About the active ingredient diphenhydramine, instructions for use

Presented are drug analogues, in accordance with medical terminology, called “synonyms” - drugs that are interchangeable in their effects on the body, containing one or more identical active ingredients. When selecting synonyms, consider not only their cost, but also the country of production and the reputation of the manufacturer.

Description of the drug

Diphenhydramine*- Histamine H1 receptor blocker. It has antiallergic activity, has local anesthetic, antispasmodic and moderate ganglion-blocking effects. When taken orally it causes sedation and hypnotic effect, has a moderate antiemetic effect, and also has central anticholinergic activity.

When applied externally, it has an antiallergic effect.

List of analogues

Pay attention! The list contains synonyms Diphenhydramine*, which have a similar composition, so you can choose a replacement yourself, taking into account the form and dose of the medicine prescribed by your doctor. Give preference to manufacturers from the USA, Japan, Western Europe, and also well-known companies from Eastern Europe: KRKA, Gedeon Richter, Actavis, Aegis, Lek, Hexal, Teva, Zentiva.

Release form(by popularity)Price, rub.
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 1 r - r i/v i/m BMP...0954 (d) (Belmedpreparaty RUP (Belarus)2
Tab 0.05 N10 Dalkhim (Dalkhimfarm OJSC (Russia)3.50
50 mg No. 20 tab (Belmedpreparaty RUP (Belarus)5.40
Tab 0.05 N20 Uralbiopharm (Uralbiopharm OJSC (Russia)7.90
Tab 0.05 N20 Dalkhim (Dalkhimfarm OJSC (Russia)8.80
Amp 1% - 1ml N1 MHPP (Moskhimfarmpreparaty OJSC (Russia)19.50
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m DHF (Dalkhimpharm OJSC (Russia)21
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m BMP...5546 (Belmedpreparaty RUP (Belarus)22.10
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m Biosintez...5444 (Biosintez JSC (Russia)22.50
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 10 solution in / in / m MHPP (Moskhimfarmpreparaty OJSC (Russia)22.20
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m Ozone (Ozone LLC (Russia)23
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m BMP...0954 (Belmedpreparaty RUP (Belarus)24.20
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 1 r - r i/v i/m Biosintez...2406 (d) (Biosintez JSC (Russia)27.50
Amp 1% - 1ml N1 Dalkhim (Dalkhimfarm OJSC (Russia)27.10
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/m (Borisov ZMP OJSC (Belarus)29.40
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m (North China Pharmaceutical Corp. (China)31
1% 20g external gel (Nizhpharm OJSC (Russia)290.10


Below are the results of surveys of site visitors about the drug diphenhydramine*. They reflect the personal feelings of those surveyed and cannot be used as an official recommendation for treatment with this drug. We strongly recommend that you contact a qualified medical specialist to select a personal course of treatment.

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Two visitors reported dosage

11-50mg2 100.0%

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Sixteen visitors reported the patient's age

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Official instructions for use

There are contraindications! Read the instructions before use


(Diphenhydramine* | diphenhydramine)
Registration number P No. 015442/01
Trade name drug: Psilo ® -Balm

International generic name: Diphenhydramine*

Dosage form: gel for external use
Composition of the drug:
100g gel contains:
Active ingredient:
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride 1.0 g
Cetylpyridinium chloride 0.1g as a preservative
Macrogol - 6 - glyceryl caprylate/ capricate
Trometamol, Polyacrylic acid
Description: Colorless, transparent homogeneous gel
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Blocker H 1 -histamine receptors
ATX code: D04A A 32

Pharmacological properties

The antiallergic effect of Psilo ® -Balm is associated with the presence in its composition of diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which is a blocker of H 1 -histamine receptors and, as a result, quickly reduces itching, reduces pain, hyperemia, reduces increased capillary permeability, tissue edema, causes local anesthesia. Psilo ® -Balm has a pleasant cooling effect. A special gel base protects the skin and does not leave a visible mark; it can be used as a skin cream.

