Log file of requests to the dispatcher to remove equipment from operation. Log of requests for decommissioning of equipment of thermal power plants

Instructions for keeping a log of requests for equipment removal for repair

(Procedure for bringing out for repair equipment of substations, distribution centers, transformer substations, overhead lines, cable lines, relay protection and automation equipment, metering, SDTU)


1.1.The instructions are compiled on the basis of:
_GKD 34.20.507-2003 “Technical operation power stations and networks. Rules";
_GKD 34.35.507-96 Instruction “Operational switching in electrical installations. Execution Rules";
_DO-2 “Repairing and commissioning of equipment, lines, relay protection and automation devices, TM, SDTU.”
1.2.Knowledge of these instructions is required for:
_dispatchers of ODS;
_engineer for ODS modes;
_Deputy Head of Distribution Zone for Operations;
_EDG dispatchers;
_chiefs and foremen of substation groups;
_duty and operational-production personnel of substation groups;
_operational and production personnel of distribution zones;
_personnel of the SPS, SRS;
_staff of SVL, RZA, LIP, PSESU and MO.


2.1.Equipment of substations, power lines, relay protection and control devices, SDTU, metering and accepted into operation may be in one of the following operational states: operation, reserve, automatic reserve, repair or conservation.
2.2. Output of equipment of substations, distribution centers, transformer substations, power lines, relay protection and automation devices, SDTU and ASDU, systems and instruments for commercial, technical calculation of unbalances of units, bus systems (sections) electrical energy, even on the basis of approved work plans of departments from work or reserve for carrying out repair work and tests, must be formalized by a written application submitted in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the approved list for their operational management or operational maintenance to the appropriate dispatch service.
2.3. Applications are divided into the following types:
_planned, submitted in accordance with approved repair and test plans;
_urgent - for unscheduled repairs in order to prevent damage to elements;
_emergency - to carry out emergency repairs of equipment if it was turned off by personnel due to the fact of a threat to the lives of personnel, residents, or in order to prevent damage by relay protection and automation devices in case of damage to equipment elements.
2.4. Planned applications for equipment under the control or jurisdiction of the UDS dispatcher are submitted signed by the head, substation group foreman, LMP foreman in agreement with the relevant services. ODG RESs planned applications for equipment under the control or supervision of the dispatcher are submitted signed by the head or foreman of substation groups, the foreman for maintaining the distribution switchboard, transformer substations, overhead lines, and cable lines of the site foreman. Consumers submit planned applications to the UDS, ODG in accordance with the instructions for relationships.
2.5. Urgent and emergency applications for equipment under the control of the traffic dispatcher are submitted only with the signature of the head of the relevant service or the person performing his duties. In the EDG of RESs in agreement with the service management.
2.6.Operational production staff groups of substations, distribution zones, production personnel of LMP, areas where there was an automatic shutdown of services or a malfunction in the operation of equipment, must immediately notify the dispatcher in whose charge and control this equipment is located. Determine the nature of the damage to the equipment and the timing of repairs, and after agreement with the head of the service or his replacement, submit an urgent or emergency application.
2.7. Urgent or emergency requests may be submitted in the prescribed manner directly to the dispatcher at any time of the day, in whose operational control or jurisdiction the equipment that is disconnected or subject to repair is located.
2.8. The duty dispatcher has the right to authorize the withdrawal of equipment for urgent repairs only within the limits of his shift and his authority, having formalized the withdrawal with a prompt application. Permission to take out for repairs for more than long term must be given technical manager(head of the ODS of electric networks), technical manager (head of the ODS) of the enterprise, technical head (deputy head of operational work) of the distribution network within the limits of their powers.
2.9. If there is a need for immediate shutdown of equipment (damage, operational failures, creation of a technological disruption in operation; a possible threat to the lives of personnel or the population), it must be turned off by the duty or operational personnel of a group of substations, distribution zones in accordance with the requirements of the relevant instructions, directive documents with preliminary, if possible, and mandatory subsequent notification of higher operational dispatch personnel. After removing the voltage from the equipment, an urgent application is submitted indicating the reason for the withdrawal and the estimated duration of the repair.
2.10. Permission to withdraw from work or standby and transfer equipment for repair must be given by the technical manager (head of the electric networks distribution system), the technical manager (the head of the distribution network) of the enterprise, the technical manager (deputy head for operational work) of the distribution network.
2.11.Execution time operational switching related to the removal for repair and commissioning of equipment, systems and devices of relay protection and control systems, SDTU, commercial metering devices must be included in the repair period allowed under the application. In this case, the presence or absence of communication must be taken into account. If for any reason the equipment was not taken out of service within the scheduled time frame, the duration of the repair should be reduced, and the date and time of commissioning remain the same. The downtime of equipment under repair or reserve is counted from the moment the voltage is removed from it until the moment it is put under voltage or put into reserve.
2.12. If it is necessary to extend the equipment repair period due to an increase in the volume of work, a planned application for extension must be submitted. The application must be submitted one day before the scheduled completion date of the work.
2.13. An application for equipment removal for repair that is not completed within two days is automatically rejected. If it is necessary to carry out work, a new planned application must be submitted in the prescribed manner.
2.14. Regardless of the presence of an authorized application for withdrawal for repair or reserve and subsequent commissioning (reserve), it is carried out only with the permission or by order of the dispatcher under whose jurisdiction (control) it is located.


