How to stop uterine bleeding quickly? Uterine bleeding is a reason to urgently call a doctor

Article publication date: 06/19/2017

Article updated date: 12/21/2018

From this article you will learn: how to stop it, when you can try to do it at home, and when you absolutely cannot.

The nature of the menstrual cycle, regularity and volume of blood loss have always been indicators of “ women's health" Almost every woman in her life has encountered the problem of uterine bleeding that arose for various reasons.

In some cases, such bleeding can be stopped at home, but sometimes they become massive and life-threatening. Without the help of a doctor, including hospital treatment and surgical procedures, it is impossible to stop severe bleeding.

An obstetrician-gynecologist provides antenatal consultation, who, after assessing the situation, can refer the woman to a gynecological hospital.

What are the features of stopping uterine bleeding?

The uterus is a completely unique organ, bleeding from which has a specific character. The spiral arteries that supply blood to the uterus are almost completely devoid of muscle layer, and therefore are not able to contract on their own. Instead of a muscular layer, the lumen of the arteries is compressed by a thick muscular layer of the uterus itself. Therefore, if for some reason the uterus is flabby and atonic, then the bleeding cannot be stopped without reducing agents.

Endometrial arteries

The main source of bleeding in the uterus is its internal mucous membrane - the endometrium. This layer, being shed every menstrual cycle, after pregnancy and childbirth, exposes the spiral arteries and causes them to bleed. Pathology of the endometrium itself or supporting it hormonal levels can cause extreme profuse bleeding, which cannot be stopped without hormonal drugs.

Women's structure reproductive system. Click on photo to enlarge

Various inflammatory processes of the female genital organs play a major role in the occurrence of uterine bleeding. The inflammatory process triggers special mechanisms that reduce blood clotting and prevent uterine contractility.

Below we will try to highlight several blocks, in each of which we will talk about the possible cause of the problem and how to stop a specific type of uterine bleeding.

Heavy menstruation

In every woman’s life, there comes a month in which menstrual bleeding is heavier and longer than usual. This may be due to stress, hypothermia, colds, taking certain medications, abrupt change time and temperature zones.

In medicine, heavy menstruation is called menometrorrhagia - the most common type of uterine bleeding. This phenomenon is characterized by an increase in the duration of menstruation over 7 days and blood loss of more than 200 ml, however, the latter criterion is quite biased. More often, gynecologists use a more primitive criterion - the number of full pads per day. Five or more full pads used per day may indicate menometrorrhagia.

How to stop heavy menstruation?

Menometrorrhagia can be stopped at home, but such attempts without medical supervision are extremely undesirable and should not last more than 5 days. We list the main methods for stopping uterine bleeding at home:

  1. Complete refusal of sexual activity.
  2. Abstinence from warm bath and any warming procedures such as heating pads on the lower abdomen or lower back.
  3. The prone position may reduce bleeding slightly because the uterus contracts a little better in this position.
  4. A good choice for “home” stopping bleeding are the following medications: etamsylate or dicinone, water pepper extract, nettle and shepherd’s purse decoction. The duration of their use should not exceed 4–5 days. If it is clear that the flow of blood does not stop, you must immediately contact a gynecologist to adjust the treatment.

Disorders associated with taking hormonal drugs

This is also a fairly common cause of uterine bleeding, because certain hormonal drugs modern women are being used more and more often. The cause of such dishormonal disorders may be the stage of “addiction” to the drug, an incorrectly selected drug, incorrect use by the patient, or unauthorized withdrawal. Bleeding of this kind can be either profuse - with scarlet blood, or prolonged - brown and spotting.

What to do with “hormonal” bleeding?

The main principle of stopping such bleeding is to try to take a “double” dose of the usual drug for 2–3 days. For example, a patient developed bleeding while taking a combined oral contraceptive. You can try taking not one, but two tablets from the pack with an hour or two intervals, that is, the regular and the next numbered tablet from the pack.

If the flow of blood has not stopped, then the “double” dose should immediately be returned to the usual one, and the pack of tablets should be completed as usual - that is, before 21 or 28 days. To do this, the missing tablets must be taken from the next pack. Next, the contraceptive should be canceled or continued according to the usual regimen - it is important to understand that there is a high probability of repeated menstrual bleeding in the usual mode of taking contraceptive pills. Such actions are permissible for no more than 3 days, otherwise taking an increased dose of hormones is dangerous.

Uterine bleeding with an intrauterine device

The intrauterine system, or contraceptive - an IUD or IUD, called a "spiral" by patients - is the second most popular contraceptive device, which is located in the uterine cavity and prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg.

Intrauterine system

How to help with bleeding due to an IUD?

The most common side effect of this contraceptive is heavier menstruation, this phenomenon is reflected in official instructions to the means. However, sometimes this side effect exceeds acceptable expectations.

  • As an option for “getting used to” the IUD during the first 2–3 months after insertion, this option can be considered conditionally normal. Treatment in this case is symptomatic - its scheme is similar to that for heavy menstruation.
  • However, in case of systematic bleeding, it is important to find out whether the system is inserted correctly. This can be easily done using an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. If the IUD is placed incorrectly in the uterus, pain and abnormal uterine bleeding may occur. In this case, the “spiral” needs to be removed.

