What to do in case of eye burns with acid. What to do in case of eye burns from welding or chemical burns

Update: October 2018

The eyes are the most vulnerable spot our body. They consist of a large number of parts, each of which performs important function. It is enough to damage one of them for a person to partially or completely lose the ability to see. For minor injuries, the process is temporary, and visual acuity returns after adequate treatment. However, if the damage is severe, changes in the eye may be irreversible.

The most common injury to this organ is a burn received while operating a gas welding machine. The electric arc emits so much large number energy that it is divided into two parts. The first generates a thermal (thermal) wave that directly melts the metal. The second one creates strong ultraviolet radiation. Eye burns from welding can result from both of these effects.

Structure of the eye

To understand why you should not delay providing first aid for eye burns, and why they are dangerous, you need to know the approximate structure of the organ. Its structures are arranged sequentially. They can be roughly divided into those that refract light and those that perceive images. The latter includes only the retina.

Let's list the main parts, starting with the most superficial:

  1. The conjunctiva is a thin protein membrane covering the eye;
  2. The cornea is the first structure to refract light;
  3. The iris is an important part consisting of muscle, connective tissue and pigment cells that give specific color eye. Regulates the process of pupil dilation/constriction;
  4. The lens is a biconvex lens-shaped structure of the eye that focuses light;
  5. The sclera is the largest layer of the eye and performs protective and refractive functions;
  6. The retina perceives light and gives rise to the optic nerve.

If one of these structures is damaged, the eye cannot perform its function normally. A burn to the retina has the most severe consequences, since this part consists entirely of nerve endings and is responsible for the perception of light.

How can you burn your eyes when welding?

Depending on the cause of occurrence, there are two types of eye burns from welding:

  1. Thermal - it develops when very hot substances or liquids come into contact with one of the parts of the eye. The organ of vision can be damaged by flying scales, splashes of hot metals, scalding steam (when using hot-dip galvanizing technology, hot air welding, etc.);
  2. Ultraviolet burn (radiation)– this injury can be caused not only by a welder, but also by an ordinary passer-by who looks at the electric arc. Ultraviolet light typically only damages the surface of the eye, so it is considered less dangerous.

First aid and treatment differ significantly when various injuries eyes, so it is important to promptly determine the type of burn. You can do this using simple signs which will be described below.

Chemical burn to the eyes

This type of damage is much more dangerous than exposure to scale or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Eye burn chemicals manifests itself with the same symptoms as after welding. However, there is one important difference - in 85% of cases the damage is deep and irreversible.

In principle, chemical burns are divided into acid and alkaline.

Alkali burn

Typical representatives of alkalis are soda, lime, ammonia solutions, and cleaning products. They are present in every person’s everyday life, and are extremely dangerous if they come into contact with the eyes. The fact is that alkalis enter into chemical reactions with the conjunctiva, cornea and sclera, rapidly destroying them. Therefore, a chemical burn to the mucous membrane of the eye quickly becomes deep and damages all structures, right up to the retina.

It is quite difficult to remove alkali from fabrics, so it is important that first aid is provided as early as possible.

Acid burn

Easier to deal with than alkali damage. When acid gets in, the superficial structures of the eye are often damaged. During chemical reaction A lot of protein is released from the destroyed mucosa, which retains acid on its way to the retina. Therefore, with timely assistance, visual function can be preserved.

In everyday life, the following acids are most often used:

  • Potassium permanganate (synonym - potassium permanganate) - exists additional feature, which will help determine manganese damage. At the same time, the mucous membrane turns brownish-brown;
  • Vinegar;
  • Nitric acid – is included in almost all solutions for cleaning metals;
  • Formaldehyde is a typical component of nail polish remover;
  • Citric acid;
  • Boric acid.

Symptoms of an eye burn

Regardless of the cause of the burn (ultraviolet, scale, acid, etc.), eye damage manifests itself with almost the same symptoms. These include:

  • Severe lacrimation;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • Decreased visual acuity;
  • Increased sensitivity to light (or even photophobia);
  • Redness of the eyes due to the appearance of a vascular pattern on the sclera;
  • Feeling of “sand in the eyes” - the patient constantly wants to rub his eyes or wash them cold water. This symptom is very pronounced when the cornea of ​​the eye is burned by welding;
  • Blepharospasm is uncontrolled squinting of the affected eye.