3.1. Applications for repair of equipment, overhead lines, relay protection and automation devices, TM, SDTU and commercial metering devices are submitted in accordance with the distribution for operational management and maintenance established by these instructions.
3.2. The removal of equipment from groups of substations and distribution centers for repair should not lead to disruptions (downtime) of commercial or technical metering devices.
3.3. Applications for the removal for repair of equipment of overhead lines, substations, distribution centers, transformer substations, relay protection and automation devices, STDU are submitted to the dispatch service, ODG, which manages this equipment (ODS, ODG), having previously agreed on this application with all interested departments (SPS, RPA, LIP, BCR, SVL) within the time limits specified in Appendix No. 1.
3.4. Applications for scheduled withdrawal of equipment for repair should, as a rule, be submitted on the basis of approved repair schedules.
3.5. Applications for equipment removal for repair must have a regime study, the purpose of which is to ensure the reliability of the power supply, eliminate the supply of voltage in the event of damage to the equipment taken out for repair, or abnormal operation of relay protection and automation devices. Regime measures, taking into account repair schemes and the state of the network, are indicated in the application. If in order to bring this or that equipment, relay protection and control devices, SDTU devices out for repair, it is not necessary to carry out regime measures, then in the regime study it is necessary to indicate: “Regime is ensured.” Applications that do not have detailed procedures will not be accepted for consideration.
3.6. When planning the removal for repair of equipment of substations, overhead lines, relay protection and control devices and control systems in the main network, you must be guided by the following:
_do not carry out switching simultaneously on more than one element of the main switchgear circuit and the adjacent network;
_do not carry out switching in the main circuit during repair modes, except for switching to restore the normal circuit;
_plan removal for repairs and commissioning during hours of minimal load;
_do not allow scheduled operational switching to be carried out at facilities with broken connections (except for the removal of connections for repair of bus disconnectors) or when emergency automatic equipment (DZSh, breaker circuit breaker) is taken out for repair;
_during thunderstorm periods, plan to put equipment into operation before 14-00;
_plan for equipment overhaul before the onset of sub-zero temperatures;
_when carrying out work on one circuit of double-circuit overhead lines, plan the release of automatic reclosure along the second circuit;
3.7. Applications for the removal of equipment for repair must be submitted in accordance with the form adopted by the oblenergo.
3.8. When submitting an application for the removal of equipment for repair during implementation, which reduces the reliability of power supply to consumers of the first category, it is necessary to coordinate the application data with these consumers. When power lines are taken out for repair, requests are coordinated with consumers by the staff of substation groups.
3.9. In all structural divisions enterprises operating electrical installations, relay protection and automation devices, SDTU (ODS, ODG RESov, groups of substations, LMP, workshop areas, SPS, SVL, SDTU, LIP, equipment maintenance teams of RESov, PSESU and MO, SRZA) keep logs of requests for repairs equipment in the form specified in Appendix No. 3.
3.10. When removing equipment for repairs of 3-110 kV connections and power lines:
3.10.1. The head (master) of a group of substations coordinates the upcoming removal for repairs with all interested departments (LMP, LIP, RPA, SDTU) and the management of adjacent groups of substations and consumers to organize complex repairs. The application shall indicate the full name. person who approved the application. If approval of the application is refused, the full name shall also be indicated in it. the person who did not approve the application and the reason for the refusal.
3.10.2. The LMP foreman coordinates the upcoming removal of the power line for repair with the heads (foremen) of the groups of substations to whose switchgears this line is connected.
3.11. Applications for equipment withdrawal for repair submitted for approval are subject to recording in the “Journal of applications for equipment removal for repair.”
3.12. Groups of substations submit applications to the SPS.
3.13. The substation service processes applications based on the following conditions:

_possibility of bringing equipment out for repair;
_providing mechanisms;
_compliance with monthly work plans;
_compliance with equipment downtime standards for repairs.
3.14. The substation service transmits applications to the ODS within the time limits specified in Appendix No. 1.
3.15. LMP applications are transferred to the line service.
3.16. The line service processes applications based on the following conditions:
_sufficiency of measures to prepare the workplace;
_possibilities for safe performance of work;
_availability of an approved ERP;
_providing mechanisms;
_compliance with monthly work plans.
3.17. The line service transmits applications to the ODS within the time limits specified in Appendix No. 1.
3.18. Output for repair of relay protection and automation equipment, SDTU, electrical energy metering devices:
3.18.1. The personnel responsible for the operation of equipment and devices taken out for repair coordinates the work with the head (foreman) of the substation group, the management of the distribution zone.
3.18.2. The text of the application is recorded in the “Log of applications for equipment withdrawal for repair” by both parties. If it is necessary to carry out work that involves disconnecting power equipment, the personnel of substation groups submits an application to disconnect this equipment.
3.19. The Relay Protection and Automation Service considers applications from the point of view of the operability of the relay protection and automation devices remaining in operation, as well as the elimination of unnecessary operation of the relay protection and automation devices when power equipment is taken out for repair.
3.20. SDTU considers applications received for approval based on:
_support possibilities reliable communication with objects working in teams.
3.21.LIP considers applications received for approval based on:
_protection of equipment remaining in operation from overvoltages;
_monitoring the timing of tests;
_safety measures during high-voltage testing;
_testing equipment after repairs.
3.22. Applications for the removal for repair of 0.23 - 10 kV connections that are under the operational control of dispatchers of the EDG of the Distribution Zone:
3.22.1. The foreman of the Distribution Zone area submits the application to the Distribution Zone Distribution Department within the time limits specified in Appendix No. 1.
3.22.2. Deputy The head of the Distribution Zone for operational work considers the application based on the possibility of removing equipment for repair and the sufficiency of measures to disconnect and ground the equipment.
3.22.3.Deputy The head of the distribution network for operational work (dispatcher) coordinates the upcoming shutdown with the head (master) of the group of substations from the buses of which this connection is powered.
3.22.4.Chief Engineer RES considers applications based on the conditions of possible safe performance of work, sufficiency of measures to disconnect and ground equipment, and provision of mechanisms.
3.22.5. The head (master) of the substation group, having recorded the request in the “Equipment Output for Repair Log”, transfers the request to the substation service.
3.23. In case of technological violations in 6/10 kV networks of distribution zones (automatic shutdowns of overhead lines, power lines, switchgear and transformer substations equipment):
3.23.1. If the violation occurred in working hours, the foreman responsible for the operation of this equipment fills out an application and submits it to the EDC;
3.23.2. If the violation occurred during non-working hours or on a day off, the EDC dispatcher is required to fill out an emergency request in the request log for equipment removal for repair. Review safety measures to ensure safe performance of work and record them in a log. Output for repairs is subject to agreement with the person responsible for the distribution system or SRS.
3.24. Output for repair of 35 kV equipment owned by consumers and other licensees:
3.24.1. The consumer or licensee submits applications to the ODS within the time limits specified in Appendix No. 1.
3.24.2. After reviewing the application, the ODS informs the personnel of substation groups about the upcoming shutdown.
3.25. Applications not agreed upon by all interested parties will not be accepted for consideration.
3.26. Applications for equipment removal for repair must contain the following information: _date of transfer;
_substation, distribution center, transformer substation, LMP, section;
_name of equipment;
_start and end times of work, taking into account the time required for operational switching;
_emergency equipment switch-on time;
_list of planned works;
_regime measures, repair schemes;
_F.I.O. the person responsible for the operation of the equipment;
_security measures;
_Full name of the person who approved the removal of equipment for repair.
3.27. Deadlines for submitting applications for holidays are installed additionally in each specific case.
3.28. For complex repairs at substations carried out according to the “bridge” scheme (repair of ShR, SMV, TN, etc.) can be submitted by one application, which specifies the entire scope of work. In this case, for the repair of the overhead line, an application must be submitted for the removal of the overhead line for repair.
3.29. When a section of busbars and SR outgoing connections are taken out for repair, two applications are submitted: for the section of busbars and one for all outgoing connections, HP, TSN. 3.30. When power transformers and their relay protection devices are taken out for repair, applications are subject to registration for both power equipment and relay protection and automation devices.
3.31. When equipment is taken out for repair of bus sections at substations where the TSVs are powered from LV bus bridges, two applications are submitted: for the bus section and for the safety of work for the power transformer.
3.32. At substations where there is no switching device in the voltage transformer circuits, decommissioning of the voltage transformer must be completed by filling out an application for decommissioning of the bus section, overhead line.
3.33. When planning work at substations, distribution centers and transformer substations on linear disconnectors, an application is submitted to disconnect and ground the line.

