“Element of health” – vitamin B5: what foods contain it and why is it needed? B5 (vitamin): instructions for use, description

Vitamin B 5 or Pantothenic acid refers to water-soluble vitamins. This vitamin has a rejuvenating effect and promotes regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes. Pantothenic acid ensures the flow of many biochemical reactions with the participation of glucose, proteins, amino acids, fats.

The discovery of Pantothenic acid is connected with the study of products that stimulate the growth of yeast fungus. During the study, a number of substances with the properties of vitamins were isolated from natural raw materials. Among these substances, a fraction with acidic environment, thermolabile, i.e., unstable to heat, and not adsorbed by activated carbon.

With a more detailed study of this substance, scientists found that this organic acid is distributed everywhere. That's why it was called Pantothenic acid (from the Greek pantothen - everywhere). Then, in the course of subsequent studies and experiments in 1933-39, scientists isolated a certain thermolabile factor in the form of a calcium salt from the liver extract.

When this substance was mixed into the feed of chickens, the symptoms of dermatitis that developed after prolonged consumption of heated feed disappeared. Subsequently, it was found that this thermolabile antidermal factor and Pantothenic acid are the same substance.


Pantothenic acid is a viscous substance, light yellow with a melting point of 80 0 C. Chemical formula Pantothenic acid: C 9 H 17 NO 5. Nomenclature name: . IN molecular structure Pantothenic acid includes residues of Pantoic acid and the amino acid beta-alanine.

Pantothenic acid is highly soluble in water and acetic acid, but very poorly soluble in organic solvents. Aqueous solutions are relatively stable, but when interacting with solutions of acids and alkalis, this substance undergoes hydrolysis. Pantothenic acid is capable of forming salt crystals. One of the most famous crystalline salts is calcium pantothenate. It is calcium pantothenate that represents medicinal synthetic analogues of Vit. At 5.

Along with calcium pantothenate, Pantothenic acid has many other analogues. When an amide group is included in its composition, Pantothenamide is formed, and an alcohol group - Pantothenol. When Pantothenic acid interacts with Cysteamine, Panthetheine is formed, which also has enzymatic activity. During the oxidation process, Pantothenic acid is transformed into disulfite-Pantethine.

Physiological action

Pantothenic acid with the participation of the amino acid cysteine ​​forms coenzyme A, and various physiological effects are associated with this of this vitamin. Coenzyme A or coenzyme A ensures the most important biochemical reactions in our body. One such reaction is the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle). This key stage metabolism (metabolism) of humans and animals. The TCA cycle ensures cellular respiration, in which glucose, under the influence of oxygen, is utilized to form carbon dioxide and energy in the form of ATP molecules.

During the TCA cycle, many of the most important organic compounds for us are utilized and synthesized: carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids. In turn, soybean fatty acids and amino acids are building material for fats (lipids) and proteins. Thus, coenzyme A, and, accordingly, Pantothenic acid, regulates all the main parts of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism.

Pantothenic acid is involved in the metabolism of many biologically active compounds: hormones, neurotransmitters, other vitamins, histamine, hemoglobin, and affects the condition and function of all organs and tissues.

  • Cardiovascular system
    Vit. B5 has a hypolipidemic effect - reduces the level of fat-like compounds in the blood. The decrease occurs mainly due to low and very low density lipoproteins. It is these substances that are responsible for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that clog the arterial lumen. Against the background of systemic atherosclerosis, it develops ischemic disease heart disease (CHD), cardiosclerosis and myocardial infarction. Consequently, Pantothenic acid prevents the development of these diseases. In addition, vit. 5 “fights” excess fat. By eliminating obesity, it helps to reduce body weight, and this also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels. After all overweight bodies are a frequent companion hypertension and heart failure.
  • Nervous system
    Eliminating atherosclerotic blockage of cerebral vessels, vit. 5 prevents the development of cerebral strokes. Its effect on the central and peripheral nervous system is not limited to this. The fact is that Vit. B 5 together with vit. B 4 (Choline) is involved in the formation of Acetylcholine. This is the most important neurotransmitter, which at the molecular level ensures the transmission of nerve impulses between nerve cells (neurons) of the brain and peripheral nerves. And also vit. B 5 utilizes plastic and high-energy compounds by brain tissue: amino acids, glucose, fatty acids. Thanks to this, Pantothenic acid has a positive effect on the mental and emotional-volitional sphere, increases mental performance, and prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Blood
    Pantothenic acid promotes the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells, and thereby increases the amount of oxygen delivered through the blood to the tissues.
  • Immunity
    Pantothenic acid stimulates the production of immunoglobulin antibodies, which neutralize pathogenic (disease-causing) microorganisms. At the same time, Vit. B5 prevents the development of allergic and pathological inflammatory reactions with pain, swelling and fever.
  • Endocrine system
    Its effect on the metabolism of vit. 5 is largely realized through organs endocrine system. In particular, it stimulates the production of hormones by the adrenal cortex. These hormones increase resistance to stress and help adapt to adverse conditions. external environment. The anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects of vit are largely associated with adrenal hormones. At 5. Also vit. B5 promotes the utilization of glucose and lipids, and thereby prevents the development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Musculoskeletal system
    Accelerating metabolic processes, vit. Increases by 5 muscle strength and endurance. This is also facilitated by the fact that Pantothenic acid prevents vascular atherosclerosis, and thereby improves blood circulation in muscle tissue. This is of particular importance for the lower extremities. Here vit. B 5 prevents obliterating atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying blood to the legs and feet. By reducing the severity of inflammatory processes, Pantothenic acid prevents the development of arthritis or alleviates its course.
  • Gastrointestinal tract
    Pantothenic acid helps renew the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. As a result, their barrier function increases, local inflammatory processes (gastroduodenitis, enterocolitis) and ulceration are inhibited. Pantothenic acid reduces the secretion of gastric juice and reduces its acidity. And this also significantly prevents the development of gastric and duodenal ulcers. Pantothenic acid stimulates intestinal motility - the food bolus moves through the intestinal tube and is fully digested. In addition, under the influence of vit. In 5, many toxic compounds (alcohol, nicotine, medicinal and food toxins) are neutralized in the liver and removed in the bile. According to some data, Vit. B 5 neutralizes and removes radionuclides from the body, and reduces the severity of radiation sickness.
  • Respiratory organs
    Pantothenic acid improves blood supply to the alveoli, and this makes gas exchange in the lungs more efficient. In addition to this, Vit. B 5 enhances the barrier function of the mucous membranes of the bronchial tree, and makes them more resistant to the action of infectious agents.
  • Skin and appendages
    Vit. B5 has a positive effect not only on the condition of the mucous membranes, but also on the condition of the skin and hair. It ensures skin regeneration and hair growth, promotes skin healing after traumatic, inflammatory and infectious damage. It also maintains skin and hair pigmentation at the proper level, has a rejuvenating effect, and protects against premature aging with the appearance of wrinkled and sagging skin, gray hair. Thanks to all the effects described above, Pantothenic acid prolongs life.

