Glycine - instructions for use. Calmness, attention and concentration - glycine for children will help you achieve! Is glycine dangerous for children?

My son doesn't sleep well, and the doctor prescribed him glycine. I read the instructions - it seems like this safe drug. But still we're talking about about a sedative, and my child is still very young - three years old. I am afraid that it will cause lethargy, drowsiness, and maybe somehow affect development. Is it safe to give glycine to children?

When is glycine prescribed to children?

In its composition, glycine is an amino acid that is found in many products, even in mother's milk. It is used in treatment various violations brain function - hypoxia, which sometimes affects babies after childbirth, the consequences of head injuries. Glycine is indicated for all types of neuroses (from nervous tics to panic attacks), and helps with depression.

What substance is included in the drug and how does it work?

Glycine is an amino acid that is part of all proteins, that is, we constantly obtain this substance from food. In the brain, glycine regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition.

The drug makes it easier to fall asleep, reduces excess motor activity, improves the ability to concentrate. By enhancing the processes of protective inhibition, the product facilitates social adaptation and improves mood.

How is glycine given to children?

In order for the drug to work, the tablet must be placed under the tongue and dissolved. Unlike many sedatives, the effect of glycine is not cumulative; it begins its work immediately after administration. Glycine can be given to children almost from birth, and for babies up to one year old, the tablet is crushed in a teaspoon of water.

For sleep disorders, the drug should be taken 20 minutes before bedtime, one tablet for children over one year old and half a tablet for those younger.

If the doctor determines that the child has a lesion nervous system, then patients under three years of age are given half a tablet of glycine three times a day, and those older are given one tablet. In this case, the course lasts 1-2 weeks. If necessary, you can repeat them 4-6 times a year.

Side effects and contraindications to glycine

The drug has no side effects, but in rare cases After taking the medicine, the child does not calm down as expected, but becomes more agitated. This reaction is explained by the peculiarities of biochemical processes in some children.

There are no contraindications to the use of glycine, but a doctor should prescribe it.


Glycine can be prescribed to patients of any age. Unfortunately, they even often require treatment. With increased excitability and some other problems, neurologists try to start therapy with soft drugs with a minimum side effects, which includes glycine. The convenience of using this medicine lies in the fact that you do not need to crush the tablet and pour it into the baby’s mouth (which should not be done in principle). The drug can be taken breastfeeding by the mother. Because glycine perfectly penetrates into all fluids and tissues of the body, the therapeutic dose of the medicine will also be in milk. This will not harm a nursing mother, and on the contrary, it will be beneficial. Unless in case of individual intolerance to the drug you should not resort to this advice. The dosage of the medicine for a nursing mother should be selected by a doctor, but usually one dose three times a day is enough to get the effect.

If the baby is on artificial or with the mother individual intolerance glycine a, the drug is prescribed directly to the child. It is recommended to use the drug twice with preliminary crushing of the tablet. As a rule, neurologists prescribe half a tablet to children per appointment. No need to drink.

For older children, the drug is prescribed when bad sleep or for relief psychological state when adapting to different life situations. A baby whom a working mother leaves with a nanny will be very worried at first. Also, many children find it difficult to adapt to nurseries or kindergarten. Parental divorce usually has a negative impact on the child. In all these and similar cases, neurologists recommend taking glycine one tablet three times a day. For children early age The use of a crushed form of the drug is indicated. For older people, you can offer to dissolve the tablet by placing it under the tongue.

For younger students And glycine prescribed to improve performance at the end of the academic quarter and during exams. 1-2 tablets of the drug three times a day help cope with any mental stress.

Nature of glycine

This compound is an aminoacetic acid belonging to nonessential amino acids(it is synthesized in the human body from other amino acids). The name of such an aliphatic acid is based on the word “glycos”, which in ancient Greek meant “sweet”. Glycine, like other amino acids, is found in both plant and animal foods. Its sources are liver and beef, oatmeal, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts and other products.

2 operating principles

If glycine enters a child’s body as part of food, it is broken down in the gastrointestinal tract along with other amino acids, and then transferred to the liver and other organs, taking part in protein synthesis.

