Why does blood appear in a cat’s stool: causes, concomitant diseases. If you find blood in your cat's stool, what should you do? Blood in a cat's stool: symptoms, treatment, causes, prevention and prices

It happens that a cat has bloody stools, or the bowel movement process is disrupted in a different way. In this case, this is a symptom indicating a violation of the animal’s health. First of all, it is worth identifying what caused this phenomenon, as well as in what cases it is necessary to contact specialists.


Blood in the stool is quite common, and if it happens just once, don’t be alarmed.

For example, during constipation, the animal will strain to defecate, which will cause minor bleeding. As soon as the stool returns to normal, the problem will disappear.

If the frequent presence of blood is noticed in the stool, or it is released in large volumes, then this is a sign of a serious illness. Veterinarians identify reasons that can cause blood to appear in a cat’s stool:

In small kittens, with discharge of a bright scarlet color, the reason may be ingestion of a foreign body.

This is due to the fact that children can play with various sharp objects, including small stones. This element is not digested and comes out with feces.

If there are helminths, the blood in the cat's stool will be in the form of brown clots.

Animals infected with worms may recover with blood mixed in them for several days until they are given appropriate treatment.

Video: the veterinarian will tell you about the reasons

Symptoms, what to look out for?

In some cases, the appearance of blood in the stool may be the only sign indicating the development of a cat's health problems. However, there may be additional symptoms, at which you need to contact a veterinarian immediately:

  • Frequent urination;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Attacks of vomiting;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Weight loss sharply;
  • Intense thirst;
  • Loss of interest in what is happening around.


If there is blood in the stool, the cat should be taken to a veterinary clinic for examination and diagnosis of the cause of the bleeding.

Typically, rectal examination procedures are used, blood is taken for detailed and chemical analysis, as well as feces and urine.

If necessary, an ultrasound, x-ray, and colonoscopy procedure are performed. In addition to the tests, the doctor asks questions for the pet owner in order to compose, if possible, clinical picture problems:

  • Could the animal swallow foreign object, eat food that has spoiled, or sharp tubular bones?
  • Has there been a recent change in diet or food change?
  • Does the cat eat food from the owners’ table, what foods does it consume?
  • Has the animal suffered any damage or injury to the anus in the form of an animal bite or blow?
  • Have you ever noticed a cat walking on the carpet on its backside? This may indicate anal sinus problems.

Determining which organ secretes it depends on the state of the blood in the cat’s feces.

Bright red blood indicates problems lower section intestines or rectum, as this is a sign of bleeding from these areas.

In some cases, with such phenomena, the age of cats is taken into account, since in older cats this can occur due to the development cancer, and in young animals as a result of helminthic infestation.

Any doctor’s assumption must be verified using tests. For dark, tarry stools, the location of the problem is upper section intestines.


Treatment is prescribed by a specialist after conducting the necessary examination and receiving the results of all tests. In order to alleviate the cat's condition, certain procedures may be recommended.

Diets help unload the intestines. Additional fluid may also be administered. Plus, the specialist appoints the appropriate medicines aimed at treating helminths.

At bacterial infections Antibiotics are prescribed, as well as drugs that slow down the movement of food masses through the cat’s intestines.

Video: help for gastrointestinal diseases

Let's get started preventive measures

Every time blood appears in the cat's stool, the owner can collect the feces and take them to a veterinary clinic for analysis. This procedure is the simplest of all that can be done in this case. After the examination, the specialist will be able to tell you whether the cat has worms and what medications are best to use to eliminate them.

Whatever the disorder, its treatment is much easier at the very beginning of the problem, therefore, if the cat is straining and cannot go to the toilet, visits the litter box more often than usual, is worried and its behavior has changed, you should not expect other symptoms to appear, but immediately go to the veterinary clinic.

If you notice blood in your kitten's stool, you need to pay attention to how this sign manifests itself. You should be wary if your pet repeatedly bleeds during a trip to the toilet. An alarming symptom will be the presence of mucus and blood in the stool at the same time. In this case, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Causes of blood in stool

Most often, blood in a kitten's stool is the result of constipation due to poor diet. Such symptoms can be observed after the animal has eaten dry food or the owner has switched it to a different diet. In this case, there is no need to worry. Simply reviewing your pet’s diet is enough to solve the problem.

Only a veterinarian can tell why a kitten has bloody stool. He will determine the reason for the deviation and assign correct treatment.

What to do if your kitten has blood in his stool

If you find blood in an animal's excrement, first of all pay attention to accompanying symptoms. In many cases, you can identify and eliminate the cause of the failure yourself.

