Hellish lower back pain: renal colic and ways to eliminate it. What causes kidney pain and how to relieve pain at home

Spicy and chronic pathologies in the organs of the urinary system cause discomfort, disrupt the outflow of fluid, worsen general condition. A common complaint from patients of all ages is kidney pain.

What to do at home? What medications and herbs are effective in treating diseases that cause pathological processes and pain in the kidneys? How to prevent new attacks? The answers are in the article.

Possible causes of pain in the kidney area

Negative symptoms in the kidney area are a consequence of infectious and inflammatory diseases. Often, discomfort develops against the background of malfunctions in the body and pathologies of neighboring organs.

The main causes of pain:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • gynecological and urological diseases;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • renal failure (acute and chronic);
  • kidney cyst;
  • improper functioning of the urinary system during pregnancy;
  • high load on the kidneys due to poor nutrition and drinking poor quality water;
  • hypothermia.

Learn how to provide first aid for renal colic and further treatment diseases.

Read about the causes of urolithiasis in men and the treatment of pathology at this address.

How to understand that your kidneys hurt

How can you tell if your kidneys are hurting? They speak about the malfunction of important organs of the urinary system following symptoms sore kidney:

  • pain in the lower back;
  • at acute stage For many diseases, discomfort is felt in the groin area, legs, upper abdomen;

  • often the pain radiates to the bladder and genital area;
  • urine test results worsen. Often, it is during a medical examination that doctors identify pathologies that a person does not pay attention to when chronic course, mild negative symptoms;
  • dark circles appear under the eyes, legs and face swell;
  • often develops arterial hypertension(pressure increases);
  • blood clots appear in the urine;
  • often feel thirsty, appetite decreases;
  • The color of urine often changes: the liquid darkens, becomes cloudy, and “flakes” appear;
  • with urolithiasis, sand and small irregularly shaped pebbles are noticeable in the urine;
  • weakness appears, drowsiness develops;
  • volume of discharge during bowel movement bladder decreases noticeably;
  • urination is difficult, burning and discomfort often occur;
  • when the inflammatory process is activated, the temperature rises, in some cases - up to +39 degrees;
  • Sometimes vision deteriorates and rashes appear on the body.

What to do at home

Many people believe that the best remedy for pain in the kidney area is herbal infusions. Regular intake of properly selected herbal remedies really improves the patient’s condition, but renal pathologies can be completely cured only after a comprehensive examination, consultation with a nephrologist or urologist.

Common mistakes:

  • Selection of herbs and medicines on the advice of friends suffering from kidney disease. It is important to remember: what suits one person is contraindicated for another. In case of urolithiasis, it is important to take into account the chemical composition of the stones, otherwise therapy will not bring benefit, but harm. When detecting phosphates, one type of diet and medications is required, when detecting oxalates and urates, another.
  • Uncontrolled use of analgesics. To anesthetize does not mean to cure. After taking Paracetamol, Baralgin, Ibuprofen, No-shpa, Drotaverine, the condition improves for a while, the kidneys hurt less, but the problem does not disappear. Gradually, the inflammatory process becomes more active; strong painkillers are required, which also do not eliminate the cause of the discomfort, but only relieve the pain syndrome for a short time.


If your back hurts in the kidney area, then you cannot experiment with replacing drug therapy with herbal medicine. The use of questionable methods sometimes ends tragically.

Tablets for stopping the inflammatory process:

  • Ciprofloxacin.
  • Verapamil.
  • Norfloxacin.
  • Cyclophosphamide.

If their effectiveness is low, these drugs are replaced with stronger antibiotics: Cephalexime, Amoxicillin.

To dissolve and remove sand and stones, tablets are prescribed:

  • Blemaren.
  • Allopurinol.
  • Ugly.

Effect of drugs for urolithiasis: reduce concentration uric acid, dissolve urates. Effective compositions reduce the acidity level of urine and facilitate the removal of stones naturally.

Herbal medicines:

  • Nephroleptin.
  • Canephron N.
  • Cyston.
  • Urolesan.
  • Cystenal.
  • Olimethine.

Folk remedies and recipes

Herbalists recommend many mixtures based on medicinal plants for dissolving and removing salts. All herbal remedies can be used only with the permission of the attending physician. The use of inappropriate plants often worsens the condition of the urinary system. In no case should you replace pills with traditional medicines.

Proven means:

  • decoction of flaxseed. Take a teaspoon of healthy raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 2 minutes, leave for forty minutes;
  • decoction of rosehip root. Boil 2 tbsp. l. raw materials (water - 350 ml) for 10 minutes, let the liquid brew for half an hour;
  • birch sap. Take the healing liquid daily for two weeks, a third of a glass twice a day;
  • infusion of carrot seeds. Proportions and method of preparation, as for healthy drink from flaxseed;
  • bearberry infusion. To prepare tea you will need 20 g of plant material and 300 ml of boiling water;
  • tea from lingonberry leaves. It’s easy to prepare a healing drink: steam a tablespoon of leaves in a thermos, take 250 ml of boiling water;
  • pumpkin in any form daily. The largest percentage of nutrients is retained in baked pumpkin. With this method of preparation, the body easily absorbs the product;
  • chamomile decoction. For half a liter of boiling water, take a couple of tablespoons of healthy flowers;
  • horsetail infusion. Boiling water - 250 ml, vegetable raw materials - 1 tsp;
  • kidney collection. Nettle - 40 g, shepherd's purse, juniper fruits, rose hips and bearberry - 20 g each, sweet clover flowers and herb - 6 g each. Also add 120 g dried fruits rosehip. At 2 tbsp. l. 1 liter of boiling water is enough for the mixture. In a thermos, the infusion is ready in 3 hours;

  • herbal decoction with fir oil. Ingredients: lemon balm, oregano, knotweed, sage - 20 g each, the same amount of fir oil;
  • a decoction of St. John's wort and centaury. For 300 ml of boiling water - a teaspoon of herbs;
  • cucumber fasting days do it a couple of times a week. Eat 1.5 kg of juicy vegetables per day.

Diet and nutrition rules

  • liquid - 2.5 l, no less;
  • refusal of spicy, fried, peppered foods;
  • minimum salt;
  • you should not eat a lot of offal, protein foods, meat, fish;
  • light soups with vegetable broth are useful;
  • a good option is a dairy-vegetable diet;
  • For each patient, the doctor develops individual plan nutrition taking into account chemical composition kidney stones, if hard formations are detected;
  • You cannot drink alcohol, soda, or juices from packages;
  • Ready-made sauces, ketchups, canned food, and sausages are not beneficial;
  • It is harmful to drink coffee, strong black tea: drinks increase blood pressure.

When conservative treatment does not help

Some diseases cannot be treated at home due to the low effectiveness of many methods. Application herbal decoctions, daily use of painkillers interferes with the correct treatment of purulent inflammation in the kidneys and bladder.

At severe forms diseases, exacerbation of urolithiasis, abscesses is required surgical treatment, including urgent. The choice of the type of surgical intervention is made by a urologist after thorough examination patient, studying tests, performing ultrasound.

Learn about the causes of urolithiasis in women, as well as how to prevent the disease.

Effective methods for treating acute renal failure men have it written at this address.

On the page http://vseopochkah.com/bolezni/pielonefrit/hronicheskij-u-zhenshin.html read about the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis in women at home.

The help of a surgeon is needed in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of purulent pyelonephritis, urolithiasis when the ducts are blocked;
  • proliferation of a large purulent kidney cyst;
  • detection of fibroma, adenoma, malignant neoplasm;
  • development of an extensive abscess of the right kidney;
  • thromboembolism.

Kidney pain during pregnancy

Discomfort develops with exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, severe form of urolithiasis, and renal colic. Among the reasons: hypothermia, inflammatory processes, infections, poor nutrition, poor circulation in the kidneys.

A sharp pain affects the right side, lower back, and reaches the genitals. In severe forms of the pathological process, complications, disruption of the course of pregnancy, negative influence for the fruit.

If pain syndrome develops, it is important to contact a gynecologist and nephrologist in a timely manner. Uncontrolled use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory compounds is prohibited. It is important to treat the disease that causes kidney pain. One of the dangerous complications in advanced cases is a purulent abscess.

With renal colic, premature birth is possible. In case of acute pain, it is important to call an ambulance to preserve the health of the mother and fetus.

Why do my kidneys hurt? How to recognize symptoms kidney diseases? How to get rid of pain? Find out the answers after watching the following video:


How to recognize renal colic?

Even children know that the kidneys are located in the lumbar region. And often any discomfort in this part of the body is regarded as renal colic. Meanwhile, an attempt to treat a non-existent diagnosis is fraught with even greater problems.

It’s better to focus on the correct symptoms right away:

  • First of all, it is worth noting that pain should not be observed in the lower back, but above. Since the kidneys are located at the top of the lower back, discomfort will be felt somewhere in the area of ​​the ribs;
  • with colic, the pain can “spill” downwards - this happens when a pebble blocks the urethra. This will be accompanied by problems with urination - pain, frequent or difficult emptying of the bladder;
  • The pain is quite intense and has the character of an attack. The victim begins to rush around in vain, trying to find the most comfortable position. However, such attempts are unsuccessful;
  • the pain often spreads to other areas - the genitals, abdomen, rectum. The latter can lead to a false desire to evacuate. Sometimes intestinal bloating also occurs;
  • not the most pleasant sensations often lead to nausea or vomiting.

