Hydrochloric acid signs of poisoning. Hydrochloric acid poisoning. How and what you can do to help before the doctors arrive

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Hydrochloric acid ( chemical formula HCL) is highly caustic, poisonous substance. Its other name is hydrochloric acid. Produced by dissolving hydrogen chloride gas in water.

Properties of hydrochloric acid – colorless, volatile, transparent liquid with an indistinct peculiar odor, taste – sour. Store only in special containers with tightly sealed lids, as leakage is possible. Dangerous for humans.

HCL in humans

Hydrochloric acid plays a very important role in the human body. It is present in a small concentration - approximately 0.5% in the human stomach as part of gastric juice. When they talk about increased acidity stomach, they mean concentrated juice - increased content hydrochloric acid.

In the body it is part of saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice of the pancreas and liver bile.

Functions of hydrochloric acid:

  • Creates an acidic environment in the stomach, favorable for the action of gastric juice enzymes.
  • Promotes the digestion of protein in the stomach.
  • Converts pepsinogens into pepsins.
  • Helps remove food from the stomach.
  • Stimulates the production of pancreatic juice.

At low acidity stomach, patients are prescribed a weak solution of hydrochloric acid with pepsin.

Industrial use

She has wide application in the metallurgical, food and medical industries.

HCL is used in various industries, and its concentration can be quite high.

  • Metallurgy. Application in soldering, tinning and stripping of metals.
  • Food industry. Application in production food regulators acidity, for example, E507.
  • Electrotype. Used for etching.
  • Medicine. Finds its application in the production of artificial gastric juice.

Included in synthetic dyes. Used in the production of cleaning and detergents. But in liquids intended for household use, the concentration of sulfuric acid is insignificant.

Danger of poisoning

On my own hydrochloric acid extremely poisonous. Care must be taken when handling it. People working in production must strictly follow safety precautions.

There are three types of poisoning:

  1. Internal poisoning– when acid enters the body through the mouth. It can happen to a child who accidentally drinks acid due to an adult’s oversight. It can happen to an adult if he decides to commit suicide in such a sophisticated way.

What's happening:

  • Once inside, it causes extensive burns to the oral mucosa.
  • Walking through digestive tract, causes burns in the stomach.
  • Partial destruction of tissue.
  • Almost complete destruction of the protective mucous membrane.


  • Severe pain in the mouth and throat. Burning sensation. Inability to take a breath.
  • Pain and burning sensation in the stomach.
  • Black vomit mixed with blood.
  • A severe cough may be accompanied by blood and clots.
  • The tongue turns black.
  • An immediate failure of the liver, which is indicated by pain on the right under the ribs.

First aid:

  • Ice on the throat, trachea and abdomen. If there is no ice, wet a rag cold water and hold, periodically wetting.
  • Do not try to induce coughing or vomiting. A severe burn may cause significant tissue damage. Internal bleeding may develop.
  • If there are ice cubes, give it to the victim to swallow. In this case, the pieces of ice should not be sharp or large.

The prognosis for internal poisoning is always unfavorable.

The lethal dose for oral administration is insignificant. Causes irreversible changes in the stomach and throat.

Even if a person can be saved, he is guaranteed lifelong disability and daily intake of vital medications.

  1. Hydrochloric acid vapor poisoning. It's more common occurrence, especially in production. The poisoning is not as deep and destructive as when taking acid orally, but it is also very serious. Hydrochloric acid vapor is very toxic.

What's happening:

  • Burn of the nasal mucosa, nasopharynx and mouth.
  • The appearance of gradual swelling.
  • Partial destruction of the protective mucous membrane.
  • It is possible to switch to lungs.


  • Sudden hoarseness of voice.
  • Pain in the nasopharynx and throat.
  • Severe suffocating cough. There may be discharge of mucus or mucous clots with blood.
  • Chest pain.
  • Suffocation.

First aid:

  • Remove the person from the acid leak area.
  • Apply something cold to your throat to relieve pain.
  • Rinse your throat with a weak solution of furatsilin or soda.
  • Drink warm milk.