Uterine bleeding due to inflammatory diseases

Various types of inflammatory processes in the female genital area - adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis, endometritis, cervicitis - are often accompanied by various types and profuse bleeding. They can complicate both an acute process and an exacerbation of a chronic one.

Such bleeding can be heavy or spotting, often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, an unpleasant odor of vaginal discharge and menstrual blood, fever, inflammatory changes in a general blood test.


How to stop bleeding against the background of an inflammatory process?

  • The first thing you need to do is consult a gynecologist who will conduct an examination and determine the fact of the inflammatory process.
  • The first line remedy in this case will be antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs that will suppress the root cause of the problem. The doctor will recommend specific medications and dosage regimen, taking into account the patient’s clinic, complaints and medical history.
  • Considering the influence of inflammatory factors and anti-inflammatory drugs themselves on the blood coagulation system, it would be useful to add to the treatment regimen drugs that affect the blood coagulation system - etamsylate and its analogues, tranexam, aminocaproic acid.
  • It is important to understand that with purulent processes (especially endometritis - inflammation of the uterine cavity) it is almost impossible to do without surgical manipulation. Such interventions are necessary to empty the purulent foci and remove the inflamed endometrium, which prevents the uterus from contracting. Gynecological manipulations are carried out in a hospital, under general anesthesia, and they take relatively little time.
  • At the recovery stage, physiotherapeutic procedures - magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, ultrasound - have a good effect.

Blood flow due to gynecological diseases

IN this section we'll talk about non-inflammatory diseases of the female genital area. These include pathological conditions of the uterine cavity and endometrium: endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyps, intracavitary myomatous nodes, as well as other conditions of the uterus and cervix: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, cervical polyps. These diseases can be manifested by both heavy menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding from the genital tract.

Types of uterine fibroids

How to stop this type of uterine bleeding?

  1. It is important to understand the basic truth in this case - as long as there is an underlying cause, uterine bleeding is only a symptom. That is why treatment at this stage is symptomatic, that is, temporary. All available methods can be used - herbal preparations (water pepper, nettle, shepherd's purse), etamzilate and its analogues, tranexam, uterine contractions such as oxytocin or methylergometrine.
  2. In some cases, hormonal drugs - combined oral contraceptives(COCs), pure estrogens, progesterone preparations (duphaston, norkolut). A specific remedy and the cycle of its administration can only be recommended by a doctor after examining and questioning the patient, as well as the results of ultrasound examinations and hormonal panels.
  3. The most effective and radical means treatment will be a specific cure for the primary disease - hormonal therapy, surgical treatment– manipulation – curettage of the uterine cavity, hysteroscopy or gynecological surgery – removal of nodes, coagulation of foci of endometriosis, and so on.

Disorders after termination of pregnancy

In this section we will talk about early pregnancy terminations up to 12 weeks - both natural (miscarriage) and artificial (abortions, vacuum aspirations, medical abortions). Normally, after such terminations of pregnancy, uterine bleeding is present - the uterine cavity is cleared of the overgrown “pregnant” endometrium, blood clots, and remnants of fetal tissue. Typically, this condition resembles the heaviest menstruation in terms of duration and blood loss. If spotting after the procedure they acquire a different character, this indicates the presence of pathology in the post-abortion period.

The structure of the endometrium

How to stop uterine bleeding after termination of pregnancy?

  • The main principle of stopping is maximum stimulation of contraction of the uterine muscle - this way the uterus will contract more quickly, close the lumen of the arteries and empty the cavity of the remnants of pregnancy. For this purpose it is used special group drugs – uterotonics. The simplest representative of them is water pepper extract. More complex drugs, available only by prescription, are hormone-like substances - oxytocin, deaminooxytocin, methylergometrine.
  • Attempts to stop such bleeding should not take more than 5 days, as this is fraught with severe blood loss, accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity and inflammation of the uterine cavity.
  • If there is no effect from contraction therapy, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and evaluate the condition of the uterine cavity. If there are remains of fetal tissue in the cavity, placental polyps, blood clots - they must be removed surgically - without this the uterus will not be able to contract.

Obstetric or postpartum hemorrhage

Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the most dangerous complications in medicine. The most life-threatening are early postpartum hemorrhages - they develop within two hours after the birth of a child against the background of decreased contractility of the uterus or the remains of the placenta in the uterine cavity. Maternity hospital doctors struggle with such problems.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, according to the classic version, postpartum spotting - lochia - lasts approximately 42 days, decreasing every day. If at this stage something goes wrong, then the lochia becomes abundant, bright scarlet in color, clots or an unpleasant odor appear in their composition. Such postpartum uterine bleeding occurs for two reasons: infectious complications and slow contractility of the uterus, which are closely interrelated and transform into each other.

How to stop postpartum bleeding?

  • Self-stopping at home is possible with light bleeding, without clots, fever or unpleasant odor. Otherwise, a doctor’s consultation and a special study are necessary.
  • The basis for stopping bleeding is contraction of the uterus, as after an abortion. It is important to know what exactly is in postpartum period nature itself comes to the aid of a woman - after all, when a baby is applied to the breast and the act of sucking, the same oxytocin is produced, which contracts the uterus. That's why frequent application And breast-feeding on demand – the key to a successful postpartum period.
  • As prescribed by a doctor, you can use uterotonics, herbal preparations, and physiotherapy.
  • If ineffective conservative treatment Curettage of the uterine cavity is indicated to stimulate its contractility and cleanse the cavity.

