Aromatization with essential oils. Essential Oil Diffusing Methods. Aroma lamps and aroma lamps

It's no secret that store-bought air fresheners contain a lot of harmful substances. This also applies to other fragrance products: fabric softeners, clothing softeners, scented candles, etc. In order to surround yourself with pleasant aromas and not cause harm to your health, you can use essential oils.

Pros of using essential oils for aromatization:

1. Essential oils completely harmless, as they are of natural origin.

2. Essential oils can not only aromatize, but also cleanse the air of viruses and bacteria.

3. Essential oils besides pleasant aroma They also have therapeutic properties: they stimulate the immune system, soothe nervous system, help cope with colds.

Essential oils can be used for scenting

- premises at home and at work,

- in a car,

- linen and clothes.

The best essential oils for aromatization: anise, orange, lemon, mandarin, grapefruit, bergamot, geranium, lavender, neroli, jasmine, ylang-ylang, mint, rose, pine, fir, sandalwood, incense, eucalyptus, sage, rosewood.

Methods of aromatization with essential oils.

Aromatization of premises. The most in a simple way aromatization of a room is the evaporation of essential oils in an aroma lamp. To do this, pour the aroma lamp into the bowl warm water, drop essential oil into it or sweep the oils of your choice. Place a lit candle under the bowl of essential oil and enjoy.

The duration of evaporation of essential oil in the aroma lamp should not exceed 30 minutes.

The dosages of essential oils for aroma lamps are usually indicated in the instructions, but you should know that the amount of essential oils should not exceed 15 drops per 15 m 3 of room.

If you don't have an aroma lamp, you can use a small bowl of warm water. Drop essential oil into it and place it near the heating device.

You can also add a few drops of essential oil (5-8) to dry or artificial flowers to scent the room. The aroma of essential oils will slowly evaporate from the surface and fill the room pleasant smell.

For this purpose, you can also use simple strips of paper or cotton balls soaked in essential oils. Place a ball or piece of paper in the place where you want to scent the room. When the intensity of the aroma weakens, replace the old aroma element with a fresh one.

Another quite convenient and effective method aromatization of a room is the use of an aerosol with essential oils. To do this, take a suitable spray bottle and mix distilled water and essential oils in it. The ratio is 60 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of water. Shake the bottle well before each use.

Mixtures with essential oils for aromatizing rooms

For the hallway and living room

1 drop of pine essential oil,

2 drops each of bergamot and lemon essential oils.

3 drops orange essential oil,

2 drops fir essential oil,

1 drop of lavender mint essential oils.

1 drop each of bergamot, rose and mandarin essential oils.

For the bedroom

2 drops of lavender and rose essential oils,

1 drop of lemon essential oil,

2 drops each of rose and orange essential oils,

1 drop each of essential oils of fir, sandalwood and lemon.

Children's room

3 drops each of rose and petitgrain essential oils,

2 drops each of orange and pine essential oils.

3 drops each of ylang-ylang and palmarosa essential oils,

4 drops of valerian essential oil,

4 drops lavender essential oil,

2 drops ylang-ylang essential oil,

3 drops of sandalwood essential oil.

For kitchen and dining room

2 drops lemon essential oil,

1 drop each of mint and pine essential oils

3 drops geranium essential oil,

2 drops lavender essential oil,

1 drop of lemon essential oil.

3 drops lavender essential oil,

2 drops each of fir and geranium essential oils,

1 drop of orange essential oil.

For the toilet

2 drops each of pine and lemon essential oils,

1 drop each of mint and clove essential oils.

Scenting of linen and clothing. To scent linen and clothes, use the following mixture per 10 ml of 90⁰ alcohol, 4 drops of lavender and lemon essential oils. Pour the resulting mixture into a bottle and place it, without closing the lid, in the corner of the cabinet so that it does not tip over.