Glycine, which in tablet form is absorbed into the body, will have a completely different effect. oral cavity. It enters directly into the blood and is transported to the brain, where it “works” as a neurotransmitter. Under its action, the formation of glutamic acid in neurons decreases, which leads to a decrease in the excitation effect. Instead, neurons begin to produce GABA, which has an inhibitory effect.

This action normalizes metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the nervous system, improves the psycho-emotional state and stimulates intellectual activity. In addition, when glycine reaches brain receptors, it relieves conflict, reduces aggressiveness, improves mood, and reduces toxic effects. medications, which depress the central nervous system.


Glycine is used in childhood as:

  • Natural sedative medication with a soft action.
  • Means for normalizing sleep.
  • A drug against muscular dystrophy.
  • Mental activity stimulant.
  • Protective agent with emotional stress, stress and strokes.
  • Nootropic drug in the treatment of nervous diseases.

Glycine has a calming effect on the child’s nervous system

Reasons to prescribe glycine to a child are:

  • Brain lesions.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Problems concentrating.
  • Stress.
  • Psycho-emotional overload.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Sleep disorders.


The main contraindication for which glycine is not prescribed is individual intolerance to such an amino acid or excipients as part of tablets.

Side effects

Rare adverse reaction the consumption of glycine is an allergy, which manifests itself as hives or a rash on the skin. If consumed too high dose the drug can cause nausea, dizziness, and a decrease in blood pressure.

Combination of glycine with other medications

Glycine has the ability to reduce toxic effects medicines on the brain, so it is often prescribed along with drugs from the group of antidepressants and antipsychotics.

If you give a child glycine simultaneously with medications that have a hypnotic, tranquilizing and sedative effect, the effect of central nervous system inhibition will be additive.

Glycine enhances the effects of other nootropic and sedatives At what age can it be given to children?

Glycine can be prescribed from the first year of life, but use before the age of 3 years should be supervised by a doctor.

Dosage and instructions for use

Tablets in which glycine is the main active substance, you need to dissolve under the tongue or behind the cheek (between the gums and upper lip). The duration of use and dosage are primarily influenced by the reason for the prescription, so a doctor should prescribe such a drug.

Before giving glycine to your child, be sure to consult your doctor.

For babies under one year old, glycine is prescribed only in case of serious medical indications. In this case, the dose of the drug, frequency of administration and duration of therapy should be determined by the attending physician.

If he has prescribed glycine for a baby, the tablet is crushed into powder, which is applied to the nipple or immediately placed in the baby’s mouth. The duration of appointment before the age of one year usually does not exceed 2 weeks. An alternative to prescribing glycine to babies under one year of age is the use of the drug by a nursing mother.

Children 1-2 years old

At this age, glycine is prescribed half a tablet (50 mg) three times a day. After two weeks of this dosage regimen, the drug is given for another week, once a day, 50 mg.

Children 3-4 years old

At this age, the dosage of glycine is 100 mg per dose (1 tablet). The drug is prescribed for 1-4 weeks with a dosage frequency of 2-3 times a day.

Children over 5 years old

A single dosage of glycine for children of this age is 1 tablet, which must be dissolved in the mouth without crushing. It is given to the child 2 or 3 times a day, the course of treatment usually ranges from 7 to 14 days, but can be extended to 1 month. If a child has problems sleeping, the drug is given at night 20 minutes before the baby goes to bed.

Be very careful about the dosage of glycine. Opinion of Komarovsky

A popular pediatrician considers the nootropic effect of glycine unproven and claims that the drug is useful mainly for doctors and parents. For the first, it helps ease responsibility, and for the second, it brings peace of mind that at least something is being done. This medicine does not harm young patients, but, according to Komarovsky, it does not help either. Famous doctor believes that he is being discharged mainly “just in case.”

Reviews from parents

Most parents who gave glycine to their children noted its harmlessness and effectiveness. Many say that after a course of this drug, the child became less restless, his mental activity became more active, in particular, memory and attention. Also often mentioned is the normalization, after taking glycine, of sleep and muscle tone. Much less often you hear complaints about uselessness and allergic reactions.

