.
  • After the incisors fall out, the order in which the jaws are “released” changes.
  1. Upper small (or first) molars.
  2. First molars from below.
  3. Upper canines.
  4. Fangs from below.
  • The last stage occurs in the same way as the first - from bottom to top.
  1. Large (or second) lower molars.
  2. Upper large molars.

The actual change process

Sometimes moms and dads wonder if all their first teeth will change. It is difficult to answer unambiguously. The answer will depend only on which side you approach this problem.

First of all, it's a matter of wording. After all, “firsts” are not always “dairy”. If you answer the question, will all the dairy products fall out, then the answer is yes. All twenty pieces. However, there is another aspect that is almost never considered by concerned parents.

There is an almost universally widespread belief among mothers, fathers, and grandparents that the change of teeth begins with the loosening and loss of milk teeth. However, this is not entirely true. The fact is that by the age of four to five years the jaw grows quite a lot. Therefore, there is enough space for additional growth.

The number of permanent teeth is 32. Among them are 4 wisdom teeth or third molars. If you do not count them, there are 28 left. We divide the “extra” eight by 4 (jaws and sides), we get 2 additional ones in each of their jaw quarters. They are called premolars, and they are not included in the milk teeth. Exactly the replacement process begins with the growth of a pair of premolars.


Speaking about timing, it should be noted that Only approximate time can be given. This happens because all processes of development and growth in children depend on the individual characteristics of the body. So, what time do baby teeth fall out?

The average age when the first baby teeth begin to loosen is approximately 5–6 years. However, even if the process begins at 4 years or 8 years old, you should not panic. After all, there can be quite a lot of reasons for speeding up this or, conversely, delaying it.

However, if at four years old your child comes to you and reports that his teeth are loose, it is better to take the time and go to an appointment with a pediatric dentist. After all, the child could have hit himself and damaged the root or developed caries, which can also cause the loss of baby teeth.

These factors must be excluded. After all, too early loss of temporary teeth for unnatural reasons can lead to permanent teeth losing their “landmark” and growing crookedly.

By the age of about 12–13 years, everything ends. In relation to the completion dates of the process, you can apply the same rule as for the start. One or two years makes virtually no difference.

Reasons for changing deadlines

If the delay is too long, then you can add not so harmless factors. For example, these could be various endocrine abnormalities and developmental disorders that were not noticed by doctors before.

In addition, rickets or chronic infectious disease, almost not showing itself.

Changing front

As you can see from the approximate diagram above, it is the front temporary teeth that begin to wobble and fall out first. These include 8 pieces, four on each jaw.

These are, first of all, the central incisors, which will first fall out from below, and then from above. Age (again approximate) – 6–7 years. But they begin to gradually loosen, on average, after the fifth year of life, and this process lasts about two years. That is four central teeth should fall out in a year.

Next in line are the lateral incisors. As with the central ones, the bottom ones come first, then the top ones. This occurs at 7–8 years of age. At about 6 years, the roots begin to dissolve, which leads to their loosening for up to 2 years.

Change of radicals

All the remaining 12 milk teeth can be conditionally called molars. They begin to change immediately after the front ones.

  • After the seventh year they begin to wobble, and then by the age of eight to ten years the first molars fall out from above. They are located immediately behind the fangs.
  • Then comes the turn of the lower first molars. This happens almost simultaneously with the upper ones. The loosening here is longer - about 3 years.
  • After a year they change upper canines- at nine to eleven years of age.
  • They are followed lower canines in the same period. As in the case of molars, canines become loose around three years of age, and this process begins after eight.
  • The second lower molars follow the loss of the canines - at 11–13 years.
  • The last teeth to fall out are usually the upper outermost teeth - the second molars. This will also be around 11 or 13 years.

What should I do?

When it falls out baby tooth, no need to worry too much. However, you need to know a few rules that are intended for both children and adults.

  • Refrain from eating for 2-3 hours.
  • Remove too aggressive dishes and foods from the child’s diet - sour, spicy, salty.
  • If the wound is bleeding, you should cover it with a small cotton swab for a few minutes.
  • You cannot constantly touch the wound with your tongue, much less with your hands. This way you can accidentally introduce an infection.
  • If pain or itching occurs, you can use special gels, or better yet, consult a dentist.

The average norm is when the last baby tooth falls out by the age of fourteen. Therefore, the entire process of changing temporary to permanent ones can take about 10 years.

