The influence of the magnetic field on humans. Magnetotherapy: contraindications and side effects

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Many of you often ask questions: “Are magnets harmful to human health? Can magnets be used as magnetic therapy? etc.” Let's try to understand all the questions that interest you:

Many articles and author's publications are devoted to the influence of electromagnetic fields, however, most of them describe the effects exerted by radio and microwave frequency fields or, in recent years, industrial frequency (50-60 Hz). Research into the biological effects of constant magnetic fields has focused on large field levels in MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) instruments, typically several Teslas (several tens of thousands of Gauss). Unfortunately, studies of the effects of fields typical of magnetic therapy products, most of which are limited to a few hundred Gauss even at the surface of a magnet, are very limited. However, the main mechanisms of the influence of magnetic fields on biological organisms, allowing the development of magnetic therapy are known.

These mechanisms include:

1) increased blood flow as a result of increased oxygen content (both of these phenomena underlie the body’s ability to heal itself);

2) a change in the rate of migration of calcium ions, as a result of which, on the one hand, calcium enters the broken bone faster, and it heals faster, and on the other hand, calcium is more quickly washed out of the diseased arthritic joint;

3) change acid-base balance(pH) of various fluids in the body of humans and animals (imbalance is often a consequence of disease);

4) changes in the production of hormones by the endocrine glands;

5) changes in enzyme activity and rates of various biochemical processes;

6) change in blood viscosity.

From a magnetic point of view, the human body is an inert material, the main content of which is water. Under the influence magnetic field the chemical structure of water does not change, but the morphology and adhesion strength of a number of impurities change. As is known, during magnetic treatment of water, calcium impurities (CaCO 3) lose their ability to precipitate in the form of a dense stone and crystallize in the form of a fine suspension. When water that has undergone magnetic treatment comes into contact with already released salts, they are partially dissolved, as well as destroyed to the state of fine, easily removable sludge, which is captured by standard filters to remove mechanical impurities. Magnetic water treatment, therefore, certainly has a technical (protection of boilers, pipelines, boilers, etc.) significance, and not a therapeutic one.

This only confirms that a magnetic field can influence nucleation processes in the human body. In general, water is diamagnetic, i.e. weakly repelled by magnetic fields. Under the influence of a magnetic field, the electrons of water molecules can slightly adjust their movement, creating a magnetic field in the opposite direction. When the magnetic field is removed, the electrons return to their original orbits and the water molecules become non-magnetic again. It is known that many patrons of magnetic therapy offer for use in medicinal purposes“magnetized water” - this is hardly possible. Although water reacts to the applied field, this reaction is very weak, moreover, it practically disappears immediately as soon as the field is removed. However, the possibility of the influence of a strong magnetic field on the structure of molecules is completely denied it would also be wrong.

Some authors also claim that magnetic fields attract blood, citing the iron it contains. However, blood iron is very different from metallic iron, which is a strong magnet due to cooperative effects that combine individual atomic magnetic moments - the phenomenon of ferromagnetism. The properties of a ferromagnetic material result from the cooperative behavior of many magnetic atoms acting in unison. Iron atoms in the blood are not contained in isolation, but are part of large hemoglobin molecules located inside red blood cells. Although each of the iron atoms is magnetic, it is located at a considerable distance from the other atoms, remains weakly exchanged with other iron (Fe) atoms, and, therefore, is largely magnetically independent.

Studies of the effect of a strong static magnetic field on human blood have been carried out many times using methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), magnetic tomography (MRI). The magnetic susceptibility of blood was measured using a SQUID magnetometer. Blood has been found to behave as a diamagnetic fluid when it is oxygenated (in arteries) and as a paramagnetic material when it is deoxygenated (in veins). In Fig. Figures 1 and 2 present the results of measuring the magnetic susceptibility of blood in arteries (1) and veins.

Rice. 1. Magnetic susceptibility of oxygen-enriched blood.

Fig.2. Magnetic susceptibility of oxygen-poor blood.

