Nurofen suspension for children is a long-acting antipyretic and anti-inflammatory: a review for mothers. Nurofen for fever in children - when to give and after how long it stops

A high temperature in a child always causes concern for parents, no matter whether the fever is detected in a very tiny baby or in a grown-up son or schoolgirl daughter. According to doctors, the use of antipyretics is indicated when the thermometer reading is above +38+38.5 degrees.

Among medications with this effect, Nurofen is often chosen. Having given this drug, a caring mother is interested in how quickly the temperature will begin to “drop” and the child will feel better. If the medicine does not work, you should know when it is permissible to give the medicine again. These and some other questions are worth considering in more detail.

Forms and composition of Nurofen

The drug, which can be given to children, is available in three versions:

  • Rectal suppositories, prescribed to patients aged from three months to 2 years. Their advantage is their very simple composition, since in addition to the main ingredient represented by ibuprofen in a dosage of 60 mg, they only include solid fats. And therefore this form of medicine is called the most preferable for infants and children prone to allergies.

  • Suspension, which has an orange or strawberry flavor. According to mothers' reviews, most children take this sweet drug with pleasure, and dosing the syrup is very simple, since the bottle comes with a measuring plastic syringe. The medicine is prescribed from 3 months of age to 12 years. Its composition includes ibuprofen at a dose of 100 mg/5 ml and additional compounds in the form of flavoring, gum, glycerol, maltitol and other substances. The drug does not contain sugar or dyes.
  • Coated tablets allowed for children over 6 years old. They are small in size, have a smooth surface and a sweet shell, so schoolchildren usually do not have problems swallowing them. Each tablet contains 200 mg ibuprofen and auxiliary components, among which stearic acid, sucrose, macrogol and other substances.

Mechanism of action and indications

Ibuprofen, present in each form of Nurofen, affects the production of prostaglandins, due to which the medicine has a fairly pronounced antipyretic effect.

Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis also leads to an analgesic effect, so Nurofen is also used for pain of various locations, for example, in the joints, ear, tooth, throat, back, and so on.

When should it not be given to children?

Like many other drugs, Nurofen has many contraindications, so its use in childhood It is not recommended to use without consulting a doctor. The drug is prohibited:

  • in case of hypersensitivity to any of its components;
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract that occur with ulceration or inflammation of the wall of the digestive tract;
  • at serious illnesses kidney;
  • with hyperkalemia;
  • for disorders in the blood coagulation system;
  • with bleeding;
  • for severe liver pathologies.

In addition, suppositories are not used for inflammation of the rectum, and suspensions and tablets are not prescribed to children with fructose intolerance and other problems with digesting carbohydrates. If a child has immune pathologies, asthma, anemia, diabetes mellitus and other diseases, Nurofen can be given only under the supervision of a doctor.

When does the medicine take effect?

The onset of the antipyretic and analgesic action of Nurofen primarily depends on the form of the drug, as well as duration therapeutic effect after reception:

  • Active substance rectal suppository is absorbed in about 15-20 minutes, so this form of the medicine begins to act approximately 20-30 minutes after the suppository enters the intestinal lumen. The duration of the antipyretic and analgesic effect of this Nurofen is up to 8 hours.

  • Ingredients suspensions are absorbed in the digestive tract for at least half an hour, so the effect of the syrup is observed about 40-60 minutes after the child has taken this sweet medicine. The effect of using the suspension is not as long-lasting as with suppositories, but in most children the temperature drops for at least 4-6 hours (on average 6-8 hours).
  • Active Ingredient tablets enters the blood and accumulates there in sufficient quantities within 40-50 minutes, so the effect of this Nurofen begins to appear 45-60 minutes after swallowing the tablet. The duration of action of this form of medication is 6-8 hours.

Possible side effects

Organism little patient may react to the use of Nurofen:

  • nausea;
  • exacerbation of bronchial asthma;
  • painful sensations in the stomach;
  • urticaria, dermatosis, itchy skin or other allergy symptoms;
  • headaches.

IN in rare cases the drug may have a negative effect on cellular composition blood, kidney function, oral mucosa, liver function or blood pressure.

If such ailments occur, you should immediately stop treatment and contact the pediatrician observing the child.