Indications for use:

At sunburn and first degree burns, insect bites, urticaria, skin itching of various origins, itchy eczema, chicken pox, allergic skin irritations (except for itching with cholestasis), contact dermatitis caused by contact with plants.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. With caution during pregnancy and lactation (it is better to stop breast-feeding).

Directions for use and dosage:

Psilo ® -Balm is applied to the affected areas of the skin thin layer(2-3 g of gel) 3-4 times a day and distribute it by lightly spreading it.

Side effects

IN in rare cases A skin hypersensitivity reaction may occur, manifested by redness and moderate swelling of the skin area to which the drug was applied. For external use of the drug side effects no systemic nature was noted.


Treatment: in case of overdose (see symptoms " Side effect") is assigned symptomatic treatment: rinse with water, drugs that increase blood pressure, oxygen: breathing control, administration of plasma replacement fluids. Epinephrine and analeptics should not be used. There is no special antidote.

Interaction with other drugs

Strengthens the effect of alcohol and drugs that depress the central nervous system. MAO inhibitors enhance the anticholinergic activity of diphenhydramine. Antagonistic interactions are observed when co-administered with psychostimulants.

Special instructions:

During treatment with Psilo ® -Balm, you should avoid sun exposure and alcohol consumption, and you should also be careful when performing activities that require increased attention and rapid mental reactions.

Release form

Gel 1% in aluminum tubes of 20 and 50 g. Each tube, along with instructions for use, is placed in a pack.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Storage conditions

List B. At a temperature not higher than +25 0 C, out of the reach of children. C17H21NO Mol.
255.355 g/mol CAS 58-73-1 PubChem DrugBank APRD00587 Classification ATX D04AA32 D04AA33, R06AA02 Pharmacokinetics Bioavailability 86 % Plasma protein binding 98 %-99 % Half-life 2-8 hours Dosage forms Tablets, ampoules

Diphenhydramine(“Diphenhydramine”) is a first-generation antihistamine.

Diphenhydramine is included in the list of vital and essential medications.

Physical properties

White fine-crystalline powder with a bitter taste; causes numbness of the tongue. Hygroscopic. Very soluble in water, easily soluble in alcohol and chloroform, very slightly soluble in ether. Aqueous solutions(pH of 1% solution 5.0-6.5) is sterilized at +100 °C for 30 minutes.

Pharmacological action

Diphenhydramine is one of the main representatives of the group of antihistamines that block H1 receptors. It has pronounced antihistamine activity. In addition, it has a local anesthetic effect, relaxes smooth muscles as a result of a direct antispasmodic effect, and blocks moderate degree cholinergic receptors of the autonomic nerve ganglia.

An important feature of diphenhydramine is its sedative effect, which has some similarities with the action of antipsychotic substances; in appropriate doses it has a hypnotic effect. It is also a mild antiemetic. In the action of diphenhydramine on the nervous system, its central anticholinergic activity is significant, along with its effect on histamine receptors (possibly H 3 receptors in the brain).


Diphenhydramine is well absorbed when taken orally. Penetrates the blood-brain barrier.

Indications for use

Diphenhydramine is used mainly in the treatment of urticaria, hay fever, serum sickness, hemorrhagic vasculitis (capillary toxicosis), vasomotor rhinitis, angioedema, pruritic dermatoses, acute iridocyclitis, allergic conjunctivitis and others allergic diseases, allergic complications from taking various medications, including antibiotics.

Like others antihistamines, diphenhydramine is used in the treatment radiation sickness.

In bronchial asthma, diphenhydramine has relatively little activity, but it can be prescribed for this disease in combination with theophylline, ephedrine and others medicines.

Sometimes diphenhydramine is used for gastric ulcers and hyperacid gastritis, but H2 receptor blockers are much more effective for this disease.