During the experiments, the magnitude of the applied magnetic field varied from +5 Tesla to -5 Tesla, in increments of 0.5 Tesla. The studied dependencies, as follows from the figures, are linear. For oxygen-poor (venous) blood, the susceptibility is a straight line with a positive slope (3.5) * 10 -6, for oxygen-rich (arterial) blood - the susceptibility has a negative slope equal to (-6.6) * 10 -7. It should be noted that in weak magnetic fields, usually used for magnetic therapy, the magnetization of the blood is negligible. Blood, like water, is weakly repelled by magnetic fields, rather than attracted.

The effect of a magnetic field on blood viscosity was also studied. It was found that the flow of blood slows down in the presence of the field. The results of the experiment are presented in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3. Blood viscosity.

In a series of experiments, it was found that the slowdown in blood movement reaches 25% if the applied field is 10 tesla. With a field value of 1 Tesla (a characteristic value for MRI devices), the viscosity changes by less than 0.3%, which does not allow us to expect any significant effect.

Although most components of the human body and other living organisms are weakly diamagnetic, many organisms are found to contain small amounts of highly magnetic materials, usually magnetites (Fe 3 O 4). The most interesting case is a magnetotactic bacterium, which contains such a number of magnetic particles that they cause the bacterium to orient itself along the lines of the Earth's magnetic field. Magnetite crystals are also present in the body of pigeons, bees, many mammals, and even in the human brain. However, it seems completely improbable that the presence of such small quantities of magnetites in the human body could explain the effect of magnetic therapy. However, if magnetite particles are located in a specific location, they can locally enhance the effects of weak magnetic fields, such as changing the flow of ions across cell membranes, or the type of electrical transmission of nerve cells.

However, for die-hard skeptics, some doubts still remain after these studies. Many doctors also shared their own experiments and reported their personal successful experiences using magnets to relieve knee pain, thereby raising doubts about their objectivity. Conscious or unconscious systematic errors by researchers may be very minor and may not affect the results of the research. Despite all the reasons for caution, the research results have changed the views of many physicists and doctors. Now, as an experiment, it is assumed that magnets may be useful in the treatment of post-polio patients. The therapeutic effect of permanent magnets is viewed with a significant degree of skepticism. But it has at least increased the likelihood that, in some cases, local application permanent magnets can really relieve pain. However, these conclusions cannot be considered definitive until they are confirmed by further testing.

If you are not a skeptic and trust the conclusions of scientists, then you can choose permanent magnets for your own experiments from our range. Complete catalog of magnets.

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Magnetotherapy is a method of physiotherapy, which is based on the effect on the human body of a low-frequency alternating or constant magnetic field for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Magnetic therapy is natural method treatment, very simple, cheap and safe. Millions of people use it to: restore energy and strengthen the immune system, relieve pain and improve general condition, overcome stress and depression, improve blood circulation, etc. Magnetic therapy can cure many diseases, which is why in our country it has long been recognized as a medical method.

During magnetic therapy, direct magnetization of tissues does not occur, but water molecules that are part of the cells and represent dipoles acquire magnetic properties. In addition, the magnetic field helps to change the concentration of some biologically active substances(nucleic acids, enzymes, proteins). Also, the magnetic field potentiates the binding of free radicals, which play a major role in the process of inflammation, aging and cell death.

Magnetotherapy is a natural method: inside each of us there is a magnetic field that is part of our body. Its violation worsens a person’s condition, and can subsequently result in illness. Correction of the magnetic field becomes the recharge that gradually brings the body back to normal or significantly improves the patient’s condition.

Magnetotherapy is a treatment based on the influence of a low frequency alternating magnetic field on human body as a whole or a separate part of it. This effect does not magnetize the patient’s tissue, but allows the transfer of magnetic properties to components such as blood elements and water. The penetration depth of the magnetic field is about 5 centimeters.

Of all the physical therapy methods, magnetic therapy is the softest and most gentle. It is well tolerated by those for whom other procedures are contraindicated due to age or health status - elderly people, debilitated patients. It is painless, has a fairly wide range of indications, and does not require special costs or the use of complex equipment. Since magnetic fields penetrate any surface and environment, they are successfully used in the presence of plaster, ointment applications or any other medical devices.