If hot objects (scale, steam, etc.) come into contact, the eyelids may additionally burn, which is manifested by their redness, swelling and the formation of blisters. Severe or prolonged exposure high temperatures can even lead to necrosis (death) of the eyelids. This greatly complicates the treatment of the burn.

Symptoms of a retinal burn

A severe burn from ultraviolet radiation or a chemical can cause damage to the deep structures of the eye - the retina. This is one of the most severe injuries, which manifests itself as irreversible loss of vision or blindness. IN acute period illness (after 4-6 hours from contact with ultraviolet radiation) the following may additionally be observed:

  • Redness of the conjunctiva;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • Blepharospasm;
  • Photophobia.

After a few days, most symptoms disappear, but myopia/blindness remains forever.

Conservative treatment helps slow down the damage process, but eye function can only be restored surgical methods(retinal transplantation).

How to determine the type of burn

Symptoms of eye burns various types are very similar, but first aid and treatment should be given differently. What to do in such a situation? There are special signs by which it is quite easy to determine the real reason burn. To do this, you need to carefully question and examine the patient to detect differences.

Distinctive feature Thermal burn Ultraviolet burn
Time of onset of symptoms Immediately after contact with a hot substance in the eye area No less than 4 hours later
What parts of the eyes are affected? Most often, one of the following structures is affected:
  • Eyelids;
  • Conjunctiva;
  • Cornea.

As a rule, ultraviolet radiation from welding damages all parts of the eye (except the retina) at the same time.

With severe exposure, the burn can even affect the retina.

Symptom severity Depends on the amount of hot substance that gets into the eye and the duration of its exposure. Highlight the following degrees lesions:
  • Mild – symptoms slightly reduce the patient’s quality of life;
  • Moderate – the patient’s normal activity is difficult;;
  • Severe - accompanied by necrosis or irreversible damage to part of the eye.

Most often, ultraviolet burns slightly affect the structures of the eye, so the symptoms are mild.

An exception is a retinal burn. With this pathology, all symptoms appear in full force.

Duration of symptoms From a few days to the end of the patient's life Symptoms decrease after a few hours (exception: retinal burn)

Diagnosis of eye burns during welding is carried out on the basis of patient complaints and the above symptoms. Laboratory and instrumental methods, as a rule, are not of fundamental importance.

First aid for eye burns caused by welding

What to do in case of a thermal burn?

If the burn is caused by hot substances getting into the eye (scale, steam, etc.), the following steps should be taken:

  1. Remove visible parts of the foreign substance (a piece of metal, plastic or any other cause of burn);
  2. Rinse the affected eye generously with distilled (purified) water. For this purpose, it is convenient to use a large 20-50 ml syringe. The patient should open the eyelid slightly and irrigate the conjunctiva generously for 5-15 minutes;
  3. If possible, the patient should be given one of the following drugs: Diphenhydramine, Nimesulide, Ketorol, Analgin. As a rule, they can be found in any medicine cabinet or women's handbag. These medications will somewhat reduce pain and inflammation;
  4. Apply an aseptic bandage or cold compress to the affected eye;
  5. Call the EMS (ambulance) team.

The paramedic/doctor in the ambulance will provide assistance to the victim qualified assistance and decide whether the patient should be hospitalized or whether he can be treated on an outpatient basis.

What to do if you are burned by ultraviolet light?

Treatment of eye burns during welding should begin with first aid. After exposure to ultraviolet light you must:

  1. Remove the source of ultraviolet light (electric arc, quartz lamp, etc.), if this has not been done previously;
  2. Reduce the load on the affected eye as much as possible - place the victim in a dark room, exclude exposure to bright light, recommend that the patient keep his eyes closed for 30-60 minutes;
  3. Apply an aseptic dressing;
  4. Anesthetize the patient using any available means: apply cold for 5-10 minutes, take NSAIDs (Ketorol, Analgin, Citramon, etc.), instill drops with anesthetic (Lidocaine, Tetracaine);
  5. If you have Diphenhydramine, you should give the patient 2 tablets. This drug somewhat inhibits damage to eye tissue and improves the prognosis;
  6. Contact an ophthalmologist or call an ambulance team.

Indicator proper treatment– significant reduction in symptoms within a few hours. If this does not happen, then the therapy should be reconsidered and the eye checked for retinal damage.

