The most common types of muscle strains. Anesthetize, fix, relieve swelling - three stages in the treatment of sprains. Main signs of a sprain

Main symptoms:

  • Pain in the affected area
  • Pain when moving
  • Heat at the site of injury
  • Change in skin color in the affected area
  • Inability to lean on the affected limb
  • Bruising
  • Swelling in the affected area
  • Pulsation at the site of injury

Sprained ligaments are one of the most common human injuries; they occur more often due to sudden movements (if the normal degree of elasticity of the joint is exceeded). The stretching process itself refers to the tearing of fibers or small particles of the ligament. The upper and lower extremities are most often affected by this disease. The main symptoms of damage are severe swelling and pain, as well as impaired motor function.

Such injuries can occur in absolutely anyone, regardless of age or gender. The most common are sprains of the foot, ankle, hand and shoulder. At proper treatment get rid of discomfort maybe in about a month, but full recovery requires more time - about two months.

Often the disease expresses itself, but can occur against the background of fractures or dislocations, in a similar affected area. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can take place at home or inpatient conditions. A traumatologist will provide complete information on how to treat sprains of the ankle, foot, knee, hand and shoulder.


The main cause of the pathology is considered to be sudden movement of the joint, which significantly exceeds its physical capabilities. Such injuries can occur due to:

  • excessive physical activity. This is why professional athletes often suffer from sprains;
  • difficult working conditions in which it is necessary to lift heavy objects;
  • domestic injuries;
  • weather conditions. It is not uncommon to go to the emergency room with sprains during the cold season;
  • wearing uncomfortable, narrow or, conversely, too loose shoes;
  • diseases affecting muscles and ligaments, for example;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fractures or other injuries, after which previously damaged joints are most susceptible to sprains;
  • hereditary or acquired pathologies that disrupt the load ratio between parts of the body.


Since the entire human body consists of joints and muscles, the disease differs in location and can be of the following types:

  • foot sprain. This pathology also has a second name - sprain ankle joint. A very common disease that occurs from absolutely any sudden movement. It can occur in three forms. Mild – characterized by virtually no discomfort pain, swelling is absent or almost invisible. Moderatepain syndrome manifests itself much more strongly, swelling and bruising are clearly expressed, no deformation of the leg is observed. The symptoms will subside after a few days of abstaining from movement. Severe – the pain is severe and throbbing, the joint is damaged. Therapy is carried out only by a doctor;
  • sprain shoulder joint – expressed after an injury or fall on the shoulder;
  • knee sprains– the main factor disease-causing, this is playing sports or a direct blow to the leg. Often complicated by a torn meniscus of the knee;
  • hand sprains– The wrist is most often affected. Accompanied by pain and severe numbness. In adults it can appear as a result of injury, but in children the density of the ligaments is much less, so they can be sprained due to a sharp jerk with their hand. This happens especially often when parents are in a hurry somewhere and forcefully pull the child along with them;
  • neck ligament damage not so common, but still has its own nature of occurrence - incorrect posture during sleep or a sharp turn of the head.

In addition, there is a classification according to the severity of the disease:

  • mild - which is characterized by rupture of joint fibers, but motor function is not impaired, the pain is tolerable;
  • medium – damage to fibers in several places, swelling appears, movements are painful and limited;
  • severe - the actual rupture, in which it is impossible to do anything with the damaged limb. Bruising appears.

The first two degrees are often treated at home using special warming ointments for sprains. The severe stage is treated only in a clinical setting, in some cases it is necessary surgery doctors. Only a specialist should diagnose and treat sprains.


The very first sign of a sprain is pain. varying degrees intensity, and if the integrity of the ligaments is violated, a characteristic pop is heard. In addition, the disease is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • increased swelling compared to a healthy arm or leg;
  • sensation of pulsation and heat at the site of injury;
  • bruising;
  • inability to lean on the affected limb;
  • cessation of motor functions or unbearable pain during them;
  • the skin may change its shade.

Depending on the location and extent of the damage, the severity of symptoms will vary from subtle to severe.


The doctor determines the diagnosis based on external signs illness and what the patient feels (what is the severity of symptoms). The doctor palpates the problem area to distinguish such a pathology from a fracture. In addition, additional examinations may be needed:

  • Ultrasound of the joints of the affected limb. Since the ligaments are very elastic, they will not be visible on the pictures, but this will allow the specialist to confirm or deny the presence of a fracture;
  • during which a small element of the joint is taken for laboratory testing.


Before going to the clinic for help, it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid for a sprained ligament, which should be carried out by people who were near him at the time of the injury. When you sprain the knee joint, first of all, you need to get rid of the pain, which can be eliminated with ordinary painkillers. It is also necessary to provide rest to the leg and fix it so that it is above the level of the heart. After this, apply cold to the injury site (it is very important that there is something between the source of cold and the leg, for example, clothing or a towel).

If you sprain the ligaments of your hand, you need to make a compress, always cold, and, if possible, bandage the limb with an elastic bandage. If a shoulder joint sprain occurs, you should immediately call ambulance, while waiting for which to ensure complete immobilization of the shoulder and try to relieve pain symptoms. If you sprain your foot, you should try to carefully remove your shoes and socks, bandage the sprain with an elastic bandage, and secure your leg above your heart. Apply ice for twenty minutes, alternating with the same break between the next application of cold.

After the patient is taken to the hospital, highly trained doctors take over the treatment of the sprain. How to treat a sprained ligament of the foot, hand, leg or shoulder is determined by a traumatologist for each patient individually - therapy depends on the severity of the disease. The first step is to relieve pain and swelling. This is done in the first stages, mainly with ointments and painkillers. If necessary, lidocaine injections are used.

After a few days, the cold is replaced with warm compresses, but patients must refrain from taking hot baths. After this, you can perform simple gymnastic exercises, increasing the force of use of the affected parts every day - the main criterion is that the person does not feel pain. In case of severe damage, a plaster cast must be applied. Treatment of sprains with surgical intervention is very rare, and this is done only in cases of complete rupture. Most often, the operation is performed in the case of:

  • ankle sprains;
  • shoulder sprains;
  • hand sprains.

