Red fish of low-fat varieties. Which fish has the least calories?

Meat dishes are loved everywhere. Scientists have proven that low-fat varieties of this product proper preparation can improve your health and help you stay slim.

Which positive properties What benefits does such a menu ingredient bring to the body and which varieties are best for people who are prone to excess weight?

The benefits of lean meat

Meat products contain animal protein, which is the main component of tissues and cells. In addition to protein, meat is rich in phosphorus, potassium, iron, vitamins, and amino acids. In low-fat varieties there is practically no bad cholesterol, which can negatively affect blood vessels and the heart.

They are indicated during long-term diets to maintain muscle mass. Collagen contained in lean deli meats is involved in the formation of cells in joints, skin, and blood vessels.

Boiled lean red meat and broths based on it are especially useful. It increases hemoglobin and supports the skeletal system.

Meat Diet Basics

An adult should eat at least 130-150 grams of meat daily. Of course, it is desirable that the product be non-greasy. Lenten varieties include:

  1. chicken;
  2. veal;
  3. rabbit meat;
  4. beef;
  5. turkey;
  6. horse meat

Veal is considered a dietary type of meat with a minimum of fat, especially when boiled. But this does not mean that during the diet they eat it in unlimited quantities.

Chicken is also a low-fat variety. It contains beneficial amino acids and is easier to digest compared to beef and pork. Based on chicken broth nutritious borscht and soups are obtained.

Turkey - useful variety meat, containing the most vitamins, minerals, protein and minimum cholesterol. It is rich in manganese, iron, calcium, sulfur, and potassium. Dishes with boiled or oven-cooked turkey are prevention vascular pathologies, osteochondrosis and osteoporosis.

Rabbit meat is a dietary low-calorie meat that can also be given to children with allergies. Small muscle fibers Rabbit meat is easily digestible. It is useful after long-term illnesses, as it strengthens a weakened body. Contraindications for inclusion in diet menu There is no such thing as rabbit meat.

Horse meat is an exotic meat. In terms of amino acid composition, it is a perfectly balanced meat delicacy. Compared to beef, horse meat protein is digested much faster. There is minimal concentration of fat in horse meat. Horse meat dishes do not contain vitamin A and nourish cells with iron, neutralizing harmful components. Horse meat must be high quality and fresh, since bad meat contains a lot of carbohydrates and pathogenic bacteria.

Features of eating meat

When following a diet, you cannot stop eating protein foods, especially meat. Hemoglobin may drop, heart problems will appear, bones will become less dense, but the meat must also be prepared and chosen correctly.

Lean veal does not harm your figure. You can prepare dishes from roast beef, sirloin and steak. It is better to avoid ribs and fatty entrecote, which contain layers of fat.

The best veal is cooked on the grill or in the oven.

It is better not to serve hearty horse meat in the evening. Her useful components will come in handy for lunch. When it comes to chicken, it is better to give preference to brisket, and it is better to forget about fried legs and wings. These are the fattest parts of chicken. The chicken breast is baked in foil, grilled without oil, and stewed with vegetables.

Boiled meat is served without fatty broths and sauces with vegetables:

  • all varieties of cabbage; Read more about the diet at different types cabbage read the article
  • green beans;
  • zucchini;
  • celery;
  • green peas;
  • carrots;
  • paprika;
  • tomatoes.

They are served stewed, mashed or raw. It is advisable to exclude salt from the menu. The meat is seasoned with different spices for taste. It's better not to mix meat and potatoes, pasta, rice or cereals. These are dishes that are hard on the stomach.

List of fatty fish and health benefits

Fatty fish have fat in their tissues and abdominal cavity in the area gastrointestinal tract. Its fillet contains up to 30% fat, although this figure varies both within and between species. For example, fatty fish include small forage fish such as herring and anchovies, as well as other large pelagic fish such as salmon, trout, and mackerel ().

Fatty fish can be compared to white fish, which contains fat only in the liver (much less than fatty fish). White fish include, etc. White fish is usually a demersal fish that lives on seabed or near it, while oily fish are pelagic - living in the water column.

Fatty fish meat is a good source of vitamins A and D and is rich in ( white fish also contains these nutrients, but in a much lower concentration). For this reason, consuming fatty fish rather than white fish may be healthier for people, especially in relation to cardiovascular diseases ().

However, it is known that fatty fish carry more high levels pollutants (such as mercury or dioxin) than white fish. Among others beneficial effects Researchers note that omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish may help improve the condition. inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis.