There is more on the parents' side positive feedback about glycine than negative

Glycine is a sedative drug that is indicated for use by children of any age, even newborns. How much it improves the child’s well-being, whether it has side effects and how to take it correctly, the instructions for using the drug will help you understand.

What is glycine and why do children need it?

Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that is independently produced by the liver in human body, and is also found in proteins and biologically active compounds. It has an inhibitory effect on neurons, stimulates metabolism in brain tissue, and has an antidepressant, antioxidant, antitoxic, and sedative effect. As a result, it is easier to fall asleep, improve memory and learning, and reduce motor hyperactivity.

Indications for taking Glycine

For children, doctors recommend glycine to reduce nervous tension and stimulation of mental activity. The use of the drug for children is quite justified. After all, nervous system disorders in adults often develop as a result of childhood mental trauma. They could have arisen back in early childhood, infancy, during childbirth or during pregnancy of the mother. Treating such pathologies in childhood is much simpler and more effective. In some cases, neurologists prescribe Glycine even to infants. Indications for taking this drug may vary, but they are always related to the state of the nervous system.

Overdose and side effects

An overdose of glycine can cause lethargy, lethargy, increased drowsiness, absent-mindedness, and weakness. In addition, it is possible to reduce blood pressure and increased heart rate. Therefore, in order not to harm the child, parents must always look at the composition and amount of the active substance.

As mentioned above, Glycine affects metabolic processes in nerve cells and does not belong to the group of strong sedatives, and everyone’s nervous system is individual. Therefore, in some cases one can observe reverse effect– increased excitability, and sometimes provoking signs of neurosis.

If your child experiences discomfort, becomes more moody, has difficulty falling asleep, or constantly wakes up, you should definitely tell your doctor about these changes. He will assess the current situation and determine whether the drug is suitable for your baby. It is likely that you will need to change the dosage, discontinue the medicine or prescribe its analogue.

Instructions for use of Glycine for children in tablets

To begin with, it is important to note that Glycine for children should only be prescribed by a doctor - a pediatrician or neurologist. Self-administration of this drug may cause serious mental disorders. Based on the general condition of the child, medical history, course of maternal pregnancy, nature of labor, the specialist will prescribe the correct dosage and individual treatment period.

In most cases, the dosage of the drug for children is as follows:

  • children under 3 years old - 50 mg of glycine;
  • Children over 3 years of age are recommended to take 100 mg of glycine.

The frequency and duration of glycine intake during the day depends on the indications for taking the drug.

  1. When under stress, mental stress, memory impairment, inability to concentrate, delay mental development, decreased mental activity, children over 3 years old are recommended to take 2-3 times a day, course use is 14-30 days.
  2. At various pathologies nervous system, which can occur with hyperactivity, excessive agitation and sleep problems, children under 3 years of age are recommended to be given glycine 50 mg 2-3 times a day, the duration of administration is 7-10 days. Then the dosage is reduced to 50 mg of glycine 1 time/day, course use for 7-10 days. Children from 3 years old - 100 mg of glycine 2-3 times a day, for 7-14 days. For appropriate indications, Glycine intake can be extended up to 1 month.
  3. For insomnia and other sleep problems The drug is taken 20 minutes before going to bed in doses depending on the age of the child.

Predicting the time of onset of the desired effect is quite problematic, since the effect of the drug also depends on individual specifics child's body.

How to take glycine for children

Children after one year take glycine sublingually (the tablet is placed under the tongue) or buccally (the tablet is placed in the mouth, behind the cheek or upper lip).

From birth to 1 year of age, the child will not yet be able to slowly dissolve the tablet, so it needs to be crushed into powder, dip a pacifier in it and give it to the baby, or dilute the powder in 1 teaspoon of water. Immediately after taking Glycine, it is not advisable to give the child additional water so that the drug has time to be absorbed in the oral cavity.