How longer person inhaled vapors of hydrochloric acid, the greater the likelihood of developing pulmonary edema.

Then it is most likely death. In other cases, with timely medical care the prognosis is favorable. But the patient’s quality of life will never be the same due to multiple restrictions and the need to take medications.

  1. External burn on skin contact. A chemical burn with hydrochloric acid is a very painful and difficult to heal injury. You should always wear gloves when working with it.

What's happening:

  • The skin changes its color to yellow.
  • A scab forms - a soft white crust.
  • The skin is destroyed even after the acid wears off.
  • The severity of the burn, the degree of damage and treatment measures can only be determined after a week.


  • Sharp pain at the site of acid contact.
  • Change of color of the epidermis.
  • Blistering.
  • Tissue necrosis - with strong acid concentration.

First aid:

  • If foreign objects stick to the skin - fabric, leather, etc. – you can’t tear it off!
  • Rinse the burn area with cold water.
  • After using water, rinse the burn area with an alkaline solution - a teaspoon of soda per glass of water.

With an external burn, the prognosis is most favorable. Application of external medications as prescribed by the attending physician, will significantly speed up the healing process. The impact of an external burn on the victim’s quality of life is minimal compared to other types of poisoning.

Hydrochloric acid poisoning is always very painful and serious.

Even its short-term effect on the human body is extremely destructive. The affected tissues will never fully recover and restore their functions.

Hydrochloric acid poisoning poses a fairly serious threat to human life. In this case, severe burns of the mucous membranes, respiratory tract, and skin occur.

Any person needs to know the signs of such poisoning and be able to provide assistance to the victim. After all, his life depends on it.


Hydrochloric acid belongs to the group of highly caustic and toxic substances.

The second name of the substance is hydrogen chloride.

It is a clear liquid (sometimes there may be yellowish color). The smell from it is pungent and unpleasant. Sometimes you can see a cloud of smoke above the container with it.

Hydrochloric acid vapors are no less toxic and have the same destructive effect on the body.

This substance is obtained industrially - hydrogen chloride (gas) is dissolved in water. ()


The scope of use of hydrochloric acid is very wide. It is used:

  • in hydrometallurgy,
  • for cleaning metals before soldering,
  • for the production of chlorides of various metals,
  • for cleaning ceramic products,
  • in medicine,
  • V food industry.

In addition, in gastric juice human also contains a small amount of hydrochloric acid. It regulates the acidity of the environment.

Considering that this substance is used in many areas, poisoning occurs quite often. It may be due to inattention, it may be a suicide attempt, or work in production, where quite a lot of things happen. large selection vapor

Hydrochloric acid intoxication: symptoms

Symptoms of hydrochloric acid poisoning vary depending on how it happened. There are three ways for poison to enter the body:

  • swallowing,
  • inhalation,
  • through the skin.

Each of them is characterized distinctive features that a person needs to know.

If swallowed

Hydrochloric acid poisoning through oral cavity occurs when poison is swallowed. As a rule, this most often happens in people who are prone to suicide and children who drank the substance as a result of parental inattention. In this case, the following symptoms are noted:

  • pain and burning in the mouth,
  • nausea, brownish-black vomiting, often mixed with blood,
  • severe cough
  • profuse salivation,
  • painful sensations in the esophagus, stomach, behind the sternum,
  • the tongue turns black
  • the skin may become yellowish,
  • Painful sensations appear in the right side due to liver dysfunction.

Through the respiratory tract

Poisoning by hydrochloric acid vapor is no less dangerous than ingesting this substance.

It is also quite destructive. Occurs, as a rule, in production associated with this poison. The following symptoms are observed:

  • the voice becomes hoarse
  • pain appears in the nasopharynx,
  • severe cough occurs
  • possible pain in the chest,
  • in case of severe poisoning, swelling of the larynx occurs,
  • the person begins to choke.

In the absence necessary assistance, a victim of vapor poisoning may develop pulmonary edema, which can subsequently cause death.

Skin contact

This cannot be called poisoning in the full sense of the word. However, getting acid on the skin brings a lot of suffering and trouble to a person. A burn occurs.