Daily norms

Requirement for vit. 5 is not the same in different age groups

The data presented here is quite conditional, and in addition to gender and age, it may depend on many other factors.

Causes and signs of deficiency

Since Vit. B 5 is present in many products of plant and animal origin, nutritional factor rarely leads to hypovitaminosis B5. Although a low-calorie diet, devoid of fats and proteins, slows down the absorption of vit. At 5. Therefore, vegetarianism in this regard is not justified. Basically, a deficiency of this vitamin develops in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, when the absorption capacity of the intestine decreases. In these cases, even eating food rich in pantothenic acid will be accompanied by its deficiency.

In addition, chronic intestinal diseases are usually accompanied by dysbiosis with partial or complete cessation of vit synthesis. B 5 intestinal microflora. Dysbacteriosis is predisposed by taking antibiotics and sulfonamides. Intestinal infections with dysbacteriosis and diarrhea, incl. and caused by Escherichia coli, are accompanied by a deficiency of vit. At 5.

Row medicines(barbiturates, oral contraceptives) also help reduce the amount of Pantothenic acid. In some kidney diseases, increased excretion of vit occurs. At 5. The same thing happens after taking diuretics.

Some other physiological and pathological conditions are accompanied by increased consumption of Pantothenic acid, and predispose to its deficiency:

  • rapid growth during adolescence
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding
  • physical labor, intense sports training
  • mental stress, psycho-emotional stress
  • old age
  • chronic industrial and household intoxication
  • infectious diseases
  • recovery after suffering serious illnesses, injuries and surgical interventions
  • alcoholism
  • tuberculosis
  • malignant neoplasms, chemotherapy and radiation therapy for these neoplasms.

Vit. B 1 and vit. C promote the absorption of Pantothenic acid. Therefore, with their deficiency, hypovitaminosis B 5 will be secondary.

Pantothenic acid deficiency negatively affects the functions of all organ systems. First of all, the cardiovascular and nervous systems suffer. Due to vascular atherosclerosis and hypertension, blood circulation in the cerebral (brain) and coronary (heart) vessels is disrupted. Violation metabolic processes in brain tissue and in the myocardium makes them less resistant to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia).

IHD and encephalopathy (impaired brain function) develop with deterioration in thinking, memory, sleep disorders, tearfulness, and irritability. Further deterioration of cerebral and coronary blood flow is complicated by myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke. Not only the central, but also the peripheral nervous system is exposed to negative processes.

In various parts of the body, mainly in the periphery, sensitivity and motor strength deteriorate. Combined with brain dysfunction, this leads to various types ataxias – disorders of synchronous activity various groups muscles. Clinically, this is manifested by a change in gait, difficulty in performing complex purposeful movements, and loss of everyday and professional skills.

The reserves of proteins and glycogen in the muscles are depleted, and lactic acid accumulates in them. Nagging muscle pain appears, and spastic convulsions are often disturbing. Due to deterioration of innervation, blood circulation and metabolism, they suffer significantly lower limbs. Here muscular dystrophy often develops, and foci of necrosis like gangrene form. Typical presentation hypovitaminosis B 5 – burning and redness of the skin of the feet.

Digestion worsens, absorption of many nutrients in the intestines slows down. Appetite decreases or is completely absent. Nausea, abdominal pain appears, constipation is replaced by diarrhea. A vicious circle is formed: vitamin deficiency. 5 leads to digestive disorders, and with these disorders the absorption of vit is slowed down. At 5.

Immunity decreases, and, as a result, the risk of infectious diseases, allergic reactions, malignant neoplasms. This is also facilitated by the fact that the production of adrenal hormones decreases, and it is more difficult for the human body to adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions.

In childhood and adolescence, hypovitaminosis B5 is manifested by retarded growth, mental and physical development. In adulthood, a deficiency of Pantothenic acid results in early aging with the appearance of sagging, wrinkled skin, premature gray hair, and in men, hair loss.