Treatment of sprained ligaments of the ankle, knee, shoulder and hand is a rather lengthy process that can take an average of two to three months.


Prevention of sprains consists of:

  • adequate exercise;
  • mandatory wearing of a tight bandage made of an elastic bandage, especially when spraining the ankle ligaments, as well as if there have been previous fractures or preliminary sprains;
  • to avoid spraining the ligaments in the leg, you need to refrain from long walks, especially hiking, or moving quickly with heavy hands;
  • timely consultation with a doctor in case of injuries to the upper and lower extremities, so that a specialist can provide proper assistance if it turns out that the sprain actually turned out to be a fracture.

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If, as a result of injury to the ligamentous apparatus of the joint, a complete or partial rupture ligaments, then this condition will be classified by doctors as a sprain. Human ligaments are clusters connective tissue dense in nature, which allow you to keep the joint in its normal position. One sudden movement can lead to injury - the ligaments will stretch more than their natural elasticity allows. Most often the ankles are injured in this way. elbow joints, but sprains can also be diagnosed in the knee joint.

Table of contents:

Main symptoms of a sprain

The first and main sign of the condition in question is sharp pain at the site of ligament damage - this is due to the fact that the ligamentous apparatus includes many nerve fibers and blood vessels. But there are other symptoms of a sprain that will appear to varying degrees when different stages the state under consideration.

Grade 1 sprain

If applied minor injury on the ligamentous apparatus, then the pain will be mild, the person’s motor activity is not limited, and swelling at the site of injury, if there is any, is not intense.

Grade 2 sprain

At this degree, moderate stretching and rupture of the fibers of the ligamentous apparatus occurs. The symptoms in this case will be as follows:

  • sharp pain that limits movement;
  • swelling quickly increases at the site of injury;
  • diffuse bruises appear at the site of injury.

Please note:With grade 2 sprains, pathological joint mobility may also be observed.

Grade 3 sprain

In this case, a complete rupture of the ligaments occurs. The patient notices intense swelling and redness skin at the site of injury, pathological joint mobility (instability) appears. If the doctor begins to perform stress tests on the injured joint, he does not encounter resistance.

Please note:Grade 3 sprain is considered the most difficult, treatment is carried out in a medical institution, the surgeon will perform surgery to stitch the torn ligaments. The recovery period after such an injury is long – up to 6 months or more.

Many patients, having suffered joint injury and sprained ligaments, do not seek professional medical help - they try to cope with the pain and decreased motor activity on their own. In fact, such carelessness is fraught with complications; in some cases, in the near future the ability of such a patient to independent movement on your feet.

What symptoms should you immediately seek medical help for:

  • very severe pain in damaged joint, which makes it impossible to make at least some movement;
  • a feeling of numbness or tingling in the joint or the entire limb - this indicates serious damage to the nerve fibers;
  • An extensive hematoma or redness has formed at the site of injury - this is due to damage to the blood vessels, and against the background of severe pain, their spasm and subsequent necrosis may occur;
  • against the background of sharp pain, movement of the joint is possible, but a crunching or clicking sound is heard;
  • there is an increase in body temperature, chills;
  • complete loss of free movement in the joint or, conversely, excessive mobility (pathological) against the background of intense pain.

It is especially important to consult a doctor if, after an injury and obvious sprain, the pain does not go away within 1-2 days, and joint mobility is not fully restored.

In general, the phenomenon in question can happen to any person during exercise or careless walking. But there are a number preventive measures which will help prevent sprains. For example, you need to carefully walk in high-heeled shoes, and play sports in special shoes. It is necessary to fight excess weight - even to a small extent it creates additional stress on the joints.

Remember that only active image life serves to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus of the joints.

If a joint injury has already occurred, then before seeking medical help you can do the following:

Please note:In the first hours after ligament damage, it is strictly forbidden to take warm or hot bath, rub or massage the injured area. Otherwise, the inflammatory process will actively develop, and swelling will begin to progress.

If the patient complains of severe pain and there is a crunch in the joint when moving, then this is a reason to call a doctor. The specialist will not only examine the joint, but will also prescribe anti-inflammatory and painkillers. medicines. It is advisable to apply a napkin with Diclofenac or Ibuprofen ointment to the damaged joint - they will relieve swelling and relieve pain. After the pronounced pain is relieved and swelling is reduced, the patient will be prescribed physiotherapeutic treatment.

Surgical treatment is prescribed only for complete ligament rupture.

If the doctor believes that treatment of a sprain can be carried out at home, then it would be wise to use folk remedies for a faster recovery. The most effective include:

Traditional methods of treating sprains can be used only after examining the joint by a surgeon - this specialist will assess the condition of the joint and determine effective treatment. And the specified methods from the category " traditional medicine“In no case should they completely replace therapy - they will be only one of the components of complex therapy.

Ligaments are bundles of connective tissue that have a dense structure. Their task is to connect the bones to each other and hold the joint in its physiological place. It is the mobility of the joints in different directions that we owe to the ligaments, that is, they determine the direction of movement of the joint. However, the ligaments fix the joint so that we are not able to move them “wrongly”.

Sprains account for 90% of all household injuries

Ligaments are made up of connective fibers. Complete or partial rupture of these fibers is called a sprain. One or several ligaments can be stretched. This is one of the most common types of injuries, often domestic. About 90% of such injuries are sprains.

In terms of its frequency, in addition to everyday life, sprains are more common in sports, especially professional ones. First of all, this is:football, hockey, tennis, boxing, some exercises in athletics and weightlifting.

For example, pull-ups on parallel bars or lifting a barbell require special twisting of the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. That is, those sports that are characterized by the greatest amplitude of joint movements.