Application and dosage regimen

Depending on the dosage form, the use and dosage are different:

  • Suppositories Nurofen is used 1 suppository three times a day (if the child weighs 6-8 kg and his age is 3-9 months) or four times a day (if the child weighs 8-12 kg and his age is 9-24 months).
  • Suspension given to children using a syringe, and the dosage of such a medicine depends on the patient’s weight and age. The exact numbers can be found from your doctor or from the table in the annotation for the syrup. For example, if a child is 6 months old and his body weight is 7000 g, then the drug should be given 2.5 ml up to 3 times a day.

  • Tablets Nurofen It is recommended to swallow after meals with water. Usually therapeutic effect is achieved by taking one tablet, but children over 12 years of age can be given two tablets at once, without exceeding the maximum allowable for children daily dosage, amounting to 800 mg (4 tablets).

It is not recommended to treat a child with Nurofen for longer than 3 days for fever or 5 days for pain. If symptoms persist, the little patient should be shown to a doctor. to clarify the reasons for this situation and select another treatment.

Hello, dear parents! When a child feels bad, he cries endlessly and is capricious - it’s hard for the whole family: both the mother who cares for the baby and the father who needs good rest after work.

Parents are especially concerned about their child. After all, the temperature can rise sharply to an alarming level of 39-40 degrees and even lead to seizures.

In such cases, doctors usually prescribe antipyretics, one of which is Nurofen for children. Today we will talk about this drug in a little more detail, because we hope that you care about how to treat your children?

Why does the child have a fever, and when can Nurofen be given to children?

An increase in temperature indicates that the body is beginning to actively fight the disease. However, temperatures up to 38-38.5 degrees can be considered useful; at this temperature, immunity is developed and pathogens die.

An increase in temperature in a child may occur in the following cases:

  • infectious or viral disease (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, influenza, etc.);
  • teething;
  • rarely after vaccination.

In this case, the child loses his appetite, is lethargic and drowsy, restless sleep and other symptoms of the disease. So, once again We measure the temperature and see that it has risen to 38.5 - time to give an antipyretic.

Nurofen for children is one of effective means from fever and pain. In addition to its antipyretic properties, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect, and most importantly, it acts very quickly.

This drug is produced in the form of suppositories, which are most convenient for use in infants and in the form of a suspension, which is convenient to give to children after 2 years.

Most women speak only positively about Nurofen for children. And it is not surprising, because the drug begins to act instantly, the child immediately calms down, stops crying and falls asleep.

What else does an already exhausted mom need? But as soon as you look at the instructions for the drug, all these delights fade away before your eyes.

A few words against Nurofen for children

Before giving any medicine to your child, even if it was prescribed by a doctor, read the instructions (!). The final decision (whether to take the medicine or not) will always be yours, dear parents.

So, what do we read about Nurofen for children? This drug has many contraindications and no less side effects. Read carefully these points in the annotation for Nurofen.

It is clear that there are practically no harmless drugs, and they act differently on each patient. So, for example, some mothers simply “spit” on Nurofen, because after using it, their children began to feel strong exactly as quickly as the necessary positive effect.

It is also interesting that children's Nurofen contains orange or strawberry flavors. There's no understanding here chemical names of the substances that make up the drug, it is clear that orange and strawberry additives are among the first allergens for children.

As always, choosing a medicine for your little one’s blood is not an easy task. But we still urge you not to self-medicate, although we understand perfectly well that today the authority of pediatricians is in doubt.

In any case, be sure to read the instructions for each drug. Nurofen is contraindicated for children under 3 months of age. In addition, it is not advisable to give it to children for more than 3-5 days, and do not exceed the dosage.

And in conclusion, we can say that if you are looking for a fast-acting antipyretic, Nurofen may well be an excellent choice for you, provided that the child tolerates it well.

But perhaps even an experienced pediatrician would not risk saying unequivocally about the safety of this drug.

Fever and pain are fairly common symptoms. various ailments in children. Faced with such phenomena, parents look for effective and safe remedy to alleviate the child's condition. One of these drugs is Nurofen.

Today Nurofen is enough popular drug. It helps combat high fever and painful sensations, relieves inflammation. The product is available in dosage forms for adults - tablets, and for children - syrup (suspension) or rectal suppositories.