The log of requests for equipment removal for repair contains the following columns:

  1. No.;
  2. Date;
  3. Substation, distribution center, transformer substation, LMP, section;
  4. Name of equipment;
  5. Start and end times of work, taking into account the time required for operational switching;
  6. Emergency equipment turn-on time;
  7. List of planned works;
  8. Regime measures, repair schemes;
  9. Full name the person responsible for operating the equipment;
  10. Security measures;
  11. Full name the person who approved the removal of equipment for repair.

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Article: 00-01013512
Year: 2017
Format: A4
Binding: Paperback
Bonding method: Clip

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Pages: 10 (sheets: 20) (Recommended 60 pages )

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Paper weight: ?

48 gr./sq.m- thin, inexpensive paper with a slightly grayish or woody tint. Used for printing newspapers or similar products. It has low density and, accordingly, low wear resistance. The advantage of this paper is its low price.

65 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Widely used in printing books, magazines, etc.

80 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Used for printing books, magazines, etc. Used in household printers. The strength of this paper is significantly higher than the previous two types of paper. It is recommended to order magazines from this paper for production (dust, dirt), catering units (wet hands), etc.

Number, lace, seal: ?

You receive printed products numbered, laced and prepared for sealing in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

The cost of lacing and fastening is 45 rubles.

9 out of 10 customers order lacing and sealing
And 7 out of 10 additionally order page numbering


Page numbering starts with title page to the last page of the magazine. Page numbers are located in bottom corners magazine.


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The magazine is laced with a special lavsan thread threaded through the holes of the hole punch. Secure with a cardboard insert and a printable sticker.

Setting up the cover

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Sewing-adhesive bonding ? Sewing binding

(makes binding more durable)

Sewing binding During the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are folded, assembled with notebooks and sewn together with threads, which gives the block high strength. Next, this block is inserted into the binding cover. (One binding cover is used, consisting of 2.5 mm cardboard covered with paper vinyl). Then the block is connected to the lid using a flyleaf - a sheet of paper. To the top and bottom part A captal is glued to the spine of the block for visual beauty and completeness of the product.

Emboss on the cover: ?

The name of the magazine is completely transferred by embossing to the cover; gold foil is mainly used (but silver, blue, and red are also available). You can emboss: the name of the organization, logo, any combination of letters, numbers and drawings.

The cost of embossing work is 80 rubles.

If you have uploaded your company logo, we can emboss it along with the magazine name

Number, lace, seal: ? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books” Receipt and expense book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in it And traffic record book work records and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and also sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

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The binding cover is made of thick paper with a density of 160 g/m2; at your request, the cover can be laminated.

After the cover is ready and the block is printed, they are fastened with a paper clip, and if there are more than 60 pages in the block, then the bonding is carried out using a hot-melt adhesive machine.

Soft binding due to ease of execution and affordable price is the most popular and one of the most available types binding.

Cover color: white

Laminate the cover: ?
Lamination- This is the coating of printed products with film. Lamination will allow you to maintain an attractive look for a long time. appearance printing products and will reliably protect them from contamination and mechanical damage. We carry out single-sided and double-sided lamination up to A1 format using special devices - laminators. The main purpose of hot lamination is to protect the image from various external influences, which may include spilled coffee, all sorts of attempts to wrinkle, scrape, scratch the image, wet cleaning of premises, rain, snow. But experienced users also know about another valuable property of lamination: it can significantly improve image quality. When using glossy films, the image “appears” and the colors become more contrasting and richer. The "develop" effect gives inexpensive laminated paper the appearance of luxurious photo paper.

Ministry of Energy and Electrification of the USSR


TI 34-70-059-86

Service of Excellence




DEVELOPED regional energy department "Bashkirenergo"


APPROVEDMain Scientific and Technical Directorate of Energy and Electrification 04/17/86

Deputy Chief K.M. ANTIPOV

This Standard Instruction has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the current “Safety Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations”, “Rules for the Technical Operation of Power Plants and Electric Networks” and other regulatory and technical documents.

The instruction contains the basic requirements for dispatch control of 0.38 - 20 kV electrical distribution networks, for maintaining operational documentation and diagrams, for the procedure for putting into operation new or reconstructed electrical installations and taking existing ones out for repair.

The instructions are intended for engineering and technical personnel and electricians engaged in the operational maintenance of electrical networks of 0.38 - 20 kV for agricultural purposes.



Expiration date set

from 01/01/87

Electrical equipment 6 - 20 kV.

If there are means of direct telephone or radio communication between two adjacent RES, it is allowed to transfer such lines to the control of the dispatcher of one of the RES and at the same time to the control of the dispatcher of another RES. In such cases, both dispatchers must have circuits on both mutually redundant lines. Similarly, the control of the dispatcher of one PES and the control of the dispatcher of another PES should include 6 - 20 kV lines, the reservation of which is carried out outside the enterprise.