When do you need to urgently consult a doctor?

As we have already understood, sometimes you can try to solve the problem yourself, but there are a number of cases when you urgently need to see a gynecologist:

  1. Heavy bleeding, requiring more than 5 full pads per day, and also with the presence of clots.
  2. Prolonged bleeding of any intensity lasting more than 7 days.
  3. Bleeding accompanied severe pain lower abdomen and lower back, increased body temperature, unpleasant odor from the genital tract.
  4. Any bleeding from the genital tract during pregnancy of any stage.
  5. Any bleeding that cannot be treated independently.

Acute pathological uterine bleeding is a common problem faced by practicing gynecologists. Even one-time cases of this kind sometimes require immediate medical intervention. The causes of this pathology are numerous. To solve the problem and understand how to stop uterine bleeding, it is necessary to take into account the woman’s age, her menstrual function and medical history, risk factors for endometrial pathology and the blood coagulation system.

Etiology of acute abnormal uterine bleeding

The etiology of uterine bleeding can be multifactorial. This pathology is classified as associated with structural abnormalities of the uterus and disorders of the blood coagulation system. This happens for reasons:

  • polyp;
  • hyperplasia;
  • adenomyosis;
  • leiomyomas;
  • cancer processes of the body and cervix;
  • coagulopathies;
  • ovulatory dysfunction;
  • endometriosis;
  • pregnancy;
  • iatrogenic factors.

Determining the most likely etiology is important in selecting the most appropriate and effective way stopping bleeding for a specific patient and is achieved through a history, physical and gynecological examination and blood tests.

Clinical evaluation of hemostatic disorders in a woman with excessive menstrual bleeding

Initial screening for an underlying hemostatic disorder in these women should be based on their medical history. Positive result The study includes the following circumstances:

  • heavy menstrual bleeding starting at menarche;
  • postpartum hemorrhage;
  • operations accompanied by blood loss;
  • disruption of the coagulation system during dental treatment.

In this case, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • hematomas once or twice a month;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • constant bleeding from the gums;
  • symptoms of coagulopathy in close relatives.

History or anamnesis

Obtaining a thorough medical history is necessary to determine the circumstances surrounding the occurrence of bleeding. This takes into account accompanying symptoms and past causes of menstrual irregularities, details of gynecological and medical history and data from relevant laboratory and radiological tests.

Up to 13% of women with heavy menstrual bleeding have variant von Willebrand disease, and up to 20% of patients may have bleeding disorders. Other causes of coagulopathies, such as decreased coagulation factors, hemophilia, and platelet dysfunction, may occur in any age group. In addition, when systemic diseases such as leukemia and liver failure, and when taking medications such as anticoagulants or chemotherapy drugs, clotting may decrease and this may cause bleeding. All this is taken into account in developing tactics for solving the upcoming issue: how to stop uterine bleeding.

Physical examination

The physical examination of a patient with uterine bleeding should begin with an assessment of acute blood loss and the main symptoms, which are hypovolemia, anemia, and findings that suggest the etiology of the disease. The woman's condition should be assessed so that the doctor can determine that she is having uterine bleeding and not bleeding from other areas of the genital tract. Thus, gynecological examination, including speculum examination of the cervix and bimanual palpation, should be performed by a gynecologist to identify any injuries to the genitals, vagina or cervix. All this allows us to draw conclusions about what caused the vaginal bleeding. A gynecological examination will also determine the volume, intensity of bleeding, the condition of the uterus, internal genital organs, or structural lesions of the reproductive organ (leiomyoma).

Laboratory research

Required laboratory evaluation patients with this disease. All adolescents and women are carefully examined for the presence of hemostatic disorders. Taking into account the clinical picture, it is necessary to take into account the pathology thyroid gland, liver function disorders, sepsis, leukemia, etc. Endometrial tissue sampling should be performed in all women. This is especially true for patients over 45 years of age. Endometrial biopsy should also be performed in women younger than 45 years of age with a history of exposure to unconjugated estrogens (eg, seen in patients with obesity or polycystic ovary syndrome), a primary bleeding episode, or persistent similar manifestations. The decision as to whether a pelvic ultrasound should be performed should be based on clinical assessment of the findings.

Initial laboratory testing requires:

  • determination of group and Rh factor;
  • pregnancy test;
  • registration of activated partial thromboplastin time;
  • prothrombin time;
  • determining the amount of fibrinogen;
  • initial testing for von Willebrand disease;
  • determining the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone;
  • identifying serum iron, total iron-binding capacity and ferritin;
  • liver function tests;
  • detection of chlamydia trachomatis.

Stopping acute abnormal uterine bleeding in non-pregnant women of reproductive age

The initial assessment of a patient with acute abnormal uterine bleeding should include testing for signs of hypovolemia and potential hemodynamic instability. Measures to stop bleeding include intravenous administration of conjugated estrogens, combined oral contraceptives, oral progestins and tranexamic acid. Decisions should be based on the patient's medical history and the presence of contraindications to therapy. Surgery should be considered for those women who are not clinically stable. The choice of surgical intervention should be based on the patient’s presence of concomitant diseases underlying the pathology and the woman’s desire to have children in the future. Once the acute bleeding episode has resolved, transition to long-term maintenance therapy is recommended.