The active ingredient of Nurofen is ibuprofen (a drug from the group non-narcotic analgesics). Five milliliters of suspension for children contain 100 mg of ibuprofen, and one suppository contains 60 mg. The syrup is made without added sugar and dyes. The suspension comes in strawberry or orange flavor. The kit includes a convenient measuring syringe that allows you to easily and accurately draw the required amount of medicine from the bottle.

The syrup is intended for children aged 3 months to 12 years. Suppositories are recommended from three months to two years. If there is a need to give the drug to a child under three months old, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician, as well as if this drug is given to a child aged 3-6 months for the first time.

Nurofen for children is recommended for use during fever, toothache, pain during colds and flu, ear pain, headaches, teething pain, sore throat, sprains and other types of pain, in including those of inflammatory origin. The drug is indispensable when teeth are cutting, and is effective against fever after vaccination.

This product is recommended for use for a short period of time in the least permissible dosage. Before use, you should consult your pediatrician and read the instructions carefully. The drug has a number of contraindications. It should not be prescribed when bronchial asthma or other chronic diseases bronchotracheal system, as well as stomach diseases (ulcers). Nurofen should not be taken if you are allergic to ibuprofen, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs.

At what temperature can Nurofen be given to children?

There are general recommendations about when and what temperature a child’s temperature needs to be brought down. It is important to remember that the indication for the use of an antipyretic drug is not only the thermometer readings, but also general health child. Someone feels very bad at a temperature of 37.8 degrees, while another baby continues to play actively even at 39.

As is known, normal temperature The body of small children fluctuates between 36.5-37.5 degrees. Usually by the end of the day healthy baby body temperature rises slightly. For colds and infections viral diseases which children often suffer from, an increase in body temperature is defensive reaction immune system, a signal that the body is trying on our own overcome the disease. It is also known that many harmful microorganisms are unable to reproduce or die at a temperature of 38-39 degrees. In addition, when the temperature rises, the body produces a substance called interferon, which fights viruses. Therefore, you should not immediately run for an antipyretic drug as soon as the temperature begins to rise. It is very important to give your child plenty of warm liquids to drink (fruit drinks, herbal teas) and maintain optimal conditions in the children's room: cleanliness, humid and cool air.

Doctors recommend giving antipyretic drugs to children under one year of age if the temperature rises above 38 degrees, and to older children - when the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees.

This medicine is also necessary if:

  • at all small child the temperature rises rapidly;
  • the baby does not tolerate increased temperature;
  • critical readings of 39-40 degrees appeared on the thermometer;
  • There is high risk the appearance of seizures (at the age of 6 months to 5 years, this phenomenon is possible at a temperature of 38-39 degrees);
  • there is a risk of developing dehydration (high temperature accompanied by diarrhea or vomiting);
  • getting worse general condition: pallor, confusion, chills.

How often can Nurofen be given to children?

According to the instructions, the syrup should not be used for more than three days in a row as an antipyretic and no more than five days as an analgesic. If during this time the condition has not improved, or even noticeably worsened, then treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor. The same should be done if children aged 3-6 months do not experience improvement after 24 hours of using the drug.

The drug can be used 3-4 times a day, but the interval between doses should be at least six hours. The dosage is determined by the attending physician, usually 30 mg of the drug per kilogram of body weight.

As a rule, the drug is prescribed in the following doses:

  • from 3 months (body weight more than 5 kg) to one year - 2.5 ml per dose;
  • from one year to 3 years - 5 ml;
  • 4-6 years - 7.5 ml;
  • 7-9 years - 10 ml;
  • from 10 to 12 years - 15 ml.

For measuring required quantity For medications, it is better to use a special syringe, which is sold complete with the suspension. The use of other measuring devices may distort the accuracy of the dosage.

Suppositories are used one at a time, depending on the age of the child: up to 8 months - 3 times a day, at an older age - 4 times a day.

Important: if there is no fever after using Nurofen, then there is no need to give the medicine again.

The drug can be taken before or after meals, with plenty of liquid. For this they use water, for infants - mother's milk. If there are problems with gastrointestinal tract, then you can give syrup during meals.

How quickly does Nurofen work?

Nurofen for children is considered a fast-acting remedy: the effect appears within 15 minutes and lasts for 6-8 hours.