You should definitely pay attention to the side in which discomfort is felt:

  • right– often pain syndrome with right side Appendicitis and blockage of the bile duct manifest themselves. Painful sensations on the right are often experienced by pregnant women who have experienced an exacerbation of urolithiasis or pyelonephritis. This can also be recognized by its impact on the genitals and thighs;
  • left– but in this case, the likelihood that a person is faced with the problem raised in this article increases significantly. There is no appendix or gall bladder here.

Pain relief with heat

Thermal procedures are recognized sufficiently in an effective way alleviating the condition of the victim.

Most often, sharp pain occurs precisely when a stone forms in the ureter - this is how a spasm occurs. The heat will expand the ureter, and the unfortunate formation may well pass through it.

If there are no contraindications in the form of heart or gynecological problems, if there are no intestinal diseases, run to the bath!

This should be done as quickly as possible - within half an hour. The water should not warm up above 40 degrees. It is advisable to take a sitting position rather than a lying one - the kidneys should be located above the bladder. You need to allocate 20 minutes for a bath, no more.

As an alternative to a bath, you can use a heating pad. You just need to apply it for 15 minutes or half an hour to the area that is bothering you. Or, alternatively, squeeze it between your legs. If you don’t have a heating pad at home, a warm scarf and a bottle of water will do. Mustard plasters will also come in handy.

Antispasmodics to help

In order to create an algorithm of actions, it is important to know what the body needs to receive first. But he needs to remove the spasm, relax the muscles and restore the flow of urine at least a little.

Well, the following antispasmodics are perfect for relieving spasms:

  • Spasmalgon;
  • Spasmonet;
  • Baralgin;
  • Spazgan;
  • Baralgetas;
  • Revalgin;
  • I took it.

These so-called combined remedies relieve spasms and eliminate inflammation. They can be taken by swallowing.

The calculation is as follows: for one dose – a tablet or two of one of the above remedies. However, it is most preferable to administer the drug intramuscularly, if possible - such an approach is both more effective and quicker.

In questions of how to relieve renal colic, it is also possible to take medications such as:

  • No-shpa;
  • Platyfillin;
  • Papaverine.

They are also able to cope with spasms, but in the case of particularly acute colic they are practically useless.

Analgesics - additional help

In order to relieve pain, you can also use analgesics, which are divided into the following types:

  • the simplest ones, called antipyretics. They are created on the basis of paracetamol and analgin. In addition to eliminating discomfort, they also lower the temperature. These are Nurofen, Tempalgin, Efferalgan, Baralgin, Panadol and, of course, Analgin;
  • anti-inflammatory, helping in more severe cases - the so-called non-steroidal ones. These are Diclofenac, Citramon, Indomethacin and the familiar Aspirin;
  • narcotic (opium)– are used strictly when prescribed by a doctor; they can only be purchased by prescription in particularly painful cases. These are Codeine, Morphine, Promedol, Fentanyl.

You can also take Panangin or Asparkam - they perfectly strengthen the heart muscle, which also suffers during painful attacks.

The latter analgesic also helps dissolve the stone. It also contains extremely useful magnesium, however, it is sometimes not absorbed during attacks. Sometimes in such cases, doctors recommend taking vitamin B6.

It also happens that, despite attempts to get rid of discomfort, the intensity of pain only intensifies. This means that the stone does not strive to move further. Then Nosh-pu or Baralgin can be repeated. If you find Ibuprofen in your medicine cabinet, Ketorol is also a good alternative.

A mixture of Pipolfen and Analgin is often used. It is administered intramuscularly, after which the person falls soundly asleep for several hours. The body relaxes, which is very useful during an attack of renal colic. It should be warned that after sleep the patient begins to experience extreme thirst, however, you cannot meet him in this regard - one mug of strong tea with lemon will be enough. Rose hips or cranberry juice are also suitable.

A little about folk remedies

Of course, folk remedies for relieving renal colic at home are not a panacea, but they can relieve pain.

The following recipes have worked well:

  • decoction of pumpkin or flax seeds. Seeds with a volume of approximately 100 g need to be filled with water. You can take a little water. This solution can be drunk, but a compress on the kidney area is also quite effective;
  • compress. If the pain is very severe, the following compress will come in handy: heated olive oil with yarrow, marshmallow, chamomile;
  • decoction of blackberry root. You need to find more root and boil it in 5 liters of water. As soon as half the liquid has boiled away, you can turn off the heat. The dosage is as follows – 100 grams three times a day;
  • lingonberry leaves, previously dried and filled with boiling water. You will need 20 g of leaves, and a glass of boiling water. After 15 minutes, the infusion should be filtered. Honey will bring benefits, a tablespoon of which should be dissolved in filtered medicine;
  • carrot seeds. Carrot seeds are beneficial for kidney stones in general and renal colic in particular. Just a tablespoon of them is poured into a glass of hot water. The product should be infused for 12 hours, and then it is important not to forget to strain the product. The drink is consumed 5 or 6 times a day before meals.

About nutrition

With renal colic, what the patient eats is of no small importance. So, with an unhealthy diet, there are all the risks of worsening the condition.

The list of “wrong” products includes the following:

  • fried and salty foods;
  • chocolate and any type of cocoa;
  • meat broths, various smoked meats and sausages of all types, liver.
  • any cereals;
  • vegetable and fruit salads.
  • soups without meat in the recipe.



The appearance of pain in the back or lower back does not give one hundred percent confidence that the cause is only neuralgia. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after the examination. necessary tests and examinations. But a person can only approximately guess what kind of sore is attached to him. With pain in the kidneys, in particular, such discomfort, How:

  • Frequent urination, with very little urine coming out.
  • When urine is excreted, its darkening and turbidity are noticeable.
  • Sharp back pain moving from the lower back to the lower abdomen, which can also be a sign of kidney disease.
  • Body temperature rises, which can sometimes cause a mild fever.
  • Sometimes vision deteriorates, i.e. the objects a person is looking at become blurry and out of focus.
  • There is a burning sensation when urinating.

If these unpleasant symptoms are detected, you should contact a urologist as soon as possible. He will prescribe treatment. However, if you can’t get to a doctor right away, you can use some recommendations that will dull the pain in the kidneys and relieve acute symptoms.

Suggested tips for relieving lower back pain that may be signs kidney disease, should not be used as treatment under any circumstances. This is only a short-term relief of unpleasant and acute sensations. It is recommended to use them at home, when there is no medical professional nearby.

Pain relief

You can relieve kidney pain when there is no specialist nearby to help you professionally provide assistance yourself. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Drink as much fluid as possible.
  2. Accept hot bath.
  3. Place a warm heating pad on the kidney area.
  4. Prepare a decoction of fruits, berries and plants that have diuretic properties.
  5. Take at severe pain painkillers.

The most in an accessible way Relieving kidney pain at home is by taking large amounts of fluid. Experts advise drinking at least 2 liters of it per day. What does this give? Firstly, when it enters the body in large quantities, it flushes the urinary system. Secondly, it helps reduce the burning sensation.

Taking a hot bath should be done with caution. If a person has a cardiovascular disease or a diseased intestine, then this method of relieving kidney pain is not recommended, because hot water may provoke an increase in the pain syndrome of these diseases.

Another way to relieve a painful attack is to apply a heating pad with warm water to the kidney area. The duration of such a compress should be no more than 15 minutes. The heat from a heating pad dulls pain well.

Experience in treatment with folk remedies various diseases accumulated over generations, and is effectively used in many cases. A decoction of cranberries and juniper berries is not a medicine that can be used to treat kidney disease. But contained in cranberries and junipers useful substances have anti-inflammatory and calming effects. Therefore, a decoction made from these fruits without added sugar is recommended to be drunk during painful attacks of kidney disease. If the body does not accept this bitter liquid, then you can sweeten it with a spoon of honey.

What many of us don't know is that simple plants like dandelion and burdock can be helpful in relieving a kidney attack. An infusion of their leaves is an effective diuretic. It is well known that frequent urine production in the bladder helps to reduce the number of bacteria in the kidneys. Therefore, if you drink diuretic infusions, it will be easier for the kidneys to cope with bacteria.

How to relieve pain quickly when it becomes unbearable? In this case, you will have to resort to painkillers. This medical supplies No-shpa, Papaverine, Solpadeine, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. They are in great demand. People often take them when they want to get rid of pain in other organs. It is important not to make mistakes when taking these medications. After all, you may not know for sure whether you really have renal colic, and not attacks of pain in the lumbar or back caused by other diseases.

If all the proposed methods do not relieve pain in the kidneys, then you will have to take an extreme measure - call an ambulance. The doctor will give you a pain-relieving injection. And in order not to call the ambulance again in the future, he will recommend more effective drugs instead of those that you took while trying to get rid of acute pain in the kidneys on your own.

To avoid kidney disease, you should immediately consult a doctor at the first sign. By doing this on time, you will not allow it to progress, and by starting treatment in a timely manner, you will save yourself from the disease.


Renal colic or neuralgia?

How can we figure out whether the kidneys, and not the back muscles, are really sending us alarm signals?

With pain in the kidneys we have to feel:

  • sharp pain moving from the lower back to the lower abdomen;
  • increased temperature, sometimes with mild fever;
  • frequent urge to urinate, but only a small amount of urine;
  • cloudiness, darkening of urine;
  • burning sensation when going to the toilet;
  • blurred, blurred vision.

How to properly help yourself with kidney pain?

At the first symptoms, you need to contact a urologist - he will tell you why the kidneys have stopped working correctly and prescribe therapy. But how to survive the time before the appointment?

