It is painful to go to the toilet after childbirth. How to go to the toilet after childbirth or caesarean section: how to improve bowel movements

Many women, after permission, complain that they cannot go to the toilet. Those who are faced with this disease experience severe psychological and physical discomfort.

To solve the problem, you should thoroughly understand why it appears after childbirth. this situation, what constipation can be, and also understand what methods would be best to use in order to pass normally.

After childbirth, constipation appears due to physiological and mental reasons. Physiological ones include:

  • abdominal muscle dystrophy;
  • perineal ruptures;
  • pressure of the uterus on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • intestinal dislocation;
  • slowing down intestinal contractions;
  • poor nutrition;
  • congenital gastrointestinal diseases.

TO psychological reasons lack of stool after childbirth includes:

  • suppressing the desire to go to the toilet for a long time;
  • fear that the stitches will come apart if you push;
  • stress;
  • fear of pushing.


There are 3 types in total:

  1. Spastic.
  2. Atonic.
  3. Associated with intestinal pathology such as intestinal elongation.

Spastic appearance

The spastic type is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • feces are excreted in small portions;
  • attacks of pain in the left side of the abdomen;
  • possible nausea fatigue, loss of appetite.

What to do with constipation? This type can be quickly treated with proper nutrition and an established daily routine.

Atonic type

The atonic variant is characterized by:

This type most often occurs in women who have had surgery, as well as those who have an unhealthy diet or have undergone antibiotic therapy. Often, as a result of the disease, a tear or crack in the anus occurs. In this case, surgical intervention is required.

When lengthening

This type of symptoms is very similar to spastic. The reason is that feces pass more long way, in which liquid is absorbed from them. As a result, the masses become hard, which prevents their normal exit from the body.

Only a qualified specialist can determine the type and prescribe competent, and most importantly, safe treatment for the mother and her child.

For hemorrhoids this disease requires immediate consultation with a doctor and further therapy.


What to do to avoid making the situation worse? For constipation after childbirth during breastfeeding, treatment depends on whether the mother is breastfeeding her baby; not all laxatives are prescribed, but only those that are safe for the baby. But before resorting to drugs, you can try to solve the problem naturally. Let's look at how to get rid of constipation after childbirth on your own.


How can diet help? In fact, in most cases the situation is resolved precisely thanks to balanced diet. Pooping after childbirth will be allowed by including in the daily menu such provisions as:

  • natural vegetable oils;
  • black bread;
  • bran;
  • buckwheat and pearl barley.

The best vegetables and fruits are:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • zucchini;
  • pumpkin;
  • cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • apples;
  • cherries;
  • apricots;
  • melon.

Compotes made from dried fruits and fermented milk foods will be useful. In addition, you should definitely drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Well-established drinking regime helps to quickly remove waste and toxins from the body. Maybe you'll get along well good habit start every morning with a glass of water. This will reduce the risks of atonic type of disease.

You should limit your use:

  • hard cheese;
  • rice;
  • quinces;
  • strawberries;
  • pears;
  • currants;
  • fatty soups.
  • white bread;
  • wheat bran;
  • semolina;
  • legumes;
  • blueberry;
  • walnuts.

A diet that follows all the advice will help quick solution problems. Nursing mothers should choose foods that will not cause an allergic reaction in their children.

Proper nutrition will also help you quickly get your body in shape and beautiful. appearance, healthy shiny hair and nails.

Conservative therapy

How to go to the toilet when conservative treatment? The use of laxatives and the use of enemas is provided. You can also use folk ways therapy, but only after consultation with a doctor. An enema will help you poop after childbirth.

An enema helps:

  • increased intestinal contractility;
  • softening of feces.

You should perform no more than 4 rinses of the gastrointestinal tract with an enema per day.

The following medications will be safe for a breastfeeding mother and her child:

  • Fortrans.
  • Duphalac.
  • Forlax.
  • Lactulose syrup.​

Keep in mind that if a mother is breastfeeding and at the same time taking a laxative, the baby may experience colic, since the drug itself will enter his body along with the milk.

In case of a spastic form of the disease, it is forbidden to take medications containing sena or Alexandria leaf, since they will only increase intestinal motility.

An excellent option. They soften feces, and at the same time glycerin is excreted immediately along with the masses, without being absorbed into the blood, which means they pose absolutely no danger to the baby. But there is also reverse side: common solution In a delicate situation, this method can lead to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract will no longer empty itself.