Side effects, allergies

The use of Nurofen can cause an allergic reaction if there is intolerance to ibuprofen or other components of the drug.

Side effects of the drug may include nausea, vomiting, flatulence, stool disorders, headache, tinnitus, sleep disorders, irritability, impaired kidney function, deterioration or lack of appetite, and so on.

Probability of development adverse reactions increases when the dosage is exceeded, the intervals between doses of the drug are reduced, as well as when long-term treatment. Therefore, it is extremely important to adhere to dosage recommendations. If unwanted symptoms occur, you should contact your pediatrician.

If your child is taking other medications, it is best to consult a doctor about their compatibility.

What to do if Nurofen does not help: analogues

If Nurofen for children does not bring down the temperature, then you will have to try another antipyretic drug. These may be drugs with the same active ingredient (ibuprofen): Dolgit, Ibuprom, Ibuprofen, Mig.

You can try using antipyretics with another active ingredient that is safe for children - paracetamol. This could be Panadol, Calpol, Efferalgan, Tylenol, etc.

Sometimes, if the temperature does not decrease 40-50 minutes after taking the medicine (in any form), you can try giving an antipyretic drug with another active ingredient. For example, if you were given ibuprofen in syrup, and after an hour the temperature still does not drop, then put a suppository with paracetamol. This usually helps. But it is extremely important to remember that this method is permissible once, for example, at night, or when it is not possible to quickly see a doctor. In other cases, if the child’s fever persists, a pediatrician’s consultation is necessary.

Especially for -Ksenia Boyko

Every mother is concerned about the health of her own child. The slightest changes in the baby's temperature greatly worry parents. At what temperature are children given antipyretics? How to help your child as effectively as possible without causing harm? Until when should you wait and should you lower the temperature to 38⁰? Should I call a doctor or can I handle it myself? at home? Many parents ask these questions, especially in the midst of colds. So, let’s figure out at what temperature children are given antipyretics and what to do if such a situation arises.

How dangerous is a rise in temperature?

Indicators on a thermometer up to 39.5⁰ are not dangerous for the body - this is what doctors say. But having discovered a child’s temperature above 37⁰, mothers begin to sound the alarm (especially young ones). In most cases, it is a consequence of the beginning colds. But there are also serious ones, complex diseases, which begin to appear precisely with the appearance of temperature. To put accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment, a doctor is needed. It should be remembered that any disease is easier to cure at an early stage.

A child whose temperature does not fall or constantly rises for several days must be seen by a doctor. A child's body is more susceptible to dehydration, and without appropriate treatment, prolonged high fever is dangerous.

Initial measures

If the child has degrees or lower, special and emergency measures not worth doing. This means that the body must try to cope on its own by developing for itself correct algorithm actions and appropriate antibodies in case of recurrence of such diseases. The task of parents is to facilitate this process in every possible way. Encourage your child to drink more often than usual. At the same time, it is not necessary to force the child to drink decoctions, infusions and milk with honey, blindly adhering to grandmother’s recommendations. Only if the child agrees to it. But remember that in such a situation there will be enough water. The temperature of the liquid should be close to body temperature, but under no circumstances give it hot. Good effect They bring fruit drinks or compotes.

What else can you do?

It is necessary to ensure the correct indoor microclimate. Stuffiness and heat contribute to the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, which it fights children's body. Ventilate the room (without the presence of the child, of course), provide humidity (if you don’t have a humidifier, you can hang a wet towel on the radiator).

Dress your child in comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. There is no need to wrap him up, causing him to sweat. Some doctors recommend taking a short bath (36-37 degrees). This will help improve heat dissipation.

Old methods of rubbing with vodka, alcohol or vinegar should not be used. You should not rub your child with these liquids. Better let him sleep, sleep - best doctor. The child will rest, and the body, without overexerting itself, can devote all its strength to fighting the infection.

If the temperature starts to rise

If a child has a temperature of 38 and begins to rise, but it is not possible to bring it down using home methods, it is necessary to turn to medication.

There are general recommendations. If the child’s age is from 0 to 2 months, then medications are given already at 38 degrees. If the child is more than three months old, then it is necessary to wait until 39 degrees, and after reaching two years of age, antipyretics are used at temperatures above 39.5 degrees.

