Inflammation of the gum mucosa. What to do in case of inflammation of the oral cavity (mucous membrane and tongue): signs and treatment of diseases. Nutritional features of adults and children

GINGIVITIS (gingivitis; lat. gingiva gum + -itis).

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums.

Gingivitis can occur due to bacterial and viral infections, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules, as a result of constant injury to the gums by the sharp edge of a decayed tooth, tartar, overhanging edge of a filling, poorly fitting crowns or dentures, burns of the gums by acids, alkalis, thermal burns etc. Along with this, gingivitis can be a symptom of vitamin deficiency, allergic reactions, endocrine disorders, diseases gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, blood system, salt intoxication heavy metals(lead, mercury, etc.), periodontitis or accompanying malocclusion pathology (so-called symptomatic gingivitis).

Symptoms and signs

As we expected, oral inflammatory disease was common: 21% of all cats had gingivitis, 11% had periodontitis, and 4% had stomatitis. But more importantly, retroviral infection was more common in cats with oropharyngeal inflammation than in the general population. Also, 19% of cats with periodontitis and 8% of cats with gingivitis were retroviral.

Oral disease is a common finding in cats

We know that oral diseases are common in cats and have an impact on overall health and welfare. For example, stomatitis is specifically used to describe widespread oral inflammation, while other terms describe localized lesions such as gingivitis or periodontitis.

Distinguish catarrhal, ulcerative-necrotic , hypertrophic And atrophicgingivitis. According to the nature of the flow, they distinguishspicy And chronicgingivitis, by prevalence inflammatory process - papillitis(inflammation of individual gingival papillae) andmarginal gingivitis (inflammation of the entire gingival margin).

Chronic gingivitis, shown in the image below, and stomatitis are among the most common oral conditions in cats. Persistent inflammation causes the mucous membrane and gums to appear hyperemic, proliferative and sometimes ulcerative with a bright red pebble. Inflammation in other areas of the mouth may also be present. Clinical signs may be mild or more severe, and they may or may not be noticed by the owner. Unfortunately, severely affected cats may have difficulty eating due to body pain, leading to reduced food intake and weight loss.

CatarrhalGingivitis is characterized by redness (hyperemia) and swelling of the gum mucosa and bleeding. Clinically, catarrhal gingivitis is manifested by itching of the gums and slight pain when eating.

I link-necrotic Gingivitis differs in that areas of necrotic tissue appear along the edge of the gums against a background of hyperemia. Patients complain of general malaise, bad smell from the mouth, severe soreness of the gums. Body temperature can rise to 39°, regional lymph nodes enlarged and painful.Hypertrophic Gingivitis differs in that the gingival papillae increase in size and can cover part of the tooth crown (gingival ridges). At the onset of the disease discomfort almost none, later bleeding gums and pain when chewing appear.

AtrophicGingivitis is characterized by a decrease in the height of the gingival papillae, atrophy of the gum margin and exposure of the roots of the teeth. Patients complain of pain when the gums are exposed to temperature and chemical irritants.

Chronic gingivitis is characterized by inflammation of the gingival mucosa with a hyperemic, often proliferative appearance. The specific diagnosis of the type of oral inflammation is based primarily on clinical signs. Histopathology is usually not required, although you may opt for a biopsy for any unusual findings to rule out neoplasia. The most common histopathological findings are simply typical of a nonspecific chronic inflammatory response.

The underlying causes of chronic oropharyngeal inflammation in cats are unknown. Many organisms, including viruses and anaerobic bacteria, have been found to be associated with this inflammation, although cause and effect are often difficult to prove. One study of biopsy samples from 30 cats found a cellular immune response that was consistent with viral infection. 4 The most common infection, especially in cases of caudal stomatitis, is feline potassium virus. 5.

Symptomatic gingivitis has a picture of gum damage specific to the underlying disease, for example, with scurvy, poisoning with salts of heavy metals, etc. gingivitis

Diagnosisgingivitisset on the basis clinical picture.

Treatmentcomplex, taking into account the cause of gingivitis and the nature of the disease against which it develops. Antiseptics, enzymes and vitamin preparations, eliminate irritating factors (tartar, defects in dentures, fillings), and after the acute phenomena of gingivitis subside, the damaged teeth are removed. In case of hypertrophic gingivitis, overgrown areas of the gum mucosa are excised. For symptomatic gingivitis, treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.
The prognosis for curing gingivitis as an independent disease is favorable, although relapses are possible. With symptomatic gingivitis, the prognosis depends on the nature of the course and the success of treatment of the underlying disease.

