The meaning of the head line on the hand. D. On the hill of Upper Mars. Breaks in the Head line on the hand, the meaning of the “writer’s fork”

According to palmistry, the Head line on the hand is one of the three main ones. With its help, you can learn about the level of intelligence and way of thinking, and also determine how fully we use our mental abilities.

In addition, it can report the presence of head injuries and the person's general mental state. The length, bends, breaks and marks on it store a lot interesting information about the fate and character of the owner of the hand.

Length, width, angle of inclination

As a rule, palmists use both the left and right hand for predictions. The left one tells about the destined fate, and the right one talks about the course of life.

The second place in importance on the hand is occupied by the line of the Head (or Mind). It begins in the space between the thumb and index finger, continuing towards the edge of the palm.

In most cases, the Head line on the right hand is slightly different than on the left (if they are the same, this indicates that you are following the path of fate without turning off).

Don't panic! Have you seen an unfavorable sign on your hands? Look for signs of protection. Palmistry. #1

Line of Mind (Head). What inclinations and mental abilities does this line indicate? Palmistry

Palmistry line of the head or mind (part 4)

There are long, medium and short lines of the Head. Long - goes through almost the entire palm and means that the owner of the hand is an astute person with a good memory and a high level of intelligence. Short - speaks of practicality, cunning and the ability to quickly navigate a situation. Line reaching to ring finger, is called average. Its owners can boast of a good mind, flexibility and the ability to solve difficult problems.

People with a wide line of Mind on the palm are slow. They evaluate the situation for a long time, think about it, weigh the pros and cons. In contrast, those with a narrow Head line on the hand make decisions instantly (however, this does not mean that the decision will be correct). If the Head line is barely visible, its owner may make serious mistakes in life. A straight line of the Mind speaks of practicality and seriousness. Double - is extremely rare and indicates a powerful intellect.

The angle of inclination is also of great importance - a steep inclination speaks of a creative personality and rich imagination. A low Head line warns of possible problems with the perception of reality. Wavy - indicates cunning and inconstancy, and chain-like - warns of possible migraines.


The shape of the Head line has a great influence on a person’s character. If its tip is bent towards the fingers, this indicates a craving for material wealth. A straight line crossing the hand means that its owner is a powerful, calculating person, not prone to sentimentality. If it bifurcates at the end, this is an indicator of wild imagination and rich imagination. Two branches coming out of one are called a “writer’s fork” and speak of creative thinking the owner of the hand (“writer’s fork” can often be seen in photographs of the palms of famous artists).

People whose Head line ends on the Mount of the Moon are extremely sociable, artistic and witty.

If the lines of the Head and Life are connected at the very beginning, the owner of such a hand “thinks first, and then acts,” his decisions and actions are always balanced and rational. However, combination over a longer period speaks of indecision and uncertainty. If the lines of Mind and Life do not touch each other, this indicates a strong and independent character. The will of such a person is firm, and his decisions are unshakable.

If the lines of Head and Fate intersect with each other, this is a sign of well-developed logical thinking. Such people are able to find a way out of the most confusing and difficult situations. Sometimes the line of Mind cuts the line of Life into two parts - this indicates the possibility of suicidal tendencies. And if it breaks the line of the Heart, this means that the owner of the hand has reason prevailing over feelings. Often such people are devoid of spirituality and filled with selfishness, and this is a direct road to crime.

Location relative to the hills

It is also of great importance under which hillock the Head line ends, begins, or arches. Its beginning under the Mount of Saturn means that a person may have a developmental delay or eye disease, as well as an incident that threatens his life. A rupture under this hillock foreshadows a wound to the head, a broken leg or arm. If the Head line ends under Saturn, this indicates the likelihood of death at a young age, as well as wastefulness and carelessness.

The head line coming from the Mount of the Moon means that its owner is a person with a rich imagination.

A similar beginning is found among writers, poets and people of a creative nature. If, while walking on the Moon, it descends to the wrist, this speaks of magical thinking and occult abilities. If the forked line of the Head descends with one branch to the Mount of the Moon, this indicates a tendency to act. Owners of this hand pattern make progress in lawyering and acting.

If the Head line turns sharply towards the Mount of Mercury, the person is distinguished by cunning and resourcefulness. To achieve his goal, he is ready to take any adventure. Sometimes it seems to bend towards one of the hillocks. If this is the Mount of Mercury, the person is successful in trade, and if it is the Mount of Apollo, the ability to create is evident.


Signs are of great importance in palmistry. Some of them are permanent, others are temporary. Permanent signs appear from the moment of birth and are a reflection of our destiny, while temporary signs warn us about certain life events.

  • A cross is most often an unfavorable sign that indicates a head injury. If it is located under the ring finger, it is considered a sign of death.
  • A triangle in this place of the palm is found among people who have devoted their lives to science.
  • The circle speaks of eye disease and poor vision.
  • The island means problems - both in your personal life and in your professional activities. People with a large number islets are susceptible to depression, nervous breakdowns and panic attacks. They are often tormented by headaches and nightmares. If the island is placed at the beginning of the line, you should pay attention to the condition of the throat and ears.
  • A star is a sign of a serious head injury.
  • A square is a very good sign. His presence means that at this stage of life a person is helped by a Guardian Angel.
  • Multiple dashes indicate financial difficulties or problems at work.
  • The grid is a sign of stubbornness and changeability.
  • The gaps show that in this place a person’s path changes dramatically.

In palmistry, the Head line is considered one of the main lines, which requires special careful consideration. It begins on the inside of the palm above the Life Line and flows horizontally through the entire palm (see). The Head Line should be studied at the physical and psychological levels. IN in a general sense at the physical level, along the line of the Head, one can draw conclusions about the functioning of the brain, the state and possibilities of adaptation of the human nervous system to emerging circumstances and changing living conditions. At the psychological level, the Head line provides information about the mechanism of thinking, the properties of memory, a person’s ability to set goals and the ability to concentrate on goals.

When studying the Head line on the hand, it is important for a palmist to follow a certain sequence of actions. This will allow you to study the line properly and draw detailed and well-founded conclusions. The sequence I suggest consists of eight steps.