Aromatherapy as a field of knowledge about the forms and methods of influencing the body with essential oils is becoming more and more popular every day. Someone, without going into the intricacies of this complex practical science, simply sometimes uses their favorite essential oils “according to their mood,” some limit themselves to aromatizing rooms, and many turn to aromatherapy as a method of prevention or treatment.

The influence on humans of the main instrument of aromatherapy—essential oils—is far from being limited to the sphere of physiology, affecting also psychological state, And emotional sphere, and social connections. And this impact cannot be assessed unambiguously, categorized according to clear criteria. The nature of the influence of specific products depends not only on the characteristics of the oils themselves, but also on the correct selection of methods and methods of their use. And there are so many variations of their classification that even experienced professionals can get confused.

Methods of practical use of aromatic oils, and, accordingly, aromatherapy methods are divided into separate groups and subclasses, guided by a variety of criteria - from the purpose of application to the scope of application, from impact characteristics to intensity. But the most important classification is beyond doubt: all aromatherapy methods can be divided into internal and external.

Taking essential oils internally

Many aromatherapists generally do not recommend taking any essential oils internally (even diluted and in minimal doses), not to mention pure use, because only a few essential oils can boast of absolute non-toxicity and the absence of irritation to the mucous membranes.

Can be used relatively calmly as a medicinal internal means citrus aromatic oils, spices, and (if there is no individual intolerance), but only under the careful supervision and control of a specialist.

Oils pre-diluted in a base (honey or sugar) are used internally, washed down with enough a large number juice or water.

TO internal methods application includes not only direct use as medicine, but also rinsing, effects on the oral cavity and enrichment of culinary delicacies and drinks. All mouth or throat rinses, as well as the use of aromatic oils as an additive to toothpastes and balms, are considered absolutely safe and help relieve severe inflammation.

In cooking, with the help of various aromatic oils, they add a special smell, enriching tea (,), strong alcoholic drinks and wine (citrus and spice oils).

External methods of applying oils

External methods can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Inhalation- affecting the respiratory system and sense of smell.
  2. Transdermal- methods affecting the skin.

Aromatization of premises and disinfection are most often included in inhalation methods, but in some cases they are classified into the group of methods for household use. Some methods, for example, scented baths, simultaneously belong to two groups - they act both through the respiratory system and through the skin.

1. Inhalation methods

All inhalation methods are based on the perception of aromas by the respiratory and olfactory organs. They are widely used not only in non-traditional, but also in official medicine, in particular, in the treatment of complicated and chronic diseases respiratory organs.

This group of methods includes a variety of ways to use aromatic oils - from aromatizing rooms and individual perfumes to inhalation and sauna aromatization.

Aroma lamps and aroma lamps

Of course, this group of “breathing” methods also includes the most common method of aromatherapy - the use of oils in. It is also called the method of diffuse or non-concentrated exposure. Evaporating together in water, into which a few drops of the selected essential oil or prepared mixture are introduced, under the influence of a candle flame or electric heating, the molecules of aromatic oils enter the air, aromatizing the room and affecting the olfactory organs.

Standard dosage - 6 drops for every 15 square meters premises. This method is used not only to refresh and deodorize rooms and disinfect them, but also to create a special mood and change the psychological and emotional state.

Aromatization of premises

An alternative to this method is to spray a cold water mixture with essential oils using a spray bottle - a natural analogue of an industrial deodorant spray with chemicals at the core. when sprayed, it is much less pronounced than when heated in an aroma lamp, and the effect on the inhaler is softer and weaker.

Add from 3 to a maximum of 10 drops of aromatic oils to a glass of purified water, while either adding a teaspoon of alcohol for greater stability, or reducing the storage period of the deodorizing mixture to 1 week. The effect of the spray is usually felt for a short period of time. long period time.

Inhalations with aroma oils

Do not confuse aromatization using an aroma lamp with inhalations, which are rightfully considered an intensive therapeutic (medicinal) procedure.

Hot inhalations carried out by inhaling the steam of intensely boiled water with the addition of essential oils (covered with a towel and eyes closed) or using special devices. Such an intense effect changes the condition very strongly and quickly, so the procedure is not carried out longer than 5-10 minutes, and the concentration of aromatic oils is in no case exceeded.