Diphenhydramine (as well as other H1 receptor blockers) can be used to reduce adverse reactions with blood transfusions and blood-substituting fluids, with the use of enzyme and other drugs.

Diphenhydramine is also used for chorea, seasickness, air sickness, vomiting during pregnancy, and Meniere's syndrome. Therapeutic effect The use of the drug in these diseases can be explained in its sedative and central anticholinergic effects. In terms of antiemetic activity, its complex salt with chlortheophylline (dimenhydrinate) is more effective than diphenhydramine.

Diphenhydramine is also used as a sedative and sleeping pill alone and in combination with other sleeping pills. Prescribe 1 tablet (0.03 or 0.05 g) orally before bedtime.

In anesthesiological practice it is used as component lytic mixtures(see Aminazine).

Routes of administration

Diphenhydramine is prescribed orally, intramuscularly, into a vein, locally (cutaneously, in the form eye drops, on the nasal mucosa); also administered rectally. Do not inject under the skin due to irritation.


Adults are prescribed tablets 0.03-0.05 g orally 1-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.

0.01-0.05 g is injected into the muscles in the form of a 1% solution, into a vein - 0.02-0.05 g of diphenhydramine in 75-100 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution is injected into the vein.

For children, diphenhydramine is prescribed in smaller doses: up to 1 year - 0.002-0.005 g, from 2 to 5 years - 0.005-0.015 g, from 6 to 12 years - 0.015-0.03 g per dose.

Diphenhydramine suppositories are administered into the rectum 1-2 times a day after a cleansing enema or spontaneous bowel cleansing. Children under 3 years of age are prescribed suppositories containing 0.005 g of diphenhydramine; from 3 to 4 years, 0.01 g; from 5 to 7 years - 0.015 g, 8-14 years - 0.02 g.

Higher doses for adults orally: single dose 0.1 g, daily 0.25 g; intramuscularly: single 0.05 g (5 ml of 1% solution), daily 0.15 g (15 ml of 1% solution).

Dosage forms for topical use

For instillation into the conjunctival sac, use 0.2-0.5% solutions (preferably 2% solution boric acid) 1-2 drops 2-3-5 times a day.

Sometimes diphenhydramine is used in the form of a cream or ointment (3-10%), prepared in a pharmacy, to lubricate the skin for itchy dermatoses. It should be taken into account that diphenhydramine is absorbed through the skin and, when lubricated on large surfaces, can cause intoxication: dry mouth, difficulty breathing, agitation, confusion."

For allergic vasomotor, acute rhinitis, rhinosinusopathies, diphenhydramine is prescribed into the nose in the form of sticks (diphenhydramine sticks, Bacilli cum Dimedrolo) containing 0.05 g of diphenhydramine on a polyethylene oxide base. You can also use prepared ex tempore ointments and drops.

Release forms

  • powder;
  • tablets 0.02; 0.03 and 0.05 g;
  • rectal suppositories with diphenhydramine 0.005; 0.001; 0.015 and 0.02 g (suppositories with diphenhydramine are intended for use in pediatric practice);
  • sticks 0.05 g;
  • 1% solution in ampoules and syringe tubes

Side effects

When taking diphenhydramine orally, due to its local anesthetic effect, short-term “numbness” of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity may occur; in rare cases, dizziness may occur, headache, dry mouth, nausea. Side effects disappear on their own after stopping the drug or reducing the dose.

Due to the effect of the drug on the central nervous system, drowsiness and general weakness.

Due to its sedative and hypnotic effects, diphenhydramine should not be prescribed for use during work by transport drivers and other persons whose profession requires a quick mental and motor reaction.

In combination with alcohol and large (from 300-500 mg) dosages it can cause delusions and hallucinations.

In case of overdose (more than 4 tablets per one-time appointment) swelling of the extremities and death may occur.


Storage: List B. In a well-closed container, protected from light and moisture; tablets and ampoules - in a place protected from light; candles - in a dry, cool place, protected from light.