But even at a younger age, the elasticity of the skin decreases, foci of depigmentation appear on it in the form of whitish spots, and dermatitis and eczema are not uncommon. The iris also undergoes depigmentation - it becomes faded, as if faded. In advanced stages of vitamin deficiency. At 5, visual and hearing acuity decreases. All these negative changes worsen the quality of life and reduce its duration.

Sources of income

Although coenzyme A is formed in our body from pantothenic acid, it is impossible to independently synthesize vit. At 5 we are not able to. The same applies to other mammals. But plants and microorganisms have not lost their ability to produce this vitamin.

Some part of Pantothenic acid is synthesized by intestinal microflora. However, our physiological microflora is capable of providing an adult with no more than 3.4 mg of vit. At 5 a day. This amount is clearly not enough for the qualitative occurrence of metabolic reactions.

To do this you need vit. In 5, the required amount was supplied from outside as part of food. Quite a lot of this vitamin is contained in animal products (meat, liver, kidneys), as well as fish and eggs. In animals, Vit. 5 comes as part of plant feed.

Product Content, mg/100 g
Yeast 11,0
Green peas 15,0
Beef 6,4
Beef liver 4,0-9,0
Pork liver 5,8
Pork kidneys 3,0
Soybeans 6,8
Egg yolk 2,7-7,0
Rice bran 3,0
Whole rice 2,0
Oats 2,5
Cod roe 3,6
White mushroom 2,7
Apples 3,5
Wheat white bread 1,8
Rye bread 0,9
Beans 1,2
Peanut 1,7
Champignons 1,7-2,5
Herring 0,94
Cottage cheese 0,6
Milk 0,3
Tomatoes 0,1-0,37
Eggplant 0,3

It should be taken into account that culinary processing negatively affects the content of Pantothenic acid in food. After cooking, heating, canning, freezing and defrosting, food products lose from 20 to 50% of the vitamin.

Synthetic analogues

The calcium salt of Pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate, is used as a medicine. Release forms:

  • powder for oral administration
  • tablets 0.1; 025 and 0.5g
  • 20% ampoule solution for injection.

Indications for use:

  • neurological diseases accompanied by polyneuritis, neuralgia and paresthesia (multiple inflammatory lesions nerve fibers with pain and a burning sensation, numbness, tingling)
  • various types of dermatitis and dermatoses, incl. eczema, photodermatosis ( increased sensitivity to sunlight)
  • burns, trophic ulcers
  • systemic lupus erythematosus
  • complex treatment of heart failure in combination with cardiac glycosides
  • catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract
  • bronchial asthma
  • peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum
  • other non-infectious gastrointestinal diseases
  • postoperative intestinal atony
  • restoration of muscle tone after administration of muscle relaxants (drugs that relax skeletal muscles) during surgery
  • alcoholism
  • other types of intoxication, in particular, intoxication with anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Another medicinal analogue of Vit. At 5 – Pantogam. Release forms:

  • tablets 250 and 500 mg
  • capsules 300 mg
  • 10% syrup for oral administration.

The active ingredient of Pantogam is not Pantothenic acid, but its chemical analogue - Hopanthenic acid. The drug has nootropic properties - improves thinking and memory. In addition, it has a sedative and anticonvulsant effect.

Therefore, it is used in neurological and psychiatric practice after strokes, traumatic brain injuries, and meningoencephalitis. Pantogam is also effective for other severe psychoneurological disorders: epilepsy, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease. Pantogam is prescribed to children for mental retardation and enuresis. After all, among other things, the drug is beneficial for neurogenic urination disorders.

Another synthetic analogue of Pantothenic acid is Dexpanthenol, available in forms for external use (ointment, gel, cream, spray). Dexpanthenol in the form of an active substance is included in monopreparations and combined agents Panthenol, Pantexol, Pantevenol, Pantestin, Bepanten.

These products are used for burns, trophic ulcers, wounds, abrasions, diaper rash, dermatitis. Dexpanthenol – excellent remedy protecting skin from sun rays, as well as from X-ray radiation at radiation therapy oncological diseases. It is prescribed in gynecological and proctological practice for healing anal fissures, cervical erosions, vaginal inflammation and damage. Pantothenic acid is found in many non-drug products - cosmetics, dietary supplements, sports nutrition.


Absorption of medicinal and nutritional vitamins. B 5 occurs in the intestine by diffusion. Medicinal calcium pantothenate first dissociates into calcium and pantothenic acid. Pantothenic acid itself is not active substance. When subjected to oxidation, it is transformed into Pantethine. From this compound with the participation of Vit. In 4 (Cholina), coenzyme A is formed. This coenzyme is synthesized in all tissues, but most of all in the liver.

Pantothenic acid does not accumulate in the body. Its excess is destroyed by hydrolysis. Pantothenic acid is excreted from the body in the urine unchanged or in the form of metabolites.

Interaction with other substances

Vit. B 1 and vit. C contribute to the absorption and activation of vit. At 5. In turn, Vit. B 5 facilitates the absorption of vit. At 4 and at 9. With a combination of Vit. At 5 s vit. B 2, PP, B 9 and D 3 mutually enhance the action of these vitamins. Vit. B 5 also promotes potassium absorption. But copper weakens the effect of vit. B 5. The combination with iron and manganese is also undesirable, because these minerals inhibit the absorption of Pantothenic acid in the intestine.

Vit. B 5 increases the effectiveness of cardiac glycosides and reduces the severity of side effects of streptomycin and other anti-tuberculosis drugs. More vit. B 5 enhances the effect of agents that stimulate intestinal motility. Antibiotics and sulfonamides inhibit the synthesis of Pantothenic acid by intestinal microflora, and diuretics promote its excretion in the urine. Sleeping pills-barbiturates, oral contraceptives destroy vit. At 5. The same goes for caffeine and alcohol.

