Do your heels hurt from blood clots? Causes of phlebothrombosis. Diagnosis of saphenous vein thrombosis

A blood clot in the leg, the symptoms of which are familiar to many people firsthand, is not only an aesthetic problem, it is also quite complex disease, because it can have very serious consequences.

What is it?

Thrombus in the leg, that is, complete or partial blocking of a vein with a blood clot, as a result of which blood flow in the limb either decreases or stops completely. There are two types of this disease:

  • thrombosis, that is, blocking of a vein in the leg by a blood clot;
  • phlebothrombosis, that is, formation.

Both varieties are combined under one diagnosis - thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

It is extremely rare. According to medical statistics, about ten out of a hundred such cases are diagnosed.

Why do blood clots form?

Experts consider the following to be the main reasons why blood clots form and consolidate in the veins of the legs:

  • stagnation of blood flow in the lower extremities, which occurs when the legs remain in one position for a long time, for example, sitting in the office or standing at the counter, and blood flow can also be obstructed due to developed varicose veins;
  • blood stagnation, which occurs during bed rest, in paralyzed or non-ambulatory people, and also when the legs are compressed, for example, by corrective tights or stockings;
  • inflammation of the walls of veins and blood vessels that occurs through various reasons usually due to infections, injections, leg injuries and allergic reactions;
  • disturbances in the processes of blood clotting, its thickening, which is usually a consequence of taking medications or accompanies any liver diseases, immune disorders or cancer;
  • pregnancy;
  • constant lifting and carrying of heavy objects, the weight of which exceeds the permissible individual limit of the body;
  • long-term use hormonal drugs, including contraceptives.

The blood clot itself directly forms on the leg when three main conditions are combined:

  • violation of the elasticity or integrity of the wall of a vessel or vein;
  • with slow blood flow;
  • at increased quantity platelets, that is, when high rate blood clotting.

What a blood clot looks like directly depends on where exactly it is located and for what reasons it formed.

What are the types of blood clots?

Before treating thrombosis, the doctor determines the nature, stage of progress and condition of the disease. Thrombosis can be:

  • stagnant;
  • inflamed;
  • connected.

Thrombosis may be associated with disorders in the circulatory system, varicose veins, intake medicines and other circumstances that caused the formation of a clot in a vein, that is, thrombosis. In this case, treatment is carried out comprehensively, since it is only a consequence, in fact, a symptom of another ailment that needs to be treated.

Depending on how blood clots in the veins are connected to the walls of the vessels, they can be:

  • floating;
  • wall;
  • occlusive;
  • mixed.

Mixed blood clots are the most dangerous for humans, since their character can change at any moment, that is, at any second it can break off, clog a vessel, or begin to move through the bloodstream.

Signs of blood clots

The main signs of a blood clot in the leg, which a person can notice on their own, without consulting a doctor, are:

  • dilatation and bulging of veins;
  • pain in the legs, especially on the “inside”;
  • sudden attack point pain in one place of the leg, when lifting weights or loads, most often such a sign “visits” the right leg;
  • swelling of the legs that occurs regardless of the amount of fluid you drink;
  • thickening and discoloration of the skin in certain parts of the legs;
  • periodic ailments and increases in body temperature that are in no way related to colds or other diseases;
  • the difference in the temperature of the extremities - healthy and sick, if the blood clot is in only one of them;
  • rapid fatigue of the legs, muscle pain in them and weakness.

Unfortunately, the first signs of blood clots often go unnoticed not only by the patients themselves, but also by medical workers.

How are blood clots diagnosed?

The reason for going to the clinic, of course, is a combination of symptoms that worries a person. Blood clots in the legs are confirmed or refuted by doctors using the following diagnostic procedures:

  • Doppler ultrasound examination;
  • angioscanning with duplex ultrasound;
  • rheovasographic study detecting blood clots;
  • taking blood tests to determine the possibility of thrombophlebia, general indicators and the presence of inflammatory processes.

Once the symptoms of thrombosis are suspected, the symptoms are diagnosed and treatment is determined, recovery depends only on the severity of the thrombosis, its neglect, the responsible attitude and discipline of the patient himself.