Oropharyngeal inflammation and retroviral infection

Knowing a cat's true retrovirus status is important because the results can affect the cat's prognosis and influence your treatment plans. For this best practice is to select accurate screening tests and provide appropriate confirmatory testing. As always, care should be taken to disinfect all dental instruments to avoid accidental transmission of these viruses between patients.

She received her specialty certification in cat practice in Lithuania, which is the owner of two types of cat specialty in Ottawa. She serves on the Winnie the Cat Foundation board and is a feline medicine consultant for the Veterinary Information Network. Few have been recipients of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Award.

Prevention is to maintain good hygiene oral cavity, in the timely elimination of factors that provoke the occurrence of gingivitis, in systematic prof. examinations with sanitation of the oral cavity.

PERIODONTITIS (parodontitis; Greek raga about + odus, odontos tooth + -itis; synonym: alveolar pyorrhea, paradentosis).

Inflammatory disease periodontal disease, characterized by damage to all its elements, destruction of the periodontal junction and progressive destruction of the bone of the alveolar processes, leading (without appropriate treatment) to tooth loss.

Why is the mucous membrane injured?

Worn oropharyngeal inflammation. . In force general use toothpastes are the ideal remedy to fight plaques. Most common detergent, used in toothpaste, is the anionic compound sodium lauryl sulfate, which imparts foaming and "feel" properties. These changes include hyperkeratosis, hypergranulosis, acanthosis, and varying degrees of basal hyperplasia, all of which result in a significant increase in epithelial thickness. Full brief overview The experimental protocol is shown as a flow chart in Figure 1.

ReasonsThe occurrence of periodontitis is not fully understood. Its development is associated with the influence of external and internal factors against the background of changes in the reactivity of the body. External factors There may be vitamin deficiency, insufficient protein in the diet, disturbances in mineral metabolism and the intake of microelements (fluorine, iodine, etc.) into the body, excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats from food. A major role in the occurrence of periodontitis is played by the qualitative composition of the microflora of the oral cavity and dental plaque, as well as the pH value of the fluid of the periodontal sulcus and the enzymes contained in it. Periodontitis is largely promoted by malocclusions, especially those accompanied by overload or underload of the periodontium. Internal factors factors affecting the development of periodontitis are considered to be genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders, functional and organic changes internal organs etc.

All of them contained fluoride. Detailed list The ingredients in each toothpaste are listed in Table 1. Table 1: Ingredients of the tested toothpastes. Tissue culture models and experimental treatments. Commercially available 5 cm 2 inserts containing reconstituted human oral epithelium and reconstituted human gingival epithelium were prepared by culturing either human generic epithelial cells or human gingival cells on polycarbonate culture inserts elevated to the air-liquid interface for 7 days.

PathogenesisPeriodontitis is characterized by local inflammation and microcirculation disorder, which leads to degeneration of the bone tissue of the dental alveoli, their resorption and, as a consequence, to loosening and tooth loss. Loss of teeth, pain when chewing, tooth mobility lead to pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract. Periodontal pockets, being foci of infection, can lead to allergization of the body, damage to the heart, kidneys, joints as a result of developing pathological immune processes, etc.

For each condition, at the end of the test period, duplicate cultures were placed in the appropriate labeled wells for cytotoxicity testing. All tissues were then incubated at 37°C for 3 hours. To qualitatively assess cell viability after 30-minute incubation, the color of each culture was noted. Negative control cultures should be dark blue, confirming cell viability.

Features of inflammation in smokers

% viability = ×. Conditioned medium was collected and stored frozen for cytokine quantification. For each sample and standard, 200 μL of collected medium was incubated in precoated 96-well plates for 2 hours at room temperature. All wells were then read on a spectrophotometer at 450 nm.

By clinical course differentiatespicy And chronicperiodontitis, as well aschronic periodontitis in the acute stage .

Acute periodontitis. Develops due to mechanical irritation of the periodontium. Patients complain about severe bleeding gums, pain when chewing.