Also, such injuries are not uncommon in children, although, compared to adults, incorrect movement of the joints more often ends in a bone fracture. In this case, the ligaments are not torn.

A sprained ligament is often confused with a tendon strain, although they are different injuries. If a ligament connects bones, then a tendon connects bones with muscles. Also, a muscle strain is a separate injury.

Types of sprains

In principle, a sprain can occur in any joint. But the most common sprains are:

  • ankle joint
  • knee
  • elbow
  • carpal
  • shoulder
  • clavicular


The signs of a sprain are identical for all types. Since connective fibers contain large number nerve endings, then the first and main symptom, which you need to pay attention to is severe pain. The person is unable to make any movements with the injured part. Attempts to move increase significantly painful sensations.

Depending on the severity of the injury, pain may not appear immediately, but after tingling or a burning sensation in the damaged area. Then swelling of the joint, numbness, redness of the skin above this surface, and hematoma appear.

At severe forms Sprains can develop a huge swelling, which is called the “elephant look.” The temperature in the area of ​​the injured joint (local temperature) may increase with minor injuries. And in severe forms it is observed general increase body temperature, up to fever. The patient will feel severe chills, weakness, and increased sweating.

With a complete rupture of the ligaments, on the contrary, at the very beginning after the injury, excessive mobility of the joint may be observed, which is not typical for physiological structure of this joint.

For some short time after such an injury, a person can even continue to move. However, in the future this will only worsen the condition.

Of all the joints, the most common sprain is the ankle joint, as it moves more frequently than the others. Symptoms of a sprained ankle also depend on the severity of the injury. A person cannot fully stand on the injured limb, and any attempts at active movement cause severe pain. Therefore, it is so important to immediately immobilize the leg so as not to aggravate the situation, since mild degree Sprains with additional load can easily become moderate or severe.

A bone fracture due to overexertion is also possible. Such a victim should be immediately seated, the injured leg should be raised, for example, on a chair, and it should be kept immobile.

IN sports medicine There is a term called shin splints. This is an ankle injury in runners. It is characterized by pain at the beginning and end of running and its absence during the run itself.

An ankle sprain causes pain, swelling, local hemorrhage, and limited mobility.

  • With mild severity, this type of sprain goes away in 10-15 days.
  • With an average degree - after a month, a month and a half.
  • In severe cases - after 4-6 months.

Often, after a sprained ankle, doctors recommend wearing special orthopedic shoes, since “wrong” shoes can lead to unwanted complications. It is strictly forbidden to wear high heels immediately after injury, and for some time after rehabilitation measures.

Severity of sprain

There are three degrees of sprain

There are three degrees of severity:

- First degree - mild sprain. Occurs when a small area of ​​the ligaments is damaged. Characterized by moderate pain, tingling sensation, minor violation motor activity of the joint. It may occur without swelling or fever. Most often, only first aid is required. Lasts from 4 to 10 days.

- Second degree - average. A partial rupture of the ligaments occurs. Characterized by severe pain, swelling, local hemorrhage (hematoma), local temperature.

- The third degree is severe. Complete rupture of the ligamentous fibers occurs. It is characterized by severe pain, inability to move the joint, swelling, redness of the joint, and fever. Sometimes it requires surgery or plaster cast. The duration of the last two degrees is from several weeks to 6 months.

Differences between a sprain and a fracture

Sprains are often confused with muscle strains, tendon strains, and bone fractures. The fact is that the symptoms of fractures are similar to the symptoms of sprains. Therefore, sometimes without x-ray examination correct diagnosis difficult to place.

However, a bone fracture is characterized by some signs that are not present with a sprain:

  • pronounced crunching sound when injured
  • decreased or lack of sensitivity below the injured area
  • pain, both during movement and at rest, preventing sleep
  • with broken limbs, a person cannot move his fingers injured limb
  • in case of a fracture with displacement of the bone - pronounced deformation of the injured part (the same sign is characteristic of dislocations)


This type of injury occurs when the ligament fibers are completely or partially ruptured, as their excessive tension occurs:

  • movement of a joint unusual for its physiological location
  • playing sports
  • landing incorrectly after a jump
  • a fall, when the entire weight of the body is transferred to the damaged area
  • joint overstrain from excessive loads
  • sharp jerk of the joint
  • lifting weights exceeding the physiological norm
  • excessive and improper twisting of the joint.

Diagnosis of sprains

If, after receiving an injury, you find signs of the first degree of severity of a sprain, then you can limit yourself to first aid. If you suspect a more complex injury, it is better to go to the clinic or call an ambulance. The diagnosis is made based on examination of the injury site, the presence and nature of swelling, pain, hematoma, temperature, deformation, if any.

If there is a suspicion of a fracture, then the final diagnosis is made using radiography, which, by the way, will indicate the correct place of fixation when the bone is displaced.

First aid

Apply dry cold to the injured area

Immediately after injury you must:

- Apply dry ice to the sprained area for 20 minutes;
- apply a tight bandage for no more than 2 hours;
- you can also apply cold on top of the bandage for 20 minutes every 2-3 hours;
- after two hours, fix the joint for 1-3 days, but not tightly (with prolonged tight fixation, there may be a circulatory disorder);
- Apply dry heat a day after the injury. Further stretching is treated only with heat;
- if possible, do not move the damaged joint at all or limit movements as much as possible;
- if there is a hematoma and swelling, then it is advisable to keep the limb with the injured joint in a slightly elevated position.

Traditional methods of treating sprains.

For mild to moderate joint sprains, you can do the following:

- Apply grated raw potatoes to the sore spot overnight;
— a tramp. Purchase from a pharmacy and gently rub into the damaged joint. Very effective method;
- a paste of raw onion and salt is placed overnight as a compress. Onion contains natural antibiotic, and salt is known to draw out fluid, so it will reduce swelling;
- Apply aloe pulp for 2-3 hours in the form of a compress. Then the compress is replaced with a new one. Aloe will help relieve swelling and soothe pain. True, this medicinal plant is more effective if its leaves have been kept in the cold for three days. Also, medicinal properties has aloe that is three years old or more. The older the plant and the thicker its leaves, the more effective it is;
- starting from the second day, make warm salty baths, preferably from sea salt.

