Essential oil LLC "Natural Oils" Hops. OLEUM HUMULUS LUPULUS. Methods of using hop cones to enlarge the bust

Hop cones have been used for a long time to enlarge the bust, as a well-studied folk remedy. This folk method which gives a positive effect. Hops contain substances that can affect the growth of mammary glands. This remedy should be used with caution, having carefully studied all the nuances. After all, instead desired result a disastrous error may occur.

It is no coincidence that hops are used for breast enlargement. It is the cones of this plant that contain hormones, oils, and minerals that affect the increase in fluid in the mammary glands.

Composition of hop fruits:

  • Oil, resin;
  • Valeric acid;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Zinc, copper, vitamin B, P, C;
  • Gum, wax.

These fruits are beneficial to the body in small quantities, but should be taken with caution. Besides healing properties, thanks to which cystitis is treated, women's problems, stomach diseases, insomnia, they also contain substances that are not allowed for everyone.

Contraindications for this procedure

Hops are a plant that contains hormones and alkaloids, so you should be careful when using it. Before use, you should always consult your doctor. There are some nuances in which you should not use hops to enlarge your bust.

  1. If a person has tumors, cysts, fibroids.
  2. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not take this drug.
  3. A person may have an allergy in the form of a rash or choking from substances contained in hops.
  4. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. If you have chronic gynecological problems.
  6. Diabetes mellitus overweight.
  7. Children's age, up to 14 years.

Consumption of hops may suddenly cause irritation, allergies, rashes, choking or vomiting. It may give you a headache. Take it carefully to people with high blood pressure or vascular diseases.

Recipes for bust enlargement

Of all the known methods and recipes there are classic way using hop cones to increase volume. Buy at the pharmacy or take the collected fruits of the plant, brew a handful with a glass of boiling water. Then cook in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then let it cool. After this, strain and drink two tablespoons three times a day.

There are also well-known recipes made from hop cones.

  1. Take one teaspoon of dry hop cones, brew a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. Cool at room temperature, then strain. Drink before main meals, two to three times a day. The breasts will begin to swell due to increased fluid and hormones.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of pine cones into a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 7 hours in the room. The infusion is strong, you need to drink it a tablespoon twice a day after meals. Do not use for more than a month.
  3. Fill two large spoons with water, about half a liter, place in an enamel pan, boil for 2 minutes. Then cool and filter. Store in the refrigerator. You can drink it only after three to four days. So the amount of estrogen will be greater.

The dose and timing should be determined by your doctor. Should not be used under any circumstances long time on one's own. They cannot be used for more than one month. Otherwise, hormonal imbalances, stomach problems or nervous tension may occur. The effect also does not occur immediately, but after three to four weeks. Sometimes the result is confused with breast swelling before menstruation. Then resume the course only after 2-3 months.

If you feel unwell, you should stop using it immediately. It is worth considering that this method is individual and may not help everyone.

Hoppy drinks should not be left for several days; it is better to brew a new one each time. The best dishes for him are enamel.

This product also has disadvantages: estrogen promotes an increase in fat mass, so when long-term use Fat and excess weight appears in the abdomen, hips, and legs. So it is best to use this remedy in conjunction with physical exercise.

Effect of oil

To make breasts noticeably increase in volume, some people prefer to use hop cone oil. The fruits are crushed in a blender, then placed in a glass container with a lid. Leave in a dark place for a week. Then filter. Store it in a dark, cool place. The method of application can be studied on various sites on the Internet. This oil can be mixed with any cosmetic. Then apply to the chest every day after a shower and massage.

You can also take a dry mixture of cones, add olive oil, leave, and apply to the chest with light massaging movements. Before use, this mixture is infused for about a week. Store for a week too, no more. Can be purchased now ready oil at the pharmacy. Manufacturers took care and began to produce such products.

This oil has a sedative effect and should not be used by people with unstable mental health. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also not allowed. The hormones contained in it greatly influence the development of the mammary glands. People who have tumor diseases need to be careful.


The desire for improvement and beauty of a woman is inherent in her nature. And she can determine her beauty based on criteria such as the condition of her hair and skin, her body type and weight, the length and slenderness of her legs, as well as the size of her breasts and its external attractiveness.