Chronic periodontitis . At the beginning of the disease, bleeding gums appear, a slight odor from the mouth, and slight mobility of the teeth is noted. The gingival papillae are slightly hyperemic, swollen, there is tartar and soft plaque. Later, these symptoms are accompanied by leakage of pus from the gums, bad breath becomes strong, and teeth shift. Sometimes gum abscesses occur. Upon examination, pronounced inflammation of the gingival margin and the presence of deep periodontal pockets that bleed upon probing are determined. There is a significant displacement of teeth, their mobility increases until teeth fall out. X-ray shows resorption bone tissue interdental septa of varying degrees. In the acute stage, complaints about constant and severe pain in the teeth and gums, increasing with chewing. Upon examination, pronounced hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the gingival margin, bleeding and suppuration from periodontal pockets, mobility of teeth, the presence of tartar and large quantity soft dental plaque. With exacerbation of chronic periodontitis, deterioration is usually noted general condition patient: body temperature rises, ESR increases, blood formula changes.

Gingivitis in children

In all cases, duplicate measurements were performed for each sample. Assessment of morphology by light and electron microscopy. All other manipulations were then carried out at room temperature. For each condition, at the end of the test period, one of the three crops was cut in half. One piece of tissue was fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution and later embedded in paraffin.

After 30 min of treatment, the solution was removed and 3 mL of 1% osmium tetroxide in 1 M cacodylate buffer was added at 4 °C. After 1 hour, the cultures were washed three times with distilled water. Then all other manipulations were carried out at room temperature. Tissues were stained with 5% uranyl acetate in water for 10 minutes.

Diagnosisplaced on the basis of the patient’s complaints, characteristic clinical picture, data from radiological, laboratory and functional research methods.

Periodontitis is differentiated from gingivitis, mobility of individual teeth as a result of their long-term trauma by antagonist teeth in case of occlusion, eosinophilic granuloma of the jaws, and manifestations of blood diseases.

After three short washes with distilled water followed by dehydration in an alcohol series, dehydration was stopped by transferring the tissues in pure ethanol twice for 10 minutes, then once for 20 minutes. Normality of residuals was analyzed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and homogeneity of variances was tested using Levene's test. When the variances were unequal, the data were log transformed.

Cell viability assessment. Table 2: Effect of different toothpastes on viability over time. For both models, all negative control-treated tissues were stained blue, and all positively treated treated tissues were stained in white in 1 hour.

Treatment. Patients with periodontitis should carefullyFollow the rules of oral care and regularly sanitize the oral cavity. The main attention is paid to the elimination of periodontal pockets, stabilization of teeth and dentition . On the first visit to the doctor, periodontal pockets are treated with antiseptic solutions and tartar deposits are removed. On the second visit, curettage (scraping) of periodontal pockets in the area of ​​3-6 teeth is performed. When the depth of periodontal pockets is more than 4.5-5 mm, open curettage. For the treatment of periodontal pockets on the teeth of the upper and mandible 5-6 visits are required. Required condition successful treatment Periodontitis in the absence of part of the teeth is prosthetics. The choice of prosthetic design, which also performs the task of strengthening (fixing) teeth, depends on the number of remaining teeth, the degree of their mobility, and the condition of the oral mucosa. Important role in preserving satisfactory condition oral cavity belongs to careful hygienic care after her after completion of treatment.IN initial stages periodontitis are effectivephysiotherapy methods : administration using electrophoresis and phonophoresis of heparin, antioxidants (including vitamin E), vitamins B1, C, etc., aspirin, indomethacin, trental, ATP, hydro-, electro- and vibration therapy, use of pulsed currents, darsonvalization. Laser therapy, local ultraviolet irradiation(after curettage). Electrotherapy and vibration therapy are contraindicated in cases of severe tooth mobility, however, in this case, hydrotherapy using medicinal solutions and herbal decoctions is recommended.Treatment of chronic periodontitis in the acute stage , including with abscess formation, is to eliminate acute inflammatory phenomena in the periodontium. For this purpose, by cutting the gums in the area of ​​the abscess, the exudate is drained and the cavity is washed with antiseptic solutions. Antibiotics are prescribed internally wide range actions, sulfonamides, salicylates, trichopolum (0.25 g 2 times a day for 5 days). To hyposensitize the body, diazolin, pipolfen, calcium chloride, and tavegil are used. By means pathogenetic therapy are fluorine preparations, prodigiosan, ATP, trental, venoruton, etc. After the exacerbation is eliminated, treatment of chronic periodontitis begins with one of the above methods. The prognosis with timely and adequate treatment is favorable, otherwise gradual loss of several or even all teeth is possible.

Cell type was not significant but showed different results for different products tested. No irritation: constant thickness of the epithelium, regular and compact shape, cells attached to the rest. Mild irritation: minimal changes with slight swelling.