Treatment of sprains

It is performed by a traumatologist or surgeon. Ligaments can quickly and well regenerate, that is, recover, so severe stages of sprains require professional help. If the signs of a sprain do not go away 2-3 days after the injury, you should definitely consult a doctor!

In addition to providing first aid, the patient is given painkillers, such as:

  • ketanov
  • tempalgin

And anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent complications and relieve swelling such as:

  • nimesulide
  • diklak
  • ibuprofen

These medications should be used cautiously, especially by people with problems digestive tract. In patients with peptic ulcers, if used incorrectly, uncontrolled, they can cause ulcer bleeding. Therefore, such drugs are taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor, along with food, for a short time. For severe injuries, a cast is applied. And in case of complete rupture of the ligaments, it is carried out surgery for stitching ligament fibers.

A special bandage has now been developed to fix the joint, called a caliper. There is a support for each joint separately, which greatly facilitates the treatment and rehabilitation of sprains.

For mild forms of sprains, various ointments and gels are prescribed to relieve swelling and eliminate the inflammatory process and pain symptoms.

During the rehabilitation stage, it is very important to restore the previous mobility of the joint. For this purpose, developmental exercises and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Warming patches and ointments are applied. Exercises begin to be done slowly and carefully, gradually increasing the load. Rotational movements are especially good for joints. Light massages are also effective for restoring blood circulation at the site of injury, developing muscles and soft tissues.

Light massage will help heal a sprain faster


Sprains can have the following consequences:

  • fractures and cracks of bones
  • muscle and tendon strain
  • deformation of the joint, taking on an “elephant” appearance
  • limited joint movement
  • formation of nodules on the fibers of the joint. This is dangerous because the nodes can rub against the tissue, thus provoking inflammation, which can develop into chronic inflammation. Such inflammations give constant aching pain
  • repeated sprains, especially professional ones. Musicians and assembly line workers most often complain about repeated sprains.
  • joint weakening after repeated sprains
  • rupture of the nerve fibers of the injured ligament
  • chronic pain at the site of sprain
  • periodic tingling, numbness, or other unpleasant sensations
  • tissue degeneration due to circulatory disorders, rare, with advanced processes

Prevention of sprains

There are the following measures to prevent sprains:

  • wear the most comfortable shoes, do not stay in high heels for a long time
  • carefully look at your feet when walking, small holes and pebbles are especially dangerous for sprains
  • wear special clothing and shoes for sports
  • Before playing sports, you need to thoroughly stretch your joints and warm up your muscles.
  • get rid of excess weight, as this causes additional stress on the joints
  • strengthen joints with physical activities
  • eat a balanced diet so that your joints have sufficient strength, thanks to the necessary minerals and vitamins
  • if you have previously had sprains, then undergo a rehabilitation course correctly and on time

We wish everyone mobile and healthy joints!

Sprains occur due to the impact not of a direct traumatic object, but as a result of a sharp or unnatural extension or flexion of the joint.

Signs of stretching

Ligament damage occurs, tendons, muscles while maintaining the anatomical integrity of the structure. As a result, typical reactions occur that are characteristic of any other injury. A sprain is characterized by pain and swelling, and there may also be a change in color of the damaged area due to the formation subcutaneous hematoma(bruise). The recovery period is similar to that of bruises.

Stretching- the most common sports injury. To prevent sprains, you should not neglect warming up before training. You should also do morning warm-ups, since the frequency of household strains in the morning is higher than in the late hours. This is due to reduced elasticity of ligaments, tendons, and muscles after a night of inactivity.

First aid for sprains

When diagnosing a sprain it is important to exclude rupture or separation of tendons or muscles, since in such cases surgical intervention is necessary. When you have a sprain, the first step is to apply ice. It is applied for 1-2 hours. Also take 0.5 g of aspirin, painkillers analgin or ketorol. After ice has been applied, the joint in which the sprain occurred is immobilized. To do this, use thick elastic bandages or special elastic bandages.

Apply the bandage like this so that it passes through the joint and extends one third onto the presenting parts of the limb. An example is the figure 8 bandage for ankle sprains. It should limit movement in the joint, but not cause circulatory problems in the underlying sections, which is manifested by a change in the color of the skin to bluish.

After some time, the bandage can be removed and ice applied again for 0.5-1 hour. Then the bandage can be applied again. It is advisable to use ointments containing anti-inflammatory drugs on the first day, as with bruises. For the first two weeks, it is advisable to limit the load on the injured joint. From the end of the second day and on the following days, treatment is carried out with thermal procedures and warming ointments.

Sprained ligaments are one of the most common pathologies nowadays, as they affect the vast majority of people. These can be both athletes and the most ordinary people, injury can occur, for example, due to an incorrect or sudden movement.

To avoid immobilization, that is, immobilization, and discomfort at the site of injury, even if short term, you need to provide first aid in a timely manner, as well as contact a specialist.

The article discusses both preventive measures to avoid sprains and treatment methods for this pathology. In addition, the symptoms and causes of injury are highlighted, which will help to cast aside doubts and accurately diagnose a sprain, eliminating dislocations and tears.

Sprain - characteristics


Sprained ligaments remain one of the most common injuries that occur in humans during sudden movements that exceed the permissible range of motion of the joints. Injuries of this type occur not only among athletes, but also in everyday life.

If you look at the statistics, it turns out that more than 85% of all household injuries are sprains or ruptures of joint ligaments. Often such an injury occurs in a child, and at almost any age. However, the real “clients” of this type of injury are athletes.

Absolutely all traumatic sports, contact sports, and athletics can cause sprains. First, let's define what ligaments are. These are dense bundles of connective tissue that connect the bones in the human skeleton and hold joints in place.