Uterine bleeding is defined as bleeding from the body of the uterus when it is abnormal in regularity, volume, frequency or duration and occurs in the absence of pregnancy. This pathology can be acute or chronic. Acute bleeding is a situation that requires immediate intervention to prevent further blood loss. The acute process can occur spontaneously or in conditions of chronic hemorrhage or bleeding. Overall rating a patient who has this pathology, must take place in three stages:

  • determination of the amount of blood loss;
  • determining the most likely etiology;
  • choosing the appropriate treatment.


Limited evidence, expert opinion and guidelines address the question of how to quickly stop uterine bleeding. The choice of treatment method depends on the clinic and etiology, taking into account the main medical problems. The two main goals of management are control of bleeding and monitoring to reduce menstrual blood loss in subsequent cycles. Drug therapy is considered the preferred option primary treatment. However, certain situations may require prompt surgical intervention.

Basic drugs

How to stop uterine bleeding? The drugs that are used for this purpose are hormonal agents. They are considered the first line of drug therapy for patients with acute bleeding. Treatment options include combined oral contraceptives and oral progestins.

Antifibrinolytic drugs, such as tranexamic acid, are used to prevent fibrin degradation and are effective in treating patients with any form of bleeding. Tranexamic acid effectively reduces the rate of intraoperative blood loss and removes indications for blood transfusion in surgical patients.

In patients with diseases of the blood coagulation system or those who are suspected of having increased bleeding, unpredictable reactions to hormonal and non-hormonal treatments may develop. For such patients, consultation with a hematologist is recommended, especially if the bleeding is quite difficult to control or the gynecologist cannot independently cope with this pathology. Desmopressin may help treat patients with von Willebrand disease if the woman is known to respond to the drug. It can be administered by intranasal inhalation, intravenously, or subcutaneously. This medication should be used with caution due to the risk of fluid retention and hyponatremia. It should not be given to patients with massive bleeding receiving intravenous resuscitation. Recombinant factor VIII and von Willebrand factor are also available and may be necessary to control major bleeding. Other deficiency factors may require factor-specific replacements.

Patients with bleeding disorders or platelet function disorders should avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to their effects on platelet aggregation and their interactions with substances that may affect liver function and the production of clotting factors.

Surgical treatment

How to stop uterine bleeding with endometrial hyperplasia or fibroids? Necessity surgical treatment based on the patient’s clinical stability, severity of bleeding, presence of contraindications for therapeutic treatment, lack of response to medications and concomitant pathology. Surgical options include endometrial dilation and curettage, endometrial ablation, uterine artery embolization, and hysterectomy. The choice of surgical intervention method is made based on the above factors plus the patient’s desire to preserve fertility in the future.

Specific procedures, such as hysteroscopy, polypectomy, myomectomy, may be required if structural abnormalities are suspected as the cause of the identified pathology. And therefore, the question of how to stop uterine bleeding with fibroids or polyposis is being resolved in favor of surgical methods. Dilation and curettage alone (without hysteroscopy) is an inadequate means of assessing uterine distress and may provide only a temporary reduction in bleeding. If they are performed with concomitant hysteroscopy, then this may be important for those patients who have intrauterine pathology is suspected, or it is desirable to obtain a tissue sample to identify certain processes. Case reports of uterine artery embolization and endometrial ablation have shown that these procedures are successful in treating bleeding. Endometrial ablation, although readily available in most centers, should only be considered if other treatments have failed or are contraindicated. This procedure should only be performed when the woman has no plans for future childbearing and uterine cancer has been reliably excluded as a cause. Hysterectomy is used as a definitive treatment to control heavy bleeding, which may be necessary for patients who do not respond to drug therapy.

Thus, it was listed in what ways and how uterine bleeding is stopped in the hospital.

Special cases

In most cases, a woman does not know why she has bleeding and does not suspect that she has certain predisposing factors for the development of this uterine pathology. But sometimes there are diseases that the patient knows about, and it is her information, as well as additional examination methods, that help in clarifying the diagnosis and choosing specific treatment tactics.

Bleeding during pregnancy

During perimenopause, the most common cause abnormal bleeding is a change in hormonal levels that prevents ovulation. Regular, but much more difficult periods very common in the years leading up to menopause. For women over 40 years of age, low doses of birth control pills will help control heavy uterine bleeding. How to stop it and deal with other perimenopause symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, premenstrual syndrome and headaches? The use of tablet contraceptives will help with this when used on an ongoing basis. After age 50, hormone replacement therapy (which consists of lower doses of estrogen and progesterone than the pill) can eventually wean the patient off hormones altogether if menopausal symptoms gradually improve.

During perimenopause, some people choose not to take birth control pills, so others can be used in this case conservative methods stop bleeding. The Progesterone IUD is one such option, and it offers an excellent option for birth control that can last for five years. The device releases progesterone hormone, which works in the lining of the uterus, resulting in menstruation without complications. The IUD is the preferred option for women who need reversible methods of contraception.