How to treat?

Thrombophlebitis can be treated on an outpatient basis only if the area where the blood clot is located is in the ankle area. To treat other areas affected by thrombosis, a hospital stay will be required.

Drug therapy for treating blood clots is always different an integrated approach and, depending on individual clinical picture may include:

  • painkillers;
  • anticoagulants;
  • antiplatelet agents;
  • angioprotectors;
  • thrombolytics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • phlebotonics, usually ointments and gels;
  • antibacterial agents in the presence of extensive inflammation.

Of course, every patient with thrombosis is entitled to strict bed rest. The duration of which depends on the severity of thrombosis. Typically, bed rest for thrombosis lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.

In addition to drug therapy, for thrombosis in some cases, treatment also involves surgical intervention.

The biggest difficulty in how to cure a blood clot arises when the disease progresses to, in which there is a very high risk of both direct separation of the blood clot and its fragmentation into pieces that begin to move through the bloodstream. At this stage of thrombosis, a vena cava filter is installed on the vein, a kind of mesh that does not let through and collects blood clots and clots in the vessel.

Is it possible to cure thrombosis using traditional methods?

Treatment of thrombosis with folk remedies makes sense only at the very beginning of the formation of blood clots, but not at a time when the disease has already become obvious.

However, folk remedies for thrombosis are very good, as preventive measures, for use if there is a tendency to the occurrence and development of thrombosis, for example, due to heredity, any diseases, or lifestyle and work habits.

Among the folk recipes, the following can be considered the most effective for thrombosis.

Tincture of white cinquefoil root

Dried roots are sold at any pharmacy. They need to be crushed and filled with alcohol. Proportions – 100 grams of plant per 1 liter of alcohol. You need to insist in an opaque container in a cool place for two weeks.

For thrombosis, use both internally and externally. Internal intake – a tablespoon of infusion, diluted with a glass of water, twice a day. Externally - rub the infusion into the place where a blood clot has formed or may form, and for prevention - completely on all legs, once every two days, before bedtime.

Herbal infusion

In case of thrombosis you will need herbal tea containing horsetail, common knotweed and hawthorn. Herbs should be presented in equal proportions. For an infusion against blood clots, they are poured with boiling water at the rate of 100 grams of dry plant material per 400 ml of water.

You need to insist for at least 4-5 hours, and take a quarter glass of the decoction for thrombosis, three times a day.

Propolis and honey

The results of the work of bees are good both for oral administration and for external use for thrombosis. As an ointment, honey is mixed with alcohol and rubbed into the legs, at least twice a week, at the site of the blood clot, and internally, honey and propolis for thrombosis are simply eaten daily, without any dosages or restrictions.

In case of thrombosis you will need fresh leaves ordinary fern, which should be crushed into a homogeneous porridge. You can use a blender or food processor for this. In the received green mass need to be added sour milk, so that when mixed, you get a fairly thick and viscous mass, with a consistency reminiscent of ointment.

For the purpose of preventing or treating thrombosis, ready-made product wrapped in gauze and applied to the legs like a compress. You need to keep it until the layer of fern pulp dries completely, and use it daily for thrombosis.

Frozen fern can also be used for thrombosis, but its effectiveness is lower, but dried raw materials for blood clots are useless.

Bark decoction

You will need oak and willow bark, they are sold in pharmacies. They should be boiled over low heat in a ratio of 50/50/500; of course, the volume can be increased while maintaining the proportions. Let the decoction brew for two hours and add it to the bath, or prepare a foot bath using only the decoction.

Accept medicinal baths for thrombosis and its prevention, it is necessary at least four times a week, and the duration of the feet in the water with the broth should be at least forty minutes. The water temperature should not be hot so as not to provoke.

Taking advantage folk recipes in case of thrombosis, it is important to understand that not a single folk remedy in the world can cure thrombosis by replacing the surgeon’s scalpel or filtration meshes that can catch the blood clot. Therefore, in case of thrombosis, they should be treated not as an alternative to medicine, but as complementary preventive and health-improving agents that can prevent the formation of a blood clot.