In addition, ligaments guide movement in joints and strengthen the articulation of bones. It turns out that the ligaments in human body They are responsible not only for mobility and motor functions of the joint, but also fix it, preventing it from becoming loose and moving in the wrong directions.

If a sprain is diagnosed, then at this moment a partial tear of the connective fibers occurs, and in severe cases, the connective fibers are completely torn. In some cases, patients feel virtually no pain after receiving an injury; they can continue to move and the damaged joints do not lose motor functions.

However, this condition is deceptive; it only leads to increased sprains, since movement of the damaged joint increases tissue injury.

In these cases, the main symptoms begin to appear after some time, this can be from a few minutes to 2 hours after the injury, and the symptoms will be similar to those described above.

As we indicated earlier, in addition to spraining, a tear or complete rupture of the ligament tissue is possible. In this case, it is necessary to differentiate stretching from rupture. Not only the degree of pain, but also mobility and the ability to perform motor functions of the joint help to make distinctions.

For example, with a sprain, the mobility of the joint most often becomes limited, while at the same time, with a rupture, on the contrary, a wide range of motion appears. In addition, a sprain must be differentiated from other injuries such as a dislocation or fracture of a joint. This is what happens during a dislocation:

  • Ligament rupture in most cases
  • One of the bones is displaced
  • The surfaces of the joints stop touching or partially touch (this is a subluxation),
  • The appearance of the joint changes
  • Motor function disappears.

And here it is extremely important to clarify that dislocations and fractures are much more severe injuries than sprains. However, the pain and symptoms of severe sprains may be similar to those of closed fractures, therefore for accurate diagnosis it is necessary to conduct a hardware examination.

You should also differentiate between a sprained ligament and a muscle strain. These types of injuries can be distinguished by the following manifestations:

  1. When a sprain occurs, the pain appears immediately after the injury or after a very short time after,
  2. When a muscle is stretched, pain appears after more long time, at night or the next morning.

A sprained joint is not a catastrophic injury, but it does cause significant inconvenience. Due to frequent household and work injuries, symptoms and treatment of sprained joints is one of those exciting issues questions that doctors are often asked.

During such an injury, a violation of the integrity (partial or complete) of the connective tissue fibers occurs, which, in fact, form ligaments - strips that strengthen the joint and prevent it from being in a loose state. In addition to ligaments, muscles can also be stretched in parallel during an injury.

Most often, sprains occur in the ligaments and muscles of the leg. Traditionally, this happens in a hurry, when a person literally does not look at his feet or does not notice an obstacle in his way, stumbles, makes a sudden movement of a limb, falls, or places an excessive load on the limb.

As a result, any of the joints can take an unnatural position due to the load. In this case, the ligaments prevent deformation of the joint, but they themselves suffer from trauma. First aid for a sprained ligament is a simple procedure that can be provided even by a person without medical education. But full assistance is the task of a qualified doctor.

In traumatology, there are three degrees of sprain:

  • 1st degree – ruptures of individual fibers of the ligament while maintaining its mechanical integrity and continuity. The swelling is slight, there are no hemorrhages. Support and movement are somewhat limited, pain is moderate.
  • 2nd degree – there are multiple fiber breaks, partial damage to the capsule is possible. There is moderate swelling and bruising is common. Movements are limited, painful, support is difficult. Some instability of the joint may be detected.
  • Grade 3 – complete rupture. Accompanied by sharp pain, significant swelling and severe bruising. Movements are severely limited, support is usually impossible. When attempting passive movements, instability of the joint is revealed.

In case of ligament damage of 1-2 degrees, in the vast majority of cases it is required conservative treatment. Spontaneous healing occurs only after a few weeks.

In case of complete ruptures, despite the high regenerative abilities of the ligaments, spontaneous recovery does not always occur and surgical intervention may be required.

Moreover, the likelihood of spontaneous healing depends on the localization of the ligament, associated traumatic injuries, timeliness and adequacy conservative therapy. Symptoms of a sprain may indicate 3 degrees of injury severity. This is the generally accepted classification of sprains.

The first degree is a mild sprain, which injures a small area of ​​the ligaments. If a slight injury is caused to the ligamentous apparatus, then the pain will be mild, the person’s motor activity is not limited, and swelling at the site of injury, if there is any, is not intense.

  1. minor pain syndrome,
  2. minimal restriction of physical activity,
  3. no swelling

The second degree refers to a moderate sprain, here there is a partial rupture of the ligament tissue, with severe pain, swelling and hematoma in the area of ​​injury. At this degree, moderate stretching and rupture of the fibers of the ligamentous apparatus occurs. Please note: with grade 2 sprains, pathological joint mobility may also be observed.

Grade 3 sprain. In this case, a complete rupture of the ligaments occurs. The patient notes intense swelling and redness of the skin at the site of injury, and pathological joint mobility (instability) appears.

If the doctor begins to perform stress tests on the injured joint, he does not encounter resistance. Please note: grade 3 sprain is considered the most difficult, treatment is carried out in a medical institution, the surgeon will perform surgery to stitch the torn ligaments.

The recovery period after such an injury is long – up to 6 months or more. Many patients, having suffered joint injury and sprained ligaments, do not seek professional medical help - they try to cope with the pain and decreased motor activity on their own.

In fact, such carelessness is fraught with complications; in some cases, in the near future the ability of such a patient to move independently on his feet may be called into question. What symptoms should you immediately seek medical help for:

  • very severe pain in the damaged joint, which makes it impossible to make any movement;
  • a feeling of numbness or tingling in the joint or the entire limb - this indicates serious damage to the nerve fibers;
  • An extensive hematoma or redness has formed at the site of injury - this is due to damage to the blood vessels, and against the background of severe pain, their spasm and subsequent necrosis may occur;
  • against the background of sharp pain, movement of the joint is possible, but a crunching or clicking sound is heard;
  • there is an increase in body temperature, chills;
  • complete loss of free movement in the joint or, conversely, excessive mobility (pathological) against the background of intense pain.