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We all remember these sleepless nights, when my dear little one’s first teeth erupted. Teething is a rather long and quite painful process. But everything turns out to be behind us around the age of 3, when your baby can boast of 20 bead-like teeth. These are temporary teeth, called milk teeth. Starting from the age of 6, they begin to fall out in order to make room for permanent ones. But this is a completely natural and painless process that should not scare parents.

Baby teeth usually change permanent by about 4 years of age when the child's third molars begin to erupt. It is this period that can be considered the beginning of the process of baby teeth falling out. We will consider below which teeth change in a child.

In general, the process of baby teeth falling out is quite long and can last from five to eight years. This period depends on:

  1. Genetics of the child
  2. Varieties of diet
  3. Quality of drinking water consumed

No matter how many milk teeth a child has, by the age of 13-14 they are completely replaced by permanent ones.

Shedding process

So, how many baby teeth does a child have?? Twenty, and they are laid in the womb, but they begin to cut at about six months of age. All twenty baby teeth appear sequentially, but as you know, these are temporary teeth, which are then replaced by permanent ones.

Parents usually wonder what to do if their child’s teeth fall out. When a child loses a baby tooth, the wound usually bleeds for about 5-10 minutes. In this case, you can apply a dry cotton or gauze swab. But if the bleeding lasts longer, you should contact pediatrician. At first, if possible, it is necessary to limit the child from spicy, salty, hot foods and cold water so that the wound has the opportunity to heal.

After a child’s baby tooth falls out the temperature may rise. If the temperature subsides on its own, then everything is fine, there is no need to worry, but if the temperature continues to rise, you should consult a doctor, because this is a sign of an inflammatory process. What about a lost tooth? What to do with it? All parents have their own answer to this question. Some parents “give the mice” a lost tooth, others teach their children to hide it under the pillow so that at night “ tooth fairy"exchanged it for coins, and still others simply give some sweets in return. The main task is to ensure that the process of loss does not cause negative reactions in the child and is associated with a pleasant event in life.

Milk teeth, although temporary, are caring for them is also necessary, because it is on the basis of the health of permanent teeth that healthy milk teeth lie. If baby teeth are damaged by caries, then there is a risk that permanent teeth can also be damaged by this disease. So parents should not only tell their children about brushing their teeth regularly, but also check how they brush their teeth. After all, most children brush their teeth with the principle “the sooner I brush, the sooner I’ll play.” It is necessary to explain to the child all the benefits of brushing teeth.

The process of baby teeth falling out is very simple and at the same time interesting. The roots of baby teeth first shrink and then dissolve. But for complete Teeth formation takes about 3 years. Therefore, it is important to remember that the enamel of newly cut teeth is very fragile and you should take extra care of them. Care must be taken from regular cleaning to finishing good nutrition child, which should include all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the formation of the child’s body.

A diagram of the loss of milk teeth and the eruption of permanent teeth in children is given. As you can see in the diagram, the first to fall out are the central incisors, the lateral incisors, and then the canines, premolars, 1st molar and 2nd.

Reasons for delayed hair loss

You may encounter a situation where the fall out is a little delayed. This may be due to the child’s heredity, rickets, or a consequence infectious disease.

“Shark teeth” is a situation where a baby tooth becomes loose but does not fall off. And in parallel with this, a constant grows. That is, it turns out that the teeth grow in two rows, like those of sharks. But this process is not so scary. Baby teeth eventually fall out, and permanent teeth gradually take their “rightful place.” But if it has not fallen out within 3 months, then you should consult a pediatric dentist.

It also happens that a child is 16-17 years old, but the last milk teeth have not yet fallen out. This situation is consequence poor nutrition , in particular, a lack of vitamins and calcium in the child’s diet, as well as a chronic infectious disease. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the body’s functions are malfunctioning, which must be identified and appropriate treatment prescribed.

Reasons for falling out earlier than expected

Teeth begin to fall out ahead of schedule. This situation occurs when the child was injured or the tooth was sick and his deleted prematurely. Since this has happened, there is no need to be upset. Modern dentistry V lately stepped forward and doctors invented “artificial space holders.” What function do these retainers perform? Simple. Using an ordinary plate attached to a tooth, the place where the permanent one should appear is held.

In general, the process of baby teeth falling out and replacing them constant process quite demanding of your attention. After all, it is healthy teeth are the key to further self-confidence and beauty of your child. So parents take great care of their children during this period, so that the whole process goes without unnecessary nuances.