Traditional medicine

Treatment traditional methods is famous for its safety and effectiveness, since the decoctions consist exclusively of components taken from natural environment, without any chemical additives.

Infusions of valerian, heather, hawthorn, adonis, lemon balm, and chamomile have a phytoncidal and anti-inflammatory effect, which is very important in therapy. If the disease occurs along with hemorrhoids, it is recommended to make baths from these herbs. ​

Below are a few herbal medicine recipes. It is better to drink these decoctions warm - this will stimulate lactation, increase the tone of the whole body and strengthen the immune system.

  • Gooseberry decoction.

For one tablespoon of gooseberries, use 1 glass of water. The berries are filled with water and boiled for about 10 minutes. The drink is filtered and taken 4 times, about a quarter of a glass. If desired, you can add some dried fruits to the gooseberries.

  • Figs with milk.

Pour 2 tablespoons of figs into a glass boiled milk. Milk can be replaced boiled water. Take one tablespoon 3-4 times a day. This dried fruit is absolutely safe for infants. Figs are rich in vitamins and microelements necessary for a woman and her child. In addition, it helps you recover faster.

  • A decoction of cumin, anise and fennel.

Take 2 tablespoons of each component and pour boiling water. You should drink half a glass half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Ready dried herbs can be purchased at a pharmacy. These herbs have a very good effect on lactation, increase energy and give vigor. They help with constipation and relieve stress.

No matter how safe the decoction may seem, it should be taken with caution.

The baby may develop allergies or colic to the composition of the product. To experiment, take one sip of the decoction and observe the child’s reaction. If everything is fine with him, you can continue taking it. But if gastrointestinal disorders, rashes, etc. appear negative manifestations allergies, stop using immediately. ​

Physical activity

To prevent the occurrence of this disease, the body needs physical activity. Exercise improves contractility gastrointestinal tract, tone it up, help bring the body into shape.

But physical exercise contraindicated for women:

  • with elevated temperature;
  • with ulcerative colitis;
  • those suffering from diarrhea;
  • with pathologies of organ systems.

Those who have undergone surgery should consult with their physician to determine the level of individual stress on the body.

Is it possible to feed the baby?

This question is one of those that interests mothers first of all. If the disease is chronic, problems with gastrointestinal tract disorders may also occur in the child, since toxins from the mother’s body enter the milk, and with it to the child. If difficulties with going to the toilet are an isolated case, there will be nothing wrong with breastfeeding, but if they are constant, it is better to refuse breastfeeding until the situation is resolved.

We figured out how to go to the toilet after childbirth. Don't let the problem get worse. How long will you ignore alarm bells body, so many complications may arise in the future. Remember that from your emotional and physical condition The life of a small miracle depends.

After the baby is born, a woman faces another problem - going to the toilet. 90% of women are affected by this. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to go to the toilet without pain and without harming yourself.

How to go to the toilet after childbirth with stitches

In the first hours after childbirth, you may not feel pain, since the nerve endings of the pelvis are practically devoid of sensitivity. The problem begins to appear after 5-6 hours. And the doctor continues to recommend going to the toilet every 3-4 hours.

To relieve suffering, use the shower. Warm water is very helpful in relaxing muscles. And the murmur of water on a subconscious level will do its job.

Over time, it will become much easier to go to the toilet.

How to go to the toilet after childbirth

But the main problem for almost all women is going to the toilet. This process is especially difficult after surgery or ruptures. The woman in labor begins to worry about the stitches, that they may come apart and lead to new problems. Yes, the seams can come apart. But, as a rule, within a day after childbirth, the skin regenerates and the wounds heal.

If you do encounter this unpleasant problem, then it needs to be addressed urgently. Otherwise, it is fraught with serious consequences.

First, review your diet. Even if you're breastfeeding, don't be afraid to introduce new foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits. Especially useful in this situation are products with coarse fiber - apples, prunes, pears, etc.

The products can be consumed in the form of compote and decoctions.

Make it a habit to drink a glass of water after bed. Life-giving moisture for the body - best medicine. Intestinal function will improve much faster.

Perform abdominal exercises, but only if you have not done it. Lying on the bed, inflate your stomach and exhale slowly. Repeat 5-6 times for three approaches. The abdominal muscles will return to normal faster and the long-awaited free relief will come.

If you noticed bleeding on the stool masses and you feel hellish pain, then an enema and laxatives will help.