2.5. Local instructions, depending on the availability of communications, territorial location, electrical network diagram and other conditions, should establish one of following forms operational control of the 0.38 kV power grid:

Under the control and supervision of the Distribution Zone Dispatcher (preferred form);

Under the control of the site foreman or duty electrician of the fire safety department and under the control of the RES dispatcher;

Under the control of the RES dispatcher and the site foreman and under the supervision of the RES dispatcher. In this case, orders to carry out switching operations must be given to the operational and repair personnel of their site by the site foreman with the knowledge of the Distribution Zone dispatcher, and to the OVB electricians and other personnel (see paragraph) - by the Distribution Zone Dispatcher. This form of operational management is recommended to be used primarily for a 0.38 kV network operated by remote sections of distribution networks located separately from the distribution network base.

2.6. The responsibilities of the Distribution Zone Dispatcher include:

a) through electrical networks of all purposes and voltages in the service area:

Receiving, processing and coordinating requests for the removal of electrical network elements for repair. Coordination with consumers of disconnections of electrical installations in remote areas may be carried out by the foreman of this area;

Maintaining operational and technical documentation, operational diagrams, information and reference documents in the prescribed manner;

Monitoring the elimination of defects in network elements that are subject to immediate correction.

b) on electrical networks under the control of the Distribution Zone Dispatcher:

Management of operational switching in normal and emergency modes;

Issuing permits for preparing a workplace and allowing teams to work;

Management of localization and elimination of damage and switching to restore power supply to consumers;

Monitoring the operating mode of the electrical network, the loads of its elements, voltage levels among consumers;

Maintaining a normal electrical network circuit, including relay protection devices, automation and telemechanics.

2.7. Duty of RES dispatchers and internal security personnel by order (instruction) for the RES, depending on the volume of power grids served, the presence of consumers of the first category in terms of reliability and their power supply schemes, placement of the operational and management personnel of the RES, availability of apartment telephones and others local conditions should be installed:

24/7 availability in the workplace;

24/7 with the right to rest;

At home.

Recording of the working time of personnel on duty with the right to rest or at home must be carried out in accordance with the current Regulations on working time and rest time for employees of electric grid enterprises and automated hydroelectric power plants of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

2.8. The EDG workplace is the dispatch center of the Distribution Zone, which, as a rule, should be located at the repair and production base of the Distribution Zone. If the repair and production base of the RES is located in close proximity to a 110 (35)/6 - 20 kV substation, the functions of the RES dispatcher and substation duty officer can be performed by one person, except in cases where the substation, due to its complexity, requires constant personnel duty.

Operational and repair personnel of the distribution zone (electricians, foremen and other personnel who have the right to carry out operational switching);

Operational and maintenance personnel of other divisions of this PES;

Operational personnel of other PES and enterprises;

Operational personnel of power supply owners;

Operational and maintenance personnel of consumers.

2.10. Training and admission to independent work of EDG personnel and the personnel specified in paragraph 1 must be carried out by the energy system in accordance with the current “Guidelines for organizing work with personnel at energy enterprises and organizations.”

2.11. The senior official of the EDC must have group V in electrical safety. In administrative and technical terms, this person is subordinate to the management of the Distribution Zone.

2.12. In operational terms, the dispatcher of the RES is subordinate to the dispatcher of the operational dispatch service of the PES.


3.1. The distribution control center (RDP) must be equipped with communications, telemechanics and office equipment in accordance with current standards and standard designs.

The RDP must have the necessary operational regulatory and reference documentation, as well as electrical installation diagrams of the serviced area and instructions on the power supply mode.

3.2. The RES dispatcher must maintain the following operational documentation:

Operational journal;

Switching forms;

Permits to allow teams to work;

Complex tasks for preparing the workplace and allowing teams to work;

A journal or file of applications for electrical installations to be repaired;

Maintained a file of defects and malfunctions of equipment and overhead lines;

Reports of failures (accidents) in overhead electrical distribution networks with voltage 6 - 20 kV (form PM-01);

Reports of violations in overhead electrical networks with a voltage of 0.38 kV (form PM-02);

Log of incoming and outgoing telephone messages;

Log of consumer messages about power supply interruptions.

The list can be supplemented by the decision of the chief engineer of the PES (his deputy).

3.3. The first four types of documents must also be maintained by OVB personnel and other personnel involved in the operational maintenance of electrical networks of 0.38 - 20 kV.

3.4. The RDP must contain the following regulatory, technical and reference information documents:

Officials and manufacturing instructions according to the list approved by the chief engineer of the PES (his deputy);

Safety rules for operating electrical installations, Rules technical operation power plants and electrical networks and other regulatory and technical documents according to the list approved by the chief engineer of the power plant (his deputy);

Lists of consumers of Distribution Zones I and II categories for reliability of power supply;

List of current electrical network diagrams 0.38 - 20 kV;

List of RES equipment according to the method of operational management and maintenance;

Scroll difficult switching, for the implementation of which dispatch switching forms must be drawn up;

Monthly chart equipment shutdowns;

Lists of persons who are granted the right to issue orders (instructions), the right to be a work performer and other rights in accordance with the Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations;

Lists of responsible persons of consumers who had the right to approve disconnections;

Lists of operational (operational and repair) personnel of other electrical power stations (RES), enterprise owners of power supply sources and consumers who have the right to conduct operational negotiations;

Lists of consumer persons who have the right to perform switching or work in electrical installations of distribution zones;

List of PES management administrative and technical personnel with office and home phone numbers;

List of RES personnel with addresses and office and home telephone numbers and a scheme for collecting this personnel in emergency cases;

Approved duty schedule for EDG personnel;

Regulations on relationships with consumers, owners of power supply sources, and other power plants.

3.5. The RDP must be equipped with the following circuits:

A mnemonic diagram depicting a normal circuit electrical network 6 - 20 kV;

Albums of normal diagrams of 6 - 20 kV lines, diagrams of an electrical network of 0.38 kV and diagrams of power supply to consumers of category I in terms of reliability.

3.6. The normal diagram reflects the accepted position of the switching devices of the electrical network (on or off), when all its elements are in working order and not taken out for repair.