Should be paid special attention to:

  • Oral hygiene.
  • Diet baby food to enable everything essential vitamins and minerals that a child’s body needs.
  • More often than not, the child tries to pull out the loose tooth himself and touch the wound. In this case, it is necessary to explain to the child that the tooth should fall out on its own and it is not necessary to touch it, so that the microbes do not penetrate into the wound and start inflammatory process. Visit at least once every six months pediatric dentist It is also necessary to consult regarding any questions that have arisen.

Everything in nature is perfect. And the fact that a person is born without teeth was thought out by the same force that made sure that at the first stage of his life the child could fully and painlessly use breast milk. Growing up, the baby begins to get acquainted with the world around him through the prism of smell, sight and taste. Using new adult food, the baby needs such a perfect natural apparatus as a strong jaw. A little later, parents try to find out from various sources when baby teeth fall out and the first permanent teeth appear. At what age does this occur in children and how much loss do they have?

A little theory

By the age of 2–3 years, a child will have about 20 teeth – almost a whole set. They are called dairy. They are not permanent, they are small in size, they have fewer tubercles, since the food children eat during this period is not yet too hard.

The replacement of primary teeth with permanent ones is usually observed at the age of 5–6 years. The first to leave the baby’s mouth are the baby’s incisors, which are in no hurry to reappear in a renewed form. First on permanent place molars come out - this is the name of the most distant pair bone formations. Their appearance can be noticed in a child aged about 6 years. It is in preschool age Children's jaws are extremely susceptible to caries, since the baby's immunity is too weak. To save permanent incisors that are starting to grow, it is recommended to regularly visit a pediatric dentist.

Only after the appearance of painters do children’s first incisors “awaken.” They grow almost simultaneously - all four. The rest actively begin to change a little later. How long does this take? The interval between eight years and eleven. In this case, the scheme for changing them (according to the child’s age) is as follows:

  • lower incisors in the center - at 6–7 years old,
  • upper incisors in the center - around the same time,
  • incisors on the sides - at 7–8 years old,
  • fangs emerge at 9–11 years of age,
  • second four molars – at the age of 11–13 years.

However, the above periods may differ significantly from the actual picture. Some children experience early loss of baby teeth, while others experience later loss. The speed of this process depends on various factors.

Individual characteristics

The timing of tooth replacement in children is influenced by the following individual characteristics:

  • gender of the baby,
  • genotype,
  • toxicosis suffered by the mother during pregnancy,
  • the child has suffered certain infections,
  • duration of the breastfeeding period.

Moreover, the difference in the timing of replacement of baby teeth, which differs from the above scheme even by 8 years, should be considered quite acceptable. In addition, the order in which they appear is very important. A common term among pediatric dentists is “spatial balance.” It implies that each mammary bone unit is necessarily responsible for the subsequent location of its permanent analogue, its correct location on the jaw.

Sometimes the process of replacing baby teeth is delayed until the age of 14. However, parents have no reason to worry, since the influence on children's health such a delay has no effect at all. However, if there is too much long delay, the cause must be sought in various endocrine abnormalities, the presence in the body hidden infection, violation of child development.

The first radical elements in children, for example, fangs, when coming out, weaken the attachment point and tear off the root of the milk teeth, as a result of which they are easily separated from the jaw. Molars have similar functions to milk teeth, with only one difference - they are harder and have dense enamel.

The procedure for changing teeth is very important, since the strong bone formations that appear are much more durable than temporary ones - milk ones. Thanks to this process, the child's body adapts to the absorption of adult food.

An important point for a parent is to be attentive to the update process. It is necessary to ensure that the child’s baby fangs do not fall off prematurely. After all, this phenomenon often indicates uneven growth of molars.

If children have not lost a single tooth by the age of seven, then they also need the help of a specialist. You may need to take pictures of your gums to make sure your child's molars are coming in okay.

When teeth begin to fall out before the age of 4, this is too early. This sometimes occurs due to injuries, the development of caries, or special loosening. Since early loss contributes to the appearance of free space, then neighboring teeth gradually begin to move into it.

In such a situation, when it is the turn of a permanent tooth to appear, there is simply no place for it, which is why it grows incorrectly and crookedly. Be sure to visit a pediatric dentist when your child loses a tooth too early. The problem that has arisen must be solved by using a prosthesis that can fill the gap in the row. This device will prevent possible displacement of adjacent teeth.