Step 1. Study the geometry of the Head line

The peculiarity of drawing the Head line on the hands is of great importance for determining the individual properties of a person’s perception of information. The Head line on both the left and right hands is subject to study. If a person is right-handed, then left hand is passive, and the Head line on it will indicate the innate characteristics of assimilation and awareness of incoming information, that is, its processing, analysis, and the formation of conclusions about oneself and the surrounding reality. The Head line on the active hand shows how a person realizes these innate abilities throughout his life, develops new qualities of reading/reading, processing and storing information, applies and uses it in practice in various life situations. The difference in the geometry of the Head lines on the active and passive hands may be due to the peculiarities of the development of speech and cognitive abilities of a person. It can be caused by other distinctive properties inherent in it, including the presence of abstract thinking, logical memory, and also be the result of a system of views and beliefs that reflects a person’s individual picture of the world. A straight line of the Head without sharp turns and breaks indicates a person’s fundamental approach to life, stability of views, straightforwardness and the intention to seriously and convincingly prove and defend their point of view. If at the same time the Head line looks clearer and stronger than the Heart line, then this additionally indicates the predominance of a reasonable approach over feelings and emotional, heartfelt impulses when making vital decisions by the owner of the line.

Step 2. Determining the beginning/origin of the Head line

The beginning of the Head line reflects the innate characteristics of the nervous system and the age at which a person can consciously control his behavior and his actions, that is, he acquires the ability to independently perform actions and accept responsibility for their consequences. The initial section of the Head line tells about the influence of parents and loved ones on the development of the child, the formation of his age-related characteristics and mental qualities.

The following options for the beginning of this line are distinguished (Fig. 1):

A. The Head line has a separate origin from the Life line.

A positive sign of the balance of physical and mental energy is the separate beginning of the Head line and the beginning of the Life line while maintaining a distance of 2 to 4 millimeters. Such a person in any life situation is able to form a coherent logical chain of cause-and-effect relationships, maintain clarity of mind and high speed of information processing. He successfully combines logic and intuitive understanding of the situation, correctly defines the limit beyond which risky actions become recklessness, and passive observation from the outside of the development of the situation and non-interference in its resolution becomes irresponsibility. He knows how to take a sober look at any event and any person, including himself.

B. The Head line has a separate origin from the Life line - the lines begin at a distance of more than 5 mm from one another.

This distance between the main lines is considered disharmonious. A person who has a Head line with such a beginning is characterized by impulsiveness, hot temper, irritability and is often the initiator of conflict resolution of situations that arise in his life. He always openly expresses his opinion in a manner that does not tolerate objections, thereby alienating other people. However, with age, these qualities can be smoothed out by life experience, which proves the ineffectiveness of the chosen method of behavior and interaction with people. If in the future the line of the Head acquires a smooth and calm flow and tends to the upper part of the Mount of the Moon, then this indicates that thoughtlessness and recklessness were characteristic of a person only in youth, and carelessness and reckless actions are already a thing of the past.

C. The Head line merges with the Life line.

A person is distinguished by balanced decisions, self-control and good thinking. When the initial sections of the lines merge, psychic energy is blocked by physical energy, and the person becomes overly shy, unable to make independent decisions until the age when the Head line breaks away from the Life line. These personality traits begin to take on extremely negative characteristics if the Head line merges with the Life line for more than 2 centimeters, and especially if their fusion reaches the middle of the palm. A person tries to weigh the pros and cons, going so far into his thoughts that he only delays the decision-making process. He tries to predict other people's reactions to his actions, often coming up with excuses for his inaction and unconscious indecision. As a rule, the problems of such paralysis before making a decision and responsibility for it lie in early childhood, when parents overly patronized the child and made all decisions for him, without instilling in the child the skill independent choice. In this case, very often the line of Fate begins from the line of Life, showing the strong influence of the family on the formation of a person’s life path.

D. The Head Line begins on the hill of Lower Mars.

This beginning of the Head line gives a person irritability, aggression, lack of patience and loyalty when resolving conflict situations. It often seems to him that the world is hostile, and he fiercely defends and defends his point of view. If the Head line has a straight outline that does not go to the Mount of the Moon, then this helps to smooth out negative consequences actions of the owner of such a line, he can keep the situation under his control, stop at the right moment, without bringing it to a critical point and without descending into hysteria.

E. The Head Line begins on the Mount of Jupiter.

The peculiarities of human thinking are characterized by a “Jovian” orientation. The owner of the Head line with its origin on the mount of Jupiter strives for power and is endowed with such important qualities as determination, the ability to set and achieve goals, optimism and positive thinking. He strives to pass on his knowledge and shares his experience with other people, and often does this on a charitable basis or through donations.

F. Absence of the initial section of the Head line.

The beginning of the Head line is absent in people who were left to their own devices in childhood; their parents or close people (in the absence of parents) did not pay enough attention to their upbringing and development. full development personality. The absence of the initial section of the line is rare and additionally serves as evidence of unpredictable behavior and excessive self-confidence demonstrated by a person already in adulthood.

Step 3. Study of the nature of the flow of the Head line

The nature of the flow of the Head line indicates how mental and physical energies flow through the palm. Features of the flow of the Head line determine a person’s ability to perform mental operations consisting of three interrelated forms of cognition: concept, judgment and inference. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account a person’s emotional reaction to the information to be analyzed. It is important to know that when assessing the nature of the Head line, the beginning, length and ending of this line are not considered; exclusively the quality of the Head line is examined.

A. Strong, deep and clear Head line.

Indicates excellent memory, determination, a strong mind, balance and the ability to set realistic goals and achieve the desired result (Fig. 2).

B. Superficial and weak line of the Head.

Shows a person’s inability to retain a large amount of information in memory and operate with it. Gives grounds to talk about high fatigue, lack of confidence in own strength and inability to clearly justify their opinions and actions (Fig. 3).

C. Wide Head Line.

Indicates scattered attention and indicates poor concentration of attention, inability to build cause-and-effect relationships due to unstable emotionality (Fig. 4).

D. Double Head Line.

The presence of a double Head line on the hands indicates a gifted and intellectually highly developed personality and reflects the ability to realize oneself in various professional areas (Fig. 5). However, like a medal, the double line of the Head has a downside - such a person may have two diametrically opposed opinions regarding a situation or circumstance, be unpredictable and work at the limit of his physical capabilities. The most positive variant of the double line of the Head occurs when one line of the Head is directed to the hill of Upper Mars (it endows its owner with practicality and rationality, the ability to defend one’s point of view), and the second line of the Head is directed to the hill of the Moon (it gives a person the ability to find mutual understanding with completely different people, excellent intuition and creativity). The double line of the Head has one remarkable quality; it gives protection to its owner from nervous and physical shocks. In any unfavorable set of circumstances, when the first line of the Head comes under attack, the second line is able to “close” all the breaks and breaks in the first line of the Head.

E. The Head line made up of small lines.

The Head line formed from small lines indicates a weak memory and very fatigue, tendency to mental and nervous overstrain. A person who has a similar Head line is not able to concentrate on one task for a long time and bring its implementation to its logical conclusion (Fig. 6).