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Thormbophlebitis often complicates the course. Although the symptoms are quite severe, many patients are reluctant to go to the doctor, unaware of the deadly risk.

Often, vascular disease requires urgent medical care to avoid life-threatening conditions. That's why early diagnosis- deposit successful treatment thrombophlebitis.

Thrombophlebitis - what is it?

Thrombophlebitis is a vascular disease that includes two negative processes: inflammation and thrombus formation. Most often, thrombophlebitis affects the veins of the lower extremities, both superficial and deep. The disease has an unpredictable course.

At any moment, a blood clot can break away from the wall and block the pulmonary artery, blood vessels of the brain (stroke) or heart (heart attack), which often leads to instant death.

Etiology of the disease

Thrombophlebitis always develops against the background of primary pathology. Most often, thrombophlebitis is diagnosed in people:

  1. Suffering from varicose veins - stagnation of blood in the lower part of the body due to weakness of the venous wall;
  2. Having blood relatives with diagnosed vascular pathology;
  3. WITH increased coagulability blood - this condition is observed when endocrine diseases, oncopathology, serious illnesses liver;
  4. With the factor of trauma to the venous wall - infectious-toxic damage, autoimmune failure or injections not made according to the rules.

The risk group for the development of thrombophlebitis includes pregnant women, obese patients, bedridden patients, the elderly and people leading a sedentary lifestyle (drivers, programmers, office workers).

The first signs of thrombophlebitis by type (photo)

Based on the location of the inflammation, doctors diagnose:

  • thrombophlebitis of superficial veins;
  • pathology of deep-seated venous vessels(otherwise called phlebothrombosis).

The clinical picture depends on the rate of development of painful signs of thrombophlebitis:

  1. Acute thrombophlebitis is diagnosed quite rarely, severe symptoms increase and reach a peak already on the 2nd day;
  2. Subacute course - often observed with damage to deep veins, signs of thrombophlebitis are less intense and develop in waves;
  3. Chronic thrombophlebitis - foci of inflammation occur periodically, and their localization may change (migrating thrombophlebitis).

Symptoms of thrombophlebitis and their intensity depend on the depth of the lesion venous system and localization of the pathological focus.

Thrombophlebitis of the saphenous veins of the legs photo 2

Often, damage to the veins of the lower extremities is caused by long course varicose veins. Thrombophlebitis of varicose veins can be suspected by the deterioration of the patient's condition. Characteristic features:

  • bursting pain in the affected leg, some relief comes from lifting the affected limb higher (put it on a chair, raise the leg to the wall in a lying position);
  • the appearance of a purplish-cyanotic area above the site of the lesion, the skin below the thrombosis becomes pale;
  • the appearance of a venous pattern due to the expansion of veins;
  • in the background general increase temperature up to 38ºС, the affected limb remains cold.

Often the onset of phlebothrombosis remains unattended due to its mild initial symptoms. With deep venous lesions, the patient notes:

  • increased heaviness in the leg;
  • swelling;
  • increased pain when turning the shin inward, positioning the leg down;
  • burning in calf muscle, unpleasant feeling crawling;
  • gradual appearance of a dense area above the affected vein;
  • spread of cyanosis along the vein.

Deep thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities may subside and intensify again. Often the patient records a change in localization external manifestations disease (migratory form).

Despite the erasure of symptoms, this type of venous lesion is no less dangerous in terms of blood clot detachment than the acute and subacute form.

Thrombophlebitis large femoral vein causes high fever and sharp pain spreading to the leg bottom part abdomen, lower back.

The limb and buttock on the affected side swell, the skin on the leg becomes white with a purple tint, the superficial veins on the leg and abdominal wall clearly appear through the skin. Severe symptoms indicate blocking of the vein lumen by a thrombus.