Signs of hypervitaminosis

Since Pantothenic acid does not accumulate and is completely excreted in the urine, hypervitaminosis B5 does not develop under natural conditions. In case of massive overdose medicinal analogues Pantothenic acid causes heartburn, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. But cases of overdose and hypervitaminosis B 5 in clinical practice are observed extremely rarely.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid or calcium pantothenate) is a water-soluble representative of the B group of vitamins. Vitamin B5 is widely distributed in nature, hence its name - Pantothenic acid - in Greek "pantothene" means "everywhere".

Pantothenic acid is a viscous, oily substance of light yellow color, the melting point of which is 75 - 80 °C. Well soluble in methanol, ethanol, ethyl acetate, dioxane, pyridine, poorly soluble in diethyl ether and higher alcohols, practically insoluble in benzene and chloroform. Vitamin B5 tolerates neutral environments well, but is easily destroyed when heated in alkaline and acidic environments.

More stable salts of pantothenic acid are used in medicine. They are colorless crystals; highly soluble in water, less soluble in methanol, ethanol and practically insoluble in acetone, diethyl ether and chloroform; stable in air and in aqueous solutions in the pH range 5.5 - 7.0.

Vitamin B5 was discovered in 1933 by R. Williams, and a decade later this substance was synthesized chemically.


Vitamin B5 is absorbed in the small intestine. Once in the blood, it is partially captured by red blood cells and transformed into coenzyme A. The remaining part circulates in a free state. Pantothenic acid is distributed throughout all tissues, where it is also used for the synthesis of coenzyme A. Excretion is carried out through the kidneys.

The most important function of vitamin B5 is its ability to stimulate the production of adrenal hormones - glucocorticoids, which makes pantothenic acid a powerful treatment for diseases such as arthritis, colitis, allergies and heart disease.

Another important function of pantothenic acid is the conversion of vitamin B4 in the brain into the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which plays a very important role important role in the brain and throughout the nervous system, since all connecting signals pass through it, including impulses from the sensory organs. This explains the high concentration of vitamin B5 in brain cells.

An important function of vitamin B5 is to help the immune system produce antibodies. Pantothenic acid promotes rapid wound healing, increases the barrier properties of mucous membranes, protecting the body from infections.

Vitamin B5 takes an active part in the synthesis of hemoglobin, cholesterol and corticosteroids necessary to withstand physical and emotional stress.

Vitamin B5 performs an important function in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and therefore pantothenic acid is important for the maintenance and repair of all tissue cells.

Vitamin B5 takes an active part in the synthesis of fatty acids, the deficiency of which leads to deterioration of long-term memory, sleep disorders, the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as impaired fat metabolism, which directly affects the condition of the skin and hair.

Vitamin B5 performs an important function in regulating the synthesis and metabolism of cholesterol in the body. Pantothenic acid actively inhibits the appearance of “bad” cholesterol and thus prevents the clogging of arteries with cholesterol plaques.

Vitamin B5 treats allergies, helps hair grow, eliminates many skin diseases. By stimulating the activity of the heart, pantothenic acid delays aging and the formation of wrinkles.

Pantothenic acid prevents the development of obesity by inhibiting the formation of those fat cells that can accumulate and store large number fat in the body.

Pantothenic acid stimulates all processes of cellular metabolism, increases the secretion and acidity of gastric juice, affects blood clotting, and is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Vitamin B5 has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health vascular system, expanding small vessels. As a result, blood circulation improves, which promotes the rapid removal of various toxins and waste from the body on the one hand and improves the supply of nutrients on the other.

One of the most essential functions of vitamin B5 is the absorption of other vitamins.

An important function of vitamin B5 is to reduce the side and toxic effects of many antibiotics.

Daily requirement

The exact daily human need for pantothenic acid has not been established. Most experts recommend the following daily doses of vitamin B5:
- for children under 1 year 2 - 3 mg;
- for children from 1 year to 13 years, depending on age and gender 3 - 7 mg;
- for adolescents 7 - 9 mg;
- for adults 10 - 12 mg;
- for pregnant women 15 - 20 mg;
- for nursing mothers 15 - 20 mg.

An increased daily requirement for vitamin B5 is necessary for older people, since their absorption of pantothenic acid from food is impaired.

For people involved in sports, heavy physical labor, intense mental work, who live in unfavorable conditions, in the Far North, in hot climates, an increased daily dose of vitamin B5 is also necessary.

An increased daily requirement for vitamin B5 is necessary for:
- taking sulfa drugs, sleeping pills, estrogens and caffeine;
- alcohol and drug use;
- stress;
- tingling in the arms and legs;
- consumption of low-calorie or nutrient-poor foods;
- debilitating chronic diseases(sprue, celiac disease, regional enteritis);
- recent surgery.

It is prohibited to take doses that exceed the daily requirement for vitamin B5 by more than 5 times. During heavy physical and psychological stress, it is recommended daily dose increase to 60 mg per day.