Narcotic properties

Strengthens and prolongs the effect of opiates. It makes them more addictive. It also enhances the effect of depressants such as alcohol, phenobarbital and benzodiazepine drugs. In severe overdose it causes delirium.

In art

Diphenhydramine is mentioned in a number of popular songs:

  • Alexander Rosenbaum - Song about ambulance;
  • Chizh & Co - She didn't get married;
  • Chizh & Co - Mouse;
  • Jane Air - Neon and acid;
  • ST1M - Don't care.
  • Otto Dix - SLIP (DIMEDROL+"
  • Red Mold - Trainer.
  • GULAG - I'm going on a binge.

Allergan B, Benadryl, Benzhydramine, Alledryl, Allergival, Amidryl, Diabenil, Diphenhydramine, Dimidryl, Restamine


Rp: Dimedroli 0.05
D.t.d: No. 20 in tab.
S: 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Rp.: Sol. Dimedroli l% - 1.0
D.t.d. No. 3 in amp.
S. Inject 1 ml intramuscularly.

Pharmacological action

It has antihistamine, antiallergic, antiemetic, hypnotic, and local anesthetic effects. Blocks histamine H1 receptors and eliminates the effects of histamine mediated through this type of receptor. Reduces or prevents histamine-induced spasms of smooth muscles, increased capillary permeability, tissue swelling, itching and hyperemia. Antagonism with histamine manifests itself to a greater extent in relation to local vascular reactions during inflammation and allergies compared to systemic ones, i.e. decrease in blood pressure. Causes local anesthesia (when taken orally, a short-term sensation of numbness of the oral mucosa occurs), has antispasmodic effect, blocks cholinergic receptors of the autonomic ganglia (lowers blood pressure). Blocks H3 - histamine receptors in the brain and inhibits central cholinergic structures. It has a sedative, hypnotic and antiemetic effect. It is more effective for bronchospasm caused by histamine liberators (tubocurarine, morphine, sombrevin), and to a lesser extent for allergic bronchospasm. For bronchial asthma it is inactive and is used in combination with theophylline, ephedrine and other bronchodilators.

Directions for use

Adults, 30-50 mg 1-3 times a day.
The course of treatment is 10-15 days.
Higher doses for adults: single - 100 mg, daily - 250 mg.
For insomnia - 50 mg 20-30 minutes before bedtime.
For the treatment of idiopathic and postencephalitic parkinsonism - initially, 25 mg 3 times a day, followed by a gradual increase in dose, if required, to 50 mg 4 times a day.
For motion sickness - 25-50 mg every 4-6 hours if necessary.
Children 2-6 years old - 12.5-25 mg, 6-12 years old - 25-50 mg every 6-8 hours (no more than 75 mg/day for children 2-6 years old and no more than 150 mg/day for children 6 years old) -12 years). IM, 50-250 mg; highest single dose- 50 mg, daily - 150 mg. IV drip - 20-50 mg (in 75-100 ml 0.9% NaCl solution). Rectally.
Suppositories are administered 1-2 times a day after a cleansing enema or spontaneous bowel movement.
Children under 3 years old - 5 mg, 3-4 years old - 10 mg; 5-7 years - 15 mg, 8-14 years - 20 mg.
In ophthalmology: instill 1-2 drops of a 0.2-0.5% solution into the conjunctival sac 2-3-5 times a day. Intranasally. For allergic vasomotor, acute rhinitis, rhinosinusopathy, it is prescribed in the form of sticks containing 0.05 g of diphenhydramine.
Diphenhydramine gel is used externally. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin several times a day.


- hay fever
- vasomotor rhinitis
- itchy dermatoses
- acute iridocyclitis
- allergic conjunctivitis
- angioedema
- capillary toxicosis
- serum sickness
- allergic complications with drug therapy, blood transfusion and blood-substituting fluids
- complex therapy anaphylactic shock, radiation sickness, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcer stomach and hyperacid gastritis;
- colds
- sleep disorders
- premedication
- extensive injuries to the skin and soft tissues (burns, crush injuries);
- parkinsonism
- chorea
- sea and air sickness
- vomiting, Meniere's syndrome;
- performing local anesthesia in patients with allergic reactions history of local anesthetic drugs.