In this case, the following signs are observed:

  • redness of the skin area,
  • severe pain
  • blistering,
  • change in skin color to lighter or, conversely, darker.

Without help, tissue death is possible.

In addition, it can be noted general signs for hydrochloric acid poisoning, regardless of method:

  • headaches,
  • pressure reduction,
  • tachycardia,
  • possible increase in temperature,
  • loss of consciousness.

Of the internal organs, the liver is the first to suffer, as the organ responsible for cleansing the body of toxins. As a result, the functionality of the kidneys begins to deteriorate, up to renal failure.

A person may go into shock from an acid burn, causing death.


Treatment of intoxication with this poison begins with emergency care. This will give the person a chance to recover.

First aid for hydrochloric acid poisoning includes the following:

  • If a skin burn occurs with acid, it is necessary to rinse the area. cool water, after which you can wash this area with a weak solution of soda (a small spoon in a glass of water). It will help neutralize the acid.
  • In case of poisoning through respiratory tract It is necessary to take the person out into clean air and ventilate the room as quickly as possible. You can give him a solution of soda or furatsilin to gargle. In addition, the victim is given warm milk to drink.
  • Poisoning that occurs through the oral cavity is the most severe and dangerous. Currently, there are two rather contradictory opinions: to induce vomiting or not. It is believed that inducing vomiting and performing gastric lavage is necessary to free the latter from the acid that has entered inside. But cases are not uncommon when ruptures of the esophageal and gastric membranes occur, which are damaged by acid. Additionally, when water and acid mix, heat can be generated, causing further burns. The victim is allowed to give drinks and foods containing protein - milk, raw protein eggs. Subject to availability stomach bleeding An ice pack should be placed on the stomach, and the person may be given pieces of ice or frozen milk to ingest. In case of hydrochloric acid poisoning, drugs with a laxative effect should not be used. The fact is that the human intestine has quite longer length, so before the acid is removed, it can also cause damage to him. With strong painful sensations you can give injections of painkillers.

But in any of these cases, first of all, you need to call doctors. And correctly and timely first aid will help them in the future.

The patient is treated in a medical facility.

In this case:

  • Gastric lavage is performed, but only in a hospital setting.
  • Drugs are prescribed to stop bleeding.
  • Are used medicines to support performance various organs- heart, liver, kidneys.
  • The victim is prescribed a diet.

Unfortunately, even after recovery, a person can be persecuted various diseases, scars in the digestive organs.

To avoid poisoning, you should use protective equipment (clothing, respirators, gloves) when working with this poison. If poisoning does occur, then it is necessary to provide first aid to the person as quickly as possible in order to save his life.

Video: Making hydrochloric acid at home

What is a hydrochloric acid solution? It is a compound of water (H2O) and hydrogen chloride (HCl), which is a colorless thermal gas with a characteristic odor. Chlorides dissolve well and break down into ions. Hydrochloric acid is the most famous compound that forms HCl, so we can talk about it and its features in detail.


A solution of hydrochloric acid belongs to the class of strong. It is colorless, transparent and caustic. Although technical hydrochloric acid has a yellowish color due to the presence of impurities and other elements. It “smoke” in the air.

It is worth noting that this substance is present in the body of every person. In the stomach, to be more precise, in a concentration of 0.5%. Interestingly, this amount is enough for complete destruction razor blade. The substance will corrode it in just a week.

Unlike sulfuric acid, by the way, the mass of hydrochloric acid in solution does not exceed 38%. We can say that this indicator is a “critical” point. If you start to increase the concentration, the substance will simply evaporate, as a result of which hydrogen chloride will simply evaporate along with the water. Plus, this concentration is maintained only at 20 °C. The higher the temperature, the faster evaporation occurs.

Interaction with metals

A solution of hydrochloric acid can undergo many reactions. First of all, with metals that come before hydrogen in the series of electrochemical potentials. This is the sequence in which the elements proceed as their inherent measure, the electrochemical potential (φ 0), increases. This indicator extremely important in cation reduction half-reactions. In addition, it is this series that demonstrates the activity of metals in redox reactions.