Since ancient times, all representatives of the fair sex have strived to have beautiful forms, using in practice various corsets, specific underwear, traditional medicine, pads and even implants.

Some of the most popular methods for breast enlargement were considered different tinctures and decoctions, in particular, with hop cones.

Today, the benefits of hop cones for breast growth have not been precisely established, so appropriate questions would be its beneficial properties, composition and effects of the cones on female body generally. Hops are usually used in brewing processes, but less often they are used as food. In addition, hops are often the main components of medicinal and cosmetics, and is also included in dietary supplements.

Breast size in women directly depends on hormonal levels and the amount of female sex hormones. Few people know that there is a natural substitute for sex hormones - phytohormones plant origin. Bright representative This is hop cones, which contain phytoestrogens, namely phenylflavonoids and isoflavones, which are an ideal estrogen substitute.

To understand all the benefits of phytoestrogens in hop cones, you need to delve into history. In the previous century, namely in its middle, a company of scientists and doctors decided to understand and investigate the cause of infertility in sheep. After conducting a series of experiments and tests, scientists realized that sheep for a long time grazed in a field with clover and ate it for food. Scientists took this plant for analysis and sampling and found that it contains large number estrogen-like components. Therefore, the conclusion was clear - an overdose of plant hormones led the sheep to complete infertility.

According to modern doctors, phytoestrogens activate additional development cells in the mammary glands, fatty tissues, endometrium and even the external genitalia. And the final result of the work of plant hormones depends on the general hormonal background of the woman, the duration of taking phytohormones and their dosage.

In addition, it has been established that plant hormones activate the production of female hormones. Hop cones contain a powerful 8-prenylnaringenin with incredibly high activity, women who work with hops may even be susceptible to disorders menstrual cycle.

Breast growth from hop cones - myth or reality

Today, many Internet resources and women's sites promote and encourage women to enlarge their breasts by taking hop cones. The most common method in these matters is a special decoction. It is impossible to speak unequivocally about the results of sequential intake of a decoction of hop cones, since the predetermining factor is the female hormonal system and its current state.

All this is also explained by the fact that dried hop cones can contain different percentage phytoestrogens, less or more than 1%.

Studies have shown that a woman who takes a decoction of hop cones for some time will experience the following consequences:

  1. An increased level of estrogen will lead to an increase in fatty tissue in the mammary glands, and accordingly, the growth of the mammary gland itself.
  2. An unexpected increase in proliferation of the epithelium and uterine endometrium will occur in the vaginal walls.
  3. Emergency and even aggressive growth and regeneration of the epithelium will lead to vaginal dysbiosis, as well as to replenish the number of endocrine glands.
  4. There is every chance of endometriosis.
  5. Disruptions of the menstrual cycle and ovulation, and in the future problems with conceiving a fetus.

Such dire consequences can occur if a woman drinks a decoction of hop cones at her own dosage for more than 15 days, carelessly counting only on the growth of the mammary glands.

In addition, the buildup of adipose tissue will occur not only in the chest area, but also on the waist and hips. Too much estrogen also leads to the accumulation of fluid in the body, so the woman’s face and body will gradually swell.

You need to understand that noticeable results after taking hop cones for the purpose of breast enlargement will not last long until the woman stops replenishing the body with plant hormones. But to get rid of such serious consequences it will be quite difficult.

Recipes for use: note

Usually, for breast enlargement, hop cones are used either in the form of an infusion or in the form of ether oil. You need to buy ready-made buds at pharmacies.

  1. Hop decoction, recipe. Take 10 grams of dry hop cones and pour the mixture with one glass of boiled water. This decoction must be infused for at least 8 hours in a thermos, after which the mixture is filtered and half a glass is drunk three times a day. Required condition taking the infusion - drink 30 minutes before meals. After two to three weeks, a woman will be able to see with her own eyes the effectiveness of this breast augmentation technique.
  2. Essential oil. Also, as in the previous case, this product can be bought at any pharmacy. You can prepare hop cone ether oil at home. To do this, you need to grind the pine cones using a blender, place them in a jar, add sesame or base oil to them. olive oil. The jar with impurities is sent to a warm and dark place for 7-10 days, after which the oil is filtered through gauze. After contrast shower Gently massage the oil into the décolleté area using circular movements of the palms. The results of this breast enlargement technique will be noticeable after a few weeks.