F. Wavy line of the Head.

The energy flowing along this line of the Head is changeable and unstable, which indicates high probability changes of point of view, inconsistency of views and judgments, inconsistency of actions and the significant influence of other people on a person’s life. This is especially pronounced in the case when a large (about 2 cm) initial segment of the Head line connects with the Life line (Fig. 7).

G. Chain line of the Head.

The line represents the connection of small islands with each other. Energy encounters obstacles on its way and is retained in these closed circles, not receiving a timely release. Such a person has a restless mind, often changes his decisions, can be suspicious and prone to emotional overstrain (Fig. 8).

H. Head Island Line.

A line has one or more islands, which may vary in size. An island on the Head line indicates that a person at an age determined in accordance with the length of the island on the line is studying or working to the limit of his mental capabilities (Fig. 9). During this period, he may feel nervous tension, be absent-minded, and feel overworked. Such islands should be studied in the context of the hills under which they lie. It is the hills that will indicate the sphere or area of ​​possible occurrence/manifestation of mental problems. The island located under the Mount of Saturn requires the greatest attention. It may indicate a person’s depressed state, his lack of intention to change the current situation or his attitude towards it. However, one should not make hasty negative conclusions regarding large islands on the Head line, since in some cases they may indicate highest level concentration of a person’s physical and mental energy in order to achieve the desired result. In my practice, I have encountered a rather large island on the Head line of a man working on a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, as well as a woman actively engaged in scientific research in the field of astronomy.

I. Uneven/unstable Head line.

The line in some areas becomes thicker or, on the contrary, thinner; some of its fragments can be represented by small lines (Fig. 10). All this is evidence of emotional and mental instability, weak memory, and in certain periods of life, when the Head line becomes thinner, it can be a sign of weakness of will and lack of firm views on life.

Step 4. Study of breaks and replacements on the Head line

The Head Line may have breaks and replacements along its length.

Breaks in the Head line have a negative meaning and are based on psycho-emotional shocks or physical damage bone structure human body. Energy flowing along the line of the Head, falling into a gap and not finding a new channel to continue its flow, predicts a serious failure of the human self-preservation system, a high degree of probability of life-threatening situations occurring. The seriousness and possible extent of the consequences of adverse events foreshadowed by breaks must be determined by other main lines on the hands, such as the Life line and the Fate line.

In palmistry, there are three types of gaps: open, compensated, fused (Fig. 11).

A. Open gap.

It is found quite rarely on the Head line on a person’s hands. It is the most negative in its impact on a person’s quality of life, since in most cases it is evidence of serious injuries associated with physical injuries, memory loss, and in some cases may indicate nervous breakdowns against the background of overwork. Breaks that predict the most severe and dramatic consequences, including karmic breaks in the Head line in the palm, are located under the Mount of Saturn. The age of onset of a life-threatening situation is calculated by drawing an age line on the Head line.

B. Compensated gap.

Such a gap does not have such negative characteristics as an open gap. As shown in the figure, another line of the Head closes the damage that occurs, not allowing the energy to stop and directing it in a different direction. In this case, damage to the Head line indicates disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, possible head injuries, and in some cases a sharp change in worldview. The consequences of such a break are not so significant; they do not bring deep shocks and disappointments.

C. Fusing rupture of the Head line.

A gap may indicate difficulties and obstacles in a person's life path. Overcoming them, a person radically changes his system of views and judgments. The broken sections of the Head line are connected by a thin line, along which the energy subsequently flows calmly and smoothly.

Broken Head line can be compensated substitution in the form of a new segment or line of the Head. Such replacement is most often caused by a change in the system of views, beliefs and modes of action, a change in priorities and life goals and, as a consequence, the choice of a different life scenario. The clarity and depth of the new line will show how positive the consequences of such changes in a person’s life will be.

The main rule when reading such replacements is the following: it is necessary to correctly/correctly determine the location of the replacement segment or new line of the Head relative to the main or damaged line.

There are two possible types of replacements for breaks in the Head line on the palm (Fig. 12):

D. The new line/replacement is located higher breaking the Head line.

Substitution is closer to the Heart line and indicates events that have had an impact positive influence for a person's life. They are often associated with a person’s consistent spiritual development and the desire to consciously and harmoniously build one’s life path.

E. New line/replacement is located below breaking the Head line.

The presence of a replacement line below the main one is an unfavorable sign and may indicate a spiritual crisis or mental fatigue, when a person is emotionally exhausted and has no desire to change his life for the better. In this case, a person must conduct a critical analysis of the events that led to such a result, and allow himself to take a time out in order to accumulate internal strength to change the current situation.

You should always carefully consider the initial portion of the formation of the replacement line. If a new Head line begins with a fork preventing free flow physical and mental energy, then the person will be faced with a choice, and he will have to decide which method of changing the current situation he should prefer. If the replacement begins with a straight line, then these changes will be unambiguous and will require the person to understand and accept them, moreover, they are often initiated by the person himself.

Step 5. Studying the branches from the Head line

A branch from the Head line is always a person’s attempt to change his life, the result of which must be assessed by the presence or absence of changes on other lines in the palm. If the Head line does not have a branch, then, in most cases, a person is not distinguished by innovative thinking, courage and willpower; he clings to the old out of fear of the new.

The basic rule used when interpreting branches coming from the Head line is formulated as follows: branches directed upward - improvement social status, growth in material well-being thanks to correct positioning goals, a well-thought-out strategy for achieving them; branches down - a person’s aspirations and actions ended unsuccessfully.

The branches should not cross the Head line itself; under these circumstances, they will no longer be considered as branches, but as intersections. In this situation, it is necessary to apply a different rule when reading them.

Below are the types of branches originating from the Head line, most of them are directed to the hills on the palm (Fig. 13):

A. To the Mount of Jupiter

A man sets himself specific goal, the successful implementation of which is possible thanks to the mental abilities of the individual, and will ultimately allow one to rise highly social status person in society.

B. To the Mount of Saturn

Such branches make it possible to determine the age of a person when professional aspirations become a priority for him. If a person studies intensively or moves towards professional success at the limit of one’s mental capabilities, then immediately after the branch the Head line becomes thinner or an island may appear on it, indicating, as mentioned above, mental overstrain, which in general can negatively affect the human nervous system.

C. To the Hill of Apollo

A person intends to achieve creative success, he is ready to acquire new skills and knowledge, makes the most incredible and fantastic plans, is open to creative ideas on the way to achieving his goals, the most important of which is the formation and vision of himself as a harmonious creative person.