So, interaction with them occurs with the release of hydrogen in the form of gas and the formation of salt. Here is an example of a reaction with sodium, a soft alkali metal: 2Na + 2HCl → 2NaCl +H 2.

With other substances, interactions proceed according to similar formulas. This is what the reaction with aluminum, a light metal, looks like: 2Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl 3 + 3H 2.

Reactions with oxides

Hydrochloric acid solution also interacts well with these substances. Oxides are binary compounds of an element with oxygen that have an oxidation state of -2. All known examples are sand, water, rust, dyes, carbon dioxide.

Hydrochloric acid does not interact with all compounds, but only with metal oxides. The reaction also produces soluble salt and water. An example is the process that occurs between an acid and magnesium oxide, an alkaline earth metal: MgO + 2HCl → MgCl 2 + H 2 O.

Reactions with hydroxides

This is the name given to inorganic compounds that contain a hydroxyl group -OH, in which the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are connected by a covalent bond. And, since a solution of hydrochloric acid reacts only with metal hydroxides, it is worth mentioning that some of them are called alkalis.

So the resulting reaction is called neutralization. Its result is the formation of a weakly dissociating substance (i.e. water) and salt.

An example is the reaction of a small volume of solution of hydrochloric acid and barium hydroxide, a soft alkaline earth malleable metal: Ba(OH) 2 + 2HCl = BaCl 2 + 2H 2 O.

Interaction with other substances

In addition to the above, hydrochloric acid can react with other types of compounds. In particular with:

  • Metal salts that are formed by other, weaker acids. Here is an example of one of these reactions: Na 2 Co 3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H 2 O + CO 2. Shown here is the interaction with a salt formed by carbonic acid (H 2 CO 3).
  • Strong oxidizing agents. With manganese dioxide, for example. Or with potassium permanganate. Such reactions are accompanied by the release of chlorine. Here is one example: 2KMnO 4 +16HCl → 5Cl 2 + 2MnCl 2 + 2KCl + 8H 2 O.
  • Ammonia. This is hydrogen nitride with the formula NH 3, which is a colorless but pungent-smelling gas. The consequence of its reaction with a solution of hydrochloric acid is a mass of thick white smoke consisting of small crystals of ammonium chloride. Which, by the way, is known to everyone as ammonia (NH 4 Cl). The interaction formula is as follows: NH 3 + HCl → NH 4 CL.
  • Silver nitrate is an inorganic compound (AgNO 3), which is a salt of nitric acid and silver metal. As a result of the contact of a hydrochloric acid solution with it, a qualitative reaction occurs - the formation of a cheesy precipitate of silver chloride. Which does not dissolve in nitrogen. It looks like this: HCL + AgNO 3 → AgCl↓ + HNO 3 .

Obtaining the substance

Now we can talk about what is done to form hydrochloric acid.

First, by burning hydrogen in chlorine, we obtain main component- hydrogen chloride gas. Which is then dissolved in water. The result of this simple reaction is the formation of a synthetic acid.

This substance can also be obtained from exhaust gases. These are chemical waste (by-product) gases. They are formed through a variety of processes. For example, during the chlorination of hydrocarbons. The hydrogen chloride contained in them is called off-gas. And the acid obtained in this way, respectively.

It should be noted that in recent years the share of waste substances in the total volume of its production increases. And the acid formed due to the combustion of hydrogen in chlorine is displaced. However, to be fair, it should be noted that it contains fewer impurities.

Use in everyday life

Many cleaning products that householders use regularly contain a certain proportion of hydrochloric acid solution. 2-3 percent, and sometimes less, but it is there. That is why, when putting the plumbing in order (washing tiles, for example), you need to wear gloves. Highly acidic products can harm the skin.

The solution is also used as a stain remover. It helps remove ink or rust from clothes. But for the effect to be noticeable, you need to use a more concentrated substance. A 10% hydrochloric acid solution is suitable. By the way, it removes scale perfectly.