At the same time, one should not forget about the consequences of such procedures, which can harm the sexual and hormonal system women.

Other beneficial properties of hop cones

Valuable to human body female hop inflorescences are considered. Thanks to the mass useful components and properties of hop cones are often used in medicine.

All the “benefits” of hop inflorescences:

  • a large number of microelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.) and a complex of vitamins B and C;
  • sedative properties, use of cones to create sleeping pills;
  • the effect of pain relief, relieving cramps and inflammation;
  • giving tone to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diuretic effect;
  • the bitterness of the cones will help increase your appetite;
  • used in the treatment of female genitourinary diseases.

All these beneficial effects hop cones are possible only under the supervision of a doctor. Uncontrolled intake of decoctions and tinctures of hop inflorescences can lead to irreparable consequences.

Hop cones: pros and cons

Of course, every woman should be especially attentive to her health and body.

Overdoing it with a product such as hop buds means harming your health.

The hop drink should not be taken for long; any changes in well-being may be a sign of side effects.

You can enlarge your breasts by taking hop cones by preparing a tincture, decoction or rubbing in essential oil from them.

But all such manipulations and procedures must be supervised by a doctor. Jokes with hormones, even if they are of plant origin, are bad and sometimes even fatal. Big breasts will not replace women's health and the opportunity to have children.

Almost every modern woman or the girl strives for ideal figure, which means not only slender legs, flat stomach, but also sufficient breast volume. The most popular method of breast enlargement is surgery, for which not every woman is ready, both morally and financially. But there are a number alternative ways that help a woman enlarge her breasts. One of them is hop cones, which are actively used in folk medicine to enlarge the bust.

The effect of lumps on the mammary glands

This tool contains many vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. Hops also contain phytoestrogens. They are the ones who contribute to the enlargement of the mammary glands.

Phytoestrogens are substances of plant origin that can cause effects similar to estrogens. Hop phytoestrogens have a beneficial effect on the female body during menopause, menopause, and menstrual irregularities. As for bust enlargement, after taking medications based on hop cones, a woman’s breasts gradually increase in size and become more elastic.

The mechanism of action of these cones is a positive change in hormonal levels, which subsequently affects the growth of the mammary glands.

Important to know! This product has a number of contraindications! Therefore, before using it for breast enlargement, it is better to consult a specialist.

The cones of this plant contain concentrated maximum quantity phytoestrogens, which is why they are used to increase female breast. The most popular and effective recipes preparing products that help achieve the required parameters are:

  1. Tea. To prepare tea, you should take 1 tsp. main ingredient, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to brew for 1 hour. Then strain. Tea should not be hot, but not cold before drinking. You need to drink this remedy 3 times a day before eating. Should be brewed every time fresh tea. The duration of drinking tea from cones should be 1 month.
  2. Infusion. To prepare this product you will need 1 tbsp. l. crushed plant cones, which should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. It is better to do this procedure using a thermos. If it is not at hand, then the container needs to be wrapped in a warm towel. Close the lid tightly and leave for 8 hours. The prepared infusion should be consumed 3 times a day, dividing it into 3 doses. Its use should take no more than 1 month.
  3. Decoction. Preparation of this type of medicine requires 2 tbsp. l. main ingredient. It should be filled with 0.5 liters of water, put on low heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then remove from heat. Let the broth cool completely and refrigerate for 1 week. After time has passed ready-made product should be consumed 3 times a day before meals. Recommended dose – 50 ml.
  4. Oil. It can be purchased at the pharmacy, but can also be prepared at home. To prepare this oil, you will need to chop hop cones and fill a small jar halfway with them. Fill the remaining space with olive oil or sesame oil. It depends on the woman’s financial capabilities. Seal the jar tightly with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for 1 week. After the time has passed, strain the prepared hop oil. It should be applied with massage movements to the décolleté area. The procedure must be carried out after a shower. The duration of using hop cone oil for breast enlargement has no restrictions. This can be done until the desired result is achieved.

Important to remember! If the use of the above means causes discomfort, these actions should be stopped! To assess the feasibility of this method of bust enlargement, it is better to contact a specialist in this field.