How to stop uterine bleeding surgically? Endometrial ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that has a proven track record of treating heavy perimenopausal bleeding and may even help some patients avoid a hysterectomy. Ablation procedures have been used quite successfully to reduce the amount of bleeding, in some cases leading to a complete stop of the menstrual cycle. This procedure is not a birth control method and is only used for women who have completed childbearing.

For patients who have not responded to medications and less invasive options, this perimenopausal surgery may be the best option to decide how to stop uterine bleeding. For endometriosis, fibroids, hyperplasias, and polyps, hysterectomy is the most preferred method for women with such changes. In this case, amputation of the uterus is possible using various options. The doctor should know concomitant diseases such a woman.

How to stop uterine bleeding at home

Bleeding in any case requires contacting a doctor to determine the cause and prescribe adequate treatment. Before the ambulance arrives, you must take a horizontal position and raise your legs. You can place a heating pad with ice on your lower abdomen. Compresses and warming procedures are strictly contraindicated. How to stop uterine bleeding at home, what decoctions and preparations can be used? This is well known to older women. “Vikasol”, “Ditsinon”, “Oxytocin”, “Tranexamic acid” - these are the drugs that every woman should have in her first aid kit. These medicines help in deciding how to stop uterine bleeding at home.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes are used in the treatment of many diseases. How to stop uterine bleeding folk remedies? This question interests both young girls and older women. Most often in this case, a decoction of nettle leaves, yarrow, shepherd's purse, and tincture of water pepper is used. Decoctions are also prepared from cucumber vines, jasmine, and peppermint. However, such treatment can only be used as helper method and only after consulting a doctor.

Uterine bleeding refers to dangerous conditions, which threaten not only the health, but also the life of a woman. That is why doctors strongly recommend that at the first sign of this pathological condition immediately resort to qualified medical care– in this case, everything is decided not even by hours, but by minutes. In order to contact a doctor in a timely manner, you need to know not only the signs of uterine bleeding, but also its possible reasons.

Table of contents:

Causes of uterine bleeding

In fact, there are a lot of reasons and provoking factors that lead to the development of uterine bleeding. In this material, only the most significant and frequently encountered ones will be considered.

Intermenstrual bleeding

They are especially common in women aged 30-40 years, and process disturbances can provoke this condition. Such violations are due hormonal imbalance, which, in turn, leads to active growth of the endometrium (inner mucous lining of the uterus) and increased permeability blood vessels– bleeding in this case may vary in intensity and duration.

It is also worth mentioning that uterine bleeding can occur directly during menstruation - this condition in medicine is called menorrhagia, and is characterized by heavy and prolonged bleeding.

Factors that may lead to violations in hormonal system woman's body:

Diseases of the internal organs of the reproductive system

Tumors of a malignant/benign nature, and ovarian rupture against the background of progressive ( inflammatory process), and trauma to the uterus (for example, after certain medical procedures), and in the mucous membrane of the cervix, and the inflammatory process in the cervical canal ().

Uterine bleeding caused by diseases of the genital organs are quite rare. Firstly, all of the above pathologies are accompanied by severe clinical picture and that is why women seek medical help. Secondly, for some pathologies, doctors can predict high probability occurrence of the condition in question and leave the woman in a medical institution to control the situation.

Please note: Uterine bleeding can also develop during pregnancy. In this case, there is a danger not only for the life of the woman, but also for the life of the child.


If such a pathological condition has developed (first trimester), then the reasons will be:

  • pregnancy developing with disturbances - for example;
  • pathology of the ovum - for example, malignant tumor in the chorion, hydatidiform mole;
  • spontaneous abortion that has begun or.

pregnancy, uterine bleeding can develop against the background premature detachment placenta, pathological processes in the cervix, which led to its destruction.

At any stage of pregnancy, the pathological condition in question can arise due to an existing scar on the uterus. It usually remains after carrying out or abdominal operations about gynecological diseases, and during the next pregnancy the uterus begins to enlarge and stretch, which leads to rupture of the scar.

What indicates uterine bleeding

Uterine bleeding often develops acutely, that is, the woman immediately understands what is happening to her, since too much blood begins to be released from the vagina. But often the condition in question develops gradually, all the signs appear one after another, and therefore it is important to quickly navigate the reasons for the deterioration of well-being.

General signs of uterine bleeding that have begun:

  • strong general weakness, increased and light;
  • the skin of the face becomes pale, and the upper/lower limbs become cold to the touch;
  • the woman is in a semi-fainting state;
  • Seizures are extremely rare, almost never occur, but exceptions are possible.

If at the time of such a deterioration in health it is possible to measure blood pressure, then its readings will be low, but the pulse may be rapid.

The above signs of the onset of uterine bleeding are nonspecific; using them it will be extremely difficult to diagnose the condition in question. But there are also local symptoms, that is, specific signs:

  • there is bloody vaginal discharge;
  • if uterine bleeding began during menstruation, then the woman on the pad may notice large number clots coming out of the vagina, and the pad or tampon itself gets wet quickly, they have to be changed every 1-2 hours;
  • absence of pain syndrome, but in in rare cases There may be sensations simulating contractions localized in the lower abdomen.

Help with uterine bleeding

If signs of uterine bleeding appear, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to medical institution! No self-administration medicines or there should be no means from the “traditional medicine” category. A woman must understand that the condition in question threatens her life.