D. To the Mount of Mercury

Demonstrates the application of communication skills and commercial abilities to conduct successful business operations and increase financial well-being and wealth.

E. Towards the Hill of Upper Mars

Reflects the successes achieved thanks to the strength of character, fortitude, assertiveness, fearlessness and determination of a person. He aggressively defends his opinion and is confident in his actions, which leads him to the desired result.

F. Going down into the palms

point to accepted by man decisions that in fact turned out to be wrong, and their results led a person to disappointment and dissatisfaction. Often such a mistake lies in the lack of well-thought-out plans, rash decisions, hasty actions, etc. Of course, the causes, as well as their consequences, require a detailed study of the lines and signs on both hands.

Step 6. Considering the signs on the Head line

Signs on the Head line usually have an unfavorable influence and in most cases require careful attention to them. They can indicate past or future events, knowing about which, a person can take the opportunity to prevent or minimize the consequences of negative episodes and incidents in his future, opening the circle of unfavorable circumstances in time. To correctly interpret the signs on the Head line, it is important to determine how the line behaves after the sign ends. If the sign does not have a clear pattern or geometry, then its power is ultimately not so great, and it acts rather as a warning, which gives a person the opportunity to change the scenario of events.

In practice, you can most often find the following signs on the Head line (Fig. 14):

A. Small intersecting lines.

Indicates stress nervous overstrain, worries that block psychic energy at the age of crossing the Head line. In some cases, they indicate headaches and talk about problems with concentration. When interpreting them, it is important to correctly determine their source/cause and the area of ​​life that these lines/obstacles can influence.

B. Point.

Draws attention to the strong emotional stress, dramatic experiences and emotional turmoil. IN energy plan they act as an energy funnel on the Head line. During the period/moment of time indicated by the dot, it is difficult for a person to abstract himself from the situation that was the cause of such strong unrest. As a rule, anxieties and emotions are associated with family and friends. The darker/contrasting color this point on the hand is highlighted, the greater the sharpness and strength nervous tension, the more profound a trace the experience leaves in a person’s life. At the physical level, such a point can indicate severe headaches, a sharp deterioration in memory and vision.

C. Cross.

It is a negative sign and may indicate serious psycho-emotional experiences. The exact interpretation depends on the hill under which this cross is located on the Head line. The cross under the Mount of Saturn has the strongest and partly karmic meaning. On a physical level, the cross can be an indicator of a possible head injury. It is important to study how the Head line is presented on the hand after the cross. In practice, I have encountered cases when, after a serious psychological trauma the person found real strength and desire to move forward and be happy.

D. Square.

On the Head line, the square acts as a protective sign; it blocks or minimizes the consequences of events that may occur at the age determined by this square. If a square has gaps and unclosed corners, then it partially copes with its protection and does not allow the danger to manifest itself in a person’s life in full force. A person who has such a square on the Head line should think about the reasons for possible negative events and, of course, be grateful for the presence of protection in his life. At the same time, he should not forget about vigilance, prudence and awareness of the actions he performs.

E. Triangle.

It is a very favorable sign on the Head line. The effect of the triangle on the Head line manifests itself in many layers. That is why it should be considered from a physical, mental, material, ideological perspective. In any case, the triangle indicates a person’s strategic vision of the current situation or communicates about building a new approach and choosing new priorities in his life in order to qualitatively change it.

F. Star.

Its influence is significant on human life. It takes on a particularly negative meaning if it is on two hands and has a clear geometry. As a rule, it indicates a severe head injury, the onset of a stroke, or severe head trauma associated with memory loss. A star located at the end of the Head line can be an indicator of a weakening of the brain’s function to remember and reproduce information, which makes a person’s memories of his life vague, inaccurate and chaotic.

G. Island.

This sign is quite common on the Head line; it can indicate temporary periods of overexertion, increased fatigue, and emotional instability close to depression. The geometry of the island is very important, whether it tends to rupture or, conversely, to grow/increase in duration of its action. At the moment the island operates, mental energy disperses or “spreads” and the person does not see a “way out” of the current situation, but with the proper approach and intention to change the attitude towards the current circumstances, it is possible to change the state of affairs, that is, this island can be “torn apart”.

Step 7. Determining the end of the Head line

The end of the Head line indicates a person’s type of thinking, which influences his choice and success professional path. It is well known that mental function hemispheres answer human brain. Dominant right hemisphere endows a person with emotional and abstract thinking and is responsible for a person’s creative abilities. Developed left hemisphere happens to a person with analytical and mathematical thinking, a practical vision of the situation and a pragmatic approach to solving issues. The hill towards which the Head line tends gives a very important characteristics a person’s type of thinking and determines the type and capabilities of his intellect, and also forms the individual’s individuality that meets his own needs. Referring to the hill the line is heading towards Heads and point the end of the line itself, the palmist can determine the qualities of a person’s character, formed thanks to his mind and used by him in everyday activities. The tendency of the line towards certain hills, that is, its direction, and the ending point on the palm can influence the formation and development of various human character traits, enhance or decrease individual personality traits, changing a person’s worldview, way of thinking and behavior.

In palmistry, the end of the Head line can have different configurations (Fig. 15):

A. On the Mount of Saturn.

Indicates a person’s serious and responsible approach to business, when every step is thought through to the smallest detail. If such a person takes on any task, he tries to complete it efficiently and within the established deadline. He respects time, as he is punctual and pedantic. In case of failure, he will not look for those to blame, but will analyze the cause-and-effect relationships and will look for new ways and means of solving the problem that has arisen, because he values ​​​​trust and respect for his person and the results of his work.

B. On the hill of Apollo.

Indicates that fame and glory are the main motive of human behavior. And in this case, the end of the Head line should be considered precisely in the context of a person’s desire for personal fame, which cannot be sold, transferred, or bequeathed, since it belongs to a specific person. However, such a desire must be realized through spiritual and mental growth, for the benefit of the person himself and society. After all, bad fame can happen, remember how Herostratus, in order to remain in history, burned one of the seven wonders of the Ancient World - the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus.

C. On the hill of Mercury.

Reveals a person’s good organizational skills, his ability to make decisions on management and business. A person knows how to take risks and understands the importance of timely introduction of new technologies, products and production methods. Thanks to his excellent inner sense, he knows how to be in the right place at the right time, and is endowed with the talent to create and maintain profitable business relationships.

D. On the hill of Upper Mars.

Shows the dominance of a reasonable approach and high speed of decision-making, excellent memory. If a person with such a Head line goes into military service, he makes an excellent military leader. He knows how to anticipate the enemy’s actions, is able to abstract himself and consider the situation from different positions or sides, and does not tolerate unjustified risks. Once he has made a decision, he does not change it. As a rule, these people have a mathematical mind and actively use modern information technologies in life.