It is important to store the substance correctly. Keep the acid in glass containers and in places where animals and children cannot reach. Even a weak solution that gets on the skin or mucous membrane can cause a chemical burn. If this happens, it is necessary to immediately rinse the areas with water.

In the field of construction

The use of hydrochloric acid and its solutions is a popular way to improve many construction processes. For example, it is often added to a concrete mixture to increase frost resistance. In addition, this way it hardens faster, and the resistance of the masonry to moisture increases.

Hydrochloric acid is also used as a limestone remover. Its 10% solution is best way fighting dirt and marks on red brick. It is not recommended to use it to clean others. The structure of other bricks is more sensitive to the effects of this substance.

In medicine

In this area under consideration, the substance is also actively used. Dilute hydrochloric acid has the following effects:

  • Digests proteins in the stomach.
  • Stops the development of malignant tumors.
  • Helps in the treatment of cancer.
  • Normalizes acid-base balance.
  • Serves as an effective remedy for the prevention of hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, psoriasis, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, cholelithiasis, rosacea, asthma, urticaria and many other ailments.

Did you come up with the idea of ​​diluting the acid and using it internally in this form, and not as part of medications? This is practiced, but it is strictly forbidden to do it without medical consultation and receiving instructions. By incorrectly calculating the proportions, you can swallow an excess of hydrochloric acid solution and simply burn your stomach.

By the way, you can still take medications that stimulate the production of this substance. And not only chemical ones. The same calamus peppermint and wormwood contribute to this. You can make decoctions based on them yourself and drink them for prevention.

Burns and poisoning

No matter how effective this remedy is, it is dangerous. Hydrochloric acid, depending on the concentration, can cause four degrees of chemical burns:

  1. There is only redness and pain.
  2. Bubbles appear with clear liquid and swelling.
  3. Necrosis of the upper layers of skin is formed. The blisters fill with blood or cloudy contents.
  4. The lesion reaches the tendons and muscles.

If the substance somehow gets into your eyes, rinse them with water and then soda solution. But in any case, the first thing you need to do is call an ambulance.

Getting acid inside can cause sharp pains in the chest and abdomen, swelling of the larynx, vomiting bloody masses. As a result - severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

And the first signs of vapor poisoning include dry frequent cough, suffocation, dental damage, burning in the mucous membranes and abdominal pain. First urgent Care- this is washing and rinsing the mouth with water, as well as access to fresh air. Only a toxicologist can provide real help.

Hydrochloric acid poisoning is one of the most dangerous among chemical intoxications. A person after contact with her in best case scenario awaits complex treatment And severe consequences, and at worst - death.

Hydrochloric acid (HCl, hydrochloric or hydrochloric acid, hydrogen chloride) - aqueous solution hydrogen chloride, a clear, caustic, colorless liquid, one of strongest acids. In the air it “smoke”, forming caustic vapors (fog). Contains 0.5% in gastric juice.

Hydrochloric acid is used:

  • in galvanoplasty;
  • as part of some types of glue, alcohols;
  • as part of a surfactant - for cleaning ceramics and metals;
  • in the textile industry;
  • in the food industry (acidity level regulator E507);
  • in medicine, together with the enzyme pepsin for low stomach acidity.

Under certain conditions, you can be poisoned by hydrochloric acid both at work and at home.

Reasons for getting poisoned

Hydrochloric acid can enter the human body in three ways: through inhalation of caustic fog (vapors), by ingestion or on the skin.

In production and in laboratories, intoxication most often occurs due to emergency situations or due to employee negligence:

  • after the sealing of containers with acid is broken during production or during transportation;
  • when work areas are not ventilated enough (problems in the ventilation system);
  • when safety precautions are neglected;
  • due to the lack of a protective form.

In everyday life, poisoning can occur like this:

  • if an acid concentrate is used to clean plumbing fixtures and other surfaces from stains;
  • when made at home medicinal products external use containing hydrogen chloride;
  • from inhaling vapors or accidentally splashing caustic chemicals onto the skin when opening a container or pouring a container;
  • if the acid ends up inside the body after ingestion (children can do this accidentally, suicides can do it intentionally).