Moderate irritation: initial spongiosis in the upper layers and architectural atrophy, cellular irregularity. Severe irritation: disintegration of the upper cellular layers, spongiosis, cellular necrosis, loss of cellular transition in the main layer. The results of both cell cultures are presented in color slides. Apoptosis and necrosis were observed at 1 hour and 3 hours in the final toothpaste samples.

Preventionperiodontitis. Carried out taking into account professional characteristics, climatic and geographical conditions and concomitant diseases. Regular dental examinations, timely and effective treatment dental diseases, removal of tartar deposits, rational orthopedic treatment.

Nutritional features of adults and children

Vacuolation has been reported in previous monolayer studies and confirmed the histological findings in the present study. To simulate normal toothpaste use, a 30% solution was chosen since half the amount is rinsed or rinsed after the first use. It is important to note that with saliva in the mouth, the final dilution of the toothpaste created during brushing is about one-third.

All toothpastes contained the drug. Based on this endpoint, toothpastes can be ranked in order of increasing irritant strength as follows. Based on the different endpoints, the following order of increasing stimulus strength can be established.

STOMATITIS (stomatitis; Greek: stoma, stomatos mouth + -itis).

Inflammation of the oral mucosa.

May be traumatic, infectious, allergic(which includes aphthous stomatitis), resulting from intoxication with salts of heavy metals.

Traumatic stomatitis.

Develops as a result mechanical injury the mucous membrane of the oral cavity or exposure to aggressive chemicals, hot food, etc. Traumatic factors can be the sharp edges of teeth, dentures, and tartar. As a result of the injury, catarrhal inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs with swelling and hyperemia, erosion, and then a painful ulcer surrounded by inflammatory infiltration. Traumatic ulcers can be complicated by purulent infection or candidiasis. Long lasting a weak traumatic factor, for example, a poorly fitted denture, can lead to hypertrophy of areas of the mucous membrane and the appearance of papillomatous growths on them.

How to treat gingivitis at home?

Based on the histological results and statistical interpretation of the quantification of biochemical endpoints, the following conclusions can be drawn. False negative results obtained when tissue viability is used as the sole endpoint to evaluate the toxicity potential of toothpaste compositions. Therefore, simultaneous histological evaluation is mandatory for accurate toxicity assessment. This was clearly demonstrated for all endpoints. To validate the assay as a valid alternative to animal models, other substances must be analyzed to substantiate the predictive value of both the tissue models and the experimental protocols used.

Diagnosis diagnosed based on the characteristic clinical picture. Differential diagnosis carried out with trophic, tuberculous and syphilitic ulcers, as well as Vincent’s chronic ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis.

Treatmentconsists of eliminating the traumatic factor, antiseptic treatment and rinsing the mouth with solutions of substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect. In cases of severe pain, applications of painkillers are indicated. Careful sanitation of the oral cavity is necessary. The prognosis is favorable. However, stomatitis, caused by chronic mechanical irritation of the oral mucosa, can lead to the development of leukoplakia. Ulcers of the oral mucosa that do not heal due to constant trauma often become malignant.Acids, alkalis and other aggressive chemicals when acting on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, they cause necrosis (superficial or deep).Emergency therapy is rinsing the mouth with water and neutralizing solutions. Further treatment chemical burns oral mucosa includes the administration of painkillers and antiseptics and drugs that accelerate epithelialization, high-calorie diet. When extensive scars form, treatment is surgical. The prognosis depends on the severity of the burn and the duration of the inflammatory process.

Some remarkable observations have now been made about the role of sex hormones in development. pathological changes in the gum. It has long been known that sex hormones contribute to vascular changes gums during pregnancy. Evidence suggests that sex hormones are also capable of altering the normal subgingival flora and immune response in the oral cavity, leading to intense and frequent gingivitis in pregnant women. Other problems that appear to occur in the mouth during pregnancy are discussed later and are mostly unrelated to hormonal changes.

Stomatitis can also be caused by the action physical factors, incl.ionizing radiation. Treatmentthe same as in other nonspecific inflammatory processes.

Preventionstomatitis caused by chemical and physical factors depends to a large extent on compliance with occupational safety and health regulations.

These unrelated pathological findings include periodontitis and dental caries. The special treatment and prevention needs of dental patients during pregnancy are also discussed. Four oral diseases have been described that affect pregnant women to a greater extent than their non-pregnant counterparts: gingivitis, granuloma of pregnancy, periodontitis and dental caries.