How can a woman be helped in the hospital?

First, a patient with signs of uterine bleeding will be placed on the lower abdomen cold compress or an ice pack - this will narrow the blood vessels and reduce the intensity of bleeding. Secondly, specialists will quickly determine the possible causes of uterine bleeding:

Thirdly, the woman will be prescribed drug therapy. It is selected on a strictly individual basis and only after the doctor is convinced that urgent surgical intervention is not required.

Hormonal drugs – Janine, Regulon, Non-ovlon

Stopping uterine bleeding with these drugs is only possible for women who have not yet given birth, but are at risk for the development of tumors in the endometrium. Such drugs can also be used by those patients who had a diagnostic curettage of the uterus (3 months before the incident) and after examining the biomaterial, no endometrial pathologies were found.

The doctor calculates the dosage and dosage regimen individually, but, as a rule, on the first day a woman should take a maximum of 6 tablets until the bleeding stops, and then every day the dose is reduced by 1 tablet from the original amount.

Please note:This method of stopping uterine bleeding is characterized by duration, slowness and therefore it categorically cannot be used when helping a woman with identified.

Hemostatic drugs

It is understood that doctors can prescribe:

Any medications should only be taken under the supervision of specialists. They will monitor the dynamics of the pathological condition, because if there is no decrease in the intensity of bleeding, the woman may be prescribed surgical intervention.

Surgical treatment

It is used only in cases where uterine bleeding cannot be stopped with medications within 2 days and there is not even a decrease in its intensity in the first hours of assistance. Doctors can use the following surgical methods stopping uterine bleeding:

  • cryodestructionspecial devices, which contains liquid nitrogen, affect the layer of the uterus, which has undergone pathological changes and “bleeds”;
  • laser endometrial removal– ablation, it is possible to use electromagnetic energy, a ball electrode and a loop;
  • scraping with a surgical instrument the uterine cavity or the walls of the cervical canal.

How you can help at home

If it is not possible to seek qualified medical help immediately after the first signs of uterine bleeding appear, then you can do something at home. But such measures fall into the category of “first aid” and do not mean that you can do without medical care!

Algorithm of actions:

  1. A woman should lie in bed so that her lower limbs are elevated (a bolster or pillow is placed under them).
  2. You can place an ice pack on your lower abdomen (frozen dumplings and meat from the refrigerator will do), but it must be wrapped in a towel to prevent hypothermia. The cold is applied for a maximum of 15 minutes, then a break of 1-2 minutes is taken and you can use it again. This procedure lasts a maximum of 2 hours.
  3. A woman must replenish fluid loss - she needs to drink enough water, you can replace it with rosehip decoction or sweet tea with lemon.

Please note:It is allowed to use medications with a hemostatic effect - Vikasol, tincture of nettle or water pepper, aminocaproic acid. Be sure to consult a doctor before using medications, at least by telephone!

Uterine bleeding should not be ignored. Many sources recommend using various decoctions medicinal herbs, but under no circumstances should you do this! Traditional medicine in case of uterine bleeding, it can lead to the death of a woman, as it is not always effective. In any case, the help of specialists will be needed, and if it is provided in a timely manner, the forecasts will be favorable.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Menstruation for a woman is a familiar and understandable phenomenon. However, it is not always possible to say with certainty whether it is either menstruation or bleeding.

Normal discharge during menstruation

To understand what is happening, bleeding or menstruation, you should know basic norms of discharge, which are given in the table:

How to determine whether heavy periods or bleeding?
Sign Normal indicator Exceeding the norm
Duration3 – 7 daysOver 7 days
Volume of discharge20 – 50 ml on average per day. If in 3 – 4 hours hygiene product fills completely - this is within normal limitsGasket changes occur more frequently
Blood loss (volume)200 – 250 ml per cycleMore than 250 ml
Duration of the menstrual cycleFrom 21 to 35 days – average normsUp to 21 days
Discharge colorAt the beginning of menstruation, the discharge looks like a spot. After a day, its color changes to bright red with clots. The 3rd day of menstruation is characterized by moderate discharge, dark in color. The discharge may continue for several more days in the form of a dark brown or even black smear.Scarlet color

Interesting fact! Women, before the appearance of menstruation, have so-called precursors. Before the appearance critical days You may feel fullness, tingling in the chest area, and there may be a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Your mood may change too often.

Heavy menstruation and its symptoms

Heavy periods or bleeding: how to determine - knowing the main symptom will help heavy menstruation– excessive discharge lasting more than 7 days.

There are other symptoms that experts identify:

  • severe aching pain that was not there before;
  • the need for frequent changes (every 1.5 - 2 hours) of sanitary pads and tampons;

It is imperative to know how and by what parameters you can distinguish heavy periods from bleeding, since the cause of bleeding not identified in time can lead to fatal outcome
  • the interval between menstruation is less than 3 weeks;
  • the need to change a pad or tampon at night;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness, poor health;
  • bruising;
  • temporary disability.

Causes of bleeding

The reasons why bleeding occurs are varied. Among them are diseases of the reproductive system and problems with blood clotting.

  • Blood clotting disorders. In this case, a number of other signs may be present: prolonged bleeding more than 10 minutes even from a small wound, nosebleeds, bruises that appear on their own, heavy bleeding after tooth extraction. Such symptoms must be taken into account and reported to your doctor. Blood diseases are the real threat to a woman’s life.