Pantothenic acid is found quite widely in both plant and animal products. It is also synthesized in small quantities in the human intestine. The table makes it possible to clearly see which foods contain more vitamin B5 and which contain less.

mg per 100 g
Baker's yeast 11,0
Soybeans 6,8
Beef 6,4
Pork liver 5,8
Fresh cabbage 4,5
Buckwheat 4,4
Beef kidneys 3,8
Apples 3,5
Pork kidneys 3,0
Powdered milk 2,7
Split peas 2,3
White wheat bread 1,8
Chicken eggs 1,3
Beans 1,2
Sardine 1,0
Rye bread 0,9
Oatmeal 0,9
Green peas 0,8
Rice groats 0,4
Potato 0,3
Carrot 0,3
Tomatoes 0,25
Orange 0,25
banana 0,25

During heat treatment of foods, a significant amount of vitamin B5 (up to 50%) is destroyed, and when frozen, foods lose about 30% of pantothenic acid. Therefore, when preparing foods rich in vitamin B5, you should limit the exposure time high temperature, exclude freezing and, if possible, try to consume such products raw.

Selected products foods that are classified as fast food (chips, carbonated drinks, canned food) have negative impact on beneficial bacteria our intestines, which leads to a decrease in their production of pantothenic acid.

Only with a healthy lifestyle can you maintain the optimal amount of vitamin B5 in the body. If a person treats nutrition carelessly, and healthy image life does not have enough time, then he does not receive vitamin B5 at all: neither from food nor from intestinal flora.

Lack of vitamin B5 in the body

A lack of vitamin B5 can be caused by a low content of proteins, fats, vitamin C, B vitamins in food, diseases of the small intestine, as well as long-term use many antibiotics and sulfonamides.

The structure of metabolism has changed greatly over the past decades, due to the appearance in our refrigerators ready meals and semi-finished products. There is also a widespread shortage of substances that interact with pantothenic acid. This is how vitamin B5 deficiency occurs.

Pantothenic acid deficiency can lead to:
- joint pain;
- numbness of the arms and legs, accompanied by tingling;
- emergence burning pain in the fingers and soles, spreading to the lower leg ("burning of the feet");
- reduction blood pressure and to an accelerated heartbeat;
- reducing the body's resistance to infections, to frequent acute respiratory diseases;
- disruption of work nervous system: increased fatigue, depression, sleep disorders (drowsiness or insomnia), weakness, mood disorders (irritability or apathy);
- hair loss;
- premature gray hair;
- duodenal ulcer;
- hypofunction of the adrenal glands;
- disruption of work immune system: various infectious diseases (especially the respiratory tract) are becoming more frequent;
- weakened vision and memory;
- deterioration of the skin condition: it becomes dry, flabby, ages, dermatitis and eczema occur, and possible discoloration. This includes eyes fading;
- constipation;
- small cracks in the corners of the mouth.

Excess vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 is a water-soluble compound, so it is easily excreted from the body and has no toxic effects. Thanks to this, even an excess amount of pantothenic acid in food will not lead to any pathological conditions - excess vitamin B5 is removed from the human body naturally.

An overdose of vitamin B5 is possible if long-term use monopreparations and with uncontrolled use of multivitamin complexes with high doses vitamin

Upper permissible level Vitamin B5 intake has not been established. IN in rare cases Symptoms such as pale skin, nausea, and vomiting are observed. A physician should be consulted if the patient has a history of hemophilia.


The most important property pantothenic acid is its ability to stimulate the production of adrenal hormones - glucocorticoids, which makes vitamin B5 a powerful tool for the treatment of diseases such as arthritis, colitis, allergies and heart disease.

Vitamin B5 is used to reduce stress in the body after surgery, as well as during recovery from illness.

Pantothenic acid is used for gastrointestinal diseases of non-infectious nature (gastroduodenitis, etc.) For the treatment of many skin diseases, as well as depigmentation (white spots on the body). For the treatment of allergies.

In the treatment of acne, vitamin B5 in large doses turned out to be very effective means. Calcium pantothenate is used for the complex treatment of withdrawal syndrome in people who suffer from alcoholism.

When taken together with vitamin C, vitamin B 5 promotes faster healing of wounds, as well as correct formation connective tissue.

Preparations containing pantothenic acid include: Calcium pantothenate, Supradin, Vitrum Beauty. Vitamin B5 is also part of the following biologically active additives: Alphabet Cosmetics, Duovit Sharm.

The release form of vitamin B5 is tablets. Swallow whole with a full glass of water. Do not crush or chew. Unless specifically prescribed by the attending physician, it should be taken simultaneously with meals or one hour after meals.

Store in a cool, dry, dark place, do not freeze. Do not store in the bathroom. Fever and humidity can change the effect of vitamin B5.



Vitamin B5) is a water-soluble vitamin, so it is completelydoes not stay long in the body and requires constant replenishment of its reserves. Vitamin B5 pure form was isolated in 1939 from the liver of mammals. Like other B vitamins, pantothenic acid is active substance necessary for every living organism. In 1940, it was possible to determine the chemical structure of pantothenic acid and carry out its synthesis in the form of a calcium salt (calcium pantothenate). The formula of pantothenic acid is C 9 H 17 0 5 N.

Pantothenic acid widely distributed in natural animal foods and plant origin, and therefore its name comes from Greek word"pantos", which means "omnipresent". Pantothenic acid is found in all tissues of animals and plants, mainly in bound form, but is also found in free form.

The empirical formula of the compound is C 9 H 17N O 5

Despite the ubiquity of pantothenic acid in nature, a person may experience a deficiency of the substance. Abundance white bread, semi-finished products, chips, canned food and shortage fresh vegetables, fruits, meat products in the diet leads to the fact that vitamin B5 practically does not enter the body, as a result hypovitaminosis occurs.