3.7. The mnemonic diagram of the electrical network 6 - 20 kV RES should show the electrical diagram of this network indicating:

Normal power break points;

Power sources, including backup power plants for consumers;

Transformer points 6 - 20/0.38 kV (TP), distribution points 6 - 20 kV (RP), switching devices (switches, disconnectors, fuses, etc.) at sectioning and ringing points;

Operative names of electrical network elements (network power supplies, TCs, distribution centers, lines, switching devices, etc.);

Transitions through natural obstacles, intersections with other engineering structures;

Numbers of branch, end, transition and intersection supports;

Boundaries of balance sheet ownership and (or) operational responsibility.

3.8. Dead-end single-transformer transformer substations with the simplest scheme electrical connections should be depicted with symbols without detail, and RP and TP with a complex circuit (feed-through, two-transformer, two-section, etc.), as a rule, are depicted with all elements indicated.

Diagrams of RP and complex TP can be given together with the image of the rest of the 6 - 20 kV electrical network or separately from it.

3.9. The mnemonic diagram of a 6 - 20 kV electrical network can be performed:

a) in the form of typesetting elements (symbols) on a special mosaic board. In this case, the RDP should also contain a diagram of the 6 - 20 kV electrical network, linking it to a geographic map of the service area;

b) on a base in the form of a geographical map of the service area indicating settlements, roads, rivers, swamps, boundaries of collective and state farms, etc. The geographical base should be drawn with oil paints or pale enamels, the electrical network diagram should be depicted with typesetting symbols or easily washable paints ( watercolor, gouache) to ensure the ability to quickly make changes.

3.10. During the shift, the RES dispatcher must reflect on the mnemonic diagram of the 6 - 20 kV electrical network with conventional symbols all current deviations from the normal circuit, the installation of grounding and the location of the crews’ work.

3.11. Normal circuit diagrams of 6 - 20 kV lines must be made in a single-line design for each line separately. The line in the diagram is indicated in its entirety regardless of its balance sheet. If there is redundancy on the line, the diagram shows a switching device on which a normal break is made, and the name of the line from which the redundancy is made through this device is indicated.

3.12. On a normal line diagram, cream of information indicated on the mnemonic diagram of the 6 - 20 kV network, symbols or the inscriptions should reflect:

Main parameters of network elements - rated currents of devices, grades and cross-sections of wires and cable inserts, lengths of line sections, total installed capacity TP along the line as a whole and in its individual sections;

Consumers I and II reliability categories;

Electrical installations where safety conditions during work differ sharply from the safety conditions at conventional installations of a given distribution zone, for example, transformer substations of rare designs; joint suspensions with wires of other power lines, radio broadcasts and communications;

Types of protection and automation devices and their settings;

Phasing at points of normal break, and for unphased lines - coincidence of phase alternation.

Information about phasing may be indicated not on the diagrams, but in the instructions on the power supply mode.

3.13. Normal diagrams of the 0.38 kV electrical network must be drawn up for each TP separately. In cases where the 0.38 kV power network of several TPs is interconnected, it is recommended that the normal diagrams of these networks be depicted in one drawing for all TPs settlement or production facility.

3.14. For each consumer of category I in terms of reliability, a normal power supply diagram must be drawn up, which depicts a 6-20 kV power network and a 0.38 kV power network, through which the power supply to power receivers is backed up. The same diagram shows the procedure for the actions of consumer personnel in the event of a power failure in the presence and absence of communication with the dispatcher of the distribution zone.

3.15. Mnemonic diagrams of the 6 - 20 kV electrical network and normal diagrams of 6 - 20 kV lines must be approved by the chief engineer of the PES (his deputy).

Normal power supply schemes for consumers of reliability category I are approved by the chief engineer of the PES (his deputy) and the responsible person of the consumer.

Normal 0.38 kV network diagrams are approved by the head of the distribution network (his deputy).


4.1. Instructions for the mode of the electrical network 6 - 20 kV are determined local instructions or another document that must contain:

Description of the normal circuit of a 6 - 20 kV power network, listing normal break points, installation locations, types, settings and coverage areas of relay protection devices, automation and telemechanics;

Description of repair modes of the electrical network 6 - 20 kV.

4.2. The circuit diagram of the 6 - 20 kV electrical network in normal and repair modes should be selected based on the requirements for ensuring reliable power supply to consumers and their normal voltage level.

In normal mode, minimal power losses in the electrical network and ease of prompt switching should be ensured. For this purpose, the selection of normal break points is made near the current separation points, taking into account the placement of consumers I and II categories for reliability and ease of travel to switching devices.

4.3. The description of repair modes must define the possibility and procedure for transferring all or part of the loads from one 6 - 20 kV line to another and indicate the changes in the settings of relay protection and automation devices that must be made for such a transfer of loads.


5.1. The list of normal power supply schemes must be approved by the chief engineer of the power plant or his deputy. The list indicates the name (conventional code) of each scheme, the quantity and location of each copy, indicating the numbers of copies of the schemes intended for issuing orders and operational work. The latter are marked “For operational use.” It is not allowed to use copies of diagrams located in technical services, PES management, etc. for operational work and issuing work orders; they must be marked with the appropriate stamp.

5.2. All diagrams, including the mnemonic diagram of the 6 - 20 kV electrical network, must have a table for recording changes and reconciliations of the diagram, which indicates the date of the change and its content, position, surname and signature of the person who made the change, as well as a link to the document , which is the basis for making the change.

For a mnemonic diagram of an electrical network of 6 - 20 kV, it is allowed to maintain a special statement or journal in the same form.

5.3. Changes to copies of diagrams marked “For operational use” must be made by users of these copies on the basis of the document that is the basis for the change, in the shortest possible time after appropriate changes in nature. Changes to the mnemonic diagram of the 6 - 20 kV electrical network and copies of other diagrams located at the RDP must be made by the duty dispatcher, during whose shift these changes were made in kind.

5.4. For each division and the PES as a whole, officials are appointed who are responsible for the timely introduction of changes to the copies of the schemes located in these divisions.

The head of the distribution network service (production and technical service) or the head of the operational dispatch service may be appointed as the person responsible for making changes to the PES. It is necessary to keep records of changes to the schemes (Appendix I).

5.5. Changes to copies of schemes not intended for operational use must be made at least once a year.

5.6. Reconciliation of schemes for their compliance with nature must be carried out at least once every two years, after which an entry about the reconciliation should be made in the table of records of changes.

5.7. Changes in the schemes must be brought to the attention of all employees in the prescribed manner, for whom knowledge of these schemes is required.