- breastfeeding
- childhood(newborn period and state of prematurity)
- angle-closure glaucoma
- prostatic hypertrophy, stenosing gastric ulcer and duodenum, pyloroduodenal obstruction.
- cervical stenosis bladder
- pregnancy
- bronchial asthma.
Interaction with other drugs:
- sleeping pills
- sedatives
- tranquilizers and alcohol enhance (mutually) the depression of the central nervous system.

Side effects

From the outside nervous system and sensory organs: general weakness, fatigue, sedation, decreased attention, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, incoordination, anxiety, increased excitability (especially in children), irritability, nervousness, insomnia, euphoria, confusion, tremor, neuritis , convulsions, paresthesia; visual impairment, diplopia, acute labyrinthitis, tinnitus. In patients with local brain damage or epilepsy, it activates (even in low doses) convulsive discharges on the EEG and can provoke epileptic seizure.
- From the outside cardiovascular system and blood: hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia, extrasystole, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia.
- From the gastrointestinal tract: dry mouth, short-term numbness of the oral mucosa, anorexia, nausea, epigastric distress, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation. From the outside genitourinary system: frequent and/or difficulty urinating, urinary retention, early menstruation.
- From the respiratory system: dry nose and throat, nasal congestion, thickening of bronchial secretions, tightness in the chest and difficulty breathing.
- Allergic reactions: rash, urticaria, anaphylactic shock.
- Other: sweating, chills, photosensitivity.

Release form

Solution for injection. 1% (10 mg/1 ml): amp. 5 or 10 pcs.
Solution for injection 1% 1 ml
diphenhydramine 10 mg
1 ml - ampoules (5) - cardboard packs.
1 ml - ampoules (10) - cardboard packs.
The drug is available with a prescription tablet. 50 mg: 10 pcs.
Tablets 1 tab.
diphenhydramine 50 mg
10 pcs. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.


The information on the page you are viewing is created for informational purposes only and does not in any way promote self-medication. The resource is intended to familiarize healthcare workers with additional information about certain medications, thereby increasing the level of their professionalism. Use of the drug "" in mandatory involves consultation with a specialist, as well as his recommendations on the method of use and dosage of the medicine you have chosen.

Included in the preparations

Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r dated December 30, 2014):




R.06.A.A.02 Diphenhydramine


The drug has antihistamine, antiallergic, anticholinergic, antiemetic, sedative, hypnotic and local anesthetic effects.

Blocks histamine H1 receptors and eliminates the effects of histamine mediated through this type of receptor. Reduces or prevents histamine-induced spasms of smooth muscles, increased capillary permeability, tissue swelling, itching and hyperemia. Antagonism with histamine manifests itself to a greater extent in relation to local vascular reactions during inflammation and allergies, compared to systemic ones, that is, a decrease in blood pressure. Causes local anesthesia (when taken orally, a short-term sensation of numbness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity occurs), has an antispasmodic effect, blocks cholinergic receptors of the autonomic ganglia (reduces blood pressure). Blocks H 3 -histamine receptors in the brain and inhibits central cholinergic structures. It has a sedative, hypnotic (more pronounced with repeated doses) and antiemetic effect. At parenteral administration in patients with a deficit in circulating blood volume, hypotension is aggravated. In patients with local brain damage or epilepsy, it activates (even in low doses) convulsive discharges on electroencephalography and can provoke an epileptic attack. It is more effective for bronchospasm caused by histamine liberators (tubocurarine, sombrevin).

Diphenhydramine suppresses the cough reflex by directly acting on the cough center in the medulla oblongata.

When applied to the skin in the form of a gel, it has a dermatotropic and cooling effect.