Hydrochloric acid vapors are much heavier than air, so if they leak in production, you should not be in the basement or on the first floors. When entering lethal dose concentrated hydrogen chloride is 15-20 ml.

How to recognize poisoning

Symptoms will depend on how it enters the body.

Through the respiratory tract

The easiest way to become intoxicated is by inhaling toxic mist. Signs of hydrogen chloride vapor poisoning will look like this:

  • the voice of the poisoned person will become hoarse;
  • cough appears;
  • pain is felt in the chest and nasopharynx;
  • nosebleeds begin, sometimes with mucus;
  • it hurts the eyes, there is a feeling of sand;
  • photophobia develops, tears flow profusely;
  • especially severe poisoning swelling of the larynx is possible, making it difficult for a person to breathe.

If the victim is not helped in time, swelling of the lungs will develop and the person may die.

Through the gastrointestinal tract

This is the most dangerous poisoning when they are affected internal organs. It can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • there is a strong burning and pain in the mouth;
  • a person suffers from black-brown vomiting with blood;
  • a severe painful cough begins;
  • saliva is produced abundantly, the tongue turns black;
  • the skin turns yellow;
  • Unbearable sharp pain increases in the chest, esophagus and abdomen;
  • developed acute renal failure provokes cessation of urine production;
  • pain occurs in the liver area due to disruption of the organ;
  • the poisoned person may experience convulsions, after which the person falls into a coma.

Read also: Poisoning in humans with hydrocyanic acid

The signs are too characteristic to be confused with the symptoms of other poisonings. This will help you recognize the cause in time and immediately begin providing first aid.

On the skin

Once on the skin, hydrochloric acid instantly causes a severe burn, quickly corroding the layers of the epidermis. As a result, on the affected area you can see:

  • redness;
  • blisters with cloudy or bloody contents;
  • A change in normal skin tone to a lighter or darker color.

When the skin is chemically damaged, a person experiences severe pain and burning. Acid burns through muscle tissue and gets to the tendons. If a person is not helped immediately, the skin and muscle tissues die.

How to help

No matter how the poisoning occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor (call an ambulance) immediately in any case. Next, act according to the circumstances. Here's what to do in case of vapor intoxication, internal penetration of acid, or contact with skin:

  • if a person is poisoned by hydrochloric acid vapors, evacuate him from the contaminated premises;
  • provide the victim with a supply of clean air by opening the windows and loosening tight clothing;
  • Anyone poisoned by hydrochloric acid fumes should rinse their mouth;
  • rinse the nasal mucosa and exposed skin with a 2% soda solution;
  • inhale soda vapor (2% solution);
  • If a chemical is spilled or splashed, remove the victim’s clothing that has come into contact with the chemical;
  • rinse the affected area of ​​skin under running water for a long time;
  • bandage the washed burn with an antiseptic bandage and apply cold on top of it to reduce pain;
  • After exposure to caustic vapors or drops of acid, rinse eyes continuously for 20 minutes;
  • to reduce pain, drip 1-2 drops of Novocaine 2% and Vaseline oil;
  • a person who has swallowed acid should be given an alkaline non-carbonated mineral water or protein drink (milk, raw egg white);
  • at internal bleeding put ice on your stomach;
  • the unconscious victim must be laid on his side so that he does not choke at the moment possible attack vomiting.

When providing first aid at home, it is forbidden to rinse the stomach. Replay caustic liquid through an already affected esophagus will lead to deepening of the burns. Soldering with water is also not recommended: the reaction of hydrochloric acid with water produces additional heat, which will certainly deepen the burns.

It is also prohibited to give the victim pills, be they sorbents or laxatives. The question of prescribing drugs will be decided only by the doctor after studying the etiology and pathogenesis.

