Are BCAA amino acids harmful to the body? The whole truth about this supplement and tips on how to take it for weight loss and more. Amino acids: what are their benefits

Among existing sports supplements, the leading position in popularity is occupied by amino acids for athletes. They are widely used not only by professionals, but also by amateurs. It is a mistake to believe that these supplements are necessary only for bodybuilders. People involved in fitness also use them quite successfully.

Based on what has been said, our conversation today will be aimed at clarifying the truth, which gets lost in the labyrinths of myths, prejudices and ordinary gossip. Together we will try to understand how important amino acids are in sports, what role they play, and how many dangers they pose.

Before you start delving into the topic, you need to find out for yourself what the stipulated terms are. sports supplements. They are organic compounds that are used by the human body as a building material for protein. If this sentence is reduced to a minimum, it turns out that protein consists entirely of various amino acids.

Today there are 20 discovered protein compounds, each of which has its own unique characteristics and properties. They are divided into two groups - replaceable and irreplaceable:

  1. The group of replaceable connections consists of – Alanine, Cysteine, Aspartate, Tyrosine, Glycine, Serine, Glutamate, Proline, Glutamine, Asparagine.
  2. The group of essential compounds includes Arginine, Finylalanine, Valine, Threonine, Histidine, Tryptophan, Isoleucine, Methionine, Lysine, Leucine.

The first group is filled with amino acids that our body is able to synthesize on its own. In turn, irreplaceable ones are obtained by a person exclusively from food.

That's why last group deserves more attention. If there is a lack of these protein compounds, athletes’ training process is slowed down. The body becomes weak. Protein deficiency stops regenerative processes in the human body and the creation of new muscle tissue, which leads to the impossibility of progression of speed-strength characteristics.

To prevent “wear and tear” of the body’s systems from any kind of power load, special amino acids were developed for athletes.

It is worth mentioning that it is difficult to buy such nutritional supplements in an ordinary pharmacy. However, they can and preferably be purchased from certified dealers or ordered specifically through a pharmacy store.

You should not use the Internet to purchase such food. IN best case scenario They will sell you a useless set of some non-hazardous components. However, the risk of acquiring dangerous product there is always.

The role of amino acids in sports

After such a long conversation, you can already decide what responsibilities are assigned to protein compounds in order to help achieve the desired results in sports.

The amino acids consumed provide:

  1. Fast delivery to the muscles of the building material they need. In this case, it is worth distinguishing the specified protein compounds from the protein supplements that bodybuilders use. The former enter the blood within 15 minutes, while the latter require long-term absorption (up to 2 hours from the moment of administration). Therefore, the additional benefit of their use is to prevent the “protein window” during training;
  2. Maximum provision of athletes’ bodies with protein, which ensures optimal performance of all necessary processes life activity;
  3. Acceleration and support of recovery processes occurring in muscle tissue;
  4. Normalization of hormone production and optimization of all anabolic processes;
  5. Maintaining a positive nitrogen balance in the body;
  6. Optimization of ongoing energy processes in the muscles, strengthening of protective and immune functions;
  7. Burning excess fat, normalizing protein metabolism;
  8. Normal work all departments and organs of the human body.

Taking sports supplements correctly

Today, amino acids can be purchased in a wide variety of forms. The most common remain liquid concentrates and gelatin capsules.

Regarding how to take these proteins, there is erroneous opinion. Many believe that only on an empty stomach, since such a step will contribute to their better absorption. This is an absolute fallacy!

It must be remembered that amino acids for athletes should not be taken on an empty stomach, as they can cause very severe irritation gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, it is better that they enter the body along with the food consumed.

Appointment time

Before you start taking amino acids, you should read the manufacturer's recommendations. In some cases, it will be more rational to do this after completing the workout. When consuming protein compounds, you need to take into account that tryptophan and threonine have a relaxing effect on the human body. Therefore, it is better not to consume them in large quantities before training.

Damage to amino acids and side effects

People have always had a lot of questions about taking these supplements. How safe are they? Is it possible or not to take them? What dominates in them: harm or benefit? Maybe it's better to change your diet? Unfortunately, the pharmacy will not be able to provide answers to everything. exciting questions, and it’s not profitable for dealers.

If you want to assess the harm or benefit caused by these supplements, you need to know which amino acids for athletes to take and how they are obtained. Let's pay attention to the structural protein units - cottage cheese, eggs, meat, dairy products, legumes.