First aid for chemical burns

  1. Rinse eyes with distilled (purified) water for 30 minutes. It is recommended to use a large syringe for this. Continue until clean rinse water is obtained;
  2. Call ambulance– the faster the EMS team arrives, the higher the chances of favorable outcome burn;
  3. It is necessary to apply a special disinfectant ointment behind the eyelids; as a rule, 1% Levomycetin is used;
  4. Apply an aseptic bandage to the eye.

First aid for chemical burn The eye should be treated for 3-5 minutes to obtain optimal effect.

What not to do if you have an eye burn

  • Wipe the eye with dry objects (clothing, towels, napkins, etc.) or with your own hand;
  • Apply hot lotions/objects to the eyes;
  • Continue working with the source of the burn (gas welding machine, ultraviolet lamps, hot steam, etc.);
  • Rinse eyes dirty water(river, tap, etc.) – it contains a large number of microbes and harmful impurities, which can cause an infection or increase eye damage;
  • Do not instill Sulfacetamide, Albucid, Sulfacyl sodium and other drops containing irritants and antiseptics. Special treatment should only be done after consulting a doctor.

Treatment of eye burns

After providing first aid, you should consult a doctor, who will determine what to do next if your eyes are burned by welding or chemicals. For superficial damage, it is usually sufficient to use eye drops and “visual rest” - exclusion of bright light, eye strain when looking into the distance, etc. This will help reduce discomfort and slightly reduce pain.

The composition of eye drops for eye burns from welding must contain several components - an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory agent (glucocorticosteroid hormone). It is this combination of drugs that is found in the drugs Maxitrol, Sofradex and Combinil Duo. If it is not possible to purchase them, you can use two drugs at the same time:

Antibiotic for eyes

  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Tsipromed;
  • Tobramycin.

Anti-inflammatory (in the form of eye drops)

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Dexamethasonelong;
  • Dexapos.

At severe pain, it is possible to use anesthetics in the form of drops: Leocaine 0.3%; Dicaine 0.3%, Alcaine. However, you should not take them more often than in the prescribed regimen. Otherwise, they can irritate the affected eye and delay its healing.

Deep damage (retinal burn) can only be cured by surgery. To reduce inflammatory phenomena use eye drops Diphenhydramine or Chloropyramine, however, these drugs will not help restore vision.

Consequences of eye burns

At timely treatment superficial burns, they do not have any consequences in the future. The eye recovers within a few weeks, and acute reactions(pain, redness, feeling of “sand”) subside within a few days. To speed up regeneration, you can use Etaden or Etadec-MEZ drops, which stimulate metabolism in the tissues of the cornea and conjunctiva

After damage to the retina, as a rule, the patient's vision begins to decline irreversibly. The consequences of such an eye burn are blindness, decreased quality of life and loss of professional suitability (for some specializations). All these phenomena can be eliminated with the help of an operation that is performed in regional ophthalmological centers - retinal transplantation. Modern technologies allow a person to regain vision within a few weeks of hospitalization.

Unfortunately, this medical care It is practically not funded by the state, so the patient has to be treated at his own expense.

Preventing eye burns

In order to prevent eye burns, it is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • Work with ultraviolet light sources and hot objects only while wearing a protective mask;
  • Do not look at the operation of the gas welding machine, switched on quartz lamps, etc.;
  • Washing your hands thoroughly after contact with any acids or alkalis is an effective and simple way to prevent chemical burns to the cornea of ​​the eye.

Frequently asked questions from patients

Is it possible to wash the eyes with acid if there is a burn with alkali and vice versa?

No. Currently, this is strictly prohibited. It is almost impossible to calculate how much of one substance is needed to neutralize another. If you use too much, the eye damage will worsen. If not enough, the chemical burn will continue.

What folk remedies are there to treat chemical eye burns?

In the acute period, therapy should be carried out exclusively medications. After the inflammatory phenomena disappear, it is possible to instill tea or tea into the eyes.

What to do if your eye is burned small child? What consequences might there be?

In this case, there is only one tactic - call an ambulance and thoroughly rinse the injured eye with distilled water before arriving (if the burn is chemical or thermal). The consequences depend on the depth of the injury - with superficial burns, the eye can completely restore its function. If the retina is damaged, surgery will likely be required.

Can I burn my eyes with lens solution? What kind of burn is this?

Some lens solutions contain hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2). If used incorrectly, you can get a chemical burn to the eye from acid.