Due to a deficiency of the compound, metabolism primarily suffers, digestion worsens, and the immune-protective function decreases. A person becomes susceptible to inflammatory processes - ARVI. This is due to the fact that Pantothenic acid and coenzyme A synthesized with its participation are involved in many processes: in the oxidation of fatty acids and carbohydrates, in the synthesis of amino acids, fatty acids, ketones, cholesterol, phospholipids, steroid hormones, neurotransmitters (eg acetylcholine) and antibodies

In order for pantothenic acid to remain in maximum quantity in dishes, you should avoid eating frozen, canned foods, foods with for a long time storage, which includes vinegar essence, and also cook in the most gentle mode: over low heat, extremely quickly under a closed lid.


Vitamin B5- a viscous substance of light yellow color with a melting point of 80 degrees. The compound dissolves well in acetic acid, water, ethyl, poorly in ether, amyl alcohol, and organic solvents. Calcium pantothenate, reacting with water, forms colorless crystalline salts: calcium, sodium. Vitamin B5 is thermolabile. It is especially unstable when heated in alkalis and acids, hydrolyzing with the release of a,g-dioxy-b lactone, pantolactone, b-alanine at the amide bond. In neutral solutions, calcium pantothenate and its salts are relatively stable.

Amide - pantothenamide, pantothenol - produced by B5, are formed in the process of replacing the carboxyl group with an alcohol group. The latter compound has high vitamin activity for animals and, as a result, acts as an acid antagonist for a group of microorganisms.

Another, no less valuable, substance in living nature is panthetheine, obtained by reacting calcium pantothenate with b-mercaptoethylamine (cysteamine). When oxidized, it is converted into disulfite - pantethine. The bioproduct of pantothenic acid is part of coenzyme A.


Daily intestinal microflora healthy body synthesizes 3.4 milligrams of vitamin B5. After food intake, pantothenic acid is absorbed by diffusion directly from the intestine into the blood and tissues, where it is subsequently captured by red blood cells and actively transformed into coenzyme forms - coenzyme-A and phosphopantothein. The remaining part of the substance circulates in the body in a free state. The catabolism of organic compounds of non-protein nature is based on their hydrolysis, while “waste” calcium pantothenate and its metabolites are excreted in the urine.

Vitamin B5 is sensitive to heat; heat treatment of foods rich in the beneficial compound leads to a loss of 50% of the substance. It is destroyed not only under the influence of dry heat (grill, oven), but also as a result of exposure to solutions of acids and alkalis that are used in food processing, for example, during canning and freezing.

It is important to remember that pantothenic acid is found in foods exclusively in protein form and is released with the help of enzymes.


Pantothenic acid is involved in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestines, and supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.

Vitamin B5 is a structural component of the key substance of metabolism - coenzyme A, which is involved in all types of metabolism - protein, lipid, carbohydrate, in the synthesis of hemoglobin, choline, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, corticosteroids, adrenal hormones and in the processes of detoxification of the body by transferring acyl residues.

Considering the fact that inside our body vitamin B5 and its derivatives interact with a large number of substances, it is impossible to list them completely. However, in order to be convinced of the significance of the connection, we will consider the most significant of them. These are cholesterol, acetylcholine, fats, fatty acids, histamine, hemoglobin, amino acids, carbohydrates.

Participating in the synthesis and metabolic processes of such a variety of substances, for the proper functioning of all systems, internal organs It is important to ensure a regular supply of calcium pantothenate in sufficient quantities.

Let's look at why the body needs vitamin B5.

  1. Activity of the adrenal glands. Scientists have proven that the cortex of these organs is the most efficient gland in humans, which is capable of producing hormones for six hours a day, but for this it needs significant reserves of calcium pantothenate in order to fight pathogenic microbes and increased psycho-emotional stress. First of all, , the acid is involved in the synthesis of hormones of the endocrine glands. At the formation stage, all glucocorticoids are associated with coenzyme A, and one way or another, their production in sufficient quantities is a reliable prevention of allergies, colitis, arthritis, and heart diseases. Vitamin B5 has an anti-inflammatory effect. Participating in the course of metabolic processes in the adrenal cortex, it synthesizes glucocorticoids, which “turn on” defensive reaction body in case of introduction of foreign microorganisms.
  2. Synthesis of fatty acids. As is known, these monobasic carbonic substances are necessary for the connection of fats and normal operation brain As a result, vitamin B5 normalizes metabolism and activates mental activity person.How side effect- regulates the deposition of fats in the body. Therefore, pantothenic acid is essential vitamin for weight loss and eliminating metabolic problems.
  3. The work of the nervous system. Calcium pantothenate is involved in the synthesis of mediators, hormones, neurotransmitters that provide proper development nervous system in children, adolescents, and adults. Daily intake of 5 milligrams of vitamin B5 prevents the onset of Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. One of the most important reactions occurring with the participation of pantothenic acid in the human body is the conversion of choline into acetylcholine, through which connecting signals (impulses) pass from the senses), which explains high concentration useful connection in brain cells.
  4. Maintaining immunity. Unlike vitamins A and E, which fight free radicals, bacteria, viruses, activating the body’s protective function, biological role pantothenic acid is involved in the synthesis of antibodies. B5 deficiency leads to sharp decline amount of immunoglobulins, as a result, a person becomes most vulnerable to harmful influence pathogenic microorganisms from outside.
  5. Normalization of cholesterol metabolism. Calcium pantothenate inhibits the process of plaque clogging of arteries by regulating the synthesis of fatty acids. Thanks to this property, vitamin B5 is a natural “drug” that effectively fights atherosclerosis.
  6. Energy production. Pantothenic acid triggers the process of lipolysis in the body - the release of triglycerides from fat cells and their subsequent burning. The course of these procedures is accompanied by the production of additional energy, which is needed during intense physical activity and increased mental work.
  7. Promotes rapid healing of wounds, tissue renewal, and restoration of the barrier properties of mucous membranes.
  8. Relieves depressive disorders, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, doubts.
  9. Prevents side effects from antibiotics.
  10. Reduces pain in rheumatoid arthritis.