This problem usually occurs if a woman in labor does not walk for a long time. Therefore, an enema is required to liquefy the masses. This is the most reliable way. Yes, the procedure is not particularly pleasant, but there is nowhere to go.

Of course you can use medical supplies, but with great caution and better on the recommendation of a doctor. Safe drug is glycerol. Candles are made on its basis. It becomes easier to go to the toilet, that is, the intestines will ask for release. But the suppository is unable to split solid masses, so pain may occur again.

The most effective drugs are those that improve the functioning of the intestines from the inside. For example, Duffalak. Herbal Ingredients drugs help cope with this task.

Microlax is no less effective. Yes, it's an enema, but a very effective one. In 15 minutes it relieves constipation and makes it easier to go to the toilet.

If all methods have been tried and have not brought results, then immediately consult a doctor. Constipation that lasts more than 2 weeks may indicate serious problems, such as bowel movement.

Don't be afraid to talk about the problem with your doctor. His task is to help the patient. After all, frequent and long-term constipation and Treating such problems is much more difficult.

Be healthy!

After childbirth, the complaint “I can’t go big” is one of the most common, perhaps even common.

The reason is clear, childbirth is accompanied by stretching of the muscles of the perineum, this area, even during the most remarkable childbirth, is injured to one degree or another, and if there were ruptures, then attempting to defecate becomes extremely painful. For many, it is simply painful to walk long distances; half of women have bloody stools during the first months after childbirth due to hemorrhoids, which often worsen after childbirth.

Knowing all these features postpartum period, women undergo a cleansing enema before giving birth. It not only eliminates the risk of embarrassment during pushing, but also makes bowel movements completely unnecessary in the first three days after birth. Childbirth with third degree tears requires complete absence stool during the first days after birth. In order to avoid the need to go to the toilet in large quantities during these critical days While the rupture in the rectal area is healing, the postpartum woman is prescribed a slag-free diet. These are light, almost completely digestible products, such as broths and soups. And then they help you go to the toilet for the first time with the help of suppositories or an enema.

When you return home from the maternity hospital, you may be faced with the problem of constipation. At the same time, such a problem as hemorrhoids, sutures of the perineum are the main reason why the body simply suppresses the urge to go to the toilet, it is afraid of possible pain, and the woman prefers to endure and suppress desire.

Considering that the longer you endure, the harder and more painful the stool becomes, going to the toilet becomes a real torment, add to this the fear of pushing too hard.

So what to do? What medications can you take given that you are breastfeeding?

How many times should you walk big? healthy person?

Normally, stool should be at least once every 36 hours. Delay for more long term, more than 48 hours, leads to problems, and is called constipation.

The most common causes of stool retention:

- Fear of colic in a child leads a woman to exclude from her diet all foods that contain fiber, and this prevents the intestines from working normally.

Fear of pain due to hemorrhoids or perineal ruptures, stitches makes you refuse to defecate, despite the fact that you want to go to the toilet in a big way, the reflex is artificially suppressed.

The fear of pushing (what if the stitches come apart, the uterus prolapses, etc.) prevents you from emptying your bowels and forces you to endure it.

How to deal with this?

- Meals should include porridge, fermented milk products. All this stimulates the intestines well without causing colic in the baby. In general, there are many myths regarding food and colic in a baby; you can eat anything, the main thing is that the food should be varied. Explicit, for example, allergic reaction a reason to refuse the product.

You need to drink a lot, at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

You need to have a bowel movement every day at the same time. If you walk poorly, rarely and with pain, you can help yourself by using suppositories with sea buckthorn and glycerin. They are safe for breastfeeding.

Provide perineum good care wash yourself after stool cool water, change pads often, you need dryness.

When to see a doctor:

- If you go to the toilet with a lot of blood, it could be hemorrhoids or anal fissure. You cannot see on your own what exactly happened to your anus, so as not to trigger the disease, take the time to go to a proctologist.

If you constantly want something big, but stool does not bring complete relief, the cause may be a rectocele, unpleasant disease caused by difficult childbirth. With a rectocele, the rectum forms a protrusion towards the vagina, in which feces are retained. If at the very beginning you can eliminate rectocele with diet and physical therapy, then, having started the problem, you can bring yourself to surgery.

If, despite the diet, you cannot cope with constipation for more than two weeks, also consult a doctor.

According to statistics, 99% of women experience pain during bowel movements after childbirth. The enormous tension in the perineum that occurs during the birth of a baby takes its toll. The tissues of the perineum are damaged, and in women the anus is so close to the vagina that the pain is sent there directly. The sensations can be so acute that a woman involuntarily avoids going to the toilet, causing constipation.

Causes of pain and bleeding

Painful sensations when going to the toilet are experienced not only by women who have gone through natural childbirth. New mothers who have had a caesarean section also experience difficulty defecating. After surgery, it is usually very scary to push, as you think that the stitches will come apart. If you live like this for several days, a spasm of the anal sphincter may occur - then the pain becomes even stronger. But this is not the only reason.


An anal fissure can occur immediately at the time of childbirth from straining. If a woman has already encountered a fissure before or during pregnancy, the disease may worsen after childbirth. Symptoms of an anal fissure - scratching sensations when stool comes out, traces of blood on underwear or toilet paper. With a crack, there is usually no serious bleeding; the marks are “smearing” in nature.

Most often, cracks appear at the very edge of the rectum.

Like any injury to the intestines, an anal fissure requires consultation with a doctor. The proctologist must assess the depth and length of the damage and prescribe treatment. Not all cracks can be treated conservatively: large lesions require surgery. However, in the first weeks after childbirth, mothers, as a rule, do not have time to visit doctors. To help yourself, you can try suppositories allowed during feeding, baths. In addition, you will have to adjust your diet.

Stitches on the crotch

If there were many tears during childbirth or doctors performed an episiotomy, the woman will need stitches. The vast majority of mothers whose sutures have not yet been removed (or until the suture material has dissolved on its own) experience fear and pain when straining. In this case, doctors advise using laxatives or stool softeners to keep straining to a minimum. You definitely need to adjust your diet. The sutures on the perineum rarely come apart during defecation, but if it’s very scary, you can hold the seam with a finger wrapped in a bandage or napkin.

With hemorrhoids, the veins inside the intestines become inflamed - nodes form on them, which hurt and interfere with normal bowel movements. Hemorrhoids also begin in the third trimester of pregnancy, when the uterus and internal organs begin to put pressure on the intestines. This pressure, combined with increased weight and in a sedentary manner life provokes stagnation in the intestinal veins. Nodes appear, which may be located inside the rectum, or may fall out due to prolonged pushing.

At first, hemorrhoids are localized internally, and then they fall out

Hemorrhoids must be treated under the supervision of a proctologist.


Constipation is the absence of stool (or a very small amount of it) for one and a half days. After childbirth, women face two types of constipation - atonic and spastic. The first type of illness is typical for those who have undergone a cesarean section - the intestines after the operation are weak and sluggish, they do not want to move feces. Spastic constipation occurs most often for psychological reasons (fear of suture dehiscence, constant fear for a newborn and the inability to “switch”). The problem is aggravated if a woman eats poorly and drinks little fluid. Plays a role in this process abrupt change hormonal levels after childbirth.

Except discomfort in the toilet, constipation is dangerous because toxins contained in the stool begin to be absorbed back into the blood. This provokes feeling unwell, weakness and depression.

How to treat rectal diseases for a nursing mother

Since all these ailments overtake a woman literally immediately after childbirth, treatment must be compatible with breastfeeding. There are modern drugs on plant based, which are completely safe for the baby.
In the treatment of diseases of the rectum, in addition to drugs, there are two more important pointsspecial diet and drinking regime. Without compliance with them, medications will not have an effect.

Medicines allowed during lactation

During breastfeeding, it is best to use suppositories (rectal suppositories) and ointments. Their main action is local. They heal damage to the walls of the rectum, relieve inflammation and facilitate the process of defecation.

After administering the suppositories, it is advisable to lie down for half an hour - this way the medicine will not leak out and will work better

Table: drugs allowed during lactation

Drug nameRelease formHow it worksHow to useContraindications
GlycerolCandlesSlightly irritates the intestinal walls, provoking peristalsis. Lubricates and protects mucous membranes. Due to its oily texture, it facilitates the passage of feces.Insert one suppository into the rectum when you want to go to the toilet.
At severe constipation You can put 1 candle per day half an hour after breakfast, regardless of the desire to go to the toilet.
Sensitivity to glycerol
Sea buckthorn oilCandlesReduces inflammation, promotes regeneration of damaged tissue, normalizes blood clotting at the site of damage. Inhibits the activity of fungi and bacteria.Twice a day, 1 suppository after bowel movement
  • Sensitivity to sea buckthorn,
  • severe burning sensation in the anal area
PosterisanCandles, ointmentAnesthetizes, relieves inflammation, promotes tissue regeneration, stimulates local immunity and relieves itching.After bowel movement, a suppository or ointment (using an applicator) is inserted into the rectum. For external damage, the ointment is applied thin layer. The dosage is determined by the doctor.
  • Childhood,
  • presence of tuberculosis, gonorrhea, syphilis
ReliefCandles, ointmentRelieves swelling and itching, stops bleeding. Relief Advance reduces pain, and Relief Ultra relieves inflammation and dries the wound.Administer 1 suppository after bowel movement. For external damage, it is better to use ointment. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor.
  • Allergic reactions to components of suppositories,
  • thromboembolism,
  • hyperthyroidism,
  • diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension
NatalsidCandlesRelieves inflammation, stops bleeding, promotes tissue restoration.1 candle is introduced into anus after bowel movements or enema 2 times a day.
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug,
  • childhood
DuphalacSyrupLaxative, softens stool.The average dose is 15–45 ml per day, taken in one or two doses. The quantity is determined using a measuring cup. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually, based on the situation.
  • Galactosemia,
  • allergic reactions,
  • acute intestinal obstruction
HepatrombinCandlesLaxative, softens stool. Reduces the likelihood of blood clots forming in hemorrhoids, prevents blood from stagnating, has an anti-inflammatory effect.1–2 times a day, 1 suppository is inserted into the rectum after bowel movements.
  • Predisposition to bleeding
  • tuberculosis,
  • syphilis,
  • bacterial skin diseases,
  • tumors

A very effective and simple remedy against anal fissures- baths. After defecation, you need to dial in big basin warm water, add a few crystals of potassium permanganate (so that the solution is pale pink) or chamomile decoction. Then you need to sit in the basin and sit quietly for 10–15 minutes. Baths perfectly relieve pain and itching and promote the healing of cracks.


For diseases of the rectum, it is necessary to strictly follow a diet, otherwise medications will only relieve symptoms without completely curing the disease. General principles nutrition are as follows:

  • consume large amounts of fiber, which helps intestinal motility, which means it reduces the likelihood of constipation;
  • make food soft and non-irritating;
  • improve intestinal microflora.

With this diet, it is important to ensure that all foods are approved for consumption by nursing mothers. However, the nursing diet and nutrition for fissures and constipation often overlap.

It should be cooked mainly by steaming. You can eat boiled, stewed, stewed dishes. Baked and especially fried - it is better to keep them to a minimum. During the treatment period, it is advisable for the intestines to thoroughly grind food during cooking and chew it very well. To diversify the menu, you can master soufflé. You can prepare it from egg whites, meat, fish. It's tasty and safe for the intestines.

Steam more often - it’s healthy and very convenient: food will never burn

The diet must contain fats - animal and vegetable. To maintain healthy microflora, you need to drink kefir, yoghurts, and bifidos.

Strictly prohibited:

  • canned food,
  • chips,
  • spices,
  • hot and sour sauces,
  • salty and smoked dishes,
  • alcohol,
  • sausage and frankfurters,
  • fresh white bread,
  • refined sweets,
  • fatty meats, poultry and fish,
  • cheese and sour cream are too fatty,
  • strong rich broths,
  • citrus.

High fiber foods

Fiber is dietary fiber, which are contained in plant foods and in cereals. Foods containing fiber can be quite rough and scratch the intestines. Therefore, cooked dishes with fiber are used to treat hemorrhoids and fissures. These are porridges - oatmeal, buckwheat, millet. You can try with caution pea porridge and rice, well boiled. You can add a little to your food wheat bran- these are real “champions” in fiber content. Whole grain breads and bran breads are also sources of fiber.

Coarse bread contains a lot of fiber, but is too hard for the intestines

Vegetables contain quite a lot of fiber - all types of cabbage, carrots, beets, green beans. If a nursing mother has already introduced these products to the menu, you need to remember that in their raw form white cabbage or carrots can be quite rough. It is best to stew or boil them. Zucchini is perfect for this diet.

Fruits with a lot of fiber include peeled apples, pears, bananas, apricots, plums and peaches. Dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes - will not only help form soft stools, but also replace sweets.

Drinking regime

To keep your stool soft, you need to drink enough fluids. This will only benefit a nursing mother. The standard recommendation is to drink at least 2 liters clean water per day, not counting tea, compote and juices. You should have soup for lunch every day.

In addition to fruit juices (necessarily diluted and without sugar), the diet for fissures or hemorrhoids usually includes vegetables: pumpkin, carrot. They are not only tasty, but also perfectly filling. Glass pumpkin juice It can easily replace an entire snack.

Even in the first weeks after childbirth, if a woman experiences pain when going to the toilet, she needs to find an opportunity and see a doctor. Self-medication for such diagnoses can be dangerous - the cracks deepen and hemorrhoids intensify. Treat neglected cases the conservative way is much more difficult. Principles proper nutrition will have to be observed constantly, since these ailments have the ability to return.

    Oh, how I was afraid to go to the toilet after giving birth. Thank God everything went fine. Be sure to eat food that helps you relax (in the maternity hospital, we were given pilaf without a twinge of conscience, which I refused, and bread too). You can ask your relatives to buy glycerin suppositories, they help.

    Loke with your feet. It seems like it will be even easier after giving birth.

    Many women in labor have this problem: after giving birth, they cannot easily go to the toilet, especially those who have stitches. Constipation is common. You need to immediately contact a nurse or doctor, they will help and bring a laxative.

    Yes, a familiar problem, I also encountered this. After giving birth, I had constipation and stitches, so naturally it didn't work out.

    Duphalac helped me - this is a laxative that you can drink during lactation and a syringe.

    I used a syringe for the first time so as not to aggravate hemorrhoids.

    Actually, when normal birth the same as before birth)

    Suppositories with glycerin helped me and were very helpful. Before them, neither cleansing enemas nor laxatives helped. Moreover, there were seams, and it was scary that they would come apart. Then I became acquainted with these candles for the first time, I didn’t even expect that they would help so much. The women in the ward also ate boiled beets, steamed black plums, and drank phytolax.

    Put a Glycerin candle (sold in any pharmacy, a pack of 10 costs about 150 rubles, that is, 15 rubles for each candle), walk for 10-15 minutes, be patient, and then go to the toilet, there will be no problems. Candles are absolutely safe!

    I don’t recommend immediately running to the toilet at the first urge after this suppository; it’s better to hold it for a while to better stimulate intestinal motility!

    You can also do an enema, but this will not be comfortable for everyone. Microlax microenemas are also sold, they will also help, but they are much more expensive than suppositories with glycerin, you will have to pay a decent amount for one time, but they also help.

    You definitely need to go to the baby within a few hours after giving birth. If it doesn’t work out, then be sure to tell the doctor about it (we monitored this ourselves) and have a catheter inserted.

    By and large, it is also advisable to go at the first urge, otherwise it will be even more difficult later. Sometimes it’s so scary that women prefer to endure it (when there are stitches). Special foods and candles will help cope with this situation.

    it's actually very serious problem and many people can’t even imagine what it’s like for a woman who has stitches, who can’t sit down, it’s scary, and there’s no way

    I didn’t have time to face such a problem myself and didn’t even realize it, because soon after giving birth I drank a glass of kefir from a pack my mother brought me. And that’s it, the body was cleansed. So I advise you to drink kefir. But the relatives specially brought it to my roommate prune decoction. And everything is fine too.

    I didn’t bother and as soon as I realized that I couldn’t, I asked the nurses to give me an enema. I had one stitch right next to my anus and it was very scary. Second and subsequent times. everything went without problems. So my advice is to ask for an enema.

    Often women cannot go to bed in the maternity hospital, because in an unusual place the body seems to refuse to do so. This effect, by the way, is noticeable when traveling. And at home everything is getting better.

    I had a caesarean section, and still it was scary to go to the toilet for the first time, in case something burst somewhere or came apart!))) You just need to gather your courage and go ahead!)))

    Not everyone finds it easy to go big after giving birth. For many, suffering and pain can be associated with hemorrhoids, postpartum sutures, gases in the intestines, and so on.

    This will help with food that relaxes the intestines and loosens the stool a little. Boiled beets and steamed dried apricots will help with this.

    You can use candles, but first check whether they are suitable for a nursing mother. You can drink Duphalac.

    You should temporarily exclude legumes, grapes and black bread from your food.

    And if you have problems with urination, then you can try doing it in the shower, drinking tea with dill (brew the seeds).