Magnetic therapy refers to the method alternative medicine. Throughout the history of its existence, it has known many ups and downs. In recent years, interest in it has been growing again, which can be explained by a number of reasons.

Studies have shown that the intensity of the Earth's magnetic field has decreased by 50% over the past 1000 years, and by another 8% over the past 150 years. As a result of this process, the magnetic field in humans also decreased. Magnetotherapy makes it possible to compensate for the deficiency of a person’s magnetic field and thereby restore his health.

Types of applied magnetic fields.

Magnetic fields in the direction of field lines can be constant or variable and generated in continuous or intermittent (pulse) modes with different frequencies, shapes and durations of pulses. The magnetic field that arises between the north and south poles of a magnet can be uniform or inhomogeneous.

Currently, low-frequency alternating magnetic fields are mainly used in magnetic therapy. According to many researchers, in terms of the severity of changes caused in the body and therapeutic effectiveness, sources of constant magnetic fields are inferior to sources of alternating magnetic fields.

Low-frequency magnetic therapy is when the frequency of the radiating inductor coil does not exceed 50 mT (Tesla miles is a unit of radiating magnetic field induction). Typically the radiating frequency reaches up to 1000 Hz, and the induction varies between 10 and 30 mT.

It has been established that low-frequency alternating and constant magnetic fields cause physicochemical changes in biological tissues, manifested by the orientation of large molecules of enzyme proteins in the direction of the magnetic field lines. This causes an increase in permeability cell membranes, acceleration of redox reactions, increased enzymatic activity and local activation of blood supply.


It should be noted that there is currently no general opinion among experts about the nature of the influence of the magnetic field and its intensity. As most scientists assume, when human tissue is exposed to a magnetic field, electric currents arise in them. Under their influence they change physical and chemical properties water systems of the body, the orientation of large ionized biological molecules (in particular, proteins, including enzymes) and free radicals. This entails a transformation in the rate of biochemical and biophysical processes. Electric currents stimulate the transport of ions across membranes and improve the permeability of biological membranes. They become catalysts for certain processes in the cellular level and thus activate molecules that, when entering the organs, cause the necessary and physiologically normal reaction.

Indications for use.

Magnetic therapy is prescribed for many diseases. Its main healing effects are: vasodilator, catabolic, lymphodraining, trophostimulating, hypocoagulating, and also hypotensive.

Magnetic therapy is used for the following diseases:
- IHD (initial degree of angina);
- hypertension stages I and II;
- atherosclerosis and other head problems;
- neuroses and insomnia;
- rheumatoid arthritis in easy and average shape heaviness;
- osteoarthritis;
- osteochondrosis;
- consequences of burns;
- psoriatic arthropathy;
- slowly healing fractures, wounds and trophic ulcers;
- female chronic inflammatory diseases in the acute stage;
- chronic venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis;
- gastrointestinal diseases ( peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum both during remission and during exacerbation and gastritis, inflammation and dyskinesia biliary tract, chronic and subacute pancreatitis, chronic hepatitis and long-term treatment acute hepatitis, non-ulcerative colitis, pain after gastric resection);
- allergic and itchy skin dermatoses;
- subacute and chronic inflammation eye;
- ENT diseases: vasomotor and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, chronic pharyngitis and otitis media, laryngitis, tracheitis;
- chronic and subacute diseases genitourinary system: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, prostatitis, impotence;
- bronchopulmonary diseases: prolonged acute pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, not hormone dependent bronchial asthma, tuberculosis in an inactive form;
- postoperative and traumatic pain;
- dentistry: periodontal disease, gingivitis, ulcers on the oral mucosa, acute arthritis temporomandibular joint, fracture lower jaw, wounds after surgery and trauma.

The effect of using magnetic therapy, depending on the characteristics of the body and the nature of the disease, can appear either after a few minutes, after several sessions, or even after a long, persistent course of treatment, so treatment must be taken seriously, without perceiving the device as a magic wand.