All of them contain protein or, in other words, amino acids in significant quantities. The question already arises of how such components can harm a person. These products are consumed by everyone, so what side effects were observed after their use? None! This means that the benefits from them are significant, but the harm is zero.


The amino acids an athlete needs can be obtained from food, but it is better to take it in pure form. The main thing is not to overdo it with the dosage. However, such a phenomenon as an overdose practically does not occur. After all, manufacturers always offer instructions for use, in which the recommended doses are somewhat underestimated.

An overdose from the use of amino acids is possible only when a person doubts the competence of sports pharmacists and arbitrarily exceeds the dosages specified in the instructions.

Even in this case, the harm caused to the body will be minimal, but the appearance side effects It cannot be avoided, and this happens solely from careless handling of the drugs used.

In this conversation, it is inappropriate to point out which amino acids can cause harm. Side effects include:

  • Kidney dysfunction. Since it is the kidneys that remove urea, creatinine and other waste products, as well as waste proteins, in the case of chronic diseases they will not cope with their work. In the case of our drugs we're talking about about the intake of pure proteins per 50 grams. per day;
  • Sleep disturbance. If you take protein compounds in their pure form, this side effect may occur. In particular, glutamine (glutamic acid) can cause a psychostimulating or stimulating effect. Glycine has a sedative effect.

Once you start taking amino acids, you should not experiment with their daily dosages. Harm to the body is possible if the recommended norm is exceeded by more than five times.

In the photos posted online, you can see a huge number of different packaging jars of the same drug. You need to choose protein compounds not by stickers or packaging, but solely by the manufacturer. It’s better if it’s European.

Amino acids are viewed as tiny gold nuggets that can impart superhuman powers to those who develop the muscles of the body every day. Sports nutrition and nutritional supplements, cocktails and capsules contain amino acids and are popular among athletes.

What are amino acids and what are they needed for?

The human body is 20% protein. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the body and the coordinated functioning of all systems. The building block of protein is called an "amino acid" - an organic compound necessary to build the structure of the cell. Without amino acids, the transportation process is impossible nutrients.

Why else do humans need amino acids?

  • for the production of protein and enzymes;
  • psychological background (mood);
  • sleep quality;
  • concentration;
  • sexual activity;
  • wound healing;
  • restoration of muscle fibers;
  • healthy bones;
  • beautiful skin and hair.

Any disease is the result of an imbalance necessary substances in the body. Amino acids are responsible for correct process their receipts and balance. When protein is consumed, it breaks down inside the gastrointestinal tract into individual amino acids, from which proteins, hormones and digestive enzymes that the body lacks are synthesized in the human body.

This complex biological process is called protein biosynthesis. The body must constantly receive different amino acids through a varied diet, biologically active additives And own production(biosynthesis).

The importance of amino acids in the human body

The goal is that amino acids enter the body and are in the correct combination. If one type is unavailable or insufficient, protein production is slowed down and metabolic processes, the rate of elimination of decay products and toxins decreases. Older people are not the only ones who suffer from this. Young people also feel a lack of nutrients; the following signs help determine their limited intake:

  • body weight problems;
  • deterioration appearance hair loss, fragility, dryness;
  • poor skin condition;
  • insomnia;
  • mood swings;
  • decreased potency/libido;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension, etc.

The function of amino acids extends far beyond the definition of “building blocks.”

Benefits and uses of amino acids

Depending on the possibility of protein synthesis in the body, amino acids are divided into groups. The first is essential, these are food proteins containing necessary for a person amino acids that our body is unable to produce on its own. Their supply is provided by the diet and other exogenous sources.

Essential amino acids:

  • 1. Phenylalanine. Has an analgesic and antidepressant effect. Precursor to the synthesis of norepinephrine and dopamine, two chemicals brain, necessary for good health.
  • 2. Valine, isoleucine and leucine are simultaneously classified as essential and in the group branched chain(bcaa amino acids). Prevents the destruction of proteins in muscle fibers during physical exercise. Additional supply of valine is provided by fast recovery body, reduces muscle damage.
  • 3. Threonine. The source of the synthesis of glycine and serine, without which the normal construction of collagen and muscle fibers, elastin. Threonine strengthens the heart muscles and ligaments in the body. With its help, teeth and bones retain their strength for a long time.
  • 4. Tryptophan. Precursor to serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter. Helps suppress pain, calms, improves sleep. The main reason for the presence of tryptophan in sports nutrition is its ability to increase pain tolerance and performance during rigorous training.
  • 5. Methionine. Helps eliminate fat. It contains sulfur, which is essential for the production of the antioxidant glutathione. Methionine is needed by our body to make two other sulfur-containing amino acids, cysteine ​​and taurine. Without them, the body is unable to effectively remove toxins, synthesize strong, healthy tissue and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Methionine is a lipotropic amino acid that helps the liver, prevents the accumulation of fat in the organ and provides normal functioning to eliminate toxins from the body. Methionine supports liver function by regulating the supply of glutathione, which is necessary to neutralize toxins in the liver.