It is believed that 38 is not necessary when infectious disease. This is due to the fact that the body should be given the opportunity to fight the aggressive agent on its own.

When do you need to bring down the temperature to 38⁰ and below?

But if the child exhibits additional symptoms, then temperature restrictions fade into the background. So, it is necessary to give an antipyretic drug at any temperature if:

  • the child’s general condition is unsatisfactory, he refuses water and food, cries, is irritated or capricious, does not behave as usual;
  • any rashes are noticed on the child’s skin;
  • child complains of pain in auricle or in the abdominal cavity;
  • vomiting or diarrhea appeared;
  • you observe a partial cessation of breathing;
  • convulsions appeared;
  • the child began to cough heavily and complain of chest pain;
  • it hurts for the baby to go to the toilet;
  • the temperature remains high and does not fall throughout the day;
  • in the child's medical history neurological diseases or serious illnesses heart, kidney, hepatitis or diabetes and the like;
  • vaccinated, for example DPT.

Each parent should focus on the condition of their child. If your child feels well or not additional symptoms, then the answer to the question: “Should I lower the temperature to 38⁰ and above?” - unambiguous: up to 39 degrees there is no need to offer the child antipyretics.

But if the baby feels unwell, even if he has 37.5⁰, then you can give him the appropriate drug. It should be noted that the presence of diseases internal organs or neurological nature also obliges to bring down even a low temperature.

at high temperature

At what temperature children are given an antipyretic also depends on the drug used. Today there are a great variety of means. But doctors identify two groups of medications that are the safest and most effective for children.

Produced in various forms"Paracetamol". Suppositories, syrups, suspensions are the safest and are approved for children. Ibuprofen has a stronger and longer-lasting effect, but at the same time there are a number of contraindications and side effects he has, accordingly, more. Release forms are also varied.

Analogs of antipyretics

Analogs of these drugs are widely known and probably exist in every home. Identical in composition to Paracetamol are: Panadol, Calpol, Efferalgan, Dofalgan, Tylenol, Dolomol. The well-known analogue of Ibuprofen is Nurofen.

Also often used in pediatrics homeopathic remedy"Viburcol." And drugs for adults such as Aspirin, Analgin, Phenacetin and the like cannot be used for children.

Release forms of Paracetamol and Ibuprofen

Each parent chooses which form of the drug to prefer independently or on the recommendation of a pediatrician. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the age of the child and the speed of action of the syrup or suppositories. Everything that is given orally - tablets, syrups, mixtures - acts faster (from 20 minutes to half an hour), but the child may refuse to take the medicine. Antipyretic syrup for children contains various aromatic additives that can trigger allergies. In case of vomiting or nausea, it is also better to give preference to suppositories.

The effect of suppositories is most effective - this is one of the most convenient dosage forms. The only negative is that they take effect after 40 minutes. Parents who want to bring down their child’s temperature should definitely wait for the effect and not give the child another dose of the medicine. Paracetamol, suppositories or syrup, reduces the temperature by 1-1.5 degrees after 30-40 minutes. Preparations based on Ibuprofen give a greater effect and last longer.

The dosage of each drug is determined according to the instructions or by the attending physician. Repeated administration of the drug should be no earlier than after 4 hours. A minimum interval between doses is possible only at high temperatures and poor health.

It is important to remember that Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and analogs only lower the temperature, but do not affect the cause of the disease. Antipyretics for children over one year of age are allowed in any form. For the little ones, it is better to choose suspension or candles.

Instead of a conclusion

So, during epidemics of ARVI or influenza, you need to know how to bring down a high temperature at home. If it rises, this is a sign that the body is fighting the infection. If the child is feeling normal, it is necessary to lower the temperature after exceeding 39 degrees. If there is pain, vomiting, or rashes, then such actions must be performed after the number 38.5 appears on the thermometer. If the child’s age is less than 3 months, then the temperature should be reduced after 38 degrees.

Medicines should ideally be prescribed by the attending physician. But it’s better to consult with your pediatrician in advance and be prepared. It makes sense to keep it at home antipyretic syrup for children and candles to act more effectively in accordance with the situation.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and not lower the temperature more often than indicated. Compliance required dosage will help avoid side effects. Taking such drugs in advance or for prophylaxis while expecting a rise in temperature is strictly prohibited.