Impaired corneal transparency

Decrease, narrowing of visual fields

Increased or decreased intraocular pressure

For radiation eye burns, some of the specified symptoms may be missing because infrared or laser beams mainly damage cells and choroid eyes.

It should be remembered that immediately after an injury it is not always possible to determine the severity of eye damage. A patient with thermal burns to the eyes, regardless of the severity of the injury, must be urgently taken to the hospital and shown to a specialist. Very often, the prognosis of a disease directly depends on the speed and volume of provision of adequate medical care.

Classification of eye burns

There is no single generally accepted classification of eye burns. Eye burns are classified according to the type of damaging factor, the location of the damage, and the depth of the damage.

According to localization, burns and choroid are distinguished.

Depending on the depth of damage, there are 4 degrees of severity of eye burns (according to Polyak). The mildest is a first degree burn; the outcome of such a lesion is favorable in almost 100% of cases. More severe (II - IV) degree eye burns are always treated in a hospital; the consequences of such a lesion can be extremely severe.

Thermal burns of the eyes

Thermal burns of the eyes occur when exposed to extremely high or low temperatures, including exposure to hot liquid, fire, steam, hot or burning solids, dry ice, cryogenic liquids or liquefied gases. Such burns are usually localized in the anterior parts of the eyes; damage to the deep parts of the eyes is observed only in cases of severe burns.

If an eye burn occurs, if possible, remove traces of the traumatic substance from the skin around the eyes and rinse the eyes with a weak stream of water. An antiseptic or antibiotic ointment is applied to the skin around the eye (for example), the same ointment is placed behind the eyelid. An aseptic bandage is carefully applied to the eye, while rubbing or scratching the eyes is strictly prohibited. The patient is urgently hospitalized for specialized care.

Chemical burns to the eyes

Chemical burns to the eyes most often occur under the influence of acids or caustic alkalis; in everyday life, eye burns can occur when exposed to potassium permanganate crystals, ammonia, iodine solution, lime, household chemicals, as well as various cosmetics.

A feature of chemical burns is the duration of exposure to the damaging factor. Thus, when alkali gets into the eye, it damages not only the tissue directly at the point of contact, but is able to penetrate into the deep-lying parts of the eye.

If chemicals get into your eyes, you should immediately rinse your eyes with a weak stream of water (for at least 10-15 minutes, until all traces of this substance disappear from the eye). Antiseptic eye drops are instilled into the conjunctival sac of the eye (for example), the skin around the eye is lubricated antiseptic ointment, then cover the affected eye aseptic dressing and the victim is urgently sent for examination to an ophthalmologist.

Radiation burns of the eyes (welding)

Radiation damage to the eyes has some features depending on the type of damaging factor. Radiation burns occur when exposed to short-wave ( ultraviolet rays) and long-wave (infrared rays) radiation. Most often, such damage occurs after visiting a solarium, on ski resorts(“snow blindness”), as well as in electric welders.

appear radiation burns eyes not immediately, but after several hours (on average after 4 - 6 hours). Typical complaints for radiation damage to the eyes are severe photophobia, sharp deterioration vision due to retinal damage. As in the case of other eye burns, in case of radiation injury the patient needs immediate help. Anesthetic eye drops (" "), corticosteroids (" ", " "), drugs to relieve local swelling and oil solutions vitamins (" "), remedies (, "Levomycetin").

First aid and treatment of eye burns

Regardless of the type of eye burn, first aid for eye burns should be aimed at eliminating the damaging factor (chemical, temperature or radiation), instilling antibacterial drops (Albucid, Levomycetin, Sodium Sulfacyl, etc. ) and laying ointments). This is done to prevent secondary infection of damaged eye tissue. Next, as a rule, a sterile bandage is applied to the eye and the victim is taken to a specialized medical facility (by passing transport or by ambulance).

Regardless of what exactly caused the burn, you should immediately contact a specialist. The sooner assistance is provided and treatment is prescribed, the sooner it will be possible to avoid various kinds of complications. As rehabilitation treatment after removal pain syndrome and disinfection of the eye mucosa, doctors prescribe eye gels. In ophthalmological practice, there are special means for regeneration (restoration) and preservation of the functions of cells of the cornea and conjunctiva, which prevent the development of complications in the most early signs damage to ocular surface tissue. One of these drugs is Korneregel - an eye gel based on dexpanthenol, which heals the cornea and conjunctiva, and also prevents a decrease in the quality of vision, which can be caused by complications. The gel eliminates pain, swelling and redness thanks to its reparative effect, and the carbomer included in its composition provides long-lasting hydration, relieving the feeling of discomfort.