E. On the Hill of the Moon.

Indicates a person’s flexible type of thinking, his predominance emotional intelligence, the presence of creative abilities and a good disposition. He thinks in images, is endowed with a good imagination and a lively mind, values ​​originality and individuality. However, success in creative activity depends not only on talent, but also on great diligence, permanent job and the ability to “take a hit.” If the line of the Head is directed to the lower part of the hill of the Moon, then this direction acquires unfavorable characteristics, since a person may be in the grip of illusions, excessive sensitivity and emotionality, his feelings and emotions take precedence over reason.

F. On the Life line.

It is evidence of a depressed person, possibly having suicidal thoughts. The end of the Head line on the Life line and, in particular, the intersection of the Head line with the Life line are indicators of deep depression of a person when he is completely immersed in his inner world, and he loses the ability to enjoy life. The causes of this condition can be many factors. Another thing is important here - a person should not be left without the help and support of his loved ones and relatives, and in some cases, he needs the help of a specialist who will help “get out” of this state before it takes shape mental disorder. Fortunately, such geometry of the Head line is found extremely rarely.

G. At one of the interdigital hills.

Shows that the qualities/properties of the hill to which the Head line is directed are predominant in a person’s life. The line of the Head, crossing the line of the Heart and rushing to the very top of the interdigital hill, has an exclusively negative meaning. It indicates a person’s fanatical adherence to his beliefs and goals. Often acting to the detriment of himself and others, he literally “sees no boundaries.” In practice, such an ending to the Head line is very rare.

In addition, the Head line can end with a trident, which is considered an extremely rare and favorable ending in every sense. The Trident indicates that a person will be able to achieve great success due to his personal qualities and character. In practice, it looks like this: the prong “looks” at the Mount of Mercury - the presence of outstanding organizational skills will lead to success; the prong is directed towards the hill of Upper Mars - success will be ensured strong will and self-confidence; the prong is directed towards the Mount of the Moon - imagination and amazing insight will contribute to success. Sometimes the Head line ends in a “split” or a so-called “writer’s fork.” It should be noted that it is not always directly related to writing. This is what they began to call it, since people who have such a fork in their hands are endowed with self-confidence, determination and wonderful creative abilities. These qualities are extremely important both for a writer and for representatives of other professions. The best design for a fork on the hand is a split with two straight ends of equal length; in this case, the above qualities necessary for achieving success in the creative field will be balanced.

Step 8. Generalization of the results of the study of the Head line

The Head Line should always be considered in conjunction with other major and minor lines and signs on both hands. It is important to take into account the shape of the hand, the proportionality of the phalanges of the fingers, and the presence of signs on the hand that can influence the line of the Head. When studying the direction and ending of the Head line, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the type of thinking is unchanged for a person from the moment of his birth until his death. The long line of the Head indicates mobile thinking, high speed of decision-making, good adaptive abilities of a person to changing circumstances and operating conditions, but does not prove the presence of outstanding intelligence. A short Head line can indicate a person’s high intellectual abilities and amazing memory, but strategic thinking is not typical for the owners of such a line.

I will quote the words of the English writer James Allen (1864 – 1912): « Man creates himself and destroys himself. In the arsenal of thought, he forges a weapon with which he can destroy himself. And vice versa, he is able to create such an instrument with which he can build for himself divine palaces of joy, power and peace. By making the right choice and properly applying Thought, a person can reach the depths of perfection, but by choosing an abusive and nasty application of his Thought, he can fall below the level of animals» . This is a quote from a book called How Man Thinks, published in 1902. The book is still relevant and is one of the best manuals/guides for developing a person’s inner potential. The author argues that a person’s thoughts and moral principles are a single whole, and a person’s character is determined by the inner world and manifests itself through a person’s actions. As a result, what a person thinks about and what he feels, he puts into a certain thought form, and he himself becomes the result of his own thoughts and actions.

From the position of a palmist, I consider the process of formation of a person’s individuality in the form of a graphic diagram - a pyramid, which I called “The Power of Thought” (Fig. 16). It systematizes and visually presents the relationship of the lines on the hand with the process of personality formation, which is strictly structured and undergoes certain stages in its development from an idea to a specific result.

Demonstrating the interdependence between individual personality characteristics and the main lines of the palm, this pyramid describes and clearly reflects the direct connection of changes in the pattern of specific lines on the palms with changes in the qualities and properties of the personality as a result of certain actions carried out by a person, and vice versa.

Over the past decades, work on the brain has advanced at a rapid pace. In Russia and abroad, scientists have made great progress in researching the capabilities of the brain, its physical properties and working mechanisms. However, something else is also obvious - the human brain is fraught with unknown and enormous depths that we have yet to discover in the near, and perhaps even distant, future. The same can be said about studies of the Head line in palmistry.

At the current stage of development of palmistry, the information obtained by a palmist when studying the Head line through practical observations allows one to draw conclusions regarding the physical and mental capabilities of a person, but is not scientific in nature and does not clarify the understanding of the nature of changes in the configuration of the Head line during a person’s life. Modern practical approaches to the study of the Head line set new requirements for a deep and scientific study of this line and encourage its research.

The Head line on the hand, or the Mind line, is directly related to a person’s intellectual abilities, his ability to solve problems, and the quality and variety of thought processes. It was once believed that the longer the line, the more versatile the person, the broader his mental abilities. However, this is not entirely true: scientists have proven that a person does not fully use his mental potential.

Long and short line of the Head

Thus, the long line of the Head on the hand only means that from birth a person has every opportunity to develop and enrich his intellectual abilities. People with such a Head line have analytical abilities, they can penetrate deeply into the essence of things, and think outside the box and in one-sided ways. Those with a short line of Mind are impatient, they do not want to waste precious time on analysis and synthesis, they try not to think about something for a long time, but immediately take action. According to statistics, people with a short Head line on their hand achieve greater success in life: they do business, are active and enterprising and calculating, know how to make any decisions as quickly as possible, quickly find their bearings and do not waste time on philosophy.