Fatty sea fish: list

Fatty fish contain significant amounts of fat in all tissues of the body and in the abdominal cavity. Here's a list of fatty fish:

  • sea ​​trout
  • anchovies
  • sardines
  • sprat
  • pollock
  • tuna
  • shark
  • Atlantic sturgeon
  • sea ​​bass
  • flounder

Older adults who eat fish or seafood at least once a week are less likely to develop dementia, including Alzheimer's disease. In addition to providing vascular protection, omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may reduce inflammation in the brain and play a role in brain development and regeneration nerve cells ().

In a French study published in 2002 British Medical Journal (BMJ), followed 1,774 elderly residents of southern France over seven years. Scientists studied how much meat and seafood they consumed and how this was associated with symptoms of dementia.

The finding was that people who ate fish at least once a week had a significantly lower risk of being diagnosed with dementia over seven years. This study strengthened the research findings Annals of Neurology. Thanks to more long term study BMJ provided stronger evidence of a genuine protective effect.

Cardiovascular diseases

Eating 200-400g of oily fish twice a week may also help prevent sudden death due to myocardial infarction, preventing cardiac arrhythmia ().

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), found in fish oil, appears to dramatically reduce inflammation by being converted within the body into resolvins, with beneficial effects for cardiovascular system and arthritis ().

In 1994 UK Committee on Medical Aspects of Food and Nutrition Policy (COMA) recommended that people eat at least two servings of fish per week, one of which should be oily fish.

In 2004 UK Food Standards Agency published guidelines regarding recommended minimum and maximum quantities fatty fish you need to eat a week to balance beneficial properties omega-3 fatty acids and the potential dangers of consuming polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxins. It reaffirmed the 1994 guidelines of two servings of fish per week, including one serving of oily fish. However, it recommended eating no more than four servings per week, and no more than two servings for pregnant or breastfeeding women ().

Protection Agency environment USA (EPA) suggests that the maximum permissible oral dose toxic substance Methylmercury is 0.1 micrograms per kg of body weight per day. The corresponding blood mercury limit is 5.8 µg/L. Restrictions apply to certain fatty fish:

  • marlin
  • swordfish
  • shark
  • tuna (to a lesser extent) ()

Recommendations for maximum consumption of oily fish were up to four servings (1 serving = 140 g) per week for men, boys and women past childbearing age, and up to two servings per week for women childbearing age, including pregnant and lactating women and girls. There is no recommended limit on the consumption of white fish.

Guidelines EPA And USDA The 2007 guidelines set a limit only for the consumption of oily fish with more than one part per million of methylmercury, specifically:

  • malacanthas
  • king mackerel
  • shark
  • swordfish

However, there are restrictions for breastfeeding/pregnant women and children under six years of age. These populations should completely avoid consuming fish containing high risk mercury contamination (listed above), and limit consumption of fish with moderate and low content methylmercury up to 340 grams per week. Consumption of longfin tuna (albacore) should be limited to 170 g or less per week.

Have you ever wondered why the inhabitants of Oceania and Japan have the most centenarians? The main reason is the consumption of sea fish. It contains valuable fatty amino acids Omega-6 and Omega-3.

Also, along with amino acids and fats, fish contains an abundance of vitamins (A, D, B1, B2, B3, and B12), minerals, trace elements, phosphorus, zinc, calcium and iodine, which are important for normal functioning body.

Fish is a supplier of high-quality protein, the specific gravity of which is 25%, but the most valuable thing is that it is rich and unique source Omega-3 from a series of polyunsaturated fatty acids (ERL and DNA).

And vitamin D, found in fish, helps absorb calcium and phosphorus in the body and is responsible for the strength of teeth and bone tissue. Lean fish used in low calorie diets for weight loss, since the body receives a lot of protein and little fat. For example, cod contains only 73 kcal, sardines 124 kcal, trout 102 kcal.

  • Fish is digested in the human stomach almost 30% faster than meat. It will take the body 2-3 hours to digest fish, and 3-4 hours for meat.

Useful properties of fish

Fish contains the Omega-3 amino acid. Not a single product contains it in such quantity. Yes, I don’t argue, omega-3 exists plant origin, found in seeds and nuts, but the amino acid obtained from fish is much healthier!

And thanks to the amino acids, vitamins, and microelements it contains, it has the following beneficial properties:

  • Antitumor properties, especially for colon, prostate and breast cancer.
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease and angina, removes blood clots in blood vessels, which can later turn into sclerotic plaques.
  • Helps reduce blood pressure and the risk of stroke.
  • Fish is good for pregnant women. Doctors have found that women who eat fish during pregnancy are much less likely to suffer from miscarriages and premature births.
  • With regular consumption of fish, it improves its performance immune system body. And old people who often eat fish are not prone to developing dementia, and all this is thanks to the amino acids contained in it.
  • People on a fish diet lose fat faster than those who try to lose weight on other diets.