It is especially important to consult a doctor if, after an injury and obvious sprain, the pain does not go away within 1-2 days, and joint mobility is not fully restored. A severe sprain is grade 3. This is a complete tear of the tissue, and the following symptoms are noted:

  • sharp, strong, sharp pain,
  • severe swelling appears
  • hematoma,
  • limitation of motor function.

Very often, grade 3 sprain is diagnosed when the ankle joint is damaged. This is due to the fact that it is he who is subjected to the greatest loads during incorrect position legs while moving, jumping or falling.

In everyday life, sprains most often occur as a result of tripping, twisting an ankle, or falling. For example, damage to the ankle ligaments can be caused by twisting your foot when walking in high heels or walking on a slippery surface (ice, compacted snow, or a floor that is too smooth).

A sprain wrist joint formed when falling on the hand under the same circumstances. In athletes, ligament injuries have their own specifics related to the sport. Thus, speed skaters and skiers often experience ankle joint injuries caused by sudden internal rotation (rotation) of the foot during braking.

Basketball, volleyball, shot throwers and tennis players may experience shoulder sprains as a result of a sharp swing or throw. People involved in powerlifting and bodybuilding sometimes develop injuries to the ligaments of the upper limb due to working with heavy loads, bench press or shoulder press.

Factors that contribute to ligament damage at home or during sports are excess weight, uncomfortable shoes, clothing or sports equipment, as well as pathological changes joint structures as a result of arthrosis, previously traumas suffered and infectious diseases.

The likelihood of ligament injury also increases with congenital or acquired anomalies that disrupt normal anatomical relationships and the distribution of load between individual segments of the limb (for example, with flat feet).

Symptoms of sprains

The ligaments are pierced a large number nerve endings and blood vessels, so sprains, and even more so rupture of ligaments, cause severe pain and swelling of the injured joint. Usually sharp pain of varying degrees of severity with sprains appears immediately at the time of injury or immediately after injury.

The ligaments themselves are small structures when compared with other organs (for example, massive muscles), but they are penetrated by a large number of small nerve endings. Therefore, the symptoms of a seemingly banal sprain can be very pronounced. The most common signs include:

  1. severe pain, which is felt not only at the time of injury, but also for a long time after it;
  2. tissue swelling;
  3. with a significant sprain of the ligaments, when not only many connective tissue fibers are injured, but also local blood vessels– hemorrhage in the tissue (hematoma);
  4. inability to “use” the joint – primarily due to pain (for example, after spraining the ligaments of the shoulder joint, the patient cannot, without grimacing in pain, simply raise his arm to get something from a shelf).

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, there are several degrees of severity of sprains:

  • mild - damage to the ligament at the level of individual fibers, unexpressed pain, may go away on its own without therapeutic measures, the joint works without changes;
  • moderate - from a third to a half of the connective tissue fibers are damaged, the pain is of moderate intensity, if you do not provide help, it does not go away on its own, the function of the joint is reduced;
  • severe - damage at the level of micro-tears along the entire length of the ligament; at the time of injury, the pain is unbearable; due to severe pain, the joint does not work.

In case of severe sprain, you should immediately contact the clinic for help. In this case, it is not advisable to ask the doctor over the phone questions like “how to treat an ankle sprain.”

If the treatment of the first two degrees does not cause any particular difficulties, then a severe sprain requires a whole range of measures - up to immobilization of the joint (application of a plaster splint). Ointment for sprains knee ligaments It obviously won’t help with a noticeable injury.

Other symptoms of sprains also quickly appear: hemorrhage (hematoma) at the site of injury, swelling, redness of the skin, severe limitation of joint function and pain on palpation.

Depending on the severity of the sprain, the following may be observed: increased temperature (a local increase in temperature is almost always observed), hyperemia, noticeable hemorrhage into the soft tissues.

Sometimes it happens that immediately after an injury the victim does not feel severe pain and can make movements in the damaged joint. This position is deceptive and tends to increase sprains, as movement in the injured joint further damages the injured ligaments.

After some time (from several minutes to one or two hours after the injury), swelling begins to grow in the area of ​​the damaged ligaments, pain sharply increases, and the function of the joint is significantly impaired.

In addition to sprained ligaments, such traumatic injuries ligaments, as a tear or tear. A sprained ligament differs from a rupture not only in the degree of pain, but also in the mobility of the injured area: if during a sprain the mobility of the joint is often limited, then during a rupture it can have an atypically large amplitude.

Sprains must be distinguished from other joint injuries - dislocations, fractures. When a dislocation most often occurs, the ligaments are torn, one of the bones is displaced, articular surfaces The bones stop touching completely (complete dislocation) or partially touch (subluxation).

At the same time appearance the joint usually changes, and movement in the joint becomes impossible. Dislocations and fractures are significantly more serious injuries than sprains. They require urgent qualified medical care.

Since the pain and symptoms of serious sprains and, for example, closed fractures are very similar, X-ray examination is required to establish a definitive diagnosis.

A sprain is sometimes confused with a muscle strain. The distinctive feature is the following: pain during a sprain appears immediately after the injury or within a short time after it. If the pain appears the next morning after physical activity or in the middle of the night, then this is a muscle strain.

Diagnosis of pathology

Since with tears and ruptures of ligaments the same anatomical formations suffer (only to varying degrees), then a number clinical signs characteristic of both types of damage.

Such signs are local pain upon palpation in the places of attachment of damaged ligaments to the bone, increased pain when reproducing the mechanism of injury, swelling in the area of ​​damage, bruising in the ankle joint, hemarthrosis (bleeding into the joint cavity).

A characteristic sign of damage to the anterior portions of the collateral ligaments is increased pain when checking the “drawer” symptom. This symptom is checked as follows: the examiner fixes the patient’s shin in the lower third with one hand, while with the other hand anterior displacement of the foot is created by applying pressure to the heel area from behind.