If a child has a temperature of 38⁰ or higher, there are no symptoms of a cold, but the child complains of pain in the abdomen, call immediately ambulance because it could be appendicitis. In such cases, do not lower the temperature, as this will only harm. If you experience convulsions, redness of the skin, vomiting or diarrhea, or difficulty breathing, you should seek emergency medical attention.

If your child has a fever for three days, be sure to consult a doctor to avoid dehydration and to prescribe the correct treatment.

Parents who once gave their children Nurofen in an attempt to reduce fever or relieve pain various states, know how effective and efficient this remedy. Just a quarter of an hour ago, the baby was capricious, crying, could not sleep, and after taking a miraculous suspension with orange or strawberry flavor, he immediately calms down and falls asleep with a temperature close to normal (at least, not so high). How can one not praise Nurofen and return to it again and again in critical situations, when other means (the same Panadol or paracetamol) turn out to be completely ineffective? However, few parents think about why it has such a powerful effect on a small organism.

It's time to get used to the fact that medications treat some ailments and provoke the occurrence of others. IN lately people began to talk more and more often about whether Nurofen can be used for children at all, because it has the most negative effect on the functioning of the kidneys and causes internal stomach bleeding- and this is the real truth, not a myth. Many pediatricians will hesitate if you ask them whether to give Nurofen to a child or not at high temperatures and severe pain. Believe me: they have reasons for a negative answer to your question.

Indications for use of Nurofen

Despite many contraindications and side effects, Nurofen at correct use turns out to be really good. First of all, he does not contain dyes and at the same time has a pleasant, sweetish taste that most children like. Therefore there are problems with reception of this medicine they won't have it. Secondly, one of the most important advantages of Nurofen is the absence of sugar in its composition, which means it can be given to children suffering diabetes mellitus . And for them, as we know, the list of approved medications is very limited, so at high temperatures, Nurofen can become a real life-saver for small diabetics. Thirdly, this multifunctional drug, since Nurofen has two forms: it is an antipyretic and at the same time an analgesic (analgesic) agent. As a first, it can be given to children for conditions and diseases that are accompanied by a high body temperature that exceeds 38°C, or even 38.5°C (until this point, the small organism itself must fight the infection that has engulfed it). Indications for treating children with Nurofen are:

  • acute respiratory diseases;
  • flu;
  • childhood infections;
  • post-vaccination reactions.

Nurofen How analgesic used when pain syndromes weak, moderate severity and intensity (if high, you should immediately consult a doctor). In this case, indications for taking Nurofen by children may be:

  • headache and toothache;
  • migraine;
  • neuralgia;
  • sprains;
  • musculoskeletal injuries;
  • sore throat and ears.

Due to the fact that Nurofen is a drug that is commercially available, parents, wanting to alleviate the condition of their child with high temperatures and fever, give this drug without consulting a doctor and without reading the instructions at all.

As a result, there are a lot of side effects, frequent cases of deterioration of the child’s condition due to parental negligence. Yes, Nurofen is based on a very powerful active substance, ibuprofen, which can adversely affect the functioning of many systems of a small body. But this is only in case of individual intolerance and improper use. Nurofen itself is not dangerous for children, otherwise it would not be allowed on pharmacy shelves. If the child's condition worsens after taking the medicine, in most cases the parents are to blame. Firstly, consultation with the attending physician in this case is mandatory. Secondly, no one has yet canceled the dosage and regimen of taking medications for children.

Children's dosages of the drug

You need to know how much Nurofen can be given to a child without harming his fragile health and his still developing body. This will determine how safe this drug will be for him. Dosages, as correctly, depend on the dosage form of Nurofen.

  • Nurofen in syrup for children

This is the most popular dosage form this drug. It is prescribed to children 3 or even 4 times a day, based on 5–10 mg per kilogram of the child’s body weight. You need to constantly ensure that daily dose did not exceed 30 mg/kg.

  • Nurofen in suppositories for children

It is recommended that children under one year of age not be given syrup, but rather use suppositories, the effect of which is no different from the effectiveness of the suspension, but the dosage of which parents must observe as strictly as when using syrup.

The period of use of candles should be at least 6–8 hours.