Side effects

During the period of using a medicine based on plant cones to enlarge the mammary glands, a woman may experience the following side effects:

  • dizziness and general weakness;
  • nausea, in some cases accompanied by vomiting;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • causeless mood swings, apathy;
  • hormonal and menstrual cycle disorders;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest;
  • increase in body hair;
  • atypical vaginal discharge.

The above side effects usually observed with long-term use cones of this plant. Therefore, experts recommend using such products for no more than 1 month.

This product has many beneficial properties. That is, its use will help not only enlarge your breasts, but also improve your health in general. Hop cones have the following effects on the body:

  1. Normalization of activities nervous system. The remedy significantly improves the condition after suffering stress or emotional turmoil, relieves irritability. Thanks to this function, insomnia is eliminated.
  2. Improvement metabolic processes in the body. This is especially true for fat, water and mineral metabolism.
  3. Elimination inflammatory processes. Relieves inflammation in the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, joints. Also has a diuretic effect.
  4. Improvement skin and hair. This product increases their protective functions.
  5. Normalization of functioning cardiovascular system. Thanks to hop cones, you can normalize arterial and intraocular pressure, as well as heartbeat.

Important to know! Products based on hop cones help increase appetite! Therefore, women suffering overweight, it is better to refrain from this method of bust enlargement.

Contraindications for use

Each medicine, even based on natural ingredients, has certain contraindications. As for hop cones, these are:

  1. Pregnancy period. The drug is contraindicated, since the presence of phytoestrogen in this plant can provoke hormonal imbalance, which can subsequently lead to premature birth.
  2. Breast-feeding. Plant components enter the body with mother's milk. This may cause allergic reactions in a newborn, as well as colic.
  3. Women's diseases. The components of the cones can aggravate the condition of a woman with gynecological diseases.
  4. Excessive estrogen production. The entry of phytoestrogen in such situations leads to hormonal imbalance, which provokes additional diseases.
  5. Individual intolerance or increased sensitivity to the plant. The use of cones in such cases can cause severe allergic reactions.

In any case, the process of increasing the bust with the help of plant cones should be coordinated with a qualified specialist. This will help avoid unwanted consequences.


Hop cones. Hop cones for breast enlargement. How to enlarge breasts. Folk remedies for breast enlargement

Girls, I’m still thinking about how to enlarge my breasts without... plastic surgery. Is it true that hop cones make your breasts get bigger? Has anyone tried hop cones to enlarge their bust?

Come on, breastfeeding boobs get bigger.

Let your boyfriend give you a boob massage. Info sotka that will increase!

Stupid woman. Such folk remedies provoke oncology.

And you will also increase your cellulite!

Yes, it helped me. He applied hop cones to the bust during the full moon.

A plastic surgeon makes your breasts bigger, not hop cones.

Only if you put them in your bra. Then you can buy hop cones. I would choose a push up bra for these purposes.

From linseed oil The breast size increases slightly.

Yes, boobs get bigger. If hop cones stuff it into your bra.

But for me it’s the other way around. Before pregnancy, breast size was 3, and after childbirth and towards the end breastfeeding became 1 at a stretch, it’s such a shame! At this point you’ll even believe in medicinal hop cones, just to get your breasts back!

Melt the goat poop in a water bath, add 100 g of ketchup, plus 3 teaspoons of baby urine. Lubricate your breasts 4 times a day. Breast enlargement guaranteed!

Oh God! Are there still such narrow-minded girls who believe that if you put some bumps on your breasts, they will grow? Nightmare. Well I don't deny the treatment folk remedies like drinking valerian at night, but, damn it, putting hop cones on your boobs is cruel!

The blood of a virgin forgot so that the grown tits do not sag!

In theory, this is possible, but not from the cones, but from liquid hops, which contain estrogen. But in addition to your breasts, your hips will grow (fat will appear) and your belly. And you will have to brew 400 liters of buds and drink and drink.

Why doesn't anyone ask for folk remedies for brain enlargement?

Why is it necessary? Well, unless you make money with a super figure. Why risk your health to get bigger boobs?

Breasts can be slightly enlarged with any estrogen, but you just need to remember the consequences. Male transsexuals manage to grow breasts up to size 1 easily. Estrogen is pushed, the mammary gland grows.

Also rub garlic on your boobs. Will help 100%.