Long-term animal studies have not been conducted to assess the possible mutagenic and carcinogenic effects of diphenhydramine. In experimental studies on rats and rabbits using diphenhydramine in doses up to 5 times higher than the human dose, no effect on fertility or fetotoxicity was detected.

Pharmacokinetics:When taken orally, it is quickly and well absorbed, C max is reached within 1-4 hours. Plasma protein binding is 98-99%. Most of it is metabolized in the liver, a smaller part is excreted unchanged in the urine within 24 hours. The half-life is 1-4 hours. It is well distributed in the body and passes through the blood-brain barrier. Excreted in mother's milk and may cause sedation in children infancy. Maximum activity develops after 1 hour, duration of action is from 4 to 6 hours. Indications:

Urticaria, hay fever, vasomotor rhinitis, pruritic dermatoses, acute iridocyclitis, allergic conjunctivitis, angioedema, capillary toxicosis, serum sickness, allergic complications during drug therapy, blood transfusion and blood-substituting fluids; complex therapy of anaphylactic shock, radiation sickness, bronchial asthma, gastric ulcer and hyperacid gastritis; colds, sleep disorders, premedication, extensive injuries to the skin and soft tissues (burns, crushes); parkinsonism, chorea, seasickness and air sickness, vomiting, including during pregnancy, Meniere's syndrome; local anesthesia in patients with a history of allergic reactions to local anesthetic drugs.

In gel form: sunburn and first degree burns, insect bites, urticaria, skin itching of various origins, itchy eczema, chicken pox, allergic skin irritations (except for itching with cholestasis), contact dermatitis caused by contact with plants.

I.B00-B09.B01 Chicken pox

VI.G20-G26.G25.5 Other types of chorea

VII.H15-H22.H20 Iridocyclitis

VIII.H80-H83.H81.0 Meniere's disease

X.J30-J39.J30.0 Vasomotor rhinitis

X.J30-J39.J30 Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis

XII.L20-L30.L29.9 Itching, unspecified

XII.L20-L30.L29.8 Other itching

XII.L50-L54.L50 Urticaria

XII.L55-L59.L55 Sunburn

XIX.T66-T78.T78.4 Allergy unspecified

Contraindications:Hypersensitivity, breastfeeding, childhood (newborn period and prematurity). With caution:Not recommended for subcutaneous administration. Since it has an atropine-like effect, it should be used with caution: in patients with recent respiratory diseases history (including asthma), increased intraocular pressure, with hyperthyroidism, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypotension. Antihistamines can decrease mental alertness in both adults and children and can cause agitation and hallucinations, seizures, and death in infants and children, especially in overdose. Use with caution in people aged 60 years and older, as dizziness, sedation and hypotension are more likely to occur. During treatment with diphenhydramine, sun exposure should be avoided. Should not be used by drivers while working vehicles and people whose profession is related to increased concentration attention. During the treatment period, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Pregnancy and lactation:

With caution, under strict medical supervision, during pregnancy (adequate and strictly controlled studies not performed in pregnant women).

Breastfeeding should be stopped during treatment.

Directions for use and dosage:Inside, intramuscularly, intravenously, rectally, cutaneously, intranasally, into the conjunctival sac. Orally for adults - 30-50 mg 1-3 times a day, to prevent motion sickness - 30-60 minutes before the trip. For insomnia - 50 mg before bedtime. The maximum single dose is 100 mg, daily dose is 250 mg. Intramuscularly - 10-50 mg, maximum single dose - 50 mg, daily - 150 mg, intravenous drip - 20-50 mg (in 75-100 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution). Children under 1 year old - orally, at a dose of 2-5 mg, 2-5 years old - 5-15 mg, 6-12 years old - 15-30 mg per dose. Suppositories rectally 1-2 times a day (after cleansing the intestines). Children under 3 years old - suppositories containing 5 mg of diphenhydramine, from 3 to 4 years old - 10 mg, from 5 to 7 years old - 15 mg, 8-14 years old - 20 mg. The course of treatment is 10-15 days. For instillation into the conjunctival sac, prepare 0.2-0.5% solutions (preferably in a 2% solution of boric acid) and instill 1-2 drops 2-5 times a day. For the purpose of local application, the gel is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer 3-4 times a day; it is also possible to prepare and use 3-10% creams or ointments. For rhinitis - intranasally, in the form of 50 mg sticks. Side effects:

From the nervous system and sensory organs: general weakness, fatigue, sedation, decreased attention, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, impaired coordination of movements, anxiety, increased excitability (especially in children), irritability, nervousness, insomnia, euphoria, confusion, tremor, neuritis, convulsions, paresthesia ; visual impairment, diplopia, acute labyrinthitis, tinnitus.

From the cardiovascular system and blood: hypotension, palpitations, tachycardia, extrasystole; agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia.

From the gastrointestinal tract: dry mouth, numbness of the oral mucosa, anorexia, nausea, epigastric distress, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation.

From the genitourinary system: frequent and/or difficulty urinating, urinary retention, early menstruation.

monoamine oxidases

enhance the anticholinergic effects of diphenhydramine. At joint use antagonistic interaction is observed with psychostimulants. Special instructions: Restrictions on use: angle-closure glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, stenosing gastric and duodenal ulcers, pyloroduodenal obstruction, bladder neck stenosis, pregnancy. Instructions

Analogs of the drug diphenhydramine hydrochloride are presented, in accordance with medical terminology, called “synonyms” - drugs that are interchangeable in their effects on the body, containing one or more identical active ingredients. When selecting synonyms, consider not only their cost, but also the country of production and the reputation of the manufacturer.

Description of the drug

Diphenhydramine hydrochloride- Histamine H1 receptor blocker. It has antiallergic activity, has local anesthetic, antispasmodic and moderate ganglion-blocking effects. When taken orally, it causes a sedative and hypnotic effect, has a moderate antiemetic effect, and also has central anticholinergic activity.
When applied externally, it has an antiallergic effect.

List of analogues

Pay attention! The list contains synonyms for Diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which have a similar composition, so you can choose a replacement yourself, taking into account the form and dose of the medicine prescribed by your doctor. Give preference to manufacturers from the USA, Japan, Western Europe, as well as well-known companies from Eastern Europe: KRKA, Gedeon Richter, Actavis, Egis, Lek, Hexal, Teva, Zentiva.

Release form(by popularity)Price, rub.
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 1 r - r i/v i/m BMP...0954 (d) (Belmedpreparaty RUP (Belarus)2
Tab 0.05 N10 Dalkhim (Dalkhimfarm OJSC (Russia)3.50
50 mg No. 20 tab (Belmedpreparaty RUP (Belarus)5.40
Tab 0.05 N20 Uralbiopharm (Uralbiopharm OJSC (Russia)7.90
Tab 0.05 N20 Dalkhim (Dalkhimfarm OJSC (Russia)8.80
Amp 1% - 1ml N1 MHPP (Moskhimfarmpreparaty OJSC (Russia)19.50
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m DHF (Dalkhimpharm OJSC (Russia)21
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m BMP...5546 (Belmedpreparaty RUP (Belarus)22.10
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m Biosintez...5444 (Biosintez JSC (Russia)22.50
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 10 solution in / in / m MHPP (Moskhimfarmpreparaty OJSC (Russia)22.20
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m Ozone (Ozone LLC (Russia)23
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m BMP...0954 (Belmedpreparaty RUP (Belarus)24.20
10 mg / ml 1 ml No. 1 r - r i/v i/m Biosintez...2406 (d) (Biosintez JSC (Russia)27.50
Amp 1% - 1ml N1 Dalkhim (Dalkhimfarm OJSC (Russia)27.10
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/m (Borisov ZMP OJSC (Belarus)29.40
10mg/ml 1ml No. 10 r - r i/v i/m (North China Pharmaceutical Corp. (China)31
1% 20g external gel (Nizhpharm OJSC (Russia)290.10


Below are the results of surveys of site visitors about the drug diphenhydramine hydrochloride. They reflect the personal feelings of those surveyed and cannot be used as an official recommendation for treatment with this drug. We strongly recommend that you consult a qualified healthcare professional to determine a personalized course of treatment.