  • Hemorrhagic vascunit.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system - endocervicosis, endometritis, cervicitis, vaginitis, erosion.
  • Malignant neoplasms in the genital organs. If the tumor has reached large size, then it is possible for it to grow into nearby vessels.
  • Injury to polyps located in the vagina.
  • Taking thinners medical supplies during menstruation and anticoanulants.
  • Taking a hot shower, bath, or visiting a sauna or steam bath at the beginning of your period.

  • Miscarriage.
  • Injury to the abdominal area or birth canal.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. The fertilized egg located in the fallopian tube enlarges. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, this may lead to rupture fallopian tube and the appearance of bleeding.
  • Infectious diseases such as abdominal type, measles, sepsis, FLU.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body, mainly C and K.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Atherosclerosis, high blood pressure.
  • Dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Scar on the uterus.
  • Low location of the placenta, its presentation.
  • Myoma.

Main symptoms of bleeding

Bleeding or heavy periods, how to identify and distinguish between these pathologies will help you understand the following signs that may indicate the onset of bleeding. Symptoms noted by gynecologists:

  • bleeding does not decrease; a few days after the start of menstruation, it becomes more intense;
  • menstruation that came at the wrong time, ahead of schedule, with heavy bloody discharge that does not subside; the blood turns scarlet;
  • the appearance of bloody discharge after abdominal injury;
  • During menopause, a woman developed copious discharge scarlet color; Before this, menstruation had been absent for many years.
  • fainting;
  • pale skin;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • the pulse becomes rapid or weak;
  • vomiting and nausea appeared.

Pay attention! If you have used the drug Postinor, it will not be difficult to determine heavy periods or bleeding, since this drug can cause bleeding. This is one of the possible side effects of this drug.

What are the dangers of bleeding?

The main danger is that the bleeding increases quickly, long time does not stop and does not stop well. Excessive blood loss occurs, which in itself is dangerous.

The following consequences may occur:

  1. Anemia if blood loss is moderate but regular.
  2. There will be a need for surgical intervention with large blood loss.
  3. The underlying disease may progress. Even minor bleeding can lead to an advanced stage of the disease.
  4. Shock in a woman carrying a child. The same applies to the postpartum period.

Heavy periods or bleeding: how to tell the difference

Thanks to the following series of signs, heavy periods or bleeding, how to determine it becomes possible.

  • Volumes bleeding. If the volume exceeds 90 g per cycle, then the question of how to determine heavy periods or bleeding becomes irrelevant, since such a volume of discharge indicates the presence of bleeding.
  • Frequency of changing gaskets. If there is a need to change them every hour, then experts consider this bleeding.

  • Discrepancy with the start date of the menstrual cycle. If the discharge appears ahead of schedule with increasing volumes of blood discharge, then gynecologists talk about bleeding.
  • Discharge shade. If the blood has dark color, this is heavy periods, if scarlet or bright red, this is a sign of bleeding.
  • Duration. If the discharge occurs for more than a week, then this is a sign of bleeding.

When to see a doctor urgently

In case of uterine bleeding, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance. In this situation, the deterioration occurs too quickly, so every minute is important.

If a woman begins to get tired quickly after the usual physical activity. Her skin became pale, her hair began to fall out, her nails became brittle and pale, bleeding appeared between periods, and her periods were irregular - this is a reason to seek help from a doctor.

Important to remember! Heavy periods (menorrhagia) are a reason to visit a gynecologist. They require drug therapy, as they may indicate quite serious diseases.

Pregnant women should be especially careful. If bloody discharge occurs from the genital tract, this may indicate a miscarriage or premature placental abruption.

It is imperative to call an ambulance, since blood loss for a pregnant woman is a reason for hospitalization.

What to do if you have heavy periods

If you have heavy menstrual flow, you should follow a number of recommendations:

  • drink plenty of water;
  • avoid heavy physical labor;
  • you should not lift heavy objects;
  • rest a lot and in sufficient quantities;
  • visiting the bathhouse and steam room is prohibited;
  • you should not bathe in a hot bath;
  • Alcoholic drinks and coffee should be prohibited.

If there is bleeding, how to stop the bleeding

Measures that can be used to stop bleeding are as follows:

  • Maintaining bed rest. The legs should be placed on a hill (cushion, pillow). Thanks to this position, the functioning of blood in vital organs will not be disrupted. And with large blood loss, the risk of developing fainting and severe complications.

  • Place an ice pack wrapped in cloth on your lower abdomen. Hold for 10 - 15 minutes, then break for 5 minutes. The duration of the manipulation is at least 1 - 2 hours or until the ambulance arrives.
  • Place a drip to replenish fluid loss in the body. If this is not possible, it is necessary to ensure drinking plenty of fluids. This can be rosehip infusion, the tea must be sweet, plain water.
  • Drug treatment. It can only be started after a doctor’s prescription. The drugs used are Dicynon, Calcium gluconate, Aminocaproic acid, Vicasol, tincture of water pepper or nettle. These medications should not be taken during pregnancy.

Any bleeding not associated with menstruation in women is very dangerous phenomenon, which should be examined immediately to prevent health complications.