First of all:

  1. You need to drink more fluid, up to 2 liters per day. It will flush the urinary system and help reduce the burning sensation.
  2. Decoctions of cranberries and juniper fruits have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. They should be drunk without sugar. If this is too much for you, add a spoonful of honey.
  3. Infusions of dandelion and burdock leaves are an excellent diuretic. Frequent urine production will reduce the number of bacteria in the kidneys.
  4. For pain in the kidneys, heat works well, reducing painful attacks. You need to put a warm heating pad on the kidney area for a quarter of an hour.
  5. A hot bath will also help a lot with kidney pain - but only if you are sure that it is your kidneys that are hurting, and you do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases or intestinal ailments. Otherwise, you risk causing a sharp increase in pain.
  6. For severe colic, you can use painkillers ( No-shpa, Papaverine, Solpadeine). Please note that if you make a mistake and it is not your kidneys that hurt, painkillers will make it difficult to diagnose your illness.
  7. If the above methods do not help, all that remains is to call an ambulance. The doctor will give an injection that will relieve the pain attack and recommend more effective medications.

In case of kidney pain, strict medical supervision is required. The kidneys help remove toxins from our body, and pain is a request for help. Help your body so that it does not let you down in the future.


Kidney pain most often occurs suddenly, so before visiting a doctor it is necessary to get help. It is very important to pay attention to general symptoms, since pain in the lower back does not always indicate problems with the kidneys. Another disease may also be the cause.

Symptoms of kidney pain

With pain in the kidneys, sensations in the lumbar region are cramping and relaxing. In this case, the person’s condition is aggravated by attacks of nausea and sometimes vomiting. Another sign is a frequent urge to urinate.

In some patients, the presence of blood is observed. We can say that this is the main symptom pathological condition kidney

Pain in the lumbar region also has a certain character. The sensations are not localized only in the back, they spread down the stomach to the groin. At the same time, the intensity of pain constantly increases.

Renal colic occurs exclusively in attacks. They last for several minutes, after which the pain subsides, and after a while it returns again. During an attack, a person may feel tremors in the limbs, weakness and impaired consciousness.

First aid

If you have severe pain in the kidneys, you should call an ambulance. If the attacks of pain are tolerable, then first aid can be provided at home. However, after eliminating the pain, the patient should see a doctor to undergo and begin treatment.

Basic steps

A person who suddenly begins to suffer from renal colic, first of all, needs rest. To assess the patient's condition, you should put him to bed and give him an analgesic drug. You can alleviate the condition by covering the lumbar area with something warm. Some experts recommend applying a heating pad to your lower back.

But it is important to know that there are no contraindications to this method. Heat is one of the methods of relaxation, which helps to relax the renal pelvis and ureteral muscles. This method significantly reduces the intensity of pain.

As soon as the attack stops, it is necessary to measure the temperature, as well as. If necessary, it is better to call a doctor at home.

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How Trichomonas appears in men, symptoms and treatment methods

Renal colic can occur suddenly, and the pain can reach such intensity that a person can literally roll on the ground. But since relief comes within a few minutes, the patient, unaware of repeated attacks takes no action. It is important to begin to act after the first attack in order to prevent the intensity of the next one.

Taking painkillers

Some doctors do not advise taking painkillers during the period of renal colic. Drugs in this group, of course, reduce pain, but they also have a strong effect on the kidneys themselves and have side effects that can aggravate the patient’s condition. Therefore, they should be taken with extreme caution.

At severe attacks you can take tablets such as Benalgin, Tempalgin or Pentalgin. But you should not abuse analgesics; it is better to go to medical institution. To alleviate the general condition, you can use anti-inflammatory drugs: Diclofenac, Citramon, Brufen.

All these drugs are used exclusively to eliminate attacks. You should not take them constantly without a doctor's prescription. Self-medication with such medications can lead to exacerbation of the disease. Do not forget that the kidneys indicate the development of a pathology that must be treated.

Water treatments

Baths help effectively with kidney pain. The water temperature should be high enough, but naturally not so high that a person gets burned. You can add a few drops of pine oil to the bath, so the effect of taking it will be greater.

The benefit of bathing procedures is that all muscles (external and internal) relax and spasms become smaller. Taking a bath significantly alleviates the condition and improves the functioning of organs.

You should know that you should not take a bath alone. There must be another person in the room with the patient, and near him there must be ammonia. If the patient becomes ill, he should be provided with appropriate assistance.

You need to stay in the bathroom for no more than 20 minutes, even if the person does not want to get out of the water due to relief painful sensations.

Folk remedies for kidney pain

Despite the fact that most take a long time to prepare, they can be taken as first aid for kidney pain. These are simple recipes, the ingredients for which are found in almost every home. The following recipes can be made quickly, and since colic is repeated more than once, the remedies will prove useful:

  1. A decoction of mint and chamomile. Dilute a tablespoon of each herb in a glass of water.
  2. Compress with oil. IN sunflower oil add chamomile. After which it is heated. A piece of cloth is moistened with oil and applied to the lower back. They cover from above.
  3. A decoction of rose hips, calendula or St. John's wort. A tablespoon of any herb is poured into a glass of boiling water and drunk after ten minutes.
  4. Milk compress. A roller made from cotton wool and a bandage is moistened with very warm milk and applied to the area of ​​pain.

Kidney diseases in acute and chronic forms bring a person a lot of discomfort and sometimes quite painful sensations, while the elimination of fluid is disrupted and the general condition deteriorates.

Kidney pain is a fairly common problem among patients, regardless of their gender and age. Although, it should be noted that women are still more susceptible to this phenomenon. This is due to the fact that their organs are subject to enormous stress while carrying a child. Although men can also experience kidney pain. What measures should be taken at home in this case? What medications and folk remedies help relieve pain? What can I do to prevent future attacks? In this article we will try to find answers to these questions.

How to find out if your kidneys are hurting

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine what exactly is the source of the pain. It is necessary to pay attention to the following points:

  1. If the cause of deterioration in health is the kidneys, then painful sensations will be felt in the lower back. The condition is accompanied by malaise and difficulty urinating - trips to the toilet become frequent, but the patient does not feel relief, it seems that the bladder remains full. In this case, the process of urination occurs with a burning sensation. Body temperature may rise.
  2. If you periodically feel severe pain during urination, this may indicate the presence of kidney stones.
  3. Painful sensations that occur in the morning definitely indicate that the process of inflammation occurs in the kidneys and not elsewhere. Perhaps the patient has caught a cold.
  4. Pain syndrome with occasional renal colic appears on one side on the left or right and intensifies when pressed or lightly struck.
  5. In women during pregnancy or during menstruation, if there was a previous predisposition to kidney problems, pain may appear and intensify due to the growing uterus and the pressure it puts on nearby organs. This symptom should be considered as a signal from the body that pathological changes have begun to occur in the functioning of the kidneys.
  6. If pain immediately appears in the left and right kidneys, felt at the same level, sometimes this indicates prolapse of the kidney, since due to the structural features human body, the left kidney is slightly higher than the right. If you notice such a symptom, you should immediately consult a doctor to prevent the situation from getting worse and to prevent the development of serious complications.
  7. Increased pain in the lumbar region after sports training, lifting heavy objects and other stresses that men are often exposed to can also indicate kidney disease.
  8. Difficulty urinating, which is accompanied by strong burning sensation, may be a sign of kidney stones.
  9. Increasing pain that occurs after hypothermia also indicates the process of inflammation that occurs in the kidneys and is aggravated by exposure to cold.
  10. In case of kidney disease in a patient skin becomes grayer when compared to the normal color.
  11. Often the pain goes to the bladder and groin area.
  12. There is a deterioration in the values ​​of laboratory urine tests. Quite often, it is during a medical examination that specialists discover diseases in a patient that he did not even suspect about in a chronic form, without pronounced symptoms.
  13. The appearance of dark circles under the eyes, swelling on the legs and face.
  14. Blood pressure often increases.
  15. Blood clots may be observed in the urine.
  16. The patient often feels thirsty and his appetite worsens.
  17. The shade of urine changes: it becomes darker and cloudier, and “flakes” can be seen in it.
  18. The person feels lethargic and drowsy.
  19. The amount of urine excreted during urination is significantly reduced.
  20. Vision may deteriorate and a skin rash may appear.

What to do if your kidneys hurt

Many people are sure that the best treatment method for kidney pain is the use of herbal decoctions. Regular use of a well-chosen herbal remedy actually helps to improve the patient’s condition, but kidney disease can be completely cured only after a comprehensive examination has been completed by a specialist - a urologist or nephrologist.

Mistakes that are most often made when treating kidney diseases:

  1. Choosing herbal remedies and medications on the recommendation of friends who have experienced kidney disease. We must not forget that what is suitable for one patient may be contraindicated for another. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the type of disease and, based on this, select a medicine. If there are kidney stones, the choice of drug will depend on their chemical composition, otherwise the treatment will not give results, but will only cause harm. If phosphates are detected, one type of medicine and diet is required, urates and oxalates – another.
  2. Uncontrolled use of painkillers. When treating any disease, it is important not only to relieve the symptoms, but also to eliminate the cause that provokes it. After using Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, No-shpa and other similar medications, the pain will decrease, but the disease will not go away. Over time, the inflammation process becomes more active, and you will have to resort to more powerful painkillers, which also will not help get rid of the provoking factor, but will only temporarily stop the attack of pain.