Breasts are only enlarged by implants. Read the reviews. Folk remedies are only for you to calm your conscience. You try to drink something there, and then to plastic surgeon Go for mammoplasty. Result 100%!

Of course it's true. Hop cones- the main competitor of plastic surgeons. And all the information about the ineffectiveness of the cones was paid for by the same surgeons. Also, eat pink mushrooms and more cabbage!

Forgot the tears of a virgin. Enhance breast growth on moonlit nights.

Nothing helped.

I watched a program about Pamela Anderson, she said this: “Hop cones are the secret of my big breasts!" So, try this breast augmentation! Pamela’s reviews are the best! Only she recently took her hop cones out of her bust.

- It seems her secret is silicone.

New in science - silicone hop cones. Guaranteed to help!

Then it’s better to make your boobs bigger with beer. The effect is the same, but the process is more enjoyable.

Boobs become larger if you take hop cone oil continuously for several months.

Hops contain a female hormone, but it is unlikely to increase breast size. There's not enough estrogen in there to make your boobs grow, you have to take a huge dose of that hop.

It would be more correct to say that hop cones will help those who have small breasts not genetically, but due to mastopathy, for example. After all, mastopathy is an incorrect tissue ratio, excessive growth of glandular tissue and a small amount of adipose tissue. She is being treated hormonal drugs. That's why hop cones can enlarge breasts due to phytohormones.

It’s better to rub against the corner of the bathhouse on the growing moon. At the age of 13 this helped me a lot. Breast growth has begun!

Drink birth control pills, and you will be happy! This is for now the only way enlarge breasts without surgery.

Rave. Not a cone of hops, not a contraceptives won't help if you don't have boobs.

When I was young, I foolishly tried to enlarge my breasts, OK, I messed up my cycle, but nothing increased.

People came up with silicone, push-up at worst, but they don’t like it!

During this time, you can understand whether big boobs suit you. Plus you gain extra weight.

The man who found a cure for cancer was sentenced to life imprisonment. Now pharmaceutical companies calm and continue to shovel their pills. I believe in folk remedies and that there is a method for breast enlargement without surgery. And much safer.

My boobs and my ass got bigger when I drank hop cones for my breasts.

Can't be! Something has also increased!

The main thing is not to smear yourself with poop!

No wonder it's you! Above they gave an excellent recipe with goat poop on how to enlarge your breasts.

Birth control pills cause periodontal disease! Be careful with hormones, girls!

Why, cabbage makes your boobs bigger! The hop cones are a scam for money, they actually increased everything with cabbage.

Yeah, both cabbage makes my breasts grow bigger, and the humpbacks make me bigger, just like that, I’ve already grown to size 3.

- I’m actually serious about contraceptive pills! Then it becomes not funny when a woman is left without teeth at 35.

Well, if only you put these bumps in your bra. Maybe, at least in a bra, hop cones for the bust will do a good job.

Move and checkmate, plastic surgeons! Hop cones in a bra – a new trend!

Yeah, and eat cabbage like a goat.

I’m lucky with my ass, I’ve only started to grow as big as a boob. Didn't Kim Kardashian smear herself with pine cones for an hour during the full moon?

100% option! My breasts have grown to size 5 from the bumps! I bet you!

I learned from a dentist that OK causes periodontal disease! Research has shown this result.

And when OK you stop drinking, your breasts don’t get smaller?

If nature has deprived you of titles, then bumps will definitely not make them grow. Well, if you just stuff them into your bra, these lumps.

You don’t even know what hop cones look like, they’re planning on stuffing them into their bra, good luck!

Breasts are growing before our eyes! You better eat cabbage. me in adolescence My mother fed me these stories, but I believed them!

Dark women, tough. It's a pity that many people won't have their brains repaired by their favorite plastic surgeons. And hops contain plant phytoestrogen - a female hormone, so breasts actually increase in size. But the size varies depending on constant use. I don’t recommend drinking hop decoction; it made me gain weight.

The penis, by the way, can also grow.

For me personally, after completing the OK course, my breast size did not decrease. Fluctuate between 3 complete and 3 incomplete. And I heard that many girls’ boobs decrease by as much as a size after they stop taking OK.