Important diagnostic signs of thrombophlebitis

  • Louvel's symptom - pain in the injured leg increases during sneezing and coughing.
  • Homans' symptom - the patient lies on his back, legs are bent, circular movements of the foot provoke pain.
  • Optitsa-Ramines test - a cuff from a pressure measuring device is placed below the knee, air is injected into it. With such manipulation, severe pain occurs in the popliteal fossa and radiates to the lower leg.
  • Lowenberg's test - a blood pressure cuff is placed on the lower leg and filled with air. Thrombophlebitis is indicated by pain that occurs at around 80-100 mmHg. Art. Healthy man does not feel discomfort until the pressure in the cuff rises to 170 mmHg. Art.
  • Moses test - pain that occurs when the lower leg is compressed in front and behind, is characteristic of deep vein thrombophlebitis.

Conditions complicating the course of thrombophlebitis

Absence timely treatment, chronic course thrombophlebitis is fraught with the development of severe complications:

1) Suppuration of a blood clot(septic thrombophlebitis) - purulent melting of a blood clot in superficial vein provokes the development of an abscess or phlegmonous inflammation.

Deep suppuration of the focus of thrombophlebitis provokes blood sepsis. A septic condition is characterized by sharp deterioration conditions, severe intoxication.

This condition requires immediate resuscitation care and massive antibiotic therapy.

2) Postthrombophlebitic disease (elephantiasis)- significant increase in size injured limb associated with chronic venous insufficiency and is accompanied by frequent convulsions, constant pain and formation trophic ulcers against the background of a darkened area.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis - effective drugs and techniques

Treatment methods for thrombophlebitis directly depend on the severity of the symptoms of the disease and the rapidity of development of symptoms. If you contact us in a timely manner medical institution, thrombophlebitis is treated conservatively, although hospitalization of the patient is often required.

Radical intervention - surgery- carried out in unstable condition and a high threat to the patient’s life.

Conservative therapy

Non-surgical treatment includes local exposure and general drug therapy. The dosage of medications and the duration of their use are selected by the treating phlebologist, taking into account diagnostic data and the severity of external manifestations of the disease.

Local therapy:

  • Antithrombotic ointments - Heparin;
  • Gels and ointments containing NSAIDs - Indomethacin, Diclofenac and their analogs (have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect);
  • Physiotherapy - UHF, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis with non-steroidal drugs, local treatment leeches.

Important! Ointments are applied carefully and are effective only when the saphenous veins are damaged. It is strictly forbidden to rub and massage the sore leg. Even a slight force can cause a blood clot to break off. The course of treatment with ointments is 2 weeks.

General drug treatment carried out even after elimination external symptoms and is aimed at eliminating the cause of thrombophlebitis. The phlebologist individually selects a treatment regimen with the following drugs:

  • anticoagulants - tablets containing Aspirin (Thrombo ACC), in severe cases heparin injections under medical supervision;
  • medications from the NSAID group - Ortofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren (injection forms are the most effective);
  • venotonics - the best venotonic Detralex is considered, the course of treatment is long (at least 3 months);
  • antibiotic therapy - only if bacterial flora is detected in the blood, used carefully (thicken the blood).

Diet for thrombophlebitis

Therapeutic nutrition is compiled taking into account the saturation of the menu with products that help strengthen the vascular walls:

  • seasonings - cinnamon, pepper (especially red);
  • berries - watermelon, cranberries, dogwood, grapes, any dried fruits;
  • vegetables - onions and garlic are especially beneficial for blood vessels.

Patients with thrombophlebitis should avoid eating marinades, kale, liver, alcohol, spinach, and coffee. Meat and sweet dishes, legumes, bananas and animal fats are subject to restrictions.

Surgical treatment of thrombophlebitis

Surgical intervention is performed when acute form thrombophlebitis, spread inflammatory process and confirmed instrumental research blood clot separation ( emergency surgery to save lives).

Surgeons practice the following modern surgical methods:

Endovascular thrombectomy- bringing a catheter to the site of thrombosis and destroying the blood clot using special microinstruments or medication. Therapeutic catheterization is performed under local anesthesia, the progress of manipulations is monitored on a digital monitor.

Transcatheter implantation into the vessel of the filter mesh - a special design prevents the movement of blood clots to vital vessels (lungs, heart, brain). After the operation, the patient is prescribed a long course of anticoagulants.