Interaction of the Head line with the Life line on the hand

The Head Line originates in the space between the index and thumb, in the same place as the Life line. Sometimes they touch and can go together for a while, sometimes not. If the lines touch, it means that the owner of such a configuration is a cautious and prudent person, he hardly agrees to adventures, before taking any action, he will think several times, weighing all the pros and cons. Such a person is also inclined to listen to other people’s opinions (if there are no refutations in other parts of the palm). If the lines are located at some distance from each other, it means that the person is confident in his abilities, is independent in decisions and actions, has matured early and has mentally isolated himself from others, does not tolerate guardianship or control. If there is a large distance between the lines, this is a sign of a person who is adamant in his actions. Often, the owners of this trait are very stubborn people, not flexible, ready to openly and assertively defend their point of view, and are not inclined to listen to others. Often such people have problems in both their personal and professional lives - few people want to deal with arguers and stubborn people.

The Line of Mind can originate on the Mount of Jupiter (under the index finger) and intersect with the Line of Life at one point. This configuration reveals an ambitious person, extremely ambitious, ready to achieve his goals by any means and means, he can even go over his head, sweeping away all obstacles.

If the Head line long time walks next to the line of Life, such a person is infantile, he is afraid to become independent, is not confident in his abilities, relies on the opinions of others, but does not have his own, maybe for a long time live with parents and do not want to be separated.

Head Line Types

There are two types of Head line on the hand (photo with interpretation below): creative and practical.

The creative line usually runs at an angle, crosses the middle of the palm and ends at the wrist. This area of ​​the palm is responsible for imagination, the so-called Mount of the Moon.

The moon in esotericism is the area of ​​the subconscious, a person’s emotions, his view of the world. If the line of the Head goes to the hill of the Moon, it means that a person is more guided by emotions, the subconscious, internal sensations, which means his thinking is more irrational than rational. Such people are most often engaged in creativity, they feel more comfortable in a calm environment, it is better for them to work at home or alone in order to be able to immerse themselves in their inner world without hindrance.

The practical line of the Mind crosses the palm at a slight angle in a straight line. Such people are cold-blooded, try to think rationally, not include emotions, prefer to work with specific facts, and are far from an illusory perception of reality. Of course, imagination can be developed even with such a line, but its owners do not know how to escape reality into the world of dreams, they do not have their head in the clouds, they are more down-to-earth and are distinguished by a certain skepticism in reasoning.

Head Line Configurations

There are no absolutely identical lines on the hands different people. Each has individual characteristics. However, there is something in common - the presence of signs, configuration, brightness, and distinctness of the line.

In order to determine whether the Head line on a particular hand is bright, it is necessary to compare it with others. If the Head line is brighter and more distinct than others, it means that a person is more guided by reason in life than, for example, by emotions. For him, thought processes are the main centripetal force.

The ideal configuration of the line of the Mind is a continuous clear flow, the ending is smooth, not sharp and not abrupt. However, this is very rare.

Throughout its entire length, the Head Line may be heterogeneous; it may have breaks, with or without displacements, replacing or not replacing. It is important to pay attention to the end of the line - whether there is a fork in it, called the “writer’s”.

Breaks in the Head line on the hand, the meaning of the “writer’s fork”

Breaks in the line are a rather unpleasant sign for the owner, who can “act out” both on a physical and emotional level. The physical level includes headaches, bruises, even surgical interventions, emotional or psychological level - this is a change in worldview, and of a cardinal nature. The age at which this or that event can occur is calculated directly from the line itself: a perpendicular is drawn down from the bases of the fingers to the line of the Head. Yes, from index finger the intersection gives an age of 10 years, from the middle finger - 30 years, and so on.

“Writer's fork” is a frequently encountered sign that gives the owner the ability to easily express his thoughts on paper, that is, it works better in writing than in oral form. With accompanying indicators on the hand, this may be a sign of literary talent.

It happens to see in chiropractic the line of the Mind, deviating at its base towards the fingers, more often towards the little finger. The little finger in palmistry - the so-called finger, in turn, represents trading activities, availability of good speech abilities, the gift of persuasion. Thus, a person who has a line of Mind directed to the finger of Mercury will strive for good earnings throughout his life, and it is possible that he will become a businessman, and quite successful.

Chains and islands on the Head line

Chain structure of the Head line - common symptom those who are subject to frequent stress and tension, who are not able to think sensibly and evaluate certain difficult situations. Any line on the hand is like a river. Its flow must be continuous, smooth and unhindered. If they meet various kinds obstacles, they complicate processes. In particular, on the Head line these are thought processes. Most often, chains can be seen at its base. This is evidence of difficulties early in life. In childhood, rather, it is pressure from parents, difficulties in the family, the inability to speak out, to freely express one’s position. As a person grows older, the chains disappear.

Islands (closed, free-standing oval-shaped structures) indicate stress in a specific period of time, some confusion, misunderstanding. The reason for such confusion may be that there is a contradiction between what a person is doing and what he actually wants to do.

Double Head Line

A rather rare, but very extraordinary phenomenon is a double line of the Head on a person’s hand. Various sources of famous palmists provide the most daring and original interpretations of this sign. However, most of them agree on one thing - it is as if several personalities coexist in a person. He mentally lives more than one life. One line of the Head may reflect the rational, while the other - the irrational, supernatural. Such people always have originality of thinking, they always have several answers to one question, they always think through several methods of action in their heads.

The double Head line on the hand should not be confused with forks, branches at the ends of the lines. The two lines run parallel to each other, without intersecting or touching each other, originating between the index and thumb.

Signs on the Head line

Marks or signs on the line provide additional meaning along with the configuration. The Head line on the right hand, which has any signs, is a warning. The right hand reflects the present and near future. While the Head line on the left hand is a certain program, the inclinations given to a person from birth, and his past. Both hands and the lines on them should be considered together, but the right one will still provide the most information.

Dark spots - a tendency to frequent headaches, poor vision. The most informative are those located under the index or middle finger.

Cross-shaped patterns (freestanding rather than made up of secondary lines) often indicate head injuries.

Crossing lines (so-called comets) are obstacles, difficulties at the energy level, weakness, loss of concentration. Depending on the presence of confirming signs on other lines, they can signal possible moves, changes in profession, etc.

Square structures, either touching the line of the Head or enveloping it, indicate mental overstrain, the inability to think freely, a certain isolation from which a person cannot find a way out.


To draw a conclusion about what the Head line on your hand means, you should first detect it. Its location is horizontal, the base is between the index and middle fingers. As the name suggests, it reflects the state of the brain, and is also responsible for a person’s mental abilities, his ability to think, memory, logic and imagination. The clearer and more beautiful the line, the clearer the thoughts.

In this article we will talk about what one of the main palmistry lines can tell about its owner - the line of the mind or, as it is also called, the line of the head.

The line of the mind is one of the most controversial and interesting in palmistry. Many people think that everything is simple: the longer the head mark, the more intelligent the person. However, everything is much deeper and more interesting.