According to medical statistics, about 40% of patients who completely or partially lost their vision were diagnosed with a “burn of the cornea of ​​the eye.” Therefore, everyone who wants to preserve their vision should know what factors can lead to such negative consequences. It should also be noted that at the first suspicion of a burn to the cornea of ​​the eye, treatment should be carried out as quickly as possible. It is the quality of care provided to the patient that largely determines how serious the further consequences for the visual organs will be.

Many circumstances can lead to a burn to the cornea, among which the most common are the following:

  • Exposure to an open flame, heated liquids or steam, drops of molten metal when welding, etc. Provide negative influence Temperatures exceeding 45 degrees Celsius may also affect the cornea of ​​the eye;
  • Bright light shining into the eyes for a long time is also dangerous. Therefore, one should avoid contemplating sea foam, long work with welding and similar actions without safety glasses;
  • Chemicals, including acids, alkalis, bactericidal and synthetic detergents, can also be very dangerous to the eyes.

It can also be obtained through eyelash extensions if all safety standards have not been followed.

Particular care should be taken when handling various alkalis, as they can cause more significant damage to vision than an ultraviolet burn to the cornea. The fact is that acid affects tissue only in the area of ​​direct contact, while alkali can penetrate deep into tissue, destroying the entire frontal part of the eye.

Degree of damage

Depending on what caused the burn, experts divide them into 4 degrees:

  • The first includes cases when only surface layer mucous membrane. In this case, slight swelling of the eyelids and slight tarnishing of the epithelium can be observed. Treatment in this case is carried out in outpatient setting without any consequences for vision;
  • The second degree includes damage epithelial tissue on all layers of the cornea. You can notice blisters on the skin of the eyelids, and traces of erosion on the cornea itself. In this case, competent outpatient treatment, allowing erosion to be eliminated within 7-10 days. In this case, scars do not form, and all functions of the visual organs are preserved;
  • Third degree burns can appear in two variations. In the first case, it is observed that it is practically impossible to see its pattern, but the pupil is clearly visible. One day after the burn, folds of the Decemets membrane appear.

Recovery takes from 2 to 4 weeks, after which light scars remain. The second case is an indistinguishable outline of the pupil, while the cornea itself looks more like frosted glass. After 3-4 weeks, you can see a vascular thorn, due to which visual acuity decreases, and an increase in the conjunctival layer may also occur.

  • The fourth degree is the most severe, and is accompanied by a dull gray tint of the cornea, in which in this case every layer is damaged. In this case, it is often possible to observe loss of a clouded lens.

In this video they talk in more detail about corneal burns and wearing dark glasses. To wear or not?

Stages of corneal burn

The flow is conventionally divided into 4 periods:

1. During the first 2-3 weeks after the burn, necrosis occurs, first primary, then secondary;

2. The second period is occupied by processes that are partially reversible - the so-called “parabiosis zone”;

4. At the fourth stage, scars form and late dystrophies are observed.

Symptoms of a corneal burn

The following symptoms may accompany a corneal burn:

  • lacrimation;
  • Acute reaction to bright light;
  • Headache;
  • Deterioration of vision;
  • Sensation of the presence of a foreign body;
  • Pain in the eyeballs;
  • Blepharospasm.

If the burn is caused by exposure to ultraviolet light, symptoms usually appear within 8-10 hours.

Emergency care for a corneal burn

How effective the rehabilitation will be depends largely on how well first aid is provided to a victim with a corneal burn.

Which, when in eyeball allocate harmful substances. The best way to eliminate them, thoroughly rinse with saline or Ringer's solution; however, in their absence, you can use plain water.

It is worth noting that to achieve maximum effect, washing should be carried out continuously for half an hour.

Chemicals that have entered the conjunctivitis cavity can be removed with a regular cotton swab. After completing this operation, you need to use drops that have an antiseptic effect, such as Levomycetin and others.

After this, a sterile bandage should be applied to the eye and the victim should be taken to the clinic, where an ophthalmologist will examine and prescribe further treatment.