Currently, magnetic therapy is the only type of physiotherapy that can be used in the fight against acute forms of diseases, with fever and severe pain. The procedure relieves inflammation and resolves hematomas, relieves chronic pain, so its popularity is justified.


The nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine system. Low-frequency magnetic fields stimulate the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, genitals and others endocrine glands, which significantly increases the body’s resistance and resistance to diseases.

Magnetotherapy provides the following impacts on the human body:
- calms the nervous system, improves sleep, reduces irritability;
- improves overall well-being;
- reduces the tone of arterial vessels, reduces blood clotting and improves its performance;
- reduces lymph nodes;
- activates work endocrine organs: thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries;
- increases joint mobility;
- magnetic therapy has a pronounced anti-edematous effect;
- restores the functions of peripheral nerves;
- normalizes bile formation, bile excretion, improves microcirculation of the liver, pancreas, as well as motor function of the gastrointestinal tract;
- magnetic therapy painlessly cleanses urinary tract from stones;
- in the respiratory system reduces congestion, improves bronchial patency and external respiration function;
- normalizes temperature;
- accelerates and renews the production of collagen - the main substance responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
- strengthens immune system;
- magnetic therapy reduces the content of Na ions in tissues while simultaneously increasing the concentration of K ions, which is evidence of a change in the permeability of cell membranes.

Magnetic therapy is combined with other types of treatment. It helps get rid of swelling, has an analgesic effect and has a significant effect on metabolism in the body. It should be noted that the genital organs are highly sensitive to magnetic therapy. At the same time, small therapeutic doses have a stimulating effect on the activity of the genital organs and sexual functions. Intense (in time and strength) impacts that significantly exceed the maximum permissible levels, have a negative impact.

Determination of sensitivity to magnetic therapy.

Place the magnet in the center of your palm. Observe when you feel warmth and pulsation in this area. If this happens after 5 minutes, then you have high sensitivity. If after 20 – average. If you don't feel anything, then you are not sensitive to magnetic influences.

Impact of the poles

All magnets have two poles, north and south. They are located at the bar - at the ends of the bar, at the horseshoe - at the ends of the horseshoe, at the circle - at different sides. Like poles repel, different poles attract each other.

South positive pole (the one that tends to the geographical south pole): relieves pain, reduces inflammation, calms the nervous system, stops the growth of bacteria, alkalizes body fluids, thereby reducing acidity, promotes blood clotting, improves vascular elasticity, destroys fatty deposits.

Northern negative pole: gives energy, improves performance and mental activity, stimulates the growth of bacteria (therefore contraindicated for various infections), increases acidity in the body.


Magnetic therapy has found wide application in the treatment various diseases musculoskeletal apparatus. It can be used either independently or as one of the components complex therapy. The use of magnetic therapy promotes rapid relief of inflammatory and pain syndrome, reducing swelling, restoring normal mobility.

Magnetic therapy has shown excellent results in the treatment of osteoporosis (some forms of arthritis, arthrosis, etc.), manifested in improvement or recovery.

When treating complex bone fractures, magnetic therapy improves blood microcirculation in the damaged area, resulting in increased blood supply to organs and tissues, reduced inflammation in them, which promotes faster healing.

Magnetic therapy is actively used in treatment varicose veins veins, since the pulsed magnetic field causes contraction of blood vessels, increases their elasticity and improves microcirculation.

With the help of magnetic therapy, myopia, astigmatism and increased eye fatigue, as well as accommodation disorders and initial stages glaucoma, atrophy optic nerve, edematous conditions and also inflammatory eye diseases.

Infertility is treated with magnetic therapy, since the active magnetic field increases the permeability of membranes and increases the speed biochemical reactions and processes, the nervous system is stimulated, which begins to respond more quickly to signals coming from the outside.

Magnetotherapy also provides beneficial influence for patients with severe bruises and injuries. It promotes rapid healing of hematomas and is successfully used to relieve inflammatory processes.