You should contact your veterinarian on the day blood is detected in the stool under such circumstances.:

  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Blood clots appear between trips to the toilet.
  • The kitten screams when it goes to the toilet.
  • There is a loss of body weight.
  • The animal is constantly thirsty.
  • The kitten is vomiting.
  • The pet has loose stools.

Diagnosis of the disease involves the appointment of tests and ultrasound. After receiving the test results, the veterinarian will tell you what to do. Most often, the kitten is prescribed a diet that helps cope with most of the causes of blood in the pet’s stool. In this case, the animal will need a large amount of water to restore its balance and maintain body weight.

A change in the animal's normal condition may indicate problems with one organ or a number of health problems. It often happens that owners, when cleaning the cat's litter box, find bloody feces in the cat's litter box. Why does my cat have blood in his stool? And what should the owner do? This does not bode well, but do not panic about this prematurely.

There may be several reasons for the appearance of extravasate in feces. Let's look at them in detail.

Blood in a cat's stool: causes and treatment

Several factors influence the reasons for the appearance of blood in the stool:

  • periodicity of the phenomenon;
  • its amount in feces;
  • color bloody discharge;
  • presence of mucus;
  • related symptoms.

A common cause of blood in a cat's stool is dry food, which irritates the intestines and can lead to gastrointestinal disorders.

If there is a slight reddish bloody discharge without mucus, then most likely the cat is constipated or has swallowed a foreign object. It is worth changing your diet and watching your stool. If everything remains the same or worsens, then mandatory show your pet to the veterinarian.

What pathologies can occur with such symptoms?

This list is not exhaustive. The listed pathologies are most often found in cats, but other diseases accompanied by similar symptoms are also possible.

What to do if your cat has blood in his stool

If a cat has feces with blood and mucus, then it is necessary to observe related symptoms, that is, the behavior of the animal: its appetite, body temperature, activity. It is also recommended to give up dry food for a while to check for the possibility of an allergic reaction or microflora disturbance.

When is mandatory attendance recommended? veterinary clinic? If after a while (no more than 2 days) the pet continues to defecate feces with extravasate, then you need to contact a veterinarian. IN special cases there's no need to wait a day.

If you experience the following related symptoms, take your cat to the clinic immediately:

  1. Vomit.
  2. Loose stools with bright red blood and mucus in a kitten or cat.
  3. Frequent urination.
  4. Extreme thirst or loss of appetite.
  5. Apathy, sickly appearance.
  6. Fever.

Such additional signs may indicate a serious pathology and the need for urgent medical care. Bloody excrement in itself is a deviation from the norm, and in combination with other signs it carries mortal danger for your beloved pet.

If a cat has feces with blood and mucus, then it is necessary to observe related symptoms, that is, the behavior of the animal: its appetite, body temperature, activity. Source: Flickr (Ryan_Bodenstein)

Pathology treatment methods

What treatment methods exist when extravasate is detected in an animal’s stool? Naturally, the treatment process directly depends on the diagnosis. Usually determine the real reason bloody discharge in feces is impossible without additional diagnostic procedures. What diagnostics do veterinarians carry out in this case?

  1. Detailed analysis of blood, urine and feces.
  2. Analysis for the presence of allergens.
  3. Intestinal examination.
  4. Ultrasound and other diagnostic methods.

Treatment can be lengthy and sometimes surgery is necessary.

Procedures to alleviate the cat's condition:

  1. Changes in diet (temporary or permanent exclusion of dry food, dietary food etc.).
  2. Antibiotics in the form of tablets or injections for bacterial infections.
  3. Tablets for stool relief for constipation.
  4. Medicines for helminths in the presence of cystospora in the feces of a cat.
  5. Disinfecting enemas.

Remember that all procedures must be performed in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. Do not give your cat antibiotics without the approval of your veterinarian, and do not delay your trip to the clinic.

Preventive measures

So that the animal does not experience discomfort during bowel movements, and the situation does not reach the development of serious pathologies, it is necessary to observe several simple rules. Every pet owner needs to know these preventive measures:

  1. Systematic deworming.
  2. Limit your pet's access to poisons for rodents and other pests.
  3. Feed your cat correctly (choose a diet, don’t overdo it with dry food, don’t overeat).
  4. Do not forget about fresh water, which he needs for normal digestion.
  5. Visit a veterinary clinic.

If cystospora or extravasate is detected in the stool, be sure to take it for diagnosis.

No one knows your beloved ward better than you, so only you can notice changes in his behavior. Blood in the stool of a cat or kitten usually indicates some kind of disorder in the body system. A qualified veterinarian can find out the cause of this disorder, prescribe treatment and save the animal. A grateful animal will definitely give you its love, affection and attention.