Visitor survey results

Visitor Performance Report

Your answer about efficiency »

Visitor Report of Side Effects

Information has not yet been provided
Your answer about side effects »

Visitor Cost Estimation Report

Information has not yet been provided
Your answer about the cost estimate »

Visitor frequency report per day

Information has not yet been provided
Your answer about the frequency of intake per day »

Two visitors reported dosage

1-5mg1 50.0%
11-50mg1 50.0%

Your answer about dosage »

One visitor reported an expiration date

How long does Diphenhydramine hydrochloride need to be taken to see an improvement in the patient's condition?
Survey participants in most cases felt an improvement in their condition after 1 week. But this may not correspond to the period after which you will begin to improve. Check with your doctor for how long you need to take this medicine. The table below shows the results of the survey on the initiation of effective action.
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Official instructions for use

There are contraindications! Read the instructions before use


(diphenhydramine | diphenhydramine)
Registration number P No. 015442/01
Trade name of the drug: Psilo ® -Balm

International nonproprietary name: Diphenhydramine*

Dosage form: gel for external use
Composition of the drug:
100g gel contains:
Active ingredient:
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride 1.0 g
Cetylpyridinium chloride 0.1g as a preservative
Macrogol - 6 - glyceryl caprylate/ capricate
Trometamol, Polyacrylic acid
Description: Colorless, transparent homogeneous gel
Pharmacotherapeutic group: H1-histamine receptor blocker
ATX code: D04A A 32

Pharmacological properties

The antiallergic effect of Psilo ® -Balm is associated with the presence in its composition of diphenhydramine hydrochloride, which is a blocker of H 1 -histamine receptors and, as a result, quickly reduces itching, reduces pain, hyperemia, reduces increased capillary permeability, tissue swelling, and causes local anesthesia. Psilo ® -Balm has a pleasant cooling effect. A special gel base protects the skin and does not leave a visible mark; it can be used as a skin cream.

Indications for use:

For sunburn and first degree burns, insect bites, urticaria, skin itching of various origins, itchy eczema, chicken pox, allergic skin irritations (except for itching with cholestasis), contact dermatitis caused by contact with plants.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Use caution during pregnancy and lactation (it is better to stop breastfeeding).

Directions for use and dosage:

Psilo ® -Balm is applied to the affected areas of the skin in a thin layer (2-3 g of gel) 3-4 times a day and distributed by lightly spreading it.

Side effects

In rare cases, a skin hypersensitivity reaction may occur, manifested by redness and moderate swelling of the skin area to which the drug was applied. When using the drug externally, no systemic side effects were noted.


Treatment: in case of overdose (symptoms, see "Side effects"), symptomatic treatment is prescribed: rinse with water, drugs that increase blood pressure, oxygen: breathing control, administration of plasma-substituting fluids. Epinephrine and analeptics should not be used. There is no special antidote.

Interaction with other drugs

Strengthens the effect of alcohol and drugs that depress the central nervous system. MAO inhibitors enhance the anticholinergic activity of diphenhydramine. Antagonistic interactions are observed when co-administered with psychostimulants.

Special instructions:

During treatment with Psilo ® -Balm, you should avoid sun exposure and alcohol consumption, and you should also be careful during activities that require increased attention and rapid mental reactions.

Release form

Gel 1% in aluminum tubes of 20 and 50 g. Each tube, along with instructions for use, is placed in a pack.

Best before date

3 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Storage conditions

List B. At a temperature not higher than +25 0 C, out of the reach of children.