If a corneal burn is caused by thermal effects, an antiseptic bandage should be applied to the eye. If you don't have it on hand antiseptic, at home it can be replaced with cold water. In any case, further consultation with a specialist will be required.

Treatment of corneal burns

The main goal drug treatment in case of a burn to the cornea of ​​the eye, the aim is to preserve vision as much as possible, as well as eliminate and prevent any complications. The following drugs are used:

  • Eye drops that promote pupil dilation and regeneration of epithelial tissue;
  • Novocaine injections;
  • Antioxidants, the main purpose of which is to reduce the activity of free radicals;
  • Anticoagulants that improve microcirculation;
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Bactericidal ointments.

If the cornea disintegrates or there is a risk of perforation, surgery is needed. Its essence lies in early penetrating keratotomy or layered keratoplasty. After a year, keratoprosthesis, eyelid skin plastic surgery or corneal transplantation can be performed if the ophthalmologist considers such treatment necessary.

You should not try to cope with this problem using folk remedies, as this can only complicate the situation in the future.

A burn to the cornea of ​​the eye occurs due to exposure to external irritants: chemicals, heated small bodies(dust, metal filings, molten metal), prolonged exposure to an intense light source. A burn to the cornea often causes blindness, but if taken correct measures, then the most severe consequences manages to be avoided. What kind of help should be provided and in what cases, as well as what treatment should be used in certain cases?

Corneal burn is a common diagnosis that occurs in almost 20% of patients admitted to medical institutions with eye injury. The vast majority, however, are men slightly over 35 years old. Most of these patients are workers who received eye burns from welding at work as a result of careless handling of the tool.

Very often, such an injury can cause complete or partial loss visual function, even if help was provided on time. Of course, in some cases it is possible to perform operations to restore the cornea, thereby giving a person a chance to regain vision, but this is not always possible. Everything will depend on the type of burn and its degree.
There are four types of eye burns:

  1. Photo burn - injury to the cornea as a result of exposure to an intense light source. Potential dangers in this case include not only welding, but also bright light from the sun during eclipses, long stay in mountainous snowy areas without glasses, quartz lamps and some other light sources. Reflected rays of snow and simple household appliances are the most insidious enemies, since almost no one thinks about their danger.
  2. Thermal burn of the eye is an injury to the cornea caused by exposure to a very hot body. For corneal tissue dangerous temperature considered 47°C. Factors that cause thermal burn: molten metal, steam, gas, hot liquids, etc.
  3. Chemical burn of the eye is one of the most dangerous varieties eye injuries. Damage to the cornea is caused by a chemical that attacks the tissue. Most often these are acid and alkali, but there are also simpler options, for example, pure alcohol.
  4. A combined burn results from the influence of several factors, but is extremely rare.

What is the difference between a retinal burn?

IN in rare cases Damage to the cornea accompanies a retinal burn. In this case, the set of symptoms is similar to those that occur with burns of horny tissue:

  • burning and tingling in the eyes;
  • splitting headache, which does not stop;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane, copious discharge tears;
  • redness of the eye;
  • photophobia occurs;
  • eyelids swell;
  • often present discomfort in the eyes.

But when the retina is damaged, another effect occurs - color spots that blur the visible image. Their color may change over time, which means the situation is getting worse. Threatens partial loss of vision, but with the possibility of recovery in the future with the right course of therapy. The cause is intense light sources - the sun, powerful lamps.

Degree of tissue damage

There are four degrees of eye burns, depending on which doctors will provide first aid and offer further treatment:

  1. With a first degree burn, superficial injuries to the cornea are noted. The eyes turn red, the temperature of the tissues around them is increased, and slight swelling of the eyelids occurs. Treatment is carried out using special eye drops on an outpatient basis for several days. Usually, serious consequences No.
  2. The second degree is significant damage to the corneal tissue, the formation of erosion, inflammatory processes and blisters is possible. If you seek help in the next few hours, a qualified doctor will help you avoid serious consequences. Observation by an ophthalmologist is required for 1.5-2 weeks.
  3. Third degree - severe eye burns. The cornea becomes cloudy, although the pupil is still visible, and the pattern on the cornea is very unclear. Treatment will take almost a month, depending on the nature and severity of the damage. Even with timely assistance, vision decreases due to the formation of a cataract, but partial functionality of the eye can be preserved. Occasionally the conjunctiva enlarges. Operational.
  4. Fourth degree burns are the most severe. The functionality of the eye cannot be saved because the damage destroys the tissue. In such cases, the cornea becomes gray. Tissue necrosis and scarring are possible. In rare cases it is operable.