Conclusion! If discomfort occurs in the kidneys, lower back, or bladder, you should visit a urologist or neurologist as soon as possible, and not try to drown out the symptoms with painkillers. Severe cases of kidney disease are difficult to treat and often occur serious complications, one of which is kidney failure.

Drug therapy

If you have lower back pain in the kidney area, you should not experiment and replace drug treatment with herbal medicine. Using dubious methods can lead to extremely serious consequences.

Medicines whose action is aimed at stopping the inflammation process:

  • Verapamil;
  • Cyclophosphamide;
  • Ciprofloxacin.

If such treatment does not have an effect, the listed remedies are changed to more powerful ones. antibacterial drugs: Amoxicillin, Cephalexin.

If it is necessary to dissolve and remove sand and stones from the kidneys, the patient is usually prescribed the following medications:

  • Allopurinol;
  • Urodan;
  • Blemaren.

The drugs have such effects in urolithiasis as lowering the level of uric acid and dissolving urates. Due to the presence of effective components in the composition, the acidity level of urine decreases and the natural removal of stones is facilitated.

Herbal medicines that are used to treat kidney disease:

  • Canephron;
  • Urolesan;
  • Olimethine;
  • Cyston;
  • Nephroleptin.

The effectiveness of drugs that contain a complex of plant extracts has been proven by the results of medical tests and has received positive feedback from specialists and patients suffering from kidney diseases. Such drugs have pronounced diuretic properties, as a result of which harmful salts are quickly washed out of the kidneys.

Herbal products are used during treatment and as a preventive measure.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional healers know many herbal infusions, with which you can dissolve and remove salts from the kidneys. All herbal remedies are allowed to be used only in consultation with a doctor. Using the wrong herbs can often make the situation worse.

Important! Plant-based remedies can only complement the main treatment with medication, and in no case replace it.

Effective traditional medicine:

  1. Flax seeds. A decoction is prepared from them. Take a dessert spoon of seeds, fill it with boiling water (one glass), and put it on the fire for two minutes. Then the product must be infused for half an hour.
  2. Rose hip. Pour two tablespoons of crushed dried rosehip root into 1.5 cups of water, boil for ten minutes, leave for half an hour to infuse.
  3. Birch sap. The medicinal drink should be drunk every day for two weeks, 100 ml twice a day.
  4. Fasting days on cucumbers. It is recommended to resort to this measure twice a week. Eat up to one and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers per day.
  5. Carrot seeds. Prepare a decoction from a teaspoon of carrot seeds and a glass of boiling water.
  6. Pumpkin. The vegetable should be consumed in any form every day. The maximum amount of useful microelements will be preserved if it is baked. This will make it easier for the body to absorb the product.
  7. Bearberry infusion. Pour 20 grams of bearberry into one and a half glasses of boiling water.
  8. Chamomile. It is necessary to prepare a decoction by taking 2 tbsp. dried flowers and 500 ml of water.
  9. Lingonberry tea. Place 1 tbsp in a thermos. lingonberry leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 60 minutes.
  10. Herbal decoction with fir oil. Take 20 grams of knotweed, lemon balm, sage, oregano. Add the same amount of fir oil.

To speed up the healing process, you need to follow some rules regarding nutrition:

  • Drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day.
  • Avoid eating fried, fatty, spicy, salty foods.
  • Avoid carbonated water, alcohol, and packaged juices.
  • Reduce the consumption of strong coffee and tea, store-bought sauces, marinades, sausages, and preserves.
  • Try to eat less protein foods, meat, fish, and offal.
  • Light soups prepared with a decoction of vegetables will bring benefits.
  • The best solution would be to follow a plant-based diet.

For a particular patient, the doctor individually develops a nutrition plan, taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

What to do when home therapy doesn't work

It should be remembered that there are diseases that cannot be treated at home, since most methods are not effective in this case. Measures such as the use of herbal infusions and daily use of painkillers only hinder the proper treatment of purulent inflammatory processes in the urinary system.

In advanced forms of the disease, exacerbation attacks in the presence of kidney stones, surgical treatment, in particular urgent treatment, may be required. The urologist will choose the type of operation after conducting a complete examination of the patient and studying the results laboratory research and ultrasound. Quite often, stones are crushed with a laser in order to speed up and facilitate their passage from the kidneys.

In conclusion, it should be said that in order to avoid kidney problems in the future, you should follow some preventive measures, namely try to eat less protein foods and give up alcohol. A condition that must be observed is that it is necessary to promptly treat diseases against which the development occurs. characteristic symptoms in the urinary organs.

If your kidneys start to hurt, you don’t need to try to cure it yourself. You should seek medical help. Only by following a diet and taking prescribed medications can you get rid of pain and prevent the development of serious complications.

Video: the first symptoms of kidney problems that should not be ignored

Unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity can appear at any time and worsen a person’s well-being.

To get rid of such annoying symptoms, it is useful to know the rules of how to quickly relieve pain in the kidneys.

Kidney pain

Kidney pain can be intense and have stabbing, pulling, aching, cutting and sharp sensations.

The reasons that provoke severe pain in the kidneys are associated with pathologies developing in them, which pose a serious danger to human health.

Timely seeking medical help will allow timely treatment of the underlying disease to begin. The doctor will recommend medications that will help relieve attacks of pain.

The most common reason is urolithiasis, in which stones form in the kidneys.

Under certain circumstances, such deposits begin to grow overgrown, increase in size, and, under favorable conditions, begin to move through the urinary tract.

Kidney stones

Stones with sharp edges damage inner surface kidneys, causing severe pain.

They can also clog the urinary ducts, as a result of which urine will be forced to linger in the kidneys and accumulate in large quantities, provoking irreversible processes that result in hydronephrosis or renal failure.

The kidneys should be kept warm, as they react painfully to any hypothermia. If necessary, urologists even recommend wearing special warming belts made of natural wool.

Pyelonephritis is a pathology caused by infection of the kidneys by various bacteria. Aching pain may continue for a long period of time.

No less serious and most dangerous disease, arising as a result of inflammatory processes, is called glomerulonephritis. It is accompanied by severe swelling, fever and pain.

Atherosclerosis, renal artery thrombosis, which directly affects the blood supply to the kidneys, may also be a factor, causing pain. Cysts, tumor formations, cancer increase in size, blocking the urinary ducts.

Pathologies interfere with the normal functioning of the kidneys and, accordingly, provoke severe pain.

Diagnosis and symptoms

Pain that occurs in the kidneys deprives a person of the strength and desire to carry out his plans.

You should begin to relieve pain symptoms as quickly as possible, but only after there is no longer any doubt about the root cause of the pain.

After all, even lumbar neuralgia can exhibit the same symptoms, and treatment measures for these pathologies are different.

Temperature rise

The following symptoms may indicate that the root cause of pain lies in the kidneys:

  • increase in temperature;
  • fever;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain, stinging and burning when urinating;
  • excretion of a small amount of urine;
  • flakes in urine;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • severe swelling;
  • loss of appetite, and with it weight;
  • blurred vision.

Of course, in order to accurately establish the factors that provoke such pain, you should undergo a thorough diagnostic examination.

When conducting laboratory tests of urine and blood, doctors pay attention to quantitative indicators protein, red blood cells and leukocytes. Exceeding the norm indicates the development of kidney disease.

In addition, experienced urologists necessarily recommend that the patient undergo a diagnostic examination, which will accurately determine disorders affecting the kidneys or other organs of the urinary system.

The most common diagnostic method is ultrasound examination.

During this procedure, the doctor can determine any changes in the kidneys, detect stones, determine their size, and identify any neoplasms.

In addition to ultrasound examination, excretory urography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are performed.

Modern diagnostic devices make it possible to establish an accurate diagnosis, which will not only quickly relieve pain, but also prescribe effective treatment.

First aid

If you have kidney pain, you should not self-medicate, as this can cause a deterioration in your health.

Medical assistance

It is very important to go to a medical institution where a qualified doctor will examine and prescribe treatment that can bring positive changes in a short time.

There are circumstances in life when pain occurs unexpectedly, and there is no way to seek help from a doctor in the near future.

It is very important to learn in advance the rules of actions aimed at relieving pain, so that, if necessary, you can independently apply them in practice.

Conventional analgesics are not suitable for pain relief, so doctors recommend, in case of emergency, the use of antispasmodics, which include drotaverine, diclofenac and spasmalgon.

The drugs can be taken in tablet form, but in this case they act slowly and will relieve pain within an hour.

If you give an intramuscular injection with the introduction of such drugs, the pain will be relieved in the next fifteen minutes.

If a person is in an area where it is impossible to get the necessary medical supplies, successfully use an ordinary heating pad or take a hot bath, since the kidneys respond positively to heat.

Decoctions and infusions from medicinal herbs which will help flush the urinary system and relieve pain.

However, even such, at first glance, seemingly innocent actions cannot be used constantly without undergoing an examination.

Blocking the ducts with stones and using diuretics can only worsen the patient’s condition. Being in a hot bath if you have cardiovascular abnormalities is also a concern.

A visit to a urologist should be mandatory in the near future.

Kidney diseases are not the least important among all human diseases. Women are especially susceptible to such problems. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy they bear the maximum load. Although, of course, men can also suffer from kidney disease. And it is important to know how to treat kidney pain at home.

Important! All kidney diseases are dangerous and serious. Therefore, before starting home treatment, you need to see a doctor, get diagnosed, find out about traditional methods treatment.

What diseases can cause kidney pain?