Inpatient therapy

It is in the hospital that the patient will receive professional treatment aimed at reducing pain syndrome, restoration of the functions of the affected organs and general improvement of condition. Depending on the severity of the poisoning, the doctor may make the following prescriptions:

  • gastric lavage through a tube;
  • droppers with solutions;
  • hemostatic drugs;
  • antibiotics to prevent inflammation;
  • painkillers to avoid painful shock;
  • oxygen mask;
  • auxiliary therapy to maintain and restore the functioning of the liver, heart and kidneys;
  • in cases of severe poisoning - mechanical ventilation or cardiopulmonary resuscitation;
  • a diet based on fasting in the first 2 days, then - nutrition allowed by a doctor depending on the degree of organ damage.

Read also: Poisoning in humans with acetic acid and its vapors

When especially in serious condition In case of illness, doctors’ actions will be aimed not only at restoring the body, but also at saving the patient’s life.

Treatment of skin burns

In case of external damage to the skin after contact with hydrochloric acid, the patient will be examined by a surgeon. Typically for small sizes and shallow depths chemical burns one can assume the possibility outpatient treatment. Otherwise, the victim will be left in surgical department and provide the necessary medical assistance.

Acid. For many people, this word evokes associations with processes such as corrosion, splitting, oxidation and melting. It is difficult to argue with this phenomenon, since a solution of hydrochloric acid, like any other, is used precisely for this purpose. Once hydrochloric acid solution is capable of destroying metals, then what can happen to skin human eyes and lungs? Unfortunately, the results of poisoning can be disastrous - irritation and serious burns. But it is precisely to prevent such situations that safety precautions exist - in this article we will learn how to properly store hydrochloric acid solution, how it is transported and what to do in case of contact with this substance.

The first issue is storage. Hydrochloric acid solution poured into rubberized tanks or containers, as well as polyethylene barrels and glass bottles - any of the above options is quite acceptable. At the same time, used containers that contain a residual solution of hydrochloric acid can also be used, if, of course, the results technical analysis do not allow the opposite. It is important to ensure the container is sealed, as hydrochloric acid solution when evaporated, it is extremely dangerous (burn of the lungs and mucous membranes is possible). For these purposes, gaskets made of rubber or polyethylene are used, which applies not only to filled, but also to empty containers. If hydrochloric acid solution Packed and bottled correctly, transportation by any means of transport is allowed.

When working with hydrochloric acid, care must be taken to protect against possible detonation of the composition - this may well happen, since hydrochloric acid solution upon contact with air, it releases hydrogen chloride, which becomes explosive when interacting with certain metals. The main task is to exclude contact of the solution with a number of metals (Al, Zn, Fe, Co, Ni, Pb, etc.). In addition, the so-called “fog” that accompanies a solution of hydrochloric acid during evaporation poses a danger to humans. If the vapor concentration is more than 5 mg/m3, the risk of burns is extremely high.

Clean up spills on the floor hydrochloric acid solution possible with water and alkaline solution. In case of contact with skin, the affected area must be washed warm water and wipe dry soft cloth. The use of iodine and brilliant green is strictly prohibited. If acid poisoning occurs through the air, it is necessary to eliminate the source and remove the hydrochloric acid solution by ventilation. If the composition gets into your eyes, rinse them a large number water. In any of the above cases, you must consult a doctor, since hydrochloric acid solution is very dangerous substance, poisoning and burns of which can lead to disability. To prevent this from happening, you must follow safety regulations. In this case, the hydrochloric acid solution will not pose any danger to humans and the environment.

Safety precautions when working with hydrochloric acid solution

Despite the fact that the service life of the acid is unlimited, it requires careful and consistent compliance with safety regulations, which include:

  • if acid enters the stomach, it must be removed from there as quickly as possible by inducing a gag reflex, then drink water and repeat the procedure again;
  • do not allow the acid to come into contact with the skin; if the acid solution gets on the skin, it must be immediately washed off with warm water and blotted with a soft cloth; if wounds appear, an antiseptic or healing composition should be applied;
  • when working with acid, you need to wear a mask, otherwise there is a risk of vapor poisoning; the victim should be immediately taken out into the air where there are no vapors, allowed to catch his breath, and, if necessary, artificial respiration and call a doctor;
  • When working with acid, eyes should be protected with goggles. If the eyes are damaged by an acid solution, they should be rinsed immediately with water. strong tingling and pain, you need to see a doctor.

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