Devices for magnetic therapy

Among the magnetic therapy devices presented at Russian market, the most famous are: Almag apparatus, Mag-30 apparatus, Magafon-01, Mavit (ULP-01), AMnp-01, AMT-02 Magniter, MST-01 Master. These devices influence the body using a low-frequency traveling or pulsed magnetic field. The shape and size of the devices allow them to be used on any part of the body.


In order to use magnetic therapy at home, you need to have a strong enough magnet. It must hold a load of at least 300 grams.
Teeth respond well to magnet treatment at home. To do this, you need to stroke your jaws with a magnet every day.
You can also successfully treat diseases of the nose with a magnet by applying magnetic plates to its sinuses and wings.
In order to remove pain in the eyes, it is enough to stroke the bridge of the nose and closed eyelids with a magnet. This will also preserve visual acuity.
You can use a magnet to treat bruises by stroking and massaging the bruised areas.
It is very useful to stroke your feet with a magnet, since there are biologically active points connected to all internal organs.

You can use magnetic therapy at home using the above devices. It is necessary to purchase devices only from trusted sources, preferably from medical institutions and pharmacies. In this case, it is advisable to consult with your doctor and follow all his instructions.

There are many magnets that are attached to the body or worn as jewelry. This is magnetic jewelry: rings, bracelets, necklaces. As well as Velcro plates and belts. Tips for wearing low power magnets:
1. You need to start wearing weak magnets from two hours, gradually increasing the exposure time and the strength of the magnet. The magnets must be removed at night.
2. The magnet needs to be strengthened closer to the affected organ:
- arthritis of the fingers – rings, bracelets;
- osteochondrosis – magnetic belt on the lower back;
- problems with thyroid gland, throat - a necklace on the neck.
3. For fractures, you need to apply a magnet with the north pole.
4. When high blood pressure men wear magnetic bracelet on right hand, and women are on the left. At low pressure it is the other way around.
5. A magnet on the chest affects the immune and cardiac systems, on the wrist - on vascular system and influences blood pressure.
6. Magnet treatment should be carried out in courses. If pain occurs, you need to remove the magnet and choose a less powerful one.
7. During magnet treatment, the kidneys begin to work hard, so you need to drink enough water during this time. Carrying out magnetic therapy with insufficient water consumption is useless.
8. Strong magnets should not be applied to the heart, head, or eyes.
9. Wearing magnets during menopause is useful, since at this time calcium is actively washed out of the body. With a sufficient magnetic field, calcium and iodine are absorbed almost completely.
10. In summer, wearing a magnet may be uncomfortable, as it has a warming effect.


Magnetic therapy is based on the effect of a magnetic field with well-defined indicators on the human body. Despite the fact that our body is extremely sensitive to magnetic fields, there are few contraindications to magnetic therapy:
- low blood pressure (hypotension);
- heart failure and rhythm disturbances;
- presence of a pacemaker;
- bleeding;
- pregnancy;
- increased thyroid function;
- active tuberculosis;
- thrombophlebitis;
- purulent diseases;
- mental illness;
- infectious diseases(acute period);
- alcohol intoxication.

Contraindications for magnetic therapy apply to the treatment of children. It is especially dangerous to use this method to treat very young children under the age of one and a half years. For older children, up to 18 years of age, physiotherapists prescribe only local magnetic therapy.

Consensus on whether magnetic therapy is considered therapeutic method, in the global medical community there is no. These methods are recognized as medical and physiotherapeutic by some countries (Russia), but not by others (USA). World organization Public Health believes that currently available information about the possible long-term and delayed health effects of static magnetic fields is insufficient to draw definitive conclusions, and is working to study and assess the risks to human health that these fields pose.

Practitioners of magnetic therapy claim that exposure to a static magnetic field has a positive effect on human health, but Western countries, with their developed system clinical trials, there is a widespread opinion that the claimed positive effects are impossible and that there is no reliable confirmation of them. Magnetic therapy is often characterized as pseudoscience.

Surrounded by a magnetic field. Absolutely everything that is on Earth is exposed to special, invisible force rays of this field. But the magnetic field exists not only around the Earth, it also exists in the body of every person. Many doctors and biophysicists, studying the influence of the magnetic field on living organisms, including humans, note that it has a huge impact on the circulatory system and on general condition all blood vessels.