Cold inhalations carried out by inhaling undiluted, pure aroma oil (or mixture) directly from the bottle, using a personal aroma pendant, soaking a handkerchief in it, or applying it pointwise to bed linen. Cold inhalations are also quite intense, but they change the condition less dramatically, affecting mainly the emotional and psychological state, sleep and mood.

Perfume, hydrosol, perfume compositions

Individual perfumes, colognes, fragrant water () and eau de toilette also affect the olfactory organs and serve rather as a supportive, prophylactic than a component of therapy.

They use mixtures of essential oils or their solutions in alcohol and water, just like regular perfume compositions, creating a base, but with a pronounced psychological and emotional background. This is purely individual method aromatherapy.

Bath and sauna with essential oils

Unlike baths, they are perceived exclusively through the respiratory system, so their use in these procedures also applies to inhalation methods. The main effect of aromatic oils is preventive.

They scent the room every hour, without pouring the mixture onto hot stones, but by spraying the heated surfaces of the room: take from 5 to 15 drops of selected essential oils onto a ladle of water.

2. Transdermal (cutaneous) methods

Cutaneous methods include not only baths, which are partly a breathing procedure, but also massages, rubbing, compresses, applications and all methods of enrichment cosmetics- from daily and special creams to lotions, balms, shampoos and shower gels.

Whatever the method of use, essential oils are never applied directly to the skin in their pure, undiluted form.

Aroma baths

- this is not only preventative, but also medical procedure. Baths can be hot, warm or almost cool. Comfortable temperature is selected individually.

In no case are aromatic oils introduced directly into water, but are first diluted in a reliable emulsifier - milk, yogurt, kefir, honey, wine, sea salt.

The duration of the procedure to avoid deterioration of well-being should not exceed 20 minutes, while the standard dosage is 2 to 6 drops of fragrant oil.

Massage with essential oils

Massages with the addition of essential oils also come in a variety of varieties. Light, relaxing, aromatherapy, soothing or intense therapeutic - the type of massage is chosen depending on the purpose for which it is performed.

Actually this is separate species massage with a completely different technique than usual procedures.

Essential oils (just a couple of drops per 10-15 grams of base) are mixed into massage cream or and only then applied to the skin.

Rubbing, compresses and applications

  • Rubbing used as an alternative to massage or for a quick localized effect on the source of pain, discomfort. Enough large dose essential oils are added to the base oil (maximum - up to 15 drops per tablespoon) and rubbed into the area of ​​discomfort on the skin until completely absorbed, making intense circular movements.
  • In addition to rubbing, local effects are also compresses(hot or cold depending on the nature of the damage and inflammation), which is done by applying cloth or gauze soaked in a mixture of water and aromatic oils (up to 8 drops per glass).
  • Applications Usually done for small areas of damaged skin (ulcers, eczema, severe cuts), using cotton wool soaked in pure or diluted essential oil.

Types of compresses include weak soaking bandages antiseptic oils mixed with alcohol or vodka (up to 5 drops per teaspoon), body wraps in sheets soaked in water with a few drops of aromatic oils per liter. This procedure is considered one of the best for intensive skin hydration.

Flavored water is used for rinsing and washing. Add up to 8 drops of essential oil per liter of ordinary water, shake and wash or rinse your hair and body as with ordinary water.

First of all, essential oils are used in the nasopharynx during colds. For this purpose, fir, eucalyptus, mint, and pine oils are used.

Here is the simplest method of inhalation in the absence of a special device:

Boil water in a kettle;
- remove from heat and add a few drops to the kettle;
- roll a small bag from a piece of paper and put it on the spout of the kettle;
- carefully inhale hot air through your mouth.

Essential oils can be used to create warming and relaxing baths for tired feet. Add a few drops to heated water and the foot muscles will relax and tension will disappear.

Essential oils help relieve pain syndromes, calm down. They can even be used to treat stinging insect bites. Known to many Vietnamese balm“Star” consists entirely of concentrated essential oils. It is rubbed into the temples along maxillary sinuses and above the bridge of the nose during and during. They sting the place - the itching and redness go away.

Essential oils are included in compositions for rubbing during massage. Cosmetology salons use them for nourishing masks and rejuvenation of facial skin. After such a procedure using fir oil a visitor to one popular salon left her review: “The skin simply breathes freshness and youth!”

Essential oils must be used with great care. After all, some of them can only be used under the supervision of a specialist.

Among the oils, there are some that should never be used by pregnant women. For example, mint, sage, cedar.

If you have hypertension, you should not use thyme, pine, rosemary, or sage oil. And pine and coriander are not recommended for use after a heart attack or stroke.

Basil and cypress are contraindicated in cases of severe blood clotting.

Use of essential oils in everyday life

Essential oils may slow down aging because they are antioxidants. They can improve mood and act as antiseptics. They relieve inflammation and reduce pain. Tinctures, ointments, balms, and massage - all this works wonderfully for the benefit of a person.

Households usually use oils as aromatic substances for storing laundry. The most commonly used oils are lavender, peppermint, orange and ylang-ylang oils. For this purpose, a few drops are placed on a piece of canvas or any cotton fabric. Such scraps can be laid out on the shelves of the linen closet.

Avoid getting oil directly on your laundry as it leaves permanent yellow stains.

Essential aromatic oils can be used while bathing. A few drops rose oil will fill the body with freshness and lift your spirits.

Aroma lamps are used to give a living space a pleasant aroma. In this case, you can use any oil you like, but no more than half an hour. You should also know whether the odor causes allergic reaction. Aromatherapy is generally contraindicated.
Oversaturation with any aroma can lead to headaches.

Instead of an aroma lamp, you can use a regular electric one. Place a small drop of oil on the edge of a lamp (preferably a table lamp). When turned on, it heats up and evaporates. The air is filled with aroma.

A little unusual, but very effective, using essential oils while cleaning a room. On back vacuum cleaner, wet gauze is applied to which a little aromatic oil. During operation of the device, hot air passes through the gauze and is blown out into the room with an already enriched aroma. At the same time, dust particles from the exiting air flow settle on damp cloth. The air becomes clean and pleasant.

Essential oils can be used indoors for a variety of purposes. Thanks to beneficial properties, oils help clean and disinfect the air, rid the house of insects, and eliminate unpleasant odors. In most cases, ethers are used to create an unforgettable fairy-tale atmosphere.

Depending on the type of oil you choose for your home, it will have different effects on emotional state, influence the atmosphere of the room. Before purchasing oil, you need to know exactly for what purpose the product will be used.

You can saturate your home with the healing aromas of oils using the following methods:

  1. Spray. You will need to dilute a few drops of the desired ether in water; then use a spray bottle to disperse the liquid throughout the house. Spray the oil carefully so as not to damage the furniture. After spraying, the room will be saturated with the smell of oil for two hours.
  2. Dry mixtures. You can enrich the room with a pleasant smell by using dry aromatic mixtures, placing them in any container. Flower petals, large spices, and plant leaves are suitable as flavoring agents. Maintain aroma long time easy if you periodically apply 2 drops of essential oil to the mixture.
  3. If you add 3 drops of ether to the conditioner while washing bed linen, you will be able to saturate the fabric with the aroma of the oil, ensuring that the linen and room are saturated with a healing scent.
  4. You can fill a separate room in your home with a wonderful aroma by using sachets. You will need to apply 3-4 drops of the desired oil to the bag and place it indoors.
  5. An alternative to the aroma lamp is to use a regular paper napkin or cotton wool soaked in oil. The cotton wool should be placed behind the photo and glued under the table. It is important to remember that the soaked tampon should be removed periodically so that the body can take a break from the smell of oil. The duration of aromatization should not exceed 2 hours.

The best scents for your home

Comfort and coziness

  • You can create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort using a mixture of 2 drops of orange essential oil and 1 drop of cinnamon. You can spread the aroma of the composition around the house by anyone in a convenient way. Cedar oil mixed with pine ether will help create a winter, New Year's atmosphere.
  • If the aroma of fruits or conifers is not suitable, it is better to give preference lavender oil. Its smell is light and unobtrusive. It is great for scenting a closet or chest of drawers.
  • Lemon oil is best choice for aromatizing kitchens and baths. With the help of this ether you can give the room a feeling of freshness. To freshen up a room, peppermint oil is also suitable. If you combine 3 drops of lemon with 1 drop of mint, the room will have an aroma of healthy cleanliness.

Relaxing scents

  • Because modern man lives at a constant fast pace, then very often, when he comes home, he cannot quickly relax. To gain a sense of calm, many people resort to using herbal teas, scented baths. To feel a sense of calm and relaxation when you come home, you can use lavender, bergamot, lemon balm, jasmine, and ylang-ylang oils.
  • These esters can be used not only as a room fragrance, but also for massage and baths. Such procedures enhance the properties of oils, as they penetrate the body faster, which promotes quality rest and quick relaxation.
  • If you moisten a cotton pad with relaxing essential oils, and then place it under your pillowcase or duvet cover, then restful sleep secured.

Cleaning the house with ethers

All aroma oils have antiseptic properties. For washing floors or wet cleaning instead of detergent you can use essential oils.

Esters with strong antiseptic properties:

  • lemon;
  • tea tree;
  • lavender;
  • geranium;
  • oregano

To carry out wet cleaning, you need to mix 2 tbsp. l. vinegar with 15 drops of any oil, then add the mixture to a bucket of warm water. After washing, the floor will become shiny and all germs will be destroyed.

If necessary, minimize use household chemicals To disinfect the room, you can also use essential oils. The spray copes with this task perfectly.

  • 5 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 tsp. vodka;
  • 8 drops of essential oil.

The ingredients should be mixed, poured into a spray bottle, add water, and shake vigorously. The liquid must be shaken before use.

Creating a healthy microclimate

To alleviate the symptoms of the disease, you can use essential oils that have a healing effect on the respiratory system. These include:

  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • incense;
  • lavender.

During the period when colds often affect humans, it is recommended to use oils that can eliminate sore throat, cough, and bronchitis:

It is better to use oils by spraying them around the room. If you warm up the room before going to the shower and then disperse the oil-water mixture there, the aroma from the oils will increase significantly, as will its beneficial effects on the body.


Despite the great benefits of oils, they have a number of contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the product;
  • period of gestation, breastfeeding.

Some of the oils have their own individual contraindications; You can find them on the packaging of the purchased product.


  1. When choosing oil, you need to pay attention to its expiration date.
  2. Natural oil can be stored for 1 to 2 years. If the packaging indicates an expiration date of more than two years, then most likely the oil is not natural, but synthesized using chemical additives.
  3. The oil should only be stored in a dark, cool place, out of reach of children. The bottle with ether must be protected from direct sunlight.

Essential oils can be used for more than just healing various diseases, but also to give the house a comfortable, cozy, healthy aroma. Using the product you can get rid of various unpleasant odors, microbes and insects.

There are many different essential oils available these days, so sometimes it can be very difficult to make right choice. Each of them has very strong and unique properties, so it is important to understand what to use and in what case. When you hold a bottle of essential oil in your hands, you are literally looking at the very essence of the plant. We'd like to give you tips on how to get the most out of it.

1. Heal bruises

Arnica oil is known to increase blood circulation and can actually help heal bruising, swelling and inflammation. It can be applied directly to the site of a bruise or tumor, or added to the bath. But keep in mind that arnica is a poisonous plant and its oil should not be used regularly. Additionally, it is definitely not suitable for ingestion or oral use.

2. Relieve headaches

To get rid of headaches, mix two drops of oil peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender, add to the base oil. Apply this mixture to the skin behind your ears, back side neck, forehead and under the nose.

3. As a repellent

Use cedar, citronella or clove oil to get rid of mosquitoes. They can be used in a diffuser or mixed with a small amount coconut oil, wait until it hardens and then simply apply to the skin.

4. Clean the house

Replace chemicals To clean your home, you can use essential oils of eucalyptus or tea tree, which have excellent disinfectant properties. It's important to remember that these oils are not water-soluble, so if you simply add a few drops to a bottle of water, they will remain on the surface. To make an effective cleaning solution, you should first dissolve the oil in alcohol and then add it to a mixture of vinegar and water.

5. Improve skin condition

Essential oils are great for skin care. It is better to use lavender, jojoba, geranium and rosehip oil. For regular skin care, add a few drops to a carrier oil or warm honey, leave on face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. For daily use, you can add a few drops to the cream.

6. Deodorization of trash cans

Considering that all food waste is thrown into them, it is not surprising that the smell of garbage bins leaves much to be desired. To get rid of it, mix a few drops of geranium, grapefruit or lemon oil with baking soda and sprinkle the mixture on the bottom of the trash can.

7. Hair care

Mix a few drops of jojoba, ginger, rosehip, lavender, rosemary and thyme oils with a carrier oil, apply to hair (including roots), and leave for 30 minutes before rinsing. If you do this procedure several times a month, the results will be very impressive.

8. Relieve tension

You can massage with a few drops of lavender oil. You should massage the muscles of the neck, temples and under the ear right behind the jaw.

9. Freshen up the refrigerator

Use lime, grapefruit, bergamot, or lemongrass oil after cleaning your refrigerator to keep your refrigerator smelling nice and fresh.

10. Clean the bathroom

Use lemon, grapefruit, rosemary or geranium oil in a diffuser to freshen the air in your bathroom.

11. Get rid of stubborn stains

If you have a stain on your clothes that won't respond to normal washing, it's time to use lemon oil. It works great on stains from wax, oil, chewing gum or glue. But be aware that lemon oil is very acidic and can even damage the plastic or cause skin irritation.

12. Refresh the carpets

You can refresh your carpet with geranium, lavender, lemon or peppermint oil. Just add oil to baking soda, sprinkle it on the carpet, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then dry.

13. The smell of bath towels

Apply a few drops of your favorite essential oil to a cloth and place in the dryer with clean towels. You will get a pleasant and delicate smell.

14. Relax

Want to take a hot, relaxing bath? Add chamomile, lavender or jasmine oil to the water and enjoy.

15. Stay cheerful

If you are very tired, but there is no time to sleep, rosemary oil will help you. Use it in a diffuser or apply a few drops to a cloth. Good idea Keep a small bottle of this oil in your car if you drive a lot, so you can use it whenever you feel extreme fatigue, but you won't be able to take a break.

16. Get rid of leg pain

Our legs often hurt and get tired towards the end have a long day. To get rid of the feeling of fatigue, you should add a few drops of peppermint oil to a salt bath.

17. Strengthen the immune system

Oregano oil is known for its ability to strengthen immune system. Just rub it into your feet.

18. Body detoxification

To do this you should prepare warm bath with salt and rosemary or juniper oil.

19. Relax your muscles

Mix 30 ml of wintergreen essential oil and 1 ml of peppermint oil with half a glass of alcohol (preferably 70 percent), and apply the resulting mixture to the area of ​​sore muscles. Do not use this remedy immediately after training while your muscles are warm, as it may be painful.

20. Air conditioning

You can refresh your air conditioner by placing a cotton ball in front of the vent and adding a few drops of your favorite oil to it.

Please note

Unfortunately, there are a lot of fake essential oils on the market these days. Some dishonest sellers dilute real essential oils with cheap cooking oils to reduce their cost. Good news is that you can check the quality of the product. Apply a drop of oil to the paper and leave for a few minutes. 100% pure essential oil should evaporate without leaving a greasy residue. Keep in mind that this test can only be used on essential oils.