First aid

For each individual case, there is first aid that must be provided to the victim before arriving at the medical facility.

Chemical burn to eyes - rinse eyes thoroughly until chemical is removed. It is preferable to use saline solution for rinsing or will do boiled water. Rinsing takes 20-30 minutes because most chemicals are difficult to remove with liquid. The greatest danger is posed by alkali, which can cause deep eye injuries.
Rinsing also helps in removing hot solid particles.

If an eye burn occurs due to welding, several steps will be required to help relieve symptoms before visiting a doctor:

  1. Put on sunglasses, reduce the amount of light entering the eyes by any other possible means.
  2. Take painkillers.
  3. Don't touch your eyes.

The rest will be written out by the doctor himself at the appointment. Self-medication threatens vision loss.

Injuries at work

In almost 50% of cases, eye injuries occur due to violations of safety regulations at work.

If an eye burn occurs due to welding: what to do immediately and then?

  1. Do not apply pressure to the eyes; maximum use a light cooling bandage.
  2. It is necessary to use an anesthetic, for example, Nurofen, Indomethacin or Nimesil. This will help temporarily relieve the pain.
  3. You need to seek medical help as soon as possible.

If help is not provided on time, complications arise:

  • formation of a cataract;
  • chronic inflammation of the cornea and other eye tissues;
  • scars and ulcers.

Self-medication is strictly not recommended!
How to treat eye burns from welding besides prescribed medications? The only thing folk remedy, which even medical doctors are not against. Substances in this natural product prevent clouding of the cornea, draw out fluid, relieve inflammation, and help damaged tissues recover faster.

Household eye burns

Treatment of eye burns with a quartz lamp is not much different from other types of photo burns. In principle, the first steps are identical, but it’s worth adding a few points:

  1. You can put drops in your eyes like Visine.
  2. Do not use eye patches with cotton wool.
  3. Do not rub your eyes under any circumstances!
  4. Do not rinse eyes.
  5. Take painkillers and seek medical help.

Burns - dangerous injuries, therefore, immediately after discomfort in the eye area, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an examination. Self-medication and failure to receive medical care in a timely manner often leads to vision loss.

A burn to the cornea of ​​the eye is damage caused by exposure to chemicals, ultraviolet radiation or high temperatures. Such an injury leads to disruption of the organ’s functioning, and, accordingly, to a deterioration of the direct function – vision.

Eye burns are unpleasant and dangerous phenomenon. Some people, due to specific work conditions, encounter it quite often. Others have never encountered it. A person should be aware of the characteristics of such injuries and the mechanism for providing first aid.

Damage to the cornea in most cases occurs after contact with chemicals - acids, alkalis, medicines, cosmetics. Retinal burns occur mainly as a result of bright light, ultraviolet radiation. It is often received by welders and those who abuse visits to solariums.

A burn to the eye mucosa can be identified by specific symptoms:

  • redness;
  • burning, pain;
  • swelling;
  • turbidity;
  • sensitivity to light;
  • lacrimation;
  • visual impairment;
  • color change skin around the eyes;
  • formation of blisters on the skin.

When the cornea is burned with alcohol, the patient experiences severe redness conjunctiva, lacrimation, burning and sharp pain.

A burn from glue, which is used during the eyelash extension procedure, is manifested by the appearance of red spots, pain, burning, a feeling of sand in the eyes, and blurred vision.

Depending on the degree and type, symptoms can be short-term or long-lasting. The stronger the burn, the more pronounced its symptoms.

Types and stages

Vitasik is a complex action drug. Soothes mucous membranes, prevents inflammatory processes, moisturizes, stabilizes, promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Visine - eye drops that eliminate puffiness. Cope with symptoms of mucosal irritation. Normalizes full hydration of the eye, promotes rapid recovery and healing of affected surfaces.

These drugs are sold freely in pharmacies. Purchase medicinal drops worth it only after a doctor's prescription. Self-treatment at home can lead to a deterioration of the condition and complicate the existing situation.

Corneal damage - dangerous condition which requires special measures. The earlier assistance is provided, the less negative consequences develops further. In cases of burns in a child, medical attention is required. Treatment at home, with medications or remedies traditional medicine extremely dangerous.