Features of the shift

During the process of changing teeth, a child sometimes begins to experience some problems. One of them is “shark fangs”, when the indigenous elements are cut through next to the still existing milk elements. Typically, the rapid emergence of permanent teeth helps speed up the loss of primary teeth. However, when 2 rows are observed more three months– this requires consultation with a dentist.

Sometimes, during the process of changing baby teeth to permanent ones, children may develop severe pain, curvature of growing bone formations, swelling of the gums.

To help a child in similar situation, it is advisable to give him painkillers recommended by your specialist. Crooked teeth are often caused by too slow jaw growth or bad habits child, namely thumb and pen sucking.

Update timing

The age of 6–7 years is considered to be the beginning of the change of primary teeth. No dentist can answer how many years the renewal period will take. From the moment a child’s first primary molar falls out until a complete set of chewing apparatus appears, it can take 5–8 years. Although for many children this process ends around the middle of school. This is when the last temporary tooth leaves the oral cavity.

Here are the main reasons why this process is delayed:

  • poor nutrition, in which there is a lack of calcium-containing foods in the diet,
  • genetic predisposition,
  • poor quality of drinking water,
  • some diseases.

So, the loss of children's first teeth is a natural process that does not cause any ailments in the child.

Many parents remember how much trouble the appearance of a child’s first teeth caused. Fortunately, replacing baby teeth does not cause suffering and is quite calm, without complications.

As with the eruption of dentition, parents must navigate when baby teeth are replaced by permanent ones. Prepare your son or daughter so that there are no bitter tears and nervous breakdowns due to a lost tooth.


Change of non-permanent (baby) teeth occurs at a certain period. Teeth erupted between six months and three years, can no longer fully support the increased chewing load. It is necessary to replace rather weak teeth with strong ones.

The main difference between permanent and temporary bite is more units when updating the dentition. If by the age of three children should have 20 baby teeth, then by adolescence another 12 appear.

Third molars (or, popularly, wisdom teeth) do not always erupt; they often break through gum tissue with big problems. Many people wait until they are 30 years old. Sometimes capricious third molars appear at the age of 35–40, causing a lot of suffering and causing complications.

Process Features

What's happening:

  • in one alveolus the roots of permanent teeth form, near the weak milk roots;
  • a couple of years before the eruption of permanent teeth, dental roots are absorbed (even milk teeth have them, of course, they are not as strong and powerful as permanent ones);
  • gradually physiological process affects the cervix hard tissue, there is a change of incisor, canine or molar;
  • The first non-permanent teeth fall out at five to seven years of age.

The change of teeth occurs symmetrically. Gradually, units on both sides of the jaw begin to swing. Sometimes there is no loosening, but the tooth falls out on time, in the correct order.

Signs and symptoms

How to understand that development bone tissue is it going correctly, are permanent units forming inside the gum tissue? There are characteristic symptoms:

  • By the age of five, the interdental spaces increase. Temporary cosmetic defect indicates the imminent loss of the first teeth;
  • the jaw apparatus is gradually preparing for important changes. Closer to the age of five, loosening of the baby teeth is often observed. There is no pain or bleeding of the gums during the process.

Important! If the interdental spaces remain the same and there is no increase in the volume of the jaw tissue, problems may occur when changing teeth. New units larger size may not fit into an abnormally small space, causing bite defects. Pay attention to the problem, visit an orthodontist. The doctor will tell you what to do.

Timing of loss

The time it takes for baby teeth to fall out depends on several factors:

  • genotype of the child;
  • presence/absence of severe pathologies in infancy;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women in the early stages;
  • natural or breastfeeding;
  • the baby gets enough vitamins and important minerals;
  • general condition of the preschooler.

What time do baby teeth fall out? The process begins at 5 or 6 years of age and ends at 17–21 years of age. Each type (canines, incisors, large and small molars) has a certain period for replacement.

Resorption weak roots and the change of baby teeth begins at different periods:

  • 5–6 years is the optimal time for incisors;
  • 7 years is the period for small and large molars;
  • 8 years is time for fangs.

Typically, all units of each type are replaced with new ones throughout two to three years. Gradually, permanent incisors, canines, and both types of molars appear in their place.

Scheme and order

Old teeth fall out in a certain order, within two to three years. Why does the process begin at 5 years and not earlier? By this age, the jaw is so enlarged that it is able to accommodate permanent units.