6.1. All elements of electrical networks 0.38 - 20 kV (lines and branches from them, TP, RP, switching devices) must have operational names assigned to the PES according to the system adopted in the REU (PEO).

6.2. The system of operational names of elements of electrical networks 0.38 - 20 kV should provide maximum ease of use, i.e. the name should be easy to decipher, unambiguous to understand and with a minimum number of characters to write.

6.3. The operational naming system and numbering system for overhead line towers should ensure the need for minimal changes during network development and other changes in layout and configuration.

6.4. For the convenience of using operational names when solving automated control system problems, as well as as inventory numbers accounting It is recommended to use a numbered (digital) system of operational names. An example of such a system is given in the Appendix.

6.5. All supports of 0.38 - 20 kV overhead lines must be numbered. The numbering of supports is carried out separately for each branch from the line.

6.6. On 0.38 kV lines, dummy supports on branches to building inputs are assigned the number of the branch support with the addition of the letter “P”; if several branches extend from one support to inputs into buildings with false supports, then the numbers 1, 2, etc. are added to the indicated designation.

6.7. A support with a suspension of several electrical circuits is assigned a number for each circuit separately.

6.8. When installing an additional support during operation or dismantling a single support, the numbering of the remaining supports of this branch from the line can be left unchanged until the next overhaul, but not more than three years. In this case, the additional support is assigned the lower of the numbers of adjacent supports with the addition of a letter index.

6.9. The volume, procedure and timing of changes in the operational names and numbering of overhead line supports in the event of significant changes in the network diagram or configuration are determined by the commissioning program for a new or reconstructed electrical installation.


7.1. Completed construction or reconstruction of electrical installations of electrical networks of 0.38 - 20 kV are put into operation in the manner established by the current rules and regulations. The basis for putting electrical installations with a voltage of 6 - 20 kV into operation is a permit issued by the chief engineer of the PES (his deputy) upon the application of the PES divisions (Appendix). The procedure for issuing permits for the commissioning of electrical installations with a voltage of 0.38 kV is determined by local instructions.

7.2. The permit provides the name, diagram and main characteristics of the electrical installation, determines the need to adjust the technical documentation, determines the operational and operational fastening of the electrical installation, and confirms the possibility of energizing the object based on its technical condition.

7.3. If the commissioning of a new or reconstructed electrical installation leads to significant changes in the electrical network circuits or requires complex preparation, testing, switching, etc., the commissioning of such an electrical installation must be carried out according to a specially developed program.

7.4. Connecting a new or reconstructed electrical installation to existing electrical installations should be completed with a prompt application (see section) and carried out along with it in accordance with the current Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations.

7.5. Operational, maintenance and repair personnel and work performers servicing a new or reconstructed electrical installation must be instructed in the prescribed manner about changes in the circuit and other characteristics of the electrical network in connection with its inclusion.


8.1. The repair of electrical installations of 0.38 - 20 kV must be carried out according to authorized operational requests (scheduled, unscheduled, emergency).

Carrying out work that involves disconnecting electrical installations without filing applications is prohibited.

8.2. Applications provided for in the monthly outage schedule are considered planned. Unscheduled requests are submitted to perform work for which outages were not scheduled. Emergency applications are submitted for urgent shutdown of electrical installations due to their emergency condition, which does not allow further operation, or for restoration repairs of electrical installations that have automatically switched off.

8.3. The application for removal of electrical installations for repairs should indicate:

Type of application;

Operative name of the electrical installation to be repaired;

Requested time;

Emergency preparedness;

Purpose of shutdown;

Place of work;

Measures to ensure work safety (list of switchable switching devices, locations of grounding installations).

Local regulations may apply additional requirements to the content of applications.

8.4. All requests for repair of electrical installations that are under the operational control of the dispatcher of the electrical power plant, as well as all unscheduled requests must be submitted by the head of the electrical power plant (his deputy) to the operational dispatch service of the electrical power station.

Planned applications for the removal of other electrical installations for repair are submitted by the foreman to the ODG.

Emergency requests are submitted to the dispatcher of the PES or RES, under whose control the given electrical installation is located. The list of persons who are entitled to submit emergency applications is determined by local instructions in accordance with the current Standard instructions to eliminate violations in electrical distribution networks 0.38 - 20 kV for agricultural purposes.

8.5. Responsible consumer personnel must submit prompt applications for the removal of their electrical installations, which are under the control of electrical networks, for repair on a general basis, i.e. to the dispatcher of the PES or RES under whose control they are located.

8.6. The deadline for submitting applications for the removal of electrical installations for repair should be established by local instructions in such a way as to ensure the possibility of timely consideration by all interested departments. The deadlines for filing scheduled and unscheduled applications may be different.

8.7. Applications submitted to the operational dispatch service of the PES must be considered by the concerned services and resolved by the chief engineer of the PES or his deputy. The right to authorize shutdowns based on applications submitted to the EDG of the Distribution Zone is granted to the head of the Distribution Zone (his deputy).

8.8. Emergency requests for a period within the limits of his shift can be resolved by the dispatcher in whose control the electrical installation is located. If it is necessary to take the electrical installation out of service for a longer period, an unscheduled application must be submitted.

8.9. The time an electrical installation is under repair is considered to be the time from the moment it is turned off to the moment it is put back into operation. The time spent on operations to repair and put the electrical installation into operation is included in the time allowed by the application.

If for any reason the electrical installation is turned off later than the scheduled time, then the turn-on period remains the same, and the duration of the repair is correspondingly reduced.

8.10. The deadline for completing repairs can only be extended by the person who authorized the application, and in his absence, by the dispatcher on duty who is in charge of this electrical installation (within his shift).


9.1. Every month, within the period established by the enterprises, the RES must submit to the operational dispatch service of the PES a schedule of planned outages of electrical installations, compiled on the basis of an annual outage schedule agreed with local agricultural authorities or a comprehensive schedule replacing it maintenance network objects.

9.2. The monthly schedule of planned outages must be considered by the operational dispatch and other interested services, approved by the management of the power plant no later than three days before the start of the planned month and communicated to consumers.

9.3. The consumer must be notified of planned outages at least two days in advance by telephone message to the name of the responsible person indicating the date, time and duration of the upcoming outages.