The most common diseases:

  • urolithiasis. It affects men more. The disease occurs due to high levels of calcium in the urine, which leads to the formation of crystals. At the initial stages, it is difficult to independently suspect the development of the disease, then weak and passing pain begins;
  • pyelonephritis. The disease is caused by bacteria that lead to the onset of the inflammatory process. During the disease, the renal pelvis and calyx are affected. TO vivid symptoms may include problems with urination, bladder fullness, kidney stones, prostate enlargement (in men). The disease is dangerous and requires compulsory treatment, because without treatment the inflammatory process will not stop and will constantly spread, capturing healthy areas of the body;
  • renal failure. Refers to pathological conditions, the kidneys may be partially or completely unable to form urine, and, accordingly, to excrete it. Symptoms vary depending on the acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Symptoms and causes

If you doubt whether your kidneys really hurt, then pay attention to the main symptoms. The presence of such signs indicates kidney disease:

  • lower back pain;
  • urinating in significantly smaller quantities;
  • the urine contains sand, blood, it becomes cloudy;
  • there is often a feeling of wanting to empty the bladder;
  • pain during urination;
  • elevated temperature;
  • swelling;
  • itching on the body;
  • vision decreases.

If it hurts on the left side

Pain in the kidneys on the left is not necessarily associated with a malfunction of this particular organ. This is clearly required special diagnostics. The main symptoms for pain in the left kidney:

  • very frequent or very rare urination;
  • urine is cloudy with admixtures of sand and small stones, possibly with blood;
  • frequent urge, but urination in small quantities;
  • burning after emptying the bladder;
  • itchy skin;
  • vision becomes worse.

Such symptoms can be a signal of several diseases:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • adenoma, fibroma;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • urolithiasis.

In the morning or during sleep

The presence of a factor such as pain in the kidneys in the morning may be a sign of:

  • urolithiasis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • renal failure;
  • consequences of certain medicinal procedures;
  • complications after operations;
  • presence of other chronic diseases;
  • intoxication of the body.

Pain during sleep can indicate many diseases. To prevent its further development you can:

  • drink more liquid, at least two liters a day;
  • consume cranberry and lingonberry juice;
  • eliminate chocolate from your diet, strong tea and coffee, fatty meats, spicy and salty foods;
  • include tomatoes and gallstones in the menu;
  • limit heavy physical activity.

In women

If a few days before menstruation a woman is bothered by pain in the kidneys, then this may be due to the following reasons:

  • cyst (formed above or inside the ovary);
  • neoplasms;
  • pelvic adhesions (presence of chronic diseases for which treatment was not sought);
  • low immunity;
  • inflammatory processes.

The main signs that stand out for kidney disease in women: lack of appetite, fatigue, thirst, dry mouth, headaches. You may also experience pain in muscles and joints, increased temperature, blood pressure, pain in the lower back, frequent urge to urinate, and cloudy urine output.

After alcohol

If you have pain in the kidneys after drinking alcohol, and you don’t know what to do, then doctors recommend following the rules:

  • strict adherence to the diet (exclude salty, smoked, spicy, sweet foods from the diet, including table salt);
  • avoid heavy physical activity;
  • maintain bed rest;
  • do not overcool;
  • Drink no more than 2.5 liters of liquid per day, do not drink carbonated drinks.

To remove toxins, you need to drink activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight). For treatment, herbal preparations are used (Cyston, Nephroleptin), you can take dietary supplements (Aquanorm, Gentos forte) in combination.

In men, discomfort may appear due to inflammation of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), displacement (the organ leaves its pelvis). Pain can also be caused by renal colic (leads to the formation of stones accumulated in the urinary ducts), the formation of cysts, tumors (leads to disruption of the kidneys, an increase in their size).

With a deep breath

Often, pain in the kidneys when taking a deep breath is a sign of renal colic. Factors that influenced its appearance:

  • urolithiasis;
  • vascular diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • allergic reactions;
  • kidney diseases, urinary system;
  • trauma, tumor;
  • increased internal pressure kidney

Painful sensations when inhaling can also indicate other diseases, such as stroke, so you need to know its symptoms:

  • sharply increasing pain;
  • pain radiates to other organs, thigh, groin area;
  • chills, fever, elevated temperature;
  • painful urge to urinate, pain;
  • rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure.

After antibiotics

Taking antibiotics can cause pain in the kidney. To avoid consequences of this kind, it is necessary to simultaneously take other drugs that reduce the appearance of side effects. Recipes are often used to restore kidney function alternative medicine, but they must be discussed with the attending physician, since it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body.

One of the frequently used recipes: mix strawberry leaves, nettle, birch and flax seeds in a ratio of 1:2:2:2, take 10 g of the resulting mixture and pour boiling water, cover with a lid, wrap in a blanket, let it brew for 18 hours in a dark place. Take 1 glass of infusion per day half an hour before meals. Not recommended for patients with heart disease.

When walking

Such a symptom may indicate health problems, perhaps not even related to the kidneys. If acute pain occurs suddenly, then most likely you are faced with renal colic. To treat and relieve unpleasant symptoms, prepare a decoction at home: 1 tbsp. l. carrot seeds pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 12 hours, strain and drink before each meal 5 times a day.

During pregnancy

Lower back pain in the first trimester can indicate not only kidney diseases; most likely, this is due to hormonal imbalances. But after the twentieth week (in the second trimester), this factor may signal pyelonephritis. If a woman had this disease before pregnancy, the symptoms may not be so pronounced. However, a course of treatment must be completed.

If your kidneys hurt in the early stages, then follow the general recommendations:

  • food must be dietary;
  • maintain a drinking regime, drink 2 liters of water daily;
  • include cranberry juice in your diet;
  • when there is an urge to urinate, empty your bladder;
  • adhere to hygiene standards;
  • do not wear tight underwear;
  • It is recommended to wear cotton underwear.

Treatment should be carried out by a doctor. As a rule, herbal medicine, diet, antibiotics and probiotics are prescribed. In the early stages, to relieve pain, it is allowed to take No-shpa and Papaverine in suppositories.

The appearance of such a symptom in the third trimester is much more likely than in the first. This happens against the background of swelling, increased blood pressure, viral and infectious diseases, mechanical damage organ. To avoid illness during this period:

  • follow a diet;
  • control the amount of liquid you drink;
  • stick to your daily routine;
  • do accessible physical exercises;
  • take care of personal hygiene;
  • Don't get too cold.

From the cold

If you think that the cause of pain in the kidneys is cold, then to clarify the diagnosis you need to take blood tests, urine tests, and do an ultrasound. The main symptoms are:

  • back pain;
  • pain when urinating;
  • swelling of the face;
  • the formation of “bags” under the eyes;
  • general weakness;
  • intoxication.

During this period, it is important not to expose the lumbar region, keep it warm, apply mustard plasters, maintain bed rest, drink herbal teas(Brew bearberry and drink like regular tea).

Kidney pain from STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases most often occur unnoticed. But kidney pain may be one of the symptoms infectious disease. Therefore, at the first “bell” it is recommended to consult a urologist. The specialist will prescribe urine tests and an ultrasound examination. Self-medication leads to complications of the disease.

Proper nutrition is the key to kidney health

If problems arise with the described organs, then treating kidney pain at home requires mandatory and strict adherence to a diet. The diet is aimed at overall improvement of the condition and promotes rapid recovery.

For kidney problems, meals should be fractional and control the amount of fluid consumed. It should not be more than 1.5 liters per day, including soups. Salt is strictly limited: no more than a pinch per day. Vegetables and fruits are the main products in the diet for the problems described. Meat and buns should be completely abandoned.

What to exclude from your diet:

  • spicy;
  • bitter;
  • everything is salty;
  • foods prepared by pickling;
  • black coffee, strong tea;
  • any type of chocolate;
  • sweet drinks with gases and a large number Sahara;
  • semi-finished products;
  • products prepared by smoking.

For the treatment of an acute inflammatory process, a treatment method based solely on diet is suitable. You need to cleanse your stomach, then drink tea based on medicinal herbs (mint, sage, linden, raspberry are suitable). The person will begin to sweat excessively. You need to maintain bed rest, cover yourself well with several warm blankets. Within five next days stick to a diet. Drink two cups of tea a day and take a laxative. After fasting, switch to a regular diet if you have kidney problems.

Use of medicinal herbs

Treatment of kidney pain at home involves the active use of various herbs. The most popular are various diuretics that will improve the functioning of organs and rid the kidneys of stones and sand.

A good diuretic mixture can be made based on the following herbs: bearberry, horsetail, birch leaves and buds, flax seeds. You can also prepare lingonberry decoctions for diuretic purposes for kidney pain.

Interesting! Lingonberry decoction is great for traditional treatment kidney diseases. This is because this type of drinking enhances the absorption of all medications.

Other folk recipes for treating kidney pain:

  • chop the parsley using a blender. Squeeze the juice and drink 50 ml, mixing with a small spoon of natural bee honey. Take a tablespoon three times a day;
  • mix half a glass of cucumber juice and 250 ml of carrot juice, pour in 100 ml of fresh, just squeezed beet juice. Take during the day;
  • radish juice You need to grate the radish, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth and drink several tablespoons throughout the day;
  • for acute pain, immerse yourself in a hot bath for a quarter of an hour. Add a decoction of sage or oregano, linden or chamomile, birch to the water. A bath will soothe the pain, then just lie in the warmth for a few hours.

Bath as another method of treatment

People have always believed that if your kidneys are sick, you should go to the bathhouse. In principle, this opinion is not refuted by doctors. Happens in the bathhouse increased sweating, toxins are released through the skin, which are often the cause of many inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

Also, after going to the bathhouse, it is eliminated from the body. excess liquid, which means the load on the kidneys is immediately reduced several times. In addition, water procedures have always been considered effective for relieving pain associated with the kidneys.