Mind line in the palm - which hand is it on: photo

Finding this mark is quite simple - you just need to look at the middle of the palm. This one of the main lines originates between the thumb and index finger, and goes towards the opposite edge of the palm.

The area of ​​the hand along which the mark of the mind passes is called plain of Mars. This arrangement is relevant for both the right and left palms.

Mind line on the right and left hand: what does it mean?

As a rule, they guess by what is displayed right hand. This is not surprising, because current state of affairs and hints for the future are imprinted on it.

However, ignore left palm neither is it possible - it contains potential. In other words, those qualities that are inherited.

IMPORTANT: Ideally, you need to guess on both hands - only such a comparison can give an objective picture. For example, if the marks coincide, it means that the person managed to find his path and follow it.

It is a fairly common opinion that long head line Very smart people have it. This is actually a misconception. That is, a person can really be smart, but this long and clear mark will only indicate the ability to delve deeply into the essence of the matter, analyze and foresee various options events. Such people are simply irreplaceable in economics, analytics, and accounting.

Scrupulous people, analysts, have a clear and long line of mind

At the same time narrow line inherent in individuals with lightning-fast reaction. Whether the right decision will be made is a question, but the fact that it will be quick is a fact.

Wide the stripe indicates that the person thinks long enough. He believes that in order to effectively weigh all options, one should not rush.

IMPORTANT: You should not treat such individuals as fools.

Should be monitored bend:

  • Down– present wild fantasy. Everything related to fortune telling is very attractive for such people.
  • A little higher – attachment to money. This person loves money and, accordingly, has considerable demands. And either he will throw all his energy into finding a wealthy partner, or he himself will become an excellent entrepreneur.
  • Straight- imagination cannot be called developed, but they prevail practicality and the ability to stand firmly on one’s own two feet. A person knows how to control, weigh, and trusts exclusively in himself.
  • Twisted– inherent polar natures. They can easily flare up even over a trifle, but they calm down with lightning speed. Think outside the box. Workaholics.

IMPORTANT: You can communicate or have some kind of work with them without fear, since these emotional natures, oddly enough, will not let you down. They are straightforward, not prone to cunning and meanness.

Absence of the mind line in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

It doesn’t happen often, but it happens that this one of the main stripes on the palm is missing. The person will likely experience frequent dizziness. He should also be careful because available big chance receive fatal injury.

However, this may simply indicate laziness. A person may have a tendency to mental imbalance, That's why nervous system should definitely be protected.

What does a broken line of the mind in the palm of the hand mean?

It happens that the mark barely noticeable has unclear and sometimes disappearing contours. This means that mental energy the owner's palm A little. Everything related to intellectual work is difficult for him.

IMPORTANT: If the line is also narrow, common mistakes can't be avoided.

However, the strip may have normal clarity, but at the same time interrupted. This means that a person constantly doubts, fears. His thinking is characterized abstraction.

What does a short line of the mind on the palm of the hand mean?

Short and yet straight stripe indicates cunning man. He savvy, able navigate with lightning speed in the circumstances. However, unfortunately, with lightning speed, there is a lack of insight into the essence of the issue and concentration.

Such a person has talent to win people over. He can convince you of something. Such personalities can most often be found in politics, management, and law enforcement agencies.

IMPORTANT: You should behave carefully around them - they can easily turn their backs.

The line of the mind bifurcates into two branches at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end on the right and left hands: what does this mean?

A fork in the head line in the middle, at the end or at the beginning is a seal well-developed imagination. Moreover, this interpretation is relevant for both the right and left palms.

No wonder this fork is called "writer's"- a wild imagination, a lot of ideas are inherent in these creative people. Moreover, what is typical, the owners of such signs know how to turn their ideas into reality. They can also find themselves in the career of an artist or in the entrepreneurial field.

Aliveness of mind- a significant advantage of the character of such individuals. True, in contrast to him, they suffer impermanence.

IMPORTANT: If the fork is directed towards the Mount of the Moon, you should treat the person with caution - namely, do not expect too much from him. Such exactingness can squeeze the object of demands to the limit.

A branch at the very beginning of the line can be considered a warning. It means that a person has a tendency to split consciousness.
A split in the middle of the head line indicates a tendency toward depression. “Woe from mind” - that’s what they say about such individuals.

What does a triangle on the line of the mind on the right and left hand mean?

Is a very good sign. He talks about how the owner of the hand will be able to realize himself, and quite successfully, in the scientific field.

As for character, we can safely say that in front of you is a person solid. Definitely him has personality.

IMPORTANT: In difficult life situations, he is able to show courage.

What does a square on the mind line on the right and left hand mean?

In principle, the sign is quite happy. Man with him often takes risks, which can be regarded as a tendency to get into unpleasant situations. However, at the same time he knows how to deftly get out. However, it protects the square when the line of the mind seems to be inside him.

If outside, which means that a person is constantly inclined to do something get hung up. He is very dependent and can change the course of his thoughts and actions if they begin to control him.

Often found among people involved in politics.

A square on the line of the mind in some cases is a sign of obsession

The meaning of intersections of the line of the mind with the line of life, fate, heart in the palm of the hand

Sometimes it happens that the line of the mind makes a circle and crosses the life line. Fortunately, this happens infrequently, since this sign is considered the seal of a suicide. The mind prevents such a person from living happily.

It is also rare, but it happens that the head line goes up and crosses the heart line. This symbolizes victory of reason over spirituality.

IMPORTANT: You should be wary of such people. They are big egoists and heartless. Among them there are many thieves or even murderers.

Intersection with the line of fate indicates a person with well developed logical thinking. She will always find a way out even from a seemingly hopeless situation. However, not only logic helps in this, but also well-developed intuition.

The line of the mind connects with the line of fate, life, heart in the palm of the hand: what does this mean?

If the line of the mind goes up and connects with heart strip, which means that a person is used to expressing his thoughts and feelings with a non-standard approach. He is completely and completely is under the control of his feelings. And this should be alarming. The feelings that drive such a person cannot be called bright. As a result, the owner of the palm can, as they say, go over their heads.

By analogy with the previous paragraph, connection of the stripes of mind and fate points to logics.

People with a logical mindset have a connection between the lines of mind and fate

Most often it occurs connection of the lines of the head and life. It happens at reasonable individuals With rational thinking and a balanced approach to solving a particular problem. These people are different enviable self-control, are able to resolve even the hottest conflict.

IMPORTANT: It is worth paying attention to where exactly the line of the mind begins. If from the beginning of the life line, it means that the person is devoted to the family, a conservative. If the connection occurs somewhere in the middle, it means that the owner of the palm is not confident in himself and is dependent on the opinions of others.