With damage to the tibiofibular ligaments in most patients, an increase in local pain when extending the foot in the ankle joint can be noted. Special attention When examining victims with ankle ligament injuries, attention should be paid to proper palpation of the injury area.

Often the exact localization of pain can be identified only with gentle, careful palpation. Often, incorrectly conducted research leads to diagnostic errors, as a result of which damage to the tibiofibular syndesmosis, and sometimes even avulsion fractures of the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone, is mistaken for injury to the external collateral ligaments.

Increased pain when reproducing the mechanism of injury is explained by the tension of the soft tissues in the area of ​​injury. With tears and ruptures of the external collateral ligaments, the pain intensifies when the foot is moved into a position of supination and inversion, and with injuries to the deltoid and tibiofibular ligaments, pronation and eversion.

With hemarthrosis of the ankle joint, an elastic swelling appears in the area of ​​the anterolateral corners of the joint, upon palpation of which a swell is determined (there is no doubt that such a diagnosis can only be made with an appropriate medical history).

However, as reported above, all these signs are characteristic of both tears and ruptures of the ankle ligaments. In order to carry out differential diagnosis Injuries of the ligamentous apparatus of varying severity, it is necessary to know other signs that allow timely detection or at least suspicion of rupture of the ankle ligaments.

When ligaments are torn, patients often feel a crunching or cracking sensation in the ankle joint. As a rule, such victims experience significant swelling of the injury area, hemarthrosis and severe pain.

In case of failure of the anterior portions of the lateral ligaments, when checking the “drawer” symptom, the foot is easily displaced anteriorly, since it is not fixed by the damaged ligaments running from the ankles anteriorly to the bones of the foot. The displacement of the foot can be noticed by the extension of the talus block from the ankle “fork”.

With ruptures of the collateral ligaments, it is often possible to determine an increase in the lateral mobility of the talus in the ankle fork towards supination or pronation. Determination of the lateral mobility of the talus is carried out as follows: the examiner fixes the patient’s shin in the lower third with one hand, and with the other moves the foot to a position of supination or pronation.

Checking the drawer sign and determining the lateral mobility of the talus should be checked in comparison with the healthy limb. In cases where, during the initial examination, there is a suspicion of rupture of the ankle ligaments or such, the diagnosis is established accurately, the victim should be sent to a specialized medical institution (trauma center, trauma department) to clarify the diagnosis and treatment.

Timely and correctly provided first aid can delay the development of severe consequences of sprains and facilitate subsequent treatment. To treat a sprain, the following measures are recommended as initial therapy:

  • Ensure stillness and peace. It is necessary to lay down or sit the victim comfortably, ensuring immobility and rest of the injured leg or arm.
  • Cold. Immediately after an injury (or during the first day), it is recommended to apply ice to the injured joint for the first two hours to reduce pain and swelling. When using ice, do not hold it for too long - this may cause tissue damage.
  • Load protection. It is necessary to fix the affected joint. For this you can use various means- from a splint or elastic bandage to crutches. Do not tighten the elastic bandage too tightly so as not to disrupt blood circulation. If there is a feeling of numbness in the bandaged limb, loosen the bandage. On the first day after the injury, crushed ice in a plastic bag can be applied to the top of the bandage. The day after the injury there is no need to apply ice - on the contrary, heat is necessary.
  • When bruising occurs, it is necessary to elevate the limb to prevent the increase in swelling of the periarticular tissues.
  • Painkillers are used to reduce pain.

The victim of a sprain must be given timely assistance. It should be as follows:

  1. it is necessary to remove shoes as quickly as possible and open access to the damaged area, otherwise swelling will prevent this;
  2. the limb should be immobilized - bend the foot at a right angle to the shin and secure it with a tight bandage. Something cold should be applied to the site of the sprain in order to reduce pain and stop the inflammatory process;
  3. If the victim complains of severe pain, there is a deterioration in blood circulation in the injured limb (skin and nails turn pale), then he must be urgently taken to a medical facility.

An orthopedic surgeon decides how to treat a sprained ankle based on external examination and data x-ray. In severe cases associated with ruptured ankle ligaments, surgical intervention is required. At less serious damage conservative treatment is carried out.

The patient is prescribed ointments or gels containing anti-inflammatory components - indomethacin or diclofenac. They help relieve pain symptoms and reduce swelling. The doctor may also prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, indomethacin, voltaren), both in tablet and injectable form.

Physiotherapeutic procedures have an excellent effect. At the final stage of treatment, the doctor prescribes a course of physical therapy, which helps restore joint mobility. Sometimes a sprain is not serious enough to see a doctor, and the patient resorts to traditional medicine.

There are proven methods that are good for stretching. Treatment with folk remedies usually consists of making lotions or compresses that help relieve pain and swelling. Here are some recipes:

  1. Sponge-sponge is a medicinal plant that can be purchased at a pharmacy. The sponge is soaked in water until it becomes mushy and gently rubbed into sore spot. This product perfectly promotes healing by improving metabolic processes, resorption of edema and hematomas.
  2. compresses from raw potatoes placed on the damaged joint overnight. To enhance therapeutic effect finely grated potatoes can be mixed with onions or cabbage. All ingredients are well crushed and mixed to a paste.
  3. raw onions grind in a blender or meat grinder, and then add a tablespoon of salt to it. The mixture is applied to the fabric, gauze is placed on top and a compress is applied to the damaged area. Onions have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and salt removes excess fluid from tissues and reduces swelling.

First aid also includes painkillers for joint pain, which must be taken to reduce pain.

Considering that most modern non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a complex effect, it is possible not only to reduce pain, but also to prevent the development of swelling or inflammation in the damaged joint.

How to Treat a Sprain

For grade 1 and 2 sprains, outpatient treatment is performed at the emergency room. Grade 3 injuries usually require hospitalization in the trauma department. Patients are advised to rest and elevate the limb.