The healthiest fish for weight loss

Quite often, to lose weight, nutritionists advise changing meat to fish in your diet. However, in this case, the choice of fish must be taken seriously, since some varieties can exceed even fatty pork in calorie content.

  • Fatty varieties(from 8% fat content) - eel, mackerel, halibut, fatty herring, sturgeon varieties. The calorie content of this group ranges from 200 to 250 kilocalories for every 100 grams of product. And the calorie content of lean pork is 120 kcal. Feel the difference!
  • Medium fat varieties(4 - 8%) - lean herring, catfish, pike perch, trout, carp, horse mackerel, tuna, sea bass, . The calorie content of this group is 100 - 140 kcal per 100 grams.
  • Low fat varieties(up to 4%) - bream, pike, pollock, hake, flounder, cod, river perch, navaga. The calorie content of this group is 70-100 kcal.

Fatty fish from cold seas is considered the healthiest, but for those who want to lose weight, they still need to choose low-calorie fish.

Not suitable for fish diet And smoked fish, since smoking produces many carcinogenic substances, which in large quantities provoke cancer.

If you compare between cold and hot smoking, then give preference to thick-skinned, cold-smoked fish. It contains a small amount of carcinogens and nutritionists allow it to be included in their menu, but no more than once a week.

And thin-skinned sea fish, when smoked, collects a huge amount of carcinogenic substances and turns into useful product into poison.

In our stores, quite often cheap and less healthy fish are sold under the guise of expensive fish, deceiving the buyer not only in price, but also in quality.
Remember that:

  • chum salmon is much healthier and more expensive than pink salmon, although it is not uncommon to find pink salmon under the price tag of gourmet chum salmon. Chum salmon - quite big fish(up to 5 kg) and when cut, the meat has a bright pink color. And pink salmon is a smaller fish (up to 2 kg) and its meat is faded - pink color. Pink salmon can also be distinguished by the hump on their back; chum salmon does not have one.
  • Sea bass fillets are often replaced with hake fillets, although hake costs almost half the price. You can also distinguish the fillets of these two fish by color - perch has meat white, in hake it is gray.
Delicious and no calories All about meat and vegetable broths for those who do not want to gain weight from the first courses.
  • For your diet, you need to carefully choose fish. Low-fat varieties are ideal: hake, pollock, cod, flounder, navaga. These types of fish contain few calories; 100 grams contain 80 - 100 kcal. And it contains only 4% fat. You can use fattier fish in small quantities - pink salmon and trout.
  • When following a diet, you need to choose foods that are compatible with fish - carrots, sweet pepper, beets, cucumbers, any cabbage, greens (arugula, spinach, dill, lettuce, parsley). The exceptions are radishes, eggplants, tomatoes and potatoes.
  • Use fish exclusively stewed, boiled or baked. Do not use fried, smoked or salted fish.
  • You shouldn’t use salt when dieting, except maybe some spices and a little lemon juice, you can drink 100 g of dry red wine per day.

Fish diet for 10 days

In ten days on this diet you can lose up to five kilograms.

Diet based on fish and vegetables

When following this diet, you should start every morning with a glass of still water. It is advisable to drink 250 g of water before each meal. A cup of tea is recommended before bed.

Menu for 7 days

So, with the help of a fish diet, you can not only lose weight, but also gain invaluable benefits body. Moreover, this diet is tolerated quite comfortably, since protein food perfectly satisfies hunger and helps maintain muscle mass even during weight loss.

Eh, all the grief is from the mind... Previously, they fried a fish and gobbled it up by both cheeks, without thinking about anything... But now you fried it and you look - it’s looking at you, and you’re looking at it... Your eyes scream - “Wow, yummy.” But the body resists - “Why did you fry it again!!! So how am I going to digest THIS? Where should we put more waste? Where, I ask you? The sides will soon crack, like your skirt from last year!!!”

Fish is a source of high-quality, easily digestible animal protein with essential amino acids. In addition, fish (especially sea fish) contains micro- and macroelements necessary for health (phosphorus, iodine, iron, etc.), fat soluble vitamins(A, D, E), which are not sufficiently represented in other food products. Fish must be present in the menu of patients with pancreatitis, at least once a week - to enrich the diet with protein and to add variety to a strict diet.