Clipping- application of clips that narrow the lumen of the vessel above the site of thrombosis is advisable if previously performed transcatheter thrombotomy is ineffective and multiple blood clots are detected.

The operation is quite radical; subsequently, the development of congestion in the operated limb cannot be ruled out.


Thrombophlebitis is a dangerous disease, fraught with sudden deterioration of the condition when a blood clot breaks off. Only early treatment and long-term complex therapy medications can eliminate inflammation and dissolve already formed blood clots.

In this case, medicinal courses of venotonics and anticoagulants should be regularly repeated after testing.

Thrombus or more commonly known as thrombosis- This dangerous disease, which creates numerous blood clots in the body and can form in almost all parts of the body and internal organs. Formed intravitally in blood vessels or the heart cavity due to damage blood channel and the coagulation process begins outside the vessel.

Experts distinguish 4 main types of blood clots according to their size, appearance, color and a number of other characteristics:

If there is a pathological effect in the history of thrombosis, then such cases are divided into 3 more subtypes:

  1. Maranthic thrombus. Formed on the limbs and meninges in elderly, exhausted people.
  2. Tumor thrombus. Formed at sites of metastasis malignant tumors by ingrowth of the affected tissue into the lumen of the vein, when the lumen is blocked, a blood clot is formed.
  3. Septic thrombus. Formed against the background of a purulent inflammatory process, it can form both on external veins and on heart valves.

Symptoms of leg thrombosis

Most often, blood clots are localized on the legs; when they form, the following symptoms appear:

  • Seal and the appearance of colored spots of red, white, gray, blue colors in the area of ​​veins.
  • Painful sensations when pressing at the site of thrombus formation.
  • Weakness and malaise, increased body temperature, possible vomiting without vomiting.


Typically, thrombosis is diagnosed quickly and without difficulty. , how to resolve
The body itself will tell you whether a blood clot is detected, since the diagnosis can be confirmed even with a visual examination.

  • Blood test. The purpose of the analysis is to detect infection in the blood, excess levels of hormones, and tumor markers. The quantitative content of antibodies and their quality are determined. This type The research is highly informative and as accurate as possible, the results are usually ready within 10 working days.
    Before donating blood, you must follow several rules:
    • Donate blood on an empty stomach, 8-12 hours should pass after the last meal, and drink juice, tea, and coffee for a few hours.
    • Consumption of alcohol of any kind is prohibited for 1.5 days, you cannot overwork and take excessive loads on the body.
    • If the patient has a need for anticoagulants, the specialist must be notified.
  • Doppler ultrasound. The study is painless and has no contraindications as with a blood test. The specialist places sensors through the veins to determine the quality of blood flow; the procedure is carried out within 40 minutes. It is usually prescribed to insulin-dependent people and people who cannot tolerate the sight of blood.
    Do the procedure there is one significant drawback, since it cannot show a blood clot on early stage development, when treatment and recovery will not take too long.
  • Angiography. A catheter is inserted into the vein and a contrast agent is released into the blood in small portions.
    After administering the required dose, carried out as usual x-ray, a specialist can notice a blood clot even at the earliest stage of formation and treatment will take no more than 10 days. This is the main advantage over ultrasound.
  • Phlebography. Without an urgent need, such a procedure is not prescribed, since it is expensive and provides strong radiation to the surface being examined; skin irritation may occur in the area where the catheter is inserted.
    • The procedure is carried out in case when it is necessary to confirm deep vein thrombosis and, if necessary, measure the vessel trying to replace (bypass).
    • You should stop eating 4 hours before and conduct a study to determine if you are allergic to iodine-containing substances.
    • Anticoagulants are prohibited, if your health worsens, you will be allowed to take them, but in a small dose. The disadvantage is the manifestation painful sensations as a burning sensation when a contrast component is injected through a catheter, especially if it is necessary to confirm a deep vein thrombus.

Causes of thrombosis of the lower extremities

The causes of thrombosis in the legs can be very diverse, but they are divided into 5 main types:

  1. Damage to the walls blood vessels . The vein lining can be damaged or ruptured not only from mechanical injuries, the causes are microorganisms (in this case, the disease is accompanied by high temperature), accidental sprains.
  2. Change in blood flow. The rate at which blood flows through the body naturally slows down with age, but sedentary life, constant lying or sitting, there is a high probability of a blood clot.
  3. Increased blood viscosity. Blood cells may suddenly begin to clump together, causing the blood to become thick and viscous. The reasons are genetic predisposition, occurrence cancer diseases(is the main reason), autoimmune diseases, smoking and alcohol consumption.
  4. Not proper nutrition . Most patients with thrombotic formations are fat people. Their diet includes foods containing a lot of fat, cholesterol and sugar; all these components should be included in the diet, but in moderation, if such food is consumed for a long time, so-called “cholesterol plaques” are formed.
  5. Calcium deposits in blood vessels. When calcium settles in a vessel over time, it forms small ulcers. Small blood clots appear at the site of the ulcers, because... This natural reaction body to prevent bleeding. If their size grows, then this can become a problem.

Also the reason may be medical supplies when consumed in large quantities without the doctor's permission. These include: pills that prevent pregnancy and anabolic steroids.

Treatment of thrombosis in a limb can be either surgical or medicinal, but it is worth noting that surgery for thrombosis will be the most effective method treatment.

Modern methods of treatment

The main new treatment methods are operations such as: shunting and removal.

Bypass surgery

Bypass surgery is a very reliable method of treatment, the essence of the operation is that the surgeon opens an additional path for blood flow bypassing the affected area. The intervention takes place under general anesthesia and is classified as open.


The advantage is that no incisions or anesthesia are required. The surgeon simply locates the blockage and inserts a stand into the vessel that resembles a cylinder with mesh walls, which will expand the narrowing site and can serve until the patient’s death.


Usually blood clot removal carried out in combination with stenting, since the stand cannot be installed until there is stagnation. The clot is simply sucked out with a special device and the bandage is secured for a while so that the patient does not accidentally “break things” and complications do not arise.

Medications may be prescribed to dissolve a blood clot using injections. But if the blood clot is located near the veins and there is a possibility of it breaking off, surgery will be recommended. If a complete blockage of the vessel occurs.


If we're talking about O folk remedies, it must be borne in mind that they can only be used as an addition to medication or surgical intervention, and not as the main treatment, since such amateur activity is fraught with consequences.

In times of lack of productive medicine the disease was alleviated with a decoction of nettle or chamomile with mint; the solution was poured into a large tub and the diseased limb was lowered into it. It is worth saying that this method does not cure, but muffles the pain (if any) and softens the seals in the area of ​​thrombosis.

Almost all methods connected in one way or another with heating and massaging, which partly helped, since in those days the cause of the formation of a blood clot was not a less active lifestyle, but injuries.

If a blood clot comes off, then these methods of treatment are like a “dead poultice.” When thrombosis occurs, there are many compliance restrictions that the patient can guarantee himself full recovery without consequences.

Restrictions for thrombosis

The restrictions are as follows:

  1. You should not lift weights, play sports, if you have deep vein thrombosis, you should not ride a bicycle or rollerblade; moving and walking should be calm. Which one should I do?
  2. It is necessary to wear light shoes such as sneakers; shoes for both men and women, especially if they have high heels, it is better not to wear.
  3. Meals should consist of products plant origin, experts advise switching completely to vegetarianism for the period of treatment to avoid weight gain. Yoghurt and kefir are allowed.
  4. The use of alcohol and tobacco of any kind and variety is prohibited during treatment.
  5. It is necessary to reduce the amount of food consumed high content salt and replace it with herbs and non-spicy seasonings.

The consequences of thrombosis can be numerous diseases, including chronic ones, some patients can even die if they do not go to the hospital on time, but if the patient complied with all the instructions of specialists, then in 90% of cases such people return to work without any consequences and further restrictions on health.

The main complications during treatment are:

After thrombosis, the patient may be accompanied by:

  • Dark skin pigmentation (may go away over time).
  • During exercise, the legs may continue to swell, even if 10 years have passed since the illness.
  • Respiratory failure (will last a lifetime if you don’t stop smoking).
  • Temporary blueness of the limbs (and any, not necessarily the sore leg).
  • Gangrene (resulting in disability).
  • Muscle atrophy.

It is worth emphasizing that in the worst case scenario, when a blood clot breaks off and, like a hose from which water flows under high pressure, creating a rocket effect, the vessel releasing blood can enter the pulmonary artery, and this person will face a long and painful death from suffocation.

The only sure way to avoid thrombosis is by following simple but important prevention.


People at particular risk are:

For those at risk, doctors recommend using blood thinners (should only be used if recommended). Equally important is proper nutrition with a minimum of cholesterol and maximum consumption of raw and fresh foods.

Blood clots can form in the limbs of any person. Pain in the leg due to a blood clot should not be tolerated, since as a result of this dangerous pathology the patient may lose his leg.

Causes of blood clots

What is a blood clot? These are pieces of clotted blood that form in veins, blood vessels and even in the heart muscles. It happens that complete blood clotting is disrupted in the body. The anticoagulant system stops functioning. The blood thickens and its coagulability increases. As a result, clots form.

Usually clots appear in those places on the body where the walls of blood vessels are damaged or are present atherosclerotic plaques. Because of this, microinflammation and deposition of fiber threads occurs. This is how the first blood clot forms. The clot grows as thrombotic masses are layered on it, delivered to the affected area by blood flows.

The next stage of thrombosis is dangerous because it increases the risk of a clot breaking off and stopping blood flow.

The causes of the disease can be both internal (independent of the person) and external:

  • the presence of damaged vessel walls;
  • decreased blood flow speed;
  • long immobility of the limbs (due to the specifics of work or internal diseases);
  • change hormonal levels due to pregnancy, abortion, hormonal medications;
  • leg injury, wound;
  • genetics.

Symptoms and pain in the leg due to a blood clot

The signs of thrombosis vary in their manifestations. This depends on the section of the vein where the blood clot has formed. For example, if it is located deep in a vein, then the patient feels fever, shudders, and the damaged area and adjacent areas are very painful. The affected area turns blue. But some patients do not feel any symptoms in the first stage.

If pathology develops on the surface of the vein, it can be easily felt by palpation. The vessel thickens and becomes visible to the naked eye. When it is touched, pain is felt. Sore spot swells, turns red, seems hot. A person experiences calf pain and muscle cramps in the calves.

With venous inflammation, a thrombus is visible in the lumen of the vein. Doctors call this phenomenon thrombophlebitis. Here the main features are the following:

  • pain;
  • temperature;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • bruises.

Over time, the skin peels off, changes color, and turns blue. Such signs indicate complications of varicose veins. If a blood clot breaks off on a limb, dire consequences await. The clot gets stuck in parts of the veins. This is dangerous because the pulmonary artery becomes blocked and death occurs.

The characteristic of thrombosis is that it is constantly evolving. That is, its growth does not stop, but only increases. If the clot is not removed in a timely manner operational method, it will become increasingly painful for the person to walk. The swelling of the leg and all associated symptoms will also increase.

If thrombosis develops on the femoral part of the limb, swelling, swollen veins are visible on it, and there is severe, unbearable pain.

Diagnosis of thrombosis

If unpleasant symptoms appear on your legs, you should immediately contact the clinic. Only a specialist can detect pathology. Doctors use several ways to determine the disease. Many of them are very effective. They allow you to recognize the disease before complications appear.

The most commonly used diagnostic methods are ultrasound and x-ray. It is recommended to undergo examinations regularly for preventive purposes. Especially for those people who have genetic indicators for thromboembolism of the extremities, varicose veins, etc.

Possible complications

One should not think that thrombosis of the veins in the legs always leads to the separation of clots and death for the patient. In some cases, blood clots may resolve on their own. This is affected by correct image life: nutrition, exercise, quitting smoking and alcohol. But don’t expect the disease to go away immediately after changing your lifestyle. better side. Sometimes people don't achieve their goals for years. But still, if you follow these rules, you can avoid the appearance of such pathologies of the limbs.

leg veins is called blockage of the lumen of a vein by a blood clot or thrombus, resulting in blood flow in lower limb stops or is partially blocked. Phlebothrombosis is called deep vein thrombosis.