While taking Glycine, parents need to monitor the child’s reaction to the drug, evaluate even the smallest changes in the baby’s behavior and immediately report this to the doctor.

What is the difference between drugs with glycine

On the domestic pharmaceutical market glycine is represented by several trade names of drugs. The most popular of them are:

  • Glycine (OZONE) 200 mg;
  • Glycine (Biotics) 100 mg;
  • Glycine Bio (Pharmaplant) 100 mg.

Special mention should be made biologically active supplement Glycine Forte (Evalar), which in addition to glycine and excipients contains vitamins (B1, B6, B12). This drug is not recommended for children.

Since the dosage of glycine for children is no more than 100 mg at a time, the most suitable for a child would be 100 mg glycine tablets, which are conveniently divided into two parts for children under one year of age.

Important! Tablets containing more than 100 mg of glycine are intended for adults and are not recommended for children under 14 years of age. For children under 1 year of age, it is best to buy medications that include 100 mg of glycine.

Reviews about Glycine

On the Internet you can find completely opposite reviews about Glycine. Most parents note that they periodically use this drug for children to reduce the manifestations of mental disorders, reduce the child’s hyperexcitability and normalize his sleep. In addition, the drug has virtually no contraindications and is affordable. In children positive results noticeable literally after a few days: they become calmer, begin to sleep better, anxiety goes away, their mood improves and general condition child. Another part of the parents testify to the lack of a positive effect; some complain of an increase in the child’s moodiness, sleep disturbances and the occurrence of allergic reactions.

A drug such as glycine is prescribed by many doctors in childhood. And so that parents are not afraid to give this remedy to their children, they should know how it works this drug, why the child’s body needs it and what dosages will be safe at different ages.

Nature of glycine

This compound is aminoacetic acid, which belongs to the non-essential amino acids (it is synthesized in the human body from other amino acids). The name of such an aliphatic acid is based on the word “glycos”, which in ancient Greek meant “sweet”. Glycine, like other amino acids, is found in both plant and animal foods. Its sources are liver and beef, oatmeal, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, nuts and other products.

2 operating principles

If glycine enters a child’s body as part of food, it is broken down in the gastrointestinal tract along with other amino acids, and then transferred to the liver and other organs, taking part in protein synthesis.

Glycine, which dissolves in the oral cavity in tablet form, will have a completely different effect. It enters directly into the blood and is transported to the brain, where it “works” as a neurotransmitter. Under its action, the formation of glutamic acid in neurons decreases, which leads to a decrease in the excitation effect. Instead, neurons begin to produce GABA, which has an inhibitory effect.

This action normalizes metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the nervous system, improves the psycho-emotional state and stimulates intellectual activity. In addition, glycine that reaches brain receptors relieves conflict, reduces aggressiveness, improves mood, and reduces the toxic effects of medications that depress the central nervous system.


Glycine is used in childhood as:

  • A natural sedative with a mild effect.
  • Means for normalizing sleep.
  • A drug against muscular dystrophy.
  • Mental activity stimulant.
  • A protective agent for emotional stress, stress and strokes.
  • Nootropic drug in the treatment of nervous diseases.

Glycine has a calming effect on the child’s nervous system

Reasons to prescribe glycine to a child are:

  • Brain lesions.
  • Memory impairment.
  • Problems concentrating.
  • Stress.
  • Psycho-emotional overload.
  • Mental retardation.
  • Sleep disorders.


The main contraindication for which glycine is not prescribed is individual intolerance to such an amino acid or excipients in the tablets.

Side effects

A rare adverse reaction to the use of glycine is an allergy, which manifests itself as hives or a skin rash. If you take too high a dose, the drug can cause nausea, dizziness, and a decrease in blood pressure.

Combination of glycine with other medications

Glycine has the ability to reduce the toxic effects of drugs on the brain, so it is often prescribed along with drugs from the group of antidepressants and antipsychotics.

If you give a child glycine simultaneously with medications that have a hypnotic, tranquilizing and sedative effect, the effect of central nervous system inhibition will be additive.

Glycine enhances the effect of other nootropic and sedative drugs

At what age can it be given to children?