When do children's baby teeth fall out? Beginning of loss of non-permanent teeth:

  • central incisors above, below – 5–7 years;
  • Next come the lateral incisors in the lower and upper rows - 7-8 years;
  • a little later, small molars fall out from below, from above - 8–10 years;
  • then comes the turn of fangs from above, from below - at 9–11 years;
  • finally, large molars in the upper and lower rows - 11–13 years.

Possible problems when changing teeth

The important process does not always go smoothly. Often problems are associated with a lack of space for new “neighbors”. If the interdental spaces have not increased, the permanent incisors, molars or fangs do not fall into place, grow crookedly, cause pain, and disrupt the normal bite.

Shark tooth

A common problem is related to the insufficient rate of dissolution of the roots of baby teeth. It turns out that new units are erupting in the place where they should be, but baby tooth hasn't fallen out yet.

In such a situation, both units exist side by side. If after a while new fang, a molar or incisor begins to actively grow, but the old one does not even think of falling out, the child feels discomfort. Visit the dentist to remove the unnecessary “neighbor” before the bite is disrupted.

Pain after baby tooth falls out

Sometimes unpleasant manifestations develop:

  • temperature rises;
  • there is pain in the hole;
  • the gums turn red and swell;
  • general condition worsens;
  • sleep is disturbed.

What to do? Visit your dentist. After inspection little patient The doctor will prescribe a pain reliever with an active anti-inflammatory effect.

The gels have received good reviews:

  • Kamistad.
  • Dentokind.
  • Kalgel.

Helpful Tips:

  • rinsing your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or a collection of chamomile + calendula + sage will help;
  • It is mandatory to avoid rough, viscous, sticky foods, candies, crackers, and chips;
  • Give only warm drinks;
  • exclude sweet soda and liquids with synthetic dyes.

Early loss


  • malocclusion;
  • tumors of gingival tissue;
  • untimely removal of a specific unit;
  • noticeable pressure from “neighbors”.


  • speech defects;
  • violation of the shape of the face;
  • strange facial expressions.

Late loss


  • heredity;
  • rickets;
  • infectious diseases;
  • general weakness;
  • there are no formed rudiments of permanent teeth or their deep location.


  • curvature of the dentition;
  • abnormal bite;
  • irritation of the gums with which the child has to chew;
  • loosening of permanent incisors, canines or molars if the interdental spaces are too large.

Hematoma on the gum

Occasionally, before the eruption of a new “neighbor” in the dentition, a swelling appears on the gum tissue filled with liquid mixed with blood. Gradually the bubble bursts and a permanent unit appears.

The condition is not dangerous, but unpleasant. Tell your son or daughter that you should not scratch the hematoma or try to pierce the top of the formation. Violation of integrity ahead of schedule can provoke complications.

Take note! A decoction of chamomile will prevent infection, which the child should rinse his mouth with 4-5 times a day, always after meals.

Take note:

  • Prepare your child for a responsible process. Explain that instead of weak, “baby” teeth, he will have strong, permanent teeth like an adult. Often preschoolers compare the number of teeth that have fallen out and boast about each permanent unit;
  • If a child is worried that everyone has lost 3-4 teeth, but he only has 2, explain that he shouldn’t look up to his friends. The main thing is that the process has begun;
  • Dentists advise you to come up with a fairy tale about how a princess (knight, hero of your favorite cartoon) had all her teeth replaced. The child will know that there is no need to be ashamed of emptiness in the mouth or poor pronunciation of individual sounds when milk units fall out;
  • required when changing teeth careful hygiene oral cavity. Optimal time for brushing teeth - after breakfast and before bed;
  • The task of parents is to explain to their children the reasons why teeth deteriorate, to show by personal example the importance of hygiene procedures;
  • The less preschoolers and schoolchildren consume sweets, chips, sour foods, baked goods, crackers, which provoke the destruction of dental tissue, the stronger the permanent units will be. The likelihood of developing caries will decrease several times;
  • Remember that baby teeth also require treatment. Caries affects even non-permanent units. Go with your children to the doctor while the hole is small, so that filling the cavity is not painful.

Most young parents strive to find out as many details as possible about the processes in children's body. Moms and dads are trying to figure out how to handle different situations.

Understanding how, when and in what way baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, knowledge of the pattern of tooth loss will be useful to all parents. Check that your teeth are changing correctly and if there are any deviations, visit your dentist. Grown-up children will probably thank you for beautiful smile, because you need to take care of your teeth from an early age.

Video - diagram of the loss of baby teeth and the eruption of permanent teeth: