What to do during an attack of VSD? What is an attack during VSD

Reasons for violation:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • constant stress;
  • skull injuries;
  • diseases cervical spine spine;
  • temperament.

The main risk group for developing attacks of VSD are people with a weak psyche, prone to irritability and fussiness. Also, exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia often occurs in emotionally passive people.

Stress is also one of the fundamental factors in the development of VSD attacks. Frequent stress depletes the nervous system, as a result the body develops a specific reaction to the destructive influence of a stressful state. This reaction manifests itself as attacks of VSD.

Vegetative paroxysms (exacerbations) are not dangerous, but they can worsen the quality of life and bring a lot of trouble. Basic VSD symptoms in the acute stage:

  • pain in the heart area;
  • breathing problems;
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • chills;
  • dizziness;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Clinical manifestations of vegetative-vascular dysfunction are different for each patient. Doctors count about 150 different manifestations of this disorder.

Vegetative crises

An attack of VSD is called a vegetative crisis or paroxysm. This condition defines a complex of symptoms characteristic of panic attacks and cardioneurosis.

There are three types of crises:

  • sympathoadrenal;
  • vagoinsular;
  • mixed.

Paroxysms vary in severity. How long the attack lasts depends on the characteristics of the patient’s disease.

  • Mild crises are those that can last from a few minutes to half an hour. In this case, a pronounced exacerbation of VSD is observed.
  • Crisis medium degree severity is an attack lasting up to 60-70 minutes. At the same time, there are several severe symptoms and signs of asthenia, which subside a day after the attack.
  • A severe degree of vegetative-vascular paroxysm is characterized by a prolonged attack (more than an hour), which is characterized by severe symptoms and is accompanied by convulsions. After the attack subsides, asthenic syndrome develops, which can last up to several days.

Sympathoadrenal crises

Sympathoadrenal paroxysms during VSD are characterized by symptoms panic disorders. Such an attack is accompanied by an excess of adrenaline in the patient’s blood. The pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • chills;
  • feeling of fear;
  • breathing problems (lack of oxygen);
  • tachycardia;
  • suffocation;
  • pain on the left side of the chest;
  • noise in ears;
  • blurred vision.

Patients often note a slight increase in blood pressure. The crisis can be aggravated by a slight increase in body temperature and skin changes (“goose bumps”).

Typically, such a crisis occurs due to overload. It may appear after a hard workout at the gym or after a stressful day at work. Stressful situations, emotional overstrain or physical fatigue - all this provokes the development of a sympathoadrenal vegetative-vascular crisis. Another reason for an attack is a sudden change in weather.

Vagoinsular attacks

Vagoinsular paroxysm during VSD has the same causes of exacerbation as, however clinical manifestations completely different:

  • spasms in the throat and attacks of suffocation;
  • heavy sweating;
  • paleness of the skin;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • low blood pressure;
  • temperature drop;
  • migraine.

Because of sharp fall blood pressure, paleness of the face is observed. Against this background, confusion appears and fainting is possible. Many patients often notice a drop in body temperature.

From the outside gastrointestinal tract Possible indigestion, nausea and vomiting. Patients often complain of pain in the stomach and bloating.

A mixed attack, as the name implies, is characterized by a combination of symptoms and signs characteristic of vagoinsular and sympathoadrenal crises.

Psychosomatic symptoms of attacks

Vegetative-vascular crisis is accompanied by psychosomatic disorders. Most often, patients complain of the following conditions:

  • disorientation;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • increasing unreasonable fear;
  • depersonalization.

Patients are faced with a sudden fear of death. Often patients note the appearance of fear of doing or saying something wrong, fear of making a mistake.

These symptoms are characteristic of panic attacks that accompany vegetative crises. If you don't do it in time necessary actions, vegetative crises, aggravated by panic attacks, can cause the development of various phobias and neurological disorders.

How does an attack go?

An attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia can occur in different ways. It depends on the severity autonomic disorder for a specific patient.

The following factors can cause an exacerbation of pathology:

  • stress;
  • emotional and physical stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • injuries of the skull and spinal column.

Attack mild degree characterized by one or two symptoms and passes quickly. So, during an attack, only tachycardia, shortness of breath or chills can be observed. A vagoinsular attack can only be accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure.

How long the crisis lasts and the frequency of attacks depend on the patient’s lifestyle. Subject to a normal work and rest schedule, as well as a balanced diet and lack of bad habits, an attack of VSD is rare.

Asthenic syndrome with VSD

Almost every attack of VSD is accompanied by asthenic syndrome. Asthenia is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • irritability;
  • emotional instability;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • photosensitivity;
  • apathy.

Depending on the severity of the attack, asthenic syndrome can last from several hours to several days. This condition characterizes the exhaustion of the nervous system and is very dangerous if left untreated.

With VSD, asthenia usually goes away without the use of drug therapy. Sometimes the symptoms of asthenic disorder may persist long time. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment.

First aid for an attack of VSD

Often attacks occur in the afternoon, towards evening. This is explained by the fact that tension accumulates throughout the working day and by the evening the nervous system is at its maximum tension.

A mild attack does not require medical attention; you can cope with it yourself. Having noticed the symptoms of an impending crisis, you need to try to relax. First aid for VSD will be provided by herbal tea or a mild sedative. For mild attacks, yoga or a long walk in the fresh air helps well.

A crisis of moderate severity and a severe attack can be stopped with the help of medications. Typically used sedatives, tranquilizers or antidepressants. It should be remembered that these drugs are not safe, so they should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor. In this situation, it is better to call the doctor and find out what to do in case of an impending attack and how to relieve it.

Herbal medicines - soothing teas or tinctures - have a good effect. With an impending crisis, you can drink tea from the rhizomes of valerian, chamomile, lemon balm and sage. Tincture of peony and motherwort calms the nervous system well. It should be remembered that herbal preparations may cause the development of unwanted side effects, so before using them you need to read the instructions and make sure there are no individual intolerance. Every person with VSD should be prepared for possible attacks, because there is nothing worse than feeling the approach of an illness and not being able to help yourself.

How is the diagnosis made?

To make a diagnosis, you need to visit a therapist. The diagnosis is made by exclusion, that is, to confirm the suspicion of VSD it is necessary to undergo comprehensive examination body to exclude organic diseases brain and other organs.

The therapist will conduct a general examination and listen to the patient's complaints. Based on complaints, the doctor will refer the patient to a cardiologist, neurologist and other specialists.

Treatment of VSD

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is a long process. To get rid of recurring attacks you will need A complex approach which includes:

  • drug treatment;
  • normalization of the labor regime;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • getting rid of bad habits.

Drug therapy is aimed at strengthening the nervous system, normalizing blood pressure and improving cerebral circulation. Along with drug therapy, important role lifestyle changes play a role.

So, in order to avoid recurrence of crises, it is necessary to get rid of bad habits. Smoking disrupts the oxygen exchange of brain cells and causes a drop in blood pressure. Alcohol negatively affects the condition of blood vessels, causing an increase in blood pressure. All this can provoke the onset of another attack.

To maintain health, you need to ensure regular physical activity. For normalization autonomic function long walks in the fresh air are shown, as well as aquatic species sports.

Special attention is given to nutrition. The diet must be balanced. The menu should be dominated by fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products and meat.

A good effect is achieved by attending psychotherapy sessions, individual and group sessions. This allows you to learn to recognize an impending attack and not lose composure.

It is important to remove from the patient's life negative factor, causing stress. As a rule, in most cases, this factor is hard work with an irregular schedule.

How to avoid seizures

Prevention will help reduce the frequency of crises.

  1. Balanced diet. Heavy and fatty foods, however, animal protein cannot be excluded. The menu should consist of fruits and vegetables, low-fat varieties meat and dairy products.
  2. If you have a tendency to increase blood pressure, it is important to exclude drinks with caffeine from your diet - coffee and tea. They can be replaced with fresh compotes, juices or herbal teas.
  3. If you are prone to a drop in blood pressure, there is no need to give up tea and coffee, but it is also dangerous to abuse these drinks.
  4. Attacks often occur due to lack of sleep. You should normalize your own schedule so that night rest at least eight hours were allocated daily. If you have insomnia, it is recommended to consult your doctor about taking mild sedatives.
  5. VSD develops against the background of traumatic brain injury and instability of the cervical spine. These pathological conditions can provoke recurring crises, so it is necessary to undergo treatment to avoid worsening the health condition.
  6. It is very important for every patient to learn to relax. Are effective breathing exercises and yoga.

A vegetative-vascular crisis can take the patient by surprise. To prevent this from happening, you should always carry with you sedatives and a bottle clean water. In hot weather, it is necessary to take care of a hat; this will help to avoid overheating of the head, which can provoke an attack.

Vegetative-vascular paroxysms are a collective concept that includes all the sudden changes in the functioning of the ANS. They manifest themselves as a complex of symptoms.

The main features of such attacks:

  • Suddenness. Pathology occurs without warning and quickly increases after the influence of a provoking factor.
  • Emotional dependence. Most paroxysms progress after strong experiences (both positive and negative).
  • Functional character. Seizures are manifestations of a disorder in the functioning of the ANS and its structures. When their functions are normalized, the problem goes away.

A synonym for vegetative-vascular paroxysm is crisis. There are several options for the development of the clinical picture against the background different manifestations specific pathological reactions. In each case, the characteristics of the symptoms are noted, on the basis of which they are differentiated.

  • Paroxysms are characteristic mainly of young patients. In older people, they occur much less frequently due to sclerotic changes in the body and a decrease in the overall ability to quickly mobilize. The vessels lose their elasticity and cannot expand or contract quickly enough to cause a crisis.
  • Women get sick more often than men. This is noticeable during menstruation and pregnancy - it happens hormonal imbalance, which further aggravates the malfunction of the ANS.

Mechanism of occurrence

Functional abnormalities in the functioning of the hypothalamus and peripheral parts are secondary in nature and disappear after the provoking factor is eliminated.

Sometimes crises are caused by organic lesion structures of the ANS (tumor, infection, injury), which aggravates the course of the disease. In this case, the diagnosis of VSD is not made, since crises are caused not by imbalance, but organic pathology, and are no longer the main condition, but a secondary manifestation.

Depending on which department of the ANS (sympathetic or parasympathetic) predominates, the functioning of specific organs is enhanced or weakened. Traditionally, the following are affected by paroxysms:

  • heart;
  • vessels;
  • nervous system;
  • endocrine glands.

During a sharp activation of the ANS, a sudden manifestation of the main manifestations of the disease occurs. For some it will result in hypertensive crisis, and someone becomes depressed.

Types of paroxysms

Depending on the symptoms, they are divided into the following types:

  • sympathoadrenal;
  • vagoinsular;
  • mixed.

The first group includes sharp deterioration conditions that are caused by activation sympathetic division autonomic nervous system.

  • People with such paroxysm are anxious, irritable, and sometimes even aggressive.
  • Their blood pressure rises, headaches appear, their skin turns pale, and their pupils dilate.

Vagoinsular vegetative-vascular crisis progresses against the background of hyperactivation of the parasympathetic part of the nervous system. Because of this, inhibition of most internal reactions is observed:

  • the person is gloomy;
  • his blood pressure drops;
  • there is sweating, the urge to have a bowel movement, nausea and vomiting;
  • pupils constrict;
  • heartbeat becomes rare.

The mixed type combines the features of the two options above. It indicates a pronounced imbalance in the functioning of the ANS with constant activation of one or another of its departments.

They are classified according to severity in the following way:

  • Lungs. They last 10–20 minutes and go away on their own without the use of medication.
  • Average. Lasts up to one hour. They manifest themselves as severe symptoms with a noticeable decrease in performance.
  • Heavy. The patient is disturbed for more than 60 minutes. Accompanied by pronounced symptoms autonomic dysfunction with severe deterioration in health. Elimination requires the use of specialized medications.

Nocturnal paroxysms

Nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia – separate species vegetative attacks, which does not fit into the traditional classification. Unlike other forms of pathology, the causes of its origin are still unknown.

The problem manifests itself as episodes of chaotic motor activity involving the limbs and the whole body after waking up.

Clinically, nocturnal paroxysm of dystonia resembles epileptic seizure, but at normal indicators electroencephalography (EEG). It is believed that the reason for the appearance of such movements is the loss of inhibitory mechanisms in the brain stem.

Normally, they interfere with human muscle activity during sleep. The pathology is manifested by characteristic seizures. Average duration episode – 10–60 minutes. Treatment has not yet been developed.


Clinical picture during paroxysms caused by dysfunction of the ANS, varies depending on the predominance of its specific department.

Typical symptoms sympathoadrenal crisis:

  • Marked emotional lability. People are mostly anxious, overly irritable, and sometimes aggressive.
  • Acceleration of heart rate. The patient feels a beating in the chest, which is constantly intensifying.
  • Increase in blood pressure. Constriction of peripheral vessels in combination with increased myocardial contractions lead to increased readings on the tonometer.
  • Pain in the heart area. Stitching, pressing, burning sensations are noted.
  • Headache. Mostly sudden, but short-lived. It has a pulsating and pressing character. Localized in the frontal, temporal, occipital region skulls

Patients with sympathoadrenal paroxysm suddenly turn purple, and convulsions may even occur. They tend to express emotions too strongly (screaming, crying).

The vagoinsular variant is distinguished by its predominance in the regulation peripheral organs parasympathetic division of the ANS. Classic symptoms of such paroxysm:

  • Deterioration of mood. The person is apathetic, whiny, and does not want to communicate with other people.
  • Bradycardia. Functional arrhythmias progress.
  • Breathing problems. Shortness of breath, lack of air, and compression of the lungs appear. Some people note the presence of a non-existent obstruction in the bronchi that prevents them from breathing normally.
  • Drop in blood pressure. At severe forms paroxysm, a person may even faint. The main danger remains the risk of injury from a fall or progression of symptoms while performing work or driving.
  • Discomfort throughout the body. A person is often unable to determine where it hurts. The unpleasant sensation is aching in nature, occurs frequently, and is mildly expressed.

The mixed form of paroxysm is manifested by a combination of the above symptoms with to varying degrees expressiveness.

Features of the flow

Treatment of vegetative paroxysms is complex. It is carried out using both specialized drugs (mainly affecting the functioning of the ANS) and non-drug methods:

  • acupuncture;
  • aromatherapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • meditation.

By fixing the factor that provokes the appearance of the next paroxysm, with its further elimination, it is possible to normalize the person’s condition.

It is possible to completely eliminate the occurrence of attacks by normalizing the balance between the branches autonomic system and increasing the threshold of excitability of the nervous system.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) is an insidious and, unfortunately, quite common disease today. The insidiousness of this disease lies in the fact that it develops gradually.

At the same time, patients get used to nonspecific symptoms, such as general weakness, feeling unwell and so on.

But the disease, like any other, tends to progress. At the advanced stage pathological process VSD attacks occur, which are very difficult for patients to tolerate.

Such attacks are also called crises, which to some extent characterizes an acute condition.

How is this condition different?

The symptoms that appear in a patient during an attack of VSD vary and have individual characteristics for each patient. There are 3 main types of VSD attacks, the symptoms of each of which are different.

Such variability clinical symptoms explained by the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the development of crises. Manifestations of vegetative-vascular dysfunction may be due to:

  • a significant predominance of the activity of the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system;
  • a significant predominance of the activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system;
  • dysregulation of the activity of both the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system.

But none of the above disorders develop on their own.

There is always a reason for the development of the pathological process, the identification of which is important in order to know what to do during attacks of VSD.

What could be the reason?

The causes of attacks coincide with those for the disease itself - vegetative-vascular dystonia. Most often this is:

But it should be taken into account that the first attack of VSD, as a rule, develops after exposure to a trigger factor.

Such a factor could be:

In order to relieve an attack of VSD, it is very important to find out the root cause of the development of the process and, if possible, eliminate the influence of the provoking factor.

Is it possible to overcome a crisis on your own?

Depending on the duration and severity of the crisis condition, there are:

A mild attack of VSD can be eliminated independently. Attack moderate severity or severe, as a rule, requires qualified medical care.

So, what can the patient do on his own? lung development seizure?

These manipulations allow you to normalize the heart rate, as well as effectively eliminate lung symptoms crisis state.

But it should be remembered that those that have appeared once will definitely appear again, and the disease itself is prone to progression. Therefore, the symptoms that appear are a signal that you need to seek help. medical care.

What does specialized medical care include?

When contacting medical institution you will be assigned a complex diagnostic measures, which will allow us to establish the root cause of the disease, assess the severity of the pathological process, and also identify possible complications. Further, the treatment tactics for vegetative-vascular dystonia will depend on each of these points.

In addition, in order to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia and its attacks, physiotherapy, vitamin correction methods, as well as sanatorium treatment are actively used.

How can you prevent attacks?

Patient Vladislava, 25 years old. A year ago, the patient was in an accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury. After hospital treatment she was discharged to satisfactory condition. But after some time, the patient began to notice severe lethargy, weakness, and apathy.

IN stressful situations The patient developed attacks of suffocation, accompanied by pain in the heart. The last symptom was the reason for seeking medical help. A diagnosis of VSD was made. The patient is given general recommendations, a vitamin-mineral complex was prescribed for regular use, and sanatorium-resort treatment was also recommended.

Brief information. In this situation it is clearly visible etiological factor- This is a traumatic brain injury.

Unfortunately, in such situations, the root cause cannot be eliminated, but the disease can be controlled by following all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Vegetovascular dystonia, or VSD, – clinical syndrome, which is caused by a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system, which in turn provokes a change in vascular tone. IN last years in medical practice This diagnosis of “vegetative-vascular dystonia” is very common, since according to medical statistics, about 80% of people are susceptible to it. Moreover, doctors claim that this is not a disease. They consider VSD as a complex of symptoms that develops gradually. The patient gets used to constant malaise, a feeling of weakness, attacks of suffocation, and blurred vision. Periodically, symptoms intensify, acute stage development of pathology of the vegetative-vascular system, an attack of VSD occurs, which has a very severe course and can only be stopped with the help medicines and preventive measures aimed at changing lifestyle. We will try to figure out why the pathology occurs, how to deal with the disease and prevent the occurrence of VSD attacks.

Vegetative crisis: what is it?

An attack of VSD, or a vegetative-vascular crisis, is a sudden failure in the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, in other words, a disruption of the functioning of the spinal cord, brain and all internal organs. As a result, the patient’s performance decreases and there is no rapid logical thinking. He cannot concentrate on what is important and does not remember anything.

In such a situation, the life of a person and those around him turns into a complete nightmare. It is no coincidence that the vegetative crisis according to International classification illness is defined as a panic attack.

The initial attack of VSD is usually diagnosed after the age of 20, however initial signs diseases can manifest themselves even in childhood. Women are susceptible to the syndrome 3 times more often than men.

The majority are asymptomatic or have minor symptoms that do not disrupt the daily rhythm of life.

Severe stress, surge of hormones, sleep disturbances, excessive loads give impetus to the transition of the disease to the active stage.

The symptoms of the first attack of vegetative-vascular crisis are remembered for life, although they have signs typical for all patients:

  • the feeling of the earth floating away from under your feet;
  • increased heart rate;
  • attacks of cold sweat;
  • swings blood pressure;
  • labored breathing;
  • loss of speech.

The above signs of a VSD crisis are aggravated by panic and an increased sense of fear of death. This condition can last from several minutes to several hours. The sick person cannot pull himself together, so in such a situation he needs the support of loved ones.

Anyone who once experienced a similar state, for long period suffers from fear of a repeat crisis. Cases of daily recurrence of vegetative-vascular crisis have been recorded. Such people have to radically change their lifestyle: quitting their job, stopping friendly communication, a reclusive lifestyle. Some even get divorced, cutting off communication even with their children.

Causes of vegetative crisis

There are many reasons that provoke a VSD crisis. Among them, primary and secondary factors are distinguished.

Experts attribute the root causes of vegetative crisis to genetic predisposition associated with deviations in the work or structure of any parts of the autonomic nervous system

The secondary reasons for the development of the VSD crisis are considered to be the influence external factors, which are a kind of impetus for VSD. These include:

  • frequent prolonged stressful situations;
  • excessive physical overload;
  • mental stress;
  • weakening of the heart and blood vessels, leading to organ dysfunction;
  • hormone imbalance;
  • mental instability;
  • hereditary diseases associated with mitochondrial defects;
  • osteochondrosis (especially of the cervical spine);
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • head injury, concussion;
  • mental disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • inactive lifestyle.

People with a weakened nervous system are more likely to suffer from VSD attacks. These are suspicious patients, unstable to stress, different frequent changes mood, increased anxiety.

This risk group primarily includes those who often find themselves in a difficult psychological atmosphere: constant conflicts, problems in learning, an aggressive environment, etc.

Provocateurs of attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia are also chronic or acute diseases, as well as poisoning the body with toxins.

How does VSD manifest?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is characterized by inconstancy of signs, depending on the severity of the disease. They can be permanent or periodic. At acute course illnesses appear daily.

The frequency of symptoms depends on the type and nature of the pathology. Very often, the signs of VSD are confused with similar symptoms of diseases of other organs. It can be very difficult for a doctor to make a correct diagnosis.

Periodically occurring symptoms of a VSD crisis include:

  • panic attacks;
  • head pain syndrome, which is changeable in nature: suddenly appears and goes away;
  • increased heart rate;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • increased sweating;
  • respiratory dysfunction;
  • lethargy, asthenia;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased anxiety.

Often an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia is accompanied by heart pain radiating to the left forearm, upper limb, under the shoulder blade.

The above symptoms of a vegetative crisis may appear and disappear, then return again. It's connected with individual characteristics body. The signs of VSD appear most clearly in the heat.

Types of vegetative-vascular crisis

There are several types of autonomic crises, the appearance of which is associated with the influence of the autonomic nervous system on other organs.

The number of relapses and the severity of VSD attacks are directly related to the location and extent of the disorder in any area of ​​the autonomic nervous system - sympathetic or parasympathetic. There are the following types of VSD crises:

  1. Sympathoadrenal crisis, or panic attack, is a disorder of the sympathetic department, characterized by the release of catecholamines and vasoconstriction. Accompanied by tachycardia, strong pain syndrome in the head area and heart pain, tremors, pallor of the epidermis. Constant overexcitation of the nervous system, anxiety develops into unreasonable feeling fear and anxiety.
  2. Vagoinsular syndrome is a malfunction of the parasympathetic department, caused by increased production of adrenaline. At the beginning of the attack, the patient feels weakness throughout the body, then there is a lack of air, an attack of vomiting, and blood pressure decreases. To relieve an attack, just lie down in a horizontal position.
  3. Mixed syndrome - this type is characterized by symptoms of the first and second types of crises.

How often VSD crises occur and how long they last depends on the patient’s well-being. A pattern has been noted: the more frequent the attacks, the longer the symptoms do not stop, the more severe the form of VSD.

Depending on how severe the attacks of vegetative-vascular crisis are, they distinguish:

  1. Light - lasts about 15 minutes. and are accompanied by syndromes caused by one system of the body, for example, respiratory, etc.;
  2. Medium - lasts about 60 minutes. Post-crisis asthenia was noted, lasting up to two and a half days.
  3. Severe attacks of VSD last more than an hour and are characterized by many symptoms. The painful condition lasts up to several days.

When a VSD crisis occurs, the symptoms of the disease are first relieved.

How to overcome an attack

In each person, an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia manifests itself differently. Most often, VSD crises occur during the day, evening and night. The patient fights a mild vegetative-vascular crisis on his own, without seeking medical help. A warm drink is enough herbal tea, take a pill and take a walk in the fresh air.

Attacks of moderate and severe VSD are stopped only medicines usually sedatives, tranquilizers and antidepressants. However, you should not self-medicate a vegetative-vascular crisis.

You should call a doctor and use it professional advice regarding the treatment of vegetative-vascular crisis.

As soon as you feel the onset of an attack of VSD, you must adhere to the following recommendations for relief from VSD:

  1. Take the situation calmly, since VSD is not a deadly syndrome.
  2. Focus on something else (do something useful), trying not to pay attention to the symptoms that arise.
  3. If shortness of breath occurs, open the window and unfasten clothing that is constricting the neck and chest area.
  4. You can have a drink depressant, for example, infusion (tablets) of Corvalol, valerian. At acute attack Veroshpiron helps.
  5. During an acute attack of VSD, ensure blood flow to the brain by taking a horizontal position and raising your legs high.
  6. If a vegetative-vascular attack is of a migraine nature, you should avoid bright light and sun, stop all activities and rest. It is advisable to go to sleep.
  7. If you feel chilly, wrap yourself in a blanket and soak your feet in a warm water bath.
  8. To normalize your blood pressure, do light massage occipital region of the head and little finger.

If blood pressure increases during a VSD crisis, you should take a drug that lowers it. Sweets help well with vegetative-vascular diseases. It is enough to enjoy weak tea with jam and candy.

Abdominal breathing training helps relieve symptoms of VSD crisis. To do this, you need to breathe slowly and smoothly only with your stomach, counting the number of inhalations/exhalations. The above actions normalize heartbeat and eliminate the symptoms of VSD.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Treatment of VSD attacks is carried out through complex therapy.

Therapeutic methods for getting rid of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system are divided into several types:

  1. Natural herbal preparations stimulate and calm well during a crisis of VSD. For example, tincture of valerian, ginseng or motherwort is suitable.
  2. Sedatives. Appointed if detected severe violations neurotic character. They are used in conjunction with drugs that strengthen the nervous system.
  3. Complexes whose action is aimed at improving cerebral circulation, including during attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia. The most popular ones include Pantogam, Actovegin, and Piracetam.

If found sharp changes pressure during attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia, treatment with beta-blockers is prescribed. The duration of the course, as well as the dosage, is determined only by the attending physician.

It is important to make a correction physical activity, as well as limit the body from overstrain, including emotional stress. In case of vegetative-vascular crisis, special attention should be paid balanced diet. IN mandatory you need to give up bad habits. You should devote more time to your health by visiting massage room. If possible, it is better to go to a sanatorium-resort treatment.

Prevention of VSD attacks

Preventive measures during crises of vegetative-vascular dystonia play an important role. You need to start with correcting the regime labor activity and rest. Overwork should be avoided not only physically, but also mentally. It is recommended to exclude fried, smoked and pickled foods from your diet.

The same applies to foods that contain a large number of salt, especially if meals are taken at night.

With frequent attacks of VSD, you should always have sedatives and painkillers with you in case of a migraine.

It is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, and also to exercise physical exercise, as this will reduce the frequency of VSD crises.

To additional preventive measures relate:

  • avoiding excessively hot sun;
  • performing self-massage of the head and neck area;
  • taking a contrast shower.

Prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia involves complex treatment. Several methods should be combined at once, since single options will not give visible results.

Remember the words of Socrates: “Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing.” Take care of your health, follow the recommendations of doctors, and you will be able to forget about such a diagnosis as vegetative-vascular dystonia for a long time.

In contact with

Autonomic disorders are observed in 80% of people; in a third, the symptoms of VSD manifest themselves so strongly that they need the help of a neurologist.

In his youth, in adolescence The first attacks of vegetative-vascular dystonia may appear, but serious disorders make themselves felt after 25 years.

The disease occurs 3 times more often in women than in men, which is due to differences in emotional perception. No one is immune from the disease, so you need to know what attacks of VSD are characterized by, how to get rid of them, and even better, prevent them.

Doctors define VSD as functional disease resulting from a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Like most diseases, dystonia can occur almost unnoticed, producing acute crises from time to time. Often vegetative paroxysm or attack is detected in young people.

For the first time, the disease can make itself known to a teenager with an episodic deterioration of the condition, and then return after 18 years. At risk are people who abuse alcohol, who experience stress for a long time, as well as patients during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, after traumatic brain injury.

Types of crises

With VSD, attacks appear suddenly and end suddenly. This course of crisis is called paroxysmal. Symptoms will depend on the predominance of one of the parts of the nervous system; taking this into account, a vegetative-vascular crisis of the sympathoadrenal, vagoinsular, and mixed types is distinguished.

A sympathoadrenal attack of VSD indicates that the imbalance in the functioning of the nervous system has shifted towards the sympathetic department, while a vagoinsular attack occurs when the parasympathetic department is activated and predominates. A mixed crisis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is manifested by signs of activity of both parts of the nervous system - parasympathetic and sympathetic.

In addition to this classification, vegetative crises are distinguished by severity. Taking into account how long the attack lasts, there are 3 degrees of severity - severe, moderate and mild.

The shortest duration is characterized by an attack of vegetative-vascular mild dystonia degree, it ends in about 15 minutes, and the symptoms are mild. After the end of the attack, the patient’s condition practically does not differ from normal.

A moderately severe attack of VSD lasts about an hour, the symptoms are clearly expressed. After the end of the crisis, the patient’s well-being can be restored to normal in about a day; during this period, echoes of the disease, weakness and fatigue are felt. The most unfavorable crisis in VSD is severe, in which paroxysms last longer than an hour, and for restoration normal condition it takes a few days.

Manifestations of VSD attacks

Crises are provoked after physical or psycho-emotional nature, poisoning or disruption in the usual course of life. A crisis or attack is panic attack– a condition in which the symptoms of VSD are most pronounced and last from 15 minutes to an hour or longer.

If we consider chemical character crises, they are caused by an excessive accumulation of active biological substances(concentrations of steroids, adrenaline, acetylcholine were detected in the body). Taking into account which substance is in excess in this moment, depends on the manifestation of the crisis and the prescribed treatment. According to the flow, the following attacks are distinguished:

  • sympathetic-adrenaline is characterized by restlessness, agitation, a sudden feeling of anxiety, turning into strong fear. The patient feels strange and discomfort in the head and heart, the pulse quickens, the pressure rises. The extremities may become cold, and the person may feel chills, regardless of the temperature in the room;
  • hyperventilation is manifested by a lack of air, as a result of which the respiratory rate increases, against this background tachycardia appears, blood pressure rises, the legs, feet and hands become tense;
  • vagoinsular begins to manifest itself as weakness throughout the body, dizziness, nausea and lack of air. The patient's heart rate slows down, blood pressure drops, heavy sweat. If you endure a crisis lying down, the symptoms are less pronounced. Sometimes there is a urge to vomit;
  • vegetative-vestibular is characterized by nausea, vomiting and dizziness. The pressure may fluctuate. Such a crisis often begins after a sharp change in body position or turn of the head.

A mild crisis lasts 10-60 minutes, a moderate crisis lasts up to 4 hours, and a severe crisis lasts from 6 hours to a couple of days. Regardless of the severity, you need to know how to deal with this condition and undergo treatment on time.

It is not possible to independently identify a panic attack when experiencing an attack for the first time. Need to call emergency assistance so that doctors evaluate the condition and rule out severe lesions body.

Diagnosis and treatment

In order to correctly prescribe treatment for VSD and recommend measures to help with attacks, the doctor must make sure that this is true autonomic dystonia. This is difficult because there are no exact symptoms and criteria to define the condition as a disease.

Doctors use a method to exclude pathologies with similar symptoms– ischemia, intestinal and stomach diseases, hypertension. Diagnostics involves tests, examination, ECG, ultrasound EEG, and, if necessary, CT and MRI.

Despite the fact that a crisis with VSD resembles a heart attack, stroke or seizure hypertension, hospital treatment and emergency help not required here. The main thing a person needs is peace. To help your nervous system, you can take Valocardine, Corvalol. You need to go to bed and, if desired, fall asleep. The doctor must first rule out the presence of serious pathologies.

During a crisis, the patient himself must understand what he is struggling with and how best to do it. It is important to be calm about the presence of VSD and be prepared that from time to time dystonia may manifest itself in this way.

Fear will be unnecessary; it will only intensify the manifestations of dystonia. Therefore, you need to stop panicking and do everything possible to normalize the state of the nervous system - open the window and breathe, take a horizontal position and raise your legs above your head, cover your arms and legs so as not to freeze.

If the techniques listed above do not bring relief to the condition, you need to place your legs in a pelvis with warm water and take a medicine that calms the nervous system. If the condition is too severe, then you can stop the panic attack with a tranquilizer prescribed by the doctor (diazepam, alprazolam and analogues). Drugs of this type are sold in pharmacies only with a prescription, and should not be abused - the doctor will explain how to use them correctly to alleviate your condition and not harm the body.

Measures that can be taken to relieve attacks of VSD are listed above. You also need to know what measures will not help, or more precisely, what not to do with dystonia:

  • mentally die with each attack - this will cause the nervous system to become even more tense with fear;
  • engage in risky sports that cause an influx of adrenaline;
  • refuse food (starvation diets);
  • drink alcohol and smoke;
  • drink coffee and drinks that invigorate the nervous system;
  • sitting indoors without walking in the fresh air;
  • sitting for a long time in front of a computer monitor - its flickering negatively affects the nervous system.

Nutrition in patients with VSD should be balanced. If you are missing some elements, you can purchase a pharmacy complex and replenish their supply in the body. You need to introduce physical activity into your daily routine - sign up for yoga, swimming or running, and other sports. Physical therapy can also strengthen the nervous system.

The most common procedure is electrophoresis with mesaton, magnesium, aminophylline (the medicine is selected depending on the type of VSD). The doctor may prescribe a tincture of motherwort or valerian. If you have headaches, take piracetam.

When a patient exhibits apathy and depressed mood, antidepressants are prescribed. Drugs that normalize the level of seratonin in the blood have shown themselves to be effective. For example, escitalopram is not addictive, can be taken for a long time, and is prescribed by a doctor.

You need to start the course with small doses, gradually coming to the one recommended by the doctor. Treatment with antidepressants should also be stopped gradually so as not to cause withdrawal symptoms. At the same time, the doctor may prescribe vitamins for the nervous system and pills to normalize sleep.

A mandatory recommendation is to alternate between work and rest, quit smoking and bring your lifestyle closer to a healthy one. Must be avoided negative emotions, stress and irritation, learn to manage anger and find positivity in any situation.


Crisis prevention will be healthy image life, frequent walks in the fresh air, normalization of mood, balanced diet nutrition.

You need to understand that autonomic dystonia is not specific diseases, it only reflects a malfunction in the nervous system.

This means that you need to take all measures to regulate the functioning of your body and no longer experience discomfort from attacks of VSD and other diseases.