  • 6. Lysine. Promotes healing of mucous tissues. Helps release growth hormone, increases the rate of muscle recovery.
  • 7. Leucine is one of the main and largest amino acids, actively involved in the synthesis and restructuring of proteins. Necessary for normal functioning and maintenance/growth muscle mass.

The body produces nonessential amino acids itself in the quantities required. There are few of them, only four types: serine, glycine, alanine, aspartic acid.

The third group includes amino acids that are necessary for humans, but which the body produces in small quantities. Their deficiency negatively affects the human condition, especially noticeable in people who lead an active life.

The supply quickly runs out and the shortage must be constantly replenished. Amino acids of this group are considered conditionally essential:

  • 1. Arginine. Necessary for the synthesis of nitric oxide. Dilates blood vessels, increases blood flow and exercise tolerance. Arginine is involved in many metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, strengthens the immune system, and increases male libido. Arginine accelerates the process of burning fat and reduces cholesterol. Lack of arginine leads to the development of osteoporosis in older women.
  • 2. Histidine. A histamine precursor, it has antioxidant properties and plays a key role in the synthesis of carnosine. Histamine helps fight cell damage caused by free radicals during exercise. Carnosine helps convert lactic acid into useful fuel for muscles to use during exercise.
  • 3. Tyrosine. Precursor to dopamine. When the body's muscles are unable to bear further stress, tyrosine kicks in and increases the performance and speed of muscle recovery. Athletes are ready for long and hard loads without the danger of “overtraining.”
  • 4. Glutamine. The most abundant amino acid found in muscles. Her share of responsibility is to maintain a person’s immunity at a high level, quickly restore muscles and stimulate protein anabolism. Production slows down with age, so it is necessary additional source receipt.

Glutamine slows down the aging process. The supply of this amino acid is important for elastic skin. When there is a lack of available glutamine, the body takes the necessary protein from muscle mass and converts it into glutamine and energy. Muscle protein is destroyed, the fibers become thinner, and the skin sags.

Scientists call glutamine " internal source youth."

  • 5. Proline. Improves tissue properties, promotes wound healing and skin density.
  • 6. Cysteine. Forms collagen in tissues, improves the elasticity of ligaments and tendons. Needed for building muscle and burning fat.

Build muscle tissue, recover after physical activity and maintaining muscles during the “drying” period is impossible, or almost impossible, without the required volume of amino acids entering the body. Important role allocated to bcaa amino acids, which are metabolized not in the liver, but in the muscles. They serve as a source of energy during training and prevent premature destruction of muscle fibers.

BCAAs are essential for exercise performance and exercise tolerance. With additional intake into the body, tests show an increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood, hemoglobin, hematocrit and serum albumin.

It has been proven that muscle strength is quickly restored, the destruction of protein fibers slows down even during periods of intense exercise, lipid oxidation increases, which promotes weight loss.

When gaining muscle mass

Amino acids should be taken shortly before and after exercise. Sometimes there is an additional dose in the morning. The rest of the time it is more advisable to use protein.

When losing weight

To speed up the process of losing kilograms, provide frequent appointments amino acids. The main goal is to reduce the desire to eat, suppress catabolism, but preserve muscle. Required morning reception, before and after exercise in the gym, between meals.

Amino acid dosage

A complete diet fully covers a person’s needs, but if we are talking about athletes and bodybuilders, an additional source of amino acids is needed; they are consumed faster.

There are several points to consider:

  1. When taking protein mixtures, there is no need for additional amino acids. Only the BCAA amino acids (valine, leucine and isoleucine), which restore the “gaps,” are excluded. It is enough to take them only on the day of training.
  2. The dose is calculated based on the athlete’s body weight. With a weight of 60 kg, the daily portion will be 14 grams; as the weight increases, the dose also increases. A heavyweight will need up to 30 grams per day. Important: we are not talking about the weight of the drug, but the mass of the amino acid. Information varies; information is obtained from the instructions on the package.
  3. The dose per day is divided into 2 doses. The first is taken in the morning after sleep, the second at the end of training.