But even if you take a hot bath in sitting position, you can significantly reduce pain symptoms. It is worth considering:

  • Is it really the kidneys that hurt;
  • does the patient suffer from cardiovascular diseases;
  • there are no intestinal ailments.

When is surgery required?

So, home treatment Kidney pain is possible only with the consent of the doctor. Any problems with this organ are serious and self-medication, without medical supervision, often leads to serious consequences.

Important! There is a list of kidney problems that can only be cured through surgery. Self-medication will not help in such situations.

Treatment with medications

In addition to following a diet, taking warm baths and herbal infusions, kidney problems should be treated using traditional medicine. This cannot be done without consulting a doctor.

  1. Among the drugs that reduce spasms are prescribed: No-shpa, Spasmol, Spasmoverine, Bespa, Papaverine.
  2. Medicines for pain relief: Ketanov, Ketoralak, Analgin, Baralgin, Tramal, Ketorol, Sintodon.
  3. Antibiotics, fluoroquinols are most often used, less often the nitrofuran series is used: Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Furadonin, Negram, Furazolin.
  4. If herbal preparations are necessary, preference is given to: Canephron, Phytolysin.
  5. Drugs that are prescribed individually to men for kidney inflammation resulting from prostatitis: Urotractin, Palin.
  6. It is possible that they may prescribe a course of vitamin B, C and calcium, as well as immunostimulants (Prodigiozan, Dekaris)


  1. The first thing to do is to get rid of spasms and relax smooth muscles: Papaverine, No-shpa, Platyfillin.
  2. Antispasmodics recommended for acute pain have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect: Baralgin, Baralgetas, Bral, Revalgin, Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Spazmonet.
  3. Medicines containing analgin and paracetamol, antipyretics and non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs will help relieve renal pain: Analgin, Nurofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Citramon, Askofen.


No-spa is an antispasmodic based on drotaverine, which is quickly absorbed and distributed throughout smooth muscle tissue. One-time appointment is no more than 80 mg, and a maximum of 240 mg can be taken per day. To avoid side effects(dizziness, itching, urticaria, insomnia, nausea, low blood pressure) the drug must be taken following the instructions clearly, without a doctor’s prescription - no more than two days.

Treatment depending on the nature of the pain

Pain in right kidney

It is important that your treatment takes place under the supervision of a doctor. If you are sure that this is due to renal colic, then you need to take a hot bath in a sitting position. To eliminate the spasm, take an anesthetic, antispasmodic drug (No-shpa, Spazmalgon). If this is not the first attack, apply a heating pad to your lower back and drink Baralgin or Platiphylline. Do not self-medicate in the future, but call an ambulance or a doctor.

Severe pain

If piercing pain occurs in the lumbar region, do not use heat. For renal colic, you need to take a hot bath while sitting (contraindications: elevated temperature, old age, heart disease). For such pain, you can get by with mustard plasters on the lower back. The patient must be provided with peace, not to be nervous, and the food must be dietary. After an accurate diagnosis by a doctor, consult about taking decoctions of rose hips, juniper, parsley, and flax seeds.

Aching pain in the kidneys

You must call a doctor and follow the following instructions:

  • take an analgesic and antispasmodic drug (Ketanov, No-shpu, Spazmalgon, Ketorol);
  • take advantage people's councils(mix 50 g lemon juice, olive oil, cognac and honey, put on water bath until a homogeneous mass is formed. Take 50 g on an empty stomach every morning for four days);
  • If there are problems with the outflow of urine, hospitalization is required.

Sharp pain

Common reasons:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • deposits in the kidneys, kidney stones;
  • glomerulonephritis, renal failure;
  • adenoma, fibroma, cancer (malignant, benign tumors);
  • impaired organ mobility, hydronephrosis.

Drawing pain

To eliminate an unpleasant and annoying symptom, nagging pain in the kidneys, which causes a lot of discomfort, you need to take a painkiller: Ketanov, No-shpu, Ketorol. When pulling sensations It is important to see a doctor immediately. You won’t be able to make a diagnosis on your own, so you won’t be able to choose a treatment either. However, you can maintain your condition: with diet, drinking regimen, herbal teas.


Such pain is relieved narcotic drugs or potent analgesics. The first aid can be a timely hot bath with a mug of tea (can be replaced with a decoction of herbs). During the treatment period it is also necessary to perform this procedure. In the afternoon (from 15 to 19 hours) it is recommended to perform the exercises: stand on your toes and return to your heels, repeat 30 times, then take a 5-10 minute break and do the exercise again.

After this, you can proceed to bath therapy, drink hot tea, and rosehip decoction will also be useful: 2 tbsp. l. crushed plant roots, pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes, let cool, strain. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day for 2 weeks.


To choose treatment, you need to undergo a full examination by a doctor to make a diagnosis.
Among the drugs recommended: No-shpa, Papaverine, Ketanof, Analgin, Baralgin. The body may have become intoxicated, so a few tablets won’t do any harm. activated carbon(1 tablet per 10 kg of weight). A cup of hot herbal tea will relieve unpleasant symptoms.

After physical activity

The appearance of such pain can be warned about the presence of diseases: nephroptosis, pyelonephritis, nephritis, urolithiasis and others. With these diseases, dull, pulling and aching pain occurs. They appear during physical activity due to tension on weak muscles and ligaments.

After cystitis

Pain in the kidneys after cystitis suggests improper treatment diseases. Many people make the mistake of taking warm or hot baths when the urethra is inflamed. However, doing this is strictly prohibited. The moment your body is immersed in warm liquid, you relax, the blood vessels dilate, and meanwhile the infection moves to the kidneys. If you have such symptoms, consult your doctor and you will be prescribed a course of treatment with antibiotics and probiotics.

The absence of a fever does not mean there is no cause for concern. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. It is possible that the disease is completely unrelated to the kidneys, since most kidney diseases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Until the diagnosis is clarified, you can help with dry, warm and plenty of fluids.

Dark urine

There are several diffuse kidney diseases in which the color of urine noticeably changes. Most likely, this is due to a disease of the genitourinary tract. The dark color of the urine may indicate damage to the pelvis or ureter caused by a stone. It is imperative to be examined (take blood and urine tests, do an ultrasound of the kidneys, bladder and abdominal cavity). Afterwards, an individual treatment regimen is prescribed based on the diagnosis.

Kidney pain can start unexpectedly, so first aid often has to be provided at home. What to do if you have kidney pain? This will be discussed in the article.

General symptoms

What to do if you have kidney pain? First of all, you need to be sure that it is these organs that are being bothered. If the functioning of the kidneys is impaired, a person experiences cramping pain with short breaks between attacks. In this case, nausea and profuse vomiting, and frequent urge to go to the toilet may occur. The main and main symptom of the pathological condition of the kidneys is blood impurities in the urine. Pain in the lumbar region can spread throughout the back, moving to the groin and abdomen. The intensity of the pain can increase and decrease sharply.

Kidney pain manifests itself purely in attacks. It comes on suddenly and can last for several minutes, after which it subsides. When an attack occurs, a person may experience tremors in the arms and legs, impaired consciousness, as well as general weakness and drowsiness.

First aid for renal colic

So, you have pain in the kidney area. What to do? At the first symptoms of renal colic, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the pain can be endured, then first aid should be provided within the home, after which you need to visit a doctor for a full examination and further specialized treatment.

If there is pain in the kidneys, a person needs to be given rest. He should be put to bed and given an analgin-based painkiller. You can slightly reduce the discomfort by using a heating pad on the lower back or simply covering the patient with a blanket. As soon as the pain decreases, it is necessary to measure body temperature and blood pressure.

Attacks can end as suddenly as they began, and few people expect a relapse, and therefore do not take any measures. The most important thing is to start providing first aid after the first symptoms.

Taking painkillers

What to do if you have kidney pain? Can I take painkillers? This question still remains open among doctors. After all, in addition to relieving pain, which is a plus, such medications also negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys, as they have a number of contraindications. When using painkillers, you should weigh everything again. If the pain is severe, you can use Tempalgin, Pentalgin or Benalgin. To alleviate your general condition, you can drink Citramon. But you should not abuse painkillers. It is better to use them to relieve the first symptoms and go to a medical facility to find out the causes and further treatment.

Use of water treatments

Let's say a person is bothered by pain in the kidney area at the back. What to do? Taking a bath is also good for relieving renal colic. The water temperature should be relatively high, within 38-39 oC. A greater effect can be achieved if you add a few drops of pine oil or tincture of linden, chamomile or sage to the water. Water helps relax both internal and external muscles, thereby relieving spasms and reducing pain. Water treatments also have a positive effect on the body’s performance. But you should remember that you can resort to this type of relaxation in the absence of cardiovascular diseases.

You should take a bath for no more than 15-20 minutes. An assistant should be present in the patient's room to provide assistance in case of loss of consciousness or other series of complications.

To treat kidney pain during pregnancy, hot baths are prohibited.

Kidney stones, pain. What to do?

Before the medical professional arrives, the most important thing is to relieve pain. But it is permissible to use all known methods of pain relief only when there is 100% confidence that this is a stone passing. If pain on the right is observed for the first time, then you can take any antispasmodic drug. It will reduce pain without changing the overall picture of the disease. And a medical professional will be able to distinguish pain in the right side from appendicitis or discomfort when a stone passes.

But if the pain is observed on the left side, then the use of antispasmodics can blur the clinical picture inherent in serious diseases (splenic infarction, intestinal obstruction). Back pain indicates serious diseases of the spine: osteochondrosis or herniated disc.

If the diagnosis of nephrolithiasis has already been established by a doctor, and this is not the first time that a stone has passed, then the following procedures are recommended:

  • applying heat to the affected area (heating pad, blanket, or taking a hot bath);
  • taking painkillers or antispasmodics;
  • intramuscular or intravenous injections (given by a medical professional) m.

When a stone leaves the kidney, its path always goes through the urinary canal, which causes severe pain. You can provide first aid at home before medical personnel arrive when you are completely confident in the diagnosis.

Acute pain in the kidneys: what to do?

This syndrome is often observed with renal colic. In this case, unbearable pain radiating to the thigh has a cramping character in the lumbar region. Often a person cannot find the right position that would allow him to endure an attack more easily. May occur suddenly: during sleep, while riding a bicycle or in calm state when a person, for example, relaxes while sitting near the TV. The pain either disappears or becomes dull. The attack can last a day, sometimes longer. Acute pain in the kidneys indicates the beginning of an inflammatory process in the body, and at the first symptoms you should immediately consult a doctor. If the discomfort is also accompanied by a disturbance in the functioning of the urinary system, and impurities of blood, flakes of various sizes and consistency are visible in the urine, then with a high probability we can speak of a nephrological disease.

What to do if you have severe pain in the kidneys?

Are you worried about sharp pain in your kidneys? What to do? In case of severe pain, doctors do not recommend moving independently. In this case, it would be correct to call a doctor at home. The patient must be provided with complete rest even before the ambulance arrives. You should not use painkillers; at most you can drink “No-Shpu” or “Baralgin” to relieve spasms. Also, sharp pain can be one of the symptoms ectopic pregnancy, the first manifestation of appendicitis or an attack of pancreatitis. Therefore, self-medication is unacceptable.

Aching pain in the kidneys

Why does aching pain occur in the kidneys? What to do in this case? Aching pain is always observed in pregnant women when consuming a large volume of fluid or, conversely, when there is a lack of it and diseases of a urological nature. Also, such discomfort can accompany tuberculosis or chronic pyelonephritis. If the pain is caused by these diseases, then it can begin during sleep or wakefulness. This is a hallmark sign of kidney dysfunction due to problems with the spine. Also, aching pain in the kidney area signals tuberculosis. At the same time, the body temperature will rise, the frequency of urination will increase, and general malaise often appears.

Other causes of aching pain include:

  • nephroptosis, or kidney prolapse;
  • pyelonephritis – the pain will be debilitating, tingling, exhausting; often people suffering from pyelonephritis even become depressed (attacks can last from several minutes to 2-3 hours, and are especially pronounced after physical activity - jogging or playing sports);
  • tuberculosis;
  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • disruption of bowel function;
  • various injuries of the aorta or artery;
  • angina pectoris;
  • glomerulonephritis – common reason aching and nagging pain in the kidney area;
  • nephralgic diseases - here, in addition to pain, there will also be blood in the urine.

How to help yourself with kidney pain?

If the first symptoms of pain in the kidneys occur, you should immediately consult a doctor (urologist, nephrologist). But if you have severe pain in your kidneys, what should you do? To survive the time until the doctor arrives, you should follow these recommendations:

  1. Drink enough fluid per day. An adult needs to drink 2 liters of clean water. It will be excreted through the urinary tract, thereby reducing the burning sensation.
  2. A decoction of cranberries and junipers has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. You should drink it without sugar or by adding 1 teaspoon of honey.
  3. An infusion of burdock and dandelion leaves is a diuretic. Together with urine, the body will get rid of bacteria and harmful microbes.
  4. If you are 100% sure that it is your kidneys that are hurting, you can use a hot bath or a heating pad.
  5. For severe pain, the use of antispasmodic drugs is allowed.
  6. If all of the above methods do not help, then you should resort to the help of an ambulance. Doctors will give you an injection of painkillers and hospitalize you for further treatment.

Now you know what to do if you have kidney pain. But remember that any disease cannot be self-medicated. Especially if we're talking about about the kidneys, since the causes of pathology can be varied - from a banal violation of the functional performance of the organ and ending with cancerous tumors. At the first symptoms, you must immediately go to the hospital for a full examination, diagnosis and further treatment.

The causes of unpleasant or painful sensations in the kidneys can be very diverse. This is often facilitated by inflammatory changes in the organ, calculi, volumetric formations, tumors and other pathological processes.

When a person has kidney pain, he needs specialized medical care and adequate treatment of a specific disease. It is important to start correct therapy in a timely manner, which will allow short terms relieve pain, eliminate other unpleasant symptoms and avoid possible complications.

When should you see a doctor?

Even if your overall health remains satisfactory, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible, especially if pain in the kidney area is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • body temperature rises, there are manifestations of intoxication syndrome (drowsiness, weakness, apathy, etc.);
  • there is causeless weight loss, sweating at night, fatigue;
  • the lumbar region on the affected side swells and turns red, and attempting to tap in this area only intensifies the pain syndrome;
  • the process of urination is disrupted (the urge to empty the bladder becomes more frequent, pain and discomfort appear when going to the toilet, etc.);
  • on the face and lower eyelids swelling occurs, which is most pronounced in the morning (immediately after waking up), they tend to spread to other anatomical areas (neck, arms, etc.);
  • surges in blood pressure are observed (in the absence of a history of hypertension in the patient);
  • the volume of urine excreted decreases throughout the day (provided there is adequate water load);
  • the color or smell of urine changes, it becomes cloudy, a flaky sediment appears in it, traces of blood or pus are visible, etc.

Pain in the kidneys may indicate a variety of pathological processes

Despite the fact that every doctor knows what needs to be done for certain diseases that are accompanied by pain in the kidneys, he is obliged to conduct a clinical and laboratory examination of the patient.

To the list of main diagnostic procedures includes:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  • urine test according to Nechiporenko, urine analysis according to Zimnitsky;
  • sowing urine onto nutrient media;
  • survey x-ray and excretory urography;
  • Ultrasound of the urinary system;
  • CT or MRI of the kidneys and urinary tract.

In case of kidney damage, it is pathognomonic positive symptom effleurage in the projection of the kidneys (percussion of the organ)

Tactics for managing patients with kidney diseases

Treatment of pyelonephritis

With pyelonephritis, pain is localized posteriorly, on the side of the affected organ. Moreover, the increase in symptoms of the pathological process is directly related to the severity of the inflammatory component in the kidneys.

The following groups of drugs are used in the treatment of patients with pyelonephritis:

  • antibiotics wide range actions (penicillins, 3-4 generation cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones and others);
  • diuretics (for example, Furosemide);
  • painkillers (NSAIDs);
  • antiplatelet agents (for example, Curantil);
  • immunostimulating drugs and vitamin complexes(they provide activation of their own protective properties organism);
  • treatment with traditional medicine (kidney tea, lingonberry-cranberry mixture and others).

Features of diet therapy for pyelonephritis

Treatment of glomerulonephritis

Therapy of patients with different morphological forms of glomerulonephritis includes prescribing medications to patients from different pharmacological groups:

  • broad-spectrum antibacterial agents (penicillins, 3-4 generation cephalosporins and others);
  • hormonal agents that suppress autoimmune processes and eliminate the severity of inflammatory reaction, and at the same time manifestations of renal pain syndrome;
  • cytostatics (used as an alternative to drugs from the previous group or in combination with them);
  • agents that can have an anticoagulant and disaggregant effect (Heparin, Curantil and others);
  • symptomatic therapy (diuretics, antihypertensive drugs and others).

Treatment of urolithiasis

Patients with renal colic are usually hospitalized in a hospital, where they help relieve severe pain in the kidneys and stabilize their general condition. First aid for urolithiasis consists of intravenous or intramuscular administration of analgesics and antispasmodics (No-shpa, Analgin, papaverine and others).

In hospital conditions, novocaine blockades in the perinephric tissue have become widespread.

Medications that have a diuretic effect are used, including those based on herbal components (for example, Canephron, Cystenal and others). If the size of the stone is quite large, which does not allow it to pass on its own, surgical intervention is resorted to.

After the attack of colic can be stopped, patients are prescribed a specialized diet (diet), thanks to which the stones are broken down and their further formation is prevented

The range of operations is quite wide. Currently, the most popular methods are shock wave lithotripsy, which makes it possible to crush and further remove stones (without open access).

Treatment of nephroptosis

With bilateral nephroptosis (prolapse of the organ below its anatomical boundaries), the kidneys begin to hurt constantly, which requires immediate treatment.

First of all, they resort to conservative therapy, the main task of which is to fix the kidney in the most physiological position and strengthen ligamentous apparatus. The following recommendations must be followed:

  • wear a bandage device every day, which is selected individually, according to the patient’s weight and volume (with its help it is possible to “hold” the kidney in the required position);
  • perform a set of gymnastic exercises several times a day that will help strengthen the muscles of the lower back and abdominal wall;
  • stick to good nutrition, eat fortified foods.

The bandage device for nephroptosis is worn daily, and it is important that it can maximally fix the kidney in the required anatomical position

If the above measures are ineffective, they resort to surgical intervention, the purpose of which is to fix the kidney at the level of its anatomical bed (nephropexy).

Treatment of oncological processes

The only correct solution when detecting tumor processes of any localization is surgical excision of the pathological focus and affected tissues.