What is the significance of the magnetic field for humans? Its influence has been proven more than once and continues to be studied constantly. Remember how a person’s well-being deteriorates with a sharp change in the external magnetic field. However, we should not forget that this state of the magnetic field is a temporary phenomenon. There are also more dangerous changes.

Our era is characterized by particularly rapid development various equipment, creation large quantity all kinds of machines, structures and products made of complex alloys. All this huge amount of metal surrounding us leads to the fact that the magnetic field is redistributed incorrectly. Metal attracts it to itself, thereby depriving the organisms of people and animals of its effects. This creates a deficiency of the magnetic field in the body, which results in a malfunction various systems body, organs and tissues.

There is a theory that it is the deficiency of the magnetic field that is to blame for the fact that the cause of this phenomenon is now in first place among all diseases in terms of frequency of occurrence. The reason for this phenomenon is to a certain extent related to the magnetic field, under the influence of which epithelial and vascular permeability increases, therefore, the resorption of edema is accelerated, This effect is widely used in magnetic therapy.

As a rule, the influence of a magnetic field on living organisms, on a person as a whole and on his individual organs does not cause an increase in body temperature, the formation of endogenous heat or skin irritation. For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to correctly dose the magnetic field; the effect on a person in this case will only be positive. It is well tolerated in very weak patients, as well as in elderly people. Today, a lack of a magnetic field is compared to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

About 50 years ago, Japanese scientist Nakagawa described a new disease - magnetic field deficiency syndrome in humans. The main symptoms are weakness, decreased performance, increased fatigue, headache, changes in work cardiovascular system, skin disorders. And this is not a complete list of disorders that a lack of magnetic field can cause. Of course, the magnetic field itself, or rather its deficiency, is not the main cause of all these diseases, but it becomes an important component in their development. One of the treatments Nakagawa proposed was procedures to restore the normal magnetic field.

Scientists also described the mechanism of action of a magnetic field on any living organism. The metal ions entering the vessel circulate throughout the body, so a magnetic field is formed around the vessel. Since blood flows through the vessels to all parts of the body, the magnetic field exists everywhere in the body. As soon as a decrease in the magnetic field occurs, blood circulation is disrupted, a failure occurs in the transport of oxygen to the organs, and a disease develops. So it’s not for nothing that a magnetic field deficiency is compared to a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and useful substances in the body.

Nowadays it has become in demand and popular in medicine therapeutic method, which affects the body using a magnetic field - magnetic therapy. It helps with blood pressure disorders and problems with the thyroid gland. With its help they fight headaches, insomnia, depression, tinnitus and many other diseases. It is also often used for recovery after suffered strokes and heart attacks. In the absence of contraindications and the approval of a doctor, it can also be used in infants.

Description of magnetic therapy

Magnetotherapy is a method of treating a patient in physiotherapy using the influence of a constant, alternating or traveling magnetic field on the human body. This method of therapy is based on the use of a static field with low frequencies, the source of which is a permanent magnet.

It was used as a method of physiotherapy with great success by doctors back in ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, in Indian and Chinese medicine. Europe rediscovered it in the 20th century as a separate method therapeutic effects on the human body. It is known that Avicenna used magnets in the treatment of various diseases of the digestive organs, and Paracelsus used them to make bones heal faster during fractures and to stop bleeding. Subsequently, devices were developed for physiotherapeutic purposes that generate different types of fields without a power source - in the form of belts, insoles or beads.

Magnetic hematite beads

Types of magnetic therapy:

  • General magnetic therapy is one of the types in which the entire body or a significant part of it is exposed to a low-intensity magnetic field.
  • Low frequency - therapeutic effect of the magnetic component different types alternating electromagnetic field low frequencies. High-intensity magnetic therapy usually includes exposure to pulsed magnetic fields with an induction of 1 Tesla and higher.