In addition, pantothenic acid is needed to maintain healthy skin and hair. It prevents the formation of wrinkles and premature appearance age spots, inhibits early gray hair. By participating in the synthesis of corticosteroids and hemoglobin, B5 has a positive effect on the fight against stress.

Calcium pantothenate is the only vitamin that can be absorbed through the skin; thanks to this property, the substance is used in the production of anti-burn medications and cosmetics.

So, overestimate positive properties organic matter extremely difficult, since the slightest deficiency will immediately affect the functioning of almost all organs and systems.


Let's consider the sequence of manifestation of symptoms of pantothenic acid deficiency.

  1. Fatigue, increased fatigue. The reason for the appearance of these reactions is that calcium pantothenate is consumed at the highest rate in the muscles, and the lack of the compound in the muscles leads to a decrease in the performance of the body as a whole.
  2. Nervous disorders. First of all, hypovitaminosis leads to sleep disturbances. Further, as a result of chronic lack of sleep, the functioning of the central nervous system deteriorates, psycho-emotional stress occurs, burning in the toes, and depression develops.
  3. Headaches, muscle pain. Athletes especially often experience pain in their muscles when they are deficient in B5. This phenomenon occurs as a result of metabolic disturbances, which lead to complete utilization of lactic acid. As a result, the athlete experiences muscle pain and feels tired, like after a hard marathon.
  4. Deterioration of the condition of the skin (the appearance of dermatitis, seborrhea, eczema), hair loss, slower growth and brittleness of the nail plate.
  5. Digestive disorders. In the first stages characteristic symptoms hypovitaminosis of pantothenic acid in the human body - lack of appetite and nausea; if the lack of an organic compound is not compensated, chronic indigestion of food, constant occurrence of diarrhea, constipation, peptic ulcer, gastritis and cholecystitis develop.
  6. “Burning” attacks of pain in the legs at night (not cramps), accompanied by sharp redness skin in the foot area.
  7. Metabolic disorders that lead to imbalance hormonal levels women. These problems are especially dangerous during menopause, as they can cause not only sudden changes in pressure, but also ataxia.
  8. Slowing (rarely stopping) growth in adolescents, weight loss.
  9. Exhaustion caused by indigestion and constant fatigue.
  10. Weakening of the immune system, susceptibility to acute respiratory diseases.
  11. Kidney dysfunction associated with improper production of various hormones. As a rule, problems with the urinary organs occur extremely rarely, in advanced stages of hypovitaminosis.
  12. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels caused by impaired synthesis of glucocorticoids and cholesterol. Clogged arteries lead to the development of atherosclerosis.
  13. Visual impairment (in some cases, blindness).

During the Second World War, among prisoners of war staying in Japanese camps, there was a widespread syndrome of “burning feet”, which arose as a result severe violation healthy eating. In addition, pantothenic acid deficiency in soldiers was accompanied by a violation mental activity, central scotoma, pallor of the optic nerves, blurred vision. At the same time, the inclusion of 30 milligrams of a mixture of B vitamins in the diet eliminated these phenomena and relieved patients from glossitis, stomatitis, diseases of the cornea, sclera, and conjunctivitis.


Let's consider the reasons why the body begins to experience a deficiency of the substance.

  1. Long-term use of sulfonamides and antibiotics. These drugs block the synthesis of active derivatives of vitamin B5. As a result, even with an abundance of pantothenic acid in food, the body may experience a deficiency of the compound.
  2. Lack of proteins and fats in the daily menu. Taking proteins and triglycerides speeds up and facilitates the absorption of calcium pantothenate. Therefore, for men, women, and children who follow vegetarianism and a raw food diet, they should carefully approach the formation of their diet in order to prevent the compound from not being absorbed.
  3. Lack of vitamins B1, B2, C, which are actively involved in the synthesis of pantheine and coenzyme-A.
  4. Digestive disorders (deterioration of food absorption) - malabsorption syndrome. In case of development of this disease, food with high content useful organic compounds pass through the body in transit (non-absorption of nutrients from food).

Pantothenic acid deficiency leads to diseases of the blood, skin, nails, duodenal ulcers, and hypoglycemia.

Considering the fact that vitamin B5 is included in many products of plant and animal origin, deficiency of the compound in the human body is a rare phenomenon, which, in most cases, occurs due to an unbalanced diet or under the influence of factors that contribute to neutralization or non-absorption useful substance.

Hypervitaminosis B5 is more common. Excess of the compound is non-toxic to humans. A single injection of 500 milligrams of calcium pantothenate intravenously does not cause side effects from the body. In rare cases, dehydration, insomnia, agitation, increased heart rate, headache, nausea.


Physiological requirements for pantothenic acid according to Methodological recommendations MP about norms physiological needs in energy and nutrients for various population groups of the Russian Federation:

  • There is no upper permissible consumption level.
  • The physiological need for adults is 5 mg/day (introduced for the first time).
  • The physiological need for children is from 1.0 to 5.0 mg/day (introduced for the first time).