Based on clinical observation, the frequency of so-called pregnancy gingivitis ranges from 30% to 100%. This variation may be a reflection of both the populations studied and the clinical parameters used. According to studies using well-defined indicators, gum inflammation is an increased or exacerbated response to plaque during the period of progesterone and estrogen imbalance. Additionally, the effect of pregnancy on pre-existing gum inflammation first appears in the 2nd month of pregnancy and peaks in the 8th month.


Is one of the manifestations of a number of common infectious diseases, in which the mucous membrane of the oral cavity is also involved in the pathological process.

Acute herpetic stomatitis considered as a manifestation of primary infection of the oral cavity with a virus herpes simplex. In moderate and severe forms of the disease, an increase in body temperature to 38-40°, an increase in ESR to 20 mm/h, and leukopenia are noted. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is swollen, hyperemic, with a large number of small vesicles, quickly turning into erosions, covered with plaque. Acute catarrhal gingivitis is characteristic. Acute herpetic stomatitis is differentiated from foot and mouth disease and others viral infections, in which the oral mucosa is affected.

Treatmentconsists of prescribing stimulants protective forces organism (prodigiosan, lysozyme), the oral cavity is treated with antiseptic solutions, proteolytic enzyme preparations, and UV therapy is indicated. The prognosis is favorable.

Prevention consists of timely implementation of anti-epidemic measures.

Vesicularstomatitis is caused by one of the rhabdoviruses, which is transmitted to humans from domestic animals suffering from this disease. Infectious agents are transmitted through nutritional or aerogenic routes. In humans, the course of vesicular stomatitis resembles the course of influenza infection. Incubation period lasts 1-5 days. Then there is a sudden rise in body temperature, pain in the joints, muscles, neuralgia, headache. On the 3rd day from the onset of the disease, bubbles (vesicles) form on the oral mucosa, which persist for 10-12 days. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture and laboratory test results (detection of the virus in nasopharyngeal swabs and in the contents of vesicles). Differentiate with foot and mouth disease, acute herpetic stomatitis, aphthous and allergic stomatitis.

Treatmentsymptomatic ( antiviral drugs, mouth rinses, treatment of the oral cavity with antiseptic solutions).

Prevention consists of observing the rules of personal hygiene and the rules of hygiene for keeping pets.

Ulcerative-necrotic Vincent's stomatitis (syn.: ulcerative stomatitis, ulcerative membranous stomatitis, fusospirochetous stomatitis, ulcerative gangrenous stomatitis, Plaut-Vincent stomatitis, trench stomatitis).

Caused by spindle shaped bacterium and oral spirochete (fusospirochete). The occurrence of this stomatitis is facilitated by a decrease in the overall resistance of the body and vitamin deficiency. At the onset of the disease, body temperature rises to 37.5-38°, painful and bleeding gums, hypersalivation, putrid smell from the mouth. Then ulcers appear (usually from the gingival margin), and later the process spreads to other areas of the oral mucosa.

Diagnosisestablished on the basis of the characteristic clinical picture, laboratory research blood and the results of a cytological examination of scrapings from the surface of ulcers (an abundance of spindle-shaped bacteria, fusospirochetes, destroyed leukocytes, etc.).

Treatment.ROf great importance are the careful removal of tartar and soft plaque, treatment of the oral mucosa with antiseptic solutions, and the administration of oral multivitamins. Forecast at timely treatment favorable.Prevention is to maintain oral hygiene.

Allergic stomatitis.

It can manifest itself in the form of catarrhal, hemorrhagic, vesicular-erosive, ulcerative-necrotic, as well as combined lesions with localization of the process in a limited area or on the entire mucous membrane of the oral cavity. If you are allergic to various medicines(most common in dental practice) patients complain of a burning sensation, itching, dry mouth (see Xerostomia), pain when eating. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity is swollen, hyperemic, and sometimes atrophy of the papillae of the tongue is noted (the so-called varnished tongue).

Diagnosis placed on the basis of anamnesis, wedge. pictures and laboratory results. Differential diagnosis is carried out with pemphigus, herpetic stomatitis, exudative erythema multiforme. Ulcerative-necrotic allergic stomatitis is differentiated from Vincent's ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa with leukemia and agranulocytosis.

Treatment. Provides for the elimination of the allergenic factor, the administration of hyposensitizing and antihistamines, according to indications - sodium thiosulfate. In severe cases, the patient must be hospitalized. In the hospital, drip infusions of hemodez, polyglucin, isotonic sodium chloride solution, and corticosteroids are prescribed. The prognosis with adequate treatment is favorable.