Preparations containing amino acids can look different: tablets, capsules, gels, solutions, etc. There is no significant difference between them, only in the characteristics of administration.

Contraindications and side effects

It is difficult to exceed the dosage of amino acids, because the manufacturer includes with each package detailed instructions. IN in rare cases possible unwanted effects from application:

  • renal dysfunction (excess daily dose BCAA amino acids);
  • increased intake of glutamine has a stimulating effect on the body;
  • Excessive glycine content “puts the body to sleep.”

It is possible to experience the side effects of amino acids only if you exceed the daily dose multiple times (several times).

The role of amino acids is significant not only for athletic and active people. Balanced diet provides required quantity food proteins for normal life. Additional reception food additives allows athletes and bodybuilders to restore their strength faster, train more productively, maintain tone, health and achieve high results.


Amino acids are organic compounds that combine the characteristics of amines and acids, that is, they are the chemical unit that forms protein, a substance that is the basis of life. Now we know what amino acids are.

What are the benefits of amino acids? The human body consists of protein. Various shapes proteins take part in processes that occur in living organisms.

Proteins are hormones and enzymes, from which all organs are formed. human body, nails, hair, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments. Actually, amino acids are more valuable nutritional elements than proteins themselves.

There are two types of amino acids: “essential” - those that are synthesized in the human body, and “essential” - only those that a person can receive exclusively from food.

The so-called “essential” ones act on the body like vitamins; their absence in the body can result in a serious illness, or even worse, result in death.

There are many different opinions about the use of amino acids. The benefits and harms of amino acids are the subject of debate on many sites. So what are they? beneficial properties amino acids?

Benefits of amino acids manifested in the fact that they are necessary for the normal and proper construction of the body and its maintenance proper operation. They help to better absorb vitamins and minerals and improve the performance of their functions. Typically, athletes take amino acids in order to be stronger and build muscle faster.

Amino acids produce:

  • antibodies that come to the aid of the immune system in the fight against various infections;
  • enzymes that support biochemical reactions;
  • hemoglobin, which delivers oxygen to the cells of the body;
  • hormones - have an effect on metabolic processes.

Damage to amino acids. If we take into account essential amino acids, the least harm they can cause is food poisoning, unless, of course, you eat them correctly. The functioning of the cardiovascular system may seriously deteriorate.

They have a bad influence on those who want to pump up their body. They help pump up the body very quickly, and if you do not maintain a sufficient level of amino acids in the body, then all the muscles can leave as quickly as they came. In general, athletes should monitor this carefully. And as for ordinary people who want to feel good, then the benefits of amino acids are simply irreplaceable.

We can conclude that the benefits of amino acids are very great for the human body, you just need to be more careful and careful with their use.

Every person wants to prolong their youth, women also slim figure. I would like to have a positive attitude and somehow slow down my own biological clock. Amino acids will help with this. Amino acids are simply necessary and most often the body lacks them. They can come mainly through food. , infection, aging processes can disrupt synthesis so necessary for the body substances to humans. Amino acid deficiency can lead to blurred vision, exhaustion, decreased physical and mental activity. Are the benefits of amino acids for the human body overestimated? This question will be answered in this article.

What are amino acids? They are rightly called the primary sources of life; it is from them that proteins appear. In cities today, many people eat in cafes or canteens fast food, where quite high level fats and simple carbohydrates and there is simply no high-quality protein in them. More modern man eats a lot of different things confectionery, a lot, which leads over time to protein deficiency. Here are the first symptoms that indicate amino acid deficiency: fatigue, loss of appetite, hair loss, apathy, deterioration of skin condition. Even a small lack of amino acids in the human body will provoke their consumption from muscle tissue. This will be indicated by symptoms in the form of exhaustion and apathy.

Amino acids, at least some of them, slow down the aging process. Based on this, those over 40 need to pay attention to foods containing protein. This will help you keep yourself for many years in shape. For example, for the production of collagen it uses proline, such as building material for bones, skin, ligaments and tendons. Proline is found in dairy products and eggs.

Tyrosine is an amino acid that affects brain function and good mood. It forces our pituitary gland to produce growth hormone, it is also called the hormone of youth for its properties and qualities. In addition, it increases libido and reduces anxiety. This substance is found in milk, avocados, almonds, eggs, bananas, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and sesame seeds.