Glycine can be prescribed from the first year of life, but use before the age of 3 years should be supervised by a doctor.

Dosage and instructions for use

Tablets in which glycine is the main active ingredient must be dissolved under the tongue or behind the cheek (between the gums and upper lip). The duration of use and dosage are primarily influenced by the reason for the prescription, so a doctor should prescribe such a drug.

Before giving glycine to your child, be sure to consult your doctor.


For babies under one year of age, glycine is prescribed only for serious medical reasons. In this case, the dose of the drug, frequency of administration and duration of therapy should be determined by the attending physician.

If he has prescribed glycine for a baby, the tablet is crushed into powder, which is applied to the nipple or immediately placed in the baby’s mouth. The duration of appointment before the age of one year usually does not exceed 2 weeks. An alternative to prescribing glycine to babies under one year of age is the use of the drug by a nursing mother.

Children 1-2 years old

At this age, glycine is prescribed half a tablet (50 mg) three times a day. After two weeks of this dosage regimen, the drug is given for another week, once a day, 50 mg.

Children 3-4 years old

At this age, the dosage of glycine is 100 mg per dose (1 tablet). The drug is prescribed for 1-4 weeks with a dosage frequency of 2-3 times a day.

Children over 5 years old

A single dosage of glycine for children of this age is 1 tablet, which must be dissolved in the mouth without crushing. It is given to the child 2 or 3 times a day, the course of treatment usually ranges from 7 to 14 days, but can be extended to 1 month. If a child has problems sleeping, the drug is given at night 20 minutes before the baby goes to bed.

Be very careful about the dosage of glycine

Komarovsky's opinion

A popular pediatrician considers the nootropic effect of glycine unproven and claims that the drug is useful mainly for doctors and parents. For the first, it helps ease responsibility, and for the second, it brings peace of mind that at least something is being done. This medicine does not harm young patients, but, according to Komarovsky, it does not help either. The famous doctor believes that he is being prescribed mainly “just in case.”

If we break this drug down into its components, we can say that in essence it is an amino acid, the same as that found in some foods, as well as in mother’s breast milk. Glycine is indicated for many conditions, for example, for all types of various disorders of brain activity, including hypoxia, which very often awaits newborn children immediately after birth.

In a child’s brain, glycine regulates various processes: inhibition or excitement, calmness and sleep. In sufficient concentration in the body, this drug can relieve excessive physical activity, improve attention and concentration. Due to the fact that the processes of sharp inhibition of the nervous system intensify, glycine improves and allows the child to adapt normally to the environment.

The drug glycine has next impact on the body:

  • regulates ;
  • normalizes inhibition processes in the central nervous system;
  • increases mental activity and performance;
  • removes psycho-emotional stress, anxiety;
  • has antitoxic and antioxidant properties;
  • reduces aggressiveness, improves adaptation to the environment;
  • facilitates sleep, eliminates;
  • neutralizes the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia and brain disorders. In children who have suffered head and brain trauma, it reduces the level of negative consequences;
  • glycine successfully blocks the production of adrenaline and reduces the harmful effects of toxins;
  • prevents free radicals from entering nerve cells, regulating the activity of receptors. This greatly reduces the degree mental disorder and emotional stress;
  • glycine neutralizes the effects of toxins from alcohol and medications that affect the body and depress the central nervous system.

This amino acid is highly soluble in tissues, quickly penetrating into everything biological fluids. Glycine does not accumulate in the body, and after its dissolution it is converted into water and carbon dioxide. Unlike many drugs, which must be taken for months to show their effects, glycine acts once. That is, it alleviates the general condition after the first dose.

The drug is indicated for children at any age, starting from birth. The main thing is choice correct dosage And accessible form applications. For the youngest children, it is advisable to grind the tablets into powder, dissolving them in a small amount of water. Older children can be given the drug as a whole, or by dividing the tablet into parts.