9.4. The procedure for obtaining consumer consent to disconnect is determined by the mutually agreed upon relationship provisions. The consumer's consent to disconnect can be recorded in the form of a telephone message, an entry in the operational log, or a mark in a telephone warning message. The absence of objections from the consumer within the period established by the relationship regulations should be considered his consent to disconnect.

9.5. Shutdowns not agreed upon with the consumer should be considered emergency.

9.6. Immediately before disconnection (if communication is available), the duty dispatcher is obliged to additionally warn the consumer with a note about this in the operational log.

9.7. Coordination of outages of 0.38 kV overhead lines lasting up to one working day can be carried out on site by a foreman with the heads of farms, farms, workshops, etc.

9.8. If the removal of electrical installations of one distribution zone for repair causes the disconnection of consumers of another distribution zone, coordination with consumers must be carried out by the distribution zone serving the disconnected consumer.

9.9. During outages due to emergency requests, consumers must be notified in accordance with the current Standard Instructions for eliminating violations in 0.38 - 20 kV electrical distribution networks for agricultural purposes.

9.10. If, in order to take out a 6-20 kV overhead line for repair, serviced by the distribution zone, it is necessary to disconnect the circuits of other organizations suspended on the same supports (for example, wired radio broadcasting), this disconnection is coordinated with the owner of the jointly suspended circuit by the dispatcher of the distribution zone. For 0.38 kV power lines, coordination can be carried out by a foreman on site.


10.2. After completing the operations under clause, the dispatcher issues permission to the work manager, the permitter, or the person issuing the work order, to prepare the workplace and allow the team to work (Appendix).

The permit to prepare the workplace and allow the team to work must indicate the name of the electrical installation or its part being removed for repair, the place where it was disconnected and grounded, the remaining energized parts of the installation and the period until which the work is allowed to be performed.

10.3. When working on an overhead line, the work contractor, after receiving permission to prepare the workplace and allowing the team to work, must make sure that there is no voltage and apply grounding directly at the work site, and then allow the team to work.

When working at a TP, RP, all operations directly at the workplace and the admission of the team to work are carried out by the permitting person.

10.4. In the absence of reliable communication, it is allowed to issue a complex task for preparing the workplace and allowing the team to work (Appendix). The complex task provides for the issuance of tasks to the operational or operational-repair personnel for switching and other operations according to clause , for issuing permission to the work contractor to prepare the workplace and allowing the team to work, to restore the normal electrical circuit after completion of the work.

10.5. Depending on the specific circumstances, the dispatcher may issue a complex task incompletely, for example, without a task to restore the normal pattern. In cases where a task is given to restore the normal circuit of the electrical network, the dispatcher does not have the right to give orders to operate switching devices in a disconnected area or give permission to another team to enter this area until a message has been received about the completion of a complex task or until it cancellations.

Appendix 1


Name of the document, its number and date

Summary changes in schemes

Numbers of schemes to which changes must be made

Name of the division, number of copies of diagrams in division 1, mark on the change

1 - The number of columns must correspond to the number of divisions.

Appendix 2


1. Operational names of TS 6 - 20/0.38 kV

1.1. Four or five-digit numbers are used as the operational name of the TP, where the first or two first digits are the conventional number of the administrative district of the power system service area.

It is allowed to number administrative districts according to PES service areas. In this case, the numbers of bordering areas served by different power stations should not coincide.

1.2. Within each district, TPs are numbered in ascending order, starting from 001. TPs that are on the balance sheet of other enterprises (consumers) are assigned operational numbers with the addition of the letter “P”. It is not recommended to reuse operational numbers of dismantled transformer substations.

2. Operative names of switching devices in the 6 - 20 kV network

2.1. The operational names of switching devices installed on power lines consist of the name of the type of device and its conditional number, for example B-01, P-158.

2.2. The operational names of disconnectors installed in single-transformer transformer substations with the simplest circuit consist of the number of the given transformer substations with the addition of the letter “P”.

In cases where a TP has two disconnectors, they are assigned serial numbers with the addition of the number of this TP, for example, 1RTP - 4003, 2RTP - 4003.

With a more complex TP circuit, its 6-20 kV equipment is assigned operational names as the corresponding elements of the distribution point circuit of the same voltage.

2.3. Disconnectors that make a normal break between mutually redundant lines are given the designation “RK”.

3. Operational names of 6 - 20 kV lines and branches from them

3.1. A 6 - 20 kV line is a set of electrical network elements (with the exception of transformer substations and distribution points) that are energized from one cell of a power source or distribution point.

3.2. The operational name of a 6 - 20 kV line consists of the operational name of the power source (substation, distribution point) and the number of the cell to which this line is connected.

3.3. A branch from a line is an element of a 6 - 20 kV electrical network that connects a transformer substation with a substation, distribution point, line or other branch from it, or connects different branches from the lines. Branches from lines can be of aerial, cable or mixed design.

In the aerial version, the branch connecting the transformer transformer with the power source must have at least one support, not counting the branch support; otherwise, the TP is considered to be connected directly to the power source.

3.4. The branch lines through which the TP is powered are assigned the designation “L” and an operational number based on the number of this TP. It is recommended to assign the lowest number to the TP that is furthest from the power source. Branches with a length of 10 km or more should be divided into sections (for example, with a boundary at the sectional switching device); sections receive the operational number of this branch with the addition of indices 1, 2, etc.

3.5. Lines or branches from them connecting a substation with a distribution point, two lines between each other, etc., receive operational names consisting of the designation “L” and the names of the connected network elements, for example L-Ivanovka - RP-3.