For children essential amino acid is arginine. In adults, it is produced less and less, but it is very necessary at any age. Important Feature Arginine helps maintain reproductive function in men; it is also beneficial for women and children. A child or a person weakened by illness has a fairly high need for arginine; it forms collagen, helps heal wounds, normalizes weight, stimulates immune system body, takes an active part in the production of growth hormone.

Methionine has the ability to lower cholesterol levels. Moreover, the amino acid has strong antioxidant properties. According to research, it has become clear that the amino acid methionine has a beneficial effect on the treatment of Parkinson's and helps restore kidney and liver tissue. You can get this amino acid from foods that are rich in proteins, such as lean meat. It should be noted that in plant products it is, as a rule, 5-10 times less when compared with products of animal origin. You need to know that if there is an excess of this substance, it will turn into homocystine, and if a person suffers from heart disease, this will significantly worsen his condition.

Taurine is another amino acid. The properties of taurine are quite varied. It prevents the development of arrhythmia, slows down the aging of the brain and protects it from damaging factors, promotes weight loss, participates in the synthesis of amino acids, and helps the immune system perform its functions. Most taurine is found in fish, but it is also found in dairy products. Vegetarians, having refused to consume animal products, fall into the so-called risk group for deficiency of such an essential and beneficial amino acid for the human body.

It is important to understand that it is not always possible to get required quantity amino acids from food, although there are foods rich in them. Therefore, athletes undergoing a period of recovery from illness, especially severe ones, use sports amino acids (for growth and muscles). Such drugs can be bought in pharmacies or stores sports nutrition. And although they are freely sold in pharmacies, and there is no need to obtain a prescription to purchase them, like any substances they have contraindications.

Amino acids are organic compounds that form amine and carboxyl groups, which, in turn, are the main components of protein. And protein is an important part in the nutrition of not only humans, but also any other animal, to obtain energy. But in what quantities should amino acids be consumed, what are their harms and benefits for people of different genders, ages and statuses?

Benefits of amino acids

All types of amino acids are divided into replaceable and essential. The body can synthesize the former on its own, but it is also possible to obtain them from food, while the latter, which are considered the most necessary, can only be obtained through food intake.

The main benefit of amino acids is considered to be assistance in the absorption of vitamins, which help a person to develop normally and not have any abnormalities. And separately for athletes who take amino acids, they are needed to build muscle mass, which is why proteins are also called proteins.

Despite the fact that most groups of amino acids are synthesized by the body independently, there are 9 that we get from food, and they are considered the most important and literally irreplaceable, since they contain the main benefits of amino acids. These groups produce certain elements:

  1. Antibodies that the body uses to fight infectious diseases and viruses;
  2. Enzymes. Used to maintain biochemical reactions;
  3. Hormones that improve metabolic processes and contribute to their normal course;
  4. Hemoglobin, this element delivers oxygen throughout the body.

Separately, it is worth noting that for women, amino acids are important specifically in terms of hormones and the absence of hormonal imbalance, and if they are deficient, infertility and physical damage to the fetus can develop.

In addition, amino acids are excellent antioxidants and actively promote the elimination of harmful substances, toxins and waste, fight against oncological diseases. Protein removes subcutaneous fat and helps maintain skin elasticity, and, therefore, the desired youth of the face and body. After all, this is what many women strive for.

Damage to amino acids

If you use amino acids too often, in the wrong dosage or do not coordinate their intake with general meals, you can get food poisoning.

Irrational intake of amino acids causes problems with cardiovascular system and heart. For those who want to build muscles, simply taking proteins will not help. The amino acids in it only support rapid development muscles during training, and if you stop consuming acids in the same diet as before, then the biceps, triceps and abs will go away at the same speed as they came. This is where amino acids are harmful for muscle growth.

In what foods can amino acids be found?

Individual products contain various amino acid components: valine, leucine, threonine, metheonine, isoleucine, lysine, tryptophan.

The foods richest in amino acid components are oats, onions, broccoli, and garlic. Pork, turkey meat and jellied meat contain abundant amounts of tryptophan and histidine, and you can also eat other types of lean meat. Peanuts, almonds and bananas will help you strengthen blood vessels and bones.

However, there is no point in listing such products; amino acids are contained in many of them, so it is enough just to regularly eat the right foods.

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