  • Nurofen tablets

Nurofen tablets are not used for children: it is recommended to take it only from the age of 12.

If you give your child Nurofen as an antipyretic, then only within three days, and then you will need to choose other methods of elimination high temperature. If the goal of Nurofen is to relieve the baby of pain, that is, to use it as an analgesic drug, the course of treatment can be extended to 5 days, but with great caution: the main thing is to prevent an overdose.

Special case- fever after immunization, when it is allowed to give a little more drug.

For accurate and convenient dosing of the sweet suspension, the bottle comes with a measuring spoon (double-sided - 2.5 ml and 5 ml) or a syringe, which kids love so much.

Is it possible to give children no-shpa as a pain reliever? Drug review:

Although it is completely natural medicine, it should be given to children with extreme caution.

Attention: contraindications for Nurofen

Along with its indications, Nurofen, like any medicine, has a number of contraindications, which parents should be aware of either through consultation with a pediatrician or through the instructions included with the drug. Failure to comply with them may lead to future serious consequences for a small organism. Nurofen has the following contraindications:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • rhinitis;
  • hives;
  • erosion or stomach ulcer;
  • inflammatory and infectious intestinal diseases;
  • hemophilia, leukopenia, poor clotting blood and any other blood diseases;
  • any pathologies and disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • decreased hearing;
  • gopokalemia;
  • age up to three months;
  • gastrointestinal internal bleeding;

These are persistent and strict contraindications for taking Nurofen by children of any age. In addition, many doctors strongly do not recommend using it to alleviate the child’s condition in the following cases:

  • gastritis;
  • intestinal colitis;
  • simultaneous use of other analgesics, methotrexate, anticoagulants, diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, lithium.

Parents of the child should understand that if side effects are detected after taking Nurofen, they should immediately stop such treatment and immediately consult a doctor. If you are not sure that Nurofen is suitable for your child, do not take this medicinal product It is better to refuse to avoid serious consequences and a variety of side effects.

Caution: side effects

The parents’ question about whether Nurofen can be given to a child did not arise by chance. IN medical practice There are many examples of how, after non-compliance with contraindications and recommended dosages, children experienced various side effects after taking this drug. Moreover, they are not only mild and quickly passing, but often result in very serious consequences for a small organism. The following side effects are possible:

  • can prove themselves allergic reactions in the form skin rash, itching, urticaria, bronchospasm, fever, multiforme exudative erythema(including Stevens-Johnson syndrome) and even severe toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome);
  • from the pediatric central nervous system This may include symptoms such as headache, insomnia, psychomotor agitation, nervousness, dizziness, loss of orientation in space, absent-mindedness, loss;
  • after internal bleeding the stomach itself dangerous consequence uncontrolled and improper use of children's Nurofen becomes dysfunction of the urinary system: kidneys suffer, cystitis may begin - the powerful effect of this drug on this system of a small organism is evidenced by the fact that 95% of children experience sharp decline excreted urine per day, whereas during fever children simply need to go to the toilet as often as possible;
  • many researchers believe that for blood circulation such treatment is also not in vain, so to speak: subsequently children develop such serious pathologies as thrombocytopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia.

In fact, the side effects after incorrect, illiterate, careless treatment with Nurofen are very serious and represent real threat life of a child, so you need to weigh all the pros and cons, so that later you don’t bite your elbows and run around hospitals with a sick child, finding out what caused his illness.

Drawing conclusions

Every parent, having studied this information, decides for himself whether Nurofen can be given to children of different ages. It is possible if:

  1. a small body normally takes ibuprofen - the main active ingredient of this drug;
  1. All the above dosages have been observed, based on the body weight of the small patient;
  1. the listed contraindications are taken into account;
  1. the course of treatment does not exceed the number of days specified in the instructions.

You cannot treat a child with Nurofen if:

  1. there is an individual intolerance to ibuprofen;
  1. taking the medication is chaotic, uncontrolled, without observing any dosages;
  1. one of the contraindications was overlooked;
  1. the course of treatment was delayed;
  1. the drug is simply expired, and the child can be poisoned by the substances contained in it: Nurofen is stored at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C in a dry place for three years.
  2. In any case, the most the best option There will be a consultation with the attending physician, who will advise exactly how much Nurofen can be safely taken, according to the child’s age and condition.