If bleeding begins and you are concerned that it is not your period, you must urgently contact a gynecologist for advice and recommendations for taking the necessary measures.

Heavy periods or bleeding: how to determine?

Uterine bleeding and how to distinguish it from menstruation:

The causes of bleeding in women depend on age. These could be hormonal imbalances, pregnancy pathologies, or neoplasms. Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Causes of bleeding in women of different age groups

Vaginal bleeding in women is an alarming symptom that can indicate many diseases and emergency situations. Causing bleeding In women, the reasons can be varied and depend on age.

In order to simplify the diagnosis, bleeding is conventionally divided into two groups depending on the affected system:

  • pathology of the reproductive system;
  • extragenital pathology.

An important point in the diagnosis of vaginal bleeding is the connection with pregnancy. After all, it could be a miscarriage early, threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy.

All systems and organs interact with each other. An illness of one system can affect another, manifesting various symptoms. Extragenital reasons:

  • changes in thyroid function (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism);
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension);
  • hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • blood diseases;
  • hypovitaminosis (lack of vitamins affecting the condition of blood vessels and blood clotting);
  • various infectious diseases;
  • prolonged stress and emotional overload, physical exhaustion.

These reasons are specific manifestation underlying disease, and requires primary care treatment.

Bleeding in women involving the reproductive system

If pregnancy has not yet been established, then early miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. Other causes may include endometriosis, uterine fibroids,. Due to the fact that oncopathology is recent years I’m younger, we shouldn’t forget about cervical cancer. A peculiarity of bleeding in cervical cancer is that the discharge has a specific smell and appears more often after sexual intercourse.

In the later trimesters of pregnancy, causes may include:

  • placenta previa;
  • premature placental abruption;
  • eclampsia;
  • gestosis;
  • scar on the body of the uterus.

During pregnancy, if there is bleeding of any nature or intensity, a woman is advised to immediately seek medical help at an antenatal clinic or call an ambulance.

Causes of blood loss not related to pregnancy:

  • neoplasms of the uterus and ovaries;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • various inflammatory diseases;
  • injuries;
  • cervical erosion;
  • endometriosis.

Women with the above pathology should be systematically examined by doctors.

Uterine bleeding at different ages

All uterine bleeding is divided into pathological and physiological. Therefore, first of all, the chronological stage is determined individual development reproductive system.

Bleeding is conventionally divided into age periods:

  • juvenile (from 10 to 18 years);
  • reproductive (fertile period from 18 to 50 years);
  • menopausal period (time of decline of ovarian function);
  • postmenopausal (final completion of menstruation).

Most often, signs of uterine bleeding in women occur from 28 to 40 years old, but can appear at any age. The main cause of uterine bleeding most often at this age is a violation of the ovulation process.

The ongoing shift in the hormonal system provokes the growth of the mucous membrane in the uterus, resulting in stagnation and accumulation of blood, thereby disrupting blood circulation. Once vascular permeability changes, conditions arise for the development of bleeding. The uterus becomes a place where blood accumulates.

If the platelet count decreases, causing the blood to become thinner, this increases blood loss and worsens posthemorrhagic anemia. After all, a lot of blood can be lost. At least female body adapted to certain monthly expenses and subsequent replenishments.

For everyone age period the reasons may be different, since each age has certain characteristics. But we can highlight the main points that have an equally bad effect, despite age.

Factors that negatively affect the hormonal system:

  • infectious diseases of acute and chronic nature;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • psychological trauma and emotional stress;
  • physical exhaustion;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism);
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • complicated childbirth and abortion.

In a certain age category there are risks for one or another disease. For example, hypovitaminosis is characteristic, to a greater extent, of young people and those who are in the postmenopausal period. Accordingly, abortions for women with complete completion menstrual function is casuistry.

Differences between bleeding and normal menstruation

With normal periods, 70-100 ml for the entire period, but again, they can be more intense. With menorrhagia, about 120 ml more may be lost per day. How can you understand that this is not just menstruation, but true blood loss?

Signs of uterine bleeding:

  • impotence accompanied by dizziness;
  • marbling of the skin;
  • There may be vomiting and nausea, but not necessarily;
  • fainting or pre-fainting;
  • pulse weak filling, rapid heartbeat, tachycardia;
  • hypotension, blood pressure decreases;
  • presence of vaginal blood;
  • During menstruation, clots and pads are released, and tampons fill up very quickly;
  • at night you have to change hygiene products more often than twice;
  • the duration of such bleeding is more than eight days, and;
  • not accompanied by pain;
  • may appear after sex;
  • most often do not coincide with menstruation.

Bleeding that occurs after a delay in menstruation is usually functional in nature. If the discharge is abundant in volume and cyclical, then this may indicate uterine fibroids and systemic blood pathologies. , that is, a year after last menstrual period in women it is interpreted as obvious pathology. In this case, it is necessary to urgently exclude malignancy. But, as a rule, discharge at this age is quite scanty and occurs due to atrophy of the vulva and vagina.

Summing up

The presence of bleeding is alarming and can indicate many diseases. The problem of bleeding remains relevant today. If timely medical care is not provided, everything can end tragically.

For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist once a year, and, if necessary, a hematologist and endocrinologist. In addition, strengthen your body, adhere to rational nutrition and perform measured physical activity.


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