It also happens that on the left hand the lines of the head and life merge, and on the right they diverge. This is an indicator that the person was able to become independent, received liberation from conventions.

Cross on the line of the mind in the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

But this sign is unfavorable. He promises injury. However, sometimes the interpretation turns out to be the other side - so, cross at the beginning of the strip talks about good luck.

But the mark in the middle of the strip warns about injury or any serious illness. You should also be wary if the cross marks your palm. at the end of the line.

IMPORTANT: It often happens that this sign symbolizes self-deception. The owner of the mark should think about what he is hiding from himself. Perhaps he is deceived about his goals in life.

A line parallel to the line of the mind, 2 lines of the mind on the palm of the hand: what does it mean?

This sign is very rare. And it is not surprising, because it is available geniuses. These people with extraordinary mental abilities always know how to get rich. They definitely know how to influence others.

At the same time, there is a significant degree of gullibility. Even excessive. Not always useful quality, but it can be considered a cost of genius.

IMPORTANT: Guessing in the case of a sister line is not easy, because the meaning on one of the lines can be smoothed out by the interpretation on the other.

What does a mole on the line of the mind in the palm of the hand mean?

Warns about accident which may result in a head injury. However, you should not despair in advance: firstly, this is just a warning, and, secondly, neighboring lines may make adjustments to this interpretation.

As you can see, the line of the mind is not only an indicator of the level of intelligence. Palmistry is a multifaceted science and, we hope, we were able to present this one of the main lines from various sides.

Video: Palmistry - line of the mind on the palm of the hand

The head line is viewed by palmists from both sides. Firstly, it is responsible for the internal state of a person - his memory and mental abilities. Secondly, the head line on the hand is directly responsible for the brain itself and the nervous system. In addition, other organs are often projected onto the head line, thanks to which it has many meanings and interpretations. Drawing any conclusions based only on the line of the head is stupid.

First, everyone distinguishes between a straight and curved line of the head. A straight line indicates a straight line logical thinking, and curved - for good imagination and thinking more based on feelings and faith. One of the most important aspects when viewing the line of the head, its color and depth are determined - the clearer and deeper the line, the faster man able to solve life's problems.

Much attention is paid to the beginning and end of the line. For example, the head line begins along with the life line, which indicates that our parents instill skills and abilities in us from childhood. Traditionally, the completion of the head line is connected with the hill of the moon, which reflects the level of non-standard and creative thinking.

When analyzing the head line, one cannot do without assessing the signs encountered along its path. Traditionally, crosses, secants, dots and stars, breaks, islands, circles are considered negative signs. While branches from the line speak of potential opportunities to reach new level development.

When analyzing a line, due attention is paid to its dynamics of change. They watch how she guides herself on this or that part of her hand. They also pay attention to the secondary palm; this is done to compare and see how a person uses the abilities that were given to him from birth.

Do not forget that the head line is also responsible for external manifestations human psyche. Any incorrect location of the line, its ending on hills unusual for it, indicates possible problems with the psyche in general.

Time along the head line

Time along the head line is determined quite easily. To do this, you need to lower straight lines from the middle of the base of the fingers and project them onto the line of the head itself.

So if you lower the vertical line from the middle of the base of the index finger, you will get an age equal to approximately 20 years, the same vertical line lowered from the middle of the ring finger will show an age equal to 60 years (see picture on the left.)

It is worth noting that time on the head line flows in both directions, and therefore the signs on it are often repeated.
Different sublines and processes indicate strengthening of mental abilities, but breaks, on the contrary, weaken mental activity, indicating that mental abilities are not used during this period.

If the left hand (vice versa for left-handers) shows the abilities given from birth, then the right hand shows how these opportunities and abilities are realized.

Mind line options

1. The head line is not connected to the life line. This is a good sign, which speaks of a well-built person who listens to the opinions of others in moderation and makes decisions himself. They become independent early and develop faster than others.

2. The head and heart line go together. Indicates the great influence of parents. They usually live in their parents' house for a long time. They listen to other people's opinions. First they think, and then they act. Be careful.

3. Curved head line. Logic and standards are not for you. Success in creative affairs. A vivid and overactive imagination. They go their own way, different from the majority.

4. With prolonged communication, they become predictable. They don't like novelty or innovation. They see the world without embellishment, as it is. Good mental abilities, memory. They act quickly and always understand what is wanted from them.

5. The head line is connected to the life line at the beginning. Be careful in everything. They listen to themselves and make a choice, weighing the pros and cons. Parents don't have much influence.

6. The head line is far from the life line. Independence from childhood. They leave home early. Determination, drive and arrogance are often present. They don't listen to anyone but themselves.

7. The head line ends on the hill of the moon. An overactive imagination that is used everywhere. Often have their head in the clouds and are too distracted. With good aspects, there is enormous creative potential. If they are bad, they withdraw into themselves and live in their fantasies.

8. The head line ends at the Mount of Mars. Rare line arrangement. Indicates a logical person who is able to benefit from everything. Often indicates the owner’s material well-being. Attracts money and dangerous situations.

Changes and breaks in the head line

1. The gap on the head line is upward. This gap is often duplicated on the line and indicates a fundamental change in a person’s worldview, when spiritual qualities become more important for a person than physical ones.

2. The gap on the head line is downward. It also speaks of a turning point in life, when physical and everyday interests come to the fore, and spiritual development is suspended.

3. A break in the head line. A break in the head line indicates physical injury associated with the brain. At the same time, they look to see if there is a duplicate gap or sign on the life line.

4. Double head line. The duplicate line indicates the owner’s excellent mental abilities and broad outlook. It may also indicate a double life. A person with a double head line may be known as an office worker and work in a bar at night.

When studying these signs, due attention should be paid to the life line, because if breaks on these two lines coincide, dangers associated with physical health are possible.

Signs on the head line

1. There is a cross on the head line. Talks about possible head injuries. When the signs on the life line coincide, the likelihood of injury increases.

2. There is an island on the head line. Talks about a person’s doubts, his indecision. For the duration of its action, problems with operation and implementation.

3. There is a star on the line of the head. The sign indicates a severe head injury - most often a wound or a bullet. This can only be judged by examining the entire hand.

4. There is a triangle on the head line. Talks about success in science and studies. During the period of validity of the sign, any scientific works and works will be successful.

5. There is a square on the head line. Sign of protection. Protects from the blows of fate. Negative signs (star, cross, gap) enclosed in a square do not pose a danger to life.

6. There is a circle on the head line. Bad sign, indicating health problems. Often talks about poor eyesight owner.