Daily requirement for vitamin B5, (mg)


0 - 3 months

4 - 6 months

7 - 12 months


from 1 year to 11 years

1 — 3

3 — 7

7 — 11


(boys, young men)

11 — 14

14 — 18

> 18


(girls, girls)

11 — 14

14 — 18

> 18



Additional intake of calcium pantothenate is prescribed in the following cases:

  • for infectious diseases;
  • consumption of low-calorie foods;
  • V postoperative period;
  • during times of stress;
  • people of retirement age (over 55 years old);
  • for polyneuritis, neuralgia, bronchial asthma, disorders of the central nervous system, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • to improve the condition of nails, hair, skin;
  • during the period of antibiotic use.

Only the attending physician can determine the required daily dose of the compound.

In case of progression of dermatological diseases, one of the fundamental treatment drugs is pantothenic acid, which is prescribed in a dose significantly higher than daily norm For healthy person(up to 1500 milligrams per day).

To combat acne, the dosage of B5 increases to an impressive amount - up to 10,000 units per day.


Pantothenic acid is widely distributed in food products, which ensures its constant supply from food. Some foods (eg liver, egg yolk) contain pantothenic acid in very large quantities(Table 1).

Table 1. Pantothenic acid content in food products

Animal products

Products of plant origin

Cow's milk



Green beans


1 400-2 700


1 500

Chicken egg yolk

7 000

Dried peas

2 800

Chicken meat



1 500


Veal liver

4 500


2 500-4 500

Veal kidneys

1 500


1 000



Cattle liver

7 600-9 200


Cattle heart

2 000-6 000

Dried onion

1 050


4 000



Oats, hulled grain

2 500


1 000


1 300-1 600

Pork liver

7 000


1 300

Pork kidneys

3 600

Wheat flour



Rice bran

3 000


Rice, whole grain

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid or calcium pantothenate) is a water-soluble vitamin, its main beneficial properties– aids in the production of cellular energy.

What else is the benefit of vitamin B5? Pantothenic acid takes part in the processes of oxidation and acetylation, participates in the synthesis of acetylcholine, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and in the production of porphyrins, corticosteroids, and adrenal hormones.

What are the benefits of pantothenic acid?

Pantothenic acid takes part in the formation of antibodies, improves the absorption of other vitamins by the body, stimulates the production of adrenal hormones, due to which the compound is used for the treatment and prevention of colitis, arthritis, allergic conditions and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Vitamin promotes synthesis in the adrenal cortex important substances glucocorticoids, which help eliminate any inflammatory processes, are responsible for the production of antibodies and the psycho-emotional state. The adrenal cortex is the most efficient of all the glands in the body. To function properly, it needs large reserves of vitamin B5 in order to successfully cope with all problems: stress, inflammatory processes and pathogenic microorganisms. It is also noteworthy that corticoids are more active than other compounds in promoting fat burning, so vitamin B5 indirectly affects weight and helps maintain a slim figure. Sometimes pantothenate is called the main vitamin of beauty and the architect of a slim figure.

Vitamin B5 dosage:

The recommended amount of vitamin B5 for adults is 10 – 20 mg. An increased dose of the vitamin is needed during active physical activity, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, people in the postoperative period, with severe infections, diseases and stress, need an increased dose of the vitamin.

Additional intake of vitamin B5 is prescribed in the following cases:

Vitamin B5, as a component of coenzyme A, takes part in the metabolism of fatty acids, proteins, and carbohydrates, normalizes redox processes in the body. Therefore, it is important for the restoration and maintenance of all cellular tissues. Vitamin B5 synthesizes growth hormones, sex hormones, fatty acids, histamine, “good” cholesterol, hemoglobin and acetylcholine. This is the only vitamin that can be absorbed through the skin, so it is used in anti-burn medications and cosmetics.

Among others necessary for a person Vitamin B5 occupies a special place in food compounds. However, not all people are aware not only of the role it plays in the body’s metabolic processes, but even of what vitamin B5 contains. Although such knowledge can be very useful, given how unpleasant consequences There is a risk of a lack of this vitamin.

Why does the body need vitamin B5?

In the most general form, the role of this substance can be defined as a catalyst for metabolic processes. It is vitamin B5 that forces the body to use fat cells for lipolysis - breakdown with the subsequent release of energy resources necessary for life. In addition, it is needed for the normal functioning of the adrenal glands, the production of hormones and enzymes. It stimulates the activity of the brain and nervous system, helps the body produce antibodies and optimizes the functioning of the immune system.

If there is not enough vitamin B5 in the body, then a person begins to feel chronic fatigue, depression, gets tired quickly, often catches colds, develops muscle pain, nausea, and leg cramps. With a deficiency of this substance, digestive problems begin, ulcers develop, constipation torments, a red rash may appear on the skin, hair may fall out, sticking in the corners of the mouth, and eczema may appear.

Features of taking vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid

To avoid hypovitaminosis, a person should consume at least 5-10 mg of vitamin B5 per day. If he is sick, physically exhausted, or recovering from surgery, then he should receive 15-25 mg daily. The same applies to pregnant women and nursing mothers. This amount of vitamin can be obtained from food. Special preparations This substance can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Where is vitamin B5 found?

The best way to get this miracle vitamin is through regular food. Therefore, it would be useful to find out which foods contain vitamin B5. Since it is very common in nature, it can be found in almost any food, but in different quantities. Most of it is in yeast and green peas - 15 mg per 100 grams of product; in soybeans, beef, liver - 5-7 mg; apples, rice, chicken eggs- 3-4 mg; bread, mushrooms - 1-2 mg. It is worth keeping in mind that during cooking and canning, approximately 50% of vitamin B5 is destroyed, and during freezing - 30%, so products containing it should be subjected to minimal cooking.