It is important to detect oncology as early as possible in order to carry out a radical surgical intervention that can not only completely remove the tumor, but also bring relief to the patient and eliminate excruciating pain.

The extent of the operation is determined by the size and location of the tumor. The issue of the need for chemotherapy and radiation therapy is also being addressed.

Prevention of kidney diseases

Preventive measures to prevent kidney disease are as follows:

  • timely diagnosis and treatment of any inflammatory processes in the body, primarily in the organs of the urinary system;
  • annual observation by a doctor and preventive examinations (this is especially true for patients with a family history of kidney disease, for example, cysts, tumors and other processes);
  • giving up bad habits (alcohol and nicotine addiction);
  • measures to strengthen general immunity (gradual hardening, playing sports, daily walks in the fresh air, maintaining a healthy lifestyle);
  • adherence to principles proper nutrition(limitation or complete exclusion of food “garbage” from the diet: fast food, processed foods, fried and fatty foods, carbonated drinks with dyes, etc.);
  • adequate volume of fluid drunk daily (at least 2 liters per day);
  • to prevent pathological processes in kidneys associated with pathogens of sexually transmitted infections, the use of condoms or other means of barrier contraception is necessary.


It is important to understand that pain in the kidneys needs to be treated, and not try to drown it out with painkillers or antispasmodics. Do not forget that the best measure to combat the disease is prevention, which is why it is so important to undergo an annual examination, thanks to which it is possible to early diagnose the pathological process.

If any unpleasant sensations occur, you must immediately consult a doctor (a therapist in a clinic, a urologist, a nephrologist), because only a specialist knows what to do in each specific case.

How to relieve kidney pain at home?

To avoid complications, you must have certain knowledge of how to relieve kidney pain before the arrival of an ambulance or medical consultation. Negative sensations of this kind always appear suddenly and indicate either the presence of serious pathologies or dangerous inflammatory processes that can cause the most serious consequences, even fatal outcome. The pain symptoms of such a localization may be completely different, feel differently, be at the threshold of acceptable sensitivity, or be aching, dull in nature, but in any case require medical intervention.

As a preventive measure, you can use an anesthetic for kidney pain, which is not remedy, but helps reduce negative feelings that can sometimes lead to painful shock(most often with ).

Self-medication, leaving the processes indicated by the body’s reaction to take their course in the expectation that everything will resolve and pass, is unacceptable, because it can only lead to an exacerbation or the need for surgical intervention.

Approximate localization of pain and possible diagnosis

Do not regard any pain in the lower back as symptoms of kidney disease. The natural filter of the human body is located just above the lumbosacral region, closer to the ribs. The kidneys, contrary to popular belief, are located in the upper part of the lower back. Therefore, before sinning on paired organs, you should figure out whether the pain you experience is neuralgia of the back. Another common misconception is that uncharacteristically expressed renal colic is mistaken for neuralgia. Both misconceptions are equally dangerous because they involve different tactics for neutralizing pain.

Unpleasant sensations in neuralgia should be relieved with ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory components, heat, analgesics, while in case of renal colic such actions will not only not help, but will also cause harm. If you have certain knowledge, which is acquired if the attack is not the first, these two diseases are quite easy to distinguish. Kidney pain is accompanied by:

  • blurry, unsharp vision of objects;
  • fever, chills, increased temperature;
  • often nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent urge to urinate, but small amounts of urine, sometimes streaked with blood;
  • negative sensations when urinating, often burning;
  • change quality characteristics secreted fluid (turbidity, darkening);
  • sharp pains that move from the lower back to the lower abdomen;
  • increase in pain symptoms.

Renal colic does not go away in any position, is accompanied by a general difficult situation of the patient, most often vomiting, less often - dizziness and nausea without vomiting. However, you should not diagnose yourself, since there are other vital organs nearby that can cause similar symptoms. You shouldn’t wait until you go to the urologist, wait until the pain will go away herself. It is necessary to provide first aid, which can only be an auxiliary measure until the medical team arrives.

Antispasmodics and painkillers, other necessary actions

Many patients benefit greatly from the use of a hot heating pad, which, despite all the visible effects of its use, should be kept for no more than 15–20 minutes. For some people, the condition is relieved by a hot bath, which should also be limited until the etiology of the pain is clarified. For many diseases with similar manifestations, for example, with uncharacteristic manifestations of cardiac pathologies, a bath can cause significant harm.

It will be possible to alleviate the patient's condition with the help of significant fluid intake and herbal decoctions with a mild diuretic effect.

However, this should also be dosed, because the cause of pain can be a stone stuck in the ureter, the advancement of which under the influence of diuretics can lead to damage to the walls of the urethra.

If the pain is completely unbearable, before the doctor arrives, you can take No-Shpa, Solpadeine, Papaverine, Platiphylline, provided that this is not the first attack and the diagnosis has already been made. But if the pain is of unknown etiology, medicines may lead to difficulties in determining pathology. Antispasmodics based on drotaverine help with problems with urine excretion, sand coming out, migrating stones, and small stones leaving the body. They expand the lumens of blood vessels and ducts, and eliminate spasm of smooth muscles.

You can take medications at the same time combined action, the most famous of which are: Spazmalgon, Baralgetas, Baralgin, Spazgan.

If you add analgesic drugs to the medicinal cocktail, for example, Analgin, Tempalgin, Panadol, Efferalgan, then the pain can be reduced to bearable, and at the same time the clinical picture can be made completely unclear.

Moreover, the drugs for renal colic received by the body as injections act faster and are less lost on the way to localizing pain in the intestines and stomach.

Application folk remedies will not have any significant effect. The action consists of adding medicinal decoctions, infusions to a warm bath, or taking them orally if they have a diuretic effect. Trying to remove sharp pain in the kidneys with folk recipes no use.

Pain in different kidneys

may indicate not only renal pathology. This may be discomfort from a penetrating ulcer. duodenum, which is also characterized by nausea and vomiting, purulent inflammation, kidney carbuncle, retroperitoneal phlegmon. These are precisely those cases when a delay in death is similar, and only a professional physician can determine the pathology and differentiate the symptoms for diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes pain of such localization can cause an attack of acute pancreatitis, which is no better than previous assumptions, and requires completely different help.

Severe pain in the kidneys from behind can be equally likely to be pyelonephritis, pathology in urethra, migration of stones, spondyloarthrosis (damage to the intervertebral disc), radiculitis or lumbosacral osteochondrosis, but nephrological pathologies are also not excluded.

The only difference in symptoms for kidney disease is redness of the urine. But if its outflow occurs with difficulty, then it is quite difficult to notice.

Pain in the kidney on the right side is very common and is stronger than on the left, and signals more serious things. You can relieve an attack using the same antispasmodics, analgesics and diuretics low impact in combination with a heating pad, a bath, lying on one’s side, but besides this, there are much more urgent actions to diagnose and begin treatment for the pathology that caused it. Neither self-diagnosis nor home therapy in this case will not help.

For sporadic, prolonged, aching, not particularly intense pain in the renal region First of all, we can recommend a medical consultation and treatment process. Short-term and unstable relief can be brought by constant and persistent daily actions:

  • Increasing the daily fluid intake, the consumption of which should be at least 2 liters. This helps to flush the organs, removing from them stagnant sediments and toxins accumulated as a result of disruption of activity.
  • The use of folk remedies in the form of diuretic decoctions and herbal infusions, as well as medicinal fees from plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Many stoic experts and lovers of waiting out kidney pain recommend a decoction of rose hips, juniper needles, corn silk, and other irreplaceable remedies.

  • Be careful with your body, during which you should avoid shaking when driving, lifting heavy objects, overheating, hypothermia, jumping, and excessive physical exertion.
  • Food restriction, exclusion harmful products, for example spicy, salty, smoked, tomatoes, dates, mushrooms, chips, dried apricots, dairy products, instant coffee. Following a strict diet, stopping drinking alcohol, especially beer, as well as sweet carbonated water and weak alcoholic drinks, smoking cessation. All this can have a certain effect if the pathology has not yet received sufficient development.
  • You can relieve pain with analgesics and antispasmodics, but take no more than 1 tablet over several hours.

When an exacerbation of the disease occurs, unbearable or sharp sensations in the kidneys, you will still have to see a doctor, but it will become much more difficult to provide help.

What to do for kidney pain

The tactics of behavior for pain in the kidneys are almost the same for both acute and poorly tolerated and mildly expressed symptoms. After the person is provided with rest and a heating pad, antispasmodics, diuretics and analgesics are given, the following algorithm of actions is recommended - immediate appeal see a doctor. How to relieve kidney pain? For a certain time it is possible, but it will appear again and again with alarming regularity. The only significant difference is that a severe pain symptom requires calling a doctor at home, and with weak and aching, relieved pain, the patient can go to the clinic on his own.

Despite the fact that paired organs are among the vital ones, the lesions and pathologies that can develop in them are varied and threatening.

In addition to the well-known ones, there are also such as kidney tuberculosis, pathology genitourinary system, caused by the separation of stones, in which the walls of the ureter may be damaged, the renal pelvis is blocked, ureteral spasm, pyelonephritis, atherosclerosis of the renal arteries, thrombosis renal artery, benign and malignant tumors and a whole list of terrible diseases that can lead to death.

Ignoring the body's signals about the required help, simply drowning out pain symptoms by using medications general action without appropriate treatment is not just a neglectful attitude towards one’s own health, but also a criminal disregard for the serious danger to which the body is exposed due to kidney disease.