During the first 24 hours, cold is applied to the injured area (a heating pad or a plastic bag with ice, wrapped in a towel). Starting from the third day, dry heat is used. For mild sprains, apply elastic bandage or put on a support (special orthopedic bandage).

At rest, the restraints are removed so as not to impede blood circulation in the affected area. In case of severe injuries, immobilization is performed using a plaster or plastic splint.

For patients with sprained ligaments, especially in the first three days, thermal procedures are contraindicated: warm compresses, hot baths, sauna or steam bath. Avoid drinking alcohol or receiving massage as this will increase swelling and bruising.

On initial stage It is not recommended to make movements in the damaged joint, as this can provoke additional micro-tears of the ligament fibers and slow down the speed of its recovery. Massage and physical exercise are indicated only during the recovery period.

In the first days after injury, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ibuprofen, etc.) can be used to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation, if necessary.

If intense pain persists for a week or more, you should consult a doctor so that he can recommend other, more safe ways pain relief, because long-term use NSAIDs can cause gastritis or stomach ulcers.

Along with NSAIDs for oral administration, safer external agents from the same group can be used. At the recovery stage, patients are referred to exercise therapy. The exercises initially include only light warm-up movements, then the complex gradually expands.

The general principle is that there is no pain when performing exercises. It should be remembered that too much complete rest, as well as too early movements in the joint, can negatively affect the duration recovery period Therefore, physical therapy should be done in strict accordance with the recommendations of the doctor and exercise therapy instructor.

The prognosis for sprained ligaments is favorable. Damage of the 1st degree, as a rule, heals without residual effects. With grade 2 and 3 sprains, some patients experience tingling and chronic pain in the joint in the long term.

This may be due to both the formation of small nodules and the involvement of nerve endings in the process of fiber scarring. It must be remembered that the restoration of the ligament occurs due to the formation of scars, which means that in the future this ligament will be less resistant to damage. To prevent re-injury during sports, special supports should be used.


Rehabilitation measures begin to be carried out from the first days after injury in order to prevent the development of physical inactivity, as well as to speedy recovery lost functions. Use physical therapy(physical therapy), massage, occupational therapy. The objectives of exercise therapy are:

  • promotion vitality the victim;
  • improving the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • prevention of complications;
  • adaptation of all body systems to physical activity;
  • increased blood and lymph circulation in the damaged area to simulate recovery processes;
  • prevention of muscle wasting and joint stiffness.

Among the means of exercise therapy, preference is given to therapeutic gymnastics. It includes:

  1. breathing exercises (static, dynamic);
  2. exercises to strengthen the muscle corset (bends, turns, half-turns);
  3. exercises for a healthy limb (active movements in all joints, isometric exercises).
  4. For the injured limb, static exercises (holding the limb), isometric exercises, abduction and adduction, as well as active movements in healthy joints are used, which helps to activate blood circulation and recovery processes.

The load is prescribed depending on the stage of rehabilitation - from easy to more complex. An increase in load occurs by increasing the number of exercises, their dosage and the number of repetitions. Coordination and balance exercises are gradually added.

During the recovery period, problems may arise such as limited range of motion in the joint, as well as a decrease in the level of endurance. Based on this, the main task of the recovery period is to restore the patient’s impaired function and performance.

Massage is prescribed on the second day after the sprain. It must be done very carefully so as not to cause pain to the victim, because otherwise it can cause a deterioration in the condition of the injured area.

At the beginning of the course, massage is done only above the affected area. Suction massage (to relieve swelling) is done 1-2 times a day for an average of 10 minutes. With a gradual transition to the injured area, the duration of the massage session increases to 15 minutes.

Occupational therapy is widely used to return a person to their work responsibilities. To do this, use exercises that are as close as possible to the professional activities of the person being rehabilitated.

The criterion for returning to work is a good range of motion in the injured joint, as well as the quality of performing everyday tasks (self-care). With the right treatment and course of rehabilitation measures, the prognosis for any degree of sprain is favorable.


When an ankle injury occurs, it is very important to begin treatment promptly. If a sprain is accompanied by swelling and severe pain, then a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. Such symptoms may indicate a torn ligament or a dislocated joint, and these injuries require the intervention of an orthopedist or surgeon.

Even in the case of a simple sprain, treatment must be adequate: self-medication often leads to ankle instability, which means a recurrence of similar injuries in the future.

If microtears of connective tissue fibers were insignificant, first aid was provided on time, and rehabilitation measures were carried out competently, then some time after the injury the ligaments will again serve the person faithfully and truly to the fullest.

Otherwise, prolonged pain syndrome and repeated spraining of the ligaments are possible even with the slightest injury. The recovery period for this condition depends on the severity of the injury and on whether medical prescriptions were followed unquestioningly.

It is impossible to say unambiguously, for example, how long it takes for injured knee ligaments to heal. After all, patients often regard a sprain as an insignificant injury and load the joint prematurely, and this lengthens the rehabilitation period.

It is much easier to prevent a sprain than to get rid of its consequences later. Situations that increase the risk of injury should be avoided - just watch your step while moving, and in everyday life, do not take part in dubious competitions involving joints without proper physical training (for example, gambling tug-of-war, arm wrestling, etc.). When working out on exercise machines in the gym, you need to dose the load correctly, without fanaticism.

Sources: symptoms-treatment.rf

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I am fighting the effect, not the cause...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article, some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. Such things

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    julek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in?.. They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge a brutal markup. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is indeed not sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid inflated prices. Currently you can only order from Official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt. Thank you!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried it? traditional methods joint treatment? Grandma doesn’t trust pills, the poor thing is in pain...

    Andrey A week ago

    Which ones folk remedies I haven't tried it, nothing helped...

    Ekaterina A week ago

    I tried drinking a decoction from bay leaf, no use, I just ruined my stomach!! I no longer believe in these folk methods...

    Maria 5 days ago

    I recently watched a program on Channel One, it was also about this Federal program to combat joint diseases talked. It is also headed by some famous Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure joints and backs, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.