Fish selection

Not all fish are suitable for eating with pancreatitis. When choosing a fish variety, the most attention is paid to fat content. Statement about the benefits of even very fatty fish (the main part of fish oil is represented by polyunsaturated fatty acids, promoting normalization fat metabolism and ultimately reducing the level of harmful fats and cholesterol) will be correct only in relation to healthy people. Unfortunately, with pancreatitis healthy fats overload the pancreas in the same way as harmful ones. This is due to the fact that the breakdown of any fat requires pancreatic enzyme- lipase, the production of which is deliberately suppressed in the acute phases of the disease (in order to ensure rest of the pancreas), and during remission, enzymatic deficiency is often observed.

The use of fatty fish in the diet of patients against the background of an exacerbation is generally unacceptable, and during the period of remission it is extremely undesirable, since an excess of fat is almost always accompanied by the development of diarrhea (appears loose stool with a greasy sheen that undigested fats give it), abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and a new exacerbation are quite possible.

Low-fat fish varieties, in turn, can be divided into lean (dietary) and moderate-fat. Skinny varieties are suitable for inclusion in the menu by the end of the first week from an exacerbation chronic pancreatitis or acute attacks. During remission of chronic pancreatitis, when the condition is normalized and stable laboratory parameters, it is allowed to carefully and gradually introduce fish of moderately fatty varieties - it has a brighter and milder taste, more aromatic and more tender than lean fish. But the main share among fish dishes should still be occupied by low-fat varieties, the use of which, if the preparation rules are followed, does not pose any risks to the pancreas, but will only be beneficial.

Skinny fish varieties (fat content within 4%)

  1. The lowest fat content (up to 1%) is observed in sea fish (cod, lemon, navaga, haddock, blue whiting, pollock, pollock) and river perch.
  2. Pike perch, pike, carp, Argentina, white-eye, white fish, flounder, crucian carp, mullet, grenadier, lamprey, burbot, omul, roach, pristipoma, whitefish, sorog, grayling, shokuri have a fat content of 1 to 2%.
  3. From 2 to 4% fat is found in asp, rudd, icefish, mackerel, merrow, sea bass, pagrus, halibut, sabrefish, carp, lean herring, trout, greenling and hake.

These indicators are approximate, since the fat content of the fish depends not only on the variety, but also on the age of the caught fish, the time of catch (before spawning in the autumn-winter time, the fish has the highest fat content). But to navigate when choosing fish for dietary nutrition follows precisely these varieties.

Moderately fatty fish (fat content within 8%)

  • anchovies;
  • pink salmon;
  • catfish;
  • carp;
  • chum salmon;
  • smelt;
  • red-eye;
  • river and sea bream;
  • butterfish;
  • spring capelin;
  • carp;
  • herring;
  • silverfish;
  • snack;
  • horse mackerel;
  • cheese;
  • tuna;
  • sole;

Features of buying and preparing fish for pancreatitis

The most healthy fish- fresh, but it is impossible to purchase fresh sea fish in many regions of Russia. Therefore, you often have to buy fresh frozen fish, from which you should choose the highest quality fish that has not been frozen or re-frozen (this may be indicated by yellow plaque, large number snow and ice on the fish carcass, uneven layer of ice).

Before preparing fish dishes, the fish should be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. IN acute periods diseases are used for nutrition only fish fillet, that is, the skin and bones should be removed. The menu can include dishes from chopped fillet - quenelles, steamed cutlets, soufflés and casseroles.

During the period of remission, fish prepared as a whole piece (or carcass) is allowed - boiled, steamed, stewed, baked. Fried, smoked, salted and dried fish, canned fish are excluded from the diet.

Size and species don't matter - all fish are good for weight loss. Scientists have found that regular consumption of fish and fish oil helps reduce the fat component, reduce leptin levels and blood pressure, increasing insulin sensitivity and improving heart health. The only thing that needs to be limited is the consumption of salted fish, as salt causes bone problems. So here's a list of 6 best options to reduce excess weight. You will also learn about which fish is the healthiest for weight loss and how it will help you lose weight, how to prepare and eat it.

  • Fish is a good source of protein

If you want to lose weight effectively, you should focus on losing fat, not muscle mass. Fish - good source protein, and therefore it will help you build muscle mass. Muscles, hormones and enzymes are made from protein. Thus, getting the right dose of protein every day helps maintain an active metabolism, balance hormones and all other body functions.

  • Fish enriched with Omega-3 fatty acids

Most of us are aware that fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. But how does it help in weight loss? Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish help your body achieve the recommended ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. This helps reduce inflammation in the body caused by excess omega-6 fatty acids found in most unhealthy foods. Since uncontrolled inflammation can stress the body and lead to weight gain, fatty fish can help reduce inflammation.