Fabrics in human body very susceptible to this method of influence. This is always accompanied by pronounced clinical effects:

  • hematopoietic processes are stimulated;
  • relaxation begins in the muscles and spasms in the walls of blood vessels are relieved, which improves peripheral blood and lymph outflows;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • many are stopped inflammatory processes;
  • the functioning of the endocrine system improves;
  • tissue and vascular regeneration processes are activated;
  • emotional and psychogenic state improves, sleep normalizes;
  • the excretory functions of the body improve;
  • vascular tone is normalized.

Mechanism of influence of the field on a person

Water molecules that contain human body tissues begin to acquire magnetic properties under the influence of a magnetic field. This leads to an increase in biochemical activity, changes the concentration of a number of bioactive substances, such as proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, thereby increasing protein production. Thanks to this process, the process of removing free radicals from the body, which play a role in important role in cell death and premature aging.

Through experiments, it was revealed that the action of an alternating and constant magnetic field on the body under different conditions can give absolutely different results. When exposed to a constant field, the excitability of the central nervous system is significantly reduced, and the speed of impulses passing through the nerve fibers increases. An alternating magnetic field affects the central nervous system, which slows down reflexes, disrupts the regularity of processes in the body, and impairs memory.


Magnetotherapy allows you to greatly expand the human body’s own capabilities, it is very effective method for the treatment of many diseases for short time. It is used in rehabilitation, treatment and preventive institutions for the treatment of diseases of many organs and systems:

The method is widely used in gynecology. It has a positive effect on the respiratory system, improves the condition of the nervous systems, and is often recommended in the treatment of pathologies of the ENT organs, dental, ophthalmological, and allergic diseases. Magnetic therapy also treats the spine and joints; it can be used as the main type of treatment, since one of the options for complex treatments diseases and various injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

Indications for its use are:

  • toxic and infectious arthritis;
  • bursitis, periarthritis;
  • varicose veins;
  • osteoarthritis at all its stages, in acute phases;
  • infectious toxic arthritis;
  • polyarthritis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • joint pain;
  • bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures;
  • pain in the cervical region;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • skin cancer

Magnetic therapy triggers a natural mechanism that helps the entire body recover, it has a positive effect on the condition of the whole musculoskeletal system. Magnetic therapy helps eliminate pain during various diseases spine and joints. Under the influence of the field, blood circulation in the damaged areas improves, hematomas begin to resolve, and tissue swelling is significantly reduced. When treated with a magnet, inflammatory processes in organs are stopped due to the fact that the level of cellular immunity increases, this effect returns the joint to its mobility.

If your child has sleep disturbances, allergic diseases, eye diseases and pathologies respiratory tract, then magnetic therapy is indicated for him. Can also be used for infants over 1.5 months of age.


There are relative contraindications treatments: this is common feeling unwell, hypotension.

  • blood diseases and low coagulability;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • thyrotoxicosis and nodular goiter;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • epilepsy;
  • elevated temperature;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • pregnancy;
  • disorders of the central nervous system;
  • individual intolerance.

No complications during treatment correct implementation not identified. But it is worth knowing that if magnetic therapy is carried out independently, without medical supervision, the patient may experience a feeling of weakness, headaches, increased drowsiness and dizziness. Therefore, it is better to consult a specialist. Improvement may occur immediately after canceling the procedure or switching to correct use magnet.

If the patient has a plaster cast or an Ilizarov apparatus, this does not interfere with magnetic therapy sessions.

Carrying out the procedure

Treatment is carried out with magnetic devices, which can be divided into two categories:

  • Portable. Small-sized devices that can be used both in the hospital and at home.
  • Stationary. These are large-sized devices. Used in hospitals, clinics, resort-type sanatoriums.

If the session is carried out in a hospital, the patient lies down on a special couch, which is then placed in the machine. The duration of therapy is determined by taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the purpose of his treatment. Most sessions last about thirty minutes. Treatment can be carried out every day or every other day, the course usually does not exceed fifteen procedures.