Aphthous stomatitis - a type of allergic stomatitis. It is characterized by the appearance of single painful aphthae on the oral mucosa. Relapses are observed in the spring-autumn period aphthous stomatitis. Over time, the severity of the disease increases, the number of aphthae that occurs increases, and their healing period lengthens to 2-4 weeks, and relapses become more frequent. Sometimes ulcers appear at the site of aphthae, which do not heal for 2-3 months (so-called cicatricial Sutton ulcers). Aphthous stomatitis often accompanies diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis diagnosed based on the characteristic clinical picture. Differentiate with generalized aphthosis (the so-called Behcet's disease, characterized by aphthous-ulcerative changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, genitals, conjunctiva of the eyes, etc.).

Treatmentaphthous stomatitis should be comprehensive and strictly individual. When identifying hypersensitivity specific desensitizing therapy is prescribed for any allergen. The oral cavity is sanitized, painkillers and proteolytic enzyme preparations, rosehip or sea ​​buckthorn oil. The prognosis is favorable. Prevention consists of eliminating allergenic factors.

Stomatitis due to intoxication with salts of heavy metals .

Mild intoxication with salts of lead, bismuth, and mercury usually causescatarrhalstomatitis with areas of pigmentation on the oral mucosa (primarily the gingival margin). In severe cases, ulcerations develop, characterized by a persistent course. In addition to pain, impaired salivation and sensation metallic taste in the mouth of patients they are worried about weakness, apathy, indigestion, etc.

Treatment- the same as the treatment of traumatic stomatitis, but it is carried out against the background of specific detoxification therapy.

Titles medicinal plants used in the treatment inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth and gums (gingivitis): bergenia, lemon, calamus, calamus, knotweed, juniper oil, burnet, caragana maned, cabbage, common, elecampane, hellebore.


Herbaceous perennial plant. For the treatment of gingivitis apply rhizomes, harvested from autumn until winter frosts. Roots washed, air-dried, cut and dried at a temperature of no more than thirty degrees.
Calamus rhizomes contain twenty percent starch, up to five percent essential oil, phytoncides, ascorbic acid, resins, bitterness, tannins. INDICATIONS FOR USE OF AIRA. Calamus infusion warm and used for mouth rinse at inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums(a teaspoon of chopped rhizomes pour one and a half tbsp. boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours, strain).

Use THICK-LEAVED BARAN for gingivitis as follows: a couple of tablespoons crushed X bergenia rhizomes pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, boil in a water bath for half an hour, express while hot, cool and use for rinsing the mouth.


INTERNAL USE FOR GINGIVITIS. .Decoctions from oak bark are used for rinsing: pour crushed bark (1 tablespoon) with boiling water (one glass), boil for a quarter of an hour over low heat, cool, strain).

ELEIGNA IS HIGH IN GINGIVITIS. Shredded(dessert spoon) pour 200 ml. boiling water, boil for fifteen minutes. over low heat, then leave for four hours, use for mouth rinses.

My teeth hurt - With hellebore cotton wool will relieve pain in twenty minutes..

USING ESSENTIAL LEMON OIL FOR GINGIVITIS. Apply one drop of oil to gum bleeding, inflammation of the gums or teeth, to disinfect and accelerate the healing process.

For sore gums: drop by drop mix oils, thyme, and. Dissolve the mixture in a glass of boiled water, warm water And rinse your mouth solution twice a day, after brushing your teeth. A course of treatment is recommended until complete recovery.


For infections of the oral mucosa and gums: a few drops sage oil and stir one teaspoon in a glass of boiled warm water. Rinse your mouth with the solution a couple of times a day, morning and evening. A course of treatment is recommended until complete recovery.

RECIPE FOR TREATING GUM INFLAMMATION WITH JUNIPER OIL. Often in inflammatory processes in the oral cavity recommended to use juniper oil, since it has disinfectant property it. Take five ml. essential oil and in one glass warm water add, rinse your mouth. The procedure should be repeated two to three times a day, the course of treatment is 14 days.
Can Make lotions with oil for inflammatory processes on the gums. To do this, take a small piece of cotton wool or a bandage and soak it in juniper oil, With water mixed, to sore gum attach. Hold for fifteen to twenty minutes. The procedure should be carried out twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

For teeth and gums strengthening. Mouthful sesame oil pick it up and “drive” it from side to side for two to three minutes, then spit it out. Afterwards, with gentle movements gums massage with your index finger. Do this procedure daily. This is an excellent preventative and health measure for caries, periodontal disease and infections various cavities oral.