  • Low triglycerides

Do you think you should avoid eating fatty fish to become slim? Wrong. Fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and help lower triglyceride levels in the blood. This in turn prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases, increases energy levels and suppresses all the causes of obesity.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids as a natural antidepressant

Depression - serious illness, which may be caused by genetic or environmental factors. The diet most of us choose has an unbalanced ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. It has been found that people who eat the wrong amount of fish and fish oil do not reduce their stress levels and increase the absorption and use of glucose. Both stress and excess glucose can lead to weight gain. Fish should be eaten when losing weight to stay healthy mentally and physically.

  • Fish is low in calories

Another reason why fish - great option in nutrition when you are in the process of losing weight - they are very low in calories. For example, you can grill or boil fish with vegetables, and the calorie content will not exceed 350 calories. Plus, you definitely won't get hungry for the next two hours. Even low-fat products give this effect. fish and recipes its preparations are numerous.

So, this is the voice of science that strongly says that fish is good for weight loss and that you should eat fish. Now let me advise which fish is healthy and suitable for a weight loss diet.

What fish to eat when losing weight - TOP6

  1. Wild salmon

Wild salmon is a red oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is therefore considered one of the... best fish that promote weight loss. You will get 200 calories from 100g of salmon. It is rich in vitamin A, folic acid, niacin, vitamin B 12, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein. In fact, scientists found that eating salmon helped reduce BMI by 5.6% compared to whey protein.

Canned or not, tuna is good for you if you're trying to lose weight. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. A bowl of canned tuna will provide you with 179 calories and 39.3 grams of protein. Tuna is also a good source of calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, folic acid, niacin and vitamin B 12. You can easily prepare this fish: tuna salad, sandwiches, casserole or pasta.

Mackerel is a fatty fish that is closely related to tuna. Is it possible to eat mackerel while losing weight? Of course yes, like any other fish! It contains high amounts of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, EPA, DHA, vitamin B 12 and selenium. All of these nutrients help reduce inflammation, improve metabolic rate and build muscle mass. Diet dishes This fish makes simply amazing fish. You can boil it, fry it, stew it, or make curry out of it.

  1. Herring

Like any other oily fish, herring is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. You will get 210 calories from 100 grams of herring fillet. It is also a good source of vitamins A, D and B12, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and selenium. Steam or grill herring with vegetables, you will definitely like it. The FDA recommends consuming herring twice a week.

  1. Pacific cod

Cod liver oil is already known for its hair growth and health benefits. But if you are not comfortable taking dietary supplements, you can eat cod directly. You will get 90 calories from 100g cod fillet. It is an excellent source of vitamin A, choline, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and selenium.

Hilsa belongs to the herring family and you can get 330 calories from 100 grams. It is mainly found in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, but hilsa is available all over the world. It is also a very good source of vitamin C and calcium.

The 6 fish listed above will help you reach your goal weight. But you can include any other fish in your diet and see good results. Now let me give you an idea of ​​what a diet chart should look like

Sample diet for one day

Eating What is there?
Early morning (6:00) 2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds, left overnight in a glass of water
Breakfast (7:15) Oatmeal + glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice

2 egg omelette + glass of milk + 4 almonds

Mid morning (10:15) Cup of green tea
Lunch (12:30) Tuna salad with light dressing + 1 yogurt
Boiled herring with vegetables + 1 yogurt
Afternoon (15:30) A glass of freshly squeezed juice
Carrots and hummus
Dinner (18:30) Fried salmon/cod/hilsa with vegetables
Steamed fish + small portion of brown rice
Pausin (22:00) Cup warm milk with a pinch of turmeric

This sample gives you a good idea of ​​what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat. Follow this example and you will lose weight effectively and correctly. But also don't forget about physical activity. Their work is much more effective in symbiosis.


  • Consume other sources of protein: chicken breast, turkey, legumes, soy chunks and mushrooms to provide the body with a full complement of essential amino acids.
  • Eat 3-4 types of vegetables and at least 3 types of fruits a day.
  • Include whole grains and healthy fats in your diet.
  • Eat 5-6 times a day.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Get proper rest and sleep at least 7 hours a day.
  • Do strength and cardio training at least 3-4 times a week.
  • Don't go hungry.

Attention: Due to increased water pollution, there is a high risk of mercury poisoning, so fish must be purchased from reliable sources.

In conclusion, fish is low in calories and rich in protein and healthy fats, making it highly nutritious. By consuming fish regularly, you can lose weight, improve bone health and prevent skin problems and hair loss. Go for it!