If you put them in your bodice. Yeah, yeah, it also helps to drink sperm and howl at the moon on a moonlit night. Breast growing – info 100%

My breasts have increased along with my weight gain, almost size 3. I'm fine

Don't worry, everything will return in three years. I had the same nasty thing twice already; after breastfeeding, my boobs went to zero. Now my second daughter is 3 years old, she stopped feeding her when she was eight. In a year and a half I switched from size 1 to size 2, and hopefully in a year I’ll be back to my original size 3.

Hops are added to beer, but beer only makes men’s breasts grow, since it contains plant estrogen!

Cabbage helps. You take it to the plastic surgeon, and he will do what you want.

Well, yes, you drink hop cones to enlarge your boobs, and then they blow back off. It's all hormonal. Wear your nipples with dignity!

Why doesn’t anyone ask the question “does the amount of gray matter” in the skull increase from eating cabbage, hop cones, and the like? I'm really indignant!

Yes, if you stuff hop cones into your bra.

Hops contain a female hormone. It is also fraught - it can provoke breast cancer. Do you need it?

I don't like big breasts.

Of course it's true! Hop cones, brewer's yeast, rolls, chocolates, poppy waste. The breasts will grow and the mug will get fatter. Verified.

How long after finishing feeding did your breast size begin to return to its previous values?

One year and 2 months. Immediately after giving birth, I began to lose weight, and then I generally reached the “skin and bones” state. But before, I always had breasts, even when I was thin. I drink Yarina, before pregnancy it made my breasts grow, but now they don’t. And to be honest, I at least hoped for her.

This bullshit is harmful, it changes hormonal background, then there can be big problems, breasts grow, but not for everyone. Will you stop drinking hop cones - will return to shape.

If the child is the first, then this is normal. Your bust will not go anywhere, you will return to normal. After the second baby, the regeneration process will go faster. At least that's how it was for me. The husband scoffed and said that normal men should have their wife’s breasts in their hand, but his butt fits in his hand! And now my second daughter is 3 years old, and everything has returned to normal. I weigh 50 kg, and after giving birth I weighed 40 kg.

I read that you can get a lot of illnesses this way.

You don't need hop cones, a psychologist will help you.

Have you tried folk remediesfor breast enlargement?

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Prepared specifically for the site

The hop plant is a universal product of nature, which has long been widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Decoctions and infusions based on hop cones have a sedative effect when, nervous disorders. Since ancient times, pillows stuffed with hops have been placed in the cradle of restless babies. Village beauties rinsed their hair with a decoction of hops to make their braids thicker and silkier. Hop essential oil has a calming and antibacterial effect. For disorders in the female genital area, the patient was given an infusion of hop cones.

It was recently discovered that this natural product contains phytoestrogen 8-PN, similar female hormone– estrogen. This explains the healing effects of hops in women's diseases. But at the same time, breast size depends on the amount of estrogen. So why not use hop cones to enlarge your bust?

Infusion of hop cones for breast enlargement

To prepare a wonderful infusion, pour 2 tablespoons of pine cones with two glasses of boiling water and leave for at least 8 hours. This quantity drinking is designed for four doses. A single serving is half a glass. To achieve results, you should drink an infusion of hop cones 3 times a day before meals to enlarge your bust. The product can be used for no more than one month.

When consuming hops, you should not rely on the fact that natural product absolutely harmless. After all, in its essence, the infusion is hormonal agent. It would be prudent to consult a gynecologist. Ladies with gynecological neoplasms should not use the tincture of hop cones. of various etiologies(tumors, cysts, polyps, etc.) It is strictly contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation to consume plant-based products.

Hop cone oil

Hop cone oil is considered a much safer remedy for breast enlargement. You can purchase a high-quality finished product in almost any pharmacy. But healthy oil You can cook it at home too. To do this, crushed plant cones are poured vegetable oil(preferably olive or) and leave for a week in a dark place. By the way, the finished product should also be stored in a shaded place.

Every day for several weeks, after a shower or bath, rub the composition into the skin of the chest with light massaging movements. Of course, you should not expect an increase in breast size by 3 sizes, but increasing your breast size by 0.5 - 1 size is quite possible. A pleasant bonus will be increased skin elasticity. Plus the oil is good prophylactic from stretch marks.

When using hop cones to enlarge the bust, allergic reactions in the form of itching, burning, and redness of the skin are possible. This means that the product is contraindicated for you and should not be used.