A blood clot in a vein in the legs can form when the following three conditions are combined:

  • the structure of the vascular or venous wall is disrupted;
  • blood flow is slow;
  • blood clotting is increased ().

Deep vein thrombosis is relatively rare (in approximately 7% of all cases of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis), while every fifth person on the planet experiences blockage of superficial vessels.

In approximately 10 cases of leg thrombosis out of 100, doctors diagnose (clots attached to the vascular wall at only one edge, while the other “dangles” freely in the vein and risks breaking off at any moment).

A dangerous complication of detachment of a floating thrombus is pulmonary embolism (characterized by its blockage and immediate death).

Blood clots on the legs: reasons

The causes of blood clots in the legs are:

  1. Stagnation of blood in the legs (with prolonged stay in one position, with varicose veins);
  2. Impaired blood flow (long bed rest, mechanical compression of a vein or artery);
  3. Inflammation of the vascular walls (due to mechanical damage, after injections, infectious diseases, allergies);
  4. Pathology of the body associated with impaired blood clotting (for oncology, liver diseases, impaired metabolism);
  5. Pregnancy and postpartum period;
  6. Long-term use of contraceptives (OC).


Blood clots in the veins in the legs are differentiated according to the following criteria:


  • Congestive thrombosis;
  • Inflammatory thrombosis;
  • Diseases associated with a disrupted hematopoietic system of the body;

According to location in the legs it can be:

  • Thrombosis of superficial veins;

According to the type of connection between the blood clot and the vascular wall:

  • Floating blood clots;
  • Wall clots;
  • Mixed thrombosis.

: symptoms

  • Varicose veins on the legs;
  • Pain in the limbs (most often in inner surface hips);
  • Pain in a thrombosed area on the leg of a sudden nature, intensifying with physical activity(the most “talking” sign of thrombosis);
  • Feeling of heaviness, fullness in one or both legs;
  • Severe swelling of the lower limb blood clot;
  • Darkening and bluing of the skin;
  • Thickened skin;
  • The appearance of pain in the foot of the affected leg when bending the foot “inward”;
  • Feeling of burning and tingling in the legs after intense physical exertion;
  • The appearance of infiltrates in the area of ​​the affected vein;
  • General weakness, malaise;
  • Promotion general temperature bodies;
  • The skin on the leg below the blood clot is shiny, burgundy-blue;
  • The temperature of the diseased limb is 1-2 degrees higher than the healthy one, the pulse may be weak or not palpable at all.

Unfortunately, in every third case of phlebothrombosis there are no signs and the disease manifests itself serious complication– thromoembolism pulmonary artery(PE), characterized by high mortality.

If the blood clot on the leg is located higher, hospitalization and bed rest are indicated.

Sometimes the vein is temporarily ligated and cut to surgically remove the clot.

Nutrition for patients with thrombosis

There are no special rules for patients, but it is recommended to include it in your diet following products nutrition (these points strengthen vascular walls): Dairy products, fish, cereals, berries, melons, fresh vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, vegetable oil and spices.

You should limit: meat, fried foods, fatty and smoked foods, marinades, legumes, coffee, pastries, sweets, .

Doctors prohibit eating: spinach, green cabbage, broccoli, pig and cow liver.

Preventive measures

In the legs it is very important for patients with varicose veins, obesity, or simply people who lead an inactive lifestyle and drink little fluid.

To prevent blood clots in the legs, doctors suggest:

  • Contrast shower for feet;
  • Salt baths with cool water;
  • Cold rubbing of feet;
  • Regular swimming;
  • Walking barefoot on textured surfaces (sea pebbles, sand, specialized sensory mats);
  • Self-massage of the legs;
  • Regular rest with your legs up;
  • Execution of specialized physical exercise(“bicycle”, “scissors”, rotation and lifting of legs, moving feet and fingers);
  • Regular wearing of special compression stockings, tights, golf, tights;
  • Good body hydration (drink at least 2 liters of water per day) – excellent remedy to thin the blood.