Glycine for children of different ages

Use of glycine at different ages:

  1. To coordinate the attention of a young schoolchild, parents often use glycine. This gentle drug normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and prevents stress and anxiety in the child. Glycine has been used in pediatrics for a long time; doctors prescribe it for better adaptation of children in society, especially when attacks of aggression and tearfulness are obvious. The drug is also used in case of developmental delays in the child.
  2. For children preschool age Glycine is indicated for deviant forms behavior, increased aggressiveness and other psycho-emotional problems.
  3. Newborn babies are prescribed the drug immediately after birth and for the following indications:
  • perinatal form of encephalopathy;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • intrauterine;
  • increased muscle tone.

Depending on the baby’s condition, the doctor determines the right dosage glycine Traditionally, the child is given half of one tablet of the medicine twice a day for seven days. Only if there is an urgent need, the course of treatment is continued, but with a single dose of the drug. Regarding the use of glycine for newborns, there is a slightly different dosage regimen.

Uses of glycine

You should check with your treating pediatrician about all the details of taking a sedative for your child. Great value when drawing up a schedule for taking the drug, it depends on the age of the child to whom it was prescribed, as well as the individual reaction to glycine.

Schoolchildren can now take the entire tablet without crushing it. Since glycine has a pleasant sweetish taste, the child will not have an aversion to the drug, and he will be happy to take it.

Regardless of the child’s age, the number of doses remains the same - 2 or 3 times a day. The optimal course of therapy is from seven to fourteen days.

The method of administration is sublingual, that is, by dissolving a glycine tablet, from where it then enters the blood through the mucous membrane.

Methods of using glycine for newborns:

  • in the form of a solution. Rub it required quantity the drug into powder, and then dilute it with a small amount clean water. Gently pour into baby's mouth;
  • you can dissolve glycine in milk, or dip the pacifier in the powder, and then offer the medicine to the baby;
  • With a clean, damp finger, take a small amount of powder and lubricate the child’s oral mucosa with it, trying to cover the area under the tongue and behind the cheeks;
  • you can try giving glycine to the newborn along with breast milk. Everything is simple here, the mother should take the drug, and some active substance At the same time, it will be excreted in milk and enter the baby’s body. Thus, the child will receive his dose of the nootropic drug in the most pleasant and harmless way.

Special instructions

In most cases, glycine is well tolerated by the child's body, is quickly absorbed into the blood and does not have severe side effects. Sometimes there is a slight rash on the body, which usually goes away after stopping the drug or reducing the dosage. During the first two hours and several days of taking glycine, MirSovetov recommends monitoring changes in the child’s well-being and behavior in order to promptly notice whether this drug is suitable for him.

Basically, various troubles happen due to the fact that not all parents consult a pediatrician before prescribing glycine and self-medicate. Possible side effects resulting from improper use of glycine include the following:

  • fainting;
  • insomnia and nightmares at night;
  • anxiety;
  • inhibition of the nervous reaction;
  • mental disorder.

The above problems can be avoided if you use the amino acid correctly, using glycine as prescribed by a doctor and in compliance with the permissible dosage.

According to child psychologists, there is nothing wrong with the use of glycine, and it is indeed very often prescribed to children. The drug is safe and effective for the child’s body, moreover, the positive effect of taking glycine manifests itself quickly at the very beginning of treatment.

Doctors do not recommend taking glycine simultaneously with antidepressants and other psychotropic drugs, since glycine and any other CNS depressant significantly reduce each other’s effects. If you give the drug to children under one year of age, then strictly in the form of a suspension. It is important to prevent your child from choking on the pill.

An additional undeniable advantage of this tool is its versatility. Glycine not only works as an active sedative, but also as a medicine that stimulates brain activity. Minor dosage adjustments help achieve the desired results without the need to change the drug. And, most importantly, glycine is not at all addictive.

Parents' opinions regarding this drug were divided. Some believe that glycine components negatively interfere with the child’s health and similarly affect the functioning of his central nervous system. On the other hand, some parents are well aware of the fact that frequent anxiety, insomnia and poor concentration have a negative impact on their children's mental well-being. A properly selected dosage of glycine effectively copes with similar problems without harming the baby.