Portable device

If a person undergoes a magnetic therapy session at home using a portable device, then two or four applicator coils are applied to the affected area of ​​the body, which generate a magnetic pulse. There are certain rules for home therapy:

  • the procedure should not be performed on an empty stomach;
  • During treatment it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol;
  • Each session must be held at the same hour.

The patient can wear a magnetic corset around the clock, removing it only when necessary for hygiene procedures. The course will last about 45 days. If a second course of treatment is needed, it can begin only a month after the first one ends.

Magnet physiotherapy is a treatment method using high and low frequency magnetic fields. These fields (variable and constant) are generated in intermittent or continuous mode with different shapes, frequencies and durations of pulses. Under the influence of a magnet, electric currents appear in the tissues, as a result of which biophysical and biochemical processes begin to activate in our body. Enters cells more beneficial substances and harmful ones are removed. As a result, the general condition of the body improves.

The use of magnetic therapy by our ancestors

IN medical purposes magnets began to be used quite a long time ago. Historians and scientists have repeatedly proven that the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Chinese used magnets for treatment various ailments. It is known that she even wore small magnets on her head to preserve her beauty and youth.

Philosophers also mentioned healing properties: Aristotle, Paracelsus and Pliny the Elder. In the 18th century, special medical books were written about methods of using magnets. In those distant times, simple physiotherapy in the form of compresses, cups, ice packs and heating pads was also popular.

Elementary procedures showed amazing therapeutic effects. Today, magnetic therapy is no less in demand and is used in almost all medical institutions. This popularity is primarily due to the fact that electric current contributes to normalization blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine and immune systems. Its range of action is very wide.

Medicinal properties

Skepticism and irony regarding therapeutic effect magnets are quite understandable, since electric current has no color, no taste, no smell. But despite this, magnet physiotherapy has truly amazing healing properties and helps people cope with serious diseases. Constant magnetic waves have a healing and calming effect on the human body.

Pulsed and alternating fields, on the contrary, act more aggressively. The magnet is truly unique; it penetrates into deep tissues (down to the nerve endings) and relieves inflammation. During clinical trials It turned out that this treatment method helps cope with chronic depression.

The main result of the action of these fields is considered to be complete muscle relaxation. In humans, blood circulation in the vessels improves, excretion accelerates toxic substances and lactic acid, the recovery process intensifies damaged tissues, swelling and soreness are reduced, and more oxygen is supplied to the cells.

What does it get rid of?

Physiotherapy magnet is used for heart disease, disease digestive tract, peripheral vessels, musculoskeletal system, central nervous system and for skin problems (dermatoses, eczema). After the first session, the patient’s pain disappears, his condition improves, sleep and temperature normalize, and swelling decreases lymph nodes. After a full course of therapy, blood pressure decreases, joint mobility is restored, cholesterol and sugar levels decrease.

Physiotherapy magnet: contraindications for use

This treatment method is not suitable for everyone. Magnetic therapy is prohibited for patients with acute thrombosis and serious hematopoietic disorders. In addition, if a person has arrhythmia, angina pectoris, aneurysm, or myocardial infarction, then treatment with magnetic waves is completely contraindicated.

Persons with increased excitability, tuberculosis, mental and central nervous system disorders, and oncology should not use this method either. Magnet physiotherapy is not prescribed for people with hypertension. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid this procedure. For small children under 1.5 years old, sessions are carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.

indications for treatment

Inflammatory pathologies of the genital organs in women are the number one problem. Every year the number of young girls with adnexitis, fibroids, endometritis and endometriosis increases. The use of magnetic therapy in treatment inflammatory diseases(erosion, endocervicitis, colpitis) sometimes leads to the complete disappearance of pain, a decrease in the hematological and leukocyte index, as well as a general improvement.

When using magnetic fields, speed increases significantly metabolic processes and concentration medications, microcirculation in the pelvis is restored. Effective therapy for infertility, complications after surgical intervention and pathologies of appendage functions. This method in gynecology gives a pronounced anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

We all understand that, in principle, even the simplest physiotherapy is not a panacea, although it shows a high therapeutic result. To significantly alleviate the condition and cope with the disease, adhere to necessary instructions and doctor's recommendations.