Video on the topic

Well-being and health pet completely depends on its owner, who must not only feed the animal every day, but also monitor its health. To do this, you should periodically check that your urine and feces do not contain blood. If your cat starts meowing loudly during bowel movements, it means something is bothering her. Bloody stool can be a symptom various problems with the health of the pet.

Causes of blood in cat stool

IN natural products blood can only enter from the gastrointestinal tract. A more precise location of damage can be determined if pay attention to its color.

Bright scarlet color of blood

    The reason for the appearance of this color of blood in a cat's stool may be a foreign object that the animal has swallowed and which is trying to come out along with the feces. Kittens often play with various sharp objects or pebbles, which can cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract. serious injury. The pet becomes restless at this time and may develop a fever.

    Incorrectly selected food can also injure a cat’s gastrointestinal tract. An adult animal can scratch its stomach with a piece of bone, and little kitten- dry food, which he chewed poorly.

    Constipation is another reason for the appearance of scarlet blood in a cat's stool. Feces harden, and the act of defecation causes pain to the pet. The anus is injured during the process of emptying, and blood appears in the stool. If your cat is constipated, you should give your cat a laxative and make sure she always has a bowl of fresh water available. In case of prolonged constipation, the animal must be taken to the veterinarian.

Helminthiasis is the cause of blood

This indicates that helminths have settled in the cat’s body. brown blood. Most often, this can happen to an animal picked up on the street or to a pet that comes into contact with stray cats.

    With helminthiasis, a cat may experience decreased activity, lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea. At the same time, the pet does not refuse food.

    In this case, the animal should be treated with two courses of anthelmintic drugs.

    For domestic cats as a preventive measure anthelmintics It is recommended to give twice a year.

Main, choose the right drug and follow the dosage. If such symptoms are observed in a cat that definitely cannot be infected with helminths, then you need to contact a veterinarian.

Exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Exacerbation of pancreatitis can also cause similar symptoms. In this case, the cat will need to be put on a strict diet and remember that gastrointestinal tract is his weak point. The diet for such an animal must be prepared more carefully and competently.

Allergic reactions.

One of the reasons for the appearance of blood in a cat's stool may be an allergy to food. Manufacturers often add corn flour, natural flavors and various stabilizers to dry food. Therefore, you can try to change the food, and if there are changes, then it is better to forget about the old food. Another option is to switch to completely natural foods.


Blood and mucus in a cat's stool most often indicate a disease such as colitis.

    During its exacerbation, the animal alternates with constipation and diarrhea, and pain appears in the lower abdomen.

    Feces change color and smell.

    IN advanced cases The pet's metabolism is disrupted and it loses weight.

    Colitis can be triggered by stressful conditions, infections, allergies, poor nutrition, worms.

Ignoring this problem jeopardizes not only the cat’s health, but also its life. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor who will need to have your pet’s stool tested. Only a veterinarian can prescribe the correct treatment and stabilize the animal’s condition.

Neoplasms and tumors.

Another reason for the appearance of blood in the stool is neoplasm and tumor. This version can only be refuted or confirmed using ultrasound examination and a biopsy, which is done under anesthesia. The course of treatment for the cat will be prescribed by the doctor.

When to contact a veterinarian

Contact a specialist necessary if:

    The pet began to go to the toilet much more often.

    When attempting to defecate, the animal becomes very tense.

    Blood more than one small speck in size was observed in the stool more than once.

Often, the presence of blood can be just one of the signs of a cat disease. If she also has other symptoms, then you should rush to the doctor.

  • Frequent urination.

    Fast weight loss.

    Lack of appetite.

    Increased thirst.

The doctor will conduct a diagnosis and identify the cause of all these symptoms.

Diagnosis of the causes of bleeding in cats

First of all, doctor may ask a number of questions to understand why your cat has blood or mucus in her stool.

    Does your pet run its butt on carpets? (this animal behavior most often indicates problems with the anal sinuses).

    Is the cat's anal area injured by a fall, blow, or bite from another animal?

    Does the cat eat natural food? If so, which one?

    Has it changed in lately animal food?

    Could your pet have swallowed a bone, inedible object, or eaten spoiled food?

Having heard the answers to all the questions, the doctor can immediately understand the cause of the disease, or prescribe additional diagnostic procedures.

    Stool analysis.


    Detailed blood test.

    Rectal examination.

    Profile Analysis chemicals in the blood.


    Ultrasound or x-ray of the abdominal organs.

Depending on the test results, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

Possible treatment

To alleviate your cat's condition, your veterinarian may recommend some of the following procedures:

    Diet to reduce the load on the intestines.

    Introduction to the animal's diet large quantity liquids.

    Drugs that slow down the passage of food through the intestines.

    Antibiotics if your pet has a bacterial infection.

The presence of mucus or blood in a cat's stool may also be symptom of liver disease, stomach ulcers and other problems in the cat’s body. There is no need to leave everything to chance if your pet has such alarming symptoms. But there is no need to panic in advance. To determine accurate diagnosis It is necessary to contact a veterinarian, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

What should you do if there are blood clots in your cat's stool? An animal with diarrhea may develop a fever. The pet refuses its favorite food and loses its previous activity. Diarrhea with blood in a cat may indicate that the pet's body has begun inflammatory processes. Urgent action must be taken or the animal will die.


Signs of bloody diarrhea include:

  • the cat's urination becomes more frequent;
  • the pet does not touch food;
  • the animal suffers from constant thirst;
  • the cat loses interest in the world around him;
  • frequent bowel movements lead to rapid weight loss;
  • The animal does not have bouts of vomiting.

Causes of bloody diarrhea

Loose stools with blood can be caused by several reasons:

In what cases can you not do without the help of a veterinarian?

Treatment by a specialist may be required if your pet has the following symptoms:

  • the animal suffers from pain during defecation;
  • the cat's stool turned black due to internal bleeding;
  • the cat showed signs of poisoning due to consumption of toxic substances;
  • diarrhea is accompanied by constant bouts of vomiting.

What are the signs of dehydration?

Severe diarrhea inevitably leads to water loss. The cat’s blood begins to thicken and metabolism is disrupted. The animal weakens sharply, its eyes fall into their sockets. The cat's skin loses its former elasticity.

You can understand this by pulling back your pet’s skin at the withers. When released skin fold will return to its original position very slowly. The mucous membranes also change. They become very pale. The cat loses interest in games and lies in one place all the time.

If no measures are taken, the animal may die. To help a sick cat, you can use a 0.9% chloride solution. Fill the syringe with the solution and inject it under the skin at the withers of the animal.

The recommended volume of the drug is 5 ml. Before administration, warm the ampoule with the solution in your hands. Drugs such as Aminovit and Gamavit help cope with dehydration. If a cat suffers from bouts of vomiting, then you should not force the animal to drink.

After examining the cat in the clinic, the veterinarian asks the owners about the animal’s nutritional habits and living conditions. After receiving the results laboratory tests conclusions can be drawn about the severity of the disease.

The cat's feces are examined to identify evidence of infection with worms and other protozoa. Diarrhea in young kittens can be caused by rectal prolapse. This process is considered reversible, and after a course of treatment the disease goes away without surgery.

Treatment options depend on the symptoms of the disease. In case of poisoning, the cat should be given. Children's Smecta and are suitable as drugs for removing toxins.

Ringer-Locke and Aminovit solutions help prevent dehydration.

Digestive upset may be due to ingestion of the animal's intestines. pathogenic microorganisms. To destroy harmful bacteria, you can use Enterofuril or Levomycetin.

Do not try to treat a cat, as it acts completely differently on animals. Taking it will lead to an exacerbation of the disease. Stop internal bleeding in a pet you can use Vikasol and Dicinone.

What to feed a cat with bloody diarrhea?

To get rid of bloody diarrhea, you need to adhere to a certain diet. During illness, exclude dry food from the animal’s diet, as they can cause disruption of the digestive system.

In order for your pet to get rid of diarrhea faster, you need to feed him food that will not burden him digestive system. Include in your cat's diet boiled chicken or beef. Don't give him pork as it has too much fat.

The cat may have allergic reaction when changing food. You should not give your pet new food, which can lead to a deterioration in its health.

To alleviate the cat's condition, use herbal infusions. Astringent properties has oak bark. It can be crushed in a mixer and poured with 2 cups of boiling water. After this, close the broth with a lid and wait about 30 minutes. Give the prepared decoction to the animal 3 times a day.

To treat bloody diarrhea, you can use rice water. Wash a handful of rice in cold water and add it to boiling water. The broth should simmer over low heat for about 30 minutes.

Preventive measures

You can avoid bloody diarrhea if you vaccinate your pet in a timely manner. This will reduce the risk of contracting various infectious diseases.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of the furry family member. Do not feed him sour, spoiled dairy products.

You should not walk with your animal near garbage cans, as they are sources of various diseases.

The cat must be vaccinated regularly. Toxic substances And household chemicals store in closed places. They should not be accessible to your pet.