Appendix 3


REU ______________________________________________

PES ______________________________________________


to turn on __

(name of new or reconstructed installation)

Schematic diagram:

Technical characteristics object: _______________________________________


Head of __________ Distribution Zone ___________________________

(full name, signature)

" "________ 19__

1. Procedure for operating the electrical installation

1.1. The electrical installation is assigned an operational name and is put into operation _______________________________________________________________



PES divisions or consumer name)

1.2. The limits of responsibility are established by _______________________________


(specify where and with whom)

1.3. _____________________________________________________________________

(operational name of the electrical installation)

transferred to operational management __________________________________________

(to whom)

and in charge of ________________________________________________________________

(to whom)

1.4. Granted operational service rights to consumers and other related organizations _______________________________________________________


(indicate to whom and what rights are granted and on the basis


what documents)

2. Preparing to turn on the electrical installation

2.1. As-built documentation accepted:

on electrical equipment _____________________________________________________



and volume of documentation)



and volume of documentation)

2.2. Setup documentation:

on electrical equipment _____________________________________________________


for relay protection and automation devices ______________________________________________________________


2.3. Commissioning Certificate No. _____ dated _______________



2.4. Technical conditions for connection No. ________

from___________ ___________________________


Deviations from technical specifications for joining _________________________________


(which are allowed and by whom)

2.5. Special program for inclusion ___________________________________

(specify required


or not; if required, who should compile)

2.6. Revision, development, changes to documentation ________________


(indicate whether required or not; if required, indicate


names of documents, numbers of diagrams in which you need


make changes or develop again)

2.7. Revision, development of relationship regulations ____________________


(indicate whether required or not; if required, with which organization


relationships need to be reviewed and who should carry out the review)

2.8. Notifying the population, enterprises and organizations about the switching on of an electrical installation ___________________________________________________________

(indicate whether required or not; if


required, indicate places and method of notification)

2.9. Schematic diagram issue __________________________________________



departments to which the scheme needs to be issued)

Head ___________ RES ________________________________________________

(surname, signature, date)

(surname, signature, date)

Head of MS RZAI _____________________________________________________

(surname, signature, date)

Head of the ODS ________________________________________________________________

(surname, signature, date)

3. Ready to turn on the electrical installation


3.1. Technical condition of the electrical installation in the scope indicated above and with the characteristics indicated above __________________________________________

(if there is


changes, indicate them)

verified, requirements according to paragraphs. _________________________________________________

completed, instructions to the RES personnel were carried out, ________________________________

can be included in the work.

3.2. Relay protection devices have been tested and configured with the following parameters ___________________________________________________________________________



(operational name of the electrical installation)

can be included in the work.

3.3. Electrical equipment and lightning protection devices have been checked and tested and comply with the standards _______________________________________________________

(operational name


electrical installations)

can be included in the work.

3.4. _____________________________________________________________________

(name of construction and installation organization)

announced the completion of work, the removal of people and the removal of portable grounding ___________________________________________________________________________

(date, to whom it was reported, in what way, with whose signature)

3.5. About inclusion ______________________________________________________________

(operational name of the electrical installation)

population (organizations) notified _________________________________________________

(date and method of notification)

3.6. To turn on __________________________________________________________

(operational name


electrical installation or electrical receivers powered from it)

Energonadzor permit No. _____ dated ___________ was issued

3.7. Other information______________________________________________________________

Head ____________ Distribution Zone _____________________________________________

(surname, signature, date)

Head of distribution network service _____________________________________________________

(surname, signature, date)

Head of MS RZAI _____________________________________________________

(surname, signature, date)

3.8. The conditions necessary for inclusion have been met, the instruction of the UDF personnel has been carried out by Comrade. ______________________________________________________________


(full name, date)


(operational name of the electrical installation)

can be included in the work.

Head of the ODS ________________________________________________________________

(surname, signature, date)

4. Permit No. _______ " " _________ 19

Getting started ______________________________________________________________

(operational name of the electrical installation)

I authorize it to be produced on time) until "" ________ 19

Chief Engineer of PES _____________________________________________________


5. Putting the electrical installation into operation

5.1. _____________________________________________________________________

(operational name of the electrical installation)

included in the work ________________ according to operational request No. ___________________

(date, time)

from ___________________________________

5.2. Changes to operational schemes ________________________________________


(name)(cross out what is not necessary)


(full name)


disconnected and grounded ______________________________________________________________

(disconnection and grounding point)

It is allowed to allow ______________ teams to work on



according to order No. ____________ after installing grounding at the work site. Are under voltage ______________________________________________________________

(name of lines or branches


from them, electrical equipment or indicate “not left”)


submit to _____________________________________________________________________

(time, date)

Sent ____________Received ____________

H ____ min "" ________19


To the dispatcher ______________ PES RES _______________ Comrade ______________________

(name)(cross out what is not necessary)

From ______________________

(full name) (full name)

Works on _________________________________________________________________

(name of electrical installation)

completely finished, grounding from the production site works removed, personnel in the amount of _____________ brigades were withdrawn to ___________________________________,

(time, date) PES. RES

(Name) (cross out what is not necessary)


(full name)

1. Bring ______________________________________________________________ for repairs

(name of electrical installation)

For what:

1.1. Do the following in the given sequence: ___________________


(necessary sequence of operations with switching


devices; checking the position of switching devices; overlay


grounding; receiving and transmitting messages about completed switchings


indicating from whom or to whom and in what way to receive or transfer them)

1.2. Other instructions ______________________________________________________________




2. After performing the switchings listed in paragraph 1:

2.1. _____________________________________________ remained under voltage

(name of lines or


branches from them, electrical equipment or indicate “not left”)

2.2. ______________________________________________________________ is disabled and

(name of electrical installation)

grounded __________________________________________________________________

(disconnection and grounding point)

2.3. Install grounding at the work site and allow ________________________


brigades at ___________________________________________________________________

(work site)

According to orders No. _______________________

2.4. _____________________________________________________________________

(name of the electrical installation being repaired)

hand in by _____________________

(time and date)

3. After completion of work

3.1. Remove the brigade, close the outfit, remove the grounding from the work site.

3.2. Notify about completion of work __________________________________________

(to whom, in what way)

3.3. Put into operation ________________________________________________________________

(name of the electrical installation or


indicate “do not enter”)

To put it into operation, perform the following in the specified sequence:


(required sequence of operations


with switching devices; checking the position of switching


devices; removal of groundings. For simple switching, it is allowed


entry: “Switch on in the reverse order of step 1”)

Sent ____________ Received ______________

H ______ min « » ________ 19__


To the dispatcher __________________ PES. RES

(Name) (cross out what is not necessary)

Comrade _____________________________ from _______________________

(full name) (full name)

Work on ______________________________________________________________

(name of electrical installation)

completely finished, grounding connections from the work site have been removed,

personnel in the amount of _____________ brigades were withdrawn to __________________________

(time, date)

After completing the work, the following was done:


(place of removal of groundings, switchings performed, messages about


switchings performed)


(name of electrical installation)

put into operation at _____ h ____ min "» ______19,

can be switched on under voltage (cross out what is not necessary)

Sent ___________ Received ____________

H _____ min « » _________19

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